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2023-07-23 03:06:43
TAG: 酒店 对话

welcome to our hospital,may i help you?欢迎光临,需要我帮忙吗?

what can i do for you?我能为你做些什么?

what"s your order?你想点些什么?

do you want us to wake you up tomorrow?明天需要叫早吗?

im sorry, but would you please show me your id card? 不好意思,你能拿一下你的身份证吗?


1.Would you please complete this registration form?请您填写一下这张登记表,好吗?

2.Could you please put your nationality there,sir?先生,请将您的国籍写在这。

3.May I ask you to put your name in block capitals?请用大写字母写您的名字好吗

4.What"s your occupation,please?请问您的职业?

5.What"s your address in your native country,please?请问您在本国的地址?

6.Could you sign your name,please?请您签一下名,好吗? 7.I"ll need your signature. 我需要您的签名。 8.Sign here,please. 请在这签。

9.Would you put your signature here,please?请您在这签一下名,好吗? 10.May I see your passport,please?我可以看看您的护照吗? 11.Have you got any identification?您有什么可以证明您身份的吗? 12.Here is your key,hope you enjoy your stay in our hotel. 这是您的钥匙,祝您住店愉快。

13.Could you please put your key on the Reception Counter when you are out for the sake of safety?为安全期间,请您在外出时把房间钥匙放到接待台来好吗?

14.Could you keep your room key until you check out?请您在住点期间自己保管钥匙,直到离店。

15.The porter will show you to your room.行李员会领您去您的房间的。 16.Your room number is 502. on the fifth floor. 您的房号是502房,在5楼。

17.The porter will take your luggage and show you the way. 行李员会为您提行李,并为您领路。

18.I"m afraid your room is not ready yet. Would you mind waiting,please?We are very sorry for the inconvenience. 恐怕您的房间还没有整理好,希


19.Our check-in time is 12 noon,I"m afraid we have no vacant rooms now. would you mind waiting until then?我们登记入住的时间是中午12点,恐怕现在没有空房,烦请您等到那是好吗?

20.Unfortunately,we are fully booked for tonight,would you like me to get you a room in another hotel?很抱歉,我们今晚的房间已全部订满,我帮您联系另外一家酒店,好吗?

21.Please wait a moment,I have to check if there is a room available. 请稍等,我要查一下看是否有空房间可以出租。

22.As a hotel policy,we require one day"s room charge as a deposit for guests without reservation. 饭店规定没有预订的客人入住需交一天的房费押金。

23.The room rate is 135 per day including 10% service charge. 房费是每天135美元,包括10%的服务费。

24.Room-to-room calls can be made from your room,please dial room number directly. 在房间内可拨打房间与房间的电话,请直接拨号。

25.Half-day room rate will be charged if you check out after 12:00 noon. 如果您在中午12:00点以后退房将加收半天房费。

26.Full-day room rate will be added if you check out after 6:00pm.如您在下午6点以后退房将收全天房费。

27.No additional charge is required for children under 12 sharing parent"s room without extra bed. 12岁以下儿童与父母同床不收加床费。

28.All reservation are held until 6:00pm unless guaranteed or informed earlier,as a hotel policy. 饭店规定,除保证类预订或提前预订外,其他预订均保留房间至预订日当天下午6点。

29.Rates are subject to change by the hotel management without a prior notice. 饭店房价若有变更,恕不另行通知。

30.We have special corporate rates for certain commercial accounts. 我们对某些商业团体实行特别价格。

31.Please show me your passport or some other identification. 请让我看一下您的护照或其他能证明您身份的证件。

32.I"m due to check out tomorrow,but I"d like to extend my stay by two or three days. 我应该明天离店,但我想延长两至三天离店。



问题一:‘酒店管理专业"的英语怎么说 Hotel Management 如果在句子中说某人是酒店管理专业毕业,那么可以用: My major in school hotel management. I hold a degree in hotel management. I was trained in hotel management at school. 等等 问题二:酒店管理的英文怎么说 酒店管理 [名] hotel management; [例句]在酒店管理系统中正确的记录团队客房和收入。 Correctly record group rooms and revenue in the property management system 问题三:酒店管理专业 用英语怎么说 Hotel Management 如果在句子中说某人是酒店管理专业毕业,那么可以用: My major in school hotel management贰 I hold a degree in hotel management. I was trained in hotel management at school. 等等 问题四:我学的是酒店管理专业用英语怎么说? 我学的是酒店管理专业 I majored in Hotel Management 问题五:跪求 酒店管理 英语翻译 酒店管理 英文:hotel management After high school, Diego went to France and studied hotel management. 高中毕业后, 蒂亚哥去了法国学习酒店管理. College or above, have the hotel management, psychology and managing basic knowledge. 专科或以上学历 、 有酒店管理 、 心理学和管理学的基础. The 300 - room hotel is invested by Changshu Zhongjiang Import & Export Co. 这家300间客房的酒店由常熟 中江 置业有限公司投资兴建,由全球首屈一指的酒店管理集团-洲际酒店集团负责管理.
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  酒店管理专业通常被译为Hotel Management和Hospitality Management。其实这两者的研究方向上是略有区别的。Hospitality更广义些,大体上可以分为旅游休闲方向和酒店方向,其中包括hotel,travel agency,airline,casino等。但从每个program不同的名称就可以看出其课程设置和研究方向的重点。下面跟着我一起来看看具体信息吧!    美国大学酒店行政管理专业课程   美国酒店管理专业主要学习的课程为:会计、会计学原理、雇佣关系、人力资源和法律、创业、金融、经济学原理、食品生产、食品采购和成本控制、营养学、餐饮管理、餐饮服务设计和承办、信息系统、管理沟通管理和组织行为、物业开发和管理、房地产、服务营销、服务运营管理、策略、市场营销、财务、统计学、人力资源管理、酒店管理和实战、酒店业管理的案件分析、酒店运营、酒店设计与开发、酒店业的法律问题。   1、酒店管理专业定义:酒店管理专业是指主要研究经济学、管理学、酒店管理的基本知识,接受酒店的前台、餐厅、客房、会展的管理和服务技能训练,进行酒店的服务、管理、经营的专业。   2、酒店管理专业内容:主要包括酒店的客房预订、前台接待、客房服务、酒店餐厅的服务与经营、酒店发展的规划设计、酒店的经营与管理。   3、酒店管理专业授课方式:第一类为重理论,以培养行业的决策者和研究人员为主要目的的高校。第二类为重实践经验的院校。这类院校是教授学生系统的管理知识,培养企业管理者的人才。   4、酒店管理专业研究方向:第一种是专门的酒店管理(HotelManagement),专业性更强。第二种是餐饮管理专业(HospitalityManagement),主要研究旅游管理、休闲管理。    申请酒店管理主要体现哪方面能力   虽然说酒店管理比较看重个人的沟通能力和领导力,但是不错的平均成绩和标准化考试分数也是必须的。除此之外,院校还会比较关注申请者的课外活动内容和取得的成绩。因为酒店管理专业更偏重于管理,所以院校尤其青睐有领导经验的学生,同时最好有在酒店或相关机构实习或者工作的经历。    酒店管理专业核心课程   美国酒店管理专业课程主要分为三类:商科课程、酒店管理课程、实战经验。   商科内容主要包括市场营销、金融、财务、统计、人力资源管理。   酒店管理和实战类课程主要以酒店业管理的案件分析讲解为主,在有一定基础后会进行酒店运营、餐饮管理、酒店设计与开发等专业课程。
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‘酒店管理专业’的英语怎么说 Management Major
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美国酒店管理专业院校排名1. University of Nevada Las Vegas内华达大学拉斯维加斯校区2. Cornell University康乃尔大学3. University of Houston休斯顿大学4. Florida International University佛罗里达国际大学5. Florida State University佛罗里达州立大学6. Michigan State University密歇根州立大学7. Penn State University Park宾州州立大学-University Park Campus8. University of Central Florida中佛罗里达大学9. Cal Poly Pomona加州州立大学波莫纳分校10. Purdue University普渡大学11. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University弗吉尼亚理工大学12. Washington State University华盛顿州立大学13. Ashland University阿什兰大学14. Bethune-Cookman College贝休恩-考克曼学院15. University at Buffalo State University of New York纽约州立大学水牛城分校16. California State Polytechnic University, Pomona 美国加州理工大学波莫那分校17. Delaware State University特拉华州立大学18. Georgia State University乔治亚州立大学19. Indiana University of Pennsylvania宾州印第安纳大学20. Iowa State University爱荷华州立大学21. Kansas State University堪萨斯州立大学22. Kent State University肯特州立大学23. Mercyhurst College梅西赫斯特学院24. Northwest Missouri State University西北密苏里州立大学25. New York City College of Technology纽约理工分校
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澳大利亚蓝山酒店管理干部学院咨询电: 025 8 1 7 9 08 08
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两方面建议 1 选择名校 或者专排高 2 第一个做不到的 就选择课程项目里有带实习的时候
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2023-07-22 14:39:068


摘 要:在现代酒店管理中,人性化管理已逐步上升为主流的管理理念。现代酒店的人性化管理,一方面要顾客满意,强调以顾客为中心;另一方面,要把员工满意放在重要位置,强调酒店要以员工为本。“员工第一,顾客第二”就是说没有满意的员工,就没有满意的宾客。本文认为应该将人性化管理理念引入到对员工的管理中,提高酒店服务质量,达到实现员工满意,以达到顾客更加满意、酒店更快发展的目的。  关键字:人性化管理,服务质量,激励  现代酒店已越来越重视对员工的人性化管理,它不仅是酒店文明经营的需要,也是酒店可持续发展的需要。员工作为酒店对外服务的主体,可以让你美誉多多,也可以让你臭名远扬;他可以给你带来财富,同样也可以带来包袱;可以让你如日中天,也可以让你破产倒闭。这样的结论不是骇人听闻,是经济制度的改革给这个快节奏社会带来的必然变化——人的变化。  一、人性化管理对服务行业服务质量的影响  (一)质量决定饭店的生命  质量是饭店的生命这一观念已成为当代饭店管理者的共识,同样,对于出售饭店产品的饭店来说,服务质量的优劣更是直接关系到饭店的生死存亡。长期以来,我国饭店业主要依靠价格作为竞争手段,服务质量一直未能得到足够的重视,从长远来看,这种经营之道是不可取的。因为这种短期竞争策略无助于饭店的长期发展。在当今社会,只有优质的服务为保证,饭店才能有信誉,有市场,有效益。  (二)管理要以人为本  饭店的管理,说到底是人的管理,因此,饭店管理必须以人为本,饭店的各种资源只有通过人的科学控制和使用,才能发挥其应有的作用,在管理过程中,只有做到了“人尽其才”才能使“物无虚耗”。而人性化管理是一个动态发展的过程,也是对人的自然属性和社会属性的表现形态进行有序组织和改造的过程。人性化管理大体分为四个发展阶段:人际权力管理阶段、人际沟通阶段、合作管理阶段、奉献管理阶段。这个发展阶段实际是企业文化与员工个人意识或文化意识进行整合的过程。  (三)提高管理有助于服务质量的提高  为了提高质量,饭店应建立完善的系统,并确保所有的员工都能得到他们做好工作所必须的培训工具,使员工不因为工作质量而失去自尊并在工作中获得满足感和自豪感,这就要求管理人员首先要倾听员工的意见,然后对他们的意见和建议做出反应,必要时还要对提出意见和建议的员工给与激励. 作为从事服务行业的我们可能有一个共同的感受:人与人之间有很多微妙的关系,正确地处理好这些关系你会觉得做事得心应手。当你在工作中出错时,你的同事、上司、朋友没有指出你的错误、没有告诉你它的危害,却反而拍着你的肩头说声没事,为你隐瞒了事实,这就是“讲人情”。“讲人情”在管理工作中是不允许的,甚至会使你的工作变得更糟糕。然而人性化管理则不一样,“人性化管理”虽然允许你在工作中出错,但它会告诉你这样做是错的,会带来什么样的危害,你应该怎么做会更好。这样既原谅了你,让你不用时刻担心工作中出现了什么过错当心你的上司责怪你,你的同事怎么看待你,反而使你的工作激情会更高涨,对你的工作更热爱,工作目标会更明确  二、饭店管理中“人性化”内涵  所谓人性化管理,就是一种在整个饭店管理过程中充分注意人性要素,以充分开掘人的潜能为己任的管理模式。至于其具体内容,可以包含很多要素,如对人的尊重,充分的物质激励和精神激励,给人提供各种成长与发展机会,注重企业与个人的双赢战略,制订员工的生涯规划等等。  员工关系管理是饭店管理工作中的重点。特别是金融危机时代,员工的工作压力、生活压力都不断加大,如何保持积极的心态去工作?如何保持良好情绪建立团队合作关系?人性化管理要求管理者聆听员工的心声,尊重员工的意见。员工工作中遇到问题时,多些教导与激励,少些言语式的责骂。员工生活中遇到困难时,多些关心与帮助。可以设立总经理信箱与建立箱,建立有效的沟通渠道。  尊重员工是人性化管理的必然要求,只有员工的私人身份受到了尊重,他们才会真正感到被重视,被激励,对客人提供优质的服务才会真正发自内心,才愿意和领导打成一片,站到领导的立场,主动与领导沟通想法探讨工作,完成领导交办的指令,甘心情愿为工作团队的荣誉付出。尊重员工就是给予员工一个私人的空间,既使是在上班时间。作为管理层你不可以也不可能每时每刻都监督在员工的身边,你所能做的就是指导帮助员工学会时间管理,利用好自己的时间,做好自己职责范围内的工作规划和计划,做好自己的发展计划,用计划和目标管理员工。  (一)科学用人  由于每个人的性格,兴趣,工作能力不同,适合的岗位也不尽相同,在条件许可的情况下饭店管理人员应该允许员工根据本人的特长与岗位适应性,在各岗位之间进行合理的调整,尽可能地把员工放在合适的岗位上,使员工能有机会更好地发挥主观能动性和聪明才智,做到人尽其才,而作为饭店管理人员也应该考察每个人所具有的素质,技能是否与他们所从事的岗位相适应,因事求才,因才使用,对于具有良好职业素质与较强工作能力的优秀员工进行培养,并做好选拔提升的准备,给员工提供进步发展的机会。  (二)业绩考评  在对饭店员工的考核评估工作中要公正,公平,客观地反映员工的工作质量,克服偏见及官僚主义,通过考核评估,使员工明确自己工作中的成绩或不足,促使他们在工作中发挥优势,改善不足,为实现饭店的经营管理目标而努力。  (三)访谈法  员工的态度取决于他们对工作环境的喜爱或厌恶,那么改善环境就能提高他们的满意度或激发积极性,在某些问题上员工更愿意宣泄他们对酒店的各项规章制度和方法的不满,谈话使员工把不满宣泄出来而变得心情舒畅,因此管理人员进行训练使他们能够倾听并理解工人的想法,能够重视人的因素,这样才能促进人际关系的改善,员工士气的提高以及服务质量的提高.  (四)激励  1、物资激励:当员工表现优秀或对酒店有做贡献时应给与该员工相应的奖励,例如加奖或其他的物质奖品,以激励他创造更多的优质服务。  2、尊重与自我实现激励:酒店的员工都有一种积极向上,不安于现状的心理倾向,希望得到社会的承认,获得赞誉与尊敬,饭店管理人员应该因势利导,设立一些荣誉称号,让对饭店有较大贡献和成就的员工取得这些称号,如微笑大使,优秀员工,优秀督导员等,对于授予荣誉称号的员工要积极宣传,扩大影响激励其员工。  3、目标激励:管理者充分考虑,目标的难度和期望值,在制定目标时可让员工共同参与,而不是盲目的下不可能完成的目标与业绩,让员工觉得管理层很不关心他们的工作强度及工作能力。  4、信任激励:激发员工的责任感,创造性,让员工感到我是被信任,被尊重的。  5、榜样激励:其身正,不令而行:其身不正,虽令不行。 榜样的力量是无穷的,管理层应该给员工树立好的榜样,让员工能服从的领导。获得各种称呼的员工每天都在有意无意地影响着周围的员工,他们身上的闪光之处,往往能对周围员工起导向作用。  三、饭店人性化管理现状  (一)是否把职权授予员工  在酒店传统的金字塔形的管理组织结构中,一线员工要层层向上汇报,再层层听从指挥。如果酒店能授予接待人员适度的权力,在接待宾客中遇到的一些问题,相关的员工就可以在职权范围内快速给宾客回复,灵活地为宾客解决。因此最好的办法就是总经理给部门经理放权,部门经理给主管领班放权,领班最后给员工放权,一级放一级,责权分明,授予员工一定的权限。  酒店一线员工直接对宾客提供服务,与客人面对面的接触最多,当宾客有什么不满意或是有什么要求时,常常要求从直接服务的员工那里得到快捷满意的答复这样不仅能提高工作效率,还能维护酒店形象,做到宾客与酒店的双重满意。如一个客人在宴请结束时要求打折,按规定他离打折标准还差一桌宴席的标准需请示经理,但经理不在。领班很想打,因为根据餐饮销售情况,他相信经理在也一定会打,但他仍在犹豫,怕超越权限挨批。这就是经理没有叫他们在特定情况下可以越权的失误了。假如提前交待了,客人高兴,领班很有面子,不仅在客人面前,事后说给经理听还会得到经理的信任和褒奖,真是一举几得的事。但是在授权的过程中,酒店也不可盲目和缺乏规范,应做到适度授权,并要遵循一定的准则,即因事择人、以能授权。对被授权者必须给予有效的指导和监督,规范权责管理。  (二)能否调动员工的积极性  满足员工的需求以调动其积极性这些条件包括:挑战性的工作(尤其是对年轻员工);能产生个人成绩感的工作;对良好的工作和表现表示肯定和赞赏的话;职责范围的扩大,工作中有进修提高机会;自己在饭店有地位感和贡献感;与员工有关的工作事务的参与机会。  酒店的员工在为客人提供优质服务在很大程度是需要得到领导的肯定的,如果员工表现很好,但领班主管根本不去肯定他,那他的工作积极性肯定会被破坏,自然而然地他会形成一种懒散的工作态度以致到最后会厌倦这份工作的。所以作为管理者,要善于发现员工的优点并给予肯定及赞扬,肯定员工的表现,调动员工的积极性为酒店创造更多的优质服务赢得客人的满意。  (三)加强实施 “走动式管理”  对酒店领导我的感觉是总坐在办公室里指挥指挥,发发文件,开开单子其他的印象不多,这样久而久之只会使员工感觉到厌恶,所以我觉得要管理好员工,要使其满意我们可以学习美国普惠公司的一些管理方法。  为促进员工之间的沟通,他们实行了“走动式管理”和“开放式管理”。所谓“走动式管理”即公司高层管理者经常到公司各处走动检查了解情况,与员工进行交谈,倾听他们的意见。所谓“开放式管理”即建立公司全体员工的相互信任和理解的环境,使每个员工感到可以自由的表达他们的思想、意见和问题,管理人员充分利用一切可利用的机会、场合和工具,与员工进行较直接的沟通。例如,喝咖啡时的交谈,各种非正式员工集合,员工刊物等等,取得了很好的效果。在酒店的管理中也一样可取,管理层在员工群中应该多走走。  四、饭店加强人性化管理提高服务质量  加强人性化管理,要凝聚坚定的理想信念,激发员工对本职工作的巨大热情。每个人都有实现理想抱负、体现自身价值的要求。如何激发基层员工的使命感,满足他们的成就感?这就需要全体员工共同努力;就是要在关键时刻,通过宣传发动,加油鼓劲,激励士气,最大限度地调动大家的积极性;就是要对工作出色、表现突出的员工充分认可,加大奖励,甚至破格提拔,激励他们以感恩的心,更加无私地去工作,去奉献;就是要时时处处关心员工、支持员工、保护员工,特别是要坚定地为那些勇于开拓、无私工作的员工化解风险;就是要把基层员工的前途和未来作为人性化管理的重要内容,让每一名员工都得到适当的学习和发展机会,从而凝聚人心。在酒店管理中,人性化管理的关键在于如何将人性化管理应用到酒店的实际管理中。具体可以从以下几个方面去开展工作。  (一)树立人性化管理理念  酒店中的一线员工,直接为客人服务,就是酒店的形,代表着酒店去接待宾客。如何使员工为客人提供发自内心的微笑服务、尽善尽美的个性化服务以及物超所值的高标准服务,能轻松地、愉快地扮演好这个角色,这就要求酒店在经营管理中,加强管理者人性化管理的意识。在管理工作中,酒店要从以管理者为中心向以员工为中心转变,无论考虑问题,还是处理问题都不能脱离这个中心。酒店的计划、决策、指挥、控制、协调、激励等管理职能都要以人为本,兼而重视情感的投入。具体地说可以设立“员工建议奖”,鼓励员工提合理化建议,重视员工所提建议;管理者要切实体会员工的意愿和需要。关心员工、尊重员工、无论是近期措施还是长远打算,都要充分调动广大员工的积极性。  (二)重视员工培训  培训员工,不仅会给酒店带来更高水平的服务业绩还可帮助酒店吸引和留住最好的员工。一些有志于酒店业发展的好员工,他们会选择能给予各种培训,能促进他们事业发展的酒店。只要酒店重视员工培训,把员工培训作为一项重要的工作去做,把培训和发展视为酒店在员工身上投资的一个持续过程。员工就会把酒店作为自己发展事业的广阔天地,他们就会努力工作。同时,通过培训,能增强员工对酒店的奉献精神,能接受酒店的奋斗目标和价值观念。因此,对酒店也有着短期和长期的积极影响。  (三)加强酒店文化建设  酒店本身要注重员工与酒店的自愿合作,其工作方式也更多地强调团队合作。酒店文化是酒店在长期经营中形成的并得到全体成员信奉和遵守的价值观、信念、行为规范、传统风俗和礼仪等内容组成的有机整体。以加强酒店文化建设来实现人性化管理,主要通过加强精神文化层、制度文化层、物质文化层三个方面的建设来实现 。因此,以酒店文化来提高酒店的凝聚力、激发员工的创造力更为重要。  1、酒店要加强精神文化的建设,首先就要树立正确、理性、健康的理念。员工追求的不仅仅是一份理想的工作,更是一项有发展的职业和事业。只有真正重视人的发展,在经营管理中突出“人本”思想,建立独特的酒店文化,才能真正吸引人才、留住人才。精神文化这种理念在酒店的成长与发展中潜移默化的发挥着最持久的作用。好的精神文化层是酒店无形的资产,它不仅能挖掘出每位员工的潜能,激发员工的士气,而且是酒店内部团结的纽带和沟通的渠道。它所带来的是群体的智慧、协作的精神、旺盛的活力。  2、制度文化是酒店的各种规章制度以及这些规章制度所要遵循的理念等。在任何一个社会或组织中,制度的作用不可替代。酒店员工处在企业文化道德规范和行为规范的约束下,使员工产生自控意识,达到内在的自我管理和自我约束,培育员工高度工作热情和工作责任感,激发其发自内心的执行规章制度的自觉性。  3、物质文化包括店容、酒店标识、文化传播网等。加强酒店文化建设也可通过这些措施加以进行。例如实行人性化管理,为员工创造一个良好的工作环境非常重要。  随着国民经济的飞速发展,酒店业的竞争也日益激烈。酒店在经营管理中重视人性,将人性化管理理念应用到对员工的管理中,这才是酒店在竞争中获胜的有效途径。  (四)提高酒店内部协调性  1、加强沟通管理。部门合作以沟通为基础,没有沟通,人与人之间会陷入一种相互隔绝的心理状态,就不可能形成默契的配合。酒店沟通包括上下级之间、部门之间、部门内人员之间的沟通等。可通过各种集体活动来促进酒店内部沟通,如管理人员与服务人员一起用餐、设立员工意见箱等都是实现内部有效沟通的具体方式。  2、推行岗位轮换制度。酒店属于劳动密集型企业,很多岗位的工作重复劳动量非常大,很容易导致员工出现过度疲劳或迟钝倾向,需要管理者采取岗位轮换方式进行有效调节。这有助于开发员工潜在工作能力,打破不同部门间的隔膜,为协作打好基础。  3、培育企业文化。企业文化是一个企业的灵魂,是企业凝聚力的最重要内涵和外延。酒店文化的形成,它反映的是酒店全体员工的共同价值取向,在其基础上,酒店员工之间、部门之间就会形成一个合作、团结的整体。好的酒店文化能够提升员工的服务意愿,发自内心为顾客服务,而消费者在接受这种服务、感受这种企业文化的同时会提升对酒店服务质量的认同感。  五、结语  酒店的管理在很大程度上还是对人的管理,我们无权去要求客人怎么做,我们只能做好自己员工的本职工作,通过员工优秀的工作表现来感染客人。人性化的管理才能让员工服从,人性化的管理才能使员工满意,人性化的管理才能让员工表现优异。在对员工进行人性化管理时,加强必要人力资源培训,提高员工的工作技能,使之工作起来更为得心应手,从而减少员工完成工作的能力和压力;进行更为有效的时间管理培训;加强员工的沟通技巧培训;保障员工的生活质量;完善薪酬体系,向员工提供富有竞争力的薪酬,增强员工的安全感和较为稳定的就业心理;在员工结婚、离婚、生产、配偶或近亲去世、搬家等特殊情况时给予额外的带薪假期,让其无任何的顾虑;鼓励员工健康的生活方式;向员工提供保健或健康项目,可以建立专门的保健室和内部健身中心,让员工免费使用,配备专职的健康指导员监督锻炼计划和活动;酒店的管理者要经常走访与员工之间,了解员工的需求及意见。  总之人性化管理是一种建立在理性基础之上的感性管理模式,它的基础是制度建设的完善,是严格管理前提下的人性化,是管理的高级阶段,是管理理念的升华,它绝不能脱离管理的科学性和严谨性而独立存在,更不是人情化管理和仁慈化管理,它是需要管理者用心来同被管理者进行交流,做到彼此了解,要求管理者在管理中要用“心”去体会,用“心”去感受,用“心”去交流,用“心”来指引。  参考文献:  1.海萌辉,现代饭店管理,郑州大学出版,2003.4。  2.侯明贤,管理学原理与方法,浙江大学出版,2009.2。  3.田喜洲,论酒店管理中的人性化趋势,商业研究,2005,1。  4.章平,激活你的员工--激励理论在饭店管理中的应用,商业时代:新商论,2002  5.李桂萍,人性化管理在现代企业中的应用,中国人力资源开发,2003,5(3)。  On the hotel management and user-friendly improvements in the quality of hotel Services  06Hotel Management(10) PanHuizhen NO:200601011021  Abstract: In the modern hotel management, management of human nature has gradually risen to the mainstream of management theory. Humanization of modern hotel management, on the one hand, customer satisfaction, customer-centered emphasis; On the other hand, employee satisfaction should be placed in an important position, want to emphasize the hotel-based employees. "Employees first, customers second," that is not satisfied with the staff, there will be no satisfaction of guests. This article should consider the concept of humanistic management into the management of the staff, hotel services, improve quality, meet the staff satisfied with the implementation in order to achieve customer satisfaction, the hotel faster development  Key words: people-oriented management, service quality, incentives
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  近年来加拿大政府的对留学生的政策日益优厚,逐渐形成留学-工作-移民的广招人才的政策,到底哪种专业在加拿大毕业之后最好找到工作呢?  天道留学为您介绍下面以下几种专业:  1会计(Accounting)加拿大是一个福利和税收比较中的国家,也是一个非常鼓励中小企业的国家,在各行各业对会计的需求都比较大。中国人在当地从事会计工作的也比较多,我们勤奋上进的工作热情和严谨的工作态度的优势也在这个行业充分得到体现。会计专业著名的大学有:多伦多大学,布鲁克大学。  2 金融(Finance) 加拿大的金融业是支柱产业之一,需要大量的金融人才。银行和金融业没有受到美国次信贷和房地产泡沫的冲击,发展非常健康。就业的方向有:金融分析师,财务总监,个人银行家,商业分析员,个人理财专家,财务顾问等。金融专业闻名的大学有:西安大略大学,劳里埃大学等。  3计算机科学(Computer Scinece) 计算机科学一直是加拿大比较热门的专业,就业率非常高,工作也很稳定。这个专业不只是很多人理解的编程,在加拿大几乎每个中小型以上的公司都会需要这个专业的人才。就业的方向有:电脑系统分析员,软件测试工程师,程序分析员,网络工程师,信息技术专家等。以计算机专业闻名的大学有:滑铁卢大学,达尔豪斯大学等。  4 酒店管理(Hotel Management) 加拿大是一个旅游业发达的国家,从东岸到西岸,旅游名胜众多。吸引了全世界的游客,尤其是美国的游客。加拿大的很多大学都有酒店管理专业,一般都设有实习的学期,为学生能够增加学习经验,绝大部分优秀的学生毕业后都会被留在实习单位。尤其在我国和加拿大旅游协议的签订,随着旅游业的升温,酒店管理专业的就业将更加广阔。以酒店管理专业闻名的大学有:圭尔夫大学,皇家路大学。  总的来看,会计、金融、计算机科学以及酒店管理是加拿大留学生毕业后就业前景不错的专业,加拿大渴望吸收的外国人才需要满足两大条件:一是英语精通,二就是推动加拿大的经济发展。今后几年,拥有高等学历的优秀加拿大留学生,将更容易直接留在加拿大就业、移民。
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The reason why you choose hospitality industry The hospitality industry consists of companies within the food services, accommodations, recreation, and entertainment sectors.The hospitality industry is a several billion dollar industry that mostly depends on the availability of leisure time and disposable income. A hospitality unit such as a restaurant, hotel, or even an amusement park consists of multiple groups such as facility maintenance, direct operations (servers, housekeepers, porters, kitchen workers, bartenders, etc.), management, marketing, and human resources.Usage rate is an important variable for the hospitality industry. Just as a factory owner would wish to have his or her productive asset in use as much as possible (as opposed to having to pay fixed costs while the factory isn"t producing), so do restaurants, hotels, and theme parks seek to maximize the number of customers they "process".In viewing various industries, "barriers to entry" by newcomers and competitive advantages between current players are very important. Among other things, hospitality industry players find advantage in old classics (location), initial and ongoing investment support (reflected in the material upkeep of facilities and the luxuries located therein), and particular themes adopted by the marketing arm of the organization in question (such as a restaurant called the 51st fighter group that has a WW2 theme in music and other environmental aspects). Very important is also the characteristics of the personnel working in direct contact with the customers. The authenticity, professionalism, and actual concern for the happiness and wellbeing of the customers that is communicated by successful organizations is a clear competitive advantage.After completing 12th, choosing a career is a big decision because you are going to invest a lot of time on your studies and them spend many life hours working in the field you have chosen. One of the major aspects that you need to keep in mind is that how easily you will get job after completion of your studies. If you are considering the career in hospitality management though, you already know how will be seeking employment in this rapid growing industry in the world. Hospitality management is a wide term that includes various sorts of careers. However, they are different in terms of responsibilities, the various careers all have in common the fact you will be serving people by providing specialized services. You can select the general hospitality industry and will discover you have many options in terms of employment opportunities. Your training for certification in any of the fields of study includes a customized curriculum to suit your educational requirements. You not only study cooking or room management, but also supervision of staff, budgeting and ordering of supplies.Jumpstarting to SuccessThe careers in hospitality management are widely categorized under food or hotel management. By acquiring a certification within your selected field of study, you are able to jumpstart what would take years of on the job training. It results to faster promotion and wider opportunities. Hotel and tourism careers are available in a number of different businesses. In some cases, careers are even built by blending more than one field such as hotel and restaurant management. Some of the famous careers include the following: u2022 Restaurant managementu2022 Hotel management u2022 Cruise ship food and beverage manageru2022 Convention or event planning u2022 Corporate planningu2022 Resort management u2022 Tourism industryu2022 Flight cateringThere are not all the possible careers available and new ones are development every day. Some the newest careers are in this area such as IT as related to the hospitality industry. Lots of countries are realizing that attracting tourist dollars can provide economic stability and resort areas are searching for qualified managers and chefs. IIMT is among the best colleges for hotel management, offering hospitality management colleges and hospitality and tourism management course with all contemporary way of teaching and practical to boost your career in hospitality and tourism management industry.
2023-07-22 14:40:041


Hello, everyone, glad to have the opportunity to attend the interview of your hotel! My name is XXX, 25 years old, graduated from the major of hotel management, I like the hotel management field very much, my character is cheerful, warm-hearted, carefully and patiently. I used to be a front desk clerk in Quanzhou XX hotel two years ago, then I returned to Longyan XX hotel as front office assistant, I have rich experience of hotel management and customer service, hope you can give me this opportunity, even though I will encounter many difficulties, I"m sure I can be the best.
2023-07-22 14:40:155


华人餐饮酒店管理团队(英文名称:Chinese Restaurant Hotel Management Team,缩写:CRHMT,全称:华人餐饮·中国厨师网酒店管理发展中心)于2005年在中国深圳和香港成立,主要致力于酒店管理服务的专业机构,依托国内外著名酒店先进成熟的管理模式,结合华人酒店企业发展现状,用科学先进的管理理念打造一支代表着华人酒店管理水平的精英团队,主要为星级酒店、大型社会餐饮企业提供酒店委托管理、顾问管理、服务咨询、开业筹备管理、营销策划、专业培训、企业诊断等全方位一条龙服务的顶尖级专业管理团队。团队于07年立足北京基地,拥有非常熟悉中国香港、澳门、台北、大陆的国际化专业管理团队,以能满足并超出客户的期望,为顾客争取实现利益最大化。我们的专业团队凭借多年国内国外的经验孜孜不倦地为顾客提供优质的服务和丰厚的收益。团队核心成员将积极进取, 追求为顾客提供卓越的产品和服务, 实施品牌管理。
2023-07-22 14:40:561


根据查询booking网站、Agoda网站得知,酒店wd可能有不同的含义:1.酒店wd是一家位于韩国首尔的酒店的名称,全称为WD Hotel,距离新林地铁站(2号线)有2分钟步行路程,提供免费WiFi和内部停车场。2.酒店wd是一种酒店管理软件的名称,全称为WD Hotel Management System,是一款基于云计算技术的酒店管理系统,可以帮助酒店实现预订、入住、结算、会员、报表等功能。3.酒店wd是一种酒店房型的简称,表示带窗户的双人房(Window Double Room),通常适合两位成人入住,配有一张双人床和一个窗户。
2023-07-22 14:41:241


VB酒店管理信息系统毕业设计 全文下载地址: VB酒店管理信息系统毕业设计1.6万字 40页包括论文,系统代码摘 要酒店管理系统是较为典型的管理信息系统,系统的开发主要包括前端的程序开发和后台数据库的建立和维护。数据库要求具有一致性、完整性、数据安全性好的特点,而前端的程序要求功能完备,使用便捷。本系统使用MICROSOFT公司的Visual Basic 6.0和ACCESS 2000作为程序开发工具和数据库开发工具。主要包括预订管理,接待管理,收银管理,系统管理,客房管理等功能模块。设计首先在短时间内建立起系统应用的原型, 然后对原型系统进行需求分析, 并不断修正和改进, 直到最终形成用户满意的可行性系统。系统的难点在于数据库的设计和模块之间的动态连接。因为时间和能力的原因,目前本系统的设计为单机版,在论文的第6章有关于网络版的部分构思。关键字:管理信息系统 BASIC 6.0 ACCESS 2000 窗体ABSTRACT The system of hotel management is a typical application of management information system(MIS),which mainly includes building up data-base of back-end and developing the application interface of front-end. The former should make the application powerful and easily used. The later required consistency and integrality and well security of data. This system uses Visual Basic 6.0 and the ACCESS 2000 presented by Microsoft Company. Including the pre-arranged management primarily, reception management, system management, guest room management etc. function mold piece. It can give you a short-cut to build up a prototype of system application. The prototype could be modified and developed till users are satisfied with it. The design of this system is a single machine version, there are a outline concerning network in the section six.Key words: Management information system(MIS)VISUAL BASIC 6.0 ACCESS 2000FORM 目 录前言 1第一章 系统分析 21. 1今晚大酒店简介及所存在的问题 21. 2系统的需求分析 31. 3系统的可行性分析 41. 4系统的业务流程分析 61. 5系统的数据流程分析 81. 6数据字典 12第二章 系统设计 142.1 开发环境,开发工具的确定 152.2 系统功能结构的设计 182.3 代码设计 192. 4数据库的设计 242.5 系统的输入输出设计 28第三章 系统实施 29第四章 系统的运行管理与维护 30第五章 系统评价 305.1系统性能的评价 305.2系统效益的评价 30第六章 对于本系统网络版的构思 31第七章 结束语 33致谢 34参考文献 35 现代化的酒店管理系统设计 下载地址:本文共计44页,17940字;摘要现代化的酒店宾馆是集客房、餐饮、通讯、娱乐,商务文化及其他各种服务与设施为一体化的消费场所,酒店宾馆组织庞大,服务项目多,信息量大,要想提高劳动生产,降低成本,提高服务质量和管理水平,进而促进经济效益,必须借助计算机来进行现代化的信息管理,酒店管理系统正是为此而设计的,一套优秀的酒店管理系统应该是一套适用于大、中型星级宾馆使用的优秀系统,操作简单,灵活性好、系统安全性高,运行稳定,是管理者的理想选择。我的毕业设计题目就是设计一个酒店管理系统,在前期的考察和分析之后,对系统进行了设计,虽然受水平所限,实践经验十分匮乏,独立完成一套完备的优秀的酒店管理系统有很大的难度,但是我努力在实践中巩固以及整理自己在大学期间所学的知识,尽量把这个系统设计的更好。目 录第一章 引 言 31.1酒店管理系统的引入。 31.1.1 酒店管理系统简介 31.1.2 MIS、C/S模式和B/S模式 41.1.3管理信息系统 51.2客户对酒店管理系统的基本要求 9第二章 系统分析 112.1可行性分析 112.2系统的需求分析 122.3系统目标设计 122.4开发设计思想 122.5开发和运行的环境选择 132.5.1软件环境 132.5.2硬件环境 16第三章 数据库设计 173.1数据库需求分析 183.2数据库概念结构设计 193.3数据库逻辑结构设计 233.4数据库结构的实现 253.5需要注意的是: 27第四章 功能模块设计 294.1总体模块设计 294.2餐饮管理模块 294.3人事管理模块 314.4系统维护模块 324.5系统报表模块 334.6客户信息 344.7系统帮助 34第五章 程序设计 355.1PowerBuilder编程的对象特性 355.2PowerBuilder应用程序开发步骤 385.3创建应用程序对象 395.4登陆窗口的设计 405.5系统主窗口的设计 405.5.1餐饮管理系统 415.5.2人事管理系统 435.5.3系统维护系统 445.5.4系统报表管理 465.5.5客户信息管理 475.5.6系统帮助管理 48第六章 测试 496.1调试与测试 496.2 遇到的一些问题以及解决办法 50第七章 结束语 51 小型酒店管理信息系统 下载地址:页数 45 字数 14379摘要现代化的酒店是集客房、餐饮、通讯、娱乐,商务文化及其他各种服务与设施为一体化的消费场所。酒店组织庞大,服务项目多,信息量大,要想提高劳动生产,降低成本,提高服务质量和管理水平,促进经济效益,必须借助计算机来进行现代化的信息管理。由于消费水平和消费人群的不同,街边也出现了许多较小规模的酒店与旅馆,但这些小型酒店与旅馆也要有必要的信息管理,正是考虑到这点我设计了这个小型酒店管理信息系统.该系统是运用Microsoft SQL SERVER 2000数据库系统和Visual Basic程序语言开发实现的。该系统包括客户管理、房间管理、客户查询、管理员等四大模块,具有操作简单、灵活性好、运行稳定等特点,是小型酒店管理者的理想选择。关键词: 酒店信息管理,数据库,SQL,窗体目 录摘要 3第一章 引 言 51.1课题研究的背景 51.2课题的现实意义 5第二章 Visual Basic简介 72.1 什么是程序 72.2 事件驱动编程 72.3 面向对象编程 82.4 几个定义 82.5 Visual Basic应用程序的结构 8第三章 数据库简介 10第四章 研究的意义 134.1 饭店计算机管理信息系统发展历史 134.2 饭店管理信息系统的作用 134.3 国外饭店管理软件系统 144.4 国内饭店软件系统 16第五章 系统的分析 195.1 本系统设计的目的 195.2 系统环境要求 22第六章 系统的具体设计 236.1系统功能模块设计 236.1.1管理员模块 236.1.2客户管理模块 236.1.3房间管理模块 246.1.4客户查询模块 256.2数据库逻辑结构设计 256.2.1创建客户登记表login 276.2.2创建管理员表 admin 276.2.3创建房间表 rooms 276.2.4创建预定表book in 286.3 登陆窗口设计 286.4 数据库连接 31结束语 33致 谢 34参考文献 35附录 36
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2023-07-22 14:42:423


英国大学酒店管理专业名校推荐1.谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学酒店管理相关专业推荐:MSc International Hospitality and Tourism Management (国际酒店旅游管理硕士)MSc International Hospitality Management (国际酒店管理硕士)2.埃克塞特大学酒店管理相关专业推荐:MSc International Tourism Management (国际旅游管理硕士)MSc Tourism, Development and Policy (旅游,发展和政策硕士)3.萨里大学酒店管理相关专业推荐:MSc International Hotel Management (国际酒店管理硕士)MSc Tourism Marketing (旅游营销硕士)4.布莱顿大学酒店管理相关专业推荐:MSc International Tourism Management (国际旅游管理硕士)MSc International Hospitality Management (国际酒店管理硕士)5.牛津布鲁克斯大学(oxford Brookes University)6.中央兰开夏大学(University of Central Lancashire)把你的GPA、托福/雅思成绩、专业名称、院校背景(211/985/双非)等信息输入到留学志愿参考系统中,系统会自动从数据库中匹配出与你情况相似的同学案例,参考他们的案例对比一下自己的情况,这样子就可以对自己进行精准的定位。
2023-07-22 14:42:523

it is politely requested by the hotel management that redios___ after 12o`clock at night.

2023-07-22 14:43:103


(以下院校排名不分先后)。  · VATEL INTERNATIONAL Hotel & Tourism Management Business School  法国瓦岱勒国际酒店与旅游管理商学院  曾排名欧洲10大酒店管理教育学院中第二,获得世界酒店服务业(最佳培训课程)大奖,荣获2007年度IFOP评比欧洲酒店与管理学院毕业生就业率第一名,提供在知名酒店带薪实习机会  · SG-James Madison University  美国詹姆斯麦迪逊大学  连续13年、连续17次被《美国新闻与世界报道》评为美国南部顶级公立大学和硕士级大学,是美国性价比最高的大学之一,拥有酒店旅游管理、人力资源发展、会计、工商管理等众多热门专业课程  · Pacific International Hotel Management School  新西兰太平洋国际酒店管理学院  是全球酒店管理学院联盟组织的成员,其文凭被国际酒店及餐饮服务业管理协会、澳大利亚酒店业评审专门小组和瑞士纳沙泰尔国际酒店及旅游业培训学院认可,可在新西兰境内或海外四星及四星级以上酒店带薪实习  · Liverpool John Moores University  英国利物浦约翰摩尔斯大学  是英国第十大综合性大学,始建于1825年,曾获得“女王年度最佳高等教育奖”,有着培养高质量、高技能水平毕业生的悠久历史,拥有国际酒店管理,旅游管理,人力资源管理,电子商务等众多优势课程  · Swiss Education Group  瑞士酒店管理旅游学院  集团下属SHMS、IHTTI、HIM三个酒店管理学院,其中SHMS是瑞士最大的酒店管理学校,IHTTI是瑞士早期创立的酒店管理学院之一,HIM是瑞士最早以英语为授课的酒店管理学院之一,SHMS、IHTTI、HIM均是瑞士权威酒店学院协会会员,校舍前身都是当地著名的四星级、五星级酒店  · INSTITUT VATEL - INTERNATIONAL HOTEL & TOURISM MANAGEMENT SCHOOL  瓦岱勒酒店管理学院(瑞士校区)  曾排名欧洲10大酒店管理教育学院中第二,获得世界酒店服务业(最佳培训课程)大奖,荣获2007年度IFOP评比欧洲酒店与管理学院毕业生就业率第一名,提供在知名酒店带薪实习机会  · DCT International Hotel&Business Management School  瑞士DCT国际酒店及商业管理学院  世界上颇具声望的专业酒店管理学院之一,坐落于瑞士的德语区,全英文授课的同时,学生可进修德语,学生可在DCT获得马萨诸塞大学的酒店与旅游管理专业学士学位,毕业生可获国际学分转入美、英、澳等国际大学  · Cesar Ritz Colleges Switzerland  瑞士恺撒里兹酒店管理学院  世界顶级的酒店管理学院,得到联合国世界旅游组织认证的12所酒店管理学院之一,参与瑞士政府在2004年和2006年冬季奥运会以及2008年北京奥运会的组织安排工作,每年定期在校内召开两次世界酒店人才招聘会  · Le Cordon Bleu  澳大利亚法式蓝带酒店管理学院  法式蓝带酒店管理学院是世界最具规模的餐饮管理及烹饪艺术学校,并被视为是餐饮管理教育与训练的国际指标学校,在全球16国设有27所学校,澳洲的校区设在阿德雷德、悉尼,可为学生提供世界各地主要国际饭店带薪实习机会  · EASB Institute of Management  新加坡东亚管理学院  新加坡著名私立高校之一,获得SQC与CaseTrust 双认证并同时经中国政府资格认证,高含金量的课程被英国、美国、澳大利亚、新西兰等国150多所优秀大学认可,其商务管理、酒店与旅游管理、会计等众多课程都非常出色  · Cape Breton University  加拿大凯波布兰顿大学  曾在加拿大最权威大学排名中荣获毕业生最满意的学校第一名,其酒店管理学士学位是加拿大唯一的3 年制的,且包含12个月带薪实习,学生可在多伦多、尼亚加拉瀑布、班芙国家公园等地的酒店、旅行社、俱乐部等机构实习。
2023-07-22 14:43:201

请各位英语高手帮我翻译一篇英文的自我介绍~~~~ 大概是这样 谢谢了

Fellow teachers are good, my name is XX, English name is " Joe " 19 years old this year, I have a healthy body. I like playing basketball, table tennis and ice skating, when a person at home like the Internet or songs, do not like long time immersed in the world of books work and rest is the best, when it comes to my family, then I will talk about my family there are four people in my family, my father mother and sister and me, my father is an engineer, he "s very hard on me taught me many things, the mother of my life to take care of care, in their care of childhood and growth is full of happiness.I love this hotel management professional, because I like to live in a strict order of the management environment, since I choose this specialization will efforts unremittingly goThank you teacher, my introduction.
2023-07-22 14:43:273


04月12日liuxue86.com报道,《澳大利亚八大名校商科硕士专业分类》资讯内容由收集整理. 澳大利亚八大名校商科硕士专业类别一:共11个专业 专业特点:与数学关系密切,理论性强,知识密集型,有比较清晰的职业发展路径。 Accounting 会计 推荐大学: 澳大利亚国立大学、墨尔本大学、悉尼大学、新南威尔士大学、昆士兰大学、西澳大学、莫纳许大学、阿得雷德大学 Actuarial Studies 精算 推荐大学:澳大利亚国立大学、墨尔本大学、新南威尔士大学 Applied Finance 应用金融 推荐大学:昆士兰大学、莫纳许大学、阿得雷德大学 Banking and Finance 银行金融 推荐大学:莫纳许大学 Business Information Systems 商业信息系统 推荐大学:澳大利亚国立大学、墨尔本大学、悉尼大学、新南威尔士大学、昆士兰大学、西澳大学 Econometrics 计量经济学 推荐大学:悉尼大学 Economics 经济学 推荐大学:澳大利亚国立大学、墨尔本大学、悉尼大学、新南威尔士大学、昆士兰大学、西澳大学 Finance 金融 推荐大学:澳大利亚国立大学、墨尔本大学、悉尼大学、新南威尔士大学、西澳大学、阿得雷德大学 Funds Management 基金管理 推荐大学:新南威尔士大学 Risk Management 风险管理 推荐大学:莫纳许大学 Statistics 统计学 推荐大学:澳大利亚国立大学 澳大利亚八大名校商科硕士专业类别二:共15个专业 专业特点:与数学关联度不高,实践性强,技能密集型,职业方向以管理型人才为主。 Agribusiness 农业经济 推荐大学:昆士兰大学、阿得雷德大学 Business Administration 工商管理 推荐大学:澳大利亚国立大学、墨尔本大学、新南威尔士大学、昆士兰大学、西澳大学、莫纳许大学、阿得雷德大学 Business and Engineering Asset Management 企业和工程资产管理 推荐大学:阿得雷德大学 Electronic Commerce 电子商务 推荐大学:昆士兰大学、西澳大学 Human Resource Management 人力资源管理 推荐大学:墨尔本大学、悉尼大学、新南威尔士大学、西澳大学、莫纳许大学 International Business 国际商务 推荐大学:澳大利亚国立大学、墨尔本大学、悉尼大学、新南威尔士大学、昆士兰大学、西澳大学、莫纳许大学 International Hotel Management 国际酒店管理 推荐大学:昆士兰大学 Logistics and Supply Chain Management 物流与供应链管理 推荐大学:悉尼大学、新南威尔士大学、莫纳许大学 Management 管理 推荐大学:澳大利亚国立大学、墨尔本大学、悉尼大学 Marketing 市场营销 推荐大学:澳大利亚国立大学、墨尔本大学、悉尼大学、新南威尔士大学、昆士兰大学、西澳大学、莫纳许大学、阿得雷德大学 Operation Management 运营管理 推荐大学:悉尼大学 Performance Management 绩效管理 推荐大学:阿得雷德大学 Property Studies 房地产研究 推荐大学:昆士兰大学 Technology Management 技术管理 推荐大学:新南威尔士大学 Transport Management 运输管理 推荐大学:悉尼大学
2023-07-22 14:43:341


2楼正解, 澳洲的酒店管理在这点上就比不上瑞士了,250的工作小时其实就是叫你去随便做。瑞士的做法比较人性化,帮助学生去找实习,而且实习的地方都比澳洲学校好多了。这个你可以上网查查参考一下,慎重选择。
2023-07-22 14:43:423


2023-07-22 14:43:504


问题一:酒店经理用英语怎么说 hotel manager 问题二:“”我在酒店工作,是一位后勤主管 ” 用英文怎么说? I work in the hotel, is a logistics manager 我在酒店工作,是一位后勤主管 问题三:‘酒店管理专业"的英语怎么说 Hotel Management 如果在句子中说某人是酒店管理专业毕业,那么可以用: My major in school hotel management. I hold a degree in hotel management. I was trained in hotel management at school. 等等 问题四:酒店管理的英文怎么说 酒店管理 [名] hotel management; [例句]在酒店管理系统中正确的记录团队客房和收入。 Correctly record group rooms and revenue in the property management system 问题五:一名饭店的经理 用英语怎么说 a restaurant manager 问题六:“他是一家酒店的经理”用英文怎么说 He is being a manager of hotel.
2023-07-22 14:44:131


问题一:XX酒店管理有限公司翻译成英语是什么? 不对,应该这样: XX Hotel Management Co., Ltd. 问题二:酒店管理的英文名 10分 Hospitality Management 从Wikipedia上查得,“酒店管理”(Hospitality Management)有两种写法: Hotel management and administration - the practice of running hotels:酒店的运作管理 Hospitality management studies - the academic study of the running of hotels, restaurants, and travel and touri *** -related business:这个更加广义,除酒店的运作管理,还包含对餐饮业、旅游业的理论学习。 你看哪一种写法会比较适合你的情况。 问题三:XX连锁酒店管理有限公司 英文翻译? 英语:XX Hotels Management Co., Ltd. 日语:ホテル管理有限公司 韩文:?? ?? ?? ?? 希望对你有用 问题四:国际酒店管理的英语怎么说 国际酒店管理 表达方式如下: International Hotel Management The international hotel management In international hotel management 问题五:上海卓阳酒店管理有限公司英语怎么翻译 Shanghai Zhuoyang Hotel Management Co,. Ltd 问题六:酒店管理有限公司与酒店管理服务有限公司有什么不同? 第一个好像是做酒店托管的吧 第二个想是做酒店培训的 问题七:求助:给我们酒店取个英文名字 洋气点的:MASS HOTEL MANAGEMENT CO.LTD 玛斯酒店管理有限公司,Mass憨“聚集起来”的意思 中国化的:Sunjoy 。。。。三友酒店管理,“三友”好像有公司用了。。。 Elgrand 。。。。。君阁酒店管理公司,这个还行,“elegrand”是elegance(高雅),“grand”有宏伟的意思,读起来和君阁也差不多 我觉得楼主可以多贴些背景来参考下,你也可以多说点要求,你这样范范的问,很难起到中意的
2023-07-22 14:44:201


Hotel Management
2023-07-22 14:44:302


对于酒店业的见解:The Food and Hospitality Industry has become one of the biggest employers in our state. It now has attained a much higher status in society and demands high standards of work from its employees. Employment opportunities are many, but eagerly sought by a vast majority of people. For this reason as in any other established business, interviews are conducted. Through these interviews, the interviewer looks for personal qualities and interpersonal skills in a prospective employee to fulfill the job requirements. One of the most important things that an employer looks for are personal qualities. These consist of: a keen attitude, a friendly disposition, neat appearance, a willingness to work, confidence, cleanliness, personal hygiene, deportment (efficient) and honesty, among the many others. Interpersonal skills basically include the ability to interact with people and using initiative to deal with problems which may arise if the customer is not satisfied. If interpersonal and personal skills are exercised then they will greatly contribute to a happy and successfully working environment.2The development of Chinese hotel industry is firstly rested with the tourism market need development providing inside country travel, country entering travel and oversee travel guest resources, which is rested with the following six macro driving force again: citizen factor, economic factor, natural resource factor, technical factor, political and law factor, social cultural factor.While the development of each individual hotel is rested with the influence of microcosmic factor of the district it situated. The microcosmic factors are: hotel management, management concept and management concept, hotel supplier information, agency information of hotel market distributing, hotel guest resource market situation, hotel competitor information and public relation information between hotels.The amount and quality of collectivization will be elevated furtherThe most thoughtful question is there is no tourism enterprise was enrolled into the 500 top competitive enterprises list of China in 2006, which means that we need not only to increase the number of hotel groups in our country, but also to enhance their quality, especially when the international hotels are entering our front and second markets quickly and the international risk capitals are investing into hotel groups of our country. The conformity development of electricity distributing channelIn all the guest room reservation ways of 2005, the main one was making reservation straightly at the hotel, while for our national five-star hotels, more and more reservations were made through travel agencies, which has reached to the rate of 34%, and increased 11 points from 2004. Similar with the situation in 2004, the five-star hotels in Sanya are still relying their motivation trend, such as business guest, gym and lovers room. Quicken the development of the hotel in new districtThe hotels located at the new districts shall be developed more quickly. These new districts including the suburbs encircles big cities, such as the suburbs of Shanghai and Beijing, second-rate and third-rate cities as Chengdu, Chongqing and Changsha, holiday spots with suitable natural views, climate, scene and temperature, such as Sanya and Qingdao, and new economic zones. According to the latest statistics of November, 2006, as one of our country"s top 1000 counties, Dongguan possesses of 92 star hotels, in which 15 of them are five-star hotels, and 24 of them are four-star hotels. The guests are coming from the more than 1000 foreign enterprises located in the county, its position near to Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Taiwan, attracting large amount of people spending their holidays there, and lower prices than the three cities.Diversity management and risk investmentThe development of any industries, including the hotel industry, needs the proper capital investment, and also profit-making development mode and a person with passion and wisdom to manage the industry, which means the enterpriser or professional manager. If the short-term profit-making deeds were go on everywhere and there is no such a person with passion and wisdom, the development of our country"s hotel industry will go along the same way as before.The increasing rate of the guestroom has passed the need for them in part of the districtAt present, the hotel management of Shanghai Hotel is the best one of our country. Take it as an example, the average rent rate of the star hotels in 2005 has decreased 3.40% than 2004, and the average price of guest room has increased 11.13% than 2004. For the hotels are continuing to be built and opened, the hotel guest room increase rate has surpassed the need for them, so the average renting rate of the hotels may be keep on decreasing, which may cause the decreasing of average room price, so to the profit of each available guest room. So, the investors should take this into good consideration before making any investment, and besides, hotels should build their brands more quickly to make management creation so as to stand upright in the fierce competitions.
2023-07-22 14:44:401


  酒店管理专业越来越成为热门专业了,想知道新西兰酒店管理专业怎么样吗?我在这里给您提供了详细的解答,一起来看看吧。     一、酒店管理是什么?   酒店是服务业发展的一个标志,它是为全世界不分种族,不分年龄,不分性别提供餐饮,住宿,会议,宴会的服务性商业场所。而随着社会的发展进步,供人临时住宿的商业场所也从客栈-旅社-旅馆再到现在的酒店,更新的不只是名字,也反映出这个行业从最开始的临时住宿功能往综合性服务业功能的扩展,而酒店管理学的就是对酒店业的运营技巧进行学术研究再加以学习及更进一步的发展。    二、酒店管理在新西兰如何?   新西兰作为传统的旅游国,是一个高教学质量和实际操作环境相结合的环境,是学习爱酒店管理的理想留学国。学习酒店管理的学生在新西兰可以享受到以下明显优势:    1、酒店管理行业的前景光明   高级酒店管理人才无论是在新西兰,还是在全球都是一直很紧缺的,近年来,中国旅游市场的扩大也影响了国际人才市场,熟悉中国文化和中文的高级酒店管理人才成为香饽饽。    2、留学国外与国际接轨   新西兰开设的酒店管理专业,不少学习在课程设置之中会提供为期半年至一年不等的异国带薪实习。理论课程与实际操作相结合的教学方式,能体验到异国酒店管理的高质量服务和理念,与国际化服务相接轨,从而在一定程度上也提高了该专业学生的毕业就业率。这也是优于其他专业的一个地方。    3、中长期回报高   一般在新西兰酒店管理毕业后,会以管培生的身份入职酒店。而管培生就是以管理者为最终方向培养的,当你做到中高层经理的时候,薪酬待遇也会非常可观。同时若外派到海外酒店工作也会有不同于其他职业的福利,例如旅行补贴、免费餐宿、子女教育补助等,而且酒店内部有各种各样的培训计划,为你个人发展提供更多的学习机会。    4、培养高素质的人才   申请酒店管理专业虽然大部分对背景知识不是有太高的要求(如硕士),但是该专业学生也提出了高素质的要求,比如,抗压性、适应能力、团队精神、反应的灵活性、吃苦能力等等,而国外理论加实践的学习方式,在学校时期学生就能提早锻炼,为日后进入职场做了非常好的铺垫。所以选择新西兰留学将会成为你成功的垫脚石。    三、新西兰酒店管理专业可以通过什么途径?    1. 预科+本科 (或本科直读)   对应群体:完成高二课程,高三的学生,大专二年级学生或毕业生   课程介绍   学制:预科(1年)+本科(3-4年)   入学要求:雅思4.5 – 6分(预科);本科:雅思6 ;高二完成;本科大一完成    2. 大专+本科(或只读大专)   对应群体:高中毕业生且想用最短的时间毕业找工作的;英语一般   课程介绍:   学制:2年(毕业对接本科一般要继续学1.5-2年)   入学要求:雅思5.5-6.0,本科毕业学士学位;大专毕业有工作经验    3.Graduate Diploma in Hospitality Management (Level 7)   对应群体:大四毕业的学生,有学士学位,英语较强,(如果是专科毕业的话有工作经验可以申请)   课程介绍:   学制:1年   入学要求:雅思6-6.5,本科毕业学士学位;大专毕业   4.Postgraduate Diploma in Hotel Management (Level 8)   对应群体:酒店管理专业的本科生或大专毕业加工作经验   课程介绍:   学制:1年   入学要求:雅思6.5,本科毕业学士学位;大专毕业有工作经验    5.Master of International Hospitality Management (Level 9)   对应人群:酒店旅游管理专业本科生,或大专毕业加工作经验   课程介绍:   学制:2年   入学要求:雅思6.5,本科毕业学士学位;大专毕业有工作经验
2023-07-22 14:44:471


企业英文自我介绍(精选5篇)   当来到的.一个陌生的地方时,我们有必要进行适当的自我介绍,通过自我介绍可以让别人认识自己。如何编写一段个性的自我介绍?以下是我帮大家整理的企业英文自我介绍(精选5篇),希望能够帮助到大家。   企业英文自我介绍1   My name is xx. I am cheerful, confident and never give in easily. In life, I like to communicate with people. Through getting along with various friends, I have learned many advantages that I lack. I am active and serious in study and strive to master professional knowledge. Now I have the ability to manage office affairs, write documents, handle public relations, plan and organize activities.   At school, I once served as the department youth League Committee and the head of the Organization Department of the Student Union. I have a high sense of responsibility in work and can complete my own work excellently and assist other students. I have good organizational ability and teamwork spirit.   University study, work and life make me set up a correct outlook on life, values, the formation of a passionate personality and honest, trustworthy, responsible life creed.   In the face of social challenges, although MY experience and some aspects of the skill level is insufficient, but I believe that in the future study, life, work I will do better and better, with the idea of unremitting struggle, the stronger the spirit of war and the faithful style of work to realize the value of self life.   企业英文自我介绍2   Hello everybody!   My name is, from Hunan, I am cheerful, honest, easy to get along with people; usually interested in playing basketball, climbing and running   I am very pleased and honored to join "the family, here not only provides a growth exercise for me, showing a good platform for self, but also let me have the opportunity to meet new colleagues, more new friends. - take this, I thank you for your leadership, thank you can give me once such a good chance. (Ju Gong)   I had just arrived, there are many aspects of the knowledge need to learn, but also hope in the future we can work a lot of advice!   I believe that through our mutual understanding and mutual understanding, we will not only become a career go hand in hand with the struggle of his comrades, it will become the life of like-minded, woe to friends.   Finally, I wish you a and for our common cause and work hard!   Thank you all!   企业英文自我介绍3   My name is Xianning graduated from the south gate of the private secondary schools. Tourism now studying at the school in Hubei Province. Studying hotel management professional.   I was a character, cheerful girl, so my hobbies is extensive. Sporty. In my spare time likes playing basketball, table tennis, volleyball, skating. when a person like the Internet at home, or a personal stereo. Not like too long immersed in the world of books, and family members have told me, Laoyijiege is the best. Talking about my family, then I will talk about my family has. Only three people my family, my grandmother, grandfather and my own. My grandfather is a engineer, I am very severely on peacetime, the Church me a lot. Grandma is a very kindly for the elderly, care for my life in every possible way. Therefore, I have no parents in their care, childhood and growth were full of joy.   I like this hotel management professional, because I like to live in a strict order of the management environment. I have my professional self-confidence and hope, as long as the efforts will be fruitful, this is my motto. Since I chose this profession, I will follow this path, effort, perseverance path.   企业英文自我介绍4   Hi, my name is zhang wei. I have been working in the society for two years before I came to the company. Two years is not long, but also let me out just from the school of young and confusion, I have a certain knowledge of social work and adaptation, as well as in the original work of losing the young should have enthusiasm and positive. I decided to change my job to study because I felt that as a young man, I would challenge myself and dare to work in different industries. So I went to huangshan golf international business promotion co., ltd. to become a customer service specialist. Although I have are unfamiliar to the industry, but I believe that god reward those who work hard, hard work, as long as in the later work a serious and unremitting hard work, I will adapt to and grasp the work, become a qualified customer service commissioner, together with huangshan golf club development, grow up together.   企业英文自我介绍5   Hello, everyone, my name is XXX, came to XX company already has a week, for a new employee, Id like to work in the future there are many things need to learn, need to consult a lot of colleagues and leaders to. I will take the fastest time to adapt to this new environment and contribute my strength to XX companys tomorrow. Thank you! ;
2023-07-22 14:44:541


新员工入职英文简短自我介绍(精选5篇)   当到达一个新的`环境后,我们总归要向他人介绍自己,通过自我介绍可以让别人认识自己。到底应如何写自我介绍呢?以下是我帮大家整理的新员工入职英文简短自我介绍(精选5篇),欢迎阅读与收藏。   新员工入职英文简短自我介绍1   General Introduction   I am a third year master major in automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P. R. China. With tremendous interest in Industrial Engineering, I am writing to apply for acceptance into your Ph.D. graduate program.   Education background   At the period of my graduate study, my overall GPA(3.77/4.0) ranked top 5% in the department. In the second semester, I became teacher assistant that is given to talented and matured students only. This year, I won the Acer Scholarship as the one and only candidate in my department, which is the ultimate accolade for distinguished students endowed by my university. Presently, I am preparing my graduation thesis and trying for the honor of Excellent Graduation Thesis.   Research experience and aca#from end#demic activity   Besides, In July 2015, I got the opportunity to give a lecture in English in Asia Control Conference which is one of the top-level conferences among the world in the area of control and automation. In my senior year, I met Prof. Xiao-Song Lin, a visiting professor of mathematics from University of California-Riverside, I learned graph theory from him for my network research. These experiences all rapidly expanded my knowledge of English and the understanding of western culture.   I hope to study in depth   In retrospect, I find myself standing on a solid basis in both theory and experience, which has prepared me for the Ph.D. program. My future research interests include: Network Schedul Problem, Heuristic Algorithm research (especially in GA and Neural network), Supply chain network research, Hybrid system performance analysis with Petri nets and Data Mining.   Please give my application materials a serious consideration. Thank you very much.   新员工入职英文简短自我介绍2   Leaders, Members:   Hello, everybody ——! (Bows)   My name is XXX, from Hunan XX, I am cheerful, honest, easy to get along with others; likes playing basketball, climbing and running.   I am very pleased and honored to join the “XX” to the family, where not only provided me with a growth exercise, showing a good platform for self, but also for giving me the chance to meet more new colleagues, new friends. - To take this, I am very grateful to all the leaders, thank you all so give me a good opportunity. (Bow)   I first arrived, there are many aspects of the knowledge I need to learn, but also hope in future we can work great weekend!   I believe that through our mutual understanding and mutual understanding, we will not only become a career go hand in hand with the struggle of his comrades, life will be like-minded, woe friend.   Finally, I would like and we can work together for our common cause and work hard!   Thanks everyone! (Bow)   新员工入职英文简短自我介绍3   Hello! My name is xxx, from ANYJOB, my personality is bright, honest, easy to get along with people; Likes playing basketball, mountain climbing and running.   I am very happy and honored to join “ANYJOB” this big family, not only gave me a growth to display themselves and exercise good platform, I also have the opportunity to meet more new colleagues, new friends. take this, I thank you very much for your leadership, thank you can give me a such a good chance.   I first came here, there are many aspects of knowledge need to everybody to learn, but also hope in the later work we can comments!   I believe that through our mutual understanding between each other and understanding, we will not only become a career has gone hand in hand with the struggle comrades, but a life in the same camp, share weal or woe friend.   Finally, I would like to and everybody a for our common cause to try hard to struggle!Thank you!   新员工入职英文简短自我介绍4   My name is XXX. My family is in Tianshui, Gansu. This year I just graduated from the law major of XX Normal University. I am open and easy to get along with people; I am careful and good at summarizing, and willing to communicate with others.   I am honored to apply to elite work, and came to the purchasing department, I do not know what more appropriate words to express their delight.   First of all, please take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all the leaders of the permit, thank you for giving me this do not understand what a boy so good learning and training opportunities.   Secondly, I have just left the University, and I have almost no grasp of the companys regulations, the companys interpersonal relationships, the companys ability and so on. So in the future work, I would like to invite your leaders and seniors to give you more advice.   Finally, I really want to adapt myself to the environment in the shortest time, and grasp the necessary ability of a buyer, and do my best for this department and for the company. I am not afraid of hardships, and I will endure hardships. If there is any need for me to do it in the future, I dare not say that I can do the standard you want, but I promise to do the best in my capacity.   My new entry of self introduction to here, sincere thank you!   新员工入职英文简短自我介绍5   My name is Xianning graduated from the south gate of the private secondary schools. Tourism now studying at the school in Hubei Province. Studying hotel management professional.   I was a character, cheerful girl, so my hobbies is extensive. Sporty. In my spare time likes playing basketball, table tennis, volleyball, skating. when a person like the Internet at home, or a personal stereo. Not like too long immersed in the world of books, and family members have told me, Laoyijiege is the best. Talking about my family, then I will talk about my family has. Only three people my family, my grandmother, grandfather and my own. My grandfather is a engineer, I am very severely on peacetime, the Church me a lot. Grandma is a very kindly for the elderly, care for my life in every possible way. Therefore, I have no parents in their care, childhood and growth were full of joy.   I like this hotel management professional, because I like to live in a strict order of the management environment. I have my professional self-confidence and hope, as long as the efforts will be fruitful, this is my motto. Since I chose this profession, I will follow this path, effort, perseverance path. ;
2023-07-22 14:45:081


问题一:"主修......专业"用英文怎么表达? major in.... eg. I majored in bussiness English 问题二:主修课程用英语怎么说??? Major Courses 标准翻译 问题三:主修课程英语怎么说 主修课程 Major Course 问题四:在大学我主修英语和管理专业的英语翻译 第一句是:University I majored in English 第二句是:Management professional 问题五:主修课程。。英文翻译。。谢谢 主修课程:管理学,市场营销,财务管理,经济法,饭店管理原理,旅游经济学,中级商务英语,旅游市场营销,旅游企业投资管理等 Majors: management, marketing, financial management, economic law, principles of hotel management, touri *** economics, Intermediate Business English, touri *** marketing, touri *** enterprises, such as investment management 问题补充:主修课程:普通心理学、社会心理学、人格心理学、教育心理学、认知心理学、发展心理学、实验心理学、心理学史等 Questions added: major courses: general psychology, social psychology, personality psychology, educational psychology, cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, experimental psychology, ps憨chology history 问题六:你主修什么专业用英语怎么写 What"s your major? 问题七:我正主修财务用英语怎么说 I am major in accountancy now. be major in 是固定搭配 问题八:用英语怎么说“我在一所大学主修护理学。” My major is Nursing(注意大写) in a university. 问题九:"主修......专业"用英文怎么表达? major in.... eg. I majored in bussiness English 问题十:主修课程用英语怎么说??? Major Courses 标准翻译
2023-07-22 14:45:211


Hello, my school is big lunch in the canteenIt"s clean.Look at there is a class, a big class school is many classroomsLook, say is my neighbour, they are many books.There is our playground There is our computerroom Are many computer I love my school.
2023-07-22 14:45:5615


总的来说,商科专业大体上可分为商学院7大传统专业(95%开设在商学院)以及9大交叉专业(部分开设在文理学院或信息/工程学院下面)7大传统专业金融,会计,市场营销,国际商务,工商管理,物流管理,管理学9大交叉专业经济学,房地产,人力资源,酒店管理,体育管理,统计,精算,金融工程,信息系统管理金融专业美国发达的金融业与金融教育联姻。众多学术中心的交流,理论与实践紧密结合的教学理念,课程与实习结合的教学模式为美国高质量的金融专业教育提供了坚实的基础。会计专业美国会计专业(Accounting)是商学院下设的专业。美国会计专业分两种:MAS与MSA,分别为本科为会计专业或者非会计专业的申请者设计。由于会计在美国就业市场的就业率非常高,所以申请竞争异常激烈。市场营销专业美国是现代市场营销学的发源地,在营销领域仍当之无愧地处于领先地位。同时市场营销在美国是工商管理及相关领域中就业机会最多的领域之一,所以美国的市场营销硕士专业备受中国学生的青睐。MBA专业美国商学院的MBA教学模式强调实践经验和理论知识的重新组合,重点培养国际化的具有战略性眼光的优秀领导人才。MBA学位是进入美国投资银行和咨询公司的敲门砖。美国投资银行70%以上的副总裁或者副总裁以上级别的管理层都拥有MBA学位。物流与供应链管理专业物流/供应链管理专业,一般设在美国大学的管理学院、商学院或者工程学院里,属于交叉性很强的学科,所以要求申请人背景需要多元化、并且有一定的工作经验。同时,由于物流专业在美国乃至全球的就业市场都非常好,所以申请竞争激烈。酒店管理专业在美国,酒店管理专业通常被译为Hotel Management和Hospitality Management,其实这两者在研究方向上是略有区别的。后者的定义范围更广义一些,大体上可以分为旅游休闲方向和酒店方向。管理信息系统专业美国管理信息系统(MIS)专业,全称为Management Information System,该专业经济学、管理学、运筹学、统计学、计算机科学等很多学科,是一门交叉学科。
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跪求~~千禧国敦酒店集团 详细的介绍

开业15周年的厦门海景大酒店与洲际集团即将合约到期,日前正式宣布加盟千禧国敦酒店集团。2008年元月,将以厦门海景千禧大酒店的身份再度出现在厦门市民的面前。作为首家进入厦门的国际酒店集团管理的高星级酒店,厦门海景在许多厦门人或在厦门生活过的人心中留下了难忘的记忆。 厦门旅游集团的董事长郑金龙先生详细讲述了海景背后的故事。海景的筹建是在19年前,由当时的厦门旅游集团的前身——厦门旅游总公司与新加坡丰隆集团合作,土地属于厦门旅游总公司,建设资金双方按比例支付。合作经营分为三个阶段:第一期股权丰隆占80%,厦旅占20%;第二期双方各半,最后完全归属厦旅。目前还属于第一阶段。 1992年6月正式开业的海景酒店,其地点是当时厦门最繁华地段,酒店也是厦门最豪华的酒店,因此,酒店与假日集团(洲际集团的前身)签订了管理合约,成为海景假日酒店,升格为四星后,又成为海景皇冠假日酒店。海景酒店正式营业之时,厦门刚好进入改革开放的黄金期,那时的中外合作酒店的国际品牌酒店仅此一家,海景是当时外商来厦的住宿首选,很多厦门人也把婚礼办在海景视为最有面子的事。 而海景在结束了与洲际集团的合作后,回归其业主之一的新加坡丰隆集团下属的千禧国敦酒店集团的管理体系,成为特许经营酒店。千禧国敦酒店集团的营运长Mr.MichaelSengol说:“很高兴厦门海景酒店成为我们的特许经营酒店,这正符合集团在中国扩张版图的发展策略。上海千禧海鸥大酒店已经开业,北京是集团在中国的下一个目标城市,酒店预计将于2008年北京奥运会之前开业。同时,我们也瞄准了一些具备高度工商业发展潜力的其他中国城市,厦门、成都和无锡都将建立千禧酒店,首家国敦酒店可望在青岛开业。” 而对于换了管理集团,厦门海景酒店的总经理詹荣昌表示对于酒店的经营不会有影响。目前酒店已经在硬件设施方面进行改善和提升,比如对大堂进行新的装修等。2008年在硬件提升方面还将会做更大的投入,以提供给客人更舒适的入住环境。经过这么多年的发展和积淀,海景已经训练出了一支非常优秀的管理团队,不管加盟哪一家酒店管理集团,中高层管理人员都会留下,管理模式也不会改变,更不会对日后的发展产生影响。 据悉,厦门目前的高星级酒店正在逐年增加,已评星五星级酒店有5家,四星有17家。
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  当来到一个陌生的地方时,时常需要用到自我介绍,用自我介绍往往可以来展示自己。那么你真的会写自我介绍吗?下面是我为大家整理的职场新人英文自我介绍,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。   职场新人英文自我介绍 篇1   Hello, Im wang to golf international commerce promotion co., LTD., has been for a week, for a new employee, I want to work in the future I have a lot of things need to learn, need to consult a lot of colleagues and leaders to, as far as possible to the fastest time to adapt to the new environment.   Hope I can in the future work give full play to their professional expertise, efficient finish work matters assigned by the leadership of the company, for Chinas golf tomorrow contribute an own strength.   职场新人英文自我介绍 篇2   Leaders, Members:Hello, everybody ~! (Bows)My name is xxx, from Hunan xx, I am cheerful, honest, easy to get along with others; likes playing basketball, climbing and running.   I am very pleased and honored to join the "xx" to the family, where not only provided me with a growth exercise, showing a good platform for self, but also for giving me the chance to meet more new colleagues, new friends. - To take this, I am very grateful to all the leaders, thank you all so give me a good opportunity. (Bow)   I first arrived, there are many aspects of the knowledge I need to learn, but also hope in future we can work great weekend!   I believe that through our mutual understanding and mutual understanding, we will not only become a career go hand in hand with the struggle of his comrades, life will be like-minded, woe friend.   Finally, I would like and we can work together for our common cause and work hard!   Thanks everyone!   职场新人英文自我介绍 篇3   Hello, everybody !My name is xxx, from Hunan xx, I am cheerful, honest, easy to get along with others; likes playing basketball, mountain climbing and running.   I am very pleased and honored to join the “xx” to the family, where not only provided me with a growth exercise, showing a good platform for self, but also for giving me the chance to meet more new colleagues, new friends. - Take this, I am grateful for the leadership, I thank you all so give me a good opportunity. (Bow)   I first arrived, there are many aspects of the knowledge you need to learn, but also hope in future we can work great weekend!   I believe that through our mutual understanding and mutual understanding, we will not only become a career go hand in hand with the struggle of his comrades, life will be like-minded, woe friend.Finally, I would like to be able to work together with you for our common cause to fight!   职场新人英文自我介绍 篇4   Hello, everybody,I"m glad to meet all of you.Let me tell you a little bit about myself.Be patient with me, I"m a little bit nervous.My name is Louis. I"m reaIly excited to have the chance to join the team here at Li Yang Crazy English.   I"m looking forward to getting to know all of you.I recently graduated from Harvard with a political science. My hobbies are watching TV.and painting watercolors. My favorite sport is volleyball.Being the new guy here makes me feel a little bit out of I won"t embarrass myself by calling Mr. Lee by someone else"s.I"m trying to remember name. If I do make a mistake, please forgive me.everybody"s name I"ve studied the reports of past meetings,and I"ve asked Mr. Lee for his guidance.I hope that I can make a worthwhile contribution to the company.Thank you for your warm welcome.   大家好,很高兴与大家相会,请允许我介绍一下自己,我有点紧张,希望大家多包涵。我的名字叫路易斯,有机会加入到李阳疯狂 英语的团队我感到非常激动。   我热切地盼望着认识大家。我刚从哈佛大学毕业,获得了政治学学位,我的.嗜好是看电视和画水彩画。我最喜欢的运动是排球。在这里我是个新手, 有点无所适从。我会尽力记住每个人的名字,不至于张冠李戴而闹笑话。如果真出了错,敬请原谅。我学习了以往的会议记录,也请教过李先生。我希望我能为公司做出 卓有成效的贡献。感谢各位的热情欢迎。   职场新人英文自我介绍 篇5   I graduated from xUniversity, graduate degree, after graduation worked in technology management, education. Chance of exposure to xreally recognize the true meaning of insurance, recognize the value of work. So I decided to quit work before education, threw himself into the insurance business, in order to send more people to bring security and peace and happy family!   Insurance Marketing is a career to spread love, the probability of more advanced technology risk of accidents is higher, soxcalled accidents everywhere, but we can effectively transfer the risk to the insurance company, so they have a guarantee, at the same time on the side of the family is responsible expression. Select insurance, to consider three questions: First select a good insurance company strength; second look at this policy if for yourself; third is the clerk of the service.   I am a man very sincere, very willing to help others, certainly for me each and every customer to provide the best quality and most professional services, see their customers because of my help and smile and say thank you from the moment that he was Happy parts can not be expressed in words, and that is for me to work with the best service return.   职场新人英文自我介绍 篇6   Hello! My name is xxx years old, from xuzhou. In June this year, graduated from xuzhou normal college, major in marketing, I work in the xinhua Bookstore outlets, have certain experience to serve their customers.   Good English foundation, has acquired the university English level Four certificate, also in foreign trade practice company. I pursue attitude decides everything principle, I believe that as long as get down to every detail, good customer service, through their own unremitting efforts, will be in with excellent performance.   I would like to apply for the position of in your company. I want to make full use of what I have learned and study and grow here. I hope I can have the opportunity to become colleagues with you   职场新人英文自我介绍 篇7   Hello! My name is ANYJOB, from ANYJOB, my personality is bright, honest, easy to get along with people; Likes playing basketball, mountain climbing and running.   I am very happy and honored to join “ANYJOB” this big family, not only gave me a growth to display themselves and exercise good platform, I also have the opportunity to meet more new colleagues, new friends. - take this, I thank you very much for your leadership, thank you can give me a such a good chance.   I"ve just come here and have a lot of knowledge to learn, and I hope we can comment on the future work.   I believe that through our mutual understanding and understanding between each other, we will not only become a career and Comrades hand in hand and struggle, it is a living in the same camp, go through thick and thin together friends.   In the end, I want to work with all of you to work hard for our common cause! Thank you very much!   职场新人英文自我介绍 篇8   Good morning/afternoon M"s zhou,I am xxx.   It"s my honor to introduce myself here.I"m fromxxx university and my major is tourism and hotel management .I"m an outgoing and warm-hearted boy . During the university I have worked in the students union for about 1 year and get many experiences of how to get well together with my spare time ,I have a part time job in some 5-star hotels work as banquet waitress and I also worked as a trainer in the guest service center of shereton xxxx for half one year . there I learned many skills of how to communicate with our guest .   I have Strong teamwork and leadship skills ,above all ,I have passion in my major and hope you give me an opportunity to work in your hotel You will see my good performance at work .thank you for your time .   职场新人英文自我介绍 篇9   My name is xxx. My family is in Tianshui, Gansu. This year I just graduated from the law major of xx Normal University. I am open and easy to get along with people; I am careful and good at summarizing, and willing to communicate with others.   I am honored to apply to elite work, and came to the purchasing department, I do not know what more appropriate words to express their delight.   First of all, please take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all the leaders of the permit, thank you for giving me this do not understand what a boy so good learning and training opportunities.   Secondly, I have just left the University, and I have almost no grasp of the company"s regulations, the company"s interpersonal relationships, the company"s ability and so on. So in the future work, I would like to invite your leaders and seniors to give you more advice.   Finally, I really want to adapt myself to the environment in the shortest time, and grasp the necessary ability of a buyer, and do my best for this department and for the company. I am not afraid of hardships, and I will endure hardships. If there is any need for me to do it in the future, I dare not say that I can do the standard you want, but I promise to do the best in my capacity.   My new entry of self introduction to here, sincere thank you!   职场新人英文自我介绍 篇10   Hello, everybody,I"m glad to meet all of you.Let me tell you a little bit about myself.Be patient with me, I"m a little bit nervous.My name is Louis. I"m reaIly excited to have the chance to join the team here at Li Yang Crazy English.I"m looking forward to getting to know all of you.I recently graduated from Harvard with a political science. My hobbies are watching TV.and painting watercolors. My favorite sport is volleyball.   Being the new guy here makes me feel a little bit out of I won"t embarrass myself by calling Mr. Lee by someone else"s.I"m trying to remember name. If I do make a mistake, please forgive me.everybody"s name I"ve studied the reports of past meetings,and I"ve asked Mr. Lee for his guidance.I hope that I can make a worthwhile contribution to the company.Thank you for your warm welcome.   职场新人英文自我介绍 篇11   I came to Los relaxation although only one month, but in this short month, the company made me feel that the e a member of the company, I feel very proud, I believe that pride e experience, but just pany, is inevitable, or a little pressure.In order to make their the kind of tension in the liberation, so Iquickly adapt to the environment, love to put all the the past, have contacted all the people and things are nepany, in full trust and cooperation pany.I am at munity development, information is gro the experience of others through, to improve their opany"s development goals are ambitious and long-term, the company"s development is that every one of us, I believe I have the ability to grasp the opportunity to challenge together ANYJOB, my personality is bright, honest, easy to get along ments!   I believe that through our mutual understanding bete a career has gone hand in hand rades, but a life in the same camp, share mon cause to try hard to struggle!   Thank you!   职场新人英文自我介绍 篇12   Hello, everyone, my name is zhang wei, have been in the social work before came to the company for two years.   Two years is not long, but also let me out just from the school of young and confusion, I have a certain knowledge of social work and adaptation, as well as in the original work of losing the young should have enthusiasm and positive. I originally want to engage in margin line, decided to change a work to learn, because I think as young people should be willing to challenge myself, to engage in different industries.   So I went to the huangshan golf international commerce promotion co., LTD., to be a customer service commissioner. Although I have are unfamiliar to the industry, but I believe that god reward those who work hard, hard work, as long as in the later work a serious and uemitting hard work, I will adapt to and grasp the work, become a qualified customer service commissioner, together with huangshan golf club development, grow up together.
2023-07-22 14:46:571


  澳洲留学的人数越来越多,而且澳洲留学费用也是不断增长,那么去澳洲学习酒店管理专业好吗?跟着 来看看吧!欢迎您的阅读。   澳洲酒店管理专业申请解析   根据全球顶尖管理咨询公司波士顿管理咨询公司2011年发布的一份报告,国内酒店业及旅游业未来三年内的平均 增幅超过10%,2013年中国将超越日本成为全球第二大旅游市场。国内酒店业及旅游业的发展蕴含了无穷的潜力和机会, 也为在澳洲留学的中国学生提供了大量就业机会。澳大利亚总理吉拉德4月末访华时也曾明确表示,欢迎更多的中国游客到 澳大利亚旅游。   虽然国内旅游业发展势头迅猛,但尚未成为绝大部分国人的刚性需求,因此仍有巨大的增长空间。国内大学也因此 在酒店及旅游管理专业各项细分学科上的总体水平并不高。尤其在星级酒店管理、旅游策划、旅游目的地营销等方向上,相 对而言澳大利亚大学具有无以伦比的优势。据《第一财经周刊》2011年6月在一次对全球著名高端连锁酒店品牌洲际酒店在 中国大陆生意拓展的报道中提到,一位外资高端酒店的总经理坦言国内大学酒店管理方面的老师对行业知之甚少,只会照本 宣科,培养出来的学生只会死读书。这份报道也同时透露,洲际酒店未来五年在中国大陆的发展需要招聘9万名高素质的中 国员工。这些都为酒店及旅游管理专业的学生提供了大量的工作机会。   一、澳洲旅游与酒店管理专业课程设置:   酒店管理管理课程主要学习酒店的运营管理、并通常包含一定的酒店实际实习课程。酒店的运营管理需要学习酒店 的财务管理、市场营销、员工管理、战略规划以及国际酒店管理需要注意的文化、饮食及员工管理中的问题。澳洲的酒店管 理硕士课程通常都包含从三个月到半年不等的酒店实习时间。   旅游管理课程主要学习旅游目的地的市场营销、旅游者行为学、旅游服务管理以及旅游业的财务知识等方面的知识 。   学术等级分成文凭,学士,硕士三档。   二、澳洲旅游与酒店管理专业就业前景:   在澳洲完成旅游或酒店管理课程后,毕业生在旅游业、酒店业都有非常广泛的就业选择。   工作经验尚浅的毕业生可以在国内的旅行社、酒店、B2C的旅游及度假网站、航空公司、旅游景点管理公司、旅游 或酒店业的广告公司机构找到相关职位。在澳洲酒店有较长实习经历的学生还可以申请进入国际连锁酒店集团在国内开办的 各类酒店做初级运营管理方面的工作。   由于澳洲是旅游大国,因此在澳大利亚完成酒店或旅游管理硕士课程后在澳洲主要旅游城市都有大量工作机会。   毕业生就业起薪:酒店管理专业本科生平均起薪4万澳元左右,平均年薪为5--6万澳元,高管更可高达10万澳元左 右。   三、澳洲旅游与酒店管理专业申请要求及费用:   要入读澳大利亚大学的旅游、酒店管理专业并不是想象中的那么困难。如果要读本科,必须要高中毕业,同时雅思 必须至少达到6分。而要攻读硕士,除了获得学士学位,达到相应的语言要求外,并不需要相关的学历或工作经验。   该专业的学费也不是特别高。一般本科一年学费为15000澳元左右,硕士一年学费为17000澳元左右。学费的高低 依学校所处澳大利亚的区域不同而变化。   四、澳洲旅游与酒店管理专业推荐院校:   (以下学校录取及课程设置仅供参考,同学们在申请前,一定以最新的学校招生要求为准)   常说澳洲旅游与酒店管理专业,一般是对以下几个专业的统称:旅游管理(Tourism Management)、酒店管理 (Hotel Management或Hospitality Management)、会展管理(Event Management)、体育休闲管理(Sports and Recreation Management),这几个专业均属于服务业管理范畴,旨在培养掌握现代旅游酒店管理与服务的基本原理和技 能,具有解决问题、尤其是现代旅游酒店管理工作中的实际问题的基本能力,可以从事旅游事业,酒店宾馆、大型会议展览 及体育休闲服务和经济管理工作的应用型人才。本科及硕士:好的学校主要集中在旅游产业发达的地区。推荐的学校有:格 里菲斯大学,昆士兰大学   1、格里菲斯大学:   格里菲斯大学旅游酒店管理学院位于著名的旅游胜地"黄金海岸",距离冲浪天堂仅7公里,学院不仅将教育与旅游 及酒店产业相结合,还积极参与该产业的项目研究,并受到了澳洲研究委员会和合作研究中心的资助。学院的课程设置灵活 实用,随着旅游业的发展而不断变化更新。而且课程中包括了广泛的实习内容。使学生不仅具有丰富的专业知识,还拥有大 量的实践经验,这使得格里菲斯大学旅游酒店管理学院的毕业生就业率一直保持在很高的水平上。   本科学位课程:Bachelor of Business(Hospitality Management)   学制:3年   职业方向领域:Cluband Gaming Management u2013 俱乐部和游戏管理   Conference& Function Management u2013 会议和功能管理   Food and Beverage u2013 食品和饮料   Supervisory Positions u2013 高管职位   Guest Servicesu2013 客户服务   Corporate Hospitality Traineeships u2013 企业酒店管理培训   研究生学位课程 Master of Business(International Tourism and Hospitality Management)   学制:1年全日制   入学条件:国内本科学士学位,相关专业背景,没有专业背景的学生要先加读个半年的GC课程,学校可以打包直 接出1年半的offer。   专业认证:完成该专业学习后,可以满足下列机构的职业认证要求。   International Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education (CHRIE)   Hotel, Catering and International Management Association (HCIMA)   Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA)   2、昆士兰大学:   学制:本科3年全日制   开设课程:Bachelor of International Hotel and Tourism Management 国际酒店及旅游管理本科   雅思入学要求:总分6.5,单科不低于6   硕士课程Master of Tourism,Hotel and Event Management   学制:1.5年   入学要求:雅思总分6.5,单科不低于6, 本科成绩65%以上   同样在本科有酒店管理专业的院校还有:斯文本科技大学,中央昆士兰大学,爱迪斯科文大学;硕士的还有:维多 利亚大学,詹姆斯库克大学,爱迪斯科文大学,西悉尼大学供学生在区域选择上的不同需求。以下是澳洲旅游与酒店管理专 业的大学招生信息情况。   3、拉筹伯大学   拉筹伯大学是墨尔本地区的综合性公立大学。学生满意度极高的维州大学。其艺术和人文学科世界前150名。提供 国际认可并经专业权威认证的专业。该校旅游和酒店管理专业方面的教学经验十分丰富,任教的老师都曾为行业中工作经验 丰富的优秀人士。能为学生提供最新的信息和资料。该校热门专业有:   Bachelor of Business (Tourism and Hospitality) u20133年制本科课程   Bachelor of Business (Tourism Management) - 3年制本科课程   Master of Tourism u2013 1年制硕士课程 (每年只有2月开课)   4、澳洲维多利亚大学   澳洲维多利亚大学拥有全澳洲历史最悠久的科旅游和酒店管理专课程。被欧洲基金管理委员会认可。该校是“国际 旅游与酒店业优质教育”创办成员之一。其本科学制均为4年,学生在第四年的时候会有带薪实习的机会。这给学生将来的 就业做了一个很好的铺垫。   Bachelor of Business (Hospitality/Tourism Management)   Bachelor of Business (Hospitality Management/Event Management)   5、悉尼科技大学   课程名称: 会展及休闲管理学位Bachelor of Management in Events and Leisure   学制: 3年   入学要求: 学生需完成国内本科大一或通过预科/大一文凭快捷课程   语言要求: 雅思6.5(写不低于6.0)   课程名称: 会展管理硕士Master of Management in Event Management   学制: 1.5年   入学要求: 相关本科学位   语言要求: 雅思6.5   6、南澳大学   课程名称: 旅游及会展管理学士 Bachelor of Tourism and Event Management   学制: 3年   入学要求: 完成国内本科大一或通过预科/大一文凭快捷课程   语言要求: 雅思6.0   7、埃迪斯科文大学   课程名称: 商业学士(会展管理)Bachelor of Business(Event Management)   学制: 3年   入学要求: 完成国内本科大一或通过预科/大一文凭快捷课程   语言要求: 雅思6.0分   8、澳大利亚邦德大学   邦德大学酒店度假村旅游管理学院优势:   旅游行业为澳洲的支柱产业,就业机会多(30%人口在此行业就业);学校坐落在世界级旅游圣地-黄金海岸,旅游为 第一产业;学生均安排在全球万豪国际管理集团实习(课程中包括实习)并优先就业;课程设计内容丰富,涵盖酒店、度假村和旅 游管理,其他学校课程只涉及到其中一个;拥有国际化的师资力量,教授均来自于世界知名的酒店管理学院,具有广博的行 业人际脉络(万豪酒店定期派管理人员来访讲课);以管理为导向课程设计,培养行业高端人才。   9、澳大利亚南十字星大学   南十字星大学的旅游及酒店管理学院在澳大利亚旅游教育领域中处于领军地位。在1997,1998 和1999年连续三 年荣获新南威尔士州旅游行业教育优异奖,并且在1999年第一个获得澳大利亚旅游行业教育奖。2000年,与悉尼洲际饭店 一起获得新南威尔士州旅游行业十年培训教育优异奖。2001年,与悉尼洲际饭店一起荣获新南威尔士州提供私营企业培训 旅游教育优异奖。2002年,获得新南威尔士州旅游行业教育优异奖。2003年,本系再次荣获新南威尔士州旅游行业教育优 异奖, 并获2003-2004年度澳大利亚国家旅游教育培训大奖。   开设了一系列与旅游、酒店和会展相关的细分专业,学士学位的相关专业包括: 旅游管理、酒店和度假管理、酒店 管理、会议和会展管理、国际旅游管理、生态环境旅游管理学士、运动旅游管理学士、俱乐部和博弈管理商学学士;硕士学 位专业设置: 会议和会展管理、酒店和旅游管理工商管理、国际旅游和酒店管理;还有其它一些荣誉学士学位和研究生文凭课 程。   课程设置:Bachelor of Business in International Hospitality Management   长度:3年   入学要求:完成大学指定预科或者完成国内大一
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复旦大学与新西兰哪些大学合作办学项目   近年来高校的中外合办项目越来越多,那么复旦大学与新西兰哪些大学有中外合办项目呢?复旦大学(Fudan University),简称“复旦”,位于上海市,由中华人民共和国教育部直属,中央直管副部级建制,位列“211工程”、“985工程”,入选“珠峰计划”。下面和我一起看看复旦大学与新西兰的那些大学有合作办学项目吧!   公立学院   奥克兰大学(University of Auckland)   奥塔哥大学(University of Otago)   惠灵顿维多利亚大学(Victoria University of Wellington)   坎特伯雷大学(University of Canterbury)   怀卡托大学(The University of Waikato)   梅西大学(Massey University)   林肯大学(Lincoln University)   奥克兰理工大学Auckland University of Technology(AUT)   理工学院:   新西兰奥拉克技术学院(Aoraki Polytechnic)   新西兰丰盛湾理工学院(Bay of Plenty Polytechnic)   基督城理工学院(Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology)   新西兰东部理工学院(Eastern Institute of Technology)   马努卡理工学院 (Manukau Institute of Technology)   新西兰纳尔森理工学院(Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology-Nelson Polytechnic)   新西兰诺斯兰德理工学院(Northland Polytechnic)   新西兰奥塔哥理工学院 (Otago Polytechnic)   新西兰南兰理工学院(Southern Institute of Technology)   新西兰泰瑞维提理工学院(Tai Poutini Polytechnic)   新西兰泰拉威帝理工学院(Tairawhiti Polytechnic)   新西兰帝福鲁拉理工学院(Telford Rural Polytechnic)   新西兰UNITEC理工学院 (UNITEC Institute of Technology)   新西兰国立UCOL理工学院 (Universal College of Learning)   新西兰怀阿里奇理工学院(Waiariki Institute of Technology)   新西兰怀卡托理工学院 (The Waikato Polytechnic)   惠灵顿理工学院 (Wellington Polytechnic)   新西兰国立西方理工学院(Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki)   维特利亚理工学院(Whitireia Community Polytechnic)   私立学院:   新西兰ACG学术教育集团(Academic Colleges Group)   奥克兰商学院 (AIS ST HELENS)   新西兰API教育学院(API INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION)   新西兰康奈尔理工学院(CORNELL INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY)   新西兰设计艺术学院(D&A)   新西兰飞鹰飞行学校(EAGLE FLIGHT TRAINING LIMITED)   新西兰Natcoll设计科技学院(NATCOLL DESIGN TECHNOLOGY)   奥克兰ICL学院(INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE OF LINGUISTICS)   新西兰国家科技学院(NATIONAL TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE)   新西兰管理学院(NEW ZEALAND MANAGEMENT ACADEMY)   新西兰女皇工商学院(QUEENS ACADEMIC GROUP)   新西兰太平洋国际学院 (International Pacific college)   太平洋国际酒店管理学校(Pacific International Hotel Management School)   新西兰首选国际学院 (PRIME IMTERNATIOANL COLLEGE)   新西兰高等学院(New Zealand Tertiary College)   南昆士兰国立大学-奥克兰UUNZ 校区(UUNZ INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS)   新西兰瑞金特国际学院(Regent International Education Group)   新西兰NSIA北岸酒店管理学院 (NORTH SHORE INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY)   泰勒学院Taylors College奥克兰分校   奥克兰维斯学院(Auckland Wise Institute)   新西兰旅游观光学校(The New Zealand School of Travel & Tourism)   新西兰牛津国际学院(Oxford International Academy of New Zealand)   新西兰圣乔治学院(ST GEORGE INSTITUTE OF LEARNING)   GEOS奥克兰语言中心(GEOS Auckland Language Centre)   新西兰塔斯曼国际教育学院(Tasman International Academies)   新西兰伊甸斯学院 (EDENZ COLLEGES) ;
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所有专业你可以登录到每个学校的官网上查询,对内地招生的专业你也可以在招生简章上查到。一般而言,以下内容会对你的选择有所帮助。香港高校最佳专业: 最佳会计/专业会计(BEST ACCOUNTING/ PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANCY)  香港理工大学 (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)  最佳人类学/人文科学 (BEST ANTHROPOLOGY/ HUMANITIES)  香港中文大学 (The Chinese University of Hong Kong )  最佳建筑学 (BEST ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES )  香港大学 (The University of Hong Kong )  最佳生物学/应用生物 (BEST BIOLOGY/ APPLIED BIOLOGY )  香港科技大学 (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology )  最佳生物化学 (BEST BIOCHEMISTRY )  香港中文大学 (The Chinese University of Hong Kong )  最佳工商管理学 (BEST BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION )  香港中文大学 (The Chinese University of Hong Kong )  最佳屋宇设备工程学 (BEST BUILDING SERVICES ENGINEERING )  香港理工大学(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University )  最佳化学/应用化学/化学科技 (BEST CHEMISTRY/ APPLIED CHEMISTRY/  CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY )  香港大学 (The University of Hong Kong )  最佳中国语文及文学(文学学士) (BEST CHINESE LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (BA) )  香港中文大学 (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)  最佳中文教育 (BEST CHINESE LANGUAGE EDUCATION)  香港中文大学( The Chinese University of Hong Kong)  最佳中医 (BEST CHINESE MEDICINE)  香港中文大学 (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)  最佳土木工程学 (BEST CIVIL ENGINEERING)  香港大学 (The University of Hong Kong)  最佳土木工程(环境工程) (BEST CIVIL ENGINEERING (ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING))  香港大学 (The University of Hong Kong)  最佳电脑学 (计算机科学) (BEST COMPUTER SCIENCE (STUDIES))  香港科技大学 (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology )  最佳电脑工程(计算机工程) (BEST COMPUTER ENGINEERING )  香港大学(The University of Hong Kong )  最佳计算数学及运筹学 (BEST COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS AND OPERATIONS RESEARCH )  香港大学 (The University of Hong Kong )  最佳建筑经济(工程)及管理学(BEST CONSTRUCTION ECONOMICS (ENGINEERING) AND MANAGEMENT )  香港理工大学 (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University )  最佳经济/应用经济/ 商业经济(BEST ECONOMICS/ APPLIED ECONOMICS/  BUSINESS ECONOMICS )  香港大学 (The University of Hong Kong )  最佳电子及电子工程 (BEST ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING)  香港城市大学 (City University of Hong Kong )  最佳英国语文 (BEST ENGLISH )  香港中文大学 (The Chinese University of Hong Kong )  最佳环境科学 (BEST ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE )  香港大学 (The University of Hong Kong )  最佳时装,纺织及制衣学(BEST fashion,Textiles and clothing )  香港理工大学 (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University )  最佳金融/计量财务学/金融服务 (BEST FINANCE / QUANTITATIVE FINANCE / FINANCE SERVICE )  香港大学 (The University of Hong Kong )  最佳食物营养学 (BEST FOOD AND NUTRITIONAL SCIENCE)  香港中文大学 (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)  最佳地理 (BEST GEOGRAPHY )  香港中文大学 (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)  最佳政治与公共行政学 (BEST GOVERNMENT & PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION)  香港中文大学 (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)  最佳历史 (BEST HISTORY)  香港中文大学(The Chinese University of Hong Kong)  最佳酒店管理( BEST HOTEL MANAGEMENT)  香港理工大学 (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University )  最佳人力资源管理 (BEST HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT)  香港浸会大学 (Hong Kong Baptist University)  最佳工业管理及制造工程 (BEST INDUSTRIAL AND MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING)  香港大学(The University of Hong Kong)  最佳讯息工程学 (BEST INformATION ENGINEERING )  香港中文大学 (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)  最佳资讯系统 (BBA) (BEST INformATION SYSTEMS (BBA))  香港城市大学 (City University of Hong Kong)  最佳讯息科技/系统 (BEST INformATION TECHNOLOGY / SYSTEMS)  香港城市大学 (City University of Hong Kong)  最佳新闻及传理系 (BEST JOURNALISM & COMMUNICATION)  香港浸会大学 (Hong Kong Baptist University)  最佳法律 (BEST LAW)  香港大学 (The University of Hong Kong)  最佳市场学 (BEST MARKETING)  香港理工大学 (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University )  最佳数学 (BEST MATHEMATICS)  香港科技大学 (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology )  最佳机械及自动工程 (BEST MECHANICAL ENGINEERING)  香港大学 (The University of Hong Kong)  最佳医学 (BEST MEDICINE)  香港大学 (The University of Hong Kong)  最佳护理学 (BEST NURSING)  香港理工大学 (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University )  最佳物理/应用物理( BEST PHYSICS / ENG. PHYSICS)  香港中文大学 (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)  最佳体育运动科学 (BEST PHYSICAL EDUCATION & SPORTS SCIENCE)  香港中文大学 (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)  最佳哲学/宗教 (BEST PHILOSOPHY/ RELIGIOUS STUDIES)  香港中文大学 (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)  最佳社会工作( BEST SOCIAL WORK)  香港中文大学 (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)  最佳社会学 (BEST SOCIOLOGY)  香港中文大学 (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)  最佳社会科学 - 普通学科 (BEST SOCIAL SCIENCES - GENERAL)  香港大学 (The University of Hong Kong)  最佳精算及统计学 (BEST STATISTICS/ ACTUARIAL SCIENCE)  香港大学 (The University of Hong Kong)  最佳测量学/屋宇测量及地理资讯学 (BEST SURVEYING / BUILDING SURVEYING & GEO- INformATICS)  香港理工大学 (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University )  最佳翻译 (BEST TRANSLATION)  香港城市大学 (City University of Hong Kong) 以下是香港高校特色课程:香港大学特色课程 BDS Bachelor of Dental Surgery牙医学士BSC (SPEECH) Bachelor of Science in Speech and Hearing Sciences理学士(言语及听觉科学)BCOGSC Bachelor of Cognitive Science认知科学学士BSC (Biolnf) Bachelor of Science In Bioinformatics理学士(生物讯息学)BEng (CivE-LaW) Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering (Law)工学学士(土木工程(法学))香港中文大学特有课程 PHARMACY Pharmacy药剂学JAPANESE STUDIES Japanese Studies日本研究ANTHROPOLOGY Anthropology人类学香港科技大学特有课程 BEng & BBA Dual Degree Program in Technology and Management科技及管理学双学位课程香港城市大学特有课程 BA CM BA (Hons) in Creative Media创意媒体荣誉文学士BSc CM BSc (Hons) in Creative Media创意媒体荣誉理学士BSocSc ESAS BSocSc (Hons) East and Southeast Asian Studies社会科学荣誉学士——东亚及东南亚研究BSc ESM & BSc (Hons) Environmental Science and Management环境科学与管理荣誉理学士香港理工大学特有课程 OPTOM BSc (Hons) in Optometry眼科视光学(荣誉)理学士学位DESIGN BA (Hons) in Design设计学(荣誉)文学士学位INT MULTIMED TECH BSc (Hons) in Internet and Multimedia Technologies互联网及多媒体科技(荣誉)理学士学位RD BSc (Hons) in Radiography放射学(荣誉)学士学位OT BSc (Hons) in Occasional Theory职业治疗学(荣誉)理学士学位PHYSIO BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy物理治疗学(荣誉)理学上学位MED LAE SCI BSc (Hons) in Medical Laboratory Science医疗化验科学(荣誉)理学士学位FASH & TEXT BA (Hons) Scheme in Fashion and Textiles服装及纺织(荣誉)文学士学位组合课程TOURISM IIGT BSc (Hons) in Tourism Management旅游业管理(荣誉)理学士学位ENT ENG WITH MGT BSc (Hons) in Enterprise Engineering with Management企业工程兼管理(荣誉)理学上学位PROD ENG WITH MKT BEng (Hons) in Product Engineering with Marketing产品工程兼市场学(荣誉)工学士学位香港浸会大学特有课程 BA/HUM BA (Hons) Humanities人文学科文学士(荣誉)BSSc/CHINA STUDIES - CON BSSc (Hons) China Studies - Economics中国研究社会科学学士(荣誉)——经济BSSc/CHIM STUDIES - GEOG BSSc (Hons) China Studies - Geography中国研究社会科学学士(荣誉)——地理BSSc/CHINA STUDIES - HIST BSSc (Hons) China Studies – History中国研究社会科学学上(荣誉)——历史BSSc/CHINA STUDIES -SOCI BSSc (H 心ns) China Studies – Sociology中国研究社会科学学士(荣誉)——社会学BSSc/EURO-FRE BSSc (Hons) European Studies - French Stream欧洲研究社会科学学士(荣誉)——法文BSSc/EURO-GER BSSc (Hons) European Studies – Germany Stream欧洲研究社会科学学士(荣誉)——德文香港教育学院特有课程 BEd (ECE) Bachelor of Education (Honors) (Early Childhood Education)幼儿教育荣誉学士BEd (P) - GS Bachelor of Education (Honors) (Primary) - General Studies Major小学教育荣誉学上——主修常识
2023-07-22 14:47:461

对酒店服务的建议 英语作文

Here is an example of a suggestion letter regarding hotel services, which you can use as a reference:Dear Hotel Management Team,I recently stayed at your hotel and would like to share some suggestions for improving your services to enhance the guest experience.Firstly, I suggest that you improve the communication with your guests. It would be helpful if you could provide clear and concise information about the hotel facilities, room service, restaurant hours, and nearby attractions. A pamphlet or brochure in each room would be a useful addition.Secondly, I recommend that you improve the housekeeping service. Despite the room being cleaned daily, I noticed that the floors and carpets were not always vacuumed properly, and the towels and linens were not always fresh. It would be great if you could ensure that the housekeeping staff pays more attention to details and provides a higher standard of cleanliness.Lastly, I suggest that you improve the maintenance of the hotel building and its facilities. Some of the furniture and fixtures in the hotel were outdated and in need of repair or replacement. A little renovation could go a long way in improving the overall appearance and comfort of the hotel.I hope my suggestions are helpful in enhancing the guest experience at your hotel. Thank you for your attention to these matters, and I look forward to seeing these improvements the next time I stay at your hotel.Sincerely,[Your Name]
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2023-07-22 14:48:414

酒店管理集团英文介绍 翻译成中文

香港协和国际酒店及度假村管理集团,在法国,香港和中国大陆注册,是在发展酒店市场的投资和管理领域的外商独资企业。我们已经成功地管理和经营十余高星级酒店排名,从一开始就度假村及酒店。随着总资产达25亿,我们的服务,通信和关系不断扩大,包括信息咨询,物资供应,人力资源的处置,打开包装设计,员工的建议与培训等专业。 在香港协和国际酒店及度假村管理集团管理的提案是针对实际的目标制定了酒店,在吸收国内外先进管理理论和经验的高星追我们的实际管理经验,在10位的酒店一年的成功,基于。我们独特的管理模式(精英+顾问),能够满足支持和发展的业主和客户的助理。该合作项目,包括投资前的分析,整体包装设计,功能布局设计,运营系统设置,工程设置,酒店设置管理的建议,制定市场推广,酒店管理和业务战略调整... 香港协和国际酒店及度假村管理集团拥有丰富经验的专业人才数量,并保持与国内和国际饭店和金融界的良好关系。我们采取的管理经验,群体和规模,成立全国的酒店网络系统的全部优势,并致力于为企业提供各类酒店的管理和咨询的专业服务,酒店度假村,酒店和财产所有权。我们完全相信,我们能够更加辉煌的优秀酒店与业主的成功。
2023-07-22 14:48:481

谁有Hotel Management and Operations, 4th Edition的英文电子版这个看看..我尽力了~~不找了,累.
2023-07-22 14:48:561


  下面是由我为大家整理的“酒店求职信英文范文”,欢迎大家阅读,仅供大家参考,希望对您有所帮助。更多文章在个人简历栏目,希望您关注与阅读。   酒店求职信英语范文【一】 distinguished leadership   hello! when you open this page when you have opened the gateway to opportunity for me and the success of the first gate. thank you for taking the time to read my cover letter, and glad that they can participate in your hotel"s current candidates.   first, allow me to do a self-introduction, my name is xx, 18-year-old, known as the frontier from the south of ningxia. my   interest and expertise include: favorite sports activities, love of natural science; like to read about science and social practice, class books, from books to continue to improve their scientific and cultural knowledge to improve the content of their training, to fight for the future work good foundation. either to individuals or the   hotel will create proper value, i not only learned things on your own to the great work, but also down to earth every detail from the start, i use the hard-working hands achievements dream tomorrow .   work experience in school: in school military training, served as deputy commander with four positions, and obtained the title of outstanding students, and several other class cadre positions as squad leader. had participated in secondary vocational schools in xi"an in XX skills competition, and achieved excellent results. in the spare time to work in a variety of small private restaurants, learned to communicate with people, an increase of life experience! self-evaluation   (my motto in life: smiling face every day)   i am optimistic enthusiasm, love of travel, energetic, earnest self-confidence is my biggest character, i am willing to start from the grassroots, the accumulation of experience, improve professional skills, become a real hotel people!   the cover letter in which you will read on the occasion, a few words to tell you: i am a guy from the northwest, yellow earth gave me a strong body of the soul, cast out of my hard-working and   persistence pull of the spirit. over the years their education and   training also enabled me to adapt to the rapid development of society, bad for the heart hope after graduation effectiveness of your hotel, the hotel business for your contribution to the development of my talents. do not care about what i have made, please pay attention to my future!   sincerely,   salute   self-nominations were: xxx   酒店求职信英文范文【二】 Hello!   Thank you for your sincere in his busy schedule, I read this material, and wish your organization the cause of prosperity and bright future!   I studied public enterprise management, but the comparison is more like hotel management. Into the community, I have just come into contact with the hotel management was deeply attracted to after work in the hotel industry, continue to draw the relevant work experience, has accumulated a certain amount of hotel management experience, I found that this is what I want to do The. Although Lu Buping more rugged, but after all, to find love and is therefore suitable for their work is not easy. So I was very lucky.   Hotel is to bring people comfort and pleasure, the kind of environment and atmosphere that I long for, and engaged in the provision of all the hotel management will be proud and satisfied. The hotel industry is a dynamic and promising sector, especially in the domestic hotel high-speed growth of foreign investment into China one after another hotel, the hotel industry to make more full of opportunities and challenges. I am determined to put its own hotel management as a career to do, so your corporate job candidates, in the hope that the industry has a very good development.   Since the hotel has chosen me to endure hardship to do a good job of preparation, you want to start from the grass-roots level, the hotel itself with the continuous development may be raised step by step.   Thank you for reading this letter and consider my request candidates, and hope to have the honor to interview you, look forward to your response!   with many thsnks   酒店求职信英文范文【三】 Dear Sir/Madam:   Hello!   Thank you very much for taking the time to read my letter of application.   I am a graduate of the XX Hotel University management professional students. During the period of school, I seriously study the professional knowledge, and many times to get a scholarship. In the school and class activities in a variety of accumulated some experience, so that they have a good physical and psychological quality, and have a good com#munication and adaptability. Strive to master basic skills, in the study on the basis of professional knowledge, obtained through examination of Putonghua Level 2, com#puter level, hotel management division certificate.   In school, I seize every opportunity to exercise their various aspects of the ability, so that they are needed in the modern society with the innovative spirit of com#pound talent development. Strive to learn professional knowledge at the same time, I like reading some books about science and social practice to continuously enhance their scientific and cultural knowledge from books, to improve their training content, pay attention to the cultivation of their solid knowledge and skills, etiquette training ability, for future work to lay a good foundation. No matter is to the individual or the hotel will create a proper value, I not only rely on their own things to do a career, and also down to earth from every detail to start, use industrious hands achievement tomorrow I dream.   Besides learning theoretical knowledge system, the application of theoretical knowledge to practice, my personality is outgoing, like thinking, insight is strong, not afraid of hardship, during the period of University, I participated in many social practice activities, through the arrangement of the school, in the hotel internship for seven months, hotel leaders affirmed. During the winter vacation in the restaurant do a part-time job, through training also worked as a salesman, in the actual operation, not only strengthened the knowledge, but also learned a school can not learn the ways of the world. Because of this, I have accumulated a wealth of practical experience, but also pay more attention to team spirit and collective concept, but also more clearly my goal in life. I am willing to start from the grassroots, and constantly accumulate experience, improve the professional skills, becom#e a real hotel people in their spare time to do part-time, learn to com#municate with people, increase the life experience!   Give me a chance and you a sincere! Not just to the stability of the work; not just the pursuit of happiness in life; more important is to realize their life value, meaning of life! I hope your organization for giving me a chance to play.   yours,
2023-07-22 14:49:201