barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-19 17:50:27


When repeating a statement to emphasize it, the writer may need to vary its form. Otherwise, the writer should follow the principle of parallel construction.

如果几个句子成分在内容和功能上相似,让它们具有相似的表达形式可以达到更好的阅读效果。这就是英文中的平行结构(parallel construction)。

This principle, that of parallel construction, requires that expressions similar in content and function be outwardly similar.

例1:Formerly, science was taught by the textbook method, while now the laboratory method is employed.

分析:前半句和后半句在意思上是对应的,可是前面是science作主语,后面又是the laboratory method作主语;后半句的主语对应的是前半句的宾语。对比的效果不太好。这里考虑使用parallel construction,让它们有相似的结构,来加强这种对比的效果,如下:

建议修改为:Formerly, science was taught by the textbook method; now it is taught by the laboratory method.





例2:The treatment group, the model group, and control group had ….


建议修改为:The treatment group, the model group, and the control group had ….

或者The treatment group, model group, and control group had … (第一个the把后面全管了)

例3:in spring, summer, or in winter


建议修改为:in spring, summer, or winter 或者in spring, in summer, or in winter)



例4:His speech was marked by disagreement and scorn for his opponent"s position.


建议修改为:His speech was marked by disagreement with and scorn for his opponent"s position.


“both, and”、“not, but”、“not only, but also”、“either, or”、“first, second, third”等常用搭配要接相同的结构,举例如下:

例5:It was both a long ceremony and very tedious.


建议修改为:The ceremony was both long and tedious.

例6:A time not for words but action.


建议修改为:A time not for words but for action.

例7:Either you must grant his request or incur his ill will.


建议修改为:You must either grant his request or incur his ill will.

例8:My objections are, first, the injustice of the measure; second, that it is unconstitutional.


建议修改为:My objections are, first, that the measure is unjust; second, that it is unconstitutional.



formerly意思是“以前;原来”,具体解释如下:1.具体释义:formerly,英语单词,主要用作副词使用,作副词的意思是“以前,原来,原先,以前,从前,刚才,先头”,表示以前发生的事情。2.短语搭配:Formerly Fur建造皮毛,功能实在强大制作皮毛,Goodbye formerly再见从前He formerly用他的原名。3.双语例句:Formerly you do that cake, and I still consider that she does.那个蛋糕原来是你做的,我还以为是她做的呢。Formerly my father always asked me what I would be in the future .以前我的父亲总是问我什么,我会在将来。I have nothing to talk about my life in that time, just I don"t like myself formerly !没有什么可谈论我的生活在那个时候,只是我不喜欢自己以前的! 
2023-01-04 07:46:581


2023-01-04 07:47:113


formerly英[ˈfɔ:məli]美[ˈfɔ:rmərli]adv.原来,原先; 以前,从前; 刚才; 先头网络以前; 从前; 原来双语例句 East Germany"s formerly state-controlled companies东德原来的国有公司
2023-01-04 07:47:261


2023-01-04 07:47:3215


2023-01-04 07:48:221


  你知道过去的英文是什么吗?一起来学习一下吧!    过去的英文是什么: past    过去的英文是什么: formerly    过去的英文是什么: previously   过去的英文是什么例句:   1. I must have driven past that place thousands of times.   我得有上千次开车经过那里。   2. When Myra told Karp she"d expose his past, he blew up.   当迈拉告诉卡普她会把他的过去全抖搂出去时,卡普大为光火。   3. They had almost reached the boat when a figure shot past them.   他们差不多快到船边时,一个人影从他们旁边飞奔而过。   4. This boat was formerly used on the rivers of China.   这船从前航行在中国内河里.   5. Formerly most of our household utensils were made of brass.   以前我们家庭用的器皿多数是用黄铜做的.   6. Formerly he often lingered around a park doing nothing.   从前他一直在公园闲荡,无所事事.   7. Formerly he often lingered about [ around ] a park, doing nothing.   从前他时常在公园里 逛荡, 无所事事.   8. This formerly inaccessible place can now be reached by road and rail.   这里过去是穷乡僻壤,现在铁路公路都畅通了.   9. I know him well because he was formerly my fellow worker.   我所以对他熟悉,是因为我和他一起工作过.   10. Formerly [ In the past ] the place was a heap of ruins.   当初这里是一片废墟.   11. Radiation may damage cells in a way that was previously unforeseen.   辐射可能以一种我们过去未能预见到的方式破坏细胞。   12. Spassky had never previously lost to his antagonist.   斯帕斯基以往从未输给过他的对手。   13. Marine life was discovered at depths previously thought to be azoic.   在先前被认为没有任何生命迹象的海洋深处发现了海洋生物。   14. deviation from the previously accepted norms   违背事先接受的准则   15. a previously undiscovered talent   以前没被发掘的天才
2023-01-04 07:48:281


formerly 一度, 以前曾经,相当 于once/ at one time before 在…之前, Mary had finished her homework before her mother returned.
2023-01-04 07:48:341


long time ago
2023-01-04 07:48:404

before和formerly 什么区别?

formerly 一度, 以前曾经,相当 于once/ at one timebefore 在…之前,Mary had finished her homework before her mother returned.
2023-01-04 07:48:591


fromer的副词是formerly,意为.以前;原来例句formerly you do that cake, and I still consider that she does.那个蛋糕原来是你做的,我还以为是她做的呢。
2023-01-04 07:49:051


英语中ago、ever、、怎么区分?这些单词之间,除了汉语意思相近外,没有多少联系.ago ad. 多久以前,如:long long ago 很久很久以前,用法主要与时态有关:一段时间+ago,动词用过去式v+ed形式,since+ 一段时间+ago动词用现在完成式have+v+ed形式ever ad.以前,曾经,主要与时态有关,常用于现在完成式have+ever+v+ed形式中,表以前的经历previously ad. 事先,以前,仓促地;不成熟地, 与时态无关,单纯表以前的情况formerly ad. 一度, 以前,相当于once/ at one time我这样解答,你绝对能理解他们间的区别了吧!愿你对我的答复满意!
2023-01-04 07:49:141


从前 before,once从前的 former,long-ago,olden
2023-01-04 07:49:206


你好!我觉着应该把句子调整一下更好。 It says that tropical storms formerly claimed dozens of lives, if not hundreds, each year in cuba。它(据报道)说,在古巴以往每年的热带风暴夺走了,如果不是数百,至少几十人的生命。 it 主语 tropical storms formerly claimed dozens of lives, if not hundreds, each year in cuba。宾语从句。 tropical storms 从句主语 claimed 从句谓语 dozens of lives 从句宾语 formerly,each year, in cuba。从句状语 if not hundreds 插入语,宾语补足语。以上仅供参考!
2023-01-04 07:49:432


  从前这个词语是我们回忆往事时经常使用的,也是英语作文写作中的一个高频词。但是很多人只知道从前的英文是before。下面是我为你整理的从前的英文,希望大家喜欢!   从前的英文   1.formerly   2.previously   3.before   4.once upon a time   5.long since the past   formerly的例句   1. Namibia, formerly known as South West Africa   纳米比亚,旧称西南非洲   2. This area was formerly within the sphere of influence of the US.   这一地区先前属于美国的势力范围。   3. We now enjoy these comforts of which formerly we had only heard.   我们现在享受到了过去只是听说过的那些舒适条件.   4. This boat was formerly used on the rivers of China.   这船从前航行在中国内河里.   5. Formerly most of our household utensils were made of brass.   以前我们家庭用的器皿多数是用黄铜做的.   6. Formerly he often lingered around a park doing nothing.   从前他一直在公园闲荡,无所事事.   7. Formerly he often lingered about [ around ] a park, doing nothing.   从前他时常在公园里 逛荡, 无所事事.   8. This formerly inaccessible place can now be reached by road and rail.   这里过去是穷乡僻壤,现在铁路公路都畅通了.   9. I know him well because he was formerly my fellow worker.   我所以对他熟悉,是因为我和他一起工作过.   10. Formerly [ In the past ] the place was a heap of ruins.   当初 这里是一片废墟.   in the past造句   1. In the past he dallied with actresses and lady novelists.   他过去曾与许多女演员和女小说家调情。   2. In the past this process of transition has often proven difficult.   过去这一过渡过程常常很艰难。   3. Experiences in the past become a part of us, affecting our tomorrows.   过去的经历成为我们的一部分,影响我们的未来。   4. A dozen inmates have absconded from Forest Jail in the past year.   去年共有12名犯人从福雷斯特监狱逃脱。   5. In the past conservatives have been in the minority.   过去保守派一直占少数。   6. In Petersburg, 30 patrolmen have died violently in the past five years.   在彼得斯堡,过去5年中有30名巡警死于暴力事件。   7. This tradition is also firmly rooted in the past.   这个传统同样深深地植根于过去。   8. Agriculture was based in the past on the family as a unit.   过去的农业是以家庭为单位的。   9. In the past they have been the target of racist abuse.   过去,他们一直是种族虐待的对象。   10. In the past he has pooh-poohed suggestions that he might succeed Isaacs.
2023-01-04 07:49:531


long ago
2023-01-04 07:49:598

原来是这样啊 英语怎么说

so that,s what it is.
2023-01-04 07:50:283


下蛋的英文Lay eggs,躺的英文lie,说谎的英文lying,过去的英文past单词解析1、Lay eggs英 [leɪ eɡz]   美 [leɪ eɡz]  产卵;下蛋例句:All birds lay eggs. 鸟都下蛋。2、lie英 [laɪ]   美 [laɪ]  v.躺;平躺;平卧;平放;处于,保留,保持(某种状态)例句:I should lie down for a bit, if I were you. 如果我是你,我就会躺一会儿。3、lying英 [ˈlaɪɪŋ]   美 [ˈlaɪɪŋ]  v.说谎;撒谎;编造谎言例句:know he"s lying 我知道他在说谎。4、past英 [pɑːst]   美 [pæst]  adj.过去的;昔日的;刚过去的;刚结束的;从前的;以往的n.过去;昔日;过去的事情;(某人)过去的经历(或事业)例句:Now it is different from the past. 现在和过去不同了。扩展资料past近义词: formerly;previously1、formerly英 [ˈfɔːməli]   美 [ˈfɔːrmərli]  adv.以前;从前例句:He had formerly been in the Navy. 他从前在海军服役。2、previously英 [ˈpriːviəsli]   美 [ˈpriːviəsli]  adv.先前;以前;(一段时间)以前例句:Guyana"s railways were previously owned by private companies 圭亚那的铁路以前是归私有企业所有的。
2023-01-04 07:50:406


Egypt[5i:dVIpt]n.埃及EgyptE.gyptAHD:[¶“j¹pt] Formerly (1958-1961年) United Ar.ab Republic[²r“…b] D.J.[6i8d9ipt] Formerly (1958-1961年) United Ar.ab Republic[6#r*b]K.K.[6id9!pt] Formerly (1958-1961年) United Ar.ab Republic[6#r*b]NONE(无词性)A country of northeast Africa on the Mediterranean Sea. In ancient times it was a flourishing kingdom and one of the earliest known civilizations, producing magnificent structures and delicate works of art. After the seventh century b.c. the kingdom declined, falling to various conquerors ranging from the Assyrians, Greeks, and Romans to the Turks, French, and British. It became an independent state in 1922. Cairo is the capital and the largest city. Population, 48,503,000. 埃及,阿拉伯埃及共和国:靠近地中海的东北非国家,在古代是盛极一时的王国,是已知的最早文明发源地之一。建造宏伟的建筑和精致的艺术品。公元前 7世纪后王国衰落,落入从亚述人、希腊人、罗马人到土耳其人、法国人和英国人的外族统治者手中。在1922年成为独立国家。开罗是其首都和最大城市。人口48,503,000
2023-01-04 07:51:111


过去的英文:formerly英 ["fɔːməli]     美 ["fɔːrmərli]    adv. 以前;从前。This boat was formerly used on the rivers of China.这船从前航行在中国内河里。Formerly banquests and royal examinations were held here.从前御宴和御试都在这里举行的。近义词:before 英 [bɪ"fɔː(r)]     美 [bɪ"fɔːr]    conj. 在 ... 以前。pref. 在 ... 以前;在..前面。adv. 以前;以往;之前。B comes before C in the alphabet.B在字母表里排在C之前。He made a statement before the House of Commons.他在下议院当众发表了一个声明。
2023-01-04 07:51:161


选previously副词以前,其它last, once formerly一般不用在这个语境。
2023-01-04 07:51:274


considered属于被动,但它在句子中不做谓语成分,不能加were,theories的谓语是are found
2023-01-04 07:51:454


lately中文意思:adv. 最近一、读音:英 ["leɪtli];美 ["leɪtli]    二、例句:I haven"t had enough sleep lately.最近我睡眠不足。三、词汇用法/搭配:lately是副词,意思是“近来,最近”,常用于完成时的否定句或疑问句,有时也可用于一般现在时,表示一种喜好、兴趣等,还可与一般过去时连用,用于肯定句中。在肯定句中, lately常与only, much, a lot of等连用。扩展资料:近义词:formerly一、意思:adv. 以前;从前二、读音:英 ["fɔːməli];美 ["fɔːrmərli]    三、例句:I formerly worked in a casual dress environment.我以前工作的那个地方对着装没有特别的要求。
2023-01-04 07:51:591


过去的英文:formerly英 ["fɔːməli]     美 ["fɔːrmərli]    adv. 以前;从前。This boat was formerly used on the rivers of China.这船从前航行在中国内河里。Formerly banquests and royal examinations were held here.从前御宴和御试都在这里举行的。近义词:before 英 [bɪ"fɔː(r)]     美 [bɪ"fɔːr]    conj. 在 ... 以前。pref. 在 ... 以前;在..前面。adv. 以前;以往;之前。B comes before C in the alphabet.B在字母表里排在C之前。He made a statement before the House of Commons.他在下议院当众发表了一个声明。
2023-01-04 07:52:101


stand 在这里是“忍受”翻译如下:父母们经常面临两难境地:一方面他们认为孩子可以做有利于孩子发展的事,另一方面他们却难以忍受孩子们自由玩耍所制造的噪音和破坏。
2023-01-04 07:52:212


1.d formerly 从前2.c soundly 表示睡得很香,常用3.a consequently 结果4.b bring around 使信服,说服
2023-01-04 07:52:295


onceonceAHD:[w¾ns] D.J.[wJns]K.K.[wJns]adv.(副词)One time only:仅仅一次:once a day.一天一次At one time in the past; formerly.过去的某一时间;以前At any time; ever:从前;曾经:Once known, his face is never forgotten.曾经认识,他的面容让人永生难忘By one degree of relationship:关系相隔一代的:my first cousin once removed.我堂亲的孩子n.(名词)A single occurrence; one time:发生一次;一次:Once will have to do. You can go just this once.必须去做一次,你只去这一回conj.(连接词)As soon as; if ever; when:一…就;一旦;当…时:Once he goes, we can clean up.他一走,我们就能清理adj.(形容词)Having been formerly; former:曾经的;以前的:the once capital of the nation.该国以前的首都at onceAll at one time; simultaneously:立刻;同时:Everything happened at once. The view of the skyline is at once awesome, grand, and disappointing.所有的事都一起发生了。天边立刻呈现出令人敬畏的、壮丽的和令人沮丧的景色Immediately; instantly:立即;马上:Leave the room at once.马上离开这个房间at onceadv.立刻justjust 1AHD:[j¾st] D.J.[d9Jst]K.K.[d9Jst]adj.(形容词)Honorable and fair in one"s dealings and actions:正派的,公正的:行为举止正派,公平的:a just ruler.See Synonyms at fair 1公正的统治者参见 fair1Consistent with what is morally right; righteous:正义的:在道义上坚持合法的;正当的:a just cause.正义的事业Properly due or merited:应得的:just deserts.应得的奖赏Law Valid within the law; lawful:【法律】 合法的:在法律范围内有效的;依法的:just claims.合法的要求Suitable or proper in nature; fitting:恰当的:根本上适合的或适宜的;相称的:a just touch of solemnity.适度的庄重Based on fact or sound reason; well-founded:有充分根据的:以事实或合理的缘由为基础的;理由充足的:a just appraisal.有根有据的评价adv.(副词)AHD:[j…st, j¹st] [j¾st] 重读时 Precisely; exactly:精确地;正好,恰恰正是:just enough salt.正好足够的盐Only a moment ago:刚才,方才:He just arrived.他刚刚到达By a narrow margin; barely:勉强地,差一点就不:just missed being hit; just caught the bus before it pulled away.差点被击中;及时搭上即将启动的公共汽车At a little distance:距离不远地:just down the road.就在马路那头Merely; only:只,仅仅:just a scratch.只是一道刮痕Simply; certainly:完全地,简直:It"s just beautiful!简直太漂亮了!Perhaps; possibly:也许,可能:I just may go.我可能会走just aboutAlmost; very nearly:差不多,几乎:This job is just about done.这件工作差不多做完了just nowOnly a moment ago.刚才,不久以前just the sameNevertheless.然而,不过Middle English juste 中古英语 juste from Old French 源自 古法语 from Latin i¿s * see yewes- 源自 拉丁语 i¿s *参见 yewes- just“lyadv.(副词)just“nessn.(名词)sensesenseAHD:[sµns] D.J.[sens]K.K.[sWns]n.(名词)Any of the faculties by which stimuli from outside or inside the body are received and felt, as the faculties of hearing, sight, smell, touch, taste, and equilibrium.感觉:接受和感觉体外或体内刺激的能力,如听力、视力、嗅觉、触觉、味觉和平衡的官能A perception or feeling produced by a stimulus; sensation:感觉:由刺激产生的感觉或知觉;感觉:a sense of fatigue and hunger.疲劳和饥饿的感觉senses The faculties of sensation as means of providing physical gratification and pleasure. senses 官能:作为提供身体的满足和快乐的感觉的官能Intuitive or acquired perception or ability to estimate:直觉,意识:直觉的或已获得的估计的领悟力或能力:a sense of diplomatic timing.对时间有敏锐的意识A capacity to appreciate or understand:欣赏或理解的能力:a keen sense of humor.敏锐的幽默感A vague feeling or presentiment:觉得:模糊的感觉或预感:a sense of impending doom.对即将到来的厄运的预感Recognition or perception either through the senses or through the intellect; consciousness:意识:通过感官或智力的确认或感觉;意识:has no sense of shame.没有羞耻感Often senses Normal ability to think or reason soundly; correct judgment: 常作 senses 理智:正确地思考或推理的正常能力;正确的判断力:Come to your senses.回到你的理智中来Something sound or reasonable:合理:合理的或有道理的事物:There"s no sense in waiting three hours.等三小时是不合理的A meaning that is conveyed, as in speech or writing; signification:含义:要传达的意思,如在演说或文学作品中;含义:The sense of the novel is the inevitability of human tragedy.小说的含义是人类悲剧的不可避免性One of the meanings of a word or phrase:意思:单词或短语的一个意思:The wordset has many senses. See Synonyms at meaning 单词set 有很多意思 参见 meaningJudgment; consensus:宣告;一致意见:sounding out the sense of the electorate on capital punishment.陪审团宣告判决为死刑Intellectual interpretation, as of the significance of an event or the conclusions reached by a group:公众意见:由一群众作出的对事件的重要性或结论的理智解释:I came away from the meeting with the sense that we had resolved all outstanding issues.会议的结果是我们解决了所有悬而未决的问题及物动词)sensed,, To become aware of; perceive.感觉:意识到;感觉To grasp; understand.理解;领会To detect automatically:自动检测:sense radioactivity.自动检测放射性particularpar.tic.u.larAHD:[p…r-t¹k“y…-l…r, p…-t¹k“-] D.J.[p*6t!kj*l*, p*6t!k-]K.K.[p+6t!kj*l+, p*6t!k-]adj.Abbr. part.(形容词)缩写 part.Of, belonging to, or associated with a specific person, group, thing, or category; not general or universal:单独的,特殊的:属于某个特定的人、团体、事物或种类的或与之相关的;非一般或普遍的:She has a particular preference for Chinese art.她对中国艺术有特别的爱好Separate and distinct from others of the same group, category, or nature:特定的,个别的:与同一团体、范畴或种类的其他部分分离和区分出来的:We will make an exception in this particular case.我们将把这个例子当作例外Worthy of note; exceptional:特别的,特殊的:值得注意的;与众不同的:a piano performance of particular depth and fluidity.具有不同凡响的深度和流畅性的一次钢琴演奏Of, relating to, or providing details:详细的:细节的、与细节有关的或提供细节的:gave a particular description of the room.对这间房子进行详尽的描述Attentive to or concerned with details or niceties, often excessively so; meticulous or fussy.See Synonyms at detailed 挑剔的,苛求的:通常指过分地注意或涉及细节和细微区别的;谨小慎微的或小题大作的参见 detailedLogic Encompassing some but not all of the members of a class or group. Used of a proposition.【逻辑学】 特称的:包含一类或一个群体中的一些而非全体的。用于一个介词中n.(名词)An individual item, fact, or detail:一项,一点,一条:一个单独项、事实或细节:correct in every particular.See Synonyms at item 每一个细节都正确参见 itemOften particulars An item or a detail of information or news: 常作 particulars 详情,细节:情报或消息的一项或细节:The police refused to divulge the particulars of the case.警察拒绝透露案件的详情Often particulars A separate case or an individual thing or instance, especially one that can be distinguished from a larger category or class: 常作 particulars 特例,个别情况:单独的情况或个别的事情或例子,尤指一个可从大的种类或类别中区别出来的情况:“What particulars were ambushed behind these generalizations?”(Aldous Huxley)“这些一般结论背后隐含着什么特殊情况呢”(奥多斯·赫胥黎)Logic A particular proposition.【逻辑学】 特称命题in particularParticularly; especially.特殊地;尤其professionalpro.fes.sion.alAHD:[pr…-fµsh“…-n…l] D.J.[pr*6fe.*n*l]K.K.[pr*6fW.*n*l]adj.Abbr. prof.(形容词)缩写 prof.Of, relating to, engaged in, or suitable for a profession:专业的,职业的:职业的、与职业相关的、从事职业的或适合职业的:a professional field such as law; professional training.专业领域,如法律;职业训练Conforming to the standards of a profession:符合职业标准的:professional ethics.职业道德Engaging in a given activity as a source of livelihood or as a career:从事专业的,职业的:从事某一特定活动作为职业或谋生手段:amateur and professional actors.业余和专业演员Performed by persons receiving pay:职业性的:接受金钱报酬的人们从事的:professional football.职业足球Having or showing great skill; expert:专业化的:具有或表现出高超技艺的;专家的:a thoroughly professional repair job.完全专业化的修理工作n.Abbr. prof.(名词)缩写 prof.A person following a profession, especially a learned profession.专业人员:从事某项职业的人,尤指有学问的职业One who earns a living in a given or implied occupation:专业者:以特定职业为生的人:hired a professional to decorate the house.雇一名专业装饰工来装修房子A skilled practitioner; an expert.行家:技术熟练的行业者;专家
2023-01-04 07:53:466


超越; 对面; 毗邻; 在距离; 远; 这个对象; 用于这一目的; 该帐户; 在案件; 以期; 出于同样的原因。 换句话说; 这就是说; 因此,因此; 因此,因此; 因此;随即; 不可避免的; 在这种情况下; 作为一个结果; 因此; 在这一点; 后来;最后; 因此; 之后; 以前; 前此; 同时; 在长度; 与此同时; 与此同时; 后不久; 突然; 从这个时间; 不时; 下一个点; 原; 偶尔; 不久; 在这种情况下; 以前。
2023-01-04 07:54:093


2023-01-04 07:54:272


Affidavit/certificate/written proof/declaration某某was a full-time employee of our station during the period between March, 2005 and August 2006 and a part-time employee between October, 2006 and November 2007. Since March, 2008, 某某 has again worked as a full-time employee.
2023-01-04 07:54:407

be formerly known as是什么意思?

2023-01-04 07:55:074


各位朋友我现在学习新概念英语第四册24课这篇课文,遇见一句难懂的句子现在需要意会一下behind and beyond 就明白了。 born of indigestion这里的born of ,
2023-01-04 07:55:224


Moscow: [ "m�0�0sk�0�5u ] n. 莫斯科(俄罗斯首都)例句与用法: 1. Moscow is the capital of Russia. 莫斯科是俄罗斯的首都。 2. He lives in Moscow. 他生活在莫斯科。 3. He works at the American Embassy in Moscow. 他在莫斯科的美国驻俄大使馆工作。 4. The Government has signed a treaty with Moscow. 政府已与莫斯科签了一项条约。 5. `I"ve been to Moscow." `So have I." `我去过莫斯科.'`我也去过.' 6. It is thought that the Prime Minister will visit Moscow next month. 据估计首相於下月访问莫斯科. 英英解释: 名词moscow:1. a city of central European Russia; formerly capital of both the Soviet Union and Soviet Russia; since 1991 the capital of the Russian Federation同义词:capital of the Russian Federation, Russian capital Russia: [ "r�0�5�0�6�0�5 ] n. 俄罗斯例句与用法: 1. Russia used to be a very powerful country. 俄国曾是一个非常强大的国家。 2. Moscow is the capital of Russia. 莫斯科是俄罗斯的首都。 3. Some teachers went to Russia to be educated in fine arts. 有些老师去俄罗斯接受美术教育。 4. In1909 Russia possessed over41000 miles of railway. 1909年俄国有41000多英里的铁路。 英英解释: 名词russia:1. a former communist country in eastern Europe and northern Asia; established in 1922; included Russia and 14 other soviet socialist republics (Ukraine and Byelorussia and others); officially dissolved 31 December 1991同义词:Soviet Union, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, USSR2. formerly the largest Soviet Socialist Republic in the USSR occupying eastern Europe and northern Asia同义词:Soviet Russia, Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic3. a former empire in eastern Europe and northern Asia created in the 14th century with Moscow as the capital; powerful in the 17th and 18th centuries under Peter the Great and Catherine the Great when Saint Petersburg was the capital; overthrown by revolution in 19174. a federation in northeastern Europe and northern Asia; formerly Soviet Russia; since 1991 an independent state同义词:Russian Federation
2023-01-04 07:55:376


2023-01-04 07:56:003

Happiness is an imaginary condition, formerly often attributed by the living to the dead , now usua

2023-01-04 07:56:122


这个问题问得很好,说明你很善于思考。可以这样理解:这的确是发生在过去的事,但是这里其实事件发生时间并不重要。因为,你要表达的意思实际是【过去的那段旅程是我现在最喜欢的】。因此,翻译出来就是:The/That trip is my favorite.也可以翻译成:That is the favorite tirp I have ever had.祝你开心如意!
2023-01-04 07:56:253


题库内容:先是的解释[formerly] 在此 以前。多 用于 追述往事之词 先是庭中通南北为。——明· 归有光《项脊轩志》 先是贝勒统军。——清· 邵长蘅《青门剩稿》 详细解释 在此以前。多用于追述往事之词。 《史记·平准书》 :“初,先是往十馀岁, 河 决 观 , 梁 楚 之地固已数困。” 唐 元稹 《招讨镇州制》 :“如有能斩凶渠者,先是六品已下官宜与三品正员官。” 明 沉德符 《野获编·内阁三·李温陵相》 :“惟 李 即赴阁办事。先是推举时,言路攻 李 者,矢如蝟毛。” 邹鲁 《贵州光复》 :“先是 贵州 政界有 * 预备会者,以君主立宪倡。” 词语分解 先的解释 先 ā 时间 在前的,次序在前的,与“后” 相对 :先前。先期。原先。先驱。先河( 中国 古代帝王先祭 黄河 ,后祭海,以河为海的本源,后称倡导在先的事物)。先觉(?)。先见之明。先发制人。 家族 或 民族 的较早的一代 是的解释 是 ì 表示解释或分类:他是工人。《 阿Q 正传》的作者是鲁迅。 表示存在:满身是汗。 表示 承认 所说的,再转入正意,含有“ 虽然 ”的意思:诗是好诗,就是太长了。 表示 适合 :来的是时候。 表示任何:凡是。是活
2023-01-04 07:56:361


Truely,Love cannot be counterfeited, past can only be forgiven&happiness cannot be pretended, moment is the same as eternal. Please just be elegant.
2023-01-04 07:56:423


Mr Ma Great tofu is a country named "Chinese name" veteran Noted Place. Its entrepreneurial Tongzhi in the early Qing Dynasty (1862) Opens in Chengdu northwest of WAN bridge. Formerly Geophysical stalls, chef for the barrier"s wife. Chen Hongliang color by cooking the tofu, beef tablets Instant, Ma, spicy, aroma, Crisp, tender, hot, the whole shape, very Sichuan style characteristics, Chan tofu were quickly recognized and broadcast, are seeking fresh enthusiasm, the literati Xiaoke regular here. A spate of Health Ma its mark in his face, we play to a "Mr Ma Great tofu," These assertions do not take Drive and Fair Garden. Therefore crown typing "Mr Ma Great tofu shop." The end of the Qing, Chen claimed Ma was listed as tofu Chengdu"s famous food. Chengdu area known flavor of a dish. It was in the 1930s, Less near the city of Chengdu, a man, GUO Chao, and his wife, a cattle lung Add to the manufacture of tablets of business, the couple both personally operation, the street level, Basket salesman. Because they operate Add lung tablets produced sophisticated, unique flavor, loved by the people. The distinction between general lung-sharing shop, people call them "Fuqifeipan." A shop operator, the CPU even more stress to beef heart, tongue, stomach, scalp, to replace the original single lung, increasing quality. To maintain the flavor of the original dish, "Fuqifeipan" name has been in use.
2023-01-04 07:56:541


2023-01-04 07:57:014


Before, there were many old buildings in Kaiping.
2023-01-04 07:57:1614


Beijing (formerly Peking). Beijing short. The capital of People"s Republic of China, the Communist Party of China Central Committee resident, one of China"s four municipalities, China"s political, economic, scientific and cultural center, one of the domestic and international exchanges, the country"s second largest city, the largest city in northern China. Beijing is a 3,000 years of history of the founding of the city, the Capital 850 years of Chinese history and culture, history and the ancient capital city of Beijing the economy developed, and it is China"s largest air traffic hub. Beijing centre is located at 39 degrees 54 minutes north latitude, 116 degrees 23 minutes east longitude. At the northwest edge of the North China Plain. Beijing and neighboring Tianjin, and Hebei Province and Tianjin to be around. Beijing West, North and Northeast, the mountains around, the South East is tilted slowly to the plain of the Bohai Sea. Beijing Plain in the altitude of 20 to 60 meters, mountain general elevation of 1000 to 1500 meters, and the junction of East Mountain Hebei 2,309 meters above sea level, the peak for Beijing. River runs through the territory of five, mainly the eastern part of the Chaobai River, North Canal, west of the Yongding River and Jumahe. Beijing is the topography of the northwest, southeast low. Tumo Taihang Mountains west is the Xishan, is the Yanshan mountain range north of the military Hill, the two-ditch clearance in the south of the intersection, forming a semicircle to the southeast mountains start bending, known as "Beijing bends," it around the small plains namely Beijing small plains. Looking at Beijing terrain, the mountains lapel, and the situation magnificent. As the ancients said: "You Zhou of the left ring sea, and the right to Yong Tai, North pillow Jiyong, South lapel River Jeju,-Land of Abundance." Beijing city"s land area 16,400 square kilometers. Plain area of 6,339 square kilometers, accounting for 38.6 percent. Mountain area of 10,072 square kilometers, accounting for 61.4 percent. City of 87.1 square kilometers. 希望对您有帮助!
2023-01-04 07:58:312


我们的目标代表国际鸟类学家工会,前国际鸟类委员会(IOC),是促进全球交流鸟类和保护基于最新的世界鸟类的分类和推荐的英文名字拼写和建设遵循明确的指导方针。为此我们提供的完整列表世界鸟类及其亚种,包括最近灭绝的。我们定期更新列表,包括新物种描述,提出并接受分裂和肿块、修正命名,名称或分类的变化。国际奥委会世界鸟类名录(前国际奥委会世界鸟类名称)为维基百科提供物种分类(法国),维基百科下议院,生命之树项目以及全球许多在线数据库和地区工作。国际奥委会世界鸟类列表是一个志愿者项目与全球参与观鸟者和专业鸟类学家。我们欢迎你的修正和改进建议国际奥委会的世界鸟类名录。你可以通过worldbirdnames@gmail.com与我们联系。特别感谢一直对我们的专家顾问小组(左面板),为编制范围,莎莉Conyne Eng-Li绿色网站管理,为照片拉里大师和科林·坎贝尔,彼得Kovalik电子表格的魔法,给所有的参与者。
2023-01-04 07:58:402


1.saying-speaking 2.devorced-deviated 3.for-with 4. 5.through-by 6.a-the 7.hence-So 8.fundamentally-extremely 9.formerly-formally 11.A-The 12.没有 13.rate-time 14.who"s-who"re 15.taking-taken 16. necessary-necessarily 17.or-and 18.proper-properly the-to with
2023-01-04 07:58:492


  linger表示逗留,徘徊的意思,那么你知道linger的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了linger的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!   linger的短语:   linger on(v.+adv.)   一直存在 exist all the times   The custom lingers on.此种风俗历久犹存。   The event is over, but the memory lingers on.事件已过,但记忆犹存。   Some of the guests lingered on until well after 2 a.m.有些客人迟迟不去,一直呆到翌晨两点钟以后。   linger over (v.+prep.)   慢慢地进行 be underway slowly   He lingered lovingly over the account of his exploits.他津津乐道地讲述着自己的业绩。   linger about(v.+prep.)   在…闲荡 be unwilling to leave in   Why is he lingering about the school?他为什么留在学校不走?   Formerly he often lingered about a park doing nothing.从前,他一直在公园闲荡,无所事事。   linger away(v.+adv.)   虚度(时间) spend time in vain   Don"t linger away your holidays.Try to find something useful to do.不要虚度假日,尽量找些有意义的事情去做。   同义词辨析:   remain, linger, stay   这些动词均有"停留,逗留"之意。   remain : 指某人或某物仍留在原处或保持原来的状态。   linger : 着重因愉快的事而使人不愿离开。   stay : 普通用词,多指人在某地暂时逗留。有时可指较长时间的居留。   linger的短语例句:   1. When apartheid is over the maladies will linger on.   废除了种族隔离政策后痼疾依然存在。   2. Customers are welcome to linger over coffee until around midnight.   客人尽可以喝着咖啡逗留到午夜左右。   3. Don"t linger away your holidays. Try to find something useful to do.   不要虚度假日, 尽量找些有意义的事做.   4. His last words still linger in our ears.   他的临终嘱咐仍萦绕在我们耳际.   5. Larry didn"t linger over his work completely, but he did linger over it to some extent.   劳里虽未完全磨洋工, 但多少有一点.   6. But he did linger, debating, over a squat moose - hide sack.   不过,他仍然踌躇了一下, 在那儿一个劲地盘算, 这次是为了一个厚实的鹿皮口袋.   7. It is a dreary little town where few would choose to linger.   这是个沉闷的小镇,没几个人会愿意在此流连。   8. Wherefore should we linger upon it now?   现在我们又何必去留恋 呢 ?   9. There"s no time to linger it"ll soon be dark.   没时间拖延了--天快黑了.   10. Whereas gasoline fumes linger close to the ground before dispersing.   而汽油烟气却靠近地面迟迟不散.   11. Executives would linger in the halls, hoping to run into him.   高级职员们会在大厅里徘徊, 希望能够撞见他.   12. Such walls as in time may linger as a mere fable.   这类高墙到将来只会给后代当作闲话当年的资料罢了.   13. Mother told him not to linger on the way home.   妈妈告诉他不要在回家的路上逗留.   14. Days in summer, Basil , are apt to linger.   夏日悠悠, 贝西尔.   15. He made excuses to linger on the stairs.   他找借口故意在楼梯口上磨磨蹭蹭.
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cascade-connected的翻译:adj.    级(串)联的;    (来自百度翻译)
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成年白鲸体长约3到5公尺大小,体重约0.4到1.5吨。幼鲸体长约1.5到1.6公尺。体重约80公斤。白鲸的头部较小,额头向外隆起突出且圆滑,嘴喙很短,唇线却很宽阔。身体颜色非常淡,为独特的白色。游动时通常比较缓慢。 白鲸体色是独特的白色,在海浪和浮冰中很难认出它们。如果你在海洋中看见浮现、变大、缩小而后消失的白色物体,那基本上就是它了。白鲸喜欢生活在海面或贴近海面的地方。游动时的动作很柔和,偶尔会将头扬出水面。白鲸的"嗓门"很大,在平静的海上,一百公里以外都能听到它的喷气声。 白鲸的一个族群大约5到20只不等,夏季时,河口附近聚集量约有数百甚至数千只。白鲸的性格较温和,人们非常容易接近。分布在北极和亚北极的季节性覆冰水域中。现存约50,000只到70,000只。[编辑本段]分布范围 白鲸大致呈环北极区分布,主要集中于北纬50度至80度之间。白鲸有高度的恋出生地性(philopatry),会有每年回到当初母鲸生产的地方的习性,在雌鲸身上尤其明显。到了秋季,白鲸因为浮冰层扩张的关系会远离海湾与河口,冬季主要在冰层边缘或仅有少量浮冰的开阔海域形成大群体。它们无论是在容易搁浅的河口,或是中深层海域的海沟皆能自在游泳,估计可潜至815公尺深处。外型特征 白鲸的身体中央横断面大致呈圆形,往两端逐渐变细,当它们在觅食时,其躯干尤其显得肥胖圆润。白鲸的头部与其他鲸目动物大不相同,额隆(melon)极为鼓起而突出,曾有一学者形容为“充满温暖油脂的气球”(a balloon filled with warm lard)。白鲸可以自由改变额隆的形状,推测可能是藉着移动内部气窦(sinus)的空气来产生形状上的变化。因为它们的颈椎愈合程度比其他鲸目动物来得低,所以能以较大的幅度转动头部或点头。嘴短而宽,不像许多海豚一般有突出的嘴喙(beak),嘴部可产生皱摺。腹部与侧面凹凸不平,内部充满脂肪。不具背鳍,但在背鳍的位置有狭窄的背部隆起。胸鳍宽阔,大型雄鲸的胸鳍尖端上翘。尾鳍会随年龄增长而变得华美,成年雄鲸在后缘有明显如凸面镜般的凸起。上、下颚各有八至九似钉状的牙齿,但年老个体有时会磨损至隐没于牙根之下。 年轻白鲸浑身呈灰色,随着年龄增长而逐渐转淡,最终除了背脊与胸、尾鳍边缘有暗色沉积外,全身皆为白色。成鲸的白色皮肤有时会在夏季发情时带有淡黄色色调,但在蜕皮(molt)后即消失。[编辑本段]生活习性 白鲸具高度群居性,会形成个体间联系极为紧密的群体,通常由同一性别与年龄层的白鲸所组成,另外也有规模较小的母子对白鲸族群。没有猎人或天敌威胁时,在河口三角洲水域白鲸可聚集达数千头以上。白鲸能发出多种变化多端的声音,包括旋转的颤音、嘎嘎叫、似钟声、尖锐的啪啪声(可能由拍击颚部所产生) 、与近似推动生锈门板的声音。一位早期的鲸类学者Bill Schevill曾如此描述它们:“高音的共鸣哨声与尖叫,多变的滴答声与咯咯声,让人联想到一队交响乐队,有时又有如猫叫或小鸟的啁啾声。”它们的声音有时会让人误以为远方有一群小孩在叫嚣。对野生白鲸而言,最大的天敌是虎鲸与北极熊,也包括人类。北极熊会快速地跑到白鲸受困于冰层的地区,以其强力的前掌给予重击后再把它们拖到冰上食用。白鲸是相当好奇的动物,常会浮窥(spyhopping)与鲸尾击浪(lobtailing),但似乎从不跃身击浪(breaching)。充满雾气的喷气(blow)低矮而不明显。 食性 白鲸的食性随地区与季节性猎物的数量而有不同。检测各地区族群的胃内容物发现,白鲸会食用各种生物,包括鱼类(鲑鱼、鳕鱼、鲱鱼等)、头足类(鱿鱼、章鱼等)、甲壳类(虾、蟹)、海虫、甚至大型浮游生物在内。不过他们可不像虎鲸那么凶残。它们几乎都在海床附近觅食,深度至少达300公尺以上。白鲸具摺皱的嘴唇在觅食时可产生吸力,也能对海洋世界的观众喷水。[编辑本段]生长繁殖 繁殖期会随所处地区而有不同。普遍来说,受孕多发生于冬末或夏季,阿拉斯加(Alaska)族群为二月底至四月初;东加拿大与西格陵兰(Greenland)族群为五月。据可信的统计资料显示,怀孕期可能自不满一年至14.5个月之久。白鲸的哺育期长达两年,之后仍会待在母亲身边相当长的时间。生殖间隔平均约为三年。种群现状 虽然现今北极地区仍有100,000头以上的白鲸,但过去它们的数量比现在要多得更多,在商业捕鲸灭绝部分族群之前。今日数量最多的地方包括波福海(Beaufort Sea),约40,000头;加拿大东部的高纬地区,约28,000头;哈德逊湾西部,约25,000头;与白令海(Bering Sea)东部。上述四个地区虽然仍有当地居民的捕猎,但其数量大致仍保持稳定。相较之下,其他族群已面临危险且仍遭猎杀,这些地区包含Cook Inlet、Ungava Bay、以及巴芬岛(Buffin Island)东南部分与西格陵兰。生活于圣劳伦斯河族群体内有高污染物的积累,罹癌率也高,部分过去为重要白鲸集散地的河口三角洲,现今为乘快艇的猎人所占据,已不再能支持大族群的分布。为了白鲸的保护,大多数地区都已有严格的捕猎管制。保护等级 华盛顿公约组织认定为CITES附录二的等级,全球白鲸的数量只有十万头,被认为目前日渐递减的物种。白鲸与人 对爱斯基摩人来说,白鲸也是非常重要的,不仅因为其肉好吃,而且它们的油用来点灯不仅明亮,还能释放出大量热量,使简陋的冰屋保持温暖。除此之外,白鲸的皮也很有用,还有一种香味,可以制成各种装饰品。 世界上绝大多数白鲸生活在欧洲、美国阿拉斯加和加拿大以北的海域中,喜群居,全身呈粉白色,看上去洁白无瑕。但个体比较小,远没有弓头鲸那般庞大。 1535年,当法国探险家雅克·卡提尔发现圣劳伦斯河时,他的船队受到白鲸的迎候。这些白鲸在水中载歌载舞,歌声悠扬动听,响彻百里以外,其美妙悦耳的声音令船上队员们惊叹不已,他们便亲切地送给白鲸一个美丽的称呼“海洋中的金丝雀(sea canary)”。 然而,不幸的是,自从17世纪以来,由于捕鲸的高额利润,捕鲸者对白鲸进行了疯狂的捕杀,致使白鲸数量锐减。更加可悲的是白鲸的生态环境遭到毁灭性的破坏,一批批白鲸相继死亡。科学家们经过尸体解剖才找到了引起死亡的因素:由于受到一系列有毒物质的侵害,使其免疫系统遭到严重的破坏,这些白鲸患上了胃溃疡穿孔、肝炎、肺脓肿等疾病;更有甚者患了膀胱癌,这在鲸类动物中真是闻所未闻的。 白鲸体色是独特的白色,在海浪和浮冰中很难认出它们,如果你在海洋中看见浮现、变大、缩小而后消失的白色物体,那基本上就是它了。白鲸喜欢生活在海面或贴近海面的地方。游动时的动作动很柔和,偶尔会将头扬出水面。白鲸的"嗓门"很大,在平静的海上,几百公里以外都能听到它的喷气声。 白鲸的一个族群大约5到20只不等,夏季时,河口附近聚集量约有数百甚至数千只。白鲸的性格较温和,人们非常容易接近。分布在北极和亚北极的季节性覆冰水域中。现存约50,000只到70,000只。 白鲸是来自北极圈的珍稀海洋哺乳动物,全世界仅存不足万只。它属大型鲸类的一种,以新鲜鱼虾为食。由于生活在冰雪覆盖的北极,所以洁白无瑕的肤色成为它的天然保护色。它们前额宽阔圆润,上下两唇饱满丰厚,小眼睛炯炯有神,透出一股机灵鬼的模样。 运抵青岛的四头白鲸,两雌两雄。这是山东省首次引进白鲸。年龄在三岁左右。由于白鲸年龄最高可达三四十岁,所以这四头鲸只能算是幼鲸,它们的颜色也由于年龄的原因而略微发褐。它们体长约四米,重达500公斤。这四只白鲸在青岛极地海洋世界里享受最舒适的待遇。专业人员将悉心照料它们的日常起居,还对它们中的两只进行转圈,跳舞,接吻等一系列训练,现在已成为表演明星。 它们的活力与适应力、特殊的外貌、易受吸引的天性、以及可接受训练等因素,使其成为海洋世界的明星之一。几个白鲸集中的地区已成为赏鲸圣地,包括加拿大东部的圣劳伦斯河下游与哈德逊湾西部的邱吉尔河河口。
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