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2023-05-19 17:50:49

焖烧杯用英语说的话就是:Stewing beaker。


焖烧杯用英语翻译为Braised beaker,希望可以帮助到你哦


焖烧杯 Braised beaker


焖烧杯,英语翻译为:Braised beaker




steamed beaker

涉及到做食物的时候可以说:Thermos food flask




Braised beaker


可以这么来表达Braised pancake



Stewing beaker





beaker英 [ˈbi:kə(r)] 美 [ˈbikɚ]n. 高脚杯; 烧杯;量杯;杯;大酒杯例句:1. a beaker of coffee 一杯咖啡2. She drank from a plastic beaker. 她用一只大塑料杯喝水。3. A thermometer is placed in a mixture of ice and water in a beaker. 有一个温度计放在烧杯内冰和水的混合物中。
2023-01-04 08:02:121


2023-01-04 08:02:182


一杯啤酒 可以这么说: a beaker of beer (一大口杯酒)这杯相当于大口壶 a glass of beer (一杯酒)玻璃瓶 a mug of beer (一杯酒)圆筒状有耳朵的杯子 一罐啤酒 a can of beer 一瓶啤酒 a bottle of beer 一份量的啤酒 a potion of beer (泛指:一份量的酒) a jug of beer (一壶酒) a draft of beer (draft是特定分量) a pitcher (一壶酒) jug/draft/pitcher有好几杯的容量,实际多少不是很清楚 如果是Wine,杯子较小,很少人用cup. 一般都用a glass of wine / a potion of wine 杯的同义词: cup (小茶杯),beaker (大口杯),bowl (碗),cannikin(小罐或小杯),chalice(茶杯或高脚酒杯),demitasse(小型咖啡杯),draught (汲取液体的量,用于啤酒),drink,goblet(高脚玻璃杯,酒杯),grail(杯,圣杯),mug(杯子),potion(饮用量:一液体剂量),stein{(容量约为一品脱的)陶质(或玻璃)啤酒杯},tumbler(圆底酒杯/平底杯:不带柄,底座或颈的平底玻璃杯),vessel (容器:一种空的容器,比如杯子、瓶子或罐子,用来装液体的一种器皿)
2023-01-04 08:02:341


2023-01-04 08:02:403


2023-01-04 08:03:261


「シフォンジョーゼットビーカー 本多 」人名,可以译为“本多·西冯·乔杰特·比卡”,除了“本多”是日本姓氏外,前面的三个词都有各自的意思。シフォン,英文chiffon,意思是雪纺绸、薄纱或女性衣物的花边。ジョーゼット,英文georgette,意思是乔其纱,是一种极其轻薄透明的细纱。ビーカー,英文beaker,意思是烧杯。Aさんに届いたこの书类添付してもらえますか?可以帮我添加上这份递交给A的文件吗?
2023-01-04 08:03:321


2023-01-04 08:03:382


烧杯 shāobēi[beaker]一种敞口的细高容器(有玻璃制的、瓷制的或金属制的),带有一个伸出的唇为倾出液体用,供化学工作者和药剂师使用
2023-01-04 08:03:471


beaker 亲:祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,thx!Mr Gao
2023-01-04 08:03:532


化学实验器具在做化学实验的时候都可以见到,那么你知道它们用英语怎么说吗?下面给大家分享一些关于做化学实验的器具用英语怎么说,希望对大家有所帮助。 试管 test tube 试管架test tube holder 漏斗 funnel 分液漏斗separatory funnel 烧瓶 flask 锥形瓶 conical flask烧杯 beaker 不锈钢杯 stainless-steel beaker 天平 balance/scale 分析天平 analytical balance 酒精灯alcohol burner 酒精喷灯 blast alcohol burner 塞子stopper 量筒 graduated flask/measuring cylinder 洗瓶 plastic wash bottle 滴定管 burette 玻璃活塞stopcock 搅拌装置 stirring device 冷凝器 condenser 试剂瓶 reagent bottles 蒸发皿 evaporating dish 台秤 platform balance 游码 crossbeams and sliding weights 容量瓶 volumetric flask/measuring flask 移液管 (one-mark) pipette 刻度移液管 graduated pipettes 洗耳球 rubber suction bulb 玻棒 glass rod 蒸馏烧瓶 distilling flask 碘量瓶 iodine flask 坩埚 crucible 表面皿 watch glass 称量瓶weighing bottle 研磨钵 mortar 研磨棒 pestle 玛瑙研钵agate mortar 瓷器 porcelain 白细口瓶flint glass solution bottle with stopper 滴瓶 dropping bottle 小滴管 dropper 蒸馏装置distilling apparatus 蒸发器 evaporator 升降台lab jack 铁架台iron support 万能夹extension clamp 蝴蝶夹double-buret clamp 双顶丝clamp regular holder 止水夹flatjaw pinchcock 圆形漏斗架cast-iron ring 移液管架pipet rack 试管架tube rack 沸石boiling stone 橡胶管rubber tubing 药匙lab spoon 镊子forceps坩 埚钳crucible tong 剪刀scissor 打孔器stopper borer 石棉网asbestos-free wire gauze 电炉丝wire coil for heater 脱脂棉absorbent cottonph ph 试纸 universal ph indicator paper 滤纸 filter paper 称量纸weighing paper 擦镜纸wiper for lens做化学实验的器具用英语怎么说相关 文章 : ★ 实验室用英语怎么说 ★ 做化学实验的总结大全 ★ 尺子的英文是什么用英语怎么说 ★ 手工用英语怎么说及如何造句 ★ 做化学实验正确使用仪器的知识 ★ 做化学实验心得体会 ★ 做化学实验要正确使用仪器 ★ 喜欢做什么用英语怎么说 ★ 教授用英语怎么说
2023-01-04 08:04:051


杯[轻] cup更多释义>>[网络短语]杯 CUP;Chalice;Beaker咖啡杯 coffee cup;Coffee cup;Illusion法国杯 Coupe de France;French Cup;Coupe de France de football
2023-01-04 08:04:112


显然这两个烧杯左烧杯是原电池,右烧杯是电解池. 所以,左烧杯中铁棒发生氧化反应,是阳极,作为原电池,阳极电势低,所以铁棒是负极,这样,铅棒就是正极. 而右烧杯中,铁棒依然发生氧化反应,是阳极,而作为电解池,阳极电势高,所以铁棒是正极,这样,铜棒就是负极! 希望这个你能看懂!
2023-01-04 08:04:201


烧杯的用途如下:1、用作物质的反应器。2、溶解、结晶某物质。3、盛取、蒸发浓缩或加热溶液。4、盛放腐蚀性固体药品进行称重。烧杯的种类:1、低型烧杯。低型烧杯是实验室最常用的烧杯,由英国化学家格利芬(英语:John Joseph Griffin)设计,因此又称作格利芬氏烧杯(low form Griffin beaker,简称格氏烧杯)。低型烧杯的高度大约是其直径的1.4倍,在绝大多数的化学实验中都会使用到低型烧杯。不同的用途会使用到不同规格的烧杯,容积为1至50mL的烧杯主要用于微量分析。容积为50至2000mL的烧杯主要用于常量分析和作为一般化学反应的容器,或者临时储存液体。2、高型烧杯。高型烧杯(high form Berzelius beaker,又称褒氏烧杯或电解烧杯),其高度大约是直径的两倍。其独特的细高形状能够防止在加热时因暴沸而溅出或者从上方滴入液体时溅出,也可以用于代替电解槽进行电解,偶尔也用于代替锥形瓶进行滴定。因为高型烧杯要比相同高度的低型烧杯体积小,因此在用它来做实验时能够相对地减少试剂用量,达到节约试剂的效果。3、锥形烧杯。锥形烧杯(又称弗氏烧杯、牛奶烧杯或三角烧杯),形状类似于锥形瓶,下部宽上部窄,便于振荡和防止液体溅出。可以用于在常压蒸馏时接收馏分和用于滴定时装盛待测液。4、染色烧杯。染色烧杯(beaker dye pot)整体呈上部宽下部窄的锥形,但是在中上部有一个突然的增宽,用在染色的相关实验。
2023-01-04 08:04:261


2023-01-04 08:04:361


试管:cuvette test tube试剂:reagent培养基:culture medium试纸:test paper吸〔量〕管,移液管:pipet (同pipette)烤箱:oven烧杯:beaker烧瓶:flask锥形烧瓶:conical flask温度计:thermometer量筒:graduated flask; graduate蒸馏水:distilled water离心的:centrifugal镊子,钳子:forceps剪刀:scissors试管架:test tube rack漏斗:funnel塞子:plug酒精灯:alcohol burner /spirit lamp搅拌棒:muddler刷子:brush HYPERLINK "" 血清板:Serologecal Plate HYPERLINK "" 微孔反应板:Microplates注射器:syringe树胶:gum/ balata铝箔:aluminium foil分析天平:analytical balance转头:rotor高压灭菌器:autoclave自动移液器:automatic pitetting device喷灯:blast burner离心管:centrifuge tube通风橱:fumming hood培养瓶:culture flask
2023-01-04 08:04:421


题库内容:烧杯的解释[beaker] 一种敞口的细高容器(有玻璃制的、瓷制的或 金属 制的),带有一个伸出的唇为倾出液体用,供化学工作者和药剂师使用 详细解释 实验室中用以给试剂加热的玻璃杯,杯口有便于倒出液体的嘴。 词语分解 烧的解释 烧 (烧) ā 使 东西 着火:焚烧。燃烧。烧灼。烧毁。 用火或发热的东西使物品受热起变化:烧水。烧饭。烧砖。烧焊。烧蓝。烧料。 一种烹饪方法:烧茄子。烧鸡。 体温增高:发烧。退烧。 经烘烤制成的饼:烧饼 杯的解释 杯 ē 盛酒、水、茶等的 器皿 :杯子。 杯盘狼藉 。杯中物(指酒)。 杯状的锦标:奖杯。杯赛。夺杯。 部首 :木。
2023-01-04 08:04:481

what is the function of beaker?

用来盛液体物质。因可以耐一定的热而被称作烧瓶... 是一个透明的杯子,以我所知是由一种耐热的玻璃造成。主要用途是用以帮液体加热。 Beaker is used for holding the liquid and helping to boil the liquid. Beaker may refer to: Beaker (glassware) a type of laboratory glassware Beaker (archaeology) a prehistoric vessel Beaker culture the archaeological culture often called the Beaker people Beaker (musician) the Christian songwriter musician and Rich Mullins collaborator Beaker (drinkware) a beverage container Beaker (muppet) the hapless assistant of Dr. Bunsen Honeydew on The Muppet Show
2023-01-04 08:04:541


lab dip
2023-01-04 08:04:594


化学实验必备容器中英文对照   导语:化学行业的"人员经常要用到化学容器来进行化学实验,下面是我收集整理的化学实验必备容器中英文对照,希望对你有帮助!   漏斗 funnel   分液漏斗 separatory funnel   烧瓶 flask   锥形瓶 conical flask   量杯 measuring cup   烧杯 beaker   不锈钢杯stainless-steel beaker   量筒 measuring flask/measuring cylinder   量筒 graduated flask/measuring cylinder   坩埚 crucible   坩埚钳 crucible clamp   坩埚 crucible pot, melting pot   试管 test tube   试管架 test tube holder   塞子 stopper   洗瓶 plastic wash bottle   滴定管 burette   玻璃活塞 stopcock   冷凝器 condenser   试剂瓶 reagent bottles   玻棒 glass rod   搅拌棒stirring rod   蒸馏烧瓶 distilling flask   碘量瓶 iodine flask   表面皿 watch glass   蒸发皿 evaporating dish   容量瓶 volumetric flask/measuring flask   移液管 (one-mark) pipette   刻度移液管 graduated pipettes   称量瓶weighing bottle   吸液管pipette   滤管filter   天平 balance/scale   分析天平 analytical balance   台秤 platform balance   游码 crossbeams and sliding weights   酒精灯alcohol burner   酒精喷灯blast alcohol burner   搅拌装置 stirring device   洗耳球 rubber suction bulb   研磨钵 mortar   研磨棒 pestle   玛瑙研钵agate mortar   瓷器 porcelain   白细口瓶flint glass solution bottle with stopper   滴瓶 dropping bottle   小滴管 dropper   蒸馏装置distilling apparatus   蒸发器 evaporator ;
2023-01-04 08:05:131


heartbreaker 英["ha:tbreɪkə] 美["ha:tbreɪkə] n. 令人伤悲的人[事物]; [戏谑语] (女人的) 一绺卷发; 权志龙solo专辑名; [例句]Sandy was Hopelessly Devoted to the Heartbreaker Danny.桑迪是绝望地投入到了令人伤心的丹尼。
2023-01-04 08:05:261


化学实验仪器英语词汇   导语:化学实验中使用到的仪器称为化学仪器,可以对材料进行计量或反应。下面是我收集整理的化学实验仪器英语词汇,希望对你有帮助!   量杯 measuring cup   烧杯 beaker 不锈钢杯stainless-steel beaker   量筒 measuring flask/measuring cylinder 量筒 graduated flask/measuring cylinder   坩埚 crucible 坩埚钳 crucible clamp 坩埚 crucible pot, melting pot   试管 test tube 试管架 test tube holder   漏斗 funnel 分液漏斗 separatory funnel   烧瓶 flask 锥形瓶 conical flask   塞子 stopper   洗瓶 plastic wash bottle   滴定管 burette   玻璃活塞 stopcock   冷凝器 condenser   试剂瓶 reagent bottles   玻棒 glass rod 搅拌棒stirring rod   蒸馏烧瓶 distilling flask   碘量瓶 iodine flask   表面皿 watch glass   蒸发皿 evaporating dish   容量瓶 volumetric flask/measuring flask   移液管 (one-mark) pipette   刻度移液管 graduated pipettes   称量瓶weighing bottle   吸液管pipette   滤管filter   天平 balance/scale   分析天平 analytical balance   台秤 platform balance   游码 crossbeams and sliding weights   酒精灯alcohol burner   酒精喷灯blast alcohol burner   搅拌装置 stirring device   洗耳球 rubber suction bulb   研磨钵 mortar 研磨棒 pestle 玛瑙研钵agate mortar   瓷器 porcelain   白细口瓶flint glass solution bottle with stopper   滴瓶 dropping bottle 小滴管 dropper   蒸馏装置distilling apparatus   蒸发器 evaporator ;
2023-01-04 08:05:321

英译中“The beaker is on a gauze mat on a tripod which is on a heat mat”

2023-01-04 08:05:402


容量瓶 Beaker 叉形瓶 test tube 移液管 pipe
2023-01-04 08:05:491


锥形瓶(beakerflask)一种化学实验室常见的玻璃仪器,由德国化学家理查·鄂伦麦尔(Richard Erlenmeyer)于1861年发明。是硬质玻璃制成的纵剖面呈三角形状的滴定反应器。口小、底大,有利于滴定过程进行振荡时,反应充分而液体不易溅出。该容器可以在水浴或电炉上加热。外观呈平底圆锥状,下阔上狭,有一圆柱形颈部,上方有一较颈部阔的开口,有时可用由软木或橡胶制作成的塞子封闭。瓶身上多有数个刻度,以标示所能盛载的容量。锥形瓶一般使用于滴定实验中。为了防止滴定液下滴时会溅出瓶外,造成实验的误差,再将瓶子放在磁搅拌器上搅拌。也可以用手握住瓶颈以手腕晃动,即可顺利的搅拌均匀 。也可用于盛装反应物,定量分析,回流加热,而其外形则使它十分适合这些工作。其长颈部份除方便加上塞子外,亦能减慢加热时的流失及避免化学物品溢出;至于其平而宽阔的底部则容许锥形瓶盛载更多的溶液、方便用玻璃棒搅拌及容许锥形瓶平放在桌上。锥瓶亦可用于普通实验中,制取气体或作为反应容器。其锥形结构相对稳定,不会倾倒。锥形瓶由于十分常见,而且形状比较有趣,所以也常被用来当做化学实验或化学相关的象征,散见于许多标志及指示中。
2023-01-04 08:05:551


  日文中的"ビーカー"翻译成中文意思  本意是烧杯的意思,但是在服装领域这个词是色卡的意思。  日本语(日本语/にほんご Nihongo ),简称日语,其文字称为日文,是一种主要为日本列岛上大和民族所使用的语言。虽然日本并没有在法律上明确规定其官方语言,但是各种法令都规定了要使用日语,在学校教育中作为国语教授的也是日语。日语是日本的公用语言是不争的事实。  虽然并没有精确的日语使用人口的统计,不过计算日本国内的人口以及居住在日本国外的日本人和日系人,日语使用者应超过一亿三千万人。几乎所有在日本出生长大的日本国民都以日语为母语。此外,对于失聪者,有对应日语文法及音韵系统的日本手语存在。  2010年6月的互联网使用语言排名中,日语仅次于英语、汉语、西班牙语,排名第四。  在日语语法学界,如果无特别说明,“日语”(日本语)这个词汇,一般是指以江户山手地区(今东京中心一带)的中流阶层方言为基础的日语现代标准语,有时也称作“共通语”。  日语与汉语的联系很密切,在古代的时候,由于受到关中文化的影响,大量的古代汉语词汇随着汉字被传入日本,到了近代的时候,大量的日语词汇大量进入中国,并取代了音译词,而被汉语采用。
2023-01-04 08:06:046


2023-01-04 08:06:274


cup 英 [kʌp]   美 [kʌp]    n. 杯子;水杯;一杯之量;奖杯;罩杯过去式: cupped 过去分词: cupped 现在分词: cupping 第三人称单数: cups词语用法n. (名词)1、cup是可数名词,有复数形式。常指一种带柄的无脚的瓷杯,用以喝茶、牛奶、咖啡等。有时可特指“奖杯”,可无柄,也可有一个或两个柄。2、cup也可作“一杯的量”解,其后常接介词of短语。3、the Cup意思是“锦标赛”。扩展资料:近义词1、teacup  英 ["tiːkʌp]  美 ["tiːkʌp]    n. 茶杯The teacup was broken into pieces.茶杯摔得稀烂。2、chalice  英 ["tʃælɪs] 美 ["tʃælɪs]    n. 杯;圣餐杯The Pope then brought out a communion wafer and a chalice of wine.教皇拿出了领圣体用的饼,还有一杯圣酒。3、beaker 英 ["biːkə(r)]  美 ["biːkər]    n. (无柄的)大口杯;烧杯;大杯的量Beaker.n. 比克(姓氏)The beaker was placed on top of a torch.烧杯被放在喷灯上方。
2023-01-04 08:07:281


steamed beaker
2023-01-04 08:07:442


2023-01-04 08:07:526


2023-01-04 08:08:131


英语词汇分类08:化学英语词汇Bunsen burner 本生灯product 反应产物flask 烧瓶apparatus 设备PH indicator PH值指示剂,氢离子(浓度的)负指数指示剂matrass 卵形瓶litmus 石蕊litmus paper 石蕊试纸graduate, graduated flask 量筒,量杯reagent 试剂test tube 试管burette 滴定管retort 曲颈甑still 蒸馏釜cupel 烤钵crucible pot, melting pot 坩埚pipette 吸液管filter 滤管stirring rod 搅拌棒还有:
2023-01-04 08:08:193


mugglass bowl
2023-01-04 08:08:303


整理了一些常用的:试管 test tube 试管架 test tube holder漏斗 funnel 分液漏斗 separatory funnel烧瓶 flask 锥形瓶 conical flask烧杯 beaker 不锈钢杯stainless-steel beaker天平 balance/scale 分析天平 analytical balance酒精灯alcohol burner 酒精喷灯blast alcohol burner塞子 stopper量筒 graduated flask/measuring cylinder洗瓶 plastic wash bottle滴定管 burette玻璃活塞 stopcock搅拌装置 stirring device 冷凝器 condenser试剂瓶 reagent bottles 蒸发皿 evaporating dish台秤 platform balance 游码 crossbeams and sliding weights 容量瓶 volumetric flask/measuring flask移液管 (one-mark) pipette刻度移液管 graduated pipettes洗耳球 rubber suction bulb玻棒 glass rod蒸馏烧瓶 distilling flask碘量瓶 iodine flask坩埚 crucible表面皿 watch glass称量瓶weighing bottle研磨钵 mortar研磨棒 pestle玛瑙研钵agate mortar瓷器 porcelain 白细口瓶flint glass solution bottle with stopper滴瓶 dropping bottle小滴管 dropper蒸馏装置distilling apparatus蒸发器 evaporator升降台lab jack铁架台iron support万能夹extension clamp蝴蝶夹double-buret clamp双顶丝clamp regular holder止水夹flatjaw pinchcock圆形漏斗架cast-iron ring移液管架pipet rack试管架tube rack沸石boiling stone橡胶管rubber tubing药匙lab spoon镊子forceps坩埚钳crucible tong剪刀scissor打孔器stopper borer石棉网asbestos-free wire gauze电炉丝wire coil for heater脱脂棉absorbent cottonph ph试纸 universal ph indicator paper滤纸 filter paper称量纸weighing paper擦镜纸wiper for lens秒表stopwatch量杯glass graduates with scale白滴定管(酸) flint glass burette with glass stopcock棕色滴定管(酸) brown glass burette with glass stopcock白滴定管(碱) flint glass burette for alkali棕色滴定管(碱) brown glass burette for alkali比重瓶specific gravity bottle水银温度计mercury-filled thermometerph计ph meter折光仪refractometer真空泵vacuum pump冷、热浴bath离心机centrifuge口罩respirator防毒面具respirator、gasmask磁力搅拌器magnetic stirrer电动搅拌器power basic stirrer烘箱oven闪点仪flash point tester马弗炉furnace电炉 heater微波炉电热套heating mantle
2023-01-04 08:08:412


2023-01-04 08:08:491


2023-01-04 08:08:556

my beaker bubble for you什么意思

2023-01-04 08:09:352


觚gū〈名〉(形声。从角,瓜声。本义:中国古代盛行于商代和西周的一种酒器,用青铜制成,口作喇叭形,细腰,高足,腹部和足部各有四条棱角,容量3升,一说是2升)同本义 [beaker;goblet]觚,乡饮酒之爵也。一曰觞受三升者谓之觚。——《说文》二觚。——《仪礼·特牲礼记》。注:“爵一升,觚二升,觯三升,角四升,散五升。”执觞觚杯豆而不醉。——《大戴礼记·曾子事父母》坐取觚洗。——《仪礼·燕礼》子曰:“觚不觚,觚哉!觚哉!”——《论语·雍也》左边几上文王鼎箸香盒,右边几上汝窑美人觚。——《红楼梦》又如:觚不觚(觚不成其为觚。形容似像而又不像的意思);千盅百觚;美人觚(饰有美人图案的饮酒器)古代一种写字用的木板 [wooden writing-tablet]或操觚以率尔,或含毫而邈然。——晋·陆机《文赋》又如:操觚(意即拿木简写文章);觚牍(竹简木札。古代用以写字,也指书信);觚简(古代书写用的木简。借指书籍)有棱角的器物[angular object]假借为“柧”。方梁[regular beam]破觚而为圜。——《史记·酷吏传》。索隐:“觚八棱有隅者。”汉书注:“方也。”棱角 [corner]。如:觚坛(有棱角的祭坛);觚棱(瓦脊成方角棱瓣之形的殿堂屋角。借指宫阙、京城);觚陛(棱角整齐的台阶。借指坛场)法 [law]自削以觚。——《太玄·大》。注:“法也。”又如:绳之以觚(犹绳之以法)剑柄 [sword handle]操其觚,招其末,则庸人能以制胜。——《淮南子·主术》又如:操其觚(抓住剑柄);剑觚(剑柄)觚gū ㄍㄨˉ古代酒器,青铜制,盛行于中国商代和西周初期,喇叭形口,细腰,高圈足。古代用来书写的木简:操~。棱角:“甘泉泰??(sh?)紫坛,八~宣通象八方”。剑柄:“操其~,招其末”。古同“弧”,独立不群。郑码:RLPS,U:89DA,GBK:F5FD笔画数:12,部首:角,笔顺编号:353511233544
2023-01-04 08:09:466

需要昆虫学, 生物实验室仪器 相关的 单词表!

建议你去买书看下面是一些实验仪器的词汇玻璃漏斗 Glass funnel long stem试管 test tube test tube brush test tube holder test tube rack蒸发皿 evaporating dish small烧杯 beaker锥形瓶 Erlenmeyer量筒 grad cylinder洗瓶 plastic wash bottle勺皿 casserole ,small stoppered flask 分液漏斗 separalory funnel水浴 water bath/oil bath搅拌棒strring bar磁力搅拌 magnetic stirrer冷凝器 condenserBallast bottle圆颈烧瓶 Round-buttom flask试剂瓶 reagent bottles 托盘天平 platform balance 台秤0.1g 托盘pan 指针刻度表pointer and scalecrossbeams and sliding weights 游码分析天平 two-pan/single-pan analytical balance滴定管 burette glass bead(basic) nozzle移液管 pipette 胖肚 elongated glass bulb 洗耳球 rubber suction bulb玻棒 glass rod玻璃活塞 stopcock容量瓶 pyknowmeter flasks 比重瓶 (one-mark)volumetric flasks胖肚吸管 one-mark pipette刻度吸管 graduated pipettes一、柜子中、抽屉中:锥形瓶(conical flask) 250ml×4 药匙(medicine spoon)×1 (Erlenmeyer flask) 100 ml×3 滴管(drip tube;dropper)×2烧杯(beaker) 500 ml×1 玻棒(Glass stic)×2250 ml×3 木试管夹(test tube clamp;test tube holder)×1100 ml×3 胖肚吸管(straws) 25 ml×1 50 ml×2 10 ml×1容量瓶(volumetric flask) 100 ml×2 乳钵(morta)×150 ml×4 洗耳球(ear wadhing bulb)碘量瓶 (iodin numoe flask;iodineflask) 500 ml×3试剂瓶 (reagent bottle) (无色)×2(棕色)×2 配洗液:量筒(cylinder) 100 ml×1 K2Cr2O72g+5ml水→65mlH2SO4(graduated cylinder)10ml×1 边加边搅拌(stir)。 二、台面上仪器: 一般仪器的洗涤(wash)铁支架(siderocradle)+蝴蝶架白瓷板(White Porcelain Board )清点仪器(to count;to make an inventory)酸式滴定管(Acid burette) 25 ml×1 配洗液 (Lotion)碱式滴定管(Alkali burette)25 ml×1 一般仪器的洗涤三、公用柜中:滴定管(buret;burette)直型冷凝器(rectocondensor)×1 容量瓶(volumetric flask)漏斗架 (funnel stand) ×2 移液管(pipe)水浴锅(water bath kettle) ×1 温度计(Thermometer;hygrometer;hydroscope) ×1 电炉(electric furnace;electric hot plate;electric stove)
2023-01-04 08:10:071


烧瓶 烧杯 试管 酒精灯,托盘天平,胶头滴管,
2023-01-04 08:10:132


锥形瓶(beakerflask)一种化学实验室常见的玻璃仪器,由德国化学家理查·鄂伦麦尔(Richard Erlenmeyer)于1861年发明。锥形瓶一般使用于滴定实验中。为了防止滴定液下滴时会溅出瓶外,造成实验的误差,再将瓶子放在磁搅拌器上搅拌。锥瓶亦可用于普通实验中,制取气体或作为反应容器。其锥形结构相对稳定,不会倾倒。锥形瓶(beakerflask)一种化学实验室常见的玻璃仪器,由德国化学家理查·鄂伦麦尔(Richard Erlenmeyer)于1861年发明。是硬质玻璃制成的纵剖面呈三角形状的滴定反应器。口小、底大,有利于滴定过程进行振荡时,反应充分而液体不易溅出。该容器可以在水浴或电炉上加热。外观呈平底圆锥状,下阔上狭,有一圆柱形颈部,上方有一较颈部阔的开口,有时可用由软木或橡胶制作成的塞子封闭。瓶身上多有数个刻度,以标示所能盛载的容量。锥形瓶一般使用于滴定实验中。为了防止滴定液下滴时会溅出瓶外,造成实验的误差,再将瓶子放在磁搅拌器上搅拌。也可以用手握住瓶颈以手腕晃动,即可顺利的搅拌均匀 。也可用于盛装反应物,定量分析,回流加热,而其外形则使它十分适合这些工作。其长颈部份除方便加上塞子外,亦能减慢加热时的流失及避免化学物品溢出;至于其平而宽阔的底部则容许锥形瓶盛载更多的溶液、方便用玻璃棒搅拌及容许锥形瓶平放在桌上。锥瓶亦可用于普通实验中,制取气体或作为反应容器。其锥形结构相对稳定,不会倾倒。锥形瓶由于十分常见,而且形状比较有趣,所以也常被用来当做化学实验或化学相关的象征,散见于许多标志及指示中。锥形瓶又称为:三角烧瓶、依氏烧瓶、锥形烧瓶,鄂伦麦尔瓶。(1)注入的液体最好不超过其容积的1/2,过多容易造成喷溅。(2)加热时使用石棉网(电炉加热除外)。(3)锥形瓶外部要擦干后再加热。(4)使用后需使用专用洗涤剂清洗干净,并进行烘干,保存在干燥容器中。(5)一般情况下不可用来存储液体。(6)震荡时向同一方向旋转
2023-01-04 08:10:211


觚 姑
2023-01-04 08:10:262


觚 "gu"
2023-01-04 08:10:354


The best-selling female artist of all time - whose seventeen #1 singles rival all but Elvis Presley and The Beatles - Mariah Carey has made an indelible impact on the global music industry and audiences everywhere. Blessed with a stunning five-octave range and signature vocal abilities, the singularly talented superstar continues to reach new heights of artistic growth and popularity. As a singer and songwriter, she has been recognized with five Grammy Awards, nine American Music Awards, Billboard"s "Artist of the Decade" Award and the World Music Award for "World"s Best Selling Female Artist of the Millennium," to name but a few honors.Carey"s most recent album is also her most intimate, a frank portrayal of both the challenges and successes experienced throughout her rise to fame. Released in April 2005, The Emancipation of Mimi (Island Def Jam) strongly resonated with audiences, becoming that year"s best-selling album in the U.S. and selling more than eight million units worldwide to date. While capturing three Grammys for Best Contemporary R&B Album, Best Female R&B Vocal Performance and Best R&B Song, Carey broke milestones with the album"s three singles. "We Belong Together" (which spent an astonishing fourteen weeks at #1) and "Shake It Off" made her the only female artist ever to occupy the Billboard Hot 100"s #1 and #2 spots in the same week. Her subsequent stand-alone single "Don"t Forget About Us" became the biggest American radio hit of the year.With a mother who shared both talent and a love of music, Mariah Carey was named after "They Call the Wind Mariah," a song from the popular Lerner and Loewe musical Paint Your Wagon. She began singing at the age of four, and her extraordinary and innate talent quickly progressed. As a young teenager she began honing her songwriting skills; upon high school graduation, Carey headed straight to New York to pursue a musical career. A luminous talent, her vocals were immediately in demand. Her major break came while singing backup for Brenda K. Starr, who gave her demo tape to then-Sony Music Entertainment Chief Tommy Mottola. Soon after, Mottola signed Carey to her first recording contract with Columbia Records.With an angelic allure and a vocal intensity never heard before, Mariah Carey exploded upon the scene with the debut of her self-titled album in 1990. Mariah Carey was an immense hit, spawning an extraordinary four #1 singles: "Vision of Love," "Love Takes Time," "Someday" and "I Don"t Wanna Cry." It also brought two Grammy Awards for Best New Artist and Best Female Pop Vocal Performance ("Vision of Love"). Carey continued her early success with a series of singles from her subsequent Emotions (1991) and MTV Unplugged (1992) albums that consistently placed her at the top of the charts.With the 1993 release of Music Box, which included the chart-topping hit singles "Dreamlover" and "Hero," Mariah Carey produced her most commercially successful album to date, selling an astounding 30 million units. She hit a new milestone with a holiday album, Merry Christmas (1994), which contained the instant classic "All I Want for Christmas is You." The next year, with the release of Daydream (1995), its single "Fantasy" debuted at #1, making Mariah Carey the second artist in history and the first female performer to accomplish that feat. The album"s other single, "One Sweet Day," recorded with Boyz II Men, stayed at the top of the charts for a mind-blowing sixteen weeks. She followed with the hip-hop and R&B-infused Butterfly, which introduced a new chapter in her career, teaming her with the hottest names in the music business including Sean Combs and Missy Elliott.In 1998, eight years after her debut, Carey released #1"s, a compilation of her chart-topping hits. The album also included a new song, "When You Believe" (from the film The Prince of Egypt), a duet with Whitney Houston that paired two of the most successful female recording artists in pop history. Rainbow followed in 1999 with startling success. With the album"s first single, the popular "Heartbeaker," Carey became "the first artist to top the charts in each year of the 1990s; the record also pushed her ahead of The Beatles as the artist with the most cumulative weeks spent atop the Hot 100 singles chart," as affirmed by Mariah Carey subsequently sparked the interest of Universal Music Group"s Island Def Jam Records, which signed her to an exclusive recording contract in May 2002. Later that year she made her label debut with the release of the multi-platinum Charmbracelet.Evoking a nickname used by those closest to her, The Emancipation of Mimi marked Mariah Carey"s tenth studio album with its release in April 2005. Entirely written and co-produced by Carey, and executive produced by Island Def Jam Music Group Chairman Antonio Reid, Mimi revealed an evolved musical sensibility in its tracks and a sophisticated new look on its cover. The album earned three Grammys from eight nominations across multiple categories, following a string of wins at the Vibe Awards, the American Music Awards and Billboard Music Awards.Apart from her musical achievements, Mariah Carey has generously donated her time and energy to a range of philanthropic causes near to her heart. They include Save the Music, The National Adoption Center and The Make-A-Wish Foundation, which recently bestowed its 2006 Wish Icon Award upon her, permanently rechristening it the Mariah Carey Wish Icon Award. Her active involvement with the Fresh Air Fund resulted in Camp Mariah, the Fund"s first camp named in honor of an individual. Through this prism, Mariah Carey"s legacy transcends the music industry to leave an indelible imprint upon the world at large. Source:
2023-01-04 08:10:483


锥形瓶(beakerflask)一种化学实验室常见的玻璃仪器,由德国化学家理查·鄂伦麦尔(Richard Erlenmeyer)于1861年发明。锥形瓶一般使用于滴定实验中。为了防止滴定液下滴时会溅出瓶外,造成实验的误差,再将瓶子放在磁搅拌器上搅拌。锥瓶亦可用于普通实验中,制取气体或作为反应容器。其锥形结构相对稳定,不会倾倒。
2023-01-04 08:10:592


2023-01-04 08:11:083


  随着小学英语教改的创新实施,小学英语互动课堂创设逐渐以各种形式实现。由于小学英语教材内容自身的互动性,为英语故事教学的互动奠定了扎实的基础。我精心收集了,供大家欣赏学习!   篇1   One day, Mr. Lion holds a party. Many animals e and drink a lot of wine. At last there is a pot of wine. Who can drink it? They drink out an idea and decide to have a match-Draw a snake. If you finish first, you can get it.   Soon Mr.Wolf finishes drawing. "Yeah, I"ve finished. I"m No.1," he says. But he draws again and says, "Oh, let me add feet and my snake." At the time, Mr. Gorilla also finishes. He takes away the pot of wine and drinks, then he says, "That isn"t a snake. Snakes have no feet. I get the wine."   画蛇添足   一天,狮子先生举行一场聚会,许多动物都来了,他们喝很多酒。最后只剩一壶酒了。让谁喝呢?它们想了想,有个主意。它们比赛画蛇,谁最快画好,谁就喝这壶酒。   不一会,狼先生画好了。"哈,我画好了,我是第一个。"它说。可是它又画了起来,它还说:"再给它加几只脚吧。"这是猩猩先生也画好了。它拿起那酒壶喝起来。一边喝一边说:"那不是蛇,蛇是没有脚的,我赢了这壶酒。"   篇2   In the Warring States Period ***zhàn guó 战国,475-221BC***, a man in the State of Chu ***chǔ guǒ楚国*** was offering a sacrifice to his ancestors.   战国时代有个楚国人祭他的祖先。   After the ceremony, the man gave a beaker of wine to his servants.   仪式结束后,他拿出一壶酒赏给手下的几个人。   The servants thought that there was not enough wine for all them, and decided to each draw a picture of a snake; the one who finished the picture first would get the wine. One of them drew very rapidly.Seeing that the others were still busy drawing, he added feet to the snake.   大家商量说: “我们都来画蛇,谁先画好谁就喝这壶酒。”其中有一个人先画好 了。但他看到同伴还没有画完,就又给蛇添上了脚。   At this moment another man finished, snatched the beaker and drank the wine, saying, "A snake doesn"t have feet. How can you add feet to a snake?   这时,另一个人也画好了,夺过酒壶吧酒喝了,并且说:“蛇本来是没有脚的,你怎么能给它添上脚呢?”   This idiom refers to ruining a venture by doing unnecessary and surplus things.   “画蛇添足”这个成语比喻做了多余而不恰当的事,反而把事情弄糟了。   篇3   An official of the ancient State of Chu awarded a pot of wine to his men after the ceremony of Spring Sacrifice. One man said, “We have only one pot of wine. It"s not enough for all of us but sufficient for one. Let"s determine who"ll have the wine by drawing a snake on the ground. He who finishes first will have the wine.”   The others agreed. Very soon, one man finished his snake. He was about to drink the wine when he saw the others were still busy drawing. He said placently,“How slowly you are! I still have enough time to add feet to my snke.” But before he finished the feet, another man finished his snke and grabbed the pot from him, saying,“Whoever has seen a snake with feet? Yours is not a snke. So the wine should be mine!” He drank the wine. The man adding the feet to the snake had to give in and could only regret his foolishness.   From that story es the idiom “Draw a snake and add feet to it”。 Now people use this idiom to illustrate the truth that going too far is as bad as not going far enough.   楚国有一个官员,在春天祭过了祖宗之后,便将一壶酒赏给他的办事人员喝。有人提议:“我们只有一壶酒,肯定不够我们大家喝的,一个人喝倒是绰绰有余。我们?a href="" target="_blank">咳嗽诘厣匣?惶跎撸???米羁欤?桶颜夂?聘???rdquo; 大家都同意了。   有一个人很快就把蛇画好了。他正打算喝这壶酒时,看见别人都还忙着画呢。他就得意扬扬地说:“你们画得好慢呀,等我再画上几只脚吧!” 他的蛇脚还没画完,另一个人已经把蛇画好了。那人把酒壶夺了过去说:“有谁见过长脚的蛇?你画的不是蛇,这壶酒应该是我的了。”说罢,就喝起酒来。那个给蛇画脚的人没办法,只能懊悔自己的愚蠢。   “画蛇添足”这个成语就是从这个故事来的。现在人们用它来说明这么个道理:做的过分和做的不够是一样有害的。   
2023-01-04 08:11:181


2017年英孚超全的英文词汇   近年来,出国游越来越热,你出国了没?出国你的英语蹩脚了没?为帮助大家出国旅游顺利,我为大家分享出国英语词汇如下:   1合格的吃货需要一份这样的便当   1. lunch box 便当盒   2. thermos 热水瓶   3. straw 吸管   4. fork 叉   5. knife 刀   6. spoon 勺   7. sugar packet 糖包   8. lid 盖子   9. salad 沙拉   10. latch 弹簧锁   11. yogurt 酸奶   12. hinge铰链   13. sandwich 三明治   14. dessert 甜点   15. napkin 餐巾纸   16. Ziploc bag 密封塑料袋   17. pepper 胡椒   18. salt packet 盐包   2厨房那些事   1. refrigerator 冰箱   2. dish rack 碗架   3. counter 柜台   4. sink 洗涤槽,水槽   5. wok 铁锅(带把的中国炒菜锅)   6. pan 平底锅   7. ladle 勺子,长柄勺   8. gas stove 煤气炉   9. ventilator 通风机,换气扇   10.apron 围裙   11. cupboard 食橱,碗柜   12. oven 炉,灶   13. cabinets 橱柜   14. dustpan 簸箕   15. broom 扫帚   16. mop 拖把   17. rice cooker 电饭锅   18. blender 搅拌机,捣碎机   19. hot water thermos 热水瓶,保温瓶   20. toaster 烤面包器,烤箱   21. cutting board 砧板   22. knife 刀   23. microwave 微波炉   3买水果,这些词儿很需要   1. water melon 西瓜   2. plastic bags 塑料袋   3. mandarin orange 橘子   4. kiwi fruit 奇异果   5. sugar cane 甘蔗   6. peach 桃子   7. grapes 葡萄   8. honeydew melon 甜瓜   9. basket 篮子   10. papaya 木瓜   11. guava 番石榴   12. lime 青柠   13. lemon 柠檬   14. star fruit 杨桃   15. seeds 种子   16. nectarine 油桃   17. scale 秤   18. grapefruit 葡萄柚   19. plum 李子   20. mango 芒果   21. taro 芋头   4天天见面的浴室,你到底知道多少?   1. showerhead 喷头   2. faucet 水龙头   3. toilet paper 厕纸   4. bathtub 浴缸   5. drain 排水管,下水道   6. tile 瓦片,瓷砖   7. mirror 镜子   8. sink 洗脸池,水池   9. washcloth 毛巾   10. cabinet 橱柜   11. rug (铺于室内部分地面上的`)小地毯   12. toilet 马桶   13. bath towel浴巾   14. reservoir 蓄水箱   5妈妈再也不用担心我买错化妆品啦~   1. moisturizer 润肤乳   2. blush 腮红   3. brushes 刷子   4. lip liner 唇线笔   5. nail polish 指甲油   6. tweezers 镊子   7. nail polish remover 洗甲水   8. face wash 洗面乳   9. lipstick 口红   10. foundation 粉底霜   11. eyeliner 眼线笔   12. mascara 睫毛膏   13. nail file 指甲锉   14. lip gloss 唇彩   6包罗万象的衣橱   1. blazer 小西装   2. suspenders 裤子背带   3. suit 套装   4. tie 领带   5. pants 裤子   6. vest 背心   7. raincoat 雨衣   8. blouse 女士衬衣   9. scarf 围巾   10. purse 女士手提袋   11. skirt 半身裙   12. coat 大衣   13. hanger 衣架   14. dress 连衣裙   15. T-shirt T恤   16. tank top 运动背心   17. shorts 短裤   18. socks 袜子   19. belt 皮带   20. jeans 牛仔裤   21. sweater 毛衣   22. drawer 抽屉   7理发店必备基础词   1. sink 水槽,盥洗盆   2. barber"s chair 理发时坐的椅子   3. mirror 镜子   4. curling iron 卷发棒   5. comb 梳子   6. brush 刷子   7. hair dryer 吹风机   8. scissors 剪子   9. shampoo 洗发水   10. mousse 摩丝   11. shaving cream 剃须膏   12. razor 剃刀   13. hair clip 鲨鱼夹   14. bobby pins (扁平)发夹   15. hair spray 发胶   16. styling gel 定型啫喱   17. towel 毛巾   18 conditioner 护发素   8能说全部身体部位的都是高手   1. head 头   2. eyebrow 眉毛   3. forehead 前额   4. chin 下巴   5. neck 脖子   6. chest 胸部   7. navel 肚脐   8. thigh 大腿   9. foot 脚   10. buttocks 臀部   11. waist 腰部   12. abdomen 腹部   13. cheek 脸颊   14. mouth 口   15. teeth 牙齿   16. nose 鼻子   17. eye 眼睛   18. eyelash 睫毛   19. hair 头发   20. cerebrum 大脑   21. cerebellum 小脑   22. lung 肺   23. heart 心脏   24. stomach 胃   25. large intestine 大肠   26. small intestine 小肠   27. kidney 肾   28. liver 肝脏   29. bladder 膀胱   9看医生,这些词最好备着   1. thermometer 体温计   2. syringe 注射器   3. height chart身高表   4. blood pressure gauge 血压计   5. eye drops 眼药水   6. eardrops 滴耳剂   7. medicine 药   8. pills 药片   9. antibiotics 抗生素   10. painkillers 止痛片   11. beaker 烧杯,量杯   12. stethoscope 听诊器   13. scale 秤   14. swab 棉签   15. antiseptic cream 消毒药膏   16. rubber gloves 橡胶手套   在机场,这些词儿不能不会   1. landing 降落   2. airport shuttle bus 机场摆渡车   3. ticket dispenser 自动售票机   4. passenger 乘客   5. currency exchange 货币兑换   6. check in counter 登机手续办理处   7. luggage 行李   8. departure lobby 出境大厅   9. takeoff 起飞   10. airplane 飞机   11. airlines 航空公司   12. customs 海关   13. boarding gate 登机口   14. customs officer 海关官员   15. duty-free shop 免税商店   16. duty-free items 免税商品   11回到屋里暖和暖和   1. window 窗户   2. television 电视机   3. console 电视柜   4. chair 椅子   5. floor 地板,地面   6. carpet 地毯   7. coffee table 咖啡桌   8. clock 钟   9. calendar 日历   10. door 门   11. light switch 灯开关   12. bookcase 书柜,书橱   13. throw pillow 靠枕   14. couch 沙发   15. lamp 灯   16. lamp shade 灯罩   17. wall 墙   12常见生活用品   1. lighter 打火机   2. matches 火柴   3. ashtray 烟灰缸   4. cigarette 香烟   5. armchair 扶手椅   6. end table 茶几   7. vase 花瓶   8. telephone 电话机   9. waste basket 垃圾桶   10. recliner 活动躺椅   11. rocking chair 摇椅   12. air conditioner 空调   13. vacuum cleaner 吸尘器   13去商场买买买   1. elevator 电梯   2. counter 柜台   3. umbrella 雨伞   4. escalator 自动扶梯   5. desserts 甜点心,餐后甜点   6. sport equipment 运动装备   7. tie 领带   8. coat 外套   9. socks 短袜   10. briefcase 公文包   11. radio 收音机   12. gloves 手套   13. information desk 问讯处   14. business suit 西装   15. underground parking 地下停车场   16. shoes 鞋子   17. basement 地下室   18. stairs 楼梯   19. sweater 毛衣   20. skirt 裙子,衬裙   14小卖部都卖哪些零食呢?   1. bottled water 瓶装水   2. poster 海报   3. candy 糖果   4. pretzel 双圈饼干   5. cookie 曲奇饼   6. gum 口香糖   7. mustard 芥末   8. popsicle 棒冰   9. drumstick 鸡腿   10. chicken nuggets 鸡块   11. popcorn 爆米花   12. hamburger 汉堡   13. soft drink 软饮料   14. ketchup 番茄酱   15. fries 薯条   16. hot dog 热狗   17. paper cup 纸杯   15游乐园必备词汇   1. water slide 水滑道   2. games 游戏   3. vomit 呕吐   4. ticket booth 售票处   5. line 排队   6. carousel 旋转木马   7. tracks 轨道   8. ferris wheel 摩天轮   9. haunted house 鬼屋   10. seat 座位   11. food stand 饮食摊   12. roller coaster 过山车   13. cotton candy 棉花糖   14. seat belt 安全带   15. car 车厢 ;
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在诊所,经常能见到的英文物品词汇归纳如下:?thermometer 温度计?syringe 注射器?height chart身高表??blood pressure gauge 血压计?eye drops 眼药水??eardrops 耳药水?medicine 药?pills 药片antibiotics 抗生素?painkillers 止痛片?beaker 烧杯?stethoscope 听诊器?scale 秤?swab 棉签??antiseptic cream 消毒药膏??rubber gloves 橡胶手套
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