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2023-07-22 23:56:17
TAG: 美国



  美国斗牛犬(American bulldog),原产地美国。美国斗牛犬是英国古代斗牛犬的后裔,17世纪被引进到美洲大陆。历史上,美国斗牛犬被培育成“农家实用狗”,用于农业工作中实用。它的性格充满了野性,十分粗鲁。他们拥有难以想象的掠食性和好斗性。初期被用于打猎,斗牛,很多年以前也有少数被用于非法的斗狗比赛。

  第二次世界大战后,美国斗牛犬数量急剧减少,面临绝种的的危险。二战退伍老兵,杰森.D.约翰逊先生经过不断的育种和赛选,培育出现代粗犷护卫型美国斗牛犬(Bully type)的基础。与此同时,一位叫艾伦.斯科特的年轻人,在约翰逊先生育种的一些基础上加入了更多善于打猎的老血系美国斗牛犬的血液。从而培育出标准型美国斗牛犬(Standard type)的基础。粗犷护卫型美国斗牛犬和标准型美国斗牛犬是两个截然不同的类型。





  这个品种的繁殖宗旨,就是简单的Bully! Bully!!! 是以追求更强的视觉冲击力和更大的肌肉块为根本的,其次才是肩高体重等各种数据。无论繁殖者还是饲养者,都应当在“KEEP IT BULLY”的前提下,去追求各自或是肩高,或是体重上的偏好,而绝对不能本末倒置。




  所谓欲速则不达, 所有生命的发展都应当遵守自然的规律。循序渐进,给您的爱犬一个学习,适应,发展的时间和空间。它会以完美的体态和稳定的性格来回报您对它的付出。











  The neck should be very muscular, arched, tapered from the shoulder to the head, and medium in length. The withers should be high and well pronounced and lead into a broad and moderately short back with an athletic roach. The body should be moderately wide, solid, standing fore-square, fairly compact, well balanced, slightly longer than tall (rectangular, but almost square), and have a well sprung rib cage. The body is slightly deeper than the foreleg is long, and the brisket is slightly lower than the level of the elbow. Not enough that the forearm curves around the rib cage, but sufficient enough that a more solid stance is produced. There should be a noticeable tuck present to allow the body to bend at a fuller extent. The coat should be short, smooth, and any color except for solid black (without white), or merle.

  The head should be large and broad in regards to the size of the dog. It should be flat on top, have a squared appearance, with a deep and well defined stop. The head is tight, muscular, with prominent cheeks, and free of excessive: wrinkles on the cheek and muzzle, skin at the neck, and pendolous flews. The muzzle should be: broad, box shaped, wide at the base with a very slight taper to the nose, have wide open nostrils, be 2-3 inches in length, and have a strong under jaw. The dog should have full pigment around eyelids, covering the nose, and lips. The teeth should be medium to large, not visible when the mouth is closed, and an undershot of 1/4 to 1/2 inches is preferred. The eyes should be wide set, and almond to round shaped. The ears should be set high on the head, medium in size, and either forward flap or rose.

  The front assembly should have forechest, and the shoulder blade and upper arms should not be too steep or upright. It should be moderately wide and the elbows should neither be angled out or pulled in. The position of the wrists should not be closer than the elbows when standing. The front legs should be strong and straight, with moderate to heavy bone that is proportionate to the body. The pasterns should have a slight slope and not be too vertical or steep in nature. The feet should be round, tight, well arched, medium in size, and pointing straight ahead.

  The rear should be broad, well muscled, not quite as wide as the front, with moderate angulation at the stifle and hock. The hocks should be straight, and perfectly perpendicular to the ground. The feet should be round, tight, well arched, medium in size, and pointing straight ahead. The tail set should be low, but carried high. Strong at the root and taper till it ends at the level of the hocks. The buttocks should have a shelf below the tail.


扯着喉咙喊 皇上驾到 回答者: 578333967 | 一级 | 2010-5-7 15:26



proportional adj (to sth) 成比例的;相称的.主要用于数字proportionate adj (to sth) 和proportional 用法一样proportioned adj 尤用于副词后面,按比例的;有某种比例关系的
2023-07-22 13:42:372


题库内容:均衡的解释[balanced;proportionate] 平衡 均衡发展 详细解释 犹平衡。 《素问·五常政大论》 :“升明之纪,正阳而治,德旋周普,五化均衡。” 欧阳 予倩 《泼妇》 :“反正千句话变成一句话,我无论如何,总能够保持我的均衡,我总不更变我的主张,我总不更变我的 信仰 !” 阿英 《<察哈尔窗花>叙记》 :“图案的形式,大都 左右 对称 ,上下均衡,或四面都采用均衡的形式。” 词语分解 均的解释 均 ū 平,匀,引申为 调和 :均衡。 势均力敌 。平均。 皆,都,老少均安。 中国 汉代计量单位,一均等于二千五百石。 古同“韵”, 和谐 的声音。 〔均钟〕古代乐器。 古同“钧”,造瓦器的转轮。 笔画数:; 衡的解释 衡 é 秤杆,泛指秤:衡器。衡镜(借指辨别是非善恶的 标准 )。衡鉴(衡镜)。 称量:衡钧(借指执掌国政之权)。 反复 思索做出 决定 ,比较 评定 : 权衡 。衡情度理。 平,对等:平衡。均衡。 指北斗星:衡汉(北斗
2023-07-22 13:42:451

"收入与官职不相称"的英文系咩(10 marks)

如果你的意思是某人身为公职人员,拥有的资产却比他的所有应得收入多,可以用ICAC所用的说法﹕ He has a possession of assets disapproportionate to his total official emoluments. 他拥有的资产与他官职总收入不相称。 disapporportionate to xxx === 与 xxx 不相称 简洁的,可以说﹕ His emoluments are disapproportionate to his office. 他的收入与他的官职不相称。 最短的片语说法是﹕ Emoluments diapproportionate to office 收入与官职不相称 上述句子是真的指 *** 官员(公职人员)拥有的资产/收入超出他所应有的,是涉嫌收取利益,属违法的行为,不是闹著玩的。 What is 公职人员? 直接又简单~~~~~~ "收入与官职不相称" The ine is out of accord with the corresponding position. :: hope it helps~ :) 参考: NR ninja :) 嗯有几个说法吧v His salary doesn"t fit his position 这个比较客气v He doesn"t deserve the salary he receives 这个比较不客气v He doesn"t deserve this salary in his position 和上面那个差不多不过变了一下 累赘一点长一点可是英文就是这样的嘛中文要求精炼英文要委婉XD 口语点可以说 the salary is far too high for a man in his position 可是看你这么文雅说"收入与官职不相称"大概不想要口语吧?
2023-07-22 13:43:101


2023-07-22 13:43:201


  The Computer and The Poet计算机与诗人   The essential problem of man in a computerized age remains the same as it has always been. That problem is not solely how to be more productive, more comfortable, more content, but how to be more sensitive, more sensible, more proportionate, more alive. The computer makes possible a marvellous leap in human proficiency; it pulls down the fences around the practical and even the theoretical intelligence. But the question persists and indeed grows whether the computer will make it easier or harder for human beings to know who they really are, to identify their real problems, to respond more fully to beauty, to place adequate value on life, and to make their world safer than it now is. 在计算机时代,人类的基本问题依然是过去一直存在的问题。这个问题不仅仅是如何更多产、更舒适、更惬意,而是如何更敏感、更明智、更均衡、更有生机。计算机使人类能力上的巨大飞跃成为可能;它打破了束缚实践智能和理论智能的藩篱。但是计算机是使人类更容易还是更难以理解自己究竟是什么,是否有助于识别真正的问题,有助于对美作出更全面的反应,对生活作出更充分的评价?是否能使世界变得比现在更安全?这个问题一直存在而且越来越突出。   Electronic brains can reduce the profusion of dead ends involved in vital research. But they can"t eliminate the foolish ness and decay that come form the unexamined life. Nor do they connect a man to the things he has to be connected to - the reality of pain in others; the possibilities of creative growth in himself; the memory of the race; and the rights of the next generation. 电脑能够减少许多生命研究中的死胡同。但它们不能消除因为生活未经反省产生的愚蠢和腐朽;它们也不能把一个人同之相关的事物--别人的痛苦现实、自我创造性发展的可能性、种族的印记以及下一代的权利联系起来。   The reason these matters are important in a computerized age is that there may be a tendency to mistake data for wisdom, just as there has always been a tendency to confuse logic with values, and intelligence with insight. Easy and convenient access to facts can produce unlimited good only if it is matched by the desire and ability to find out what they mean and where they would lead. 这些事情在计算机时代之所以重要是因为可能有一种错把数据当智慧的趋势,就像一直存在的把逻辑与价值、智力,以及见解混为一谈的趋势一样。获取事实的便捷手段只有与弄清这些事实的意义与导向的.愿望和能力一致时才能使人们受益无穷。   Facts are terrible things if left spreading and unexamined. They are too easily regarded as evaluated certainties rather than as the rawest of raw materials crying to be processed into the texture of logic. It requires a very unusual mind, Whitehead said, to undertake the analysis of a fact. The computer can provide a correct number, but it may be an irrelevant number until judgment is pronounced. 如果任其事实流传而不加检验,这样的事实是可怕的,因为它们极容易被认为是已获定评的事实,而不是迫切需要处理使之具有逻辑条理的原始材料中最原始的部分。怀特里德说,对事实进行分析需要非凡的头脑。计算机能够提供正确的数字,但如果不作判断,这个数字可能毫无意义。   To the extent, then, that man fails to distinguish between the intermediate operations of electronic intelligence and the ultimate responsibilities of human decision, the computer could prove a digression. It could obscure man"s awareness of the need to come to terms with himself. It may foster the illusion that he is asking fundamental questions when actually he is asking only functional ones. It may be regarded as a substitute for intelligence instead of an extension of it. It may promote undue confidence in concrete answers. "If we begin with certainties," Bacon said, "we shall end in doubts but if we begin with doubts, and we are patient with them, we shall end in certainties." 因而,在人类不能区分电子智力的中间运算与人的决定的最终责任的情况下,计算机可能被证明是一种节外生枝。它可能模糊人类满足自身条件的意识。它可能使人产生错觉,当他实际上只是在问功能的问题时,却认为他在问基本的问题。它可能被认为是智力的替代物,而不是智力的延伸。它可能使人过分相信具体答案。培根说:"如果我们肯定开始,就会以疑惑结束;如果我们以疑惑开始,并且耐心处之,我们就会以肯定结束。"   The computer knows how to conquer error, but before we lose ourselves in celebrating the victory, we might reflect on the great advances in the human situation that have come about because men were challenged by error and would not stop thinking and exploring until they found better approaches for dealing with it. "Give me a good fruitful error, full of seeds, bursting with its own corrections," Ferris Greenslet wrote, "You can keep your sterile truth for yourself." 计算机懂得如何克服错误,但在我们得意忘形地为此欢呼之前,我们不妨思考一下人类的处境之所以出现巨大的进步是因为人类受到错误的挑战而且总是不停的思考、探索,直到找到的更好的处理方法。"给我一个内容丰富的错误,充满希望的种子,包含自我更正,"费里斯·格林里特道,"你可以把贫瘠的真理留给自己。"   The biggest single need in computer technology is not for increased speed, or enlarged capacity, or prolonged memory, or reduced size, but for better questions and better use of the answers. Without taking anything away from the technicians, we think it might be fruitful to effect some sort of junction between the computer technologist wonders of the creative imagination on the kinds of problems being put to electronic technology. The company of poets may enable the men who tend the machines to see a wider range of possibilities than technology alone may inspire. 对计算机技术最大的、唯一的要求不是提高速度、扩大容量、延长记忆或减小体积,而是要提出更好的问题,更好地利用其答案。我们认为,在计算机技术专家和诗人之间衽某种结合可能会卓有成效,而且对技术人员不损秋毫。通过充分发挥由电子技术处理的问题的创造性想象的神奇力量,计算机起到真正的作用。与诗人为伍可能使使用计算机的人能看到比技术自身激发出的更大范围的可能性。   A poet, said Aristotle, has the advantage of expressing the universal; the specialist expresses only the particular. The poet, moreover, can remind us that man"s greatest energy comes not from his dynamos but from his dreams. But the quality of man"s dreams can only be a reflection of his subconscious. What he puts into his subconscious, therefore, is quite literally the most important nourishment in the world. 亚里士多德说,诗人的优势是表达共性,而专家表现的仅仅是某个特性。而且诗人能够提醒我们,人最大的能量并不来自精力,而是来自他的梦想。但是人的梦想的特征仅仅是他的下意识的反映。因而,他存在下意识的东西实质上是世界上最好的营养。   Nothing really happens to a man except as it is registered in the subconscious. This is where event and feeling become memory and where the proof of life is stored. The poet - and we use the term to include all those who have respect for and speak to the human spirit - can help to supply the subconscious with material to enhance its sensitivity, thus safeguarding it. The poet, too, can help to keep man from making himself over in the image of his electronic wonders. For the danger is not so much that man will be controlled by the computer as that he may imitate it. 并没有什么事会真的发生在一个人的身上,除非这件事已在他的潜意识里烙下了印记。正是在潜意识里,事件和感情变成记忆,生活的证据储存于此。诗人--我们用这个词指所有新生人类精神,诉说人类精神的人--能够帮助为潜意识提供材料,增强其敏感度,从而保护它。诗人也能使人们不至于按照电子奇迹的形象改变自己,因为危险不在于人被计算机控制而在于人可能会模仿计算机的思维。   The poet reminds men of their uniqueness. It is not necessary to possess the ultimate definition of this uniqueness. Even to speculate on it is gain.诗人提醒人们记住自己的独特性。没有必要弄清这种独特性的终极定义,但即是这种独特性进行思考也是一种收获。
2023-07-22 13:43:271


不是 比如英国是议会制,就是君主立宪制 内阁总统就是设有内阁大臣管理国家正事
2023-07-22 13:44:174


管理会计中弹性预算的三个标准以及为何重要的原因如下:1. 在弹性预算的作业制成本与管理费用之间应该有一种因果关系。如果作业制成本中的变更没有引起费用中的变更,那么绩效报告几乎没有价值。2. 作业制成本不应该以美元或其他货币的方式表达。以美元方式表达作业制成本会受制于价格水平的变化,这可能与管理费用没什么关系。例如,直接人工工资率的增加会引起直接人工作业制成本的变更,即使管理费用本身可能不会发生相称的变更。3. 作业制成本应该要简单容易明白。如果作业制成本很复杂或是很难明白的话,这很可能造成混淆与误解,而不是作为成本控制的一种积极方式。以上为手工翻译,希望帮到你。
2023-07-22 13:44:261


for的用法: prep. 1. 为 为了 They fought for national independence. 他们为民族而战。 This letter is for you. 这是你的信。 2. 代替;代表 We used boxes for chairs. 我们用箱子当椅子坐。 3. 因为 由于 I am sorry for what I said to you. 我后悔不该对你讲那些话。 4. 在(指定时间) The meeting is arranged for 9 o"clock. 会议安排在九点钟。 5. (表示时间 距离等)达 计 You can see for miles from the roof. 你站在屋顶上可以看到数英里之外。 6. 对于 关于;在...方面 I am too old for the job. 我年纪太大 做不了这工作。 7. 为得到 为赢得 He sent the waiter for a packet of cigarettes. 他让侍者去拿一盒香烟。 8. 以...为代价;以...交换 He sold his car for 500 dollars. 他以五百元把车卖了。 9. 当作 作为 Do you take me for a millionaire? 你是不是把我当百万富翁? 10. 赞成;支持;倾向于 Are you for the ernment or against it? 你是支持还是反对 *** ? 11. 朝...方向去;往 向 He left for Taipei. 他出发去台北。 12. 就...而言 She is sophisticated for her age. 就年龄而言她是世故了一点。 conj. 1. 因为 由于 We must start early for it will take o hours to drive to the airport. 我们得早点动身 因为开车去机场得花两个小时。 @[email protected] prep. 1. 为 为了 They fought for national independence. 他们为民族而战。 This letter is for you. 这是你的信。 2. 代替;代表 We used boxes for chairs. 我们用箱子当椅子坐。 3. 因为 由于 I am sorry for what I said to you. 我后悔不该对你讲那些话。 4. 在(指定时间) The meeting is arranged for 9 o"clock. 会议安排在九点钟。 5. (表示时间 距离等)达 计 You can see for miles from the roof. 你站在屋顶上可以看到数英里之外。 6. 对于 关于;在...方面 I am too old for the job. 我年纪太大 做不了这工作。 7. 为得到 为赢得 He sent the waiter for a packet of cigarettes. 他让侍者去拿一盒香烟。 8. 以...为代价;以...交换 He sold his car for 500 dollars. 他以五百元把车卖了。 9. 当作 作为 Do you take me for a millionaire? 你是不是把我当百万富翁? 10. 赞成;支持;倾向于 Are you for the ernment or against it? 你是支持还是反对 *** ? 11. 朝...方向去;往 向 He left for Taipei. 他出发去台北。 12. 就...而言 She is sophisticated for her age. 就年龄而言她是世故了一点。 conj. 1. 因为 由于 We must start early for it will take o hours to drive to the airport. 我们得早点动身 因为开车去机场得花两个小时。 for 同义: prep.以...为目的 for the purpose of in order to with the goal of so as to bee with a view to in quest of seeking looking for destined for in destination of towards to prep.因为 concerning appropriate to fitting for suited to adapted to fit to prep.代替 instead of in place of as a replacement for in exchange for in return for prep.至于 as regards with regard to respecting with reference to proportionate to in proportion to prep.经过(多少时间) during throughout through prep.就...而论 in the interest of contributive to for the sake of in the honour of prep....的原因 by reason of because of on account of caused by resultant to due to conj.因为 since as ina *** uch as fora *** uch as whereas seeing that because 反义: prep.赞成;支持 against 「for」一般是用来表示一样东西所做的事是和另一样东西有关系. 例: I have lived here for a long time.(我住在这里已有一段时间.) 参考: My school 「for」这个字用法:e.g.:I buy the birthday cake for mary.我买生日蛋糕给mary. for=给
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[数] figure;[数] number;[计] digit短语1、阿拉伯数字 [数] Arabic numerals ; Arabic numbers ; digit ; Arabicnumeral2、罗马数字 Roman numerals ; V Roman ; volt ; victory3、数字电路 [电子] digital circuit ; Digital electronics ; Digital ; Digital Electronic Circuits1 、one 2 、two 3 、three 4、 four 5、 five 6、 six 7 、seven 8、 eight 9、 nine 10 、ten 11、 eleven 12 twelve 13、 thirteen 14、 fourteen 15 fifteen 16、 sixteen 17、 seventeen 18 、eighteen 19、 nineteen 20、 twenty 21、 twenty-one 22、 twenty- two 23 、twenty- three 24、 twenty- four 25 twenty- five 26、 twenty- six 27、 twenty- seven 28、 twenty- eight 29 、twenty- nine 30 、thirty 31、 thirty- one 32 、thirty- two 33、 thirty- three 34 thirty- four 35、 thirty- five 36、 thirty- six 37、 thirty- seven 38 、thirty- eight 39、 thirty- nine 40、 forty
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2023-07-22 13:45:231

be rewarded with 与 be rewarded by 有区别吗

两者之间有区别,be rewarded with 只能跟sth.作宾语;而 be rewarded by 可以跟sth.或sb.作宾语
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2023-07-22 13:45:409


1. 英文作文怎么写 英语作文怎么写? 相对于英语的其它题目,作文的综合要求可能更高一点,那么我们就以这次考试的作文为例子来讲讲英语作文怎么写. 首先我先说说同学们在做作文的时候常常遇到的问题,然后我再给出一个大概的解决方法,最后呢,我们联系这次考试的作文题来实战一番. 从我们题目的要求来看,是一个记事的记叙文,并且是一个看图说话类的,所有的素材都在我们的图片里面了.那么我们就要先把图片仔细的看一下,选好线索,显然图片里面的钟暗示我们选择时间为我们的叙事线索.其次要选择好一个时态的问题,我们可以以晚上回忆的方式来叙述这个事情。那么都是过去时。 那么开头是一个比较困难的事情,大家也许不知道从何说起.这里我给出了一个例子. Our class had already planned to go to Handian Nursing Home to visit those old people living there . We were all eager to go there as soon as we can. And today this time really came, so you could image how happy we were. At about 8:00 in the morning , with tools in hands, we went out of our school towards the Handian Nursing Home 下面我们不必过多的描述在路上的情形,我们重点将描述在敬老院里面的情形. It was about 9:00 when we arrived there. Though we were a little tired, none of us wanted to have a rest. As some of those old people seldom came out, so some of us helped them walk around to breathe the fresh air. Some help them to wash their clothes, and the others swept the ground. Most of us never do such things at home, so we maybe didn"t do these well, but we all tried our best. At about 11:55,we had lunch with them, and our monitor stood for us to bless them devoutly. During the lunch time, we were all very happy. After lunch, we had a party with those old people. Before we came here, we had already prepared some songs for them. As we expected, they all felt great pleased with our programs. Though maybe we didn"t performed well, the *** ile on their faces made us very happy. 该到说再见的时候了,一定要注意收尾工作. Happy time always goes fast. Though we didn"t notice that we had stayed here for a long time, the clock on the wall informed us clearly that it was time for us to go home. So we had to say good bye to those old people. On the way home, we all said this was really a significant day, and we decided to e back again whenever we had time. 2. 英文作文怎么写 第一步. 写文章的基本步骤 读题,分析题目。 一个论点,正反论证永远都是最有力的。列大纲,就那种简单的大纲就行。 列一个大纲最多就四五分钟,除非遇到很变态的题目要想很久。 写论文的时候,我不知道大家一般都在想什么,但我一般就写这一段主旨句的时候,脑子里就赶快想例子。 写例子的时候,脑子里就赶快想这一段的结尾句怎么措辞。写结尾句的时候,就想下一段的主旨句怎么写。 这样比较快! 最后,检查。有人有检查的习惯,我没有这个习惯,但是如果有时间的话,检查一下语法啦拼写啦之类会有好处。 第二步. 关于一篇文章的写作架构 说中国文章是八股文,但其实英文文章才是最八股的八股文。这一点经过过去一年狂读老外的论文得到了证实。 为啥现在读国外的东西越来越快呢?主要是因为他们的文章写的太清晰易懂了,每段话的第一句就是这段的主旨句,然后一个例子,然后一个结尾句,论点、论据、论证三部分特别容易找到,所以一篇很长的文章很快就可以读完。所以我说,咱们写文章也要这样,他们老外觉得这是好文章,你考托福雅思GRE,为了得高分,也得写成他们喜欢的这种样子。 所以,要严格记住,一个文章的架构,要这样: 第一段:开头段:明确点名中心,必须有中心句 第二段:论证一段(正面论证) 1. 某东西重要,为啥重要,提出第一个理由,必须要有本段的主旨句! 2. 论据:就是举例子,用实际的例子来证明为啥要有这个理由。 3. 结尾句:其实结尾句就是本段主旨句的paraphrase,用另外一种说法说一遍就行! 第三段:论证二段(正面论证) 1. 某东西重要,为啥重要,提出第二个理由,必须要有本段的主旨句! 2. 论据:就是举例子,用实际的例子来证明为啥要有这个理由。 3. 结尾句:其实结尾句就是本段主旨句的paraphrase,用另外一种说法说一遍就行! 第四段:论证三段(反面论证) 1. 某东西重要,没有了某东西就会有怎样不好的后果,提出一个坏的后果,必须要有本段的主旨句! 2. 论据:就是举例子,举一个没有了这个东西以后的坏结果的实例。 3. 结尾句:其实结尾句就是本段主旨句的paraphrase,用另外一种说法说一遍就行! 第五段:结尾段:明确重申中心,必须必须必须必须必须有结尾句!结尾句就是本篇文章中心句paraphrase! 这里说一下,这种结构里,第一段必须有,任何情况下都必须有!第二段到第四段,你想说几个理由就说几个理由,一般至少要两个理由,这两个理由可以是一正一反,也可以是两正,我鼓励大家写一个反的理由,主要是1.为字数考虑;2. 为论证逻辑的严密性考虑。 最后一段结尾段,一般国外大学写论文时,可以没有结尾段,但是如果考托福雅思GRE,那么时间允许的情况下,尽量要写出结尾段,这样可以让文章更完整。 第三步,如果字数不足 字数其实是很好凑的,一可以用例子来凑字,二可以用正反论证来凑字。 比如,如果你写了两个理由以后,发现两个自然段加起来字数还是不够,那么就可以写一个反的段落,两段变成三段,论证的是一个论点,字数也上去了。 第四步,文章的修改以及互改 对文章进行修改是一定能进步的,可以自己修改,可以找别人修改。 我一般是自己修改,后来写得多了以后,写来写去也没啥可改的。如果希望对文章进行修改的话,最好再一开始练习写作的时候,就和水平较好的筒子组成写作小组,大家要写一起写,写一样的题目,一起掐时间,每次练习都当成模考一样练,然后彼此给对方互相改,这样比较有效。 如果大家写的题目不一样,人家一是不太有心情看你的文章,二是对你这个题目不熟悉,就不容易改出好建议来。关于互改小组,现在太傻寄托之类的都会有这种小组,这种小组我以前参加过一天,也学着别人发一个帖子,诸如“某某题处女作,欢迎批砖”一类的,发现要么是没人给改,要么就是别人敷衍式地给你改改、主要是希望你帮他改。 对于这样的互改小组,如果能参加到一个非常好、互动很强的、组长很有组织性和主动性的小组,那么进步会很大的。所以要参加,就找个好的,要么就干脆别参加。 第五步. 关于例子 现在网上有很多那种作文论据例子集合啊、大全啊之类的,这种东西下载两三个,稍微背背就行了,永远要记住,例子不是关键,关键是你的论点和你论证的方式,例子只是让你的论点论证过程更充实更饱满,例子不等于全部。如果花了五个小时在背例子上,却花了30分钟写文章,那就不对了。 背一堆例子发现不会用,也是白搭。所以,不要总花很多时间逛论坛、并 *** 地以收集例子为借口,其实你就是 *** 地不想写不想下笔练习嘛。 你还是得应该逼自己动笔才行。一般例子的来源有两大种,一是平时博览群书的长时间的积累;二是为了应付考试临时从网上下载例子来背。 两种方法都可以,哪个对你更有效就用哪个。 第六步. 写出来的东西过于简单,肤浅 四六级的东西不要怕简单,句子简单不代表一定很幼稚。 外国作家有的人的东西很简单,从来不用复杂句,但人家写出来的东西不得不让人佩服。所以不要妄想通过复杂句来让自己的文章变得有思想,要知道,思想是思想,句子形式只是表象而已。 如果你有了思想。 3. 英语作文的格式是怎么样的 英语作文的书写格式·英文书写和移行 英文书写应符合书写规范,英文字母要写清楚、写整齐、写美观,字母的大小和字母之间的距离要匀称.书写应做到字形秀丽漂亮,通篇匀称和谐. 写英文字母要掌握正确笔顺.如字母i,应该先写下面的部分,然后再打点.有的学生却按写汉字的习惯从上到下写,写快了,就会把点和下面的十笔连在量起,显得十分别扭.字形t应为两笔.不少人却将两笔合成一笔,看上去不像t,倒像l或是e,难以辨认.另外,把r写成v,把q写成把g,把k写成h等等,都是中学生书写中常见的毛病. 不少人在四线三格的练习纸上书写尚有规矩,能按字母的占格、高低和大小要求书写,但在白纸或横线纸上书写,却显得十分幼稚拙劣.字母或跳上跳下,或一律写成同一高度,占上中两格的字母与占中下两格的字母完全没有高低之别.这些现象都要防止. 另外,书写时还要注意词与词之间要保持一定的距离,不能紧靠在一起.字母之间的连写也应该按照习惯,不能随意乱来. 在一篇字数有限的作文里,我们还要注意尽量不把一个单词拆开移行.万一要移行,则必须以音节为单位进行,如revolution这个词,依照音节移行的原则可以按re-,revo-, revolu-这几种方法移行.在移行时,我们还应特别注意以下几点: 1. 单音节词不能移行,即使是字母较多的单音节词,如through等也不能例外. 2.缩略词如Mr.,Dr.等不能和后面的名字拆开移行. 缩略的专用名词如U.K.,U.S.A等也不能拆开移行. 3.时间、量度及货币单位应视为一个整体;不能分开移行.如; 11:00P.M.应写在一行内,不能将11:00和P.M.分开移行;写38℃时,不能将36和C分开移行. 4.由“年、月、日”表示的日期,如果必须分开移行只能将“月、日”与“年”分开.如January 6,1980不能将January和6分开移行,但可以把January 6,和1980分成两行. 5.含双写辅音字母的单词,在移行时要将辅音字母拆开.如better可拆成better,necessary可拆成necessary. 但如果双写辅音字母属于词根,后面又加了后缀,就不能将两个辅音字母拆开.如drill加上-ing后构成了drilling,就不可以将它拆成成dril-ling,而只能拆为drilling.。 4. 按的英文怎么写 按: 1. to press (with the hand) 2. to push 3. to control 4. to restrain 5. to check 6. pressing down (brush movement in painting) 7. according to 8. in the light of Relative explainations: Examples: 1. 按这个按钮开动引擎。 Press this button to start the engine. 2. 双方都应按协议条款办事。 Both sides should act according to the provisions of the agreement. 3. 工作正按计划进行。 The work is proceeding according to plan. 4. 按一般人在这些问题上的看法,选民常常着眼于国内问题来选择候选人。 According to conventional wisdom, voters usually make their choice on the basis of domestic issues. 5. 图书馆里的藏书按科目分类。 The books in the library were distributed according to subjects. 6. 他轻轻按下手柄。 He pressed lightly on the handle. 7. 他按键招呼电梯。 He pressed the button to call the lift. 8. 你按下这个按钮就可以关机。 You may stop the machine by pushing this button. 按先后次序 in order of precedence 按规则比赛 to play by the rules 轻轻地按开关 to flick the switch 按药方抓药 to fill a prescription 按比例复制 scale reproduction 按比例分红 prorate dividends 按罪量刑 proportionate punishment to crimes 按规则比赛 played by the rules. 按次序安排 place an order. 按议价付款 pay the agreed price 5. Howtomakeapublicspeech的英文作文怎么写 How to make a public speechthere are several vital factors when it es to make a public speech.当我们准备公共演讲时要考虑许多因素First of all,wo should consider the content of the speech,what things do you want to talk about,is it interesting,and so on.首先,你要考虑演讲的内容,想要表达的内涵是否有意义 等等Secondly,you should consider the length of the speech which you want to should not too long in case of bore others.too short is certainly not good.其次,你还要考虑你所要做出的报告的长度.太长的话可能会使别人感到厌烦,当然,太短了也不好Last but not least,speak confidently.just remember be confident whenever and wherever you are.最后,自信的演讲.记住永远保持自信无论何时何地there are other considerations about how to make a public speech,i think the things i mentioned above are the most important ones.当我们考虑怎么做公共演讲时可能会涉及其他因素,但我认为以上所讲的是最重要的thank you!----------------------------------------拿分来 挣你十五分太麻烦了。 6. 英文作文怎么写 英语写作是语言应用的一个重要方面,也是语言能力测定的重要手段,衡量写作水平的 标准便是看其是否能用学过的语言材料,语法知识等用文字的形式来表达描述。 书面语言表达一般分为三个过程:思维、组织、表达。先是思维,把要写的东西在脑中 思考,这往往是个别的,孤立的一些素材,很凌乱琐碎;因此要对此进行组织,把这些思维 作出整理,使其条理、系统化,但这还是较粗糙的,可能还有一些用词不当或语言错误;最 后才是表达,把组织过的材料仔细推敲,确无问题了再落笔成文。在撰写时要注意主谓语一 致,时态呼应,用词贴切等,这就是写作。上述的三个过程,最难的就是第三个过程,这需 要我们有较好的语法知识,掌握一定数量的句型,习惯用语,熟练的写作技巧,这样才能写 出通顺生动的文章来。 总之,要提高英语写作水平,需要两方面的训练:一是语言基础方面的训练,要有扎实 的造句、翻译等基本功,即用词法、句法等知识造出正确无误的句子;二是写作知识和能力 方面的训练以掌握写作方面的基本方法和技巧。 那么,究竟怎样才能写好作文呢? 阅读优秀范文 首先要搞好阅读。阅读是写作的基础,在阅读方面下的功夫越深,驾驭语言的能力也就 越强。所以要写好英语先要读好英语,在语言学习方面狠下苦功,教科书要读透,因为教科 书中的文章都是一些很好的范文,文笔流畅,语言规范,精彩的一些课文段落要背诵。再就 是要进行大量课外阅读,并记住一些好文章的篇章结构。 加强练词造句训练 其次,要加强练词造句的训练。词句对作文相当于造房的材料,无好材料就造不出好房 子。平时在学习阅读时要注意收集积累,把好的词语、短语、句型做好笔记。平时在练习中 的错误也要做好记录,再对照正确句子,使地道的英语句子如同条件反射,落笔就对。 了解英语写作格式 还有,要了解英语写作的不同体裁与格式。可以先看一本介绍英 语写作入门的书,对英语写作有一个初步的概念,如怎么写议论文,如何提出论据,如何展 开,如何确定中心句;又如,英语信的格式,如何根据不同身份写不同结束语等,然后根据 不同的体裁进行写作练习。 用英语写日记 要养成记英语日记勤练笔的好习惯。经常用英语记日记,等于天天在练笔,这无疑是提 高英语协作的行之有效的好办法。在记日记时,不要总是用简单句,要有意识地用一些好的 词组、句型、关联词和复合句等,使文句更优美生动。还有要按照题目或所给情景写文章练 笔。写好后对照范文,找出差距,然后再练习,这对提高英语作文也很有帮助,在游泳中学 会游泳,只有多练习才能练好。 总之,平时学习语言素材积累多了,体裁格式记住了又经常练习不断提高,到作文下笔 时就会得心应手,水到渠成。
2023-07-22 13:46:061

求关于1月12日“CCTV2010经济生活大调查”调查结果,44.7%的人感到生活幸福及很幸福的 英文 报道。

调查结果很令人怀疑,我个人感觉跟事实不符! survey said China 44.7% people feel life happy and happyJanuary 11th, 2011 · No Comments Uncategorized2009, harvard psychologist ba zeman professor"s masterpiece of management decision-making of judgmentfive finger shoes "out of the 7th edition, he will people in management decisions of common misjudgments summarized into three categories, including the first kind is" accessibility heuristic bias ", simply say is: those who be recalled, facilitating extracted from people to remember information, often is easy to cause the decision-making deviation.In the real world, such examples emerge in endlessly. In 2004 the domestic one media outlet of an article has raised public of disposable wooden chopsticks,vibram fivefinger and upgrade to the court of CPPCC proposal, prompting the relevant departments in 2006 to make a decision on wooden chopsticks imposed on the consumption tax and export tariffs.The end of 2006, the author follow Beijing university kym Anderson, LuFeng two professors in heilongjiang survey found, disposable wooden chopsticks production is not like that "a media reports" type of daylighting of natural forest resource "destructive cutting", but by thinning the cypress birch mainly mill. However, less than a year of China"s sight, "wooden chopsticks production 80% of heilongjiang wooden chopsticks industry suffered an unprecedented shock that nearly half the enterprise bankruptcy position", a direct impact on the forest about 20 million impoverished rural residents of everyday life. Draw the lesson, investigate its reason or by "for granted" to make judgement, vibram five fingers and no depth forest earnest investigation result of decision-making errors. study: 45% of Chinese feel happyThe results of the annual "CCTV 2010 Economic Life Survey," which was conducted by the Financial Channel of CCTV, are going to be released on Jan. 12. The organizer of the survey revealed that 44.7 percent of Chinese people feel happy and 11.1 percent feel not happy.According to CCTV, the current national survey covered all 31 administrative regions, and interviewees come from 104 cities and 300 counties, including all periods of ages, different education levels and various income situations. The distribution rate of the questionnaire survey is proportionate to each region"s population.Among the 86,000 people who returned their questionnaires, those whose family annual income is less than 20,000 RMB accounted for 40.4 percent. Those whose family annual income is between 20,000 and 50,000 RMB accounted for 44.6 percent. Those who fell between 50,000 to 100,000 RMB accounted for 12.4 percent, and those who made more than 100,000 RMB accounted for 2.6 percent. The fact that 85 percent of the respondents had an annual income of less than 50,000 indicates that the survey is focused on the attitudes of average people. In addition, urban interviewees accounted for 77.7 percent of respondents in the current survey and rural interviewees, 22.3 percent.By Wang Hanlu, People"s Daily Online
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CFA二级科目复习的侧重点、难点,简单小结下CFA二级各科目基本情况:CFA二级考试科目 by CFAinstituteCFA二级考试试卷形式与一级相比有很大的不同,不再是上下午各120道单选题,而是上下午各给考生10篇文章,每篇文章后有6道关于该文章的单选题。虽然题量减少了一半,只有120道题,但并不容易,特别是很多中国考生不太适应阅读大段的英语文章;而且有时要在文章的上下文中找到相互关联的部分来回答文后的提问,对考生的要求大大地提高。一、CFA二级科目难度,个人看法,供参考相对容易的科目:公司理财备考难,考试简单的科目:数量、经济、衍生、另类(2017年数量、经济,个人觉得有点难)备考简单,考试较难的科目:权益备考较难,考试较难的科目:财务报表、投资组合、固定收益重要科目:道德二、CFA二级考试版块分析CFA一级里面只有Financial Analysis和Fixed Income是我推荐看完一节马上做题巩固的,但是在二级里面,无论是哪个版块,都建议看完就马上做题巩固。我不是说光做做Notes章节后面的Concept Checker,而是找其他更接近真题的题做。如果找不到分类的真题,就要做好看两遍的准备。第一遍光是Concept Checker,全部看完Notes以后,开始做套题的时候,每做完一个版块相关的Case就总结下哪里不懂,回去Notes再看,然后针对这个版块再找题做。不把一个版块弄透彻就不要快进到下一个版块。CFA二级的道德已经不是不过70%就Fail的了,但是仍然不可忽视。我个人觉得道德在二级里面难度加大了很多,非常tricky。因此每次做完一个Case,都要花时间总结为什么对为什么错,出题人的逻辑是什么样的,tricky的地方在哪里等等。Quantitative里面的Heteroskedasticity, Serial Correlation, Multicollonearity,其实不用理解White是怎么算的,DW是怎么算的,只要记住每个方式的Test、Correct的方法各是什么即可。CFA二级里面占分最多的就是Financial Analysis和Equity Investments。财务分析一级有基础所以接着学习就行了,但是Equity Investments明显加深很多,值得多花点时间理解。Derivative个人觉得占分不多但是很难,Future, swap, option每一个都很多知识点,值得多做题多总结。另外由于二级考得是融会贯通的应用,我不建议大家因为时间不够而放弃任何一个版块不看。三、CFA二级考试概念题CFA二级里面的概念题也很多,特别是那种什么什么情况下Higher和Lower的题(比如Equity Method和Proportionate相比,ROE哪个高。LIFO和FIFO相比)。我在真正考试的时候遇到好多好多这样的题,一开始还很清晰,做得多了真的容易被高高低低弄晕。另外一种概念题就是纯文科,考你Clawback是什么,MM Proposition之类的,这些小概念也很多,建议像记忆公式一样列在笔记本上,时常复习时常考自己。大概念题如Guidelines for corporate governance,初看的时候觉得很简单不用记忆,可是总是书到用时方恨少,也绝倒不要忽略。CFA二级的概念题比重很大,比计算题多出一倍以上,所以绝对不能忽视,它考的也是理解,也会把一个概念和另一个概念融合起来一起考,也会跟公式结合起来一起考。CFA知道你考完以后什么公式也就忘得差不多了,就是这些概念才能留个印象,所以概念题是分水岭,能看出一个考生有没有透彻理解还是考试机器,所以除了复习公式之外,重要的概念也值得列成表每天读一遍。四、CFA二级备考学习经验1、听视频预热。考虑到CFA考生大多以看notes为主,但notes毕竟属于总结性的材料,初次备考上手起来比较吃力,建议可以通过先听JC网校的网课大致了解CFA二级要学点什么,这个阶段可以完全不用动脑筋去思考,就当听电台一样,只要有个大概认识就行了。2、勤做笔记。好记性不如烂笔头,由于时间有限,我个人复习一般是通读notes一遍,每门课都有一个专门的笔记本,边看书边做笔记,看完书再做题,虽然时间较慢,但第二轮复习时基本只需看笔记和框架图即可,通过考前做题再查漏补缺。3、碎片化学习。利用好地铁上、公交上、午饭后休息、做饭、吃饭、睡前等碎片时间进行知识框架整理。4、劳逸结合,适度放松。备考中如果遇到状态不佳,千万别勉强自己,可以暂时停下来休息,或者切换到自己感兴趣的科目,比如cfa里我最喜欢公司金融,每次看都觉得很放松,有意思。这样能避免厌学心理。五、CFA二级考试知识点的层次CFA二级的知识点没有看上去那么简单,每次阅读和做题都会有更深的感悟。像洋葱一样拨完一层还有一层。每每以为自己以及很熟练很透彻了,总是在更多的做题之后领悟到之前自己是多麽浅薄。因此CFA二级提高最快的自学方法是看书-->做题-->看书-->做题-->看书-->做题,每当完成一次做题,知道哪里不懂,就回去看书,然后再做题,这样的轮回能迅速让你把知识点的深浅层次都看到。
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工作量英文怎么说 工作量的英文是什么

  工作量,是指分配给雇员的多少工作或工作时间。那么工作量用英文怎么说呢?下面我为大家带来工作量的英文说法,供大家参考学习。   工作量的英文说法1:   workload   工作量的英文说法2:   operation capacity   工作量的英文说法3:   quantity of work   工作量相关英文表达:   计算工作量方法 workload approach   自动工作量仓库Workload Repository   工作量统计 Workload Account   预计工作量 projected workload   资源的工作量 Balance Resourses   工作量英文说法例句:   1. The extra field cultivated meant a proportionate increase in work.   额外开发土地意味着工作量相应增加。   2. Social workers say the average caseload is 32 families per employee.   社会工作者说,雇员的平均工作量是每人32个家庭。   3. She"s taking some of the load off the secretaries.   她在给秘书们减轻一些工作量。   4. The load was too burden-some.   工作量过于繁重。   5. The amount of paperwork involved is mind-boggling.   相关的书面工作量大得令人难以想象。   6. We"re trying to cut down on the amount of paperwork involved.   我们正在努力降低有关此事的文书工作量。   7. We have taken on extra staff to cope with the increased workload.   我们已经额外雇用员工来应付增加了的工作量。   8. Doctors are having to cope with an everexpanding workload.   医生不得不应付日益增加的工作量.   9. More work does not necessarily call for more men.   增加工作量不一定就要增添人员.   10. The daily work continued; nay, it actually increased.   日常工作不但继续进行, 而且工作量进一步加大.   11. He"s always grousing about the workload.   他总是抱怨工作量大.   12. The workload can be evened out, instead of the shop having busy times and slack periods.   商其工作量可以平均开来,不像商店那样有时很忙,有时很闲。   13. Haven"t far-sighted economists been telling us for some time now that in the future we will work less, not more?   现今一段时间以来,颇有远见的经济学家们不是一直在告诉我们,将来我们的工作量会减少而不是增加吗?   14. It involved a little extra work, but nobody seemed to mind.   这稍微增加了一些工作量,不过似乎没有人介意。   15. The load was too burdensome.
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PPS抽样调查法( Probability Proportionate to Size Sampling)又称,按规模大小成比例的概率抽样/ PPS抽样 按规模大小成比例的概率抽样,简称为PPS抽样,它是一种使用辅助信息,从而使每个单位均有按其规模大小成比例的被抽中概率的一种抽样方 式.其抽选样本的方法有 汉森-赫维茨方法 、 拉希里方法 等.
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1.An income statement is a financial statement showing the results of operations for a business by matching revenue and related expenses for a particular accounting period. 利润表是一张通过对一特定会计期间内收入和相关费用对比来反映企业经营成果的报表。There are two common forms of income statements: the multiple-step income statement and the single-step income statement. 通常利润表有两种形式:分步式利润表和单步式利润表。2.Expenditures for the purchase or expansion of plant assets are called capital expenditures and are recorded in asset accounts.Expenditures for maintenance and ordinary repairs, fuel, and other items necessary to the ownership and use of plant and equipment are called revenue expenditures and recorded by debits to expense accounts.为购买或扩张工厂资产而发生的支出称为资本性支出,记录在资产账户中。为维护和日常修理、燃料以及对拥有和使用工厂及相关设备而发生的其它必要项目发生的支出,称为损益类支出,记录在费用账户的借方。3.In preparing a balance sheet, liabilities are classified as either current or long-term. 在编制资产负债表的时候,负债被分类为短期负债或长期负债。Current liabilities are amounts payable within one year from the date of the balance sheet or within the normal operating cycle, where this is longer than a year. 短期负债是需要在从资产负债表日起一年内或比一年长的正常经营周期中支付的金额。Liabilities that are not due within this current time frame are called long-term, or non-current liabilities. 那些不在现在这个时间框架内到期的负债被称为长期负债,或非流动性负债。4.The stockholders" equity section of a corporation"s balance sheet includes: (1) paid-in (contributed) capital and (2) retained earnings (earned capital)Paid-in capital is the amount stockholders paid to the corporation in exchange for shares of ownership. Retained earnings is earned capital held for future use in the business. 公司资产负债表的股东权益范围包括:(1)实收(投入)资本和(2)留存收益(赚得的资本)实收资本是股东投入公司换取所有者份额的金额。留存收益是赚得并持有为公司今后使用的资本。5.Under the cost method, the investment is recorded at its acquisition cost and left at that value, unless there is a significant and long-lasting decline in the market value of the investment. Investment revenue is recorded when dividends are declared by the investee.在成本法下,投资以初始购买成本记录并维持该金额不变,除非该项投资的市场价值有重大和长期的下跌。投资收益在被投资方宣告分派股利时进行记录。Under the equity method, (1) the original investment is recorded at its acquisition cost; (2) the investor"s proportionate share of the investee"s net income is recognized on the investor"s income statement and as an increase in the investment account, and (3) dividends are recorded as a decrease in the investment account rather than as investment revenue. 在权益法下,(1)初始投资成本以购买成本计量;(2)投资方享有被投资方净利润的份额记录在投资方损益表中,并增加投资账户的金额;(3)股利记作投资账户的减少,而不作为投资收益。
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)为被保险人造成的损失所定义的业务中断或干扰进行了,被保险人在保险风险的房屋以及潜在的财产保险及机械故障一切险,保险,期间发生了更多的短暂的政策。 二)在整个建筑结构(包括基础和排水),包括但不限于,建筑物自动程序、交易设施全部厂房、机器设备说明,房东的赛程,配件和附件的性质(不论任何都与室内或室外),门、窗、墙壁、栅栏、人行道、门的公共区域,包括比例为被保险人负责。 三)的所有内容,包括但不限于家具、夹具及配件、占用的改进和betterments、厂房、机器、设备及配件、tool-of贸易、模具、夹具和移动业务的任何种类的破碎工具,霓虹灯广告板、锅炉和压力容器的计算机和电子设备包括办公设备、装饰品、闲置的文具、平板玻璃和其他所有的内容与每一位自然(无论是室内或室外),否则被保险人,包括项目交付信托或佣金或被保险人负责。
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题库内容:均衡的解释[balanced;proportionate] 平衡 均衡发展 详细解释 犹平衡。 《素问·五常政大论》 :“升明之纪,正阳而治,德旋周普,五化均衡。” 欧阳 予倩 《泼妇》 :“反正千句话变成一句话,我无论如何,总能够保持我的均衡,我总不更变我的主张,我总不更变我的 信仰 !” 阿英 《<察哈尔窗花>叙记》 :“图案的形式,大都 左右 对称 ,上下均衡,或四面都采用均衡的形式。” 词语分解 均的解释 均 ū 平,匀,引申为 调和 :均衡。 势均力敌 。平均。 皆,都,老少均安。 中国 汉代计量单位,一均等于二千五百石。 古同“韵”, 和谐 的声音。 〔均钟〕古代乐器。 古同“钧”,造瓦器的转轮。 笔画数:; 衡的解释 衡 é 秤杆,泛指秤:衡器。衡镜(借指辨别是非善恶的 标准 )。衡鉴(衡镜)。 称量:衡钧(借指执掌国政之权)。 反复 思索做出 决定 ,比较 评定 : 权衡 。衡情度理。 平,对等:平衡。均衡。 指北斗星:衡汉(北斗
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prep.向;对;到…为止;比;到,达介词 prep. 到;向;往word that shows where someone or something is going,etc.· We walked to town.我们走路进城。· He leads us from victory to victory.他领导我们从胜利走向胜利。· Point to the blackboard.指着黑板。· That road leads to Beijing.那条路通向北京。· The peach is rotten to the core.这个桃子烂到核里了。介词 prep. (表示接受者)给word that shows who is receiving something· Please give the book to me.请把书给我。· I gave the candy to Mary.我把糖果给了玛丽。介词 prep. (表示几点差几分)到;缺word that shows how many minutes before the hour· It"s ten minutes to six.六点差十分。· They fought to the last.他们战斗到底。介词 prep. 远至;直到as far as; until· I shall stay to the end of June.我会一直待到六月底。· She read the book from the beginning to the end.这本书她从头到尾全都看了。介词 prep. (表示地点)在;到word that shows where· He tied the donkey to the tree.他把驴拴在树上。· Fasten it to the wall.将它系到墙上。介词 prep. (表示原因)为word that shows why· He came to help me.他帮我的忙来了。介词 prep. (表示变化)成为word that shows a change· He was brought to poverty.他变穷了。· The sky changed from blue to grey.天空由蓝变灰。介词 prep. 表示发展到的地步(expressing some point reached or extent)· He is an Englishman to core.他是彻头彻尾标准的英国人。· I got wet to the skin.我全湿透了。介词 prep. 表示比较、相比(expressing comparison) compared with· He is quite rich to what he once was.比起从前,他现在是富裕多了。介词 prep. 表示加上、附合、配合expressing addition or accompaniment with· Add three to five.五加上三。· We danced to the music.我们配合着音乐跳舞。介词 prep. 表示结果或事情引发的情状expressing a result or a resulting condition· He tore it to pieces.他把它撕成一片片。· The train slowed to a stop.火车缓速而后停下来。介词 prep. 构成动词不定式 用作名词;用作形容词;用作副词;其他用法(used as a sign of the infinitive) a) noun use; b) adjectival use ;c) adverbial use;d) other uses· a)It is wrong to tell a lie.说谎是不对的。· b)I have something to eat.我有些吃的东西。· water to drink可饮用的水· a house to let出租的房子· c)We eat to live.我们吃是为了活下去。· I am glad to see you.见到你很高兴。· d)To tell the truth, he is a good student.说实话,他是一个好学生。· He is to come at three o"clock.他三点钟要来。· He seems to be happy.她看来似乎快乐。· They learned how to write letters in English.他们学习了怎样写英文信。副词 adv. 来回地to and fro, backwards and forwards· She swung to and fro on the swing.她在秋千上摆来摆去。for:prep.为;代替;因为;至于,对于;往 conj. 由于,因为介词 prep. (表示时间、距离)计,达word that shows how far or how long· I have waited for three hours.我等了三小时。· For much of the time he suffered from bad health.在很长时间里,他身体都不好。· They were silent for a while.他们沉默了一会儿。· It"s time for little girls to be in bed.小女孩就寝的时间到了。· We walked(for) a mile and ran (for) a mile.我们走了一英里,又跑了一英里。介词 prep. 开往,向word that shows where someone or something is going· She left Tianjin for Beijing.他离开天津上北京去了。· Is this the train for Glasgow?这是开往格拉斯哥的火车吗?介词 prep. 给,与,适于word that shows who will get or have something· This is a present for you.这是给你的礼物。介词 prep. 当作as; as being· I took him for his brother.我把他当作是他的兄弟。介词 prep. 因为,由于by reason of, on account of; because of· We could not see for the fog.因为有雾,我们看不见。· They did not draw the conclusion for the following reason.由于下述理由他们没有作出结论。· He was punished for stealing.他因偷窃而受惩处。介词 prep. 就…而言word that shows whom you are talking about· It is dangerous for a small child to cross the road alone.小孩子自己过马路危险。· It"s for you to decide.这件事由你来决定。· He is tall for his age.他小小年纪,个子倒挺高。(就他的年纪来说,他的个子算是高的。)介词 prep. 为了,供word that shows why you are doing something· It is very cold for October.十月里这样的天气真是很冷。· I have got some picture books for you to look at.我有一些让你看的书。· No house was big enough for him to live in.没有那么大的房子可供他住。· We work hard for socialism.我们为社会主义努力工作。介词 prep. (比赛或战斗时)代表,代,替on the same side in a sport or fight· They would run for the United States.他们将代表美国去参加赛跑。· Tim plays tennis for his school.蒂姆代表学校参加网球赛。介词 prep. 价格,交换word that shows how much something is· I want to change this for that.我想用这个换那个。· I paid two dollars for the book.为这本书我付了两元钱。· I gave 5 pounds for it.我出五英镑买的。介词 prep. 赞成,支持word that shows you like an idea· Are you for or against the proposal?你是赞成这个建议还是反对这个建议?· Some people were for the strike and others were against it.有些人赞成罢工,另一些人反对。连词 conj. 因为because; on account of the fact that· I am thirsty, for the sun is hot.我由于天热而口渴。· I missed the beginning of the play,for I was late.我没有看到话剧的开头部分,因为我迟到了。books for grown ups a gift for Mother"s Daya present for a good boy once for allfor the present for the sake of gloryfor the sake of for the time beingfor yards (miles,etc.) in search forin for answer forapologize for ask for sb. or sb.for call forcare for sb.or sth. change one thing for anotherdie for do ... fordo sth.for nothing express admiration forfeel fear for sb."s safety fight (die,etc.) for one"s countryget ready for head forhunt for look for sb. or sth.long for pay (amount of money) for sth.praise for be prepared forread for pleasure responsible forsail (leave) for Shanghai (India) sell sth.for sth.send (go) for a doctor search forto shout for joy study fortake sb."s word for it use forwait for sb.or sth. work for one"s livingas for be in for itbe out for word for wordfor all for the bestfor the better for certainfor ever for examplefor fear that for goodfor one thing for lovefor love of for love or moneyfor my (his, her) sakeprep. 代替as a replacement for in exchange for in place of in return for instead ofprep. 至于as regards in proportion to proportionate to respecting with reference to with regard toprep. 就···而论contributive to for the sake of in the honour of in the interest ofprep. 经过(多少时间)during through throughoutprep. 因为adapted to appropriate to concerning fit to fitting for suited toprep. ···的原因because of by reason of caused by due to on account of resultant toprep. 以···为目的destined for for the purpose of in destination of in order to in quest of looking for seeking so as to become to towards with a view to with the goal ofconj. 因为as because forasmuch as inasmuch as seeing that since whereasprep. 喜欢favourable to in favour of in support of supportive of withprep. 反对against
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for用法:为了study for money 对于for you 由于for no reason 达for two days 赞成for or against 至于for his age 往for Beijing 代替act for me
2023-07-22 13:48:022

英语作文 Being a Popular Student

Social in the popular, charismatic people, we must have a clear social skills of people eloquence. Basic skills in social eloquence in a timely, appropriate, proportionate three aspects. First, it is necessary in due course. Said that in the time, only ended in the Department, this is really timely. Some people may say in the social field is not that they do not meet the timely greetings; parted farewell not timely; impolite not timely apology; not in time to ask questions; do not respond in a timely manner to help ... ... Conversely, when some people more than the just. In an atmosphere of joy and excitement唠唠叨叨, unfortunately, tell their own; others sad sad joke when嘻嘻哈哈; disturbed in mind when the owner is still talk of released macros;乐不可支in older homes to go into the details, "the road information." Please imagine, if you met in the social in the top of this, you will have what his impression of it? Appropriate to speak not only the number of appropriate means, including the volume of suitable words. It should be noted that not all the less than adequate, but the words do not mean that there is no change in the amount of the old monk scriptures, appropriate or not should be based on whether the words the purpose of the criteria for assessment.
2023-07-22 13:48:091

discounted price是什么意思

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CISA is an audit professional certification sponsored by the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA). Candidates for the certification must meet requirements set by ISACA。The CISA certification was established in 1978[1] for several reasons:Develop and maintain a tool that could be used to evaluate an individuals" competency in conducting information system audits. Provide a motivational tool for information systems auditors to maintain their skills, and monitor the success of the maintenance programs. Provide criteria to help aid management in the selection of personnel and development. The first CISA examination was administered in 1981, and registration numbers have grown each year. Over 60,000[1] candidates have earned the CISA designation.The CISA certification has been recognised with ANSI accreditation, along with the CISM certification- both of these certifications are managed by ISACA. It is one of the few certifications formally approved by the US Department of Defense in their Information Assurance Technical category (DoD 8570.01-M).RequirementsCandidates for a CISA certification must pass the examination, agree to adhere to ISACA"s Code of Professional Ethics, submit evidence of a minimum of five years of professional IS auditing, control, or security work, and abide by a program of continuing professional education.Substitutions and waivers of such experience may be obtained as follows:[2]A maximum of one year of information systems experience OR one year of financial or operational auditing experience can be substituted for one year of information systems auditing, control, or security experience. 60 to 120 completed college semester credit hours (the equivalent of an Associate or Bachelor degree) can be substituted for one or two years, respectively, of information systems auditing, control or security experience. Two years as a full-time university instructor in a related field (e.g., computer science, accounting, information systems auditing) can be substituted for one year of information systems auditing, control or security experience. [edit] ExaminationThe exam consists of 200 multiple-choice questions that must be answered within 4 hours. The exam is split between 6 Content Areas as of 2006:IS Audit Process - 10% of Exam IT Governance - 15% of Exam Systems and Infrastructure Lifecycle Management - 16% of Exam IT Service Delivery and Support - 14% of Exam Protection of Information Assets - 31% of Exam Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery - 14% of Exam The exam is now offered in 11 languages at more than 200 locations worldwide in June and December.The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) is a British chartered accountancy body with a global presence that offers the Chartered Certified Accountant (Designatory letters ACCA or FCCA) qualification worldwide. It is one of the world"s largest and fastest-growing accountancy bodies with 122,426 members and 325,606 affiliates and students in 170 countries. The Institute"s headquarters are in London with the principal administrative office being based in Glasgow. In addition the ACCA has a network of nearly 80 staffed offices and other centres around the world.The ACCA is a founding member body of the Consultative Committee of Accountancy Bodies (CCAB) and the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC).The term "Chartered" in ACCA qualification refers to the Royal Charter granted in 1974 by Her Majesty the Queen in the United Kingdom.Since Chartered Certified Accountant is a legally protected term, individuals who describe themselves as Chartered Certified Accountants must be members of ACCA and, if they carry out public practice engagements, must comply with additional regulations such as holding a practising certificate, being insured against any possible liability claims and submitting to inspections.The Association of Authorised Public Accountants (AAPA), one of the British professional bodies for public accountants, has been a subsidiary of ACCA since 1996.FSA is an independent non-governmental body, quasi-judicial body and a company limited by guarantee that regulates the financial services industry in the United Kingdom.The Financial Services and Markets Act imposed four statutory objectives upon the FSA:market confidence: maintaining confidence in the financial system public awareness: promoting public understanding of the financial system; consumer protection: securing the appropriate degree of protection for consumers; and reduction of financial crime: reducing the extent to which it is possible for a business carried on by a regulated person to be used for a purpose connected with financial crime [edit] Regulatory principlesThe statutory objectives are supported by a set of principles of good regulation which the FSA must have regard to when discharging its functions. These are:efficiency and economy: the need to use its resources in the most efficient and economic way. role of management: a firm"s senior management is responsible for its activities and for ensuring that its business complies with regulatory requirements. This principle is designed to guard against unnecessary intrusion by the FSA into firms" business and requires it to hold senior management responsible for risk management and controls within firms. Accordingly, firms must take reasonable care to make it clear who has what responsibility and to ensure that the affairs of the firm can be adequately monitored and controlled. proportionality: The restrictions the FSA imposes on the industry must be proportionate to the benefits that are expected to result from those restrictions. In making judgements in this area, the FSA takes into account the costs to firms and consumers. One of the main techniques they use is cost benefit analysis of proposed regulatory requirements. This approach is shown, in particular, in the different regulatory requirements applied to wholesale and retail markets. innovation: The desirability of facilitating innovation in connection with regulated activities. For example, allowing scope for different means of compliance so as not to unduly restrict market participants from launching new financial products and services. international character: Including the desirability of maintaining the competitive position of the UK. The FSA takes into account the international aspects of much financial business and the competitive position of the UK. This involves co-operating with overseas regulators, both to agree international standards and to monitor global firms and markets effectively. competition: The need to minimise the adverse effects on competition that may arise from the FSA"s activities and the desirability of facilitating competition between the firms it regulates. This covers avoiding unnecessary regulatory barriers to entry or business expansion. Competition and innovation considerations play a key role in the FSA"s cost-benefit analysis work. Under the Financial Services and Markets Act, the Treasury, the Office of Fair Trading and the Competition Commission all have a role to play in reviewing the impact of the FSA"s rules and practices on competition. [edit] Accountability and managementThe FSA is accountable to Treasury Ministers, and through them to Parliament. It is operationally independent of Government and is funded entirely by the firms it regulates through fines, fees and compulsory levies. Its Board consists of a Chairman, a Chief Executive Officer, a Chief Operating Officer, two Managing Directors, and 11 non-executive directors (including a lead non-executive member, the Deputy Chairman) selected by, and subject to removal by, HM Treasury. Among these, the Deputy Governor for Financial Stability of the Bank of England is an ex officio Board member. This Board decides on overall policy with day-to-day decisions and management of the staff being the responsibility of the Executive. This is divided into three sections each headed by a Managing director and having responsibility for one of the following sectors: retail markets, wholesale and institutional markets, and regulatory services.Its regulatory decisions can be appealed to the Financial Services and Markets Tribunal.HM Treasury decides upon the scope of activities that should be regulated, but it is for the FSA to decide what shape the regulatory regime should take in relation to any particular activities.The FSA is also provided with advice on the interests and concerns of consumers by the Financial Services Consumer Panel [2]. This panel describes itself as "An Independent Voice for Consumers of Financial Services". Members of the panel are appointed and can be dismissed by the FSA and emails to them are directed to FSA staff. The Financial Services Consumer Panel will not address individual consumer complaints.Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) is an international professional designation offered by the CFA Institute of USA (formerly known as AIMR) to financial analysts who complete a series of three examinations. Candidates must have a bachelor"s degree (or equivalent), be in the final year of their bachelor"s degree program, or have at least four years of qualified, professional work experience in order to take the exams. In order to become a "CFA Charterholder" candidates must pass all three exams, agree to comply with the code of ethics, pay member dues, and have four years of work experience deemed acceptable by the CFA Institute. CFA charterholders are also obligated to adhere to a strict Code of Ethics and Standards governing their professional conductThe Certified Financial Planner (CFP) designation is a certification mark for financial planners conferred by the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards in the United States, Financial Planners Standards Council in Canada and 18 other organizations affiliated with Financial Planning Standards Board (FPSB), the international owner of the CFP mark outside of the United States. To receive authorization to use the designation, the candidate must meet education, examination, experience and ethics requirements, and pay an ongoing certification fee.[1]. The information contained herein relates specifically to CFP certification in the United States. For information on CFP certification outside of the United States, please see the FPSB website at for a list of affiliate member organizations and their respective websites.The CFP Certification Examination is a 10-hour multiple choice exam, divided into one four-hour session (Friday afternoon) and two three-hour sessions (Saturday). The exam includes three major case problems and is designed to assess the student"s ability to apply his or her knowledge of the aforementioned areas to financial planning situations. The exam was set as a requirement in 1993 and at that time CFPs were grandfathered without having to pass this exam. [5]Individuals holding professional designations pre-approved by the CFP Board (like PhDs in business and economics, attorneys, Certified Public Accountants (CPA), Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), Chartered Accountants (CA), Chartered Wealth Managers (AAFM) ), and Chartered Financial Analysts (CFA) are entitled to register for and take the exam without having to complete the education requirements by using the CFP-board"s challenge status.Project Management Professional is properly expressed as the credential PMP. The credentialing agency is the Project Management Institute ([1] PMI). This credential is obtained by gaining a certification in project management through the completion of PMI certified training and examination. PMP training and examination material comes from the Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge PMBOK published most recently in 2007. Most exam questions reference PMI"s project quality standards documented in the PMBOK. The PMP credential undergoes rigorous validation by ISO, and the PMBOK methodology is widely regarded as the industry standard for Project Management and has been adopted as the single standard for project management by agencies such as NASA.PMP (Project Management Professional) is one of four concentrations offered by PMI in the study of Project Management:1. CAPM Certified Associate in Project Management: This certification is obtained after passing the CAPM Exam2. PMP Project Management Professional: This certification is obtained after passing the PMP Exam3. PgMP Program Management Professional: This certification is obtained after passing the PgMP Exam4. PMI RMP PMI Risk Management Professional: This certification is obtained after passing the PMI-RMP Exam
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代表性论著1.D. Yang*, X.-Y. Ye, M. Xu, K.-W. Pang, K.-K. Cheung. Investigation of Mn(III)-Based Oxidative Free Radical Cyclization Reactions toward the Synthesis of Triptolide: The Effects of Lanthanide Triflates and Substituents on Stereoselectivity. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2000, 122, 1658-1663.2.D. Yang*, S. Gu, H.-W. Zhao, Y.-L. Yan, N.-Y. Zhu. Atom-Transfer Tandem Radical Cyclization Reactions Promoted by Lewis Acids. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2002, 41, 3014-3017.3.D. Yang*, J. Qu, W. Li, Y.-H. Zhang, D.-P. Wang, Y.-D. Wu*. Cyclic Hexapeptide of D,L-a-Aminoxy Acids as a Selective Receptor for Chloride Ion. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2002, 124, 12410-12411.4.D. Yang*. Ketone-Catalyzed Asymmetric Epoxidation Reactions. Acc. Chem. Res. 2004, 37, 497-505. (Invited article to a special issue entitled “Asymmetric Organocatalysis“)5.D. Yang*, X. Li, Y.-F. Fan, D.-W. Zhang. Enantioselective Recognition of Carboxylates: A Receptor Derived from a-Aminoxy Acids Functions as a Chiral Shift Reagent for Carboxylic Acids. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2005, 127, 7996-7997.3.重庆大学副校长杨丹 杨 丹男,教授、博士、计算机应用技术专业博士生导师。现任重庆大学副校长,重庆大学虎溪校区管理委员会主任。兼任教育部计算机教学指导委员会委员,《计算机教育》编委会成员,中国计算机学会高级会员,中国运筹学会排序专业委员会委员,重庆市工业与应用数学协会副理事长,重庆市软件行业协会副理事长、秘书长,重庆市科委企业信息化专家组顾问。获省部级有突出贡献的中青年专家称号。重庆大学行业信息化工程中心学术带头人. 重庆市第二届政协委员,重庆市第三届人大代表、常委。九三学社社员。重庆大学自动化本科毕业,85.6重庆大学应用数学专业硕士毕业,95.5重庆大学机械制造(工业工程方向)专业博士毕业,1997.10至1999.9在日本国立电气通信大学工业工程专业做博士后研究。研究方向:科学与工程计算、软件工程及应用(企业信息化及制造业运行管理技术)、数字图像处理。长期从事计算机应用技术相关研究工作。主要包括计算机数字图像处理、调度理论及其应用、企业信息化技术及制造业运行管理技术,针对具体问题的建立数学建模、进行算法设计、程序设计与实现等。 获奖情况:软件工程人才培养体系研究与实践,2005年度国家级优秀教学成果二等奖软件工程人才培养体系研究与实践, 2004年度优秀教学成果一等奖(第一获奖人)中国高校自然科学一等奖-制造系统工程的理论与技术体系,2002年度国家级优秀教学成果二等奖 - 制造系统工程(MSE)研究生培养模式与实践,1997年度四川省级优秀教学成果一等奖 - 制造系统工程(MSE)研究生培养模式与实践,1997年四川省有突出贡献的优秀专家称号,四川省省委、省政府,1996年电力系统经济运行的数学模型、方法和程序的研究,四川省科技进步三等奖,1989年度大系统优化分解法在梯级水电站开机组合中的应用,四川省科协首届青年优秀论文奖,1988年四川石油管理局MIS分析与总体设计,四川省科技进步三等奖,1989年三、完成的主要项目为课题负责人或主要研究者共完成国家级及省部级重大科研课题等20项,包括:电力系统经济运行的数学模型、计算方法及程序的研究国家自然科学基金(编号:84S031)四川石油局MIS系统分析与设计、四川石油局MIS软件系统详细设计、四川石油局MIS软件开发国家863项目(编号 863-511 06-0103-01):FMS刀具管理系统的研究966E技术引进消化吸收国产化计算机系统柳州工程机械厂计算机辅助生产管理系统残缺数据环境中车间计划与控制问题研究, 国家863/CIMS项目, 编号 511-9508-006支持并行工程和精良生产的决策模型研究,国家863/CIMS项目,编号 511-10-0144重庆机床厂CIMS应用工程总体规划, 国家863/CIMS项目, 编号 863-511-9502-6121厦工产品数据管理系统(XGPDM)、零件编码系统的研究与开发先进计划调度系统研究,国家教育部高等学校骨干教师资助项目计算机集成制造系统的生产计划调度新算法研究,重庆市科委应用基础项目先进制造系统生产计划与调度的快速算法研究,国家教育部留学回国人员启动基金项目CD-400CG(31)工业CT图像重建与处理系统,总装备部项目涪陵化工股份有限公司FH-CIMS工程总体设计,重庆市科委制造业信息化重大专项子项目重庆望江股份有限公司CIMS工程总体设计分布式应急时间仿真与管理系统开发,重庆市科委重点攻关项目装备制造业关键技术的研究开发,重庆市科委重大科技攻关项目四、出版作品:(一)专著:《制造系统工程》(专著)第2主编,国防工业出版社,1995年10月《机械工程科学技术前沿》(第一章)第2作者,机械工业出版社96年5月。《制造自动化》第2主编 机械工业出版社,1996年8月《高技术辞典》(编写七个词条,第1作者), 科学出版社《制造系统工程》(专著,第二版)第3主编,国防工业出版社,2000年10月(二)主要论文有:杨丹 瞿中,基于插值函数的三维图像表面重建算法,哈尔滨工业大学学报,第41卷3期,2009,3,pp134-136 (EI Compendex 收录刊源) 徐玲(博士生),杨丹,洪明坚等,基于平面曲线协方差矩阵行列式的角点检测的研究,仪器仪表学报,Jan.,2009,Vol.30, No. 1, pp91-95张小洪,李东, 杨丹, T-S模糊系统的脉冲稳定性, 模糊系统与数学, 2008年 06期 徐小明,杨丹, 张小洪. 基于局部不变映射的特征描述器算法. 自动化学报, 2008, Vol.34 (9): 1174-1177,EI Compendex084211647035雷明,杨丹,张小洪,条件理论控制喜爱良态特征的匹配算法,光电工程,May,2008, Vol.35,No.5,pp124-128 (EI Compendex 082711350730)雷明,杨丹,张小洪,张莹.基于协方差矩阵的B-样条多尺度表示的角点检测算法,光电工程,May,2008,Vol.35,No.2,pp45-50 (EI Compendex 081211162202)马丽涛,杨丹,张小洪,李博. 一种新的基于条件数的图像配准算法. 中国图像图形学报, 2008, vol.13, No.2:277-283徐玲,杨丹 王时龙,基于进化神经网络的刀具寿命预测,计算机集成制造系统,2008.1,14卷1期,pp.167-171, EI Compendex 081211161403杨丹,徐传运等,基于主题相关的P2P网络研究,计算机科学,07年,Vol.34,No.8, pp.62-64 葛永新,杨丹,张小洪,基于边缘特征点对对齐度的图像配准方法,中国图像图形学报,Vol.12,No.7, 2007年7月,pp1291-1295黄中美; 张小洪; 杨丹;基于二元树复小波特征表示的人脸识别方法,计算机应用, Journal of Computer Applications, 2007年 05期朱磊; 杨丹; 吴映波, 基于BP神经网络的软件可靠性模型选择, 计算机工程与设计, Computer Engineering and Design, 中文核心期刊, 2007年 17期Zhang, Xiao-Hong; Li, Bo; Yang, Dan,Novel Harris multi-scale corner detection algorithm, 电子与信息学报, v 29, n 7, July, 2007, p 1735-1738 Language: ChineseEI Compendex 073110726873Xiaohong, Zhang Dong, Li; Dan, Yang, Impulsive control of T-S fuzzy systems, Proceedings - Fourth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD 2007, v 1, Proceedings - Fourth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD 2007, 2007, p 321-325,EI Compendex 082211281676张小洪, 雷明, 杨丹, 基于多尺度曲率乘积的鲁棒图像角点检测,中国图像图形学报,Vol.12,No.7, 2007年7月,pp.1270-1275葛永新, 杨丹, 张小洪, 基于特征点对齐度的图像配准方法,电子与信息学报,2007年2月,Vol. 29, No. 2, pp.425-429, EI Compendex 071810576347 Li, Bo; Yang, Dan; Zhang, Xiao-Hong; Ma, Li-Tao,Chaotic lag synchronization of coupled time-delayed neural networks with two neurons using LMI approach,电子与信息学报, v 33, n 11, November, 2007, p 1196-1199,EI Compendex 075210995107杨娟; 杨丹; 雷明; 罗建禄, 基于二代小波和图像置乱的数字图像盲水印算法, 计算机应用, Journal of Computer Applications, 2007年 02期施成湘; 杨丹; 查振家; 张小洪;, 基于特征散度的模糊彩色图像分割算法, 重庆大学学报(自然科学版),2007年 01期, pp89-92李博,杨丹, 张小洪,一种新的基于梯度方向直方图的图像配准方法,计算机应用研究,2007年24卷3期 pp312-314徐光侠, 杨丹,基于Web Service技术的异构系统的无缝集成,计算机工程与设计, 2007年 06期 ,pp1409-1411王玉珠,杨丹,张小洪,基于B样条的改进型Harris角点检测算法,计算机应用研究,2007-02,pp192-193 李博, 杨丹, 张小洪. 基于Harris多尺度角点检测的图像配准新算法, 计算机工程与应用, Computer Engineering and Applications, 2006年 35期 ,pp37-40 陈进,杨丹等,SOA技术在电信业务编排中的应用,计算机科学,2006,pp.290-292 施成湘,杨丹等,扩展的多尺度模糊边缘检测,计算机工程与应用,2006,42,pp65-68 葛永新,杨丹,张小洪,基于小波多尺度积的图像配准方法,计算机科学,2006,242-245文俊浩, 徐玲, 杨丹. 软件工程人才培养的实践探索, 《中国大学教学》(CSSCI检索源期刊),2005年9期, pp31-33 Qu Zhong, Yang Dan etc.. Study on Interpolation Function of Image Reconstruction, Proc. Of the 11th Joint International Computer Conference(2005), World Scientific, pp952-955 徐国庆,杨丹. 基于daubechies小波的基音检测.武汉化工学院学报.2005年27卷4期张强劲,杨丹,张小洪,葛永新,基于多尺度模糊逻辑的小波边缘检测算法,重庆大学学报(自然科学版)2005, 28(10):62-65文俊浩,杨丹等. 软件工程人才培养体系研究与实践,高等工程教育研究,2005年第4期(总第93期),pp. 63-65 杨梦宁,杨丹等. 基于最大数法的模糊图像分割方法,计算机科学,2005 Vol. 32 No. 8, pp. 190-191祝伟华,杨丹等. 数字化校园设计与构建方法研究,计算机科学,2005 Vol. 32 No. 8, pp. 97-99祝伟华,周颖,杨丹, Web服务的安全性研究,计算机科学, 2005年32卷6期瞿中,杨丹,吴渝,扇形束扫描模式图像重建中消除伪影算法研究,计算机研究与发展,2005年,第42卷第8期,pp. 1338-1343 (徐国庆(研究生),杨丹. 乐音识别方法及应用.计算机应用. 2005年,第25卷4期,pp. 968-970徐国庆,杨丹,小波变换与FFT联合识别乐音,重庆大学学报(自然科学版),2005 年28卷12期,pp.51-54徐光侠; 祝伟华; 杨丹; 谭亚竹,MMOG的网络负载均衡算法 ,重庆大学学报(自然科学版),2005年28卷11期, pp. 39-42葛永新,杨丹,张小洪, 基于边缘特征点对对齐度的图像配准方法,计算机科学,已录用杨 丹,张小洪, 基于小波多尺度积的边缘检测算法,计算机科学,2004年 Vol. 31(1) pp133-135杨丹,李东(研究生),加工系统中的一种排序算法,运筹与管理,2003, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp 42-45王时龙,杨丹等,代理式装配线质量监控系统的智能决策,计算机集成制造系统,2003年4月,Vol. 9, No. 4,pp320-324,EI Compendex 03437696628张小洪,杨丹,刘亚威, 基于Canny算子的改进型边缘检测算法,计算机工程与应用,2003年,Vol. 39,No. 29 pp113-115,刘亚威(研究生),杨丹,张小洪, 基于空间矩的亚像素边缘定位技术的研究,计算机应用,2003.2,Vol.23, No.2, pp47-49,高精度图像测量与对准系统的算法研究,杨丹,刘亚威,张小洪,李东,计算机科学,2003年 Vol. 30, No. 12, pp 13-135曹于忠,杨丹,不定需求情况下确定生产批量的方法研究,重庆大学学报,2003年11月 Vol. 26, No. 11,pp 105-108.李东,杨丹,最小化总拖期数的一种新算法,控制与决策,第18卷,2003年增刊,pp199-206.杨丹,非相同并行加工系统的启发式调度算法,中国运筹学会第六届学术会议论文集,pp.719-728, Global-Link Publishing Company(Hong Kong),2000年10月,长沙.杨丹,由良宪二,并列机械スケジヱ-リンダにおける近似解法による评价值の下限值にっぃて,Proc. Of Annual Conference of Scheduling Society of Japan, pp. 32-36, Oct. 1999, Kyoto, Japan.杨丹,基于MRP/均衡生产的计划控制模型(Production planning and control model based on MRP/proportionate production),中国机械工程, 1996年7卷5期, pp. 16-18, EI Compendex 97043591939 杨丹,并行加工系统E/T排序问题研究, 1996年,19卷6期,pp.54-60, 重庆大学学报.杨丹,并行加工系统负荷分配的模型与新算法研究,1996年,19卷6期,pp.73-78,重庆大学学报.制造系统理论体系框架及其应用(Systematic framework and applications of manufacturing systems theory),中国机械工程,1996年7卷1期,pp.43-45,第2作者,EI Compendex 96093338562Flow-Shop型加工单元生产调度的一个新算法, 投中国运筹学会96年会,第1作者一个均衡生产调度模型和启发式算法,第4届中国计算机集成制造学术会议论文集(CIMS-China"96),第1作者杨丹,制造系统生产管理的决策点,1995年第2期,重庆大学学报(社科版).M×N零件排序问题的新算法. 全国计算数学会95年年会论文集. 郑州, 1995 ,第2作者制造系统理论体系框架及其应用,95年,95国际工业工程及制造工程研讨会论文集, 第2作者MRP/均衡生产混合型生产计划控制模型,1995年,95国际工业工程及制造工程研讨会论文集,第1作者单级并行加工系统零件的最优排序. 第二届全国青年学术会议四川卫星会议论文集. 成都, 1995,第2作者柔性制造系统零件排序的一种工程实用新算法. 组合机床与自动化加工技术, 1995(12),第3作者FMS在线刀具管理系统研究. 高技术通讯,1995(5),第4作者柔性制造零件排序的一个工业实用算法. 制造技术与机床, 1995(7),第3作者并行加工设备组生产调度的一般模型及算法. 重庆大学学报. 1994(1), 第3作者柔性制造系统负荷最优分配的一个新算法. 组合机床与自动化加工技术,1994(6),第3作者 FMS生产计划调度系统的研究, 重庆大学学报, VOL. 16 NO.6,1993,第2作者柔性制造系统生产调度中的运筹学模型和方法,重庆大学学报,1993(3),第1作者FMS调度管理算法性能评价方法,组合机床与自动化加工技术 1993(6),第3作者FMS在线刀具管理系统OLTMS, 机 床,1993(4),第3作者贯彻因材施教原则, 注重创造型人材培养. 高等工程教育,1993(2),第1作者Solving economic scheduling prob. of cascade hydropower stations by expert systems combined with methods of OR,3rd Int. Workshop on AI in Eco. & Manag, 1993, Portland, USA, 第2作者 FMS生产决策问题分类和描述,CIMS-China"92论文集, 1992,清华大学出版社, 第1作者FMS单元控制器生产调度系统的结构与功能,CIMS-China"92论文集, 1992,清华大学出版社,第2作者在线刀具管理系统的研究,CIMS-China"92论文集, 1992,清华大学出版社,第3作者Solving economic scheduling prob. Hydro-thermal power systems by the decomposition methods & nonlinear programming methods, IFAC Int. Symp. on control of power systems,1992, Berlin,第2作者 The Models & Techniques in the Production Planning and Scheduling of FMS, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Modelling, Simulation & Control,1992,Hehui, China, 第1作者The mathematical models of environmental planning for the reservoir region of hydropower project, Proc. of the 2nd Int. Conf. on Numerical Opt. Theory & Appl., Xi"an,1991, 第2作者模糊数学和运筹学方法在电力系统经济调度中的应用,高校应用数学学报,1990,第3作者Application of methods of Fuzzy math. & OR in economic scheduling of hydro thermal power systems, IFAC/IFORS/IMACS Symp. on Large Scale Systems,1989, Berlin, 第2作者Solving economic scheduling prob. of cascade hydropower stations by the methods of Fuzzy math. & non-linear programming, Proc. of the Int. Symp. on Eng. Math. and Appl., 1988年, Beijing, 第3作者The application of optimal decomposition methods of large scale systems to the units commitment of cascade hydropower stations, Proc. of the 1st international Conference on Numerical optimization & application, June 14-17,1986, Xian, China, 第1作者杨丹,大系统最优化分解法在梯级水电站开机组合中的应用,重庆大学学报,1986(4).
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you are so crazy.
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布偶猫:The Ragdoll is an American cat breed with a medium-length, silky, rabbit-like coat. It is best known for its docile and placid temperament and affectionate nature. The name "Ragdoll" is derived from the fact that these cats usually go limp and relax when picked up, more often than other cats. It is a myth, however, that Ragdolls are pain-resistant. Ragdolls have a sturdy body with a large frame, proportionate legs, and a soft coat with Siamese-style points. Adult cats can be 15-20 lbs without being considered obese, and a fatty pad under the abdomen is typical.索马里猫:The Somali is a long-haired Abyssinian cat. The breed appeared spontaneously in the 1950s from Abyssinian breeding programs when a number of Abyssinian kittens were born with bottle-brush tails and long fluffy coats. Abyssinians and Somalis share the same personality (active, intelligent, playful, curious) and appearance. The only difference between them is the fur length and therefore the amount of grooming required. Unlike most long-haired cats, Somalis shed very little excess hair. Their coat is generally shed en masse, or "blown", once or twice a year, rather than constantly shedding like a Persian or other long-haired cat.
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西方议会制 优缺点

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合并报表时,权益法核算与比例合并法的区别: (一)权益法提供有用的信息较少。  到目前为止,尚无实证研究结果表明,究竟是权益结合法下还是购买法下提供的信息对投资者和债权人更为有用。但是,从以下三个方面可以看出,购买法下的会计信息质量要优于权益结合法:(1)权益结合法所提供的单个资产和负债的信息是不完整的。原因是权益结合法没有记录那些从企业合并中所取得的以前没有记录入帐的资产和负债,而购买法则揭示了这些隐藏的资产和负债。(2)权益结合法下的会计信息不可比。权益结合法下所取得的资产和负债的计量属性,与取得一般资产和负债的计量属性是不同的,而购买法则和购置一般资产的处理相同。(3)购买法能使投资者知道所获取净资产的现时价格,有利于投资者分析企业合并的适当性,比如分析从企业合并中所获得的利益(或预期收益)与购买商誉的关系。因而,权益结合法既不能为财务报告使用者提供企业合并中有关投资额的信息,也不能为他们提供评价合并后企业的经营业绩与其他公司的经营业绩进行比较的信息。  (二)权益法中,企业合并的成本较高。  从理论上来说,应用权益结合法的成本应低于购买法。原因是权益结合法下的企业合并,所有参与方的财务报告都按帐面价值加总,不按公允价值计量所获得的资产和负债,而购买法正好相反。但是,权益结合法会增加主并企业及财务报告使用者的额外的分析成本。  (1)财务报告使用者的成本。由于大多数企业合并采用购买法进行会计处理,财务报告使用者在对权益结合法下的财务报告和购买法下的财务报告以及不是通过合并取得资产和负债的企业进行比较时,都要承担额外的分析成本。而且,在经济日益全球化的今天,投资者会在全球寻找投资机会,而权益结合法原来只在美国用得较多,法国、德国甚至不允许使用,因而,如果我国企业合并使用权益结合法而国外企业使用购买法,那么投资者在比较国内外投资机会时就面临着困难。  (2)主并企业的成本。由于权益结合法能给主并企业的财务报告以积极影响,能产生较高的会计收益和较高的合并日后的投资回报率,因而企业愿意采用权益结合法。但是,由于允许使用权益结合法的国家都规定了应用条件,因此主并企业常常要承担巨大的货币性与非货币性的成本来寻求使用权益结合法的途径。比如寻找相近经济业务的目标企业,为审计人员和顾问支付大量的费用来寻找满足应用条件的方法,以及和主管企业合并事宜的管理部门协商是否符合应用条件的过程中所花费的代价等。  (三)权益法对资源配置产生不利影响。  实证研究表明,那些能够使用权益结合法的企业和那些只能使用购买法的企业相比,常常愿意为目标企业支付更高的价格(Vincent L.,1997),从而使只能使用购买法的企业在企业兼并与收购市场中居于不利地位,并进而影响它们参与企业合并交易的积极性。而且,由于权益结合法下的对价形式是股票,不会影响企业的现金流量;换句话说,为目标企业支付的较高的价格只能是来源于主并企业的股东权益,即企业合并是以主并企业股东权益的巨大稀释完成的。这样,主并企业就把较多的股东权益转让给了目标企业,从而损害了主并企业原股东的权益。同时,由于权益结合法和购买法相比较,能使企业的会计收益提高,每股收益增加,而市场的基础性作用会把资源配置到那些每股收益较高的企业,从那些每股收益较低的企业流出,因而使用权益结合法的企业在市场的资源配置中居于有利地位。但是,这样配置的经济资源是无效率的。在这种无效率的资源配置使部分企业受益的同时,又把额外的成本强加给了其他企业,抢占了其他企业所需的更有效率的经济资源。这样,不但对其他企业产生不利影响,而且对整个社会经济的发展也是不利的。  (四)权益法存在概念基础上的缺陷。  通过购买法和权益结合法的对比分析,我们就可发现权益结合法存在着概念基础上的缺陷,这可从对价的性质及其应用假设基础两方面得到验证。  (1)对价的性质。前面已提到,权益结合法下的对价形式只能是股票;而购买法则可以采取多种对价形式,既可以是现金、其他资产或债务,也可以是股票。但是,首先,不管采取何种对价形式,都不会改变企业合并中所取得的目标企业净资产的实质,因为目标企业净资产的价值和对价的性质是无关的。因此,如果用5万元取得了目标企业的净资产,那么就应以5万元记录这些净资产,而不管其帐面价值是多少。其次,对价的形式是可以转化的。比如说,主并企业可以发行股票的形式取得现金,再以现金取得目标企业,也可用现金购买其库藏股,再以这些股份换取目标企业,而最终结果是以现金或股票的形式对价。实质上,购买法可以使用第一种方案,而权益结合法则是第二种方案,两者并无本质的区别,我们不能因交易的次序不同而得到不同的结果。再者,如果取得的净资产是按帐面价值而不是按公允价值记录,那么这一差额就成了企业的秘密储备。这一秘密储备最终将通过降低费用或出售净资产增加报告的收益等形式转化为未来的收益。但是,无论以何种方式实现,这一收益都来源于秘密储备而不是赚得的。比如说,A公司以5万元吸收合并净资产帐面价值为1万元的B公司,使用权益结合法将会产生4万元的秘密储备。假设没有其他变化,如果A公司以5万元售出B公司,A公司将取得4万元并非赚得的收益;如果A公司以3万元售出B公司,仍将报告2万元的收益,即使从经济上来说已损失了2万元。  (2)假设基础。权益结合法的应用是基于这样的假设:企业合并是参与合并企业的业主之间普通股的交换,与企业经营者及其董事会无利害关系,因而业主权益在合并后将继续存在,而不会发生变化。但是,这一假设和现实之间存在着矛盾。首先,几乎所有的企业合并都是由企业管理者发起的,而不是股东发起的(Alfred M.king.2000)。其次,由于证券市场的开放性,企业股东已由传统的“用手投票”的方式转变为“用脚投票”的方式选择企业经营者和投资项目,一旦股东发现合并后的企业不适合其投资的需要或者已取得较大利益,就有可能售出其股份,因此,企业合并后的股东权益常常会发生变化,股东会因不同的原因而出售其股份。比如说,主并企业向目标企业支付了较高的买价,目标企业的原股东就可能把其既得利益直接变现。另外,即使以前的股东权益在企业合并后仍继续存在,但也不再是以前的权益。以前企业的股东所面临的风险和报酬,与合并后企业的风险和报酬已有较大的差别,而且由于目标企业原股东在合并后只拥有较大企业中较少的股份,因而股东权益本身在合并后也发生了变化。比例合并法下,合并报表中既没有少数股东损益项目,也没有少数股东权益项目。对不受联合控制的合营企业,由于其负债是可以分割的,而不是联合的,应当采用比例合并法。不受联合控制的合营企业,主要指采用比例合并法。不受联合控制的合营企业,主要指采用合伙形式和未分派权益的非公司化合营企业。
2023-07-22 13:51:243


【 #英语资源# 导语】field有田地;领域;运动场;场地;田野等意思,那么你知道field的用法吗?下面跟着 一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! 【篇一】field的用法大全   field的用法1:field的基本含义是“场地”,可指农业用地、矿物产地,也可指其他用作某种用途的场地,或场所如运动场、战场等,引申可表示“领域”“方面”“界”。既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。   field的用法2:表示“在田野里”,介词用in; “在球场上”,介词用on; “在战场上”,介词用in或on皆可。   field的用法3:一般未经耕作的土地不叫field,在英国, field大多指青草牧场。   field的用法4:field用作动词表示“(板球或棒球)(准备)接或掷还(球),守(球)”“任守方”“(足球、板球、棒球等赛中)选派(某人)上场”“顺利处理”。 【篇二】field的常用短语   用作名词 (n.)   have a field day   hold the field   take the field 【篇三】field的用法例句   1. He was the fastest thing I ever saw on a baseball field.   他是我在棒球场上见过的跑得最快的家伙。   2. Pinch-hitter Francisco Cabrera lashed a single to left field.   替补队员弗朗西斯科·卡布雷拉向左外场猛地击出一个一垒打。   3. He was on the training field for some light work yesterday.   昨天他在训练场进行了一些强度较小的训练。   4. Expertly he zigzagged his way across the field, avoiding the deeper gullies.   他熟练地左一拐右一拐地绕过深沟,穿过了原野。   5. We never defeated them on the field of battle.   我们从未在战场上打败过他们。   6. Two blocks beyond our school was a field where boys played football.   离我们学校两个街区远的地方有个男孩们玩橄榄球的球场。   7. Modern linguistics emerged as a distinct field in the nineteenth century.   现代语言学在19世纪作为一个独立的领域出现。   8. He was now to be seen legging it across the field.   现在可以看到他快步跑过田地。   9. You should rope off a big field and sell tickets.   你应该用绳子围起一大片地方来卖票。   10. The secondary current sets up a magnetic field inside the tube.   二次电流在管子内部会产生磁场。   11. Field tests are to be carried out at Blair Castle and Burghley.   现场测试将在布莱尔城堡和伯利庄园进行。   12. A neutron star has a gravitational field strong enough to generate X-rays.   中子星上存在强大的重力场,足以产生X射线。   13. Her naked body was found wrapped in a sheet in a field.   在田里发现了她的尸体,全身赤*,裹在一条床单里。   14. The extra field cultivated meant a proportionate increase in work.   额外开发土地意味着工作量相应增加。   15. The leaders came in two minutes clear of the field.   优胜者较其他参赛者快两分钟。
2023-07-22 13:51:421


什么啊?看不懂get off, take off ,=====多的是
2023-07-22 13:51:505


PPS抽样调查法( Probability Proportionate to Size Sampling)又称,按规模大小成比例的概率抽样/ PPS抽样 按规模大小成比例的概率抽样,简称为PPS抽样, 它是一种使用辅助信息, 从而使每个单位均有按其规模大小成比例的被抽中概率的一种抽样方 式。其抽选样本的方法有 汉森-赫维茨方法 、 拉希里方法 等。
2023-07-22 13:52:071


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2023-07-22 13:52:281


题库内容:均衡的解释[balanced;proportionate] 平衡 均衡发展 详细解释 犹平衡。 《素问·五常政大论》 :“升明之纪,正阳而治,德旋周普,五化均衡。” 欧阳 予倩 《泼妇》 :“反正千句话变成一句话,我无论如何,总能够保持我的均衡,我总不更变我的主张,我总不更变我的 信仰 !” 阿英 《<察哈尔窗花>叙记》 :“图案的形式,大都 左右 对称 ,上下均衡,或四面都采用均衡的形式。” 词语分解 均的解释 均 ū 平,匀,引申为 调和 :均衡。 势均力敌 。平均。 皆,都,老少均安。 中国 汉代计量单位,一均等于二千五百石。 古同“韵”, 和谐 的声音。 〔均钟〕古代乐器。 古同“钧”,造瓦器的转轮。 笔画数:; 衡的解释 衡 é 秤杆,泛指秤:衡器。衡镜(借指辨别是非善恶的 标准 )。衡鉴(衡镜)。 称量:衡钧(借指执掌国政之权)。 反复 思索做出 决定 ,比较 评定 : 权衡 。衡情度理。 平,对等:平衡。均衡。 指北斗星:衡汉(北斗
2023-07-22 13:52:491


西议会制又称内阁制,包括“内阁君主立宪制”及“内阁共和制”.在采用这种政治体制的国家中,立法机关与行政机关并不完全分立.议会民主制一般实行于民主国家,因此存在着多个参加议会差额选举的政党.议会内阁制的政府首脑(行政首长)与国家元首分开,其国家元首通常是仪式性职务,不享有实际的行政权.议会制下的行政中枢为政府的内阁,由政府首脑(一般称为总理或首相)领导.总理或首相以及全体内阁成员一般也是从议会议员中产生,并在任职后保留议会中的议席.政府首脑往往由议会多数党领袖担任.但是,当多数党的席次不过半数时,几个少数党也有可能通过建立同盟积聚过半议席从而获得任命政府首脑的权力,此时的政府称为联合政府,内阁称为联合内阁.缺点:议会民主制在欧洲大陆遭遇到的另一个挑战是小党执政所带来的政治不稳定和极端政党的上台。各政党间的不合作导致了所谓「少数议会民主制」的产生,小党执政往往导致政府遭到议会频繁的不信任投票,从而引起一波又一波的政治危机。在一战后的欧洲,由于这种议会民主制初次尝试的失败,在很多国家引起极端势力通过民主体制取得政权,却可逃避民主制度的制约,例如1922年墨索里尼在意大利的上台,和1933年希特勒在德国的执政,以及同一时期在西班牙得到国王支持的独裁统治。欧洲的议会民主制真正成熟是在第二次世界大战之后,目前除了法国采用的是混和的总统制和议会制的政治体制(学理上称为双首长制)外,大多数西欧国家都采用议会民主制。1990年东欧社会主义国家改制后,则多倾向使用直选元首下的双首长制。议会民主制本身并不一定会产生过多的小党派和极端政党,当议会民主制与比例代表制(Proportionate representation)的选举计票方法结合时,容易产生较多小党,导致小党执政。在搭配比例代表制的制度下, 一个党派只要在全国获得超过一定百分比(在很多国家是百分之五)的政党选票,就可以进入议会,无论在个人选区中是否有本党当选人。 而在单一选区制(Plurality rule or Winner-Take-All)下,一个候选人必须在一个地方选区获得比其它候选人多的票才能进入议会。也就是说,一个有极端主张的政党,在比例代表制制度下只要有一定的支持者就有可能进行议会,但是在纯粹的单一选区制(不搭配比例代表)选举下,由于极端党派的选票被分散在各个地方选区(而且在任何一个地方选区极端政党都很难拿到过半的选票获得当选),极端政党很难进入议会。例如实行纯粹单一选区制的英国,极端民族主义党派「英国国家党」全国得票超过百分之五,但在国会却毫无席位。而日本实行单一选区制加政党比例代表,所以没有在全国任何选区赢得席次的日本共产党,因为全国政党得票超过门坎,仍能参与分配席次。所以,选举制度使用比例代表制还是纯粹的单一选区制,是影响政府组成与表现的重要的因素。议会制政府,实行单一选区制,容易导致国内政党体系的两党制,造成内阁与政府首脑的两党轮政,以英国为其典型。实行单一选区制搭配政党名单比例代表制,容易造成政党体系的多党制,导致联合内阁与联合政府。优点:①政府首长(首相/总理)由立法机构最大政党的党魁出任,以确保政府的政策在立法机构得到支持②行政和立法机构有联系,可提高政府效率和避免政变发生③虽然任期不限,但立法机构可随时罢免不称职的政府首长④实行议会制的国家大部份成功
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2023-07-22 13:53:151


均衡的解释 [balanced;proportionate] 平衡 均衡发展 详细解释 犹平衡。 《素问·五常政大论》 :“升明之纪,正阳而治,德旋周普,五化均衡。” 欧阳 予倩 《泼妇》 :“反正千句话变成一句话,我无论如何,总能够保持我的均衡,我总不更变我的主张,我总不更变我的 信仰 !” 阿英 《<察哈尔窗花>叙记》 :“图案的形式,大都 左右 对称 ,上下均衡,或四面都采用均衡的形式。” 词语分解 均的解释 均 ū 平,匀,引申为 调和 :均衡。 势均力敌 。平均。 皆,都,老少均安。 中国 汉代计量单位,一均等于二千五百石。 古同“韵”, 和谐 的声音。 〔均钟〕古代乐器。 古同“钧”,造瓦器的转轮。 笔画数:; 衡的解释 衡 é 秤杆,泛指秤:衡器。衡镜(借指辨别是非善恶的 标准 )。衡鉴(衡镜)。 称量:衡钧(借指执掌国政之权)。 反复 思索做出 决定 ,比较 评定 : 权衡 。衡情度理。 平,对等:平衡。均衡。 指北斗星:衡汉(北斗
2023-07-22 13:53:231


均衡的解释[balanced;proportionate] 平衡 均衡发展 详细解释 犹平衡。 《素问·五常政大论》 :“升明之纪,正阳而治,德旋周普,五化均衡。” 欧阳 予倩 《泼妇》 :“反正千句话变成一句话,我无论如何,总能够保持我的均衡,我总不更变我的主张,我总不更变我的 信仰 !” 阿英 《<察哈尔窗花>叙记》 :“图案的形式,大都 左右 对称 ,上下均衡,或四面都采用均衡的形式。” 词语分解 均的解释 均 ū 平,匀,引申为 调和 :均衡。 势均力敌 。平均。 皆,都,老少均安。 中国 汉代计量单位,一均等于二千五百石。 古同“韵”, 和谐 的声音。 〔均钟〕古代乐器。 古同“钧”,造瓦器的转轮。 笔画数:; 衡的解释 衡 é 秤杆,泛指秤:衡器。衡镜(借指辨别是非善恶的 标准 )。衡鉴(衡镜)。 称量:衡钧(借指执掌国政之权)。 反复 思索做出 决定 ,比较 评定 : 权衡 。衡情度理。 平,对等:平衡。均衡。 指北斗星:衡汉(北斗
2023-07-22 13:53:301


Midjourney 材质关键词2023新款Mid journey关键词视角/材质/其他形容词关键词sculpture/雕塑mural/壁画textured/纹理的fg ret-metal/拉丝金属armor/盔甲war frame/机甲skeletal/骸骨silk/丝绸bone/骨头filigree metal des/精密图案的金属Plastic/塑料Wax/腊ice/冰dry ice/干冰snowflake/雪花FuzZ/绒毛Ivory/象牙Mid journey关键词视角/材质/其他形容词关键词paper style/纸质wood/木质grey concrete/灰色水泥marble/大理石gold/金sliver/银Metal/金属copper/钢plastic/塑料metalic/金属质感foam/泡沫Nendoroid/粘土人,这个表述可以做手办gemstones/宝石crystal/水晶Mid journey关键词视角/材质/其他形容词关键词clear focus/突出画面主体deep focus/背景虑化portrait/肖像,大头照frontal view/正视图top view/顶视图Third-person vie v /第三人称视角Depth View/悬深low angles hot /低角度拍摄proportionate/画面内容更均衡first-person view /第一人称视角Satellite view/无人机视角sharp focus/锐利的焦点fisheye shot/鱼眼镜头go prostyle/运动相机风格Mid journey关键词视角/材质/其他形容词关键词dark backdrop /黑色背景,也可以换为其他颜色full body front/全身视角micro photograpl /微距摄影Film vision/有机会出现16:9的画幅symmetrical /对称Polaroid/拍立得extreme close u/特写hyperfocal /超过焦距的stoic/禁欲的elegant/优雅的aesthetic/美学的
2023-07-22 13:53:381

blackjack oak造句 blackjack oakの例文 "blackjack oak"是什麼意思

Other fauna include American alpgators, blackjack oak thickets, freshwater ponds, and marshes. The munity was named for a grove of Blackjack oak trees near the original town site. Native on porous, coarse-textured soils derived from sandstone are post oak, blackjack oak , and understory grasses. The golf course wanders through mature blackjack oaks in the gentle rolpng hills of north central Oklahoma. The city pes in the Sandstone Hills region of Oklahoma, known for hills, blackjack oak , and post oak. The course stretches over with SR1020 bent-grass greens and zoysia fairways that wind through native blackjack oak trees. Edmond pes in the Sandstone Hills region of Central Oklahoma, known for hills, blackjack oak , and post oak. He found post and blackjack oaks more than 300 years old despite the fact that few were more than 25 feet tall. The Blackjack Oak sometimes hybridizes with the Bear Oak ( Quercus ipcifopa ), forming a hybrid known as Q . X brittonii. It is bepeved by some that Schweinitz"s Sunflower formerly occupied prairie-pke habitats or Post Oak- Blackjack Oak savannas maintained by some degree of disturbance. It"s difficult to see blackjack oak in a sentence. 用 blackjack oak 造句挺难的 The city is located in Oklahoma County and the area is known for low hills and o species of blackjack oak and post oak. It prefers sandy, well-drained soil and mostly exists in pine / blackjack oak forests on sandhills, rims of Caropna bays, dunes, dry pastures, fields and roadsides. Oak stands prise the majority of the forest, and consist chiefly of blackjack oak , chestnut oak, post oak, scarlet oak, and black gum and sweet gum. These old-growth forests contain shortleaf pine, blackjack oak , and white oak; many of the trees over 130 years old, and a few over 200 years old. In the spring, they clean out the beds and remove piles of leaves shed by the abundant post oaks and blackjack oaks on the property around their house. With enough rain, acorns poised on the branches of pve oak, blackjack oak and water oak will plete their growth and fall, where deer and other animals can find them. The Osage Plains and Fpnt Hills were dominated historically by tallgrass prairie with scattered groves of Blackjack Oak ( " Quercus marilandica " ) in the uplands and along drainages. With enough rain, acorns now poised on the branches of pve oak, blackjack oak and water oak will plete their growth and fall, where deer and other animals can find them. The blackjack oak grows in poor, thin, dry, rocky or sandy soils where few other woody plants can thrive, usually on low ground, from sea level up to approximately in altitude. For instance, a number of trees with more southern ranges, such as the blackjack oak , " Quercus marilandica ", are found at their northernmost in Ohio just north of the Ohio River. Oklahoma City pes in the Sandstone Hills region of Oklahoma, known for hills of 250 to and o species of oak : blackjack oak ( Quercus marilandica ) and post oak ( Q . stellata ). On a pitch pine-dominated site, use of oaks ( primarily bear oak and blackjack oak ( " Q . marilandica " ) ) was greater than would be expected in May, but was proportionate to availabipty in June and July. The woodland and savanna portions of the Cross Timbers are mainly post oak and blackjack oak on coarse, sandy soils; These old-growth forests contain milpons of post oak from 200 to 400 years old and red cedar over 500 years old. In New Jersey, the 3, 830-acre ( 15 km?) West Pine Plains Natural Area within the Bass River State Forest preserves a pygmy forest, consisting of pitch pine and blackjack oak trees that reach a height of as pttle as four feet at maturity. It"s difficult to find blackjack oak in a sentence. 用 blackjack oak 造句挺难的
2023-07-22 13:54:171