barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-23 04:37:34


information的意思是信息、消息、资料、情报,是不可数名词,没有复数形式。一则消息可以说apiece ofinformation,许多信息是many pi

eces ofinformation。information还可作通知,告知,是不可数名词。

固定短语information desk服务台,问询处、information system信息系统、information technology信息技术、information management信息管理,资讯管理。



1. 报告;消息;报导;情报资料;信息[U][(+about/on)]

The book contains much useful information.


We received information that you had arrived.


2. 问讯处;问讯处职员[C]





通知, 报告, 消息, 情报, 知识, 见闻, 资料, 起诉




information的中文意思、音标、例句及语法单词音标英语音标:[ɪnfəˈmeɪʃ(ə)n]美语音标:[ˈɪnfɚˈmeʃən]转载需注明“转自音标网”,违者必究中文翻译;情报;资料;通知单词例句用作名词 (n.)They were unable to provide much information. 他们不能提供很多信息。We are able to get the information we need from the Internet. 我们可以从网上得到我们需要的信息。He gave us a very interesting piece of information. 他给我们一份很有趣的资料。The demander instructed soldiers to wait until further information. 指挥者命令士兵等下去,直到进一步通知。语法用法information作为“资料,信息,情报”的意思时(除了指控意外),是不可数名词,没有复数形式,也不能加a。但是可以说a piece of information和an item of information来表达一则信息;information后可接that从句。不过注意We have received the information that ...的句式中,the经常省略。 I rang him up on getting the information that he had returned from his trip.for your information表示“供你参考”,属于公文和商业通信里的术用。 For your information I may say that we have already done our best.我要说的是我们已经做到最好去供你参考。Information用在问讯处前时,表示是可以让大家来咨询,因这里有信息。n.(名词)information的意思是“信息,消息; 资料; 情报”,是不可数名词,没有复数形式,如果“一则消息”可以说a piece of information,“许多信息”是many pieces of information。也可作“知识”解,其后常接介词on〔about, concerning〕。information还可作“通知,告知”解,是不可数名词。information后面可接由that引导的同位语从句。
2023-07-22 18:26:201


information 英[u02ccu026anfu0259u02c8meu026au0283n] 美[u02ccu026anfu0259ru02c8meu026au0283n] n. 消息; 信息,数据; 通知; 知识; [其他] 形近词: transformation neoformation reformation -------------如有帮助请采纳, 如需帮助可追问,谢谢。
2023-07-22 18:27:041


2023-07-22 18:27:148


information是不可数名词。意思是信息,消息,情报,资料,资讯。例句:The police haven"t got enough information to catch the criminal。作为“资料,信息,情报”的意思时(除了指控意外),是不可数名词,没有复数形式,也不能加a。但是可以说a piece of information和an item of information. 来表达一则信息,也就是说它有时候可数,有时候不可数,需要根据实际语境进行分析。扩展资料:英语不可数名词很多,很难一一列出。有时又一词多义,在一种情况下可数,而在另一种情况下又不可数。需要我们注意区别。总体来讲,词义属抽象、物质、属类、学科时,多为不可数,一旦实指物体,则必可数。
2023-07-22 18:27:401


Information是不可数名词,意为信息、情报、资料、通知;Information没有复数形式,也不能在前面加“a”,可表达为a piece of information或者some information。 扩展资料   The police haven"t got enoughinformationto catch the criminal.   警方还未得到可捉拿这个罪犯的足够情报。   Can you give me anyinformationon this matter?   关于此事,你能给我提供什么消息吗?   Yourinformationis inaccurate and your conclusion is therefore wrong.   你的信息不准确,所以你的"结论是错误的。   Theinformationindustry is an infant industry in our country.   信息产业在我国是新兴产业。   A good encyclopaedia is a mine ofinformation.   一部好的百科全书是一座知识宝库。
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the Saracans, and the Huns,
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information是不可数名词。不可数名词可以视为单数,不可数名词后接has。例句:The milk has sold out.牛奶卖完了。Information的意思是“信息,消息,资料,情报”,是不可数名词,没有复数形式。也可做“知识”理解,其后常接介词on,Information还可做“通知,告知”理解,是不可数名词,Information后面可接由that引导的同位语从句。
2023-07-22 18:28:561

information 可数么,后面是用 is 还是 are?

2023-07-22 18:29:043

英语information怎么读 点小喇叭 有发音祝你学习英语进步O(∩_∩)O哈!如果对你有所帮助,还望采纳O(∩_∩)O哈!如还有不懂的,还可以继续追问哦(^o^)/~
2023-07-22 18:29:133


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information作为“资料,信息,情报”的意思时,是不可数名词,没有复数形式可以用a piece of information和an item of information来表达一则信息有时侯可数,有时候不可数
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information英 [u02ccu026anfu0259u02c8meu026au0283n]美 [u02ccu026anfu0259ru02c8meu026au0283n]高中 / CET4 / CET6释义常用牛津词典高考讲解n.消息;数据;问讯处;双语例句全部信息数据通知1.a piece of information一则消息来自牛津词典2.a source of information消息来源来自牛津词典 collect/gather/obtain/receive information收集 / 搜集 / 获取 / 接收信息来自牛津词典 provide/give/pass on information提供 / 给予 / 传递信息来自牛津词典5.For further information on the diet, write to us at this address.欲知规定饮食的详情,请按这个地址给我们写信。来自牛津词典6.Our information is that the police will shortly make an arrest.我们得到的情报是,警察不久就要逮捕人了。来自牛津词典7.This leaflet is produced for the information of (= to inform) our customers.这张传单是为向我们的顾客提供信息而印制的。来自牛津词典 information desk问讯处来自牛津词典9.He refused to comment before he had seen all the relevant information .在看到全部相关资料之前,他拒绝评论。来自牛津词典10.[只用于名词前]the informational content of a book书的信息内容来自牛津词典11.the informational role of the media新闻媒体的信息功能来自牛津词典12.For your information, I don"t even have a car.你要知道,我连汽车都没有。来自牛津词典13.Pat refused to give her any information about Sarah...帕特拒绝向她提供任何关于萨拉的消息。来自柯林斯高阶英语词典14.Each centre would provide information on technology and training...每个中心都会提供技术与培训方面的信息。来自柯林斯高阶英语词典15.Pictures are scanned into a form of digital information that computers can recognize.照片被扫描成某种电脑可以识别的数字资料。来自柯林斯高阶英语词典16.She relayed the information to us.她向我们转达了那消息.来自《简明英汉词典》17.Ordinary people would then be able to use them to obtain valuable information.那时平常的人便能运用它们去获取宝贵的信息.来自《用法词典》18.We are living in the information era.我们生活在信息时代.来自《简明英汉词典》19.There is a fund of information in our school library.我们学校的图书馆有丰富的资料.来自《现代英汉综合大词典》20.The visitors are referred to the information desk.让来访者到问事处去.
2023-07-22 18:30:191


“Information”是一个英语单词,意为“信息”,是日常生活和工作中经常使用的词汇之一。这个单词的发音比较简单,读音为 [u026anfu0259ru02c8meu026au0283u0259n]。可以分为四个音节来读:第一个音节 [u026an] 发音时,口型要放松,舌头放平,发出一个短促的“i”音。第二个音节 [fu0259r] 发音时,将舌头抵住牙齿,嘴唇微微向前突起,发出一个清晰的“f”音,然后立刻跟着发出一个辅音音 [r],这两个音连起来读,发音类似于“弗尔”。第三个音节 [u02c8meu026a] 发音时,口型要张开,舌头卷起,发出一个长音的“e”音,接着发出一个类似于“梅”的音。第四个音节 [u0283u0259n] 发音时,口型要放松,嘴唇微微收紧,舌头放平,发出一个类似于“shun”的音。
2023-07-22 18:30:401

bios information是什么意思

BIOS信息 一般现实了计算机的硬件信息
2023-07-22 18:31:031


information是信息的意思。information的意思是信息、消息、资料、情报,是不可数名词,没有复数形式。一则消息可以说apiece ofinformation,许多信息是many pieces ofinformation。information还可作通知,告知,是不可数名词。固定短语information desk服务台,问询处、information system信息系统、information technology信息技术、information management信息管理,资讯管理。
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information作为“资料,信息,情报”的意思时(除了指控意外),是不可数名词,没有复数形式,也不能加a.但是可以说a piece of information和an item of information来表达一则信息。 information 英 [u02ccu026anfu0259u02c8meu026au0283n] 美 [u02ccu026anfu0259ru02c8meu026au0283n];消息;情报;资料;资讯 词组短语 Contact Information 联系信息; 联系方式; 联络资料; 联络资讯; Site Information 网站信息; 站点信息; 网站 信息; Sales Information 销售信息; 销售资讯; 信息; 销售消息; Information Searches 情报检索; 情报检索 information的用法 1、information后可接that从句。不过注意We have received the information that ...的句式中,the经常省略。 2、for your information表示“供你参考”,属于公文和商业通信里的术用。 3、Information用在问讯处前时,表示是可以让大家来咨询,因这里有信息。 例句: For your information I may say that we have already done our best. 我要说的是我们已经做到最好去供你参考。 We are able to get the information we need from the Internet. 我们可以从网上得到我们需要的信息。 The police haven"t got enough information to catch the criminal. 警方还未得到可捉拿这个罪犯的足够情报。 He gave us a very interesting piece of information. 他给我们一份很有趣的资料。
2023-07-22 18:32:021

information 有复数吗

information本身是不可数名词,没有复数形式,但是用some information是可以的,就是一些信息的意思。
2023-07-22 18:32:091


information只能用作不可数名词,不能说an information或者informations。但是, 当指别人告诉的某一特定事实时,可以说a piece of information或an item of information。 扩展资料   information不可数:information为不可数名词,可用量词修饰,或修饰不可数名词的词;   比如:a piece of information 一条消息。;情报;资料;通知。形容词:informational   名词用法:   1、information的意思是“信息,消息;资料;情报”,是不可数名词,没有复数形式,如果“一则消息”可以说a piece of information,“许多信息”是many pieces of information。   2、information还可作“通知,告知”解,是不可数名词。   例句:They were unable to provide much information.   他们不能提供很多信息。   information例句:   The police haven"t got enoughinformationto catch the criminal.   警方还未得到可捉拿这个罪犯的足够情报。   Can you give me anyinformationon this matter?   关于此事,你能给我提供什么消息吗?   Yourinformationis inaccurate and your conclusion is therefore wrong.   你的"信息不准确,所以你的结论是错误的。   Theinformationindustry is an infant industry in our country.   信息产业在我国是新兴产业。
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  information用作名词,有信息;情报;资料;通知的意思,那么你知道information是可数名词吗?下面跟着我一起来学习information的英语知识吧,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    information词语用法   1、information作为“资料,信息,情报”的意思时(除了指控意外),是不可数名词,没有复数形式,也不能加a。但是可以说a piece of information和an item ofinformation来表达一则信息;   2、information后可接that从句。不过注意We have received the information that ...的句式中,the经常省略。   I rang him up on getting the information that he had returned from his trip.   3、for your information表示“供你参考”,属于公文和商业通信里的术用。   For your information I may say that we have already done our best.   我要说的是我们已经做到最好去供你参考。   4、Information用在问讯处前时,表示是可以让大家来咨询,因这里有信息。   information的网络释义   Information   问讯处; 信息; 资讯; 信息发布;   Contact Information   联系信息; 联系方式; 联络资料; 联络资讯;   Site Information   网站信息; 站点信息; 网站 信息;   Sales Information   销售信息; 销售资讯; 信息; 销售消息;   Information Searches   情报检索; 情报检索--------------; 情报检索:; 谍报检索;   information相关词汇辨析   information,data,message   这些名词都含有“资料、信息”之意。   information 和data作“资料”解时,前者仅指所获得、提供或描述的慨况,而不指具体的数据或资料,后者则指具体的资料。   data 是datum的复数形式,本义指作为计算和测量基础的资料。   message 指通过书写、谈话和信号等方式所进行的通讯“信息”。    information英语例句   hey were unable to provide much information.   他们不能提供很多信息。   We are able to get the information we need from the Internet.   我们可以从网上得到我们需要的信息。   The police haven"t got enough information to catch the criminal.   警方还未得到可捉拿这个罪犯的足够情报。   He gave us a very interesting piece of information.   他给我们一份很有趣的资料。   你为外商提供了产品信息。他感激地说,谢谢你提供的信息。   Thank you for your information.   你对市场信息一无所知,你问主管,他能给你一些信息吗?   Could you give me some information?   代理商给你传来一份商业情报。你高兴地说.这是一份很有价值的情报。   This is a valuable piece of information.   你告诉对方信息的可靠来源,你说,信息来源于你们经理。   This information came from our manager.   你递给客户一份产品手册,对他说,你想这本小册子会给他所有信息。   I am sure this booklet will give you all the informaton.   你让助手设法取得客户的市场信息。你说,有可能了解一些市场情况吗?   Is it possible to obtain any information about the market?   合作方为你提供了所需信息。你感激地说,非常感谢他提供这些有用的信息。   Thank you very much for the useful information you offered.   你向对方公司咨询信息,他说,他们很高兴向你们提供所有信息。   We have pleasure in providing you with all the information. 猜你喜欢: 1. search的用法和短语例句 2. information可数吗 3. 英语语法详解 4. material可数 5. information的同义词
2023-07-22 18:33:331


message1.a written or spoken piece of information,ect.that you send to sb or leave for sb when you cannot speak to them yourself(书面或口头的)信息,消息,音信eg:There were no messages for me at the important moral,social or political idea that a book ,speech, trying to communicate(书籍或演讲等的)要旨,要点,教训eg:a film with a strong religious messege(有强烈的宗教启示的电影)3.(messages)shopping购物,买东西(苏格兰英语)eg:You can leave your messages here.(你可以把你买的东西放在这儿.)information1.facts or details about sb/sth信息;消息;情报;资料;资讯eg:to collect/gather/receive/obtain information收集/搜集/接收/得到信息Our information is that the police will shortly make an arrest.(我们得到的情报是,警察不久就要逮人了)2.用做informationaleg:the informational content of a book(书的信息内容)
2023-07-22 18:33:425


information为不可数名词,可用量词修饰,或修饰不可数名词的词。information的意思是“信息,消息;资料;情报”,没有复数形式,比如:a piece of information 一条消息;information还可作“通知,告知”解,是不可数名词。 information例句 1、Pat refused to give her any information about Sarah. 帕特拒绝向她提供任何关于萨拉的消息。 2、Pictures are scanned into a form of digital information that computers can recognize. 照片被扫描成某种电脑可以识别的数字资料。 3、Each centre would provide information on technology and training. 每个中心都会提供技术与培训方面的信息。 information和message区别 一、意思不同 1.information意思: 信息;情报;资料;通知 2.message意思:消息;信息;要点;寓意 二、用法不同 1.information用法:是不可数名词,没有复数形式,如果“一则消息”可以说a piece of information,“许多信息”是many pieces of information。也可作“知识”解,其后常接介词on〔about, concerning〕。 例句: The demander instructed soldiers to wait until further information. 指挥者命令士兵等下去,直到进一步通知。 2.message用法:基本意思是“信息,口信”,可指人通过观察、阅读或与人交往所获得的任何信息,但不一定都准确。也可指报纸、电台或电视等传播媒体所发布的信息。message也可作“要旨,主题思想”解,一般指先知、作家、书等所作的政治、道德、社会方面的启示、预言等。 例句: The message in the newspaper is unabridged. 报纸上的那则消息是没有经过删节的。 三、侧重点不同 1.information侧重点:用于一般现在时。 2.message侧重点:用于一般现在时或一般过去时。
2023-07-22 18:34:241


Information n. 信息 [不可数名词.][ u02ccinfu0259"meiu0283u0259n ]计算机系统的主要功能是将未经过处理的数据(data)输入至计算机之硬设备,经由软件的运算处理而输出结果,此一结果即谓之信息(Information),数据可能是原始的数字、文字或符号等,而信息的内容则可能是计算后的数字、统计后的图表、排序搜寻后的文字等。The police haven"t got enough information to catch the criminal.警方还未得到可捉拿这个罪犯的足够情报。Can you give me any information on this matter?关于此事,你能给我提供什么消息吗?Your information is inaccurate and your conclusion is therefore wrong.你的信息不准确,所以你的结论是错误的。The development of the information technology is the greatest technological advance of the 20th century.信息技术的发展是二十世纪工业技术上的最大进步。
2023-07-22 18:34:411


information、news及 message的区别为:一、指代不同1、information:信息。2、news:新闻。3、message:口信。二、侧重点不同1、information:information和data作“资料”解时,前者仅指所获得、提供或描述的慨况,而不指具体的数据或资料,后者则指具体的资料。2、news:news普通用词,指主要通过报纸、广播和电视等报道的事件,强调消息的新闻性。3、message:message指通过书写、谈话和信号等方式所进行的通讯“信息”。三、引证用法不同1、information:information的意思是“信息,消息; 资料; 情报”,是不可数名词,没有复数形式,如果“一则消息”可以说a piece of information,“许多信息”是many pieces of information。2、news:news的基本意思是“新闻,消息”,指最近发生的公众感兴趣的事情或最近变化了的情况; 也可指电视、广播或报纸上对最近事情的报道。3、message:message的基本意思是“信息,口信”,可指人通过观察、阅读或与人交往所获得的任何信息,但不一定都准确。也可指报纸、电台或电视等传播媒体所发布的信息。
2023-07-22 18:34:501


信息information是不可数名词。 information:;消息;情报;资料;资讯; 派生词: informational adj. 扩展资料   The document was a composite of information from various sources.   这份文件是不同来源信息的综合。   A revolution in information technology is taking place.   信息技术正在发生巨变。   Several people came forward with information.   有几个人自动站出来提供了信息。   The information is available on the Internet.   从互联网上可得到这个信息。
2023-07-22 18:35:421


information是信息的意思。information的意思是信息、消息、资料、情报,是不可数名词,没有复数形式。一则消息可以说apiece ofinformation,许多信息是many pieces ofinformation。information还可作通知,告知,是不可数名词。固定短语information desk服务台,问询处、information system信息系统、information technology信息技术、information management信息管理,资讯管理。
2023-07-22 18:36:091


information可以用作名词。 information还可作“通知,告知”解,是不可数名词。 information后面可接由that引导的同位语从句。 扩展资料   information的意思是“信息,消息; 资料; 情报”,是不可数名词,没有复数形式,如果“一则消息”可以说a piece of information,“许多信息”是many pieces of information。也可作“知识”解,其后常接介词on〔about, concerning〕。
2023-07-22 18:36:391

information、 news及message的区别是什么?

information、news及 message的区别为:一、指代不同1、information:信息。2、news:新闻。3、message:口信。二、侧重点不同1、information:information和data作“资料”解时,前者仅指所获得、提供或描述的慨况,而不指具体的数据或资料,后者则指具体的资料。2、news:news普通用词,指主要通过报纸、广播和电视等报道的事件,强调消息的新闻性。3、message:message指通过书写、谈话和信号等方式所进行的通讯“信息”。三、引证用法不同1、information:information的意思是“信息,消息; 资料; 情报”,是不可数名词,没有复数形式,如果“一则消息”可以说a piece of information,“许多信息”是many pieces of information。2、news:news的基本意思是“新闻,消息”,指最近发生的公众感兴趣的事情或最近变化了的情况; 也可指电视、广播或报纸上对最近事情的报道。3、message:message的基本意思是“信息,口信”,可指人通过观察、阅读或与人交往所获得的任何信息,但不一定都准确。也可指报纸、电台或电视等传播媒体所发布的信息。
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information 只能用作不可数名词, 不能说an information 或者 informations。但是, 当指别人告诉的某一特定事实时, 可以说 a piece of information 或 an item of information。
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2023-07-22 18:39:021


information是不可数名词。意思是信息,消息,情报,资料,资讯。例句:The police haven"t got enough information to catch the criminal。作为“资料,信息,情报”的意思时(除了指控意外),是不可数名词,没有复数形式,也不能加a。但是可以说a piece of information和an item of information. 来表达一则信息,也就是说它有时候可数,有时候不可数,需要根据实际语境进行分析。扩展资料:英语不可数名词很多,很难一一列出。有时又一词多义,在一种情况下可数,而在另一种情况下又不可数。需要我们注意区别。总体来讲,词义属抽象、物质、属类、学科时,多为不可数,一旦实指物体,则必可数。
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2023-07-22 18:37:371


2017 年12月第1套:互相尊重 作文题目: Directions: u2003u2003For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying “Respect others, and you will be respected.” You can cite examples to illustrate your views. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 参考范文: u2003u2003A saying goes that “Respect others, and you will be respected”. Simple as the saying is, its meaning is profound and thought-provoking. Evidently, it is meant to tell us that being respected by others is derived from respecting others. u2003u2003Actually, all men are born to be equal and respect or esteem is the basic need of men. In other words, people cannot live freely and comfortably without others" respect or esteem. Taking a look around we can also find examples too many to enumerate. Don"t make a joke with others, like appearance, social status, health conditions, since everyone has the right to be respected as a member of the society. It is also a respectable behavior that there is no interruption when others are talking or doing work. Without respect, it is hard for one to gain friendship, confidence, trust and even happiness. u2003u2003Bring what has been discussed into consideration, respect matters in people"s mutual relationship. Respecting others shows one"s good upbringing and parenting. The more you respect others, the more you will be respected. 参考译文: u2003u2003俗话说:“尊重别人,别人才会尊重你。”这句话虽然简单,但它的含义却深刻而发人深省。显然,这是在告诉我们,被别人尊重是从尊重别人而来的。 u2003u2003事实上,所有人生来都是平等的,尊重或尊重是人的基本需求。换句话说,没有别人的尊重和尊重,人们不能自由和舒适地生活。环顾四周,我们也会发现不胜枚举的例子。不要和别人开玩笑,比如外貌、社会地位、健康状况,因为每个人都有被尊重为社会一员的权利。当别人说话或工作时,不打扰别人也是一种值得尊敬的行为。没有尊重,一个人很难获得友谊,信心,信任,甚至幸福。 u2003u2003考虑到所讨论的,尊重问题在人们的相互关系中。尊重他人体现了良好的教养和教养。你越尊重别人,别人就会越尊重你。 2017 年12月第2套:互相帮助 作文题目: Directions: u2003u2003For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying “Help others, and you will be helped when you are in need.” You can cite examples to illustrate your views. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 参考范文: u2003u2003With the development and progress of the society, our government has paid great attention on constructing a harmonious society. To my way of thinking, it needs the joint efforts of every citizen to achieve this great goal. u2003u2003As a nation renowned in the world for many of its virtues, our Chinese people have been practicing mutual help throughout the history. Just as the saying goes: “Help others, and you will be helped when you are in need.” To put it simply, those who are always ready to help others will certainly get a lot more back when they are in need of help, for everything in this world is mutual. Suppose once you were helped by a warm-hearted person, you would definitely feel grateful. Next time when someone else is in need of the same help as you, will you stand by and do nothing? Absolutely not! u2003u2003I do hope that every one of us can bear in mind that actions speaks louder than words. After all, it is easier said than done. Only by practicing practical actions of mutual help, can our society be full of love and become more harmonious. 参考译文: u2003u2003随着社会的发展和进步,我国政府非常重视构建和谐社会。在我看来,这需要每个公民的共同努力来实现这个伟大的目标。 u2003u2003作为一个以许多美德闻名于世的国家,中国人民自古以来就践行着互帮互助的精神。正如谚语所说:“帮助别人,你会在需要的时候得到帮助。”简单地说,那些总是准备帮助别人的人肯定会得到更多的回报,当他们需要帮助时,因为在这个世界上的一切都是相互的。假如你曾经得到一个热心人的帮助,你一定会感到感激。下次当别人需要和你一样的帮助时,你会袖手旁观吗?绝对不是! u2003u2003我希望我们每个人都能记住,行动胜于语言。毕竟,说起来容易做起来难。只有通过实践互助的实际行动,我们的社会才能充满爱,变得更加和谐。 2017 年12月第3套:互相理解 作文题目: Directions: u2003u2003For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying “Seek to understand others, and you will be understood.” You can cite examples to illustrate your views. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 参考范文: u2003u2003There is a proverb going like this, “Seek to understand others, and you will be understood.” Simple as the saying is, its implication deserves exploring. From my perspective, the real sense of the proverb lies in mutual understanding. u2003u2003One of the reasons that mutual understanding is so vital is that it forms the basis of all friendships and relationships. Mutual understanding allows existing differences between two or more partied to be acknowledged, accepted and respected, so that common ground and a collective vision can be found. This is true regardless of whether the relationship is between individuals, businesses or even countries. For example, the US and British governments may not see eye to eye on every issue, but they have been able to put aside their differences and forge a friendship and alliance supported by their shared values. We may not fully agree with other people"s opinions or beliefs. However, by understanding the reasons behind their words and actions, we can learn to “disagree without being disagreeable”so that quarrels are averted. u2003u2003Therefore, for those who wish to build lasting relationships, prevent conflict with others, seeking and achieving mutual understanding with others is not only important, but essential. 参考译文: u2003u2003谚语有云,“寻求理解他人,你就会被理解”。虽然这个谚语很简单,但是其内涵值得探索。在我看来,这个谚语的真正含义在于相互理解。 u2003u2003相互理解如此关键的原因之一是它是所有友谊和各种关系的基础。相互理解使得两方或多方已有的分歧被认可、接受和尊重,因此共同的立场和观点也得以形成。这一点不管是对个人之间还是公司间还是国家间的关系都是适用的。比如说美国和英国政府可能并不是每个问题上都意见完全一致,但他们可以放下分歧,在共同的价值观基础上形成友谊和联盟。我们可能不完全同意他人的观点或信念。不过通过了解他们言论和行为背后的原因,我们可以学着“表达不同意见,但仍保持友善态度”,从而避免争吵。 u2003u2003因此,对于那些希望建立长久关系,防止跟他人冲突的人来说,寻求并获得与他人相互理解不仅是重要的,而且是必要的。 2017 年6月第1套:国内还是国外读大学 作文题目: Directions: u2003u2003Suppose you are asked to give advice on whether to attend college at home or abroad, write an essay to state your opinion. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 参考范文: u2003u2003In recent years, an increasing number of students choose to attend college abroad, while some, financially challenging or not, still regard going to school at home as their first choice. It is obvious that this phenomenon has been the concern of many people. From my perspective of view, to study abroad has both benefits and drawbacks. u2003u2003There is no doubt that students are benefiting tremendously from attending college abroad. Those who study at a world famous university can not only broaden their horizons but also gain better job opportunities. As exposed to foreign cultures and customs, overseas students can immerse themselves in the nation"s language. As to studying abroad, certainly, some drawbacks does exist. First, living away from home can be challenging and even frustrating to some extent. Moreover, the language barrier may cause difficulties for students whose language skill is not good enough. In addition, some students even experience culture shock in the alien environment as a result of unfamiliarity and maladjustment. u2003u2003All in all, in order to achieve a colorful as well as meaningful experience in your life, students having the idea of studying abroad must be well prepared for all the possibilities they may encounter before making final decisions. 参考译文: u2003u2003近年来,越来越多的学生选择出国留学,然而,不管经济条件如何,一些学生仍然把在国内上大学作为首选。很明显,这种现象一直受到人们的关注。在我看来,出国留学有利有弊。 u2003u2003毫无疑问,出国留学让学生受益匪浅。那些在世界名校读书的学生不仅可以开阔眼界,而且可以获得更好的工作机会。因为接触国外的文化和习俗,留学生可以让自己融入该国语言。当然,关于出国留学,也存在一定的弊端。首先,从某种程度上来说,远离家乡是具有一定的挑战性的,甚至是令人沮丧的。对于语言技能不够好的学生,语言障碍也可能造成一定的困难。此外,在陌生的环境,由于不熟悉和不适应,一些学生甚至经历了文化冲击。   u2003u2003总的来说,为了获得人生中一段丰富多彩而且有意义的经历,有出国留学想法的学生在做出最终的决定之前一定要做好可能遭遇各种可能性的准备。 2017 年6月第2套:文科还是理科 作文题目: Directions: u2003u2003Suppose you are asked to give advice on whether to major in humanities or science, write an essay to state your opinion. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 参考范文: u2003u2003The heated discussion about the best choice in selecting the major:humanities or science has never stopped in the past few years. Opinions on the topic vary greatly among people. Some believe that it is a better choice to acquire knowledge in science, but others consider it better to dig into the humanities. u2003u2003As for me, I totally agree with the former choice with the following reasons presented below. Initially, one of the most important reasons cited by people is that to major in science can not only improve one"s logical thinking ability but also sharpen one"s insight in daily routine, which is of great importance in one"s growth. Additionally, acquiring scientific knowledge contributes greatly to one"s success in this world with rapid development of science and technology. u2003u2003From my perspective, it is crucial that modern education should encourage people to be practitioners. What"s more, one of the most critical factors we should take into consideration is that people should understand the meaning and value of scientific knowledge. Only in this way can we achieve greater success. 参考译文: u2003u2003在过去几年中,选择文科专业还是理科专业这个话题一直都是热议的话题。人们对这个话题意见不一。一些人认为理科是好的选择,而有些人认为文科是好选择。 u2003u2003对于我而言,我选择理科,有以下理由:首先,人们想到的选择理科最为重要的原因为,理科不仅可以提升一个人的逻辑能力,还可以提高自身在日常生活中的洞察力,这是非常有助于学生的成长的。而且,学习理科知识可以极大的帮助学生在这个科技快速发展的世界中获得成功。 u2003u2003从我的角度出发,现代教育鼓励学生成为实践者是非常关键的。而且,我们应该考虑到的重要原因之一是人们需要理解科学知识的重要意义。只有这样,我们才可以更好的获得成功。 2017 年6月第3套:读技校还是大学 作文题目: Directions: u2003u2003Suppose you are asked to give advice on whether to attend a vocational college or a university, write an essay to state your opinion. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 参考范文: u2003u2003With the flourish of education industry, modern students are faced with more alternatives to continue their further education. Both attending a vocational college or a university serves as two main options for the high school graduates. In terms of which to choose and what to be taken into consideration, I shall advise as follows: u2003u2003Primarily, self-orientation matters the most when it comes to a issue like this. Obviously, the main task of vocational college is cultivating human resource with practical capability. Instead, university serves as the cradle of academic researchers in different areas. Therefore, being aware of your self-expectation with a clear future blueprint lays a foundation for this important decision. u2003u2003Apart from what has been mentioned above, personal interest also plays a key role in it. For both passion and motivation are derived from interest, which not only decide how far you can reach academically and professionally but also how happy and fulfilled you will be. u2003u2003To sum up, a clear recognition of self-orientation and personal interest will decide whether you will tick the box of vocational college or university. Only in this way can we get the most out of the further education. 参考译文: u2003u2003随着教育产业的蓬勃发展,现在的学生们与过去相比,面对更多高等教育的不同选择。进入职业学院或进入综合大学学习是高中毕业生两个主要的出路。如何进行选择,应该考虑哪些因素?我所给出的建议如下: u2003u2003首先,自我定位非常重要。众所周知,职业院校旨在培养有实际能力的人才。而综合性大学主要培养各学科学术研究型人才。因此,清楚知晓自身预期,拥有一个清晰的未来蓝图,是做出这一重要选择的基础。 u2003u2003除此之外,个人兴趣也很重要。热情和动力都来自于兴趣。兴趣不仅决定个人在职业或者学术上能走多远,并且也决定你的幸福和满足感。 u2003u2003综上所述,清晰认识自我定位和个人兴趣,是决定进入职业学校还是综合大学所要考虑的问题。只有这样,我们才能更好的利用宝贵的深造机会。 感谢观看,记得点赞收藏哦~~ 点赞的都能过!!!
2023-07-22 18:37:391


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(一)I appreciate this elective elective movies because if teacher, a ~ of what more easily easily that a few credits, and second, because in no English course can use another way to learn to improve English ~ ~ freedom Increase my vocabulary ~ ~ ~
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求终结者外传莎拉传第二季中《Donald Where’s Your Trousers》的歌词

歌曲名称:Donald Where"s Your Trousers演唱:群星所属专辑:The Greatest Scottish Karaoke…Ever!歌曲时长:1分58歌曲语言:英语歌词:I just down from the Isle of Skye I"m no very big but I"m awful shy All the lassies shout as I walk by, "Donald, Where"s Your Trousers?" Let the wind blow high and the wind blow low Through the streets in my kilt I go All the lassies cry, "Hello! Donald, where"s your trousers?" I went to a fancy ball It was slippery in the hall I was afeared that I may fall Because I nay had on trousers I went down to London town To have a little fun in the underground All the Ladies turned their heads around, saying, "Donald, where"s your trousers?" The lassies love me every one But they must catch me if they can You canna put the breeks on a highland man, saying, "Donald, where"s your trousers?"
2023-07-22 18:37:273


As also the hero, lost heroes also. You will always be the true heroes we have in mind, the first person who crossed the finish line of course is our idol, and the runway is still worked hard for the Olympic spirit, more worthy of our respect Chong, never give up, never admit defeat, the end of not really the end, sports is bound to break through the limits of humanity. 成亦英雄,败亦英雄。你永远是我们心目中真正的英雄,第一个冲过终点的人当然是我们的偶像,而尚在跑道上为了奥林匹克精神奋力拼搏的,更值得我们敬崇、永不放弃,永不服输、终点并不是真正的终点,体育必将冲破人类的极限。 Perhaps your failure is a shame, a hope dashed. Months of hard training and hopes go down the drain in a twinkling of an eye, make you depressed, sad, but tried to see if you worked hard for the moment. With tears in his eyes we do not think so, you are courageous, you are strong, you use your determination to complete your task. Proud to see the success or failure in life, we should start all over again, to feel proud of you. 或许失败对于你来说是一种耻辱,是一种希望的破灭。几个月的艰辛训练和满怀的希望在一刹那间付诸东流,令你沮丧,令人悲伤,但看看你用尽全力奋力拼搏的一刹那。眼眶中含着泪水的我们不这么想,你是勇敢的,你是坚强的,你用你那顽强的意志完成了你的任务。看成败人生豪迈,我们应从头再来,为你感到了骄傲。The winner is you. We do many things for you! Now you do many things for us. We are proud of you! You are the best, because you believe yourself, you are the bravest, because you have power. You are the cutest, too. Because you tell us you are able to do that! You can open the prologue of win the score. You also give sportsman cheer. Go! Rush! We can do it! You are a monument, you are also a flag. Just do it! You are the winner. Because we believe you! Cantabile sport, but there is no timeless tone. You do not know when it would play, when will it drop; sports such as tender round, but there is no change of direction, you do not know when to go, when to stay. Athletes, when you ride in the sports arena, you will conquer the others, you will conquer its own. In this highly competitive sports arena, there is success there is failure, it ran a successful flower-hyun rotten, and the failure of the snow is also lovely. We have seen hope in San Fan middle school. We see hope, hope to see tomorrow!
2023-07-22 18:37:251

如何在Samsung Galaxy平板电脑上进行无线打印

目录方法1:添加Wi-Fi打印机1、打开无线打印机。2、将平板电脑和打印机连接到同一个Wi-Fi网络。3、打开平板电脑的"设置"4、点击连接5、点击更多连接设置6、点击打印7、点击打印插件。8、将开关滑动到开位置9、点击要添加的打印机。方法2:用Wi-Fi打印机打印1、把平板电脑和打印机连接到同一个Wi-Fi网络。2、打开要打印的文件。3、在打开的文件中点击菜单图标?。4、点击打印5、选择你的打印机。6、点击黄色打印机图标进行打印,它通常位于右上角。方法3:使用蓝牙打印机1、在平板电脑上启用蓝牙。2、将打印机设置为蓝牙配对模式。3、选择平板电脑上的蓝牙打印机。4、点击平板电脑上的连接5、打开要打印的文件。6、点击"分享"7、从菜单中选择蓝牙8、点击蓝牙打印机。本文教你如何从Samsung Galaxy平板电脑上打印照片、文档和其他类型的文件。如果你有无线打印机,你可以从“Play商店”下载一个应用程序,把它添加到平板电脑上。如果打印机没有联网,但有蓝牙功能,你可以将它与平板电脑配对,然后从“共享”菜单中打印。方法1:添加Wi-Fi打印机1、打开无线打印机。如果打印机尚未联网,打开它,并将它连接到Wi-Fi网络上 。你只需在第一次设置打印机时就可以完成这个方法。2、将平板电脑和打印机连接到同一个Wi-Fi网络。你需要连接到打印机所在的网络上才能进行无线打印。要想将平板电脑连接到Wi-Fi,打开设置应用程序,点击Wi-Fi,如果它还没有激活,就打开它。如果你还没有连接网络,点击网络名称,然后在出现提示时输入密钥。3、打开平板电脑的"设置"。它的图标像是一个齿轮,你可以在应用菜单中找到它。4、点击连接。它是"设置"菜单顶部的第一个选项。这样将显示连接设置。如果你使用的是7.1.1或更早版本的软件,请改为点击更多。5、点击更多连接设置。它在"连接设置"菜单的底部附近。注意: 根据你的安卓版本,你可能会看到一个带有更多字样的不同选项,比如更多设置或更多网络。点击你看到的那个选项——如果你看到里面有打印的选项,那就说明你选对了。6、点击打印。菜单名称会有所不同,具体取决于你使用的安卓版本。7、点击打印插件。你可以点击三星打印服务插件以便选择默认的三星打印插件,或者点击默认打印服务以便选择默认的安卓打印服务。或者,你可以通过点击下载插件来打开Google Play商店里的第三方插件列表,以便添加一个新的打印插件。在那里,你可以点击想使用的其他插件,里面包括第三方插件或特定打印机品牌的插件(比如惠普、利盟等)。点击你想安装的插件,然后点击安装来安装该插件。然后,你可以在"设置"菜单的"打印"下选择这个插件。8、将开关滑动到开位置。你现在就可以添加打印机了。9、点击要添加的打印机。Galaxy平板电脑会自动扫描网络,搜索可用的无线打印机。点击你想添加的无线打印机。这样将自动连接打印机。方法2:用Wi-Fi打印机打印1、把平板电脑和打印机连接到同一个Wi-Fi网络。你需要连接到打印机所在的网络才能进行无线打印。2、打开要打印的文件。你可以从"Google文档"、"Google云端硬盘"、网页浏览器,以及几乎任何其他应用程序中打印文件。3、在打开的文件中点击菜单图标?。它是屏幕右上角三个垂直圆点的图标。4、点击打印选项。这样将显示打印预览屏幕。如果你在菜单中没有找到这个选项,那就点击共享或共享并导出选项。它的图标通常是由两条线连接起来的三个点。然后点击打印。5、选择你的打印机。如果你在屏幕左上角看到除了想要使用的打印机之外的其他内容,那么点击菜单,并选择你的打印机。小提示:如果你没有看到你的打印机,确保你连接的是同一个Wi-Fi网络。6、点击黄色打印机图标进行打印,它通常位于右上角。这样就会将所选文件发送到无线打印机。方法3:使用蓝牙打印机1、在平板电脑上启用蓝牙。如果你无法使用Wi-Fi打印机,但可以通过蓝牙连接到打印机,按照以下步骤在平板电脑上启用蓝牙:从主屏幕顶部向下滑动,打开通知面板。点击右上角的齿轮。点击左侧栏中的蓝牙。将右侧面板的切换按钮滑动到"打开"(蓝色)位置。平板电脑将扫描可用的蓝牙设备。如果你看到一个单独的选项来"使该设备可发现",按照屏幕上的说明操作。2、将打印机设置为蓝牙配对模式。有时当你打开打印机时就能通过蓝牙发现它,但其他打印机需要你按下按钮或选择菜单。请查阅打印机品牌的用户手册或制造商的网页,了解如何让打印机进入蓝牙配对模式。3、选择平板电脑上的蓝牙打印机。如果Galaxy自动检测到打印机,你可以点击打印机的名称(或制造商名称)来连接。如果没有,点击搜索新设备再次进行搜索。4、点击平板电脑上的连接。这样就会使平板电脑与打印机配对。根据不同的打印机,你可能需要输入PIN来完成连接。查阅打印机的使用手册(或上网搜索),以找到正确的PIN。注意:如果打印机有屏幕,检查屏幕,看看是否需要在打印机上确认连接。5、打开要打印的文件。并不是所有的应用程序都支持蓝牙打印,但是你通常可以从任何带有"分享"选项的应用中打印文档和照片。6、点击"分享"菜单。位置可能会有所不同,但通常可以在屏幕底部,或菜单中找到它。7、从菜单中选择蓝牙。图标看起来像一个侧面的领结。这样将会出现一个蓝牙设备列表。8、点击蓝牙打印机。这样就会把文档发送到打印机。如果文件没有开始自动打印,检查打印机屏幕,如有必要进行确认。
2023-07-22 18:37:231