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2023-07-23 03:16:12



英语pull over是靠边停车的意思吗?

2023-07-22 15:11:1510


2023-07-22 15:11:511


2023-07-22 15:12:001

pullover 为什么是说衣服? pull和over 这两个词放在一起 怎么就和衣服扯上了?

因为pullover 翻译成中文是:n.套衫(如羊毛套衫) adj.套穿的
2023-07-22 15:12:202


pullover 套头毛衣
2023-07-22 15:12:312


调整后在显示屏的侧面增加了一个小型抓取器,您可以与之进行交互以快速访问自己喜欢的或最近使用的应用程序。可以长按采集器一会儿以显示隐藏的菜单,而在此菜单中时,您可以左右拖动手指以将应用程序固定到PullOver Pro界面。轻扫采集卡会打开一个尝试,其中包含您已固定的应用程序。安装后PullOver Pro会在“设置”应用程序中放置一个首选项窗格,您可以在其中根据自己的喜好配置一些选项。
2023-07-22 15:12:591


jumper和sweater的区别为:一、指代不同1、jumper:针织套衫。2、sweater:毛衣。二、侧重点不同1、jumper:套头毛衣,美国称为sweater。2、sweater:英国称为Pullover或Jumper 针织的前身开口的,即开衫毛衣。三、引证用法不同1、jumper:运动(工作)外套(jumpers),这个词有着“发汗物品”的意思,以往指的是“低工资的重度劳动工作者”(或是高劳力的人)。一直到了1828年,才又有了“促进发汗的服装”之意,但不是指人的服装,而是给马匹穿的衣服(可能是棉被之类)。2、sweater:“sweater”被普遍认为是体育服装,尤其是骑脚踏车的服装,但1900年《裁缝杂志》(Taylor & Cutter)上的一句话:“不论是谁穿上这种衣服,看起来都像个不懂礼仪的笨蛋”,使我们了解到,当时的“sweater”并不是正式的社交服装。
2023-07-22 15:13:121


2023-07-22 15:13:331


micro 微小的maxicoat 特长大衣 pullover 套衫mini 迷你裙bootie (Big bootie girl) 毛线鞋,女人的短靴a gogo 摇摆裙be-bop 比博普superio(注意不是superior) 超级输出buffet 自主餐supervisor 监管者..好乱
2023-07-22 15:13:426


2023-07-22 15:14:151


According to the demand of new materials ,please choose a pattern then to prepare a pullover,if not,please straight using the material we have on-hand,be sure that all the samples have to be sent to every customer so as to be disscussed at the meeting before friday next week ,so we must to sent all the things out before tuesday next week. To all!thank you !
2023-07-22 15:14:376


simple 单薄的意思
2023-07-22 15:15:013

精读哈利波特与魔法石Chapter 2(三)

原文:Just then, the doorbell rang -- "Oh, good Lord, they"re here!" said Aunt Petunia frantically -- and a moment later, Dudley"s best friend, Piers Polkiss, walked in with his mother. Piers was a scrawny boy with a face like a rat. ... Another time, Aunt Petunia had been trying to force him into a revolting old sweater of Dudley"s (brown with orange puff balls) -- The harder she tried to pull it over his head, the smaller it seemed to become, until finally it might have fitted a hand puppet, but certainly wouldn"t fit Harry. 译文: 正在这时,门铃响了—— “哎呀,天哪,他们来了!”佩妮姨妈慌慌张张地说。过了一会儿,达力最要好的朋友皮尔波奇斯和他的母亲一起进来了。皮尔瘦骨嶙峋,脸像老鼠脸。 。。。 还有一次,佩妮姨妈硬要哈利穿一件旧的套头毛衣(这件毛衣很难看,是棕色的,缀有橙色的小毛球)。她越是往哈利头上套,毛衣就缩得越小,最后缩得只能给掌上木偶穿,哈利穿当然是不合适了。思考下列单词和词组在文中的释义 Just then Frantically Scrawny Revolting Puff Pull over Puppet 精读笔记 第一部分:Just then, the doorbell rang -- "Oh, good Lord, they"re here!" said Aunt Petunia frantically -- and a moment later, Dudley"s best friend, Piers Polkiss, walked in with his mother. Piers was a scrawny boy with a face like a rat.写作分析: Just then 在原文中意为:就在那时,正当那时;正在那时。(用于过去式) 例:Justthen, thedogjumped ata lightningspeed. 正在那时,狗儿以闪电般的速度跳起来。 拓展:just now 刚才;眼下(刚刚发生过的) 例:Someonecalledyoujustnow. 刚才有人给你打过电话。frantically原意为:疯狂似地;狂暴地。这里是说佩妮姨妈听到有人来了慌慌张张地样子。 例:Tothe east,Iranisfranticallyadvancingitsnuclearproject, whichmostIsraelisandmostofthe world"sintelligenceagenciesbelieveisdesignedtoproducenuclear weapons. 东部,伊朗正在疯狂地推进其核项目,绝大多数以色列人和世界上大多数情报机构都认为,其目的是为了制造核武器。 拓展:疯狂的 英文表达 Maniac Crazy Mad Raving3.scrawny在原文中意为:If you describe a person or animal asscrawny, you mean that they look unattractive because they are so thin. 瘦骨嶙峋的[表不满] 例: ...a scrawny woman with dyed black hair. …一个留着染成黑色的头发、瘦骨嶙峋的女人。 拓展:瘦的表达 Thin: (普通意义上的)瘦的 Skinny: 瘦得皮包骨(中性) Scrawny:瘦骨嶙峋的(贬义) Slim: 苗条的(多修饰女子) Slender: 苗条的(褒义)第二部分:Another time, Aunt Petunia had been trying to force him into a revolting old sweater of Dudley"s (brown with orange puff balls) -- The harder she tried to pull it over his head, the smaller it seemed to become, until finally it might have fitted a hand puppet, but certainly wouldn"t fit Harry.写作分析: 1.revolting在原文中意为:If you say that something or someone isrevolting, you mean you think they are horrible and disgusting. 令人厌恶的 例:The smell in the cell was revolting. 这间牢房里的味道令人作呕。 拓展:近义词:horrible disgusting2.puff在原文中意为“蓬松”但它的用法不止如此,请看: 拓展:If someonepuffsonorata cigarette, cigar, or pipe, they smoke it. 抽 (香烟、雪茄、烟斗等) 例:He lit a cigar and puffed on it twice. 他点上一支雪茄,抽了两口。pull over在原文中意为:穿上。其实正式语言中,pull over 没有穿衣服的意思;put on才是穿上。但由于原文中哈利并不能穿上这件“缩水的”毛衣,所以不能说是on(穿着)而是over(在。。。上面)所以罗琳阿姨化用了这个词。妙啊~ 注:pullover 也有套头衫的意思,大家自行领悟 拓展:关于pull 的词组 pull apart 把....拉开或拆开 pull away开走 使离开 pull down拆毁 pull in 车停下,进站靠岸 pull off成功的完成 扯下脱去 pull on 穿戴 pull through渡过难关 使恢复健康 pull up使停下 pull out 离开,撤离;拔出;渡过难关;恢复健康;折叠的大张插页;飞机进场重新飞起 pull something on someone 在…方面欺骗某人
2023-07-22 15:15:111


i purchased 3 pieces STAPLE DESIGN OLIVE HOODIE SWEATER PULLOVER,but i only received 2 pieces,the ignored one is the S size.And i ordered color is green ,but u delievered yellow.Pls deliever one piece with S size as soon as possible,or pls refund payment for that .
2023-07-22 15:15:203


2023-07-22 15:15:581


连续快速挺举 = clean and jerk俯卧撑 = push up指卧撑 = finger push up引体向上 = chin up支撑双臂屈伸 = dip跳绳 = skipping跳球 = jump ball蛙跳 = leapfrog半蹲 = squat肩负杠铃 = dumbbell press向头后抛掷实心球 = pullover做体前屈 = do bodybending仰卧起坐 = sit up
2023-07-22 15:16:081


2023-07-22 15:16:371


2023-07-22 15:16:451


2023-07-22 15:16:511


问题一:有关于户外用品,主要是服装的英语单词怎么说啊? 例如冲锋衣啊,抓绒衣,滑雪服之类的,越多越好。 冲锋衣parka或hard shell;软壳soft shell;抓绒类fleece;有填充物的一般加insulated,羽绒服down jacket;滑雪服ski jacket,ski suit,anorak(其实某些hard shell也用作滑雪服)内衣baselayer;涉水服wader;套头类衣物pullover;裤子pants(都叫pants,前面的定语会有不同),鞋子shoes,中帮加mid,高帮叫boot,高山鞋high mountain boot,攀岩鞋technical climbing shoe;帐篷tent;睡袋sl攻eping bag;充气垫Mattresses,折叠垫pad;收纳袋stuff sack;背包pack,旅行袋duffle bag,日用包day pack,防雨罩rain cover;炉stove,点火器lighter;快挂Quickdraw,主锁locker,安全带 harness ,保护器 Belay ,岩塞Stoppers ,粉袋Chalk Bags ,冰爪Crampons ;冰镐ice tool;雪橇 ski;滑雪杖ski pole;登上徒步杖trekking pole;头等headlamp;雪套gaiter。。。。。基本的就这些,还有别的你可以自己上国外户外网站上看看,查查词典 问题二:户外用品用英文怎么说 out things 问题三:户外遮阳用品用英语怎么说 户外遮阳用品 英文:Outdoor shade supplies 户外 英文:outdoors; open; open air; out-of-doors the wild ; 遮阳 英文:sunshade; shadow ; 用品 英文:appliance; articles for use ; 问题四:苏州瑞博尔户外用品有限公司翻译英文 苏州瑞博尔户外用品有限公司 Suzhou r.ber outdoor supplies Co. Ltd. 问题五:求助:一些英文运动户外用品词的中文翻译 Rash Guard 防磨 Rash Guard 防晒、抗紫俯线 Shirts 衬衫 Rash Guard Shirts 防晒衣(衬衫) 问题六:户外运动,用英语怎么说 你好,很高兴能够在这里回答你的问题, outdoor sports outdoor 户外 sports 运动 *************************************************** ^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果有疑问,请追问, 另外如果对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟! *************************************************** 问题七:“户外运动俱乐部”英语怎么翻译??!~ distant-view outdoor club 或者Distant-view Outdoor Club
2023-07-22 15:17:161


dress英文的读音是【dres】。一、词典释义。Dress:穿衣;加工;处理;整备;制作;使排列整齐;整;装好;打扮。二、短语搭配。1、dress up:盛装打扮,穿正装。2、dress oneself:穿衣服。3、dress properly:穿着得体。三、网络释义。1、连衣裙。shorts短裤四会:jacket(夹克衫)shirt(衬衫)skirt(裙子)dress(连衣裙)T-shirt(T 恤衫)red(红色的)blue(蓝色)yellow(黄色的)。2、裙子。分别是:t-shirt(T恤),trouser(牛仔裤),pullover(套衫),dress(裙子),coat(外套)。双语例句:1、Carol took photo of her husband in fancy dress and posted it on their blog (博客).Carol拍了一张她丈夫穿着奇装异服的照片,并把它贴在了他们的博客上。2、They formulated a dress code with distinctive American features.他们制定了具有鲜明美国特色的着装规范。3、And dress, yes, that was the revolution.还有裙装,是的,那就是革命。4、She asked me if I preferred that orange dress.她问我是否更喜欢那件橙色连衣裙。
2023-07-22 15:17:231


2023-07-22 15:17:511

boat neck pullover 3/4 sleeves sweater什么意思

boat neck pullover 3/4 sleeves sweater3 / 4套船领套衫毛衣boat neck pullover 3/4 sleeves sweater3 / 4套船领套衫毛衣boat neck pullover 3/4 sleeves sweater3 / 4套船领套衫毛衣boat neck pullover 3/4 sleeves sweater3 / 4套船领套衫毛衣boat neck pullover 3/4 sleeves sweater3 / 4套船领套衫毛衣boat neck pullover 3/4 sleeves sweater3 / 4套船领套衫毛衣
2023-07-22 15:18:001


2023-07-22 15:18:191

The police are looking for a missing boy who is believed ______ a white pullover and blue jeans.

答案C考查be believed 的句型,sb be believed to do sth 某人被认为干某事 sb be believed to be doing sth被认为正在干某事 be believed to have done sth 意为被认为已经干了某事句意为,经常正在寻找一个丢失的男孩,这个男孩被认为是正穿着一件白色的套衫和一条蓝色的牛仔裤。
2023-07-22 15:18:381


随着手机屏幕越来越大,分屏可以一边看视频一边聊天,或者同时打开两个网页,这则成为了一项实用功能,那么iphone怎么分屏多任务?想知道的话就来看看ios13版本的苹果xs max手机录制的以下视频吧。iphone并不支持自带的分屏功能,不过我们可以下载第三方软件来实现浏览器分屏。首先下载并打开Split App,进入首页后在上、下两个地址栏各输入不同的网址即可成功实现网页的分屏功能了。
2023-07-22 15:18:477


an article of clothes 英语语法书上讲的
2023-07-22 15:19:168

2023-07-22 15:19:492

pullover sample是什么样品

鉴定Supreme Bling Box Logo Pullover Hoodie,得看鞋标的。鞋标主要看:1)耐克的logo对号很圆滑,很多假标都会印得生涩、畸形;2)注意各个部分的字母和字母的对位、字母和数字对位;3)注意条形码的格式,真标只有两种粗细线条;4)尺码栏部分的US、UK、EUR、cm的字母间隔应该大致相等;5)网址栏部分的nikebetterworld的字母间距是否均匀,大量假标会间距不齐; 6)当然还必须有UPC码,而且UPC码一行的字母、数字间距也要各自相等具体情况可以自己找一些教学贴学习望采纳、谢谢!
2023-07-22 15:19:581


2023-07-22 15:20:064

我是初学者学习德语,怎么分清代词` 什么时候用 ihr ihre seine sein...的?

2023-07-22 15:20:176


又知多少?我在这里做个小小的介绍。 clothing 服装 服装的总称,包括所有衣服,以及帽子、鞋子、袜子、手套 、围巾等等。clothes 衣服 同义词有apparel,dress, garments例句:"shewas refined in her choice of apparel"; "he always bought his clothes at the same store"; "garments of the finest silk" 可dress 通常指女士服装 e.g.“ She looks great in her new Parada dress.” top 上衣,即上身穿的衣服,是很口语化的词。女士上衣也叫blouse.coat 外套,大衣jacket 短外套,即只到腰部的外套。jumper 套头衫 (很口语的说法)(其英文解释:sweater, pullover 也就是说 must be pulled over the head) hoodie 衣服连帽子的套衫 (也是很口语化)英文解释:sweatshirt or T-shirt that has a hood attached to it. 宽松的那种类型很hip hop,很有型哦~ cardigan 开襟毛衣suit 套装T-shirt T恤 时下年轻人也叫 teepolo shirt 记得那有名的牌子POLO吗,就是那种款式的衣服。以前是打马球时穿的服装。现在那种带领的T-shirt都叫polo shirt了。shirt 衬衫vest 无袖的衣服。可以指formal的西装三件套里那件背心,也可以是很casual的家里穿的家居背心,反正是没有袖子的衣服好了。tank top 背心 (我夏天的最爱)。 在澳洲也可叫singlet,不过singlet在其他国家应该多指当内衣的背心。camisole 女士背心(是内衣的那种哦)skirt 裙子pants / trousers 裤子的总称,但不包括牛仔裤 (口语一般都叫pants,很少人用trousers)Business pants 一般指西裤 work pants 工作裤casual pants 便裤 exercise pants 运动裤 short pants 短裤牛仔裤篇:在这里要重点介绍一下牛仔裤,我的最爱。很多人都知道 牛仔裤叫jeans,可大家知道现在年轻人也叫牛仔裤作denim 吗?其实denim是一种衣料,也就是专做牛仔裤的料子,所以牛仔裤也叫denim.穿上适合自己腿型的牛仔裤,可使自己体形显得更好看,那我们常见的裤型又有哪些呢?Boot cut 腰、臀和大腿的位置都合身,在膝盖以下的部位收窄得紧身些,因为这样可以把裤腿塞进靴子里头(顾名思义,boot cut嘛),在裤脚处稍微比小腿处放宽一点点。穿起来腿型很好看,我的至爱。Skinny 那种紧身的牛仔裤 Flare 喇叭裤Straight leg 直筒裤Wide leg 宽筒裤Baggy 就是很多男生喜欢穿,松松垮垮,很hip-hop的那种。High cut 高腰的2. Hosiery 紧身丝袜或连裤袜的总称好,今天到此结束,能力有限,遗漏之处敬请原谅~
2023-07-22 15:20:351

Blow My Whistle 歌词

歌曲名:Blow My Whistle歌手:hikaru utada专辑:Rush Hour Ii「Blow My Whistle」Utada Hikaru(宇多田ヒカル) & Foxy BrownMmm, Oooh, OhYeah, Uh, YeahY"all know y"all see us in the Benz or that RoverFresh pair of And 1"s, Louis pulloverWhole city locked, just like I always told you (uh-huh)If it ain"t Boogie, believe me, she a rookieYou know how Fox drop it, dig up in they pocketsPussy get lost, treat that nigga like a jump-offThey act shady, this nigga must be crazyMy girls sell units like Michael in the 80"s (ugh)What am I supposed to do, I don"t wanna be your referee butAnytime tonight I"m gonna, blow my whistle soonHold my breath turn blue, "til it"s time to be your refereeLater on tonight I"ll let you, blow my whistle tooCast your vote on me, Save that seat for meJust place your bets on me, Stop gettin" high off of jealousy,whether you are ready or not, I"m comin" with all that I got (I got)Then while you decide, we are undefinedMy instincts says I ought to keep you free (I wanna keep you free)And my mother says men dislike stability (Oh, is it true?)My instincts says I ought to keep you freeBut I don"t dislike exclusively (oh)What am I supposed to do, I don"t wanna be your referee butAnytime tonight I"m gonna, blow my whistle soonHold my breath turn blue, "til it"s time to be your refereeLater on tonight I"ll let you, blow my whistle tooScared to show or tell, Keep what you just feltA secret to yourself, I"m gettin" tired of mysteriesEven though I say they do notThe games you play hurt me a lotWhen there"s none to play, will you go or stay?My instincts says I ought to disagreeWhen my mother says men will leave eventually (is it true?)Nothing lasts forever, I agreeBut I wouldn"t mind the possibility (Oh)What am I supposed to do, I don"t wanna be your referee butAnytime tonight I"m gonna, blow my whistle soonHold my breath turn blue "til it"s time to be your refereeLater on tonight I"ll let you, blow my whistle tooLive from BK, dippin" on the freeway (uh-huh)Visor twisted back with a couple wild cats (Oww!)Bunch of loose goons, Keep the muzzle on "emWe all 7-tre, who the fluck wan" what? (Iyye!)I numbs "em like cocaine rawStarvin" like you part of the V-8 this fallHomes, in many places, but I"m Brooklyn"s ownBet I, keeps it poppin", keeps they shoulders lockin"La-Di-Da-Di in the party, nigga,Up ya yen, fuck you lockin" for a pen? I just came to boneReputation ill, stay on chromeI"m like E.T. beotch, no phone homeGavin always told me, Boogie, watch ya paperKeep it low, bubbles flow, niggaz, catch the vaporsFox, Hikaru, in the Cadillac blue2 Live, Shawn ain"t got no ma"s, beotch!What am I supposed to do, I don"t wanna be your referee butAnytime tonight I"m gonna, blow my whistle soonHold my breath turn blue "til it"s time to be your refereeLater on tonight I"ll let you, blow my whistle too- end -
2023-07-22 15:20:421

谁能解释一下Marijuana Weed Hemp的区别

英国日常里weed就是大麻的意思。Hemp是麻类植物, marijuana是比较正式的说法
2023-07-22 15:20:512


有五种领口文字。SV – Severe Use 向导级别: 针对最恶劣的极限环境所设计,采用了最耐用的材质,为了应付恶劣的天气都会加上风帽设计给予最完整的保护。适合三极探险(南北极和最高峰),可长时间的为使用者提供了最全天候的保护,但是所带来的是重量增加,因此除非你要去那些地方真的够冷,够险,够偏。否则一般探险使用大可不用买到此等级,当然有钱烧装备除外。AR – All-Round Use 多功能级别:强调了一系列功能,使用中等厚度材质,能应付未来大多数环境的使用,以最完全的包覆剪裁设计。使用耐用的材质,虽然稍重了一些,但所带来的性价比是很高的,非常耐用能百分百应付国内所有的地形与气候,例如:Beta AR Jacket 与 Gamma AR Jacket。此型号若出现在底层排汗衣或中层保暖衣,则是(相对地)定位较适合秋冬使用,例如:Rho AR Zip Top 与 Delta AR Zip Top 系列。 MX – Mixed Use混合天气用途级别:针对不断变化的天气条件和多样的活动与多变地形环境使用,会尽可能地使用耐磨、透气、排汗、高活动性的布料。此定位的设计常只出现在 Soft Shell 类的衣物,如果活动区域的四季分明与海拔变化度大,通常很适合这类的衣物。LT – Light 轻量化级别:使用轻量化材质,设计上追求简单,减少不必要的部份。以风雨衣来说大部分是降低材料的耐磨性来达到轻量;以保暖衣或排汗衣来说会使用较薄的布料,来达到适合三季的使用。SL – Super Light 超轻量化级别:使用最轻量的布料,同时耐用性能有所降低。在风雨衣上很明显最具优势就属于 Gore-tex 的 Paclite 了,其他款式也会使用最轻量化的材质。超轻量化设计来说,目前来说风雨衣一定使用 Paclite了,底层衣会以利用布料的四向弹性来降低太多的剪裁,例如:Rho SL Crew。另外会降低一些细节上的设计,或用不同的思惟来设计,就像 Alpha SL Pullover 是一个明显的例子。
2023-07-22 15:21:561

" Upon my word " said Mr. Dashwood "I believe you are perfectly right. My father certainly could mean nothing more by his request to me than what you say. I clearly understand it now and I will strictly fulfil my engagement by such acts of assistance and kindness to them as you have described. When my mother removes into another house my services shall be readily given to acmodate her as far as I can. Some little present of furniture too may be acceptable then. " “哟!”达什伍德先生说,“你说得真是一点不假。我父亲对我的要求,除了你说的之外,肯定没有别的意思。我现在搞清楚了,我要严格履行我的诺言,照你说的,为她们帮点忙,做点好事。等我母亲搬家的时候,我一定尽力帮她安顿好,还可以送她点小件家什。” "Certainly " returned Mrs. John Dashwood. "But however ONE thing must be considered. When your father and mother moved to Norland though the furniture of Stanhill was sold all the china plate and linen was saved and is now left to your mother. Her house will therefore be almost pletely fitted up as soon as she takes it. " “当然,”约翰.达什伍德夫人说,“但是,有一点你还得考虑。你父母亲搬进诺兰庄园时,斯坦希尔那里的家俱虽说都卖了,可那些瓷器、金银器皿和亚麻台布都还保存着,统统留给了你母亲。因此,她一搬家,屋里准摆得阔阔气气的。” "That is a material consideration undoubtedly. A valuable legacy indeed! And Yet some of the plate would have been a very pleasant addition to our own stock here. " “你考虑得真周到。那可是些传家宝啊!有些金银器皿送给我们可就美啦。” "Yes; and the set of breakfast china is ice as handsome as what belongs to this house. A great deal too handsome in my opinion for any place THEY can ever afford to live in. But however so it is. Your father thought only of THEM. And I must say this: that you owe no particular gratitude to him nor attention to his wishes; for we very well know that if he could he would have left almost everything in the world to THEM. " “就是嘛。那套瓷器餐具也比我们家的漂亮多了。我看太漂亮了,她们的房里根本不用配摆设。不过,事情就这么不公平。你父亲光想着她们。我实对你说吧:你并不欠你父亲的情,不用理睬他的遗愿,因为我们心里有数,他若是办得到的话,准会把所有财产都留给她们的。” This argument was irresistible . It gave to his intentions whatever of decision was wanting before; and he finally resolved that it would be absolutely unnecessary if not highly indecorous to do more for the widow and children of his father than such kind of neighbourly acts as his own wife pointed out. 这个论点是无可争辩的。如果达什伍德先生先前还有点下不了决心的话,这下子可就铁了心啦。他最后决定,对他父亲的遗孀和女儿,按他妻子说的,像邻居式地帮帮忙也就足够了;越此雷池一步,不说有失体统,也是绝对多余的。 my word adv. 一定(必定) Upon my word it is true. 这的确是真的。 mmodate vt. 使一致 和解; 提供方便; 容纳; 顾及 I can acmodate you. 我能迁就你。 cy n. 祖先传下来之物 遗赠物 These are the cultural legacies of the Renaissance. 这些是文艺复兴时期的文化遗产。 k n. 存货 储备; 树干; 血统; 股份; 家畜 Have you any grey pullovers in stock? 你们有灰色套头毛衣的现货吗? sistible adj. 不可抵抗的 无法抗拒的 His arguments were irresistible. 他的论据是无法反驳的。 corous adj. 无体的 不合礼节的 an indecorous remark 不雅的话 1. My father certainly could mean nothing more by his request to me than what you say. I clearly understand it now and I will strictly fulfil my engagement by such acts of assistance and kindness to them as you have described. 【难句解析】by one"s request的意思是“依某人的要求”;as you have described做状语,修饰fulfil; 【句子翻译】我父亲对我的要求,除了你说的之外,肯定没有别的意思。我现在搞清楚了,我要严格履行我的诺言,照你说的,为她们帮点忙,做点好事。 house will therefore be almost pletely fitted up as soon as she takes it. 【难句解析】be filled up的意思是“被装满”; 【句子翻译】因此,她一搬家,屋里准摆得阔阔气气的。
2023-07-22 15:22:041

in stock 到底是有存货的意思还是缺货的意思?

2023-07-22 15:22:145


I come from 06 electronic and information professionals. 1 meter tall and 7, size medium, waist 80. Here is the end of my current job.PPT I did this comparison of simplicity, the main can be divided into four seasons, introduced under the clothing of my mind, I come to describe each of these clothes.Spring: spring 1 is a more leisure Chunqiu Zhuang, gray and red stripes with a T-shirt, V-neck, with a dark blue jeans fold. With simple, the pursuit of comfort. Spring 2 is a pink shirt with a collar shirt casual pants. Is the spring and summer can wear casual style. Spring 3 is a dark blue and gray stripes with a T-shirt, accompanied by a sport trousers, belonging to sports mix.Summer: summer 1 is a white sleeveless T-shirt, accompanied by one in the pants, is a summer sports styles, but also very much like my own set of clothes. Summer 2 is a gradient color purple T-shirt, accompanied by a dark blue jeans are more casual mix. Summer 3 is accompanied by a white big blue striped V-neck T-shirt, accompanied by a gray in the pants, is a mix of sports and leisure.Autumn: autumn 1 is a gray long-sleeved sweater, accompanied by a dark blue jeans, part of the fall with more leisure. Autumn 2 is a black sweater with gray stripes, accompanied by a sport trousers, with the autumn campaign. Autumn 3 is a plain white sweater with a pair of black jeans, is the choice for leisure late autumn.Winter: winter 1 is a white sweater, with a sports jacket, accompanied by a pair of black jeans, in the winter, people full of vitality. Winter 2 is a gray and white stripe sweater, with a dark blue jeans, casual wear clothing during the winter you can feel. Winter 3 is a gray sweater coat accompanied by a jacket, a plain black pair of jeans that can get people to withstand the cold winter.Clothes from the above can be easily seen, my favorite color is black, white and gray. Of course, the red and blue are also more like. I like the style or in leisure, sports-based. I think my wardrobe should be in the future to add some more bright colors of clothing, rather than merely as the main color gray. In style also should be more changeable. However, I chose one of the most important criteria of clothing does not change, that is, comfort is the choice of the first standard! Only their own wear comfortable clothes, is their own needs.
2023-07-22 15:22:314

急急急! 翻译法语小短文!!!

2023-07-22 15:22:394


最重要的关于急救(帮助)是不这样做不仅是必要的,但这样做的仔细,并迅速成为可以。当事故发生,不要急于或兴奋。停下来想一想第一。如果受伤(受伤)的人是在没有立即(直接)的危险,火,水,或流量,让他躺在他在哪里。阿卷起上衣或外套放在他的头,和一个大衣或毛毯(毯子)超过他,是最好的治疗(处理) ,您可以给等待帮助。如果该人是无意识(失去知觉) ,放松(解松)自己的衣服(衣服) ,特别是全面的脖子上。如果一只胳膊一条腿的谎言笨拙(扭曲) ,并期待摆脱阴影,尽量不要移动。请记住,您可以做很多的损害,努力做的事情太多了。当然,有些时候你不能等待帮助,你必须做到最好,您可以到医生或救护车(急救车)到达。如果受伤的人已停止了呼吸,你必须开始人工呼吸(人工呼吸)尽快。如果他是出血(流血)严重,你必须立即采取行动,阻止血液。如果您不能看到血,需要几个深呼吸,通过你的嘴。这将使(允许) ,你想清楚,冷静行动。
2023-07-22 15:23:196


(1)bought (2)raining (3)said (4)opened (5)did not have (6)do you do anything with
2023-07-22 15:23:552


2023-07-22 15:24:157

在冬天 用英语怎么说

in winter对的in the winter表示特制某个冬天in the 1980s 是对的in 1980也是对的
2023-07-22 15:27:322

有关于户外用品,主要是服装的英语单词怎么说啊? 例如冲锋衣啊,抓绒衣,滑雪服之类的,越多越好。

Outdoor Clothing 户外服装Jackets 冲锋衣Ski suit 滑雪服世界上做户外最好的面料是 GORE-TEX 面料sorry,抓绒衣 不晓得英文怎么说
2023-07-22 15:27:422


2023-07-22 15:28:144

T恤,衬衫,背心,马甲 ,的英文叫什么

T恤 T shirt衬衫 Shirts背心 Vest马甲 Vest
2023-07-22 15:29:231


可以分屏的,可以使用下面几款分屏工具:1,AppHeads多任务悬浮窗口 系统支持iOS7.0-9.3.3。2,Mimir 分屏神器(很老的分屏神器,8系统的时候最好用)系统支持iOS7.0-8。3,PullOver 便捷分屏 系统支持iOS9.0-9.3.3。扩展资料:iPhone前面5代系列的机型均使用9厘米LCD液晶体多点触控防刮玻璃显示屏,而iPhone5则增至4英吋。“电容式触屏”是专为一指或多指触控而设的多点触控感应。前三个系列的屏幕分辨率为320 x 480 (HVGA),而iPhone 4及到了iPhone 5则是640 x 1136,并且iPhone 5的屏幕对比为接近16:9。一般情况下,计算机用户都是使用单一的显示屏来观察显示的信息,目前比较流行的是17英寸的显示器,可以满足一般用户的需求。但是在一些特殊的场合下,例如需要对现场进行大范围的监控、CAD绘图、或应用电子地图技术等的情况下,需要全景显示时,用户就不得不要求计算机有足够大的显示桌面,以便对场景的细节看的更清楚、操作起来更方便。
2023-07-22 15:29:381


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 就是要个列表,还有,因为发音相同,所以经常会产生误会,又没有什么笑话 解析: 帮你挑选了四个. 1.There once was a very large lady in our town. She wore a dress size 16. I knew her when she was young, but she had a much *** aller size. Why do you think she is now wearing a size 16? I guess she just 8 + 8 (ate and ate). Submitted by David Trimingham 8---ate 2.I was arrested at the airport. Just because I was greeting my cousin Jack! All that I said was "Hi Jack", but very loud. Submitted by Carcelli"s family Hi Jack---hijack -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.A woman was driving in her car on a narrow road. She was knitting at the same time, so she was driving very slowly. A man came up from behind and he wanted to pass her. He opened the window and yelled, "Pull over! Pull over!" The lady yelled back, "No, it"s a sweater!" Submitted by: Britt Bolving Hansen pull over---pullover -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Teacher: Rumiko, be careful your purse is open. Someone might take your money! Rumiko: Oh, no. I left it open so I can get more money. Teacher: How can you get more money? Rumiko: The weather report said we would have some change in our weather! Submitted by Walter Lowe, aka "Anonymouse" change零钱---change变化 iteslj/c/jokes-puns
2023-07-22 15:30:101

八年级上册How often do you exercise的试卷

how often多久一次2. go to the movies去看电影3. surf the Internet上网4. go skateboarding去滑板5. once a month每月一次6. twice a week每周两次7. three or four times a week每周三四次8.exercise=take /do(much) exercise=do/have/take sports锻炼9. take more exercise做更多的运动10. do morning exercises做早操11. do eye exercises做眼保健操11. the result of/for。。。的结果.12. activity survey活动调查13. as for至于 homework做家庭作业15. do housework做家务事16 shop=go shopping=do some shopping购物17. most of the students=most students大多数学生18. be pretty healthy非常健康19. be kind of/ a little healthy有点健康20. keep/stay healthy=keep/be in good health保持健康21.healthy lifestyles健康的生活方式22.come home from school放学回家23. eating habits饮食习惯24. look after=take care of照顾25.look after…well=take good care of less meat吃更少的肉27. junk food垃圾食物28. be good for 对……有益29. be bad for对……有害30. want to do sth.想做某事31. want sb. to do sth.想某人做某事32. try to do sth.尽量做某事 33. try one"s best to do sth. 尽某人最大努力做某事34.of course=certainly=sure当然35. get good grades取得好成绩 36. help sb. to do sth.=help sb. do sth.=help sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事37.the same as与……相同
2023-07-22 15:12:123

有一首歌是中国女生唱的歌词是有两句重复的I miss you baby

Sarah Engels的《I miss you》附上歌词I Miss YouSarah EngelsBaby cause I miss I miss you soI would never ever let you goBaby cause I need I need your love,I am sure I"ll never get enough.Oh when I saw you baby oh I stop my breathin"Cause when you smiling baby, always start my feelin"All or nothing baby yeah its now or never,And I"m flirting with you can we be together?Oh you broke my heart,Baby from the moment oh we talked,And if you smile to me,Baby oh it feels like fantasy.Come on baby, come on closer to me.Baby cause I miss I miss you soOh I would never ever let you goOh baby cause I need I need your love,I am sure I"ll never get enough.Baby let me start a new romanceOh I would never ever have this chanceI"d never ever find another you (another you)Oh I swear that my love is trueWhen I kissed you baby, oh my heart was tremblingWhen I touched you lady oh my eyes were shimmeringHeart"s on fire lady, you are like the ocean.Flirting with disaster, I can"t feel emotionOh you broke my heartBaby from the moment oh we talkedAnd if you smile to meBaby oh it feels like fantasyCome on baby, come on closer to me.Baby cause I miss I miss you soOh I would never ever let you go(Never let you go)Baby cause I need I need your love,I am sure I"ll never get enough(Never get enough)Baby let me start a new romance,Oh I would never ever have this chance,I"d never ever find another you,Oh I swear that my love is trueCause baby I miss you so muchAnd I would never ever let you goCause I really need your loveI love you so much yeahBaby cause I miss I miss you soI would never ever let you goBaby cause I need I need your love,I am sure I"ll never get enoughBaby let me start a new romance,I would never ever have this chance,I"d never ever find another you,Oh I swear that my love is true
2023-07-22 15:12:091