barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-23 07:28:29

对的,afraid的常见搭配是中考的常考知识点) 有关afraid的常见短语有:be afraid to “不敢做……”,后跟动词原形;be afraid of “害怕……”,后可跟名词、代词或动名词;be afraid that “担心,恐怕”。


【例1】The little girl was afraid _____ on the wooden bridge, for she is afraid _____ into the river.

A. to walk, of falling B. to walk, to fall

C. of walking, of falling D. of walking, to fall

思路导引:be afraid to do sth“不敢去做某事”;be afraid of doing sth 意为“害怕(做)某事”。此题的句意为“这个小女孩儿不敢在木桥上走,因为她生怕掉进河里。”



I am afraid ______ ______ ______ ______.

思路导引:be afraid that “担心,恐怕”

答案:that he is ill


be afraid怎么读

bi e fu ri de
2023-07-23 01:26:372

be afraid的意思

2023-07-23 01:26:454

be afraid 后加什么

be afraid 可以加动词不定式,或动名词,或从句。 be afraid to do sth.真正的意思是“害怕做某事”,也就是主语对做某事内心感到恐惧; be afraid of doing sth.表示主语内心里不情愿做某事,也可以说是不希望发生某事,但自己不一定能避免它。 扩展资料   例句:   Don"t be afraid to ask if you don"t understand.   你要是不懂,尽管问好了。   Don"t be afraid to admit to your mistakes.   不要怕认错。   He thinks that some workers may be afraid to put questions publicly.   他认为一些工人可能害怕公开提问。   Shop in small local markets and don"t be afraid to bargain.   在当地的小店购物,不要害怕砍价。
2023-07-23 01:26:531

be afraid+adj.还是n. be afraid to和be afraid of有什么区别吗?

2023-07-23 01:27:024

我想知道Don`t be afraid. 这个句子包含的语法点.还有里面be的用法.谢谢~

2023-07-23 01:27:361

用“be afraid of doing sth”造句

1.I"m afraid of going back home alone. He"s afraid of cheating her.2.I"m afraid that I can"t help you. I"m afraid that you"ll have to apologise for what you"ve done.3.I was too afraid to answer the door. She was too afraid to look at my eyes straight.
2023-07-23 01:27:482

关于be afraid

据我所知,应该没有.(1)(2)译为:怕,害怕但若谈到某事的发生是出乎意料之外的,或者这事的发生不是我们所希望或乐意的,则只能用(2)结构(3)译为:不敢做某事,害怕做某事造句:(2)I am afraid of falling into the river. (3)She is afraid to live alone.另外还有一种形式:be afraid+(that)从句,译为:恐怕,遗憾 举例:I am afraid (that) I can`t go.
2023-07-23 01:28:216

be afraid +从句 此时从句作表语补足语吗?

be afraid +从句。这应该是宾语从句。高中英语中基本上没有表语补足语
2023-07-23 01:28:362

be afraid 后面常跟什么?

2023-07-23 01:28:443

be afraid to do 和 be afraid doing 的区别? 如题,

首先,be afraid是没有be afraid doing sth的 只有be afraid to do sth 和 be afraid of sth/doing sth 1. be afraid to do 指的是按照经验或常识不敢去做某事,或没有勇气去做某事.如: I"m afraid to jump into the river. 我不敢跳进河中. 注:在现代英语中,有时也可用 be afraid of doing 结构来表示上述意思.如: Don"t be afraid to ask (或of asking) for help. 不要怕请求帮助. 2. be afraid of doing 主要用来谈论一件自己(指句子主语)不希望也不能决定而可能突然发生在自己头上的事,这种事往往带有一种疑惧性,即可能发生也可能不发生,只是自己有这样一种得心(即担心发生).此进不能用 be afraid to do 结构.如: She was afraid of waking her husband. 她怕吵醒她丈夫. I was afraid of hurting his feelings. 我怕伤了他的感情. 请再体会下列句子 I"m afraid to speak English before so many people because I"m afraid of making mistakes. 我不敢在那么多人面前说英语,因为我怕出错.
2023-07-23 01:28:531

be afraid that 是宾语从句,那afraid是什么?表语?be afraid谓语?

be afraid that ... be afraid 是系表结构作谓语 that 后面的是宾语从句,也有语法学家认为that 所引导的句子叫原因状语从句.
2023-07-23 01:29:141

be afraid+that从句是什么意思

一般是我担心我怕。。。。比如:i am afraid that i can"t help you。后面的从句i can"t help you说明心理状态产生的原因。是一个“主系表”句型。当表语是表示人的心理状态的形容词(也可以是表心理状态的动词的分词,大多是过去分词)时,后面接从句,不定式短语或介词结构等说明心理状态产生的原因。
2023-07-23 01:29:211

be afraid to do 与 be afraid of doing 的区别

to do是害怕去做某事,侧重将来,而doing是害怕做某事,侧重马上要做的
2023-07-23 01:29:393

be afraid用英语怎么读

be afraid of[英][bi:u0259u02c8freid u0254v] [美][bi u0259u02c8fred u028cv] 生词本简明释义v.害怕,担忧;怖以下结果由 金山词霸 提供网络释义1.害怕.2.担心3.担心 恐怕4.害怕,恐怕5.恐怕查看更多例句There"s no reason apple would have to be afraid of suing google directly.苹果完全没有理由害怕与谷歌直接对簿公堂.
2023-07-23 01:29:591

be afraid用英语怎么读

2023-07-23 01:30:091

be afraid 意思

be afraid指感到害怕,比如:I"m afraid. be afraid一般和of 或者to do连用, be afraid of sth/doing sth.害怕某事/做某事 be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事
2023-07-23 01:30:151


可以加动词不定式,或动名词,或从句x0dx0abe afraid to do sth.真正的意思是“害怕做某事”,也就是主语对做某事内心感到恐惧;x0dx0abe afraid of doing sth.表示主语内心里不情愿做某事,也可以说是不希望发生某事,但自己不一定能避免它.x0dx0a例如:He was afraid to go out alone at night.(他害怕晚上独自外出.暗含的意思是“他对于晚上独自外出缺乏安全感”.)x0dx0a He came late to school and was afraid of being scolded by the teacher.(他上学迟到了,害怕被老师吵.暗含的意思是“他不情愿被老师吵”.) x0dx0a用“不敢.”来辨别这两个短语很能说明问题.x0dx0aHe is afraid of being beaten by his father.他怕被他爸打.(不是他敢不敢的问题,他是不情愿.) He is afraid to touch the snake.他不敢碰那条蛇.(他内心里恐惧蛇.)x0dx0a be afraid to和be afraid of 都表示“害怕”的意思,只不过:x0dx0abe afraid to 后面接动词原形,而be afraid of 后面接名词、代词或者动词的ing形式.
2023-07-23 01:30:241

be afraid 意思

be afraid指感到害怕,比如:I"m afraid. be afraid一般和of 或者to do连用, be afraid of sth/doing sth.害怕某事/做某事 be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事
2023-07-23 01:30:311

英语中be afraid of 的用法是什么,还有,它与be afraid to什么不同

be afraid of 后跟名词、代词或动词-ing形式;be afraid to后跟动词原形。
2023-07-23 01:30:592


be afraid of doing sth. be afraid that...
2023-07-23 01:31:093

be afraid to do和be afraid o

答:be afraid to do 害怕做某事,这件事还没发生,或者不会发生He was afraid to go out alone at night 自己理解下语境be afraid of doing 担心发生某事,往往指某件事已经发生所造成的后果套用这个句子 He came late to school and was afraid of being scolded by the teacher.他已经迟到了,已经发生,后果就是他可能会被老师骂也可能不会被骂,
2023-07-23 01:31:173

be afraid of和be afraid to的区别是什么?

  区别:  be afraid of doing/sth. 意为害怕,恐怕,担心  be afraid to do sth. 意为不敢做……事  be afraid of  [英][bi: u0259u02c8freid u0254v][美][bi u0259u02c8fred u028cv]  v.害怕,担忧; 怖;  例句:  1、I used to be afraid of the dark.  我以前害怕黑暗。  2、Most CEOs are pretty confident people, and it would be hard to suddenly make them overwhelmingly afraid of risk.  绝大多数首席执行官都是极其自信的人,很难让他们突然变得害怕风险。  3、We should not be afraid of such change.  我们不应害怕这样的改变。  be afraid to  [英][bi: u0259u02c8freid tu:][美][bi u0259u02c8fred tu]  v.害怕;  例句:  1、Second, trust your ability. Don"t be afraid to speak. Don"t be trapped by shyness.  第二,相信你的能力,不要害怕说,不要被羞怯困住。  2、So don "t be afraid to speak up.  所以不要害怕说出自己的观点。  3、Don"t be afraid to experiment with different forms of exercise until you find what works best for you.  不要害怕,大胆尝试不同类型的运动项目吧,你会找到最适合自己的运动的。
2023-07-23 01:31:361

be afraid to do 和 be afraid doing 的区别?急~~

2023-07-23 01:31:466

be afraid of和be afraid to的区别

be afraid of和be afraid to区别:一、句型不同:1、be afraid of doing/sth. 意为害怕,恐怕,担心某事物例句:I used to be afraid of the dark.我以前害怕黑暗。2、be afraid to do sth. 意为不敢做……事例句:Second, trust your ability. Don"t be afraid to speak. Don"t be trapped by shyness.二、意义不同:be afraid of doing担心出现doing的状况、结果。 doing 是客观上造成的,意为"生怕,恐怕"例句:She was afraid of waking her husband.她生怕吵醒她丈夫(害怕吵醒时带来的后果)。be afraid to do不敢,胆怯去做某事,是主观上的原因不去做,意为"怕";例句:She was afraid to wake her husband.她不敢去叫醒她丈夫(害怕去做“吵醒”这个动作)。扩展资料:通过例句或许更能明白be afraid of与be afraid to的区别。be afraid of:1.Don"t be afraid of losing face.不要怕丢面子。2.Why should a great community like a university be afraid of nihilism?为什么像大学这样人才济济的社区要害怕虚无主义呢?3.There"s nothing to be afraid of. The sky won"t fall down.没有什么好怕的,天不会塌下来。be afraid to:1.If your original request is denied, don"t be afraid to pursue the matter.如果你最初的请求遭到拒绝,不要害怕,要继续追问下去。2.Don"t be afraid to have this checked by a doctor — better safe than sorry!不要害怕找医生检查一下——宁求稳妥以免后悔!3.He thinks that some workers may be afraid to put questions publicly.他认为一些工人可能害怕公开提问。
2023-07-23 01:32:021

be afraid to do与be afraid of doing

1. be afraid to do 指的是按照经验或常识不敢去做某事,或没有勇气去做某事。如:   I"m afraid to jump into the river. 我不敢跳进河中。   He was afraid to go out at night. 他晚上不敢出去。   注:在现代英语中,有时也可用 be afraid of doing 结构来表示上述意思。如:   I"m afraid to tell (或of telling) her. 我不敢告诉她。   Don"t be afraid to ask (或of asking) for help. 不要怕请求帮助。   2. be afraid of doing 主要用来谈论一件自己(指句子主语)不希望也不能决定而可能突然发生在自己头上的事,这种事往往带有一种疑惧性,即可能发生也可能不发生,只是自己有这样一种得心(即担心发生)。此进不能用 be afraid to do 结构。如:   She was afraid of waking her husband. 她怕吵醒她丈夫。   I was afraid of hurting his feelings. 我怕伤了他的感情。   请再体会下列句子(from   I"m afraid to speak English before so many people because I"m afraid of making mistakes. 我不敢在那么多人面前说英语,因为我怕出错。   They are afraid to swim because they are afraid of drowning. 他们不敢澳洲,因为他们担心会被淹死。
2023-07-23 01:32:301

be afraid of 和 be afraid to的区别(请详细一些)

2023-07-23 01:32:382

be afraid to do和be afraid of doing的区别

2023-07-23 01:32:475

be afraid of doing sth.和be afraid to do sth.的区别是? afraid of doing sth意思是“害怕某事会发生”,重点在“怕”;be afraid to do sth意思是“(因为害怕而)不敢做某事”,重点在“不敢”.2.如:The little boy is afraid to return home because he is afraid being beaten by his father.这个小男孩因为害怕会被他老爸打,所以不敢回家.如果写成:The little boy is afraid of returning home because he is afraid to be beaten by his father.就很搞笑了:这个小男孩因为不敢被他老爸打,所以害怕会回家.3.另外,还有be afraid of sb/sth的用法“害怕某人/物”,但是后者只有be afraid to do sth“不敢做某事”.
2023-07-23 01:33:021

be afraid of doing sth.=什么 afraid to do afraid of doing afraid to do 主要指按照经验或常识不敢去做某事或没有勇气去做某事.如:The little boy was afraid to go out at night.这个小男孩晚上不敢出去.注:在现代英语中,也可以用be afraid of doing 结构来表示上述意思.如:He was afraid to tell[of telling]his wife.他不敢告诉他妻子 afraid of doing 主要表示担心会发生某事(是一种无意行为),此时不能用be afraid to do 结构.如:I was afraid of hurting his feelings.我怕伤了他的感情.请再体会下列句子:The girl was afraid to speak English before so many people because she was afraid of making mistakes.这个女孩不敢在那么多人面前说英语,因为她怕出错.She was afraid to swim because she was afraid of drowning.她不敢游泳,因为她担心会被淹死.
2023-07-23 01:33:231

be afraid of和be afraid to有什么区别吗?

be afraid of和be afraid to区别:一、句型不同:1、be afraid of doing/sth. 意为害怕,恐怕,担心某事物例句:I used to be afraid of the dark.我以前害怕黑暗。2、be afraid to do sth. 意为不敢做……事例句:Second, trust your ability. Don"t be afraid to speak. Don"t be trapped by shyness.二、意义不同:be afraid of doing担心出现doing的状况、结果。 doing 是客观上造成的,意为"生怕,恐怕"例句:She was afraid of waking her husband.她生怕吵醒她丈夫(害怕吵醒时带来的后果)。be afraid to do不敢,胆怯去做某事,是主观上的原因不去做,意为"怕";例句:She was afraid to wake her husband.她不敢去叫醒她丈夫(害怕去做“吵醒”这个动作)。扩展资料:通过例句或许更能明白be afraid of与be afraid to的区别。be afraid of:1.Don"t be afraid of losing face.不要怕丢面子。2.Why should a great community like a university be afraid of nihilism?为什么像大学这样人才济济的社区要害怕虚无主义呢?3.There"s nothing to be afraid of. The sky won"t fall down.没有什么好怕的,天不会塌下来。be afraid to:1.If your original request is denied, don"t be afraid to pursue the matter.如果你最初的请求遭到拒绝,不要害怕,要继续追问下去。2.Don"t be afraid to have this checked by a doctor — better safe than sorry!不要害怕找医生检查一下——宁求稳妥以免后悔!3.He thinks that some workers may be afraid to put questions publicly.他认为一些工人可能害怕公开提问。
2023-07-23 01:33:311

be afraid +联词 +句子造句

Bobby and I are afraid
2023-07-23 01:34:023

be afraid of 和be afriad at 的区别

of + 人 or 事at + 事
2023-07-23 01:34:122

be afraid后跟to do和doing有什么区别?

有区别!在用法上是有所出入的! ba afraid of + doing sth.,表示害怕做某件事所造成的后果; be afraid + to do sth.,表示害怕做某件事这一过程.
2023-07-23 01:34:311

be afraid to do造句

be afraid to do害怕;害怕做某事;害怕做;怕;不敢双语例句1Be afraid of* be afraid to do sth. 我害怕你将做某事让你感到后悔。2Don"t be afraid to do anything wrong, even if the wrong without regret. 不要害怕做错什么,即使错了也不必懊悔。
2023-07-23 01:34:401

be afraid of与be afraid to的区别是什么?

be afraid of和be afraid to区别:一、句型不同:1、be afraid of doing/sth. 意为害怕,恐怕,担心某事物例句:I used to be afraid of the dark.我以前害怕黑暗。2、be afraid to do sth. 意为不敢做……事例句:Second, trust your ability. Don"t be afraid to speak. Don"t be trapped by shyness.二、意义不同:be afraid of doing担心出现doing的状况、结果。 doing 是客观上造成的,意为"生怕,恐怕"例句:She was afraid of waking her husband.她生怕吵醒她丈夫(害怕吵醒时带来的后果)。be afraid to do不敢,胆怯去做某事,是主观上的原因不去做,意为"怕";例句:She was afraid to wake her husband.她不敢去叫醒她丈夫(害怕去做“吵醒”这个动作)。扩展资料:通过例句或许更能明白be afraid of与be afraid to的区别。be afraid of:1.Don"t be afraid of losing face.不要怕丢面子。2.Why should a great community like a university be afraid of nihilism?为什么像大学这样人才济济的社区要害怕虚无主义呢?3.There"s nothing to be afraid of. The sky won"t fall down.没有什么好怕的,天不会塌下来。be afraid to:1.If your original request is denied, don"t be afraid to pursue the matter.如果你最初的请求遭到拒绝,不要害怕,要继续追问下去。2.Don"t be afraid to have this checked by a doctor — better safe than sorry!不要害怕找医生检查一下——宁求稳妥以免后悔!3.He thinks that some workers may be afraid to put questions publicly.他认为一些工人可能害怕公开提问。
2023-07-23 01:34:531

be afraid to和be afraid with 有什么区别

意思是一样的,用法不同而已: be afraid to 后面加动词原形 be afraid of 后面加动名词或者直接加名词.
2023-07-23 01:35:091

什么是be afraid of doing sth什么是be afraid to do sth

be afraid of doing 所表达的害怕或者担心做某事,是一种惯性,常发生的害怕或者担心. 而be afraid to do sth 是指对即将要发生或还未发生的事情的害怕或者担心. 这就是意思上的细微区别. 对于两都的不同一般可以从上下文的语境可以作出判断和选择.
2023-07-23 01:35:161

be afraid of和be afraid to有什么区别

看过很多人对这两个短语的辨析,但都觉得解释得不很到位,甚至会有种越看越糊涂的感觉.两个短语都有“不敢去做某事”的意思,但be afraid to do sth.真正的意思是“害怕做某事”,也就是主语对做某事内心感到恐惧;be afraid of doing sth.表示主语内心里不情愿做某事,也可以说是不希望发生某事,但自己不一定能避免它.例如:He was afraid to go out alone at night.(他害怕晚上独自外出.暗含的意思是“他对于晚上独自外出缺乏安全感”.)He came late to school and was afraid of being scolded by the teacher.(他上学迟到了,害怕被老师吵.暗含的意思是“他不情愿被老师吵”.)用“不敢.”来辨别这两个短语很能说明问题.He is afraid of being beaten by his father.他怕被他爸打.(不是他敢不敢的问题,他是不情愿.)He is afraid to touch the snake.他不敢碰那条蛇.(他内心里恐惧蛇.)
2023-07-23 01:35:321

calcium formate food grade,calcium formate feed additives 是什么意思

2023-07-23 01:30:522

英语shed some light怎么翻译?

2023-07-23 01:30:532


《蜘蛛侠3》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看链接: 提取码: vi8h导演: 山姆·雷米编剧: 山姆·雷米 / 伊万·莱米 / 阿尔文·萨金特 / 斯坦·李 / 史蒂夫·迪特寇主演: 托比·马奎尔 / 克斯汀·邓斯特 / 詹姆斯·弗兰科 / 托马斯·哈登·丘奇 / 托弗·戈瑞斯类型: 动作 / 科幻 / 冒险制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 2007-05-01(中国大陆) / 2007-05-04(美国)片长: 139分钟 / 137分钟(重剪版)又名: 蜘蛛人3(台)该片讲述了蜘蛛侠(托比u2022马奎尔 Tobey Maguire 饰)在经历了重重考验之后,成为了人人敬仰的正义英雄,抱得美人归。但是,光环下蜘蛛侠,也有自己的心病:他在第一集时放走了小偷导致最亲爱的叔叔被小偷杀死,帕克一直耿耿于怀。生活顺意的帕克开始变得目中无人,当他再次抓到那个小偷时,残忍地看着他从楼上摔下致死,过后才发现自己惩罚错了人,真凶是“沙人”。当帕克将“沙人”残忍杀死后,帕克心内的阴暗面渐渐在帕克的身体内占据了上风,蜘蛛侠最终演变成邪恶的“毒蜘蛛”!糟糕的是,帕克没有察觉到自身的变化,帕克最终如何摆脱自身的邪恶?
2023-07-23 01:30:531

模拟欧洲卡车2中国地图出现Euro truck simulstor2

2023-07-23 01:30:551

急呀!~ 帮忙翻译这段话 英语作文 谢谢

October 4, 2009, Sunday sunny Farm Location: one hour away by car; valley surrounded by mountains; covering about 2 square kilometersDuring the visit, and feel: ⒈ uncle warm reception, with my friends and I visited the farm; ⒉ is full of golden rice, a harvest scene; ⒊ lunch uncle hospitality; ⒋ Afternoon greenhouse, listening to his uncle introduced; 16:00 return
2023-07-23 01:31:005


1,What do you think of the most difficult when learning English?- I think the pronounsation of english words is the most difficult when learning English but i can handle it well.2,Making self-introduction.- Hi I"m *****, I"m ** years old and i"m graduated from ***.3,What do you think of your college ?- I think my college is the best place for me to learn new stuff.4,What is your farourit sport ?- My favourite sport is playin basketball, becaouse it keeps me healthy after the sweating of the game.5,What do you think of the regula physical exescise ?- It"s good for health.6,Asking and giving directions.- Answer in your opinion.7,Talking about the weather.- It depends on the day.8,What does "Afriend in need is afriend in deed "mean.- when we"re in trouble, the friend who can help us is the true friend.9,What is you favorite food ?- My favourite food is fried chicken.10,What do you think of fast-food ?- It is tasty and delicious but it is not good for health.11,How does diet affect people"s health ?- Diet is the important way to keep oneself healthy because many deseases is cause by unsuitable food and over weigh is will cause many desease such as diabetes and so on.
2023-07-23 01:31:0015


第一篇The Advantages and Disadvantages of Eating Fast FoodFast foods, such as hamburger and pizza only need a short time to order. Moreover, nowadays, the restaurants which sell them can be found easily. Therefore, no matter when you are hungry, or wherever you are, there is probably at least one fast food restaurant just a short drive away.Another advantage of eating fast foods is that they have a good taste. For instance, french fries, spaghetti and fried chicken have special flavor which make the consumers be addicted. Because in fact, such fast foods are added with additives, such as Monosodium glutamate (MSG) and sodium which can improve the taste of food. However, eating fast foods also has disadvantage is that it is one of factors causing obesity. Generally, fast foods have many of calories and these accumulate in the body as fat deposits that can cause obesity. In addition, with obesity come other problems like high blood pressure and diseases of the joints. Some researchers have shown that there is a direct link between fast food and obesity on children.All in all, human being should think twice if they want to eat fast foods in order to keep away from the negative impacts.第二篇The Advantages and Disadvantages of Eating Fast FoodThere are many reasons that many people love to eat fast food. It is fast and easy to eat food which makes us satisfy.There are too many researches about disadvantage of fast food. I think that fast food has more hamful properties than benefit onesThe Advantages are only two:1. It saves your time.2. It catches with your taste buds.The disadvantage lists is quite longer than the advantage lists and are as follows:1. Heart disease – High saturated and trans fat along with high sodium content damages the arteries and high cholesterol clogs the arteries.2. Obesity – High calories slowly settle down in your body and make you fat.3. Peptic Ulcer – Excessive spicy foods induces peptic ulcer.4. Lack of essential nutrients –Being low on nutrients, these junk foods are causing severe lack of essential vitamins, minerals, and other essential components in our body.5. Irregular food habits – These instant and readily available foods have given us a very negative attitude and bad food habits of eating while working or eating while driving or delaying eating time.6. Addiction – These are highly addictive. Once your child get addictive, it will become very difficult for you to make them understand all the pros and con.
2023-07-23 01:30:431

shed interesting light on是固定短语吗?shed light on中lig

shed light on 是固定短语,interesting 不是固定短语的一部分[释义]为…提供线索; 对…透露情况; 使…清楚地显出; 阐明…; 全部释义>> [例句]To shed light on this business.那对这件事更有帮助.
2023-07-23 01:30:431

After a long and exhausting journey they arrived

2023-07-23 01:30:416


2023-07-23 01:30:403


Harry: M.J. Would you stop goofing around? M.J.: Harry, relax! Harry: He"s here. Aunt: Are you ready? Osburn: Aunt May. I"m sorry, I"m late. Work was a murder. I picked up a fruitcake. Aunt: Thank you, Mr. Osburn. We"re so glad you could come. Harry: You look great. M.J.: Thanks. Osburn: Who is this lovely young lady? Harry: M.J., I"d like you to meet my father, Norman Osburn. Dad, this is Mary Jane Watson. M.J.: Hi. Osburn: How do you do? I"ve been looking forward to meeting you. M.J.: Happy Thanksgiving, sir. Aunt: Where is Peter? He"d better have remembered that cranberry sauce. Harry: Oh, that"s weird. I didn"t know he was here. Aunt: Peter? Peter? Is that you? Osburn: Peter? Aunt: How strange! There"s nobody here. Osburn: Bit of slob, isn"t he? Aunt: All the brilliant men are. Peter: Hi, everyone. Sorry, I was late. It"s a jungle out there. Had to beat an old lady with a stick to get these cranberries. Aunt: Thank you, now everybody, sit down and we can say grace. Osburn: Parker. Aunt: Here we go. M.J.: Oh, it looks delicious. Aunt: Norman? Will you do the honors? Aunt: Why? Peter! You are bleeding. Peter: Oh, yeah, I stepped off a curb and got clipped by one of those bike messengers. Aunt: Let me see. Oh, my goodness! That looks awful. Peter: It"s nothing. Aunt: I"ll get the first aid kit. Then we will say the grace. This is the boys" first Thanksgiving here and we are going to do things properly. Osburn: How did you say this happend? Peter: Bike messenger. Knocked me down. Osburn: If you"ll excuse me, I"ve got to be going. Harry: What? Why? Osburn: Something has come to my attention. Harry: Are you all right? Osburn: I"m fine, just fine. Thank you Mrs. Parker. Everyone, enjoy the fruitcake
2023-07-23 01:30:361

canada sheds workers 是什么意思? 我想问那shed在这里是什么意思

加拿大厂房工人。 厂房的意思
2023-07-23 01:30:351