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i find it和i find that的区别

2023-07-22 12:33:51

find it +adj+to do,it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的to do

find that 是接宾语从句,都可以用

比如,I find that learning English is difficult.

I find it difficult to learn English.







为您解答objectionable[英][u0259bu02c8du0292eku0283u0259nu0259bl][美][u0259bu02c8du0292u025bku0283u0259nu0259bu0259l]adj.<正>令人不快的,令人反感的,讨厌的; **************************************************************如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!***************************************************************
2023-07-22 11:24:511

iOS审核被拒1.1.6 Safety - Objectionable Content

被拒原文:We noticed that your app"s in-app purchase products are labeled as RMB, which could confuse and mislead users into believing they are purchasing a real currency. Next Steps To avoid potential user confusion, please revise your app so that your in-app purchase product names or labels are distinct from any real-world currencies. 大致翻译: 准则1.1.6 - 安全 - 不良内容 我们注意到您应用的应用内购买产品被标记为人民币,这可能会混淆和误导用户相信他们正在购买真实货币。 下一步 为避免潜在的用户混淆,请修改您的应用,以使您的应用内购买产品名称或标签与任何真实货币不同。解决方法: 项目中的充值的金钱,尽量不要用 ¥/$/元/现金 等代表是钱的符合或文字表示,可以选择项目中独有的,例如说 QB,优惠币等来代替金钱。
2023-07-22 11:24:581


obscure [05b"skju05, 00b-] adj. 模糊的;晦涩的;昏暗的oldopen
2023-07-22 11:25:091

求大神能翻一下,and 链接两个并列名词后有定语。定语修饰哪个词呢

完整的句子:But he talked as well about the “balanced struggle” between creative freedom and social responsibility, and he announced that the company would launch a drive to develop standards for distribution and labeling of potentially objectionable music.但是他也谈到了平衡创作自由和社会责任的“苦楚”,并且宣布公司将会发起一项行动,旨在制定关于潜在的被拒绝的音乐的分销和标示标准。of potentially objectionable music作distribution and labeling的定语。是两者还是后者的定语,要根据句意判断。
2023-07-22 11:25:174


2023-07-22 11:25:263

iOS App被拒原因以及解决方案总结。

Guideline 1.2 - Safety - User Generated Content Your app enables the display of user-generated content but does not have the proper precautions in place. Next Steps To resolve this issue, please revise your app to implement all of the following precautions: 翻译出来是: 准则1.2 - 安全 - 用户生成的内容 您的应用可以显示用户生成的内容,但没有适当的预防措施。 下一步 要解决此问题,请修改您的应用以实施以下所有预防措施: 分析:这个被拒的原因是因为app能展示用的内容,但却没有防范措施。解决方法是加上用户协议,加上拉黑以及举报功能 Guideline 3.1.1 - Business - Payments - In-App Purchase We also noticed that your app uses in-app purchase products to purchase credits or currencies that are not consumed within the app, which is not appropriate for the App Store. Please see attached screenshots for details. 翻译出来是: 准则3.1.1 - 业务 - 付款 - 应用内购买 我们还注意到,您的应用使用应用内购买产品来购买未在应用内消费的点数或币种,这不适用于App Store。 详情请参阅附件截图。 下一步 要解决此问题,请修改您的应用,确保通过应用内购买产品所使用的信用卡或货币在应用中使用,或完全删除应用内购买。 分析:这个被拒的原因是因为app中有充值功能,但审核人员找不到若何消费充值金币。解决方式是在提审的时候告诉审核人员如何消费,并附上截图。 Guideline 1.1 - Safety - Objectionable Content Your app includes content that many users would find objectionable and offensive. Specifically, your app provided paid chat service. Please see attached screenshots for details. Next Steps To resolve this issue, please remove all potentially objectionable content from your app and submit your revised binary for review. For app design information, check out the following videos: and "Designing Intuitive User Experiences," available on the Apple Developer website. You may also want to review the iOS Human Interface Guidelines for more information on how to create a great user experience in your app. 翻译出来是: 准则1.1 - 安全 - 不良内容 您的应用包含许多用户会觉得令人反感和令人反感的内容。 具体来说,您的应用提供了付费聊天服务 详情请参阅附件截图。 下一步 要解决此问题,请从您的应用中删除所有可能令人反感的内容,并提交修改后的二进制文件以供审核。 有关应用设计信息,请查看以下视频:以及Apple Design Developer网站上提供的“设计直观的用户体验”。 您可能还需要查看iOS人机界面指南,以获取有关如何在您的应用中创建出色用户体验的更多信息。 分析:这个被拒的原因是因为提供了付费聊天服务。这个没办法了,苹果是不允许的,要么去掉,要么隐藏。 Guideline 2.3.7 - Performance - Accurate Metadata Your app name or subtitle to be displayed on the App Store includes keywords or descriptors, which are not appropriate for use in these metadata items. Specifically, the following words in your app name or subtitle are considered keywords or descriptors: 翻译出来是: 准则2.3.7 - 性能 - 准确的元数据 您在App Store上显示的应用名称或字幕包含关键字或描述符,这些关键字或描述符不适用于这些元数据项目。 具体来说,应用程序名称或副标题中的以下单词被视为关键字或描述符: 分析:在填写应用信息的时候主标题和副标题关键字重复。解决方法:去掉重复的关键字就可以了。 Guideline 3.0 - Business Your game app includes in-app purchase products for consumable credits priced over $99.99, Tier 60. Next Steps To resolve this issue, please revise your app to ensure that a single in-app purchase product for consumable credits is priced at nothing more than $99.99, Tier 60. To edit in-app purchases: Note: When an in-app purchase is in the "Developer Action Needed" state, you must make some change to it before it can move to Waiting for Review. 翻译出来是: 准则3.0 - 业务 您的游戏应用程序包括应用程序内消费信用卡购买产品,价格超过99.99美元,60级。 下一步 要解决此问题,请修改您的应用,以确保单个应用内购买消费信用产品的价格不超过99.99美元,Tier 60。 编辑应用内购买: 注意:当应用程序内购买处于“需要开发者操作”状态时,您必须对其进行一些更改,然后才能转到等待审核。 分析:在app中用到了苹果内购,苹果规定一次性消耗种类的价格不能大于99美元。解决方法:修改价格即可。 Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness We discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on iPad running iOS 11.3 on Wi-Fi connected to an IPv6 network. We could not load the contents in 消息. The steps to reproduce are: 翻译出来是: 准则2.1 - 性能 - 应用程序完整性 我们在连接到IPv6网络的Wi-Fi上运行iOS 11.3的iPad上检查时,发现您的应用存在一个或多个错误。 我们无法加载消息中的内容。 重现的步骤是: 1.启动应用程序 2.输入模拟账户信息 3.在右下角点击消息 4.没有内容 分析:及时通讯集成的是环信,环信在ipv6下是坑定没有问题的。后来想到审核人员是把app删掉之后重新装的,而环信的信息和微信一样是缓存在本地的。删掉后从新进入当然没有。解决方法:在提审是说明一下。eg:经我们测试,在ipva6网络下是没有问题的。我们的聊天信息是缓存在本地的。 Guideline 5.1.1 - Legal - Privacy - Data Collection and Storage We noticed that your app requests the user"s consent to access their Photos but does not clarify the use of this feature in the permission modal alert. Please see attached screenshots for details. Next Steps To resolve this issue, please revise the permission modal alert to specify why the app is requesting access to the user"s Photos. 翻译出来是: 准则5.1.1 - 法律 - 隐私 - 数据收集和存储 我们注意到您的应用请求用户同意访问他们的照片,但未在权限模式警报中说明使用此功能。 详情请参阅附件截图。 下一步 要解决此问题,请修改权限模式警报以指定应用程序请求访问用户照片的原因。 分析:被拒原因是因为在请求一些权限的时候没有说明功能,eg:获取用户相机权限或者获取麦克风权限。解决方法:在info.plist文件中修改文案,标明使用这个功能是做什么的。eg:访问相机 eg:“亲,我们需要访问您的相机,用于照片拍摄。” Guideline 1.1 - Safety - Objectionable Content Your app includes content that many users would find objectionable and offensive. Specifically, your app contained objectionable pictures. Please see attached screenshots for details. 准则1.1 - 安全 - 不良内容 您的应用包含许多用户会觉得令人反感和令人反感的内容。 具体来说,您的应用包含令人反感的图片。 详情请参阅附件截图。 分析:被拒原因是因为app上女性照片太暴露。可能我们认为还好,但苹果就是这么奇葩。解决方式:换掉看起来不合适的图片重新上传。 Guideline 1.1 - Safety - Objectionable Content Your app includes content that many users would find objectionable and offensive. Specifically, your app objectified females only. Please see attached screenshots for details. 翻译出来是: 准则1.1 - 安全 - 不良内容 您的应用包含许多用户会觉得令人反感和令人反感的内容。 具体而言,您的应用仅将女性客体化。 详情请参阅附件截图。 分析:我们的app是一个交友软件,上面的大部分是女性。所以被拒了。额。。有点奇葩。解放方法:上传一些男性的照片并且放在显眼的位置。 Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed We have started the review of your app, but we are not able to continue because we need access to a video that demonstrates your app: in use on a physical iOS device. Please ensure the video you provide shows a physical iOS device (not a simulator). Specifically, please demonstrate the background audio feature(s) while the users do not use the app since your app declares support for audio in the UIBackgroundModes key in your Info.plist. 翻译出来是: 准则2.1 - 需要的信息 我们已开始审核您的应用,但我们无法继续,因为我们需要访问演示您的应用的视频: 在物理iOS设备上使用。 请确保您提供的视频显示了一个物理iOS设备(不是模拟器)。具体来说,请在用户不使用应用程序时演示背景音频功能,因为您的应用程序在Info.plist的UIBackgroundModes项中声明了对音频的支持。 分析:苹果默认app在后台是只工作三分钟的。为了保持app在后台长期在线。默认在后台播放一个无声的音乐,这种方式比较耗电。后台改用APNS推送唤醒。忘了把UIBackgroundModes勾选调。解决方法:把UIBackgroundModes后台音频播勾选掉。 Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed This type of app has been identified as one that may violate one or more of the following App Store Review Guidelines . Specifically, these types of apps often: 1.1.6 - Include false information, features, or misleading metadata. 2.3.0 - Undergo significant concept changes after approval 2.3.1 - Have hidden or undocumented features, including hidden "switches" that redirect to a gambling or lottery website 3.1.1 - Use payment mechanisms other than in-app purchase to unlock features or functionality in the app 4.3.0 - Are a duplicate of another app or are conspicuously similar to another app 5.2.1 - Were not submitted by the legal entity that owns and is responsible for offering any services provided by the app 5.3.4 - Do not have the necessary licensing and permissions for all the locations where the app is used Before we can continue with our review, please confirm that this app does not violate any of the above guidelines. You may reply to this message in Resolution Center or the App Review Information section in iTunes Connect to verify this app"s compliance. Given the tendency for apps of this type to violate the aforementioned guidelines, this review will take additional time. If at any time we discover that this app is in violation of these guidelines, the app will be rejected and removed from the App Store, and it may result in the termination of your Apple Developer Program account. Should you choose to resubmit this app without confirming this app"s compliance, the next submission of this app will still require a longer review time. Additionally, this app will not be eligible for an expedited review until we have received your confirmation. 翻译出来是: 准则2.1 - 需要的信息 这种类型的应用程序已被识别为可能违反以下一项或多项应用程序商店评论准则的应用程序。具体来说,这些类型的应用程序往往 1.1.6 - 包含虚假信息,功能或误导性元数据。 2.3.0 - 批准后进行重大概念变更 2.3.1 - 有隐藏或未记录的功能,包括重定向到赌博或彩票网站的隐藏“开关” 3.1.1 - 使用应用程序内购买以外的支付机制解锁应用程序中的功能或功能 4.3.0 - 是另一个应用程序的副本或与另一个应用程序显着相似 5.2.1 - 未由拥有并负责提供应用提供的任何服务的法人提交 5.3.4 - 没有使用应用程序的所有位置的必要许可和权限 在我们继续审核之前,请确认此应用没有违反上述任何指南。您可以在“解决方案中心”或iTunes Connect中的“应用程序评论信息”部分回复此消息,以验证此应用程序的合规性。 鉴于此类应用程序倾向于违反上述准则,此审核将需要更多时间。如果我们发现此应用程序在任何时候违反了这些准则,该应用程序将被拒绝并从App Store中删除,并可能导致您的Apple开发人员计划帐户被终止。 如果您选择在不确认此应用的合规性的情况下重新提交此应用,则此应用的下一次提交仍需要较长的审核时间。此外,除非我们收到您的确认信息,否则此应用将无法加急审核。 分析:这个就厉害了。2.1大礼包问题。近来很多app被拒都是因为这个。因为苹果的审核机制变了。有很多app是没有以上提出的问题的。这个大概是苹果公司给的警告,并不是说app一定有那些问题。解决方法:一条一条的查看是都存在问题,如果有了最好改了。最后在提交审核的时候再进行说明。eg: 尊敬的苹果审核团队: 感谢您的耐心审核, 对于您提到的7个审核条款, 我们开发团队经过认真自查和研究,并且对所违规内容作了修改, 我们现在对此回复如下: 1.1.6:我们并没有包含虚假信息,和误导用户的功能,全都是真实的。 2.3.0:我们没有在通过后修改任何概念和功能。 2.3.1:我们没有切换到任何赌博或彩票的网站,我们是原生App 3.1.1:我们游戏内都是使用的苹果支付,并没有使用任何第三方支付。 4.3.0:我们的游戏内容都是我们自己开发的, 并不存在抄袭或者大量相似。 5.2.1:我们的App并没有法人实体和版权的风险。 5.3.4:我们的App也并没有使用任何定位相关功能和权限。 这是我们经过认真自查和修改之后,得到的结论。 希望苹果审核团队能继续审核,感谢。 Guideline 5.2.1 - Legal - Intellectual Property Your app facilitates, enables, or encourages live video chat or performance (网络直播/表演/秀场), but you haven"t provided a sufficient Internet Culture Business License (网络文化经营许可证) for the services in your app. Next Steps To resolve this issue, please complete the following: — Provide both a copy and the direct link to the government website that displays your Internet Culture Business License (网络文化经营许可证). — List Internet Show (网络表演/秀场) in the allowed business areas (经营范围) section of the Internet Culture Business License (网络文化经营许可证). — Ensure the seller and artist names associated with your account match the authorized name (单位名称) listed in the Internet Culture Business License (网络文化经营许可证). — Provide the complete license number (编号) of your Internet Culture Business License (网络文化经营许可证) in the "Review Notes" section. Resources To provide a copy of the Internet Culture Business License (网络文化经营许可证): Once this information is available, please reply to this message in Resolution Center, and we can continue with our review. 翻译出来是: 准则5.2.1 - 法律 - 知识产权 您的应用程序促进,启用或鼓励实时视频聊天或表演,但您的应用程序中的服务未提供足够的互联网文化经营许可证。 下一步 要解决此问题,请完成以下步骤: 资源 提供“互联网文化经营许可证”的复印件: 获得此信息后,请在解决中心回复此消息,我们可以继续进行审核。 分析:苹果审核人员把我们的app认定为直播类的了。苹果规定直播类型的app必须提供“互联网文化经营许可证”。解决方法:没办法,去掉那些功能,或者让公司提示证书。还有一种是加个开关隐藏,这个就看你运气了,有的能被发现,有的是不能被发现。真的有点看运气了。不过最好的解决方法是让公司提供证书。 Guideline 2.4.1 - Performance - Hardware Compatibility We noticed that your app did not run or display as expected when viewed on iPad running iOS 11.3. Please see attached screenshots for details. 翻译出来是: 准则2.4.1 - 性能 - 硬件兼容性 我们注意到,在运行iOS 11.3的iPad上查看时,您的应用没有按预期运行或显示。 详情请参阅附件截图。 分析:虽然有时候我们的app是只支持iPhone手机的,但苹果的审核人员测试使用的是ipad,这样他们要求app必须对ipad进行适配。解放方案:对ipad进行适配。一般来说只要在iPhone上适配没有问题,在ipad上的适配问题都不大。最后是让ipad值支持竖屏,去掉横屏。有很多人是适配了竖屏,而苹果审核人员发现横屏没有支持被拒了,所以info.plist 的Supported interface orientations (iPad)里设置只支持竖屏就好了。
2023-07-22 11:26:041

iOS APPStore审核被拒 Guideline 1.1.6 - Safety - Objectionable Content?

2023-07-22 11:26:562


【 #考研# 导语】 十年寒窗,开出芬芳;十年磨剑,努力未变;十年坚守,成功守候。十年的风雨兼程奋力追逐,让梦想现实的时刻。祝努力备考,金榜题名,考入理想院校。以下是 无 为大家整理的 《2019考研英语备考:判断、推理和引申题的两种题型解析》供您查阅。 1. 一正三误   一正三误题型要求考生找出四个选项中惟一正确的一个。检验答案时要注意这种题型最常采用的三种命题方式:正话反说、反话正说和关键词替换。   1997年第64题:   No company likes to be told it is contributing to the moral decline of nation. “Is this what you intended to accomplish with your careers?” Senator Robert Dole asked Time Warner executives last week. “You have sold your souls, but must you corrupt our nation and threaten our children as well?” At Time Warner, however, such questions are simply the latest manifestation of the soul-searching that has involved the company ever since the company was born in 1990. It"s a self-examination that has, at various times, involved issues of responsibility, creative freedom and the corporate bottom line.   At the core of this debate is chairman Gerald Levin, 56, who took over for the late Steve Ross in 1992. On the financial front, Levin is under pressure to raise the stock price and reduce the company"s mountainous debt, which will increase to $17.3 billion after two new cable deals close. He has promised to sell off some of the property and restructure the company, but investors are waiting impatiently.   The flap over rap is not making life any easier for him. Levin has consistently defended the company"s rap music on the grounds of expression. In 1992, when Time Warner was under fire for releasing Ice-T"s violent rap song Cop Killer, Levin described rap as a lawful expression of street culture, which deserves an outlet. “The test of any democratic society,” he wrote in a Wall Street Journal column, “lies not in how well it can control expression but in whether it gives freedom of thought and expression the widest possible latitude, however disputable or irritating the results may sometimes be. We won"t retreat in the face of any threats.”   Levin would not comment on the debate last week, but there were signs that the chairman was backing off his hard-line stand, at least to some extent. During the discussion of rock singing verses at last month"s stockholders" meeting, Levin asserted that “music is not the cause of society"s ills” and even cited his son, a teacher in the Bronx, New York, who uses rap to communicate with students. But he talked as well about the “balanced struggle” between creative freedom and social responsibility, and he announced that the company would launch a drive to develop standards for distribution and labeling of potentially objectionable music.   The 15-member Time Warner board is generally supportive of Levin and his corporate strategy. But insiders say several of them have shown their concerns in this matter. “Some of us have known for many, many years that the freedoms under the First Amendment are not totally unlimited,” says Luce. “I think it is perhaps the case that some people associated with the company have only recently come to realize this.”   The last sentence of the first paragraph most probably implies that.   [A] Luce is a spokesman of Time Warner   [B] Gerald Levin is liable to compromise   [C] Time Warner is united as one in the face of the debate   [D] Steve Ross is no longer alive   第一段的最后一句暗示了什么?   这是一个标准的三误一正的推理引申题。正确答案:D   2. 三正一误   三正一误题型要求考生判断哪一个选项与文章不符。检验答案时有两种方式,一是正确选项所给的信息在文中根本没有提到过,二是正确选项所给信息与文中其他内容相互冲突。   1996年第56题:   With the start of BBC World Service Television, millions of viewers in Asia and America can now watch the Corporation"s news coverage, as well as listening to it.   And of course in Britain listeners and viewers can tune in to two BBC television channels, five BBC national radio services and dozens of local radio stations. They are brought sport, comedy, drama, music, news and current affairs, education, religion, parliamentary coverage, children"s programmes and films for an annual license fee of £83 per household.   It is a remarkable record, stretching back over 70 years—yet the BBC"s future is now in doubt. The Corporation will survive as a publicly-funded broadcasting organization, at least for the time being, but its role, its size and its programmes are now the subject of a nation-wide debate in Britain.   The debate was launched by the Government, which invited anyone with an opinion of the BBC—including ordinary listeners and viewers—to say what was good or bad about the Corporation, and even whether they thought it was worth keeping. The reason for its inquiry is that the BBC"s royal charter runs out in 1996 and it must decide whether to keep the organization as it is, or to make changes.   Defenders of the Corporation—of whom there are many—are fond of quoting the American slogan “If it ain"t broken, don"t fix it.” The BBC “ain"t broke”, they say, by which they mean it is not broken (as distinct from the word ‘broke", meaning having no money), so why bother to change it?   Yet the BBC will have to change, because the broadcasting world around it is changing. The commercial TV channels—TV and Channel 4—were required by the Thatcher Government"s Broadcasting Act to become more commercial, competing with each other for advertisers, and cutting costs and jobs. But it is the arrival of new satellite channels—funded partly by advertising and partly by viewers" subscriptions—which will bring about the biggest changes in the long term.   In the passage, which of the following about the BBC is not mentioned as the key issue?   [A] Extension of its TV service to Far East.   [B] Programmes as the subject of a nation-wide debate.   [C] Potentials for further international co- operations.   [D] Its existence as a broadcasting organization.   下列哪一项BBC没有作为一个关键问题提及?   这是一个标准的三正一误推理引申题。正确答案:C。   由历年考研英语真题可知,阅读理解部分的试题中,大多数是针对段落的细节设计的,其目的是为了测试考生对组成段落的主体部分的理解。在每年的考试中,细节题的数量是最多的,大约占50%,其中涉及对文章中复杂句、列举、例证、引用、转折、因果关系等的处理,因此做好这类题至关重要。   另外,细节题的测试在另一方面也可以考察考生对段落结构的理解程度,哪些是辅助论点,哪些是主要脉络,只有对这些细节有一定的了解,我们才能更深入地领会文 章。文章的细节并不是孤立的,它总要与其他事实前后呼应,一般来说,作者总会把同等性质的事实放在一起,并借助不同的衔接手段进行组合,从而达到说服读者 或阐明观点的目的。其提问方式不外乎有以下几种:   The author provides following examples except …   According to the author, all of the following are true except (that)____.   Which is among the best possible ways to…?   Which of the following would NOT be an example____?   Which of the following is the LEAST likely…?   对于细节题我们要从词义与语法(句法)着手,从这个角度来说,此类考题又可被细划分以下几个细类:   1. 因果标志语   表因果关系的标志词可具体分为:   (1)表原因   because of, since, for, as, now that, seeing that, owing to, caused by, the main reason for…is   (2)表结果   hence, thus, so, therefore, consequently, as a consequence, accordingly, for that reason   2. 结论标志语   in general, generally speaking, in short, in a word, to be brief in all, in simple words   3. 转折与对比语   but, however, nevertheless, otherwise, dissimilarly, unlike, on the contrary, in contrast, in opposition to, on the opposite side   4. 比较类型标记语   similarly, likewise, in similar fashion, in similar way, in the same matter, just as   5. 列举标志语   one… another…still another, first…second…third   6. 举例标志语   for example, as an example, as an instance, take…as an example, let me cite… as a proof   针对细节题,考生要注意分析句子和句子之间的关系,是因果、递近、转折还是什么?尤其要注意文章的第一句和最后一句,以及每段的第一句和最后一句与其它句子 的关系,体会每句话在文章中的作用。在阅读过程中,要培养自己对文章主要讨论对象、关键词,作者和专家的观点,以及语气的把握。特别注意作者和专家的观 点,专家和专家之间的观点是否相同或相反或互补,以及作者和专家的语气是赞成还是反对,是关注还是乐观等等。如果是真题,还要仔细分析考点和正确、干扰选 项的规律、特征。在此过程中,可把文章尽可能的多读几遍,甚至翻译一下,提高对文章中单词、短语、句型等的反应速度,阅读速度自然也就提高了。   此外,阅读的步骤也十分重要。许多考生拿到文章之后从头读起,读完再去一个一个选答案。这种方法十分传统,叫整体阅读法。其优点是可以有一种全局感或整体 感。缺点是文章太长,读后细节记不住,再去找答案又费劲又容易出错,许多细节都混淆在一起了,得分经常不高。建议同学们用一下查找阅读法:读完第一段就做 第一题。然后看第二个问题问的什么,带着这个问题去看第二段,然后是第三段、第四段,依此类推。(注意,有一种问题可能此方法不太适用,那就是:主旨性问 题)。查找式阅读法虽然把文章看得支离破碎,但得分往往很高,因为刚看一段就去做一道题,这样对细节会把握得很准。   所以,阅读理解并不是简单的读懂文章就可以把题作对,在对文中内容全面正确把握的同时还要审清题目,理解题目要求。   2001年Passage 1   Specialization can be seen as a response to the problem of an increasing accumulation of scientific knowledge. By splitting up the subject matter into smaller units, one man could continue to handle the information and use it as the basis for further research. But specialization was only one of a series of related developments in science affecting the process of communication. Another was the growing professionalisation of scientific activity.?   54. The direct reason for specialization is _________.   [A]the development in communication   [B]the growth of professionalisation   [C]the expansion of scientific knowledge   [D]the splitting up of academic societies   该题考察的是实行专业化的直接因素是什么,根据本文第一句即可找到答案C为正确选项,其中“as a response to”即表示的是因果关系。   类似的解题思路可应用到以下文章中:   What accounts for the great outburst of major inventions in earlyAmerica—breakthroughs such as the telegraph, the steamboat and the weaving machine?   Among the many shaping factors, I would single out the country"s excellent elementary schools; a labor force that welcomed the new technology; the practice of giving premiums to inventors; and above all the American genius for nonverbal, spatial thinking about things technological.(1996)   1. According to the author, the great outburst of major inventions in early America was in a large part due to ________.   [A] elementary schools   [B] enthusiastic workers   [C] the attractive premium system   [D] a special way of thinking   The researchers studied the behavior of female brown capuchin monkeys. They look cute. They are good-natured, cooperative creatures, and they share their food readily. Above all, like their female human counterparts, they tend to pay much closer attention to the value of goods and services than males. (2005)   2. Female capuchin monkeys were chosen for the research most probably because they are ________.   [A] more inclined to weigh what they get   [B] attentive to researchers" instructions   [C] nice in both appearance and temperament   [D] more generous than their male companions   这两道题共同的特点就是题目中都有一个表示程度的限定词。第一道题中的限定词是in a large part,第二道题中的限定词是most probably,这两个词语的出现本身就有一个暗示,说明选项中应该有不止一个原因,但是题目要求回答出其中最重要的一个因素。原文定位第一道题,可以发现定位句“I would single out the country"s excellent elementary schools;a labor force that welcomed the new technology;the practice of giving premiums to inventors;and above all the American genius for nonverbal,spatial thinking about things technological”中含有四个并列成分,分别是“excellent elementary schools” , “a labor force”, “the practice of giving premiums to inventors”和“the American genius for nonverbal,spatial thinking about things technological”。上述四个内容在选项中都有出现,很多同学会因为先入为主的思维习惯选择A。但是当我们注意到题干中的限定信息是要求找其中影响的一个因素,我们就要比照四个因素哪个影响。原文中的第四点前出现了above all,这个短语表示“最重要的是”,所以此题应该选择D。   类似的2005年的考题中也出现了同样的情况,题干中出现most,选项中出现了列举。“They look cute. They are good-natured,cooperative creatures,and they share their food tardily. Above all,like their female human counterparts,they tend to pay much closer attention to the value of goods and services than males.” 这些列举也分别被设计成了干扰项。但是其中受到强调的是above all 后面的这个因素。“like their female human counterparts,they tend to pay much closer attention to the value of goods and services" than males”,所以此题答案为A。
2023-07-22 11:27:041

App提交审核被拒 Guideline 1.1 - Safety - Objectionable Content和Guideline 5.0 - Legal

1、发布活动显示金钱的页面 2、私聊需要金币解锁功能页面 3、上架图截图有个页面列表只有女士
2023-07-22 11:28:121


2023-07-22 11:28:222

Guideline 4.3 - Design 解决方案记录

我们APP在之前版本迭代一直是通过审核的,然后在1.0.X版本升级的时候,加入了一次强制用户登录的功能,被 Guideline 5.1.1 - Legal - Privacy - Data Collection and Storage 拒了。 之后去掉强制登录后,被 4. 2 Design: Minimum Functionality 理由再次被拒。之后出现 Guideline 4.3 - Design 。 时间:2018年6月29日 上午9:41 理由: 5. 1.1 Legal: Privacy - Data Collection and Storage 处理方法:取消强制登录功能。 时间:2018年6月29日 上午9:41 理由: 4. 2 Design: Minimum Functionality 处理方法:邮件回复,简单叙述自己APP内容的多样性,并寻求电联交流。 时间:2018年7月4日 上午10:22 事件:请求电话联系。 电话内容概括:我们从没提交过其他相似马甲APP,而且之前迭代一直都是顺利审核,本次版本也只是修改了部分bug,为什么4.3被认为是垃圾APP,苹果客服一直推辞说我们APP和其他APP相似,讨论过后苹果官方给出建议放弃APP,即时提交也会再次被拒,态度很坚决。 处理方法:做了两手准备,一方面准备新的开发者账号,另一方面准备在APP原来的基础上添加了两个新的tab,tab均为本地的小工具,同时对后台的市场图进行了调整。 时间:2018年7月2日 上午2:13 理由: Guideline 4.3 - Design 处理方法:虽然对APP增加了两个tab,更换了市场图,但还是被拒绝了。经过网上大量查找相关资料,做了如下处理: 时间:2018年7月20日 上午4:44 理由: 处理方法:虽然这么多被拒的理由,但是终于不是4.3了,也不再是延迟审核队列,终于看到了希望。 针对1. 1 Safety: Objectionable Content 我们已经下架资讯页面“女性”频道,并对APP内其他资讯内容进行了把控,避免出现使用户感觉到“讨厌和冒犯”。 针对3. 2.2 Business: Other Business Model Issues - Unacceptable 我们已经取消了相关的阅读送金币的活动,严格按照苹果审核规则进行修改。 针对5.2.1 - Legal - Intellectual Property 我们会在附件中提供相关的第三方合作商的授权协议。 针对5.3.2 - Legal - Gaming, Gambling, and Lotteries 我们在《用户协议》中添加了“通过本软件参加的任何商业活动或者奖励活动,由本公司提供,均与Apple Inc.无关。”的说明。并且在开发者后台调整等级为17+。 时间:2018年7月27日 上午0:30 结果:通过审核。 经历了一个月的提交和被拒,版本也从1.0.X到了1.1.X,再次深刻感觉到 苹果爸爸 的严格和对 苹果爸爸 的崇敬,下面给出对于回复和4.3的两点建议。 对于回复,我们一定要保持一个低姿态,回复内容态度一定要非常 友好 ,在下方我会给一个我的回复模板。 对于4.3,4.3的问题确实是很棘手,但并不是不可以解决。 首先我们要确定线上确实没有马甲包,其次,如果出现4.3,证明你已经进入了延迟审核队列和灰名单,不要抱侥幸心理,一定要 对后台相关信息大量修改 ,对 APP的UI和内容 做大量修改。
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2023-07-22 11:28:392


  Don"t allow meal is audible.  Don"t allow for others take food.  Don"t allow smoking.  Don"t allow to others good or not.  Don"t allow in public solution belt.  Don"t allow discussion disgusting things.  不允许进餐时发出声响.  不允许替他人取菜.  不允许吸烟.  不允许向别人劝酒.  不允许当众脱衣解带.  不允许议论令人作呕之事.  Seating and absence  You should wait for elderly after deciding, fangke sat down at the table.  Table if any lady, you should wait for lady seat set before seats. If ms seat in the next neighbour, ms. Should call  After dinner, need male, the hostess asked, other guests can move.  Slouch in your seat, with mensal distance keep well.  In restaurants, should by the waiter brought Taiwan seats.  The move, should help every seat elderly female or drag on the chair.  Tableware put etiquette 1  Incense wipes the use of  Napkin main prevent dirty clothes, holds concurrently do wipe your mouth and hand stain.  Must wait until everyone after deciding, ability can use napkin.  Napkin should spread out and put them in the knees at the top of the lap, who do not fasten belt, or hang in suit brought mouth.  Avoid by all means wipes dinner service.  (3) the table on the general etiquette  Your seat after pawlowska decently, foot in my seat, must not be arbitrarily unbend, elbow shall not rely on table flanges, or put his hand on neighbor on the back.  Dinner should lukewarm wen erya, calmly quiet, cannot impatience.  On the table can be selfish, also want to take care of others, especially must called on both sides of the female guests.  Mouth has food, should avoid to speak.  Self-used tableware not stretch into male dinner plate clip dishes.  Must be small mouth eat, don"t gulp at the end of the cork, food, cannot plug entrance to swallow.  Take food haing soup, should use GongKuai public key.  Eating imported things, not spit it out, if it is a hot food, drink water or juice bathing.  Send food gateways, two cubits should inward depend, is not straight, touch and open to both sides neighbour.  His hand holding a knife and fork, or others in chew food, all should avoid talk to somebody or toast.  Good food is mouth dunking is not mouth was food. Food with juice, can"t rush to his mouth, otherwise sauce drops in table-cloth, extremely coarse.  Avoid by all means probing his teeth, application, and with hand or toothpick handkerchief cloak.  Avoid in table cough, sneeze, ou spirit. If can"t help, should say "sorry".  Drink appropriate various optional, toast with courtesy to date, avoid by all means is good or not, reasoned, Shouting.  Such as tableware baptistery can ask the waiter picked up.  In case of an accident, if they will wine, water, soup plan splashed onto others clothes, apologize can, do not panic, but will make amends gives the other bashful.  If you want to access in front of the other guests deskmate dressing, should ask the neighbor"s guest help transfer, do not put a cross, after take things.  In the case of the master himself cooking food, don"t forget to master admiration.  Like to eat unclean or peculiar smell, not ingestion, should the entrance food, light with his thumb and forefinger and removed on a plate. If found not eating, still in pan dishes are insects and gravel, don"t frightened little weird, appropriate hou waiter approached and whispered told the waiter replacement.  Feed finish, tableware must be placed in order, and not messy placement. Napkin should also be folded, on the table.  Staple foods, unfavorable smoke, if need to smoke, must obtain the consent of the neighbor.  In a restaurant meal, and can"t rob to pay the bill, push-pull contend for pay, most objectionable. If the guest is not rob paying the bill. Friends agree without consent, also unfavorable and friendly paying the bill.  Dine speed, appropriate of the sexes and master synchronization, unfavorable also shoulds not be too fast, too slow.  Table not talk of miserable, otherwise, it will destroy delighted atmosphere.  就座和离席  应等长者坐定后,方可入坐.  席上如有女士,应等女士座定后,方可入座.如女士座位在隔邻,应招 呼女士.  用餐后,须等男、女主人离席后,其他宾客方可离席.  坐姿要端正,与餐桌的距离保持得宜.  在饭店用餐,应由服务生领台入座.  离席时,应帮助隔座长者或女上拖拉座椅.  餐具摆放礼仪1  香巾的使用  餐巾主要防止弄脏衣服,兼做擦嘴及手上的油渍.  必须等到大家坐定后,才可使用餐巾.  餐巾应摊开后,放在双膝上端的大腿上,切勿系人腰带,或挂在西装领 口.  切忌用餐巾擦拭餐具.  (三)餐桌上的一般礼仪  入座后姿式端正,脚踏在本人座位下,不可任意伸直,手肘不得靠桌缘, 或将手放在邻座椅背上.  用餐时须温文而雅,从容安静,不能急躁.  在餐桌上不能只顾自己,也要关心别人,尤其要招呼两侧的女宾.  口内有食物,应避免说话.  自用餐具不可伸入公用餐盘夹取菜肴.  必须小口进食,不要大口的塞,食物末咽下,不能再塞入口.  取菜舀汤,应使用公筷公匙.  吃进口的东西,不能吐出来,如系滚烫的食物,可喝水或果汁冲凉.  送食物入口时,两肘应向内靠,不直向两旁张开,碰及邻座.  自己手上持刀叉,或他人在咀嚼食物时,均应避免跟人说话或敬酒.  好的吃相是食物就口,不可将口就食物.食物带汁,不能匆忙送入口, 否则汤汁滴在桌布上,极为不雅.  切忌用手指掏牙,应用牙签,并以手或手帕遮掩.  避免在餐桌上咳嗽、打喷嚏、怄气.万一不禁,应说声“对不起”.  喝酒宜各随意,敬酒以礼到为止,切忌劝酒、猜拳、吆喝.  如餐具坠地,可请侍者拾起.  遇有意外,如不慎将酒、水、汤计溅到他人衣服,表示歉意即可,不 必恐慌赔罪,反使对方难为情.  如欲取用摆在同桌其他客人面前之调味品,应请邻座客人帮忙传递, 不可伸手横越,长驱取物.  如系主人亲自烹调食物,勿忘予主人赞赏.  如吃到不洁或异味,不可吞入,应将入口食物,轻巧的用拇指和食指 取出,放入盘中.倘发现尚未吃食,仍在盘中的菜肴有昆虫和碎石,不要大惊小 怪,宜侯侍者走近,轻声告知侍者更换.  食毕,餐具务必摆放整齐,不可凌乱放置.餐巾亦应折好,放在桌上.  主食进行中,不宜抽烟,如需抽烟,必须先征得邻座的同意.  在餐厅进餐,不能抢着付帐,推拉争付,至为不雅.倘系作客,不能 抢付帐.未征得朋友同意,亦不宜代友付帐.  进餐的速度,宜与男女主人同步,不宜太快,亦不宜太慢.  餐桌上不能谈悲戚之事,否则会破坏欢愉的气氛.
2023-07-22 11:28:482

Unit Groundwater Contamination and Water Quality Standards

During recent years much of the emphasis in groundw ater investigations in industrialized countries has shifted from problems of groundw ater supply to considerations of groundw ater quality. As a result of our consumptive w ay of life,the groundw ater environment is being assaulted w ith an ever-increasing number of soluble chemicals. Current data indicate that in the United States there are at least 17 million w aste disposal facilities emplacing more than 6. 5 billion cubic meters of liquid into the ground each year. As time goes on,the vast subsurface reservoir of fresh w ater,w hich a few decades ago w as relatively unblemished by man"s activities,is gradually becoming degraded.The problem of w ater quality degradation of rivers and lakes has been evident for a long time. In general,solutions to this problem have been found in the implementation of effective legislation for discontinuing contaminant emissions. Already in some parts of the w orld, effective emission abatement measures have led to great improvements in surface-w ater quality. Unfortunately,problems of groundw ater quality degradation are in many w ays more difficult to overcome. Because of the heterogeneities inherent in subsurface systems,zones of degraded groundw ater can be very difficult to detect. The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency in 1977 reported that almost every know n instance of aquifer contamination w as discovered only after a w ater-supply w ell w as affected. Often by the time subsurface pollution is conclusively identified,it is too late to apply remedial measures that w ould be of much benefit. From a w ater quality view point,degradation of groundw ater often requires long periods of time before the true extent of the problem is readily detectable. Long periods of groundw ater flow are often required for pollutants to be flushed from contaminated aquifers. Groundw ater pollution often results in aquifers or parts of aquifers being damaged beyond repair.Whereas the problem of achieving acceptable quality of surface w aters focuses mainly on decreasing the know n emissions of pollutants to these systems,the problem facing scientists and engineers involved in the protection of groundw ater resources is to identify the areas and mechanisms by w hich pollutants can enter groundw ater flow systems and to develop reliable predictions of the transport of contaminants w ithin the flow systems. This is necessary as a basis for minimizing the impact of existing or proposed industrial,agricultural,or municipal activities on groundw ater quality.The purpose of this section is to provide some insight into the physical and chemical factors that influence the subsurface migration of dissolved contaminants. To this end the behavior of nonreactive solutes and of solutes that undergo reactions during subsurface migration w ill be considered. Follow ing this,more specific contamination problems related to activities such as agriculture,mining, nuclear pow er development, and disposal of refuse, sew age, and industrial w astes w ill be briefly review ed.Throughout this section all solutes introduced into the hydrologic environment as a result of man"s activities are referred to as contaminants,regardless of whether or not the concentrations reach levels that cause significant degradation of water quality. The term pollution is reserved for situations where contaminant concentrations attain levels that are considered to be objectionable.The emphasis in this section is on the occurrence and processes that control the migration of dissolved contaminants in groundw ater. Groundw ater can also be contaminated by oily substances that exist in a liquid state in contact w ith w ater in a manner that does not lead to mixing of the oils in a dissolved form. The oily liquid is said to be immiscible in the w ater. The physical processes that control the movement of immiscible fluids in subsurface systems w as described by Bear in 1972 and w as introduced in a later section.Before proceeding w ith discussions of the principles of contaminant behavior in groundw ater flow systems and of sources of groundw ater contamination, w e w ill briefly examine some of the more important w ater quality standards. These standards serve as a basis for appraisal of the results of chemical analyses of w ater in terms of suitability of the w ater for various intended uses. The most important of these standards are those established for drinking w ater ( Table 13. 1) . The recommended limits for concentrations of inorganic constituents in drinking w ater have existed for many years. Limits for organic constituents such as pesticide residues are a recent addition. There is considerable controversy w ith regard to the specific organic constituents that should be included in drinking w ater standards and the concentration limits that should be established for them.Table 13. 1 Drinking water standardscontinuedSources: U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1975 and Word Health Organization ( WHO ) , European Standards,1970.* Recommended concentration limits for these constituents are mainly to provide acceptable esthetic and taste characteristics.ue551 Limit for NO-3expressed as N is 10 mg / L according to U. S. and Canadian standards; according to WHO European standards,it is 11. 3 mg / L as N and 50 mg / L as NO-3.ue550 Maximum permissible concentration are set according to health criteria.§ Limit depends on average air temperature of the region; fluoride is toxic at about 5 - 10 mg / L if water is consumed over a long period of time.** 1pCi = 3. 7 ×10- 2Bq.In Table 13. 1 the major constituents for w hich recommended permissible limits are listed are total dissolved solids ( TDS) ,sulfate,and chloride. Consumption by humans of w aters w ith concentrations somew hat above these limits is generally not harmful. In many regions groundw ater used for drinking-w ater supply exceeds the limits of one or more of these parameters. Several hundred milligrams per liter of chloride must be present in order for saltiness to be detected by taste.Hardness of w ater is defined as its content of metallic ions w hich react w ith sodium soaps to produce solid soaps or scummy residue and w hich react w ith negative ions,w hen the w ater is evaporated in boilers,to produce solid boiler scale. Hardness is normally expressed as the total concentration of Ca2 +and Mg2 +as milligrams per liter equivalent CaCO3. It can be determined by substituting the concentration of Ca2 +and Mg2 +,expressed in milligrams per liter,in the expressiontotal hardness = 2. 5 [Ca2 +]+ 4. 1[Mg2 +] Each concentration is multiplied by the ratio of the formula w eight of CaCO3to the atomic w eight of the ion; hence the factors 2. 5 and 4. 1 are included in the hardness relation. Water w ith hardness values greater than 150 mg / L is designated as being very hard. Soft w ater has values less than 60 mg / L. Water softening is common practice in many communities w here the w ater supply has a hardness greater than about 80 - 100 mg / L. Water used for boiler feed w ill cause excessive scale formation ( carbonate-mineral precipitation) if the hardness is above about 60 - 80 mg / L.Of the recommended limits specified for minor and trace inorganic constituents in drinking w ater,many have been established for reasons other than direct hazard to human health. For example iron and manganese are both essential to the human body. Their intake through drinking w ater is normally an insignificant part of the body requirement. The recommended limits placed on these metals in the standards are for the purpose of avoiding,in household w ater use,problems associated w ith precipitates and stains that form because oxides of these metals are relatively insoluble. The recommended limit for zinc is set at 5 mg / L to avoid taste produced by zinc at higher concentrations. Concentrations as high as 40 mg / L can be tolerated w ith no apparent deteriment to general health. Zinc concentrations as low as 0. 02 mg / L are, how ever,toxic to fish. Zinc contamination can be regarded as severe pollution in ecological systems w here fish are of primary interest but may be only of minor significance if human consumption is the primary use of the w ater.The most common identifiable contaminant in groundwater is nitrate ( NO-3) . The recommended limit for nitrate in drinking water is 45 mg / L expressed as NO-3or 10 mg / L expressed as N. In Europe the limit recommended by the World Health Organization is 50 mg / L as NO-3and 11. 3 mg / L as N. Excessive concentrations of NO-3have potential to harm infant human beings and livestock if consumed on a regular basis. Adults can tolerate much higher concentrations. The extent to which NO-3in water is viewed as a serious pollutant therefore depends on the water use.The constituents for w hich maximum permissible concentration limits have been set in drinking w ater standards ( Table 13. 1 ) are all considered to have significant potential for harm to human health at concentrations above the specified limits. The specified limits are not to be exceeded in public w ater supplies. If the limits for one or more of the constituents are exceeded, the w ater is considered to be unfit for human consumption. The limits indicated in Table 13. 1 are representative of the current standards in the United States and Canada. The limits are continually being appraised and modifications occur from time to time. As more is learned about the role of trace constituents in human health,the list of constituents for w hich maximum permissible limits exist may expand,particularly in the case of organic substances.In many regions the most important uses of groundw ater are for agriculture. In these situations it is appropriate to appraise the quality of groundw ater relative to criteria or guidelines established for livestock or irrigation. Recommended concentration limits for these uses are listed in Table 13. 2. The list of constituents and the concentration limits are not as stringent as for drinking w ater. These w ater quality criteria do serve to indicate, how ever,that concentration increases in a variety of constituents due to man"s activities can cause serious degradation of groundw ater quality even if the w ater is not used for human consumption.Table 13. 2 Recommended concentration limits for water used for livestock and irrigation crop production( Source: Freeze et al. ,1979)水文地质专业英语
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英语阅读多是坏事情,所以贬义词就多些褒义的:approving 赞许的objective 客观的impartial 公平的optimistic 乐观的sympathetic 同情的reserved consent 有保留的赞成cautiously approving 谨慎支持中性的:ambiguous模棱两可的,neutral中立的indifferent漠不关心的贬义的:negative否定的,消极的,反面的pessimistic 悲观的apprehensive 忧虑的reserved 有保留的,内向的arbitrary武断的, biased有偏见的,偏心的critical持批评态度的depressing 令人沮丧的disappointing令人失望的doubtful怀疑的gloomy沮丧的,忧愁的indignant 愤怒的objectionable引起反对的,令人反感的 opposed/opposing, partial 不公平的radical激进的,极端的scared惊恐的,恐慌的sensitive敏感的subjective主观的suspicious可疑的,疑心的
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求 鲁滨逊漂流记 人物性格分析 英文版

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去谷歌翻译, 阿尔巴尼亚文阿拉伯文爱尔兰文爱沙尼亚语白俄罗斯语保加利亚文冰岛语波兰语波斯语布尔文(南非洲的荷兰文)朝鲜语丹麦语德语俄语法语非洲的斯瓦希里文菲律宾文芬兰语荷兰语加利西亚语加泰罗尼亚语捷克语克罗地亚文拉脱维亚语立陶宛语罗马尼亚语马耳他文马来文马其顿文挪威语葡萄牙语日语瑞典语塞尔维亚文斯洛伐克文斯洛文尼亚文泰文土耳其文威尔士语乌克兰文西班牙语希伯来语希腊语匈牙利语意大利语意第绪语印度文印尼文英语越南文中文都能翻译
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iOS App被拒原因以及解决方案总结。

Guideline 1.2 - Safety - User Generated Content Your app enables the display of user-generated content but does not have the proper precautions in place. Next Steps To resolve this issue, please revise your app to implement all of the following precautions: 翻译出来是: 准则1.2 - 安全 - 用户生成的内容 您的应用可以显示用户生成的内容,但没有适当的预防措施。 下一步 要解决此问题,请修改您的应用以实施以下所有预防措施: 分析:这个被拒的原因是因为app能展示用的内容,但却没有防范措施。解决方法是加上用户协议,加上拉黑以及举报功能 Guideline 3.1.1 - Business - Payments - In-App Purchase We also noticed that your app uses in-app purchase products to purchase credits or currencies that are not consumed within the app, which is not appropriate for the App Store. Please see attached screenshots for details. 翻译出来是: 准则3.1.1 - 业务 - 付款 - 应用内购买 我们还注意到,您的应用使用应用内购买产品来购买未在应用内消费的点数或币种,这不适用于App Store。 详情请参阅附件截图。 下一步 要解决此问题,请修改您的应用,确保通过应用内购买产品所使用的信用卡或货币在应用中使用,或完全删除应用内购买。 分析:这个被拒的原因是因为app中有充值功能,但审核人员找不到若何消费充值金币。解决方式是在提审的时候告诉审核人员如何消费,并附上截图。 Guideline 1.1 - Safety - Objectionable Content Your app includes content that many users would find objectionable and offensive. Specifically, your app provided paid chat service. Please see attached screenshots for details. Next Steps To resolve this issue, please remove all potentially objectionable content from your app and submit your revised binary for review. For app design information, check out the following videos: and "Designing Intuitive User Experiences," available on the Apple Developer website. You may also want to review the iOS Human Interface Guidelines for more information on how to create a great user experience in your app. 翻译出来是: 准则1.1 - 安全 - 不良内容 您的应用包含许多用户会觉得令人反感和令人反感的内容。 具体来说,您的应用提供了付费聊天服务 详情请参阅附件截图。 下一步 要解决此问题,请从您的应用中删除所有可能令人反感的内容,并提交修改后的二进制文件以供审核。 有关应用设计信息,请查看以下视频:以及Apple Design Developer网站上提供的“设计直观的用户体验”。 您可能还需要查看iOS人机界面指南,以获取有关如何在您的应用中创建出色用户体验的更多信息。 分析:这个被拒的原因是因为提供了付费聊天服务。这个没办法了,苹果是不允许的,要么去掉,要么隐藏。 Guideline 2.3.7 - Performance - Accurate Metadata Your app name or subtitle to be displayed on the App Store includes keywords or descriptors, which are not appropriate for use in these metadata items. Specifically, the following words in your app name or subtitle are considered keywords or descriptors: 翻译出来是: 准则2.3.7 - 性能 - 准确的元数据 您在App Store上显示的应用名称或字幕包含关键字或描述符,这些关键字或描述符不适用于这些元数据项目。 具体来说,应用程序名称或副标题中的以下单词被视为关键字或描述符: 分析:在填写应用信息的时候主标题和副标题关键字重复。解决方法:去掉重复的关键字就可以了。 Guideline 3.0 - Business Your game app includes in-app purchase products for consumable credits priced over $99.99, Tier 60. Next Steps To resolve this issue, please revise your app to ensure that a single in-app purchase product for consumable credits is priced at nothing more than $99.99, Tier 60. To edit in-app purchases: Note: When an in-app purchase is in the "Developer Action Needed" state, you must make some change to it before it can move to Waiting for Review. 翻译出来是: 准则3.0 - 业务 您的游戏应用程序包括应用程序内消费信用卡购买产品,价格超过99.99美元,60级。 下一步 要解决此问题,请修改您的应用,以确保单个应用内购买消费信用产品的价格不超过99.99美元,Tier 60。 编辑应用内购买: 注意:当应用程序内购买处于“需要开发者操作”状态时,您必须对其进行一些更改,然后才能转到等待审核。 分析:在app中用到了苹果内购,苹果规定一次性消耗种类的价格不能大于99美元。解决方法:修改价格即可。 Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness We discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on iPad running iOS 11.3 on Wi-Fi connected to an IPv6 network. We could not load the contents in 消息. The steps to reproduce are: 翻译出来是: 准则2.1 - 性能 - 应用程序完整性 我们在连接到IPv6网络的Wi-Fi上运行iOS 11.3的iPad上检查时,发现您的应用存在一个或多个错误。 我们无法加载消息中的内容。 重现的步骤是: 1.启动应用程序 2.输入模拟账户信息 3.在右下角点击消息 4.没有内容 分析:及时通讯集成的是环信,环信在ipv6下是坑定没有问题的。后来想到审核人员是把app删掉之后重新装的,而环信的信息和微信一样是缓存在本地的。删掉后从新进入当然没有。解决方法:在提审是说明一下。eg:经我们测试,在ipva6网络下是没有问题的。我们的聊天信息是缓存在本地的。 Guideline 5.1.1 - Legal - Privacy - Data Collection and Storage We noticed that your app requests the user"s consent to access their Photos but does not clarify the use of this feature in the permission modal alert. Please see attached screenshots for details. Next Steps To resolve this issue, please revise the permission modal alert to specify why the app is requesting access to the user"s Photos. 翻译出来是: 准则5.1.1 - 法律 - 隐私 - 数据收集和存储 我们注意到您的应用请求用户同意访问他们的照片,但未在权限模式警报中说明使用此功能。 详情请参阅附件截图。 下一步 要解决此问题,请修改权限模式警报以指定应用程序请求访问用户照片的原因。 分析:被拒原因是因为在请求一些权限的时候没有说明功能,eg:获取用户相机权限或者获取麦克风权限。解决方法:在info.plist文件中修改文案,标明使用这个功能是做什么的。eg:访问相机 eg:“亲,我们需要访问您的相机,用于照片拍摄。” Guideline 1.1 - Safety - Objectionable Content Your app includes content that many users would find objectionable and offensive. Specifically, your app contained objectionable pictures. Please see attached screenshots for details. 准则1.1 - 安全 - 不良内容 您的应用包含许多用户会觉得令人反感和令人反感的内容。 具体来说,您的应用包含令人反感的图片。 详情请参阅附件截图。 分析:被拒原因是因为app上女性照片太暴露。可能我们认为还好,但苹果就是这么奇葩。解决方式:换掉看起来不合适的图片重新上传。 Guideline 1.1 - Safety - Objectionable Content Your app includes content that many users would find objectionable and offensive. Specifically, your app objectified females only. Please see attached screenshots for details. 翻译出来是: 准则1.1 - 安全 - 不良内容 您的应用包含许多用户会觉得令人反感和令人反感的内容。 具体而言,您的应用仅将女性客体化。 详情请参阅附件截图。 分析:我们的app是一个交友软件,上面的大部分是女性。所以被拒了。额。。有点奇葩。解放方法:上传一些男性的照片并且放在显眼的位置。 Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed We have started the review of your app, but we are not able to continue because we need access to a video that demonstrates your app: in use on a physical iOS device. Please ensure the video you provide shows a physical iOS device (not a simulator). Specifically, please demonstrate the background audio feature(s) while the users do not use the app since your app declares support for audio in the UIBackgroundModes key in your Info.plist. 翻译出来是: 准则2.1 - 需要的信息 我们已开始审核您的应用,但我们无法继续,因为我们需要访问演示您的应用的视频: 在物理iOS设备上使用。 请确保您提供的视频显示了一个物理iOS设备(不是模拟器)。具体来说,请在用户不使用应用程序时演示背景音频功能,因为您的应用程序在Info.plist的UIBackgroundModes项中声明了对音频的支持。 分析:苹果默认app在后台是只工作三分钟的。为了保持app在后台长期在线。默认在后台播放一个无声的音乐,这种方式比较耗电。后台改用APNS推送唤醒。忘了把UIBackgroundModes勾选调。解决方法:把UIBackgroundModes后台音频播勾选掉。 Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed This type of app has been identified as one that may violate one or more of the following App Store Review Guidelines . Specifically, these types of apps often: 1.1.6 - Include false information, features, or misleading metadata. 2.3.0 - Undergo significant concept changes after approval 2.3.1 - Have hidden or undocumented features, including hidden "switches" that redirect to a gambling or lottery website 3.1.1 - Use payment mechanisms other than in-app purchase to unlock features or functionality in the app 4.3.0 - Are a duplicate of another app or are conspicuously similar to another app 5.2.1 - Were not submitted by the legal entity that owns and is responsible for offering any services provided by the app 5.3.4 - Do not have the necessary licensing and permissions for all the locations where the app is used Before we can continue with our review, please confirm that this app does not violate any of the above guidelines. You may reply to this message in Resolution Center or the App Review Information section in iTunes Connect to verify this app"s compliance. Given the tendency for apps of this type to violate the aforementioned guidelines, this review will take additional time. If at any time we discover that this app is in violation of these guidelines, the app will be rejected and removed from the App Store, and it may result in the termination of your Apple Developer Program account. Should you choose to resubmit this app without confirming this app"s compliance, the next submission of this app will still require a longer review time. Additionally, this app will not be eligible for an expedited review until we have received your confirmation. 翻译出来是: 准则2.1 - 需要的信息 这种类型的应用程序已被识别为可能违反以下一项或多项应用程序商店评论准则的应用程序。具体来说,这些类型的应用程序往往 1.1.6 - 包含虚假信息,功能或误导性元数据。 2.3.0 - 批准后进行重大概念变更 2.3.1 - 有隐藏或未记录的功能,包括重定向到赌博或彩票网站的隐藏“开关” 3.1.1 - 使用应用程序内购买以外的支付机制解锁应用程序中的功能或功能 4.3.0 - 是另一个应用程序的副本或与另一个应用程序显着相似 5.2.1 - 未由拥有并负责提供应用提供的任何服务的法人提交 5.3.4 - 没有使用应用程序的所有位置的必要许可和权限 在我们继续审核之前,请确认此应用没有违反上述任何指南。您可以在“解决方案中心”或iTunes Connect中的“应用程序评论信息”部分回复此消息,以验证此应用程序的合规性。 鉴于此类应用程序倾向于违反上述准则,此审核将需要更多时间。如果我们发现此应用程序在任何时候违反了这些准则,该应用程序将被拒绝并从App Store中删除,并可能导致您的Apple开发人员计划帐户被终止。 如果您选择在不确认此应用的合规性的情况下重新提交此应用,则此应用的下一次提交仍需要较长的审核时间。此外,除非我们收到您的确认信息,否则此应用将无法加急审核。 分析:这个就厉害了。2.1大礼包问题。近来很多app被拒都是因为这个。因为苹果的审核机制变了。有很多app是没有以上提出的问题的。这个大概是苹果公司给的警告,并不是说app一定有那些问题。解决方法:一条一条的查看是都存在问题,如果有了最好改了。最后在提交审核的时候再进行说明。eg: 尊敬的苹果审核团队: 感谢您的耐心审核, 对于您提到的7个审核条款, 我们开发团队经过认真自查和研究,并且对所违规内容作了修改, 我们现在对此回复如下: 1.1.6:我们并没有包含虚假信息,和误导用户的功能,全都是真实的。 2.3.0:我们没有在通过后修改任何概念和功能。 2.3.1:我们没有切换到任何赌博或彩票的网站,我们是原生App 3.1.1:我们游戏内都是使用的苹果支付,并没有使用任何第三方支付。 4.3.0:我们的游戏内容都是我们自己开发的, 并不存在抄袭或者大量相似。 5.2.1:我们的App并没有法人实体和版权的风险。 5.3.4:我们的App也并没有使用任何定位相关功能和权限。 这是我们经过认真自查和修改之后,得到的结论。 希望苹果审核团队能继续审核,感谢。 Guideline 5.2.1 - Legal - Intellectual Property Your app facilitates, enables, or encourages live video chat or performance (网络直播/表演/秀场), but you haven"t provided a sufficient Internet Culture Business License (网络文化经营许可证) for the services in your app. Next Steps To resolve this issue, please complete the following: — Provide both a copy and the direct link to the government website that displays your Internet Culture Business License (网络文化经营许可证). — List Internet Show (网络表演/秀场) in the allowed business areas (经营范围) section of the Internet Culture Business License (网络文化经营许可证). — Ensure the seller and artist names associated with your account match the authorized name (单位名称) listed in the Internet Culture Business License (网络文化经营许可证). — Provide the complete license number (编号) of your Internet Culture Business License (网络文化经营许可证) in the "Review Notes" section. Resources To provide a copy of the Internet Culture Business License (网络文化经营许可证): Once this information is available, please reply to this message in Resolution Center, and we can continue with our review. 翻译出来是: 准则5.2.1 - 法律 - 知识产权 您的应用程序促进,启用或鼓励实时视频聊天或表演,但您的应用程序中的服务未提供足够的互联网文化经营许可证。 下一步 要解决此问题,请完成以下步骤: 资源 提供“互联网文化经营许可证”的复印件: 获得此信息后,请在解决中心回复此消息,我们可以继续进行审核。 分析:苹果审核人员把我们的app认定为直播类的了。苹果规定直播类型的app必须提供“互联网文化经营许可证”。解决方法:没办法,去掉那些功能,或者让公司提示证书。还有一种是加个开关隐藏,这个就看你运气了,有的能被发现,有的是不能被发现。真的有点看运气了。不过最好的解决方法是让公司提供证书。 Guideline 2.4.1 - Performance - Hardware Compatibility We noticed that your app did not run or display as expected when viewed on iPad running iOS 11.3. Please see attached screenshots for details. 翻译出来是: 准则2.4.1 - 性能 - 硬件兼容性 我们注意到,在运行iOS 11.3的iPad上查看时,您的应用没有按预期运行或显示。 详情请参阅附件截图。 分析:虽然有时候我们的app是只支持iPhone手机的,但苹果的审核人员测试使用的是ipad,这样他们要求app必须对ipad进行适配。解放方案:对ipad进行适配。一般来说只要在iPhone上适配没有问题,在ipad上的适配问题都不大。最后是让ipad值支持竖屏,去掉横屏。有很多人是适配了竖屏,而苹果审核人员发现横屏没有支持被拒了,所以info.plist 的Supported interface orientations (iPad)里设置只支持竖屏就好了。
2023-07-22 11:30:401


伤心heart-struck 伤心的 smart from 伤心 忧伤dolorous 忧伤的 grief-stricken 极度忧伤的 烦恼agonise 烦恼 agonising 烦恼的 agonisingly 烦恼地 agonizingly 使人烦恼地 annoyance 烦恼 bother about 烦恼 cark 烦恼 disencumber 摆脱烦恼 fash 烦恼 fret away 烦恼中度过 fret 烦恼 galling 使烦恼的 harass 烦恼 overcare 自寻烦恼 shuffle off this mortal coil 摆脱尘世烦恼 Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof 当时的烦恼就够多了 teasingly 烦恼地 trouble 烦恼 untroubled 无烦恼的 vex oneself 独自烦恼 vex 使烦恼 vexation 烦恼 worriless 无烦恼的 worrisome 令人烦恼的 worrit 烦恼 worry oneself 自找烦恼 worry 烦恼 worrywart 自寻烦恼者 忧伤 desolation mourn take no thought for 忧伤 mirthlessly 忧伤地 开心 have fun 玩得开心 jollier 讨人开心者 yippee 开心 伤感slop over 伤感 part friends 不伤感情地分手 sentimentalize 伤感 尴尬awkard embarrassed discomfiture 尴尬 up a stump 处境尴尬 恼怒exasperation 恼怒 get the needle 恼怒 irritated 恼怒的 生气angry 生气的 as cross as two sticks 非常生气的 as mad as a wet hen 非常生气 huffish 生气的 riley 生气的 snuffy 生气的 sulky 生气的 幸福beatific 幸福的 benedictional 使人幸福的 blessedly 幸福地 blessedness 幸福 blissfully 幸福地 days marked with a white stone 幸福的日子 eudemonia 幸福 eudemonic 幸福的 felicific 幸福的 felicity 幸福 happily 幸福地 happiness 幸福 on top of the world 幸福到极点 高兴bobbish 高兴的 cheerfully 高高兴兴地 cheerfulness 高兴 chuffed 高兴的 delectate 使高兴 disgruntle 使不高兴 exhilarate 使高兴 exhilaration 令人高兴 exhilarative 使高兴的 exult 非常高兴 exultant 非常高兴的 glad at 高兴 glad of 高兴 glad to meet you 很高兴认识你 glad 高兴的 gladly 高兴地 gladsome 高兴的 gleesome 极为高兴的 good humor 高兴 grouch 不高兴的人 grouchily 不高兴地 grouchy 不高兴的 hilarity 高兴 ill humor 不高兴 jauntily 高兴地 jauntiness 高兴 jollity 高兴 joyancy 高兴 joyless 不高兴的 nice to meet you 很高兴见到你 out of sorts 不高兴的 pleased 高兴的 rejoicingly 高兴地 sulkiness 不高兴 sullenly 不高兴地 harrowing 痛心的 孤独lone 孤独的 loneliness 孤独 lonely 孤独的 loner 孤独的人 monophobia 孤独恐惧症 plough a lonely furrow 孤独地行动 solitary 孤独的 solitude 孤独 疲倦aweary 疲倦的 beat-out 疲倦不堪的 careworn 疲倦的 dog-tired 疲倦极的 forspent 疲倦的 forwearied 极疲倦的 forworn 极疲倦的 get tired 疲倦 got tired 疲倦 harassed 疲倦的 indefatigable 不知疲倦的 languid 疲倦的 languidly 疲倦地 languorously 疲倦地 poohed 疲倦的 tireless 不疲倦的 tirelessly 不知疲倦地 untiringly 不疲倦地 unwearied 不疲倦的 wearily 疲倦地 weariness 疲倦 wearisome 使疲倦的 weary 疲倦的 讨厌a wet smack 讨厌的人 abominable 讨厌的 accursed 讨厌的 accurst 讨厌的 antipathetic 讨厌的 bally 讨厌的 betenoire 讨厌的人 blighter 讨厌的家伙 bore 讨厌的人 brattish 讨厌的 bratty 讨厌的 cumbersome 讨厌的 cumbrous 讨厌的 disfavour 讨厌 disgustingly 讨厌地 dislike 讨厌 disrelish 讨厌 distaste 讨厌 flipping 讨厌之极的 icky 讨厌的 irksome 讨厌的 loathing 讨厌 loathsome 讨厌的 loathsomely 令人讨厌地 nuisance 讨厌的 objectionable 讨厌的 odiously 讨厌地 odiousness 讨厌 odium 讨厌 offensive 讨厌的 pesky 讨厌的 plaguy 讨厌的 rebarbative 令人讨厌的 sad apple 讨厌的家伙 skunk 讨厌鬼 snorty 令人讨厌的 sourpuss 讨厌鬼 stinking 非常讨厌的 vilely 讨厌地 vileness 讨厌 wet smack 讨厌的人 喜欢get down on 开始不喜欢 grow upon 逐渐喜欢 have a liking for 喜欢 have a mark on 喜欢 have a sweet teeth 喜欢吃甜 have a sweet tooth 喜欢吃甜 homekeeping 不喜欢外出的 inhabitiveness 喜欢待在同一住所 liked 喜欢 likesome 讨人喜欢的 neophilia 喜欢新奇 out of conceit with 不再喜欢 persona grata 讨人喜欢的人 prefer 更喜欢 take a fancy to 喜欢 take a liking for 喜欢 take a pleasure in 喜欢 take shine to 喜欢 yappy 喜欢叫嚷的
2023-07-22 11:31:101


伤心heart-struck 伤心的 smart from 伤心 忧伤dolorous 忧伤的 grief-stricken 极度忧伤的 烦恼agonise 烦恼 agonising 烦恼的 agonisingly 烦恼地 agonizingly 使人烦恼地 annoyance 烦恼 bother about 烦恼 cark 烦恼 disencumber 摆脱烦恼 fash 烦恼 fret away 烦恼中度过 fret 烦恼 galling 使烦恼的 harass 烦恼 overcare 自寻烦恼 shuffle off this mortal coil 摆脱尘世烦恼 Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof 当时的烦恼就够多了 teasingly 烦恼地 trouble 烦恼 untroubled 无烦恼的 vex oneself 独自烦恼 vex 使烦恼 vexation 烦恼 worriless 无烦恼的 worrisome 令人烦恼的 worrit 烦恼 worry oneself 自找烦恼 worry 烦恼 worrywart 自寻烦恼者 忧伤 desolation mourn take no thought for 忧伤 mirthlessly 忧伤地 开心 have fun 玩得开心 jollier 讨人开心者 yippee 开心 伤感slop over 伤感 part friends 不伤感情地分手 sentimentalize 伤感 尴尬awkard embarrassed discomfiture 尴尬 up a stump 处境尴尬 恼怒exasperation 恼怒 get the needle 恼怒 irritated 恼怒的 生气angry 生气的 as cross as two sticks 非常生气的 as mad as a wet hen 非常生气 huffish 生气的 riley 生气的 snuffy 生气的 sulky 生气的 幸福beatific 幸福的 benedictional 使人幸福的 blessedly 幸福地 blessedness 幸福 blissfully 幸福地 days marked with a white stone 幸福的日子 eudemonia 幸福 eudemonic 幸福的 felicific 幸福的 felicity 幸福 happily 幸福地 happiness 幸福 on top of the world 幸福到极点 高兴bobbish 高兴的 cheerfully 高高兴兴地 cheerfulness 高兴 chuffed 高兴的 delectate 使高兴 disgruntle 使不高兴 exhilarate 使高兴 exhilaration 令人高兴 exhilarative 使高兴的 exult 非常高兴 exultant 非常高兴的 glad at 高兴 glad of 高兴 glad to meet you 很高兴认识你 glad 高兴的 gladly 高兴地 gladsome 高兴的 gleesome 极为高兴的 good humor 高兴 grouch 不高兴的人 grouchily 不高兴地 grouchy 不高兴的 hilarity 高兴 ill humor 不高兴 jauntily 高兴地 jauntiness 高兴 jollity 高兴 joyancy 高兴 joyless 不高兴的 nice to meet you 很高兴见到你 out of sorts 不高兴的 pleased 高兴的 rejoicingly 高兴地 sulkiness 不高兴 sullenly 不高兴地 harrowing 痛心的 孤独lone 孤独的 loneliness 孤独 lonely 孤独的 loner 孤独的人 monophobia 孤独恐惧症 plough a lonely furrow 孤独地行动 solitary 孤独的 solitude 孤独 疲倦aweary 疲倦的 beat-out 疲倦不堪的 careworn 疲倦的 dog-tired 疲倦极的 forspent 疲倦的 forwearied 极疲倦的 forworn 极疲倦的 get tired 疲倦 got tired 疲倦 harassed 疲倦的 indefatigable 不知疲倦的 languid 疲倦的 languidly 疲倦地 languorously 疲倦地 poohed 疲倦的 tireless 不疲倦的 tirelessly 不知疲倦地 untiringly 不疲倦地 unwearied 不疲倦的 wearily 疲倦地 weariness 疲倦 wearisome 使疲倦的 weary 疲倦的 讨厌a wet smack 讨厌的人 abominable 讨厌的 accursed 讨厌的 accurst 讨厌的 antipathetic 讨厌的 bally 讨厌的 betenoire 讨厌的人 blighter 讨厌的家伙 bore 讨厌的人 brattish 讨厌的 bratty 讨厌的 cumbersome 讨厌的 cumbrous 讨厌的 disfavour 讨厌 disgustingly 讨厌地 dislike 讨厌 disrelish 讨厌 distaste 讨厌 flipping 讨厌之极的 icky 讨厌的 irksome 讨厌的 loathing 讨厌 loathsome 讨厌的 loathsomely 令人讨厌地 nuisance 讨厌的 objectionable 讨厌的 odiously 讨厌地 odiousness 讨厌 odium 讨厌 offensive 讨厌的 pesky 讨厌的 plaguy 讨厌的 rebarbative 令人讨厌的 sad apple 讨厌的家伙 skunk 讨厌鬼 snorty 令人讨厌的 sourpuss 讨厌鬼 stinking 非常讨厌的 vilely 讨厌地 vileness 讨厌 wet smack 讨厌的人 喜欢get down on 开始不喜欢 grow upon 逐渐喜欢 have a liking for 喜欢 have a mark on 喜欢 have a sweet teeth 喜欢吃甜 have a sweet tooth 喜欢吃甜 homekeeping 不喜欢外出的 inhabitiveness 喜欢待在同一住所 liked 喜欢 likesome 讨人喜欢的 neophilia 喜欢新奇 out of conceit with 不再喜欢 persona grata 讨人喜欢的人 prefer 更喜欢 take a fancy to 喜欢 take a liking for 喜欢 take a pleasure in 喜欢 take shine to 喜欢 yappy 喜欢叫嚷的
2023-07-22 11:31:201


愚公移山 The Foolish Old Man Who Removed the Mountion刻舟求剑 to cut a mark on the side of one"s boat to indicate the place where one"s sword has dropped into the river;to take measures without regard to changes in circumstances; to be stubbornly unimaginativemark the moving Boat to find the sword; ridiculous stupidity互相矛盾 be contradictory to each other孟母三迁 Mencius"mother to move her house three times to seek a good environment for her child"s development.铁杵磨成针 1.An iron pestle can be ground down to a needle.2.Little strokes fell great oaks.3.Steady efforts can work miracles司马光砸缸a kid named shimaguang saves his friend from a big water jar by smashing it.水漫金山water overflowed the golden mountain/Jinshan Mountain精忠报国dedicate himself to the service of his country. 黄袍加身to be draped with the imperial yellow robe by one"s supporters; to be acclaimed emperor望梅止渴to quench one"s thirst by watching plums; to console oneself with false hopes; to feed on fancies; to have imaginary satisfaction独守长板桥 leave him alone at the long slab
2023-07-22 11:31:445

关于English Taboos的知识 要写论文的

A taboo is a strong social prohibition (or ban) relating to any area of human activity or social custom that is sacred and or forbidden based on moral judgment, religious beliefs and or scientific consensus. Breaking the taboo is usually considered objectionable or abhorrent by society. The term comes from the Tongan word tabu, meaning set apart or forbidden, and appears in many Polynesian cultures.On a universal scale in almost all cultures, taboos can include sex, death, dietary restrictions (halal and kosher diets, religious vegetarianism, and the prohibition of cannibalism), restrictions on sexual activities and relationships (sex outside of marriage, adultery, intermarriage, miscegenation, incest, animal-human sex, adult-child sex, sex with the dead), sexual fetishes, restrictions of bodily functions (burping, flatulence, defecation and urination), restrictions on the use of psychoactive drugs, restrictions on state of genitalia such as (transsexual gender identity, circumcision or sex reassignment), exposure of body parts (ankles in the Victorian British Empire, women"s hair in parts of the Middle East, nudity in the US), and restrictions on the use of offensive language. Practices considered acceptable in one culture may be considered taboo in other cultures. For example, Foot Binding, practiced in ancient China, would be considered taboo in the context of modern cultural morals. Exposure of intimate parts is generally taboo in (most) modern developed countries. Other subjects perceived to be taboo involve burning money; some countries or nations (most notably post-WWII Europe whose governments often object going to war except for reasons of self-defense) and moral-philosophical debates on whether or not humanity should (or not) exist. When presented in the shape of parody or comedy as performed by comedians, taboo topics and subject matter can induce comical reaction by the general public, without causing disgust or offense as to what was said or mentioned about an emotionally charged issue described as mainly taboo in a given society.
2023-07-22 11:32:341

evil 邪恶的 它的比较级和最高级是什么?

more evil, most evil
2023-07-22 11:33:182


unsuitable的意思是不适合的;不适宜的;不相称的。一、近义词。1、Inappropriate.不适当的。improper.不合适的。2、unbecoming.不合身的。unacceptable.不能接受的。3、unsatisfactory.不能令人满意的。objectionable.该反对的。4、unfit.不合适的。unseemly.不体面的。二、短语搭配。1、unsuitable polishing wheels.磨光轮选择不合适;不合适。2、unsuitable soil.不适宜土壤;不适合的土壤;不适合土壤。3、unsuitable case.不适合案;不合适的情况下。4、unsuitable containerizable cargo.不适合装箱货。双语例句:1、Amy"s shoes were unsuitable for walking any distance.埃米的鞋根本不适合走路。2、He was wearing shoes that were totally unsuitable for climbing.他穿了一双完全不适合登山的鞋子。3、The rides are unsuitable for people of a nervous disposition.这种骑乘不适合紧张型性格的人。4、Some were obviously unsuitable and could be ruled out at once.Others were borderline cases.一些显然不合适,可以马上被排除。另一些勉强合格。
2023-07-22 11:33:251


感叹句的what,how。各种could,may,can,might,must,need,have to,太多了,而且你一搜还是有很多的,我也不好盗,其他的我也无法补充,毕竟你这个问题太大,有什么搜不到的再问吧
2023-07-22 11:34:312


英语条件句在商务谈判中的作用   英语条件句在商务谈判中的作用   1.虚拟条件句的作用   (1)表示委婉语气。虚拟条件句在商务活动中,常用于表示请求、咨询、反对、否定或赞同等等的一种委婉语气。避免生硬的要求和发生令人不愉快的事。如初次约定见面的时候,时间对双方来说都是个重要的要素,因为各自的时间日程都是早有安排的,在和别人约定见面必需征求对方的允许,询问时用虚拟语气的口吻就是对对方的一种尊重。如果己方非常想在有限的时间内见到对方,可以把自己的情况简单做一说明,这时可以用含有过去式的情态动词条件句向对方提出见面的时间与原因让对方考虑。对方自然也会根据具体情况会做出尽快地安排。例如:   我方问:I shall be in Beijing for a week and I should be grateful if you could let know the day and time which would suit you best, as I can then go ahead and fit in my other appointments.我将在北京逗留一星期时间。我将非常感谢,如果您能告诉我什么时间对您最合适,因为我将依此安排我其他的日程。   对方答:I shall be pleased to see you at 11:30 on 9 June and would be grateful if you would confirm the appointment on your arrival in Beijing.我会很高兴于6月9日上午11:30接待您,并将非常感谢,如果您能在抵达北京后再确认一下。   (2)拒绝劣势。虚拟条件句本来就是表示与过去、现在或将来的实际情况相反的。所以,在商务谈判中,高明的谈判家正是利用相反效果来达到表示赞同或否定意见。当对方表示出高傲神态,岐视我方的产品时,我们可以采用委婉语气,换位让对方来思考。使用虚拟条件句可以避免自己处于不利的地位,同时又不得罪对方。例如:   You might feel the same way if you were sitting in my scat.如果你坐在我的位置上,你会有同样的感受的。   2.真实条件句的作用   (1)表达真实准确无误的信息。商务谈判双方既可能存在冲突的利益,实际上还可能存在共同点或许彼此可以兼容的利益。一项合同谈判的背后会有许多的利益因素。商务谈判者必须分析交易双方的利益所在,认清哪些利益对于我方是非常重要的,是决不能让步的;哪些利益是可以让步的,是可以交换的条件?有经验的谈判者会用对自己不重要的条件去交换对对方无所谓的、但对自己却很在意的一些条件。这样的谈判才是双赢的谈判。特别是在正式签约文书上要做到准确无误。例如,办理运输对于买方可能没有任何优势,那么卖方就可以以CIF签订合同。但如买方觉得办理保险是非常重要的,那么,卖方也可以在取得尽快交货的前提下,与对方签订CFR合同。这是一份合同中有关保险的"内容条款:   In case the contractis concluded on CIF basis,the insurance shall be effected by the Seller for 110% of invoice value covering al lrisks,war risk,S.R.C.C.risks (i.e.Strikes,Riot,and Civil Commotions).(在到岸价基础上订立的合同, 将由卖方按发票金额110% 投保综合险、战争险、罢工险、暴x险和民变险。)   由于涉及到双方或几方面的利益, 用英语拟订、书写这些商务合同、文件或条约时,所给的定义、条款和内容必须做到精确无误,除用词恰当外, 还经常使用从句、短语用来修饰和限定其内容。此句中就用了in case 引导的条件状语从句。   (2)在谈判中用于讨价还价。在谈判过程中,当对方提出可行性建议时,我方还没有把握了解对方的真实意图时,可使用以下这样的条件句型:“Let us assume that we agree on that … unless”“我们同意。。。除非。。。”。这既赞同对方意见,同时又为自己今后补救打下基础。例如:   Your proposal appears to be acceptable. Let us assume that we agree on that point, unless I find any objectionable in them.您的建议似乎是可行的。我方同意那一点,除非发现有什么令人不快的地方。   在对方尚未完全接受我方条件之前,往往还会做些最后的讨价还价的努力。常用句型有:“We"ll accept …if you accept …”“如果你方同意。。。我方会考虑同意。。。”此句型明确告诉对方我方会接受的条件,作为交换,对方应该接受我方提出的条件。   (3)使用真实条件句起到最后迫使对方同意。 在谈判最后阶段可能有两种情况:一种是比较好的预期;一种是陷入谈判破裂的僵局。因此在商务谈判中,探求对方的真实利益所在,我们必须表明在做出最后愿意让步的条件时使对方也让步。例如:   We"ll consider accepting your proposal on idems 6 and 8, if , as a package deal, you accept our proposal on idems 3 and 9.我方会考虑接受贵方第6、8项条款,而作为一揽子交易,贵方应接受我方的第3、9项条款。   万一对方仍然不肯作进一步让步,那我们再说这样的话即使生硬,也是迫不得已了:   If you insist on your price and refuse to make any concession, there will be not much point in further discussion. 如果你方坚持自己的价格,而不肯做出让步的话,我们没有必要再谈下去了。或:   If the price is higher than that, we"d rather call the whole deal off. 如果价格比这高,我们情愿放弃这笔交易。”   这等于是下最后的通牒了,所以语气比较生硬。因为虽然语言上较为生硬,但是也没有完全失去对对方能在最后一刻做出让步的希望。有时事情往往都是绝处逢生。   3.含蓄条件句在商务英语中的作用   含蓄条件句是指不含IF引导的条件句。最常见的有动词或其它词类变化而来的名词化结构的句子。名词化结构句子往往含有条件、原因、目的等语义。这是英语中的一种意合句式。英语名词化结构的句子常用于英语信函、文件正式文体中。商务英语所用语言正式、精炼,用词严谨、规范,常有一定的格式和套话。这是商务英语外贸应用文中询价函电中常用的句型之一:“ Your early reply to our specific inquiry will be highly appreciated.如蒙早日答复我方的具体询价,将不胜感激。”句中主语reply是由动词变化而来的名词,整个主语部分含有条件语义。
2023-07-22 11:34:381


褒义的: approving 赞许的 objective 客观的 impartial 公平的 optimistic 乐观的 sympathetic 同情的 reserved consent 有保留的赞成 cautiously approving 谨慎支持 中性的: ambiguous模棱两可的, neutral中立的 indifferent漠不关心的 贬义的: negative否定的,消极的,反面的 pessimistic 悲观的 apprehensive 忧虑的 reserved 有保留的,内向的 arbitrary武断的,biased有偏见的,偏心的 critical持批评态度的 depressing 令人沮丧的 disappointing令人失望的 doubtful怀疑的 gloomy沮丧的,忧愁的 indignant 愤怒的 objectionable引起反对的,令人反感的 opposed/opposing,partial 不公平的 radical激进的,极端的 scared惊恐的,恐慌的 sensitive敏感的 subjective主观的 suspicious可疑的,疑心的 够多了吧
2023-07-22 11:34:521


evil的读音是:英["i_vl]。evil的读音是:英["i_vl]。evil的例句是用作形容词(adj.)His evil designs were frustrated.他的罪恶企图未能得逞。evil副词:evilly;比较级:eviler;最高级:evilest;名词:evilness。一、详尽释义点此查看evil的详细内容adj.(形容词)有害的邪恶的,恶毒的不幸的,倒霉的罪恶的讨厌的,可厌的令人不舒服的,令人作呕的不吉利的不愉快的低劣的失望的发怒的道德败坏的恶魔的n.(名词)不幸,不祥邪恶,罪恶祸害,灾祸,灾难坏事,恶行,罪恶的勾当,邪恶之事,罪行谗言弊病诽谤,恶言【医】瘰疬不测不便adv.(副词)恶毒地, 邪恶地,有害地讨厌地二、英英释义Noun:morally objectionable behaviorthat which causes harm or destruction or misfortune;"the evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones"the quality of being morally wrong in principle or practice;"attempts to explain the origin of evil in the world"Adjective:morally bad or wrong;"evil purposes""an evil influence""evil deeds"having the nature of vicehaving or exerting a malignant influence;"malevolent stars""a malefic force"三、网络解释1.evil:extensible video interactive language; 可延伸的视频交互语言四、例句His evil designs were frustrated.他的罪恶企图未能得逞。The book gives, as it were, a picture of the evil old society.这本书可谓是展现过去那个邪恶社会的图画。Drug dealer is evil to the society.毒品交易者有害社会。What an evil smell!多么臭的气味!My father taught me to render good for evil.我父亲教导我要以德报怨。Money is thought to be the root cause of all evils.金钱被认为是万恶之源。Separation from her grandfather was the greatest evil she could dread.同外祖父分离是她最担心的一种灾祸。五、常见句型用作形容词(adj.)用作定语~+ n.He is an evil man with evil ideas, and leads an evil life.他是一个满脑子恶念头的邪恶的人,过着一种罪恶的生活。Helen was helpless against such an evil tongue.海伦对这样的诽谤毫无办法。The rain has had a very evil effect on the crops.这场雨极其严重地影响了庄稼的生长。In an evil hour she agreed to marry him.在不幸的时刻,她答应跟他结婚。He is known for his evil disposition.他的暴躁脾气是有名的。The evil man was punished for his evil acts.那个坏人因其恶行受到惩罚。What an evil smell!多么臭的气味!It was an evil night.这是一个坏透了的夜晚。用作名词(n.)Love of money is the root of all evil.爱钱是邪恶的根源。Tobacco is considered by some to be an evil .烟草被认为是一种祸害。How can you stand her evil?你怎能忍受她的诽谤?六、经典引文Evil should not be countered by worse evil but by good.出自:G. B. ShawThe imagination of mans heart is evil from his youth.出自:Bible (AV): GenesisThe villains are led by a freakishly evil woman.出自:Christian Science Monitor七、词源解说☆ 直接源自古英语的yfel,意为坏的,恶毒的。evil的相关近义词bad、cruel、harmful、wrongevil的相关反义词good、kind、upright、worthyevil的相关临近词evince、evidently、Evill、evilly、Evilov、Evilasy、Evilasi、evil man、evil eye、evilness、evil day、evildoer点此查看更多关于evil的详细信息
2023-07-22 11:35:131

求助 苹果审核3.1.4被拒

2023-07-22 11:35:353


nicely kindly
2023-07-22 11:35:534

o开头的形容词 贬义

以o开头的形容词 贬义的有: oafish 呆子的,白痴的; obdurate 固执的,顽固的; obese 极肥胖的; objectionable 令人厌恶的; obligatory 强制性的,义务的; oblivious 不在意的,疏忽的; obnoxious 令人不愉快的,可憎的; obsolete 废弃的,过时的 扩展资料   The bodyguards, as usual, were brave but oafish.   这些保镖照旧勇气可嘉但鲁钝无礼。   He remained obdurate in his refusal to sign.   他仍然执拗地不肯签字。   Where the initial memories of the city, even in the face of resolve in time, it is always the most obdurate attitude.   那里是城市最初的"回忆,哪怕在滴水穿石的时间面前,它也总是保持最执拗的姿态。   Obese people are more at risk from diabetes and heart disease.   过分肥胖的人比较容易得糖尿病和心脏病。
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wo cao ni ma bi
2023-07-22 11:36:494


2023-07-22 11:37:067

So fuck Off什么意思?

2023-07-22 11:26:152


2023-07-22 11:26:161


happy engagement!
2023-07-22 11:26:193


solo解释solo KK: [] DJ: [] n.[C] 1. 独奏曲;独唱曲;独奏;独唱 She played three solos. 她弹奏了三首独奏曲。 2. 单独表演 3. 【空】单飞 4. 单人纸牌戏 a. 1. 独奏(曲)的;独唱(曲)的 2. 单独的;单独表演的 I made my first solo flight. 我第一次作了单人飞行。 ad. 1. 单独地 Lacking a pianist, I had to sing solo. 没有人用钢琴伴奏,我只好独自歌唱。 vi. 1. 单独表演 2. 【空】单飞 英文中的solo意为:1、独奏曲、独唱曲(如a violin solo,可翻译为“小提琴独奏”); 2、任何单独表演、单独作业、单独执行任务(如fly solo,可翻译为“单飞”);3、由一个人对抗其余人的惠斯特纸牌游戏。 在录音设备中S是Solo的意思,就是这一轨单独放音。 音乐中Solo的意思为独奏曲。 在游戏中基本就是单挑的意思(也有人解释为单独打怪或练级)。 SOLO的意思是中心精装小公寓。在现代社会,SOLO更多与SOHO办公联系在了一起,意味着个体的小型家庭办公者,是互联网发达后新兴起的一种工作和生活方式,往往以工作室方式体现,家庭住所也是办公场所。编辑本段Solo一族 同居使男女之间的生活方式不再只有婚姻,西方青年把同居看作是结婚前的试验期,现在又发明Solo,这成为同居的前奏,试婚中的试婚。 这是一种减法,是一种减下来的数不知到哪儿去的减法,经过仔细复核却透露出一种“新单身者”的存在。早在1982年,法国进行全国人口统计,获知从1975年以来同居的法国人人数增加了6%,这原没有什么值得大惊小怪。只是在同一个时期,结婚成家的法国人人数下降了19%。问题是这13%的差额人数到哪儿去了?这些年龄超过25岁的法国人有13%既没有结婚,也没有同居,他们怎么啦?难道跟爱神丘必特闹上了别扭,保持贞节,独身主义,选择冷冷清清过日子? 事实当然不会如此。这些成年男女既不结婚,也不同居;而是组成一种新型的单身集团,第三类单身,那是不结婚,不同居,而与一名固定的、忠诚的异性保持密切关系,同时依然生活在各自“小家庭”内的单身男子和女子。他们跟人数众多的同居者不同,他们就是不愿跟心上人组成一对,生活在同一个屋檐下。他们是放单的恋人,在英国被称为“分居共过”,在法国被称为“半同居”,还有一个更形象化的字眼,叫Solo(原意是独奏、独唱)。 Solo的出现,使人类大发明的一夫一妻制又开了一个缺口。在法国,不管怎样,对一夫一妻制从来没有提出过异议。当然,两性关系和婚姻制度不断适应时代要求和社会风俗,每个阶段都要增加一点弹性系数,但是一男一女一旦决定一起生活,那么同桌而食、同枕共衾,总是一条亘古不易的真理,就像一加一等于二那样没人表示怀疑。但是现在出现了这些成年人,不顾自己的感情如何升温,咬紧牙关要一个人过日子,使这条真理发生了动摇。现在三个成年人中有一个不跟异性一起过。那么这会不会引起爱情危机?事实好像恰恰相反,这就是令人莫名其妙的地方。这是因为在现时代,要男女两人成为一对的唯一理由是爱情,正是这点使大家迟迟不能下决心结合在一起。一位社会学家说:“从前恋爱却没法做爱,如今做爱却无心恋爱。” 第一类 这种两人一起又形不成一对的生活,是有其经济和感情上的原因的。学习年限延长,就业年龄推迟,一般青年愿意住在父母家,还依靠父母的抚养。15—25岁年龄层的青年76%住在父母家。至于找到工作的幸运儿,他们忙于爬社会的阶梯,还无心成家,免得到了晚上,在家庭餐桌前两人相对草草吃一盆勃区第细面条。这些年轻的成年人可以有一名爱情伴侣,但是爱情伴侣只要占用有限的时间和不多的空间就够了。于是在婚姻与同居之后又慢慢出现了第三条道路——Solo。 第二类 Solo是年约45岁左右的中年人,他们是过来人,以前结过婚,或者同居过,然后又分手了。像法国俗语说:给热水烫过的猫看到冷水也怕。今日要他们再一次分享两人生活的乐趣,那些嘟嘟嚷嚷的早晨,拌嘴的晚上,到处都是鞋袜和空空如也的冰箱,需要有加倍的理由去说服他们。然而他们有时有一个固定的情人,真正所谓保持一定的距离,各人在各人的家里过日子,要爱情定个时间。这类大龄单身分两家居住,当然谈不上是试婚或前奏,只是充实生活的基本内容。 伴侣问题专家,《伴侣社会学》一书的作者让-克洛德˙卡夫曼说:“这是一种矛盾现象。一方面,结合的愿望从来没有像我们这个社会那么强烈,那么理想化;另一方面,渴望结合的人从来没有像现在这样苛求。作为这两个矛盾的折衷就是大家不组成一对,而把结婚甚至同居推到愈迟愈好。”同居和结婚的候选人面对他(或她)的伴侣,行为愈来愈不像情人,而像消费者。他们两人商量结合事宜,习惯于谈判,讨价还价,还要求保证试用。大家寻求两人生活的好处,也不舍弃单身生活的优点,这样就产生了分居伴侣关系。这是90年代的怪圈。伴侣关系成了一种制度,在这种制度下创造新的规则,树立新的目标,制订新的合约。现代人不能接受这些话:结成伴侣意味着失去对自己命运的驾驭;放弃一部分个人追求,也就是失去自己;在现在这个时代讲究的是寻找自我。谁也不愿失去什么。 伴侣关系发生破裂,大部分原因是女性对旧关系有了异议。是她们跟急于作为人妇的前辈相反,她们表示不愿意,要推迟,要拒绝。女人到了一定年龄,对确立伴侣关系有一定程度的害怕。如果参照让-克洛德?卡夫曼提出并得到证实的这条规律来看,女人这样做不是没有道理的。一名单独居住的单身女子在职业上成功的机会要比同居的女子多。而同居的女子机会又比结婚的女子多。还可以从另一方面得到证实,从全体女性来说,女性结合的愈少,女性的职业地位也愈高。法国科学研究中心的社会学家和历史学家娜迪纳?勒福休,编了一则寓言来说明这个问题:“从前,一个女人要做面包师,必须嫁给面包师;如果嫁给了面包师,也就跟着做女面包师。而今天,不论做社会管理员或当护士,女人需要的只是一张文凭,她不需要嫁人……” 这才是问题的症结。当代婚姻波折的起因是它不符合当今的经济需要。当初为建立共同生产体而结合,今天要有了爱情才结合。这是好事,但也成了婚姻的一个弱点;男女双方的结合很大程度上失去了长期以来的功能性基础,而是愈来愈建立在情爱和性爱的基础上,这样带强烈私人感情的基础有时却更加脆弱。编辑本段SOLO户型 SOLO户型是有别于目前市场上通常意义上的户型,他的定义是: SOLO户型就是个性化的尊重客户生活方式的的精准居住空间。他的户型要素是: 1.主要客户群定位于25岁左右的单身或同居的青年人 2.户型尊重客户以往生活模式,强调个性化界面 3.每套建筑面积在35平方米左右, 4.卧室和客厅没有明显的划分,可以没有客厅,也可以没有工作间,甚至可以没有卧室,所有的生活空间设定来源于居住者本身。 5. SOLO户型特别细致地构成了辅助空间。强调舒适方便的浴室空间,整体浴室是其基本配置。厨房更提倡开敞式环保节能型整体厨房,和 厨房紧密相连的是精确计算居住人数的小餐厅,SOLO户型的辅助空间将所有辅助活动精确集合压缩,最大限度地提高了房屋使用率。 6. SOLO户型不仅定义了每套户型的内部特性,同时还要求公共空间的SOLO化,迎合居住者个性需要的服务设施也是基本配置,比如:24小时便利店,24小时自助型洗衣店,24小时自助式健身房等等, 7.全装修现房交房,无期房销售状态。 8.提供推托出租和包租业务。 9.外销或内销外租编辑本段SOLO主张 青春不仅仅是奋斗,还是享受或许不可以彻底拥有一个人,但可以彻底拥有一座房子与各种假惺惺的居住生活决裂 拒绝把青春寄放在别人的房子里 拒绝在别人的房子里洗澡 拒绝在别人的房子里做爱 拒绝在别人的房子里遭遇寂寞 拒绝泡吧归来又去了别人的房子 拒绝加班归来又去了别人的房子 拒绝旅游归来又去了别人的房子 拒绝带着一千种玩具搬家 拒绝喜欢窥探的房东以及他那条心事重重的老狗 独立独立独立自由自由自由并有一处精确的空间全力支持它! 既然20岁就能拥有自己的小豪邸,何必等到40岁再享受生活。编辑本段音乐专辑 专 辑:solo 歌 手:张惠春(SAYA) 语 言:国语专辑1CD 公 司:BMG 日 期:2003.10.10 01 Honey?Money? 词:SAYA/郑中庸 曲:R.Tyger/Kay Denar 02 SOLO (可乐娜风帆之王主题曲) 词:天天 曲:黄大炜 03 想你 (电影记得我爱你中文主题曲) 词:娃娃 曲:陈熙 04 告白 词:徐若瑄 曲:朱敬然 05 其实早知道 词:天天 曲:R.Tyger/Kay Denar 06 Baby Talk 词:姚若龙 曲:黄大炜 07 舞功夫 词:周佳佑 曲:周佳佑 08 I Love You So 词:郑中庸 曲:国辉 09 沙哑 词:周佳佑 曲:陈依依 10 以我为主 (乐乐棒球、流行之星Pop Idol活动主题曲) 词:郑中庸/Suzanne Vega 曲:朱敬然/Suzanne Vega 整张专辑音乐风格除了最流行的Hip Hop、R&B外,还有soul、节奏蓝调及带有拉丁节奏的舞曲、抒情佳作等多元曲风,丰富创新的音乐元素一气喝成。 ⊙十首歌都是SAYA 虽然我知道我很不擅于用言语来表达 但我想这是上帝希望我能少说一点 多做一点吧 所以 我会很用心 用歌声 用跳舞 用我的行动 来打动每一个人的心 这是SAYA的一段真心话,一直放在她的日记中,当我们发现的时候,决定加上音乐的旋律让她一点一滴的唱出来,用她充满活力的肢体,跳出属于她的生命故事。 在"SOLO"专辑的十首歌都是SAYA,我们把SAYA的日记片段告诉词曲创作人,其中主打歌曲“Honey?Money?”歌词更是SAYA的首次创作。像叙事般的歌词打破一般的作词格式,不过事后SAYA很后悔歌词写太长,由日记摘取的"选择我是你的Honey、选择他是你的Money",有趣直接的点出复杂的三人爱情游戏,也呼应了现代"劈腿族"的爱情关系。 整张专辑音乐风格除了最流行的Hip Hop、R&B外,还有SOUL、节奏蓝调及带有拉丁节奏的舞曲、抒情佳作等多元化曲风,丰富创新的音乐元素一气喝成。 ★Honey?Money? 创作灵感来自于SAYA的日记,古典的音乐曲风结合Hip Hop的节奏让人记忆深刻,歌词则描写三个人之间的爱情游戏,一个很新鲜的组合,整首歌有"就在你身边对你说话的感觉"让人打心底的想一听再听。 ★SOLO 《"可乐娜风帆之王"国际风帆赛活动主题曲》 音乐人黄大炜为SAYA量身订作的最新作品,以最新的节奏型态融合Hip Hop元素与拉丁节奏的舞曲,强劲的音乐节拍充满性感的魅力。 ★想你 《电影"记得我爱你"中文主题曲》 带着80年代复古风情的抒情浪漫情歌,曲风中隐含的淡淡感伤让人鼻酸。 ★告白 中版节奏性R&B,徐若瑄极富性感的歌词创作,SAYA性感哼唱着两个人暧昧的爱情游戏。 ★以我为主 《"乐乐棒球"活动主题曲;"2003流行之星 POP IDOL"活动主题曲》 年轻个人主张,意识态度强烈,音乐风格超越自我。 ⊙音乐 一张让所有制作人坚持到MASTERING最后一刻的专辑,黄大炜 王治平 朱敬然 陈伟 周佳佑共同监制。 新专辑词意概念完完全全是由SAYA日记来发展,音乐曲风除了时下最流行的Hip Hop、R&B外添加许多新鲜的元素;首波主打“Honey?Money?”在古典音乐架构中融合Hip-Hop节奏,一开场SAYA充满感情的口白与叙事的歌词文字,让人有一种"就在身边和你说话的感觉",诉说着现代三个人的爱情游戏,选择爱情或面包? "SOLO"是专辑名称,也是这一次SAYA全新出发所要展现的精神。 "SOLO"由音乐圈著名"要求严格"的黄大炜制作,首次尝试Hip Hop结合拉丁节奏的音乐舞曲,音乐节奏简单俐落,过场的拉丁鼓帅劲十足,完成展现SAYA演唱power。 “想你”是一首具有80年代风味的抒情佳作,由新新音乐人陈熙与朱敬然所创作,耐厅的旋律、酸中带田的情绪让人动容、难忘。 “告白”则是一首R&B中板情歌,SAYA带着笑意的声音诠释与Free Style的肢体律动,让这首歌充满无限的性感。 “舞功夫”是一首让你抛开压力、充满惊喜的e世代舞曲。Hip Hop的节奏加上异国风味十足的印度琴、中国的胡琴、大鼓等乐器,让中国功夫和舞蹈有了创意十足的结合。 “沙哑”则挑战着SAYA的唱功,需一气喝成的美式节奏蓝调曲风,SAYA具爆发力的表现让人惊艳;也是爱唱KTV族群的最佳挑战歌曲。 "SOLO"专辑有着坚强的音乐制作群,集结了资深制作人黄大炜、王治平、新生代抢手制作人朱敬然、周佳佑,并由音乐人陈伟担任最后MASTERING(音乐母带混音工程)工作,MASTERING当天所有制作人破例齐聚在录音室里,各自为自己的得意之作再做最后的确认,严肃认真的气氛让全程学习的SAYA感动的红了眼框,当最后完成的那一刻,在黄大炜吆喝下大家举杯庆祝一张绝对好听的专辑终于诞生。 ⊙舞蹈 小甜甜布兰妮专属舞蹈老师 BRIAN FRIEDMAN 说:‘我知道在不久将来 SAYA将会非常与众不同的"当舞蹈老师 BRIAN FRIEDMAN经过四天的特讯后,他说:我知道,在不久将来SAYA会非常与众不同。见过众多国际艺人并身为小甜甜布兰妮的老师与舞者,他很确定眼前这一个小女孩未来会很不同。 因为时间很短,老师BRIAN带着大家几乎每天超过10个小时的魔鬼训练,长时间的练习并不是SAYA与舞者跳不好,而是老师严格到一根手指头的位置、一个眼神的感情都要确确实实做到,6个舞者加上SAYA每一个人都跳到抽筋,大量汗水加上痛到无力,每次一跳完所有人无不摊在地上气喘吁吁,第二天腰酸背痛到起不了床。但他们的努力让每一个看过的人,都会不由自主跟着他们喘息,为他们鼓掌。 ⊙[造型]带领新风潮 时尚运动风与复古最美的结合 因SAYA加入了新专辑造型的设计,所以完全呈现出SAYA的个性,充满时尚运动style让人看到SAYA就想跟着她一起跳舞,另外一款甜美复古的造型,则是让人惊艳于SAYA活力与性感。前前后后造型师JAMMY不知跑了几趟日本,就是为了让SAYA展现有别于一般歌手只是把最流行、最花俏穿在身上的逻辑,改以最简单却可以完完全全展现SAYA活力的一面,带领另一股时尚风潮。编辑本段音乐专辑 专 辑:Solo 歌 手:蔡一杰 语 言:粤语专辑1CD 公 司:环球音乐 日 期:2003.12.16 01 Dele Dala 02 及时行乐 03 某一种男人 04 沉伦末世 05 请留言 06 有点邪 07 及时行乐 (House Mix) 08 独乐乐 09 上瘾 10 失乐园 11 遍体鳞伤 12 Can You Feel It 13 I Can"t Help It (Duet With Regine) 14 失魂落魄 15 及时行乐 (Deep Progressive Mix) 16 BBQ
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2023-07-22 11:26:203

“get the fuck off”是什么意思,好好解释,别闹好嘛?

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2023-07-22 11:26:231

谁能告诉俚语里FUCK 的用法

fuck[fQk]vi.性交vt.欺骗, 利用, 诅咒, 与...性交n.性交, 杂种, 性交对象, 毫不在乎int.他妈的fuck[fQk]vt.欺骗利用; 占...便宜与...性交fuck[fQk]vi.性交, 交媾, 交配n.性交, 交媾, 交配一丁点儿int.他妈的, 混帐, 滚开!fuck a duck他妈的; 去你的!fuckyadj.[俚]该死的难做的低劣的, 讨厌的, 丑恶的乱七八糟的, 混乱的not care a fuck一点也不放在心上, 根本不在乎not give a fuck一点也不放在心上, 根本不在乎fuck about胡闹; 摆弄拿...开心fuck around胡闹; 摆弄拿...开心fuck it他妈的! (表示惊愕、厌烦等)算了吧, 别噜嗦了fuck off[美粗]滚蛋[开]fuck up[美粗]搞糟, 搞坏; 闯祸fuck with[美粗]瞎干涉, 胡乱摆弄F-you![美粗]去你妈的!(表示坚决拒绝)
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solo的英文解释如下:solo是一个英文单词,名词、动词、形容词、副词,作名词时意思是“独奏;独唱;独奏曲”,作及物动词时意思是“单人攀登;单独驾”,作不及物动词时意思是“单独表演;放单飞”,作形容词时意思是“独奏的;独唱的;单独的”,做副词时意思是“单独地”。短语搭配:Bengawan Solo美丽的梭罗河 ; 梭罗河 ; 梭罗河糕饼店。Guitar solo吉他独奏 ; 吉他 ; 梦想之旅 ; 你和天空之间。solo album个人专辑 ; 人专辑 ; 独唱专辑 ; 复出后个人专辑。双语例句:1、I looked to her a solo。我们希望她来一个独唱。2、But this is no solo。但这并不是单人表演。3、Lingling: A solo? You mean alone in front of everyone? Rather you than me!玲玲:一个独奏?你的意思是前方独每个人吗?宁愿你比我好。
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engagement letter订婚的信双语对照词典结果:engagement letter[英][inu02c8ɡeidu0292mu0259nt u02c8letu0259][美][u025bnu02c8ɡedu0292mu0259nt u02c8lu025btu025a]聘书; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Article 6 cpa and accounting firms shall, in accordance with independent auditing rules and other operation criteria, conduct the audit business under the principle of independence, objectivity and impartiality, issue audit reports pursuant to the requirements of engagement letter and take corresponding responsibility on for the audit report issued by them. 第六条注册会计师和会计师事务所应当根据《独立审计准则》和其他执业规范的规定,按照“独立、客观、公正”的原则执行审计业务,按业务约定书的要求出具审计报告,并对所出具的审计报告承担相应的责任。
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