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2023-07-23 03:59:37









appropriate[英][u0259u02c8pru0259u028apriu0259t][美][u0259u02c8prou028apriu0259t]adj.适当的; 恰当的; 合适的; v.盗用; 侵吞; 拨(专款等) ; 第三人称单数:appropriates过去分词:appropriated现在进行时:appropriating过去式:appropriated以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Express your views with most appropriate words. 用最合适的词表达你的观点。
2023-07-22 16:55:132


appropriate读法为:[u0259u02c8prou028apriu0259t]。appropriate,英语单词,形容词、动词,作形容词时意为“适当的;恰当的;合适的”,作动词时意为“占用,拨出”。日常短语搭配有:if appropriate任选地 ; 如果有的话 ; 在适当情况下 ; 如果适当。Appropriate frame适当的框架。词汇用法:1、We consider these to be appropriate demands.我们认为这些是适当的要求。2、If you have the appropriate skills and authority, you can update or extend this set of types.如果您拥有合适的技巧和权限,那么您可以更新或者展开这个集合的类型。
2023-07-22 16:55:241

appropriate 这个英语单词怎么读

2023-07-22 16:55:433


appropriate的固定搭配包括appropriate form等。短语搭配:if appropriate任选地;如果有的话;在适当情况下;如果适当。Appropriate frame适当的框架。Appropriate measures适当防制措施;适当措施;相应措施;治标治本。appropriate procedure适当程序;适合的程序;适当的程序。appropriate manner适当的方式;详细翻译。Appropriate Perspectives角度恰当。Appropriate temperaturer适用温度。appropriate form适当形式。appropriate means适当途径;作为适当的途径;正当途径。be appropriate for适合,适用于。appropriate for拨出(款项、房屋等)。as appropriate视情况而定,酌情。appropriate to适于,合乎。appropriate department主管处。appropriate fraction指定的部分,部分拨款。双语例句:1、We consider these to be appropriate demands.我们认为这些是适当的要求。2、If you have the appropriate skills and authority,you can update or extend this set of types.如果您拥有合适的技巧和权限,那么您可以更新或者展开这个集合的类型。3、Give a free hug.OK,only do this when appropriate,but if you have a loved one in your life,givethem a hug!送出你的拥抱。哦好吧,只能在适当的时候这样做,但是如果你深爱你生命中的某个人,给他一个拥抱!4、The comments he made were not at all appropriate.他的评论一点儿都不恰当。5、I can"t even think of an appropriate analogy.我想不到说什么合适。
2023-07-22 16:55:501


2023-07-22 16:56:321

appropriate / suitable 求区别

组词都表示"合适的、合理的". appropriate a.恰如其分的,非常合适、协调的. proper a.得当的,合理的.主要是从本质上、习惯上、道理上来说. suitable a.合适的.强调合乎要求、没有矛盾或不协调之处. 1.The film is _____ for children. 2.She wore ______ clothes for the party. 3.I think Jane is the most _____ person for the job. 1) appropriate 2) proper 3) suitable
2023-07-22 16:56:402


2023-07-22 16:57:001

adequate appropriate区别?

2023-07-22 16:57:291


2023-07-22 16:57:361

apropos appropriate 有什么区别啊?

① 首先是词性的不同。 appropriate可作形容词,也可动词;apropos则是形容词、副词和介词;两次词只有在appropriate(形容词)和apropos(形容词、副词)的时候,有“适当的”含义,但侧重不同,而且意思也有差别。② 词义的不同。appropriate作形容词:Suitable for a particular person, condition, occasion, or place; fitting这个“适当,恰当”的意思,是针对人,也可以针对某个条件,即可是某个时机,也可以是某个地点,有概括性的特点,总之是合适,到底是什么东西合适呢? 要看具体的环境。而apropos作副词:At an appropriate time; opportunely. 合适的时机(时间)。这个所谓的“合适”,就比上面的具体。而作形容词:Being at once opportune and to the point. 或者appropriate; pertinent。也表示合适,但这个合适表示的是一种内在逻辑因果关系上的合适,是经过推理分析,得出的结论。这是因为pertinent这个词Having logical precise relevance to the matter at hand. 表示的就是从逻辑上得到的确定关系。因此虽然也比较笼统,没有说明是什么东西“合适”,但强调这个合适存在合理性(比较主观,而appropriate的合理,强调的是客观性)综上所述:appropriate强调的是客观的合适性,即可是人或物这样具体的条件,也可是时机等抽象的条件;apropos则说明的主观的(有逻辑相关的)合适性,而且强调是时机上的适合。
2023-07-22 16:57:431

appropriate 怎么记

这个单词不是很难记。appropriate核心词汇 英 [u0259"pru0259u028apriu0259t ]     美 [u0259"prou028apriu0259t]    adj. 适当的;相称的vt. 占用;拨出(款项)
2023-07-22 16:58:041


embezzle和appropriate有什么区别啊?embezzle : 盗用,贪污 ( 非法的)appropriate : 拨用,占用 (有时是合法的) 美国众议院 (U. S. House of Representatives)及参议院 (U. S. Senate) 均设有拨款委员会( Committee on Appropriation) 是非常庞大的合法机构.
2023-07-22 16:58:142


"Eligible"和"appropriate"是两个不同的单词,它们在不同的语境中使用,没有哪个一定更高级。"Eligible"表示某个人或物有资格或符合条件去做某件事情,通常用于描述符合某种标准或条件的人或物。例如:He is eligible to apply for the scholarship. (他符合申请奖学金的条件。)"Appropriate"表示某个人或物适当或合适于某种情况或目的,通常用于描述选择、行为或决定是否适当或合适。例如:It is not appropriate to wear jeans to a job interview. (穿牛仔裤去面试不合适。)在作文中,你需要根据具体语境和需要使用恰当的单词,这样才能准确地表达你的意思。
2023-07-22 16:58:221


2023-07-22 16:58:318

appropriate pertinent区别

2023-07-22 16:58:461


v. 拨出; 挪用, 盗用; 占用adj. 适当的, 恰当的, 相称的
2023-07-22 16:59:122


  适当的; 合适的; 恰当的。
2023-07-22 16:59:233


  appropriate  appropriate英 [u0259u02c8pru0259u028apriu0259t] 美 [u0259u02c8prou028apriu0259t]  adj.适当的; 合适的; 恰当的;  v.盗用; 侵吞; (专款等) 拨;  [例句]Pertinent information will be forwarded to the appropriate party.  有关信息将会转发给相关方。  -------------------------------如有疑问,可继续追问,如果满意,请采纳,谢谢。
2023-07-22 16:59:341


adj. 适当的;恰当的;合适的vt. 占用,拨出
2023-07-22 16:59:453


appropriate读法为:[u0259u02c8prou028apriu0259t]。appropriate,英语单词,形容词、动词,作形容词时意为“适当的;恰当的;合适的”,作动词时意为“占用,拨出”。日常短语搭配有:if appropriate任选地 ; 如果有的话 ; 在适当情况下 ; 如果适当。Appropriate frame适当的框架。词汇用法:1、We consider these to be appropriate demands.我们认为这些是适当的要求。2、If you have the appropriate skills and authority, you can update or extend this set of types.如果您拥有合适的技巧和权限,那么您可以更新或者展开这个集合的类型。
2023-07-22 17:00:051


appropriate用于形容词,后面加修饰的名词 adj.合适的;恰当的 v.盗用;挪用;占用;侵吞;拨(专款等) 扩展资料   appropriate的用法1:appropriate所表示的.“恰当”指的是“非常匹配”,以至于看起来明显属于该人〔事物〕,而且这种适宜性常给该人〔物〕以一种优雅与魅力。   appropriate的用法2:appropriate后可接介词for或to,表示“…是恰当的”; appropriate还可用于虚拟语气中。   appropriate的用法3:appropriate作动词意思是“挪用; 占用”土地、房屋、家具、款项等,尤指未经批准或非法挪用。   appropriate的用法4:appropriate也可作“拨出”解,常指为某种用途拨出款项,后接介词to表示“拨给…使用”,后接介词for表示“拨作…之用”。   appropriate的常用短语:   用作动词 v.   appropriate for v.+prep.   appropriate to v.+prep.   appropriate的用法例句:   1. A sense of period was evoked by complementing pictures with appropriatefurniture.   给照片配上一些合适的家具,唤起了一种年代感。   2. It is appropriate that Irish names dominate the list.   名单上大部分是爱尔兰名字,这没什么不合适的。
2023-07-22 17:01:011

appropriate for是什么意思

2023-07-22 17:02:382


2023-07-22 17:03:331


appropriate短语搭配if appropriate任选地 ; 如果有的话 ; 在适当情况下 ; 如果适当Appropriate frame适当的框架Appropriate measures适当防制措施 ; 适当措施 ; 相应措施 ; 治标治本appropriate procedure适当程序 ; 适合的程序 ; 适当的程序appropriate manner适当的方式 ; 详细翻译Appropriate Perspectives角度恰当Appropriate temperaturer适用温度appropriate form适当形式appropriate翻译:适当的;合适的;占用。
2023-07-22 17:03:411


那对你来说合适吗用英语来说就是Is that right for you?
2023-07-22 17:04:304


没有你说的这个单词,有appropriate 英[əˈprəʊpriət , əˈprəʊprieɪt] 美[əˈproʊpriət , əˈproʊprieɪt] adj. 合适的; 恰当的; v. 盗用; 挪用; 占用; 侵吞; 拨(专款等); appropriate 的反义词是: inappropriate不恰当的,不适宜的; 不合适; 不宜; 不妥。
2023-07-22 17:04:541

appropriate / suitable 求区别

appropriate是指适当的 恰当的suitable是指适合的
2023-07-22 17:05:233

be appropriate for 和 be appropriate to 有什么区别

be appropriate for后面一般接名词,也就是be appropriate for sb/ appropriate to do 适合做……如果都接名词:appropriate forclothes appropriate for a job interviewappropriate toan education system which is more appropriate to the needs of the students
2023-07-22 17:05:331


inappropriate; unbecoming; impertinent; irrelevant; unapt
2023-07-22 17:05:551

applicable 和appropriate有什么区别?

2023-07-22 17:06:041

be appropriate for 和 be appropriate to 有什么区别

be appropriate for后面一般接名词,也就是be appropriate for sb/sth. be appropriate to do 适合做…… 如果都接名词: appropriate for clothes appropriate for a job interview appropriate to an education system which is more appropriate to the needs of the students
2023-07-22 17:06:131

appropriate to do还是doing

2023-07-22 17:06:301


right or appropriate for people对或适合的人appropriate 英[u0259u02c8pru0259u028apriu0259t] 美[u0259u02c8prou028apriu0259t] adj. 适当的; 合适的; 恰当的; v. 盗用; 侵吞; 拨(专款等); [例句]It is appropriate that Irish names dominate the list.名单上大部分是爱尔兰名字,这没什么不合适的。[其他] 第三人称单数:appropriates 现在分词:appropriating 过去式:appropriated过去分词:appropriated 形近词: impropriate expropriate appropriacy
2023-07-22 17:06:491


恰当的英文:appropriate.例句1、The most appropriate strategy may simply be to walk away from the problem.最恰当的策略也许就是回避这个问题。2、She"ll make a good actress, if she gets the right training.如果她得到恰当训练,她会成为一名好演员。3、The chain of volcanoes is known, appropriately enough , as the "Ring of Fire".人们把这链状火山群很恰当地称作“火环”。4、The Victorians were the last people to invest properly in the railways.维多利亚时代的人是恰当投资铁路的最后一代人。5、Diabetics cannot metabolize glucose properly.糖尿病患者不能使葡萄糖进行恰当的新陈代谢。6、The Victorians were the last people to invest properly in the railways.维多利亚时代的人是恰当投资铁路的最后一代人。7、I feel the remark was inappropriate for such a serious issue.我觉得对如此严肃的问题来说,这评论是不恰当的。8、There are problems in recruiting suitably qualified scientific officers for our laboratories.在为我们实验室招聘恰当合格的科研人员时存在些问题。
2023-07-22 17:06:561

be appropriate for 和 be appropriate to 有什么区别 都是适当的意思,有什么区别

be appropriate for后面一般接名词,也就是be appropriate for sth. be appropriate to后面一般接动词,也就是be appropriate to do sth
2023-07-22 17:07:221


appropriate,形容词,这个单词的英文释义就是especially suitble特别合适。可以这么用it is appropriate for sb to do sth
2023-07-22 17:07:381

be appropriate for 和 be appropriate to 有什么区别

beappropriatefor和beappropriateto的区别是:读音不同、含义不同、用法不同。一、读音不同1.beappropriatefor读音:英[bie799bee5baa6e997aee7ad9431333431353335601;u02c8pru0259u028apriu0259tfu0254u02d0(r)] 美[biu0259u02c8prou028apriu0259tfu0254u02d0r] 2.beappropriateto读音:英[biu0259u02c8pru0259u028apriu0259ttu] 美[biu0259u02c8prou028apriu0259ttu] 二、含义不同1.beappropriatefor释义:适用于。2.beappropriateto释义:适合于。三、用法不同1.beappropriatefor用法:beappropriatefor后面一般接名词,也就是beappropriateforsb/sth。2.beappropriateto用法:beappropriateto+do适合做什么。
2023-07-22 17:07:471


2023-07-22 17:08:032


合适的用英语说是suitable。一、发音英:[/u02c8su028au026atu0259bl/];美:[/u02c8sutu0259bu0259l/]二、中文翻译adj. 合适的;适当的;相配的三、形式比较级:more suitable最高级:most suitable四、短语搭配1. suitable for 适合于2. suitable candidate 合适的候选人3. suitable accommodation 合适的住所4. suitable conditions 合适的条件5. suitable opportunity 合适的机会6. suitable attire 合适的装扮五、双语例句1. This book is suitable for children.这本书适合儿童阅读。2. She found a job suitable for her skills.她找到了一个适合她技能的工作。3. He is a suitable candidate for the job.他是这份工作的合适人选。4. The room provides suitable accommodation for two people.这个房间能为两人提供适当的住所。5. This is a suitable opportunity to discuss the issue.这是讨论这个问题的合适机会。6. You should wear suitable attire for the interview.你应该穿着合适的装扮去面试。六、用法1. "Suitable" 作为形容词,表示某人或某物适合于特定的人、场合或目的。例如:She is looking for suitable shoes for the wedding. (她正在寻找适合婚礼的鞋子。)2. "Suitable" 常与for或to搭配使用,表示对于特定的人、场合或目的来说是适当的或合适的。例如:This kind of work is not suitable for children. (这种工作不适合儿童。)3. "Suitable" 也常用于描述候选人或者申请者是否适合某个职位、任务或责任。例如:After the interview, we decided that he was the most suitable candidate for the job. (面试之后,我们认为他是这份工作最合适的人选。)4. "Suitable" 还可以用来描述条件、机会或环境是否适宜或恰当。例如:We"re waiting for a suitable opportunity to launch our new product. (我们在等待一个适当的机会来发布我们的新产品。)5. "Suitable" 的比较级和最高级形式分别为 "more suitable" 和 "most suitable"。例如:After considering all the options, we chose the most suitable one. (在考虑了所有的选项后,我们选择了最合适的一个。)七、同义词adj. 适当的;相配的appropriate,proper,adequate,becoming,matching
2023-07-22 17:08:101

as appropriate是什么意思

as appropriate酌情;视情况而定更多释义>>[网络短语]As Appropriate 酌情,适当,按适当的Please tick as appropriate 请√适合的方格reporte as appropriate 酌情报告
2023-07-22 17:08:171

求Heart 乐队的these dreams的歌词

these dreamsheartheartspare a little candlesave some light for mefigures up aheadmoving in the treeswhite skin in linenperfume on my wristand the full moon that hangs overthese dreams in the mistdarkness on the edgeshadows where i standi search for the timeon a watch with no handsi want to see you clearlycome closer than thisbut all i rememberare the dreams in the mistthese dreams go on when i close my eyesevery second of the night i have another lifethese dreams that sleep when it"s cold outsideevery moment i"m awake the further i"m awayis it cloak and daggercould it be spring or falli walk without a cutthrough a stained glass wallweaker in my eyesightthe candle in my gripand words that have no formare falling from my lipsthese dreams go on when i close my eyesevery second of the night i have another lifethese dreams that sleep when it"s cold outsideevery moment i"m awake the further i"m awaythere"s something out therei can"t resisti need to hide away from the painthere"s something out therei can"t resistthe sweetest song is silencethat i"ve ever heardfunny how your feetin dreams never touch the earthin a wood full of princesfreedom is a kissbut the prince hides his facefrom dreams in the mistthese dreams go on when i close my eyesevery second of the night i have another lifethese dreams that sleep when it"s cold outsideevery moment i"m awake the further i"m awaythese dreams go on when i close my eyesevery second of the night i have another lifethese dreams that sleep when it"s cold outsideevery moment i"m awake the further i"m away
2023-07-22 17:02:291

真崎ゆか的《Colors》 歌词

歌曲名:Colors歌手:真崎ゆか专辑:SWEET PAIN feat.诗音「Colors」作词∶Yuka Masaki作曲∶SKY BEATZ/JOVEEK MURPHY歌∶真崎ゆか大人になったつもりで飞び出した“社会”という现実思い描いてたようにはうまくいかないことばっかの DaysI say “No”. You say “Yes”.认めてもらえるようになりたくてYou say “No”. I say “Yes”.违う色のココロで隠したSo only only oneみんな违う色でイイじゃないSo only only one私でいること 贯けばイイColor of heart... feeling meColor of heart... feeling meColor of heart... feeling meSo only one たったひとつの My color私だけの色って自信持っていたいからコンプレックスの闇に押し溃されてしまう前に Wake upI say “No”. You say “Yes”.认めてもらえるようになる为にYou say “No”. I say “Yes”.磨き続けるから Run, run, run...So only only oneみんな违う色でイイじゃないSo only only one私でいること 贯けばイイColor of heart... feeling meColor of heart... feeling meColor of heart... feeling meSo only one たったひとつの My color何が真実かわからないこの时代に手探りで探す My colorSo only only oneみんな违う色でイイじゃないSo only only one私でいること 贯けばイイColor of heart... feeling meColor of heart... feeling meColor of heart... feeling meSo only one たったひとつの My color収録∶SWEET PAIN feat.诗音/発売日∶2012/07/04终わり
2023-07-22 17:02:301

I Ve Got You Under My Skin (Born To Dance) 歌词

歌名:I"ve Got You Under My Skin演唱:张菲MusicI"ve got you under my skinI"ve got you deep in the heart of meSo deep in my heartthat you"re really a part of meI"ve got you under my skinI"ve tried so not to give inI"ve said to myself this affair never gonna swing so wellSo why should I try to resistwhen baby will I know damn wellI"ve got you under my skinI"d sacrifice anything come what mightFor the sake of having you nearIn spite of a warning voice that comes in the nightAnd repeats, repeats in my earDon"t you know little fool you"ll never winWhy not use your mentalitycome on step up to realityBut each time I do, just the thought of youMakes me stop before I begin"Cause I"ve got you under my skinBaby I"ve got you under my skinunder my skinEnd
2023-07-22 17:02:311


2023-07-22 17:02:312

DOTA 常说的Gank是什么意思

2023-07-22 17:02:331

螺纹钢的英文是什么 ?

screw thread steel
2023-07-22 17:02:265

people under my skin是什么意思?

2023-07-22 17:02:242


读雾都孤儿有什么现实意义 狄更斯的《雾都孤儿》虽然有反映现实,但绝对超出了现实小说的定义。或许文学艺术本不应该出现什么绝对的定义,而只是有解读和欣赏的角度不同,从这点来说,大家不得不依赖于作者通过文字描写所透露的情感和其所表达的思想;否则抛弃了作者而去讨论其作品,那只不过是在说白话,所得出的论断也很可能与实际南辕北辙。 《雾都孤儿》有什么含义? 1.英国伦敦 2.容易迷失自我的都市。 《雾都孤儿》是英国作家狄更斯于1838年出版的写实小说。以雾都伦敦为背景,讲述了一个孤儿悲惨的身世及遭遇,主人公奥立弗在孤儿院长大,经历学徒生涯,艰苦逃难,误入贼窝,又被迫与狠毒的凶徒为伍,历尽无数辛酸,最后在善良人的帮助下,查明身世并获得了幸福。如同狄更斯的其他小说,本书揭露许多当时的社会问题,如救济院、童工、以及帮派吸收青少年参与犯罪等。本书曾多次改编为电影、电视及舞台剧。世界知名导演罗曼。波兰斯基于2005年也曾将此书拍成电影。 《雾都孤儿》读后有什么感想? 《雾都孤儿》是一部十分著名的小说,作者狄更斯,是英国的一位非常著名的作家。 这部小说的主人公是一个叫奥里弗的孤儿,他的童年是在济贫院里度过的。后来,他被送到一个棺材铺里当学徒。因不堪忍受老板娘的压迫,他向伦敦逃去。路上,他遇上了一个外号机灵鬼的人,把他骗进了贼窝,在两次偷盗中,他都遇到了好人,把他留在家里抚养,但又一次次的被抓回去。终于,由于南西变好,告诉了他们偶然听到的一个秘密,说奥里弗的同父异母哥哥为了财产,要杀他,于是逮捕了贼窝的人,但出于同情,奥里弗放过了它的哥哥。奥里弗的灾难终于结束了,他被他第一次偷的那位老绅士收为义子。奥里弗才知道,他偷的两次,被偷的竟然是他父亲的好友和他的亲姨妈。 整部小说曲折惊险,让人不仅为奥里弗的身世叹息,为坏人说愤怒,被善良人所感动,为奥里弗最后的幸福生活而高兴。 奥利弗——一个孤儿,他被投入了一个充满贫困与犯罪的世界,忍饥挨饿,挨打挨骂,从来没有人关心他。邪恶的费金,残暴的比尔??赛克斯,以及一大群窃贼强盗。他们把奥利弗训练成一个神偷手,然后利用他去骗取钱财。可是奥利弗不愿去干这些事情,费金就对他拳打脚踢,迫使奥利弗到处流浪。幸运的是,他遇到了一群善良的人,对他无微不至的关怀,让奥利弗感到非常温暖。 当我想到一个九岁的孩子,在伦敦被迫加入罪恶累累、堕落不堪的小偷、强盗、亡命之徒的行列之中。但他并未放弃,在他的心中仍向往著一个美好的生活,多次在好心人的帮助下,终于过上了自己所想往的生活。我真觉得奥利弗真勇敢、真坚强。 而我们生活在蜜罐里,福窝里,却总是抱怨,总是不满足。但我们可曾想过,在世界上,还有许多孩子,正承受着巨大的痛苦;正和饥饿、寒冷、疾病作战;正面对着失去亲人,飘泊流浪的生活。他们需要别人的帮助,但更需要不屈的精神、勇敢的精神。 我要学习奥利弗的坚强不屈的精神、勇敢的精神。 我们也要学习善良的布朗洛,是他伸出了援助之手帮助奥利弗的。 看了《雾都孤儿》,让我受益非浅,让我懂得了社会的冷酷与人的性格的残暴。我们 要行动,帮助他们,挽救他们 读雾都孤儿有感一千字作文 回忆中的缕析无疑在某些时候是一件繁累和痛苦的事。就像此时,要将曾经由文字生成的形象在时间的洗褪中再次将雾化的形象回复从前,其中要损耗的精力,细胞,时间是无法用语言来计算的。 故事在沉闷的气氛中展开,就像溼雨冷瑟的天气带来的不畅,且有死神的出场,小说就带来了心悬的悸感。然而伴随死亡降临的新生让玄秘有了神幻,有了隐隐说将下去的依托由理。神经的弦绷和松弛仅仅在一刹那的瞬间,但即便这样也无法排解心中被石块压抑的窒息感。可怜女子的身世如何?发生了怎样的事情一路奔波竟这样无依无靠产下婴孩孤独死去?那围绕着的并不友善的济者又会将这孩子推向怎样的境地?……一切故事都在无尽的惆想中拉开序幕。只可惜,这序幕从一开始就显得那么令人生厌,令人哀怆。无论如何,只要结局没有摊牌,一切都有新的希望,哪怕这希望仅仅是朝日的曙光透射进阴暗潮屋中微弱的一线,也毕竟光亮一隅,不至暗无天日。 我无法想象,如果不是命运情节掌控在书写者的手中。这个被眷神遗弃在角落里的男孩——奥利弗.退斯特该如何去扭转自己悲惨的运命。如果不是书者的意念,他或许在饱受饥凌摧残,折磨利用之后将同那无数被迫沦为贼盗的孩子一样被理所当然送上绞架。没有人会对这些孩子施舍一点点的同情和怜惜,甚或是没有人会在绞架提起时有丝毫脸部肌肉抽动的恐惊。这将被视为做过恶事人最应有的下场和惩戒。当然,他或许会同小说中一刹那间觉醒的盗贼女孩南茜一样因向正义靠拢泄露出贼首肮脏而耻语的贼秘被“同伴”虐杀。同样,在所有旁人眼中,南茜的死或许也是咎由自取,是“同伙”间分赃不均的后果。这之间,太多的掩饰,被邪恶与肮脏蒙蔽的真洁亦无法昭白天下。他们的出生本如草芥,死亡也不能带来对邪恶的些许公正的宣判。如果不是书者,这一切也或许会永远同尸骨埋藏于地下,即便尸骨无存化为抔泥,也不会氤氲成气息被他人闻知。 如果单从阅读小说的语言来看,这将是一种仿佛湟鱼逆流而上寻祖觅归地的艰难历程。习惯了东方语言的直白与凝练,习惯了顺理沿袭的母语的至简与玄奥,在大墨块儿的人物形象分析,人物心理摹写以及外部环境的浓重渲染中,思维走向踅路,理解走向偏歧似乎是常有的事。当然,这之间没有谁之更加卓越的较拼,只是后者的逆袭却也会让读者增加某种耐人寻味的咀嚼畅感。 在未曾邂逅善良的布朗劳先生,梅里太太和露梓小姐之前,奥利弗那弱不禁风的肉体如同峭崖上在劲风中摇摆的小花,下临万丈深渊,上经罡风洗礼。巖中的给养更是忽略无存,一切的一切似乎都在考验,又似乎是理所当然。无论是高贵的“道貌岸然”者,还是在生活中懂得钻营,见风使舵的教区济难者,抑或是为之上服务且被剥削生活清苦的底层贫民都无一例外地对这个孩子施与了常人无法想象的唾弃,鄙夷,蹂躏,虐压……谁也不会相信,这样的生活状态会走出一个希望的存在。直到布朗劳的出现。这位有教养,有悲悯情怀,且愿意在这一切美好心灵驱动下去付诸行动的好心的“上层人”,他的出现对奥利弗来说,无疑就是天使降临,是圣母显光。他把小奥利弗从地狱之门牵领出来,他在自己的能力范围内给予了奥利弗仿佛只有在梦里才会享受到的疼惜与照料。然这一切的幸福与美好似乎来得太过轻松,可怜的奥利弗在读者的战兢和狐疑中再次堕入了罪恶的深渊。 或许,每个人的一生都要经历这样那样无数次命运的纠结和考验,然这样的考验因为毫无深度的罪恶让我们不以为然。但当我们仔细审度自己的心灵或静静地正视自己的德行,一切似乎便会昭然若揭。但我们看得到,无论命运怎样摧残,如何打击,奥利弗内心的深处始终有一抹阳光,一抹希望。他表现得那么坚定,坚强。你甚至不知道他小小的身躯中爆发出如此强大力量的来由。他极力地在让自己走向一条明光大道,即便周遭一片黢黑,即便歧路往往同他所坚守的路线在脚下交错,他似乎也能清醒地辨出自己的方向。 而这一次,命运真正是向奥利弗开了一个大大的玩笑。让还没有来得及将幸福的蛋糕咽下肚里的奥利弗受到了当头一棒!地狱与天堂,有时仅仅是一瞬间的隔离。人格与精神界限的护卫是一个人道德崇仰的信念坚守。谁说身份的“低卑”就是真正的“低卑”,谁说看似奢华的弥贵就是思想的崇高?谁也不能否认这之间的戏剧变换。奥利弗被推向正义与邪恶较量的人格斗争中,而这种斗争恰恰被形诸于布朗劳先生和格林维格先生之间外在的赌咒中。这样的赌咒和较量虽然在一方有短暂的痛苦和失落,同样,也会在另一方有暂时的得意与狂妄,然而我们不能否认,这最终的事实——奥利弗在道德决策瞬间所做出的勇敢付出——冒着被枪击的危险向被窃盗者进行预警是一个非常值得称道的赞举。可是,语言的赞叹来得何其苍白,我们甚或不能真切感受到他那一刻的绝望与失落。 当他本就弱小的身躯被“同伙”遗弃暴露在寒风肆虐秃野之下的壕沟里,当那冰冷坚硬的土地在肆无忌惮地蹂躏他小小的肉躯。我们知道,我们甚至欣慰一种坚定的意念得到了升华。在奥利弗心中,坚守自己的精神底线,坚守为人的道德操守,这似乎应该比生命更尊贵,更赞敬。虽然,即使这样的付出,或许仅仅是得到自己的心灵慰藉,但他平静安详的面孔却也显出一种幸福的宽慰。 生命总会眷顾那些为之坚守和付出的人。我想,这话应该不是妄语的存在。有些时候,我们的行为仅仅是为了自己心中的信念。一切迎合都是虚妄,一切附势都是表语。让心沿着充满花香的路前行,不管布眼的荆棘如何掩饰前方的美景,一切都可克服…… 雾都孤儿是什么含义 《雾都孤儿》是英国作家狄更斯于1838年出版的写实小说。以雾都伦敦为背景,讲述了一个孤儿悲惨的身世及遭遇,主人公奥立弗在孤儿院长大,经历学徒生涯,艰苦逃难,误入贼窝,又被迫与狠毒的凶徒为伍,历尽无数辛酸,最后在善良人的帮助下,查明身世并获得了幸福。如同狄更斯的其他小说,本书揭露许多当时的社会问题,如救济院、童工、以及帮派吸收青少年参与犯罪等。本书曾多次改编为电影、电视及舞台剧。世界知名导演罗曼。波兰斯基于2005年也曾将此书拍成电影。 电影《迷雾》/ The Mist 有什么现实意义? 让你知道”不要以为做着主角的事情就认定自己有主角光环“! ……OMG为了这部片我低落了好几天…… 可是最后消除掉实验影响的不还是人类么?个人觉得到可能是想比较一下英雄和小人物的临场反应,让读者/观众在贬低某些潜在英雄时能更谨慎些。理由么, 从电影内容看,男主角的决策始终是最理智的,而且需要行动时也身先士卒,并且富有牺牲精神, 《雾都孤儿》中的“孤儿”和“雾郁”指什么? 孤儿指的是奥利佛·崔斯特,雾都指的是伦敦,别忘了采纳 《雾都孤儿》讲什么? 19世纪30年代,雾都伦敦,小男孩奥利佛·特维斯特(巴尼·克拉克饰)自幼被父母抛弃,孤独地在教区抚幼院里长大,随后他被迫进入苛刻的巴姆鲍经营的棺材店里做学徒,由于不能承受繁重的劳动和老板的打骂,他逃到伦敦街上,成为一名雾都孤儿。在伦敦游荡的时候,独自一人的奥利佛被当地一个扒手黑帮盯上,并且被险恶的费金(本·金斯利饰)骗进充满罪恶和肮脏的贼窝,费金希望能够将奥利佛训练成一位盗窃能手以成为自己的"孩子盗窃集团"的一员,从而又多了一个可以为自己获取不义之财的途径。身陷囫囵的奥利佛得到和蔼 的布郎罗先生的帮助,但仅仅是他一系列冒险经历的开始。恶劣的环境、重重的误会、人性的黑暗包围着奥利佛,在流浪中他历尽艰辛,但奥利佛始终保持纯真的心,对生命抱有希望,甚至让二号贼首赛克斯的情妇南希良心发现,在他天真纯洁的身上看到往日清白的自己,最终冒着生命危险将奥利佛救出贼窟。然而,南茜为了救这位可怜的孤儿而被杀,奥利佛·特维斯特经过百般周折之后,终于知道了自已真实的身份 雾都孤儿全文阅读 153462个字,书上写的!
2023-07-22 17:02:221


2023-07-22 17:02:175


Sick of the betrayals the United States government has perpetrated on the Native Americans, Colonel William Ludlow (Anthony Hopkins) retires to a remote part of Montana with One Stab, a Native American friend and narrator of the film, where they build a ranch. Acpanying them are hired hand Decker, Decker"s Cree wife, Pet and their daughter, Isabel Two. The Colonel"s wife, Isabel, does not adapt to the harsh winters and soon leaves to live on the East Coast. Colonel Ludlow has three sons: Alfred, the eldest, is responsible and cautious; Tristan is wild and well versed in American Indian traditions; Samuel, the youngest, is educated but naive and is constantly watched over by his brothers. At age 12, Tristan tries to sneak up on and touch a sleeping grizzly bear. The bear awakens and slashes at Tristan, injuring him, but he stabs at the bear"s paw and manages to cut off a claw. The bear limps away. As the boys grow up, Samuel returns from Harvard with his fiancée, Susannah Fincannon. She finds Tristan"s wild chari *** a captivating, and she is conflicted over this because she loves Samuel. Before they can marry, Samuel tells his family that he is leaving for Calgary to join the Canadian Expeditionary Force, and serve England[2] in the fight against Germany. Much to their father"s displeasure, Alfred and Tristan go with him. During World War I, the brothers find themselves in the 10th Battalion, CEF.[3] Alfred, missioned as an officer, leads a mass charge into no man"s land, possibly an offensive during the 2nd Battle of Ypres (see below), although the date in the narration is given as February 1915, rather than the real date of April-May. Tristan abandons his own unit to be at Samuel"s side. The attack is repulsed with heavy casualties, and Alfred is wounded. While visiting Alfred in the field hospital, Tristan learns that Samuel has volunteered for a dangerous reconnaissance mission. He rushes off frantically to protect his younger brother but arrives too late to save him from being gassed and fatally machine gunned. Devastated, Tristan holds Samuel until he dies. Then, in tears, Tristan cuts out Samuel"s heart, which he sends home to be buried on his father"s ranch. Seething with hatred, Tristan single-handedly raids behind German lines, killing the gunners responsible for Samuel"s death. To the horror of his fellow soldiers, he returns to camp the following morning with the scalps of German soldiers hanging around his neck. He is discharged from army service but doesn"t go home - a deleted scene on the DVD shows him in a psychiatric hospital.) In the meantime, Alfred returns to Montana and proposes marriage to Susannah, but she declines. Tristan returns home, where Susannah finds him weeping over Samuel"s grave. Trying to fort him, they bee lovers. A jealous Alfred confronts Tristan and later leaves to make his name in Helena. Tristan"s relationship with Susannah is doomed by his guilt and pain for failing to protect Samuel, as well as feeling responsible for driving Alfred away. These demons force him to go travelling again, chasing him all over the globe. Back at the ranch, Susannah waits for him but eventually receives a letter: "All we had is dead. As I am dead. Marry another." Alfred finds her weeping on the porch and tries to fort her. Colonel Ludlow finds them together, leading to a huge row and they fall out. Colonel Ludlow has a stroke later. He doesn"t speak for years and the ranch deteriorates. Eventually, Susannah agrees to marry Alfred, who is now a congres *** an. Alfred"s business and politics cause him to get involved with the O"Banion brothers, Irish bootleggers and gangsters. Tristan finally returns during Prohibition, bringing life back to the ranch and his father. He accepts Susannah"s marriage to Alfred, falls in love with and marries Isabel Two, and they have o children. Life seems to bee more normal as Tristan finds solace in his young family. During Prohibition, Tristan bees involved in *** all-scale *** uggling bootleg liquor, finding himself at odds with the O"Banion brothers. Tristan"s wife is accidentally killed by a corrupt police officer working for the O"Banions and in a fit of agonized grief, Tristan beats the officer to near death and has to plead guilty and serve 30 days in jail. Susannah visits, but Tristan refuses her advances and insists she "go home to Alfred," her rightful hu *** and. After his release from jail, Tristan and his father-in-law Decker kill those responsible for Isabel Two"s death, including one of the O"Banion brothers. Susannah, gazing at herself in a mirror, then hacks off her hair, and mits suicide out of guilt and inner conflicts. When the remaining O"Banion brother es for Tristan, he and the corrupt Sheriff are shot and killed by Colonel Ludlow and Alfred as Tristan attempts to protect his father. Alfred is finally fiven by, and reunited with, his father and brother. Tristan, knowing he will be blamed for the men"s disappearance, leaves for the mountain country after asking Alfred to take care of his children. The film skips ahead, showing a rundown cemetery with the gravestones of everyone in Tristan"s life, all who died before him. The movie ends with Tristan as an old man in the woods. He enters a clearing to investigate an animal carcass when he"s found by a grizzly bear. He tries to fight the bear, but the bear throws him around the clearing and as Tristan raises his knife to defend himself, the image freezeframes as One Stab says, "It was a good death."
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