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from this experience是什么意思

2023-07-23 07:10:09

from this experience的中文翻译

from this experience


experience 英[u026aku02c8spu026au0259riu0259ns] 美[u026aku02c8spu026ariu0259ns]

n. 经验,体验; 经历,阅历;

vt. 感受; 亲身参与,亲身经历; 发现;

[例句]He has also had managerial experience on every level.


[其他] 第三人称单数:experiences 复数:experiences 现在分词:experiencing过去式:experienced 过去分词:experienced形近词: sexperience sexperience


from this experience




in my experience:以我的经验
2023-07-23 00:41:402


1.作“经历”:当老师的经历啊,一个人探险的经历 啊什么的 ~可数~2.作“经验”:经验教训,经验总结 啊什么的 ~不可数~、可以这样想,一次次的经历累积起来成了经验,从众多糅合到了一个统一的东西,所以前者是可数,后者是不可数。
2023-07-23 00:42:142

nvidia geforce experience是什么

Nvidia geforce 体验。这玩意确实没什么用,建议卸载吧
2023-07-23 00:42:342


experience n. 经验;经历;体验 vt. 经验;经历;体验 experience的基本意思是“经验”,指由实践得来的知识和技能,是不可数名词,没有复数形式,也不与不定冠词连用。 experience也可作“经历,阅历”解,指具体的经验,亲身见过、做过或遭受的事,是可数名词。 扩展资料   例句:   It"s a totally awesome experience.   这是个棒极了的经历。   Do you have the relevant experience?   你有相关的经历吗?   Experience is essential for this job.   对于这个工作,经验是非常重要的。   Does she have any managerial experience?   她有没有什么管理经验?
2023-07-23 00:43:161

GeForce Experience是什么?

GeForce Experience 是 NVIDIA 的一款全新应用程序。它的主要作用是优化自己的游戏、保持驱动程序始终为最新版本的一个程序。1、首先,GeForce Experience 可自动提醒新的 NVIDIA 驱动程序并进行下载。 NVIDIA 不断改进其驱动程序。 新的驱动程序可改善游戏性能、增加新特性以及修正 Bug。2、其次,GeForce Experience 可根据硬件配置来优化游戏中的图形设置。 NVIDIA 针对 GPU、CPU 以及显示器分辨率的各种组合而进行广泛的游戏测试,将这些信息存储于 NVIDIA 云端。 GeForce Experience 可连接至 NVIDIA 云端,下载专为自己 PC 而量身定制的优化游戏设置。GeForce Experience加入了众多的新功能:1、全新的Whispermode,用于GTX 1060及以上笔记本,能降低笔记本的功耗、发热、噪音等。2、全新ShadowPlay Highlights加入,能自动录制“吃鸡”精彩操作的视频。3、加入微信、微博登录,并且还能把游戏截图直接分享到微博。
2023-07-23 00:43:241


experience的意思是:经验。经验是由人生经历总结而来,实践是认识的来源,而经验只是认识的初级阶段,必须不断深化才能成为人生阅历;知识是人类对物质世界以及精神世界探索的结果总和,及经验的系统固化;唯有将经验与知识结合,于人生经历中灵活运用所学知识,方可最大限度激发潜能,展现能力,丰富阅历。经验是个性化的,持久的不断积累;知识是普世化的,理论式的系统总结。人类的知识成果,来自社会实践,其初级形态是经验知识,高级形态是系统科学理论,按其获得方式可区分为直接知识和间接知识;按其内容可分为自然科学知识、社会科学知识和思维科学知识。哲学知识是关于自然、社会和思维知识的概括和总结,知识的总体在社会实践的世代延续中不断积累和发展。相关例句:1、It was a cathartic experience.那是一次情感宣泄的体验。2、It was a tremendous experience.这是个了不起的经历。3、It was a chastening experience.那是一次令人遗憾的经历。4、It was a terrifying experience.那是一次可怕的经历。5、We all learn by experience.我们都从经验中得到教益。
2023-07-23 00:43:311


—— 英文:experience [ik"spirēu0259ns ] 经验。
2023-07-23 00:44:042

have experience in dong与have experience at doing有

2023-07-23 00:44:263

personal experience怎么写

personal experience亲身经历例句:He learned this lesson the hard way — from his own personal experience 吃一堑长一智,他这个教训来之不易——是从他自己的亲身经历中得来的。You cannot appreciate the difficulty except through personal experience. 若非亲身经历,岂知其中甘苦。I"ll say a few words about my personal experience ( or understanding). 让我谈谈个人的体会。
2023-07-23 00:44:351


用作经验的时候不可数 用所经历的时候可数
2023-07-23 00:44:454


experience,英语单词,主要用作为名词、动词,作名词意为“经验;经历;体验”,作动词时意为“经验;经历;体验”。基本用法1.experience用作名词的基本意思是“经验”,指由实践得来的知识和技能,是不可数名词,既没有复数形式,也不与不定冠词连用。2.experience也可作“经历,阅历”解,指具体的经验,亲身见过、做过或遭受的事,此时是可数名词,其单数可表示一具体活动的结果3.experience用作动词的基本意思是“经历”,指人们在生活中所遇到的事情,经过或通过学习、实践取得经验的过程。也可用来表示“体验”“感受”。4.experience只用作及物动词,接名词、代词、动名词或疑问词从句作宾语。短语搭配experience 体验User Experience 使用者经验 ; 用户体验 ; 使用者体验specific experience 具体经历 ; 详细经历 ; 详细履历 ; 具体履历Experience point 经验值 ; 经验点数 ; 経験値 ; 教训点数experience curve 经验曲线 ; 阅历曲线Personal experience 亲身经历 ; 切身体会 ; 人经验 ; 人经历Experience Marketing 体验营销 ; 体验行销 ; 体验旅游Professional Experience 工作经历 ; 工作经验 ; 专业经验 ; 职业经历Canadian Experience 加拿大经验 ; 加拿大经验移民 ; 加拿大经验类别 ; 加拿大阅历 。
2023-07-23 00:45:221


  experience通常用作名词,有经验;经历的意思。那么你知道experience是否可数名词吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    experience词语用法:   experience的基本意思是“经验”,指由实践得来的知识和技能,是不可数名词,没有复数形式,也不与不定冠词连用。   experience也可作“经历,阅历”解,指具体的经验,亲身见过、做过或遭受的事,是可数名词,其单数可表示一具体活动的结果。   experience还可作“感受”解,这时常用复数形式。   experience后如有介词of短语作为限制性定语时要用定冠词the。   表示“在u2026方面的经验”时, experience后一般接介词in,也可接动词不定式作后置定语。   experience英语例句:   1. The most pleasurable experience of the evening was the wonderful fireworks display.   这个晚上最让人高兴的就是精彩的焰火表演。   2. Few would argue that this team has experience and proven ability.   这个队伍的丰富经验和表现出来的实力是众所公认的。   3. His office was in keeping with his station and experience.   他的办公室与其身份和阅历相称。   4. The comparison of her life to a sea voyage simplifies her experience.   把她的人生比作一次海上航行不足以说明她丰富的经历。   5. Despite his lack of experience, he got the job.   他虽然经验不足,但还是获得了这份工作。   6. He brought to the job not just considerable experience but passionate enthusiasm.   他不仅给这一工作带来了不少经验,而且倾注了极大的热情。   7. He has direct experience of the process of privatisation.   他对私有化过程有着切身体会。   8. The betting is that the experience will make Japan more competitive still.   这场经历很有可能使日本更具竞争力。   9. Her experience of men was of domination and brutality.   男人给她的感受是支配一切,野蛮残暴。   10. Experience of any career in sales is a big plus.   任何销售领域的工作经验都是一大优势。   11. Eating in East Berlin used to be a hazardous and joyless experience.   在东柏林就餐曾经是一件危险而且沉闷无趣的事情。   12. His 50 years of experience have given him strong convictions about style.   50年的经验使得他在款式上有自己的独到见解。   13. Under such circumstances, it is little wonder that they experience difficulties.   在这种情形下,他们遇到困难就不足为怪了。   14. He learned this lesson the hard way from his own personal experience.   吃一堑长一智,他这个教训来之不易——是从他自己的亲身经历中得来的。   15. It is a painful experience having the boil lanced.   把疖子切开是很痛的。
2023-07-23 00:45:421


2023-07-23 00:45:501


experience 作经验时不可数,作经历时可数; 当experience在语境中意思为经历时,可数,因为经历是可以数出来的,比如第几次经历; 在语境中意思为经验时,不可数,因为经验是个抽象名词,只能讲经验丰富或毫无经验,而不能说有几次经验。 扩展资料   experience短语搭配   experience 体验   User Experience 使用者经验;用户体验;使用者体验   specific experience 具体经历;详细经历;详细履历;具体履历   Experience point 经验值;经验点数;经验值;教训点数   experience curve 经验曲线;阅历曲线   Personal experience 亲身经历;切身体会;人经验;人经历   Experience Marketing 体验营销;体验行销;体验旅游   Professional Experience 工作经历;工作经验;专业经验;职业经历   Canadian Experience 加拿大经验;加拿大经验移民;加拿大经验类别;加拿大阅历   experience双语例句   What experience do you have?   你有什么样的经历?   Do you have any experience?   你有什么工作经验吗?
2023-07-23 00:46:041

experience on 和 in 的区别

experience in在什么里有经验experience on 在什么上有经验
2023-07-23 00:46:562


2023-07-23 00:47:031


experience的基本意思是“经验”,指由实践得来的知识和技能,是不可数名词,没有复数形式,也不与不定冠词连用。experience也可作“经历、阅历”解,指具体的经验、亲身见过、做过或遭受的事,是可数名词,其单数可表示一具体活动的结果。 experience作名词的用法 1、作不可数名词。指做过某项特定工作的经验。 He has also had managerial experience on every level. 他还有各个层级的管理经验。 She had no experience of life at all. 她毫无生活经验。 Have you had any experience of teaching English? 你有过教英语的经验吗? 2、作不可数名词,指过去的事件,知识或情感的经验。 I should not be in any danger here, but experience has taught me caution. 我在这里应该不会有任何危险,但是经验告诉我要小心。 She had learned from experience to take little rests in between her daily routine. 经验告诉她在日常生活中要不时地休息一小会儿。 "If you act afraid, they won"t let go," he says, speaking from experience. “如果你表现出害怕,他们就会抓住你不放,”这是他的经验之谈。 3、作可数名词,指一经历,发生在自己身上的事。 Moving had become a common experience for me. 搬家对我而言已经成了常事. His only experience of gardening so far proved immensely satisfying. 到目前为止他唯一的一次园艺经历非常令人满意。
2023-07-23 00:47:301


experience作经验时不可数,作经历时可数。当experience在语境中意思为经历时,可数,因为经历是可以数出来的,比如第几次经历;在语境中意思为经验时,不可数,因为经验是个抽象名词,只能讲经验丰富或毫无经验,而不能说有几次经验。 扩展资料   例句:   1、What experience do you have?   你有什么样的经历?   2、 Do you have any experience?   你有什么工作经验吗?   3、In my experience, very few people really understand the problem.   据我的.经验看,真正理解这个问题的人很少。   4、 Experience is more important for this job than paper qualifications.   就这项工作而言,经验比纸面上的资格重要。   5、This is a new experience for me.   对于我来说,这是一次从未有过的经历。
2023-07-23 00:47:381

After this experience是什么意思

After this experience意思:这次经历后。
2023-07-23 00:47:582


experience当经历讲可数。 xperience作经验时不可数,作经历时可数。当experience在语境中意思为经历时,可数,因为经历是可以数出来的,比如第几次经历;在语境中意思为经验时,不可数,因为经验是个抽象名词,只能讲经验丰富或毫无经验,而不能说有几次经验。 扩展资料   experience短语搭配:   experience 体验   User Experience 使用者经验;用户体验;使用者体验   specific experience 具体经历;详细经历;详细履历;具体履历   Experience point 经验值;经验点数;经验值;教训点数   experience curve 经验曲线;阅历曲线   Personal experience 亲身经历;切身体会;人经验;人经历   Experience Marketing 体验营销;体验行销;体验旅游   Professional Experience 工作经历;工作经验;专业经验;职业经历   Canadian Experience 加拿大经验;加拿大经验移民;加拿大经验类别;加拿大阅历   experience双语例句:   What experience do you have?   你有什么样的经历?   Do you have any experience?   你有什么工作经验吗?
2023-07-23 00:48:201


experience中文翻译:经验 have over ten years" teaching experience有十多年教学经验2.Do you have any previous experience of this type of work?你以前干过这种工作吗?3.a doctor with experience in dealing with patients suffering from stress在治疗压力大的病人方面很有经验的医生4.My lack of practical experience was a disadvantage.我缺少实际经验是个不利条件。5.She didn"t get paid much but it was all good experience .她得到的报酬虽然不高,但有极好的体验。6.He gained valuable experience whilst working on the project.从事这项工程使他获得了宝贵的经验。7.We all learn by experience .我们都从经验中得到教益。
2023-07-23 00:48:261


先说说这个单词experience [ik"spiu0259riu0259ns] ,不如系统的讲一下它的用法:它有两种词性n. 经验;经历;体验;如果是经验,是不可数名词;经历很多次则可以用可数复数。vt. 经验;经历;体验它的过去式和过去分词都是:experienced 当做动词时,可以接介词in,即experience in 有经验;有…的经验 做名词时有如下用法:life/working experience 工作经验;工作经历 / 生活经历,生活经验valuable / rich experience 宝贵的 / 丰富的经验 practical experience 实务经验,实践经验,实际经验 personal experience 个人经验 也可以用by+名词形式:by experience 凭经验;通过经验 下面解释一下三种用法:一,experience of 时,接名词或者Ving动名词,【这时experience是名词】,而后面接的名词或动名词,一般是具体的表示经历的事物。例:She had no experience of life at all.她毫无生活经验。Have you had any experience of teaching English? 【教授英语,注意此句与下面的区别】你有过教英语的经验吗?二,experience in 接名词或者动名词,在【某方面】有经验或经历例如: She has no experience in typing, nor does the skill interest her. 她没有打字经验,那种技术也引不起她的兴趣。 I am trying to find out experience in teaching. 【在教学领域】 我在摸索教学经验。具体来讲,二者并无太大区别。三,experience with sth,通常后面接的事情属于有相关度的事情,并非经历本身。例如:My experience with a foreign language began in junior middle school, when I took my first English class.
2023-07-23 00:48:491


experience [ex·pe·ri·ence || u026ak"spu026au0259ru026au0259ns]n. 经验, 体验; 经历, 阅历v. 经历; 感受; 体验; 遭受
2023-07-23 00:49:131

experience doing是什么意思?

2023-07-23 00:49:242


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数字化精密测量技术是数字化制造技术中的关键技术之一。开发亚微米、纳米级高精度测量仪器,提高环境适应能力,增强鲁棒性,使精密测量装备进入生产现场,集成到加工机床和制造系统,形成先进的数字化闭环制造系统,是当今精密测量技术的发展趋势。 美国FARO技术公司的FaroARM系列便携式三坐标测量臂在工业界首次实现测量臂与激光扫描头的完美结合,在同一坐标系下实现非接触式快速扫描和接触式测量。特点:非接触式灵活快速扫描,获取曲线曲面的点云数据,点云无分层;接触式测量,把握关键特征尺寸与轮廓的精度;非接触式与接触式测量在同一坐标系下完美结合,扫描没有任何分层;扫描头与测量臂及测量软件同为FARO公司产品,技术完全共享,服务更加方便。在实际应用中为客户大大缩短设计生产制造周期,降低成本,质量控制可以在内部完成,自动生成的报告适用于网络应用,从而改善了各生产职能部门之间及实际不同地点间的沟通;提高了准确性,做产品检验时用户通常通过5到10个点来定义曲面,使得用户可以检验由数以万计的点云定义的曲面质量;自动化的SPC可对多个样品进行自动化的统计过程控制。 美国CIMCORE公司推出了配备有先进激光扫描测量系统的关节臂测量机。材料采用碳纤维,INFINITE系列还具有无线通讯功能。用于反求工程时,不仅测量速度快,而且可实现测量过程的实时显示和补漏测量数据的无缝拼接。该仪器可用于三坐标测量、三维造型、产品测绘、反求工程、现场测量以及模具设计制造等涉及到设计、制造、过程检测、在线检测以及产品最终检测等测量工作。 瑞士TESA公司的Scan系列用2个线阵CCD组件,通过工件的回转和轴向移动对工件进行投影扫描,可实现对轴类零件位置误差和形状误差的精确检测、对截面形状和轮廓度的评估比较以及统计质量分析,还能对零件的局部(如过渡曲线、微小沟槽等)进行放大测量。对螺纹、蜗杆、丝杆等能够进行全参数精度的精确测量。 德国SCHNEIDER的WMM系列轴类及工具测量仪操作简单、测量速度高,特别适用于车间检查站。仪器采用高分辨力的 Matrix摄像头,可以快速获取测量数据。仪器数显分辨力为0.0001mm,长度测量不确定度为E2=(2.0+L/200)08m(L单位为mm)。 数控机床的精度和性能检测领域中,国外著名厂商Renishaw、API及HP等公司生产的激光干涉仪测量系统和球杆仪等在数控机床的几何精度和运动精度的检测和监控中,无论在机床制造厂还是机床使用厂,都得到了广泛的应用。Renishaw公司的激光干涉测量系统,配备了高精度、高灵敏度的温度、气压、湿度传感器及EC10环境补偿装置,在工作环境下测量精度得到进一步提高;API公司的Rmtea六维激光测量系统可同时测量6个数控机床精度项目的误差,缩短了检测时间,为生产现场数控机床的检测和诊断提供了更为快速高效的精密测量手段。成都工具研究所的MJS系列双频激光干涉仪,分辨力0.0108m,测量软件覆盖了我国和世界主要工业国的数控机床精度标准评定方法和指标,动态采样功能可用于自动补偿。 在非接触扫描测量,三坐标测量机方面LEITZ公司的精密三坐标测量机用于测量大型齿轮。瑞典HEXAGON集团所属DEA公司的PRIMA C1系列水平臂测量机配备有光学/激光式非接触扫描传感器,可适应不同测量环境和任务的要求。德国ZEISS公司的PROR Premium坐标测量机配备有EagleEye导航系统和可控测座可实施高速精密测量。 美国光动(Optodyne)公司近年推出的基于体对角线的激光矢量测量技术是快速测量和补偿数控机床、加工中心三维空间位置误差的一个新途径。该技术由美国光动公司发明并获得专利,它遵循了ASME B5.54。我国西安爱德华测量机公司自主开发的柔性关节臂测量机的样机。 德国帝目机械设备有限公司(teamtechnik)提供的测试系统解决方案。基于设备功能组成部分的模块化。独立于所测试的零件,功能元件被标准化为模块,并在应用过程中始终保持一致。设备以被测试的零件为中心,这样经过试用检验的技术就能够不断的积累和提高。 想了解更多请见:
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2023-07-23 00:48:191


《Do You Have a Little Time》歌词 If you"re feeling low and lost today You"re probably doing too much again You spend all your hours just rushing around Do you have a little time Do you have a little time for me? Slow down my love you"re confusing me If you"re feeling stressed just try calling You spend your time waiting for anyone to see Do you have a little time Do you have a little time for me? If you should stop for a while You will find me standing by Over here at the side of your life I"d like to hold you still, remind you of all you"ve missed If you have a little time If you have a little time that is Why do you still run when you could walk with me Life will pass you by when you move this quickly What can you see when you"re spinning around Do you have a little time Do you have a little time for me If you should stop for a while You will find me standing by Over here at the side of your life I like to hold you still, remind you of all you"ve missed If you have a little time If you have a little time that is If you let me listen I"ll make you feel clear You spend your time waiting for anyone to see If you should stop for a while You will find me standing by Over here at the side of your life I"d like to hold you still, remind you of all you"ve missed If you have a little time If you have a little time that is If you should stop for a while You will find me standing by Over here at the side of your life I"d like to hold you still, remind you of all you"ve missed If you have a little time If you have a little time that is 《Sand In My Shoes》歌词 Two weeks away feels like the whole world should have changed but I"m home now and things still look the same I think I"ll leave it till tomorrow to unpack, try to forget for one more night that I"m back in my flat on the road where the cars never stop going through the night to a life where I can"t watch the sunset, I don"t have time, I don"t have time I"ve still got sand in my shoes and I can"t shake the thought of you I should get on, forget you but why would I want to I know we said goodbye, anything else would"ve been confused but I want to see you again tomorrow"s back to work and down to sanity should run a bath and then clean up the mess I made before I left here try to remind myself that I was happy here before I knew that I could get on a plane and fly away from the road where the cars never stop going through the night to a life where I can watch the sunset and take my time, take all our time I"ve still got sand in my shoes and I can"t shake the thought of you I should get on forget you but why would I want to I know we said goodbye, anything else would"ve been confused but I want to see you again two weeks away, all it takes, to change and turn me around I"ve fallen I walked away, and never said, that I wanted to see you again I"ve still got sand in my shoes and I can"t shake the thought of you I should get on, forget you but why would I want to I know we said goodbye, anything else would"ve been confused but I want to see you again(x2) I wanna see you again I wanna see you again 《Who Makes You Feel》歌词 I don"t touch you the way I used to And I don"t call and write when I"m away We don"t make love as often as we did do Couldn"t wait , now waits and it usually goes away But listen and think when I say Oh but listen and think when I say Who makes you feel the way that I make you feel Who loves you and knows you the way I do Who touches you and holds you quite like I do Who makes you feel like I make you feel I don"t mind if you come home late I don"t ever ask you where you"ve been I just assume if there"s a problem, you"d tell me But listen and think when I say Oh but listen and think when I say Who makes you feel the way that I make you feel Who loves you and knows you the way I do Who touches you and holds you quite like I do Who makes you feel like I make you feel Who makes you feel like I make you feel Who makes you feel like I make you feel Being weak when I am strong Being seen, who you are Being sad and love"s not alone But listen and think when I say Oh but listen and think when I say Who makes you feel the way that I make you feel Who loves you and knows you the way I do Who touches you and holds you quite like I do Who makes you feel like I make you feel Who makes you feel the way that I make you feel Who loves you and knows you the way I do Who touches you and holds you quite like I do Who makes you feel like I make you feel Who makes you feel like I make you feel Who makes you feel like I make you feel Who makes you feel like I make you feel 《Don"t Leave Home》歌词 Like a ghost don"t need a key Your best friend I"ve come to be Please don"t think of getting up for me You don"t even need to speak When I"ve been here for just one day You"ll already miss me if I go away So close the blinds and shut the door You won"t need other friends anymore Oh don"t leave home, oh don"t leave home If you"re cold I"ll keep you warm If you"re low just hold on Cause I will be your safety Oh don"t leave home And I arrived when you were weak I"ll make you weaker, like a child Now all your love you give to me When your heart is all I need Oh don"t leave home, oh don"t leave home If you"re cold I"ll keep you warm If you"re low just hold on Cause I will be your safety Oh don"t leave home Oh how quiet, quiet the world can be When it"s just you and little me Everything is clear and everything is new So you won"t be leaving will you And if you"re cold I"ll keep you warm And if you"re low just hold on Cause I will be your safety Oh don"t leave home Cause I will be your safety and I will be your safety and I will be your safety Oh don"t leave home 《See You When You"re 40》歌词 I"ve driven round in circles for three hours It was bound to happen that I"d end up at yours I temporarily forgot there"s better days to come I thought that I would give it just one more chance Cos" I want, tonight, what I"ve been waiting for But I found, tonight, what I"d been warned about You think you are complicated, Deep mystery to all, Well it"s taken me a while to see, You"re not so special. All energy, no meaning, With a lot of words, So paper thin the one real feeling, Could knock you down. And I"ve seen, tonight, what I"d been warned about I"m gonna leave, tonight, before I change my mind So see you when you"re forty, Lost and all alone, Being comforted by strangers, YOU"LL never need to know, Not sad because you lost me, But sad because you thought it was cool, To be sad. You think misery will make you stand apart from the crowd. If you had walked past me today, I wouldn"t have picked you out, I wouldn"t have picked you out, Wouldn"t have picked you out. Now I"ve seen tonight, How could I waste my time? And I"ll be on my way, And I won"t be back, Cuz I"ve seen tonight, What I"ve been warned about, You"re just a boy, not a man. And I"m not coming back, And I"m not coming back, And I"m not coming back 《Mary"s in India》歌词 Danny is lonely cos Mary"s in India now She said she"d call but that was three weeks ago She left all her things well, her books and her letters from him And as the sun rises on Mary, it sets on him Just dance, just drink and just see the things I probably never get a chance to see Danny"s not eating, he"s drinking and sleeping in I saw him last night at a party, he"s definitely thin He says he"s happy, he looked pretty good but I think That as the sun rises on Mary, it sets on him Just dance, just drink and just see the things I probably never get the chance to see Danny came over last night and I cooked for him We talked about you Mary and how much we loved you still He told me he"s packed up your books and your letters and things And as the sun sets on Mary, it"s rising on him And we danced and we drank and I"ve seen some things you probably never got the chance to see Don"t worry, Mary cos I"m taking care of Danny And he"s taking care of me 《Life For Rent》歌词 Life for Rent I haven"t ever really found a place that I call home I never stick around quite long enough to make it I apologise that once again I"m not in love But it"s not as if I mind that your heart ain"t exactly breaking It"s just a thought,only a thought But if life is for rent and I don"t learn to buy well deserve nothing more than I get cos nothing I have is truly mine I "ve always thought that I would love to live by the sea to travel the world alone and live more simply I have no idea what"s happened to that dream cos there"s really nothing left here to stop me It"s ajust a thought ,only a thought But if my life is for rent and I don"t learn to buy well I deserve nothing than I get cos nothing I have is truly mine While my heart is a shield and I won"t let it down while I"m so afraid to fall so I won"t even try well how can I say I"m alive but if my life is for rent and I don"t lean to buy well I deserve nothing more than I get cos nothing I have is truly mine (repeat) 《Stoned》歌词 When you"re stoned, baby And I am drunk When we make love It seems a little desolate It"s hard sometimes not to look away And think what"s the point when I"m havin to hold this fire down I think I"ll explode if I can"t feel this free now Cause if you won"t let me fall for you Then you won"t see the best that I would love to do for you Instead you will be missing me when I go Cause I"m bored of hangin out, in your cold When I feel loved, baby, I join the road And the world moves with me When I feel lost I just slip away Silently, quietly take my things and go And think what"s the point, think where"s the hope when coming home Cause if you won"t let me fall for you Then you won"t see the best that I would love to do for you Instead you will be missing me when I go Cause I"m bored of hangin out, in your cold And if you find one day, find some freedom and relief With this freedom maybe, maybe you will find some peace And with this peace, baby, I hope it brings you back to me Bring you home, take me home Cause if you won"t let me fall for you Then you won"t see the best that I would love to do for you Instead you will be missing me when I go Cause I"m bored of hangin out, in your cold Wha-oh.... take me home Wha-oh.... take me home When you"re stoned, baby... take me home Wha-oh.... 《White Flag》歌词 I know you think that I shouldn"t still love you, Or tell you that. But if I didn"t say it, well I"d still have felt it where"s the sense in that? I promise I"m not trying to make your life harder Or return to where we were I will go down with this ship And I won"t put my hands up and surrender There will be no white flag above my door I"m in love and always will be I know I left too much mess and destruction to come back again And I caused nothing but trouble I understand if you can"t talk to me again And if you live by the rules of "it"s over" then I"m sure that that makes sense I will go down with this ship And I won"t put my hands up and surrender There will be no white flag above my door I"m in love and always will be And when we meet Which I"m sure we will All that was there Will be there still I"ll let it pass And hold my tongue And you will think That I"ve moved on.... I will go down with this ship And I won"t put my hands up and surrender There will be no white flag above my door I"m in love and always will be I will go down with this ship And I won"t put my hands up and surrender There will be no white flag above my door I"m in love and always will be I will go down with this ship And I won"t put my hands up and surrender There will be no white flag above my door I"m in love and always will be 在这些里面有没有啊??没有的话就不是这张专辑的了!!
2023-07-23 00:48:191

求《rolling in the deep》歌词

There"s a fire starting in my heartReaching a fever pitch, it"s bringing me out the darkFinally I can see you crystal clearGo head and sell me out and I"ll lay your shit bareSee how I leave with every piece of youDon"t underestimate the things that I will doThere"s a fire burning in my heartReaching a fever pitch, and it"s bring me out the darkThe scars of your love remind me of usThey keep me thinking that we almost had it allThe scars of your love they leave me breathlessI can"t help feelingWe could have had it allRolling in the deepYou had my heart and soul Inside of your handAnd you played itTo the beatBaby I have no story to be toldBut I"ve heard one of you, and I"m gonna make your head burnThink of me in the depths of your despairMaking a home down there, reminds you of the home we sharedThe scars of your love remind me of usThey keep me thinking that we almost had it allThe scars of your love they leave me breathlessI can"t help thinkingWe could have had it allRolling in the deepYou had my heart and soul Inside of your handAnd you played itTo the beatWe could have had it allRolling in the deepYou had my heart and soul Inside of your handAnd you played itTo the beatThrow your soul through every open doorCount your blessings to find what you look forTurned my sorrow into treasured goldYou pay me back in kind and reap just what you sowWe could have had it allWe could have had it allIt all, it all it all,We could have had it all Rolling in the deepYou had my heart and soul Inside of your handBut you played itTo the beat
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2023-07-23 00:48:292

adobe flash player出现这个是什么问题

AdobeFlashPlayer发生ActionScript错误…… 这种AdobeFlashPlayer是专供设计人员使用的debugger版(调试版、勘误版),一遇网页异常即弹窗报错,有助于分析更正。普通用户不搞Flash设计不宜安装debugger版,否则不胜其烦。卸载debugger重装普通版AdobeFlashPlayer,就不会出现这个错误提示咯。 卸载程序: 安装程序: ActiveX:适用于Windows7、vista、xp系统IE内核浏览器、本地视频、游戏客户端 NPAPI:适用于FireFox(火狐)、Safari(苹果)、Opera(欧朋,12.17版以下) PPAPI:适用于Chromium浏览器、Opera(欧朋,15.00版以上) 至于错误冲突本身,属网页和网站问题,用户解决不了,就不必管它了。 如果是Windows8、8.1Internetexplorer弹出这个界面,及时追问,另用其它方法解决。
2023-07-23 00:48:321

Rolling in the deep的歌曲MV

《Rolling In The Deep》的音乐录影带由导演Sam Brown执导,MV在一栋废弃的房子里拍摄。 MV中阿黛尔坐在椅子上唱歌,MV展示了众多玻璃杯装满水随着音乐的鼓点不停地震动,一个舞者在布满白面粉和灰尘的房间跳舞,而鼓手则在楼梯后面打鼓。随着鼓点一个个瓷盘被打碎在墙上,在MV的结尾中中展示了一座白色的模型城市,在模型上则是五个灯泡的爆裂。
2023-07-23 00:48:331

英文名大全 英文名大全有什么

1、“Luke”是一个比较简单的英文名字,只有四个英文字母组成,发音也比较简洁,读作[luk],根据这个发音,我们也可以把其音译为卢克或者路加。并且这个名字的来源语种是拉丁语、古英语,寓意着高大强壮英俊的运动员,所以,这个名字很符合男孩的形象和气质。同时,这个名字是光明,来自卢卡尼亚的意思,以传统地名起名,很有个性和特色。 2、“Oliver”是一个很温和的男孩英文名字,发音是[ɑlv],中文音译名字是奥利弗,既给人一种简单洋气的感觉,又带有很真挚的情感,其也是一个来源于拉丁语、古英语中的英文名字。在西方这个名字的意思是橄榄树,是深情的一种象征,所以,用这个有浪漫意义的内涵起名,既文艺,又独特,关键这个名字还十分好听,是匈牙利形式的OLIVER。 3、“Jayden”发音是[jay-den],所以,它的音译名字比较简单,中文音译为杰登,不仅给人一种帅气阳光的感觉,而且这个名字也寓意着正直、诚信、不善变,是一个很有意义的男孩英文名字。同时,这个英文名字也充满着艺术感,带给人一种多才多艺,非常独立,喜音乐的印象,并且,这个名字的根源是在美国和希伯来语,很有个性。 4、“Madge”是一个很简答的女孩英文名,其发音是[md],中文音译为麦吉,不仅很可爱,而且也很独特,并且这个名字的来源语种是俄语和斯拉夫语,很有特色。最有意义的是,这个名字寓意是珍珠,代表着高贵和气质,所以,这个英文名字有很热烈的艺术感,给人一种友善可亲、真诚待人的感觉。 5、“Chloe”是一个来源于古英语、希腊语中的女孩英文名字,发音是["klui],根据这个发音,其中文音译为克洛伊,不仅给人一种很文艺的感觉,而且这个名字也给人一种诚实,可靠的印象。同时,这个名字在西方的寓意很美好,寓意重视重感情的人,并且,这个名字的含义也很独特,是开花的、绿色药草的意思。因此,这个名字很有特点,也很适合女孩。 6、“Leah”发音极其简单,是[li],中文音译为利亚,是一个来源于古英语、希伯来语中的女孩英文名。在西方,这个英文名字寓意统治者,不仅给人一种霸气大气的感觉,而且这个名字也是能力的一种象征,是一个很适合职场使用的英文名字。同时,这个名字也有正直、诚信的意思,既包含着美好的品质,又带有很强的责任感。
2023-07-23 00:48:361


盐酸左氧氟沙星 这是抗菌药吧 这不喹诺酮类药物么 谁告诉你治肾结石的 你迅速停药不良反应用药期间可能出现恶心、呕吐、腹部不适、腹泻、食欲缺乏、腹痛、腹胀等症状,失眠、头晕、头痛等神经系统症状和皮疹、搔痒等症状。亦可出现一过性肝功能异常,如血清氨基转移酶增高、血清总胆红素升高等。上述不良反应发生率在0.1%~5%之间。偶见血中尿素氮上升、倦怠、发热、心悸、味觉异常等,一般均能耐受,疗...
2023-07-23 00:48:382

windows怎么安装flash player

不同浏览器, Flash player 安装方法有所不同。Windows 10 IE/edge浏览器,内嵌Flash player,应当通过windows update检查更新,安装当月Flash Player升级补丁。例如本月最新补丁KB3135782就是Adobe flash player。Windows 10 其它浏览器(非IE/Edge),推荐Adobe官网,选择操作系统与浏览器组合,下载对应的flash插件:NPAPI:适用于FireFox(火狐)、Safari(苹果)、Opera (欧朋,12.17版以下)PPAPI:适用于Chromium浏览器、Opera (欧朋,15.00版以上)以前安装过这些插件的,可到控制面板 Flash Player(32位)检查更新如下图注意:不要硬往Windows 8以上的系统中安装仅适用于Windows 7以下系统的Adobe Flash Player ActiveX 或者 for IE,否则便会出现错误提示如下图。Chrome浏览器内部集成的Adobe Flash Player插件,可通过升级浏览器版本而一同更新。双核浏览器,比如36〇、UC、QQ、2345、猎豹、搜狗、傲游、115浏览器等等,含谷歌内核,本身内置Adobe Flash Player,更新方法首选升级浏览器。在此基础上,可借助系统中安装的NPAPI/PPAPI,或通过替换浏览器自带的PPAPI插件(pepflashplayer.dll)来进一步更新,操作复杂,一般用户不建议采用此法。
2023-07-23 00:48:411


西方古典乐曲作品有的带有标题,有的是无标题音乐。所以作曲家习惯对自己的所有作品进行编号。 例如:有一类排序方式为“第*钢琴协奏曲,第*交响曲”等。 还有一类如:“OP.**”中“OP”代表作品,“**”代表作曲家编排的序号。 莫扎特的作品很多,这个号码可以编到数百以上。
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2023-07-23 00:48:081

rolling in the deep 歌词

There"s a fire starting in my heart 我怒火中烧Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark 熊熊烈焰带我走出黑暗Finally, I can see you crystal clear 最终 我将你看得一清二楚Go ahead and sell me out and I"ll lay your ship bare 去吧 出卖我 我会让你一无所有See how I"ll leave with every piece of you 看我怎么离你而去 带走你的一切Don"t underestimate the things that I will do 不要低估我将来的所作所为There"s a fire starting in my heart 我怒火中烧Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bring me out the dark 熊熊烈焰带我走出黑暗The scars of your love remind me of us 你的爱情伤痕让我想起了我们曾经的甜蜜They keep me thinking that we almost had it all 它们总在提醒我 我们几乎拥有了一切The scars of your love, they leave me breathless 你的爱情伤痕 让我窒息I can"t help feeling 我不禁心生感触We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切(You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的芳心(You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)And you played it to the beat 但是你玩弄它 伴着每一次心跳(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)Baby, I have no story to be told 宝贝 我没有故事可讲But I"ve heard one on you and I"m gonna make your head burn 但是我听说了一件有关你的事情 我会让你焦头烂额Think of me in the depths of your despair 在绝望的深渊中想起我Making a home down there as mine sure won"t be shared 就在那里安家吧 因为我的家园绝对没你的份The scars of your love remind me of us 你的爱情伤痕让我想起了我们曾经的甜蜜(You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)They keep me thinking that we almost had it all 它们总在提醒我 我们几乎拥有了一切(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)The scars of your love, they leave me breathless 你的爱情伤痕 让我窒息(You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)I can"t help feeling 我不禁心生感触(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切(You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的芳心(You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)And you played it to the beat 但是你玩弄它 伴着每一次心跳(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)Could have had it all 本该拥有一切Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的芳心But you played it with a beating 但是你玩弄它 还一顿打击Throw your soul through every open door 打开每一扇门 将你的灵魂驱赶出去Count your blessings to find what you look for 细数你的祷告 知道你在寻找什么Turn my sorrow into treasured gold 把我的悲痛化作珍宝You"ll pay me back in kind and reap just what you"ve sown 我要让你付出同样的代价 你自作自受 自食其果(You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切(You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)It all, it all, it all 一切 一切 一切(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)We could have had it all 我们本该拥有一切(You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的芳心(You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)And you played it to the beat 但是你玩弄它 伴着每一次心跳(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)Could have had it all 本该拥有一切(You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) (眼泪快要掉下来,内心深处爱恨交织)You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的芳心(You"re gonna wish you never had met me) (你会祈祷 要是从未遇见我该有多好)But you played it 但是你玩弄它You played it 你玩弄它You played it 你玩弄它You played it to the beat 你玩弄它 伴着每一次心跳
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2023-07-23 00:48:031


2023年有什么纪念的事件   2023年有什么纪念的事件,一年之中我们会遇到很多的节日,这些节日对于我们来说有一种非常美好的寓意,它不仅能够让我们在忙碌的生活中有片刻的"喘息之时。下面看看2023年有什么纪念的事件。   2023年有什么纪念的事件1   3月1日——昆明火车站砍人9周年祭。   2023年3月8日——MH370失踪9周年祭。 2023年4月——东北大学百年校庆。   2023年4月8日——英国前首相玛格丽特·希尔达·撒切尔逝世10周年。   2023年4月14日——玉树地震13周年祭。   2023年4月20日——雅安地震10周年祭。 2023年5月1日——2010年上海世博会13周年纪念日。   2023年5月12日——汶川大地震15周年祭。 2023年8月8日——舟曲泥石流13周年祭。   2023年8月8日——第29届北京奥运会15周年纪念日。   2023年8月6日——TFboys出道十周年纪念日。 11月12日——第16届广州亚运会13周年纪念日。   11月12日——中国人民银行2015年版第五套人民币100元纸币发行8周年。 2023年12月5日——南非前总统纳尔逊·罗利赫拉赫拉·曼德拉逝世10周年。   2023年有什么纪念的事件2   2023年公历平年,农历葵卯年(兔年)。   2023年法定假日:   一、元旦:1月1日放假,12月30日(星期五)补休。2022年12月30日星期五至2023年1月1日星期日放假   二、春节:1月22日正月初一星期日至1月28日正月初七放假调休,共7天。1月22日(星期六)、2月29日(星期六)上班。2023年1月22日至2023年1月28日放假   三、清明节:4月3日至5日放假调休,共3天。4月1日星期六 4月2日(星期日)上班。   四、劳动节:4月29日星期六至5月3日星期三放假共5天 4月23日星期日 5月6日星期六上班   五、端午节:6月22日至6月24日放假共3天 6月25日星期日上班   六、中秋节国庆节:9月29日至10月7日放假调休,共9天。10月8日(星期日)上班。   众所周知按生肖来算2023年便是兔年了,由于该年份被更多人称之为黑兔年,所以很多人都不是很期待这一年的到来,而该年份之所以陈志诶黑兔年主要是根据天干地支、五行八卦推出2023年癸卯年,癸水为黑,卯为兔,合一起就叫黑兔。所以,2023年是黑兔年。2083年也是,60年遇一次。2023年黑兔年大灾难原话:   黑兔夜走青龙月,欲去不尽不敢说。对此解释众说纷纭,一是2023年黑兔2024青龙,由兔年进入龙年;二是黑兔吃了豹子胆走进龙穴,揭示黑兔有篡位之意,不自量力。欲去不尽不敢说表示黑兔遭到囚禁,生死不由己,然而拒不交待,因为有不可说的秘密。   2023年有什么纪念的事件3    2023年节日大全一览表 日历时间   元旦New Years Day2023-01-01星期日。春节黄金周假期Spring Festival Eve2023-01-21星期六。春节Chinese New Year2023-01-22星期日,元宵节Lantern Festival2023-02-05。中和节Zhonghe Festival2023-02-21星期二。   妇女节International Womens Day2023-03-08星期三。植树节Arbor Day2023-03-12星期日。清明节Qing Ming Jie2023-04-05星期三。劳动节Labor Day / May Day2023-05-01星期一。青年节Youth Day2023-05-04星期四。   儿童节Childrens Day2023-06-01星期四。端午节假期Dragon Boat Festival2023-06-22星期四。建党节CPC Founding Day2023-07-01。中国航海日Maritime Day2023-07-11星期二。   建军节Army Day2023-08-01星期二。七夕节Chinese Valentines Day2023-08-22星期二。中元节(鬼节)Spirit Festival2023-08-30星期三。教师节Teachers Day2023-09-10星期日。    节日的来源   在我们的日常生活中,总是有一些日子特别值得纪念,它对于我们各大民族来说也非常重要,这就是一些源自于传统习俗和文化之中演变而来的节假日。各民族和地区都有自己的节日。一些节日源于传统习俗,   如中国的春节、中秋节、清明节、重阳节等。有的节日源于宗教,比如国家的圣诞节。有的节日源于对某人或某件事件的纪念,比如中国的端午节、国庆节、青年节等等。另有国际组织提倡的运动指定的日子,如劳动节、妇女节、母亲节。    假日的传统美食   节日:除夕,美食:饺子;节日:春节,美食:年糕;节日:立春,美食:春饼;节日:元宵节,美食:汤圆;节日:端午节,美食:粽子;节日:中秋节,美食:月饼;节日:腊八节,美食:腊八粥;节日:清明节,美食:枣饼;节日:立秋,美食:贴秋膘;节日:重阳节,美食:菊花酒。
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be 英[bi] 美[bi] v. 是; 有,存在; 做,成为; 发生; aux. 用来表示某人或某物即主语本身,用来表示某人或某物属于某一群体或有某种性质; [例句]This is happening in every school throughout the country全国各地每所学校都在发生这样的事情。
2023-07-23 00:47:592

有中文版的Rolling in The Deep

2023-07-23 00:47:573


2023-07-23 00:47:561

i am yours 歌词

《I"m Yours》By Jason Mraz Well you done done me and you bet I felt it 好吧,我想你一定知道我已经感受到你所做的一切 I tried to be chill but you"re so hot that I melted 想要冷静的我奈何敌不过你的热情 I fell right through the cracks 这感觉如同蹦极般奇妙 and now I"m trying to get back 而我现在开始尝试着回归现实 Before the cool done run out 在我的冲动尚未冷却之前 I"ll be giving it my bestest 我会拼尽全力(赢得你的心) Nothing"s going to stop me but divine intervention (我发誓)除非天生异象否则绝不停止 I reckon it"s again my turn to win some or learn some 估计这正是我证明自己的机会吧 I won"t hesitate no more, no more 我绝不,绝不再犹豫 It cannot wait, I"m yours 一刻也不能再等,我属于你Well open up your mind and see like me 好吧,敞开心扉像我一样看这个世界Open up your plans and damn you"re free 忘记该死的计划吧,享受自由Look into your heart and you"ll find love love love 审视你的内心,你会发现那里充满了爱 Listen to the music of the moment maybe sing with me 当音乐响起,要不要跟我一唱一和 A lá peaceful melody 啊,多么安静祥和的旋律It"s your God-forsaken right to be loved love loved love loved 我们拥有爱与被爱的权利So I won"t hesitate no more, no more 我绝不,绝不再犹豫 It cannot wait I"m sure 一刻也不能再等,我已完全确定 There"s no need to complicate 无须再多加思索 Our time is short 时日无多 This is our fate, I"m yours 这是我们的命运,我属于你I"ve been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror 我已经花了太多太多的时间对着镜子打量自己And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer 来回转身只为能看得更清楚一点My breath fogged up the glass 但我呼出的雾气模糊了镜面 And so I drew a new face and laughed 于是我微笑着在上面画上一个笑脸 I guess what i"m saying is there ain"t no better reason我想我说的就是这样了吧 To rid yourself of vanity and just go with the seasons 请丢开心中的杂念(让它)随着季节改变而流逝 It"s what we aim to do 这就是我们的目标 Our name is our virtue 我们的名字是上天的恩赐I won"t hesitate no more, no more 我绝不,绝不再犹豫 It cannot wait I"m yours一刻也不能再等,我属于你Well no no, well open up your mind and see like me 好吧,敞开心扉像我一样看这个世界Open up your plans and damn you"re free 忘记该死的计划吧,享受自由look into your heart and you"ll find the sky is yours审视内心,你会发现天空是属于你的so please don"t, please don"t, please don"t所以请不要,不要,不要there"s no need to complicate 无须再多加思索coz our time is short因为我们的时间不多this"s this"s this is our fate, i"m yours 这,这,这就是我们的命运,我属于你
2023-07-23 00:47:542


注 意 : 如果父控件不能接受触摸事件,那么子控件就不可能接收到触摸事件 UIView不能接收触摸事件的三种情况: 注 意 :默认UIImageView不能接受触摸事件,因为不允许交互,即userInteractionEnabled = NO。所以如果希望UIImageView可以交互,需要设置UIImageView的userInteractionEnabled = YES。 1.点击一个UIView或产生一个触摸事件A,这个触摸事件A会被添加到由UIApplication管理的事件队列中(即,首先接收到事件的是UIApplication)。 2.UIApplication会从事件对列中取出最前面的事件(此处假设为触摸事件A),把事件A传递给应用程序的主窗口(keyWindow)。 3.窗口会在视图层次结构中找到一个最合适的视图来处理触摸事件。(至此,第一步已完成) 如果想让某个view不能处理事件(或者说,事件传递到某个view那里就断了),那么可以通过刚才提到的三种方式。比如,设置其userInteractionEnabled = NO;那么传递下来的事件就会由该view的父控件处理。 例如,不想让蓝色的view接收事件,那么可以设置蓝色的view的userInteractionEnabled = NO;那么点击黄色的view或者蓝色的view所产生的事件,最终会由橙色的view处理,橙色的view就会成为最合适的view。 所以,不管视图能不能处理事件,只要点击了视图就都会产生事件,关键在于该事件最终是由谁来处理!也就是说,如果蓝色视图不能处理事件,点击蓝色视图产生的触摸事件不会由被点击的视图(蓝色视图)处理! 注意:如果设置父控件的透明度或者hidden,会直接影响到子控件的透明度和hidden。如果父控件的透明度为0或者hidden = YES,那么子控件也是不可见的! 应用如何找到最合适的控件来处理事件? 1.首先判断主窗口(keyWindow)自己是否能接受触摸事件 2.触摸点是否在自己身上 3.从后往前遍历子控件,重复前面的两个步骤(首先查找数组中最后一个元素) 4.如果没有符合条件的子控件,那么就认为自己最合适处理 详述:1.主窗口接收到应用程序传递过来的事件后,首先判断自己能否接手触摸事件。如果能,那么在判断触摸点在不在窗口自己身上    2.如果触摸点也在窗口身上,那么窗口会从后往前遍历自己的子控件(遍历自己的子控件只是为了寻找出来最合适的view)    3.遍历到每一个子控件后,又会重复上面的两个步骤(传递事件给子控件,1.判断子控件能否接受事件,2.点在不在子控件上)    4.如此循环遍历子控件,直到找到最合适的view,如果没有更合适的子控件,那么自己就成为最合适的view。 找到最合适的view后,就会调用该view的touches方法处理具体的事件。所以,只有找到最合适的view,把事件传递给最合适的view后,才会调用touches方法进行接下来的事件处理。找不到最合适的view,就不会调用touches方法进行事件处理。 注意:之所以会采取从后往前遍历子控件的方式寻找最合适的view只是为了做一些循环优化。因为相比较之下,后添加的view在上面,降低循环次数。 两个重要的方法: hitTest:withEvent: 方法 pointInside 方法 什么时候调用? 作用 注 意 :不管这个控件能不能处理事件,也不管触摸点在不在这个控件上,事件都会先传递给这个控件,随后再调用hitTest:withEvent:方法 拦截事件的处理 事件传递给谁,就会调用谁的hitTest:withEvent:方法。 注 意 :如果hitTest:withEvent:方法中返回nil,那么调用该方法的控件本身和其子控件都不是最合适的view,也就是在自己身上没有找到更合适的view。那么最合适的view就是该控件的父控件。 所以事件的传递顺序是这样的:   产生触摸事件->UIApplication事件队列->[UIWindow hitTest:withEvent:]->返回 更合适 的view->[子控件 hitTest:withEvent:]->返回 最合适 的view 事件传递给窗口或控件的后,就调用hitTest:withEvent:方法寻找更合适的view。所以是,先传递事件,再根据事件在自己身上找更合适的view。 不管子控件是不是最合适的view,系统默认都要先把事件传递给子控件,经过子控件调用子控件自己的hitTest:withEvent:方法验证后才知道有没有更合适的view。即便父控件是最合适的view了,子控件的hitTest:withEvent:方法还是会调用,不然怎么知道有没有更合适的!即,如果确定最终父控件是最合适的view,那么该父控件的子控件的hitTest:withEvent:方法也是会被调用的。 技巧: 想让谁成为最合适的view就重写谁自己的父控件的hitTest:withEvent:方法返回指定的子控件,或者重写自己的hitTest:withEvent:方法 return self。但是, 建议在父控件的hitTest:withEvent:中返回子控件作为最合适的view! 原因 在于在自己的hitTest:withEvent:方法中返回自己有时候会出现问题。因为会存在这么一种情况:当遍历子控件时,如果触摸点不在子控件A自己身上而是在子控件B身上,还要要求返回子控件A作为最合适的view,采用返回自己的方法可能会导致还没有来得及遍历A自己,就有可能已经遍历了点真正所在的view,也就是B。这就导致了返回的不是自己而是触摸点真正所在的view。所以还是建议在父控件的hitTest:withEvent:中返回子控件作为最合适的view! 例如: whiteView有redView和greenView两个子控件。redView先添加,greenView后添加。如果要求无论点击那里都要让redView作为最合适的view(把事件交给redView来处理)那么只能在whiteView的hitTest:withEvent:方法中return self.subViews[0];这种情况下在redView的hitTest:withEvent:方法中return self;是不好使的! 特殊情况: 谁都不能处理事件,窗口也不能处理。 只能有窗口处理事件。 return nil的含义: hitTest:withEvent:中return nil的意思是调用当前hitTest:withEvent:方法的view不是合适的view,子控件也不是合适的view。如果同级的兄弟控件也没有合适的view,那么最合适的view就是父控件。 寻找最合适的view底层剖析之hitTest:withEvent:方法底层做法 /************************************************ hitTest:withEvent:方法底层实现************************************************/ hit:withEvent:方法底层会调用pointInside:withEvent:方法判断点在不在方法调用者的坐标系上。 pointInside:withEvent:方法判断点在不在当前view上(方法调用者的坐标系上)如果返回YES,代表点在方法调用者的坐标系上;返回NO代表点不在方法调用者的坐标系上,那么方法调用者也就不能处理事件。 屏幕上现在有一个viewA,viewA有一个subView叫做viewB,要求触摸viewB时,viewB会响应事件,而触摸viewA本身,不会响应该事件。如何实现? 1>用户点击屏幕后产生的一个触摸事件,经过一系列的传递过程后,会找到最合适的视图控件来处理这个事件2>找到最合适的视图控件后,就会调用控件的touches方法来作具体的事件处理touchesBegan…touchesMoved…touchedEnded…3>这些touches方法的默认做法是将事件顺着响应者链条向上传递(也就是touch方法默认不处理事件,只传递事件),将事件交给上一个响应者进行处理 响应者链条: 在iOS程序中无论是最后面的UIWindow还是最前面的某个按钮,它们的摆放是有前后关系的,一个控件可以放到另一个控件上面或下面,那么用户点击某个控件时是触发上面的控件还是下面的控件呢,这种先后关系构成一个链条就叫“响应者链”。也可以说,响应者链是由多个响应者对象连接起来的链条。在iOS中响应者链的关系可以用下图表示: 响应者对象: 能处理事件的对象,也就是继承自UIResponder的对象 作用: 能很清楚的看见每个响应者之间的联系,并且可以让一个事件多个对象处理。 如何判断上一个响应者 响应者链的事件传递过程: 事件处理的整个流程总结:   1.触摸屏幕产生触摸事件后,触摸事件会被添加到由UIApplication管理的事件队列中(即,首先接收到事件的是UIApplication)。   2.UIApplication会从事件队列中取出最前面的事件,把事件传递给应用程序的主窗口(keyWindow)。   3.主窗口会在视图层次结构中找到一个最合适的视图来处理触摸事件。(至此,第一步已完成)   4.最合适的view会调用自己的touches方法处理事件   5.touches默认做法是把事件顺着响应者链条向上抛。 touches的默认做法: 事件的传递与响应: 1、当一个事件发生后,事件会从父控件传给子控件,也就是说由UIApplication -> UIWindow -> UIView -> initial view,以上就是事件的传递,也就是寻找最合适的view的过程。 2、接下来是事件的响应。首先看initial view能否处理这个事件,如果不能则会将事件传递给其上级视图(inital view的superView);如果上级视图仍然无法处理则会继续往上传递;一直传递到视图控制器view controller,首先判断视图控制器的根视图view是否能处理此事件;如果不能则接着判断该视图控制器能否处理此事件,如果还是不能则继续向上传 递;(对于第二个图视图控制器本身还在另一个视图控制器中,则继续交给父视图控制器的根视图,如果根视图不能处理则交给父视图控制器处理);一直到 window,如果window还是不能处理此事件则继续交给application处理,如果最后application还是不能处理此事件则将其丢弃 3、在事件的响应中,如果某个控件实现了touches...方法,则这个事件将由该控件来接受,如果调用了[supertouches….];就会将事件顺着响应者链条往上传递,传递给上一个响应者;接着就会调用上一个响应者的touches….方法 如何做到一个事件多个对象处理: 因为系统默认做法是把事件上抛给父控件,所以可以通过重写自己的touches方法和父控件的touches方法来达到一个事件多个对象处理的目的。 事件的传递和响应的区别: 事件的传递是从上到下(父控件到子控件),事件的响应是从下到上(顺着响应者链条向上传递:子控件到父控件。
2023-07-23 00:47:521

钢琴大师《Rolling in the deep》歌词介绍

There"s a fire starting in my heart,我心中燃起了一股火焰Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark那温度将我从黑暗解救Finally, I can see you crystal clear.我终于看清你了Go ahead and sell me out and I"ll lay your sheet bare.继续将我出卖然后放弃自己的全部赤裸的留在你的心中See how I leave, with every piece of you看我怎样将你从我的记忆里逐一脱离Don"t underestimate the things that I will do.不要低估我将会做些什么There"s a fire starting in my heart,我心中燃起了一股火焰Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark那温度将我从黑暗解救The scars of your love, remind me of us.你的爱所留给我的伤痛,提醒了我They keep me thinking that we almost had it all让我觉得只差一步之遥 我们将会拥有一切The scars of your love, they leave me breathless你的爱所留给我的伤痛,已让我无法呼吸I can"t help feeling...我甚至已失去知觉We could have had it all我们本应幸福的Rolling in the Deep在黑暗中翻滚Your had my heart... Inside of your hands你曾把我的心捏在手里And you played it... To the beat然后玩弄它Baby I have no story to be told,宝贝我已无话可说But I"ve heard one of you and I"m gonna make your head burn.可我知道你的思绪缠绕着你Think of me in the depths of your despair.在绝望的深处想着我Making a home down there, as mine sure won"t be shared.在你绝望的深处,我不再和你分担The scars of your love, remind me of us.你的爱所留给我的伤痛,提醒了我They keep me thinking that we almost had it all让我觉得只差一步之遥 我们将会拥有一切The scars of your love, they leave me breathless你的爱所留给我的伤痛,已让我无法呼吸I can"t help feeling...我甚至已失去知觉重复“We could have had it all... Rolling in the DeepYour had my heart inside of your handAnd you played it To the beatWe could have had it allRolling in the deep.You had my heart inside of your hand,But you played it with your beatThrow yourself through ever open door (Whoa)从每一扇开着的门中穿越Count your blessings to find what look for (Whoa、uh)希望你能找到你想要的Turn my sorrow into treasured gold (Whoa)把我的悲伤化作“财富“And pay me back in kind、 You reap just what you"ve sown.让你知道什么是种瓜得瓜种豆得豆重复“(You"re gonna wish you... Never had met me)We could have had it all (Tears are gonna fall... Rolling in the deep)We could have had it all yeah ( you"re gonna wish you... never had met me)It all. (Tears are gonna fall)It allIt all (Rolling in the deep)We could have had it all (you"re gonna wish you, never had met me)Rolling in the deep (Tears are gonna fall rolling in the deep)You had my heart inside... (you"re gonna wish you)... of your hand (Never had met me)And you played it... (Tears are gonna fall)... to the beat (Rolling in the deep)We could have had it all ( you"re wish you never had met me)Rolling in the deep (tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)You had my heart... ( you"re gonna wish you)... Inside of your hand (Never had met me)”But you played it但你欺骗了我You played it.欺骗了我You played it.欺骗了我You played it to the beat.欺骗了全部的我
2023-07-23 00:47:491


您好,很荣幸回答您的问题。 盐酸左氧氟沙星胶囊(左克) 本品适用于敏感细菌引起的下列轻重感染:  1、呼吸系统感染:急性支气管炎、慢性支气管炎急性发作、弥漫性细支气管炎、支气管扩张合2、并感染、肺炎、扁桃体炎(扁桃体周围脓肿);  3、泌尿系统感染:肾盂肾炎、复杂性尿路感染等;  4、生殖系统感染:急性前列腺炎、急性副睾炎、宫腔感染、子宫附件炎、盆腔炎(疑有厌氧菌感染时可合用甲硝唑);  5、皮肤软组织感染:传染性脓疱病、蜂窝组织炎、淋巴管(结)炎、皮下脓肿、肛周脓肿等;  6、肠道感染:细菌性痢疾、感染性肠炎、沙门菌属肠炎、伤寒及副伤寒;败血症、粒细胞减少及免疫功能低下患者的各种感染;  7、其他感染:乳腺炎、外伤、烧伤及手术后伤口感染、腹腔感染(必要时合用甲硝唑)、胆囊炎、胆管炎、骨与关节感染以及五官科感染等。如果您患的是感染性肠炎的话是可以服用的。希望能帮到您。
2023-07-23 00:47:491