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Eddie Guthman的《The Spell》 歌词

2023-07-23 04:05:14
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歌曲名:The Spell
歌手:Eddie Guthman
专辑:Tower In The Mist

The Spell
The Angela Test
The Spell
In the wind
Black rider
Gather my sins
And write them on the wall
My silhoutte
Feeds on me
Glimpse of moonlight
This endless night
Sweet, sweet sunlight heal my soul
Drag me from this cold sweet saviour
Ease my mind until I shine
Grim, grim shadow
Starving shade
The rider"s wounds bleed
So lean before me
Blades of sunbeams
Awaking dreams
Gash into the dark tear the night apart
Sweet, sweet sunlight heal my soul
Drag me from this cold sweet saviour
Ease my mind until I shine
Burst through the clouds
All turns to gold
Wake from your slump
Release me from the spell sweet saviour



电影《The Mist》最终想要表达什么意思

The Mist 源自恐怖小说作家 Stephen Edwin King 于1984年发表的同名小说,Stephen King 的小说有很多都是以悲剧结尾,往往表面看起来很无厘头分不清正义与邪恶,但实际上有更深层的涵义。影片导演 Frank Darabont其实是想借助迷雾来向观众展示人类心理的另一个侧面,在真正的危险面前最可怕的其实还是处在崩溃边缘的人类自己。在影片中整个事件从开始到最后,其实就是人类自我毁灭的过程中的一部分。
2023-07-22 16:59:301

电影《the mist》小说原版结局是啥样的啊?

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2023-07-22 16:59:461

求迷雾 The Mist (2007)百度网盘在线观看资源 托马斯·简 主演的

迷雾全集高清完整版视频免费在线观看:链接: 提取码: ggph简介:《迷雾》是由帝门影业公司出品的的恐怖片,该影片由弗兰克·达拉邦特自编自导,托马斯·简、纳桑·盖博、玛西亚·盖·哈登等主演,该影片于2007年11月21日在美国上映。该片改编自史蒂芬·金1980年同名中篇小说,主要讲述了被未知的迷雾所笼罩困于超级市场的市民,对抗怪物和宗教狂热分子以求生存的故事。
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The mist, like love, plays upon the heart of the hills and bring out surprises of beauty~~~~~~~~

2023-07-22 17:00:393

电影《迷雾》 的片尾曲

The Host Of Seraphim
2023-07-22 17:00:482

迷雾 the mist 主题曲是哪首曲子(曲名,作曲家,歌手)

不知道你所指的主题曲是哪首。。一部电影的原声是由多首曲目构成的。其中有人声并将宗教氛围推到极致的是由Dead Can Dance演唱的The Host Of Seraphim.结尾的JAZZ曲是The Vicious Blues 出自电影《派克夫人的情人 Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle》这部电影的配乐师是Mark Isham
2023-07-22 17:00:551

Castle in the Mist 是什么意思

古堡谜踪,这是一首曲子的名字存在于一个遥远的年代,一个神秘的幻境之中的故事。ICO是一个头上长着角的少年,村里有个习俗,凡是头上长角的小孩必须带到一座海上的城堡当作祭品。在ICO 13岁生日的那天,三个神官带者他骑着马往城堡出发,在穿过一片森林后,他们看到一座耸立在海上的城堡,神官们带者ICO搭着小船来到了城堡的地下。上了岸后,其中一个神官说道:“去把剑拿来。” 于是另一个神官走到一旁拿起了一把附带着黑暗魔力的大剑(游戏中称作魔剑),此时在一行人面前出现了两座相连的奇怪图腾雕像。拿着剑的神官走上前轻轻的把剑拔出剑鞘,突然,从剑身上发出了数道闪电,闪电打在雕像上使得雕像从中间一分为二,接着神官带着ICO走进了一个圆柱型的塔……
2023-07-22 17:01:211

高中英语作文大全:走出迷雾 Out of the Mist

高中英语作文大全:走出迷雾 Out of the Mist John has lived in London for a few years, but he isn"t so familiar with that city, because he seldom goes out. One foggy morning, he had to go somewhere to attend an important meeting. Because of the heavy fog, he was unable to get the right way. Although he asked many people for the direction, no one paid attention to him, for they were all in a hurry. He looked so anxious. At this very moment, a woman came out of the fog and said, “Let me help you, Sir. Please go with me." John followed the woman, and then she led him to the right place. It took them about half an hour. John owed his great thanks to her. However, to his great surprise, he found that the woman was blind. “How can you take me here?" John asked. “I have been living in London since I was born, so I"m very familiar with every street in this city." the woman answered. 约翰在伦敦住了几年,但他对那个城市并不是很熟悉,因为他很少出门。在一个有雾的早晨,他要去参加一个重要会议。由于雾太大,他无法找到正确的方向。虽然他向很多人问方向,没有人注意到他,因为他们都在赶时间。他看上去很着急。在这个非常时刻,一个女人从大雾中走出来对他说,“先生,我来帮助你吧。请跟我走吧。”约翰跟着她,之后她带他带到正确的地方。他们大约花了半个小时。约翰非常感谢她。然而,令他吃惊的是,他发现那个女人是盲人。“你是怎么能带我到这里来?”约翰问。“我从出生开始就一直生活在伦敦,所以我非常熟悉这个城市的每一条街道。”女人回答说。
2023-07-22 17:01:271


读雾都孤儿有什么现实意义 狄更斯的《雾都孤儿》虽然有反映现实,但绝对超出了现实小说的定义。或许文学艺术本不应该出现什么绝对的定义,而只是有解读和欣赏的角度不同,从这点来说,大家不得不依赖于作者通过文字描写所透露的情感和其所表达的思想;否则抛弃了作者而去讨论其作品,那只不过是在说白话,所得出的论断也很可能与实际南辕北辙。 《雾都孤儿》有什么含义? 1.英国伦敦 2.容易迷失自我的都市。 《雾都孤儿》是英国作家狄更斯于1838年出版的写实小说。以雾都伦敦为背景,讲述了一个孤儿悲惨的身世及遭遇,主人公奥立弗在孤儿院长大,经历学徒生涯,艰苦逃难,误入贼窝,又被迫与狠毒的凶徒为伍,历尽无数辛酸,最后在善良人的帮助下,查明身世并获得了幸福。如同狄更斯的其他小说,本书揭露许多当时的社会问题,如救济院、童工、以及帮派吸收青少年参与犯罪等。本书曾多次改编为电影、电视及舞台剧。世界知名导演罗曼。波兰斯基于2005年也曾将此书拍成电影。 《雾都孤儿》读后有什么感想? 《雾都孤儿》是一部十分著名的小说,作者狄更斯,是英国的一位非常著名的作家。 这部小说的主人公是一个叫奥里弗的孤儿,他的童年是在济贫院里度过的。后来,他被送到一个棺材铺里当学徒。因不堪忍受老板娘的压迫,他向伦敦逃去。路上,他遇上了一个外号机灵鬼的人,把他骗进了贼窝,在两次偷盗中,他都遇到了好人,把他留在家里抚养,但又一次次的被抓回去。终于,由于南西变好,告诉了他们偶然听到的一个秘密,说奥里弗的同父异母哥哥为了财产,要杀他,于是逮捕了贼窝的人,但出于同情,奥里弗放过了它的哥哥。奥里弗的灾难终于结束了,他被他第一次偷的那位老绅士收为义子。奥里弗才知道,他偷的两次,被偷的竟然是他父亲的好友和他的亲姨妈。 整部小说曲折惊险,让人不仅为奥里弗的身世叹息,为坏人说愤怒,被善良人所感动,为奥里弗最后的幸福生活而高兴。 奥利弗——一个孤儿,他被投入了一个充满贫困与犯罪的世界,忍饥挨饿,挨打挨骂,从来没有人关心他。邪恶的费金,残暴的比尔??赛克斯,以及一大群窃贼强盗。他们把奥利弗训练成一个神偷手,然后利用他去骗取钱财。可是奥利弗不愿去干这些事情,费金就对他拳打脚踢,迫使奥利弗到处流浪。幸运的是,他遇到了一群善良的人,对他无微不至的关怀,让奥利弗感到非常温暖。 当我想到一个九岁的孩子,在伦敦被迫加入罪恶累累、堕落不堪的小偷、强盗、亡命之徒的行列之中。但他并未放弃,在他的心中仍向往著一个美好的生活,多次在好心人的帮助下,终于过上了自己所想往的生活。我真觉得奥利弗真勇敢、真坚强。 而我们生活在蜜罐里,福窝里,却总是抱怨,总是不满足。但我们可曾想过,在世界上,还有许多孩子,正承受着巨大的痛苦;正和饥饿、寒冷、疾病作战;正面对着失去亲人,飘泊流浪的生活。他们需要别人的帮助,但更需要不屈的精神、勇敢的精神。 我要学习奥利弗的坚强不屈的精神、勇敢的精神。 我们也要学习善良的布朗洛,是他伸出了援助之手帮助奥利弗的。 看了《雾都孤儿》,让我受益非浅,让我懂得了社会的冷酷与人的性格的残暴。我们 要行动,帮助他们,挽救他们 读雾都孤儿有感一千字作文 回忆中的缕析无疑在某些时候是一件繁累和痛苦的事。就像此时,要将曾经由文字生成的形象在时间的洗褪中再次将雾化的形象回复从前,其中要损耗的精力,细胞,时间是无法用语言来计算的。 故事在沉闷的气氛中展开,就像溼雨冷瑟的天气带来的不畅,且有死神的出场,小说就带来了心悬的悸感。然而伴随死亡降临的新生让玄秘有了神幻,有了隐隐说将下去的依托由理。神经的弦绷和松弛仅仅在一刹那的瞬间,但即便这样也无法排解心中被石块压抑的窒息感。可怜女子的身世如何?发生了怎样的事情一路奔波竟这样无依无靠产下婴孩孤独死去?那围绕着的并不友善的济者又会将这孩子推向怎样的境地?……一切故事都在无尽的惆想中拉开序幕。只可惜,这序幕从一开始就显得那么令人生厌,令人哀怆。无论如何,只要结局没有摊牌,一切都有新的希望,哪怕这希望仅仅是朝日的曙光透射进阴暗潮屋中微弱的一线,也毕竟光亮一隅,不至暗无天日。 我无法想象,如果不是命运情节掌控在书写者的手中。这个被眷神遗弃在角落里的男孩——奥利弗.退斯特该如何去扭转自己悲惨的运命。如果不是书者的意念,他或许在饱受饥凌摧残,折磨利用之后将同那无数被迫沦为贼盗的孩子一样被理所当然送上绞架。没有人会对这些孩子施舍一点点的同情和怜惜,甚或是没有人会在绞架提起时有丝毫脸部肌肉抽动的恐惊。这将被视为做过恶事人最应有的下场和惩戒。当然,他或许会同小说中一刹那间觉醒的盗贼女孩南茜一样因向正义靠拢泄露出贼首肮脏而耻语的贼秘被“同伴”虐杀。同样,在所有旁人眼中,南茜的死或许也是咎由自取,是“同伙”间分赃不均的后果。这之间,太多的掩饰,被邪恶与肮脏蒙蔽的真洁亦无法昭白天下。他们的出生本如草芥,死亡也不能带来对邪恶的些许公正的宣判。如果不是书者,这一切也或许会永远同尸骨埋藏于地下,即便尸骨无存化为抔泥,也不会氤氲成气息被他人闻知。 如果单从阅读小说的语言来看,这将是一种仿佛湟鱼逆流而上寻祖觅归地的艰难历程。习惯了东方语言的直白与凝练,习惯了顺理沿袭的母语的至简与玄奥,在大墨块儿的人物形象分析,人物心理摹写以及外部环境的浓重渲染中,思维走向踅路,理解走向偏歧似乎是常有的事。当然,这之间没有谁之更加卓越的较拼,只是后者的逆袭却也会让读者增加某种耐人寻味的咀嚼畅感。 在未曾邂逅善良的布朗劳先生,梅里太太和露梓小姐之前,奥利弗那弱不禁风的肉体如同峭崖上在劲风中摇摆的小花,下临万丈深渊,上经罡风洗礼。巖中的给养更是忽略无存,一切的一切似乎都在考验,又似乎是理所当然。无论是高贵的“道貌岸然”者,还是在生活中懂得钻营,见风使舵的教区济难者,抑或是为之上服务且被剥削生活清苦的底层贫民都无一例外地对这个孩子施与了常人无法想象的唾弃,鄙夷,蹂躏,虐压……谁也不会相信,这样的生活状态会走出一个希望的存在。直到布朗劳的出现。这位有教养,有悲悯情怀,且愿意在这一切美好心灵驱动下去付诸行动的好心的“上层人”,他的出现对奥利弗来说,无疑就是天使降临,是圣母显光。他把小奥利弗从地狱之门牵领出来,他在自己的能力范围内给予了奥利弗仿佛只有在梦里才会享受到的疼惜与照料。然这一切的幸福与美好似乎来得太过轻松,可怜的奥利弗在读者的战兢和狐疑中再次堕入了罪恶的深渊。 或许,每个人的一生都要经历这样那样无数次命运的纠结和考验,然这样的考验因为毫无深度的罪恶让我们不以为然。但当我们仔细审度自己的心灵或静静地正视自己的德行,一切似乎便会昭然若揭。但我们看得到,无论命运怎样摧残,如何打击,奥利弗内心的深处始终有一抹阳光,一抹希望。他表现得那么坚定,坚强。你甚至不知道他小小的身躯中爆发出如此强大力量的来由。他极力地在让自己走向一条明光大道,即便周遭一片黢黑,即便歧路往往同他所坚守的路线在脚下交错,他似乎也能清醒地辨出自己的方向。 而这一次,命运真正是向奥利弗开了一个大大的玩笑。让还没有来得及将幸福的蛋糕咽下肚里的奥利弗受到了当头一棒!地狱与天堂,有时仅仅是一瞬间的隔离。人格与精神界限的护卫是一个人道德崇仰的信念坚守。谁说身份的“低卑”就是真正的“低卑”,谁说看似奢华的弥贵就是思想的崇高?谁也不能否认这之间的戏剧变换。奥利弗被推向正义与邪恶较量的人格斗争中,而这种斗争恰恰被形诸于布朗劳先生和格林维格先生之间外在的赌咒中。这样的赌咒和较量虽然在一方有短暂的痛苦和失落,同样,也会在另一方有暂时的得意与狂妄,然而我们不能否认,这最终的事实——奥利弗在道德决策瞬间所做出的勇敢付出——冒着被枪击的危险向被窃盗者进行预警是一个非常值得称道的赞举。可是,语言的赞叹来得何其苍白,我们甚或不能真切感受到他那一刻的绝望与失落。 当他本就弱小的身躯被“同伙”遗弃暴露在寒风肆虐秃野之下的壕沟里,当那冰冷坚硬的土地在肆无忌惮地蹂躏他小小的肉躯。我们知道,我们甚至欣慰一种坚定的意念得到了升华。在奥利弗心中,坚守自己的精神底线,坚守为人的道德操守,这似乎应该比生命更尊贵,更赞敬。虽然,即使这样的付出,或许仅仅是得到自己的心灵慰藉,但他平静安详的面孔却也显出一种幸福的宽慰。 生命总会眷顾那些为之坚守和付出的人。我想,这话应该不是妄语的存在。有些时候,我们的行为仅仅是为了自己心中的信念。一切迎合都是虚妄,一切附势都是表语。让心沿着充满花香的路前行,不管布眼的荆棘如何掩饰前方的美景,一切都可克服…… 雾都孤儿是什么含义 《雾都孤儿》是英国作家狄更斯于1838年出版的写实小说。以雾都伦敦为背景,讲述了一个孤儿悲惨的身世及遭遇,主人公奥立弗在孤儿院长大,经历学徒生涯,艰苦逃难,误入贼窝,又被迫与狠毒的凶徒为伍,历尽无数辛酸,最后在善良人的帮助下,查明身世并获得了幸福。如同狄更斯的其他小说,本书揭露许多当时的社会问题,如救济院、童工、以及帮派吸收青少年参与犯罪等。本书曾多次改编为电影、电视及舞台剧。世界知名导演罗曼。波兰斯基于2005年也曾将此书拍成电影。 电影《迷雾》/ The Mist 有什么现实意义? 让你知道”不要以为做着主角的事情就认定自己有主角光环“! ……OMG为了这部片我低落了好几天…… 可是最后消除掉实验影响的不还是人类么?个人觉得到可能是想比较一下英雄和小人物的临场反应,让读者/观众在贬低某些潜在英雄时能更谨慎些。理由么, 从电影内容看,男主角的决策始终是最理智的,而且需要行动时也身先士卒,并且富有牺牲精神, 《雾都孤儿》中的“孤儿”和“雾郁”指什么? 孤儿指的是奥利佛·崔斯特,雾都指的是伦敦,别忘了采纳 《雾都孤儿》讲什么? 19世纪30年代,雾都伦敦,小男孩奥利佛·特维斯特(巴尼·克拉克饰)自幼被父母抛弃,孤独地在教区抚幼院里长大,随后他被迫进入苛刻的巴姆鲍经营的棺材店里做学徒,由于不能承受繁重的劳动和老板的打骂,他逃到伦敦街上,成为一名雾都孤儿。在伦敦游荡的时候,独自一人的奥利佛被当地一个扒手黑帮盯上,并且被险恶的费金(本·金斯利饰)骗进充满罪恶和肮脏的贼窝,费金希望能够将奥利佛训练成一位盗窃能手以成为自己的"孩子盗窃集团"的一员,从而又多了一个可以为自己获取不义之财的途径。身陷囫囵的奥利佛得到和蔼 的布郎罗先生的帮助,但仅仅是他一系列冒险经历的开始。恶劣的环境、重重的误会、人性的黑暗包围着奥利佛,在流浪中他历尽艰辛,但奥利佛始终保持纯真的心,对生命抱有希望,甚至让二号贼首赛克斯的情妇南希良心发现,在他天真纯洁的身上看到往日清白的自己,最终冒着生命危险将奥利佛救出贼窟。然而,南茜为了救这位可怜的孤儿而被杀,奥利佛·特维斯特经过百般周折之后,终于知道了自已真实的身份 雾都孤儿全文阅读 153462个字,书上写的!
2023-07-22 17:02:221

求Heart 乐队的these dreams的歌词

these dreamsheartheartspare a little candlesave some light for mefigures up aheadmoving in the treeswhite skin in linenperfume on my wristand the full moon that hangs overthese dreams in the mistdarkness on the edgeshadows where i standi search for the timeon a watch with no handsi want to see you clearlycome closer than thisbut all i rememberare the dreams in the mistthese dreams go on when i close my eyesevery second of the night i have another lifethese dreams that sleep when it"s cold outsideevery moment i"m awake the further i"m awayis it cloak and daggercould it be spring or falli walk without a cutthrough a stained glass wallweaker in my eyesightthe candle in my gripand words that have no formare falling from my lipsthese dreams go on when i close my eyesevery second of the night i have another lifethese dreams that sleep when it"s cold outsideevery moment i"m awake the further i"m awaythere"s something out therei can"t resisti need to hide away from the painthere"s something out therei can"t resistthe sweetest song is silencethat i"ve ever heardfunny how your feetin dreams never touch the earthin a wood full of princesfreedom is a kissbut the prince hides his facefrom dreams in the mistthese dreams go on when i close my eyesevery second of the night i have another lifethese dreams that sleep when it"s cold outsideevery moment i"m awake the further i"m awaythese dreams go on when i close my eyesevery second of the night i have another lifethese dreams that sleep when it"s cold outsideevery moment i"m awake the further i"m away
2023-07-22 17:02:291

-They said sorry to me, but I wouldn’t listen.-It is foolish of you _______ others for the mist

D It is +adj.+for sb.+to do sth是固定句型;不定式的否定要否定在不定式标志to之前,故选D,意为“他们向我道歉,但我不会听。你真傻,不原谅别人的错误。”It is+adj.+of sb. +to do sth中的adj.跟sb.有关,这个adj.是用来形容sb.的,表示某人这么做真是太adj.了。It is +adj.+for sb.+to do sth表示做某事对某人来说很adj.,这里的adj.是do sth.的属性,里面的sb.跟adj.没有直接联系。
2023-07-22 17:02:371

Bruce Springsteen的《The Angel》 歌词

歌曲名:The Angel歌手:Bruce Springsteen专辑:Greetings From Asbury Park, N.J.Lord, oh my LordWhy this place, magic placeThe mist is everywhereThe light is in the airI hear in the skyThe whisper of the timeI need an answerA reason to my prayerbyThe Angel以下段送于my love zyjYou"re the angelWhite as the winterYou"re the angelForeverYou"re the angelWhite as the winterYou"re the angelForeverSo far awayThrough the lightThrough the skyTil the end of timeYou"re the angelWhite as the winterYou"re the angelWhite as the winterWhite as the wings of life
2023-07-22 17:02:441


2023-07-22 17:02:5214

海贼王罗宾出场的时候手里的一本书rain bow in the mist 中文名雾中彩虹是一本什么书?

2023-07-22 17:03:273


阳光总在风雨后The rainbow after the rain days.Sunshine always appear after storm. Storms Always Give Way to the Sun.不经历风雨怎么见彩虹Rainbow hasn"t been seen until someone has experienced difficulties.No cross ,no crown
2023-07-22 17:03:353

影片 雾都迷城 the mist city

雾都迷城 不是你说的情节啊,雾都迷城是学伦敦奴隶社会的下层人民的疾苦
2023-07-22 17:04:032

The outline of the distant mountains could hardly be ____in the mist.

2023-07-22 17:04:122

求懂英语的亲翻译下面的歌词 不要翻译器拜托了 谢谢

我试试。。。没有用翻译器哦!I"m, not falling in love我 没有坠入爱河Not chasing a dream没有追逐梦想Or painting a picture of you也没有画你的画像Stand, with feet on the ground双脚站在大地上Not holding my breath没有屏住呼吸Just waiting for time to bring you只是在这等着时间把你带来我身边Near, I"m holding you close我把你抱紧你I try to be patient试着变得有耐心The distance between us breaks me但是我们之间的距离使我破碎(?)Soon, be breathing you in很快我会和你融为一体When I"m safely home当我安全到家And the clouds break云彩散去People come People go人来人往You"ll be waiting there你会在那等待And I won"t see you falter我不会看见你蹒跚着People run People fall人们会跑 也会摔跤Breaking through the mist在迷雾中突破重围You"ll be standing taller你会站得更高Chorus:So tell me所以请告诉我New York,New York,纽约这不用翻译了吧New York,New York,Beacon of light across the sea信号灯穿过那大海New York,New York,New York,New York,Hold out your hand and walk with me伸出你的手 跟我一起走You, you keep me alive你让我活力四射A reason to beA friend who will make me stronger你像朋友一样 让我变得更坚强We can talk till it"s late我们可以彻夜长谈We"ll wait for the sun我们一起等待日出To wake the Manhattan sky line一起唤醒曼哈顿的地平线When, the crowds have all gone当云彩全都散去And it"s only us只剩我们俩We will stay here我们会呆在这里People come People go人来人往You"ll be waiting there你会在那等待And I won"t see you falter然而我不会看见你蹒跚着People runPeople fallBreaking through the mistYou"ll be standing tallerChorusBreathe you in, and IKnow that you"re back again我感受到你 我知道你又回来了Live with meFor the rest of my lifetime babybaby 和我一起度过下半生吧People comePeople goYou"ll be waiting thereAnd I won"t see you falterPeople runPeople fallBreaking through the mistYou"ll be standing tallerChorusBreathe you in, and IKnow that you"re back againLive with meFor the rest of my lifetime baby.好了这都是我亲手翻译的啊亲!!觉得好请采纳! 没有翻译的那些地方是因为重复了哦~
2023-07-22 17:04:201


the mist and the stillness
2023-07-22 17:04:283


My city call chongqing, is located in China"s southwest, is also one of China"s four municipalities. Urban area of August square kilometers, with 32 million population. Chongqing mountainous foggy, so it has WuDou, mountain city alias. I really like this city. Finally, thank you to accept me to become a member of your family, hope we can in this 1 months time along well!
2023-07-22 17:04:384

Storm (Forecass) 歌词

歌曲名:Storm (Forecass)歌手:Jamie Foxx专辑:UnpredictableStorm (Forecass)Jamie FoxxVOCAL...By: DoyleTo:朵伊 Wish U Happy...Got nothing but my t-shirt and boxers onWaiting for you to get homeIts been sunny outside all day babyI can"t wait for it to stormWanna feel your raindrops fallin" down all on meThat thunder from down under surrounding meComing down hard pounding meLet me feel the raindrops fallin" down all over my loveI want it soakin" wet all over the bedI want the rain to comeLet me feel the raindrops fallin" down all over my loveI want it soakin" wet all over the bedI want the rain to comeLights out like a power outageCause of the lighting in your bedspring showersI can feel the mist everytime we kissedJust didn"t know a downpour like thisThere"s a flash flood warningTill we wake up in the morningThere"ll be puddles in the bedThe weatherman saidGirl the rain is comingLet me feel the raindrops fallin" down all over my loveI want it soakin" wet all over the bedI want the rain to comeLet me feel the raindrops fallin" down all over my loveI want it soakin" wet all over the bedI want the rain to comeGirl the weatherman said...Its cloudy skies, right there between your thighsI"m lookin" for scattered showers, for about an hourRain on me tonightNow let me love you (love you),(and soon I wanna kiss you) and girl let me kiss you, (all over you) let mesex you, (I just want you to) rain on me, yeah.Girl, Let me feel the raindrops fallin" down all over my loveI want the rain to comeLet me feel the raindrops fallin" down all over my loveI want it soakin" wet all over the bedI want the rain to comeGirl, Let me feel the raindrops fallin" down all over my loveI want it soakin" wet all over the bedI want it soakin" wet all over the bedI want the rain to comeLet me feel the raindrops fallin" down all over my loveI want it soakin" wet all over the bedI want the rain to come
2023-07-22 17:04:571

卑劣的街头电影中 插曲叫什么

那个歌叫做 土蜂 ,在百度搜索会出现的...
2023-07-22 17:05:065

The outline of the distant mountains could hardly be ____in the mist.

2023-07-22 17:05:212

纪录片《迁徙的鸟》中配乐《Masters of the field》的歌词

Masters Of The Field原野的主人Up above gathered on a field of clouds升起 聚集在云端crowded a lot down in the lowlands拥挤着飞落到地面Waiting for their time它们等待着时机Waiting and calling, calling out for rain等待着 呼唤着 呼唤雨水的来临to leave the skies down in the lowlands离开天空 回归大地Masters of the field 原野的主人Wings wind set in the teeth of the wind双翼缠绕着狂风的利刃The old beasts feathered wild beasts年老的野兽 披着羽衣的野兽Masters of the field.原野的主人Eagle dancers, wings that shape the wind鹰在飞翔 翅膀剪出风的形状Carving the clouds into spirit雕刻着云彩的灵魂Sufis of the air天空的信徒Dervish dancers summoning the sun起舞召唤着太阳To tint the mist don on the lowlands大地披上薄雾的轻装Masters of the field原野的主人Wings wind set in the teeth of the wind双翼缠绕着狂风的利刃The old beasts feathered wild beasts年老的野兽 披着羽衣的野兽Masters of the field原野的主人
2023-07-22 17:05:282


[ti:Master of the field][ar:Robert Wyatt][al:鸟与梦飞行][by:cathiy][offset:500][00:14.24]Up above gathered on a field of clouds[00:21.25]crowded a lot down in the lowlands[00:27.91]Waiting for their time[00:34.84]Waiting and calling, calling out for rain[00:41.40]to leave the skies down in the lowlands[00:48.21]Masters of the field[00:54.93]Wings wind set in the teeth of the wind[01:01.19]The old beasts feathered wild beasts[01:06.56]Masters of the field.[01:15.05]Eagle dancers, wings that shape the wind[01:21.77]Carving the clouds into spirit[01:28.42]Sufis of the air[01:35.24]Dervish dancers summoning the sun[01:41.97]To tint the mist don on the lowlands[01:48.76]Masters Of The Field[01:52.42]Wings wind set in the teeth of the wind[02:01.94]The old beasts feathered wild beasts[02:07.01]Masters of the field.[02:20.90]Masters of the field.[02:37.97]Masters of the field.[02:54.68]Masters of the field.[03:01.21]By:Cathiy
2023-07-22 17:05:361

the 什么 in time,美国的一个电影,一个姐姐带着一个弟弟,去找她爸爸,结果姐姐和爸爸死了,求电影名字

Landscape in the Mist?雾中风暴?
2023-07-22 17:05:444

求 迷雾 The Mist 百度云免费在线观看资源

迷雾全集高清完整版视频免费在线观看:链接: 提取码: ggph简介:《迷雾》是由帝门影业公司出品的的恐怖片,该影片由弗兰克·达拉邦特自编自导,托马斯·简、纳桑·盖博、玛西亚·盖·哈登等主演,该影片于2007年11月21日在美国上映。该片改编自史蒂芬·金1980年同名中篇小说,主要讲述了被未知的迷雾所笼罩困于超级市场的市民,对抗怪物和宗教狂热分子以求生存的故事。
2023-07-22 17:06:161

求美国电影 迷雾 The mist 种子下载 要搞清 有中文字幕 谢谢了!!!!

2023-07-22 17:06:314

ivory tower歌词

Blackmore"s Night 的《Ivory tower》 歌词: I stood upon the Ivory Tower As far as I could see The winds that grew from out of the trees were calling out to me Curtains blew in the Ivory Tower Willows start to bend The ravens flew to escape the fury as the storm descends... I followed fortune "round the tower Searching in vain For through the mist "round the old stone tower I only found rain And though the cold,cold Ivory Tower was stony through and through I laid and dreamed on a featherbed,my dream was of you My dream was of you... All time waiting As the sun doth set in the haze All time waiting Every hour feels like a day...oh... I feared not in the Ivory Tower Imprisonment you"ll find Lies within your heart your soul,your spirit and your mind It lies within your heart,your soul ,your spirit and your mind...
2023-07-22 17:07:281


1. 英语作文续写根据下面提示写一段续写文字,字数120左右 Hey dear,i am so sorry that it is not here any more.I like the bird so much.She is so lovely.I really want to keep and take care of it forever.But she is a bird,she needs the sky not the cage.So I let her go.My mom tells me,if you love someone,you should know what he needs and wants.Please five me.It is my way to love your gift.。 2. 英语续写作文, It"s a cloudy afternoon. There are few people on the road. Anne arrived first, she is feeling nervous because of the first meeting with “FUTURE”. But it"s passed 15 minutes, nobody e. Suddenly it begins to rain, but she don"t want to give up. But it"s raining so heavy, she saw a man e to her with an umbrella, she is excited again. But he is her father, her father worried about her and want to pick her up. Finally she go back with her father. It"s passed one month later, Anne saw “FUTURE” online again, she really want to know the reason why he break his promise. But he said: I didn"t break promise, remember when it"s raining who take umbrella to you… … 3. 英语续写(120词左右) Before departure,the mist is dispersing,this is the last night,the bapti *** of the door,and a fresh wind with the wind,the weariness of my face suddenly disappeared. We all along the sidewalk,sucking in the rain had to bring our good air.well,since the last few day is always the sun was fierce,the entire city seemed as if a large steamer,we find to a breath of fresh air,as it matches a few days.i have more and stay in an air-conditioned room.go over the delay in the plan.but today i can finally my days have been a dream of plan!e79fa5e98193e78988e69d8331333431346365 !I finally came to the top,i hailed.this is my father was so excited i say "daughter :look!" my dad her finger along the direction and the hangzhou!i was most surprised by the sweat!i don"t shed in vain,in my trip to hangzhou this has been a great longing,that was hope you can see the whole hangzhou,i don"t think i have been limited to a *** all space,i"ll see more.the god give me a handsome present, Yes,all good things and are not initially can be found,you is a persevering life is also true,but i was not daunted by difficulties in learning and hard to put forward,my life will have a good result. 希望对你有帮助 4. 用英语写一篇短文,续写:Laseekend,Amy"sfamilwereverybusy.要在 同学,很高兴回答你的问题正确答案如下:Last weekend,Amy"s family were very busy.On Saturday,they went to a farm.They helped Amy"s uncle do farm work.They were a little tired,but they were very happy.They saw many things that couldn"t be seen in the city.There were many beautiful flowers and trees on the farm.They had a big dinner in the evening.On Sunday,they cleaned their room at home.Amy"s father cleaned windows.Her mother mopped the floor.Amy helped her parents carry water with a basin.After a day"s work,Amy was very tired,but when she saw her family take a new look,she was very happy and proud.She thought a proverb "No pains,no gains."^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^不明白请继续追问,^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^。 5. 英语短文续写字数是每篇150字吗 This morning, I had an unfettable English lesson. The bell rang and our history teacher came in. First he said that he was going to ask us some questions, and those who had not been asked questions recently would be asked first. On hearing this, I was very pleased, for I had been asked a question a week before. So I didn"t have to worry about anything. But unluckily, I was asked again. But I couldn"t answer the question. At last with a red face I had to say sorry to the teacher. The teacher didn"t criticize me. How shy I was at that time。 6. 英语作文续写加改错帮我把这篇文章续写下,我实在写不下去了,前 Do you like children Do you like looking after children?Yesterday ,I went to visit my uncle .My uncle and aunt "s daughter "s name is Mao Kexin ,we call her Xinxin .Xinxin is only 3 years old .She is very cute and clever .So we all like her very much..In the afternoon ,my father ,mother ,aunt and uncle were all going out .Just Xinxin and me stayed at home .They let me take care of Xinxin.I hugged her to sit on the sofa to watch TV .Xinxin wanted to watch cartoons,so I put the television show the animations .After a while ,she seemed hungry ,so she cried for eating .Then I gave her a carton of milk and a piece of bread .After that ,she *** iled happily ,and continued to watch the cartoon.But good times didn"t last long ,after a long time .I put her on the sofa ,but she accidentally pee in the sofa .I"m very surprised and unhappy .I quickly used a towel to wipe up the sofa and clean up the some ways,children are trouble,but they are very lovely and lively,their lives are very free,they do not need to worry about many things.If i stay with them.I can fet the trouble.Children are pure.when i am with them,my heart is also clean and honest.i love children!i love to stay with them!我直接在原文修改了。 7. 续写英语短文有一天,一个小男孩踢足球,他跑到街上去捡球,差一 Fast Food Scraps Threaten Rat Plague?Britain is facing a sharp rise in its rat population as growing numbers of people leave fast food scraps in the street,an environment group warned.Keep Britain Tidy said the rodents were abandoning their traditional haunts underground and were roaming the streets,enticed by discarded remnants of burgers,pizzas and crisps."The rat population is on the rise and soon it"ll be as mon to see a rodent on our street as it is to see a dog or a cat," said group Director,Sue Nelson.The practice of dumping fast food litter and scraps on the street rather than in the trash - with young men the worst offenders - was behind the rise.According to the National Rodent Survey in 2001,Britain"s rat population has grown by nearly one quarter since 1998 and is now estimated at 60 million,o million more than the human population.On average a rat can give birth every 24-28 days and just a single pair of rats can produce a colony of 2,000 a year.Around 200 Britons a year contract Weil"s Disease - an infection which can lead to kidney or liver failure and eventually death and which is carried in rat"s urine.To highlight the issue,Keep Britain Tidy launched a cinema advert entitled "How close do you want them to get?" The ad culminates in a shocking image of a young woman sleeping in a bed of rats - echoing the nigare scenario from James Herbert"s classic horror tale The Rats,in which mutant rodents begin to prey on humans.。 8. 【续写英语作文longtimeago,Theywasaking,Namelaison long time ago , There was a king , Name laison . He had three sons , But one day , he lost them..,He was very worried and sad so he went everywhere to look for them. One day he was passing a mountain,he saw some tigers playing in it .He came up to ask if they had seen his sons but got no answer. He went on to a field where some ducks were resting on it .He came up to ask about his lost sons but they also hadn"t seen them. Finally he asked his friends in the woods to help him look for his sons .All the animals were very glad to help him because he was always to help others in the usual days .With the help of the animals in the forest his sons were found at the foot of a mountain.Laison thanked them again and again.。
2023-07-22 17:07:371


2023-07-22 17:07:472

Out Of The Shadows 歌词

歌曲名:Out Of The Shadows歌手:Stratovarius专辑:The Chosen Ones群66032164:木偶、MMJOut to the light from the mistFrom the shadows I goFacing the new worldThe odd thingsThe places unknownFar awayI sail awaytodaySeeing a new faceImpression the momentthe thoughtUnarmed and naked defenselessMy mind is caughtFar awayit sails awayto stayOut of the shadows we goThere"s no reason to hide anymoreOut of the shadows we goInto the new horizonTowards the new shore we goOut of the shadows we goThere"s no reason to hide anymoreOut of the shadows we goInto the new horizonTowards the new shore we goInto the new horizonTowards the new shore we go珞珈山梦境联盟
2023-07-22 17:08:051

Masters Of The Field 歌词

歌曲名:Masters Of The Field歌手:群星专辑:迁徙的鸟Masters Of The FieldUp above gathered on a field of cloudscrowded a lot down in the lowlandsWaiting for their timeWaiting and calling, calling out for rainto leave the skies down in the lowlandsMasters of the fieldWings wind set in the teeth of the windThe old beasts feathered wild beastsMasters of the field.Eagle dancers, wings that shape the windCarving the clouds into spiritSufis of the airDervish dancers summoning the sunTo tint the mist don on the lowlandsMasters of the fieldWings wind set in the teeth of the windThe old beasts feathered wild beastsMasters of the field.Masters of the field.
2023-07-22 17:08:121


2023-07-22 17:08:201

海贼里罗宾看的The Rainbow Mist现实中有这本书吗

那个..最接近的只有这个..是英文小说<Rainbow in the Mist>书籍作者:Phyllis A. Whitney图书出版社:Hodder & Stoughton罗宾看的那本恐怕...木有.
2023-07-22 17:08:301

英语作文: 根据下列提示以 The Niagara Falls(尼亚加拉大瀑布)为题写一篇80词左右的短文。

2023-07-22 17:08:402

The Castaway 歌词

歌曲名:The Castaway歌手:Amorphis专辑:Forging the Land of Thousand Lakes标题:The Way艺术家:AmorphisForging the future from the timeless stoneOh let me know how far I can goAnswering the questions thet no one ever asksFloat through the sea of madnessAnd face the everlasting taskSo lonely to wanderSo sad to be aloneIn the mist of the unknownTrying to fool myself with dreams that never come trueSo hard to stand my groundNever again will I failChorus:Will you tell me not to waitTell me to live for todayAs the flowers witherI will forget my painSince the stars have shoneThe devil has shown me the wayChorusThe Way..金属梦:66032164
2023-07-22 17:08:471

海贼里妮可·罗宾看的《The Rainbow Mist》现实中有这本书吗?

2023-07-22 17:09:061


漫画版出场的咭 : ライト(THE LIGHT)“光” ダーク(THE DARK)“暗” ファイアリー(THE FIREY)“火”(实际上正确英文拼法应为FIERY) アーシー(THE EARTHY)“地” ウインディ(THE WINDY)“风” ウォーティ(THE WATERY)“水” シャドウ(THE SHADOW)“影” ウッド(THE WOOD)“树” フラワー(THE FLOWER)“花” イレイズ(THE ERASE)“消” ミラー(THE MIRROR)“镜” グロウ(THE GLOW)“灯” サンダー(THE THUNDER)“雷” フライ(THE FLY)“翔” ジャンプ(THE JUMP)“跳” ソード(THE SWORD)“剑” シールド(THE SHIELD)“盾” イリュージョン(THE ILLUSION)“幻” メイズ(THE MAZE)“迷” 动画版出场的咭 : タイム(THE TIME)“时” リターン(THE RETURN)“戾” ミスト(THE MIST)“雾” ス%
2023-07-22 17:09:155


《EATERS OF THE DEAD》(Michael Crichton)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 密码:tpm1书名:EATERS OF THE DEAD作者:Michael Crichton出版社:Ballantine Books出版年份:1988-09-12内容简介:"Crichton excells at storytelling."NEWSDAYIn A.D. 922 Ibn Fadlan, the representative of the ruler of Bagdad, City of Peace, crosses the Caspian sea and journeys up the valley of the Volga on a mission to the King of Saqaliba. Before he arrives, he meets with Buliwyf, a powerful Viking chieftain who is summoned by his besieged relatives to the North. Buliwyf must return to Scandanavia and save his countrymen and families from the monsters of the mist....
2023-07-22 17:09:291

Heart的《Secret》 歌词

歌曲名:Secret歌手:Heart专辑:BrigadeSecretLiberaI wish the dawn may know nothing of the name that I told the nightI wish like mist in the morning it drifts away silently to hide awaySo carry away to never see light of daykeep hidden away for eternity - a secret songI dream the day could proclaim the love of the name that I told the nightI dream that glorious daylight uncovers the mystery I hide awayI pray to hide from the sunset the secret I told the dayI pray to carry away the love and drift away silently and hide away
2023-07-22 17:09:471

Morning Mist 歌词

歌曲名:Morning Mist歌手:Michael Jones专辑:After The RainMorning Mistまぷしい光が はかない梦を /炫目的光芒 无法理解的梦境そっと 朝(あさ)もやの向(む)こう侧(かわ)へ 连(つ)れ去(さ)ってゆく /悄悄地 在整个上午 带出去(?)耳(みみ)をすませば 春の足音(あしおと) /如果侧耳倾听 春天的脚步声そっと 君と出会(であ)った季节(きせつ)が 窓(mado)を叩(たた)くよ /悄悄地 在与你相遇的季节 敲响了我的窗户やわらかな太阳(たいよう) やさしく照(て)らす /柔软的太阳 温柔地照耀着悲(かな)しみを 溶(と)かし出(だ)すように /把那些许悲伤 渐渐融化出来仆(ぼく)の心に眠る记忆(きおく)が /在我心中沉眠的记忆今も この胸を缔(し)めつけるんだ /现在也 让我的心收紧君に届け 世界(せかいじゅう)で /告诉你 在这个世界里たったひとつだけの春(はる)のうた /仅仅只有一个的 春天的歌不器用(ぶきよう)な言叶(ことば)をのせた /是笨拙的话语啊ありがとうの想(おも)い /想要说谢谢的情感手(て)をつないだ あたたかさを /那拉着手的温暖ずっとずっと觉(おぼ)えていたいよ /永远永远都会记得哟思(おも)い出(で)香(かお)る春(はる)の空 /思恋的香味满满溢出的春天的天空どこかで出会(であ)えたらいいな /如果能在哪里相会就好了呢街(まち)を步(ある)けば 散(ち)った花(はな)びら /如果走在街上 散落的花瓣いつも 思(おも)い出(だ)す 最后(さいご)に过(す)ごした季节(きせつ)を /总是 回忆起 最后经过的季节やわらかな体温(たいおん) 君の指先(ゆびさき) /柔软的体温 你的指尖手(て)のひらを 滑(すべ)り落(お)ちてく /自手掌之中滑落仆(ぼく)の手(て)の中(なか) その感觉(かんかく)が /我的手中的 那种感觉今(いま)もやきついて离(はな)れないんだ /直到现在也没有消失手(て)にしたもの 失(な)くしたもの /得到的 以及失去的全(すべ)てここに しまっておくから /全部自这里 渐渐远离振(ふ)り返(かえ)らず进(すす)んでくよ /不回头只是前进(?)それぞれの道(まち)を /那样的道路いつか见(み)せた 君の泪(なみだ) /何时看到的 你的眼泪拭(ぬぐ)い去(さ)ってしまえばよっかたの? /轻轻拭去会比较好吗?思(おも)い出(で)香(かお)る春(はる)の空 /思恋的香味满满溢出的春天的天空にじんで 见(み)えなくなるよ /尘土 变得无法看见了ありふれた日々(ひび)の中(なか) 迷(まよ)い立(た)ち止(と)まるときだって 心中君の记忆(きおく)は 今(いま)も心の中(なか)でずっと /你的记忆 直到现在还一直在我的光を放(はな)ち続(つづ)ける/持续绽放着光芒君に届け 世界中(せかいじゅう)で /告诉你 在这个世界里たったひとつだけの 春(はる)のうた /只有一个的 春天的歌不器用(ぶきよう)な言叶(ことば)をのせた /笨拙的话语ありがとうの想(おも)い /想要谢谢你的感情手(て)をつないだ あたたかさを /那拉着手的温暖ずっとずっと觉(おぼ)えていたいよ 想要永远永远都记得哦思(おも)い出(で)香(かお)る春(はる)の空 /思恋的香味满满溢出的春天的天空どこかで出会(であ)えたらいいな /如果可以在那里相会就好了呀どこかで出会(であ)えたらいいな /如果可以在那里相会就好了呀
2023-07-22 17:09:541

He was punished lest he should make the same mist

2023-07-22 17:10:032


主题曲 《The ludlows》作者是美国小提琴家:詹姆斯·霍纳曲
2023-07-22 17:10:113


Qingqing Grassland is the most popular place in mid-area for sightseeing,It is well known as "Strip-off Show of Sheep".The endless grassland stretchs to the horizon,and flocks and herds shuttle on it constantly,just like the view in northland,How a Eden In Mist....Roaming on it~~ can help cheering~!
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革命机 艾尔艾尔弗
2023-07-22 17:10:402


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  泰戈尔说:“世界上最遥远的距离,是鱼与飞鸟的距离,一个翱翔天际,一个却深潜海底。下面我整理了泰戈尔经典双语诗歌,希望大家喜欢!  泰戈尔经典双语诗歌: 孤独的旅人   In the deep shadows of the rainy july ,with secret steps,   Thou walkest,silent as night ,eluding all watchers.   Today the morning has closed its eyes ,   在七月淫雨的忧郁中,你迈着神秘的步子   如夜一般的沉寂,躲过了一切守望者   现在 黎明已经合眼   Heedless of the insistent calls of the loud east wind ,   不理会狂啸东风的不懈呼唤   And a thick veil has been drawn over the ever-wakeful blue sky.   一张厚重的纱幕遮住了永远清醒的碧空   The woodlands have hushed their songs,   林地里 歌声止住   And doors are all shut at every house .   家家户户闭上了门   thou art the solitary wayfarer in this deserted street.   凄清的大街上,你这孤独的旅人   Oh my only friend,my best beloved,   噢 我唯一的朋友 我的最爱   The gates are open in my house -do not pass by like a dream.   我的家门敞开着——请不要如梦幻般从我面前溜走   泰戈尔经典双语诗歌:我一无所求   i asked nothing, only stood at the edge of the wood behind the tree.   我一无所求,只站在林边树后。   languor was still upon the eyes of the dawn, and the dew in the air.   倦意还逗留在黎明的眼上,露润在空气里。   the lazy smell of the damp grass hung in the thin mist above the earth.   湿草的懒味悬垂在地面的薄雾中。   under the banyan tree you were milking the cow with your hands, tender and fresh as butter.   在榕树下你用乳油般柔嫩的手挤着牛奶。   and i was standing still.   我沉静地站立着。   i did not come near you.   我没有走近你。   the sky woke with the sound of the gong at the temple.   天空和庙里的锣声一同醒起。   the dust was raised in the road from the hoofs of the driven cattle.   街尘在驱走的牛蹄下飞扬。   with the gurgling pitchers at their hips, women came from the river.   把汩汩发响的水瓶搂在腰上,女人们从河边走来。   your bracelets were jingling, and foam brimming over the jar.   你的钏镯丁当,乳沫溢出罐沿。   the morning wore on and i did not come near you.   晨光渐逝而我没有步近你。   泰戈尔经典双语诗歌:Patience 忍耐   If thou speakest not   I will fill my heart with the silence and endure it.   I will keep still and wait   like the night with starry vigil   and its head bent low with patience.   如果你不说话,   我将用你的沉默填满心房,并忍受它。   我将静静地等候,   像黑夜中彻夜不眠的星星,   忍耐的低首。   The morning will surely come,   the darkness will vanish,   and tht voice pour down in golden streams   breaking trough the sky.   黎明一定会到来,   黑暗终将逝去,   你的声音将注入金泉,   划破天空。   Then thy words will take wing   in songs from every one of my birdsu2019 nest,   and thy melodies   will break forth in flowers in all my forest groves.   那时你的语言,   将在我的每一个鸟巢中生翼发声,   你悦耳的曲子,   将怒放在我的丛林繁花中。 猜你喜欢: 1. 泰戈尔英文诗欣赏 2. 泰戈尔最美的英文诗歌赏析 3. 关于泰戈尔经典英语诗歌欣赏 4. 泰戈尔经典英文诗歌欣赏 5. 泰戈尔经典英语诗歌欣赏
2023-07-22 17:11:071

on the field 和 in the field的区别是什么

"in contrast" 和 "on the contrary" 是两个表达相反观点的短语。它们在释义、用法、使用环境、形象和影响范围等方面有一些区别。1. 释义区别:- "in contrast" 表示在对比中强调差异或相反的事物。例句:She is very outgoing and sociable, in contrast to her sister who is shy and introverted.(她非常外向和社交,与她的姐姐相比正好相反,姐姐害羞和内向。)- "on the contrary" 表示否定前面提到的论点或观点,并提出相反的观点。例句:I thought the movie was boring, but on the contrary, my friend found it incredibly exciting.(我觉得这部电影很无聊,但与此相反,我的朋友觉得非常刺激。)2. 用法区别:- "in contrast" 在句子中常常与一个对比对象一起使用,并用于引出对比的内容。例句:The city is noisy and crowded. In contrast, the countryside is peaceful and quiet.(城市嘈杂拥挤。相比之下,乡村宁静安宁。)- "on the contrary" 通常表示紧接着上文的相反观点,并经常用于回应他人的说法。例句:A: The new restaurant has terrible service. B: On the contrary, I found the service to be excellent.(A:那家新餐厅服务糟糕。B:相反,我觉得服务非常好。)3. 使用环境区别:- "in contrast" 更常用于描述事物、人或情况之间的差异和相似之处。例句:The two paintings are displayed side by side, allowing viewers to see the colors and textures in contrast.(两幅画并排展示,让观众能够对比颜色和质地。)- "on the contrary" 更常用于否定别人的观点,并提出自己的相反观点。例句:A: The weather is awful today. B: On the contrary, I think it"s quite pleasant.(A:今天天气很糟糕。B:相反,我觉得挺宜人的。)4. 形象区别:- "in contrast" 强调两个或多个事物之间的对比,突显它们之间的差异。例句:Her loud, energetic personality is in contrast to his calm and reserved nature.(她高声、充满活力的性格与他沉静、保守的性格形成了对比。)- "on the contrary" 强调两个相对立的观点或说法之间的对立。例句:The experiment didn"t fail, on the contrary, it succeeded beyond our expectations.(这个实验并没有失败,相反地,它超出了我们的预期成功了。)5. 影响范围区别:- "in contrast" 用于描述事物之间的差异,范围相对较广泛,适用于各种情况。例句:The characters in the novel are depicted with vivid personalities. In contrast, the movie adaptation lacks depth.(小说中的人物性格描绘得非常生动,相比之下,电影改编缺乏深度。)- "on the contrary" 用于表达对立观点,范围相对较窄,常用于对话和回应。例句:A: The team played poorly in the first half. B: On the contrary, they performed exceptionally well.(A:球队上半场表现很差。B:相反,他们表现得非常出色。)
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