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2023-05-19 17:53:18
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adopt的各种形式为第三人称单数: adopts 现在分词: adopting 过去式: adopted 过去分词: adopted 形近词: reopt 名词形式: adoption。

reopt英 ["ri_pt]释义: reorder point 重新订购点。



adopt的意思:收养。读音:英[əˈdɒpt]、美[əˈdɑːpt]。释义:vt. 采取;接受;收养;正式通过。vi. 采取;过继。变形:过去式adopted、过去分词adopted、现在分词adopting、第三人称单数adopts。adopt造句如下:1、The American couple decided to adopt a child from the countryside in China.这对美国夫妇决定从中国农村领养一个孩子。2、He made plenty of investigations into this case, and that"s why I adopted his proposal.他对这个案子做了大量调查,这就是我为什么采纳他提议的原因。3、Pupils should be helped to adopt a positive approach to the environment.应帮助学生对环境采取积极的态度。4、They have no kids of their own, but they"re hoping to adopt.他们没有亲生孩子 但是希望能领养。
2023-01-04 08:44:311


  adopt通常用作动词,那么你adopt做动词都表达哪些意思吗?下面我为大家带来adopt的英语意思解释和英语例句,欢迎大家一起学习!   adopt作动词的意思:   收养;采用,采取,采纳;正式接受,接受;批准   adopt的英语音标:   英 [əˈdɔpt] 美 [əˈdɑpt]   adopt的时态:   现在分词: adopting   过去式: adopted   过去分词: adopted   adopt的英语例句:   1. Britain is free to adopt policies to bolster its economy.   英国可以自由制定政策以振兴经济。   2. Britain is to adopt a more re-strictive policy on arms sales.   英国将对武器出售采取更具限制性的政策。   3. This is not meant to delimit what approaches social researchers can adopt.   这并不是为了限制社会研究人员所能采用的 方法 。   4. I tried to adopt a curled-up position to avoid damaging my limbs.   我努力保持蜷曲的姿势以免四肢受伤。   5. He was, to adopt an Americanism, "an empty suit".   他,套用一句美国人的说法,就是“徒有其表”。   6. In no way am I going to adopt any of his methods.   我绝对不会采纳他的任何方法。   7. Pupils should be helped to adopt a positive approach to the environment.   应帮助学生对环境采取积极的态度。   8. Industry must adopt a much more proactive approach to formulating environmental policy.   企业必须更积极主动地制定环境政策。   9. The majority of British women adopt their husband"s surname when they marry.   大多数英国女性结婚后随夫姓。   10. Try to adopt a more relaxed manner.   试着换一种更加放松的方式。   11. a campaign to encourage childless couples to adopt   鼓励无子女夫妇领养孩子的运动   12. I move that we adopt the agenda as It"stands.   我提议不作改变通过这个议程.   13. To achieve these ends, we must adopt the above mentioned measures.   要达到这些目的, 我们必须采取上述 措施 .   14. Protesters called on the government to adopt a declaration of sovereignty.   抗议者呼吁政府正式宣布主权独立.   15. He tends to adopt a condescending manner when talking to young women.   和年轻女子说话时,他喜欢摆出一副高高在上的姿态.
2023-01-04 08:44:401


adopt英音:[�0�5"d�0�0pt]美音:[�0�5"dɑpt] 及物动词 vt. 1.采取;采纳;吸收After much deliberation, the president decided to adopt her suggestion. 总经理再三考虑之后,决定采纳她的建议。2.过继,收养[(+as)]Mr. Kern adopted the orphan as his own son. 克恩先生将那孤儿收养为自己的儿子。3.挑选...为候选人[(+as)]4.正式通过,接受The agenda was adopted after some discussion. 经过讨论,议事日程获得通过。不及物动词 vi. 1.过继
2023-01-04 08:44:474


adopt:v. 采用(某方法); 收养; 领养; 采取(某态度); 正式通过,表决采纳(建议、政策等); 选用(名字等); 选定,选举。短语搭配:to adopt    通过 ; 采纳 ; 采用。Adopt good    文采好。accept adopt    采纳。adopt methods    采用方法。adopt dogmatically    教条地搬用。Adopt One    成年人 ; 领养一只吧。adopt solemnly    郑重接受。adopt advice    采纳意见。adopt widely    广泛采用 。例句:As an exception I adopt all his conceptions and conceptions except one.作为例外,我接受他所有的概念和搆想,只有一个除外。This is the attitude that everyone should adopt towards their frustrations.这也是每个人面对挫折时应该采取的态度。Therefore, we do not maintain that they should or must adopt the Chinese way.因此,我们并不认为他们必须或应当采取中国的做法。
2023-01-04 08:45:171


adopt作及物动词时意为“采取,接受,收养,正式通过”。作不及物动词时意为“采取,过继”。第三人称单数:adopts。现在分词:adopting。过去式:adopted。过去分词:adopted。记忆技巧:ad加强+ opt选择→一再通过选择→采纳。双语例句:The only way to come out on top is to adopt a different approach. 脱颖而出的唯一途径就是采用一种不同的方法。They should adopt a more imaginative approach and investigate alternative uses for their property. 他们应该采用一种更有想象力的方式来为他们的财产找到另外的用途。
2023-01-04 08:45:291


adopt的名词形式是adoption。adopt 英 [ə"dɒpt]  美 [ə"dɑːpt]    v. 采用;收养;接受例句:The schools must adopt new methods of teaching foreign languages.翻译:学校应采用新的外语教学法。用法v. (动词)1、adopt的基本意思是将属于别人的东西化为己有,如收养他人的孩子,采纳他人的建议等。2、adopt是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。作“采用,采纳,采取”解时,后面常接方法、方针、步骤、政策、意见、态度、计划之类的名词;作“正式通过或接受”解时,后面常接报告、议案、决议、方案、计划之类的名词。扩展资料:近义词accept 英 [ək"sept]  美 [ək"sept]    vt. 接受;同意;承担(责任等)vi. 接受例句:She is too independent to accept charity.翻译:她很强调自力更生,不肯接受赈济。用法v. (动词)accept的基本意思是“接受”,如接受礼物、邀请、好意、批评、建议、接纳为成员等等。引申可表示“承认;同意;认可;相信”,如答应某些条件、相信某种解释、相信某事属实、认同某种理论、承担责任、容忍或忍受困境等等。在商业用语中accept则表示“承兑;接受(某种付款方式)”。
2023-01-04 08:45:441


adopt英 [əˈdɒpt]  美 [əˈdɑːpt] v. 收养;采取,采纳,接受;正式通过;选定(名字),承袭(风俗);移居,定居;提名(某人)为候选人;保持(姿势);<英>(地方当局)承担(道路)维修保养责任短语adopt a positive approach 采取一种正确的方法 ; 采用一种准确的方式 ; 采用一种准确的办法 ; 采用一种精确的法子to adopt 采纳adopt various methods 采取不同的办法adopt various measures 采取各种措施 ; 采取各种办法adopt an idea 采纳意见to adopt advanced technology 采用先进技术和工艺adopt a new idea 采纳新意见双语例句There is little or no incentive to adopt such measures. 几乎或根本没有鼓励来采取这样的措施。请点击输入图片描述There are hundreds of people desperate to adopt a child. 有数以百计的人极其渴望收养小孩。Maybe we should adopt the policy of "don"t ask, don"t tell." 或许我们应该采用“不问不提”的政策。
2023-01-04 08:45:541


adopt的名词是adoption,形容词是adoptive.adopt的具体用法用作动词 v.adopt的基本意思是将属于别人的东西化为己有,如收养他人的孩子,采纳他人的建议等。adopt是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。作“采用,采纳,采取”解时,后面常接方法、方针、步骤、政策、意见、态度、计划之类的名词; 作“正式通过或接受”解时,后面常接报告、议案、决议、方案、计划之类的名词。例句①adoption-n. 采用,接受;<英>推选;正式通过;选择;收养,领养Adoption can fail for all kinds of reasons.收养可能因为各种各样的原因失败。②adoptive-adj. 采用的;有收养关系的。He was brought up by adoptive parents in Kentucky.他是被他在肯塔基州的养父母抚养大的。③adoptively-[医药科学]继承性地。adoptively acquired immunity继承性获得性免疫。
2023-01-04 08:46:121


采用,收养,接受采用造句:一、三峡水利工程采用了当今世界上最先进的技术。二、我军对敌人采用了各个击破的战术。三、由于采用了新技术,大大降低了能源消耗。四、在这篇作文中他独具匠心地采用了白描手法。五、农民种田采用“免耕法”,收效显著。收养造句:1、如果你收养一条快要饿死的狗,把它喂得肥肥的,那它决不会咬你。这就是人与狗的主要差别。马克·吐温 2、李奶奶热心于慈善事业,收养了好几个孤儿。3、如果你收养了一只饥饿的狗,并且让它过上了舒服的日子,它将不会咬你。这便是狗与人最主要的区别。习惯就是习惯,谁也不能将其一下子扔出窗外,只能一步一步地引下楼。4、猫物语虽然专门收养大型猫科动物,但也欢迎任何需人照顾的珍禽异兽。5、家庭收养不是一时权宜之计,而是关系失依儿童长远发展和终身大事。接受造句:1、战士们排成方阵,昂首阔步走过天安门广场,接受首长的检阅。2、意见提得对固然应该接受,提得不对也可以做参考。3、我们的老师从来不接受同学们的礼物。4、自己的意见不能强迫别人接受。5、学校接受同学们的意见,及时解决了饮水问题。
2023-01-04 08:46:322


adopt和adapt的区别如下:1、意思上的不同虽然它们看上去只相差一个字母,但意思截然不同。Adopt用的最多的是“领养”和“采用”的意思,而adopt用的很多“改编”和“适应”的意思。2、使用不同Adapt作为适应的时候和adjust含义很接近,但adapt侧重强调人或物在原有的情况下作出改变适应新环境,主要指改变的目的性和重要性。而adjust改变的幅度更小,强调调整角度和高度等细微的调整。3、搭配不同Adapt常见搭配:adapt onself to doing sth.某人适应做某事adapt the story / novel / book for a film / play把…改编成…Adopt常见搭配:adopt as领养Be adopted from来自…be adopted into被…所收养
2023-01-04 08:46:452


adopt英[əˈdɒpt]美[əˈdɑ:pt]vt.收养; 采用,采取,采纳; 正式接受,接受; 批准第三人称单数:adopts现在分词:adopting过去式:adopted过去分词:adopted形近词:ADOPTreopt1Persons who wish to adopt a child may contact their local social services department.想收养孩子的人可以与当地社会公益部门联系。
2023-01-04 08:47:032


adopted形容词形式:adopted 3、第三人称单数: adopts 4、现在分词: adopting 5、过去式: adopted 6、过去分词: adopted 7、短语搭配: adopt resolution 通过决议 adopt policy 采取政策 adopt strategy 采取战略;采纳战略 adopt tactics 采取策略 ...全文
2023-01-04 08:47:122


大家见过adopt这个单词吗?adopt表示采用,采取和采纳等等意思,adopt 短语 比较多,那么常用的adopt短语有哪些呢?下面是我给大家带来的adopt的常用短语_adopt的英语例句,以供大家参考,我们一起来看看吧! ▼ adopt的常用短语 adopt as (v.+prep.) adopt sb as sb 1.收养,抱养 take sb into one"s family as a relation for ever; accept sb else"s child The family have adopted three children as their own.那家收养了三个孩子。 2.选某人为… choose sb as (a representative, etc.) We have adopted Mr. Stevens as our candidate at the next election.我们表决通过了史蒂文斯先生为我们下届选举的候选人。 He adopts his niece as his heir.他指定他的侄女为继承人。 I don"t adopt him as a friend.我不认他作朋友。 The old artist adopted me as a pupil.那老画家收我为弟子。 be adopted into (v.+prep.) 被…所收养 be taken into one"s family as a relation by sb/sth He was adopted into a respectable family.他被一有声望的家族所收养。 He was adopted into the bride"s family.他入赘于新娘家中。 be adopted from (v.+prep.) 选自…,取自… choose or take sth from some place This word is adopted from French.这个词来源于法语。 ▼ adopt的词汇搭配 ~+名词 adopt an attitude 采取一种态度 adopt the budget 通过预算 adopt Eastern forms of dress 采用东方的服装样式 adopt the homeless orphan 收养无家可归的孤儿 adopt measures 采取 措施 adopt methods 采用 方法 adopt the new rule 通过新章程 ~+副词 adopt apparently 明显地接受 adopt arbitrarily 武断地采纳,擅自采用 adopt deceitfully 不诚实地采用 adopt dogmatically 教条地搬用 ▼ adopt的英语例句 1. Britain is free to adopt policies to bolster its economy. 英国可以自由制定政策以振兴经济。 2. Britain is to adopt a more re-strictive policy on arms sales. 英国将对武器出售采取更具限制性的政策。 3. This is not meant to delimit what approaches social researchers can adopt. 这并不是为了限制社会研究人员所能采用的方法。 4. I tried to adopt a curled-up position to avoid damaging my limbs. 我努力保持蜷曲的姿势以免四肢受伤。 5. He was, to adopt an Americanism, "an empty suit". 他,套用一句美国人的说法,就是“徒有其表”。 6. In no way am I going to adopt any of his methods. 我绝对不会采纳他的任何方法。 7. Pupils should be helped to adopt a positive approach to the environment. 应帮助学生对环境采取积极的态度。 8. Industry must adopt a much more proactive approach to formulating environmental policy. 企业必须更积极主动地制定环境政策。 9. The majority of British women adopt their husband"s surname when they marry. 大多数英国女性结婚后随夫姓。 10. Try to adopt a more relaxed manner. 试着换一种更加放松的方式。 11. a campaign to encourage childless couples to adopt 鼓励无子女夫妇领养孩子的运动 12. I move that we adopt the agenda as It"stands. 我提议不作改变通过这个议程. 13. To achieve these ends, we must adopt the above mentioned measures. 要达到这些目的, 我们必须采取上述措施. 14. Protesters called on the government to adopt a declaration of sovereignty. 抗议者呼吁政府正式宣布主权独立. 15. He tends to adopt a condescending manner when talking to young women. 和年轻女子说话时,他喜欢摆出一副高高在上的姿态. adopt的常用短语相关 文章 : ★ adopt的用法和短语例句 ★ adopt的短语 ★ adapt的用法和短语例句是什么意思 ★ adapt短语 ★ suppress的用法和短语例句 ★ 《adopt的用法和短语例句.doc》 ★ adopt的用法和短语例句 ★ adopt的短语 ★ 2020高考英语常用词组集锦 ★ adventure的短语 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();
2023-01-04 08:47:281


对于adopt这个 英语单词 我们都不是太过熟悉,因为它不算是生活中的日常用语,其实它是有采用;收养;接受等意思的,那么你知道adopt的用法吗?下面是我为大家整理的adopt的用法和相关 短语 例句,欢迎大家学习! 目录 adopt的用法 adopt的常用短语 adopt的用法例句 adopt的用法: adopt的用法1:adopt的基本意思是将属于别人的东西化为己有,如收养他人的孩子,采纳他人的建议等。 adopt的用法2:adopt是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。作“采用,采纳,采取”解时,后面常接 方法 、方针、步骤、政策、意见、态度、计划之类的名词; 作“正式通过或接受”解时,后面常接 报告 、议案、决议、方案、计划之类的名词。 <<< adopt的常用短语: 用作动词 (v.) adopt as (v. + prep.) be adopted into (v. + prep.) be adopted from (v. + prep.) <<< adopt的用法例句: 1. Britain is free to adopt policies to bolster its economy. 英国可以自由制定政策以振兴经济。 2. Britain is to adopt a more re-strictive policy on arms sales. 英国将对武器出售采取更具限制性的政策。 3. This is not meant to delimit what approaches social researchers can adopt. 这并不是为了限制社会研究人员所能采用的方法。 4. I tried to adopt a curled-up position to avoid damaging my limbs. 我努力保持蜷曲的姿势以免四肢受伤。 5. He was, to adopt an Americanism, "an empty suit". 他,套用一句美国人的说法,就是“徒有其表”。 6. In no way am I going to adopt any of his methods. 我绝对不会采纳他的任何方法。 7. Pupils should be helped to adopt a positive approach to the environment. 应帮助学生对环境采取积极的态度。 8. Industry must adopt a much more proactive approach to formulating environmental policy. 企业必须更积极主动地制定环境政策。 9. The majority of British women adopt their husband"s surname when they marry. 大多数英国女性结婚后随夫姓。 10. Try to adopt a more relaxed manner. 试着换一种更加放松的方式。 11. a campaign to encourage childless couples to adopt 鼓励无子女夫妇领养孩子的运动 12. I move that we adopt the agenda as It"stands. 我提议不作改变通过这个议程. 13. To achieve these ends, we must adopt the above mentioned measures. 要达到这些目的, 我们必须采取上述 措施 . 14. Protesters called on the government to adopt a declaration of sovereignty. 抗议者呼吁政府正式宣布主权独立. 15. He tends to adopt a condescending manner when talking to young women. 和年轻女子说话时,他喜欢摆出一副高高在上的姿态. <<< adopt的用法和短语例句相关 文章 : ★ adopt的用法和短语例句 ★ adopt的过去式和用法例句 ★ adopt的短语 ★ adapt的用法和短语例句是什么意思 ★ adapt短语 ★ adapt的过去式和用法例句 ★ 《adopt的用法和短语例句.doc》 ★ thick的用法和短语例句 ★ free的用法和短语例句 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();
2023-01-04 08:47:341


adopt的名词是adoption. adoption: n.(想法、计划、名字等的)采用;收养;领养;(候选人的)选定,推选,推举。 复数: adoptions 扩展资料   There is increasing worldwide adoption of the same name for each therapeutic substance.   在世界范围内对一药物有逐渐采用同一个药名的趋势。   She put the baby up for adoption.   她提出要让人收养那个婴儿。   Adoption can fail for all kinds of reasons   收养不成功可能有各种原因。   The word is now English by adoption.   这个词现在已被采纳入英语。   The senator urged against the adoption of the measure.   那参议员极力反对采取这项措施。
2023-01-04 08:47:401


2023-01-04 08:47:454


assume1. suppose something: to accept that something is true without checking or confirming it Don"t assume that all has been revealed.2. take responsibility for something: to start being responsible for something She assumed all of her brother"s debts when he died.3. adopt something: to adopt or take on a quality The task facing them assumed Herculean proportions.4. undertake role: to undertake a role or function assume a new role as sales director5. pretend something: to put on a pretense of something, usually in order to hide true feelings He assumed an air of indifference.adopt1. legally raise another"s child: to raise a child of other biological parents as if it were your own, in accordance with formal legal procedures 2. choose and decide to use something: to take up something such as a plan, idea, cause, or practice and use or follow it decided to adopt a wait-and-see policy3. assume way of acting: to assume an attitude or way of behaving adopted an air of innocence4. start using new name: to take on and use a new name or title plans to adopt a pseudonym5. politics vote in favor of something: to vote to accept something such as a committee"s decision or a congressional bill 6. U.S. choose something as requirement: to officially select something as a requirementundertake1. vti make pledge to do something: to make a commitment to do something undertook to find out the cost of flights2. vt set about doing: to begin to do something or to set out on something They are ill-equipped to undertake such a journey.自己体会吧
2023-01-04 08:48:001

adopt in 还是adopt on

2023-01-04 08:48:101


谐音 额躲扑特
2023-01-04 08:48:166

adopt to do sth还是adopt doing sth

adopt to do
2023-01-04 08:48:423


不可以,approach to 后面加名词或者动名词。表示…的方法或途径
2023-01-04 08:48:542

adopt to do sth还是adopt doing sth

adopt doing sth采用做……望采纳,谢谢!
2023-01-04 08:49:034

adopt与get used to的区别

意思不同。  adopt:vt. 采取;接受;收养;正式通过;vi. 采取;过继  get used to:习惯于…;适应于 2. 用法不同。  adopt后面常常接名词、代词做宾语,构成动宾短语;而get used to后面接名词、代词或是动名词(doing)。  例如:  We may keep an orphan or adopt it .  我们可以领养一个孤儿,或将孩子给人收养。  If for some reason you don"t have or cannot adopt these values,  then you should not worry about agility.  如果因为某些原因您没有或者不能采用这些价值,那么您就不需要为敏捷而操心了。  Get used to the idea of celebrating your successes.  要有取得成功时为自己庆祝的习惯。  Get used to pushing things out that feel not quite ready and then be completely responsive to fix them as you go.  要习惯在事物还不那么完备的情况下推动它们,然后用灵敏的反应在行进中修正它们。
2023-01-04 08:49:181


动词1. If you accept something that you have been offered, you say yes to it or agree to take it. Eventually Sam persuaded her to accept an offer of marriage... 接受 All those invited to next week"s peace conference have accepted. 2. If you accept an idea, statement, or fact, you believe that it is true or valid. I do not accept that there is any kind of crisis in British science... 接受 I don"t think they would accept that view... He did not accept this reply as valid. ...a workforce generally accepted to have the best conditions in Europe. = acknowledge 3 If you accept an unpleasant fact or situation, you get used to it or recognize that it is necessary or cannot be changed. 屈就 People will accept suffering that can be shown to lead to a greater good... Urban dwellers often accept noise as part of city life... I wasn"t willing to accept that her leaving was a possibility.5 If a person, company, or organization accepts something such as a document, they recognize that it is genuine, correct, or satisfactory and agree to consider it or handle it. We advised newspapers not to accept the advertising... Cheques can only be accepted up to the value guaranteed on the card... All-male groups will not be accepted.1. If you adopt someone else"s child, you take it into your own family and make it legally your son or daughter. 收养 There are hundreds of people desperate to adopt a child... The adopted child has the right to see his birth certificate.2. If you adopt a new attitude, plan, or way of behaving, you begin to have it. 做出改变, Parliament adopted a resolution calling for the complete withdrawal of troops...接受了
2023-01-04 08:49:383

foster 和 adopt的区别

foster 寄养,没有法定养父母关系,是“收(政府)钱”去养别人出生的小孩的adopt 收养,为法定养父母,有继承权,是“花(自己)钱”去养别人出生的小孩
2023-01-04 08:49:514


2023-01-04 08:50:064


adopt的基本意思是将属于别人的东西化为己有,如收养他人的孩子,采纳他人的建议等。 adopt是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。作“采用,采纳,采取”解时,后面常接方法、方针、步骤、政策、意见、态度、计划之类的名词; 作“正式通过或接受”解时,后面常接报告、议案、决议、方案、计划之类的名词。 扩展资料   短语搭配:   to adopt通过 ; 采纳 ; 采用。   Adopt good文采好。   accept adopt采纳。   adopt methods采用方法。   adopt dogmatically教条地搬用。   Adopt One成年人 ; 领养一只吧。   adopt solemnly郑重接受。   adopt advice采纳意见。   adopt widely广泛采用。
2023-01-04 08:50:501


adopt的过去式:adopted;   过去分词:adopted;   现在分词:adopting;adopt 基本解释adopt的翻译及物动词收养; 采用,采取,采纳; 正式接受,接受; 批准adopt的意思adopt 相关例句及物动词1. The agenda was adopted after some discussion.经过讨论,议事日程获得通过。2. adopt的近义词2. They adopted our methods.他们采用了我们的办法。
2023-01-04 08:50:551


adopt:[ ə"dɔpt ] x0dx0av.采用,收养,接受x0dx0a例句与用法:x0dx0a1.As they had no children of their own,they adopted an orphan.x0dx0a他们没有亲生儿女,就收养了一个孤儿.x0dx0a2.She has been adopted as Labour candidate for York.x0dx0a她被提名为约克郡的工党候选人.x0dx0a3.He is their adopted son.x0dx0a他是他们的养子.x0dx0a4.Having no children of their own they decided to adopt an orphan.x0dx0a他们因没有亲生儿女,所以决定领养一个孤儿.x0dx0a5.Paul"s mother had him adopted because she couldn"t look after him herself.x0dx0a保罗的母亲因为自己无力抚养他,便将他送给别人收养了.x0dx0a6.Congress has adopted the new measures.x0dx0a国会通过了新的议案.x0dx0a7.Most countries adopt metric system.x0dx0a大多数国家采用米制.x0dx0a8.We should adopt the consumers" suggestion.x0dx0a我们应该接受用户的建议
2023-01-04 08:51:091


adopt的副词是:adoptivelyadoptive transfer 过继转移继承性转移授受性转移继转移adopt v. 收养;采取,采纳,接受;正式通过;选定(名字),承袭(风俗);移居,定居;提名(某人)为候选人;保持(姿势);<英>(地方当局)承担(道路)维修保养责任第三人称单数 adopts现在分词 adopting过去式 adopted过去分词 adoptedadoptive 收养关系的采用的收养的采纳的
2023-01-04 08:51:141


1. VERB 动词采取;采纳;采用 If you adopt a new attitude, plan, or way of behaving, you begin to have it.  【语法信息】:V n【语法信息】:Also V n as nParliament adopted a resolution calling for the complete withdrawal of troops... 议会采纳了要求全部撤军的决议。Pupils should be helped to adopt a positive approach to the environment. 应帮助学生对环境采取积极的态度。adoption ...the adoption of Japanese management practices by British manufacturing. 英国制造业采取日本的管理方法2. VERB 动词收养;领养 If you adopt someone else"s child, you take it into your own family and make it legally your son or daughter.  【语法信息】:V n【语法信息】:V-ed【语法信息】:Also VThere are hundreds of people desperate to adopt a child... 有数以百计的人渴望领养孩子。The adopted child has the right to see his birth certificate. 被收养的孩子有权看自己的出生证明。adopter A social worker is appointed to interview the prospective adopters. 一名社工被任命对有意收养者进行面试。adoption They gave their babies up for adoption... 他们放弃自己的婴儿,让别人领养。The majority of adoptions are successful. 大多数的收养都是成功的。3. VERB 动词采用,保持(姿势) If you adopt a physical position, you move yourself into it.  【语法信息】:V n【STYLE标签】:FORMAL 正式I tried to adopt a curled-up position to avoid damaging my limbs. 我努力保持蜷曲的姿势以免四肢受伤。4. VERB 动词移居(某国);选择(某国)定居 If you adopt a country, you choose it as a place to live.  【语法信息】:V n【语法信息】:V-edPodulski had joined the U.S. Navy as an aviator, adopting a new country and a new profession. 波度尔斯基加入美国海军当上了飞行员,不仅改了国籍还换了行当。...their adopted home in England. 他们移居英国的家5. VERB 动词采用(语气、口音等) If you adopt an accent or a particular tone of voice, you speak differently from normal, especially to create an effect in a particular situation.  【语法信息】:V nHe has adopted the accent of a Second World War newscaster... 他承袭了二战时期播音员的口音。The girl was uncertain what to do, or what tone of voice to adopt. 女孩不知道该做什么,也不知道该用什么口气说。
2023-01-04 08:51:256


2023-01-04 08:51:481


2023-01-04 08:51:537


adopt 英[əˈdɒpt] 美[əˈdɑ:pt] vt. 收养; 采用,采取,采纳; 正式接受,接受; 批准; [其他] 第三人称单数:adopts 现在分词:adopting 过去式:adopted过去分词:adopted adopt不需要双写t
2023-01-04 08:52:231

说明adopt 的用法,相关短语,并附例句

adopt: [ ə"dɔpt ] v. 采用,收养,接受例句与用法: 1. As they had no children of their own, they adopted an orphan. 他们没有亲生儿女,就收养了一个孤儿。 2. She has been adopted as Labour candidate for York. 她被提名为约克郡的工党候选人. 3. He is their adopted son. 他是他们的养子. 4. Having no children of their own they decided to adopt an orphan. 他们因没有亲生儿女, 所以决定领养一个孤儿. 5. Paul"s mother had him adopted because she couldn"t look after him herself. 保罗的母亲因为自己无力抚养他, 便将他送给别人收养了. 6. Congress has adopted the new measures. 国会通过了新的议案. 7. Most countries adopt metric system. 大多数国家采用米制。 8. We should adopt the consumers" suggestion. 我们应该接受用户的建议
2023-01-04 08:52:331


A piano has been bought by me.It will be delivered this afternoon.动作的接受者变为主语,动作的执行者作by的宾语.时态保持一致,不过要注意,are delivering 用进行时表示将来. A different attitude will have to be adopted.have to 的被动形式,把动词不定式变为被动形式:have to do--have to be done 同理:These old houses will have to be pulled down. 希望对你有所帮助:)
2023-01-04 08:52:391


1、He expanded his small company world-famous big companies 2、The company has launched a campaign to raise 150 thousand dollars 3、Because there is no children,they decided to adopt an orphan 4、Her enthusiasm gave us kindness has left a deep impression on 5、This world-renowned company has 5,000 employees
2023-01-04 08:52:441


A diabetes outcome progression trial 的缩写,糖尿病后果进展试验
2023-01-04 08:52:501


accept是同意,接受,表示全盘接受 而adopt是采纳,可以是部分采纳,有选择的接受. 例如 I accept your opinion.我同意你的意见 I adopted some of your suggestions.我采纳了你的一些建议.
2023-01-04 08:52:551

adopt 有采纳意见的意思吗?

是的,有请参见:采用, 采纳, 采取 The factories have adopted the newest modern technology.那几家工厂采用了现代的最新技术。
2023-01-04 08:53:043


2023-01-04 08:53:152

用adopt翻译下列句子1 他们因没有亲身儿女,所以决定领养这个孩子2 再三考虑之后,我决定采纳她的建议

1 他们因没有亲身儿女,所以决定领养这个孩子"As they have no child of their own, they decided to adopt this child."2 再三考虑之后,我决定采纳她的建议."After reconsideration, I decied to adopt her suggestion/proposal."3 我认为是该采取一种不同的应对他的策略的时候了(a) "I think the time has come for us to adopt a different strategy in dealing with him."(b) "I think it is time for us to deal with him by adopting a different strategy."
2023-01-04 08:53:246

adopt to do sth还是adopt to doing sth还是adopt doing

参考答案:adopt to do sth 和 adopt doing 一般可以接受;但是 adopt to doing sth 不可以这样用。祝您学习进步,阿弥陀佛!
2023-01-04 08:53:461


adopt [简明英汉词典][E5dCpt]vt.采用, 收养breed [简明英汉词典][bri:d]v.(使)繁殖, 教养, 抚养n.品种, 种类raise [简明英汉词典][reiz]n.上升, 高地, 提出vt.升起, 唤起, 提高, 使出现, 解除, 饲养, 筹集, 使复活
2023-01-04 08:53:523


adopted 英 [əˈdɒptɪd] 美 [əˈdɑ:ptɪd] adj. 被收养的,被采用的; v. 收养; 采用( adopt的过去式和过去分词 ); 正式接受; 吸收(外来词语); [例句]The motion was adopted..提案通过了。
2023-01-04 08:54:031


2023-01-04 08:54:081

adapt to 与adopt to ?

adapt to 适应…… , adopt 通常不与to 搭配,表示领养, 采纳, 采用,选定等。
2023-01-04 08:54:146


假设双语对照词典结果:assume[英][əˈsju:m][美][əˈsu:m]v.承担; 呈现; 假定,认为; 装出; 第三人称单数:assumes过去分词:assumed现在进行时:assuming过去式:assumed以上结果来自金山词霸采用双语对照词典结果:adopt[英][əˈdɒpt][美][əˈdɑ:pt]vt.采用,采取,采纳; 收养; 正式接受,接受; 批准; 第三人称单数:adopts过去分词:adopted现在进行时:adopting过去式:adopted易混淆单词:ADOPT以上结果来自金山词霸词典结果:undertake[英][ˌʌndəˈteɪk][美][ˌʌndərˈteɪk]vt.承诺; 保证; 承担,从事; 同意,答应; 第三人称单数:undertakes过去分词:undertaken现在进行时:undertaking过去式:undertook以上结果来自金山词霸
2023-01-04 08:54:351


adopt这是英语单词读音音标是:英[əˈdɒpt] 美[əˈdɑ:pt]
2023-01-04 08:54:461

养小动物英语怎么说?动词能否用adopt ?总之请不要keep ,速求,在线等候!!!!!

raise little animalsadopt 表示收养, raise 强调过程
2023-01-04 08:54:522