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2023-07-23 06:31:13



















freeze过去式:froze;过去分词:frozen一、过去式froze英 [fru0259u028az] 美 [frou028az]v.(使)结冰( freeze的过去式 );冷冻贮藏,冷藏;冻结(资金、银行账户等);(使)冻住1、She froze when the beam of the flashlight struck her.当手电筒的光照到她身上时她僵住了。2、She froze, her mouth hanging open.她呆住了,嘴张开着。二、过去分词frozen英 [u02c8fru0259u028azn] 美 [u02c8frou028azn]adj.冷冻的;冰封的;冻硬的;呆若木鸡的v.冻结;冷藏;结冰( freeze的过去分词);冻住1、Frozen fish is a very healthy convenience food.冻鱼是非常健康的方便食品。2、He put one hand up to his frozen face他用一只手捂在冰冷的脸上。扩展资料同义词:一、icing英 [u02c8au026asu026au014b] 美 [u02c8au026asu026au014b]n.结冰;糖衣,酥皮;[航]飞机外身的霜冻v.结冰(ice的现在分词)1、The roads are icing up as we speak.就在我们说话的同时,路上结冰了。2、Heated vane for use in wind turbine control and wind resource assessment in icing environments.加热叶片,用于风力发电机的控制和风能资源评估结冰的环境。二、frost英 [fru0252st] 美 [fru0254:st]vt.& vi.使结冰霜;冻坏;(在蛋糕上)撒糖霜vi.结霜;受冻n.霜冻,结霜;严寒,寒冷;冷淡There were ten degrees of frost (= the temperature dropped to -10u02daC) last night.昨夜零下10摄氏度。
2023-07-22 23:02:554


2023-07-22 23:03:171


forzen的英语释义如下:1.结冰的;冰冻的;冻住的2.严寒的3.冷冻的,冷藏的4.冻伤的,冻坏的5.(行为、态度等)冷淡的,缺乏感情的6.呆板的;吓呆的frozen是一个英文单词,是freeze(冻结结冰)的过去分词。frozen也可以作为形容词义为冰封的冰藏的冰封的冻伤的;冻死的;冻僵的;冷冻的;固定的;不变的;冻结的;冷漠的;冷淡的;鄙视的;一动不动的;不能动弹的。《冰雪奇缘》(Frozen)是2013年迪士尼出品3D的动画电影,由克里斯·巴克、珍妮弗·李执导,克里斯汀·贝尔、伊迪娜·门泽尔等参与主要配音。该片于2013年11月27日在美国上映。forzen的双语例句:1、These frozen foods are the most convenient of all.这些冷冻食品是最为方便。2、Our feet crunched on the frozen snow.我们的双脚嘎吱作响地踩着冰冻的雪地。3、The lake was frozen over until late spring.那湖全让冰封住了,到晚春才解冻。4、The seedling was frozen to death.幼苗被冻死了。5、They took me ice-skating on a frozen lake.他们带我去一个结冰的湖面上溜冰了。6、I"m absolutely frozen!我简直冻僵了!7、You look frozen stiff.看来你冻僵了。8、The ground was frozen solid.地面冻得硬邦邦的。(尤指地面:冻硬的)9、One boy,aged about 11,looks frozen with fright.一个大约11岁的男孩吓得一动不动。10、I"m frozen to the bone out here.我在这里快冻死了。
2023-07-22 23:03:421


2023-07-22 23:04:203


  《冰雪奇缘》(frozen),2013迪士尼3d动画电影,迪士尼成立90周年纪念作品,改编自安徒生童话《白雪皇后》。影片讲述一个严冬咒语令王国被冰天雪地永久覆盖,安娜和山民克里斯托夫以及他的驯鹿搭档组队出发,为寻找姐姐拯救王国展开一段冒险。该片包揽了2013年度金球奖、安妮奖、奥斯卡的最佳动画长片,主题曲《let it go》斩获奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲奖,截至2014年4月10日,电影原声带也已9周领跑美国公告牌专辑销量榜首成为继《泰坦尼克号》以来最火爆的原声专辑。以下是我为大家准备的frozen 电影台词,希望大家喜欢!   frozen 电影台词(一)   1.Born of cold and winter air and mountain rain combining.   她出生在寒冷和山雨交加的夜晚。   2.This icy force both foul and fair has a frozen heart worth mining.   不畏严寒的肆虐,一颗冰封的心等待着挖掘。   3.Cut through the heart ,cold and clear .Strike for love and strike for fear.See the beauty sharp and sheer.   寒冷剔透的心。为了爱而战,不畏恐惧。发现强烈并且纯粹的美丽。   4.Split the ice apart.And break the frozen heart.   打破寒冰。融化冰封的心。   5.Hi ,Iu2019m Olaf . And I like warm hugs.   嗨,我是雪宝。我爱温暖的拥抱。   6.Do you want to build a snowman? It doesnu2019t have to be a snowman.   你想玩堆雪人吗?或者别的也行。   Go away , Anna. Okay ,bye.   走开,安娜。 好吧,再见。   父母遭遇海难身故,Anna再次到姐姐房门外,只剩姐妹两个从此相依为命了。   6.Iu2019m right out here for you .just let me in.we only have each other .Itu2019s just you and me ,what are we gonna do?   我在外面等你,让我进来吧。我们只有彼此了,只有你和我。我们该怎么办?   7.Because I donu2019t trust your judgment . Excuse me ? who marries a man she just met?   因为我不相信你的判断。 你说什么? 谁跟一个陌生人结婚了?   8.I always want a nose. So cute.Itu2019s like a little baby unicorn.   我一直想要一个鼻子。 真可爱。像个小独角兽宝宝。   9.Oh , I donu2019t know why .But Iu2019ve always loved the idea of summer , and sun ,and all hot things .   噢,我不知道为什么。但是我一直爱夏天这个主意,还有太阳,和所有热的东西。   10.Really ,Iu2019m guessing you donu2019t have much experience with heat.   真的吗,我猜你大概对热没什么 经验 吧。   11.Winter is good time for stay in and cuddle but put me in summer and Iu2019ll be a happy snowman.   冬天特别适合打在家里睡懒觉 ,但在夏天我就是一个快乐的雪人。   12.Yes ,Iu2019m alone . But Iu2019m alone and free.Just stay away and youu2019ll be safe from me .   是,我孤独,但我自由。离我远点这样就不会再伤害到你了。   13. Only an act of true love can thaw a frozen heart.   只有真爱之举才能融化冰封的心。   14. Donu2019t be the monster they fear you are.   别变成他们害怕的怪物。   15. Some people are worth melting for.Just maybe not right this second.   有些人值得我融化。但现在还不是时候。   16. You sacrificed yourself for me ? I love you.   你为我牺牲了自己? (因为)我爱你呀。   frozen 电影台词(二)   1、We can head down this mountain don"t have to live in fear.Cause for rhe first time in foreve...   2、I will be right here   3、Do you wanna build a snowman   4、It doesn"t have to be a snowman   5、Olaf!You"re melting   6、Some people are worth melting for   7、Just not maybe in this second   8、Winter"s a good time stay in and cuddle but put me in summer and i"ll be a...   9、Happy snowmanl   10、Do you know where she is   11、Do you think you can shou us the way?   12、Dont know if i"melated or gassy   13、but im somewhere in that zone!   14、I can"t feel my legs   15、Those ate my legs   16、Don"t be the monster they fear you are
2023-07-22 23:04:391


2023-07-22 23:04:461


中文翻译:冰雪奇缘是2013年一部美国3D电脑动画电影.电影由华特迪士尼动画工作室制作,并由华特迪士尼工作室电影公司发行.这部影片由克里斯·巴克和詹妮弗·李导演,并由克里斯汀·贝尔、伊迪娜·门泽尔、乔纳森·格罗夫等配音.《冰雪奇缘》的故事基于安徒生童话《白雪皇后》改编而成,影片讲述了在姐姐艾莎继承皇位后,她的魔力失控冰封大地.为了破除艾莎的冰封魔咒,乐观无畏的妹妹安娜挺身而出,和热爱冒险的山民克里斯托夫以及他的驯鹿搭档组队出发,展开了一段魔法层出不穷、旅程峰回路转的故事.该影片于2014年3月3日(北京时间)获得第86届奥斯卡金像奖最佳动画长片奖以及最佳原创歌曲奖.英文翻译:FROZEN is a 2013 3D computer animation USA film.The film by Walt Disney Animation Studios,and released by Walt Disney Studios film company.The film by Chris Barker and directed by Jennifer Lee,and by Christine Bell,Idina Menzel,Jonathan Grove and other voice."Frozen" story of Andersen fairy tale" the snow queen "adaptation based on the film tells the story of sister Aisha,in succession to the throne,her magic out of the frozen earth.In order to break the curse Aisha frozen,optimistic fearless sister Anna step forward bravely,and adventurous mountaineer Christof and his partner team of reindeer,launched a magic journey to emerge in an endless stream,The path winds along mountain ridges story.The film in March 3,2014 (Beijing time) won the eighty-sixth Oscar Award for Best Animated Feature Film Award and the award for best original song.
2023-07-22 23:05:021


2023-07-22 23:05:092


区别就在于词态,简单说freezing是冻别人的意思,frozen是被别人冻的意思。解释:freezing可用作名词“冰点”,用作形容词“冰冷的”,用作副词“极冷地”。frozen既是freeze的过去分词形式,也可用作形容词,表示“冷冻的”。 扩展资料 freezing双语例句 1.I"m freezing! 我感觉冷极了! 2.I was freezing cold. 我快冻僵了。 3.It"s freezing outside. 外面冷得要命。 4.Your hands are freezing cold. 你的手冷得像冰一样。 5.It"s swelteringly hot by day,freezing at night. 白天潮湿闷热,夜晚寒冷刺骨。
2023-07-22 23:05:421


2023-07-22 23:05:501


2023-07-22 23:06:282


形容词 修饰 pond
2023-07-22 23:06:383

Celldweller的《Frozen》 歌词

歌曲名:Frozen歌手:Celldweller专辑:The Complete CelloutInside this fantasyIt seems so real to meSynthetic ecstasy, when her legs are openTrue Love behind a wallWhere men and angels fallA fading memory, when my mind is frozenI can see a frozen point in timeWhere her figure still awaitsTongue of fire tracing lips outlineWhere frozen breath originatesWith one motion of her waiting eyesShe strips everything awayThis one moment is intensifiedAnd colors all fade to greyI am in the only place that i want to beThough we know that it ends eventuallyBut it"s alright because right now we"re frozenI want to forget mistakes they"ve helped me makeIt"s better to be broken than to breakInside this fantasyIt seems so real to meSynthetic ecstasy, when her legs are openTrue Love behind a wallWhere men and angels fallA fading memory, when my mind is frozenI can see a frozen point in timeThat is easy to retraceLight and darkness are both intertwinedThe elements are in their place withOne motion of her wanting mindThe real world begins to fadeAnd all the hateful things I have becomeTemporarily go awayInside this fantasyIt seems so real to meSynthetic ecstasy, when her legs are openTrue Love behind a wallWhere men and angels fallA fading memory, when my mind is frozenWhen my mind"s frozen:I"ll take you anwhere you want to goFar from anything that feels like home (lets go)You are anyone I want to be (it"s here and now, and now it"s only you and me)It"s never enough (mmm that"s true)I want to stay here (yeah, and I do too)Breakin" it down(takin" it down)With smell(smell), touch(touch, taste(taste), sight(sight), and sound(sound)How long will I be here without you near because I"m so coldBreak them first or I"ll get broken is not what I was told, now I"m so coldI"m so coldSo coldInside this fantasyIt seems so real to meSynthetic ecstasy, when her legs are openTrue Love behind a wallWhere men and angels fallA fading memory, when my mind is frozenInside this fantasyIt seems so real to meSynthetic ecstasy, when her legs are openTrue Love behind a wallWhere men and angels fallA fading memory, when my mind is frozen
2023-07-22 23:06:461

急急急!! 有木有冰雪奇缘的观后感,要英文版的哦~大概100词左右,谢谢大家!

2023-07-22 23:06:574

麦当娜Frozen 中文歌词..速求!!!!!!

FrozenYou only see what your eyes want to seeHow can life be what you want it to beYou"re frozenWhen your heart"s not openYou"re so consumed with how much you getYou waste your time with hate and regretYou"re brokenWhen your heart"s not openMmmmmm, if I could melt your heartMmmmmm, we"d never be apartMmmmmm, give yourself to meMmmmmm, you hold the keyNow there"s no point in placing the blameAnd you should know I suffer the sameIf I lose youMy heart will be brokenLove is a bird, she needs to flyLet all the hurt inside of you dieYou"re frozenWhen your heart"s not openMmmmmm, if I could melt your heartMmmmmm, we"d never be apartMmmmmm, give yourself to meMmmmmm, you hold the keyYou only see what your eyes want to seeHow can life be what you want it to beYou"re frozenWhen your heart"s not openMmmmmm, if I could melt your heartMmmmmm, we"d never be apartMmmmmm, give yourself to meMmmmmm, you hold the keyIf I could melt your heartWritten by Madonna and Patrick LeonardProduced by Madonna, William Orbit and Patrick LeonardFound on Frozen (Single), Ray Of Light (Album) and GHV2 (Compilation
2023-07-22 23:07:054


2023-07-22 23:07:392

雪国列车( Frozen)剧情是怎样的?

Frozen is a 2013 American 3D computer-animated musical fantasy-comedy film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures.It is the 53rd animated feature in the Walt Disney Animated Classics series.Loosely based on Hans Christian Andersen"s fairy tale The Snow Queen,and featuring the voices of Kristen Bell,Idina Menzel,Jonathan Groff,Josh Gad,and Santino Fontana,the film tells the story of a fearless princess who sets off on an epic journey alongside a rugged,thrill-seeking mountain man,his loyal pet reindeer,and a hapless snowman to find her estranged sister,whose icy powers have trapped the kingdom in eternal winter.The film underwent several story treatments for several years,before being commissioned in 2011,with a screenplay written by Jennifer Lee,and both Chris Buck and Lee serving as directors.Christophe Beck,who had worked on Disney"s award-winning short Paperman,was hired to compose the film"s orchestral score,while husband-and-wife songwriting team Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez penned the songs.Frozen premiered at the El Capitan Theatre on November 19,2013,and went into general theatrical release on November 27.The film has so far grossed $980 million in worldwide box office revenue,$384 million of which has been earned in the United States and Canada; it has been met with widespread critical acclaim,with several film critics considering it to be the best Disney animated musical since the studio"srenaissance era.The film won the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film,the BAFTA Award for Best Animated Film,five Annie Awards (including Best Animated Feature),two Critics" Choice Awards forBest Animated Feature and Best Original Song for "Let It Go," and has received Academy Award (Best Animated Feature and Best Original Song),and Satellite Award nominations.译文:《冰雪奇缘》是2013年由华特迪士尼动画工作室制作、华特迪士尼电影公司发行的美国3D电脑动画音乐幻想喜剧电影。这是第53届动画功能在迪斯尼动画经典系列。以安徒生童话《白雪皇后》为蓝本,以克里斯汀·贝尔、伊迪娜·门泽尔、乔纳森·格罗夫、乔什·加德和桑蒂诺·丰塔纳的声音为特色,这部电影讲述了一个无畏的公主和一个崎岖的,寻求刺激的登山者,他忠诚的宠物驯鹿,以及一个不幸的雪人一起踏上了史诗般的旅程,寻找她疏远的姐姐,他们冰冷的力量把王国困在永恒的冬天。这部电影经历了数年的故事处理,直到2011年上映,由珍妮弗·李编剧,克里斯·巴克和李都担任导演。克里斯托弗·贝克曾为迪斯尼获奖短片《报人》工作,他被雇来谱写这部电影的管弦乐乐谱,而丈夫和妻子组成的歌曲创作团队罗伯特·洛佩兹和克里斯汀·安德森·洛佩兹谱曲。《冰雪奇缘》于2013年11月19日在埃尔卡皮坦剧院首映,并于11月27日正式上映。到目前为止,这部电影在世界范围内的票房收入达到了9.8亿美元,其中3.84亿美元来自美国和加拿大。有几位影评人认为这是自斯图迪奥文艺复兴时期以来最好的迪斯尼动画音乐剧。该片荣获金球奖最佳动画片奖、英国电影学院奖最佳动画片奖、五项安妮奖(包括最佳动画片)、两位影评人获得最佳动画和最佳原创歌曲奖,并获得奥斯卡奖(最佳动画和最佳原创歌曲)和卫星奖提名。
2023-07-22 23:07:561


2023-07-22 23:08:252

求冰雪奇缘(frozen)的歌曲let it go的全歌词,带中文翻译,谢谢

Let it goLet it goCan"t hold you back anymoreLet it goLet it goTurn my back and slam the door.The snow blows white on the mountain tonightNot a footprint to be seenA kingdom of isolation and it looks like I"m the QueenThe wind is howling like the swirling storm insideCouldn"t keep it in, heaven knows I triedDon"t let them in, don"t let them seeBe the good girlYou always had to beConceal, don"t feelDon"t let them knowWell, now they know.Let it goLet it goCan"t hold you back anymoreLet it goLet it goTurn my back and slam the doorAnd here I stand, and here I"ll stayLet it goLet it goThe cold never bothered me anyway.It"s funny how some distanceMakes everything seem smallAnd the fears that once controlled meCan"t get to me at allUp here in the cold thin airI finally can breatheI know i left a life behind but I"m to relieved to grieve.Let it goLet it goCan"t hold you back anymoreLet it goLet it goTurn my back and slam the doorAnd here I standAnd here I"ll stayLet it goLet it goThe cold never bothered me anyway.Standing frozen in the life I"ve chosenYou won"t find me, the past is so behind meBuried in the snow.Let it goLet it goCan"t hold you back anymoreLet it goLet it goTurn my back and slam the doorAnd here I standAnd here I"ll stayLet it goLet it goThe cold never bothered me anywayna na na na na naLet it go na na nayou goLet it goLet it goLet it go随它吧姚贝娜作词:陈少琪随它吧随它吧回头已没有办法随它吧随它吧一转身不再牵挂白雪发亮铺满我的过往没有脚印的地方孤立国度很荒凉我是这里的女皇漫天飞霜像心里的风暴一样只有天知道我受过的伤不让别人进来看见做我自己就像我的从前躲在现实梦境之间不被发现随它吧随它吧回头已没有办法随它吧随它吧一转身不再牵挂悬崖上让我留下随它吧随它吧反正冰天雪地我也不怕留一点点的距离让我跟世界分离曾经困扰我的恐惧消失在我回忆夜里冰冷的空气我终于能呼吸我留下自己的过去抹掉眼泪的痕迹随它吧随它吧回头已没有办法随它吧随它吧一转身不再牵挂悬崖上让我留下随它吧随它吧反正冰天雪地我也不怕封闭生活我生命的选择别再找我过去已经离开我风雪已淹没随它吧随它吧回头已没有办法随它吧随它吧一转身不再牵挂悬崖上让我留下随它吧随它吧反正冰天雪地我也不怕na na na…随它吧随它吧oh… 随它吧yeah…
2023-07-22 23:08:432


2023-07-22 23:09:163


frozen意思是:adj.冻结的;冷冻的;冰封的;结冰的;冷藏的;冻僵的;极冷的;封冻的;冻硬的;吓呆的v.冰冻;(使)冻结,结冰;(使)冻住,冻堵;严寒详细解释:1.(地面)冰冻的,冻硬的If the ground is frozen it has become very hard because the weather is very cold.例句It was bitterly cold now and the ground was frozen hard.现在天气冷极了,地面都冻硬了。2.(食物)冷冻的Frozen food has been preserved by being kept at a very low temperature.例句Frozen fish is a very healthy convenience food.冻鱼是非常健康的方便食品。3.(人或身体某部位)冻坏的,冻僵的If you say that you are frozen, or a part of your body is frozen, you are emphasizing that you feel very cold.例句He put one hand up to his frozen face...他用一只手捂在冰冷的脸上。4.(因非常担心、害怕等而)呆若木鸡的,一动不动的If you describe someone as frozen, you mean that their body is fixed in a particular position, for example because they are very worried or afraid.例句One boy, aged about 11, looks frozen with fright...一个大约 11 岁的男孩吓得一动不动。
2023-07-22 23:10:071


中文翻译:冰雪奇缘是2013年一部美国3D电脑动画电影.电影由华特迪士尼动画工作室制作,并由华特迪士尼工作室电影公司发行.这部影片由克里斯·巴克和詹妮弗·李导演,并由克里斯汀·贝尔、伊迪娜·门泽尔、乔纳森·格罗夫等配音.《冰雪奇缘》的故事基于安徒生童话《白雪皇后》改编而成,影片讲述了在姐姐艾莎继承皇位后,她的魔力失控冰封大地.为了破除艾莎的冰封魔咒,乐观无畏的妹妹安娜挺身而出,和热爱冒险的山民克里斯托夫以及他的驯鹿搭档组队出发,展开了一段魔法层出不穷、旅程峰回路转的故事.该影片于2014年3月3日(北京时间)获得第86届奥斯卡金像奖最佳动画长片奖以及最佳原创歌曲奖.英文翻译:FROZEN is a 2013 3D computer animation USA film.The film by Walt Disney Animation Studios,and released by Walt Disney Studios film company.The film by Chris Barker and directed by Jennifer Lee,and by Christine Bell,Idina Menzel,Jonathan Grove and other voice."Frozen" story of Andersen fairy tale" the snow queen "adaptation based on the film tells the story of sister Aisha,in succession to the throne,her magic out of the frozen earth.In order to break the curse Aisha frozen,optimistic fearless sister Anna step forward bravely,and adventurous mountaineer Christof and his partner team of reindeer,launched a magic journey to emerge in an endless stream,The path winds along mountain ridges story.The film in March 3,2014 (Beijing time) won the eighty-sixth Oscar Award for Best Animated Feature Film Award and the award for best original song.
2023-07-22 23:10:341


2023-07-22 23:10:421


2023-07-22 23:11:139


中文翻译:冰雪奇缘是2013年一部美国3D电脑动画电影.电影由华特迪士尼动画工作室制作,并由华特迪士尼工作室电影公司发行.这部影片由克里斯u30fb巴克和詹妮弗u30fb李导演,并由克里斯汀u30fb贝尔、伊迪娜u30fb门泽尔、乔纳森u30fb格罗夫等配音.《冰雪奇缘》的故事基于安徒生童话《白雪皇后》改编而成,影片讲述了在姐姐艾莎继承皇位后,她的魔力失控冰封大地.为了破除艾莎的冰封魔咒,乐观无畏的妹妹安娜挺身而出,和热爱冒险的山民克里斯托夫以及他的驯鹿搭档组队出发,展开了一段魔法层出不穷、旅程峰回路转的故事.该影片于2014年3月3日(北京时间)获得第86届奥斯卡金像奖最佳动画长片奖以及最佳原创歌曲奖. 英文翻译:FROZEN is a 2013 3D puter animation USA film.The film by Walt Disney Animation Studios,and released by Walt Disney Studios film pany.The film by Chris Barker and directed by Jennifer Lee,and by Christine Bell,Idina Menzel,Jonathan Grove and other voice.Frozen story of Andersen fairy tale the snow queen adaptation based on the film tells the story of sister Aisha,in succession to the throne,her magic out of the frozen earth.In order to break the curse Aisha frozen,optimistic fearless sister Anna step forward bravely,and adventurous mountaineer Christof and his partner team of reindeer,launched a magic journey to emerge in an endless stream,The path winds along mountain ridges story.The film in March 3,2014 (Beijing time) won the eighty-sixth Oscar Award for Best Animated Feature Film Award and the award for best original song.
2023-07-22 23:12:171


There was something frozen about him . 他身上总象有一股凛若冰霜气息。 I will buy extra meat and just freeze it . 我要多买些肉冷藏起来。 Then came a sound that froze me . 然后又听到一阵声音,把我吓得浑身发抖。 The sudden bang froze us in our tracks . 突然砰的一响,顿时把我们惊呆了。 The window has frozen up and i can not open it . 窗户给冻上了,我打不开。 The chained men sat frozen with terror . 铁链锁著的人坐在那里,吓得发呆。 Trains can be held up by frozen points . 结冰地段使火车停驶。 Water freezes at zero degrees centigrade . 水在零摄氏度结冰。 Water turns into ice when it freezes . 天气极冷时水能结成冰。 The water in the bowl froze last night . 昨夜碗里的水冻冰了。 Some foods are shipped frozen . 有些食品采用冷冻法装船运送。 The lake was frozen over until late spring . 那湖全让冰封住了,到晚春才解冻。 He looked up and saw her, froze for a moment . 他抬头看见了她,不由得愣住了。 The poor bastard of a driver could freeze out there . 司机那个可怜虫该冻坏了。 Fresh water freezes at 0 centigrade . 淡水在摄氏零度结冰。 Relations with somebody were still in deep freeze . 同某人的关系仍然极度冷淡。 The weather is cold and the ground is frozen . 天寒地冻。 The scream froze him again . 又是一声惨叫,叫他汗毛直竖。 Shut the window -- i am freezing ! 关上窗户我冷极了。 Strawberries do not taste nice if they have been frozen . 草莓若冷冻就不好吃了。 The sight both freezes and exalts her . 这幕情景既使她心里发毛,又使她意气风发。 Ann froze with terror as the door opened silently . 门一声不响地开了,把安吓呆了。 His flesh froze with horror at the thought of it . 一想到这点,他的肌肉就吓得发僵。 It was pke a crossword puzzle frozen into a house . 它象一个由纵横字迷拚成的房子。 Do you bottle your fruit or freeze it ? 你是把水果装在罐里保存呢,还是冷冻起来保存? The lake is pletely frozen over . 湖面全部封冻。 Frozen food defrosts when we take it out of the freezer . 冷冻的食物从冷藏室取出解冻。 Drain piping may require to be protected against freezing . 泄水管要求有防冻保护措施。 She had contracted and frozen . 她已畏缩和冷漠了。 Water passes from a pquid to a sopd state when it freezes . 当结冰时水由液态变为固态。 Temperature must be fifteen degrees. we won"t freeze . 温度一定能有十五度。我们不会冻死了。 Tonight the temperature will fall to 3 degrees below freezing . 今夜的温度将降至冰点下3度。 All assets are frozen . 所有的财产都被查封。 The freezing of water also breaks off pttle pieces from rocks . 水的冻结也会使巖石裂成碎片。 Raw spray whiplashes the skiff, freezing as it strikes . 湿冷的浪花抽打著小船,随打随冻成冰。 It froze hard last night . 昨夜冰冻得厉害。 He gave his name to a well-known brand of frozen food . 他以自己的名字命名的冷冻食品成了名牌。 The frozen snow was so spppery that it was hard to keep one"s feet . 冰雪溜滑,人们很难站稳。 The sight of the masked gunman made my blood freeze . 我一看见那个持枪的蒙面人就吓得浑身冰凉。 I was due for a raise when they put a freeze on wages . 我正好应当涨工资,他们却实行了工资冻结。
2023-07-22 23:12:241

Frozen怎么读 麻烦用汉语注明一下,

frozen英音:["fru0259uzn]美音:["frozn] 夫柔(一声)怎(“怎样”时的读音) 其实网上随便来个词典都可以听发音的
2023-07-22 23:12:311


1、frozen什么意思2、frozen是什么意思?3、frozen是什么意思英语4、frozen怎么读frozen什么意思形容词:冷冻的;冷藏的;冻僵;极冷;冰封的;封冻的;结冰的动词:(使)冻结,结冰;(使)冻住,冻堵;冰冻;严寒读音:英 [_fr__zn] 美 [_fro_zn]freeze的过去分词扩展资料:同义词辨析cold chilly cool 【导航词义:温度低的】1、cold adj. 寒冷的〔辨析〕最普通用词,指温度很低的,可用于形容天气或事物。〔例证〕It"s a cold winter.这是一个寒冷的冬天。2、chilly adj. 寒冷的,冷飕飕的〔辨析〕指天气或地方冷得让人不舒服的,程度介于 cool 和 cold 之间。〔例证〕the chilly morning/wind寒冷的早晨/风3、cool adj. 凉爽的,凉快的〔辨析〕指温度偏低但让人感到舒服的。〔例证〕We spent a cool night together.我们一起度过了一个凉爽的夜晚。frozen是什么意思?frozen是冰雪奇缘这部电影的英文缩写。《冰雪奇缘》(Frozen)是2013年迪士尼出品3D的动画电影,由克里斯·巴克、珍妮弗·李执导,克里斯汀·贝尔、伊迪娜·门泽尔等参与主要配音。该片于2013年11月27日在美国上映。该片改编自安徒生童话《白雪皇后》,讲述小国阿伦黛尔因一个魔咒永远地被冰天雪地覆盖,为了寻回夏天,安娜公主和山民克里斯托夫以及他的驯鹿搭档组队出发,展开一段拯救王国的历险。2014年,该片获得第86届奥斯卡金像奖最佳动画长片。截止2014年7月16日,该片以全球12.74亿美元的票房成为全球动画史票房冠军,成为影史票房榜第五名。frozen是什么意思英语frozen的意思为:冻结的、冰封的、结冰的。冻结的造句:1、这是一片不需要海洋的沙滩——它就是它自己的海洋,一片有波有浪的沙海,一片如黑白底片的海,永远冻结在起伏的坡地间。斯蒂芬·金2、小雪到,气温降。雪花飘落带来了快乐冻结了烦恼,凝固了美好时光照亮了心灵。温度低,烦恼也低,雪花多,快乐也多。小雪时节,愿我的祝福随着飘飘的雪花飞落你的窗前。3、信用市场冻结,出现全球经济衰退的可能性导致世界各股市出现恐慌性抛售。4、当你这样被陷住之后,你就会一再地掉进地狱。地狱就是人们陷住在那里的地方,而天堂就是每一个人都在流动而没有冻结的地方。5、美国国务卿希拉蕊建议,冻结海盗的所有资产和船舶,不过追根究底起来,她也承认海盗问题不是源自于海洋而是陆地;索马利亚需要一个存活得了的国家政府,才能控管自己的领域和海岸问题,只是这样的希望相当渺茫。6、京东方实际控制人北京电控所持有的公司3,534.88万股A股被冻结。7、书应充当一把冰斧,砍破冻结在我们内心的冰河。frozen怎么读英[_fr__zn] 美[_fro_zn]frozen是一个英语单词,是freeze(冻结;结冰)的过去分词。frozen也可用作为形容词,意为冷冻的;冷藏的;冰封的。be frozen 冻住frozen food 冰冻食物beware the frozen heart 融化冰封的心These frozen foods are the most convenient of all. 这些冷冻食品是最为方便。Our feet crunched on the frozen snow. 我们的双脚嘎吱作响地踩着冰冻的雪地。The lake was frozen over until late spring. 那湖全让冰封住了,到晚春才解冻。The seedling was frozen to death. 幼苗被冻死了。Well, we find a quasi-liquid layer on the surface of ice is basically a thin layer of water that"s not completely frozen.嗯,我们在冰的表面上找到的类液态薄层基本上是一层薄薄还没有结冰的水。
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2023-07-22 23:12:593


中文翻译:冰雪奇缘是2013年一部美国3D电脑动画电影.电影由华特迪士尼动画工作室制作,并由华特迪士尼工作室电影公司发行.这部影片由克里斯·巴克和詹妮弗·李导演,并由克里斯汀·贝尔、伊迪娜·门泽尔、乔纳森·格罗夫等配音.《冰雪奇缘》的故事基于安徒生童话《白雪皇后》改编而成,影片讲述了在姐姐艾莎继承皇位后,她的魔力失控冰封大地.为了破除艾莎的冰封魔咒,乐观无畏的妹妹安娜挺身而出,和热爱冒险的山民克里斯托夫以及他的驯鹿搭档组队出发,展开了一段魔法层出不穷、旅程峰回路转的故事.该影片于2014年3月3日(北京时间)获得第86届奥斯卡金像奖最佳动画长片奖以及最佳原创歌曲奖.英文翻译:FROZEN is a 2013 3D computer animation USA film.The film by Walt Disney Animation Studios,and released by Walt Disney Studios film company.The film by Chris Barker and directed by Jennifer Lee,and by Christine Bell,Idina Menzel,Jonathan Grove and other voice."Frozen" story of Andersen fairy tale" the snow queen "adaptation based on the film tells the story of sister Aisha,in succession to the throne,her magic out of the frozen earth.In order to break the curse Aisha frozen,optimistic fearless sister Anna step forward bravely,and adventurous mountaineer Christof and his partner team of reindeer,launched a magic journey to emerge in an endless stream,The path winds along mountain ridges story.The film in March 3,2014 (Beijing time) won the eighty-sixth Oscar Award for Best Animated Feature Film Award and the award for best original song.
2023-07-22 23:13:071


2023-07-22 23:13:141

Frozen (Feat Mariechan Of Jamali) 歌词

歌曲名:Frozen (Feat Mariechan Of Jamali)歌手:DJ Stetho&Mariechan Of Jamali专辑:House ReflectionsChris Brown - FrozeI"ve lost my temperatureWhere"ve all my sunny days gone?Is there any place to stay warm?It"s not easy when you"re goneTell me how I"m supposed to go on,Right now I don"t wanna be strongWith the rain, comes more painYou never know, with the weatherHeart to had, then I cryThis pain inside, ain"t getting betterBody shakes, I feel so numbI"m shivering, why did you go?My body is frozeEvery part of me is coldMy heart is achin, and I can"t breatheMy souls breaking, minus 31 degreesNowhere else to go,FrozeMy heart struggles to beat yeahI need a lifelineAnd I, would rather die, before IStart to freeze yeahLive my life in fear, no wayWith the rain, comes more painYou never know, with the weatherHeart to had, then I cryThis pain inside, ain"t getting betterBody shakes, I feel so numbI"m shivering, why did you go?My body is frozeEvery part of me is coldMy heart is achin, and I can"t breatheMy souls breaking, minus 31 degreesNowhere else to go,FrozeI am so coldMy body"s frozenI am so coldFrozenFroze (my body is froze) (X8)My body is frozeEvery part of me is coldMy heart is achin, and I can"t breatheMy souls breaking, minus 31 degreesNowhere else to go,My body is frozeEvery part of me is coldMy heart is achin, and I can"t breatheMy souls breaking, minus 31 degreesNowhere else to goFroze
2023-07-22 23:13:211

Verona的《Frozen》 歌词

歌曲名:Frozen歌手:Verona专辑:All For LoveChris Brown - FrozeI"ve lost my temperatureWhere"ve all my sunny days gone?Is there any place to stay warm?It"s not easy when you"re goneTell me how I"m supposed to go on,Right now I don"t wanna be strongWith the rain, comes more painYou never know, with the weatherHeart to had, then I cryThis pain inside, ain"t getting betterBody shakes, I feel so numbI"m shivering, why did you go?My body is frozeEvery part of me is coldMy heart is achin, and I can"t breatheMy souls breaking, minus 31 degreesNowhere else to go,FrozeMy heart struggles to beat yeahI need a lifelineAnd I, would rather die, before IStart to freeze yeahLive my life in fear, no wayWith the rain, comes more painYou never know, with the weatherHeart to had, then I cryThis pain inside, ain"t getting betterBody shakes, I feel so numbI"m shivering, why did you go?My body is frozeEvery part of me is coldMy heart is achin, and I can"t breatheMy souls breaking, minus 31 degreesNowhere else to go,FrozeI am so coldMy body"s frozenI am so coldFrozenFroze (my body is froze) (X8)My body is frozeEvery part of me is coldMy heart is achin, and I can"t breatheMy souls breaking, minus 31 degreesNowhere else to go,My body is frozeEvery part of me is coldMy heart is achin, and I can"t breatheMy souls breaking, minus 31 degreesNowhere else to goFroze
2023-07-22 23:13:281


区别就在于词态,简单说freezing是冻别人的意思,frozen是被别人冻的意思。解释:freezing可用作名词“冰点”,用作形容词“冰冷的”,用作副词“极冷地”。frozen既是freeze的过去分词形式,也可用作形容词,表示“冷冻的”。 freezing双语例句 1.I"m freezing! 我感觉冷极了! 2.I was freezing cold. 我快冻僵了。 3.It"s freezing outside. 外面冷得要命。 4.Your hands are freezing cold. 你的手冷得像冰一样。 5.It"s swelteringly hot by day,freezing at night. 白天潮湿闷热,夜晚寒冷刺骨。
2023-07-22 23:14:081

Madonna的《Frozen》 歌词

歌曲名:Frozen歌手:Madonna专辑:Ray Of LightRay Of LightFrozen--MadonnaYou only see what your eyes want to seeHow can life be what you want it to beYou"re frozen when your heart"s not openYou"re so consumed with how much you getYou waste your time with hate and regretYou"re frozen when your heart"s not openMmm-mm-mm... If I could melt your heartMmm-mm-mm... We"d never be apartMmm-mm-mm... Give yourself to meMmm-mm-mm... You are the keyNow there"s no point in placing the blameAnd you should know I"d suffer the sameIf I lose you, my heart would be brokenLove is a bird, she needs to flyLet all the hurt inside you dieYou"re frozen when your heart"s not openMmm-mm-mm... If I could melt your heartMmm-mm-mm... We"d never be apartMmm-mm-mm... Give yourself to meMmm-mm-mm... You are the keyYou only see what your eyes want to seeHow can life be what you want it to beYou"re frozen when your heart"s not openMmm-mm-mm... If I could melt your heartMmm-mm-mm... We"d never be apartMmm-mm-mm... Give yourself to meMmm-mm-mm... You are the keyMmm-mm-mm... If I could melt your heartMmm-mm-mm... We"d never be apartMmm-mm-mm... Give yourself to meMmm-mm-mm... You are the keyIf I could melt your heart
2023-07-22 23:14:151

Madonna的《Frozen》 歌词

歌曲名:Frozen歌手:Madonna专辑:A Tribute To The Greatest HitsRay Of LightFrozen--MadonnaYou only see what your eyes want to seeHow can life be what you want it to beYou"re frozen when your heart"s not openYou"re so consumed with how much you getYou waste your time with hate and regretYou"re frozen when your heart"s not openMmm-mm-mm... If I could melt your heartMmm-mm-mm... We"d never be apartMmm-mm-mm... Give yourself to meMmm-mm-mm... You are the keyNow there"s no point in placing the blameAnd you should know I"d suffer the sameIf I lose you, my heart would be brokenLove is a bird, she needs to flyLet all the hurt inside you dieYou"re frozen when your heart"s not openMmm-mm-mm... If I could melt your heartMmm-mm-mm... We"d never be apartMmm-mm-mm... Give yourself to meMmm-mm-mm... You are the keyYou only see what your eyes want to seeHow can life be what you want it to beYou"re frozen when your heart"s not openMmm-mm-mm... If I could melt your heartMmm-mm-mm... We"d never be apartMmm-mm-mm... Give yourself to meMmm-mm-mm... You are the keyMmm-mm-mm... If I could melt your heartMmm-mm-mm... We"d never be apartMmm-mm-mm... Give yourself to meMmm-mm-mm... You are the keyIf I could melt your heart
2023-07-22 23:14:231


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2023-07-22 23:15:433


可以啊。frozen girl
2023-07-22 23:16:134


CSGO电竞选手frozen特点:16岁的frozen在NoChance渡过一段时间后收获了mousesports的垂青。如今karrigan领导下的mouz充斥着野心。在IEM 悉尼站上,frozen表现不错,他在对阵BIG和MIBR时取得了1.30的rating。在采访中,frozen谈到了面对大战队的感觉以及他在队内的分工。frozen说:我和斯洛伐克队友打了2-3年,但阵容总是变动。最后,我选择加入一支欧洲战队来获得新的比赛经验。《反恐精英:全球攻势》,原名Counter-Strike: Global Offensive,是一款由VALVE与Hidden Path Entertainment合作开发。Valve Software发行的第一人称射击游戏,于2012年8月21日在欧美地区正式发售,国服发布会于2017年4月11日在北京召开,游戏为《反恐精英》系列游戏的第四款作品(不包括Neo和Online等衍生作品)。
2023-07-22 23:16:231


freeze would 中间的我不知道
2023-07-22 23:16:395

求动画《冰雪奇缘》(Frozen)的主题曲《Let It Go》歌词的全文翻译

Let it go放手吧Let it go放手吧Can"t hold it back anymore再也拦不住了Let it go放手吧Let it go放手吧Turn my back and slam the door转过身甩上门The snow glows white on the mountain tonight今晚冰雪白了整座山林Not a footprint to be seen没有留下任何足迹A kingdom of isolation and it looks like I"m the Queen这是个被隔离的王国 看来我就是这里的王后The wind is howling like the swirling storm inside狂风咆啸著像是王国里袭卷的暴风Couldn"t keep it in, heaven knows I tried再也挡不住了 上天知道我尽力了Don"t let them in, don"t let them see不能让他们进来 不能让他们知道Be the good girl you always had to be必须当个好女孩就像以前一样Conceal, don"t feel藏起来 拒绝所有感受Don"t let them know不能让他们知道Well, now they know但现在 他们知道了Let it go放手吧Let it go放手吧Can"t hold it back anymore再也拦不住了Let it go放手吧Let it go放手吧Turn my back and slam the door转过身甩上门And here I stand, and here I"ll stay我就站在这 我将待在这Let it go放手吧Let it go放手吧The cold never bothered me anyway这寒冷对我而言不算什麼It"s funny how some distance这很有趣当你保持距离Makes everything seem small每个事物看起来是如此苗小And the fears that once controlled me那曾掌控我的恐惧Can"t get to me at all再也无法侵袭我了Up here in the cold thin air上升到冰冷稀薄的空中I finally can breathe我终於能呼吸了I know left a life behind but I"m to relieved to grieve我知道我失去了我过去的生活 但我已不再为此难受Let it go放手吧Let it go放手吧Can"t hold it back anymore再也拦不住了Let it go放手吧Let it go放手吧Turn my back and slam the door转过身甩上门And here I stand, and here I"ll stay我就站在这 我将待在这Let it go放手吧Let it go放手吧The cold never bothered me anyway这寒冷对我而言不算什麼Standing frozen in the life I"ve chosen我选择了这冻结般的人生You won"t find me, the past is so behind me你找不到我的 一切过往离我太遥远Buried in the snow深藏在大雪之中Let it go放手吧Let it go放手吧Can"t hold it back anymore再也拦不住了Let it go放手吧Let it go放手吧Turn my back and slam the door转过身甩上门And here I stand, and here I"ll stay我就站在这 我将待在这Let it go放手吧Let it go放手吧The cold never bothered me anyway这寒冷对我而言不算什麼
2023-07-22 23:16:561


2023-07-22 23:17:042


本句中,sat已经是谓语动词了,故动词freeze只能考虑分词形式freeze的分词有freezing和frozenfreeze与主语the man 的关系是”人被frozen“,故选用过去分词来表示此种被动关系.因此,应该填frozen
2023-07-22 23:17:112

frozen 英语读后感300词

Frozen is a very touching musical movie but it also has the characteristic of a Disney made movie. It involves prince and princesses, magic and of cause, the true love concept. For a main part of the story is about true loving melting the ice, melting the frozen heart. Actually, when we talk about true love, we usually mean the love between a male and a female. However, in this movie, the act of true love is performed between sisters. I was quite surprised at first but nontheless it is a twist and it reminds us that there are love other than lover"s love.This movie also have many interesting character, the cute snowman Olaf is definitely on that catches the audience"s eyes, including mine. He has this sense of humor that never fails to allow us to have a hearty laugh. He is also willing to sacrifice himself for the persons he cares for. I was very moved when I watched the part when Olaf starts to melt from the heat but he refuse to leave Anna as she was very sick, Olaf said " there is always someone worse melting for" and I felt my heart was also going to melt for him.Lastly, a huge part of this movie being so fabulous is its music, there are many songs in the movie that really adds on to the fun. The song " let it go" is especially famous now, there is even one version of it on the internet having it singing at 25 different languages! For me, I like the song right at the start " Frozen Heart" and the song sings by Olaf " In summer". For the Frozen heart, I like that because the rhythm is very strong and the lyrics descibed the life of people cutting ice. For the latter, it is about the humor inside this song and the interesting rhythm. Can you imagine it? A snowman wishes to live in summer! That is why it is so funny.Overall, Frozen is a very recommendable movie.342可能语法会有小问题,请原谅,求接受。
2023-07-22 23:17:181


2023-07-22 23:17:263


2023-07-22 23:06:131

I’d prefer to do

2023-07-22 23:06:141

合规性 英语

standardization ability
2023-07-22 23:06:102