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All the Little Lights 歌词Passenger的

2023-07-23 05:40:43

One went out at a bus-stop in Edinburgh 有人在爱丁堡的车站离开

One went out in an English park 有人在英国公园离开

One went out in a night club, when I was fifteen 有人在夜店离开

Little lights in my heart 在我心中小小的灯光

One went out when I lied to my mother 有人在我向妈妈撒谎时离开

Said the cigarettes she found were not mine 说她找到的香烟不是我的

One went out within me 有人和我一起离开

Now I smoke like a chimney 如今我如烟囱一般爱好抽烟

It"s getting dark in this heart of mine 我的这颗心逐渐暗淡

It"s getting dark in this heart of mine

We"re born with millions 我们与暗夜中数不清的微弱灯光共生

Of little lights shining in the dark

And they show us the way它们指引我们路途

One lights up, every time you feel love in your heart灯光闪烁 每当你心中感受到爱的存在

One dies when it moves away当它移动有人逝去

One went out in the back streets of Manchester

One went out in an airport in Spain

One went out, have no doubt

When I grew up and moved out

Of the place where the boy used to play

One went out when uncle Ben got his tumor

We used to fish and I fish no more

Though we will not return

I know one still burns

On a fishing boat of the New Jersey Shore

On a fishing boat of the New Jersey Shore

We"re born with millions

Of little lights shining in the dark

And they show us the way

One lights up every time we feel love in our hearts

One dies when it moves away

We"re born with millions

Of little lights shining in our hearts

And they die along the way

Till we"re old and we"re cold

And we"re lying in the dark

"Cause they"ll all burn out one day

They"ll all burn out one day

Oh oh, they"ll all burn out one day

They"ll all burn out one day

Yeah, no

接下来自己翻译吧 大同小异 比较简单

不过毕竟英语能力有限不能翻译出那种意境 比较苍白无力 对不起了楼主



2023-07-22 21:08:472

英语Lights up什么意思?

2023-07-22 21:08:564


light up, 可以表示车灯打开。turn on the light, 开灯
2023-07-22 21:09:124

求方大同的lights up 歌词中文翻译!

这是极好的生活 在这众人瞩目的时刻 带上你的诚挚之心 我可以告诉你怎么做 你可以怀疑或者我们可以尝试一下 放松你的身心. 那闪闪发亮热情的光 在这喧闹的生活中 你置身在一个秀场 你不得不考虑怎么做,因为你无法脱身而去. 噢,亲爱的, 如果你摆脱不了这种感觉 当音乐节奏对的时候你跟着就是正确的 所以离我近一点,女孩,我可以做给你看 搞定我们能做的一切事情 我知道你所想 我知道你所需要的 来吧看我的 让我们出发 让我们离开 灯亮起来 穿上你的鞋子 轻装上阵 现在没有人能阻止我们 在黑夜来临之前 穿上你的外套 出发吧 走在地板上 我一说亮起灯 那么我就没有别处可走 亮起灯 女孩你可以分一下神 亮起灯 让你的焦虑消失无踪 做你自己 你可以的 搞定那些你可以掌控的事情 我可以告诉你 但是你已经知道的 噢,亲爱的 如果你感觉不对 当音乐正确的时候你就是对的 所以离我近一点,女孩,我可以做给你看 搞定我们能做的一切事情 我知道你所想 我知道你所需要的 来吧看我的 让我们出发 让我们离开 灯亮起来 穿上你的鞋子 轻装上阵 现在没有人能阻止我们 在黑夜来临之前 穿上你的外套 出发吧 走在地板上 我一说亮起灯 那么我就没有别处可逃 亮起灯 女孩你可以分一下神 亮起灯 让你的焦虑消失无踪 走你的星光之路 不要害怕我会一直伴你左右 我们可以一直这样直到永远 尽管我们不在一起 我不会在乎别人怎么说 我们可以分享在另外一天,亲爱的 我会一直在这儿 带我入你心 告诉我该怎么做 试着翻了一下 凭感觉啊 不知道翻的有没有跑太远啊。。哈哈。
2023-07-22 21:09:201

创新点亮生活 可以说成 Creating light up life 么?

Creative lighting up life
2023-07-22 21:09:272

darkness in my eyes but lights up in the sky 是什么意

darknessinmyeyesbutlightsupint...的中文翻译  darknessinmyeyesbutlightsupinthesky  黑夜在我的眼中,但天空已经亮起了光
2023-07-22 21:09:361

有没有人知道“I know we are want to be、 sunshine girl coming for you” 这是哪首歌

  不能确定,你给出的是否准确,你去听下,是不是这首歌?  moumoon – Sunshine Girl  Bathed in sparkling sunshine 沐浴在耀眼的阳光中  Make up, and dressed Are you ready to go? 化妆打扮 你准备好出发了吗?  Weather is great, it"s your holiday 天气很好 这是你的节日  We gotta party all day long 我们要狂欢一整天  Happy day Summer day 开心的一天 夏日的一天  Sunshine Girl 阳光女孩  I like it, Happy day Summer day 我喜欢这样 开心的一天 夏日的一天  Sun shines for you Sun shines for you 阳光为你而明媚 阳光为你而明媚  The vivid sky lights up the street corner 如画的天空照亮了街角  And the wind blowing through smells different 连吹过的风闻起来也带着特殊的味道  All I did was straighten up my back 我唯一要做的就是挺直我的背脊  And I could feel something good was coming我可以感到有些美好的事将要发生  Sunshine Girl 阳光女孩  It"s shining so bright 阳光如此明亮  The sun that"s hidden in my heart 那是我心中的太阳  This holiday"s only for those who enjoy it 这节日只为那些享受它的人所拥有  Dance and set yourself free 跳舞吧 放自己自由  Happy day Summer day 开心的一天 夏日的一天  Sunshine Girl 阳光女孩  I like it, Happy day Summer day 我喜欢这样 开心的一天 夏日的一天  Sun shines for you Sun shines for you 阳光为你而明媚 阳光为你而明媚
2023-07-22 21:09:441


亲 就是这些啦 麻烦选最佳哟~片头曲   “the WORLD”(第1话 ~ 19话) 歌手 - ナイトメア   “What"s up,people?!”(第20话 ~ 第37话) 歌手 - マキシマムザホルモン   片尾曲   一、“アルミナ”(第1话 ~ 19话、SP‘幻视する神")歌手 - ナイトメア   二、“绝望ビリー”(第20话 ~第36话)歌手 - マキシマムザホルモン   插曲   1. Death Note   2. 事件   3. ライトのテーマ   4. Lのテーマ   5. 紧张   6. 戦栗   7. 孤独   8. 共鸣   9. 期待   10. 特捜キラ班   11. LのテーマB   12. 逡巡   13. 追迹   14. Lの仲间   15. 特捜   16. 死神界   17. 退屈   18. レム   19. Death Note Theme   20. Kyrie   21. Domine Kira   22. Teleology of Death   23. Low of Solipsism   24. Requiem   25. Immanence   26. Dirge   27. Light Lights up Light   28. Alert   29. the WORLD ~TVサイズ~   30. アルミナ ~TVサイズ~   31.“绝望ビリー”(SP‘幻视する神") 歌手 - マキシマムザホルモン
2023-07-22 21:09:525

Happiness is a feeling that lights up your eyes, makes your steps light and makes you want to s...

小题1:Yes, it is.小题2:Wearing a smile and a good mood.小题3:No matter how happy you are, it"s normal to feel angry, sad or gloomy once in a while./There are happiness and sadness in our life.小题4:We can do our best to change a bad situation into a good one.小题5:Three. Social relationships, work or school and your attitude towards life.小题6:Any reasonable answer is ok. 试题分析:这篇短文告诉我们幸福是一种感觉。微笑会让你更迷人,好的心情给你希望。影响幸福有三个因素,社会关系、工作学习以及面对生活的态度。既然改变不了生活,那就让我们尽我们最大努力把坏的情况变成一个好的。小题1:句意:幸福是一种感觉,对吗?根据第一段第一句Happiness is a feeling that lights up your eyes.可知答案Yes, it is.。小题2:句意:什么使你更迷人,给你希望?据Wearing a smile makes you more charming(迷人的)and helps you to win lots of friends. A good mood(心情)always gives you hope.可知微笑让你更迷人,好心情给你希望。故答案是Wearing a smile and a good mood.小题3:句意:根据第三段,划线句子的意思是什么? Life is full of ups and downs.生活充满了浮沉。与 No matter how happy you are, it"s normal to feel angry, sad or gloomy once in a while./There are happiness and sadness in our life.此两句话意思相似。小题4:句意:当我们不能改变生活本身的时候,我们能做什么?据We can"t change the way life is, but we can do our best to change a bad situation into a good one.可知当我们不能改变生活本身的时候,We can do our best to change a bad situation into a good one.我们可以尽我们最大努力把坏的情况变成好的。小题5:句意:有多少种影响幸福的因素?它们是什么?由One of the biggest factors is social relationships. Another factor is work or school .A third factor is your attitude towards life.可知影响幸福的因素有三个Three。他们是Social relationships, work or school and your attitude towards life.小题6:句意:在每天的生活中你怎样让自己快乐?举一个例子。
2023-07-22 21:10:451


  死记硬背的背课文会枯燥无聊,这个时候听点歌曲反而会效果更好,那背课文时听的歌曲 有哪些 呢,和我一起来看一下吧!,下面这些是我为大家推荐的 背课文时听的歌曲 。   背课文时听的歌曲1(热门)   1.    藕断丝连   2.    敖包相会   3.    萍聚   4.    相见恨晚   5.    东风破   6.    白娘子   7.    小情歌   8.    邻妹妹爱上假宝玉   9.    红颜劫   10.    夜夜夜夜   11.    哭砂   12.    这条街   13.    我在这   14.    领悟   15.    小三   16.    青花瓷   17.    浮夸   18.    就现在   19.    特别的爱给特别的你   20.    明明就   背课文时听的歌曲2(推荐)   1.    老婆最大   2.    年的第一场雪   3.    安和桥   4.    Super Star   5.    Halo   6.    相见不如怀念   7.    流浪记   8.    以后的以后   9.    用心良苦   10.    空城   11.    中国美   12.    Lights Up   13.    We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together   14.    真的爱你   15.    Poker Face   16.    等你的季节   17.    hold不住的爱   18.    可惜不是你   19.    天籁之爱   20.    唐人   背课文时听的歌曲3(经典)   1.    永远的兄弟   2.    爱   3.    爱无反顾   4.    故事   5.    美人吟   6.    你是我的眼   7.    抽离   8.    无法逃脱   9.    当爱已成往事   10.    Story   11.    呼伦贝尔大草原   12.    夜夜夜夜   13.    朋友   14.    笑红尘   15.    爱要大声说出来   16.    爱的世界只有你   17.    看透爱情看透你   18.    天龙八部之宿敌   19.    伤心城市   20.    如果你不再爱了
2023-07-22 21:11:011


2023-07-22 21:11:1510


一人难顺百人意,一墙难挡八面风。it"s hard for one person to follow the wishes of hundreds of people, and it"s hard for one wall to block all kinds of wind.以下是我精心收集整理的英文 谚语 ,下面我就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 日常生活常见的英文谚语 1、人合心,马合套。 A man is a man, a horse is a man. 2、风吹秧田水放干,雨淋秧田水满田。 The wind blows the seedling field water to drain, the rain drenches the seedling field water to fill the field. 3、朝霞不出门,晚霞走千里。 Morning glow does not go out, sunset walk thousands of miles. 4、人生一世,草生一秋。 Life is a life, grass is an autumn. 5、品德好坏看行为,籍贯何处听口音。 Good or bad moral character depends on behavior, native place depends on accent. 6、六月不热,稻子不结。 It"s not hot in June and the Rice doesn"t set. 7、蟋蟀上房叫,庄稼挨水泡。 Crickets come into the house and the crops blister. 8、见了吃的就笑,见了工作就怕。 When you see food, you laugh; when you see work, you are afraid. 9、出门看天色, 炒菜 看火色。 Go out to see the weather, stir fry to see the fire. 10、莫等闲,白了头,空悲切。 Don"t wait for leisure, white head, empty sad. 11、学 文化 ,从字母开始;讲文明,从小事做起。 Learning culture starts with letters; speaking of civilization starts with small things. 12、急雨易晴,慢雨不开。 Quick rain is easy to clear, slow rain does not open. 13、秀才饿死不卖书,壮士穷途不卖剑。 A scholar starves to death and does not sell books; a strong man does not sell swords on his way to poverty. 14、虽然离开了故乡,乡音永远不能忘。 Although I have left my hometown, I can never forget the local accent. 15、妻贤夫祸少,子孝父心宽。 A good wife and a good husband have few misfortunes, but a son is filial to his father and his heart is wide. 16、早晨下雨当日睛,晚上下雨到天明。 It rains in the morning, and it rains till dawn at night. 17、天上灰布悬,雨丝定连绵。 The sky is grey and the rain is steady. 18、滴水成河,粒米成箩。 Every drop makes a river. 19、无风现长浪,不久风必狂。 There are long waves when there is no wind, and soon the wind will be wild. 20、今年不比往年,老年不如少年。 This year is no better than the past years, old age is not as good as youth. 21、黄连救人无功,人参杀人无过。 Huanglian has no merit in saving people, but ginseng has no fault in killing people. 22、冬天修水利,正是好时机。 It is a good time to build water conservancy in winter. 23、口说如风吹,实践是真金。 Words are like wind, practice is gold. 24、多行不义必自毙。 Many wrongdoings will kill you. 25、病来如山倒,病去如抽丝。 Illness comes like a mountain, and goes away like a thread. 26、少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 A young idler, an old beggar. 27、帮人要帮到底,救人要救到头。 Help people to the end, save people to the end. 28、有病早治,无病早防。 Early treatment of disease, early prevention without disease. 29、若要生活好,勤劳、节俭、储蓄三件宝。 If you want to live a good life, industry, thrift and savings are three treasures. 30、事不关已,高高挂起。 It"s nothing to do with it. It"s up in the air. 简单经典必背的谚语 1、志在林泉,胸怀廊庙。 His ambition is in Linquan and his mind is in the langmiao temple. 2、不怕山高,就怕脚软。 If you are not afraid of high mountains, you are afraid of soft feet. 3、宁吃开眉粥,不吃皱眉饭。 Better open eyebrow porridge than frown rice. 4、常说嘴里顺,常写手不笨。 Often say the mouth is smooth, often write not stupid. 5、牛眼看人高,狗眼看人低。 A bull"s eye is high, a dog"s eye is low. 6、吃人的嘴软,论人的理短。 A man"s mouth is soft, but his reason is short. 7、不摸锅底手不黑,不拿油瓶手不腻。 Do not touch the bottom of the pot, hands are not black, do not take the oil bottle is not greasy. 8、药不治假病,酒不解真愁。 The medicine does not cure the false disease, the wine does not understand the true worry. 9、一思尚存,此志不懈。 A thought still exists, this ambition unremittingly. 10、口说无凭,事实为证。 There is no proof of what you say, but the facts prove it. 11、久住坡,不嫌陡。 If you live on a slope for a long time, it is not too steep. 12、老姜辣味大,老人 经验 多。 Ginger is spicy and old people have more experience. 13、宁可身骨苦,不叫面皮羞。 It is better to be bitter than to be ashamed. 14、好鼓一打就响,好灯一拔就亮。 A good drum rings as soon as it is hit, and lights up as soon as it is pulled out. 15、宝剑锋从磨利出,梅花香自苦寒来。 BaoJianFeng comes from sharpening and plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold. 16、学文化,从字母开始;讲文明,从小事做起。 Learning culture starts with letters; speaking of civilization starts with small things. 17、黄金时代是在我们的前面,而不在我们的后面。 The golden age is ahead of us, not behind us. 18、人怕没志,树怕没皮。 People are afraid of no ambition, trees are afraid of no skin. 19、马瘦腿不软,人穷志不短。 A horse is not weak in its thin legs, but poor in ambition. 20、知足称君子,贪婪是小人。 Contentment is a gentleman, but greed is a villain. 21、让人一寸,得理一尺。 It takes an inch, but a foot. 22、人生伟业的建立,不在能知,乃在能行。 The foundation of the great cause of life lies not in knowing, but in being able to do. 23、不怕百事不利,就怕灰心丧气。 If you are not afraid of the disadvantages of Pepsi, you are afraid of losing heart. 24、小人自大,小溪声大。 The little man is arrogant, and the stream is loud. 25、纵死侠骨香,不惭世上英。 Even if you die, you will not be ashamed of the heroes in the world. 26、千日造船,一日过江。 A thousand days of shipbuilding, one day across the river. 27、刀无钢刃不锋利,人无意志不坚定。 A knife is not sharp without steel, and a man is not determined without will. 28、年华一去不复返,事业放弃在难成。 The years are gone and never come back. It"s hard to give up your career. 29、坛口封得住,人口封不住。 The mouth of the altar can be sealed, but the population cannot be sealed. 30、愁人苦夜长,志士惜日短。 The night is long, but the day is short. 精选常见的英文谚语 1、天大的官司,地大的银子。 heaven"s great lawsuit, earth"s great silver. 2、怕走崎岖路,莫想攀高峰。 if you are afraid of going on a bumpy road, don"t try to climb a peak. 3、只有大意吃亏,没有小心上当。 only carelessly suffer losses, not careful to be deceived. 4、猛虎不处劣势,雄鹰不立垂枝。 tigers are not inferior, eagles do not hang branches. 5、吃药不忌嘴,跑断大夫腿。 don"t be afraid to take medicine, run off the doctor"s leg. 6、见人不施礼,枉跑四十里;见人施一礼,少走十里地。 if you see no manners, you will run forty miles in vain; if you see one, you will walk ten miles less. 7、船稳不怕风大,有理通行天下。 the ship is stable and not afraid of strong wind. 8、无灾人养树,有灾树养人。 people without disaster raise trees, and those with disaster raise people. 9、狗仗人势,雪仗风势。 the dog supports the man, the snow fights the wind. 10、一理通,百理融。 all in one, all in one. 11、会选的选儿郎,不会选的选家当。 he who can choose a child will not choose a family. 12、不种泥田吃好饭,不养花蚕着好丝。 no mud field, no rice, no silkworms. 13、天上无云不下雨,世间无理事不成。 no cloud in the sky, no rain in the world. 14、人怕伤心,树怕剥皮。 people are afraid of sadness, trees are afraid of peeling. 15、未晚先投宿,鸡鸣早看天。 the rooster crows early to see the sky. 16、人往大处看,鸟往高处飞。 people look to the big place, birds fly to the high place. 17、宁添一斗,莫添一口。 it"s better to have a fight than a bite. 18、从俭入奢易,从奢入俭难。 from thrift to extravagance is easy, from extravagance to thrift is difficult. 19、刀伤易治,口伤难医。 a knife wound is easy to cure, but a mouth wound is hard to cure. 20、马瘦腿不软,人穷志不短。 a horse is not weak, but a man is not short of ambition. 21、马好坏骑着看,友好坏交着看。 good or bad horses, friendly or bad. 22、龙眼识珠,凤眼识宝,牛眼识草。 the dragon eye knows the pearl, the phoenix eye knows the treasure, the ox eye knows the grass. 23、宁愿折断骨头,不愿低头受辱。 better to break a bone than to bow down. 24、痒要自己抓,好要别人夸。 itch to scratch their own, so that others boast. 25、细工出巧匠,细泥浇好瓦。 a craftsman is made of fine work, and a tile is poured with fine mud. 26、有一兴必有一败,有一利必有一弊。 if there is one interest, there will be one defeat. if there is one advantage, there will be one disadvantage. 27、树怕烂根,人怕无志。 trees are afraid of rotten roots, people are afraid of no ambition. 28、悲伤忧愁,不如握紧拳头。 better to clench your fist than to grieve. 29、人老了丑,树老了朽,为人难得 people are old and ugly, trees are old and rotten. it"s hard to be a person. 30、一个巴掌拍不响,一人难唱独板腔。 it"s hard for one person to sing a single tune without clapping. 31、没钱时挨饿,有钱时耀阔。 when you have no money, you starve; when you have money, you shine. 32、君子动口,小人动手。 the gentleman moves his mouth, the villain moves his hands. 33、宁做蚂蚁腿,不学麻雀嘴。 better be an ant"s leg than a sparrow"s mouth. 34、会吃千顿香,不会吃一顿伤。 can eat a thousand fragrant, won"t eat a wound. 35、近河莫枉费水,近山莫枉烧柴。 don"t waste water near the river or firewood near the mountain. 36、不怕虎狼当面坐,只怕人前两面刀。 i"m not afraid to sit face to face, just afraid of two knives in front of people. 37、路在人走,事在人为。 the road is for people, and the work is for people. 38、话中有才,书中有智。 words are wise, books are wise. 39、文官三只手,武官四条腿。 civil servants have three hands and military officers have four legs. 40、路有千条,理只一条。 there are thousands of roads, but only one. 简单必备的英文谚语相关 文章 : ★ 简单的英文谚语大全 ★ 经典常见的英文谚语100句大全 ★ 经典常见的英文谚语100句合集 ★ 关于简短的英文谚语 ★ 简短的英文谚语有哪些 ★ 发朋友圈必备的经典的英语谚语短语句子合集 ★ 简短的英语谚语精编集锦 ★ 简短的英语谚语集锦90句 ★ 简短的英语谚语大全最新归纳 ★ 经典常见的英文谚语精选100句
2023-07-22 21:11:491


这儿出售的是一种非常罕见的古董,是由电池供电,镀锡板ME:058 TIN车组的 “国际快车” 这列火车集完整的轨道,电池供电的复古风格站,钟楼,1节机车,1节守车(电池座)和3节车厢于一身(点燃启动)。除了因包装而经过摩擦的盒子,我不得不说这坚实且几乎不被使用的产品处于原始状态。盒子颜色依旧多彩且明亮,保持着完美的清洁和可玩性。这列火车是“ticks”的收藏在中国60年代末期“红色时代”的中秋节期间。原本这是早期的变化--乘客设置在后面塑料的照片可以提供给您更多真实的看法。因为这一部分的重要性,如果有需要我会很乐意给你额外的照片或者更多信息~纯手打求采纳累死我了OJZ
2023-07-22 21:11:592


更新1: The characters (icons) MSN Buddy Icon ICQ Icon Paint Icon Inter Explorer Icon Outlook Express Icon My Computer Icon Norton Antivirus Icon My Documents Icon My Neork Places Icon Diablo II Icon Recycle Bin Icon 更新2: The story The screen is a standard Windows XP display; most of the icons are subtitled in Chinese in most versions. 更新3: MSN Buddy Icon jumps 2 times and throws its head at the ICQ Icon. ICQ is angry and shoots its petals at MSN Buddy. MSN Buddy jumps away. Paint ducks the petals. MSN Buddy throws its head again at ICQ. 更新4: Paint shoots its paintbrush like a rocket but the *** oke hits Inter Explorer. MSN Buddy & ICQ jump away and MSN Buddy is the first to die then ICQ. 更新5: Inter Explorer lights up the line on the E and hits Paint. Paint dies. Outlook Express es up to fight Inter Explorer with its blue arrows. 更新6: Outlook Express hits My Computer. Inter Explorer hits Outlook Express and there is a huge flash. Outlook Express dies. My Computer shoots a beam at Inter Explorer. 更新7: Inter Explorer tries to run away but dies. Norton Antivirus shoots electric pulses at the remaining Icons. My Documents 更新8: My Computer and My Neork Places all jump away. Norton Antivirus shoots and misses inadvertently hitting Diablo II. Diablo II gets angry and eats all the icons then burps. 更新9: The screen shuts down and the end menu appears. Recycle Bin jumps above the o menus 更新10: MSN 伙计像 -- MSN? ICQ 像 -- ICQ? 绘像 -- 小画家? 网像 -- Inter Explorer? Outlook Express 像-- Outlook Express? 我的电脑像 -- 我的电脑? Norton Antivirus 像 -- Norton Anti virus? 我的文件像 -- 我的文件? 我的网路安置像 -- 网路上的芳邻? Diablo II 像 -- Diablo II? 回收容器像-- 资源回收筒? 更新11: 模子-- 死亡? 图标的故事,是一个短期的电影约争windows xp的图标。它是由数码工作室于2002年。 文字(图标) msn的好友图标 icq的图标 油漆图标 inter explorer的图标 outlook express的图标 我的电脑图标 诺顿防毒图标 我的文件图标 我的网络场所图标 暗黑破坏神ii图标 回收站图标 故事 画面上是一个标准的windows xp显示;大部分的图标是副标题中,在大多数版本。 msn的好友图标跳到2次全中,其头部在icq的图标。 icq的是愤怒和枝条,其花瓣上的msn好友。 msn的好友跳跃距离。油漆鸭子花瓣。 msn的好友全中,其头上又在icq的。 油漆芽,其画笔就像一个火箭,但烟雾创因特网探险家。 msn的好友& icq的跳跃距离和msn好友是第一个求死之心,然后icq的。 因特网探险家的灯光了线对电子和点击数油漆。油漆逝世。 outlook express的时候,以争取在互联网探险家与蓝箭。 outlook express的袭击我的电脑。互联网探险家创outlook express中,有一个巨大的闪光。 outlook express中去世。我的电脑笋梁在因特网探险家。 互联网探险家试图逃跑,但去世。诺顿防毒芽电脉冲,在余下的图标。我的文件, 我的电脑,和我的网络地方都跳消失。诺顿防毒芽和思念,无意中击中暗黑破坏神ii 。暗黑破坏神ii得到愤怒和吃的所有图标,然后burps 。 屏幕倒闭和落脚点,菜单上出现。回收站跳到上述两个菜单 msn的伙计像-m sn的吗? icq的像-i cq的? 绘像-小画家? 网像-因特网探险家? outlook express中像-o utlooke xpress的吗? 我的电脑像-我的电脑? 诺顿防毒像-诺顿反病毒吗? 我的文件像-我的文件? 我的网路安置像-网路上的芳邻? 暗黑破坏神ii像-暗黑破坏神i i? 回收容器像-资源回收筒? 模子-死亡?
2023-07-22 21:12:181


2023-07-22 21:12:276

darkness in my eyes but lights up in the sky的正确释义

2023-07-22 21:12:424

When A Child Is Born 歌词

中文名:当圣婴降临外文名:when a child is born电 影:人狼之恋(1975)歌 手:约翰尼·马蒂斯英文歌词:A ray of hope, flickers in the skyA tiny star lights up way up highAll across the land dawns a brand new mornThis comes to pass when a child is bornA silent wish sails the seven seasThe winds of change whisper in the treesAnd the walls of doubt crumble, tossed and tornThis comes to pass when a child is bornA rosy hue settles all aroundYou got the feel, you"re on solid groundFor a spell or two no one seems forlornThis comes to pass when a child is born[Monologue: And all of this happens because the world is waitingWaiting for one child, black, white, yellow, no one knowsBut the child that will grow up and turn tears to laughterHate to love, war to peace and everyone to everyone"s neighbourand misery and suffering will be words to be forgotten .forever]It"s all a dream an illusion nowIt must come true sometime soon, somehowAll across the land dawns a brand new mornThis comes to pass when a child is born简介:《When a child is born 》这首歌名叫《当孩子诞生时》,也有人称《当婴儿降生时》,是电影《人狼之恋》的主题插曲。此歌歌手Johnny Mathis约翰尼·马蒂斯 有“乡村歌王”的美称,最擅长演唱那些具有典型民族地方特色的优秀歌曲。
2023-07-22 21:12:491


2023-07-22 21:12:587

a ray of hope flickers in the sky,......的最佳英译中

2023-07-22 21:13:134

psp GTA vcs 秘技 点入

左 右 X 上 下 □ 左 右 第一类武器: 左 右 □ 上 下 △ 左 右 第二类武器: 左 右 △ 上 下 ○ 左 右 第三类武器: 上 下 左 右 X X L1 R1 得到250000金钱: 上 下 左 右 □ □ L1 R1 防弹衣全满: 上 下 左 右 ○ ○ L1 R1 生命值全满: 上 右 □ □ 下 左 ○ ○ 提高2星警报: 上 右 △ △ 下 左 X X 永不被通缉: 上 L1 下 R1 左 L1 右 R1 获得坦克 下 上 右 △ L1 △ L1 △ 获得Trashmaster L1 R1 R1 左 右 □ 下 R1 破坏所有车辆: 左 下 R1 L1 右 上 左 ○ 大太阳天: 左 下 R1 L1 右 上 左 X 晴朗的天气: 左 下 L1 R1 右 上 左 □ 阴天: 左 下 L1 R1 右 上 左 △ 雨天: 左 下 △ X 右 上 左 L1 雾天: R1 L1 L1 下 上 X 下 L1 加快时间: 右 L1 下 L1 ○ 上 L1 □ 路人们跟着你 R1 L1 L1 下 左 ○ 下 L1 行人暴乱: 下 △ 上 X L1 R1 L1 R1 行人攻击你: 上 L1 下 R1 左 ○ 右 △ 行人得到武器: 左 左 R1 R1 上 △ 下 X 行动快: 左 左 ○ ○ 下 上 △ X 行动慢: 右 右 ○ ○ L1 R1 下 X 自杀: 上 上 右 左 △ ○ ○ □ 车会闪避主角 (慎用 超难抢车) 右 上 左 下 △ △ L1 R1 所有车辆外表闪光 参考: uwants 咪就系直接输入落去.....任何时候都得!!!:: 武器组 1- 镀以黄铜 knucles ,刀, molatov , 9 公厘,来福枪, SMG , AK 左边,右边, X,上,uf87d下,uf87d正方,uf87d左,右 武器组 2- 武士刀,遥远的手榴弹,砃蛇 散弹猎枪,使 uzi , m 4 ,火箭,狙击手来福枪安静了 左,uf87d右,uf87d正方,uf87d上,uf87d下,三角形,左,右 武器组 3- chainsaw ,手榴弹,雷射范围砃蛇,散弹猎枪, mp 5 , m 4 , minigun,狙击手来福枪 左,右,三角形,上,下,圆,左,右 得到$250000 上,uf87d下,uf87d左,右, X , X , L1 R1 盔甲 上,uf87d下,uf87d左,uf87d右,uf87d正方形,正方形, L1 R1 血 上,uf87d下,uf87d左,右,圆圈,圆圈, L1 R1 星星+2 上,uf87d右,uf87d正方形,uf87d正方形,uf87d下,左,圆圈,圆圈 无所有 星星 上,右,三角形 三角形,下,左, X, X 晴朗的天气 左,uf87d下, R1 , L1 右,uf87d上,左,圆圈 清除天气 左,uf87d下, R1 , L1 右,uf87d上,左, X 变阴暗天气 左,uf87d下, L1 , R1 右,uf87d上,uf87d左,正方形 下雨的天气 左,uf87d下, L1 R1 右,上, L1 坦克车 上, L1 下, R1 ,左, L1 ,右, R1 时间+快 R1 , L1 L1 下,上, X,下, L1 所有的汽车爆炸 L1 , R1 R1 左,右,uf87d正方,uf87d下, R1 暴动 R1 , L1 L1 下,上,x 下, L1 所有人攻击你 下,三角形,上, X , L1 , R1 , L1 R1 所有人有武器 上, L1 下, R1 左,圆圈,右,三角形 较快速的游戏可玩性 左,左, R1 R1 上,三角形,下, X 较慢的游戏可玩性 左,左,圆形,圆形,下,上,三角形 X 参考: 咪就系直接输入落去.....任何时候都得!!! 只要在游戏面中入就行了! 武器1 ←→×↑↓□←→ 武器 2 ←→□↑↓△←→ 武器 3 ←→△↑↓○←→ 获得 $250000 ↑↓←→××LR 防护衣 ↑↓←→□□LR 满血 ↑↓←→○○LR 提升通缉等级 ↑→□□↓←○○ 不被通缉 ↑→△△↓←×× 晴朗天气 ←↓RL→↑←○ 完美天气 ←↓RL→↑←× 夜间 ←↓LR→↑←□ 雨天 ←↓LR→↑←△ 阴暗天气 ←↓△×→↑←L 时间快 RLL↓↑×↓L 所有车炸毁 LRR←→□↓R 行人攻击 ↓△↑×LRLR 行人有武器 ↑L↓R←○→△ 时间快 ←←RR↑△↓× 时间慢 ←←○○↓↑△× 完美操控性 ↓←↑LR△○× 自杀 →→○○LR↓× 糟糕的交通 LRLR ←○↑× 垃圾车 ↓↑→△L△L△ 行人跟着你 →L↓L○↑L□ 屏幕翻转 □□□LLR←→ 屏幕翻转 ←←←RRL→← 汽车电镀 →↑←↓△△LR 坦克车 ↑L↓R←L→R 参考: me 最上面个kissson秘技唔OK 唔系 VCS 你去 cheatpla la 有PSP PS2 PS3 Wll XBOX 360 NDS 电脑.....所有游戏的秘技 PSP GTA Vice City Stories Never Wanted Up Right Triangle Triangle Down Left X X Submitted By: Agent Nacho Raise Wanted Level Up right square square down left circle circle Submitted By: Agent Naco Weapon Set 3 Left right triangle up down circle left right Submitted By: Agent Nacho Health Up down left right circle circle L1 R1 Submitted By: Agent Nacho Armor Up down left right square square L1 R1 Submitted By: Agent Nacho Get $250000 Up down left right X X L1 R1 Submitted By: Agent Nacho Weapons Set 1 Left right X up down square left right Submitted By: nic Weapons Set 2 Left right square up down triangle left right Submitted By: nic Rhino (Tank) Up L down R left L right R Submitted By: nic Upside Down Left left left R1 R1 L1 right left Submitted By: DouHof Guys Follow You Right L1 Down L1 Circle UP L1 Square Submitted By: Anonymous Spawn Trashmaster Down up right triangle L1 triangle L1 triangle Submitted By: Anonymous Black Traffic L1 R1 L1 R1 left circle up X Submitted By: DouHofLoop Commit Suicide Right right circle circle L1 R1 down X Submitted By: DouHofLoop Perfect Traction Down=Car Hop Down left up L1 R1 triangle circle X Submitted By: DouHof Slower Gameplay Left left circle circle down up triangle X Submitted By: Anonymous Faster Gameplay Left left R1 R1 up triangle down X Submitted By: Anonymous Peds Have Weapons Up L1 down R1 left circle right triangle Submitted By: Anonymous Peds Attack You Down triangle up X L1 R1 L1 R1 Submitted By: Anonymous Peds Riot R1 L1 L1 down left circle down L1 Submitted By: Keep going. Destroy All Cars L1 R1 R1 left right square down R1 Submitted By: Howdy there. Faster Clock R1 L1 L1 down up X down L1 Submitted By: Thanks for reading me. Sunny Weather Left down R1 L1 right up left circle Submitted By: Word. Clear Weather Left down R1 L1 right up left X Submitted By: I am not the author. Overcast Weather Left down L1 R1 right up left square Submitted By: I am a Strange Loop Rainy Weather Left down L1 R1 right up left triangle Submitted By: Steno book Foggy Weather Left down triangle X right up left L1 Submitted By: Anonymous Multiplayer Unlocks 2 Up up up circle circle X L1 R1 Submitted By: LeifErikson Aggressive Drivers Entry Location: Game Play Up up right left triangle circle circle square Submitted By: Anonymous Multiplayer Unlocks Up up up square square triangle R1 L1 Submitted By: LeifErikson All Green Lights Up down triangle X L1 R1 left circle Submitted By: LeifErikson 参考: me 武器1 ←→×↑↓□←→ 武器 2 ←→□↑↓△←→ 武器 3 ←→△↑↓○←→ 获得 $250000 ↑↓←→××LR 防护甲 ↑↓←→□□LR 生命 ↑↓←→○○LR 提升通缉等级 ↑→□□↓←○○ 不被通缉 ↑→△△↓←×× 晴朗天气 ←↓RL→↑←○ 完美天气 ←↓RL→↑←× 夜间 ←↓LR→↑←□ 雨天 ←↓LR→↑←△ 阴暗天气 ←↓△×→↑←L 时间快 RLL↓↑×↓L 所有车炸毁 LRR←→□↓R 行人攻击 ↓△↑×LRLR 行人有武器 ↑L↓R←○→△ 时间快 ←←RR↑△↓× 时间慢 ←←○○↓↑△× 完美操控性 ↓←↑LR△○× 自杀 →→○○LR↓× 糟糕的交通 LRLR ←○↑× 垃圾车 ↓↑→△L△L△ 行人跟着你 →L↓L○↑L□ 屏幕翻转 □□□LLR←→ 屏幕翻转 ←←←RRL→← 汽车电镀 →↑←↓△△LR 坦克车 ↑L↓R←L→R 参考: me 正在玩时入 1.初级武器 ↑ □ □ ↓ ← □ □ → (黄铜指关节 刀子 molatov 9mm 猎枪 tec-9 AK47 火焰喷射器 狙击步枪) 2.中级武器 ↑ ○ ○ ↓ ← ○ ○ → (武士刀 遥控手榴弹 左轮手枪 矮小的猎枪 uzi M4 火箭发射器 狙击手步枪w/laser 范围) 3.高级武器 ↑ X X ↓ ← X X → (Chainsaw 手榴弹 revovler 作战猎枪 SMG M4 minigun 狙击手步枪w/laser 范围) 4.获得$250000 L1 R1 △ L1 R1 ○ L1 R1 5.防弹衣全满 L1 R1 ○ L1 R1 X L1 R1 6.生命值全满 L1 R1 X L1 R1 □ L1 R1 7.增加通缉度 L1 R1 □ L1 R1 △ L1 R1 8.永远不会被通缉 L1 L1 △ R1 R1 X □ ○ 9.万里无云 L1 L1 ○ R1 R1 □ △ X 10.清除通缉程度 ↑ ↓ ○ ↑ ↓ □ L1 R1 11.阴云密布 ↑ ↓ X ↑ ↓ △ L1 R1 12.阴雨绵绵 ↑ ↓ □ ↑ ↓ ○ L1 R1 13.大雾弥漫 ↑ ↓ △ ↑ ↓ X L1 R1 14.获得一辆坦克 L1 L1 ← L1 L1 → △ ○ 15.时间过得很快 L1 L1 ← L1 L1 → ○ X 16.所有车辆爆炸 L1 L1 ← L1 L1 → X □ 17.Random Ped Outfit ==(不明秘技,知道的请通知一下) L1 L1 ← L1 L1 → □ △ 18.暴动模式 L1 L1 R1 L1 L1 R1 ← □ 19.行人用武器攻击你 L1 L1 R1 L1 L1 R1 ↑ △ 20.行人持有武器 R1 R1 L1 R1 R1 L1 → ○ 21.操控加快 R1 R1 L1 R1 R1 L1 ↓ X 22.操控减慢 R1 △ X R1 □ ○ ← → 23.车辆跃可以跳 L1 ↑ ← R1 △ ○ ↓ X 24.自杀 L1 ↓ ← R1 X ○ ↑ △ 25.交通信号灯变绿 △ △ R1 □ □ L1 X X 26.司机有攻击性 □ □ R1 X X L1 ○ ○ 27.所有车辆变白色 X X R1 ○ ○ L1 △ △ 28.所有车辆变黑色 ○ ○ R1 △ △ L1 □ □ 29.获得一辆垃圾车 △ ○ ↓ △ ○ ↑ L1 L1 30.车辆可以在水上 ○ X ↓ ○ X ↑ L1 L1 31.可以招收任何人当小弟 ↓ ↓ ↓ △ △ ○ L1 R1 32.Bobble Head World ==(不明秘技,知道的请通知一下) ↓ ↓ ↓ ○ ○ X L1 R1 33.Upside Down ==(不明秘技,知道的请通知一下) ↓ ↓ ↓ X X □ R1 L1 34.Upside Down ==(不明秘技,知道的请通知一下) X X X ↓ ↓ → L1 R1 35.Unlock Multiplayer Stuff ==(不明秘技,知道的请通知一下) ↑ ↑ ↑ △ △ ○ L1 R1 36.Change Bike Tire Size ==(不明秘技,知道的请通知一下) ○ → X ↑ → X L1 □ 37.Display Game Credits ==(不明秘技,知道的请通知一下) L1 R1 L1 R1 ↑ ↓ L1 R1 38.所有车辆得到一氧化二氮加速剂
2023-07-22 21:13:221

求推荐死亡笔记 月L的同人文(漫),有书名就行

2023-07-22 21:13:425


little Apple
2023-07-22 21:14:057

you are short, but you lights me up.

you are short, but you lights me up.你燃烧了自己,却照亮了别人。
2023-07-22 21:14:305

Christmas Lights中文名字叫什么?

2023-07-22 21:14:464


The ancients of January, lunar called night for the fifteenth, so says the Lantern Festival. A year on the 15th day of the first month circle, but also a dollar complex night beginning, the earth de-aging rate-and night, people celebrate the New Year"s celebration, also continue. The Lantern Festival is also known as "or shang yuan festival".According to Chinese folk tradition, in this day of the night, people brand bright lights million lamp, points up to show celebration. Go out to celebrate the, randeng put flame lantern riddle quiz and Himalayan, were yuanxiao, have a family reunion, celebration festival, feel happy.The Lantern Festival is also called the Lantern Festival, yuanxiao randeng custom since the han dynasty, since ShangDeng activities to tang dynasty, more prosperous, the palace, street lights up everywhere, must build tall lamp wheel, lamp floor and lamp tree, a great poet of tang dynasty who at the time of this in 15 night view light "as described the Lantern Festival randeng pageantry" connect han yi starfall, depending on the floor. "like month suspendedMore attention the Lantern Festival, the song dynasty ShangDeng activities more lively, ShangDeng activities must carry on the style of five days, light more rich and. The Ming dynasty ShangDeng 10 days to continuous, which is China"s longest Lantern Festival. ShangDeng activities in qing dynasty, but even though only three days ShangDeng activities on a big scale, unprecedented, except randeng besides, still set the fireworks."Lantern riddle quiz" and that "dozen riddles", is the Lantern Festival is an event then increased in the song dynasty, appear. In southern song dynasty when the Lantern Festival, the capital city linan whenever the fans who made numerous puzzle. It started in the remnants of a bunch riddle written in brightly colored lights posted offer people guess. Because riddle can enlighten the wisdom and interesting, so spread by various social strata in the process of welcome.
2023-07-22 21:14:562

翻译up in lights

Tomorrow my name will be up in lights in every cinema in the country.>How are you going to do that?Easy. I"m changing my name to Emergency Exit.翻译如下:明天,我的名字将出现在全国各地的电影院里。你打算怎么做?容易,我要把我的名字换成紧急出口。
2023-07-22 21:15:031

turn up the lights when you leave为什么turn没加ing?

不能加ing,因为turn up the lights是祈使句,得用动词原形。
2023-07-22 21:15:112

Best Of Joy 歌词

歌曲名:Best Of Joy歌手:Michael Jackson专辑:MichaelMichael Jackson - Best Of JoyI am your joyYour best of joyI am the moonlightYou are the spring, our love"s a sacred thingYou know I always will love youI am foreverI am the one who came when you fell downI was the only one around (the only one)When things would hurt youI am foreverWasn"t it I who said that you were free?When living seemed so hard to beWhen things would hurt youI am forever (I am forever)We are forever (We are forever)I am your friendThrough thick and thinWe need each otherWe"ll never partOur love is from the heartWe never say I don"t need youWe are foreverI am the one who said that you were freeWhen living seemed so hard to be (the only one)And nothing would cheer youI am foreverWasn"t it I who carried you around?When all the walls came tumbling downAnd things would hurt youI am forever (I am forever)We are forever (We are forever)You are the sun that lights up the skyWhen things are shadyLet come what may we do get byI was the only one around (the only one)When things would hurt youWe are forever (I am forever)We are forever (I am forever)We are foreverWe are foreverWe are foreverWe are foreverI am foreverI am foreverWe are foreverWe are foreverI am foreverI am forever
2023-07-22 21:15:311


A light lights up a room A cushion is a soft , stuffed pillow for sitting on. It rains a lot here.(改为同义句) There is a lot of rain here. It is rainy here. 用动词的适当形式填空 Hello.Kate (speaking )(speak). I saw a bird (sitting/sit )(sit) in the tree. Some sandwiches and food ( are)(be) on the plate. 选择 English people often play this kind of (C ) football-soccer. A big B long C round(圆的) D white
2023-07-22 21:15:412


1、我们的爱情,希望一直没有句号。 Our love, hope has never e to an end. 2、你的名字是我最爱的英语单词。 Your name is my favorite English word. 3、你给的在乎,是我开心的理由。 What you give me is the reason why I am happy. 4、爱情无需言作媒,全在心领神会。 Love need not be matched by words, but by heart. 5、不是完美情人,就是精神病人。 Either a perfect lover or a mental patient. 6、你是不是也记得多久没有说爱我。 Do you remember how long it took you not to say you love me? 7、友情一旦认真比爱情还刻骨铭心。 Friendship, once earnest, is more unfettable than love. 8、哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹。 Where there is true love, there are miracles. 9、不希望,不奢望,就不会有失望。 No hope, no hope, no disappointment. 10、你想要飞翔,我做你的避风港。 You want to fly, I am your safe haven. 11、我喜欢的人啊他有一身的温暖。 My favorite person, he has a warm body. 12、爱我你说,搁在心里多坎坷。 Love me, you say, put in the heart of many frustrations. 13、你那么讨人喜欢叫我怎么不爱你。 Why don"t you love me when you"re so cute? 14、做一道多选题,但是答案都是迩。 Do a multiple-choice question, but the answers are all good. 15、沿着记忆的轨迹,寻找你的足迹。 Follow the track of memory and find your footprints. 16、我说过我爱你,但没说我只爱你。 I said I love you, but I didn"t say I only love you. 17、让我牵着你的手,陪你一起走。 Let me take your hand and walk with you. 18、骗自己成全他,根本没那么伟大。 It is not so great to deceive oneself into acplishing him. 19、一声姐妹大过天我们比爱情更远! A sister is bigger than the sky, we are farther than love! 20、对于爱情你是不敢还是不能。 Do you dare or can"t love? 21、素颜,说的美是你甜蜜的笑容。 Su Yan, the beauty is your sweet *** ile. 22、永远是很长的,而我永远爱你。 It"s always long, and I love you forever. 23、完美的爱情,是致命的毒药。 Perfect love is a deadly poison. 24、除非黄土白骨,我守你岁月无忧。 Unless loess and white bones, I will keep you safe. 25、爱人不必太完美,是你便足以! The lover need not be too perfect, you are enough! 26、你有什么身份,你就有个身份证。 What identity do you have? You have an ID card. 27、只要活着,就一定能遇见好吃的。 As long as you live, you will meet delicious food. 28、你给的世界,满满的都是爱。 The world you give is full of love. 29、xx我向世界宣布,我只在乎你! XX I declare to the world that I only care about you! 30、你说因为有我所以赢了全世界。 You said you won the world because of me. 31、你所在的城是我思念的源泉。 Your city is the source of my yearning. 32、我选择爱你,而你,却选择爱她。 I choose to love you, but you choose to love her. 33、也许生死相许,又或许各奔东西。 Maybe life and death are the same, or maybe they go their separate ways. 34、情话很美,连外人都跟着流泪。 Love words are so beautiful that even outsiders shed tears. 35、别站在你的角度看我,你看不懂。 Don"t look at me from your point of view, you can"t understand. 36、你拥有照亮整个城市的笑容。 You have a *** ile that lights up the whole city. 37、我爱的人也很爱我,很幸福。 I love people who also love me, very happy. 38、最暖心的晚安来自最爱的人。 The warmest good night es from the person you love most. 39、曾经相遇,总胜过从未碰头。 It"s better to meet once than never. 40、我爱你始于初见,止于终老。 I love you from the beginning to the end. 41、跟着你的脚步,走遍天涯海角。 Follow your footsteps and walk all over the world. 42、所谓的爱情只是一场可笑的游戏。 The so-called love is just a ridiculous game. 43、花在美,也没你在我心里美。 Flowers are not as beautiful as you are in my heart. 44、毕竟我的理想是做你的夫人。 After all, my ideal is to be your wife. 45、爱留下伤痕,但也教人忘记痛过。 Love leaves scars, but it also teaches people to fet the pain. 46、以后的每一夜我都抱着你到天亮。 Every night I hold you till dawn. 47、倾尽我一生,只为成全你半分。 All my life, just to make half of you. 48、永不言弃,涐愿与伱至死不渝。 Never give up, I wish to die with you. 49、待我幼稚完,便不在让你为难。 When I"m naive, I won"t embarrass you. 50、我可以,在你身边直到地老天荒。 I can, by your side until the end of time.
2023-07-22 21:15:481

The Silence 歌词

歌曲名:The Silence歌手:Brett Cahoon专辑:Frequency Modulation EPMayday Parade - The Silencetorn in two she lies awake.the moon lights up the moon like day.another night she spends alone.without his touch of skin so coldthe blood is running through her veinswith every beat, there"s no escapeLost in everything she trustsStill can"t seem to get enoughEven though the world she lovesIt won"t ever be the way it wasAnd his heart of stone left hers breakingEvery night she criesAnd dies a little more each timeSay you love meNothing left insideSay you love meAnd the silence will set her freeMemories, they take her backEvery moment fades to blackEvery kiss and every tasteShe wishes time would ease the painEven though the world she lovesIt won"t ever be the way it wasAnd her heart is weak, her hands are shakingEvery night she criesAnd dies a little more each timeSay you love meNothing left insideSay you love meAnd the silence will set her freeAnd every night she criesI don"t know if I"ll ever make this rightCause I am just so broken by the bitterness of lonelinessI"m so scared of thisI don"t know if I"ll ever make this rightCause I am just so broken by the bitterness of lonelinessI"m so scared of thisEven though the world she lovesIt won"t ever be the way it wasAnd his heart of stone left hers breakingEvery night she criesAnd dies a little more each timeSay you love meNow she left insideSay you love meAnd the silence will set her freeEvery night she criesEvery night she criesAnd The silence will set her free
2023-07-22 21:15:561

一首英文歌曲,比较柔和,歌词带I love

看看下面这几个有没有你要的~1、The One I Love 歌词Gonna close my eyesGirl and watch you goRunning through this life darlingLike a field of snowAs the tracer glidesIn its graceful arcSend a little prayer out to ya庆ross the falling darkTell the repo manAnd the stars aboveYou抮e the one I lovePerfect summers nightNot a wind that breathesJust the bullets whispering gentle憁ongst the new green leavesThere抯 things I might have saidOnly wish I couldNow I""""m leaking life fasterThen I""""m leaking bloodTell the repo manAnd the stars aboveYou抮e the one I loveYou抮e the one I loveThe one I loveDon抰 see ElysiumDon抰 see no fiery hellJust the lights up bright babyIn the bay hotelNext wave coming inLike an ocean roarWon抰 you take my hand darlingOn that old dancefloorWe can twist and shoutDo the turtle doveAnd you抮e the one I loveYou抮e the one I loveThe one I love网址:、歌曲名称:I, Love 专辑名称:Rebirth 出版年代:2005年 发行公司:Sony 语言类别:英语 歌手名称:Jennifer Lopez 歌手类别:欧美女歌手 LRC制作:火鬼I Love Boy, I love you soILoveYou and I have been around each other for quite a whileBut I don"t think that you understand the way that I feel for youBaby, it took a while for me (yeah, yeah)To realize that you were so naiveWell maybe you were blind and cannot seeThe feelings I have for you, you don"t understandThe things that I"ve gone throughTo paint a perfect picture just for you (picture for you)I"ve even told your friends, but that won"t doWell baby, you have to know, I can"t wait no moreILove you more than you will ever knowLoveI"ve been trying so hard to show youILove you like a queen would love her kingLoveBaby, I"ve been trying to show youLook at me, try to understand that I am here for youAnd whatever you"re going through no matter what you ask me to do I will doSee baby, I"m trying to make you see (trying to make you see)This is not pretend or make believeI wanna be the woman that you needJust let me get close to you, take me in your heartEvery day I want you more and more (want you more and more)Never in my life was I so sureThese feelings I have I can"t ignoreSo baby just let me knowAll I"m trying to say isILove you more than I can love myselfLoveI would die before I hurt youILove you like a woman loves a manLoveWhen there"s no one else to live forBaby, for so long I"ve always tried to show you just how much I care for youBoy, you had to know that I could never let you goI"ll spend the rest of my life trying to make you understand thatILove you when there"s no more love to giveLoveBaby, I will always want youILove you when you"re up against it allLoveI"ll be by your side foreverII love you, baby, love you, babyLoveLove you, baby, love you, babyILove you, baby, love you, babyLoveI love you, baby, love you, babyYou网址:
2023-07-22 21:16:141


1、清凉舒爽,全家共享。——六神沐浴露 Cool and comfortable, the whole family to share. 2、让你旺一下。——旺旺广告 Make you flourish. 3、博大精深,西门子。——西门子 Broad and profound, SIEMENS. 4、浓情蜜意,尽在其中。——灵芝蜜 Sweetie, all in one. 5、灵活,让篮球场不再是一个平面。——李宁牌 Flexible, let basketball is no longer a plane. 6、人头马一开,好事自然来。——香港人头马 Remy Martin open, good nature. 7、洁婷再大的动作也不要紧。——洁婷 It doesn"t matter how big it is to clean ting. 8、因智慧而不同。——多普达 Different because of wisdom. 9、鹤舞白沙我心飞翔。——白沙烟 My heart is flying crane dance pak. 10、事业我一定争取,对你我从未放弃!——爱立信 I will fight for the cause, I never give up on you! 11、南方周末一纸风行。——南方周末 Southern weekend. 12、明星风采,纯纯关怀。——美加净 The stars, pure care. 13、天天都是春天。——昆明 It"s spring every day. 14、颠峰感受后的无尽回味。——香烟 Endless aftertaste after the peak feeling. 15、经典精铸,隽永典藏。——明基 Classic investment casting, Naga Norihide. 16、下雨天,巧克力和音乐更配哦!——德芙巧克力 On rainy days, chocolate and music match more! 17、隔壁千家醉,开坛十里香。——濉溪口子酒 The next 1000 drunk, ten in the altar of incense. 18、中国网通由我天地宽。——中国网通 Netcom from my world wide. 19、学琴的孩子不会变坏。——三叶钢琴 The children will not go bad. 20、有空间,就有可能。——别克汽车 Where there is space, there is possibility. 21、因为网络,地球如村!——第四媒体 Because of the network, the earth is like a village! 22、千万里,我一定要回到我的家。——孔府家酒 For thousands of miles, I must go back to my home. 23、瑞士最佳风味,只给最爱的人。——金帝巧克力 Swiss best flavor, only to the favorite people. Kinde 24、情系中国结,联通四海心。——联通 The China node, Unicom universal heart. 25、朗讯的创造力科技的原动力。——朗讯 Lucent"s creativity, the power of technology. 26、补钙新观念,吸收是关键。——龙牧壮骨冲剂 Absorption of calcium is the key to new concept of calcium supplement. 27、孔府家酒,叫人想家。——孔府家酒 Confucian house wine, very homesick. 28、灵感点亮生活!——西门子 Inspiration lights up life! 29、享受快乐科技。——明基 Enjoy happy technology. 30、一品黄山天高云淡。——一品黄山 A sky in Mount Huangshan. 31、润迅通讯:一呼天下应。——润迅通讯 Communication: a call to the world. 32、奥妮洗发水:黑头发,中国货。——奥妮洗发水 Onie shampoo: black hair, Chinese goods. 33、滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。——雀巢咖啡 Shannon drops. 34、要想皮肤好,早晚用大宝。——大宝 If you want a good skin, use Dabao sooner or later. 35、臭名远扬,香飘万里。——臭豆腐 One"s reputation was a byword., Xiangpiao miles. 36、喝贝克,听自己的。——贝克啤酒 Drink Beck, listen to yourself. 37、别吻我,我怕修。——润化油 Don"t kiss me. I"m afraid to fix it. 38、放低偏见,你会有精彩发现!——柯尼卡 Put down your Pjudice and you"ll have a wonderful discovery! 39、更多选择,更多乐趣。——泰奇八宝粥 More choices, more fun. 40、一种可以世袭的古典浪漫。——房产 A classical romance that can be inherited. 41、让一亿人先聪明起来。——巨人脑黄金 Let one hundred million people be smart first. 42、只要心相通,相隔千里也握手。——联通 As long as the heart is interlinked, there are thousands of miles to shake hands. 43、偷得浮生半闲,享受雀巢好时光。——雀巢食品 Have a good time to enjoy half free, Nestle. 44、有口皆碑!——英国nn食品 Enjoy great popularity among the people! 45、世界上最有人缘的人。——麦奶油食品公司广告 The most popular people in the world. 46、科技让你更轻松。——商务通 Technology makes you more relaxed. 47、一呼四应!——音响公司广告 One calling and four responding! 48、大自然奉送的绝妙佳品。——密思茶叶公司 Nature as wonderful to share. 49、海尔,中国造。——海尔 Haier, made in china. 50、没有摩擦的感觉象在飞。——某润滑油 The feeling of no friction is like flying. 51、拥有健康,当然亮泽。——潘婷洗发水 With health, of course, glossy. 52、传奇品质,百年张裕。——张裕 Legendary quality, a century of changyu. 53、促进健康为全家。——舒肤佳 Promote health for the whole family. 54、生活中离不开这口子。——口子酒 Life is inseparable from this hole. 55、为了每一个吻更完美。——绿叶牌口香糖 For every kiss to be perfect. 56、喝汇源果汁,走健康之路。——汇源果汁 Drink Huiyuan Juice, take the road of health. 57、不要让男人一手掌握。——某胸罩广告 Don"t let men master it by hand. 58、掌握无限未来。——大显通信 The infinite future. 59、共创美的前程,共度美的人生。——美的电器 Create a beautiful future, enjoy the beauty of life. 60、有一种酒是用来留传的。——十八酒坊 There is a wine is used to pass the. 61、以帽取人!——帽子公司广告 Take hats for people! 62、绝不会影响你的睡眠。——海格牌咖啡 It never affects your sleep. 63、天生我就一肚子气!——矿泉水广告 I was born with gas! 64、维维豆奶,欢乐开怀。——维维豆奶 Soy milk, happy. 65、麦氏咖啡滴滴香农,意犹未尽。——麦氏咖啡 Maxwell didi Shannon,. 66、飘柔,就是这么自信。——飘柔 Rejoice, is so confident. 67、力波啤酒,的确与众不同。——力波啤酒 Power beer is really different. 68、成功与科技共辉映。——奥迪 Success and technology shine together. 69、红星御酒,融进你我真情。——红星御酒 Red Star imperial wine melts into your true feelings. 70、悠悠岁月久,滴滴沱牌情。——沱牌曲酒 Time for a long time, drops Tuopai love. 71、东奔好走,要喝宋河好酒。——宋河 Go east, to drink wine song. 72、建筑无限生活。——万科 Unlimited life of architecture. 73、生活节奏、尽在掌握。——爱立信 Rhythm of life, mastering. 74、煮酒论英雄才子赢天下。——才子男装 On hero talent to win the world. 75、把美味和营养卷起来。——康莱蛋酥卷 Roll up the delicious and the nutrition. 76、李锦记餐餐陪着你。——广州李锦记食品 Lee Kum Kee meal with you. 77、创新就是生活。——海信 Innovation is life. 78、美味带动,情难自控。——营多方便面 Delicious drive, love is difficult to control. 79、爱生活,爱拉芳!——拉芳 Love life, love LaFang!
2023-07-22 21:16:241

谁有you are my african queen的歌词呀,face 2 face的吧。不好找哟u

Title: Artist: 2FACE IDIBIA Song: YOU ARE MY AFRICAN QUEEN Album: FACE 2 FACE (2004)yeah, yeah, you are my african queen, oooh lord, oooh lordjust like the sun, lights up the earth, you light up my lifethe only one, I"ve ever seen with a smile so brightand just yesterday, you came around my wayand changed my whole scenery with your astonishing beautyah, you coulda make a brother sing,you ordinary thing, a supernatural being,I know you are just brighter than the moonBrighter than the star, I love you just the way you are.CHORUSand you are my African Queen, the girl of my take me where I"ve never beenyou make my heart go ting-a-ling-a-ling, oh ahhyou are my African Queen, the girl of my dreamsand you remind me of a thingand that is the African beauty yahhhyahh oooo you are my african queen, oh lord, oo lord hmmout of a million you stand as onethe outstanding oneI look into your eyes, girl what I see is paradise,yeah you captivated my soul, now everyday I want you more o o ooHow can I deny this feeling I"m feeling insideey oh no one can never take your place,can never take your space,thats a fact I cannot eraseand you, you are the one that makes me smilemake me float like a boat upon the nile.oooo ooooo yaahhh yahhh ooooyou are my african queen and I know, oh yes I know hhnyou are my african queen and I know, see I knowSee I know what I am feeling in my heart and in my souloh I know that it is loveAnd I know that this love was surely sent from up aboveCause you"re the only one I think ofyou are my african queenand I know that this means that you"re the only one that I will serveI"ll give you my heart, my love, my body and my moneyEvery other thing you think ofWho could think of anything better than youWho could think of ever hurting youSacrifice my all, I"ll give it all to youcause you ar my african queenfor REALSo black, so beautifulI love you, I love you, I love you, munyemo, I love you, I love you, I loveyou, munyemo, I love you, I love you, ooohhh yeah, my African Queen, Ilove you, I love you.
2023-07-22 21:16:312

求一首英文歌歌名 女生唱的 很优美舒缓

歌名:Feels Like a Wedding Day 歌手:pinkzebra 最快无误,望采纳!歌词:I"ll be standing in the gardenJust think, think of what we"re startingI"ve been waiting for this day all my lifeYou"ll be dressed up in your finestYou"ll see beauty at its brightestWe"ll have all we ever needed and moreAnd it feels like a wedding dayFeels like a wedding dayAnd it feels like a wedding dayCome and take me awayWalk me down the path togetherThis day memories last foreverWe"ll be hand in hand and heart to heartMake me laugh the way you doYour smile lights up every room andI see my future glowing in your eyesAnd it feels like a wedding dayFeels like a wedding dayAnd it feels like a wedding dayCome and take me awayAnd it feels like a wedding dayFeels like a wedding dayAnd it feels like a wedding dayCome and take me awayCome and take me awayCome and take me away
2023-07-22 21:16:391

帮我写一篇200字的英文作文 关于我最好的朋友 look like

题目:My Best Friend Looks LikeMy best friend, Lisa, is a person who can always bring laughter and warmth to everyone around her. Lisa has dark hair, bright eyes and a wide smile that always lights up her face.Lisa is a special person because she has a unique personality that always attracts others. She is very smart, always knowing the answers to study questions, but she is not only good at learning. She has a passion for sports, particularly soccer, and she is a natural team player with her teammates.Lisa is a good friend because she is always willing to listen to others" problems and give them valuable advice. She has a wonderful sense of humor and is always able to make us laugh during the moments of unforeseen challenges. Her stick-to-it spirit and positive attitude have helped me overcome many difficulties in my life.My best friend Lisa is a person who is both good at study and a great friend. She is not just a friend to me, but a mentor and a source of inspiration for me. I am very lucky to have a friend like her who will always be there for me in my life.
2023-07-22 21:16:492

Laura Fygi的《I Belong》 歌词

歌曲名:I Belong歌手:Laura Fygi专辑:ChangeTyler Hilton - I BelongIt"s hard to say the time and place that I knewIt got hard to think of anything else but me and youYeah some may take for granted oh but I could not imagineHow the world still spinswhen the door opens and you walk into the roomWhen you"re near, there"s a sound, there"s a sense I can feelSomething I can"t explain but it"s real, yeah it"s realFrom the time I"m wakingThrough the days I"m facingTill the sleep I"m fakingI belong with youTill the stars start fallingTill the wind stops callingTill they lose their momentI belong, I belong with youFrom the bells that ring on (?) AvenueTo the parking lot where our hearts lockedAnd the stories all come trueI"m aware, yeah sparks fly by through the airAnd the night lights up everywhere "cause you"re thereFrom the time I"m wakingThrough the days I"m facingTill the sleep I"m fakingI belong with you.Till the stars start fallingTill the wind stops callingTill they lose their momentI belong, I belong with youI belong with youEverything I do just reminds me againLike a picture of you painted under my skinIf love is a mystery then my only clueIs some belong together like I do to youFrom the time I"m wakingThrough the days I"m facingTill the sleep I"m fakingI belong with youTill the stars start fallingTill the wind stops callingTill they lose their momentI belong, I belong with youI belong with youOh, I belong, I belong with you.
2023-07-22 21:16:561


是whole world around 吗?
2023-07-22 21:17:032


Interesting Things at College We all are very aware of the fact that college students work hard, dedicate themselves, and find little time for relaxation. Many use their extra time to work outside of college or perhaps enjoy a sporting event or two. Every place has a bit of humor attached to it or our existence would be very boring. College students find that humor really lights up once in awhile perhaps in an announcement or by a lecture by one of the teachers. In any case we thought that it might prove to be interesting to put out a bit of humor that some of the college students have encountered over the years. Please still laugh even if you heard these jokes before, ha, ha, my boss might be listening. Every year the Dean addressu2019s the freshmen class about the dormitory rules. The rules are simply put guys stay out of the girlu2019s dorm and girls stay out of the guyu2019s dorm. This year the Dean added that the facility had decided to fine anyone who breaks the rule. The first offense he stated will cost you $25, the second offense will cost you $50 and the third time will cost you a much heftier fine of $200. Then he ended by asking if there were any questions? One of the boys piped up, “How much for a season pass?” At that the Dean realized the fining would not be appropriate. Next we are going to go to one of the favorite places that normally everyone attends on campus beside the cafeteria it is the Computer Lab. Now the Computer Lab can be very scary and intimidating for those of us who are not very computer savvy. Those who are familiar with the surroundings using the lab on a day to day basis are apt to poke fun or become annoying just distract or cause us to lose computer time. Computer Lab Annoying Tips Type very frantically, then stop, and look at the person next to you with an evil glean in your eye. Complain to the monitor on duty that your computer will not work, but make sure that it is turned off first. Why not connect each computer to a different screen than the one itu2019s set up with to find out the expressions on the faces of others. You can write a program that plays the theme song of one of the old TV programs like Green Acres and play it over and over at a very high volume. One of the most frightening things to the person next to you is to ask them if they know how to type into the top secret files at the Pentagon. Then tell them you do can you use their terminal for a while. These are really corny ways to be annoying but some people find that just reading them makes a person laugh.
2023-07-22 21:17:191

有关有趣的英文故事 大约要500字左右 还要有翻译

Pig look in the mirrorPig"s face is always dirty.Piglet birthday that day, his friend Bunny gave him a mirror, asking him out the door according to a photo a day, "so you can know where their faces are dirty, you can wipe off the dirty."The next morning, in order to prevent the mirror lights up the dirty, the pig washed my face in a clean net.But when he was about to look in the mirror.When flying a fly, throw bombs, like flies to feces that fell on the mirror. In this way, the mirror of the pig has become a dirty pig.Pig quickly towel to Calian. Rub one, according to a mirror is always indelible ... ... how?"Pig!" Bunny to play called the pig.Piglet said: "Wait a minute, I do not wipe my face is not out of the house.""Yes." Bunny on the door and so on. However, such a long time has not seen pig out meters.Rabbit into a view, only this find out how it was."Pig Yeah, you are wrong," said Bunny flies into a mirror on the pig feces to see, "is a dirty mirror, your face has been wiped clean very very clean."From that point on, whenever the pig in the mirror and see the mirror of the pig"s face is dirty, he thought: "This is a dirty mirror, my face is very on the net."Therefore, despite the pig in the mirror every day, he was a dirty pig. n this way, the mirror of the pig has become a dirty pig.
2023-07-22 21:17:271

灯灭了用英语怎么说?lights go ___ out 、away、up、

go out: 熄灭 例句与用法: 1.The fire has gone out. 火已熄灭. 所以是out~
2023-07-22 21:17:441

tonight bigbang 英文版 歌词+MP3

Big Bang - TonightTonight such a beautiful night sing with me now 2011 follow meBig Bang Big Bang we"re back again one more time sayNo way no way we become a strangers again so easilyBig Bang Big Bang don"t stop let"s playOk ok go go goGD.I think I"m going to go crazy, I"m probably getting tired (why)Nah, I think I"m just fed up, I"m already bored, you"re dullI"m a bad boy that can"t be satisfied with one girl, but I"m niceI"m not falling for you because I can"t stand it, let me blow ya mindTOP.When did we start, start losing the spark between usWe"re like a drained cola that"s lost its fizzThe first feeling of going numb, glancing at each other sidewaysI"m not hanging myself over such a love, don"t wanna try no moreTaeyang.I look for you, oh-eh-oh, below that moonlight that lights me upI look for you oh-eh-oh-oh-oh I don"t know where the end is but heyTonight tonight tonight tonightI still don"t understand love, pitifully alone once again, tonightSeungri.I"m scared that these stars will hurt me (so what so what)I miss the moment when I first met you (no more no more)Bad when it comes to pain like that, I try to avoid itBut You know that I love you girl girl girlDaesung.My personality to drag it out, say no, with cold lips, I-I-I freeze youGD.Take ma soul take ma heart back a new excitement, get thatLove is not for me, don"t think too much it"s simpleTaeyang.I look for you, oh-eh-oh, below that moonlight that lights me upI look for you oh-eh-oh-oh-oh I don"t know where the end is but heyTonight tonight tonight tonightI still don"t understand love, pitifully alone once again, tonightTaeyang & Daesung.The sad meaning behind the words "good bye" become covered by the dark shadowsMy memories look towards you, who I have forgotten in my heartI look for you, oh-eh-oh, below that moonlight that lights me up (below that moonlight)I look for you oh-eh-oh-oh-oh (Oh you, oh baby) I don"t know where the end is but hey (I don"t know where it is)Tonight tonight tonight tonightI still don"t understand love (Don"t understand love, I), pitifully alone once again, tonightI look for you, oh-eh-oh (tonight), below that moonlight that lights me up (such a beautiful night)I look for you oh-eh-oh-oh-oh I don"t know where the end is but (good night)
2023-07-22 21:17:531

Club Lights歌词

Turn The Lights OnI love the way you areCruisin around like a movie starYou play my favourite songI hear your voiceWhen you hum along And I can feel That my love for you is realThere""""s no surprise I wanna dance with youYou""""re the dream come trueTurn the lights onYou got that certain somethingPlay the music all night longTurn the lights onI gotta tell you one thingYou""""re the one I""""m dreamin ofThe way you more your feetShake and dance to the groovy beatI""""ve really got sayThat what you give takes my breath away.In your eyes I see an angel in disguiseThere""""s no surprise I wanna dance with youYou""""re the dream come trueTurn the lights onYou got that certain somethingPlay the music all night longTurn the lights onI gotta tell you one thingYou""""re the one I""""m dreamin ofTurn the lights onYou got that certain somethingPlay the music all night longTurn the lights onI gotta tell you one thingYou""""re the one I""""m dreamin ofThere""""s no surprise I wanna dance with youYou""""re the dream come trueTurn the lights onYou got that certain somethingPlay the music all night longTurn the lights onI gotta tell you one thingYou""""re the one I""""m dreamin ofTurn the lights onYou got that certain somethingPlay the music all night longTurn the lights onI gotta tell you one thingYou""""re the one I""""m dreamin ofTurn the lights onYou got that certain somethingPlay the music all night longTurn the lights onI gotta tell you one thingYou""""re the one I""""m dreamin ofTurn the lights onYou got that certain somethingPlay the music all night longTurn the lights onI gotta tell you one thingYou""""re the one I""""m dreamin of
2023-07-22 21:18:012

clean up steet lights什么意思?

clean up steet lights什么意思?答:意思:清洁路灯。。
2023-07-22 21:18:082

All Of The Lights 歌词

歌曲名:All Of The Lights歌手:Skepta专辑:Bbc Radio 1"S Live Lounge Volume 6Kanye West - All Of The Lights (Featuring Various Artists)All of the lights (all of the lights)(Lights, lights)All of the lights (all of the lights)Rihanna: Turn up the lights in here babyExtra bright, I want y"all to see thisTurn up the lights in here, babyYou know what I needWant you to see everythingWant you to see all of the lightsFast cars, shooting stars(all of the lights, all of the lights)Until it"s Vegas everywhere we are(all of the lights, all of the lights)If you want it you can get it for the rest of your lifeIf you want it you can get it for the rest of your lifeKanye West: Something wrongI hold my headMJ gone...our n-gga dead!I slapped my girl, she called the fedsI did that time and spent that breadI"m heading home, I"m almost thereI"m on my way, heading up the stairsTo my surprise, a n-gga replacing meI had to take "em to that ghetto universityAll of the lightsCop lights, flash lights, spot lightsStrobe lights, street lights(all of the lights, all of the lights)Fast life, drug lifeThug life, rock lifeEvery night(all of the lights)Rihanna: Turn up the lights in here, babyExtra bright, I want y"all to see thisTurn up the lights in here, babyYou know what I need, want you to see everythingWant you to see all of the lightsKanye West: Restraining orderCan"t see my daughterHer mother, brother, grandmother hate me in that orderPublic visitationWe met at BordersTold her she take me backI"ll be more supportiveI made mistakesI bump my headCourts suck me dryI spent that breadShe need a daddyBaby please, can"t let her grow up in that ghetto universityAll of the lightsCop lights, flash lights, spot lightsStrobe lights, street lights(all of the lights, all of the lights)Fast life, drug lifeThug life, rock lifeEvery night(all of the lights)Rihanna: Turn up the lights in here, babyExtra bright, I want y"all to see thisTurn up the lights in here, babyYou know what I need, want you to see everythingWant you to see all of the lightsKid Cudi: Getting mine, babyGotta let these n-ggas know, yeahGet it right, ayYou should go and get your ownGetting mine, babyGotta let these n-ggas know, yeahGet it right, ayYou should go and get your ownFergie: Unemployment line, credit card declinedDid I not mention I was about to lose my mind?(my mind, my mind, my mind)And also was about to do that lineOkay, okay, you know we going all the way this time(this time, this time, this time)We going all the way this time(time, time, time, time)We going all the way this timeWe going all the way this timeWe going all the way this timeTurn up the lights in here, babyExtra bright, I want y"all to see thisTurn up the lights in here, babyYou know what I need, want you to see everythingWant you to see all of the lightsAlicia Keys: Whoaa-oh-whoaWhoaa-oh-whoa-ohElton John: I tried to tell you but all I could say is ohhhhAlicia Keys: Whoaa-oh-whoaWhoaa-oh-whoa-ohElton John: I tried to tell you but all I could say is ohhhhAlicia Keys: Whoaa-oh-whoaWhoaa-oh-whoa-ohElton John: I tried to tell you but all I could say is ohhhhAlicia Keys: Whoaa-oh-whoaWhoaa-oh-whoa-ohElton John: I tried to tell you but all I could say is ohhhh
2023-07-22 21:18:161

求 Demi Lovato neon lights 的中文歌词跪求

Neon LightsBaby when they look up at the sky宝贝 当他们望向天空We"ll be shooting stars just passing by我们会变成流星划过天际You"ll be coming home with me tonight今晚你会回到家和我在一起We"ll be burning up like neon lights我们会闪闪发光 就像霓虹灯Please still my heart cause it"s freaking out, freaking out, right now请抚平我的心 因为它已经吓坏了 吓坏了 就是现在Shining like stars cause we"re beautiful, we"re beautiful, right now像星星一样闪耀 因为我们光彩夺目 我们光彩夺目 就是现在You"re all I see in all these places你是我在这些地方唯一看到的人You"re all I see in all these faces你是我在这些脸孔中唯一看见的So let"s pretend we"re running out of time, of time所以让我们假装我们没时间了 没时间了Baby when they look up at the sky宝贝 当他们望向天空We"ll be shooting stars just passing by我们会变成流星划过天际You"ll be coming home with me tonight今晚你会回家和我在一起And we"ll be burning up like neon lights而我们会闪闪发光 就像霓虹灯Baby when they look up at the sky宝贝 当他们望向天空We"ll be shooting stars just passing by我们会变成流星划过天际You"ll be coming home with me tonight今晚你会回家和我在一起And we"ll be burning up like neon lights而我们会闪闪发光 就像霓虹灯Neon lights霓虹灯Neon lights霓虹灯Neon lights霓虹灯Like neon lights就像霓虹灯Like neon lights就像霓虹灯Please still my heart cause it"s freaking out, freaking out, right now请抚平我的心 因为它已经吓坏了 吓坏了 就是现在Shining like stars cause we"re beautiful, we"re beautiful, right now像星星一样闪耀 因为我们光彩夺目 我们光彩夺目 就是现在You"re all I see in all these places你是我在这些地方唯一看到的人You"re all I see in all these faces你是我在这些脸孔中唯一看见的So let"s pretend we"re running out of time, of time所以让我们假装我们没时间了 没时间了Baby when they look up at the sky宝贝 当他们望向天空 We"ll be shooting stars just passing by我们会变成流星划过天际You"ll be coming home with me tonight今晚你会回家和我在一起And we"ll be burning up like neon lights而我们会闪闪发光 就像霓虹灯Baby when they look up at the sky宝贝 当他们望向天空We"ll be shooting stars just passing by我们会变成流星划过天际You"ll be coming home with me tonight今晚你会回家和我在一起And we"ll be burning up like neon lights而我们会闪闪发光 就像霓虹灯Neon lights霓虹灯Neon lights霓虹灯Neon lights霓虹灯Like neon lights就像霓虹灯Like neon lights就像霓虹灯Shining like stars cause we"re beautiful, beautiful像星星一样闪耀 因为我们光彩夺目 光彩夺目You"re all I see in all these places你是我在这些地方唯一看到的人You"re all I see in all these faces你是我在这些脸孔中唯一看见的So let"s pretend we"re running out of time, of time所以让我们假装我们没时间了 没时间了Like neon lights就像霓虹灯Like neon lights就像霓虹灯Please still my heart cause it"s freaking out请抚平我的心 因为它已经吓坏了
2023-07-22 21:18:481

歌词翻译 歌名 Eels - Blinking Lights

在飞机的翅膀上的指示灯闪烁起来树上面下来尤其是为我的摩斯电码信号闪烁不没有天空中的彩虹在深夜但的信号穿过一天我将会再度闪烁灯停止一个接一个的公路车上 Get 看看事故没看到那个来在天空中的医生会把他的直升机下来要带给我活着出来并设置我在地上再一次在飞机的翅膀上的闪烁灯树的上方
2023-07-22 21:18:572

求一首歌名,里面有句歌词turn on the lights的歌,英文歌,很欢快。。。

同求啊!!高潮部分是女声英文“turn on the lights”...前面有一句什么it"s too far"s too ..@#$%
2023-07-22 21:19:053

求 Demi Lovato neon lights 的中文歌词

Baby when they look up at the sky宝贝 当他们望向天空We"ll be shooting stars just passing by我们会变成流星划过天际You"ll be coming home with me tonight今晚你会回到家和我在一起We"ll be burning up like neon lights我们会闪闪发光 就像霓虹灯Please still my heart cause it"s freaking out, freaking out, right now请抚平我的心 因为它已经吓坏了 吓坏了 就是现在Shining like stars cause we"re beautiful, we"re beautiful, right now像星星一样闪耀 因为我们光彩夺目 我们光彩夺目 就是现在You"re all I see in all these places你是我在这些地方唯一看到的人You"re all I see in all these faces你是我在这些脸孔中唯一看见的So let"s pretend we"re running out of time, of time所以让我们假装我们没时间了 没时间了Baby when they look up at the sky宝贝 当他们望向天空We"ll be shooting stars just passing by我们会变成流星划过天际You"ll be coming home with me tonight今晚你会回家和我在一起And we"ll be burning up like neon lights而我们会闪闪发光 就像霓虹灯Baby when they look up at the sky宝贝 当他们望向天空We"ll be shooting stars just passing by我们会变成流星划过天际You"ll be coming home with me tonight今晚你会回家和我在一起And we"ll be burning up like neon lights而我们会闪闪发光 就像霓虹灯Neon lights霓虹灯Neon lights霓虹灯Neon lights霓虹灯Like neon lights就像霓虹灯Like neon lights就像霓虹灯Please still my heart cause it"s freaking out, freaking out, right now请抚平我的心 因为它已经吓坏了 吓坏了 就是现在Shining like stars cause we"re beautiful, we"re beautiful, right now像星星一样闪耀 因为我们光彩夺目 我们光彩夺目 就是现在You"re all I see in all these places你是我在这些地方唯一看到的人You"re all I see in all these faces你是我在这些脸孔中唯一看见的So let"s pretend we"re running out of time, of time所以让我们假装我们没时间了 没时间了Baby when they look up at the sky宝贝 当他们望向天空 We"ll be shooting stars just passing by我们会变成流星划过天际You"ll be coming home with me tonight今晚你会回家和我在一起And we"ll be burning up like neon lights而我们会闪闪发光 就像霓虹灯Baby when they look up at the sky宝贝 当他们望向天空We"ll be shooting stars just passing by我们会变成流星划过天际You"ll be coming home with me tonight今晚你会回家和我在一起And we"ll be burning up like neon lights而我们会闪闪发光 就像霓虹灯Neon lights霓虹灯Neon lights霓虹灯Neon lights霓虹灯Like neon lights就像霓虹灯Like neon lights就像霓虹灯Shining like stars cause we"re beautiful, beautiful像星星一样闪耀 因为我们光彩夺目 光彩夺目You"re all I see in all these places你是我在这些地方唯一看到的人You"re all I see in all these faces你是我在这些脸孔中唯一看见的So let"s pretend we"re running out of time, of time所以让我们假装我们没时间了 没时间了Like neon lights就像霓虹灯Like neon lights就像霓虹灯Please still my heart cause it"s freaking out请抚平我的心 因为它已经吓坏了
2023-07-22 21:19:121

《hit the lights》的歌词

Count it!One year laterMet with death, miles, goodbyesStates, cities, friends all converted into timeYet on the roadFrom family and homeIt feels like, it just feels rightShow to show we saw the crowds growWe played our hearts out,We wore our throats downAnd every drop of sweat that we bled has been worth itCause we earned itWe"ll weather the rain, the sleet, the snow and oceansJust to get through to youWe"ll weather the rain, the sleet, the snow and oceansJust to get through to you
2023-07-22 21:19:204