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turn up the music 歌词

2023-07-22 12:42:27

Take a look around

Who would have thought we"d all be here

So let"s mess around

Cause the future is unclear

We got nothing better to do

We"re just trying to get through

Can you hear me

Can you hear me Yeah~~~~

Let the music groove you

Let the melody move you

Feel the beat and just let go

Get the rhythm into your soul

Let the music take you

Anywhere it wants to

When we"re stuck and can"t get free

No matter what , we will still be singing

Come on , come on .Turn up the music

It"s all we get. We"re gonna use it

Come on , come on .Turn up the music

Yeah,all we have is now. Let"s make the most of this

Come on, break it out. So everyone can hear it

They don"t have to understand

But we"ll make"em if we can

Do you hear me

Are you witn me ? yeah~~~

Let the music groove you

Let the melody move you

Feel the beat and just let go

Get the rhythm into your soul

Let the music take you

Anywhere it wants to

When we"re stuck and can"t get free

No matter what , we will still be singing

Come on , come on .Turn up the music

It"s all we get. We"re gonna use it

Feel the beat and just let go

Get the rhythm into your soul

Let the music take you

Anywhere it wants to

Come on , come on .Turn up the music

这是我根据MV抄的 应该没错吧


Turn UP The Music 歌词

歌曲:turn up the music 歌手:大嘴巴 讯号是间谍在走漏一切电脑在篡位大脑被逼退科技来自于人性的哪面告诉我我想知道大鼓节拍就像卫星瞄准我开炮感觉身旁的人潮永远都不会散掉这张手写明信片寄给自己还收不收的到闭眼睛想装傻逃不掉捂耳朵想思考更吵闹不想要被变成一堆代号很简单的活着好不好就当空间陨落随着时间爆破最后的星空我固执发梦就当空间沦陷随着时间萎缩最后的自由我固执防守手机是窃贼摸走了时间星星也排队电波满天飞科技来自于人性的哪面告诉我我想知道大鼓节拍就像卫星瞄准我开炮感觉身旁的人潮永远都不会散掉这张手写明信片寄给自己还收不收的到(let"s go)闭眼睛想装傻逃不掉捂耳朵想思考更吵闹不想要被变成一堆代号很简单的活着好不好就当空间陨落随着时间爆破最后的星空我固执发梦就当空间沦陷随着时间萎缩最后的自由我固执防守turn up the music!大到疯癫turn up the music!震飞琐碎turn up the music!炸到天边turn up the music!反射习惯麻痹等级最高流失得到已经无法分晓不停传送灯号取代心跳线头那端有没有乐园就当空间陨落随着时间爆破最后的星空我固执发梦就当空间沦陷随着时间萎缩最后的自由我固执防守
2023-07-22 11:47:011

《柠檬大嘴巴》里《somebody》、《turn up the music》歌词~

Lemonade Mouth - "Somebody" Can you see me?Cause I"m right hereCan you listen?Cause I"ve been trying to make you noticeWhat it would mean to meTo feel like somebodyWe"ve been on our way to nowhereTryin so hard to get there[Chorus:]And I sayOh!We"re gonna let it show!We"re gonna just let go of everythingHolding back our dreamsAnd tryTo make it come aliveC"mon let it shine so they can seeWe were meant to beSomebody (Somebody)Somebody, yeah (Somebody)SomehowSomedaySomewaySomebodyI"m so tiredOf being invisibleBut I feel it, yeahLike a fire below the surfaceTrying to set me freeBurnin inside of meCause were standing on the edge nowIt"s a long way down[Chorus:]But I sayOh!We"re gonna let it show!We"re gonna just let go of everythingHolding back our dreamsAnd tryTo make it come aliveC"mon let it shine so they can seeWe were meant to beSomebody (Somebody)Somebody, yeah (Somebody)SomehowSomedaySomewaySomebodyWe will walk out of this darknessFeel the spotlight glowing like a yellow sunOhohohohoh (Ohohohohoh)And when we fall we fall togetherTill we get back up and we will rise as oneOhohohohoh[Chorus:]Oh!We"re gonna let it show!We"re gonna just let go of everythingHolding back our dreamsAnd tryTo make it come aliveC"mon let it shine so they can seeWe were meant to beSomebody (Somebody)Somebody, yeah (Somebody)SomehowSomedaySomewaySomebodySomebody你看得见我吗因为我在这里你听得见我吗因为我想引起你的注意对我来说有何意义如他人般来的感受我们已在某处上轨道试著到达那里,而我说喔我们要让它展现出来我们要放下所有事物抓住我们的梦想并尝试让它成真来使它闪耀让他们看见我们注定要成为大人物大人物大人物总有可能,总有一天总有方法我们会走出这个黑暗感受外头的阳光喔喔喔喔喔当我们跌倒我们一起倒下直到我们回来时我们会合而为一我们要让它展现出来我们要放下所有事物抓住我们的梦想并尝试让它成真来使它闪耀让他们看见我们注定要成为大人物大人物大人物总有可能,总有一天总有方法大人物
2023-07-22 11:47:163


Realligator hiphop舞蹈音乐
2023-07-22 11:47:246

chris brown有什么好听的歌???

kiss kisssuperhumani can transform yaforever我很长时间都没关注他了。以前挺爱听他的歌的
2023-07-22 11:47:416

小天王Chris Brown的Turn Up The Music(2012) 和 罗志祥的 爱投罗网 (2013) 连MV都很像,这算不算是抄袭?

2023-07-22 11:48:431


易烊千玺,2000年11月28日出生于湖南怀化,中国歌手。TFBOYS成员之一 。2009年,千玺加入“飞炫少年”组合,于2011年退出。2013年1月发行个人首支单曲《梦想摩天楼》。2013年8月6日,与王俊凯、王源以TFBOYS组合形式出道,陆续发行专辑《Heart》《魔法城堡》《青春修炼手册》2014年,以组合身份先后演唱电影《我就是我》主题曲第二弹《想唱就唱》、动画电影《洛克王国3:圣龙的守护》推广曲《魔法城堡》、步步高家教机广告主题曲《为梦想,时刻准备着》 、中央电视台《开学第一课》2005年11月,参与北京电视台第8频道《才艺训练营》节目,并获得周冠军。2007年5月,受到中央电视台少儿频道《智慧树》栏目邀请,并担任小老师;7月,参与北京电视台录制《 好丽友广告“让座篇”广告花絮八区主打星之小鬼当家》节目;8月,参与北京电视台《动感秀场》,担任受邀小嘉宾。2008年2月,参与中央电视台《我与北京共微笑》晚会录制;7月,参加中央电视台少儿频道之《成长在线》节目录制;8月,参与山西电视台《阳光少年》节目录制,并获得冠军。2009年8月8日,北京奥运会一周年纪念日,参与中央电视台少儿频道《成长在线》纪念奥运特别节目《回首奥运》,表演歌曲“北京欢迎你”和歌曲“我相信”。2009年,千玺加入“飞炫少年”组合,成为组合中的乖乖虎,健康少年—千玺。2010年2月10日,他参与拍摄好丽友广告“让座篇”。此外,在《挑战60秒》的贵州卫视节目中,易烊千玺连闯四关,为山区孩子赢得了八千元梦想基金。同年参演电视剧《铁梨花》,饰演其中少年张吉安。2011年,参演电视剧《超装备小子》,饰演祥仔。同年年底,易烊千玺退出“飞炫少年”组合。2012年飞炫少年解散。2012年3月,参加《向上吧!少年》北京赛区海选,进入全国百强;8月,参加中国网络电视台推出的网络选秀节目《宝贝来了》,并演唱《火鸟》,表演爵士舞、拉丁舞、蒙古舞、变脸等2013年1月,参演微电影《追上去》拍摄MV《梦想摩天楼》
2023-07-22 11:48:501


2023-07-22 11:49:0014

求pigeon john的the bomb中文翻译

汉语意思是:鸽子 约翰 炸弹
2023-07-22 11:49:264


Let"s Get It Started
2023-07-22 11:49:352

turn the music down

不可以用turn down it,只能用turn it down. Turn down后面可以加名词,比如turn down the music,turn down the TV等等. 或者在中间加名词,比如 turn the music down,turn the TV down.. 但是,如果用it 这种代词,只能放在后面,不可以放在中间. 所以选B.
2023-07-22 11:49:481

英语人教版八年级下册英语的词组,例如be good for之内的,谢了

新目标八年级英语下全册短语归纳Unit 1 Willpeople have robots?in thefuture 在将来live to (be) …years old 活到……岁in 100years 一百年后100 years from now 一百年后free time 空闲时间talk about 谈论,谈及,谈到high school 高中computer programmer 电脑程序员space station 太空站fall in lovewith… 爱上…… go skating 去滑冰be able to 能,会on vacation 度假the World Cup 世界杯keep a pet pig饲养一头宠物猪job interview 工作面试fly to 飞往come true 实现,成为现实see sb. dosth. 看见某人做了某事one"s own … 某人自己的……sciencefiction movies 科幻影片help (sb.)with sth. 帮助(某人)做某事hundreds of 数百,成百上千的the same as 和……相同wake up 醒来;唤醒talk to/with 和……交谈try to do sth.试图做某事,尽力做某事get bored 变得厌倦over and over(again) 一次又一次,再三地electric toothbrush 电动牙刷Unit2 What should I do?keep out 不准进,阻止……进入argue with/againstsb. 和……争吵argueabout/on sth. 为……争吵out of style 过时的,不时髦的in style 流行的,时髦的call sbup=ring sb.up=call/ring/phone sb. 给…..打电话give sb. sth.= give sth. to sb.给某人某物(类似动词:bring, lend, pass, sell, send, show, take, tell,pay, write, read等)a ticket to aball game 一张球赛的门票(类似名词:answer, key,visit, trip, journey, way, road, flight, entrance, exit等)on the phone 在电话中,用电话pay for 付……的款a part-timejob 一份兼职工作borrow …from 从……借( 进)……lend…to 把……借(出去)给……ask sb. for sth. 向……要……bake sale 面包或糕饼售买活动Teen Talk 青少年论坛buy sb. sth. =buy sth for sb买……给……(类似动词:build, book, cook, get, keep, make, order,find等)the same……as 和……一样的……tell sb (not)to do sth. 告诉某人(不要)做某事want sb. to dosth.= would like sb. to do sth. 想某人做某事find out 发现;查明;核实do sth.wrong 做错某事invite sb. todo sth. 邀请某人做某事be angry with 生……的气fail the test 考试不及格get onwell/badly with 和……相处得好(差)have a fightwith sb.=fight with sb 与某人打架  fit…in/into… 抽空去做某事not…until 直到……才……as… aspossible 尽可能……complain about抱怨,埋怨take part in =join in 参加(某种活动/集会)all kinds of 各种各样的compare…with… 拿……和……比较on the onehand 一方面 on the otherhand另一方面after-schoolactivity 课外活动by oneself =on one"s own 某人自己,独自地Unit3 What were you doing when the UFOarrived?in front of 在……(范围之外)的前面in the front of 在……(范围之内)的前面barber shop 理发店get out of 到……外,离开walkdown/along 沿……走call thepolice 报警take off (飞机)起飞;脱(衣帽)an unusualexperience 一次不寻常的经历the Museum ofFlight 航空博物馆take photos 照相a policeofficer 警官run away跑开,逃跑walk around 四处走走think about 考虑,思考,回想BeijingIternational Airport 北京国际机场at thedoctor"s 在医务室,在诊所in (the)hospital 在医院,在住院in history在历史上the city of ……城,……市hear about/of 听说,得知ask sb. (not)to do sth. 叫某人(不要)做某事in silence沉默不语take place发生the WorldTrade Center 世贸中心(美国)in space 在太空a nationalhero 民族英雄26. all over the world = around the world 全世界Unit 4 Hesaid I was hard-workingsoap opera 泡沫剧,电视(连续)剧on Fridaynight 在星期五晚上be mad at 生……的气have asurprise party 举行一个惊喜晚会not…anmore 不再,再也不not…any morenomorenot…any longernolongerYoung Lives 《年轻的生命》direct speech 直接引语reportedspeech 间接引语first of all 首先do a homeworkproject 设计作业计划pass on 传递work on 从事,设计,演算,操作be supposed todo sth.被期望(要求)做……,应该做……be good at 擅长……do well in 在……方面表现得好report card 成绩单have a (bad)cold 患(重)感冒in good health身体健康end-of-year exams= final exams 期末考试have a bigfight 大吵了一架in/at school 在学校,上学forget to dosth. 忘记要做某事forgetdoing sth. 忘记做了某事get over 克服,恢复,原谅a poormountain village 一个贫穷的山村sound like 听起来像the PekingUniversity 北京大学the Ministryof Education 教育部the ChineseYoung Pioneers 中国少年先锋队 China"s ruralareas 中国的偏远地区sea level 海平面the thin air 稀薄的空气agree withsb./sth. 同意, 与……相符(一致)agreeon/about sth. 同意,赞成both…and………和……都most of… 大多数……,大部分……open up 打开,展开,开发,揭露a good start 一个良好的开端care for照料,照顾,计较,关心in danger 处于危险之中Unit 5 If you go to the party,you"ll have a great time!have a great/good/nice/wonderful time玩得高兴=have fun = enjoy oneselfat the party 在晚会上end of year party 年终晚会take …away 拿走,取走all thetime=always 一直,始终,总是ID card 身份证the oldpeople"s home 老年之家make money 赚钱round theworld = all over the world 全世界,世界各地go to college 上大学work hard 努力工作(学习)aprofessional athlete 职业运动员a dream job 理想的职业make a living 谋生play sports 进行体育运动= get/do exerciseget injured 受伤in fact 事实上,实际上mobile phone 移动电话too much 太多laugh at嘲笑,因……而发笑Review of Units 1-5watch out =be careful = look out = take care 小心,当心,注意turn down (音量)放小,(光线)调暗turnup (音量)放大,(光线)调亮turnon 打开(开关、按钮)turnoff 关(开关、按钮)would like to do sth. 想要做某事= feel like doing sth. = want to do sth.the dinning room 餐厅make friends (with) (和……)交朋友see sb. doingsth. 看见某人在做某事see sb. do sth. 看见某人做了某事make predictions 做预测hope to do sth. 希望做某事= wish to do order to 为了Unit6 How long have you been collecting shells?how long 多长,多久 a skatingmarathon 滑冰马拉松 a pair of 一双,一副,一把,一条raise money (for charity) (为慈善机构)募捐,筹钱the whole fivehours 整整五个小时three and ahalf years 三年半 =three years and a halfthanksfor 因……而表示感谢run out of 用完,用尽by theway 顺便说一下,顺便问一下in Russianstyle 以俄罗斯的风格fly kites 放风筝a talent show 才艺表演finish doingsth. 结束做某事be interestedin 对…感兴趣 Chinesedynasty 中国的王朝famouscharacters 著名人物think of 考虑,想起in Russianstyle 俄罗斯的风格tell sb. aboutsth. 把……的情况告诉某人enjoy doingsth. 喜爱做某事the OlympicGames 奥运会=the Olympicsfar away 在远处Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music ?turn down (音量)放小,(光线)调暗turn up (音量)放大,(光线)调亮turn on 打开(开关、按钮)turn off 关(开关、按钮)not atall 一点也不right away =in a minute 立刻,马上do/wash thedishes 洗碗 put on 穿上(动作)help sb. withsth. 帮助某人做某事makeposters 制作海报 have a longtelephone conversation 煲电话粥wait inline 排队cut inline 插队follow sb.around 跟在某人周围get mad = getannoy = get angry 生气,感到恼火try (not) todo sth. 尽力(不去)做某事seem like 看上去像……evenif/though 尽管、即使take care = becareful 小心in publicplaces 在公众场合in public 公开地,当众地break therule 不遵守规则put out 熄灭pick up 捡起、拾起Unit 8 Why don"t you get her a scarf?photo album 相册leave school 毕业离校take care of = look after 照顾,照看too… to… 太……而不能……these days 目前,现在a pot-bellied pig 大肚猪not … at all 根本不,一点也不fall asleep 入睡give away 分发,赠送pay for 付……的款rather than 而不是in different ways 以不同的方式as … as 与……一样……native speakers 说本族语的人encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事make progress 取得进步the Olympic Committee 奥委会have fun with sth. 做某事有乐趣= have fun doing sth.hear of 听说take an interest in = be interested in 对……感兴趣make friends with 和……交朋友 even if 即使Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park?1. have been to 到过某处2. an amusementpark 游乐园3. a water park 水上公园4. a rollercoaster 过山车5. see sb. doingsth. 看见某人正在做某事see sb. do sth. 看见某人做了某事6. walk around 四处走动7. take a ride 兜风8. on board 在船上9. take differentroutes 走不同的路线10. end up 结束11. argue withsb. 与某人争吵12. anEnglish-speaking country 说英语的国家13. an exchangestudent 交换生14. a flightattendant 一名机组乘务员15. a tour guide 导游16. such as 例如17. listeningskills 听力技能18. in SoutheastAsia 在东南亚19. take a holiday度假20. threequarters 四分之三21. have problems(in) doing sth. 做某事很费劲22. during thedaytime = in the day 在白天23. all yearround 全年,一年到头24. wake up 醒来,唤醒,叫醒Unit 10 It"sa nice day, isn"t it?small talk 闲聊lookthrough 浏览,快速查看a thank-younote 一封感谢信be friendly to sb. 对某人友好feel like (doing) sth. 想要(做)……have a hard/difficult time doing sth 费了很大的劲做某事comealong 到达,出现,跟着来,赶快get along/on 相处at least 至少
2023-07-22 11:50:081

求新目标八下英语U5~U10每单元30个短语,30个句子, 快,好的加分

只有短语,凑合看吧Unit5. If you go to the party ,you"ll have a great time !1 go to the party 去参加聚会2 have a good/nice/wonderful/great time 玩得高兴3 take the bus to … 乘坐公共汽车去…4 half the class 班上一半的学生5 more than =over 超过,多于6 want sb to do sth /would like sb to do sth 想要某人做某事7 take away 拿走8 during the party 在聚会期间9 old people"s home 老人之家10 school clean-up 学校大扫除11 children"s hospital 儿童医院12 go to the old people"s home 去老人之家看望13 travel around the world 旅行全世界14 go to college 上大学15 make money 挣钱16 get an education 受教育17 become a professional player 成为专业的足球队员18 seem like a dream job 似乎是梦想的工作19 make a living (by) doing sth 靠做某事谋生20 all the time =always 一直21 follow you everywhere 到处跟着你22 get injured 受伤23 become a professional athlete 成为专业的运动员24 have a difficult time doing sth 很难知道25 in fact 实际上26 reasons for… 赞同…的理由27 reasons against… 反对…的理由28 decide to do sth 决定做…29 the words given 所给的单词30 make sentences with… 用…造句31 spend time with sb 和…一起度过时间32 laugh at… 嘲笑…33 33be careful /look out /watch out 当心34 a lucky color 幸运色35 see sb do sth 看见某人做某事Unit 6. How long have you been collecting shells?1 run out of 用完,用尽2 by the way 顺便,附带说说3 be interested in … 对…感兴趣4 the Olympic Games/the Olympics 奥林匹克运动会5 far away 在远处6 in the Skating Marathon 在滑冰马拉松比赛中7 raise money for charity 为慈善机构筹集钱8 the first one to start 第一个开始的9 the whole five hours =all the five hours 整整5个小时10 what sport do you play/do ? 你做什么运动?11 three years and a half /three and a half years 三年半12 match…with… 把…和…配对13 thanks for 为…感谢…14 send …to… 送…给…_15 on my seventh birthday 在我7岁的生日时16 anyone else /other people 别的任何人17 start a snow globe collectors" club 开办一个雪球收集者俱乐部18 go/walk around the class 在教室里走动19 fly a kite 放风筝20 the most common hobby 最普通的爱好21 the most unusual hobby 最不寻常的爱好22 organize a talent show 组织才艺表演23 need extra English lessons 需要补习英语24 finish writing … 写完25 a job as a writer 一份当作家的工作26 be from /come from 来自27 the capital of … …的首都/省会28 a city with a very colorful history 有着丰富多彩的历史的城市29 be in Russian style 俄罗斯样式的30 It"s important for sb to do sth 对某人来说做某事是重要的31 It"s clever of sb to do sth 对某人来说做某事是聪明的32 be welcomed by… 受到…的欢迎33 start doing sth/start to do sth 开始做…34 The more ,the better 越多越好Unit7 Would you mind turning down the music?1 mind doing … 介意做…2 mind one"s doing sth 介意某人做某事3 turn down… 把(声音)调低4 turn up 把(声音)调高5 turn off 关(电器等)6 turn on 开(电器)7 not at all 一点也不,没关系8 right away /at once /right now /in a minute 马上,立刻9 at the moment/now/right now 现在,此刻10 just now /a moment ago 刚才11 put on 穿上…12 put off 延迟13 at work /be working 在工作14 at play /be playing 在玩15 at the meeting /be having a meeting 在开会16 wash the dishes 洗碗17 go to a movie/go to the cinema/go to see a film 去看电影18 the school open day 校庆日19 complain about 抱怨…20 clothing store 服装店21 wait in line 排队等候22 cut in line 插队23 follow sb around 跟着某人转24 sth happen to sb 某人发生了某事25 sb happen to do sth 碰巧…26 look up …in a dictionary 查字典27 keep…down 压低声音28 normal and polite social behavior 正常的礼貌的社会行为29 in Asian country 在亚洲国家30 in Europe 在欧洲31 talk loudly 大声说话32 even if/even though 即使33 It"s better to do sth 做…比较好34 you"d better do sth /It"s best for you to do sth 你最好做…35 in public places/in public 在公众场合36 take care not to do sth 小心不要做…37 one of the most polite ways 最有礼貌的方式之一38 put out the cigarette 熄灭烟头39 drop litter 扔垃圾40 pick up 捡起…Unit8 Why don"t you get her a scarf?1 fall asleep /get to sleep 入睡2 give away …(to)… 赠送,分发(给)3 hear of /hear about 听说4 take an interest in … 对…感兴趣5 make friends with… 与…交朋友…6 how about…/what about…? 怎么样?7 photo album 相册8 not special enough 不够特别9 Why don"t you get her a scarf?=Why not get her a scarf? 你为什么不买一条围巾给她呢?10 make a special meal 做一餐特别的饭11 an 80-year-old grandmother 一个80岁的老奶奶12 too…to …/so …that…/not …enough to do sth 太…而不能…13 take care of/look after 照顾,照管14 the advantages and disadvantages of keeping a pet 养宠物的优点和缺点15 the trendiest kind of pet 最流行的宠物种类16 a pot-bellied pig named Connie 一只名叫Connie的大肚子猪17 take sb out to dinner 带…出去吃饭18 half way 半途,中途19 different kinds of gifts 不同种类的礼物20 make sb happy 使某人高兴21 pay for 付钱,付款_22 rather than 胜过,宁愿…而不…23 instead of… 代替…24 improve English 提高英语25 in different ways 用不同的方式26 enter a contest by doing sth 通过做…进入比赛27 on stage 在舞台上28 as well as 和…一样好29 the winner of the men"s competition 男子比赛的获胜者30 the winner of the women"s competition 女子比赛的获胜者31 be modest 谦虚的 32 six months ealier 早在6个月以前33 encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做…34 make progress 取得进步35 have fun with English /have fun learning English 快乐学英语36 the fun ways to learn English 快乐学英语的方法37 native speaker of English 说英语的本地人38 share sth with sb 和某人分享…Unit9 Have you ever been to an amusement park?1 have/has been to… 去过…2 have /has gone to … 去了…(人不在这里)3 space museum 太空博物馆4 an amusement park 游乐园5 the picture above 上边的图片6 the picture below /the following picture 下面的图片7 go skating 去滑冰8 Mickey Mouse 米老鼠9 Donald Duck 唐老鸭10 a theme park 主题公园11 roller coaster 过山车12 be themed with… 以…为主题13 Disneyland 迪斯尼游乐园14 Disney characters 迪斯尼人物15 walk round… 沿着…走动16 a Disney Cruise 迪斯尼巡航17 take a ride on the boat 坐船兜风18 end up 结束19 go on a Disney Cruise 参加迪斯尼巡航20 travel to … 到…旅行21 an English-speaking country 说英语的国家22 welcome to… 欢迎到…23 flight attendant 机组乘务员24 take lessons 上课25 take a holiday 度假26 three quarters of population 四分之三的人口27 a half 二分之一28 one third 三分之一29 a quarter 四分之一30 two fifths 五分之二31 all year round 一年到头32 the Hilltop Language School 山顶语言学校33 a tour guide 导游34 a good place to take a holiday 度假的好地方35 practice speaking English 练习说英语36 in a forein country /outside China 在外国37 have problems doing sth 做…有问题Unit10 It"s a nice day ,isn"t it?1 by noon 到中午以前2 have a good day 祝你今天愉快3 look through 浏览4 in an elevator 在电梯里5 crossthe street 横过街道6 tell sb about sth 告诉某人某事7 on TV 在电视上8 ball game 球类运动9 thank-you note 感谢信10 come along 过来11 get along /get on 相处12 get along well with/get on well with 和…相处得好13 at this time 在这时14 at least 至少15 at most 至多16 in the order you hear 按照你所听到的顺序17 How much…/What"s the price of … …的价格是多少?18 be friendly to 对…友好19 make maths easy 使数学容易20 in a music group 在音乐组21 play the guitar 弹吉他22 play the piano 弹钢琴23 play basketball 打篮球24 be late for school /get to school late 上学迟到25 go swimming 去游泳
2023-07-22 11:50:151


  原版歌词  The Cup Of Life Do you really want it? (Yeah!) Do you really want it? (Yeah!) Do you really want it? (Yeah!) (Music) Go, go, go (Go, go, go) Ale, ale, ale (Ale, ale, ale) Go (Go) Go (Go) Go (Go) Go (Go) Here we go! The cup of life, This is the one. Now is the time, Don"t ever stop. Push it along, Gotta be strong, Push it along, Right to the top. Como Cain y Abel Es un partido cruel Tienes que pelear por una estrella Consigue con honor La copa del amor Para sobrevivir y luchar por ella Luchar por ella (Yeah!) Do you really want it? (Yeah!) Here we go!! Ale, ale, ale Go, go, goal!! Ale, ale, ale Arriba va!! El mundo esta de pie Go, go, goal!! Ale, ale, ale La vida es Competicion Hay que sor Ser campeon La copa es La bendicion La ganaras Go go go And when you feel the heat, The world is at your feet. No one can hold you down If you really want it! Just steal your destiny Right from the hands of fate. Reach for the cup of life "Cause your name is on it! Do you really want it? (Yeah!) Do you really want it? (Yeah!) Tu y yo, Ale, ale, ale! Go, go, gol! Ale, ale, ale! Tonight"s the night! We"re gonna celebrate! The cup of life! Ale, ale, ale! Gotta go and get it. Do you really want it? Gotta go and get it. Do you really want it? (Yeah!) The cup of life, This is the one. Now is the time, Don"t ever stop. Push it along, Gotta be strong, Push it along, Right to the top. Como Cain y Abel Es un partido cruel Tienes que pelear por una estrella Consigue con honor La copa del amor Para sobrevivir y luchar por ella (SI!) Luchar por ella (SI!) Luchar por ella (Yeah!) Do you really want it? (Yeah!) Here we go! Ale, ale, ale! Go, go, goal! Ale, ale, ale! Tonight"s the night! We"re gonna celebrate! The cup of life! Ale, ale, ale! Un, dos, tres! Ole, ole, ole! Un, deux, trois! Ale, ale, ale! Arriba va!! El mundo esta de pie Go, go, gol!! Ale, ale, ale! Ale, ale (Ale, ale) Ale, ale (Ale, ale) Ale, ale (Ale, ale) Ale, ale, ale! YA~~~~!!!^^  原版中文歌词  《生命之杯》 生命是纯粹的热情 应该盛满了爱 并藉以为生 心灵必须战斗才能得胜 好比该隐阿贝尔的故事 他是残酷的对手 你必须为理想而战 坚持荣耀赢得爱情圣杯 为生存奋斗下去 为它而战(是的!) 为它而斗(没错!) 你和我Alealeale GoGoGo!Alealeale 向前迈进,世界就在我们脚下 GoGoGo!Alealeale 生命有如一场竞赛 应该梦想成为冠军 生命之杯即是祝福 你将会得到它 GoGoGo! 你与生俱来的本能 胜人一筹 你应该为理想而战 支持荣耀赢得生命之杯 为生存战斗下去 为它而战(是的!) 为它而斗(没错!)  英文(流行)版歌词  Ricky Martin-The Cup Of Life (English Version) Verse 1 The Cup of Life This is the one Now is the time Don"t even stop Push it along Gotta be strong Push it along Right to the top B SEC 1 The feelin" in your soul Is gonna take control Nothing can hold you back If you really want it I se it in your eyes You want the cup of life Now that the day is here Gotta go and get it Do you really want it ... (Yeah!) Do you really want it ... (Yeah!) Do you really want it ... (Yeah!) Do you really want it ... (Yeah!) Chorus 1 Here we go! Ale, Ale, Ale! Go, go, go! Ale, Ale, Ale! Tonight"s the night we"re gonna celebrate The cup of life... the world is ours today! Verse 2 The cup of life It"s do or die It"s here it"s now Turn up the lights Push it along Then let it roll Push it along Go! Go! Goal! B SEC 2 And when you feel that heat The world is at your feet No one can hold you down If you really want it Just steal your destiny Right from the hands of fate Reach for the cup of life Cause your name is on it Do you really want it ... (Yeah!) Do you really want it ... (Yeah!) Do you really want it ... (Yeah!) Chorus 2 Here we go! Ale, Ale, Ale! Go, go, go! Ale, Ale, Ale! Tonight"s the night we"re gonna celebrate The cup of life... the world is ours today! B SEC 3 The feelin" in your soul Is gonna take control Nothing can hold you back If you really want it I see it in your eyes You want the cup of life Now that the day is here Were gonna go and get it Do you really want it ... (Yeah!) Do you really want it ... (Yeah!) Do you really want it ... (Yeah!) Chorus 3 Here we go! Ale, Ale, Ale! Go, go, go! Ale, Ale, Ale! Tonight"s the night we"re gonna celebrate The cup of life.. the world is ours today! Un, Dos, Tres... Ole, Ole, Ole! Un, Deux, Trois... Ale, Ale, Ale! Tonight"s the night we"re gonna celebrate The cup of life... the world is ours today!
2023-07-22 11:50:243

一首英文歌曲节奏很快女的唱的高潮时代当当 当当当当当好像歌词带superstar帮忙找下谢谢

Britney spears - do somethinDo you feel this I know you feel this Are You ready? I don"t think so Somebody give me my truck So I can ride on the clouds So I can turn up the bass like... Somebody pass my guitar So I can look like a star And spend this cash like... Whatchu gonna do when the croud goes Ayo? Why you standin" on the wall? Music startin" everywhere So why don"t you just move along? I see you lookin at me Like I"m some kind of freak Care to buy me a seat Why don"t you do somethin"? I see you lookin" at me Like I got what you need Get on up and say Why don"t you do somethin"? Now you all in my grill Cause I say what I feel Only rocks on what"s real Baby bump bump But I can"t do that with you Only here with my crew I can roll if you can Don"t be a punk punk Whatchu gonna do when the croud goes Ayo? Why you standin" on the wall? Music startin" everywhere So why don"t you just move along? I see you lookin at me Like I"m some kind of freak Care to buy me a seat Why don"t you do somethin"? I see you lookin" at me Like I got what you need Get on up and say Why don"t you do somethin"? I see you lookin at me Like I"m some kind of freak Care to buy me a seat Why don"t you do somethin"? Na nananananana Na nananananana I see you lookin" over here Can"t you tell I"m havin" fun If you care like I know You would stop Starrin" at us And get your own space And do somethin" I see you lookin at me Like I"m some kind of freak Care to buy me a seat Why don"t you do somethin"? I see you lookin" at me Like I got what you need Get on up and say Why don"t you do somethin"? I see you lookin at me Like I"m some kind of freak Care to buy me a seat Why don"t you do somethin"? Fuck! Do Somethin" Ow! Why don"t you do somethin"?
2023-07-22 11:50:321

我要找到两手英文歌曲 第一首是男的唱的,背景很安静 第二首是类似于DJ,女的唱的

第一首Steve Gibbons 的The Waiting Game歌词:I"m gonna miss you so crazedI"ve gotta be some other placeI have to leave you on the streetsI need some help to pack my caseThis world is all at stageWe got different roles to playEvery day"s another pageEvery night I hope and prayThat you"ll always be the sameWe play the waiting gameHow bitter sweet to say goodbyeWho knows what lies are on the bedThere"s so much danger on the roadI would be foolish to pretendThat sometimes I"m not afraidWhen I hear that wild alarmRacing through this mad paradeAll the world is up and hornsIt"s a downright dirty shitIt"s just a waiting gameIt"s the waiting gameIt"s the waiting gameIt"s just a waiting gameThis world is all at stageWe got different roles to playEvery day"s another pageEvery night I hope and prayThat you"ll always be the sameWe play the waiting gameOh yes, this world is all a stageWe got different roles to playEvery day"s another pageEvery night I hope and prayThat you"ll always be the sameWe play the waiting gamePlease, darling won"t you waitPlease, I"m coming backPlease, darling won"t you wait for my hintPlease, darling won"t you wait for my love第二首Britney Spears的 Do Somethin"歌词:Do you feel thisI know you feel thisAre you readyI dont think so[intro]Somebody give me my truckSo I can ride on the cloudsSo I can turn up the bass likeSomebody pass my guitarSo I can look like a starAnd spend this cash likeWhat cha gonna do when the crowd goes ayo?Why you standing on the wall?Music`s startin everywhereSo why dont you just move along[chorus]I see you looking at meLike i"m some kind of freakGet up outta your seatWhy dont you do somethin"?I see you looking at meLike I got what you needGet up outta your seatWhy dont you do somethin"?now your all in my grillcuz i say what i feelonly rock to whats realbaby bump bumpbut i cant do that with youonly here with my crewyou can roll if you candon`t be a punk punkwhat cha gonna dowhen the crowd goes ayo?why you standin on the wall?music startin everywhereso why don`t you just move along?[chorus]I see your looking at melike im some kind of freakget up outta your seatwhy dont you do somethin"?na na na na na na na na na na nauh huhna na na na na na na na na na naI see you looking over herecan"t you tell im having funif you know like I knowyou would stop!Starin at us(wow!)get your own spaceand do somethin"[chorus x2]Freak!do somethin"ow!why don`t you do somethin"
2023-07-22 11:50:401


歌词是:I stand accused just like youFor being born without a silver spoonStood at the top of a hillOver my town I was foundI"ve been on the shelf too longSitting at home in my bed too longGot my things and now I"m goneHow"s the world gonna from take me?Finding myself used to be hardBut now I see the lightIf love is a drugThen I don"t need itI"ve been on the shelf too longSitting at home in my bed too longNow it"s time to hear my songHow are you gonna take it?I"ve been on the shelf too longThink the words without the songNever had a way to goTell me now I"m taking itI"ve been on the shelf too longI"ve been on the shelf too longI"ve been on the shelf too longWe"ve got a lot of living to doThere"s a door in my mind that"s open wideCome inside come insideJesus never saved meHe"ll never save you too, and you know!I"ve got a little sticker on the back of my bootThis is musicAnd now I see the light shining bright in my eyesIf love is the drug then it ain"t for meWell music is my lifeAnd loved by meI"m gonna move on the floor with my sweet young thingDown down down we go till we reach the bottomOf our soul with this is music其实你可以在网上下一个编辑歌词的软件,然后导出LRC文件就是了
2023-07-22 11:50:481

谁知道Dont Stop The Music的中文歌词?

歌曲名:Dont Stop The Music填 词:李魏西谱 曲:李魏西编 曲:T-CRASH音乐风格:流行所属专辑:What U Gonna Do歌曲时长:3分48秒发行时间:2015-01-14歌曲原唱:李魏西中英文对照歌词:Don"t stop the music all night没有Music我身体会不愉快I gotta feeling all right没有Music世界变的不精彩打开Music就现在Tonight跟着我们来一起HighBaby不要迟疑就是现在打开Music现在Tonight我们天生是乐天派今晚跟我扭动起来Oh babyDon"t stop the music babyDon"t stop the music babyDon"t stop the music babyOh babyDon"t stop the music babyDon"t stop the music babyDon"t stop the music babyOh babyDon"t stop the music babyDon"t stop the music babyDon"t stop the music babyOh babyDon"t stop the music babyDon"t stop the music babyDon"t stop the music babyDon"t stop the music all night没有Music一切变得很奇怪I gotta feeling all right没有Music城市转动不起来打开Music就现在Tonight跟着我们来一起HighBaby不要迟疑就是现在打开Music现在Tonight我们天生是乐天派今晚跟我扭动起来Oh babyDon"t stop the music baby
2023-07-22 11:51:082


2023-07-22 11:51:174


着个网址就是着个歌, 一次连不上多点几次转到绝对能连上,上面有名字(Into the fire)知道名字去百度下就行了
2023-07-22 11:51:243

美国世界杯主题曲很经典的 go go go

是goal goal goal
2023-07-22 11:51:337

--Oh, the music is wonderful. Would you please _______ the radio?---All right. A.turn on B..

C 试题分析:turn on打开,发动;turn off关闭;turn up发现,开大;turn down关小,调低。句意:哦,这音乐真不错,你能把收音机开声音大点吗?——好吧。结合语境可知选C。点评:解答此类题型的要点是了解各个短语的基本含义及用法的不同,同时注意其表示多个含义的现象,然后结合语境选择合适答案。注意当短语由动词+介词构成时,此类短语相当于及物动词,其后必须带宾语,但宾语无论是名词还是代词,都要放在介词之后。如果短语由动词(vt.)+副词构成,此类短语可以带宾语,宾语若是名词,放在副词前后皆可;宾语若是人称代词,只能放在副词的前面。由动词(vi)+副词。构成的短语属于不及物动词,不可以带宾语。
2023-07-22 11:51:481


歌曲名称:《正能量》歌手:林志颖作词:林志颖作曲:王翔恩 汗水擦不干 能量用不完世界就靠我们 用尽全力散播爱不用再等待 发动趁现在拿起装备跟我飞向 宇宙的顶端起步 加速 追逐超越到征服坚强 信仰 正能量一起飞翔Turn up the musicTurn up the music为爱冒险 坚持到终点Turn up the musicTurn up the music和我一起散播正能量散播正能量散播正能量汗水擦不干 能量用不完让我带你一起 冲破所有的难关拿出了勇敢 快乐很简单拿起装备跟我飞向 宇宙的顶端Turn up the musicTurn up the music为爱冒险 坚持到终点Turn up the musicTurn up the music和我一起散播正能量散播正能量散播正能量不畏惧危险 坚持到终点Turn up the musicTurn up the music为爱冒险 坚持到终点Turn up the musicTurn up the music和我一起散播正能量Turn up the musicTurn up the music为爱冒险 坚持到终点Turn up the musicTurn up the music和我一起散播正能量Turn up the music 林志颖(Jimmy Lin),中国台湾男演员、歌手及赛车手。1974年10月15日生于台湾,自1992年2月28日出道后迅速走红,被称为“亚洲小旋风”。其后发表多张唱片并出演多部影视剧作品,亦是台湾第一位授薪职业赛车手和一位成功的企业家,活跃于各个领域。先后出演过《绝代双骄》、《天龙八部》、《放羊的星星》等多部热播剧,发行了《去走走》、《挡不住我》等个人国语专辑。2013年,林志颖携儿子小小志(kimi)一起参加湖南卫视综艺节目《爸爸去哪儿》 林志颖,中国台湾男演员、歌手及赛车手。1974年10月15日生于台湾,发表多张唱片并出演多部影视剧作品,亦是台湾第一位授薪职业赛车手和一位成功的企业家,拥有自己的车队“平坐车队”并活跃于各个领域。先后出演过《旋风小子》《绝代双骄》《天龙八部》《放羊的星星》等多部热播影视剧,发行了《去走走》《挡不住我》等个人国语专辑,出版书籍《我对时间有耐心》
2023-07-22 11:51:561


2012年1月30日,公开由D.O.(with Baekhyun)主唱的单曲《WHAT IS LOVE》MV;2月15日,通过Teaser正式被公开;2012年4月8日,作为组合EXO/EXO-K的成员出道。
2023-07-22 11:52:082

歌词里有but i had a night是哪首歌

歌词“I had a tonight is your lucky night”出自歌曲《Pop Danthology 2012》,中英文歌词:歌名:Pop Danthology 2012 歌手:DJ Daniel KimI"m at a payphone the sun goes down我现在正站在电话亭前 夕阳已经落下The stars come out漫天星星升起Where have the times gone时间都去哪里了My universe will never be the same我的世界将变得和以前不一样Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby你可以帮我吹口哨吗宝贝 是吹口哨 宝贝Pop Dan-thologyPop Dan-thologyAll I wanna do is love your body我是如此迷恋你的完美曲线Ah, ooh baby baby, ooh baby baby噢 宝贝 宝贝 噢 宝贝 宝贝I had a tonight is your lucky night, Iknow you want it今晚的派对是你的幸运之夜 我知道你想要做的Ah, ooh baby baby, ooh baby baby噢 宝贝 宝贝 噢 宝贝 宝贝I had a way then losing it all on my own我曾知道我的路是我自己迷失的I find it so stupid, so why should I hide我觉得这一切都好愚蠢 所以也没什么好隐瞒的Don"t wake me up不要把我叫醒Yeah, I love to make love to you, baby对的 我喜欢和你做爱 宝贝Sorry for party rockin"我为这摇滚派对感到可惜Some nights I stay up cashing in my bad luck在某些夜晚 我为了转变不幸而辗转反侧Some nights I call it a draw在某些夜晚我称它为平局What doesn"t kill you makes you stronger那些没有彻底击倒你的东西只会让你更加强大Stand a little taller让你站的更高Doesn"t mean I"m lonely when I"m alone当我孤身一人的时候并不意味着我很孤独Now I"m at a payphone现在我就站在电话亭前Hell yeah, dirty bass这是地狱 浑浊的低音Guetto girl, you drive cray贫民区女孩 你让我疯狂Hell yeah, dirty bass这是地狱 浑浊的低音Uh, uh, uhu贫民区女孩 你让我疯狂Lets go走吧Turn up the music cause this song just came on让歌声响起吧 没错就是这首歌I"m talking here and now我在此时此刻说着I"m talking here and now我在此时此刻说着Let"s go走吧Turn up the music if they try to turn us down让歌声响起 倘若他们想要使我们落寞I"m talking here and now我在此时此刻说着I"m talking here and now我在此时此刻说着It"s not about what you"ve done这与你以前做的事无关It"s about what you doing这与你现在正做的事有关I cross my heart and I hope to die我用我的生命发誓It"s all about where you going这全与你要去的地方有关No matter where you"ve been无论你去了哪里That I"ll only stay with you one more night这是我和你共度的最后一晚Uh, uh, uhuUh uh uhuHey I just met you嘿 我刚才遇见了你And this is crazy这简直太不可思议了But here"s my number对了 这是我的电话号码
2023-07-22 11:52:301

求Pop Danthology 2012中所有歌的歌单

00:01 Maroon 5 feat. Wiz Khalifa - Payphone 00:02 The Wanted - Glad You Came 00:04 Flo Rida - Whistle 00:19 Christina Aguilera - Your Body 00:21 (CHORUS:Gym Class Heroes feat. Neon Hitch - Ass Back Home)00:24 Usher - Scream 00:35 Ellie Goulding - Lights 00:39 Jennifer Lopez feat. Pitbull - Dance Again 00:41 Chris Brown - Dont Wake Me Up 00:46 LMFAO - Sorry For Party Rocking 00:50 Fun. - Some Nights 00:56 Kelly Clarkson - Stronger 01:05 Far East Movement feat. Justin Bieber - Live My Life 01:11 Jessie J-Domino 01:13 Chris Brown - Turn Up The Music 01:28 Calvin Harris feat. Ne-Yo - Lets Go 01:32 Maroon 5 - One More Night 01:43 Carly Rae Jepson - Call Me Maybe 01:51 P!nk - Blow Me (One Last Kiss)01:59 Flo Rida feat. Sia - Wild Ones 02:03 Rita Ora - How We Do (Party) 02:29 Adele-Set Fire To The Rain 02:43 Katy Perry-Part Of Me 03:00 Ne-Yo - Let Me Love You 03:02 Demi Lovato - Give Your Heart a Break 03:33 Fun-We Are Young (VERSE, PRECHORUS: We Are Young vs Karmin - Brokenhearted)03:43 Katy Perry-Wild Wake 03:48 Nelly Furtado - Big Hoops 04:01 Justin Bieber-Boyfriend 04:04 Cher Lloyd - Want U Back 04:11 (CHORUS:Tyga - Rack City)04:22 Owl City/Carly Rae Jepsen-Good Time 04:29 Nicki Minaj-Starships 04:36 PSY-GangnamStyle 04:37 Alex Clare-Too Close 04:40 Usher-Climax 04:42 Justin Biebe r-As Long As You Love Me 04:51 Ke$ha-Die Young 04:54 One Direction-What Makes You Beautiful 05:07 Rihanna-Diamonds 05:13 Nicki Minaj-Pound The Alarm 05:15 Riha
2023-07-22 11:52:391

求Turn Up The Music(Edit Version) Mass Production百度云MP3

由Mass Production演唱的歌曲《Turn Up The Music(Edit Version)》
2023-07-22 11:52:461

do you mind to turn up the music

2023-07-22 11:52:541

The Alan Parsons Project的《Prime Time》 歌词

歌曲名:Prime Time歌手:The Alan Parsons Project专辑:The Definitive CollectionJay-Z - PrimetimeSplendidyangWe in the time of our lives, babyTurn the music upPrimetimePrimetime, beat by DionA third eon, that"s what the fuck we onMore money, 40-year old phenomMy fifteen minutes of fame is stretched beyondAt 42, I"ll be better than 24"sI carry the 4-5 master 48 lawsStill wearing my 23"s, they can"t fuck with the boyFar as them 16"s, I"m 23 up in allPrimetime, riding that 6 deuceThat 9/11, I only subtract the roofStarted in "88, got warm in "92I landed in "96, that"s the year I came throughI hit the club, order some Grey GooseSwitched it for Ciroc to give Puff"s stocks a boostNew money, I found a fountain of youthI"m heading to Miami to fuck up the Fontaine BleuA case of Ace... make it 2Nigga we rollin", keep the deuceThe night is young, what the fuck we gon" doThe night is young, what the fuck you wanna do, huh?The night is young, what the fuck we gon" do, huh?The night is young, what you really wanna do, huh?Primetime, basking in the limeCassius in his prime, coloring out of the lineCause they don"t want nobody that"s colored out of the linesSo I"m late as a motherfucker, colored people timeDamn, Yeezy, it all gotta be dimes?Well Adam gave up a rib, so mine better be primeNiggas gonna kill me, I swear they better be lyingI never live in fear, I"m too out of my mindPrimetime, never hit these heightsI mean it"s likeIt"s like a first first-class flight, I"m tripping on itSocks on marble floors, I"m slipping on itChampagne I"m sipping on, the shit tastes different, don"t it?You know what? You rightIt"s like the best damn champagne I had in my life"When you coming home?" That"s a text from my wifeI told her run a bubble bathAnd float in that motherfucker like a hovercraftAnd soak in that motherfucker "til I call you backI mean, who says shit like that, and doesn"t laugh?The night is young, what the fuck you wanna do, huh?The night is young, what the fuck we gon" do, huh?The night is young, what you really wanna do, huh?
2023-07-22 11:53:121


1. Gotye f/ Kimbra, "Somebody That I Used To Know" 2. Carly Rae Jepsen, "Call Me Maybe" 3. Fun. f/ Janelle Monae, "We Are Young" 4. Maroon 5 f/ Wiz Khalifa, "Payphone" 5. Ellie Goulding, "Lights" 6. The Wanted, "Glad You Came" 7. Kelly Clarkson, "Stronger (What Doesn"t Kill You)" 8. Rihanna f/ Calvin Harris, "We Found Love" 9. Nicki Minaj, "Starships" 10. One Direction, "What Makes You Beautiful" 11. Flo Rida f/ Sia, "Wild Ones" 12. Adele, "Set Fire To The rain" 13. LMFAO, "Sexy & I Know It" 14. Fun., "Some Nights" 15. Katy Perry, "Wide Awake" 16. Flo Rida, "Good Feeling" 17. Flo Rida, "Whistle" 18. Maroon 5, "One More Night" 19. Train, "Drive By" 20. Drake f/ Lil Wayne, "The Motto" 21. Rihanna, "Where Have You Been" 22. Neon Trees, "Everybody Talks" 23. Drake f/ Rihanna, "Take Care" 24. David Guetta f/ Sia, "Titanium" 25. Jason Mraz, "I Won"t Give Up" 26. Bruno Mars, "It Will rain" 27. Kanye West, Big Sean, Pusha T, & 2 Chainz, "Mercy" 28. Justin Bieber, "boyfriend" 29. LMFAO f/ Lauren Bennett & GoonRock, "Party Rock Anthem" 30. Alex Clare, "Too Close" 31. Katy Perry, "Part Of Me" 32. Snoop Dogg & Wiz Khalifa f/ Bruno Mars, "Young, Wild & Free" 33. Taylor Swift, "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together" 34. Justin Bieber f/ Big Sean, "As Long As You Love Me" 35. David Guetta f/ Nicki Minaj, "Turn Me On" 36. Maroon 5 f/ Christina Aguilera, "Moves Like Jagger" 37. P!nk, "Blow Me (One Last Kiss)" 38. Owl City & Carly Rae Jepsen, "Good Time" 39. Demi Lovato, "Give Your Heart A Break" 40. Jay-Z & Kanye West, "N***as In Paris" 41. Katy Perry, "The One That Got Away" 42. Calvin Harris, "Feel So Close" 43. Adele, "Someone Like You" 44. Usher, "Scream" 45. Tyga, "Rack City" 46. Jessie J, "Domino" 47. PSY, "Gangnam Style" 48. Pitbull f/ Chris Brown, "International Love" 49. Phillip Phillips, "Home" 50. David Guetta f/ Usher, "Without You" 51. Gym Class Heroes f/ Neon Hitch, "Ass Back Home" 52. Hunter Hayes, "Wanted" 53. Luke Bryan, "Drunk On You" 54. 2 Chainz f/ Drake, "No Lie" 55. Cher Lloyd, "Want U Back"
2023-07-22 11:53:211

歌曲songtaste 2012年55首欧美超强混音,尽量全求歌名!!

2023-07-22 11:53:282


1. Adele - "Set Fire To The Rain"2. Adele - "Skyfall"3. Alex Clare - "Too Close"4. Calvin Harris feat. Ne-Yo - "Let"s Go"5. Carly Rae Jepson - "Call Me Maybe"6. Cher Lloyd - "Want U Back"7. Chris Brown - "Don"t Wake Me Up"8. Chris Brown - "Turn Up The Music"9. Christina Aguilera - "Your Body"10. David Guetta feat. Chris Brown & Lil Wayne - "I Can Only Imagine" 11. David Guetta feat. Nicky Minaj - "Turn Me On"12. David Guetta feat. Sia - "Titanium"13. Demi Lovato - "Give Your Heart A Break"14. Ellie Goulding - "Lights"15. Enrique Iglesias feat. Sammy Adams - "Finally Found You"16. Far East Movement feat. Justin Bieber - "Live My Life"17. Flo Rida - "Whistle" 18. Flo Rida feat. Sia - "Wild Ones"19. Fun. - "Some Nights"20. Fun. feat. Janelle Monáe - "We Are Young"21. Gotye feat. Kimbra - "Somebody That I Used To Know"22. Gym Class Heroes feat. Neon Hitch - "Ass Back Home"23. Jennifer Lopez feat. Pitbull - "Dance Again"24. Jessie J - "Domino"25. Justin Bieber feat. Big Sean - "As Long As You Love Me"26. Justin Bieber - "Boyfriend"27. Karmin - "Brokenhearted"28. Katy Perry - "Part Of Me"29. Katy Perry - "Wide Awake"30. Kelly Clarkson - "Stronger"31. Ke$ha - "Die Young"32. LMFAO - "Sorry For Party Rocking"33. Madonna feat. M.I.A. & Nicky Minaj - "Give Me All Your Luvin""34. Maroon 5 - "One More Night"35. Maroon 5 feat. Wiz Khalifa - "Payphone"36. Nelly Furtado - "Big Hoops (Bigger The Better)"37. Ne-Yo - "Let Me Love You (Until You Learn To Love Yourself)"38. Nicky Minaj - "Pound The Alarm"39. Nicky Minaj - "Starships"40. One Direction - "Live While We"re Young"41. One Direction - "What Makes You Beautiful"42. Owl City & Carly Rae Jepson - "Good Time"43. P!nk - "Blow Me (One Last Kiss)"44. Pitbull feat. Chris Brown - "International Love"45. PSY - "Gangnam Style"46. Rihanna - "Diamonds"47. Rihanna - "Where Have You Been"48. Rita Ora - "How We Do (Party)"49. Swedish House Mafia - "Don"t You Worry Child"50. Tyga - "Rack City"51. Usher - "Climax"52. Usher - "Scream"53. The Wanted - "Glad You Came"54. Will.I.Am feat. Eva Simons - "This is Love"55. Zedd feat. Matthew Koma - "Spectrum"所有的
2023-07-22 11:53:351


第一首:Party Rock Anthem - LMFAO 第二首:Turn Up The Music - Chris Brown
2023-07-22 11:53:421

music up是什么意思

2023-07-22 11:54:043

2ne1 DONT STOP THE MUSIC 的歌词英文翻译。。。谢谢了。。。求!

*[CL] Don"t don"t don"t don"t don"t don"tDon"t stop the musicDon"t don"t don"t don"t don"t don"tDon"t stop the music (Oh)Don"t don"t don"t don"t don"t don"tDon"t stop the musicDon"t don"t don"t don"t don"t don"tDon"t don"t don"t don"tEverybody hands up highRaise your hands over your headFace and stare at each otherRock, rock, rock, don"t stop[Minji] This is funThe finest cuisine for youMove here and thereLet me hear your voice[Dara] (Fiore) In this music, we Fiore(Fiore) We"re dangerous like thorns on a red rose(Fiore) Leave yourself to this rhythm[CL] (Fiore) In this place, it"s just music and you[Bom] After this music comes to an endI know that I can"t see you againSo DJ, turn the music up with more excitementIn order to forget everything in this moment*RepeatEverybody hands up high(Oh) Put them up togetherWe"re ready to get crazy, everyone get togetherRock, rock, rock, keep running[Minji] Let"s become one, become oneSo that everyone is all rowdyLet"s become one, become oneUntil this club crashes completely[Dara] (Fiore) In this music, we Fiore(Fiore) We"re dangerous like thorns on a red rose(Fiore) Match the beat, match all the steps[Minji] (Fiore) In this place, it"s just music and you[Bom] After this music comes to an endI know that I can"t see you againSo DJ, turn the music up with more excitementIn order to forget everything in this moment*Repeat[Minji] The morning is coming nowBut this music won"t stop[CL] The time when I can rest for even a momentIs right now, this music makes me high[Bom] After this music comes to an endI know that I can"t see you againSo DJ, turn the music up with more excitementIn order to forget everything in this moment*Repeatcre:Romanized by:,Translated by: kimchi hana @ YGLadies
2023-07-22 11:54:111

Sarah Brendel的《Turn》 歌词

歌曲名:Turn歌手:Sarah Brendel专辑:Sarah BrendelFeeder - TurnSeeing things, going placesLiving out of suitcasesEvery day"s like a dreamI find myself talking to shadowsTaking the train of youth back home again"Cause I don"t want to be a heroBut I don"t want to be a zeroAnd I don"t want to sit here wasting timeI just want a place inside your mindI wish that I could turn the clocks right backIt"s easy to forget just what you"ve gotSeeing things, going placesMeeting all kinds of facesEvery day"s like a sceneI find myself going through phasesTrying to find somewhere that I can be me"Cause I don"t want to be your heroBut I don"t want to be a zeroAnd I don"t want to sit here wasting timeI just want a place inside your mindI wish that I could turn the clocks right backIt"s easy to forget just what you"ve gotAnd I"m not trying to find an easy wayPicking up the pieces of a pageI"m looking for a place inside your mind"Cause I don"t want to leave it all behindSo come on, give in, there"s no beauty in this painSo come on, connect, we"ve got to find ourselves again"Cause I don"t wanna be a heroAnd I don"t want to sit here wasting timeI just want a place inside your mindI wish that I could turn the clocks right backIt"s easy to forget just what you"ve gotI"m not trying to find an easy wayPicking up the pieces of a pageI"m looking for a place inside your mind"Cause I don"t want to leave it all behindAnd I don"t want to sit here wasting timeI just want a place inside your mindI wish that I could turn the clocks right backIt"s easy to forget just what you"ve gotI"m not trying to find an easy wayPicking up the pieces of a pageI"m looking for a place inside your mind"Cause I don"t want to leave it all behind
2023-07-22 11:54:411

歌词里有 she got the show。。 tuen on the music turn on the lights 什么be be better的一首广场舞~

是the show吧lenka的
2023-07-22 11:54:482

有句歌词是"the very summer we fall in love"…求歌名阿…TAT 谢谢=_=

2023-07-22 11:54:562

Amy Diamond的《Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Up歌手:Amy Diamond专辑:Swings And RoundaboutsUp—Amy Diamond(Up u-u-up, up up, u-u-up, up up)All set, you bet, ready to goAnything can happen, nobody knowsOne step, two steps, we"re getting closeTo our destination gonna put on a showTonight can be all that we imagineEverything we want and moreAs long as the music keeps on playingNow won"t you turn it up, up, upLouder, don"t stop!Take me over, lift me up highYou need to turn it up, up, upWe"re ready, ready for this eveningReady for the feeling, won"t you turn it up(Up u-u-up, up up, u-u-up, up up)Don"t you hold back, no no noLet the rythm lead you, anything goesDance or don"t dance, do what you likeLet the music elevate youDon"t put up a fightTonight can be all that we imagineEverything we want and moreAs long as the music keeps on playingNow won"t you turn it up, up, upLouder, don"t stop!Take me over, lift me up highYou need to turn it up, up, upWe"re ready, ready for this eveningReady for the feeling, won"t you turn it upI wanna get lost in the night (in the night)I wanna get lost in the feeling (in the feeling)I wanna get lost in the night (in the night)In music, in musicNow won"t you turn it up, up, upLouder, don"t stop!Take me over, lift me up highYou need to turn it up, up, upWe"re ready, ready for this eveningReady for the feeling...Now won"t you turn it up, up, upLouder, don"t stop!Take me over, lift me up highYou need to turn it up, up, upWe"re ready, ready for this eveningReady for the feeling, won"t you turn it up(Up u-u-up, up up, u-u-up, up up)Won"t you turn it up(Up u-u-up, up up, u-u-up, up up)Won"t you turn it up
2023-07-22 11:55:031

Me Against The Music 歌词

歌曲名:Me Against The Music歌手:Britney Spears&Britney Spears Featuring Madonna专辑:The Singles CollectionAll my people in the crowdGrab a partner take it down!It"s me against the music(Uh uh)It"s just me(And me)Yeah(C"mon, Hey Britney?)Are you ready?(Uh uh, are you?)It"s whippin" my hair, it"s pullin" my waistThe sweat is drippin" all over my faceI"m the only one dancin" up in this placeFeel the beat of the drum, gotta get with that bassI"m up against the speaker, tryin" to take on the musicIt"s like a competition, me against the beatI wanna get in a zone, I wanna get in a zoneIf you really wanna battle, saddle up and get your rhythmTryin" to hit it, chic-a-taaIn a minute I"m a take a you on, I"m a take a you onHey, hey, heyAll my people on the floor, let me see you dance(Let me see ya)All my people wantin" more, let me see you dance(I wanna see ya)All my people round and round, let me see you dance(Let me see ya)All my people in the crowd, let me see you dance(I wanna see ya)So how would you like a friendly competition, let"s take on the songLet"s take on the songLet"s take on the songIt"s you and me baby, we"re the music time to party all night longAll night longWe"re almost thereI"m feelin" it bad and I can磘 explainMy soul is bareMy hips are movin" at a rapid paceFrom the tip of my toes, runnin" through my veinsAnd now"s your turnLet me see what you got, don"t hesitateI"m up against the speaker, tryin" to take on the musicIt"s like a competition, me against the beatI wanna get in a zone, I wanna get in a zoneIf you really wanna battle, saddle up and get your rhythmTryin" to hit it, chic-a-taaIn a minute I"m a take a you on, I"m a take a you onHey, hey, heyAll my people on the floor, let me see you dance(Let me see ya)All my people wantin" more, let me see you dance(I wanna see ya)All my people round and round, let me see you dance(Let me see ya)All my people in the crowd, let me see you dance(I wanna see ya)Get on the floor, baby lose control, Just work your body and let it go.If you wanna party, just grab somebody(Hey Britney)We can dance all night longMadonna:Hey Britney, you say you wanna lose controlCome over here I got somethin" to show yaSexy lady, I"d rather see you bare your soulIf you think you"re so hot, better show me what you gotAll my people in the crowd, let me see you danceC"mon Britney lose control, watch you take it downGet on the floor, baby lose control, Just work your body and let it go.If you wanna party, just grab somebody(Hey Britney)We can dance all night longAll my people on the floor, let me see you dance(Let me see ya)All my people wantin" more, let me see you dance(I wanna see ya)All my people round and round, let me see you dance(Let me see ya)All my people in the crowd, let me see you dance(I wanna see ya)All my people in the crowd, let me see you danceMadonna:C"mon Britney take it down, make the music danceAll my people round and round, party all night longC"mon Britney lose control, watch you take it down
2023-07-22 11:55:101

few,a few,little,a little出题

[辩析] 1. few 与 little 作形容词用,都表示“几乎没有”,相当于一个否定词。具体区别: (1) few 后面跟复数可数名词。 e.g. few books few students (2) little 后面跟单数不可数名词。 e.g. little water little food e.g. He has few friends. 他没有几个朋友。 He has little money. 他没有什麽钱 2. a few 与 a little 都表示肯定的意思,指“有一点,有一些”。具体区别: (1) a few 后加可数名词复数 (2)a little 后加不可数名词单数。 e.g. I"m going to buy a few bananas. I can speak only a little Chinese. 3. a little 与 little 也可以用作副词, 表示“有点”“稍稍” 表示“很少” e.g. ----Can you speak English? ----Yes, but only a little. This book is a little more difficult than that one. ( 可修饰形容词比较级) She slept little last night. 昨天晚上,她没有怎么睡觉。
2023-07-22 11:55:182

Man In The Mirror 歌词

歌曲名:Man In The Mirror歌手:Tuck Andress专辑:Reckless PrecisionMan In The MirrorMichael JacksonWritten by Siedah Garrett and Glen Ballard.I"m gonna make a change,for once im my lifeIt"s gonna feel real good,gonna make a diferenceGonna make it right...As I, turn up the collar onmy favorite winter coatThis wind is blowing my mindI see the kids in the streets,with not enought to eatWho am I to be blind?Pretending not to see their needsA summer disregard,a broken bottle topAnd a one man soulThey follow each other on the wind ya" know"Cause they got nowhere to goThat"s why I want you to knowI"m starting with the man in the mirrorI"m asking him to change his waysAnd no message could have been any clearerIf you wanna make the world a better placeTake a look at yourself, and then make a change(Na na na, na na na, na na, na nah)I"ve been a victim of a selfish kind of loveIt"s time that I realizeThat there are some with no home, not a nickel to loanCould it be really me, pretending that they"re not alone?A willow deeply scarred, somebody"s broken heartAnd a washed-out dream(Washed-out dream)They follow the pattern of the wind ya" see"Cause they got no place to beThat"s why I"m starting with meI"m starting with the man in the mirrorI"m asking him to change his waysAnd no message could have been any clearerIf you wanna make the world a better placeTake a look at yourself, and then make a changeI"m starting with the man in the mirrorI"m asking him to change his waysAnd no message could have been any clearerIf you wanna make the world a better placeTake a look at yourself and then make that..CHANGE!I"m starting with the man in the mirrorI"m asking him to change his ways(Better change!)No message could have been any clearer(If you wanna make the world a better place)(Take a look at yourself and then make the change)(You gotta get it right, while you got the time)("Cause when you close your heart)You can"t close your... your mind!That man, that man, that man, that manWith the man in the mirrorThat man, that man, that man,No message could have been any clearerIf you wanna make the world a better placeTake a look at yourself and then make the changeHoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!Na na na, na na na, na na, na nah(Ooooh...)I"m gonna make a changeIt"s gonna feel real good!Come on!(Change...)Just lift yourselfYou knowYou"ve got to stop it,Yourself!(Yeah! - Make that change!)I"ve got to make that change, today!(Man in the mirror)You got toYou got to not let yourself...brotherHoo!(Yeah! - Make that change!)that man, that man...(Man in the mirror)You"ve got to move! Come on!Come on!Stand up! Stand up! Stand up!Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!Aaow!(Yeah! - Make that change!)Gonna make that change...come on!You know it!You know it!You know it...(Change...)Make that change.
2023-07-22 11:55:251

music of the night 的歌词

2023-07-22 11:55:332

Welcome To The Show 歌词

歌曲名:Welcome To The Show歌手:Blue专辑:Get Down On ItWelcome to the showBlueEdit By ChrillyYeh yeh, oh yehYeh yeh, oh yehBeen around the world,Gone from place to place,(So good to be back again)Coz it feels so good,Seing you face to face,(No doubt about it, make no mistake)We"ve seen so many things,but there really aint nothing like this,Aint nothing gonna stop meCoz whenever we"re feeling down,You lift us back up againSo turn up the sound and let the curtain goWelcome to the showWere the people gettin outta controlFrom the back to the front row,Get up, lets goFor the guys and the girls gettin wild,Gotta keep this dream alive,If you dont like how we ride,Kiss kiss, bye bye!Talk about my lifeCan you see in through my eyes(Things have changed but we"re still the same)Make up your own mindCoz we dont believe the hype, oh no(That"s what happens when you play the game)We"ve seen so many things,but there aint nothing like this (oh no)Aint nothing gonna stop me (oh no)Coz whenever we"re feeling down,You lift us back up againSo turn up the sound and get with the flow!Welcome to the showWere the people gettin outta controlFrom the back to the left front row,Get up, lets goFor the guys and the girls gettin wild,Gotta keep this dream alive,If you dont like how we ride (we ride)Kiss kiss, bye bye!Listen up this is dedicated to the fans,you know who you are, show us your handsround the world trips, i reminisce,i remember my fans like my first kissBeing young you follow your dream,You wanna be a star from a cover of a magazine,as things take toll, you start to believe,I want you to know you"re a part of this team, yo the fansWelcome to the showWere the people gettin outta controlFrom the back to the left front row,Get up, lets goFor the guys and the girls gettin wild,Gotta keep this dream alive,If you dont like how we ride (we ride)Kiss kiss, bye bye!Welcome to the show (welcome to the show)Were the people gettin outta controlFrom the back to the front row,Get up, lets goFor the guys and the girls gettin wild,(guys and the girls)Gotta keep this dream alive, (gotta keep this dream alive)If you dont like how we ride (we ride)Kiss kiss, bye bye!Yeh yeh yeh yeh yeh yeh,oh no no no
2023-07-22 11:55:511

Turn Up The Music (Edit Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Turn Up The Music (Edit Version)歌手:Mass Production专辑:Rhino Hi-Five: Mass Production「Turn Up The Music」歌∶大嘴巴讯号是间谍 在走漏一切电脑在篡位 大脑被逼退科技来自于人性的哪面 告诉我 我想知道大鼓节拍 就像卫星 瞄准我开炮感觉身旁的人潮 永远都不会散掉这张手写明信片寄给自己 还收不收的到闭眼睛 想装傻 逃不掉捂耳朵 想思考 更吵闹不想要 被变成 一堆代号很简单的 活着 好不好就当空间陨落 随着时间爆破最后的星空 我固执发梦就当空间沦陷 随着时间萎缩最后的自由 我固执防守手机是窃贼 摸走了时间星星也排队 电波满天飞科技来自于人性的哪面 告诉我 我想知道大鼓节拍 就像卫星 瞄准我开炮感觉身旁的人潮 永远都不会散掉这张手写明信片寄给自己 还收不收的到(Let"s Go) 闭眼睛 想装傻 逃不掉捂耳朵 想思考 更吵闹不想要 被变成 一堆代号很简单的 活着 好不好就当空间陨落 随着时间爆破最后的星空 我固执发梦就当空间沦陷 随着时间萎缩最后的自由 我固执防守TURN UP THE MUSIC! 大到疯癫TURN UP THE MUSIC! 震飞琐碎TURN UP THE MUSIC! 炸到天边TURN UP THE MUSIC!反射 习惯 麻痹等级最高流失 得到 已经无法分晓不停传送 灯号取代心跳线头那端 有没有乐园就当空间陨落 随着时间爆破最后的星空 我固执发梦就当空间沦陷 随着时间萎缩最后的自由 我固执防守
2023-07-22 11:56:061

Can you hear the music?No!Can you_______ TV?

选择c。解释:问:你能够听到音乐吗?答:不能!你能把声音 调高 一些吗?turn up 调高音量固定搭配,turn off 关闭,turn down 调低。
2023-07-22 11:56:141

1、A: Could you please turn down the music? Iˊm preparing for tomorrowˊs exam. B:________ (3分)

可以考虑:1. B2. B3. D4. D5. C希望对你合用
2023-07-22 11:56:221

求一首广场舞的歌名。 听不太清楚,最清楚的一句是turn on the music turn down the light

i miss you
2023-07-22 11:56:292

歌剧魅影 the music of the night的中文翻译

2023-07-22 11:56:386

1.the music almost drives me crazy ,would you turn it off?

1 drives sb crazy 是固定短语 把某人逼疯的意思drive作 驱使 讲的时候,在其宾语之后可以跟形容词作宾补,说明宾语的状态。2 我们对他提供的信息无法确定,需要在谷歌上面查一下。3 只要喜欢,学生们可以在开放时间去图书馆。as 在这里是如同,像的意思4 两者之间区别还是有的。括号内说的是被雨淋湿,而 to keep the books from getting wet未必是雨淋5 B easy的比较级是easier,much是加强程度的意思。 more easy这种结构本身就是错的。供参考。
2023-07-22 11:57:031

turn down the music

这里表示特指 所以要加定冠词 the 表示强调作用
2023-07-22 11:57:123