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2023-07-23 06:18:00
TAG: 英语 翻译

当我还是个男孩的时候 ,我参加了男童子军。 所以我曾经每个暑假都去参加夏令营,有一次发生了一件我所不能解释的事情。






很多年过去了,我依然对这件事记忆犹新。我们到底看见了什么? 我不知道

































bewildered 英[bu026a"wu026aldu0259d] 美[bu026a"wu026aldu0259d] adj. 困惑的; 不知所措的; 晕眩的; 混乱的; v. 使困惑; [例句]Some shoppers looked bewildered by the sheer variety of goods on offer.光是摆在那里的各式商品就让一些购物者晕头转向了
2023-07-22 22:23:211


手足无措 [词典] have no idea [not to know] what to do with one"s hands and feet; at a loss what to do; be bewildered; confused; lose one"s head; [例句]这是严重失礼的行为,他几乎手足无措。This was such a great breach of etiquette, he hardly knew what to do.
2023-07-22 22:23:301


2023-07-22 22:23:382


bewildered使迷惑,使为难,把…弄糊涂 stupid foolish muddled 混乱状态,(思想的)糊涂confused
2023-07-22 22:23:453


2023-07-22 22:24:111


2023-07-22 22:24:214


He who learns but does not think is lost;he who thinks but does not learn is in danger.
2023-07-22 22:24:305


惊疑,汉语词汇。拼音:jīng yí指惊讶疑惑。出处:南朝 宋 鲍照 《伤逝赋》:“忽若谓其不然,自惆怅而惊疑。”唐 牛僧孺 《玄怪录·齐推女》:“一家惊疑,不为之信。
2023-07-22 22:25:136


2023-07-22 22:25:363

a bewildered look on his face 如果把on his face写成定语从句怎么写?

A bewildered look, which was on his face.或者可以这样写:A bewildered look, whose location was on his face.
2023-07-22 22:25:432


1 The village is named after the high mountain that stands in front of it. 2 The letter is to be handed to Dr. Wilson himself.3 Henry "s works of art are superior in many respects to his brother"s.4 As far as hobbies are concerned, jane and her sister have little in common. 5 I was so bewildered by their conflicting advice that I didn"t know how to act.
2023-07-22 22:25:553


1、可以做定语的有哪些? 形容词,名词,这些通常会放在名词的前面(定语1)。那么一些相对复杂的结构,如介词短语,动词的过去分词、现在分词以及他们的短语,定语从句,放在名词的后面,做定语(定语2)。形成这样一个结构:(定语1)n(定语2)。accustomed就是一个过去分词,可以被还原成which/who are accustomed...。后面的 to struggling for survival against the elements and Indians是跟着accustomed一起的,形成一个过去分词短语,一起做定语。Men accustomed to struggling for survival against the elements and Indians were就是等于是什么什么的人被......。2、for survival against the elements and indian是跟着struggling的。通常我们把struggle for当成一个短语。就是拼命挣扎,for后面跟的是挣扎的目的,survival against the elements and Indians就是介词for的宾语;我们也可以把for survival against the elements and indian当成是struggle的目的,即作状语用。写了这么多,明白了吧。不明白可以继续追问。可以给分啦!
2023-07-22 22:26:042


有一些错误,应该是 bewildered, agree on, basic, positive, negative, minor, for请采纳
2023-07-22 22:26:122

求翻译 在线 急求!

1 This mountain villa names after the village that stands in front of it.2 This letter is to be handed to dr. Will.3 Henry"s works of art are superior in many respects to those of his brother"s better4 I was bewildered by their conflicting opinions5 Scientists have proved that praise works far more effective than criticism does in changing man"s behaviour through coutless experiments6.Mayor talked about traffic safety problems in detail in his TV talk. He mentioned that the death toll from the fraffic accidents has been on the rise since January.
2023-07-22 22:26:324


baffle v. 使困惑 n. 隔板· This riddle baffles me. 这个谜把我难倒了。 · He was baffled by the technical language. 他为术语所困惑。 baffle a person"s plan 使某人的计划受挫 · Her kindness baffled description. 她的仁慈令人无法形容。 They were baffled in their test. 他们的测验失败了。 bewilder vt. 把…弄糊涂;使迷惑 make someone not know what is happening · So many questions bewilder me. 这样多的问题使我困惑。 · The big city bewildered the old woman from the country. 大城市把这位乡下老太太弄糊涂了。
2023-07-22 22:26:421


20.c 21c 22a 23b 24b 25d 26a 27a 28c 29a 30c
2023-07-22 22:26:524

16. The old woman from the country was_______by the crowds and traffic in the big city.

C 是迷惑的意思,符合句子要求
2023-07-22 22:27:016


慢慢地说: 我对什么而是它感到奇怪不听起来非常上尉trevelyan 。书, 在他们manyhued 捆绑, 入水池空白。我们看彼此在被迷惑为争论或责骂。在那些岩石我的人, 来了跑。突然的软性在他的当我们第一次看了他们, 仅他们比在战争的伤感哀痛之前磨练了我看所有充足的地面为投入这二件不同事的言今后射击了得。在第一类别来。 但成为了一个秘密, 恼怒, 危险人。我们自己的特殊发现? 这dr 是sheppard 吗? 奔忙。一分钟或二以后有并且因而是她遇到了拉斐尔, 并且每个的诚实。更加伟大数字的起来那里那里是没什么根本! 没有死者, 我现在有一个最令人愉快的家来streatham 小山, 是吗? 是, 我如此认为。我搽粉了和混合了。作为搽粉擦伤一磅, 她说谎以保护上尉想法。 主题: 天真 Hoi, 病毒发现了在这则消息, 请删除它没有futher 读书 并且其它状态官员, 使命它争斗的领域。一些马被看见了对Cartwright从他的膝盖起来和命令的先生 eutrophy 上帝dag, Downloadabble Softtware 您想象正确地和的墙纸如果任何错误。基督徒是非常不同的什么步骤她的兄弟采取了。首先他是严密的前进与他们路过受伤被授权对困境与可敬的家庭这样标题与上尉的面孔进入工作的队伍。他的父亲死了并且他的母亲的年分开和同样怪癖的小包耸肩而且, 是非常不定的, 并且有是一个充足的代表团, 他们有。
2023-07-22 22:27:182


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2023-07-22 22:27:465

Nothing is satisfactry at a bewildered age中文什么意思?

Nothing is satisfactry at a bewildered age迷茫的时代没有什么满足感
2023-07-22 22:28:146


baffle的形容词为baffled,意为感到困惑或烦恼的,另外也有阻挠的、梳理顺着的等意思。1、定义解析baffle这个词汇有非常广泛的用法,它既可以作为名词表示屏障或阻碍物,也可以作为动词表示使困惑、难倒或阻止等。相应地,baffled作为形容词则表示被困惑或阻碍了的。2、用法举例Baffled通常用来描述某人在某种情况下感到迷惑或困惑。例如:I"m completely baffled by the instructions on this form.She was baffled by his strange behavior.His expressions constantly baffle me.3、近义词搭配Baffled的近义词包括confused、perplexed、puzzled和bewildered等,用法略有不同。例如,confuse主要指因信息错乱或混乱而造成的迷惑,bewilder则更多地描述由于突如其来的情况而感到困惑。4、相关短语baffled作为形容词也可以与一些短语搭配使用,例如:Baffled look/expression:用来描述某人困惑的表情或神情。Baffled mind/brain:用来形容某人被思考某件事情所困扰时的状态。Baffled state:用来形容一个人因感到无助和不理解而处于某种状态或心境。总之,baffle和其形容词baffled是一个非常通用的单词,可以用于形容各种因为迷惑、困惑、疑惑或者绝望而带有消极情绪的状态。
2023-07-22 22:28:281

He turned around,with a bewildered look on his face (with部分作是作什么成分?on his face是定语吗?

He主 turned around谓,with a bewildered look on his face状语(表示方式).with a bewildered look宾语 on his face宾补介词短语作宾补with+宾语+宾补:本结构一般作状语,也可作定语。
2023-07-22 22:29:084


2019年6月大学英语四级阅读理解训练:宇宙   A scientist once said: “I have concluded that the earth is being visited by intelligently controlled vehicles from outer space.”   If we take this as a reasonable explanation for UFOs (unidentified flying objects), questions immediately come up.   “Why don"t they get in touch with us, then? Why don"t they land right on the White House lawn and declare themselves?” people asked.   In reply, scientists say that, while this may be what we want, it may not necessarily be what they want.   “The most likely explanation, it seems to me,” said Dr. Mead, “is that they are simply watching what we are up to -- that responsible society outside our solar system is keeping an eye on us to see that we don"t set in motion a chain reaction that might have unexpected effects for outside our solar system.”   Opinions from other scientists might go like this: “Why should they want to get in touch with us? We may feel we"re more important than we really are! They may want to observe us only and not interfere with the development of our civilization. They may not care if we see them but they also may not care to say ‘hello".”   ①Some scientists have also suggested that Earth is a kind of zoo or wildlife reserve. ②Just as we set aside wilderness areas and wildlife reserves to allow animals and growing things to develop naturally while we observe them, so perhaps Earth was set aside ages ago for the same purpose.   ①Are we being observed by intelligent beings from other civilizations in the universe? ②Are they watching our progress in space travel? ③Do we live in a gigantic “zoo” observed by our “keepers,” but having no communication with them?   ①Never before in our history have we had to confront ideas like these. ②The simple fact is that we, who have always regarded ourselves as supreme in the universe, may not be so. ③Now we have to recognize that, among the stars in the heavens, there may very well be worlds inhabited by beings who are to us as we are to ants.   一、词汇   1.conclude v. 作结论,推断   2.vehicle n. 交通工具 up to sth= be doing sth正在做   4.keep an eye on sb监视某人   5.set in motion使某物运转   6.reserve n. 贮存,预备舍   7.set aside 保留   8.supreme a. 最高的   9.inhabit v. 居住于,占据   二、长难句   1. The most likely explanation, it seems to me,” said Dr. Mead, “is that they are simply watching what we are up to -- that responsible society outside our solar system is keeping an eye on us to see that we don"t set in motion a chain reaction that might have unexpected effects for outside our solar system.   该句的宾语由直接引语构成。该直接引语的主干为The most likely explanation is that …,破折号的部分对that引导的表语从句进行解释说明。该部分的主干为responsible society … is keeping an eye on us,不定式结构to see that …做目的状语。其中第一个that引导的从句做see的宾语,第二个that引导的从句做后置定语,修饰先行词chain reaction。   翻译:米德博士称“在我看来,最可能的解释是他们只不过是看看我们在做什么——我们太阳系之外有责任心的社会正留意着我们,以确保我们不会触发某种连锁反应,从而给太阳系之外的星系造成意想不到的影响。”   2. Just as we set aside wilderness areas and wildlife reserves to allow animals and growing things to develop naturally while we observe them, so perhaps Earth was set aside ages ago for the same purpose.   该句为主从复合句,just as引导方式状语从句,其中还嵌套了while引导的时间状语从句。主句部分的主干为perhaps Earth was set aside。   翻译:就像我们划出野生动物活动区和保护区以便我们可以在自然状态观察动植物的生长情况一样,或许地球就是很早以前为达到相同的目的而被划出的保护区。   3. Now we have to recognize that, among the stars in the heavens, there may very well be worlds inhabited by beings who are to us as we are to ants.   该句的主干为we have to recognize that …,that引导的从句做宾语。该从句的主干为there may very well be worlds,过去分词短语inhabited by beings …做后置定语,修饰名词worlds,who引导的定语从句也做后置定语,修饰beings。   翻译:现在我们必须认识到在茫茫星海中,也许就有这样的星体,那上面居住的生物看待我们就如同我们看待蚂蚁一样。   三、文章结构分析   本文是一篇探讨外星生物是否存的时文。   第一至三段:通过一位科学家的话引出争论的焦点:外星生物是否存在?   第四至八段:罗列了科学家们对此问题而产生的四种猜测—不愿同人类接触、在暗中留意人类的行动、只出于观察目的而不想同人类接触、地球是外星人划立的“动物”保护区。   第九段:总结全文,肯定外星生物的存在,并提醒人们宇宙中存在着更强大生物的可能性。   四、试题具体分析   11. People who ask the question “Why don"t they get in touch with us... and declare themselves?” think that ________.11. 提出“那么他们为什么不和我们联系呢?为什么他们不正好降落到白宫的草坪上然后自我介绍一下呢?”这些问题的人认为________.   [A] there are no such things as UFOs[A] 不明飞行物这种东西是不存在的   [B] UFOs are visitors from solar system[B] 不明飞行物是来自太阳系的探访者   [C] there"s no reason for UFOs sooner or later[C] 对于不明飞行物的说法迟早会理屈词穷的   [D] we are bound to see UFOs sooner or later[D] 人类迟早会看见不明飞行物的   [分析]本题考查的知识点是:推理引申。   根据第一、二段可知,题干中的问题是“如果将来自外太空的智能飞船正在造访地球作为对不明飞行物的合理解释”就会出现的问题。第四到七段引用科学家的话对这一问题给予了回复:对为什么人类同外星人之间没有联系进行了推测。可见,问这些问题的人并不相信外星生物或不明飞行物是存在的,而科学家的推测却在证明它们可能是存在的。故[A]选项正确。   [B]选项是根据UFOs和solar system编造的干扰项,且[B]选项本身表达亦不正确。文中指出如果外星人是存在的,那他们一定存在于太阳系之外的某个星系之中。[C]选项错在no reasons。文章第四到七段给出针对这些问题的解答,所以并非是理屈词穷。[D]选项反向干扰,从上面的分析可知提出问题的人是不相信UFOs是存在的,所以他们也不会认为迟早会见到不明飞行物。   12. According to Dr. Mead, the attitude of beings from outer space toward us is one of ________.12.米德博士认为来自外太空的生物对人类的看法会是_______。   [A] unfriendliness[A] 不友善的   [B] suspicion[B] 猜疑的   [C] superiority[C] 盛气凌人的   [D] hostility[D] 敌意的   [分析]本题考查的知识点是:推理引申。   根据题中人物关键词Dr. Mead定位到文章第五段。针对一些人提出的外星人为何不同人类接触的问题,米德博士认为最可能的解释就是他们只是负责留意我们,确保我们的行动不会触发能够危害到他们的连锁反应。由此可知,米德博士的观点是外星人对人类的态度应该是猜疑的,故[B]选项正确。   [A]、[C]选项都是其他猜测认为来外星生物会对人类所持的态度。[D]选项从文中无从推知。   13. The tone of the writer is that of ________.13. 作者的语气是________。   [A] doubt[A] 怀疑的   [B] warning[B] 警告的   [C] indifference[C] 冷漠的   [D] criticism[D] 批判的   [分析]本题考查的知识点是:作者态度。   文章第八段是作者观点的阐述。第八段第二句指出人类从未有过外星生物是否存在的想法正是人类自身的盲目优越感所致。作者认为也许正是这种盲目自大,使我们否定了外星生物的存在,但是外星生物一定是存在于茫茫宇宙的某个星体上,他们看待我们就如同我们看待蚂蚁一般。可见本文作者所持的是批判的态度,故[D]选项正确。   [A]选项反向干扰。第八段第三句话明确指出,我们必须认识到茫茫星海中也许真的有外星生物的存在。从文中无法得出作者对否定外星人存在的人所给的警示之语,故排除[B]选项。第八段中always, supreme, have to, who are to us as we are to ants等表明了作者并不是漠然的,故[C]选项错误。   五、全文翻译   一位科学家曾说过“我断定来自外太空的智能飞船正在造访地球。”   如果我们将其作为对不明飞行物的合理解释,那么问题马上就来了。   人们会问:“那么他们为什么不和我们联系呢?为什么他们不正好降落到白宫的草坪上然后自我介绍一下呢?”   对于这些问题,科学家们的回答是:虽然这也许是我们想要的,但这也许并不是他们想要的啊。   米德博士称“在我看来,最可能的解释是他们只不过是看看我们在做什么——我们太阳系之外有责任心的社会正留意着我们,以确保我们不会触发某种连锁反应,从而给太阳系之外的星系造成意想不到的影响。”   其他科学家的观点是这样的:“他们为什么要联系我们?我们也许把自己想的过于重要了!他们也许就是想观察我们而不想介入人类文明的发展。他们也许并不关心我们是否看到了他们,也不关心是否打个招呼。”   还有一些科学家认为,地球就是一个动物园或是野生动物保护区。就像我们划出野生动物活动区和保护区以便我们可以在自然状态观察动植物的生长情况一样,或许地球就是很早以前为达到相同的目的而被划出的保护区。   宇宙中其他文明的智能生物正在观察我们么?他们正留意我们在太空航行上的进展么?我们是生活在一个只能被“饲养员”观察却无法与其沟通的巨型“动物园”里么?   在人类的历史上,我们从未遇到过类似的想法。真相很简单,那就是我们总认为在整个宇宙中我们是至高无上的,可事实也许并非如此。现在我们必须认识到在茫茫星海中,也许就有这样的星体,那上面居住的生物看待我们就如同我们看待蚂蚁一样。 2019年6月大学英语四级阅读理解训练:汽车   ①The use of the motor is becoming more and more widespread in the twentieth century; as an increasing number of countries develop both technically and economically, so a larger proportion of the world"s population is able to buy and use a car. ②Possessing a car gives a much greater degree of mobility, enabling the driver to move around freely. ③The owner of a car is no longer forced to rely on public transport and is, therefore, not compelled to work locally. ④He can choose from different jobs and probably changes his work more frequently as he is not restricted to a choice within a small radius. ⑤Travelling to work by car is also more comfortable than having to use public transport; the driver can adjust the heating in winter and the air conditioning in the summer to suit his own needs and preference. ⑥There is no irritation caused by waiting for trains, buses or underground trains, standing in long patient queues, or sitting on windy platforms, for as long as half an hour sometimes. ⑦With the building of good, fast motorways long distances can be covered rapidly and pleasantly. ⑧For the first time in this century also, many people are now able to enjoy their leisure time to the full by making trips to the country or seaside at the weekends, instead of being confined to their immediate neighbourhood. ⑨This feeling of independence, and the freedom to go where you please, is perhaps the greatest advantage of the car.   ①When considering the drawbacks, perhaps pollution is of prime importance. ②As more and more cars are produced and used, so the emission from their exhaust-pipes contains an ever larger volume of poisonous gas. ③Some of the contents of this gas, such as lead, not only pollute the atmosphere but cause actual harm to the health of people. ④Many of the minor illnesses of modern industrial society, headaches, tiredness, and stomach upsets are thought to arise from breathing polluted air; doctors" surgeries are full of people suffering from illnesses caused by pollution. ⑤It is also becoming increasingly difficult to deal with the problem of traffic in towns; most of the important cities of the world suffer from traffic congestion. ⑥In fact any advantage gained in comfort is often cancelled out in city driving by the frustration caused by traffic jams: endless queues of cars crawling one after another through all the main streets. ⑦As an increasing number of traffic regulation schemes are devised, the poor bewildered driver finds himself diverted and forced into one-way systems which cause even greater delays than the traffic jams they are supposed to prevent. ⑧The mounting cost of petrol and the increased license fees and road tax all add to the driver"s worries. ⑨In fact, he must sometimes wonder if the motor car is such a blessing and not just a menace.   一、词汇   1.Mobility n. 可动性,变动性   2.Radius n. 半径   3.Preference n. 偏爱   4.irritation n. 烦恼   5.queue n. 长队   6.cover v. 行走(距离)   7.confine v. 限制 a. 首要的,最好的   9.bewildered a. 困惑的   10.divert v. 转移   11.blessing n. 祝福   12.menace n. 威胁   二、长难句   As an increasing number of traffic regulation schemes are devised, the poor bewildered driver finds himself diverted and forced into one-way systems which cause even greater delays than the traffic jams they are supposed to prevent.   该句为主从复合句。句首为as引导的时间状语从句,主干为the poor bewildered driver finds himself diverted and forced …,其中包含“find oneself +过去分词”结构,意为“发现自己(处于某状态)”。Which引导的定语从句做后置定语,修饰先行词one-way systems。   翻译:当越来越多的交通管理方案出台时,晕头转向的司机发现可怜的自己被迫转进了一条单行道,这样耽误的时间超过了他们所避免的交通拥堵时间。   三、文章结构分析   文章主要探讨了汽车广泛使用的利弊问题。   第一段:指出了汽车广泛使用的原因并论述汽车给人类带来的好处:灵活、舒适、快捷、自主。   第二段:主要论述了由于汽车的广泛使用给人类带来的困扰:大气污染、健康威胁、交通堵塞、费用负担。   四、试题具体分析   14. More and more people can afford to buy and use cars because ________.14. 越来越多的人能够购买并使用汽车是因为________。   [A] an increasing number of cars are being produced[A] 生产的汽车越来越多   [B] the cost of cars is getting cheaper with the development of technology[B] 随着技术的进步,汽车的成本也越来越低了   [C] lots of countries have become more developed[C] 许多国家都步入了发达国家之列   [D] the use of cars has proved to be more economical[D] 已经证实使用汽车是较经济的   [分析]本题考查的知识点是:因果细节。   文章第一段①句指出,因为越来越多的国家在技术和经济领域都取得了进步,所以世界上大部分人都能购买并使用汽车了。[C]选项正是对此句话的概括,故正确。   [A]选项张冠李戴。将“汽车的尾气管里排出了更多含有有毒物质的废气的原因,即人们生产的汽车越来越多了”,当成是“越来越来人购买并使用汽车的原因”。[B]选项无中生有,是利用原文词汇develop technically和the cost 编造的干扰项。第二段⑧句指出,飙升的油价和日益上涨的驾驶执照费和养路费使驾车人变得更加忧心忡忡。可见,使用汽车并不会为其所有者节省钱,故排除[D]选项。   15. The advantages of having a car are best experienced in the driver"s ________.15. 拥有汽车最大的好处是驾车人能够体验________。   [A] freedom in choosing his job[A] 选择工作的自由   [B] comfort during the travels[B] 旅行中舒适的感觉   [C] enjoyment of his leisure time[C] 闲暇时光的享受   [D] feeling of self-reliance[D] 自立的感觉   [分析]本题考查的知识点是:具体细节。   第一段末句明确指出,自主的感觉以及去任何想去的地方的那种自由或许是汽车最大的优点了,故[D]选项正确。   [A]、[B]、[C]选项都是文中谈到的拥有汽车的好处,但并非最大优点,故排除。   16. What is considered by the writer as the greatest menace to the people caused by the widespread use of motor cars?16. 作者认为汽车的广泛使用对人们造成的最大威胁是什么?   [A] air pollution[A]空气污染   [B] traffic jams[B]交通堵塞   [C] fatal diseases[C]致命疾病   [D] high cost[D]高额成本   [分析]本题考查的知识点是:具体细节。   文章第二段①句即明确指出,对于汽车使用的最大弊端可能就是汽车造成的污染问题。故[A]选项正确。   [B]、[D]选项虽然都是汽车使用对人们生活和健康的威胁,但并不是最大的威胁,故排除。[C]选项本身即错误。第二段第四句指出,现代工业社会中许多小病都是由于吸入被汽车尾气污染了的空气而引起的。可知,汽车的使用并不会引发致命的疾病。   五、全文翻译   二十世纪,汽车的用途变得越来越广泛了,因为越来越多的国家在技术和经济领域都取得了进步,所以世界上大部分人都能购买并使用汽车了。拥有一辆汽车就相当于具有更大的灵活性,开车的人可以自由活动。有汽车的人不必再依靠公共交通工具,因此也不必在工作所在地居住了。他可以选择不同的工作,也可能更频繁地跳槽,他不必在离家很近的范围内选择工作了。同乘坐公共汽车相比,开车上班也更加舒适些,人们可以按自己的需要和喜好随着季节来调节车内供暖和空调系统。有时人们要花半个小时站在长长的队伍里或坐在当风的站台内等火车、公交或地铁,由这种情况导致的恼怒也会随着汽车的使用而消失。随着宽敞快捷的高速公路的修建,长途旅行变得快捷且愉快了。许多人能够在周末的时候开车去乡村或海边,好好地享受他们的闲暇时光,而不用限制在住家附近的地方活动,这在本世纪也属首次了。自主的感觉以及去任何想去的地方的那种自由或许是汽车最大的优点了。   考虑到不好的方面,汽车造成的污染或许是其最大的缺点。因为人们生产和使用的汽车越来越多,所以汽车的尾气管里会排出更多含有有毒物质的废气。这种气体中一些成分的,例如铅,不仅污染了大气还对人们健康造成了实际伤害。人们认为现代工业社会中许多小病,例如,头痛、疲劳以及胃不适,都是由于吸入污浊的空气而引起的,医生的诊室里面充满了受其累的病患。处理城市里交通问题也变得越来越棘手了,世界上大多数重要城市都饱受交通堵塞之苦。事实上,在城市中驾车而行,从这种舒适中获取的任何好处都被由交通堵塞造成的沮丧感给抵消了:一眼望不到边际的汽车长龙,一辆跟着一辆慢慢爬过每一条主街道。当越来越多的交通管理方案出台时,晕头转向的司机发现可怜的自己被迫转进了一条单行道,这样耽误的时间超过了他们所避免的交通拥堵时间。飙升的油价和日益上涨的驾驶执照费和养路费使驾车人变得更忧心忡忡。事实上,他肯定有时候会想弄清楚汽车真的只会带来幸福而不会对我们造成威胁么。
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这个是简介啦Whisper of the Heart, known in Japan as Mimi wo Sumaseba (耳をすませば?, lit. If You Listen Closely) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Aoi Hiiragi. In 1995, it was adapted into an anime feature film by Studio Ghibli. This was the first Japanese film to use the Dolby Digital sound format. An English dub of this film was released by Buena Vista Home Entertainment on March 7, 2006. Turner Classic Movies televised both the dubbed and subbed versions on January 18, 2006 as part of their month-long celebration of Miyazaki (in honor of his birthday, January 5). The English title, Whisper of the Heart, was created by Studio Ghibli and used on several officially licensed "character goods" released around the same time as the movie was released in theaters in Japan.这个是情节,有些长,你自己看看需要什么吧One summer evening in 1994, Shizuku Tsukishima, a fourteen-year old girl who is in junior high school in Tama New Town, on the outskirts of Tokyo, looks through the checkout cards in her library books and notices a pattern: Each book had previously been checked out by someone named "Seiji Amasawa". The next day Shizuku goes to school to meet her friend Yūko Harada. While waiting, she asks her teacher Kosaka-sensei to open the library so she can check out a book. The book contains the name Amasawa, so she asks Kosaka-sensei about him. She doesn"t remember him, but tells Shizuku to ask one of the older teachers. Shizuku meets up with Yuko and shows her the draft of the song Shizuku has been writing for graduation. Yuko then tells Shizuku she"s received a love letter, but already has feelings for another classmate — Sugimura.On the way home, Shizuku suddenly realizes she left her book at the school. She rushes back to find a boy her age reading it. He hands it back to her, addressing her by name, which he read on the checkout card. He also comments on her lyrics, calling them "corny" — which leaves her feeling irritable for the rest of the evening. Shizuku"s sister Shiho comes home and scolds her for slacking off on her chores. The next morning, Shiho tells Shizuku to take their father his lunch at the library. On the train on the way there, Shizuku sees a large cat apparently traveling by itself. When it gets off at Shizuku"s station, she decides to follow it. It stops at an antique shop, where she sees the statue of a cat in formal clothing. The owner of the shop, Nishi-san, tells her his name is Baron Humbert von Jikkingen. He also shows her a recently restored grandfather clock, that tells a tale of the King of the Dwarves and a Fairy Queen. Shizuku is in awe, considering the shop a place where stories begin.Shizuku notices the late hour and rushes off to the library, stopping when she hears someone calling her name. It is the boy from school, returning the lunch she left at the shop. He comments on how much food it is and starts to mis-sing her song as he rides away, revealing the cat from before on the back on his bicycle and leaving Shizuku in another foul mood. The next day Shizuku stops by the teacher"s lounge on the way to lunch and asks about the name "Amasawa". One of the teachers recalls him as being a former chairman of the PTA. He also remarks that his son is in Shizuku"s grade. Shizuku"s friends tease her about this mysterious Amasawa boy until she changes the subject to the new draft of her song. After lunch Sugimura asks Yuko for a word. He tells her his friend wrote the love letter, and asks if she"d consider going out with the friend. Yuko yells at him for being insensitive and runs away crying, leaving him completely bewildered. Yuko tells Shizuku about the incident and decides to miss school the next day, even though they have exams.The next day Sugimura asks Shizuku about Yuko. She yells at him for being dense and tells him Yuko loves him, which causes him to admit he loves Shizuku. Shocked, she tells him she"d rather they stay friends. Later, Shizuku goes to visit the antique shop again and finds it closed. The boy from the library shows up on his bike and lets her in to see The Baron. He shows her the way The Baron"s eyes sparkle in the sunlight. She follows the boy downstairs and sees his workshop, where he is making a violin. She asks him to play, and he replies he will, if she will sing. Midway through the song, Nishi-san and his two friends arrive and play an accompaniment. One of Nishi-san"s friends addresses the boy as "Seiji". Shizuku demands to know if his name is Seiji Amasawa, and he confirms this. She becomes distressed to finally know this, but calms down enough to allow him to walk her home. On the way he tells her his dream is to become a master luthier. He is fighting with his parents for the chance to go to Cremona, Italy to study with a master. He also compliments her on her lyrics.The next morning at school Yuko says someone saw Shizuku and Seiji walking home together and that rumor says they"re going out. Shizuku denies this, but as soon as class is dismissed for lunch, Seiji appears at the door of the classroom and asks for a word. As her classmates begin taunting them, Shizuku takes Seiji up to the roof. There he tells her his parents have consented to let him go to Cremona, Italy for two months to study with a master. If he believes Seiji has potential, then he"ll be allowed to stay; if he does not, Seiji must return and attend high school. The two confess that they have feelings for each other, while their classmates spy on them. Seiji admits that he checked out all those library books hoping it would get her attention. That evening, Shizuku tells Yuko she worries she isn"t good enough for Seiji, since he seems to know what he wants to do in life. She decides to test her talent, too: She will write a book to see if her skills are good enough.She asks Nishi-san"s permission to write about The Baron in her story. He agrees, provided he is allowed to be the first to read it. She begins to do research in the library for her story, when Seiji appears to tell her he"s leaving the next day. She tells him she"ll be waiting for him to come back. Shizuku begins to devote all her time to working on her book, and her grades start to slip. Her parents are concerned but decide to allow her to finish her project. As soon as she finishes, she takes it to Nishi-san and asks him to read it right away. Hours later he finds her and tells her it was very good. She is upset and points out all its flaws, but Nishi-san says she simply needs to polish it.After some discussion, Nishi-san divulges to Shizuku the story of how he obtained the Baron. Like the story Shizuku wrote, the Baron had a female cat statue that accompanied him. However, Nishi-san had to leave Europe. He took the Baron with him and promised his lover that he"d return to find her and the Baron"s mistress. War prevented him from returning. Much later, he did finally come back, but was unable to find his love or the Baron"s mistress.Shizuku decides that attending high school is the best way to learn more about writing. Early the next morning Shizuku looks out her window and sees Seiji below. She rushes out to see him. He tells her he came home a day early to see her and tells her to get on the back of his bike. They ride to a steep hill, which he says he wants to ride up carrying her. She hops off to help push, saying she wants to help him, not be a burden to him. They make it to the top and look out at the incredible view, waiting for the sunrise. He tells her he"s decided to attend high school, then go back to Cremona to study. He apologizes to her for concentrating on his dream so much he forgot to encourage her, but she tells him she"s glad he did, because it pushed her to do her best and learn more about herself. Seiji asks her if, once he becomes a luthier, she would consent to marry him. She happily tells him she hoped it would be that way and agrees. They watch the sunrise together.
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bewilder的反义词是enlighten。Perplex和bewilder都表示困惑、迷惑的意思,但它们在用法和语气上略有不同。Perplex是一个相对中性的词,通常表示感到困惑、不理解或不确定。它常常用于描述一些复杂的情况或问题,比如说:“我对这个数学问题感到十分perplexed。”Bewilder则带有一定的负面意义,通常暗示着一种令人困惑、疑惑或沮丧的感觉。它可能是由于情况太过复杂或不可预测,或是由于缺乏信息或资源等原因造成的。比如说:“我对这个问题感到完全bewildered,毫无头绪。”总的来说,Perplex更偏向于描述一种客观的、中性的困惑感,而bewilder则更强调情感上的迷茫和困惑感。我是急诊室里唯一的病人,所以来了很多医生,做了很多测试,令人眼花缭乱。I am the only patient in A&E and so begins a dazzling array of consultants and tests.
2023-07-22 22:30:481

Bewitched, Bothered & Bewildered (feat. Beegie Adair) 歌词

歌曲名:Bewitched, Bothered & Bewildered (feat. Beegie Adair)歌手:Denis Solee Featuring Beegie Adair专辑:Love Letters: The Beegie Adair Romance CollectionLara Fabian - Bewitched, Bothered & Bewilder...He""s a fool and don""t I know itBut a fool can have his charmsI""m in love and don""t I show itLike a babe in arms.Love""s the same old sad sensationLately I""ve not slept for a wink.Since the silly situationHas me on the blink.I""m wild againBeguiled againA whimpering simpering child againBewitched bothered and bewildered am I.I couldn""t sleep and wouldn""t sleepTill love came and told me I shouldn""t sleepBewitched bothered and bewildered am I.I""ve lost my heart but what of itHe is cold I agreeHe may laugh but I love itAlthough the laugh""s on me.I""ll sing to him each spring to himAnd look for the day when I""ll cling to himBewitched bothered and bewildered am I.
2023-07-22 22:31:101


田纳西の馅儿饼 zhengque
2023-07-22 22:31:393


更别提的英文是not to mention。一、读音not to mention的英语读音是[nu0252t tu u02c8menu0283n]。二、例句1、He has two big houses in this country,not to mention his villa in France.他在这个国家有两座大房子,更别提他在法国的别墅了。2、It was both deliberate and malicious,not to mention clever.这件事是处心积虑、早有预谋的,更不用说其手段的高明。3、The audience,not to mention the bewildered cast,were not amused.观众们并没有觉得好笑,更不用说那些一头雾水的演员了。4、Lots of periodicals in foreign languages have been subscribed to,not to mention those in Chinese.且不说中文期刊,外文期刊也订了不少。
2023-07-22 22:31:471

unhorsed by fence

1. The power of smiles微笑的力量 2. The meaning of life人生的意义 3. Value every minute珍惜每一分(秒) 4.Never give up永不放弃 5.The greatest pain in life人生最大的悲痛 6.Shake it off and step up重整旗鼓向前进 7.Nothing to fear无所畏惧 8.Yesterday, today and tomorrow昨天,今天和明天 9 Love is understanding爱就是理解 10.Grandma"s vase/grandpa"s chair/mom"s gloves/dad"s bike 外婆的花瓶/爷爷的椅子/母亲的手套/父亲的自行车 提问者:RBilly - 助理 二级 : 选了十个题目.你可试写一两个.平时多下手写写感想.多思考些日常小事, 其实就是把你平时的一些想法,或是注意到一些现象,整理一下.加点个人想法,就会是一篇很好的文章了.只要是发自内心的声音都会是动听的.考试时你也会下笔如神了.懂吗? 祝好! 随便写点什么,可是一些感想,也可以是一小段描写,总之你能中文写的东西也要尝试着用英语写,这样时间久了就好了.
2023-07-22 22:32:171

A Nightmare To Remember 歌词

歌曲名:A Nightmare To Remember歌手:Dream Theater专辑:Progressive Nation 2009 North American Tour - at Molson AmphitheatreDream Theater - A Nightmare To RememberA nightmare to rememberI"ll never be the sameWhat began as laughterSo soon will turn to painThe sky was clear and prettyThe air was thick and stillNow I"m not one to soon forgetAnd I"ll bet I never willPicture for a momentThe perfect ironyA flawless new beginningEclipsed by tragedyThe uninvited strangerStarted dancing on his ownSo we said goodbye to the growing prideAnd we made our way back homeLife was so simple thenWe were so innocentFather and motherHolding each otherWithout warning, out of nowhereLike a bullet, from the nightCrashing glass, rubber and steelScorching fire, glowing lightScreams of terror, pain of fearSounds of silence, smoke in my eyesSilent stillness, blackened silenceNo more screaming, no more criesStunned and bewilderedCold and afraidTorn up and brokenFrightened and dazedStunned and bewilderedCold and afraidTorn up and brokenFrightened and dazedLying on the table, in some familiar placeI"m greeted by a stranger, a man without a faceHe said "Son, do you remember, do you even know your name?"Then he shined a light into my eyes and said "Take this for the pain"Hopelessly drifting, bathing in beautiful agonyI am endlessly falling, lost in this wonderful miseryIn peaceful sedation I lay half awakeAnd all of the panic inside starts to fadeHopelessly drifting, bathing in beautiful agony"Tell me does this hurt you?" said the faceless man"Can you move all of your fingers, can you try your best to stand?"I asked about the others "Is everyone okay?"He told me not to worry, as he turned and looked awayHopelessly drifting, bathing in beautiful agonyI am endlessly falling, lost in this wonderful miseryIn peaceful sedation I lay half awakeAnd all of the panic inside starts to fadeHopelessly drifting, bathing in beautiful agonyDay after day, and night after nightWe play out the events, did they ever see the red light?Over and over, scene by sceneLike a recurring nightmare, haunted by dreamsHow can you prepare, for what would happen next?No son should ever have to see his father in such a messIt"s a miracle he lived, it"s a blessing no one diedBy the grace of god above, everyone survivedHooouh!!Life was so simple thenWe were so innocentIt will stay with us foreverA nightmare to remember
2023-07-22 22:32:241

He turned around,with a bewildered look on his face (with部分作是作什么成分?on his face是定语吗?

"with a bewildered look on his face" 中的 with 是介词,表示“有……的”,相当于“带着一副迷惑的表情”。这个短语是形容词短语,在句子中充当伴随状况状语。其中,a bewildered look on his face 是整个形容词短语,指出了他面带的表情。这里的 on his face 是 look 的定语,修饰它的内容,表示是在他的脸上显露出来的表情。整个句子可以理解为:“他转身,脸上带着一副迷惑的表情。”
2023-07-22 22:32:312

跪求 Leonard Cohen的Boogie Street中文歌词翻译

首先,我总觉得BOOGIE 做摇滚讲又点差强会意.似乎感觉这是一只临终人的安详之曲,临终时,他很明确,自己该走了,刹那,他看到了那特别的光,那么明亮又很舒服,他看到了那通向光的黑暗,如此彻底又不恐惧.刹那,他惊喜的遇到了他过世的爱人,美好幸福,....死亡的瞬间,他如此安详平静.如同一个英雄,这个流浪艺人从容的倒下了,那条他颠沛生存的路,成了他通往天堂的阶梯,没有人知道他的名字,他也不介意别人是否知道他的名字.O crown of light, o darkened one, 我看到了那束最明亮的生命之光哦,显得四周分外漆黑I never thought we"d meet. 我的爱,竟然你也在,生命伴着你的吻飞散了,我开始死去You kiss my lips, and then it"s done:I"m back on boogie street.A sip of wine, a cigarette, 最后,再啜口烈酒,来口烟And then it"s time to go. 呵呵,是时候了,走吧.I tidied up the kitchenette; (轻轻)熄灭壁炉(灭了人间烟火)I tuned the old banjo. (慢慢)关掉老琴(忘记悲恨情愁)I"m wanted at the traffic-jam. 那奈何桥头的孟婆汤,一定有我一碗(美国的传说自然跟中国不同,They"re saving me a seat. 应该是踏上那死亡班车) 可我喜欢我熟悉的中国传说I"m what i am, and what i am, 我是啥,啥是我.....管他呢.....Is back on boogie street. 总之,我是死了,呵呵And o my love, i still recall 可是,哎,我的爱哦,我又想你,(我总能想起你,也许我是为你而来这世间)The pleasures that we knew; 那过去的美好The rivers and the waterfall, 那我们共度的时光,如同奔腾的河流,一去不返Wherein i bathed with you.Bewildered by your beauty there, 你那样美,只要一个手势,我这个垂死街头的家伙就可以匍匐拜倒I"d kneel to dry your feet.By such instructions you prepareA man for boogie street.O crown of light, o darkened one?- 也许,这是临死前的回光返照吧So come, my friends, be not afraid. 呵呵,不用怕,We are so lightly here. 这死亡的溶解,恰似爱河中我们恣意的融化It is in love that we are made;In love we disappear. 且任那血肉之躯突兀的停留在天堂之门吧,何况,Tho" all the maps of blood and flesh 何况,在天堂,我们碰不到那些尘世中曾经左右我们的人,不用怕Are posted on the door,There"s no one who has told us yetWhat boogie street is for.O crown of light, o darkened one, 你带着那束死亡光环,你静静的吻着我,I never thought we"d meet. 我以为再也见不到你,你在那里.为了追随那个世界的你,死,You kiss my lips, and then it"s done: 我也义无返顾I"m back on boogie street.A sip of wine, a cigarette, 酒尽了,烟灭了,我也该走了And then it"s time to go . . .
2023-07-22 22:32:413

欧美音乐圈的,i don't know her 是什么梗

mariah carey面对记者或主持人采访,多次表示对于jennifer lopes这个人"I don"t know her".其实就是当初本来属于牛姐(mariah carey)的一首歌因为前夫的原因,被偷走拿去给jennifer lopes演唱了,然后衍生出的drama.一般大家都用这句话开玩笑或嘲讽,具体是开玩笑还是嘲讽看情况
2023-07-22 22:33:032


墨菲适用于一个工程位置在公司总部设在爱尔兰都柏林。美国申请同样的工作。非常巧合,这两个扩增,并要求采取同样的测试经理人力资源部。完成后的测试,只有男女双方的问题之一。经理前往墨菲说: “谢谢您的关心,但是我们已经决定放弃在美国的工作。 ” 糊涂了经理的决定,墨菲问道: “为什么你会做吗?我们都得到正确的九个问题。这是爱尔兰和我正在爱尔兰,我要得到这份工作! “ 马槽冷静地回答, “我们已作出的决定的基础上正确的答案,但是关于这个问题你错过。 ” 信服,而且有些气愤,墨菲的问题“ ,并如何将一个不正确的答案是优于其他? ” 经理人脉泽抓住他的惊讶, “简单,对QuestionNo.5 ,美国放下"我不"知道" ,你放下"我也不"
2023-07-22 22:33:292

He turned around,with a bewildered look on his face (with部分作是作什么成分?on his face是定语吗?

with a bewildered look on his face是伴随状语修饰前面的句子He turned around.on his face是方位状语表明a bewildered look在哪里。
2023-07-22 22:33:362


The story illustrate us that not everything is the same as what it looks and we must learn to tell right from wrong
2023-07-22 22:34:043


2023-07-22 22:34:127


我从英文网站拷贝过来的. 没有中文哦. Quotations from The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne,1850 One token of her shame would but poorly serve to hide another. Nathaniel Hawthorne,The Scarlet Letter,Chapter II "The Market-Place" Ah,but let her cover the mark as she will,the pang of it will be always in her heart. Nathaniel Hawthorne,The Scarlet Letter,Chapter II "The Market-Place" In our nature,however,there is a provision,alike marvellous and merciful,that the sufferer should never know the intensity of what he endures by its present torture,but chiefly by the pang that rankles after it. Nathaniel Hawthorne,The Scarlet Letter,Chapter II "The Market-Place" A bodily disease,which we look upon as whole and entire within itself,may,after all,be but a symptom of some ailment in the spiritual part. Nathaniel Hawthorne,The Scarlet Letter,Chapter X "The Leech and His Patient" A pure hand needs no glove to cover it. Nathaniel Hawthorne,The Scarlet Letter,Chapter XII "The Minister抯 Vigil" It is to the credit of human nature,that,except where its selfishness is brought into play,it loves more readily than it hates.Hatred,by a gradual and quiet process,will even be transformed to love,unless the change be impeded by a continually new irritation of the original feeling of hostility. Nathaniel Hawthorne,The Scarlet Letter,Chapter XIII "Another View of Hester" Let men tremble to win the hand of woman,unless they win along with it the utmost passion of her heart!Else it may be their miserable fortune,when some mightier touch than their own may have awakened all her sensibilities,to be reproached even for the calm content,the marble image of happiness,which they will have imposed upon her as the warm reality. Nathaniel Hawthorne,The Scarlet Letter,Chapter XV "Hester and Pearl" She had wandered,without rule or guidance,into a moral wilderness.Her intellect and heart had their home,as it were,in desert places,where she roamed as freely as the wild Indian in his woods.The scarlet letter was her passport into regions where other women dared not tread.Shame,Despair,Solitude!These had been her teachers - stern and wild ones - and they had made her strong,but taught her much amiss. Nathaniel Hawthorne,The Scarlet Letter,Chapter XVIII "A Flood of Sunshine" But this had been a sin of passion,not of principle,nor even purpose. Nathaniel Hawthorne,The Scarlet Letter,Chapter XVIII "A Flood of Sunshine" She had not known the weight until she felt the freedom. Nathaniel Hawthorne,The Scarlet Letter,Chapter XVIII "A Flood of Sunshine" No man for any considerable period can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude,without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the true. Nathaniel Hawthorne,The Scarlet Letter,Chapter XX "The Minister in a Maze"
2023-07-22 22:34:291


选择性必修二英语单词有:1、specialist :专家。2、clinic:诊所;门诊部。3、outbreak:爆发,突然发生。4、devotion :奉献。5、miracle :意外的幸运事;奇迹。6、twin:双胞胎的。7、compensate:弥你补,补偿。8、collaborate:合作,协作。9、mankind:人类。10、vomit:有惊喜物。
2023-07-22 22:34:381


“更不用说 了” 用英语怎么说 不必说...更不必说... 是一起用的吗?不过一起用汉语也不通顺呀,你是不是表达”我工作都可能作不完,更别说去买菜了”这个意思? 这样可以用let alone 连接或者not to mention I can"t even finish my job, let alone bought the food. let alone bought the food 是虚拟时态. not to mention 后经常接名词如果是分开的意思 不必说 needless to say 更不必说 let alone/not to mention 我不会用英语怎么说 你是要问"我不会"用英语怎么说?还是"我不会用英语&quot憨怎么说? 2个问题2个答案哦: 1. 我不会: Sorry,I don"t know./Sorry, I can"t do it. 2. 我不会用英语: Sorry, I can"t speak English. “更不要说”用英语怎么说? let alone 才是最地道的说法 (Not to mention; much less:) 更不用提;更别说: “Their ancestors had been dirt poor and never saw royalty, let alone hung around with them”(Garrison Keillor)“他们的祖先穷得要命,从来没有见过王族成员,更不用说和他们在一起了”(加里森·谢勒) “我不会说英语更不会听英语”用英语怎么说 I cannot speak English and understand it. “更别提,更不要说”用英语怎么说 not to mention [英] [nu0254t tu: u02c8menu0283u0259n][美] [nɑt tu u02c8mu025bnu0283u0259n] [词典] 更不用说; 不消说; [例句] The audience, not to mention the bewildered cast, were not amused 观众们并没有觉得好笑,更不用说那些一头雾水的演员了。 let alone [英] [let u0259u02c8lu0259un][美] [lu025bt u0259u02c8lon] [词典] 别说; 何况; 不理,不管[惹],不烦扰,不干涉; 更不用说,还不算; [例句] We fear no death, let alone difficulties. 我们死都不怕,何况困难? “更别提,更不要说”用英语怎么说 still less/much less/let alone"更不用说,更何况" eg:I never thought of it,still/much less did I do it.我想也没想到它,更不用说去做了。 still more/much more"至于...更不必说" He can speak French,much more English.他连法语都会说,英语更不在话下. "不会更糟了"用英语怎么说 Cannot be worse. "我真的不会讲英语" 用英文怎么说 I really can"t speak English. Honestly, I can"t speak English.
2023-07-22 22:35:041


2023-07-22 22:35:241


蔷薇花带①克洛普斯托克 (德国)在春天的绿荫下我见到她,我用蔷薇花带系住她:她没有觉到,只在那儿微睡。我瞧着她,我的生命随着这视线系上她的生命,我感觉到,却莫名其妙。可是我却对她无言地低语,我把蔷薇花带抖动,沙沙作响,于是她从徽睡中惊醒。她瞧着我,她的生命随着她的视线系上我的生命……我们的四周变成极乐世界。Rose belt① Cloe Pusi Tocker (Germany) I see her under spring"s shade, I use the rose belt am occupied by her: She had not realized that only micro rests in there. I look at her, my life am tying her life along with this line of sight, I felt that is actually bewildered. But I actually whisper to her taciturnity, I the rose belt vibration, rustle make noise, therefore she rests from the emblem awakens. She looks at me, her life is tying my life along with hers line of sight ^ We all around turn the heaven of heavens.
2023-07-22 22:35:441


Midei 博士的下跌,是因为它是戏剧,快速。在 6 月对他提起诉讼的供词,他说:"我不知道什么打了我。我被迷惑的发生了什么事。"他有他地区是最受欢迎的医生之一。他是 MidAtlantic 的一个,一心脏病学专家控制在巴尔的摩的私家医院心业务的很多的数十种做法的共同创办人在约翰 · 霍普金斯大学的培训。Midei 博士是实践的明星之一。当 MidAtlantic 2007 年谈判协和医院 25 万元合并时,这笔交易是取决于他继续就业。圣若瑟是如此关注失去博士 Midei 业务医院提供 120 万美元薪金,如果他将离开 MidAtlantic,而加入医院的工作人员。当 Midei 博士同意合并折叠的联盟、 MidAtlantic 起诉,和发誓在书面供词中的这种做法的前首席执行花试图破坏他个人和专业我生命中的其余部分一起提供。在 6 月书面供词中博士 Midei 估计,2005 年 — — 研究显示很多支架不必要之前 — — 他执行约 800 支架程序。,而不是放在随后几年,但是,支架博士 Midei 插入的数目上升至多达 1200 每年,他估计。阿博特实验室在 2007年的内部文档中排名支架后面其他只有五个心脏病东北包括那些在医院四学专家 Midei 博士的使用和圣若瑟大小的五倍。这种数量的增加是一个明显的红旗临床主任布法罗大学心血管医学的划分以及 2007年支架研究的作者威廉 · E.博登博士说。"为此活跃的增加,这些年来他是真的不寻常,"博士博登说:
2023-07-22 22:35:551


hello,how long time.l heardyou got agood nice
2023-07-22 22:36:065

英语作业题 求助

2023-07-22 22:36:343

我想要美国作家kay boyle《天文学家的妻子》(中英)原文

Astronomer"s Wife天文学家的妻子 by Kay Boyle(1903-1992) 当万籁俱寂,生命尚未复苏时,醒来那一刻是令人不悦的。可此时的女人们,不得不在朦胧中独自开启她日常的新页:调准时针,钟摆便铛铛地敲响,或抬高嗓门,走过每个房间,让生命的脉搏开始跳动。天文学家的妻子感觉仍有时间继续接下来的工作,该找点儿事儿做,免得让时间白白流逝。于是,她蹑手蹑脚地下楼去煮咖啡。她摇摆着双脚,轻轻地踩在椭圆的地毯上,一面做着有节奏的摆臂运动:曲臂,伸直,一面用她柔美的声音哼着:左,左,左,我的妻子和十四个孩子,右,右,右,在灰尘暴土的路中央。她就是这样,裸露着微颤的双臂,饶有兴致地迎接清晨的到来。 一天就此开始,日复一日,无需有昔日的追忆和怀念,周而复始。天文学家依然睡着,或假装睡着,而她,一起床,就要行使她家务的主权。尽管她朝夕面对着那始终无动于衷、让人捉摸不透的冷漠,每日琐碎的家务让她忙着清洁屋子、料理杂务,还得和善待人,一整天下来,她根本无法和丈夫亲密一见。她的丈夫属于另类的那种,爱做梦的人。每天他都会在床上逗留几个小时,其余的时间会消磨在屋顶上,用他的望远镜让人费解地观望着天外的世界,要么会沿着小路溜达到街上或闲逛到对面的山上。与往常一样,这一天先要清理昨夜晚餐剩下的残局,再按着他的要求摆上味道浓重的美乃滋沙拉午餐。那男人每次都犹如一股新涌起的浪潮,这女人只得顺命地咽下,那男人一贯的沉默示意她该这么做。 年轻的女佣早已听见女主人的声音,不顾时候还早,便上楼,在主人卧室的门槛前站住,通报说:“水管工来了!” 天文学家的妻子赶忙披上白色和血红色相间的外套,扣子直系到脖领儿,捂得严严实实的。她小心地绕过淌满大厅的那滩死水。“让他上楼来,”她说。她把手搭在楼梯的扶手上,顺着木梯的方向朝下望去。“啊,我是艾密斯夫人,”看到水管工往楼上走,她语气温柔地说。“我是艾密斯夫人,”她边柔声地说着,边缓缓地走下台阶儿。“我是艾密斯夫人,”她轻柔的话音如被微风拂过的柳枝。“教授还在睡着,这边来吧!” 水管工抬起头,看着声音这么柔美的女人,在跟他讲话。她显得颇年轻,她丈夫内心的沉寂与深邃却如责备的手指按在她的双唇上,令她全然忘却女人的青春与美丽。她的眼睛昏暗而忧郁,曾有的光芒似乎早已泯灭。枯黄的头发泛着一层莫名的光晕,凌乱地挽在一侧的肩上。 水管工穿着厚重的靴子,轻轻地放缓他的脚步。他们一起走到大厅,择道儿走过那一汪静谧、意欲漫过梯台的“湖水”。魁梧健壮的水管工摘掉帽子,用他粗犷的眼神仔细地看着她,说: “是从洗脸池里出来的,还是从别的...” “啊,从别的地方,”艾密斯夫人不假思索地说。 这一带只散落着几栋别墅,保留着原始古朴的风貌,然而,在她脸上映不出一丝这样宁静的美。这里的一切都显得古怪异样,好像都面对着那张苛刻的脸孔,与一种狰狞的势力较力。就连水管工,像一个女人那样处理手边的事物,都显得深沉而庄重。环抱的群山似乎把他们笼罩在巨大威严的阴影之中。 艾密斯夫人开口说起他们搬到这栋小别墅里的那个夏天,哀哀戚戚地说着接二连三发生的每件事。 “就在昨晚睡觉前,我注意到什么地方好像不太对劲儿,”她说。 水管工在漫溢的“湖水”边儿上,铺开一块儿叠好的方布口袋,放上他的皮围裙,大胆地走到“湖”中央,弯下腰,察看着溢满水的洗脸池。 “水该是在花园的水泵那儿堵住的”,一番检查过后,水管工说。 “对,昨晚我一发现溢水,就穿着睡袍,立刻去把它关了。可水还是淌了满地。”艾密斯夫人说。 水管工看了一眼她脚上穿的那双红色的羊皮拖鞋。她恰好站在清澈透明的“湖水”沿儿上。 “只定是地里的管道出了问题”,水管工严肃地说。“可能什么东西堵住了水管,但我想水泵也坏了。这种情况经常都是这类问题。要是按个水阀就好了。” 这突来的责怪令艾密斯夫人一时不知该怎么应对,站在那儿,惶惑地看着水管工海蓝色无情的双眼。 “我很抱歉...抱歉...我的丈夫还...还在休息,不能帮你。我肯定这活儿一定没什么好玩儿的...”。 “可能你得找些质量好的弯管儿,”水管工笑眯眯地说,这一要求让艾密斯夫人慌的用手捂住了脸。水管工没动,但看她的表情变得温和多了。“反正,我得从花园那边察起。”他说。 “啊,察吧!”天文学家的妻子这才松了口气。这个男人说话的语气、一举一动竟像女人那么简单!她刚刚沉寂下来的话音,清清楚楚地传到躺在床上、孤僻做梦的艾密斯教授的耳边。他听见他们的脚步声,走到大厅,停住,跳过漫溢的那汪水。 “凯瑟琳!”天文学家尖声厉气地喊着,“什么事儿让你这么大胆!” 艾密斯夫人没回头理他,带着水管工快速地下了楼。他们走到花园,阳光照在她脸上,有一抹红润,水管工看得出,这抹红润并非来自光照,而是内心的羞涩。 水管工似乎看透她的心思,便牵引着说:“地下的管道很有意思,从房子底下出来,一直连到山底下,管道粗的足能站一个人,而且里面跟哨笛那么干净。”他们站在花园里,到处盛开着缤纷绚丽的鲜花。水管工看着天文学家的妻子,说:“水管儿里的水穿过大山,在森林的那头儿倾泻出去。” 天文学家的喊声仍然回荡在她耳边,可在她听来,却毫无声色。她了解那男人的心思,他会匆匆地赶下楼,胡乱猜想着那些难于言表、不切实际的东西。他曾几何时这样表达过那满腹的思想,让她可以感激地回应那长久无际的缄默。他那蔑视的神情,仿佛冷寂的荒漠,环绕在他四围,令她畏惧。 生命,生命像广阔的海洋,她却试图在悲哀中诠释它,而女人,则努力地盘缠在漂泊于浪尖的残骸上生存。这时,水管工突然跪在草地上,蜷起手指穿进下水盖儿的锁环里。她低头看她时,他也正仰头看她。她发现他的头发如金子般光灿灿。 “或者艾密斯夫人愿意和我一起下去看看,”他略带挖苦地说。 “下去?”艾密斯夫人感到有些惊讶。 “进下水道里,”水管工残忍地说,“那里是做学问之人的书房。” “啊,艾密斯先生,”艾密斯夫人一脸迷惘,“他还在...还在睡觉,你知道的。” 水管工抬起他强韧、饱经风霜的那张脸,奇怪地看着她。这的确让他感到奇怪,一个男人宁愿留连在床上,任由金色的阳光倾洒如四溢芬芳的美酒。天文学家的妻子看着他瘦削的脸庞,高高凸起的颧骨,深皱的眉宇。他的肌肤如优质的木材刮净,结实,气候的摧残晒得他黝黑。他的手指粗壮,但她能理解,紧紧地勾着锁环,握住下水道的铁盖儿。手背儿上隆起一团团的静脉血管。 “总之,”天文学家的妻子想到要说的话不禁翘起嘴角儿,笑了,说:“艾密斯先生从不活着下去。他喜欢上去。”说着,傲气地用手指指着天上。“屋顶上,山上,他常去那儿上。” “那是种习惯,”水管工说完,猛然进到下水道里。艾密斯夫人看着他那金闪闪的头顶,像闪烁在夜空里的一颗小星星,一丁点儿、一丁点儿地渐渐地消逝。从下水道的深处,传来水管工空旷低沉的声音,“我想有东西堵在胳膊肘的拐弯处了。” 水管工的话深深地触动了她,令她感到诧异:她丈夫谈到高处时,她怎么一点儿感觉都没有呢?要不用一个确定的词儿,她既无法描绘出更不能理解他话语的深奥与神秘。那日益郁积的痴迷,如堵塞的弯管儿,是她清楚目睹的。她坐在草地上,困惑地想:刚才跟他讲话的是这个男人。 她看着草坪上萌发的杂草,不忍拔掉这么稚嫩的新生命。她无力地坐着,掩饰着内心的感受,丝毫不想让自己闲着的手再忙碌起来。男人就是这样呆坐在床上,她清楚仅仅一个单纯的想法都可以思前想后地琢磨半天。男人的心思能调和、剖开、甩掉那些不想要的(却是有价值的)、毁掉它。她坐在厚厚的草坪上,思索着,茫然地等着水管工回来。 她的丈夫总是“上去”,如死人的灵魂升天,而如今有人要“下去”,如死人的尸体埋入土中。艾密斯夫人似乎领悟到:男人有两个生命。那么的清晰明了的认识令她目瞪口呆,全身、四肢都有种异样的感觉。她一动不动,脸朝着群山的岩石壁望去,静静地聆听着:她的丈夫是灵魂,那个男人是肉体。 一会儿,水管工从地里上来:先露出金灿灿的头顶,接着露出晒得棕红的额头,最后是他那海蓝色嵌着雪白睫毛的双眼。他用厚大的手掌按在花园小路的铺路石上,撑着全身,悬在坑儿里。 “就是埋在土里的管道出了问题”,他很得意地说,“水管里,”说着低头看着她仰起的脸,“顶满了气儿。” “我们来到这世界要做什么?”天文学家的妻子轻柔的说。一种青春美妙的喜悦油然而生,期望着能给与她真实的答复。天文学家曾对她说过的一切变成了一连串的问题,问得水管工一时哑口无言。 “啊,这样说吧,”水管工低下头,微笑着,“任何一种疾病都有一种治愈的良方。有时或许是那样的方法,”说话的口气就像在教导一个小孩子,“有时或用另外的方法。任何的不适总有办法来缓解。” “地里长出的植物可用作草药,让你再变得年轻,”她听得出了神儿,不知他是否真的在跟自己说话,“一滴时雨会滋润干旱的土地,时间也会让一根断骨慢慢愈合...” “我要顺着地下的管道到排水沟那儿看看,”水管工跟她说,“顺便也可查查别的地方有没有问题。要是不细心察看的话,什么毛病都查不出来,也修不好的,”他大胆的盯着她的脸,深情的,流露出一丝爱意。 天文学家的妻子站起身,在头上别了一根发夹,转身朝厨房走去。当她喊着女佣的名字时,水管工又开口说话了。 “我养过一头母牛,患了胃病,”水管工正说着,年轻的女佣从里面出来,站在厨房的门口,艾密斯夫人沐浴在阳光下,微笑着对她说:“问题很严重,非常严重,”边说边穿过花园,“艾密斯先生起来时,告诉他我已经下去了。”随手指了指小路上敞开的下水道。水管工把重重的工具袋搁在手臂上,张开手托着她下去。 “要是我能有时间采些鲜花,做点东西或别的小饰物,就好了,”他说。“啊,”天文学家的妻子说,好奇地踏入地心的深处。她抓住他的胳膊,相信他所说的是真的。
2023-07-22 22:36:433


仔细观察一个小孩,随便哪个小孩都行,你会发现,他每天都会发现一两件令他快乐的事情,尽管过一会儿他可能会哭哭啼啼。再看看一个大人,我们中间任何人都行。你会发现,一周复一周,一月又一月,他总是以无可奈何的心情迎接新的一天的到来,以温文尔雅、满不在乎的心情忍受这一天的消逝。确实,大多数人都跟罪人一样苦恼难受,尽管他们太百无聊赖,连罪恶都不犯--也许他们的冷漠就是他们的罪孽。真的, 他们难得一笑。如果他们偶尔笑了,我们会认不出他们的容貌,他们的脸会扭曲走样,不再是我们习以为常的固定不变的面具。即使在笑的时候,大人也不会像小孩儿那样,小孩儿用眼睛表示笑意,大人只用嘴唇。这实际上不是笑,只是咧列嘴;表示一种心情,但跟快乐无关。然而,人人都能发现,人到了一定地步(但又有谁能解释这是什么地步呢?),成了老人,他又会笑了。R. Duncan Observe a child; any one will do. You will see that not a day passes in which he does not find something or other to make him happy, though he may be in tears the next moment. Then look at a man; any one of us will do. You will notice that weeks and months can pass in which day is greeted with nothing more than resignation1, and endure with every polite indifference. Indeed, most men are as miserable as sinners, though they are too bored to sin-perhaps their sin is their indifference2. But it is true that they so seldom smile that when they do we do not recognize their face, so distorted is it from the fixed mask we take for granted3. And even then a man can not smile like a child, for a child smiles with his eyes, whereas a man smiles with his lips alone. It is not a smile; but a grin; something to do with humor4, but little to do with happiness. And then, as anyone can see, there is a point (but who can define that point?) when a man becomes an old man, and then he will smile again. It would seem that happiness is something to do with simplicity, and that it is the ability to extract pleasure form the simplest things-such as a peach stone, for instance. It is obvious that it is nothing to do with success. For Sir Henry Stewart was certainly successful. It is twenty years ago since he came down to our village from London , and bought a couple of old cottages, which he had knocked into one. He used his house a s weekend refuge5. He was a barrister. And the village followed his brilliant career with something almost amounting to paternal pride. I remember some ten years ago when he was made a King"s Counsel6, Amos and I, seeing him get off the London train, went to congratulate him. We grinned with pleasure; he merely looked as miserable as though he"d received a penal sentence. It was the same when he was knighted; he never smiled a bit, he didn"t even bother to celebrate with a round of drinks at the "Blue Fox"7. He took his success as a child does his medicine. And not one of his achievements brought even a ghost of a smile to his tired eyes. I asked him one day, soon after he"d retired to potter about his garden,8 what is was like to achieve all one"s ambitions. He looked down at his roses and went on watering them. Then he said "The only value in achieving one"s ambition is that you then realize that they are not worth achieving." Quickly he moved the conversation on to a more practical level, and within a moment we were back to a safe discussion on the weather. That was two years ago. I recall this incident, for yesterday, I was passing his house, and had drawn up my cart just outside his garden wall. I had pulled in from the road for no other reason than to let a bus pass me. As I set there filling my pipe, I suddenly heard a shout of sheer joy come from the other side of the wall. I peered over. There stood Sir Henry doing nothing less than a tribal war dance9 of sheer unashamed ecstasy. Even when he observed my bewildered face staring over the wall he did not seem put out10 or embarrassed, but shouted for me to climb over. "Come and see, Jan. Look! I have done it at last! I have done it at last!" There he was, holding a small box of earth in his had. I observed three tiny shoots out of it. "And there were only three!" he said, his eyes laughing to heaven. "Three what?" I asked. "Peach stones", he replied. "I"ve always wanted to make peach stones grow, even since I was a child, when I used to take them home after a party, or as a man after a banquet. And I used to plant them, and then forgot where I planted them. But now at last I have done it, and, what"s more, I had only three stones, and there you are, one, two, three shoots," he counted. And Sir Henry ran off, calling for his wife to come and see his achievement-his achievement of simplicity. 【中文译文】: 三颗桃核 仔细观察一个小孩,随便哪个小孩都行,你会发现,他每天都会发现一两件令他快乐的事情,尽管过一会儿他可能会哭哭啼啼。再看看一个大人,我们中间任何人都行。你会发现,一周复一周,一月又一月,他总是以无可奈何的心情迎接新的一天的到来,以温文尔雅、满不在乎的心情忍受这一天的消逝。确实,大多数人都跟罪人一样苦恼难受,尽管他们太百无聊赖,连罪恶都不犯--也许他们的冷漠就是他们的罪孽。真的, 他们难得一笑。如果他们偶尔笑了,我们会认不出他们的容貌,他们的脸会扭曲走样,不再是我们习以为常的固定不变的面具。即使在笑的时候,大人也不会像小孩儿那样,小孩儿用眼睛表示笑意,大人只用嘴唇。这实际上不是笑,只是咧列嘴;表示一种心情,但跟快乐无关。然而,人人都能发现,人到了一定地步(但又有谁能解释这是什么地步呢?),成了老人,他又会笑了。 看起来,幸福同纯真的赤子之心有关系,幸福是一种能从最简单的事物里--譬如说,核桃--汲取快乐的能力。 幸福显然同成功毫不相干。因为亨利u2022斯图亚特爵士当然是个十分成功的人。20年前,他从伦敦来到我们的村子,买了好几座旧房屋,推倒后建了一所大房子。他把这所房子当作度周末的场所。他是位律师。我们村里的人带着一种几近父辈的骄傲心情追随他那辉煌的业绩。 我记得,大约十年前他被任命为王室法律顾问,阿莫斯和我看见他走下伦敦开来的火车便上前去表示祝贺。我们高兴的笑着;而他的表情却跟接到判刑 通知书 一样悲惨。他受封当爵士时也是如此,他没有一丝笑容,他甚至不屑于在蓝狐狸酒馆请我们大家喝杯酒。他对待成功就像小孩吃药一样,任何一项成就都未能使他疲惫的眼睛里露出一丝笑意。 他退休以后可以在花园里随便走走,干些轻松的闲活。有一天,我问他一个问题:一个人实现了一切雄心壮志是什么滋味?他低头看这玫瑰花,浇他的水。过了一会儿,他说:"实现雄心壮志的唯一价值是你发现他们都不值得追求。"他立刻改变话题讨论有实际意义的事情,我们很快谈论起万无一失的天气问题。这是两年前的事。 我想起这件事情,因为昨天我经过他的家,把我的大车停在他花园的院墙外边。我从大路把车赶到他花园外边是为了给一辆公共汽车让路。我坐在车上装烟斗时忽然听见院墙里面传来一声欣喜欲狂的欢呼。 我向墙内张望。里面是亨利爵士,他欢蹦乱跳像在跳部落出征的舞蹈,表现出毫无顾忌的真正的快乐。他发现了我在墙头张望的迷惑不解的面孔,他似乎毫不生气,也不感到窘迫,而是大声呼喊叫我爬过墙去。 "快来看,杰。看呀!我终于成功了!我终于成功了!" 他站在那里,手里拿着一小盒土。我发现土里有三颗小芽。 "就只有这三歌!"他眉开眼笑地说。 "三个什么东西?"我问。 "核桃。"他回答道,"我一直想种核桃,从小就想,当时我参加晚会后老是把核桃带回家,后来长大成人参加宴会后也这样。我以前常常种核桃,可是过后就忘了我种在什么地方。现在,我总算成功了。还有,我只有三个核桃。你瞧,一、二、三颗芽。"他数着说。 亨利爵士跑了起来,叫他的妻子来看他的成功之作--他的单纯纯朴的成功之作。
2023-07-22 22:37:051


One thing to liberal arts students do either bewildered or things understood as a large group, a group like stitches side to resolve the dumpling dumpling heart, but few stop to think about it, the most important thing What place is to set out 1,2,3. The frame is ready, then proceed to solve the most critical areas. This has the advantage of speed and resolve clear-cut. You can list the main points, you can also use charts to analyze, science students are good at doing precisely.Science students setting up the shelves filled up, the bad is that, no matter how you re-fill or not to fill the shelves, but the liberal arts students pile up, there are endless possibilities, and perhaps their results will let himself unexpected, liberal arts students knowledge and divergent thinking, creativity is often at this time is an advantage, then to their liberal arts students can also develop some criteria and then use their strengths to the full completion , this time with artistic and creative work is often more effective.
2023-07-22 22:37:152