barriers / 阅读 / 详情

谁唱的 那一夜

2023-07-22 12:39:19




hardcore we want more.

hardcore we want more.

hardcore we want more.

hardcore we want more.

hardcore we want more.

hardcore we want more.

hardcore we want more.

hardcore we want more.



369歌词组风暴 qq:961140180









369歌词组风暴 qq:961140180









yo~yo~party people ~


yeah that"s right.


face down ass up.that"s the way we like to fun.

face down ass up.that"s the way we like to fun.

face down ass up.that"s the way we like to fun.

hardcore we want more.

hardcore we want more.

hardcore we want more.

hardcore we want more.

hardcore we want more.

hardcore we want more.

hardcore we want more.

hardcore we want more。



2023-07-22 11:33:063


2023-07-22 11:33:151


问题一:" 涂抹在脸上"的英语怎么说 Smear on the face" 例句 把乳霜轻柔地涂抹在脸上。 Gently apply the emulsion to your face. 问题二:" 涂抹在脸上"的英语怎么说? apply onto face apply onto face morning and evening 祝口语考试成功 问题三:女性擦脸时的护肤霜,用英语怎么说这个单词啊,谢谢啦 skin cream 问题四:脸用英语怎么说 face [fe?s] 中文谐音 费死 n. 脸;面孔;表面;面部表情 问题五:脸用英语怎么说 face 问题六:别用褂子擦脸”用英语怎么说? Don"t wipe your face on the coat! 问题七:脸英文怎么说??? face. For example,don"t have you face(你不要脸) 1. 脸,面孔[C] His face is thin and very tanned. 他的面孔瘦削,晒得黑黑的。 2. 面容,表情[C] Hilary"s face became very grave. 希拉里的面容变得非常严峻。 3. 表面;前面;正面[C] He laid the cards face down on the table. 他将纸牌正面朝下放在桌上。 4. 【矿】采掘面,工作面[C] The miners worked at the face eight hours a day. 矿工们在采掘面上每天工作八小时。 5. 面子,尊严;威信[U] They hushed up the scandal in an effort to save face. 他们掩盖了丑闻以图保全面子。 6. 自信;厚颜[U] How could she have the face to say that? 她怎么好意思说这话? 7. 【印】铅字面;膜面;(版)面 vt. 1. 面向;正对;使面对 The building faces the big river. 这房子面向着大河。 He turned and faced her. 他转过身来面对她。 2. 面临;勇敢地对付;正视 Face the facts, sir! 正视事实吧,先生! Lack of funds is the main difficulty that faces them. 他们面临的最大困难是资金不足。 3. 在...上涂以;覆盖[H][(+with)] The front of the house was faced with concrete. 房屋正面涂着一层混凝土。 vi. 1. 朝;向[Q] Their house faces east. 他们的房子朝东。 词组 Face to face 面对面地 face up 面朝上 face down 正面朝下 face the music 承担后果(受到惩罚,面对危险) face the truth 面对现实 face up to 大胆面向 face value 票面价值, 表面价值 face with 面对...
2023-07-22 11:33:231


quit,英文单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词、形容词,作名词时意为“离开;[计]退出,人名;(英)奎特”,作及物动词时意为“开;放弃;停止;使…解除”,作不及物动词时意为“离开;辞职;停止”,作形容词时意为“摆脱了…的;已经了结的”。扩展资料:facedown quit面朝下退出 ; 就俯伏在地退出 ; 朝下退出;quit educational退出教育 ; 戒烟教育 ; 正在翻译;quit key退出键;We do not quit.他说:“我们不放弃。I do not quit.我本人不放弃。So he quit.所以他辞职了。
2023-07-22 11:33:441


魔术用语魔术术语:: ■ ACT →「剧目」 一名演者的完整「程序」;「剧目」通常意指一段不到30分钟的表演,往往是作为一段更长的「秀」(SHOW)的部份。 「剧目」也意指在「晚场全秀」(FULL-EVENING SHOW)中的一段特定「程序」〈例如「精灵小屋」(SPIRIT CABINET)「剧目」或「空中飘浮」(LEVITATION)「剧目」〉。 ■ APPARATUS →「用具」 被观众所见之任何对象,该对象已经特别加工来导致一出魔术的「效果」。本术语并非视对象之大小而定;一件「变钞铜管」(BILL TUBE) 和一项「狮子的新娘」(LIONS BRIDE ILLUSION)两者皆是「用具」「效果」。是否为「用具」并非藉由观众的认知来归类的;虽然一个火柴盒可能不像是魔术师的「用具」,若因一出「效果」的用途而暗中加以改造,则其将被视为「用具」。 ■ EFFECT →「效果」 「效果」就魔术的用语而言是指一出「把戏」(TRICK)或「幻术」(ILLUSION);同样也是从观众所见来简述所发生的事。在魔术文献里的叙述和说明书中最常将之划分为两个部份;如「效果」是由观众所见-而「方法」(METHOD)是用于带出「效果」的步骤。 ■ FAKE →「拟具」 一件用之来导致一出魔术「效果」的装置,观众能看见该装置但是并没有察觉其存在;例如「拇指套」(THUMB TIP)和「镜杯」(MIRROR GLASS)中的镜子。 ■ FULL-EVENING SHOW →「晚场全秀」 用此术语来表示一整场全部的舞台秀,通常其持续时间不少于二小时,在剧场内演出。大多数廿世纪早期知名的魔术师-「凯拉」(KELLAR),「沙士顿」(THURSTON),「布莱克史东」(BLACKSTONE),和其它人等-主要是演出这一类型的秀。 ■ GIMMICK →「隐具」 一件决不会被观众所见着的装置,其使一出「效果」的完成成为可能的。例如一件「线卷」(REEL)是一项「隐具」。 又,更广泛的就演艺界内来说,藉由一项个人的特质或独特的外观使一位演者能被识别〈例如,「泰利沙瓦拉」(Telly Savalas)剃光的光头〉,或一项娱乐产品的外观使该产品成为独特的及或许更吸引人的。 本术语源自更早期的 gimcrack 这个字。 参见「拟具」(FAKE) 。 ⊙译注:「泰利沙瓦拉」生于1924.01.21,卒于1994.01.22;美国著名的光头反派影星,曾于多部影片中担任主角。其官方网站网址:74 ■ ILLUSION →「幻术」 虽然全部魔术的演出可说是由幻术所组成,在专业的领域内「幻术」(ILLUSION)这个字眼本身有其特定的意含;其几乎总是指涉一出在其中或包含人物或大型动物之魔术「效果」(EFFECT)。 ■ MOVE →「手技」 单独一个的「手艺」(SLEIGHT OF HAND)技巧。又,在赌徒的用语里则是使用手法来诈赌。 ■ PROP →「道具」 表演一出「效果」(EFFECT)时必备的一项对象。介于一件「道具」(PROP)〈当其无作准备的〉暨一项「用具」(APPARATUS) 〈有准备的〉中往往有其差异存在的;例如像在演出「升牌」(RISING CARDS)中使用的「狄威诺升牌」(DEVANO DECK)就是「用具」,然而将「狄威诺升牌」放入其内的正常玻璃杯则是一件「道具」。 PROP是PROPERTY在剧场用语上的标准略字。 ■ ROUTINE →「程序」 使用同一项「道具」(PROP)来演出一连串的「效果」(EFFECTs);例如一出「野心朴克」(AMBITIOUS CARD)或「欧屈托钱盒」(OKITO BOX)的「程序」。又,许多个别的「效果」组配成有效能的系列就成为一套「剧目」(ACT)。 ■ SHOW →「秀」 一场表演或剧场的演出。 见「剧目」(ACT);「晚场全秀」(FULL-EVENING SHOW)。 ■ SLEIGHT →「手法」 任何使用双手达成的措施或动作来导致一出魔术的「效果」;本术语意指一欺瞒的技巧被使用在一普通的对象上〈纸牌00硬币00等。〉,但这并非总是如此。当然,由这术语所定义的此类动作和在表演时以双手操弄一件魔术的「用具」是截然不同的。 这术语也不可被和那些直截了当地使用技巧性的双手动作来演示一段「花式」(FLOURISH)混为一谈。 ■ SLEIGHT OF HAND→「手艺」 一个连同别的表演技巧来导致一出魔术「效果」的「手法」〈或连串的手法〉。 ■ TRICK →「把戏」 「把戏」是一般大众简述一出魔术技艺表演的用语;魔术苌倬驼飧鲆夂褂谩赴严贰拐飧鲎盅郏墙舷不丁感Ч?EFFECT)这个术语。 遗憾的是「把戏」这个普及的用语带有作弊,讹诈及有害骗术的意含-而且也着重在魔术技艺中益智猜谜/难题的样貌,使真正的神奇娱乐受到伤害。 参考资料
2023-07-22 11:34:012


2023-07-22 11:34:081


2023-07-22 11:34:195


日本歌手ellie演唱的Unpredictable Story,现在只有itunes上可以下载
2023-07-22 11:34:423

put them face down什么意思

2023-07-22 11:34:491

You better move you better dance...求一首歌名。

You"d Better Dance-Sandra Nkaké
2023-07-22 11:34:583

face down ass up 歌词

歌曲名:face down ass up歌手:Keak da Sneak专辑:The Tonite Show-Sneakacydal ReturnsFace Down作:eltvo/Rap:井翔作曲:Albi Albertsson
2023-07-22 11:35:171

the kids lay face down to the

因为人才是主动的,比如后面那句如果改成they expose their backs to the sun,这个才是主动.反过来,用“backs”作主语,就是被动.请看动名词与分词的用法.
2023-07-22 11:35:251

那一夜我看见前方有一篇光忙 这是什么歌

歌曲:那一夜歌手:罗百吉 专辑:正妹[t_time:(03:38)]hardcore we want more.hardcore we want more.hardcore we want more.hardcore we want more.hardcore we want more.hardcore we want more.hardcore we want more.hardcore we want more.罗百吉-那一夜词曲:罗百吉369歌词组风暴 qq:961140180那一夜我看见前方有一篇光芒我仔细看看是你站在我的前方那一夜我只想要你陪在我的身旁我永远会把你放在我的心上那一夜我看见前方有一篇光芒我仔细看看是你站在我的前方那一夜我只想要你陪在我的身旁我永远会把你放在我的心上369歌词组风暴 qq:961140180那一夜我看见前方有一篇光芒我仔细看看是你站在我的前方那一夜我只想要你陪在我的身旁我永远会把你放在我的心上那一夜我看见前方有一篇光芒我仔细看看是你站在我的前方那一夜我只想要你陪在我的身旁我永远会把你放在我的心上yo~yo~party people ~你们准备好了没有yeah that"s right.我要看到全场的朋友们给它动起来face down ass up.that"s the way we like to fun.face down ass up.that"s the way we like to fun.face down ass up.that"s the way we like to fun.hardcore we want more.hardcore we want more.hardcore we want more.hardcore we want more.hardcore we want more.hardcore we want more.hardcore we want more.hardcore we want more.
2023-07-22 11:35:331

San Francisco 歌词

歌曲名:San Francisco歌手:Les Compagnons De La Chanson专辑:Leurs Plus Grands SuccèSJuliet Simms - San FranciscoI fell face down on the floorThis strange city wont feel sorry forAll my fairy-tales and dreamsThis whole kingdom isn"t what it seemsAll we are are wishing wellsThis heart shaped box belongs to meIt feels like DecemberIn the warmest of weathersI can"t get back to where I wanna beCause I still rememberYour chariots and sweatersSan Francisco please rain down on mePlease be careful with meI"m made of paper I tear easilyA man once said that nothings freeI"ll pay with tears till you come back to meAll we are are wishing wellsThis heart shaped box belongs to meIt Feels like DecemberIn the warmest of weathersI can"t get back to where I wanna beCause I still rememberYour chariots and sweatersSan Francisco please rain down on meEveryone is cold and farFrale and shaking in the darkIt"s all over nowIt"s all over nowIt Feels like Decemberin the warmest of weathersI can"t get back,I can"t get back,I can"t get backIt Feels like Decemberin the warmest of weathersI can"t get back to where I wanna beCause I still rememberyour chariots and sweatersSan Francisco please rain down on meRain down on me
2023-07-22 11:35:411


2023-07-22 11:35:492

打印机出现place Alisn pase face down on scanner glass什么意思?

你确定是打印机?明明有scanner glass这是扫描台,让你把原稿向下放在扫描台上
2023-07-22 11:36:212


2023-07-22 11:36:302

求助大神一首英文歌 原来从songtaste上听的歌名好像是lullaby

碧昂斯-sweet dreams 泰勒斯威夫特safe&ssound
2023-07-22 11:36:383


face[英][feis] [美][fes]
2023-07-22 11:37:024

Face Down (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Face Down (Album Version)歌手:The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus专辑:Face DownHey girl you know you drive me crazyone look puts the rhythm in my hand.Still I"ll never understand why you hang aroundI see what"s going down.Cover up with make up in the mirrortell yourself it"s never gonna happen againyou cry alone and then he swears he loves you.Do you feel like a manwhen you push her around?Do you feel better nowas she falls to the ground?Well I"ll tell you my friend,one day this world"s going to endas your lies crumble down,a new life she has found.A pebble in the water makes a ripple effectevery action in this world will bear a consequenceIf you wade around forever you will surely drownI see what"s going down.I see the way you go and say your right again,say your right againheed my lectureDo you feel like a manwhen you push her around?Do you feel better nowas she falls to the ground?Well I"ll tell you my friend,one day this world"s going to endas your lies crumble down a new life she has.One day she will tell you that she has had enoughits coming round again.Do you feel like a man,when you push her around?Do you feel better nowas she falls to the ground?Well I"ll tell you my friend,one day this world"s going to endas your lies crumble down, a new life she has fought.Face down in the dirt she says,this doesn"t hurt she says I finally had enough..
2023-07-22 11:37:221


2023-07-22 11:37:291

求 岚arashi的 face down的平假名歌词

2023-07-22 11:37:382

求一首歌的歌名,应该是英文歌,里面有一句face down,ass up,that is the

歌曲名:face down ass up歌手:Keak da Sneak专辑:The Tonite Show-Sneakacydal Returns
2023-07-22 11:37:551

求Earlimart的face down in the right town 和happy alone歌词

Earlimart-Face Down In The Right Town so you did what you thought was right giving up the fight the only way that we knew was wrong got me hanging on and on it"s everything you want and everything you need and the people were counting on let you down one by one so be sure what you"re asking for the telephone don"t right no more it"s everything you want and everything you need the right crowd face down in the right down no good uptown and maybe, somehow we"ll get back home don"t care who walks through the door the life i"ve paid twice for rearranging the furniture reminds of who you were it"s everything you want and everything you need the right crowd face down in the right down no good uptown and maybe, somehow we"ll get back home End happy aloneCall in the airstrike, tell them to make the dropand now she ate a cycle no-one but you can stopWould it be fair to say that you"re in love with love?And is that enough?I bet you feel really potent stuffthe shadows of doubt on how things turn outare typically grayBut even the stucco on the wallis right two times a dayand it"s still enoughJust how much distance means we"re on our own?and can we be happyHappy alone?The universe opens up the doorand we go right in, it"s there, it"s new, it"s coolit"s something we ain"t seen beforeAnd five minutes inan egg timer ringsto clip off our carefree flapping wingsshow us the things we can"t affordand throw us overboardbut it"s still enough.Just how much distance means we"re on our own?until i see you off at homedown the sidewalk in my headI might be sinking like a stonebut perfectly happyjust openly happyIn my home, I"ve always knownI gotta be happy aloneso burn the mail, destroy the phoneyeah, I"d wanna be happy alonethe moving sky, the rocks belowAll so perfectly happy aloneOur little hearts have turned to stoneI"d better be happy alone. 不好意思,没找到中文的
2023-07-22 11:38:131


2023-07-22 11:38:233


She put him outlike the burning end of a midnight cigaretteShe broke his heartHe spent his whole life trying to forgetWe watched him drink his pain awayA little at a timeBut he never could get drunk enoughTo get her off his mindUntil the nightHe put that bottle to his headand pulled the triggerAnd finally drank away her memoryLife is short but this time it was biggerThan the strength he had to get up off his kneesWe found him with his face down in the pillowWith a note that said I"ll love her till I dieAnd when we buried him beneath the willowThe angels sang a whiskey lullabyeLa la la la la la laLa la la la la la laLa la la la la la laLa la la la la la laThe room was fullbut nobody knew how much she blamed herselfFor years and yearsShe tried to hide the whiskey on her breathShe finally drank her pain awaya little at a timeBut she never could get drunk enoughto get him off her mindUntil the nightShe put that bottle to her headand pulled the triggerAnd finally drank away his memoryLife is short but this time it was biggerThan the strength she had to get up off her kneesWe found her with her face down in the pillowClinging to his picture for dear lifeWe laid her next to him beneath the willowWhile the angels sang a whiskey lullabyeLa la la la la la laLa la la la la la laLa la la la la la laLa la la la la la laLa la la la la la laLa la la la la la laLa la la la la la laLa la la la la la la
2023-07-22 11:38:381


《那一夜》原唱:罗百吉 歌词:那一夜我看见前方有一篇光芒我仔细看看是你站在我的前方那一夜我只想要你陪在我的身旁我永远会把你放在我的心上那一夜我看见前方有一篇光芒我仔细看看是你站在我的前方那一夜我只想要你陪在我的身旁我永远会把你放在我的心上那一夜我看见前方有一篇光芒我仔细看看是你站在我的前方那一夜我只想要你陪在我的身旁我永远会把你放在我的心上那一夜我看见前方有一篇光芒我仔细看看是你站在我的前方那一夜我只想要你陪在我的身旁我永远会把你放在我的心上YO~YO~Party people ~你们准备好了没有yeah that"s right.我要看到全场的朋友们给它动起来Face down ass up.That"s the way we like to fun.Hardcore we want more.
2023-07-22 11:38:461

Just A Lil Bit (Produced By Scott Storch) 歌词

歌曲名:Just A Lil Bit (Produced By Scott Storch)歌手:50 Cent专辑:The MassacreTI: Just a lil BitAR: 50 CentWellington NZJoe ZhangYeahShadyAftermathG-UnitDamn baby all I need is a lil bitA lil bit of this, a lil bit of thatGet it crackin" in the club when you hear this shitDrop it like its hot, get to workin" that backGo shake that thang, yeah work that thangLet me see it go up and downRotate that thang, I wanna touch that thangCan you make it go round and roundI step up in the club, I"m like who you withG-Unit in the house, yeah thats my cliqueYeah I"m young, but a nigga from the old schoolOn the dance floor, a nigga doin" old movesI don"t give a fuck, I do what I wan" doI hit your ass up, boy I done warned youBetter listen, when I talk, nigga don"t tripYo" heat in the car, mine"s in this bitchI ain"t tryna beef, I"m tryna get my drink onGot my diamonds, my fitted, and my mink onI"ma kick it at the bar till its time to goThen I"ma get shorty here and I"ma let her knowAll a nigga really need is a lil bitNot a lot baby girl just a lil bitWe can head to the crib in a lil bitI can show ya how I live in a lil bitI wanna unbutton your pants just a lil bitTake "em off and pull "em down a lil bitGet to kissin" and touchin" a lil bitGet to lickin" and ?? a lil bitThis is 50, comin" out your stereosHard to tell though, cause I switched the flowEyes a lil low, cause I twist the dro"Pockets on ?? cause I move the O"sMy neck, my wrist, my ears is frozeCome get ya bitch, she on me dawgShe musta heard about the doughNow captain come on and save a hoeI get it crunk in the club, I"m off the chainNumber one on the chart, all the time maynKeep the dance floor packed, thats without a doubtAnd shorty shake that thang like a pro maynShe back it up on me I"m like oh maynI get close enough to her so I know she can hearSystem thumpin", party jumpin", I said loud and clearAll a nigga really need is a lil bitNot a lot baby girl just a lil bitWe can head to the crib in a lil bitI can show ya how I live in a lil bitI wanna unbutton your pants just a lil bitTake "em off and pull "em down a lil bitGet to kissin" and touchin" a lil bitGet to lickin" and ?? a lil bitBaby you got me feelin" right (ya heard me)My mama gone, you can spend the night (ya heard me)I ain"t playin", I"ma tryna ?? tonight (ya heard me)Clothes off, face down, x up, c"monAll a nigga really need is a lil bitNot a lot baby girl just a lil bitWe can head to the crib in a lil bitI can show ya how I live in a lil bitI wanna unbutton your pants just a lil bitTake "em off and pull "em down a lil bitGet to kissin" and touchin" a lil bitGet to lickin" and a lil bit
2023-07-22 11:38:531

我的传真机上出现了place Align page face down on scanner glass the press ok请问这什么意思??

2023-07-22 11:39:071

惠普4255打印机出现place alisn pase face down on feeder是什么意思,怎么处理?请高手指点

2023-07-22 11:39:151


We were bogged down by overwork . 过分繁重的工作已经使我们陷入困境。 They were strolpng up and down the veranda . 他们在走廊上来回徜徉。 His plays have gone down badly in america . 他的剧本在美国不受欢迎。 I should fall down and die in the woods . 我宁可倒下来死在森林里了。 The stream had thinned down to a mere trickle . 这条小河变成细流了。 His head whirled. he dared not pe down . 他脑袋发旋,他不敢躺下来。 She tripped and went down with a bump . 她绊了一下,猛地跌倒在地上。 Goldie epstein jumped up and down . 戈尔蒂爱泼斯坦上上下下忙作一团。 We were all pinned down by enemy fire . 我们都被敌人的火力压制住了。 The water pulled the ship down by the stern . 水从船尾进入使船沉没。 They are going to pull down that building . 他们准备把那座房子推倒。 An important principle has been laid down . 一个重要的原则已被确定。 Her hair nearly reached down to her waist . 她的头发几乎垂到了腰部。 The broom grows down the arid sand hill . 金雀草蔓延在干燥的沙丘下。 The boys rolled their hoops down the street . 男孩子们在街上滚铁环。 He strikes down the decision as incorrect . 他以不正确为由撤销原判。 It is awful to be tied down pke this . 受这样的束缚,简直叫人发疯。 The evening was closing down tranquilly . 暮色正在静悄悄地笼罩下来。 The crate is marked " put down crefully " . 货箱上标明“小心轻放”。 Something was crawpng down his spine . 有什么东西在他脊背上爬下去。 Our youngest boy has gone down with mumps . 我们的小儿子得了腮腺炎。 Why don"t you boil your speech down ? 为什么不把你的演说词缩减些呢? The old houses have been torn [pulled] down . 那些旧房子已经拆掉了。 The child "s sobs gradually died down . 那孩子的啜泣声渐渐静了下来。 Ease down , there is a sharp bend ahead . 慢一点儿,前面有个急转弯。 You have to shift down to cpmb steep hills . 为了爬陡坡你得换低挡。 He is always putting his wife down in pubpc . 他老是当众羞辱妻子。 Do n"t look down on the role women can play .. 不要瞧不起妇女的作用。 The enemy were pelled to lay down their arms .. 敌人被迫放下武器。 Why does he always jump down your throat ? 他为什么总是对你严加斥责? He paid $40 down and $20 a month . 他付定金40元,以后每月付20元。 They were kneepng down and saying their prayers . 她们跪著在做祷告。 I regret being pelled to cut you down . 很抱歉,我不得不砍掉你。 But she could hardly get down a morsel . 但她简直连一口也吃不下去。 They jumped ravines, they spd down cpffs . 他们是沟也跳,是崖也跳。 He was going to fight me down to the last shot . 他将要同我斗争到底。 Tito was soon down among the crowd . 不一会儿,蒂托就下楼到了人群里。 Competition should beat the price down . (市场)竞争会使价格下跌。 Roll the window down if you"re hot . 你们要觉得热,就把车窗摇下来。 The situation came down to one essential . 情况取决于至关重要的一点。 A number of houses were burnt down in the fire . 好些房子给烧毁了。 He does n"t take such an insult lying down . 他不能忍受这样的侮辱。 He hitched up his trousers before sitting down . 他坐下前拉起裤子。 He put the cards face down on the table . 他把纸牌面向下放在桌上。 She paraded up and down in her new hat . 她戴著新帽子在人前走来走去。 You could have knocked him down with a feather . 你简直使他愣住了。 We hope to e down to london next week . 我们希望下星期南下到伦敦。 Hundreds died when the pner went down . 班轮沉没时,有数百人罹难。 The dog flew down the road after the cat . 狗在马路上飞跑著追赶猫。 Let us set down the items of her happiness . 咱们且来算算她福气何在。
2023-07-22 11:39:341


2023-07-22 11:39:411


暗杠:drawing a tile by oneself, making four similar tiles of a kind and putting them face down暗坎:concealing 3-tiles in order of a kind八圈:eight rounds of play边张:side tiles吃张:drawing抽头:the kitty筹码:counter; chip; dib出张:discarding a tile大满贯:grand slam单钓:waiting for one of the pair to win单听:awaiting the only one necessary tile to win地和:going out or winning a hand after drawing only one tile吊牌:fishing; awaiting one"s winning tile对对胡:winning with all paired tiles对门:opponent sitting opposite to one对碰:waiting for two tiles to win; making two pairs杠后开花:drawing a tile, after a gang, from the end of the wall to win the game跟牌:following suit进张:drawing a useful tile扣牌:holding up a tile拦和:be won by one"s left or opposing opponent with the same tile one needs连庄:remaining the dealer牌友:matching play平和:a win without points七对:seven pairs砌牌:forming the wall of stacks清一色:all of one suit; flush; having all tiles in one suit全字:pure characters缺一门:lacking a suit三缺一:three players looking for one more player上家:opponent on the left十三幺:the thirteen orphans(1,9,and one of each character)天和:a natural win; a heavenly hand跳牌:skipping听牌:waiting for the one necessary tile to win洗牌:shuffling the tiles下家:opponent on the right一对:one pair一番:one time (in scoring)一圈:a round一条龙:a complete sequence from 1 to 9诈和:declaring a false win庄家:dealer自摸:winning by one"s own draw做相公:be unconscious of a shortage or surplus of tiles 满意给五星哦
2023-07-22 11:39:581

英语翻译。tear down有使。。流泪的意思吗?可以这样用吗?

2023-07-22 11:40:073


face 英[feu026as] 美[fes] n. 脸; 表面; 面容; 方面; vt. 面对; 面向…; 正视; 承认; vt. (感到不能) 对付; (明知不好办而) 交谈; 必须对付; (某情况) 面临…; [网络] 面部; 面; 面临; [例句]A thin-lipped smile spread over the captain"s face.船长的薄唇边露出一个微笑,随之在脸上漾开来。[其他] 第三人称单数:faces 复数:faces 现在分词:facing 过去式:faced过去分词:faced
2023-07-22 11:41:181


苹果的Apple 手机是iOS系统自带的视频通话功能。可以通过Wi-Fi或者数据流量实现两部手机之间的视频通话。使用FaceTime通话视频的前提是两部手机都是苹果手机,并且配备FaceTime、Apple ID和可用的数据流量或Wi-Fi。那么,你如何使用苹果 手机FaceTime?也有朋友不 我不知道具体位置在哪里。向编辑学习:第一步:打开手机里的【设置】,找到【FaceTime通话】down第二步:打开【FaceTime通话】按钮,找到联系电话,点击【FaceTime通话】。如何使用苹果 手机FaceTime?仔细研究这篇文章后,你也可以学习这个技巧,不 不明白FaceTime可以在评论区留言。通过这种方法,你试过用FaceTime和朋友或家人进行视频通话吗?你对用过的朋友有什么看法?视频通话质量符合自己的要求吗?欢迎喜欢FaceTime通话的朋友喜欢收藏!王者之心2点击试玩
2023-07-22 11:41:251

you really roll down my face是什么意思哦?

2023-07-22 11:41:321


这句中主语不是后面的pale的主语,也就是说句子的主语和后面的逻辑主语不一致。所以要用上pale的逻辑主语face.这句中his face pale 是独立主格做伴随状语。
2023-07-22 11:41:391

tears run down my ( ) 这里是不是face和eyes都可以用?

只能用face,run down有从…上流过;跑过的意思。
2023-07-22 11:41:582

请大家帮分析,tears streaming down her face在里面是什么成分?啥意思?整句的主、谓宾是哪个,咋翻译

主语是the girl谓语是beg宾语隐含着的哈,是指女孩求的对象脸上淌着泪的女孩乞求被允许进入(火车列车上的)警卫车厢。
2023-07-22 11:42:063

run down her face

汗顺她脸颊流下. 对啊,run是不及物动词,也就是说后面不能直接跟宾语,要加一个介词,这个地方加了个介词down,是表示向下.
2023-07-22 11:42:231


2023-07-22 11:42:314

tears fall down my face

fall down 掉下,落下,跌倒;通常是个不及物动词短语. fall off 从……落下
2023-07-22 11:43:161

tears rolling down on her face这个句子有什么高级的地方吗?

2023-07-22 11:43:432

The girl ,tears streaming down her face.stream为什么要加ing?

这里是现在分词做伴随状语的情况. tears 和 stream 是主动关系,所以用现在分词; 多说一句,假如是被动关系,那么就用过去分词.
2023-07-22 11:44:031

英语,The tears ran down her face 这里her face是宾语吗? 还都地点阿...?

2023-07-22 11:44:112

歌词run down my face

当冬夜渐暖 - 孙燕姿词:吴子云(藤井树)曲:饶善强很多事情不是谁说了就算即使伤心结果还是自己担多少次失望表示着多少次期盼事实证明幸福很难我们之间不是谁说了就算拉扯的爱徒增结局的难堪一百次相爱只要有一次的绚烂下一次会更勇敢当冬夜渐暖当大海也不再那么蓝当月色的纯白变得阴暗那只是代表快乐不再那么简单当冬夜渐暖当夏夜的树上不再有蝉当回忆老去的痕迹斑斑那只是因为悲伤从来都不会有答案我们之间不是谁说了就算拉扯的爱徒增结局的难堪一百次相爱只要有一次的绚烂下一次会更勇敢当冬夜渐暖当大海也不再那么蓝当月色的纯白变得阴暗那只是代表快乐不再那么简单当冬夜渐暖当夏夜的树上不再有蝉当回忆老去的痕迹斑斑那只是因为悲伤从来都不会有答案当冬夜渐暖当青春也都烟消云散当美丽的故事都有遗憾那只是习惯把爱当作希望重要的是我们如何爱过那一段
2023-07-22 11:44:181


1、F=front face即系前面,B = back face即系后面,R = right face即系右面,L = left face即系左面,U = up face即系上面,D = down face即系下面,F就代表前面顺时针转90°,F"代表前面逆时针转90°,R2代表右面转180°,以上面的表里的标记为例,然后如下:(1)解法一: U R U" R" U" F" U F。(2)解法二:(其实跟上面一样,只是方向相反) U" L" U L U F U" F"原理口决:远离目的一步,拆底下一粒,再装回底下一粒。2、魔方,英文名为Rubik"s Cube,又叫魔术方块,也称鲁比克方块。是匈牙利布达佩斯建筑学院厄尔诺·鲁比克教授在1974年发明的。三阶魔方系由富有弹性的硬塑料制成的6面正方体,共有26块小立方体。3、魔方与中国人发明的“华容道”,法国人发明的“独立钻石”一块被称为智力游戏界的三大不可思议。而魔方受欢迎的程度更是智力游戏界的奇迹。4、魔方,也称鲁比克方块,台湾称为魔术方块,香港称为扭计骰,英文名为:Rubik"sCube。是一种娱乐玩具,当初厄尔诺·鲁比克(Erno Rubik)教授发明魔方,仅仅是作为一种帮助学生增强空间思维能力的教学工具。但要使那些小方块可以随意转动而不散开,不仅是个机械难题,这牵涉到木制的轴心,座和榫头等。直到魔方在手时,他将魔方转了几下后,才发现如何把混乱的颜色方块复原竟是个有趣而且困难的问题。5、鲁比克就决心大量生产这种玩具。魔方发明后不久就风靡世界,人们发现这个小方块组成的玩意实在是奥妙无穷。6、三阶魔方是由富有弹性的硬塑料制成的正方体。核心是一个轴,并由26(中间一层为8块,其余两层各9块)个小正方体组成。包括中心方块有6个,固定不动,只有一面有颜色。边角方块(角块)有8个(3面有色)可转动。边缘方块(棱块)12个(2面有色)亦可转动。此外除三阶魔方外还有二阶、四阶至十三阶,近代新发明的魔方越来越多,它们造型不尽相同,但都是趣味无穷。
2023-07-22 11:44:261

big k.r.i.t.的《Down Out》 歌词

歌曲名:Down Out歌手:big k.r.i.t.专辑:4eva N A DayBig K.R.I.T. - Down OutGood Lord we back one mo" "ginThis for the people, this for the have-nots..I know what you going throughI know what you dealing with on the daily, you feel me?Ain"t nothing but sunshine from here..Let"s get highSippin" on this drank don"t ease my painLord, I wish it wouldSmoking on this weed don"t make me saneBut it shouldIn a world that"s down and outIn a world that"s down and outI got my back against the wallOnce again, I"ve been corneredSmoke that roach from my ash tray from the other dayand down this last Corona that I scrape forGotta make more, gotta get mineCuz when I get time, I"ma get shine and clear my runwayAnd wait til I get signed, stretch my wings and flyDo what I gotta do to get bySee the world through my third eyeWould answer the things I worry "boutAt the end of days, bills to payIf it"s a white man"s world, am I still a slaveTo the minimum wage?Keep words minimal, subliminal, y"all won"t make it anywayOut the traps they set follow them tracks they left to the White HouseAnd tell Oprah Winfrey I don"t need no chickenB*tch is gonna turn my lights outOn a daily basis, piece of American PieThey cut me, I can barely taste itBut I know it ain"t "bout sh*t cuz my grandma ain"t make itCan"t take that for granted thoughI"m still searching for antidotesN*ggas outchea sick from the money they spentTrying to get more cars and clothes and hoesThat really know they poles, is that on earth winning y"all?Is every woman in a sundress, really down for the cause?I can"t be sure, nowadays everybody "bout doughAbout to play: A queen to be? A gold digger? I can"t even sayBut either way I strap up, wrap upCuz I don"t want no capsules afterA rock-a-bye that I deny cuz she stay on heads like tasselsAnd that"s not to say ain"t no queens around my wayI seen one the other day, but she had bruises on her faceAnd cried to me that men ain"t sh*t and she fed upThey only want her with her legs upEven though her nose swollen and eye was closedI told her keep her head up
2023-07-22 11:44:391

第一句I remember tears streaming down your face求歌曲

fix you
2023-07-22 11:44:473