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identical twins是什么意思

2023-07-22 12:47:12

identical twins[英][aiu02c8dentiku0259l twu026anz][美][au026au02c8du025bntu026aku0259l twu026anz]

n.全等双生,同卵双生( identical twin的名词复数 ); [医] 单卵性双胎;



But, you"re not identical twins.



identical twins

[英][aiu02c8dentiku0259l twu026anz][美][au026au02c8du025bntu026aku0259l twu026anz]

n.全等双生,同卵双生( identical twin的名词复数 ); [医] 单卵性双胎;



He was particularly interested in identical twins.



Identical twins reared apart often have strikingly similar responses to hypnosis.




identical[英][au026au02c8dentu026akl][美][au026au02c8du025bntu026aku0259l]adj.同一的; 完全同样的,相同的; 恒等的; 同卵的; n.完全相同的事物; 同卵双胞; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Identical twins share all of their dna. 同卵双胞胎的dna完全相同。
2023-07-22 11:53:591


identical英 [aɪ"dentɪk(ə)l]美 [aɪ"dɛntɪkl]n. 完全相同的事物adj. 同一的;完全相同的
2023-07-22 11:54:093


"Identical"是一个英文单词,意为“完全相同的、一模一样的”。它通常用于指两个或多个事物在外观、特征、性质等方面完全相同或几乎相同。以下是一些例句和用法:"The twins looked identical, and it was hard to tell them apart."(这对双胞胎看起来一模一样,很难分辨出来。)"The two cars were nearly identical, except for a few minor differences in color and features."(这两辆车几乎一模一样,除了颜色和特征上的一些小差异。)"The DNA samples from the two suspects were found to be identical, making it difficult to determine who committed the crime."(两名嫌疑犯的DNA样本被发现完全相同,难以确定到底是谁犯罪了。)总之,“identical”是一个英文单词,用于指两个或多个事物在外观、特征、性质等方面完全相同或几乎相同。了解这个单词的含义和用法,有助于我们更好地理解和描述物体、人物、数据等之间的相似性和差异性,提高我们的英语表达能力。
2023-07-22 11:54:481


identical,主要用作形容词、名词,作形容词的意思是“同一的;完全相同的”,作名词的意思是“完全相同的事物”。1、短语搭配identical operation[数]相同运算 ;[数]恒等运算identical equation恒等式 ;[数]恒等方程identical substitution[数]恒等代换 ; 恒等交换 ; 恒等贷换2、identical 用法和例句There were 100 identical safety valves which were checked .他们检查了100个完全相同的阀门。The chart looks almost identical for u.s. - only searches .这个图表同只包含美国搜索数据的图表几乎是一致的。Identical twins are two children that grew from the same egg .同卵双胞胎是同一个受精卵生长出的两个孩子。For one thing , the eurasian body has two dominant members with overlapping but far from identical strategic aims .一方面,这个欧亚组织拥有两个战略目标相互重叠但远非同一的主导成员。The rights conferred by marriage and civil partnership-over property , pensions , inheritance and so forth-are virtually identical .实际上,婚姻关系和民事伴侣关系所赋予的权利包括财产、养老金、继承权等等是完全相同的。
2023-07-22 11:55:081


Identical: [ ai"dentiku0259l ] a. 相同的,同一的词形变化: 副词:identically 名词:identicalness 例句与用法: 1. Your appearance is identical to hers. 你的相貌和她的一模一样。 2. This is the identical hotel we stayed at last year. 这就是我们去年住过的旅馆。 3. The two systems are, in effect, identical. 这两种制度实际上一模一样。same: [ seim ] a. 同样的 ad. 同样地 pron. 同样的人或事例句与用法: 1. Father sits in the same chair every evening. 父亲每晚都坐在同一张椅子上, 2. Twins look the same as each other. 双胞胎看上去长得一样。 3. I resigned on Friday and left that same day. 我星期五辞职后当天就离开了。 4. He praised my work and in the same breath told me I would have to leave. 他称赞我工作好,刚说完这话就让我离职。名字的话用 same 好一些,the same name以上是一些用法,自己体会一下
2023-07-22 11:55:231


adj.同一的, 同样的denti痕迹dentist 牙科医生dent 凹, 凹痕, (齿轮的)齿, 弱点identify 识别, 鉴别, 把...和...看成一样identification 辨认, 鉴定, 证明, 视为同一
2023-07-22 11:55:442


2023-07-22 11:55:521


similar意为“相似的,类似的”等,常与介词to连用。identical意思是“同一的,相等的,相同的”,后面通常接with.两者的区别出了后面的介词,最主要的就是similar是相似,而identical是一模一样,牛津字典里的解释similar in every detail,是每一个细节
2023-07-22 11:55:591

identical identic区别

identical [aɪˈdentɪk(ə)l]adj. 1. 同一的;同样的We are identical in our views of what should be done.我们双方对应当怎么办的看法是一致的。This is the identical hotel that we stayed in last year.这就是我们去年住过的那家旅馆。2. (常与with连用)完全相同的These two designs are almost identical.这两种式样几乎完全相同。My opinion is identical with his.我的意见和他的意见相同。identic v.使相同
2023-07-22 11:56:212


2023-07-22 11:56:291


correspond to 意思是“与...对应“;identical with/to 与...等同;相同的,同一的区别应该是较明显的。The American Congress corresponds to the British Parliament.美国的国会相当於英国的议会.Your pen is identical with mine.你这支钢笔和我那支完全一样。
2023-07-22 11:56:481

alike ,identical, like ,assemble的区别

这些形容词均有“相似的,类似的”之意。alike: 指事物在性质、特征或外貌上固有的而不是偶然的相似。普通用词,只作表语。like: 普通用词,含义广泛,指多个或全部特性都相似,但并非同一个,也可指在某个特殊的偶然相似。identical: 语气最强,可指同一个人或物,也可指数个人或物之间完全没有差别。至于assemble,这个词是安装组合的意思,和以上三词并不同义。
2023-07-22 11:56:561

如何巧记identity identify identical

2023-07-22 11:57:061

be identical to 与be identical with的用法区别是什么?(最好有例句)

2023-07-22 11:57:162

equal same identical proper的区别 请详细分点列出这四个词的用法区别···

我是英语专业的,虽然不是很详尽,但希望我总结出来的可以帮到你. equal:强调两者能力、地位等方面平等或者可以相匹敌.常用搭配:be equal to same:表示相同.固定搭配:be the same as...和...相同的 identical强调的是两者的完全一致.be identical with/to... proper是“正当的,适合的”意思,不会和前3者混淆啊
2023-07-22 11:57:311

这就是我上周还给图书馆的书 英语翻译identical

Here"s the book I returned to library last week.
2023-07-22 11:58:013


same “同样的”、“一样的”,指相同的人或事物,其前需用定冠词the.similar “类似的”,指两者有相似性,非同一人或事物.常用结构:similar toidentical “同样的”, 意义上接近语the same,常用结构:id...
2023-07-22 11:58:091

parallel identical 谢谢!!!!!!!!

如楼上所说,Things that are identical are exactly the same.If one thing parallels another, they happen at the same time or are similar, and often seem to be connected.identical 完全一样parallel 相似
2023-07-22 11:58:172

identical ;population ; populous 这英语的美音读法怎么读,求个谐音的~

影等提口,怕piu 勒醒 怕piu 勒死
2023-07-22 11:58:252

be identical to 与be identical with的用法区别是什么?(最好有例句)

基本没有什么区别。AXOs are identical to AROs in many respects.AXO对象在许多方面同ARO对象是一样的。The terms of the acceptance shall be identical to those of the offer.第三十条承诺的内容应当与要约的内容一致。The number on the card should be identical with the one on the cheque book.卡上的号码应该和支票簿上的相同。We"ll accept the goods only if the results from the two inspections are identical with each other.如果双方的检测结果一致,我们就收货。
2023-07-22 11:58:342


identical是类似,相似的。如:The twins looks so identical.这对双胞胎长得像极了。 same是一样的。如:They graduated from the same school.她们毕业于同一所学校。
2023-07-22 11:59:262

be identical 后加什么介词

"...identical to..." (一模一样 的意思)例如-My pencil case is identical to yours. (我的铅笔盒和你的一模一样。)Hope this helps!
2023-07-22 11:59:351


2023-07-22 11:59:421


1.识别图像 2.发现相同的双 3.发现序列或位置 4.发现失踪的特点 5.发现信息的遗漏 6.发现秘密 7.沟通模式和图片 8.交际模型 9.发现差异 10.证明方向 11.重新设定故事情节 12.汇集信息来解决问题. 社会互动活动 1.角色扮演通过对话暗示 2.角色扮演通过线索和信息 3.角色扮演通过情况和目标 4.角色扮演的争论或讨论 5.大型模拟活动 6.即兴创作
2023-07-22 11:59:491

identical treatment是什么意思?

2023-07-22 12:00:092

be identical to是什么意思

2023-07-22 12:00:172

是be identical with 还是be identical to

两者意思上没有区别都是和什么东西完全相同的意思,只不过with 后面可能跟一个完整的句子
2023-07-22 12:00:431


2023-07-22 12:00:501

identical twins是什么意思

identical twins同卵双胞胎双语对照词典结果:identical twins[英][aiu02c8dentiku0259l twu026anz][美][au026au02c8du025bntu026aku0259l twu026anz]n.全等双生,同卵双生( identical twin的名词复数 ); [医] 单卵性双胎; 例句:1.He was particularly interested in identical twins. 他尤其感兴趣的是同卵双胞胎。
2023-07-22 12:01:191

Human natures are identical, but habits are varied什么意思,可以翻译成"人之初性相近习相远"么

2023-07-22 12:02:002

The twin brothers ar identical in appearance and no one but their parents can tell them apart.

2023-07-22 12:02:094

vss提示 the files are identical什么意思

the files are identical意思是,这些文件是相同的
2023-07-22 12:02:204


2023-07-22 12:02:411


very读音:英 ["veri]、美 ["veri]very一、含义adv. 很;完全;正是。adj. 恰好的;同一的;真正的;最...的。二、用法very用作形容词,表示“实在的,真正的”“极端的”,在句中用作定语。very和the,this,that,my,your,his连用,作“正是,就是,甚至于”解。very的比较级verier现已不用,最高级形式veriest有时还用来加强语气。very用作副词主要用于形容词、副词、限定词(如many,few,little等)前以加强语气,表示“很,非常,十分,极”。very用于形容词最高级或own之前,表示“十足,完全”。The little girl stood in the very back of the classroom.这个小女孩站在教室的最后面。扩展资料:近义词:equal、equivalent、identical。一、equal1、含义:adj. 相等的;平等的。vt. 比得上;等于。n. 同辈;平等;(同等的)人或事物。2、举例Women demand equal pay for equal work.妇女要求同工同酬。二、equivalent1、含义:adj. 等价的 相等的。n. 相等物。2、举例Is there a French word that is the exact equivalent of the English word `home"?法语中有没有和英语home完全一样的对应词?三、identical1、含义:adj. 同一的;相同的。2、举例This is the identical hotel we stayed at last year.这就是我们去年住过的旅馆。
2023-07-22 12:03:171

non_identical twins

答案:1.C;2.A;3.B;解析:(1) 从第一段的第三句话可知答案。 (2) 从第二段的第一、二句话可知答案。科学家研究的是identical twins而不是two types of twins。 (3) 主旨大意考查题。
2023-07-22 12:03:481


1. More forest firesIn addition to global warming, melting glaciers, hurricanes, but also exacerbated forest fires. Over the past few decades, western states in the United States, more forest fires occurred, affecting a wider area. Scientists found that rising temperatures, snow and ice melting earlier in a relationship are related to wildfires raging. As the snow melting earlier in the forest areas become drier, and longer drying time, increase the possibility of fire.2. Monuments completely destroyedGlobal warming is very likely that the total destruction of monuments of civilization. Sea-level rise and more severe weather are likely to undermine these irreplaceable historic sites. Currently, floods caused by global warming has destroyed the 600-year-old ancient city of Sukhothai, Thailand, once the capital of the ancient dynasty.3. "Resilience" of the mountainsOrdinary climbers can not pay attention, because the Peak melting snow, the Alps and other mountain ranges in height in the past century has experienced a slow rebound process. For thousands of years, these long-pressing the tip surface, resulting in suppression of the surface. As glaciers melt, pressure on the ground to reduce the weight, the surface slowly rebound. Since global warming has accelerated in recent years, the glaciers melt, these mountains rebound faster.4. Run faster satelliteChanging atmospheric carbon dioxide increases the density of the ionosphere which is running in the layer of the satellite will have some effect. Because the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere rise, low-altitude release of carbon dioxide molecules collide heat, causing the air warming, carbon dioxide molecules in the thin high altitude, frequent enough opportunities to hit each other, so the heat on the surrounding radiation, so the surrounding air is be cool (the temperature of the ionospheric gas is higher than the low altitude). As more carbon dioxide to reach high-altitude, more cooling occurs, air flow becomes worse, so the atmosphere becomes thinner, smaller pull the satellite, resulting in faster satellite operation.5. To change the animal gene mappingSince early this year flowering plants, which according to the previous time of movement of animals may miss all the food. Those who can adjust their internal biological clocks of animals adapt to change early chance to have more viable children birth to pass their genetic information, ultimately changing the genetic map of the entire species.6. Permafrost thawing make surface unevenGlobal warming makes the thawing permafrost, resulting in surface shrinkage, become uneven, resulting in some of the pit, the railway, highway and housing construction damage. For the mountains, the melting of permafrost may even lead to landslides.7. Lakes disappearOver the past few decades, the Arctic around 125 lakes disappeared. After scientists found that the reason why these lakes may be due to disappearance of permafrost thawing lake. Because these permafrost thaw, water has penetrated into the soil.8. Polar life plants areArctic ice melting Arctic creatures brought to a bright future. Found that the Arctic is now the concentration of chlorophyll in soil is higher than that of ancient soils, showing the Arctic in recent decades, biological and prosperity.9. Animal migration to higher-lyingFrom the beginning of the 19th century, chipmunks, and mice began to move upward in elevation. Found that the reason why these animals migrate to higher places, possibly because of global warming to their habitat change. Habitat changes in the environment also threatens polar bears and other animals, as they slowly melt the ice habitat.10. Aggravate allergiesStudies have shown that higher concentrations of carbon dioxide in the air volume and higher temperature is also one of the factors leading to allergies. Global warming to make plants flower earlier than before, while the carbon dioxide concentration, make plants produce more pollen, the pollen concentration in the air increased. Allergens early years, the allergy season is reluctant to go. Allergies can only getting worse.
2023-07-22 11:58:491


2023-07-22 11:58:4915

my pet是什么意思

2023-07-22 11:58:494

stay foolisht是什么意思

stay foolish网 络虚心若愚;虚怀若愚;保持执;憨三双语例句Stay hungry , stay foolish. And i was always wish that for myself.那是我希望我永远都可以保持的心态.网络释义stay foolish1. 虚心若愚2. 虚怀若愚3. 保持执4. 憨三
2023-07-22 11:58:572


Leave an impression to me in the learning process of market marketing deep was a teacher to once do together with us of an experiment.Three kinds of perfume of brand dissimilarity, be we choice like which kind, is know price, brand information in front and back and unexpectedly occurrence very big of variety.The many people incline toward a choice Chanel of the famous brand after know price, brand information rather than common of Gao Tian2 Xian2 three.Only is so a small experiment, good enough to with see the strength of product card.In fact the product have no many big difference, difference of is the dissimilarity performance that brand hobby and brand of consumer bring consumer.Coca-Cola Company in the United States former incumbent president elder brother of one"s father especially.Private Pu.Five virtuous Lu mans once said:Want ~only the brand " Coca-Cola" at, even one day, the company reduce to ashes in the wildfires, so the second day morning, the head of the business enterprise boundary news medium the news be each big bank to emulate toward"Coca-Cola" company loan.Elder brother of one"s father especially.Private Pu.The Hao speech of five virtuous Lu mans strong language anything but bumbledom, because bank of loan the object isn"t a heap of ruins in the wildfires, but is the brand " Coca-Cola", the immaterial assets of this pre-eminent brand already exceed all tangible assets with.The example that is from above we can see and the brand be also a kind of property.Brand property(Brand Equity) also call brand rights, is only brand then can creation of market performance, perhaps say, product while have brand with have no brand of market performance of bad. Brand property(Brand Equity) is and brand, brand name and marking mutually contact, can increment or decrease business enterprise sale product or service of value of a series assets and liability.It is main to include 5, namely brand loyalty, brand cognition, the brand know quality, brand association of thought, other particularly have a property(such as trademark, patent, outlet relation etc.), these properties pass variety the way provide value toward the consumer and the business enterprise. The brand property is the importance property of business enterprise, is the market movable expenses of the economy business enterprise of valid means, again is the source which promote a business enterprise product a premium price, is the magic weapon which obtain market competitive advantage.Promote a brand property value, can promote brand good reputation of value overflow, promote extend of brand property, can establishment valid of barracks in order to prevent get into of rival.So, how promote the property value of brand?Concrete to say, can from the following a few aspect commence: 1, exaltation brand the difference of the property turn value Brand property of value now of key body the difference turn of competitive advantage up.This kind of advantage can the performance is in the quality, function, specification, packing of product, design, style"s etc. bring of work function, enduring, credibility, convenience...etc. of difference;Can also performance at brand bring by service additional value, such as service of fast respond to, service technique of accuracy, service of comprehensive, the affinity of the attendant;Three can also the performance is mold brand association of thought and character, brand association of thought can influence purchase of customer mental state, attitude with purchase motive.So the brand can promote the feeling of customer to know value, turn over, can also promote brand value of promote.The business enterprise can combine the character that the advantage of oneself create brand and pass a characteristic fixed position to promote a brand property value.This can from the path of dissimilarity to the realization:For example the technique lead and the product difference turn to turn an etc. with market with single mind2, "strong" cooperate Brand value of promote same can pass to cooperate with other brand quick expand oneself of brand image, create thus more additional value.The nations well-known and big business enterprise is good at strong brand public appeal and market advantage which make use of it in respectively the profession, with lead of other profession carry on"strong" cooperate, enhance the brand image of oneself.This kind of is usually strong to cooperate is according to cooperation both parties or in many ways of brand total win, so also easy is come from cooperation colleague and market of aggressive reaction. Well-known brand and consociation airline of Starbucks conduct and actions"coffee fast food industry" hold hands and on the other hand expanded new of business realm, make oneself of the product overlay more extensive of market space;Make according to this kind of advantage cooperation on the other hand both parties at respectively brand within realm value all got valid of promote.Fact certificate, many latent customer is exactly because consociation airline of new raise Cuo, became consociation aviation of customer, but many"advocator" of Starbucks is also at consociation aviation top become friends with and start fall in love at this"the star of coffee" of.The another classic case come from Intel company, it hold hands with Microsoft to create of the WINTEL empire brought big profits for them and most the brand image of real strenght.
2023-07-22 11:58:585


2023-07-22 11:59:031


2023-07-22 11:59:081

英语archive mode怎么翻译?

存 储 器 方 式。
2023-07-22 11:59:129

archive;ancient;quart;file 这些个英语怎么读??

2023-07-22 11:58:414


Gen.G不是三星战队。Gen.G(Generation Gaming)简称GEN,是一家国际电子竞技俱乐部,成立于2017年。旗下拥有《英雄联盟》《王者荣耀》《守望先锋》《绝地求生》《堡垒之夜》《无畏契约》等多个电竞分部。其中《英雄联盟》分部为韩国LCK联盟的创始俱乐部之一;《守望先锋》分部在守望先锋联赛中的名字为首尔王朝队。Gen.G的队伍在2018年初被收购并暂时更名为KSV战队,并在同年5月4日正式变为了Gen.G。2020年1月20日,Gen.G公布了其NBA 2K联盟球队,Gen.G Tigers of Shanghai(上海Gen.G虎)的队名和队标。队标描绘了一只下山猛虎,身上是Gen.G的标志性黑金颜色。2022年Gen.G战队英雄联盟分部经历:2022年3月20日,LCK春季常规赛全部结束,Gen.G以15胜3负排名常规赛第二,直接进入季后赛第二轮。3月27日,Gen.G以3:2战胜DWG KIA晋级决赛。4月2日,Gen.G在LCK春季总决赛上以1:3的比分不敌T1,获得亚军。2022年LCK夏季赛,最终的常规赛小场战绩在35胜5负。Gen.G以17胜1负的战绩排名第一进入季后赛。8月20日,在LCK夏季赛半决赛中,晋级总决赛的同时还成为第二支锁定了2022全球总决赛席位的战队。在2022LCK夏季赛决赛中,Gen.G以3:0横扫T1夺得冠军,将以LCK一号种子的身份参加2022英雄联盟全球总决赛。2022年英雄联盟全球总决赛,在10月17日结束的小组赛中,Gen.G加赛战胜RNG成功以小组第一出线。10月23日四分之一决赛中,Gen.G成功以3:2战胜DK晋级四强。10月31日半决赛中,Gen.G以1:3不敌DRX,止步四强。
2023-07-22 11:58:391


Two fire fighters succeed rescue this female infant from the fire1998 flood disaster was nearly several sees attacks one ofChina especially big natural disastersIs developed since Zhangjiajie after the country park,More and more many foreign friends arrive this travelingI hoped you can finish the paper in front of the Mondaydeadline
2023-07-22 11:58:347


archive 存档的,已经存在了save 还未保存
2023-07-22 11:58:321


  Gen是一种新兴的数字货币,但是有很多人不知道它来自哪个国家,下面我们就来详细了解一下。Gen的创建者和所在国家  Gen创建于2021年,由日本人松本哲也创建。可是Gen并不是来自日本,而是来自塞舌尔共和国,这是一个连绵不断的珊瑚岛和岛礁,位于印度洋西南部,东非莫桑比克海峡的东北部。虽然塞舌尔共和国是一个非常小的国家,但其作为一个区块链投资和开发的重要中心存在。塞舌尔共和国的数字经济政策  塞舌尔共和国的数字经济政策致力于创造数字经济的良好环境,在2018年通过了金融机构法和区块链技术法案来支持金融科技和区块链技术的发展。政府也在制定适当的立法,促进数字资产的发展和投资。Gen的特点  Gen是一种去中心化的数字货币,使用了最先进的区块链技术,并基于Ethereum区块链构建了自己的平台。它的特点是交易速度快、手续费低,能够快速完成货币转移以及去中心化的开发。Gen的应用场景  未来Gen的应用场景非常广泛,包括但不限于数字身份、数字治理、支付、供应链金融和防伪追溯等。同时,Gen还可以在各行各业中使用,如旅游、金融、医疗、物流等行业。结论  总之,Gen是来自塞舌尔共和国的数字货币,其所在国家为全力支持数字货币和区块链技术的发展,提供了良好的政策和法规环境。Gen结合了区块链技术的优势,将有很多潜在的应用场景,也将成为未来发展的重要数字货币。
2023-07-22 11:58:311


Do Something - Britney Spearsdo you feel this你感觉到了吗i know you feel this我知道你感觉到了are you ready准备好了吗i dont think so我不这么认为somebody give me my truck有人给我一辆车so i can ride on the clouds让我驶上云霄so i can turn up the bass like让我尽情把低音量调大声cause somebody pass my guitar有人给我一把吉他so i can look like a star让我化身为明星and spend this cash like-让我有大把钞票想花就花what you gonna do when the crowd goes ayo站在喧嚣人群中你想做什麼why you standing on the wall你干吗杵在那儿music"s startin everywhere音乐降落再每个角落so why dont you just move along所以为何不跟著我一起摆动i see you looking at me你用看到like i"m some kinda of freak疯子的眼神看著我get up outta your seat起身离开你的座位why don"t you do something为何不马上行动i see you looking at me你用like i got what you need一见钟情的眼神看着我get up outta your seat起身离开你的座位why don"t you do something为何不马上行动now you"re all in my grill现在你完全被我吸引cause i say what i feel因为我有话直说only rock to whats real我只跟著真实感觉摆动never gonna bumpbump现在你想奋力跳,跳but i cant do that with you但我不会跟你起舞only here with my crew我跟我朋友再一起you can roll if you can你可以尽情摆动don"t be a punk punk如果你不行别假装你很叛逆what you gonna do when the crowd goes ayo站在喧嚣人群中你想做什麼why you standing on the wall你干麻杵在那music"s startin everywhere音乐降落再每个角落so why dont you just move along所以为何不跟著我一起摆动i see you looking at me你用看到like i"m some kinda of freak疯子的眼神看著我get up outta your seat起身离开你的座位why don"t you do something为何不马上行动i see you looking at me你用like i got what you need一见钟情的眼神看著我get up outta your seat起身离开你的座位why don"t you do something为何不马上行动i see you looking at me你用看到like i"m some kinda of freak疯子的眼神看著我get up outta your seat起身离开你的座位why don"t you do something为何不马上行动uh huh呃 呃i see you looking over here我看你往这边看can"t you tell i"m having fun难道你看不出我正开心if you know like i know如果你像我一样了解状况you would stop staring at us你就不会继续盯著我们瞧and get your own space去找你自己的空间and do something!做你自己的事i see you looking at me你用看到like i"m some kinda of freak疯子的眼神看著我get up outta your seat起身离开你的座位why don"t you do something为何不马上行动i see you looking at me你用like i got what you need一见钟情的眼神看著我get up outta your seat起身离开你的座位why don"t you do something为何不马上行动i see you looking at me你用看到like i"m some kinda of freak疯子的眼神看著我get up outta your seat起身离开你的座位why don"t you do something为何不马上行动do somethin"做些什么ow!哦呜why don"t you do something为何不马上行动
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