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2023-07-23 05:15:24
立春 u25aa The Beginning of Spring
As its name suggests, The Beginning of Spring lifts the curtain of spring. After that everything turns green and full of vigor; people clearly see that the daytime is becoming longer and the weather is becoming warmer.
Rain Water u25aa 雨水
Rain Water signals the increase in rainfall and rise in temperature. With its arrival, lively scenery starts blossoming: the river water defreezes, wild geese move from south to north, and trees and grass turn green again.
The Waking of Insects u25aa 惊蛰
Insects Awakening alludes to the fact that insects and animals sleeping in winter are awakened by spring thunder. It is the key time for spring agricultural activities.
The Spring Equinox u25aa 春分
On the day of the Spring Equinox, sun is directly above the equator. After the day, the sun moves northward, resulting in gradually longer day time in the Northern Hemisphere and longer night in the Southern Hemisphere.
Pure Brightness u25aa 清明
Pure Brightness is also a traditional Chinese festival-Tomb-Sweeping Day. From that day on, temperature continues to rise and rainfall increases, making it a crucial time for plowing and sowing in the spring.
Grain Rain u25aa 谷雨
Grain Rain originates from the saying that goes "rain brings up the growth of hundreds of grains," which shows that this period of rainfall is extremely important for the growth of crops.
立夏Beginning of Summer
The Beginning of Summer usually begins around May 5 in the Gregorian calendar. It marks the transition of seasons and is the day when summer starts in lunar calendar. During that time, the temperature in most places in China has an obvious increase. It is the best time for grains and crops to grow.
小满Lesser Fullness
Lesser Fullness means that the seeds from the grain are becoming full but are not ripe.
Grain in Beard u25aa 芒种
The arrival of Grain in Beard signifies the ripening of crops such as barley and wheat. It is also a busy period for farmers
The Summer Solstice u25aa 夏至
At this time, much of the northern hemisphere receives the most hours of daylight, but it does not bring the hottest temperatures which will come only 20 to 30 days later.
Lesser Heat u25aa 小暑
Lesser Heat suggests the hottest period is coming but the extreme hot point has yet to arrive.
Greater Heat u25aa 大暑
During Greater Heat, most parts of China enter the hottest season of the year, during which the temperature could reach above 35 C in manycities.
The Beginning of Autumn u25aa 立秋
It reflects the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. The fruitful season is approaching.
The End of Heat u25aa 处暑
End of Heat implies that most parts in China are getting rid ofthe hot summer and entering autumn.
White Dew u25aa 白露
White Dew is the real beginning of cool autumn. The temperature declines gradually and the vapors in the air often condense into white dew on the grass and trees at night.
The Autumn Equinox u25aa 秋分
Autumnal Equinox lies at the mid-point of autumn, dividing autumn into two equal parts, after which the location of direct sunlight moves to the south - days become shorter and nights longer in the Northern Hemisphere.
Cold Dew u25aa 寒露
At this time, temperatures are much lower than in White Dew inmost areas of China. The dew is greater and colder and there will be less rain.
Frost"s Descent u25aa 霜降
First Frost marks the last solar term of autumn, during whichtime the weather becomes much colder than before and frost begins to appear.
The Beginning of Winter u25aa 立冬
Winter is coming from that day on, and crops harvested in autumn should be stored up
Lesser Snow u25aa 小雪
Lesser Snow refers to the time when it starts to snow, mostly inChina"s northern areas, and the temperature continues to drop.
Greater Snow u25aa 大雪
Around this day, the snow becomes heavy and begins to accumulate on the ground as the lowest temperature drops to around zero degree Celsius in northern China
The Winter Solstice u25aa 冬至
On the first day of Winter Solstice, the Northern Hemisphere experiences the shortest day and the longest night in the year, as the sunshines directly at the Tropic of Capricorn.
Lesser Cold u25aa 小寒
During Lesser Cold, most areas in China have entered the bitter cold stage of winter. The ground and rivers are frozen. The cold air from thenorth moves southward continuously.
Greater Cold u25aa 大寒
Greater Cold is the last solar term in the annual lunar calendar. In this period, snow, rain and icy cold weather exert a big influence on people"s lives.



  大体上根据地理、人文的差异,在地理学上将中国分为四大地理区域,即北方地区、西北地区、南方地区、青藏地区。北方地区位于秦岭-淮河一线以北、内蒙古高原以南、大兴安岭、乌鞘岭以东,面积约占全国的20%,人口约占全国的40%,其中汉族占绝大多数。那么你知道北方用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    北方英语说法1:   north    北方英语说法2:   northward    北方英语例句:   公司想把总部设在北方。   The company wants to situate its headquarters in the north.   有一条良好的A级公路通往北方--A级1号公路。   There"s a good A-road going North -- the A1.   一股冷锋正从北方向这里移动。   A cold front is moving in from the north.   这条河从这里转向北方。   The river turns north at this point.   北方的大荒原地广人稀。   The wasteland of the north is scarcely populated.   黄金、奴隶和象牙被运送到北方。   Gold, slaves and ivory were sent north.   桦树皮 文化 是依托北方丰富的桦树资源而创立的生活文化,在生活中表现为丰富多彩的桦树皮制品,是北方民族物质文化的重要内容;   It is a life culture created on the abundant northern birch materials.   它成为南方商品进入北方市场,北方商品进入南方市场的桥梁。   It serves as a bridge for southern goods to enter northern markets and vise versa.   北方的需求并没有减轻。   The demands of the north will not abate.   探险者们敢于冒北方冰雪严寒的危险。   The explorers dared the dangers of the ice north.   只要记住这座小山位于正北方,你就能确定你所在的方位了。   You can orient yourself by remembering that the hill is due north.   通过育种已培养出可在北方 种植 的小麦品种。   Breeding has produced types of wheat which can be grown in the north.   北方冰结得早, 融化得晚。   The ice forms early and stays late in the north.   他在北方某地工作。   He is working at some place in the north.   我喜欢北方的食物,因为这让我想起我的家乡。   I like the food from the North, because it reminds me of my hometown.   带着希望,安东尼开始了他去北方的旅程。   With hope, Anthony went on his journey to the North.   但我算是幸运的因为我们这只受到了海啸很小的侵害远不及北方所受到的那样。   But I am lucky because we did get a little bit of the tsunami but nothing likewhat they got up north.   人们把它叫做北方的威尼斯,或者水上美人。   They call it “the Venice of the North” and “beauty on water”.   李东冠说,北韩方面表示希望北方和南方确实会共同解决他们的全部问题,以此对李明博的心情表示认同。   The North side echoed that sentiment, says Lee, by expressing the hope thatNorth and South would indeed solve all of their problems together.
2023-07-22 20:02:301


西方:west、westward、occident 东方:east、eastward、Orient 南方:south、southward 北方:north、northward、norward
2023-07-22 20:02:571


east 东 west 西 south 南 north 北
2023-07-22 20:03:057


北 [běi]基本翻译northnorthward网络释义北:North
2023-07-22 20:03:214


go to the northtravel to the north
2023-07-22 20:03:416


to 与……相离in 在同一范围内on 指“相邻”如:Japan is to the east of China.Shanghai is in the east of China .Canada is on the north of America .
2023-07-22 20:03:563


1. 英汉表达的习惯不同: 汉语中习惯把方位词的顺序排为“东西南北”;英语习惯则为north, south, east, west.汉语中用“东南”、“东北”、“西南”、“西北”等表示方向,英语中则用southeast, northeast, southwest, northwest 表达. 2. 表示方位的名词east等一般应与定冠词the连用.如: Shanghai is in the east of China.上海在中国的东部. 3. 表示方位的名词east, west等常与介词on, in, to连用,来表达两地的相互位置,但涵义却各有不同: 1) 表示某地在某一特定区域内的方位时,介词用in.如: Nanjing is in the south of Jiangsu. 南京在江苏的南部. 2) 表示某地在某一特定区域外,且两地相互接壤的某一方位时,介词用on.如: Henan is on the west of Shandong. 河南在山东的西部. 3) 表示某地在某一特定区域外,但两地相互不相连的某一方位时,介词用to.如: Japan is to the east of China. 日本在中国的东面. 4. east, west等方位词既可作名词又可作形容词. 作名词时常用于“ the +方位词 + of...”结构中,表示“……部”;作形容词时常构成具有行政区划意义的专有名词.试比较: She works in the north of China.她在中国的北部工作. She works in North China. 她在华北工作. east, west作形容词时意为“东方的;东部的”、“西方的;西部的”.一般说来,east, west等常构成专有名词,且具有一定的政治意义或社会意义,其划分较为明确;而eastern, western只是单纯从地理方位上讲,无政治或社会意义,且划分较为模糊.如: East China华东 (特指行政区划中的东部几省);eastern China中国东部 (泛指中国的东部地区). 此外,south与southern, north与northern, west和western等的区别均与上述相同. 5. southward(s), northward(s), eastward(s), westward(s)可用作副词或形容词.如: We must travel southwards (travel towards the south) to get to the South Pole.要到南极去我们必须朝南走. Rocks lay eastwards of the ship"s course. 轮船航线的东面有礁石. Our route is in an eastwards direction. 我们的路线是向东的.
2023-07-22 20:04:271


我们已经学习了east, west, south, north, northeast, southeast等一些表示方位的词,在使用这些词表达方位时应注意以下几点:   1. 英汉表达的习惯不同:   汉语中习惯把方位词的顺序排为“东西南北”;英语习惯则为north, south, east, west。汉语中用“东南”、“东北”、“西南”、“西北”等表示方向,英语中则用southeast, northeast, southwest, northwest 表达。   2. 表示方位的名词east等一般应与定冠词the连用。如:   Shanghai is in the east of China.上海在中国的东部。   3. 表示方位的名词east, west等常与介词on, in, to连用,来表达两地的相互位置,但涵义却各有不同:   1) 表示某地在某一特定区域内的方位时,介词用in。如:   Nanjing is in the south of Jiangsu. 南京在江苏的南部。   2) 表示某地在某一特定区域外,且两地相互接壤的某一方位时,介词用on。如:   Henan is on the west of Shandong. 河南在山东的西部。   3) 表示某地在某一特定区域外,但两地相互不相连的某一方位时,介词用to。如:   Japan is to the east of China. 日本在中国的东面。   4. east, west等方位词既可作名词又可作形容词。   作名词时常用于“ the +方位词 + of...”结构中,表示“……部”;作形容词时常构成具有行政区划意义的专有名词。试比较:   She works in the north of China.她在中国的北部工作。   She works in North China. 她在华北工作。   east, west作形容词时意为“东方的;东部的”、“西方的;西部的”。一般说来,east, west等常构成专有名词,且具有一定的政治意义或社会意义,其划分较为明确;而eastern, western只是单纯从地理方位上讲,无政治或社会意义,且划分较为模糊。如:   East China华东 (特指行政区划中的东部几省);eastern China中国东部 (泛指中国的东部地区)。   此外,south与southern, north与northern, west和western等的区别均与上述相同。   5. southward(s), northward(s), eastward(s), westward(s)可用作副词或形容词。如:   We must travel southwards (travel towards the south) to get to the South Pole.要到南极去我们必须朝南走。   Rocks lay eastwards of the ship"s course. 轮船航线的东面有礁石。   Our route is in an eastwards direction. 我们的路线是向东的。   请同学们做下面的练习,看你们是否能找到“东南西北”:   1. Harbin is in the______ of China.   2. Liaoning is ______ the west of Jilin.   3. Guangzhou is in the ______ of China.   4. Fujian is ______ the southeast of Hubei.   5. Xining is in the ______ of Qinghai.   6. Guilin is ______ the southwest of Changsha.   7. Inner Mongolia is ______ the north of China.   8. Yantai is an ______ city of China.   9. Gansu is a ______ province of China.   10. Guizhou is ______ the west of Hunan and is to the ______ of Henan, and is to the ______ of Guangdong. 做好了给答案哦.
2023-07-22 20:04:361


1.Canada is a vast territory with a sparse population and it is surrounded by sea on three sides.It is on the south of the USA and there are many lakes.There are many islands in the coastal area as well.2.In Canada it is moist in the western and eastern , warm in the southern and cold in the northern.3.Canada is rich in resources such as hydroelectric resource,forest resources and mineral resources.4.The industry of Canada is flourishing and the traffic there is very convenient.Industry and agriculture is mainly in the southern and the crops are mainly wheat and corn.
2023-07-22 20:04:562


Canada is a country occupying most of northern North America, extending from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west and northward into the Arctic Ocean. It is the world"s second largest country by total area and shares land borders with the United States to the south and northwest.The land occupied by Canada was inhabited for millennia by various groups of aboriginal people. Beginning in the late 15th century, British and French expeditions explored, and later settled along, the Atlantic coast. France ceded nearly all of its colonies in North America in 1763 after the Seven Years" War. In 1867, with the union of three British North American colonies through Confederation, Canada was formed as a federal dominion of four provinces This began an accretion of additional provinces and territories and a process of increasing autonomy from the United Kingdom, highlighted by the Statute of Westminster in 1931 and culminating in the Canada Act in 1982, which severed the vestiges of legal dependence on the British parliament.
2023-07-22 20:05:062


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2023-07-22 20:05:434


2023-07-22 20:06:113


Canada is in North America, east of the Atlantic, West by the Pacific Ocean, the northwest neighborhood Alaska USA California, and northeast Greenland ( Dan ) across the Davies Strait, South American native, north of the Arctic Circle arctic. More than 24 km long coastline of about. Slightly lower temperatures in eastern, southern moderate climate, the climate is mild and humid, frigid northern tundra climate. Canada Border 8892 kilometers, is the world"s longest undefended border line, is also the world"s longest state of Shanghai coastline. Canada is the world"s second largest country after Russia, land area, but only 35000000 residents living here, very low population density. Canada is a modern industrial technology level and the energy and resources in the developed countries, economy mainly relies on natural resources.加拿大位于北美洲北部,东临大西洋,西濒太平洋,西北部邻美国阿拉斯加州,东北与格陵兰(丹)隔戴维斯海峡遥遥相望,南接美国本土,北靠北冰洋达北极圈。海岸线约长24万多公里。东部气温稍低,南部气候适中,西部气候温和湿润,北部为寒带苔原气候。加拿大国境边界长达8892公里,为全世界最长不设防疆界线,同时也是世界上海岸线最长的国家。加拿大作为世界上的第二大国,国土面积仅次于俄罗斯,但仅有3,500万居民在此居住,人口密度非常低。加拿大是一个具有现代化工业科技水平且能源与资源充足的发达国家,经济体制主要依靠自然资源。Canada is a country occupying most of northern North America, extending from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west and northward into the Arctic Ocean. It is the world"s second largest country by total area and shares land borders with the United States to the south and northwest.The land occupied by Canada was inhabited for millennia by various groups of aboriginal people. Beginning in the late 15th century, British and French expeditions explored, and later settled along, the Atlantic coast. France ceded nearly all of its colonies in North America in 1763 after the Seven Years" War. In 1867, with the union of three British North American colonies through Confederation, Canada was formed as a federal dominion of four provinces. This began an accretion of additional provinces and territories and a process of increasing autonomy from the United Kingdom, highlighted by the Statute of Westminster in 1931 and culminating in the Canada Act in 1982, which severed the vestiges of legal dependence on the British parliament.A federation comprising ten provinces and three territories, Canada is a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy, with Queen Elizabeth II as its head of state. It is a bilingual and multicultural country, with both English and French as official languages both at the federal level and in the province of New Brunswick. Technologically advanced and industrialized, Canada maintains a diversified economy that is heavily reliant upon its abundant natural resources and upon trade—particularly with the United States, with which Canada has had a long and complex relationship. It is a member of the G8, NATO, APEC, the Commonwealth of Nations, the Francophonie, and the United Nations.
2023-07-22 20:06:201


2023-07-22 20:06:303


In June, see Cape jasmine flower leaves again. White leaf, broaden sadly, pure and fresh scent, lightsome in the air of heavy inhibit ground is rambling, filar silk continuously, aroma aggressions a human. Bouquets of flowers and piles of silks-rich multicolored elaboration, if fog is like cigarette, hazy. A breeze is beat, the fragrance of flower slowly light emit, wag along with wind medical powder, gate leaf of ooze renowned feeling, make popular feeling drunk! I encounter with what Cape jasmine spends as the first period, it namely to be in next that one pushes are unbroken the early morn of drizzle, my Jing is colourful the quiet at it, artistic, Bai Yu is immaculate. I elect up a foliage that touching pluvial bead gently, wirh nailed care is saw attentively by, right now, what remember by the side of ear is that versed melody Ldquo; gardenia flower, pearly leaf, fall in my blue ashore 100 plait skirt, love you, you say softly, I am cheap a Wen Jian an Zhen Fenfang Hellip;hellip;rdquo; (one) I recollection again that likes to catch spend the immediate you, carrying on the arm your beloved camera, in the bosom of the world, in that emerald green and exuberant woods, on the waterfront of sea wind light raise, reception curtain gently, quit your Hellip;hellip; of each beautiful instant The Changjiang Delta June, become hard sultrily, conceal in the apartment, I roam in involute dream, suddenly, your factor garment, maintain the oilpaper umbrella of a shallow blue, gently, before wading by my window. I do not know lilac, feel you are the purple girl of Dai Wangshu the expression and intention of what one writes although, I penetrate the umbrella falls you, cost variety of easy but elegant like Cape jasmine afresh immaculate. A few oblivion line directly cram the space of my thought, pound me to jot lust Middot; looks. You brought filar silk the height of summer in chilly and activating, also retreat gradually sultrily diminish. Involute dream, also come for of what have you and become clear and sunny. We walk into the family of the dream together, all the way joyous sound smiles language, all the way flower blooms. Cong Lamei arrives peach blossom, arrive from lilac wistaria, spend Cape jasmine from the pagoda tree, beautiful Yan Ying became drunk your face, tender my heart, edify our acquaintance is the emulating each are seasonal. Hua Yan is being accompanied slit constant longing, red cherry, green banana. I still still remember, reply eye deep-rootedly that time, did not say the path of good-bye is fastened that time, twine my lasting longing about to. Later the night of every intoxicate, have your ascertain hand, I shut long affection shutter since hold up! I understand, south ground northwardly daytime, lie among block to get our region medium distance, merely lie between block not the center that we contain a division already. Dream leisurely, deduce every beauteous article hint, be like the fleeing water with ceaseless give up, pure and fresh, Yan Mian! Having what tin reserve out is to miss, in due time of that gardenia blossomy, elevate glass seek a month, query a Yi Ren, can veto be willing to accompany me to blossom the beauty of this age, asperse Changjiang Delta that if is the poem picturesque,is in? (2) Nowadays, cape jasmine flower left again, tuft forms a bunch, cool beauty is pure, let a person do not stop to have the idea of a kind of daydream. And this season, the person that I miss maximum still is you. Days is like water, bai Ju is too unoccupied place, those long and slender green trailing plants in knowing your auditorium however whether still not exhaust grows, grow that string to grow long longing? The sky registers month, eclipse falls before the flower, every season has a flower to blossom fall, I read you before the flower, peruse your individual role that be like a flower: Natural and not feigned, mastermind and not dilettante. My be mantled up in is in your beautiful words, with you holy affection purifies my soul, humid I former days mistaking. Mixing cool breeze, yu Yueying flower is sweet in, those who savor you is gentle and quiet with nifty, those who peruse you is strong with tenderness, chuckle is worn all and new aftertaste us over and over! Inky night, it is I and your conscience encounter the nice time that collect, a sweet tea, a voiceless sound, I for whether see you use nice finger, fiddling with string, melodious instrument sound and each other of heart sounds twittering appeal to, soft soft emotion silk, the ambition of soft beauty. Years does not have the beautiful mantle you, instead extra cumbersome full figure the body arrival of your lightly, added the color of your life. Night, hazy, as if tentacle not as good as, your attitude is even more clear however. You are knowable you are cherished in my dream all extract, considering that paragraph of setting that we setup jointly, have a smile on his face Mian? (3) Once, 10 years of one imagine. Before you say you are, be born owed a lot of debt, this life is accustomed compensate, I am amid them one of moneylender, it is a predestined relationship it is debt, I do not want to do clear. Dim in, a kind of force goes to our haul in one case, we run hard the preparation of the destiny, be met, it is lot, cherish well, go cherishing each days when have attentively. In the dream, still remember the tenderness of yesterday nightfall. You look, outside the dream in the dream, we became each other advocate. All day and night, photograph of photograph lean close to is accompanied, nocturnal complicated Mian. What lights wanes to the close is doleful, coagulate all day think us of that one beauty meet, even now the retinue swaying in the midst of a raging tempest, you still still are in my heart, gently zephyr is same, lean close with me, walk person society! Before you, I never fortify, you say I resemble a baby, really, I am a baby, favor to deed favor a spoiled baby ahead you, like monkey business. Your good-tempered, resemble a mommy, I am enjoying you to the altitude of one"s bent cuddle, at the same time, I likewise use my wide bosom heartiness you, while production you exhausted out quiet go to bed. With our tender feelings, knit a basket of flowers in annuals, put the scent of continuously. At the moment, recline by col, see a flower blossom fall, lacking is red the control that falls in us, dip your temperature, raided my atrium. Because be worn in bedew on the cobble diameter of morning rain, below the oilpaper umbrella of a shallow blue, you crossed sand, take away my heart, kind issued acacia of one individual plant. Midsummer, cape jasmine is spent, affection filar leisurely, as forever muse you. Go all the way, I like to open the travelling sack of the thought, with the memories with soft tide, pursue your familiar breath, the step that muscular our bank takes. (4) Doleful, a popular term, not be doleful ability thinks you, think you however ability is doleful. Doleful hour, had better have rain. I like to lean under brim to listen to rain, alternatively leaking watery is in the drizzle like the dream, static safeguarding the romance like the poem, enjoy raindrop lonely stroke a kiss, miss that stealthily to be skillful to fume the romance of drunk human society! Static listen click, it is the drip-drop before edge, experience rap, it is the drizzle with near continous. Warm wind seems a dream, drizzle is like a poem. Now, it is monsoon of a Changjiang Delta, I want to collect a gardenia to spend tender ground to be inserted on your elegant cilia tip, the beauty that invites it adorns your face. You are hitting one umbrella, in the umbrella, it is you, appearance the umbrella, it is to broadening gardenia of a pure white is beautiful, your acceptable smile is accompanying ground of Ni of Xuan of Cape jasmine flower to blossom! In rain, cape jasmine flower stands still sadly, blossom quietly life fragrances media. Raindrop still waves gently fall, glide my forehead, your face Hellip;hellip; (Graceful)Related themes article:
2023-07-22 20:06:542


飞夺泸定桥 (红军长征重要战役)Fly away from the Luding Bridge (the long march of the Red Army major campaign)飞夺泸定桥,是中国工农红军长征中的一场战役,发生于1935年5月29日。中央红军部队在四川省中西部强渡大渡河成功,沿大渡河左岸北上,主力由安顺场沿大渡河右岸北上,红四团官兵在天下大雨的情况下,在崎岖陡峭的山路上跑步前进,一昼夜奔袭竟达120公里,终于在5月29日凌晨6时许按时到达泸定桥西岸。第2连连长和22名突击队员沿着枪林弹雨和火墙密布的铁索踩着铁链夺下桥头,并与左岸部队合围占领了泸定桥。Luding Bridge, the Red Army of the Chinese workers and peasants in the long march of a campaign, occurred in May 29, 1935. The Central Red Army troops in Sichuan province Dadu, northward along the Dadu River bank, the main Anshunchang along the Dadu River on the right bank of the north, the red regiment in the heavy rain case, running in the steep and rugged mountain road ahead, a day and night raid up to 120 kilometers, and finally in May 29th at 6 pm on time at Luding Bridge the West bank. Second company commander and 22 commandos along with a hail of bullets and fire on the cable chains from the bridge, and the left forces encircled occupied Luding Bridge.1935年5月28日,红四团接到红一军团命令:“王开湘、杨成武:军委来电,限左路军于明天夺取泸定桥,你们要用最高的行军速度和坚决机动的手段,去完成这一光荣的任务。你们在此战斗中突破过去夺道州和五团夺鸭溪一天跑一百六十里的记录”。接令后红四团昼夜兼行240华里山路,于29日晨,出其不意地出现在泸定桥西岸并与敌军交火。In May 28, 1935, the fourth group received the Red Army Command: "Wang Kaixiang and Yang Chengwu: the military calls, limit the left army tomorrow to seize Luding Bridge, you must use the highest rate of marching and resolutely maneuver means to accomplish this glorious task. You break through the record of the past and the five mile run in the past, the state and the one hundred and sixty regiment ". The fourth group received orders and round-trip 240 Li Road, on the 29 morning, by surprise in the West Bank of Luding Bridge and the enemy.事实上,关于飞夺泸定桥的勇士,到底是21名,还是22名甚至是23名,也不是完全清楚的。比如一八六期的《战士报》,上面写的就是“二连21个英雄首先爬铁链冒火过河”。后来,根据时任红四团政委的杨成武将军发表在《星火燎原》上的著名回忆文章《飞夺泸定桥》,人们把飞夺泸定桥的勇士定为22名。In fact, on the fly to win the Luding Bridge warriors, in the end is 21, or 22 or even 23, is not completely clear. For example, the 186 phase of the "warrior", written above is "two even 21 heroes first climb chains fire across the river". Later, according to general Yang Chengwu, political commissar of the red group published in "Xinghuoliaoyuan" on the famous "flying from Luding Bridge" the memories of the people, taking the Luding Bridge warriors for 22.意义Significance打破了蒋介石妄图把红军变成第二个石达开的反革命迷梦,是红军长征中具有战略意义的重大胜利之一。这次胜利体现了红军无限忠于人民革命事业的大无畏精神。Jiang Jieshi broke in an attempt to put the Reds into second ground counter revolutionary dream, is one of the major strategic win in the long march of the red army. This victory reflects the Red Army is loyal to the people"s revolutionary cause.
2023-07-22 20:07:151


  120这个数字用英语来表达的话,应该怎么说?下面是我给大家整理的120的英文怎么写,供大家参阅!   120的英文怎么写   one hundred and twenty   英文单词数字120-1000的英文数字怎么写   120one hundred and twenty   121one hundred and twenty-one   122one hundred and twenty-two.   130one hundred and thirty   131one hundred and thirty-one.   140one hundred and forty   141one hundred and forty-one.   150one hundred and fifty   151one hundred and fifty-one.   160one hundred and sixty   161one hundred and sixty-one.   170one hundred and seventy   171one hundred and seventy-one.   180one hundred and eithty   181one hundred and eithty-one.   190one hundred and ninety   191one hundred and ninety-one.   199one hundred and ninety-nine将“100one hundred ”改为“200two hundred ”,后面不变,如   201two hundred and one.   220two hundred and twenty   221two hundred and twenty-one.如此类推   300three hundred   400four hundred   500five hundred   600six hundred   700seven hundred   800eithy hundred   900nine hundred   1000 one thousand   120的英语例句   1. She stood five feet five inches tall and weighed 120 pounds.   她身高5英尺5英寸,体重120磅。   2. The northward journey from Jalalabad was no more than 120 miles.   从贾拉拉巴德向北的旅程不到120英里。   3. Over the decade, women in this category went up by 120%.   过去10年,这类女性多了120%。   4. The World Chess Federation has affiliates in around 120 countries.   国际象棋联合会在大约120个国家设有分支机构。   5. The company voted to enfranchise its 120 women members.   公司投票决定给予其120名女职员选举权。   6. an IQ of 120   智商120   7. The car was going flat out at 120 mph.   那辆汽车以每小时120英里的速度急速行驶.   8. The car has a maximum speed of 120 kilometres an hour.   这车全速每小时120公里.   9. This carriage has a seating capacity of 120 people.   这节车厢定员120人.   10. It"should first be warmed to 120℃.   先得把它加热到120摄氏度.  
2023-07-22 20:07:231


2023-07-22 20:07:303

关于加拿大的地理位置 英文+翻译

Canada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west and northward into the Arctic Ocean. It is the world"s second largest country by total area. Canada"s common border with the United States to the south and northwest is the longest in the world.加拿大为北美洲最北的一个国家,西抵太平洋,东至大西洋,北滨北冰洋,领土主张直到北极。加拿大东北方和丹麦领地格陵兰相望,东部和法属圣皮埃尔和密克隆群岛相望,南方及西北方与美国接壤,边界长达8892公里,为全世界最长不设防疆界。加拿大由十个省和三个地区组成,首都为渥太华。
2023-07-22 20:07:411


我们已经学习了east,west,south,north,northeast,southeast等一些表示方位的词,在使用这些词表达方位时应注意以下几点:   1.英汉表达的习惯不同:   汉语中习惯把方位词的顺序排为“东西南北”;英语习惯则为north,south,east,west.汉语中用“东南”、“东北”、“西南”、“西北”等表示方向,英语中则用southeast,northeast,southwest,northwest 表达.   2.表示方位的名词east等一般应与定冠词the连用.如:   Shanghai is in the east of China.上海在中国的东部.   3.表示方位的名词east,west等常与介词on,in,to连用,来表达两地的相互位置,但涵义却各有不同:   1) 表示某地在某一特定区域内的方位时,介词用in.如:   Nanjing is in the south of Jiangsu.南京在江苏的南部.   2) 表示某地在某一特定区域外,且两地相互接壤的某一方位时,介词用on.如:   Henan is on the west of Shandong.河南在山东的西部.   3) 表示某地在某一特定区域外,但两地相互不相连的某一方位时,介词用to.如:   Japan is to the east of China.日本在中国的东面.   4.east,west等方位词既可作名词又可作形容词.   作名词时常用于“ the +方位词 + of...”结构中,表示“……部”;作形容词时常构成具有行政区划意义的专有名词.试比较:   She works in the north of China.她在中国的北部工作.   She works in North China.她在华北工作.   east,west作形容词时意为“东方的;东部的”、“西方的;西部的”.一般说来,east,west等常构成专有名词,且具有一定的政治意义或社会意义,其划分较为明确;而eastern,western只是单纯从地理方位上讲,无政治或社会意义,且划分较为模糊.如:   East China华东 (特指行政区划中的东部几省);eastern China中国东部 (泛指中国的东部地区).   此外,south与southern,north与northern,west和western等的区别均与上述相同.   5.southward(s),northward(s),eastward(s),westward(s)可用作副词或形容词.如:   We must travel southwards (travel towards the south) to get to the South Pole.要到南极去我们必须朝南走.   Rocks lay eastwards of the ship"s course.轮船航线的东面有礁石.   Our route is in an eastwards direction.我们的路线是向东的.   请同学们做下面的练习,看你们是否能找到“东南西北”:   1.Harbin is in the______ of China.   2.Liaoning is ______ the west of Jilin.   3.Guangzhou is in the ______ of China.   4.Fujian is ______ the southeast of Hubei.   5.Xining is in the ______ of Qinghai.   6.Guilin is ______ the southwest of Changsha.   7.Inner Mongolia is ______ the north of China.   8.Yantai is an ______ city of China.   9.Gansu is a ______ province of China.   10.Guizhou is ______ the west of Hunan and is to the ______ of Henan,and is to the ______ of Guangdong. 做好了给答案哦.
2023-07-22 20:07:501


我们已经学习了east, west, south, north, northeast, southeast等一些表示方位的词,在使用这些词表达方位时应注意以下几点:   1. 英汉表达的习惯不同:   汉语中习惯把方位词的顺序排为“东西南北”;英语习惯则为north, south, east, west。汉语中用“东南”、“东北”、“西南”、“西北”等表示方向,英语中则用southeast, northeast, southwest, northwest 表达。   2. 表示方位的名词east等一般应与定冠词the连用。如:   Shanghai is in the east of China.上海在中国的东部。   3. 表示方位的名词east, west等常与介词on, in, to连用,来表达两地的相互位置,但涵义却各有不同:   1) 表示某地在某一特定区域内的方位时,介词用in。如:   Nanjing is in the south of Jiangsu. 南京在江苏的南部。   2) 表示某地在某一特定区域外,且两地相互接壤的某一方位时,介词用on。如:   Henan is on the west of Shandong. 河南在山东的西部。   3) 表示某地在某一特定区域外,但两地相互不相连的某一方位时,介词用to。如:   Japan is to the east of China. 日本在中国的东面。   4. east, west等方位词既可作名词又可作形容词。   作名词时常用于“ the +方位词 + of...”结构中,表示“……部”;作形容词时常构成具有行政区划意义的专有名词。试比较:   She works in the north of China.她在中国的北部工作。   She works in North China. 她在华北工作。   east, west作形容词时意为“东方的;东部的”、“西方的;西部的”。一般说来,east, west等常构成专有名词,且具有一定的政治意义或社会意义,其划分较为明确;而eastern, western只是单纯从地理方位上讲,无政治或社会意义,且划分较为模糊。如:   East China华东 (特指行政区划中的东部几省);eastern China中国东部 (泛指中国的东部地区)。   此外,south与southern, north与northern, west和western等的区别均与上述相同。   5. southward(s), northward(s), eastward(s), westward(s)可用作副词或形容词。如:   We must travel southwards (travel towards the south) to get to the South Pole.要到南极去我们必须朝南走。   Rocks lay eastwards of the ship"s course. 轮船航线的东面有礁石。   Our route is in an eastwards direction. 我们的路线是向东的。   请同学们做下面的练习,看你们是否能找到“东南西北”:   1. Harbin is in the______ of China.   2. Liaoning is ______ the west of Jilin.   3. Guangzhou is in the ______ of China.   4. Fujian is ______ the southeast of Hubei.   5. Xining is in the ______ of Qinghai.   6. Guilin is ______ the southwest of Changsha.   7. Inner Mongolia is ______ the north of China.   8. Yantai is an ______ city of China.   9. Gansu is a ______ province of China.   10. Guizhou is ______ the west of Hunan and is to the ______ of Henan, and is to the ______ of Guangdong. 做好了给答案哦.
2023-07-22 20:08:111


我们已经学习了east, west, south, north, northeast, southeast等一些表示方位的词,在使用这些词表达方位时应注意以下几点:   1. 英汉表达的习惯不同:   汉语中习惯把方位词的顺序排为“东西南北”;英语习惯则为north, south, east, west。汉语中用“东南”、“东北”、“西南”、“西北”等表示方向,英语中则用southeast, northeast, southwest, northwest 表达。   2. 表示方位的名词east等一般应与定冠词the连用。如:   Shanghai is in the east of China.上海在中国的东部。   3. 表示方位的名词east, west等常与介词on, in, to连用,来表达两地的相互位置,但涵义却各有不同:   1) 表示某地在某一特定区域内的方位时,介词用in。如:   Nanjing is in the south of Jiangsu. 南京在江苏的南部。   2) 表示某地在某一特定区域外,且两地相互接壤的某一方位时,介词用on。如:   Henan is on the west of Shandong. 河南在山东的西部。   3) 表示某地在某一特定区域外,但两地相互不相连的某一方位时,介词用to。如:   Japan is to the east of China. 日本在中国的东面。   4. east, west等方位词既可作名词又可作形容词。   作名词时常用于“ the +方位词 + of...”结构中,表示“……部”;作形容词时常构成具有行政区划意义的专有名词。试比较:   She works in the north of China.她在中国的北部工作。   She works in North China. 她在华北工作。   east, west作形容词时意为“东方的;东部的”、“西方的;西部的”。一般说来,east, west等常构成专有名词,且具有一定的政治意义或社会意义,其划分较为明确;而eastern, western只是单纯从地理方位上讲,无政治或社会意义,且划分较为模糊。如:   East China华东 (特指行政区划中的东部几省);eastern China中国东部 (泛指中国的东部地区)。   此外,south与southern, north与northern, west和western等的区别均与上述相同。   5. southward(s), northward(s), eastward(s), westward(s)可用作副词或形容词。如:   We must travel southwards (travel towards the south) to get to the South Pole.要到南极去我们必须朝南走。   Rocks lay eastwards of the ship"s course. 轮船航线的东面有礁石。   Our route is in an eastwards direction. 我们的路线是向东的。   请同学们做下面的练习,看你们是否能找到“东南西北”:   1. Harbin is in the______ of China.   2. Liaoning is ______ the west of Jilin.   3. Guangzhou is in the ______ of China.   4. Fujian is ______ the southeast of Hubei.   5. Xining is in the ______ of Qinghai.   6. Guilin is ______ the southwest of Changsha.   7. Inner Mongolia is ______ the north of China.   8. Yantai is an ______ city of China.   9. Gansu is a ______ province of China.   10. Guizhou is ______ the west of Hunan and is to the ______ of Henan, and is to the ______ of Guangdong.
2023-07-22 20:08:211


east东 west西 south南 north北 southeast东南 southwest西南 northwest西北 northeast东北 east-southeast东南偏东 east-northeast东北偏东 south-southeast东南偏南 south-southwest西南偏南 north-northeast东北偏北 north-northwest西北偏北 west-northwest西北偏西 west-southwest西南偏西 east by north东偏北 east by south东偏南 south by west南偏西 south by east南偏东 north by west北偏西 north by east北偏东 west by north西偏北 west by south西偏南 southeast by east东南偏东 southeast by south东南偏南 southwest by west西南偏西 southwest by south西南偏南 northeast by east东北偏东 northeast by north东北偏北 northwest by north西北偏北 northwest by west西北偏西 eastward向东地(的) westward向西地(的) northward向北地(的) southward向南地(的) about在附近 after在...之后 against与…相反 ahead在…之前 aimless无方向的 along顺着,向前 anticlinal背斜的 apeak垂直着(的) around附近地 astatic无定向的 astray偏向的 asunder在位置或方向上相互隔开地 at在…里,在…附近 away远离 axial轴向的 back在后面 before在...之前 behind在...之后 beside在…旁边 bottom底部的 central中心的 clockwise顺时针的 close位于…边缘的 contrary相反的,逆向的 coastwise沿海岸方向 counter相反的 counterclockwise逆时针的 crisscross交叉方向的 crosswise横穿的 deep在深处的 dextrorotatory向右旋的=dextrorotary diagonal斜的 differential差动的,涉及速度或运动方向不同的 direct顺行的 downrange顺导弹发射方向的 downstream顺流的 downwind顺风的 duplex双向的 extreme最远的 farther更远地 following后面的 fore在前部的 forward前部的 front前面的 glancing倾斜的 head-to-head被安排在方向相对的直线上 in在...之内 inside在…以内 into到…里面 inward内部的 isotropic所有方向上都相同的 leeward背风地(的) left左边的 left-hand左手的,左侧的 lengthwise纵向的 lengthways纵向的 levorotatory左旋的 middle中间的 multipronged有几种不同的方向的 negative反的 northeastward向东北地(的) northwestward朝西北地(的) oblique斜的 off远的;远离的 offward向海(的),离岸(的) on在…上 onward向前的 one-way单向的 opposite反方向的 oriental东方的 out向外地 outside在…之外 outward外面的 over在…对面;在…顶端 parallel平行的 return倒转或改变方向的 reverse颠倒的,背面的 right右边的 right-hand右手的,右侧的 side旁边的 skew斜的 tail尾部的 to向,为了到达…而朝一个方向,在…的面前 toward朝着…的方向 tow-way双向的 under在...之下 up在上方地(的) upon在...之上 upward向上的 occidental西方的 windward向风的
2023-07-22 20:08:311


四个词都有北的意思从词性给它们作区分1、名词,只有North是北方、北部名词 不多说2、形容词,四者都可做形容词。从词意区分。northern讲就是大面的北部的、北方的In northern countries, a north wind is colder than a south wind. North讲究的是某一地区的北部的~~~~ A north wind was blowing hard last night。northerly 更偏向于方向的确定--北方向的We set off in a northerly direction.northward作形容词好区分 意思就是向北的They walked northward with a curious feeling of disappointment.3做副词,north多用于 在北方,northerly 意于来自北方,northward 视为向北如果还是不太清楚请留言 我换种方式在做讲解
2023-07-22 20:08:381


Canada is a country occupying most of northern North America, extending from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west and northward into the Arctic Ocean. It is the world"s second largest country by total area and shares land borders with the United States to the south and northwest.The land occupied by Canada was inhabited for millennia by various groups of aboriginal people. Beginning in the late 15th century, British and French expeditions explored, and later settled along, the Atlantic coast. France ceded nearly all of its colonies in North America in 1763 after the Seven Years" War. In 1867, with the union of three British North American colonies through Confederation, Canada was formed as a federal dominion of four provinces. This began an accretion of additional provinces and territories and a process of increasing autonomy from the United Kingdom, highlighted by the Statute of Westminster in 1931 and culminating in the Canada Act in 1982, which severed the vestiges of legal dependence on the British parliament.A federation prising ten provinces and three territories, Canada is a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy, with Queen Elizabeth II as its head of state. It is a bilingual and multicultural country, with both English and French as official languages both at the federal level and in the province of New Brunswick. Technologically advanced and industrialized, Canada maintains a diversified economy that is heavily reliant upon its abundant natural resources and upon trade—particularly with the United States, with which Canada has had a long and plex relationship. It is a member of the G8, NATO, APEC, the Commonwealth of Nations, the Francophonie, and the United Nations. 还有更多的信息,都是英文的,参: en. *** /wiki/Canada
2023-07-22 20:08:541


四个词都有北的意思 从词性给它们作区分 1、名词,只有North是北方、北部名词 不多说 2、形容词,四者都可做形容词.从词意区分.northern讲就是大面的北部的、北方的In northern countries,a north wind is colder than a south wind. North讲究的是某一地区的北部的~A north wind was blowing hard last night. northerly 更偏向于方向的确定--北方向的We set off in a northerly direction. northward作形容词好区分 意思就是向北的They walked northward with a curious feeling of disappointment. 3做副词,north多用于 在北方,northerly 意于来自北方,northward 视为向北 如果还是不太清楚请留言 我换种方式在做讲解
2023-07-22 20:09:121

Gulf Stream是什么意思

2023-07-22 20:09:202


reindeer英 ["reɪndɪə(r)]美 [ˈrenˌdɪr]n.<动>驯鹿1. Reindeer recedednorthwardandeastward,andbisonandhorsefollowed.驯鹿向北方和东方撤退,野牛和马也随之而去。来自英汉非文学-历史2.Thelifeofthe Reindeer menwasafrontierlife.驯鹿时代人的生活是一种边区生活。来自辞典例句3.Theherdof reindeer wasbeingtrailedbyapackofwolves.那群驯鹿被一只狼群寻踪追赶上来。来自辞典例句4.Ithoughtthemagical reindeer madeThesleighsfly.不是魔法驯鹿让雪橇扶摇直上的吗?来自电影对白
2023-07-22 20:09:281


2023-07-22 20:09:387


这个可以做多种词:northward ["nu0254:θwu0259d] adj. 向北的 n. 北方 adv. 向北这个词一般是副词:northwards 英["nu0254u02d0θwu0259dz] 美["nu0254rθwu025adz] adv. 向北
2023-07-22 20:09:551


我们昨天写了,但是我写了20页来着。0 0 我实在举得加拿大的这些怎么能一小段来概括呢。
2023-07-22 20:10:044

英语词组be familiar with造句

1.I"m not familiar with her .2.We are familiars of the Chinese Embassy.3.He is familiar with the chemistry of metals。4.I"m quite familiar with cooking.5.We are all familiar with English.6.These Indian guest are familiar with this book.7.Are you familiar with that sort of work?You"re not familiar with my garage, I"ll see you in.8.I"m very familiar with this market and have many customers.9.I am familiar with the casual atmosphere in the company.10.I am not very familiar with botanical names.11.The will was obviously tampered with by someone who was very familiar with it.You"re not familiar with my garage, let me see you out.12.I would lee you into the garage because you"re not familiar with it.13.I don"t know what you base that on, but I don"t think he can be familiar with that report.14.He doesn"t need any rpepam6om, for he is so familiar with the must difficult piano music that he can play it at sight15.Of course, all translation, if the reader is familiar with the original, has something inevitable humorous about it.16.Most people are familiar with the idea that matter consists of very small particles called atoms.17.Before you leave home for the United States, you should first be familiar with English.18.Migrating Canada geese, flying northward, their steady wingbeats accompanied by that familiar wild honking, herald springtime to people who live in the North.19.Any military man familiar with firearms could trip you up.20.To be perfectly familiar with the ways of the world 。
2023-07-22 20:10:321

仅此而已 英文怎么说

仅此而已的英文是:no more
2023-07-22 20:10:419


northerly west 30 degree
2023-07-22 20:11:303


Canada is a country occupying most of northern North America, extending from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west and northward into the Arctic Ocean. It is the world"s second largest country by total area and shares land borders with the United States to the south and northwest. The land occupied by Canada was inhabited for millennia by various groups of aboriginal people. Beginning in the late 15th century, British and French expeditions explored, and later settled along, the Atlantic coast. France ceded nearly all of its colonies in North America in 1763 after the Seven Years" War. In 1867, with the union of three British North American colonies through Confederation, Canada was formed as a federal dominion of four provinces This began an accretion of additional provinces and territories and a process of increasing autonomy from the United Kingdom, highlighted by the Statute of Westminster in 1931 and culminating in the Canada Act in 1982, which severed the vestiges of legal dependence on the British parliament. Canada is a country occupying most of northern North America, extending from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west and northward into the Arctic Ocean. It is the world"s second largest country by total area and shares land borders with the United States to the south and northwest. The land occupied by Canada was inhabited for millennia by various groups of aboriginal people. Beginning in the late 15th century, British and French expeditions explored, and later settled along, the Atlantic coast. France ceded nearly all of its colonies in North America in 1763 after the Seven Years" War. In 1867, with the union of three British North American colonies through Confederation, Canada was formed as a federal dominion of four provinces This began an accretion of additional provinces and territories and a process of increasing autonomy from the United Kingdom, highlighted by the Statute of Westminster in 1931 and culminating in the Canada Act in 1982, which severed the vestiges of legal dependence on the British parliament.有帮助的话请选最佳答案,谢谢……解决了吗?
2023-07-22 20:11:402


2023-07-22 20:11:593

have a chance to do sth造句 很急的 大家帮帮我

I glad i have a chance to make a speech here. i had a chance to go abroad last year.
2023-07-22 20:12:082


面积:9970610km2 官方名称:Canada 首都:渥太华 人口总数:30337400平均寿命:男76女82城镇居民比例:77%人口增长率:1.13%人口密度:3/km2 语言:英语,法语(官方) 同北京时差:-13.00 国家电话区号:1货币名称:加元 电压:220v50hz 位置:北美洲北面 加拿大简介:提起移民,自然就想到加拿大,这个国土面积比中国还大的国家,人口却只有中国的四 十分之一,加上她发达的经济、丰富的资源以及宽松的政策,加拿大很自然就成为移民首选的国家之一。加拿大经济对外国垄断资本,特别是美国垄断资本依赖性比较大,工业生产主要由采矿业、公用事业和制造业三大部门构成,同时是世界最大的粮食出口国,对外贸易在加拿大经济中占有重要地位,是世界第八大贸易大国,同我国保持良好的贸易交往。中国向加拿大出口的主要传统商品有纺织品、服装、粮油食品及土特产品及成套机械设备,加拿大向中国出口小麦、纸张、钾肥,机电仪器等。加拿大位于北半球,大部分国土处于较高纬度,气候比较寒冷,冬季漫长而夏季短促,但东部和西部沿海一带,以及靠近美国的哈得逊河流和五大湖地区,气候温暖湿润,是加拿大人口稠密、经济发达的区域。到加拿大旅游的最佳季节是5月到10月,在这段时间可以体会加拿大独特的清凉夏季和枫叶般艳红的秋天。 相邻:北方是波弗特海北冰洋,东北部隔巴芬湾和戴维斯海峡与格陵兰岛对望,东边是大西洋,西边是太平洋,南部接壤美国,东北部相邻阿拉斯加。 婚姻:加拿大人订婚年龄一般在14~16岁间,情人们喜欢一块去跳舞、看电影和去餐馆,这些也是提出求婚的最佳场所,订婚之后就很快同居,在同居一段时间后才考虑是否结婚。加拿大的离婚率是43%。 家庭:尽管离婚率很高,但家庭的关系还是很紧密的,在有孩子的双亲家庭中,一般两个大人都要出外工作。大城市以外的居民一般都有属于自己的住所。 交往:在与初识的人见面时,一般应与对方紧紧握手,挥手或点头致意也是不错的选择。在讲法语的社交场合,则使用与法国相近的礼仪,如吻颊、拥抱等。预约拜访是应遵守的礼貌;在入室前,注意观察主人家门内是否排放鞋子,如果是,就应该脱掉鞋子,以免弄脏地板;在应邀私人宴会时,不要忘记带一些小礼物,如:一束花、一瓶酒等。 加拿大气候:很难概论加拿大的气候。大多数游客在夏天时观光,这时一般温度在华氏75度左右(摄氏25度上下)。然而在七、八月时,在大草原及安大略(Ontario)南部,温度计可能攀升至90度(摄氏21度上下)。在加拿大北部,白天温度停留在65度(摄氏15度,夜晚则常常降到冰点左右)。在流行的传说中,常略微夸大加拿大的冬季。从沿海省分到安大略南部一带,冬季的平均温度在10至25度之间(摄氏零下5度到摄氏10度)。从魁北克(Quebec)北部到落矶山(Rockies)一带,温度越来越低,风越来越强,气温从零度到10度(摄氏零下18度到零5度)。在育空(Yukon)和西北领地(NorthwestTerritories),温度计可下降到摄氏零下40度。然而,在英属哥伦比亚南部爽朗的海岸旁,温暖的太平洋暖流通常能使冬季的气温保持在冰点以上。全加拿大的下雪量总是很多,不过新斯克细亚(NovaSoctia)和安大略南部的部分地区例外。到了十一月底,爱好滑雪人士爱走到斜坡和小径上,积雪可以一直持续到四月,在山区中甚至能持续到五月。
2023-07-22 20:12:471


Go towards north side, and then to the west, at last go towards the north and you are there.
2023-07-22 20:12:563


2023-07-22 20:13:192


推,压,按,追求,攻击,接近,push KK: [] DJ: [] vt. 1. 推;推动,推进 He pushed open the library door. 他推开了图书馆的门。 2. 挤出(路)前进[O] 3. 逼迫;催促,促使[O][O2][(+into)] She pushed her son to pursue an academic career. 她督促儿子从事学术。 4. 推销(商品);提携(某人) 5. 【俚】贩卖(毒品) 6. 扩展,扩大,增加 Alexander pushed his conquests still farther east. 亚历山大将他所征服的地区扩展到更远的东方。 7. 伸出,使突出 vi. 1. 推;推开 2. 推进;向前挤[Q] Our troops pushed northward. 我军向北推进。 3. 伸展,扩张 n. 1. 推;推进[C] He opened the door with one push. 他一推门就开了。 2. 奋发,努力,奋进[C] We must make a push to get the job done. 我们必须加把劲把这事干完。 3. 冲劲,进取心[U] 4. 攻击,攻势;推销运动[C] 5. 紧迫,紧急关头[S]
2023-07-22 20:13:291


常见形容词词缀 1.-able 以“-able”结尾的形容词一般有两种情况: (1)v.+able→adj. 以这种方式构成的形容词其意义为“能……的”、“可以(被)……的”、“适 合于……的”、“值得……的”等,即有被动含义。例如:reliable(可以依靠的),drinkable(可以饮用的 ),eatable(可食用的)。 (2)n.+able→adj. 这种形容词意为“具有……特点的”,如valuable(有价值的),reasonable( 有道理的),comfortable(舒适的)。 2.-ible 该词缀在意义上与“-able”相同,但主要用于拉丁语后。例如:terrible,horrible,invi sible,possible。 3.-al 该词缀大多是加在名词后形成形容词的。不过,有些“-al”后缀则仅体现了该词的形容词性 ,并非以这种方式构成形容词。“-al”意为“属于……的”、“有……特性的”。这类词在中学英语中颇多 ,如actual,general,international,medical,mental,moral,natural,official,several,special,usual。( 这类形容词大部分没有比较级和最高级) 4.-an “-an”加在国名、地名之后,表明是相应的形容词,如American,African。 5.-ian “-ian”与“-an”相同。例如:Asian,Australian,Canadian,Indian,Italian。 6.-ant “-ant”表示“……性的”。带“-ant”后缀的形容词其相应名词往往是-ance或-ancy后 缀。例如:instant(instance),distant(distance),important(importance),brilliant(brilliancy),consta nt(constancy),pleasant。 7.-ent “-ent”与“-ant”非常相似。例如:absent(absence),different(difference),excelle nt(excellence),patient(patience),present(presence). 8.-ar “-ar”意为“……的”、“……性的”,如popular,particular,regular。 9.-ary “-ary”意为“……的”、“与……有关的”。例如:contrary,necessary,ordinary,prim ary,revolutionary。 10.-ed “-ed”加在动词之后形成形容词。实际上该形容词是由原动词的过去分词演变而来的,因 此它有被动含义。这种形容词在中学英语中出现很多,有connected,discouraged,disappointed,engaged,exc ited,interested,limited,married,pleased,tired,united,used(习惯的),worried,wounded。 “-ed”也可加在动词之后形成复合形容词,如man-made,water-covered。 “-ed”还可加在名词之后形成复合形容词,如warm-hearted,warm-blooded,three-legged。 11.-en “-en”有两种情况: (1)“-en”跟在一些物质名词之后构成形容词,表示“材料”或“质地”,如wooden,golden,earthe n。 (2)“-en”也可加在一些不规则动词之后形成形容词。这些形容词实际上是由过去分词转换而来的。 例如:spoken,written,stricken,mistaken。 12.-ern “-ern”加在表示方位的名词之后,表示“……(方位)的”。这样的词有eastern,sout hern,western,northern等。 13.-ese “-ese”加在国名、地名之后构成相应形容词。例如:Chinese,Japanese. 14.-ful 这一后缀有两种情况: (1)加在名词之后构成形容词,表示“充满……的”、“有……性质的”,如beautiful,colourful,he lpful,powerful,successful,useful,wonderful。 (2)加在动词之后,所构成的形容词意为“易于……的”,如forgetful。 15.-ic “-ic”常常加在名词或依附于词干后,构成形容词,意为“……的”、“……似的”、“ 与……有关的”等。例如:Atlantic,electric,arctic,historic,pacific,plastic,public,scientific。 16.-ical “-ical”同“ic”一样附加在名词或词干后构成形容词,意为“……的”、“……似的 ”、“与……有关的”,如physical,political,practical,technical等。 注:(1)有些形容词的词尾可能是“-ic”和“-ical”并存,且可以互相替代,但这不是说两者就没 有任何区别。一般来说,词尾“ic”与词根的关系比较密切,而词尾“ical”与词根的关系比较含糊,一般作 “与……有关的”解。请比较:an electric light(电灯),electrical engineering(电气工程);histo ric意为“历史上有名气的”,historical则意为“关于历史的”。(2)以“ic”结尾的形容词,其相应副词 则往往是pacifically,scientifically。 17.-ing 词尾“-ing”也可构成形容词,但这种形容词实际上是现在分词形容词化了,因此,此类 形容词表示主动。例如:dying,exciting,inspiring,interesting,freezing,living。 另外,“-ing”词尾还可构成合成形容词,如good-looking,ordinary-l 18.-ish “-ish”意义较多,在中学英语中,其主要意义是“……民族的”、“……语的”、“… …似的”、“患……的”,如English,British,foolish,feverish。 19.-ist “-ist”表示“……主义的”、“信仰……的”。该后缀加在名词之后,如communist,im perialist,Marxist,socialist。 20.-ive “-ive”意为“……的”、“与……有关的”、“具有……性质的”等。例如:native,a ctive,passive,attentive,expensive。 21.-less “-less”加在名词、动词后,表示“无”、“缺”,如fearless,harmless,useless,he lpless,careless。 22.-ly “-ly”加在名词之后构成形容词。这一词缀的意义有二: (1)“像……的”、“有……性质的”,如friendly,lively,lovely,lonely,orderly。 (2)“以……为周期的”、“每……的”,如hourly,daily,weekly,monthly,yearly。 注:如是形容词之后加“-ly”,则构成副词。上述(2)中的形容词亦可用作副词。 23.-(i)ous 该形容词后缀意为“充满……的”、“具有……特征的”,加在名词、动词和形容词 之后。例如:curious,famous,dangerous,obvious,poisonous,serious,various。 24.-some “-some”加在名词、动词之后,表示“使人……的”、“易于……的”,如handsome,t roublesome,tiresome。 25.-ward 它加在名词之后,表示方向,作“向……(方向)的”、“来自……(方向)的”解。例 如:eastward,southward,westward,northward,forward,backward,inward,outward,upward,downward。 注:这些词也可以是副词。如果词尾是“-wards”时,派生词必然是副词。 26.-y “-y”加在名词之后,表示“具有……特征的”、“多……的”。例如:funny,lucky,shab by,snowy,thirsty,windy,sunny,rainy,cloudy,dirty,dusty。
2023-07-22 20:13:371

no more…than的用法总结

no more…than的用法总结如下:no more...than...表示既不...也不...,是针对比较级形容词或副词的意义的,而不是针对句子其它部分。例如:He is no taller than she is.她不高,他也不高。二个“不”都是针对taller而言的。扩展资料no more...than...双语例句:1、The northward journey from Jalalabad was no more than 120 miles.从贾拉拉巴德向北的"行程不超过120英里。2、The villages are no more than a mile apart as the crow flies.这些村庄直线距离相隔不超过一英里。3、It was to be a closed circle of no more than twelve women.那本来要是个不超过十二个女人的封闭团体。4、If you"ve been asked for an interview you are probably on a shortlist of no more than six.如果你已经被要求参加面试,你很可能在不超过6人的候选名单上。5、The man was no more than ten yards away and slightly uphill.那个男子就在不到10码远、位置稍高一点的地方。
2023-07-22 20:13:431

请教:“以中东为中心,向南北扩展” 如何翻译?

Use the Middle East as the base and expand towards the north and the south.
2023-07-22 20:14:194


From the 3rd century BC to the 9th century AD, ancient Beijing - City Ji, or Zhuozhou developed as a local center, as well as an important trade center and linked the N and W border-land with the North China Plain. Hereafter, two national minorities rose up northerly and set up their secondary capital in this area. In 1260, Mongols founded the Yuan dynasty whose newcapital was selected nearby the former Zhuozhou and named Dadu, the earliest city site of present Beijing.The construction of Dadu started in 1267 and its general layout was made based on the principles in an ancient book "A Study of Engineering". In terms of some of its contents, the imperial city walls in the four directions must form a square, each side of the city might open three gates, and the main roads, streets and lanes inside the city should form a crisscross network. It is quite clear that the zoning of the urban functional areas is for the sake of the rulers" needs. For example, the book stipulated that in the imperial city, the imperial courts should be located southward while the market places should concentrate northward only at the back of the city core.
2023-07-22 20:14:375


信使在哪里? 精神的西部谷全景 精神的西部谷全景(错误颜色) 精神的西部谷全景(立体声) Full-Res (美国航空航天局的星球照片学报) 12756个样品x 3487条线 原始的说明发布了与图象: NASA火星探险流浪者精神从在Sprit度过闭合值的月2007年的低落高原上面夺取了这个向西看法。 After 在高原的基地的附近几个月叫“首页板材”在哥伦比亚小山范围,精神攀登在东部边缘高原上在流浪者的1,306th火星的天期间或者sol的内在水池在 Gusev火山口里面的, (2007 9月5日)。 在9月和10月期间,它在南部的一半的几个地点审查了岩石和土壤首页板材。它在首页板材附近西部边缘被栖息,当使用它的全景照相机(Pancam)采取用于在大音阶的第五音1,366至1,369的这个看法的图象(11月6日至 2007 11月9日)。 它的每日太阳能供应收缩作为火星的夏天转向了秋天,精神然后驾驶了到首页板材北边缘一个有利冬天避风港的。流浪者在12月到达了向北掀动站点的那,及时它的在火星的着陆第四地球年周年纪念。精神到达了在2004年1月4日,世界时(2004年1月3日,太平洋标准时)的火星。 它在站点大约登陆了在天际的中心在这个图象的。 This 全景包括场面跨过左到右从西南到东北部。 首页板材西部边缘比场面的更加遥远的部分在前景,通常在口气的打火机。在中距离的岩石被加点的小山横跨图象的左三是“Tsiolkovski里奇”,大约30米或从首页板材边缘的100英尺和关于那个同样距离。在天际的爆沸在Tsiolkovski之上里奇左边缘是“Grissom小山”,大约外8公里或5英里。在权利,天际的高峰是“丈夫小山”,对北部和大约800米或者一半每外英里。 This视图组合分离通过Pancam过滤器被采取的图象围绕在753毫微米、535毫微米和432毫微米波长大约导致真实颜色全景。 so long
2023-07-22 20:14:545


1.时态复习(一般现在时,一般过去时,现在进行时,过去进行时,一般将来 时,现在完成时)一般现在时:I /You/get up at 6:00 every day一般过去时:he was tired after working现在进行时:He is playing soccer on the playground过去进行时:I was playing football when they came to my school一般将来时::He will join our party.现在完成时:We"ll start at once if the rain has stopped2.被动语态(一般现在时态的被动语态,一般过去时态的被动语态,一般将来时态的被动语态,现在完成时态的被动语态,情态动词的被动语态)一般现在时态的被动语态:am/is/are+done 一般过去时态的被动语态:was/were+done一般将来时态的被动语态:will/shall be+done 现在完成时态的被动语态:have/has been+done情态动词的被动语态:Many trees should be planted on the mountains。3.合成词构词法(名词+名词,名词+形容词,副词+名词,副词+动词)构成名词1、名词+名词:一般来讲,构成的词还是名词。如:website,homework,basketball。 2、名词+动词: snowfall 下雪 3、名词+动词-ing : horse-riding骑马 4、名词+介词+名词: daughter-in-law儿媳 5、动词-ing+名词: waiting-room候车室 6、形容词+名词: greenhouse温室 7、副词+名词: income收入 8、介词+名词: afternoon下午 9、过去分词+副词: grown-up成年人构成动词10、名词+动词: water-cool用水冷却 11、形容词+动词: quick-charge快速充电 12、副词+动词: outact行动上胜过构成形容词13、名词+形容词: world-famous世界文明的 14、名词+动词-ing : peace-loving热爱和平的 15、名词+过去分词: heart-broken伤心的 16、动词+副词: takeaway外卖的 17、形容词+名词: long-distance长途的 18、形容词+形容词: dark-blue深蓝色的 19、形容词+过去分词: new-born新出生的 20、副词+形容词: color-blind色盲的 21、副词+动词-ing : hard-working勤劳的 22、副词+过去分词: well-known著名的 23、数词+名词: first-class头等的 24、数词+名词+形容词: ten-year-old十岁大的 25、数词+名词+ed : three-cornered三角的 26、介词+名词: indoor 室内的其他构词27、副词+名词:构成形容词adj.或者副词adv.。如:upstairs,downstairs,这些既可做形容词也可作副词。 28、副词+动词:一般用来构成动词。如:download。 29、名词+形容词:构成形容词。如world-famous,homesick。4.前后缀构词法(re-, in(m)-, un-, dis-, anti-, -able, -ful, -less)1.-able 以“-able”结尾的形容词一般有两种情况: (1)v.+able→adj. 以这种方式构成的形容词其意义为“能……的”、“可以(被)……的”、“适 合于……的”、“值得……的”等,即有被动含义。例如:reliable(可以依靠的),drinkable(可以饮用的 ),eatable(可食用的)。 (2)n.+able→adj. 这种形容词意为“具有……特点的”,如valuable(有价值的),reasonable( 有道理的),comfortable(舒适的)。 2.-ible 该词缀在意义上与“-able”相同,但主要用于拉丁语后。例如:terrible,horrible,invi sible,possible。 3.-al 该词缀大多是加在名词后形成形容词的。不过,有些“-al”后缀则仅体现了该词的形容词性 ,并非以这种方式构成形容词。“-al”意为“属于……的”、“有……特性的”。这类词在中学英语中颇多 ,如actual,general,international,medical,mental,moral,natural,official,several,special,usual。( 这类形容词大部分没有比较级和最高级) 4.-an “-an”加在国名、地名之后,表明是相应的形容词,如American,African。 5.-ian “-ian”与“-an”相同。例如:Asian,Australian,Canadian,Indian,Italian。 6.-ant “-ant”表示“……性的”。带“-ant”后缀的形容词其相应名词往往是-ance或-ancy后 缀。例如:instant(instance),distant(distance),important(importance),brilliant(brilliancy),consta nt(constancy),pleasant。 7.-ent “-ent”与“-ant”非常相似。例如:absent(absence),different(difference),excelle nt(excellence),patient(patience),present(presence). 8.-ar “-ar”意为“……的”、“……性的”,如popular,particular,regular。 9.-ary “-ary”意为“……的”、“与……有关的”。例如:contrary,necessary,ordinary,prim ary,revolutionary。 10.-ed “-ed”加在动词之后形成形容词。实际上该形容词是由原动词的过去分词演变而来的,因 此它有被动含义。这种形容词在中学英语中出现很多,有connected,discouraged,disappointed,engaged,exc ited,interested,limited,married,pleased,tired,united,used(习惯的),worried,wounded。 “-ed”也可加在动词之后形成复合形容词,如man-made,water-covered。 “-ed”还可加在名词之后形成复合形容词,如warm-hearted,warm-blooded,three-legged。 11.-en “-en”有两种情况: (1)“-en”跟在一些物质名词之后构成形容词,表示“材料”或“质地”,如wooden,golden,earthe n。 (2)“-en”也可加在一些不规则动词之后形成形容词。这些形容词实际上是由过去分词转换而来的。 例如:spoken,written,stricken,mistaken。 12.-ern “-ern”加在表示方位的名词之后,表示“……(方位)的”。这样的词有eastern,sout hern,western,northern等。 13.-ese “-ese”加在国名、地名之后构成相应形容词。例如:Chinese,Japanese. 14.-ful 这一后缀有两种情况: (1)加在名词之后构成形容词,表示“充满……的”、“有……性质的”,如beautiful,colourful,he lpful,powerful,successful,useful,wonderful。 (2)加在动词之后,所构成的形容词意为“易于……的”,如forgetful。 15.-ic “-ic”常常加在名词或依附于词干后,构成形容词,意为“……的”、“……似的”、“ 与……有关的”等。例如:Atlantic,electric,arctic,historic,pacific,plastic,public,scientific。 16.-ical “-ical”同“ic”一样附加在名词或词干后构成形容词,意为“……的”、“……似的 ”、“与……有关的”,如physical,political,practical,technical等。 注:(1)有些形容词的词尾可能是“-ic”和“-ical”并存,且可以互相替代,但这不是说两者就没 有任何区别。一般来说,词尾“ic”与词根的关系比较密切,而词尾“ical”与词根的关系比较含糊,一般作 “与……有关的”解。请比较:an electric light(电灯),electrical engineering(电气工程);histo ric意为“历史上有名气的”,historical则意为“关于历史的”。(2)以“ic”结尾的形容词,其相应副词 则往往是pacifically,scientifically。 17.-ing 词尾“-ing”也可构成形容词,但这种形容词实际上是现在分词形容词化了,因此,此类 形容词表示主动。例如:dying,exciting,inspiring,interesting,freezing,living。 另外,“-ing”词尾还可构成合成形容词,如good-looking,ordinary-l 18.-ish “-ish”意义较多,在中学英语中,其主要意义是“……民族的”、“……语的”、“… …似的”、“患……的”,如English,British,foolish,feverish。 19.-ist “-ist”表示“……主义的”、“信仰……的”。该后缀加在名词之后,如communist,im perialist,Marxist,socialist。 20.-ive “-ive”意为“……的”、“与……有关的”、“具有……性质的”等。例如:native,a ctive,passive,attentive,expensive。 21.-less “-less”加在名词、动词后,表示“无”、“缺”,如fearless,harmless,useless,he lpless,careless。 22.-ly “-ly”加在名词之后构成形容词。这一词缀的意义有二: (1)“像……的”、“有……性质的”,如friendly,lively,lovely,lonely,orderly。 (2)“以……为周期的”、“每……的”,如hourly,daily,weekly,monthly,yearly。 注:如是形容词之后加“-ly”,则构成副词。上述(2)中的形容词亦可用作副词。 23.-(i)ous 该形容词后缀意为“充满……的”、“具有……特征的”,加在名词、动词和形容词 之后。例如:curious,famous,dangerous,obvious,poisonous,serious,various。 24.-some “-some”加在名词、动词之后,表示“使人……的”、“易于……的”,如handsome,t roublesome,tiresome。 25.-ward 它加在名词之后,表示方向,作“向……(方向)的”、“来自……(方向)的”解。例 如:eastward,southward,westward,northward,forward,backward,inward,outward,upward,downward。 注:这些词也可以是副词。如果词尾是“-wards”时,派生词必然是副词。 26.-y “-y”加在名词之后,表示“具有……特征的”、“多……的”。例如:funny,lucky,shab by,snowy,thirsty,windy,sunny,rainy,cloudy,dirty,dusty。 以上是中学英语中出现的主要形容词词缀。还需说明的一点是,大部分形容词是从完整的单词上加后缀派 生来的,而有些则是在拉丁词或希腊词的词根上派生来的5.定语从句(that,which,who,whose引导的定语从句,引导词的省略)6.冠词与数字定冠词和不定冠词和不用冠词1.不定冠词的基本用法(1不定冠词有a和an两种:a用于辅音音素开头的词前,an用于元音音素开头的词前。例如:a boy, a city, a girl, a useful animal , an old man, an honest boy, a bad apple, a tall elephant(2用来表示“—”的意思,但不强调数的观念,只说明名词为不特定者。即不具体说明是何人何物。例如:A teacher is looking for you.We work five days a week.(3)不定冠词含有“—”的意思,但数量观念没有one强烈,在句子里边一般可以不必译出,但若有“一个”的意思则译出,例如:—— An orange is good for you. 桔子对你有好处。—— How much is it ? 多少钱? ——Two yuan a kilo. 二元一公斤。(4)一般用在可数名词单数前,指人或事物的某一种类。例如:Bill is a student.Pass me an apple, please.例外:I have never seen such a fine film.(5)用在某些固定词组中。例如:a lot of, a moment ago, a few, a little 2. 定冠词的用法(1)特指某(些)人或某(些)事物。 例如:The book on the desk is mine.Show me the photo of the boy, please.(2)指双方都知道的人或事物。 例如:Open the door, please. 请开门。Did you see the boy? 你看见那个男孩了吗?What"s the new teacher"s name? 新老师的名字叫什么?(3)指上文提到的人或事物。例如:He lives on a farm. The farm is not big.他住在农场,这农场不大。There are some dogs. The dogs are very lovely.这儿有一些狗。这些狗很可爱。(4)用在世界上独一无二的事物前。例如:The sun is bigger than the moon.太阳比月亮大些。但这些名词作为描绘性定语时,可用不定冠词。例如:Look! A red sun is rising. 瞧!一轮红日正在升起。(5)用在序数词和形容词最高级前。例如:The first island is the biggest of the three.第一个小岛是三个中最大的。(6)用在用普通名词构成的党派,国家等专有名词以及江河、海洋、山脉、群岛、海峡、海湾等专有名词前。例如:They will visit the Great Wall next week.They came to the United States of America last year.The Communist Party of China was founded on July 1st, 1921.The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.(7)用在形容词前表示一类人,the +形容词指的是一群人,是一种复数含义,所以其后动词应用复数形式。例如:The old are sick.(8)用在姓名复数形式前表示一家人。例如:The Smiths have moved to London.(9)用在某些习惯用语中。例如: in the morning, on the left, the day before yesterday, all the same三、不用冠词的情况(1)星期、月份、季节、节日前一般不用冠词。但是中国传统节日前习惯用冠词。例如:All of us like the spring festival. 我们喜欢春节。It"s Sunday today. 今天是星期天。He was born on June 12, 1999. 他出生于1999年6月12日。Today is Father"s Day. 今天是父亲节。If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?但是如果被一个限制性定语修饰或有表示继续的介词during, through时与表示一段特定的时间,则在季节前要加定冠词。例如:She came to Shanghai in the spring of 1987.她是一九八七年春天来上海的。The school was completed in the September of 2000.这学校是2000年9月落成的。He swims every day during the summer. 他夏天的每一天都游泳。虽不特指某一年的季节,但说话人把某季节看作一年的一部分,即一年的某一段时间。则在季节前要加定冠词。例如:We play football in the winter.(2)在称呼语或表示头衔的名词前。例如:Mr. Li is our headmaster. 李先生是我们的校长。After lunch Aunt Huang came in. 午饭后黄阿姨来了。(3)各词复数表示一类人或事物时。但若各词复数被一个限制性定语修饰,则要加定冠词the. 例如:I like cakes very much. 我非常喜欢蛋糕。My father and mother are the doctors in People"s Hospital of Shanghai.(4)在三餐饭,球类运动与棋类游戏,学科名称的名词前。但若表示某一种或某一个特定的概念时用冠词。例如:He had supper with us yesterday. It"s a very good supper. 他昨天和我们吃晚饭,这是一顿丰盛的晚餐。My brother likes to play football. 我兄弟喜欢踢足球。Let"s go and watch them play chess. 让我们去看他们下棋。(5)在物质名词,抽象名词,人名,地名等专有名词和不可数名词前. 但若不可数各词有其它限制词修饰时,则要加定冠词the. 例如: Smith is our teacher. 史密思是我们的老师。Milk is good for us. 牛奶对我们有好处。The water in the pool is very dirty. 坑里的水很脏。 (6)名词前已有作定语的this、that、my、your、some、any、等限定词时。例如: Come this way, please.I"ve some question to ask you.My brother is a student.7.主谓一致重点是定语从句,被动语态
2023-07-22 20:15:131

full reduction promotion 什么意思

full reduction promotion 满减促销promotion 英[pru0259u02c8mu0259u028au0283n] 美[pru0259u02c8mou028au0283n] n. 促进,增进; 提升,升级; (商品等的) 推广; 发扬; [例句]Consider changing jobs or trying for promotion.考虑换个工作或者争取升职。
2023-07-22 20:08:511

英语问题 ,求解释。 ___can you expect to get a pay rise.

2023-07-22 20:08:472