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2023-07-23 02:49:54


1、英文:May we all be blessed with longevity. Though far apart, we are still able to share the beauty of the moon together.

—— Su Shi"s Water Diao Getou Binchen Mid-Autumn Festival.


2、英文:Chang"e should regret stealing the elixir, the blue sea, the sky and night. —— Chang"e by Li Shangyin.



From a pot of wine among the flowers I drank alone. There was no one with me. 举杯邀明月,对影成三人。

Till, raising my cup , I asked the bright moon to bring me my shadow and make us three. 月既不解饮,影徒随我身。 Alas, the moon was unable to drink and my shadow tagged me vacantly; 暂伴月将影,行乐须及春。

But still for a while I had these friends to cheer me through the end of spring. 我歌月徘徊,我舞影零乱。 I sang. The moon encouraged me. I danced. My shadow tumbled after. 醒时同交欢,醉后各分散。

As long as I knew , we were boon companions. And then I was drunk, and we lost one another. 永结无情游,相期邈云汉。 Shall goodwill ever be secure? I watch the long road of the river of stars. 八月十五夜月 In August fifteen the moon 杜甫 Du Fu 满月飞明镜,归心折大刀。

The full moon fly der, centering fold. 转蓬行地远,攀桂仰天高。 Clothes line far, climbing, sky high. 水路疑霜雪,林栖见羽毛。

Waterway suspected frost, arboreal see feather. 此时瞻白兔,直欲数秋毫。 Now look white, straight to number of autumn hair. 十五夜望月 Fifteen nights moon 王建 Wang Jian 中庭地白树栖鸦,冷露无声湿桂花。

Atrium white arboreal crow, wet cold silent dew fragrans. 今夜月明人尽望,不知秋思落谁家! The moon tonight as the hope, not yearning falls whose home! 南斋玩月 South Zhai moon 王昌龄 Wang Changling 高卧南斋时,开帷月初吐。 Lying on a high seat in the South study, we have lifted the curtain-and we see the rising moon. 清辉澹水木,演漾在窗户。

Clear and Mizuki, acting overflow in windows. 荏苒几盈虚,澄澄变今古。 How few Yingxu, Rachel variable heritage. 美人清江畔,是夜越吟苦。

Our chosen one, our friend, is now by a limpid river. Singing, perhaps, a plaintive Eastern song. 千里共如何,微风吹兰杜。 Common how thousands of miles, breeze blows Lan Du. 中秋月 Autumn Moon 苏轼 Su Shi 暮云收尽溢清寒,银汉无声转玉盘。

Evening clouds withdrawn, pure cold air floods the sky; the river of stars mute, a jade plate turns on high. 此生此夜不长好,明月明年何处看。 How oft can we enjoy a fine mid-autumn night? Where shall we view next year silver moon so bright.。

3.关于中秋节的谚语 诗句 (英文)

1,人逢喜事尤其乐,月到中秋分外明。 People on every occasion, especially on Mid-Autumn festival particularly bright.

2,几处笙歌留朗月,万家箫管乐中秋。 Several strike stay long, xiao wind Mid-Autumn festival.

3,地得清秋一半好,窗含明月十分圆。 To better half clear autumn, window containing the moon is round



The Mid-Autumn Festival is traditionally celebrated on the 15th day of the eighth month of the Chinese lunar calendar.


The Mid-Autumn Festival, dating back to ancient China, pays homage to the moon and good harvest.


The use of "mid-autumn" to describe the celebration first appeared in the Rites of Zhou, a book written more than 2,000 years ago.


There are also many tales around the origin of the festival. The most famous is about the Chang"e flying to the moon.

It"s said that Chang"e flew to the Moon Palace, and became the goddess of the moon, after she took the elixir of immortality.


秋节的英文是:Mid-Autumn Festival1、读音Mid-Autumn Festival ["mu026ad"u0254tu0259m u02c8fu025bstu0259vu0259l]2、释义n.中秋节,中秋佳节3、短语Mid-Autumn Festival Banquet 中秋团圆宴 ; 中秋节宴会 ; 中秋节节宴会Mid-Autumn festival fast 中秋节快速 ; 中秋节快Mid-Autumn Festival concert 中秋专场 ; 中秋节音乐会Sad Mid-Autumn Festival 悲哀的中秋节Coming Mid-Autumn Festival 快到中秋节了Mid-Autumn Festival approaching 中秋节即将来临Mid-Autumn Festival gift 中秋礼品Mid-Autumn Festival introduction 中秋节简介About Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节简介4、例句When do you celebrate the mid-autumn festival in china?在中国你们什么时候过中秋节?The turkeys get together and celebrate the twelfth Thanksgiving Day ,the ninth Mid-autumnFestival ,the harvest .火鸡聚集到一起来庆祝第十二个感恩节,第九个中秋节和丰收。

When is mid-autumn festival?中秋节是什么时候?。


Thinking of You When will the moon be clear and bright? With a cup of wine in my hand, I ask the blue sky.

I dont know what season it would be in the heavens on this night. Id like to ride the wind to fly home.

Yet I fear the crystal and jade mansions are much too high and cold for me. Dancing with my moon-lit shadow, It does not seem like the human world.

The moon rounds the red mansion Stoops to silk-pad doors, Shines upon the sleepless Bearing no grudge, Why does the moon tend to be full when people are apart?

People may have sorrow or joy, be near or far apart, The moon may be dim or bright, wax or wane, This has been going on since the beginning of time.

May we all be blessed with longevity Though far apart, we are still able to share the beauty of the moon together. --Read by Yun Feng

译:水调歌头 明月几时有,把酒问青天。不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年。 我欲乘风归去, 又恐琼楼玉宇,高处不胜寒,起舞弄清影,何似在人间。 转朱阁,低绮户,照无眠。不应有恨,何事长向别时圆。 人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全。但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。 --苏轼



Thy beauty haunts me heart and soul.

Oh your fair Moon,so close and bright;

Thy beauty makes me like the child,

That cries aloud to own thy light:

The little child that lifts each arm

To press thee to her bosom warm.

Though there are birds that sing this night

With thy white beams across their throats,

Let my deep silence speak for me

More than for them their sweetest notes:

Who worships thee till music fails

Is greater than thy nightingales.














《水调歌头》宋 苏东坡




高处不胜寒!起舞弄清影,何似在人间? 转朱阁,低绮户,照无眠。





"Thinking of You" When will the moon be clear and bright? With a cup of wine in my hand, I ask the blue sky. I don"t know what season it would be in the heavens on this night. I"d like to ride the wind to fly home. Yet I fear the crystal and jade mansions are much too high and cold for me. Dancing with my moon-lit shadow It does not seem like the human world The moon rounds the red mansion Stoops to silk-pad doors Shines upon the sleepless Bearing no grudge Why does the moon tend to be full when people are apart? People may have sorrow or joy, be near or far apart The moon may be dim or bright, wax or wane This has been going on since the beginning of time May we all be blessed with longevity Though far apart, we are still able to share the beauty of the moon together.



《中秋》 (唐)李朴 皓魄当空宝镜升,云间仙籁寂无声;平分秋色一轮满,长伴云衢千里明;狡兔空从弦外落,妖蟆休向眼前生;灵槎拟约同携手,更待银河彻底清。

《八月十五夜玩月》 (唐)刘禹锡 天将今夜月,一遍洗寰瀛。暑退九霄净,秋澄万景清。


《水调歌头》 (宋)苏东坡 丙辰中秋,欢饮达旦。大醉,作此篇,兼怀子由。

明月几时有?把酒问青天。不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年?我欲乘风归去,又恐琼楼玉宇,高处不胜寒!起舞弄清影,何似在人间? 转朱阁,低绮户,照无眠。


中秋月 (宋)苏轼 暮云收尽溢清寒,银汉无声转玉盘,此生此夜不长好,明月明年何处看。《太常引》 (宋)辛弃疾 一轮秋影转金波,飞镜又重磨。


人道是清光更多。台湾民谣:《中秋旅思》 孤影看分雁,千金念弊貂;故乡秋忆月,异国夜惊潮。


《煎熬》夜深沉,明月高挂天正中,寂无声;睡眼朦胧,恍若梦中;生卧徘徊以不宁,故国家园萦脑中;苦煎熬,归去成空,如焚王衷。 "Mid-Autumn Festival" (Tang) Lee Park When air Bao Hao sent up clouds of pipe Death cents silent; In terms of a full, long Pan Yun Qu Li Ming; Xiaochan string alighting from the air, monster frog to take immediate health; Ling fell to about the same work, to be more thorough-Galaxy. "August 15 night moon" (Tang) Liu Yuxi Days Tonight, again washing atlanto-ying. Net platform summer retreat, Qiu Cheng King-10000. Stars to honor the wind Lu Jing Ying. The world can change the world, yes-Youran Beijing. "Prelude" (SONG) Su Dongpo Bing-chen Zhongqiu, Potion of Dan. Staggered, when the make, and of the Wye. Moon? Wine Q blue sky. I wonder if the sky palace,象what years? I go back to Feng, Qionglouyuyu fear, Glory! Dance Show understand, how in the world like? To Zhu Ge, low-chi households, as without sleep. There should be no hate, what happens when another round of the? Everyday people, on a circular course of missing, the whole matter of difficulty. So, Trinidad total Chan. The Moon (SONG) Sushi Jia Yi tasks to do, Yin silent to the plate, This is not long for this night, to see where the bright moon next year. "Now primer" (SONG) Xin Qiji A video autumn to Jinbo, and re-mirror grinding. Wine Q Heng-e: The hair deceptive regrettable! Good to Feng, the sky Wanli, Occurring Directly Beneath Big see mountains and rivers. To use GUI theater. Yes-more-humane. Taiwan folk songs: "Mid-Autumn brigade thinking" Hier of the wild, daughter read Inspector General; Qiu Yi hometown, the influx of foreign hostility. Hand did not pan osmanthus, Utah Vol margin banana; Fu went to grief, remote west sea and the sky. "Moonlight homesickness" Lean on Star Plaza Galaxy cold, silent since Wan Lai Xiao Song; Commissioner Hill home where Wanli, colors and more practical touch off sorrows. "Torments" Deep, Mingyue hoisted Tengen, Silent Death; Obscurity sleepy, Back dream; Lying to the restless wandering, subdued home ying brain; Suffering from, go back into space, the co-incineration。


最低0.27元开通文库会员,查看完整内容> 原发布者:贾慧life 英文版中秋节介绍,分享中秋 "ZhongQiuJie",-AutumnFestival,.-,harmonyandluck.,-litlanterns.农历八月十五日是中国的传统节日——中秋节。





heart and soul是什么意思

heart and soul英文发音:[hɑu02d0t u0259nd su0259u028al]中文释义:全心全意, 完全地;一心例句:Our point of departure is to serve the people heart and soul.全心全意为人民服务是我们的出发点。词汇解析:1、heart英文发音:[hɑu02d0t]中文释义:n.心;心脏;胸部心脏的部位;内心;心肠;(尤指)爱心例句:His heart broke when his wife died.他妻子死时他的心都碎了。2、soul英文发音:[su0259u028al]中文释义:n.灵魂;心性;内心;心灵;(人类整体的)精神状况,道德品质例句:May God have mercy on your soul.愿上帝宽恕你的灵魂。扩展资料heart的用法:1、heart的基本意思是指人体的脏器——“心,心脏”,用于比喻可表示人的“内心,心肠”“爱心”“感情”“勇气”等,还可引申指某物的“中心”或“要点”。2、heart还可指“心形物”,用于纸牌还可指“红桃牌”,其复数表示“一组红桃牌”。3、heart有时还可用作亲昵的称呼语,意为“亲爱的人”。4、heart作“心,心脏”解在句中有时可用作定语。5、Bless his heart!是感叹语,表示喜爱、感激、赞叹等; Bless my heart!也是感叹语,表示惊愕、意外等。
2023-07-22 13:56:481

Heart anl soul英语什么意思

2023-07-22 13:57:053

heart and soul怎样翻译

2023-07-22 13:57:1415

英语短语heart and soul的用法

2023-07-22 13:57:361

英语翻译Heart and soul是一心一意的意思吗

2023-07-22 13:57:442

英语问题,全心全意做某事,英语怎么说?用heart and soul

psi something with heart and soul
2023-07-22 13:57:533

We must serve the people heart and soul.句子成分是什么

2023-07-22 13:58:033

Heart And Soul 歌词

歌曲名:Heart And Soul歌手:Geoff Moore And The Distance专辑:80 S Ultimate CollectionGary Go - Heart And SoulSo your life is on fireAnd you tried to put it out with meWell I"m sorry, I"m sorryEverything is eveywhereAnd I don"t know who to beBut I won"t let this world unbalance meThere"s nothing to stop usFrom losing it allSo follow your heart and soulCos nothing will matterNothing at allIf you don"t follow your heart and soulNothing will matter anymoreWe get so easily distractedWe forget where we set out to goWell it"s okay, it"s okayWhen everything is everywhereAnd you don"t know what to doDon"t ever let this world unbalance youIt took some time to realiseBut it just occurred to meThat what we have is what we choose to seeOh, there"s nothing to stop usFrom losing it allSo follow your heart and soulCos nothing will matterOh, nothing at allIf you don"t follow your heart and soulNothing will matter anymoreOh, there"s nothing to stop usFrom losing it allSo follow your heart and soulCos nothing will matterOh, nothing at allIf you don"t follow your heart and soulSo follow your heart and soulFollow your heart and soulFollow your heart and soulOr nothing will matter anymoreOh, there"s nothing to stop usFrom losing it allSo follow your heart and soulOr nothing will matter anymore
2023-07-22 13:58:131

求AAA的Heart and Soul歌词(日文的)

歌曲:Heart and Soul专辑:HEARTFUL歌手:AAA「Heart and Soul」 作词∶leonn/Rap词:日高光启 作曲∶斋藤真也 歌∶AAA RAP:いつもとは违う空へ 君が舵とって Fly awayもう决してためらわないで Its time 4 some action真っ白な雪と重なって 君は何よりも辉いてるもう决してためらわないで We gotta go now思い切って买ったコートも背中丸めてちゃ冴えないねポケットに押し込んだ手が毎日を持て余してるもう过去になり始めてたあの日の梦が疼 き出す今ならこんな自分も少しは好きになれる気がするからGet Winter Soul舞い降りる粉雪が冬を告げたら银色に辉く空に両手を広げLet me be myselfまっさらな世界にキセキ描き出せ特别な季节の中で 今生まれ変わろうRAP:さぁ膨らんでく期待のままでっかく胸はって寒さに逆らって君だけの未来へ向かってAint no joke,yesかじかむ手で描き出す days 真っ白な雪を君色に染めようI know you gotta get soul街中が饰 られてくそこら中デートコースだよイベントに振り回されて过ごすのも悪くはないね胸の奥に隠してた切ない鼓动动き出す今ならきっと自分の言叶で伝えられる気がするからGet Winter Love降り积もるこの想いよ君に届け星达がきらめく空に愿いを込めてLet me be myselfまっ白な吐息を頬で感じたら冻えそうな心溶かして今一つになろうRAP:Aint no love gameかじかむ手と见つめ合う目真っ白なままで君色に染まろうYou got my heart and soul永い季节を越えて限界を脱ぎ舍てて新しい光照らす未来へもう过去になり始めてたあの日の梦が疼き出す今ならこんな自分も少しは好きになれる気がするからGet love & soul一秒も迷わずに走り抜けるよ情热がはみ出しそうな时代の先へLet me be myself一つでも守るべきものがあるならただ前に进むしかない 今明日(あす)を変えようRAP:いつもとは违う空へ 君が舵とって Fly awayもう决してためらわないで Its time 4 some action真っ白な勇気と重なって 君は何よりも辉いてるもう决してためらわないで We gotta go now
2023-07-22 13:58:201

Heart and Soul罗马歌词(AAA)

いつもとは违う空へ 君が舵とってFly awayもう决してためらわないで It"s time 4 some action真っ白な雪と重なって 君は何よりも辉いてるもう决してためらわないで We gotta go now思い切って买ったコートも背中丸めてちゃ冴えないねポケットに押し込んだ手が毎日を持て余してるもう过去になり始めてたあの日の梦が疼き出す今ならこんな自分も少しは好きになれる気がするからGet Winter Soul舞い降りる粉雪が冬を告げたら银色に辉く空に両手を広げLet me be myselfまっさらな世界にキセキ描き出せ特别な季节の中で今生まれ変わろうさぁ膨らんでく期待のままでっかく胸はって寒さに逆らって君だけの未来へ向かってAin"t no joke,yesかじかむ手で描き出すdays 真っ白な雪を君色に染めようI know you gotta get soul街中が饰られてくそこら中デートコースだよイベントに振り回されて过ごすのも悪くはないね胸の奥に隠してた切ない鼓动动き出す今ならきっと自分の言叶で伝えられる気がするからGet Winter Soul降り积もるこの思いよ君に届け星达がきらめく空に愿いを込めてLet me be myselfまっ白な吐息を頬で感じたら冻えそうな心と溶かして今一つになろうAin"t no love gameかじかむ手と见つめ合う目真っ白なままで君色に染まるうYou got my heart and soul永い季节を越えて限界を脱ぎ舍てて新しい光照らす未来へもう过去になり始めてたあの日の梦が疼き出す今ならこんな自分も少しは好きになれる気がするからGet love&soul一秒も迷わずに走り抜けるよ情热がはみ出しそうな时代の先へLet me be myself一つでも守るべきものがあるならただ前に进むしかない 今明日(あす)を変えよういつもとは违う空へ 君が舵とってFly awayもう决してためらわないで It"s time 4 some action真っ白な雪と重なって 君は何よりも辉いてるもう决してためらわないで We gotta go now
2023-07-22 13:58:283

do sth heart and soul还是do sth with heart and soul

2023-07-22 13:58:495

heart and soul 钢琴曲

Hoagy Carmichael 豪吉·卡迈克尔美国已故通俗作曲家,网上关于他的介绍都很少很少。心灵(Heart & Soul)大概是他在1938年创作的
2023-07-22 13:59:062


非常讨厌简单的问题弄那么长的理论来阐述! 这本是一个非常简单的问题,从哲学的划分很容易解释:一个是唯心论,一个是非唯心论(我不敢承认他肯定唯物,但至少不是唯心的)。 灵魂是唯心主义的产物,早在柏拉图时期就被大肆渲染过,没什么好说的; 心灵既属于主观意识,同时也属于客观存在,是一种不可见的实体。 灵魂是凌驾于物质之上的,而心灵则是物质和精神结合的产物。 如此而已。
2023-07-22 13:59:131

We must serve the people heart and soul,这里的heart and soul 做的是什么成分

2023-07-22 13:59:223

heart and soul 链接地址测试,可用
2023-07-22 14:00:002


A strong heart希望对你有帮助
2023-07-22 14:00:103

she is my heart and soul

2023-07-22 14:00:313


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2023-07-22 14:00:568

head heart and soul什么意思

2023-07-22 14:01:223

一首英文舞曲,开头是个爷们:you touch my heart and soul,然后中间好多na na na...

舞曲 名 轻舞妖魅
2023-07-22 14:01:304

这句话哪错了 my bound duty is to serve the people heart and soul

2023-07-22 14:01:384

模仿泫雅个智妍的纹身翻译下这句话“我的家人在我的心里、灵魂中,他们支持着我活下来 ”

2023-07-22 14:01:472


  俗话说,爱要大声说出来。那么你想知道表达爱意的英文是什么吗?下面是我为你整理的表达爱意的英文,希望大家喜欢!   表达爱意的英文   express love   express love例句   1. Shouldn"t I express love openly and directly?   我不能直接向他表明我的爱 吗 ?   2. They express love materially.   他们通过实物来表达爱意.   3. Flower, you can at it on your behalf to express your love.   你可看看花语, 让它代你表达你的爱意.   4. So today, express your love with words and actions.   所以就在今天, 付出爱的语言和行动.   5. Let her children express their love to her as they saw fit.   就让孩子们在他们认为合适的时候向她表达他们的爱吧.   6. When you express gratitude, you show your love and appreciation.   当你表示感恩的时候, 就展现出了你的爱心和感激.   7. These goods can express section of chastest holiest love existence.   这些物品都能表达那段最纯洁最圣洁的爱存在.   8. In this uttermost touch, he expresses all love that he can express.   这极至的接触, 他表达了所有他能告表达的爱.   9. Words can not express true love, loyalty behavior is the best explanation.   真正的爱情是不能用言语表达的, 行为才是忠心的最好说明.   10. Express your love for the children in earthquake - hit areas.   为震区的孩子们,献出你的爱.   10句表达爱意的英文习语   1. A match made in heaven   two people who are extremely compatible and will have a great life together   指两个人非常合适,未来将会有美好的生活   e.g. We are a match made in heaven. Letu2019s get married.   例:我们太合适了,结婚吧。   2. To fall head over heels in love   to fall completely in love   指完全地陷入爱河   e.g. He has fallen head over heels in love with Jane.   例: 他和简妮坠入爱河了。   3. To be smitten with someone   to be completely captivated by someone and feel immense joy   指完全被某人吸引住并且感觉非常快乐   e.g. Sally is smitten with this Gary chap she met the other day. She canu2019t stop talking about him.   例: 萨利完全被哪天遇见的那个小伙子格林迷住了。她一直谈论他。   4. To be the apple of someoneu2019s eye   to be loved and treasured by someone, normally a parent   指被某人珍视,通常是父母   e.g. She is the apple of her fatheru2019s eye.   例: 她是父亲的掌上明珠。   5. To be a soul mate   to be someone who understands and accepts the other person completely   理解某人并完全接受某人   e.g. My husband is my best friend and my soul mate.   例: 我的丈夫是我最好的朋友,也是我的灵魂伴侣。   6. To take oneu2019s breath away   when you are so in love with that person that you find it difficult to breathe   指你非常爱某个人,以至于呼吸都困难   e.g. You are so beautiful that you take my breath away.   例: 你太美了,美得让我窒息。   7. To be someoneu2019s one and only   to be unique to the other person   指对某人来说独一无二的一个人   e.g. You will always be my one and only love   例: 你永远是我的唯一。   8. To have a crush on someone   an informal idiomatic expression that describes young romantic infatuation   非正式用语,表示青少年的迷恋   e.g. Sally has had a crush on James since they were at university together.   例: 萨利从大学起就喜欢詹姆斯。   9. To fancy someone (British English)   to find someone very attractive   指认为某人极具吸引力   e.g. My friend really fancies you.   例: 我的朋友认为你很有吸引力。   10. To love someone with all of oneu2019s heart and soul   to love someone completely   全身心地爱某人   e.g. John loves Leslie with all his heart and soul.   例: 约翰全身心地爱着莱斯利。
2023-07-22 14:02:131


2023-07-22 14:02:234


2023-07-22 14:02:495

Pride And Joy 歌词

歌曲名:Pride And Joy歌手:Marvin Gaye专辑:Playlist PlusWell you"ve heard about love givin" sight to the blindMy baby"s lovin" cause the sun to shineShe"s my sweet little thang....She"s my pride and joyShe"s my sweet little baby....I"m her little lover boyYeah I love my baby....Heart and soulLove like ours won"t never grow oldShe"s my sweet little thang...She"s my pride and joyShe"s my sweet little baby....I"m her little lover boyYeah I love my lady....She"s long and leanYou mess with her....You"ll see a man get meanShe"s my sweet little thang....She"s my pride and joyShe"s my sweet little baby....I"m her little lover boyWell I love my baby....Like the finest wineStick with her until the end of timeShe"s my sweet little thang....She"s my pride and joyShe"s my sweet little baby....I"m her little lover boyYeah I love my baby....Heart and soulLove like ours won"t never grow oldShe"s my sweet little thang....She"s my pride and joyShe"s my sweet little baby....I"m her little lover boy
2023-07-22 14:03:051

More than one ____ the people heart and soul.

2023-07-22 14:03:133

The dream was told me that Heart and soul maybe is foolish. 谁能告诉我这语法是否有问题?

The dream told me that Heart and soul maybe is foolish.但是这个太中式英文了我如果翻译就用 I learnt from the dream that ......
2023-07-22 14:03:212

求 heart and soul 钢琴曲 mp3下载地址

2023-07-22 14:03:362

heart and soul什么意思

in the morning on the edge?" "
2023-07-22 14:03:562


2023-07-22 14:04:031

Heart And Soul 歌词

歌曲名:Heart And Soul歌手:Geoff Moore And The Distance专辑:A Place To StandGary Go - Heart And SoulSo your life is on fireAnd you tried to put it out with meWell I"m sorry, I"m sorryEverything is eveywhereAnd I don"t know who to beBut I won"t let this world unbalance meThere"s nothing to stop usFrom losing it allSo follow your heart and soulCos nothing will matterNothing at allIf you don"t follow your heart and soulNothing will matter anymoreWe get so easily distractedWe forget where we set out to goWell it"s okay, it"s okayWhen everything is everywhereAnd you don"t know what to doDon"t ever let this world unbalance youIt took some time to realiseBut it just occurred to meThat what we have is what we choose to seeOh, there"s nothing to stop usFrom losing it allSo follow your heart and soulCos nothing will matterOh, nothing at allIf you don"t follow your heart and soulNothing will matter anymoreOh, there"s nothing to stop usFrom losing it allSo follow your heart and soulCos nothing will matterOh, nothing at allIf you don"t follow your heart and soulSo follow your heart and soulFollow your heart and soulFollow your heart and soulOr nothing will matter anymoreOh, there"s nothing to stop usFrom losing it allSo follow your heart and soulOr nothing will matter anymore
2023-07-22 14:04:121

Heart And Soul 歌词

歌曲名:Heart And Soul歌手:Gary Go专辑:Gary GoGary Go - Heart And SoulSo your life is on fireAnd you tried to put it out with meWell I"m sorry, I"m sorryEverything is eveywhereAnd I don"t know who to beBut I won"t let this world unbalance meThere"s nothing to stop usFrom losing it allSo follow your heart and soulCos nothing will matterNothing at allIf you don"t follow your heart and soulNothing will matter anymoreWe get so easily distractedWe forget where we set out to goWell it"s okay, it"s okayWhen everything is everywhereAnd you don"t know what to doDon"t ever let this world unbalance youIt took some time to realiseBut it just occurred to meThat what we have is what we choose to seeOh, there"s nothing to stop usFrom losing it allSo follow your heart and soulCos nothing will matterOh, nothing at allIf you don"t follow your heart and soulNothing will matter anymoreOh, there"s nothing to stop usFrom losing it allSo follow your heart and soulCos nothing will matterOh, nothing at allIf you don"t follow your heart and soulSo follow your heart and soulFollow your heart and soulFollow your heart and soulOr nothing will matter anymoreOh, there"s nothing to stop usFrom losing it allSo follow your heart and soulOr nothing will matter anymore
2023-07-22 14:04:191

Heart And Soul 歌词

歌曲名:Heart And Soul歌手:The Dave Brubeck Trio专辑:Distinctive Rhythm Instrumentals「Heart and Soul」作词∶leonn/Rap词:日高光启作曲∶斋藤真也歌∶AAAいつもとは违う空へ 君が舵とってFly awayもう决してためらわないで It"s time 4 some action真っ白な雪と重なって 君は何よりも辉いてるもう决してためらわないで We gotta go now思い切って买ったコートも背中丸めてちゃ冴えないねポケットに押し込んだ手が毎日を持て余してるもう过去になり始めてたあの日の梦が疼き出す今ならこんな自分も少しは好きになれる気がするからGet Winter Soul舞い降りる粉雪が冬を告げたら银色に辉く空に両手を広げLet me be myselfまっさらな世界にキセキ描き出せ特别な季节の中で 今生まれ変わろうさぁ膨らんでく期待のままでっかく胸はって寒さに逆らって君だけの未来へ向かってAin"t no joke, yesかじかむ手で描き出すdays 真っ白な雪を君色に染めようI know you gotta get soul街中が饰られてくそこら中デートコースだよイベントに振り回されて过ごすのも悪くはないね胸の奥に隠してた切ない鼓动动き出す今ならきっと自分の言叶で伝えられる気がするからGet Winter Love降り积もるこの想いよ君に届け星达がきらめく空に愿いを込めてLet me be myselfまっ白な吐息を頬で感じたら冻えそうな心溶かして今一つになろうAin"t no love gameかじかむ手と见つめ合う目真っ白なままで君色に染まろうYou got my heart and soul永い季节を越えて限界を脱ぎ舍てて新しい光照らす未来へもう过去になり始めてたあの日の梦が疼き出す今ならこんな自分も少しは好きになれる気がするからGet love & soul一秒も迷わずに走り抜けるよ情热がはみ出しそうな时代の先へLet me be myself一つでも守るべきものがあるならただ前に进むしかない 今明日(あす)を変えよういつもとは违う空へ 君が舵とってFly awayもう决してためらわないで It"s time 4 some action真っ白な勇気と重なって 君は何よりも辉いてるもう决してためらわないで We gotta go now【 おわり 】
2023-07-22 14:04:281

Heart And Soul 歌词

歌曲名:Heart And Soul歌手:Joy Division专辑:Heart And Soul Cd4Instants that can still betray usA journey that leads to the sunSoulless and bent on destructionStruggle between right and wrongYou take my place in the show-downI"ll observe with a pitiful eyeJoy DivisionAnd humble ask for forgivenessA request well beyond you and IHeart and soul, one will burn (2)An abyss that lasted creationA circus complete with all foolsFoundations that lasted the agesThen ripped apart at their rootsBeyond all this good the terrorWhen savagery returnsfor good reasonThere"s no turning back the last standHeart and soul, one will burn (2)Existence-well what does it matterI exist on the best terms I canThe past is now part of my futureThe present is well out of hand (2)Heart and soul, one will burn (2)One will burn, one will burnHeart and Soul, one will burn
2023-07-22 14:04:371

Heart And Soul 歌词

歌曲名:Heart And Soul歌手:The Bel-Aire Pops Orchestra专辑:Jan & Dean S Pop Symphony No. 1HEART & SOULVocals: Michiko Neya(Emilia) with Yoshiki Fukuyama(Basara)Romanised by Matt FrancisKotoba dakeja todokanaiKieteku azui omoi uta ni noseMitsume atte tsuta eyo-ohAtatakana Heart & soulHeart & soulHeart & soulDonna toki demoTsuyoku daki aebaSoba ni inakutemoKimi no koe ga suruHoshi kara hoshi, tabishiteSoshite mitsuketa-monoAi-i no chikara shinjitai-iAfureru tsuyoi BEATO uta ni komeKizutsuke au kono sekaiFuki tobasu Heart & soulHeart & soulHeart & soulTaiyou ni-mukatteKokoro hirai-itaraHana ya kusato datteKatari aeru hazuHaruka toki wo megutteSoshite wakatta kotoKotoba dake ja todokanaiKieteku azui omoi uta ni noseMitsume atte tsuta eyo-ohAtatakana Heart & soulHeart & soulHeart & soulAi-i no chikara shinjitai-iAfureru tsuyoi BEATO uta ni komeKizutsuke a u kono sekaiFuki tobasu Heart & soulHeart & soulHeart & soulKotoba dakeja todokanaiKieteku azui omoi uta ni noseMitsume atte tsuta eyo-ohAtatakana Heart & soulHeart & soulHeart & soul (Utaitai-i)Heart & soulHeart & soul (Eien no)Heart & soul...鸣谢:Shiro Amad 友情提供歌词^Q^
2023-07-22 14:04:461

Heart And Soul 歌词

歌曲名:Heart And Soul歌手:Big Country专辑:The CrossingHeart and soulI fell in love with you heart and soulThe way a fool would do, madly,Because you held me tightAnd stole a kiss in the moonlightHeart and soulI begged to be adored lost controlAnd tumbled overboard gladlyThat magic night we kissedThere in the moon mistOh but your lips were thrilling,Much too thrillingNever before were mineSo strangely willingBut now you see what one embrace can do look at meIt"s got me loving you, madly,That little kiss you stoleTook all my heart and soulNow I see what one embrace can do look at meIt"s got me loving you madlyThat little kiss you stoleTook all my heart and soul
2023-07-22 14:04:531

Heart And Soul 歌词

歌曲名:Heart And Soul歌手:Joy Division专辑:The Best OfHeart and soulI fell in love with you heart and soulThe way a fool would do, madly,Because you held me tightAnd stole a kiss in the moonlightHeart and soulI begged to be adored lost controlAnd tumbled overboard gladlyThat magic night we kissedThere in the moon mistOh but your lips were thrilling,Much too thrillingNever before were mineSo strangely willingBut now you see what one embrace can do look at meIt"s got me loving you, madly,That little kiss you stoleTook all my heart and soulNow I see what one embrace can do look at meIt"s got me loving you madlyThat little kiss you stoleTook all my heart and soul
2023-07-22 14:05:021

Heart And Soul 歌词

歌曲名:Heart And Soul歌手:Adam Rickitt专辑:Good Times「Heart and Soul」作词∶leonn/Rap词:日高光启作曲∶斋藤真也歌∶AAAいつもとは违う空へ 君が舵とってFly awayもう决してためらわないで It"s time 4 some action真っ白な雪と重なって 君は何よりも辉いてるもう决してためらわないで We gotta go now思い切って买ったコートも背中丸めてちゃ冴えないねポケットに押し込んだ手が毎日を持て余してるもう过去になり始めてたあの日の梦が疼き出す今ならこんな自分も少しは好きになれる気がするからGet Winter Soul舞い降りる粉雪が冬を告げたら银色に辉く空に両手を広げLet me be myselfまっさらな世界にキセキ描き出せ特别な季节の中で 今生まれ変わろうさぁ膨らんでく期待のままでっかく胸はって寒さに逆らって君だけの未来へ向かってAin"t no joke, yesかじかむ手で描き出すdays 真っ白な雪を君色に染めようI know you gotta get soul街中が饰られてくそこら中デートコースだよイベントに振り回されて过ごすのも悪くはないね胸の奥に隠してた切ない鼓动动き出す今ならきっと自分の言叶で伝えられる気がするからGet Winter Love降り积もるこの想いよ君に届け星达がきらめく空に愿いを込めてLet me be myselfまっ白な吐息を頬で感じたら冻えそうな心溶かして今一つになろうAin"t no love gameかじかむ手と见つめ合う目真っ白なままで君色に染まろうYou got my heart and soul永い季节を越えて限界を脱ぎ舍てて新しい光照らす未来へもう过去になり始めてたあの日の梦が疼き出す今ならこんな自分も少しは好きになれる気がするからGet love & soul一秒も迷わずに走り抜けるよ情热がはみ出しそうな时代の先へLet me be myself一つでも守るべきものがあるならただ前に进むしかない 今明日(あす)を変えよういつもとは违う空へ 君が舵とってFly awayもう决してためらわないで It"s time 4 some action真っ白な勇気と重なって 君は何よりも辉いてるもう决してためらわないで We gotta go now【 おわり 】
2023-07-22 14:05:221

Heart And Soul 歌词

歌曲名:Heart And Soul歌手:Michael Anderson专辑:Love Is The Hard Part「Heart and Soul」作词∶leonn/Rap词:日高光启作曲∶斋藤真也歌∶AAAいつもとは违う空へ 君が舵とってFly awayもう决してためらわないで It"s time 4 some action真っ白な雪と重なって 君は何よりも辉いてるもう决してためらわないで We gotta go now思い切って买ったコートも背中丸めてちゃ冴えないねポケットに押し込んだ手が毎日を持て余してるもう过去になり始めてたあの日の梦が疼き出す今ならこんな自分も少しは好きになれる気がするからGet Winter Soul舞い降りる粉雪が冬を告げたら银色に辉く空に両手を広げLet me be myselfまっさらな世界にキセキ描き出せ特别な季节の中で 今生まれ変わろうさぁ膨らんでく期待のままでっかく胸はって寒さに逆らって君だけの未来へ向かってAin"t no joke, yesかじかむ手で描き出すdays 真っ白な雪を君色に染めようI know you gotta get soul街中が饰られてくそこら中デートコースだよイベントに振り回されて过ごすのも悪くはないね胸の奥に隠してた切ない鼓动动き出す今ならきっと自分の言叶で伝えられる気がするからGet Winter Love降り积もるこの想いよ君に届け星达がきらめく空に愿いを込めてLet me be myselfまっ白な吐息を頬で感じたら冻えそうな心溶かして今一つになろうAin"t no love gameかじかむ手と见つめ合う目真っ白なままで君色に染まろうYou got my heart and soul永い季节を越えて限界を脱ぎ舍てて新しい光照らす未来へもう过去になり始めてたあの日の梦が疼き出す今ならこんな自分も少しは好きになれる気がするからGet love & soul一秒も迷わずに走り抜けるよ情热がはみ出しそうな时代の先へLet me be myself一つでも守るべきものがあるならただ前に进むしかない 今明日(あす)を変えよういつもとは违う空へ 君が舵とってFly awayもう决してためらわないで It"s time 4 some action真っ白な勇気と重なって 君は何よりも辉いてるもう决してためらわないで We gotta go now【 おわり 】
2023-07-22 14:05:391

Heart And Soul 歌词

歌曲名:Heart And Soul歌手:Larry Clinton And His Orchestra专辑:Heart & Soul: Celebrating The Unforgettable Songs Of Frank LoesserHEART & SOULVocals: Michiko Neya(Emilia) with Yoshiki Fukuyama(Basara)Romanised by Matt FrancisKotoba dakeja todokanaiKieteku azui omoi uta ni noseMitsume atte tsuta eyo-ohAtatakana Heart & soulHeart & soulHeart & soulDonna toki demoTsuyoku daki aebaSoba ni inakutemoKimi no koe ga suruHoshi kara hoshi, tabishiteSoshite mitsuketa-monoAi-i no chikara shinjitai-iAfureru tsuyoi BEATO uta ni komeKizutsuke au kono sekaiFuki tobasu Heart & soulHeart & soulHeart & soulTaiyou ni-mukatteKokoro hirai-itaraHana ya kusato datteKatari aeru hazuHaruka toki wo megutteSoshite wakatta kotoKotoba dake ja todokanaiKieteku azui omoi uta ni noseMitsume atte tsuta eyo-ohAtatakana Heart & soulHeart & soulHeart & soulAi-i no chikara shinjitai-iAfureru tsuyoi BEATO uta ni komeKizutsuke a u kono sekaiFuki tobasu Heart & soulHeart & soulHeart & soulKotoba dakeja todokanaiKieteku azui omoi uta ni noseMitsume atte tsuta eyo-ohAtatakana Heart & soulHeart & soulHeart & soul (Utaitai-i)Heart & soulHeart & soul (Eien no)Heart & soul...鸣谢:Shiro Amad 友情提供歌词^Q^
2023-07-22 14:05:481

求玉置成实 heart and soul(大胆往前走)的日语歌词。

大胆にいきましよう↑Heart & Soul↑ 作词:篠崎隆一 作曲:Robert Habolin, Mats Jansson, Marcus Sepehrmanesh 歌:玉置成実 (Who can make it?) 梦を追いかけていたいです だけど本当はツライんです それなら足を止めて 休んじゃえばいいんじゃない? 手に入れるものは一つ そんな明日が近づく 根拠なんてないけど 决して谛めないで (I say!) 大胆にいきましょう! 迷わないで Boys & Girls (You say!) 顽张っていきましょう! 愿いはとどくよ Heart & Soul 気合相当入れたって 叶わないときもあって たとえまわり道でも 一つの梦 目指して (I say!) 信じていきましょう! 无くさないで Boys & Girls (You say!) 前向いていきましょう! 何かが変わるよ Heart & Soul 今 昨日と违う 自分がいる 梦に近づいてる (I say!) oh ohoh ohoh (We say!) oh ohoh ohoh 太阳が描いた 青空って远いね 流す涙はきっと 夜の空にきらめく 楽しんでいきましょう! 光が射す方へ 大胆にいきましょう! 迷わないで Boys & Girls (You say!) 顽张っていきましょう! きっと届く Heart & Soul (I say!) 信じていきましょう! 无くさないで Boys & Girls (You say!) 前向いていきましょう! きっと変わる Heart & Soul Boys & Girls Heart & Soul 大胆にいきましょう Boys & Girls Heart & Soul 限りない梦へ走れ I can! You can! We can! I can! You can! We can! Heart & Soul
2023-07-22 14:05:551


2023-07-22 14:06:021

求玉置成实 heart and soul(大胆往前走)的日语歌词。

(Who can make it?) 有me哦哦一卡ke特一它一德四大ke多红多瓦 次拉音德四所勒那拉阿西哦托me德呀森加额吧一音加那一 特你一勒路莫喏瓦hi托次送恩那阿西它嘎其卡自库空kio囊德那一ke多ke西特阿ki拉me那一德(I say!) 大一汤你一ki吗西哦吗哟瓦那一德Boys and Girls(You say!) 刚吧特一ki吗西哦ne嘎一瓦托多库哟Heart and Soulki阿一所多一勒大德卡那瓦那一托ki莫阿德 它托额吗瓦里米其德莫hi托次喏有me me扎西德(I say!) 新几特一ki吗西哦那库撒那一德Boys and Girls(You say!) 吗额木一德一ki吗西哦那你卡阿卡瓦路哟Heart and Soul一吗ki喏哦多其嘎无几不恩嘎一路有me你其卡自一德路(I say!)oh oh~ oh~(We say!)oh oh~ oh~大一哟哦嘎额嘎一大 阿哦左拉德多哦一ne那嘎四那米大瓦ki托 哟路喏所拉你ki拉me库它喏新德一ki吗西哦hi卡里嘎撒四火哦额大一汤你一ki吗西哦吗哟瓦那一德Boys and Girls刚吧特一ki吗西哦ki一多多路库Heart and Soul新几特一ki吗西哦那库撒那一德Boys and Girls吗额木一德一ki吗西哦ki一多卡瓦路Heart and SoulBoys and Girls Heart and Soul 大一汤你一ki吗西哦Boys and Girls Heart and Soul 卡给里那一有me额哈西勒I can! You can! We can! I can! You can! We can! Heart and Soul
2023-07-22 14:06:091


都有心灵的意思但是soul比heart意思更深,更有震撼力比如说:you are my soul:说明对方在自己看来地位非常的高希望可以帮助你,满意的话,希望采纳,谢谢!
2023-07-22 14:06:171


1、恭祝:永结同心,永浴爱河。 I wish you love forever. 2、真诚的祝愿新人婚后幸福美满,百年好合。 I sincerely wish the couple a happy marriage and a happy marriage. 3、妻佳偶天成,真心恭祝国庆快乐,比翼齐飞,新婚大喜! I sincerely wish you a happy National Day and a happy wedding! 4、祝你们夫唱妇随、珠联壁合、凤凰于飞、美满家园琴瑟合鸣。 I wish you all the best, the best, and the best home. 5、祝福你们新婚愉快,幸福美满,激情永在,白头偕老! I wish you a happy marriage, happiness, passion forever, long life together! 6、相亲相爱幸福永,同德同心幸福长。愿你俩情比海深!新婚快乐。 Love each other and happiness will last forever. I wish you two love more than the sea! Happy wedding. 7、祝你们,百年好合!白头到老! I wish you all a happy New Year! reach old age! 8、祝成双鸾凤海阔天空双比翼,贺一对鸳鸯花好月圆两知心。 I wish you a pair of Phoenix and a couple of lovers. I wish you a happy new year. 9、让我们祝贺,一个优质男的幸福生活,从此开始。 Let"s congratulate a high-quality man on his happy life from now on. 10、恭祝:鸳鸯璧合,终身之盟。 Congratulations: perfect combination of mandarin duck, lifelong alliance. 11、白首齐眉鸳鸯比翼,青阳启瑞桃李同心。 White head with eyebrows, mandarin duck with wings, Qingyang Qirui, peach and plum with one heart. 12、祝福你们喜结连理,百年好合! Wish you a happy marriage! 13、祝你前程似锦,也祝你余生再无波澜,感谢你曾真心待过我。 I wish you a bright future and no waves for the rest of your life. Thank you for treating me sincerely. 14、许订终身,恭贺新婚,前生注定,喜结良缘。 Xu Ding"s life, congratulations on the new marriage, predestined previous life, marriage. 15、祝新郎新娘同心同德,白头到老,相亲相爱。 I wish the bride and groom the same heart and soul, love each other all the time. 16、今天是你们大喜的日子,恭祝佳偶天成,花好月圆,永结同心。 Today is the day of your great joy. I wish you a happy marriage. 17、祝福你们的爱比高天更高更长,你们的情比深海更深更广! Wish your love is higher and longer than Gaotian, and your love is deeper and wider than deep sea! 18、恭喜你要结婚了!祝你幸福美满,永浴爱河,新婚快乐! Congratulations on getting married! I wish you happiness, everlasting love and a happy wedding! 19、姐、姐夫,今天是你们大喜的日子,祝福你们白头偕老! Sister, brother-in-law, today is your happy day, I wish you a long life together! 20、上边嘴对嘴,下边腿搅腿,中间拧螺丝,你看美不美。 The upper side is mouth to mouth, the lower side is leg stirring, and the middle is screwing. Do you think it"s beautiful. 21、谢谢老师一直以来的照顾,今天老师大婚,祝您一生幸福。 Thank you for taking care of me all the time. I wish you a happy life. 22、祝你们相依相伴到白头,新婚快乐永无忧! I wish you a happy new marriage! 23、祝新婚愉快,百年好合!甜甜蜜蜜,早生贵子! I wish you a happy new marriage and a happy New Year! Honey, have a baby early! 24、里姻缘情牵引,高山万水难断爱。 It"s hard to break love between mountains and rivers. 25、宾客连声赞,郎俊新妇贤;百年好合赛神仙,花烛亦展颜。 The guests praised each other, Lang Jun and his new wife were virtuous; a hundred years of love matched the immortals, and the flowers and candles also showed their beauty. 26、相亲相爱幸福永,同德同心幸福长。愿你俩情比海深!新婚快乐。 Love each other and happiness will last forever. I wish you two love more than the sea! Happy wedding. 27、老师为我们的成就骄傲,我们为老师的幸福骄傲。 Teachers are proud of our achievements and we are proud of their happiness. 28、祝愿你们能幸福美满,恩爱天长地久。 I wish you happiness and love forever. 29、姐姐、姐夫,祝愿你俩新婚愉快,幸福美满,激情永在,白头偕老。 Sister, brother-in-law, I wish you a happy marriage, happiness, passion forever, long life together. 30、我希望你记住我的名字,忘掉我们的故事,余生和她好好地在一起。 I hope you remember my name, forget our story and spend the rest of your life with her.
2023-07-22 14:06:331

soul&heart 是什么意思?

2023-07-22 14:06:402

一首常用的舞曲,其中有一句经典的是“everybody dance now"是什么歌?

Everybody Dance now ... Everybody Dance now ... Give me the music Give me the music Everybody Dance now ... Everybody Dance now ... Yeah ... Yeah ... Yeah Everybody Dance now ... Yeah ... Yeah ... Yeah Everybody Dance now ... [rap by Freedom Williams] Here is the doe, back with the bass The jam is live in effect and I don"t waste time Or the mike if it don"t rhyme Jump to the rhythm jump jump to the rhythm jump And I"m here to provide Peace and lyrics to make your shake your pants Take a chance, come on and dance Guys grab a girl, don"t wait, make a whirl C&c Music Factory It"s your world and I"m just a swirl Trying to get a nut to move your butt To the dance floor, so yo what"s up Hands in the air, Come on say yeah, everybody over here everybody over there the crowd is live and I feel this groove Party people in the house Move ... (Let your mind) Move ... (Put me online) (Chorus) Come on let"s sweat, baby Let the music take control Let the rhythm move you Sweat, sweat Let the music take control Let the rhythm move you Everybody dance now ... Da da da da da da da da da da da da, da da da da da da da, da da da la da da da dum da dum da dum everybody dance now [rap by freedom williams] Pause take a breath go for yours On my command now hit the dance floors I"m gonna make you sweat till you bleed Is that ... enough, indeed I pay the price, control the dice I"m more precise, to a point I"m nice The music takes control, your heart and soul Oh, your body is free and a whole Dance till you can"t dance Till you can"t dance no more Get on the floor and get warm Then come back and upside down Easy now, let me see ya Move ... (Let your mind) Move ... (Put me online) The music is my life ... everybody dance now ... everybody dance now ... everybody dance now ... everybody ... (Repeat Chorus)
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