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live your life

2023-07-22 10:59:28

"live your life" = 活出你自己

参考: me

"Live your life" me to do things that meet your intentions and avoid those that don"t

such that you can fulfill your life and appear like a special person. Example: Kit is determined to make people *** arter and increase their petence. In order to live his life

he has bee a lecturer and tutor in a university. 2013-06-09 23:38:10 补充: 中文翻译:忠于自己、成全自己的志愿、等等 例句中译:杰立志帮助人们变得更聪明,并加强其竞争力。为了成全这个志愿,他成为大学讲师与导修师。

what does "live your life" this sentence me?with example pls. live your life <beyond your ine> ............... 入不敷出.

What does "live your life" this sentence me? with example pls. It me to enjoy your life intensely.享受你的人生。 e.g. I want to live

she said " I don"t want to spend my days cooking and cleaning and looking after babies." "我要享受人生

" 她说



参考: 根据中国香港牛津大学出版社的现代高级英汉双解辞典1975


life sentence 歌词

歌曲名:life sentence歌手:dead kennedys专辑:Give Me Convenience Or Give Me DeathYou used to be a partner in crimeNow you say you ain"t got the timeGotta get serious, gotta planGotta pass those entrance examsOh my GodIt"s senior yearAll you care about is your careerIt"s a Life SentenceIt"s a Life SentenceIt"s a Life SentenceDead KennedysIt"s a Life SentenceYou"re squelching your emotionsAll you talk about is old timesYou don"t do what you want toBut you do the same thing everydayNo sense of humorBut such good mannersNow you"re an adultYou"re boringThe walls are closing inYou stayed too long in schoolAnd keep my self-respectIf being an adultMeans being like youAre you really you you youYou you you you you youAre you really you?NoYou"re a chained-up dog fenced in a yardDon"t see much, you can"t go farPace and froth, you"re getting sickRun too fast and it"ll snap your neckYou say you"ll break outBut you never doYou"re just another ant in the hillThat"s your Life Sentence
2023-07-22 07:33:402

人生的标点符号 我的一生是一句话,母亲最希望我把它推敲得美丽些、生动些。我用我的脚印落成文字,将它书

没看懂 你要什么
2023-07-22 07:33:483


2023-07-22 07:34:113


2023-07-22 07:34:281


  【篇1】  青春是在它即将逝去的时候有魅力。  youth is the most attractive when it is lost.  拦着成长的不是幼稚,而是自以为成熟。  block the growth is not childish, but mature thought.  想要别人尊重你,首先就要学会尊重别人。  want others to respect you, first learn to respect others.  遗忘是心的缝隙,漏掉了许多珍贵的昨天。  to forget is the heart of the aperture, missed many precious yesterday.  无论我在哪里,我离你只有一个转身的距离。  no matter where i am, i only a turned and distance from you.  家是感情的银行,只有帐户上有才不会透支。  home is the feelings of bank, only don"t overdraft account.  总有一些事情,让你在不经意中看清一些人。  there are always some things, to see you in casual in some people.  与其用泪水悔恨今天,不如用汗水拼搏今天。  instead of using the tears regret today, as with sweat hard today.  钱象水一样,没有一点会渴死,多了会被淹死。  money like water, no no, more will be drowned.  每天都冒出很多念头,那些不死的才叫做梦想。  every day out a lot of thought, the undead is called dream.  待人对事不要太计较,如果太计较就会有悔恨!  respect for persons don"t too dispute, if too dispute have regret!  智慧的代价是矛盾。这是人生对人生观开的玩笑。  wisdom appears in contradiction to itself. this is a trick life plays on philosophy of life.  不怕你没能力,怕你有了能力以后却忘记了努力。  not you don"t have the ability, when you have the ability to have forgotten.  【篇2】  只要路是对的,就不怕路远。  as long as the road is right, is not afraid of road far.  水在冰下流凉,风在花上过香。  nasty cold water in the ice, the wind on the flower fragrance.  有多大的思想,才有多大的能量。  how much thought, just how much energy.  如果你相信自己,你可以做任何事。  if you believe in yourself, you can do anything.  你的回眸一笑,引来的是地球一跳。  you laugh at, the cause is the earth.  你的眼睛,是我永生不会再遇的海。  in your eyes, is my eternal life won"t again meet sea.  每天告诉自己一次:我真的很不错。  tell yourself once a day, i am really good.  走在一起是缘分,一起在走是幸福。  together is the fate, walking together is happiness.  人生的真理,只是藏在平淡无味之中。  the truth of life, just hide in the insipid.  活着的时候开心点,因为我们要死很久。  alive happy spot, because we will die a long time.  强加的爱不是爱,对方接受的爱才是爱。  imposed by the love is not love, love is love each other to accept.  世间之活动,缺点虽多,但仍是美好的。  activity of the world, many shortcomings, but it"s still good.  成功等于目标,其他都是这句话的注解。  success is equal to goal and everything else is this sentence annotations.  命运没有安排你做的事情,你不要瞎撞。  fate didn"t arrange what you do, you don"t blind.  旁观者清楚的,只是旁观者自己的猜测。  onlookers clear, only onlooker their guesses.  【篇3】  停止拜访就是停止呼吸,停止增员就是消灭生机。  stop to visit is to stop breathing, stop is added to life.  今天付出的每一滴汗水,他日定能换成每一个成就。  today, every drop of sweat, we assure you will change every achievement.  江海之所以能成为百谷,是因为懂得身处低下。  jianghai can become a king valley, because understood in low.  人生就像一杯茶,不会苦一辈子,但总会苦一阵子。  life is like a cup of tea, not bitter life, but always hard for a while.  人就这么一辈子,开心也是一天,不开心也是一天。  people so for a lifetime, happy is also a day, unhappy is also a day.  立场再坚定,力量很渺小,有时候也只能被牵着走。  again confirm, strength is very small, and sometimes can only be led away.  美好的一天,上帝不会就这样给你,需要自己去创造。  it"s a nice day, god will not give you like this, need oneself to create.  若不给自己设限,则人生中就没有限制你发挥的藩篱。  if don"t give yourself limits, then in the life, there is no limit your play barriers.  生命是真实的,生命是诚挚的,坟墓并不是他的终结点。  life is real, life is sincere, the grave is not his endpoints.  不是人人都能活的低调,可以低调的基础是随时都能高调。  not everyone can live low-key, can at any time can be a low profile is the basis of high profile.  毫无遮掩的施恩图报,光明磊落地私下交往,就是诚实的表现。  no cover mercy kind, aboveboard to private exchanges, is honest.  毁灭人只要一句话,培植一个人却要千句话,请你多口下留情。  one destroy people as long as one sentence, but thousand words, watch your show.  勇敢地接受挑战,不断地超越自我,这样才能发出你的无限潜能。  bravely accept the challenge, constantly transcend self, so you can send your unlimited potential.  在真实的生命里,每桩伟业都由信心开始,并由信心跨出第一步。  in real life, each pile great begins with confidence, and the confidence to make the first move.  永远保持对生活的热情,去发现身边的美,人生的乐趣,要自己创造。  always keep the passion for life, to find the beauty around, the pleasure of life, to create your own.
2023-07-22 07:34:351

I can not spend my life.我总不能耗尽一生,换一句你的有可能

叁品姐姐每天分享一段爱情感悟,幸福可以很简单,点击右上角关注哦。 I can"t spend my whole life, to change a sentence. 我总不能耗尽一生,换一句你的有可能 When I let go, you go quickly, do not turn back I am not difficult. 趁我放手,你赶快走,别回头我不难受。 I want to let you go, I carefully and hypocritical arrogant, will never give you. 我要放过你了,我的小心翼翼和矫情蛮横,以后都不会给你了。 Miss a place, certainly not because of the scenery there, but because of thinking about the people there. 想念一个地方,肯定不是因为那里的风景,而是因为惦记着那里的人。 As long as it is your choice, there is nothing to regret. 只要是自己选择的,就没什么好去后悔的。 Growth may be put down to love, and learn to shut up. 成长或许是放下了喜欢,也学会闭嘴。 The brave man is always strong in the lonely night. 勇敢的人总在寂寞的夜里,不动声色的强大。
2023-07-22 07:34:411


2023-07-22 07:35:022

lifeis hard什么意思

2023-07-22 07:35:184


复数: lives[l02vz]Biology 【生物学】 解释:The characteristic state or condition of a living organism.生命:活的有机物特有的状态或状况Living organisms considered as a group:生物:活的有机物的总称:plant life; marine life.植物;海洋生物A living being, especially a person:活人,人命:活的生命,尤指人:an earthquake that claimed hundreds of lives.地震造成几百人死亡The physical, mental, and spiritual experiences that constitute existence:生活:构成存在的心理、智力和精神体验:the artistic life of a writer.一个作家的艺术生涯The interval of time between birth and death:一生,寿命:从出生到死亡之间的时间:She led a good, long life.她的一生幸福长寿The interval of time between one"s birth and the present:生命:从某人出生到目前的这一段时间:has had hay fever all his life.他一生下来就一直患枯草热A particular segment of one"s life:人生阶段:一个人一生中的某一特定阶段:my adolescent life.我的青少年时期The period from an occurrence until death:终身:从出现一直到死亡的时期:elected for life; paralyzed for life.为终身选择;终身瘫痪Slang A sentence of imprisonment lasting till death.【俚语】 终身监禁:监禁直到死亡的一种刑罚The time for which something exists or functions:使用期,有效期:某物存在或工作的时间:the useful life of a car.汽车的使用寿命A spiritual state regarded as a transcending of corporeal death.灵魂存在:一种被认为超越了肉体死亡的精神状态An account of a person"s life; a biography.传记:某人生活的记述;传记Human existence, relationships, or activity in general:生活:广义上人的存在、关系或活动:real life; everyday life.真实的生活;日常生活A manner of living:生活方式:led a hard life.过着艰难的生活A specific, characteristic manner of existence. Used of inanimate objects:存在:一种特定的、独特的存在方式。用于无生命的物体:“Great institutions seem to have a life of their own, independent of those who run them”(New Republic)“大机构似乎有自己的存在方式,独立于经营管理他们的人”(新共和国)The activities and interests of a particular area or realm:活动,社交活动:某一具体的地区或领域的活动或兴趣:musical life in New York.纽约的音乐活动A source of vitality; an animating force:活力的源泉;活跃的力量:She"s the life of the show.她是演出中最活跃的人Liveliness or vitality; animation:活力,生命力;生气:a face that is full of life.充满生气的脸Something that actually exists regarded as a subject for an artist:活体模型:作为艺术家的主题的确实存在的东西:painted from life.写真绘画Actual environment or reality; nature.世事:实际的环境或现实;自然Christian Science God.【基督教科学派】 上帝
2023-07-22 07:35:351

帮忙解释一下“College is a comma of a sentence of life”这句话

2023-07-22 07:35:445


英语作文当我长大了以后,我想成为什么样的人i would like to become a doctor in the future because doctors can help people to become healthy.i"ve seen many people fighting with would be a great chace if i could help them and bring them a better this way,i can repay the soceity for what it had given me.i want to be grateful for the world and all the nice people in my i will study hard now ot become a doctor in the future.
2023-07-22 07:35:592

以how can we live a stress-free life为题写口语作文

2023-07-22 07:36:085

求smart phones and our life 为题的英语作文

With the progress of science and technology, people on the mobile phone has not only limited to the phone, send the information so simple, now, intelligent mobile phone has been coming to us, permeate every corner of life. Intelligent mobile phone is more popular nowadays are so powerful, there is virtual and real life and experience the perfect combination of.In the letter to upload videos and photos, as for QQ, Skype and other video chat is extremely convenient; map, navigation, bar code recognition goods and price, market price, the subway traffic query, weather forecast and PM2.5, translation, calculator, unit conversion, visit the news blog to send and receive mail, video, photos or video the recording is more easy and convenient, and these are the powerful function of mobile phone in a corner, and those who master skillful use of mobile phone cannot be mentioned in the same breath, but I have been very satisfied, satisfied the spiritual needs, hope later can more understand the mobile phone, let mobile phone into our common people"s daily life, and a sentence fashionable discourse, intelligent mobile phone to change our life.Chat with friends, to explore in the next few years intelligent mobile phone will have a revolutionary change to and development of, can"t predict.翻译随着科学技术的进步,人们对手机已不仅仅局限于手机,发送的信息很简单,现在,智能手机已经向我们走来,渗透到生活的每个角落。智能手机是时下比较流行的是如此的强大,有虚拟和现实生活和经验的完美结合。在这封信中上传的视频和照片,如QQ,Skype和其他视频聊天是非常方便;地图,导航,条码识别商品和价格,市场价格,地铁交通查询,天气预报和PM2.5,翻译,计算器,单位转换,访问新闻博客来发送和接收邮件,视频,照片或视频记录的是更容易和方便,这些都是在一个角落里,手机的强大功能,和那些掌握熟练使用手机不能相提并论,但我已经很满足了,满足精神上的需要,希望以后能更多的了解手机,让手机在我们普通人的日常生活,一句时髦的话语,智能手机改变了我们的生活。与朋友聊天,在未来几年智能手机的探索将有一个革命性的变化和发展,不能预测。希望可以帮到你,如果要短一点请找我修改
2023-07-22 07:36:351


经典英文名言短句   引言:困难里包含着胜利,失败里孕育着成功。接下来我给各位读者分享一些经典英文名言短句,欢迎大家阅读。   1、不受苦,不知福。   Without suffering, I do not know.   2、邻居好,赛金宝。   Good neighbor, golden.   3、交人交心,浇花浇根。   Pay people to heart, watering the flowers watered.   4、一分耕耘,一分收获。   You reap what you sow, you reap what you sow.   5、细水长流,吃穿不愁。   Maintenance, and not sorrow.   6、机不可失,时不再来。   Opportunity knocks but once.   7、认真太迟,着急太早。   Serious too late, worried too early.   8、饭来张口,衣来伸手。   No worries, clothing to hand.   9、有福同享,有难同当。   Share happiness and hardship.   10、仇人相见,分外眼红。   Nemesis, especially jealous.   11、欲要享福,嫁给老人。   Desire to live, to marry the old man.   12、量头做帽,适嘴长牙。   Quantity do hat head, mouth long teeth.   13、成功是辛勤劳动的报酬。   Success is hard work.   14、在家靠父母,出门靠朋友。   At home depend parents, go-off on friends.   15、鸟美在羽毛,人美在勤劳。   Beauty in the feathers and a person in the industry.   16、人多计谋广,柴多火焰高。   Many counsel, wood flame high.   17、老乡见老乡,两眼泪汪汪。   Townee see townee, tears.   18、富时供食子,穷时等供水。   The ftse for food son, poor water supply, etc.   19、勤是摇钱树,俭是聚宝盆。   Attendance is a cash cow, thrifty is the cornucopia.   20、饿时控制吃,渴时控制喝。   When control eat when hungry, thirsty to drink control.   21、人往高处走,水往低处流。   Man struggles upwards; water flows downwards.   22、一勤生百巧,一懒生百病。   A frequently born qiao, a lazy life.   23、我不要成就,请松开拳头。   I don"t do, please loosen the fist.   24、弱敌不可轻,强敌不可畏。   Weak against not light, the strong do not fear.   25、不怕家里穷,只怕出懒虫。   Is not afraid of poor, home is a slacker.   26、人在屋檐下,不得不低头。   People under the eaves, have to bend.   27、不怕学不成,只怕心不诚。   Not afraid do not learn, is not sincere heart.   28、朋友千个少,敌人一个多。   Over thousand friends are few, one enemy.   29、失败得教训,成功获经验。   Failure lesson, successful experience.   30、学如逆水行舟,不进则退。   Learn like a stream, not to advance is to go back.   31、内行看门道,外行看热闹。   Dilettante watch the scene of bustle adept guard the entrance.   32、真的假不了,假的真不了。   Can"t really fake, false really don"t.   33、勤劳是个宝,一生离不了。   Diligence is a treasure, for all his life.   34、钟不敲不鸣,人不学不灵。   Clock don"t knock, people don"t learn ineffective.   35、岁寒知松柏,患难见交情。   At the age of cold cypress, adversity of friendship.   36、幸福要等待,痛苦要涤除。   Wait for happiness, the pain to the method.   37、时间像生命,一刻值千金。   Time is like life, time is precious.   38、平时不烧香,临时抱佛脚。   Don"t burn incense, cramming.   39、路遥知马力,日久见人心。   Lu yao knows horsepower, want to be.   40、练习时厉害,比赛时就厉害。   When practicing, the game is severe.   41、成功者怎么做,我就怎么做。   Successful people do, I will do.   42、大胆的尝试只等于成功的"一半。   Bold attempt is half success.   43、人无横财不发,马无夜草不肥。   A man without windfall not hair, ma3 wu2 ye4u2019s grass isn"t fat.   44、勤人睡成懒人,懒人睡成病人。   Diligent people into bed lazy, lazy sleep into the patient.   45、没有多次失败,难得一次成功。   Not many failures, a rare success.   46、使用武装暴力,不如温和良策。   A good way to use violence as moderate.   47、用餐不要提前,做事不要拖后。   Don"t put off after meal don"t ahead of time, to do things.   48、姑娘若想幸福,来拔老人白发。   The girl to be happy, to the old man with white hair.   49、无智的人嘴利,无实的穗头高。   No wise man"s mouth, no ear.   50、明人不做暗事,真人不说假话。   Don"t do anything underhand, reality does not speak lies.   51、水不流会发臭,人不学会落后。   Water flows not stink, people don"t learn to lag behind.   52、娇艳的豌豆花,吃了会胀肚子。   Delicate and charming pea flowers, ate a bulging belly.   53、饿时吃萝卜根,饱时肉也剥皮。   When hungry eat radish root, full of meat also peeling.   54、早起多长一智,晚睡多增一闻。   And early to rise makes a man more than gain in your wit, gain a smell of going to bed late.   55、远亲不如近邻,近邻不抵对门。   Better good neighbours near than relations far away, do not cover the neighbor across the hall.   56、不要从低处看,而要从高处看。   Don"t look from below, and to see from above.   57、若不团结,任何力量都是弱小的。   If not unity, no power is weak.   58、失败是成功之母。高不过脚底板。   Failure is the mother of success. But feet high.   59、今朝有事今朝做,莫将忙事待明天。   Work today, tomorrow he will busy things.   60、陶土水罐破的好,得到红铜大水缸。   Clay pot broken, get red copper tank.   61、具有智慧的贤人,具有价值的宝贝。   Wise and sage has the value of the baby.   62、一个理解的句子,胜过不懂的百句。   An understanding of the sentence, is better than words don"t understand.   63、衣不遮体是仆人,食不果肚是乞丐。   Is clothed a servant, the mandatory self-censorship belly is a beggar.   64、不知后面山儿摇,只见前面毛毛动。   Followed the mountain son shake, saw maomao move ahead.   65、宁愿辛苦一阵子,不要辛苦一辈子。   Would rather hard for a while, don"t be hard for a lifetime.   66、酒逢知己千杯少,话不投机半句多。   Even thousand cups little, lovers more than half sentence.   67、人的食物多了好,牲畜食物少了好。   Good food for more people, livestock food less good.   68、花儿凋谢不再开,光阴一去不再来。   Flowers fade no longer, time past will never come again.   69、宁喝朋友的白水,不吃敌人的蜂蜜。   Better drink friends of white water, do not eat honey of the enemy.   70、岩鼠在地上奔跑,也有十八种跑法。   Rock rat running on the ground, there are 18 kinds of the running.   71、有缘千里来相会,无缘对面不相识。   As if by predestination, opposite for strangers.   72、活到老,学到老,一生一世学不了。   Never too old to learn, learn life.   73、世人须要终生伴,终生伴是生活桥。   The world needs a lifelong companion, lifelong companion is life bridge.   74、多个朋友多条路,多个冤家多堵墙。   More friends more road, multiple encounters many wall.   75、一致是强有力的,而纷争易于被征服。   Consensus is strong, and disputes are easy to be conquered.   76、聪明人与朋友同行,步调总是齐一的。   A wise man with friends, always has a pace.   77、用心观察成功者,别老是关注失败者。   Observe the successful, don"t always focus on the losers.   78、今年虽足还是明年,夏日虽暖还有冬天。   This year, though a foot or next year, summer and winter is warm.   79、能说会道不算贤者,能干会做才是贤者。   Have kissed the blarney stone is not sage, sage will do that.   80、骄傲是胜利的敌人,努力是成功的朋友。   Pride is the enemy of the victory, efforts are successful. ;
2023-07-22 07:36:441


唯美意境的英文语录   引言:每一段笑声里,都隐藏着别人不能懂的疲惫。接下来我给各位读者分享一些唯美意境的英文语录,欢迎大家阅读。   1、月,轻柔的脚步,曼舞起,夜的芬芳。   The moon, the gentle footsteps, the man dancing, the night"s fragrance.   2、一些事,只配当回忆。一些人,只能做过客。   Some things, only when the memories. Some people, can only do a passenger.   3、爱情使人忘记时间,时间也使人忘记爱情。   Love makes people forget time, time also makes people forget love.   4、做梦梦到的人,醒了就应该能抱到他。   Have a dream, wake up should be able to hold him.   5、每小节的,心跳触动,想传到你的胸口。   Each section of the heart, the heart beat, want to spread to your chest.   6、会不会有人,就算把命丢掉也不会把我丢掉!   There will be no one, even if the life will not throw me away!   7、空气中有你的味道,甜蜜充满整个心房。   Air in your taste, sweet filled with the whole atrium.   8、夜微凉、灯微暗、暧昧散尽、笙歌婉转。   Night cool, dark, light, and mildly ambiguous scatter.   9、说不出的委屈才叫委屈,哭到笑才叫痛。   Can not tell the wronged you wronged, cry to laugh is pain.   10、终是谁使弦断,花落肩头,恍惚迷离。   Who is the final string broken, whispering shoulder, trance blurred.   11、幸福是简单的呼吸,呼吸停止前没有不幸。   Happiness is a simple breath, there is no misfortune before the breath stops.   12、路过的风景、有没有人为你好好收藏。   Passing scenery, there is no one for you to have a good collection.   13、我就像满天星,从头到尾都是配角,背景。   I just like the sky star, from beginning to end is a supporting role, background.   14、一季花开,陌上香,一季悲怨,枕上伤。   A season of flowers, a fragrant, a season of sadness, hurt the pillow.   15、如果我是回忆,那么请你让我死在忘记里。   If I were a memory, then please let me die in the forget.   16、数不清的棵棵桃树生机勃勃,婀娜多姿。   Countless peach tree full of vigour, very pretty and charming.   17、我挥手说再见,为那些永不回来的青春年华。   I waved goodbye, for those who will never come back.   18、背上行囊去远方,那个梦寐以求的目的地。   On the back of the pack to the distance, the dream destination.   19、我的爱为你奔驰,像红色的血液充满身体。   My love for you, like the red blood is full of body.   20、只身步步海天涯、路无归、霜满颜。   Step by step sea of the world, the road no return, frost full face.   21、钟表,可以回到起点,却已不是昨天。   Clocks and watches, can return to the starting point, but it is not yesterday.   22、如果没有相等的爱,那就让我爱多一些吧。   If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me.   23、这里的风景美不胜收,真让人流连忘返。   The scenery here is really beautiful, unforgettable.   24、生命是一座空城,装满了妖言惑众的爱情。   Life is an empty city, filled with the love of seducing.   25、你知道么,我爱你爱到了一种什么样的境界。   You know, I love you love to a kind of what kind of realm.   26、我的爱为你开启,像白色的闪电划破天际。   My love for you to open, like the White Lightning across the sky.   27、人总是会老的",希望到时你仍在我身边。   People will always be the old, I hope that you are still by my side.   28、记忆如此的空白,感情如此的虚幻。   Memory so blank, feeling so unreal.   29、你的夕阳、我的容颜、谁的三分之一年。   Your sunset, my face, who"s 1/3 years.   30、涐拥有的并不多,但留在身边的涐会珍惜。   I have not much, but here I will cherish.   31、一个人的旅行,在路上遇见最真实的自己。   A person"s travel, in the way to meet the most true self.   32、不是每一句对不起,都可以换来一句没关系。   Not every sentence I am sorry, can be exchanged for a no matter.   33、站在世界某一个角落,看着日出日落。   Standing in a corner of the world, watching the sunrise and sunset.   34、山有木兮木有枝,心悦君兮君不知。   Mountain wood wood branches, Yue Xi Jun did not know.   35、相逢一醉是前缘,风雨散,飘然何处。   Meet a storm is on the leading edge of scattered, floating in the air where.   36、做梦多久了,有天真的成真时,反倒像做梦。   How long have the naive dream, come true, instead like dreaming.   37、所谓幸福,华丽空虚。眼底浮花,只是刹那。   The so-called happiness, gorgeous emptiness. Fundus floating flowers, just for a moment.   38、你使得我的生活有情有爱,还有泪。   You make my life love, love, and tears.   39、你笑的那么灿烂,却不知我为你流过多少泪。   You smile so bright, but I do not know how many tears I flow for you.   40、愁未满,心已乱;欲醉不成怨酒淡。   Sorrow is not full, the heart has chaos; to be drunk not to blame wine pale.   41、明白的人懂得放弃,真情的人懂得牺牲。   Understand the people know how to give up, the truth of the people know how to sacrifice.   42、几载青春,几载情谊,同学少年总相忆。   A few years of youth, a few years of friendship, the total phase of the students.   43、我们不能再做梦了,尽管它是如此美好。   We can no longer dream, even though it is so beautiful.   44、记忆那么清晰,每想到你,我都会开始做梦。   Memory is so clear, every thought of you, I will begin to dream.   45、只缘感君一回顾,使我思君朝与暮。   Only a sense of a review, so I think the king and the twilight.   46、也许ー个转身,真的是永远恴别离毕业赠言。   Perhaps, a turn, it is always stainless parting graduates.   47、每个人都有一段悲伤,想隐藏却欲盖弥彰。   Everyone has a sad, want to hide is.   48、举杯独醉,饮罢飞雪,茫然又一年岁。   Drink drunk, drink snow, and at age.   49、是我勇敢太久,决定为你一个人而活。   It was me who was brave, and I decided to live for you.   50、乌云蔽月,人迹踪绝,说不出如斯寂寞。   The clouds covered the moon, trace the vast, not so lonely.   51、江南风骨,天水成碧,天教心愿与身违。   Jiangnan style, Tianshui Chengbi, days to teach aspiration and body violation.   52、梦想,并不奢侈,只要勇敢地迈出第一步。   Dream is not luxury, just take the first step bravely.   53、经流年梦回曲水边看烟花绽出月圆。   A fleeting dream song watch fireworks cracked water moon.   54、毕业了,曾经在一起的打打闹闹也已经远去。   Graduate, had also gone together dadanaonao.   55、这个夏天放假后,我们就没有开学了。   After the summer vacation, we will not have a school.   56、苍茫大地一剑尽挽破,何处繁华笙歌落。   The vast land to do pull broken sword, where bustling complains drop.   57、如果这一生我们爱不够,来世必能长久。   If this life we love is not enough, the next life will be long.   58、一个人孤单地降落,拥挤得只剩下寂寞。   A person lonely to fall, crowded only lonely.   59、一路涉足、一路留恋、一路回望。依旧前行!   A road, a road in nostalgia, the way back. Still ahead!   60、牵着我的手,闭着眼睛走你也不会迷路。   Hold my hand, close your eyes, you won"t get lost.   61、内心是温暖潮湿的地方,适合任何东西生长。   Heart is warm and humid place, suitable for anything to grow.   62、我终生的等候,换不来你刹那的凝眸。   I am waiting for life, not for the moment you ningmou.   63、青春不过年少一场醉,醒着做梦,笑着流泪。   Youth is not a new year less drunk, waking dream, laughing tears.   64、恍惚中,时光停滞,岁月静好。宛如十年前。   In the trance, the time is stagnant, the time is good. Just like ten years ago.   65、蓄起亘古的情丝,揉碎殷红的相思。   Storage on ancient love, from the Acacia red.   66、爱的承诺,在一起长大的约定中绽放笑脸。   Love"s promise, grow up in the promise of a smile.   67、一句我爱你,说了多少遍,换了多少人?   A sentence I love you, say how many times, how many people?   68、我呼吸不到你,到最后一秒才唤起。   I can"t breathe until the last second.   69、红尘一梦醉千年,寂寞一世歌相伴。   A red dream millennium, a lonely world song.   70、我在河之彼岸,守望曾经归来,归来无望。   I am on the other side of the river, watch ever return, return no hope.   71、受伤的时候,偶尔一次让我听听你呼吸。   When I was hurt, let me hear you breathe once in a while.   72、一个人时我害怕寂寞,两个人时我害怕沉默。   A person when I was afraid of loneliness, I was afraid of silence two people.   73、我觉得最浪漫的事,就是和你一起慢慢变老。   I think the most romantic thing is to grow old with you together.   74、这个世界在变唯一不变的是一直在变。   The only constant in the world is always changing.   75、你要记得,那年那月,垂柳紫陌洛城东。   You have to remember, that year, Deng Luo East willow.   76、如果有所谓的太贫穷,不过是不敢再做梦。   If there is so-called too poor, but it is not dare to dream.   77、你是我那颗蛀牙,不是病疼起来却要命。   You are my that tooth pain is not a disease but.   78、醉了真好,渐渐的喜欢这种让我麻木的感觉。   Drunk good, gradually like this let me numb feeling.   79、来生我再来典当、来世我再来与你歃血为盟。   I will hock, I come with you in an old Chinese practice. ;
2023-07-22 07:36:561

以“The Value of Life”为题,写一篇高中英语作文,120多字就好,越简单越好,谢谢00

We all trials and hardships to walk, past experience has stopped. Look back in spite of many must grasp or has slipped, must treasure or have missed - all cannot reproduce. Life is not a rehearsal, the are live. I think the important thing in life is not ability but character, not success but worth, not how many people you knew, but how you to leave the world, how many people are getting to know you! So what kind of life value is we should pursue? I think so, keep pace with The Times, achieves the life value ideal, have life of faith and supervision of social responsibility pursuit. Ideal is the beacon. Only the seamark, our ship to sail to the shore of port; Admittedly, be like me so humble ordinary bloke no Paul ko ezer gold that for the humanity"s liberation and efforts of the great ambition. But I can"t live without ideal. I think you"re sitting without a that he lacked, nor that a complacent. We should be aware that are sitting here is not our life ending. Not satisfied now, to continuously pursue, even if does not succeed, also can enjoy among them joy and happiness. Great ideals, in this increasingly fierce competition in the era of us, especially when such moments for our ideal but struggle, we will not take stint of regret to leave the world. Please remember that sentence: "greatest heart sorrowful is dead!" Faith is the pillar. A person without faith, he has ruined spirit props, life is lost meaning. Someone says: human life five percent is wonderful, five percent is pain, and the other is 90 per cent insipid, People tend to be five percent of the wonderful entice, endure the pain, but without percent in 90 percent of insipid in spending. I think there is no firm faith, the destined not realize that five percent of the wonderful, but to take more pain. DengJiaXian, XuZhenChao, WangShunYou, Helen Keller -- - all the advanced figures are all with conviction motivate yourself in bumpy life on the journey to advance bravely. Responsibility is constraint, people living in the world, is not like, on social responsibility should become our ideal of life end-result. Innumerable outstanding contributions to the person all social responsibility to motivate yourself to find the truth of life. The value of life is not life stage. But in today"s role, past experience is a bunch of brilliance, again withered flower, life today is ordinary, but a full of vigor and vitality seeds. Life orientation where, in mind coordinates diagrams, Where is the life line, down a signpost walked; What is life attitude, the ideal faith is when a director. Tomorrow I will how, apparently, the answer is rich and colorful. Way streched endless ahead, we will from head to foot! 我们一路风雨兼程地走来,过去的经历已经定格。追忆往昔纵然有许多要把握的或已滑落,要珍惜的或已错过——一切的一切都无法重现。人生没有彩排,所进行的都是现场直播。我想人生重要的不是能力而是性格,不是成功而是价值,不是你认识了多少人,而是你离开人世之时,有多少人认识了你!那么什么样的人生价值才是我们应当追求的呢?我认为是这样的,站在时代的前沿,有实现人生价值的理想,有监督的人生信念,有对社会承担责任的追求。理想就是航标。只有了航标,我们的航船才能驶向彼岸的港口;诚然,像我这样一介凡夫俗子没有保尔柯察金那样为全人类的解放事业而努力奋斗的伟大抱负。但人活一世不能没有理想。我想在坐的各位没有那一位甘于平庸,也没有那一位安于现状。我们应该清醒地认识到,今天坐在这里并不是我们人生的归宿。不满足于现在,不断追求,即使不能成功,也能享受其中的快乐与幸福。志存高远,身处这个竞争日趋激烈的时代的我们尤当这样,时刻为自己的理想而奋斗,我们也不会带半点的遗憾离开人世。请记住那句话:“人生最大悲哀莫过于心死!”信念就是支柱。一个人没有信念,他就断送了精神的支柱,人生也就丧失了意义。有人说:人的一生百分之五是精彩的,百分之五是痛苦的,而另外百分之九十是平淡的;人们往往被百分之五的精彩诱惑着,忍受着百分之无的痛苦,而在百分九十的平淡中度过。我想没有坚定的信念,注定不能体会那百分之五的精彩,而要承受更多的痛苦。邓稼先,许振超,王顺友,海伦-凯勒——一切先进人物无不以坚定的信念激励自己在坎坷的人生旅程上勇敢前进。责任就是约束,人活在世上,不是为所欲为,对社会的责任应当成为我们人生理想的归宿。无数有杰出贡献的人无不以对社会的责任来鞭策自己寻找到人生的真谛。人生的价值不在人生的舞台上。而在我们今天所扮演的角色中,过去的经历再光彩,也是一束凋谢的花朵,今天的生活虽平凡,却是一把充满生命力的种子。人生定位在哪里,心里装的坐标图;人生路线在哪里,顺着路标一直走;人生态度是什么,理想信念当导演。明天的我将会怎样,显然,答案是丰富多彩的。路漫漫其修远兮, 吾将上下而求索!
2023-07-22 07:37:111


1、在天才和勤奋两者之间,我毫不迟疑地选择勤奋,她是几乎世界上一切成就的催产婆。 Between genius and diligence, I have no choice but to work hard. 2、谁要是把自己标榜为真理和知识领域里的裁判官,他就会被神的笑声所覆灭。 Who put himself as the truth and knowledge of the magistrate, he will be the destruction of God"s laughter. 3、恶是一种失去善的状态,暗是一种失去光的状态,死是一种失去生的状态。 Evil is a state of loss of good, dark is a state of loss of light, death is a state of loss of life. 4、莫扎特从不为永恒作曲,但是正因为这个理由,所以他的许多作品均是永恒的。 Mozart never wrote for eternity, but for this reason, many of his works are timeless. 5、人们所努力追求的庸俗的目标——财产、虚荣、奢侈的生活——我总觉得都是可鄙的。 People pursuit vulgar goals -- life property, vanity, luxury -- have always seemed to me contemptible. 6、科学决不是也永远不会是一本写完了的书。每一项重大成就都会带来新的问题。任何一个发展随着时间的推移都会出现新的严重的困难。 Science is not and will never be a finished book. Every great achievement brings new problems. Any development with the passage of time will be the emergence of new serious difficulties. 7、我用比相对论还多的脑力在量子论上。 I have more brains than relativity in quantum theory. 8、不要为成功而努力,要为做一个有价值的人而努力。 Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value. 9、生命会给你所要的东西,只要你不断地向它要,只要你在要的时候讲得清楚。 Life will give you what you want, as long as you continue to want it, as long as you want to speak clearly. 10、人的成就和差异决定于其业余时间。 Man"s achievements and differences are determined by his free time. 11、方程式对我更重要,因为**只看眼前,而方程式是永恒的。 Equations are more important to me, because politics is the only thing in sight and the equation is eternal. 12、我从不想未来,它来得太快。 I never thought about the future, it came too soon. 13、真正使我感兴趣的是上帝创造世界的时候有没有别的方案可选。 What really interests me is when God created the world. 14、人生就像骑单车。想保持平衡就得往前走。 Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving. 15、一个获得成功的人,前苏联作家高尔基从他的同胞那里所取得的,总是无可比拟地超过他对他们所做的贡献。 A successful man, Golgi, a former Soviet writer, has never been more than his contribution to his fellow citizens. 16、如果将来有一个能代替科学学科的话,那么这一学科唯一的就是佛教。 If there is a substitute for Science in the future, the only subject of this subject is buddhism. 17、为了惩罚我对权威的蔑视,命运把我自己变成了一个权威. In order to punish my contempt for authority, fate has turned me into an authority 18、在上帝面前,我们都一样聪明——也都一样愚蠢。 Before God we are all equally wise - and equally foolish. 19、一个从未犯错的人是因为他不曾尝试新鲜事物。 A person who never made a mistake because he never tried anything new. 20、生活就像骑单车,要想保持平衡,必须不断前行。 Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving. 21、不要努力成为一个成功者,要努力成为一个有价值的人。 Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value. 22、凡在小事上对弄虚作假理持轻率态度的人,在大事上也是不足信的。 Where to reckless attitude to resort to deceit in the matter of people, in the event the letter is also insufficient. 23、人类存在了多长时间,**就存在了多长时间。 How long does it take for mankind to exist, and how long does it take?. 24、启发我并永远使我充满生活乐趣的理想是真、善、美。 The ideals that inspired me and always filled me with the joy of living are goodness, beauty and truth. 25、人们把我的成功,归因于我的天才;其实我的天才只是刻苦罢了。 People attribute my success to my genius, but my genius is just hard work. 26、有一个现象的明显程度已经让我毛骨悚然,这便是我们的人性已经远远落后我们的科学技术了。 The apparent degree of a phenomenon that has made my hair stand on end is that our humanity has fallen far behind our science and technology. 27、只要你不放弃尝试,就永远不会失败。 You will never fail if you don"t give up trying. 28、真正使我感兴趣的是上帝创造世界时会否还有其他方案选择。 What really interests me is when God creates the world. 29、人的差异在于业余时间,业余时间生产着人才,也生产着懒汉、酒鬼、牌迷、赌徒。由此不仅使工作业绩有别,也区分出高低优劣的人生境界。 The difference lies in the spare time, spare time production personnel, production of lazy, drunk, and gambler Paimi. This not only makes the work performance is different, but also distinguish the advantages and disadvantages of the realm of life. 30、真正有价值的是直觉。在探索的道路之上,智力作用不大。 What really counts is intuition. On the road of exploration, intellectual function is not. 31、上帝难以捉摸,但并不心怀恶意。 God is elusive, but not malicious. 32、在科学思维中常常伴着诗的因素,真正的科学和真正的音乐要求同样的想象过程。 In the scientific thinking is often accompanied by the factors of poetry, real science and real music requires the same process of imagination. 33、独立思考和独立判断的一般能力,应当始终放在首位。 The general ability of independent thinking and independent judgment should always be in the first place. 34、武力不能维持和平。只有互相理解才可以。 Force cannot keep peace. Only mutual understanding can be. 35、要打破人的偏见比崩解一个原子还难。 It is harder to break a Pjudice than to break an atom. 36、国家是为人而设,而非人为国而生。 The state is made for man, not man for his country. 37、只有利他的生活才是值得过的生活。 Only altruistic life is worth living. 38、如果你决心讲述真相,就把体面留给裁缝。 If you are determined to tell the truth, leave it to the tailor. 39、所谓现实只不过是一个错觉,虽然这个错觉非常持久。 The reality is just an illusion, although this illusion is very durable. 40、对于我来说,生命的意义在于设身处地替别人着想,忧他人之忧,乐他人之乐。 For me, the meaning of life is to put yourself in for the sake of others, worry about others worry about the joy of music to others. 41、崇高精神常会受到庸弱世俗的蹂躏。 The noble spirit is often exposed to weak secular ravaged yong. 42、凡在小事上对真理持轻率态度的人,在大事上也是不足信的。 Those who take a hasty attitude towards truth in small things are also less than enough to believe in great things. 43、唯有宇宙和人类的愚蠢是永恒的。 Only the universe and human stupidity is eternal. 44、一个人的真正价值首先决定于他在什么程度上和在什么意义上从自我解放出来。 The true value of a man is determined by the extent to which and in what sense he is liberated. 45、并不是我很聪明,而只是我和问题相处得比较久一点。 It"s not that I"m smart, it"s just that I get along a little longer. 46、我从不去想未来。因为它来得已经够快的了。 I never thought about the future. Because it"s coming fast enough. 47、我从不考虑未来,他来得已经够快的了。 I never think about the future. He"s coming fast enough. 48、道德毫无神圣之处;皆因只是人之常情。 There is no moral sacredness; just because It"s only human. 49、人做事如果要成功,在之前必须脑海中有画面。 If you want to succeed, you must have a picture in your mind. 50、苦和甜来自外界,坚强则来自内心,来自一个的人自我努力。 Bitter and sweet come from the outside, strong comes from the heart, from a person"s own efforts. 51、科学的不朽荣誉,在于它通过对人类心灵的作用,克服了人们在自己面前和在自然界面前的不安全感。 The glory of science lies in the fact that it overcomes the insecurity of people in front of themselves and in the natural interface through the function of the human mind. 52、创新的秘密在于知道如何把你的智谋藏而不露。 The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources. 53、宇宙中唯有两件事物是无限的:那就是宇宙的大小与人的愚蠢。而宇宙的大小我却不能肯定。 Only two things in the universe are infinite: the size of the universe and human stupidity. And the size of the universe I"m not sure. 54、若无某种大胆放肆的猜想,一般是不可能有知识的进展的。 Without a daring conjecture, it is not possible to the general knowledge of the progress of the. 55、如一个想法在最初并不荒谬,那它就没希望。 If an idea is not absurd at first, then it has no hope. 56、我们所经历的最美妙的事情就是神秘。 The best thing that ever happened to us was mystery. 57、不进行调查就谴责,那是最高的无知。 To condemn without investigation is the highest ignorance. 58、人们解决世界的问题,靠的是大脑思维和智慧。 People solve the problem of the world, rely on the brain thinking and wisdom. 59、一个人的价值,应当看到他贡献什么,而不应当看他取得什么。 The worth of a man should be seen in what he gives, not by what he has achieved. 60、在长时间内,我对社会上那些我认为是非常恶劣和不幸的情况公开发表了意见,对它们的沉默就会使我觉得在犯同谋罪。 In a long time, I to the society that I think is very poor and the unfortunate situation of published opinions, they will make me feel guilty silence in the conspiracy. 61、如果一个想法在一开始不是荒谬的,那它就是没有希望的。 If an idea is not absurd at first, it is hopeless. 62、我不信仰一个人格化的神。 I do not believe in the God of a man. 63、一个人对社会的价值首先取决于他的感情、思想和行动对增进人类利益有多大作用。 The value of a man"s society depends primarily on how much his feelings, thoughts, and actions have to do with human interests. 64等你们六十岁的时候,你们就会珍惜由你们支配的每一个钟头了。 When you are sixty years old, you will cherish every hour of your domination. 65、对一切来说,只有热爱才是最好的老师,它远远胜过责任感。 For all, only love is the best teacher, it is far more than a sense of responsibility. 66、上帝不为我们那些数学难题而费心。惦信手拈来,将万物合一。 God doesn"t bother about our math problems. He will come in handy, all are one. 67、一个人对社会的价值,首先取决于他的感情思想和行动对于人类利益有多大作用。 The value of a person to society, first of all depends on how much of his emotional thought and action for the benefit of mankind. 68、我看我自己,就像一个在海边玩耍的孩子,找到一块光滑的小石头,就觉得开心。后来我才知道自己面对的,还有一片真理的大海,那没有尽头。 I see myself as a boy playing on the seashore, find a smooth stone, I feel happy. Then I know that I have to face, there is a sea of truth, there is no end. 69、所谓现实只不过是个错觉,虽然这个错觉非常持久。 The reality is just an illusion, although this illusion is very durable. 70、一个人在科学探索的道路上走过弯路犯过错误并不是坏事,更不是什么耻辱,要在实践中勇于承认和改正错误。 It is not a bad thing, but not a shame, for a person to cross a detour on the road of scientific exploration. 71、我没有什么特殊的才能,不过是喜欢寻根刨底地追究问题罢了。 What I have no special talent, but love is the end plane roots to pursue the issue. 72、科学是个美妙的东西——如果无需靠它维生的话。 Science is a wonderful thing if you don"t have to live on it. 73、一个人从未犯错是因为他不曾尝试新鲜事物。 A person who never made a mistake because he never tried anything new. 74、是鸡过了马路还是马路过了鸡取决于你的参考系。 Whether the chicken crossed the road or the road crossed the chicken depends on your reference system. 75、一个人把在学校学到的东西全都忘掉之后,剩下来的才是素质。 After a man has forgotten everything he has learned in school, the rest is quality. 76、我现在的生活没有动物脂肪、没有肉、没有鱼,但我感觉这样很好。几乎在我看来,人类并非天生就是肉食者。 I have no animal fat, no meat, no fish, but I feel so good. In my opinion, man is not born to be a meat eater. 77、摒弃宗教的科学是跛脚的,摒弃科学的宗教是盲目的。 Abandon religion science is lame, abandon the religion of science is blind. 78、第一句话错误,整个假设失败。 The first sentence is wrong, the whole assumption fails. 79、情感和愿望是人类一切努力和创造背后的动力,不管呈现在我们面前的这种努力和创造外表上是多么高超。 Emotion and desire are the driving force behind all human effort and creativity, no matter how high the effort and the appearance of the Psent is Psented to us. 80、不管时代的潮流和社会的风尚怎样,人总可以凭着高贵的品质,超脱时代和社会,走自己正确的道路。 Regardless of the trend of the times and social fashion, people can always rely on noble quality, detached from the times and society, take the right path.
2023-07-22 07:37:201


The meaning of life is to love and careThe meaning of life is my own, not othersThe meaning of life is to sacrifice is to make people happyTo live is to "continue to experience!" ! ! Whether you succeed or fail, if I enjoy and understand, when you do not take too many pictures, too much like ...... sorryThe meaning of life is to find the meaning of lifeEveryone has their own meaning of life. People want to live your life. Meaning is for their own goals. Successful sweat to pay. Success, failure, laugh, cry, enjoy every step in to experience and enjoy . On the contrary if a person is not the ideal, what is done to show people that he can understand what people alive even these are not their own to experience, enjoy, then what is the meaning of life? In fact I want to say The on sentence: people want to live for themselves. live out wonderful.Life is an objective, but also short-lived. Who live for their own subjective and objective for others is a unity of self-interest and altruism. Who live to complete a nexus of responsibility, a the growth and development, in the process Later, the best people are worth the value and meaning of Memorial. Of course, we must learn to cherish not have a second life, should strive to success in life, but also to learn to enjoy life.People are not living for anything. The existence of life is not it a subjective decision, but in the randomly generated during the evolution of life. The evolution of life is driven by the forces of nature, mankind still can not compete with this power can only be controlled by genes in vivo proliferation of generations down, so in the future there will be more people by this "problem" of confusion.Life is short, lives must die. Seventy years of life, if only for the meaning of life is relatively long and wasteful, but compared with more than 100 million years of the universe is extremely short-lived.
2023-07-22 07:37:381


翻译词组1、讲英语的本地人2. 英语口语3. 讲英语的国家4. 形成自己的风格5. 毫不犹豫6. 丰富我们的学校生活7. 无法用语言表达8. 命令某人做某事9. 掌握了很好的历史知识10. 某物原产于某地翻译句子11. 我们应该逐渐培养起良好的学习习惯。12. 我们很高兴看到中国这几年比以往任何 时候发展得更快。13. 时间会告诉我们一切。14. 餐桌礼仪是随着时代变迁而改变的。15. 现代科技在我们生活中起到重要的作用。 我们要充分利用这些科技。16. 我们不应该总是要求从被人那里获得 帮助。(request)17. 他命令士兵们必须做好随时出航的准备。 (command+that从句) Translation of the phrase An English-speaking locals 2. English Spoken 3. English-speaking countries 4. To form their own style 5. Did not hesitate 6. To enrich our school life 7. Can not use language 8. Order a person to do something 9. Mastered a very good knowledge of history 10. Something a particular way of origin Translation sentence 11. We should gradually develop good study habits from. 12. We are very pleased to see China in recent years than in any previous When a faster pace. 13. Time will tell us everything. 14. Table manners along with the changing times and change. 15. Modern science and technology in our lives plays an important role. We should make full use of these technologies. 16. We should not always require being obtained from the 帮助. (Request) 17. He ordered the soldiers must be prepared to keep sailing preparations. (Command + that clause)
2023-07-22 07:37:477


超甜浪漫高级情话英文   超甜浪漫高级情话英文,生活中我们对于自己喜爱的人可以多说一些英文的情话,这样的情话可以促进我们的感情,是表达爱意的一种方式。为大家介绍超甜浪漫高级情话英文。   超甜浪漫高级情话英文1   1、In the very smallest cot there is room enough for a loving pair. 哪怕是最小的茅舍,对一对恋人来说都有足够的空间。   2、Don‘t waste your time on a man/woman,who isn‘t willing to waste their time on you. 不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。   3、Love is blind. 爱情是盲目的。   4、First impression of you is most lasting. 对你最初的印象,久久难以忘怀。   5、When love is not madness, it is not love. 如果爱不疯狂就不是爱了。   6、Love is not a matter of counting the days. Its making the days count. 爱情不是数着日子过去,它让每个日子都变得有意义。   7、Never frown,even when you are sad,because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. 纵然伤心,也不要悉眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。   8、Take away love, and our earth is a tomb. 没有了爱,地球便成了坟墓。   9、It is never too late to fall in love. 爱永远不会嫌晚。   10、If I know what love is, it is because of you. 因为你,我懂得了爱。   11、Love warms more than a thousand fires. 爱情的炽热胜过千万团的火。   12、Where there is great love, there are always miracles. 哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹。   13、To the world you may be one person,but to one person you may be the world. 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某人,你是他的整个世界。   14、You dont love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her. 你不会因为美丽去爱一个女人,但她却会因为你的爱而变得美丽。   15、Your kiss still burns on my lips, everyday of mine is so beautiful. 你的吻还在我的唇上发烫,从此我的日子变得如此美丽。   16、You cannot appreciate happiness unless you have known sadness too. 不知道什么是忧伤,就不会真正感激幸福。   17、Brief is life, but love is long. 生命虽短,爱却绵长。   18、But if the while I think on thee, dear friend, all losses are restored, and sorrows end. 只要我一想起你,亲爱的"人,所有的失落和遗憾烟消云散.   19、The soul cannot live without love. 灵魂不能没有爱而存在。   20、There is no remedy for love but to love more. 治疗爱的创伤唯有加倍地去爱。   21、Love never dies. 爱情永不死。   22、My heart is with you. 我的爱与你同在。   23、Distance makes the hearts grow fonder. 距离使两颗心靠得更近。   24、Passionate love is a quenchless thirst. 热烈的爱情是不可抑制的渴望。   25、You make my heart smile. 我的心因你而笑。   26、Love is like the moon, when it does not increase, it decreases. 爱情就像月亮,不增则减。   27、Ill think of you every step of the way. 我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步。   28、The only present love demands is love. 爱所祈求的唯一礼物就是爱。   29、Love is like a butterfly. It goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes. 爱情就像一只蝴蝶,它喜欢飞到哪里,就把欢乐带到哪里。   30、There is no hiding from lovers eyes. 什么也瞒不过恋人的眼睛。   31、Look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me. 看看我的眼睛,你会发现你对我而言意味着什么。   32、Your smiling at me is my daily dose of magic. 你嫣然的微笑是我每日享受到的魅力。   33、Don‘t cry because it is over,smile because it happened. 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。   34、May your love soar on the wings of a dove in flight. 愿你的爱乘着飞翔的白鸽,展翅高飞。   35、Love understands love; it needs no talk. 相爱的心息息相通,无需用言语倾诉。   36、Every day without you is like a book without pages. 没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书。   37、Being with you is like walking on a very clear morning. 和你在一起就像在一个清爽的早晨漫步。   38、I miss you so much already and I havent even left yet! 尽管还不曾离开,我已对你朝思暮想!   39、The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can‘t have them. 失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。   40、She who has never loved, has never lived. 人活着总要爱一回。   超甜浪漫高级情话英文2   一、如果生活很苦的话,你要不要搬进我甜甜的心里?   If life is hard, will you move into my sweet heart?   二、你是我想跟全世界炫耀,却又舍不得跟任何人分享的人。   You are the one I want to show off to the world, but I dont want to share with anyone.   三、对你何止喜欢,还有骨子里的深情。   For you more than like, there is deep feeling in the heart.   四、遇到你之后,生活一下子不艰难了,街道也好,晚风也罢,都很甜。   After meeting you, life is not difficult all of a sudden, the street or the night wind, it is very sweet.   五、我能想到的最美好的事就是,在喜欢你的每一天里,被你喜欢。   The best thing I can think of is being loved by you every day that I like you.   六、生来执拗,喜恶分明,所以我喜欢你,不是一时兴起,也不是心口不一。   I like you, not by whim, not by heart.   七、相遇是春风十里,原来是你;相爱是山长水阔,最后是你。   Encounter is spring breeze 10, the original is you; Love is the mountain long water wide, the last is you.   八、人生是这么的短,要去体验从未做过的事。比如去问问那个喜欢的人,我们有没有可能在一起。   Life is so short, to experience things youve never done before. For example, ask the person you like if there is any possibility for us to be together.   九、山河远阔,人间烟火,无一是你,无一不是你。   Mountains and rivers are far away, human fireworks, no one is you, no one is not you.   十、我也曾把光阴浪费,甚至莽撞到视死如归,却因为爱上了你,才开始渴望长命百岁。   I have wasted time, even recklessly to death, but because I fell in love with you, just began to long life.   十一、和喜欢的人四目相对是一次内心的星球大爆炸。   Making eye contact with someone you like is an inner planetary explosion.   十二、世间山水草木都很美,随意提笔都是风景,而自命运携你而来,所有风景也不过只为衬托你。   All landscapes and trees in the world are very beautiful. Picking up a pen at will is a scenery. However, since fate brings you here, all the scenery only serves as a foil to you.   十三、我喜欢你,就像夸父逐日、精卫填海,为达目的至死不渝。   I like you, just like kuafu day by day, Jingwei filling the sea, to achieve the goal until death do us part.   十四、我爱三样东西,太阳、月亮、和你,太阳留给白天,月亮留给夜晚,而你留给我自己。   I love three things, the sun, the moon, and you. The sun for day, the moon for night, and you for myself.   十五、你的眼睛很漂亮,但我希望你的眼睛里那个人永远是我。   Your eyes are beautiful, but I hope the person in your eyes will always be me.   十六、我看那晚霞是红的,因为它怀里搂着个太阳。我想我的脸也该是红的吧,因为我心里住着你。   I think the sunset is red, because it has the sun in its arms. I think my face should also be red, because I live in your heart.   超甜浪漫高级情话英文3   一、Do you want to take care of yourself in if not let me take care of you.   你要照顾好自己如果不行就换我来照顾你。   二、You are everything to me, the love of my life!   你是我的一切,我一生的挚爱!   三、Its much better to go after what you like, no matter what the ending is, than to miss it.   喜欢就去追,不管结局如何,总比错过好的多。   四、I will try to be your future meet will regret not cherish.   我会努力成为你未来见到会后悔没有珍惜的人。   五、May someone treat you the same pain you dont be disappoint from deep feeling to the marrow.   愿有人待你如初疼你入骨从此深情不被辜负。   六、Hello, can I borrow my whole life to talk?   你好,能不能借一生说话。   七、May all your luck be met by chance; may all your good times come as promised.   愿你所有幸运,都不期而遇;愿你所有美好,都如约而至。   八、If you dont let me go, I will love you forever.   只要你不放手,我就可以爱你很久很久。   九、There are always surprises in my life, such as when I meet you.   人生中总有些惊奇的际遇,比方说当我遇见你。   十、I want to write a love poem for you. I will weigh every word and write it in a hot way.   我想为你写一首情诗,一字一句掂量,把文字写成炙热的模样。   十一、There is no remedy for love but to love more.   治疗爱的创伤唯有加倍地去爱。   十二、Being able to wait is a sign of true love. Anyone can say he or she loves you but not everyone can wait for you.   真正的爱情需要等待,谁都可以说爱你,但不是人人都能等你。   十三、No one knows how much love there is in this world, which belongs to shallow encounter and deep acquaintance.   And no one knows how much love there is in this world, which belongs to silent companionship, silence and joy.   没有人知道,这世界上,究竟有多少情,属于浅相遇,深相知;更没有人知道,这世界上,究竟有多少情,属于默然相伴,寂静欢喜。   十四、Behind every sentence you are doing is hiding a sentence I miss you.   每一句你在干嘛,背后都藏着一句我想你。   十五、Although you are not the best, but you are the only, is the worlds unique ah. 虽然你不是最好的,但是你是唯一的,你是这个世界上独一无二的啊。
2023-07-22 07:38:011


雅思写作正确的涂改方法 雅思写作中常见错误:There are many students go abroad. 严重程度:★★★★★ 搞笑指数:★★★★ 这个错误在广大雅思考生的习作中是极为普遍常见的,从中文直译考量没有任何问题:“有许多学生 出国 留学 ”,“有”这个莫名奇妙的字在中章里常被当做一种语气助词使用,习惯进行汉英翻译的考生们便因此犯了名为“run - on sentences”这样一个错误。“A run-on sentence is asentence in which two or more independent clauses (that is, complete sentences) are joined without appropriate punctuation or conjunction.”(两个独立完整的单句没有通过正确的标点符号或者连词进行连接)。上面的例子让我们不禁想起韩乔生名嘴那句有名的解说:“_X以迅雷不及掩耳盗铃之势……”,令人忍俊不禁。 探究这一错误的原因,教师分析认为主要还是考生对英文写作的句式分割概念不清,中文 句子 分割常常是从意义出发,只要意思没有表达完毕,可以一句连一句地持续写下去,直至内容结束。而英文句子是按照结构划分的,只要句子含有完整的主谓结构(祈使句等除外,在雅思写作中不多见)就可以独立成句。如果忽视中英文写作表达的区别,就会出现 “一逗到底”的断句方式,这是很多雅思考生的顽症和恶疾。例子中的错误就在于将两个单句“There are many students.” 和“Many students go abroad.”想当然地混合在了一起。 那么我们先来看看这样的错误应该怎样来修正? 修正方法一:将句子分割成两个独立的简单句:There are many students. They go abroad.这种方法虽然没有任何语法错误,但连贯性不强而且过于简单,比较适合于写作初学者,在雅思写作中不予推荐。因此我们可以将其进行进一步的改良:1)增加连接词,根据本句的含义,可以增加表顺接的连词“and”:There are many students and they go abroad. 2)用分号分隔句子:There are many students; they go abroad. 修正方法二:去掉根据中文直译而多余的“there be”,直接恢复成一个简单句:Many students go abroad. 句子简单明了,符合英文习惯。 修正方法三:将其中一个句子保留作为主体句,根据句子意义将另外一个句子变成某个从属成分或是从句:1)There are many students going abroad. 2) There are many students who go abroad.满足了某些学生希望使用复杂句型或是非谓语动词的需求。 在此提醒考生们,无论哪种方式,都是以遵守英文写作句式的基本法则作为基础的,将雅思写作简单地等同于头脑中观点的“翻译”是绝对行不通的。 我们再来看一个也属于“run-on sentence”的例子:Some people think that pets make too much noise and disturb the neighbor, however others consider keeping pets a good way to kill the time. 根据刚才我们对于“run-on sentence”的说明和分析,这个句子没有正确地运用连词来分隔句子,而是将“however”这个副词当做连词使用。这种错误在雅思考生中间也十分常见,主要问题是由于对词性把握不够。我们先根据刚才的思路重新修正一下这个句子: 1) Some people think that pets make too much noise and disturb the neighbor;however, others consider keeping pets a good way to kill the time. 2) Some people think that pets make too much noise and disturb the neighbor,while others consider keeping pets a good way to kill the time. 英文写作中,不同词性后面所接的结构是很不同的,最容易混淆的三种就是“副词、连词及介词”,副词只能表达语气,不能改变句子原有结构;连词可以连接句子,起到连贯的效果;介词后接名词性 短语 。我们来试着翻译一个句子,区别一下三者的使用:“由于生活的快节奏,许多人选择在外吃快餐而不是自己做饭。” 1) 连词:由于本句为因果关系,我们可以将前半句变成一个原因状语从句,as作为连接词:As the pace of life accelerates, modern people prefer to have fast food outside than cook by themselves at home. 2) 介词:还是在原因上进行变化,将其变成一个句子的状语结构,选择with: With the fast pace of life, modern people prefer to have fast food outside than cook by themselves at home. 3) 副词:将后半句变成一个具有结果意义的分句,选择therefore:The pace of life accelerates; therefore, modern people prefer to have fast food outside than cook by themselves at home. 因此,要避免“run-on sentence”的第二个诀窍就是要分清不同连接词的词性,根据其语法特性搭配不同的结构。 总结 一下导致这种错误的两个原因:句子结构的划分不清及词性的混乱使用。针对这两个问题,在雅思写作中,朗阁海外考试研究中心建议考生务必用两个标准来确认自己是否犯错: 1) 检查句子中的谓语动词数量,如果是多个动词并用,且意思并列,会出现连词如and;否则就应该被转化为非谓语动词(to do, -ing, -ed),或是从句中的成分。避免动词混用造成句子堆积。 2) 确认所用连接词的词性,不要想当然地使用,借助词典,永远是学英语的好帮手。 雅思大 作文 : nursing homes in modern society 雅思大作文题目:Nowadays some older people choose to live in the retirement communities with other people rather than living with their adult children. Is it a positive or negative development? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your ownknowledge or experience. 作文 范文 : Decades of low birth rate indeveloped countries have caused a greater proportion of senior population and thus the working-age population has more obvious stress in coping with daily job and taking care of old retired parents at the same time. Therefore, more senior citizens have turned to nursing homes and it is believed to be reasonable and feasible despite certain apparent drawbacks. Professional nursing institutions benefit different parties. For their customers, peer-to-peer contact of similar age helps psychological and mental well-being as they share similar social background in which topics of common interests are frequently spoken of andactivities suitable for the aged can be organized because of the easy access to partners. In addition, they can enjoy professional daily care on hygiene and medicine, guaranteeing the physical health and hence prolonging life span. Another two parties benefited indirectly are their adult children and the business market, the former can focus more on their own life and work and the latter need not worry about the employees" attendance and stability. However, the retired person may still suffer from two conditions, the aloof offspring and the short of money. To be precise, the elderly may face the risk that the family may never orscarcely pay a visit and it is a cruel and pathetic situation which happens indeed as the cases stand. It is more pitiful that all the retired are not pensioners in some countries, which means they either choose to live independently, which gets harder in the aging process, or to ask for the provision from descendants when others not. To sum up, nursing homes in modern society is a feasible and inevitable approach and it generally has greater advantages. However, some suggestions like a better pension system and strict regulations on these organizations can be taken to ensure the happiness in everyone"s later life. 雅思大作文:a free flow of labor force mainly results from policies 雅思大作文题目:The young people in the workforce are changing their jobs or career every few years. What do you think are the reasons? Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. 作文范文: In my country, people used to be constrained to a single workplace for a lifelong time by social security or welfare system. However, this is no longer the case nowadays and people are free to choose their occupation. To pursue a better career or eliminate a bottleneck, rather than secure a stable income, young people usually opt to change their job. In addition, graduates with little working experience have not developed a clear perspective of their life career. It is reasonable for them to be exposed to various workplaces, orienting to the society and trying to find out their strengths and interests. This mobility of work force has exerted positive influence on both employees and employers. They are allowed to freely make their selection in the employment market based on their specific needs. As a consequence, they are more likely to be matched appropriately and both get satisfied. Meanwhile the workplaces are infused with more vitality and innovation. In addition, job hoppers tend to obtain diverse working experience, hence developing a high ability of adaptation to a new environment. However, there are surely risks when young people change their job too frequently. In that case, their loyalty can be questioned. What"s worse, they are not able to settle down until their 30s or 40s, which usually leads to a postponed marriage and childbirth. In some cases, changing job means changing their residential places, and this instability can influence their family members negatively. On top of the family relationship, their social relation network can also be impaired. To sum up, a free flow of labor force mainly results from policies which intend to encourage a more lively employment. Hopping job in moderate frequency is helpful for young people to adapt to the society and recognize their personal aptitudes and ambitions in professional development. But too much hopping would be harmful to theirsuccess. 雅思大作文:life in a "thrown-away" society 雅思大作文题目:Nowadays people are living in a "thrown-away" society where they use things for a short time and then throwaway. What cause this and what problem it may lead to? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words. 作文范文: The life span of items has been shortened ever since the great expansion of social economies, which results in their clear-cut destiny of being thrown away over a limited period after production. The major reasons of this lies in the development of manufacture industry and the consequent and indulged consuming habits of users, thus leading to some issues on environment, economy and citizens. The formation of fast consuming culture depends on three main factors. The prime and fundamental one to blame is the great progress of technologies on goods production, which hence bring massive amounts of goods with more affordable prices. Moreover, the commodity producers have accustomed to minimize the life cycle of products and sell more by making improvements and generating new versions way more attractive to buyers. Lastly,no one including the government at first has encouraged or promoted thrift f or the public or at school, and all parties were enjoying the boost of economy instead. The problems are obvious according to present global context. Environmental pollution, as the most apparent one, is now taking its toll by using land fill garbage to poison water sources, utilizing remains of fertilizers to contaminate the soil and feeding plastic waste to kill wild animals. As well as that, it cost a fortune to deal better with the disposals and the young who have adopted consumerism are suffering from peer comparisons and heavy debt. To sum up, it seems to be infeasible to embrace people"s previous consuming habits for the sake of life standard and economy. It is reasonable to fear a worse situation in the near future. 雅思写作正确的涂改方法相关 文章 :
2023-07-22 07:38:091


汤姆索耶历险记》描写了渴望建功立业的汤姆和哈克怎样冲破家庭、宗教和陈腐刻板的教育制度的束缚,从游戏和冒险中寻找他们在生活中找不到的自由和浪漫的故事。主人公汤姆和哈克都是伸张正义、善良勇敢、自尊要强的孩子,这些被人们看作是“调皮捣蛋”、“没有礼貌”、“不懂规矩”的毛孩子,长大后却变得富有朝气、乐于助人、智勇双全、不畏艰险,成为了十分可爱的少年。主人公对一切与教会有关的清规戒律都感到无法忍受,反对读死书、死读书,反对刻板的戒律和规矩。他们追求自由自在,具有少年生活的特点的娱乐和冒险,通过扮演海盗、强盗等来实现自己天真烂漫、自由轻松的生活理想。 汤姆这个另类少年,给我们的教育以新的启发。整天把学生关在教室里,为的是所谓的素质(分数),为的是学生不会出事(安全问题),我们的学校到底还有没有人性?学生看上去是文明了,但学生的素质真的得到发展了吗?你去中学里看看每个教室里带眼镜的人吧,明亮的眼睛已经失去了光泽!你去看看小学里的孩子,稚嫩的腰板已经弯成一座桥了!可以毫不客气地说,我们正在阉割中华民族的未来。很是惭愧,我身为教师却无法改变他们的命运,我也成为了这个怪圈中的一个帮凶!这是我最为痛心的事!我对学生放松,学生的成绩上不来,他们的前途说不定就毁在我的手中,我不得不逼着孩子做大量作业。我不能放松啊!
2023-07-22 07:38:351


《海上钢琴师》很多经典,摘录几句:You are infinite. And on those keys, the music that you can make is infinite.音乐是无限的。在琴键上,奏出无限的音乐.I like that. That I can live by.我喜欢那样,我应付得来。Youget me up on that gangway and you rill out in front of me a keyboard ofmillions of keys, Millions and billions of keys that never end.走过跳板,前面的键盘有无数的琴键。That"s the truth, Max, they never end. That keyboard is infinite.事实如此,无穷无尽,键盘无限大。And if that keyboard is infinite, then on that keyboard there is no music you can play.无限大的键盘,怎奏得出音乐?You are sitting on the wrong bench. That"s God"s piano.不是给凡人奏得,是给上帝奏得。Christ! Did you see the streets? Just the street-----there were thousands of them.唉!只是街道,已经好几千条。How do you do it down there? How do you choose just one?上了岸,何去何从?Onewoman, one house, one piece of land to call your own, one landscape tolook at, one way to die. All that world just weighing down on you. Youdon"t even know where it comes to an end.爱一个女人,住一间屋子,买一块地,望一个景,走一条死路。太多选择,我无所适从,漫无止境,茫茫无际。Aren"t you ever just scared of breaking apart at the thought of it? The enormity of it. 思前想后,你不怕精神崩溃?那样的日子怎么过?I was born on this ship, and the world passed me by.我生于船,长与船,世界千变万化 But 2000 people at a time, and there were wishes here.这艘船每次只载客两千,既载人,有载梦想。But never more than fit between prow and stern.但范围离不开船头与船尾之间。You played put your happiness, but on a piano that was not infinite! I learned to live that way.在有限的钢琴上,我自得其乐,我过惯那样的日子。Land?Land is a ship too big for me. It"s a woman too beautiful, it"s avoyage too long, a perfume too strong, it"s music I don"t know how tomake.陆地?对我来说,陆地是艘太大的船,是位太美的美女。是条太长的航程,是瓶太香的香水,是篇无从弹奏得乐章。I can never get off this ship. I"m blessed I can step off my life.我没法舍弃这艘船,我宁可舍弃自己的生命。After all, I don"t exist for anyone.反正,世间每人记得我。You are the exception, Max. You are the only one who knows I"m here. You are a minority, and you"d better get used of it. 除了你,Max,只有你知道我在这里,你属于少数,你最好习惯一下。Forgive me, my friend, but I"m not getting off.朋友,原谅我。我不下船了。Hey,Max! Imagine the music I could play with two right arms. Hope I can find a piano up there.两条右臂能谈出什么音乐? 希望天堂有钢琴
2023-07-22 07:38:432

life used to be for teenagers.they used to have money to spend

2023-07-22 07:38:514


We used three classes of the time to read the movie "Forrest Gump", the film classic, which was showing a lot of American society, in this movie are the words: My momma always said life was like a box o"chocolates. You never know what you are gonna get. This sentence is my favorite in this whole movie in one sentence. Of course, the death of Forrest Gump"s mother said before; Death is just a part of life. Something we are all destined to do. I didn"t know it, but I was destined to be your momma. I did the best I could. This reminds me of my grandfather.
2023-07-22 07:38:594


2023-07-22 07:39:152

."Having married a good wife is my best decision in my life" is this sentence right?

假设你有很多女朋友,最终你择选跟A小姐结婚 ,後知道她是一位真正好太太,That"s is your best decision to choose Ms.A .在句子里,"a good wife" could be anybody , so" best decision" may not be appropriate . Also , who does not a good wife .Purely my opinion , don"t be offended .
2023-07-22 07:39:244

请问这句话怎么翻译?He was sentenced to 10 life sentences.

life 有无期徒刑的意思。
2023-07-22 07:39:432

Locked In Love 歌词

歌曲名:Locked In Love歌手:Jason Derulo专辑:欧美2010年3月最新单曲Jason Derulo - Locked In LoveI keep (keep keep)Fallen (lin lin)I keep fallen in lover all over againCause he"s (he"s he"s)Got me he"s got me locked in likeS crook and i don"t wanna be saying likeTryna free myself from loving againBut cupid has me captine stuck here with himToday i made my mind i said goodbyeStay anyway can"t take that look in his eyeWhere would i go let"s hear go anhead out the distanceLife woithout him is unclearCan i just get awayAll these crushes i"m askingWhen i should be packingI"m in then i"m out the back end cuz he"s got a hold on meI keep (keep keep)Fallen (lin lin)I keep fallen in lover all over againCause he"s (he"s he"s)Got me hes"s got me locked in likeA crook and i don"t wanna be saying likeAyo, aaaayTrapped here like a prisoner locked in loveAyo, aaaayLove, love, love, loveLocked in loveLove, loveI"m locked in loveOut in my heartGot look in this cageWith a life sentenceIs this what they call fate ?Cuz if it isI don"t really want itHappiness was all i ever wantedI"m moving on making my mindI"m gonna leave him this timeHe barrioades me with his liesWhy can"t just get awayOver and over i staySuppose he is my soul madeI felt like i"m his enemyStuck for eternityI keep (keep keep)Fallen (lin lin)I keep fallen in lover all over againCause he"s (he"s he"s)Got me hes"s got me locked in likeA crook and i don"t wanna be saying likeAyo, aaaayTrapped here like a prisoner locked in loveAyo, aaaayLove, love, love, loveLocked in loveLove, love, loveI"m locked in love
2023-07-22 07:39:501

谁有一些英文电影的英语简介100到200字~~急!急!拜托了各位 谢谢

1. 勇敢的心Braveheart(1995) William Wallace is a Scottish rebel who leads an uprising against the cruel English ruler Edward the Longshanks, who wishes to inherit the crown of Scotland for himself. When he was a young boy, William Wallace"s father and brother, along with many others, lost their lives trying to free Scotland. Once he loses another of his loved ones, William Wallace begins his long quest to make Scotland free once and for all, along with the assistance of Robert the Bruce. Braveheart is the partly historical, partly mythological, story of William Wallace, a Scottish common man who fights for his country"s freedom from English rule around the end of the 13th century. 2. 肖申克的救赎The Shawshank Redemption (1994) The story begins with the trial of a young banker, Andy Dufrense, victimized by circumstantial evidence, resulting in a conviction for the murder of his wife and her lover. After a quick conviction, Andy finds himself serving a life sentence at Shawshank prison, with no hope of parole. He exists in this prison only in appearance, keeping his mind free from the drab walls around him. His ability to do this results in the gaining of respect from his fellow inmates, but most of all from Ellis Redding. Ellis, commonly referred to as Red, finds gainful use of his entrepreneurial spirit within the drab walls of Shawshank by dealing in contraband and commodities rare to the confines of prison. Andy"s demeanor and undeniable sense of hope causes Red to take a deeper look at himself, and the world around him. Andy proves to Red and the other inmates that in the conventional walls of Shawshank prison convention will find no home in his lifestyle.
2023-07-22 07:39:581


1. 勇敢的心Braveheart(1995) William Wallace is a Scottish rebel who leads an uprising against the cruel English ruler Edward the Longshanks, who wishes to inherit the crown of Scotland for himself. When he was a young boy, William Wallace"s father and brother, along with many others, lost their lives trying to free Scotland. Once he loses another of his loved ones, William Wallace begins his long quest to make Scotland free once and for all, along with the assistance of Robert the Bruce. Braveheart is the partly historical, partly mythological, story of William Wallace, a Scottish common man who fights for his country"s freedom from English rule around the end of the 13th century. 2. 肖申克的救赎The Shawshank Redemption (1994) The story begins with the trial of a young banker, Andy Dufrense, victimized by circumstantial evidence, resulting in a conviction for the murder of his wife and her lover. After a quick conviction, Andy finds himself serving a life sentence at Shawshank prison, with no hope of parole. He exists in this prison only in appearance, keeping his mind free from the drab walls around him. His ability to do this results in the gaining of respect from his fellow inmates, but most of all from Ellis Redding. Ellis, commonly referred to as Red, finds gainful use of his entrepreneurial spirit within the drab walls of Shawshank by dealing in contraband and commodities rare to the confines of prison. Andy"s demeanor and undeniable sense of hope causes Red to take a deeper look at himself, and the world around him. Andy proves to Red and the other inmates that in the conventional walls of Shawshank prison convention will find no home in his lifestyle.
2023-07-22 07:40:531


A Sentence May Change A Man"s LifeThere is a sentence going as : a sentence may change a man"s life,maybe that is ture. Look at the following sentence,we may get some active idea: Giving up is a kind of intelligence, and defecting is a boon. When you have six apples, don"t eat them all, because there is only one six apples taste, if take out five to others, lost five apples on the surface, but actually had five personal friendship and goodwill, later also can get more, others must also have fruit to share with you, you will get an orange, a pear might get six different fruits, different tastes, different colors, six personal friendship, give up is a kind of wisdom.The greatest pleasure of life is through the struggle to get what we want, so there are shortcomings mean that we can progress, can be hard.When a personal life is not short of, he living space are deprived of, if we wake up every morning, to feel what shortcomings today, feel and pursuit, that is a happy thing.Smile -- but not keep for 24 hours, but can keep smile in the face of people.希望对你有帮助
2023-07-22 07:41:021

The best interpretation for the sentence Life is a box of chocolates is: ().

The best interpretation for the sentence Life is a box of chocolates is: (). A.Life is sweetB. Life is full of choices and possibilitiesC.Life is bitterD.Life is always colorful and full of surprises正确答案: Life is full of choices and possibilities
2023-07-22 07:41:091


2023-07-22 07:41:192

英语演讲范文:Be Grateful to Life

为大家收集整理了《英语演讲范文:Be Grateful to Life》供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!!! Good morning,everyone!   Once President Roosevelt"s house was broken into and lots of things were stolen. Hearing this, one of Roosevelt"s friends wrote to him and advised him not to take it to his heart so much. President Roosevelt wrote back immediately, saying:“Dear friend, thank you for your letter to comfort me, I am all right now. I think I should thank God. This is because of the following three reasons: firstly, the thief only stole things from me but did not hurt me at all; secondly, the thief has stolen some of my things instead of all my things; thirdly, most luckily for me, it was the man rather than me who became a thief.”   It is certainly unlucky for anyone to be stolen from. However, President Roosevelt had three reasons to be grateful. This story tells us we should learn to be grateful in our life. There is a sentence from Mahatma Gandhi:“Live as you were to die tomorrow, learn as you were to live forever. ” Great people are always showing their love to the world, just as Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Norman Bethune and so on. How about us?   You can not do everything, but still you can do something. So, be grateful to your life, all the people and things in your life.   Be grateful to the nature, for the fresh air you breathe, the clean water you drink, the beautiful flower you smell.   Be grateful to your parents, for they gave birth to you and taught you right from wrong.   Be grateful to your teachers, for they let you understand “what”,“how”and“why” with great patience.   Be grateful to your friends, for you have known each other since you were 9 or 10 and faced the difficulties together for so many years.   Be grateful to your lover, for he/she gave you love and helped you find the sun every time you were down.   Mother Teresa once said:“People really need help, but may attack you if you help them. Help people anyway; Give the world the best you have and you may get kicked in the teeth. Give the world the best you have anyway.” At last I want to say: being grateful can bring us a better and more beautiful life. Why don"t we have a try?let,s get it started!
2023-07-22 07:41:371


《阿甘正传》观后感Forrest GumpIt is one of the greatest novels that I have ever read. The main role called Forrest Gump.Let me introduce him shortly. Forrest Gump, who is unfortunately born with a rather low IQ, has already created a miracle, achieving a great deal of incredible success. He is a football star, a war hero, and later a millionaire. Stupid as he is, he gains his brilliant life indeed.At the beginning of reading this novel, I thought an idiot"s life must be more difficult than others. His life must be full of mocks. My thoughts are proved in the book. Because he is an idiot, all the people look down upon him. Most of boys don"t want to share one seat with him on bus; many bad guys throw stones to hit him; he cannot be allowed to study into primary school at first; Jenny is the only girl that he loves all his life. But she thinks Forrest Gump doesn"t understand what"s love at first ……After finish reading this novel, I learned a lot. Sometimes I think he is not a fool but a genius. His attitude to life is even clever than ordinary people.Firstly, he is optimistic. He doesn"t do anything wrong but the society is unfair to Forrest. I felt very sad to him. However, Forrest is as optimistic as his mother .he always remembers his mother"s words: “ stupid is someone who did stupid things.” He does not do something stupid.Secondly, he has strong willed. Because his IQ is lower than others, he has to concentrate on one thing. So he does well on everything he works. He loves jenny from the first sight at her to her death. At last, he gets married with her and has a son; he runs for 3 years just because he likes running; he loads a gun faster than other soldiers…Thirdly, he is ideal husband. He is a man with a sense of responsibility. He loves Jenny very much. When others hurt her, he tries his best to protect her. He can earn a lot of money and he is a famous person in America.So he is clever than others. Maybe a lot of people say he has good lucks. But I think character is bond to person"s fate. His attitude and his efforts to life make him has a happiness results at last.In addition, I want to say something about destiny.Sometimes we think god gives everyone different fates. Someone has good looking while someone is born in rich family; someone is good at sports while someone is good at arts. Take Forrest for an example. He is a fool but he has talent on sports, such as running or playing everyone has his or her own gifts. God gives him a great mother. She is clever. She can earn enough money to support her one parent family. She I is also optimistic. She never feels ashamed of her son. She is proud of her son. She never thinks Forrest is a fool. She wants her son can lead a life as an ordinary person. In order to let him study into school, she has sex with the headmaster. She is also intelligent. Every night she reads some books for Forrest and tells some simple truths to him. Such as “There"s an awful lot you could tell about a person by their shoes. Where they"re going. Where they"ve been.” “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get.”Thus, do not complain that you do not have something. Just like yourself and make your advantages better and better.Sometimes we think we have bad luck. But in fact it is a good thing for us. I remember one classic sentence: life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you will get from it. For example, because Forrestalways runs to avoid being hit by stones, his speed is faster than others. So he is chosen to baseball team and become to a famous player. He is so excellent that he has got chance to meet president. So whenever you are in trouble, do not think it is a bad luck. It is just a challenge. After overcoming it, you will gain more than you lost.For me, I want to say, last one month I got very bad luck. I got break up with my boyfriend and I met traffic accident on my way to school. And my back was hurt. Because of being shot CT, a lot of acnes appear on my face. Furthermore, my study is influenced.At first I felt very sad. I cannot know how to deal with it. I think I lost a lot of things. After reading the book, I changed my mind. The accidence makes me lost a lot of things. Meanwhile it also made me gain a lot of things. I gained a lot of love from my classmates, my teachers and my relatives. I become mature. And now I pay more attention about my health. If I can overcome this terrible thing, I will be great. And I can lead a splendid life in the foreseeable future.After reading the novel, I watched the movie. As the beautiful music, there is a beautiful feather dancing with the breeze, finally lighting at the foot of Forrest Gump sitting on the bench. At the end of the film, the beautiful feather is going on floating in the sky. In my view, life is just like a feather, which can be changeable with the breeze in the sky. We cannot control the breeze. What we can do is to adjust to the environment. We should take advantage of our advantages. And try our best to make us dancing more beautiful in the blue sky. Our IQ is higher than Forrest Gump, so we have ability to live better than Forrest. Just seek for a better life through work hard. 功夫熊猫Or the dream factory has always been the high standard, the screen exquisite detail, vivid characters vivid, touching story twists and turns, the most important thing is it in the most simple and easy to understand that the way of a token, that is - there is no shortcut to the world and Cheats, the only winning Famen is believe in themselves.More do not want to repeat the story, because it really well. Look at the process, appeared frequently Huiyi people laugh, the whole atmosphere is relaxed and go. This film has done very authentic, a little bit by the Westerners did not interpret the feeling, no matter which story or convey the moods, whether the screen or the details are all the way east; only special is probably the Speaking of modern, such as, for example ok这个杀手不太冷This film was absolutely amazing. I have spent hours re-watching various scenes and noticing all the perfection with which they are acted and directed. It"s not the violence or action sequences that make this movie so great (although they are well done...), but rather moments like where Mathilda knocks on Leon"s door. It would be so easy to just film the door opening, but instead we see light illuminating Natalie Portman"s face, symbolizing something angelic. And the moment has so much more meaning.I know a lot of people who have seen this film because they are action fans. I"m not. But I"m glad I finally found it, because it"s a wonderful film in so many other ways.沉默的羔羊Before watching the film, I was so familiar with “the silence of the lamb”. I often see this title in some magazines. In the poster there is a woman"s head and a butterfly which is sticking on the woman"s mouth. I think this woman must be a main character of the story, and so it is. She looks beautiful and intelligent, making a good impression on me. It is said that the woman had best-actress award because of this film. And then I had the chance to enjoy this film with several classmates.Because we watched the film in English, I couldn"t catch all the meaning quite well. Besides the thrilling scene and the terror, all the part which gave me the deepest impression was the two main characters of this story. One is a young FBI agent and also the figure of the front cover. She is assigned to help find a missing woman and save her from a psychopathic killer with the help of another killer. Another is a psychologist doctor Lector. As for players, they both have superb acting, and the young agent and the doctor also have vivid dispositions in the film.I got an impression that there were many dialogues between the FBI agent and the doctor in a prison cell. The doctor"s appearance made me afraid, especially his sharp eyes. Just sitting in the chair quietly, not even a word. He usually gave us a terrible feeling. There were mysterious smiles in his face. I didn"t know it was kindness or evil intensions. He ate men"s tongues which sound very horrible, but he looked so kind to his visitor-the young agent named Clarice Starting. Maybe he was a criminal in the law and must be punished, but I didn"t hope that he was caught finally. In my opinion, he is not just a wise and intelligent person and also has strong sentiment and deep thoughts.As for a young woman, Clarice has outstanding bravery and great capability. Faced to such a abnormal man, she was not afraid. She could investigate some incident alone. At last, she went to visit “Buffalo Bill” on her own. Thanks to her sober mind and quick reaction, she could kill the Buffalo Bill and save the woman ultimately. Certainly, she was highly commended for her good job.In a word, this film is worth seeing.
2023-07-22 07:41:471

Love Is A Crime 歌词

歌曲名:Love Is A Crime歌手:Anastacia专辑:Chicago - Music From The Miramax Motion PictureOooh YeahChicagoIf love is a crime babyI"d do my timeWhether it"s wrong or rightYou can sentence me to lifeIf love is a crime babyI"d do my timeWhether it"s wrong or rightYou can sentence meSentence me to lifeSome might say I"m guilty of loving the first degreeIf the jury wants to lock me up and throw away the keyThere"s no greater punishment than what I face insideWon"t tamper with the evidence cause there"s nothing to hideHe lives inside my heartI"m in the middle tooYou never had a clueUnless you felt it tooIf love is a crime babyI"d do my timeWhether it"s wrong or rightYou can sentence me to lifeIf love is a crime babyI"d do my timeWhether it"s wrong or rightYou can sentence meSentence me to lifeBetter tell the truth, just let me plead my caseThe thief who stole my heart from me I couldn"t let escapeHe"s my only alibi, but I won"t drop a dimeSo how can I give up to you, my partner in crimeHe lives inside my heartI"m in the middle tooYou never had a clueUnless you felt it tooIf love is a crime babyI"d do my timeWhether it"s wrong or rightYou can sentence me to lifeIf love is a crime babyI"d do my timeWhether it"s wrong or rightYou can sentence meSentence me to lifeYou can take away my freedomBut you can"t take my love from meI won"t die a lonely prisoner"Cause my heart will set me freeOooh ooh yeahWhooh!ChicagoI saidIf love is a crime babyI"d do my timeWhether it"s wrong or rightYou can sentence me to lifeIf love is a crime babyI"d do my timeWhether it"s wrong or rightYou can sentence meSentence me to lifeAh come onI saidIf love is a crime babyI"d do my timeWhether it"s wrong or rightYou can sentence me to lifeIf love is a crime babyI"d do my timeWhether it"s wrong or rightYou can sentence meSentence me to lifeI said love is a crime
2023-07-22 07:41:541

sentence to是什么意思

2023-07-22 07:42:023

要改写成 passive voice 应该点分析?急!!我要考试(中三)

更新1: 可以的话 教埋我 点样由被动改成主动 更新2: 用中文回答!! Hi The layer will announce the details OF the show tomorrow the details of the show <-------Object. The details of the show will BE ANNOUNCED by the layer tomorrow. BE ANNOUNCED<-------------PASSIVE VOICE HERE I am sorry that I do not know much Chinese. I don"t think I am able to help you with the Chinese parts. 英文句子改成被动 系咪咩时式都可能有呢? You may but Ummmmmmmm........ in some situations you may find it funny when you make a sentence in passive voice. Please take a look at the following sentence. I am kissing her lips. <------------------------( present progressive tense in active voice) I am going to change it to "PASSIVE VOICE" now. Her lips are being kissed by me. <------( Try to trlate this into Chinese and you will see what I mean.) No one would say things like this in real life because this sentence is pretty unnatural and weird. This is totally insane to me too ! By the way your original sentence would look more natural this way: The layer will announce the show in detail tomorrow. 13. in detail item by item; with particulars: The rsum stated his qualifications in detail. <------------No s"s here dictionary.reference/browse/detail See you. 2008-11-26 02:52:56 补充: The other guy who has just wered this thread is right about the word PLAYER. O_O Do you mean " layer" or " player" sky25222003? O_O I think your original sentence is more like this: The player will announce the details of the show tomorrow Passive: The details of the show will be announced by the player tomorrow. Here are some ways to help you. The player is the subject. Will Announce is the verb. The details of the show is the object. tomorrow is the time. Passive me to switch the positions of subject and object. so you place the object in front: The details of the show Then you place the verb: will be announced by <--- future tense passive form Then you place the subject: The player Then you place the time: tomorrow Passive basically can be used any time but sometimes they are not necessary. E.g. I poured water into the cup. Passive: Water was poured into the cup by me. <---It"s confusing and unnecessary so actually passive shouldn"t be used so much unless you want to achieve a special literary purpose. 参考: myself
2023-07-22 07:42:081

Dormitory Life 范文

li hai!
2023-07-22 07:42:172

有谁可以翻译一下Live Life这首歌的歌词!!!

请问是这首歌吗?Far East Movement Ft. Justin Bieber – Live My Life[intro - justin bieber]I" m gonna live my lifeNo matter what, we party tonightI" m gonna li-li-live my lifeI know that we gon" be alright[far east movement]Yo, hell yeah, dirty bassGhetto girl, you drive me crayHell yeah, dirty bassyo, yoThis beat make me go wowThis drink make me fall downi party hard like carnivallet"s burn this motha downThis bass make me go ache (go ache)This girl circus so lateYou"re that telly cake with a cali shakeI got dough, who"s down to fakeoh my, dirty bassoh you got it like thatI can work that badlet me get that(get your ass on the floor)oh my, dirty bassoh you got that smallI can break that offLet me get that(get your ass on the floor)[Justin Bieber - chorus]I"m gonna live my lifeNo matter what, we party tonightI"m gonna li-li-live my lifeI know that we gon" be alrightI"m gonna live my lifeNo matter what, we party tonightI"m gonna li-li-live my lifeI know that we gon" be alrightwo-oh oh, wo-oh oh,I know that we gon" be alrightwo-oh oh, wo-oh ohI know that we gon" be alright[far east movement]yo, hell yeah, dirty bassGhetto girl, you drive me crayHell yeah, dirty bassNo matter where we be at vip, or in the ceilingAll we need to start it is the speakers in my chit-chatI spot a couple hottiesHolla, we"re the party, we thatGirl move it like pilatesPut your head where you knee atoh my, dirty bassoh you got it like thatI can work that badLet me get that(get your ass on the floor)Oh my, dirty bassOh you got that smallI can break that offLet me get that(get your ass on the floor)[Justin Bieber - chorus]I"m gonna live my lifeNo matter what, we party tonightI"m gonna li-li-live my lifeI know that we gon" be alrightI"m gonna live my lifeNo matter what, we party tonightI"m gonna li-li-live my lifeI know that we gon" be alright[bridge]This is my moment tonightHell yeah we doing it rightSo get your hands up in the airLike we living your lifeThis is my moment tonightHell yeah we doing it rightSo get your hands up in the airLike we living your life[Justin Bieber - chorus]I"m gonna live my lifeNo matter what, we party tonightI"m gonna li-li-live my lifeI know that we gon" be alrightI"m gonna live my lifeNo matter what, we party tonightI"m gonna li-li-live my lifeI know that we gon" be alright中文歌词远东韵律、贾斯汀比伯 - 我的生活[简介 - 贾斯汀比伯]我要过我自己的生活无论什么时候,我们今晚的晚会我要去立松过我的生活我知道,我们会去没事[远东韵律]呦,地狱呀,脏低音贫民区的女孩,你开车送我克雷地狱啊,脏低音哟,哟这种节奏让我去哇这种饮料让我倒下我党很难像狂欢节让燃烧这个motha下来这低音让我去痛(去痛)这么晚这个女孩马戏团你是那个电视中的蛋糕与校准抖动我得到了面团,谁是假的噢,我的,肮脏的低音哦,你有这样的我可以说不好让我得到这个(你的屁股在地板上)噢,我的,肮脏的低音哦,你得到了小我可以打破关闭让我得到这个(你的屁股在地板上)[贾斯汀比伯 - 合唱]我要过我自己的生活无论什么时候,我们今晚的晚会我要去立松过我的生活我知道,我们会去没事我要过我自己的生活无论什么时候,我们今晚的晚会我要去立松过我的生活我知道,我们会去没事禾哦,哦,我,哦,哦,我知道,我们会去没事禾哦,哦,我,哦,哦我知道,我们会去没事[远东韵律]哟,地狱呀,脏低音贫民区的女孩,你开车送我克雷地狱啊,脏低音无论身在何处,我们在VIP,或在天花板上所有我们需要启动它的扬声器在我的闲聊我发现一对夫妇火辣Holla的我们党,我们认为女孩移动它像普拉提把你的头,你的膝盖噢,我的,肮脏的低音哦,你有这样的我可以说不好让我得到这个(你的屁股在地板上)噢,我的,肮脏的低音哦,你有小我可以打破关闭让我得到这个(你的屁股在地板上)[贾斯汀比伯 - 合唱]我要过我自己的生活无论什么时候,我们今晚的晚会我要去立松过我的生活我知道,我们会去没事我要过我自己的生活无论什么时候,我们今晚的晚会我要去立松过我的生活我知道,我们会去没事[桥]这是我的时刻今晚地狱啊,我们这样做是正确因此,让你的手在空中就像我们生活你的生活这是我的时刻今晚地狱啊,我们这样做是正确因此,让你的手在空中就像我们生活你的生活[贾斯汀比伯 - 合唱]我要过我自己的生活无论什么时候,我们今晚的晚会我要去立松过我的生活我知道,我们会去没事我要过我自己的生活无论什么时候,我们今晚的晚会我要去立松过我的生活我知道,我们会去没事
2023-07-22 07:42:252

求一片英语范文。以:how has technology affected my life 为话题,120个单词以上,谢谢了!

Technology has a great influence in my life and it also changes my life style. The technology that I want to talk about is the computer, telephone, and ATM. First, computer has the largest effect on my life. I do not need to physically in the library in order to get information. Also, I can sit at home and shop online which save much time for me. It is very convenience and helpful for me because I can stay home and know everything happens in the world. Secondly, telephone changes the way of how people communicate with each other. People do not need to write letters to each other nowadays. Instead, we can be just simply call up each other in order to communicate. It is much faster than writing letters. It also prevents the misunderstanding due to the different interpretation in a sentence. People might interpret the sentence differently, but if they are on the phone, they can explain themselves better. Last, ATM is very convenience because we can take out money at anytime instead of going to the bank in certain time. Also, when we go to trip, we do not need to carry so much money because we can always take out money from ATM on our trip. In conclusion, technology has a great influence in the society as well as my life. My lifestyle has been changed due to the development of technology. Technology makes my life much easier! I HOPE IT HELPS!
2023-07-22 07:42:351

英语讨论 Do you think a poor person can have a life full of riches?

it depends, different people have different life. we cant control them
2023-07-22 07:42:452

Life is a process

The results are important most look forward to but well worth doing things the process more experience and treasure because of the good results we will be more happy but the process to enrich our lives. Human life is the last leg of the death we can not therefore say that our life is of no significance. In fact life itself has no meaning only your own life gives you a sense you want to achieve to enjoy the process is a life of significance. The third sentence is: not necessarily the shortest line beeen o points. In interpersonal relationships and in the process of doing things we are not simply take it for granted that we will be able to do a good job. We sometimes need to wait for the opportunity and sometimes need partners sometimes necessary munication skills. The difficulties encountered. Obstacles Stiffness hard-is not necessarily the only way to solve the problem choose to bypass the difficulties to bypass obstacles a chance to solve it again so perhaps more *** oothly. Fourth sentence: only know how to stop people know how to speed up the pace. Most people in the ski time the greatest experience is not been stopped. Watching other people find it very easy to ski if not trained their slide often encountered badly beaten. The crux of the matter is that simply do not know how to maintain a balance. As long as we can in fact stop it would not hit the tree and hit a rock and hit people. Therefore only know how to stop people before they know how high-speed ahead. Fifth sentence: give up is a kind of wisdom. When you have six apples do not eat them all because you eat all of the six apples you only get a taste that is Apple"s taste. If you put Apple in six out of the five others to eat but you actually have been five other personal friendship and affection or even more. When other people have other things and you will also share. Finally you may have been six different fruits six different tastes six different nutrition six of friendship. People must learn how to use your own things for you in exchange for more important things and the rich. Therefore it is wisdom to give up.
2023-07-22 07:43:041

how to understand this sentence?

which代的是A disaster。A disaster happens either through culpable lack of foresight or through adverse external agency and brings with it destructioneither……or……意思是不是……就是……天灾的发生不是由于由该受责备的缺乏远见就是由于不利的外部影响所带来的破坏
2023-07-22 07:43:182

Walking on the road of life_1500字

The earth is constantly rotating, and physically we are still relative to the earth; how can we understand that we are still relative to the earth? Because, the earth is turning, and we are moving forward all the time. People‘s life, is not to walk, continue to walk, and finally walk to their own piece of heaven and earth. Life"s weather is indeed very strange, there are no four seasons, but always ushered in the storm or into the ice and snow, but how can we stop because of these things? So we are desperate to continue to go forward, so we are against the scorching sun and frost, through the thorns continue to move forward, stop, that is called life? The more you walk, the more you understand. If you understand, naturally, you will see more scenery. It‘s just that everyone walks in different ways. Some people go everywhere, want to see more of the world"s scenery, but take too many detours, the road is just desolate, the journey is sad; some people even walk barefoot on the ice, they always greet each other with a *** ile, isn‘t it suffering? What is life without suffering? As we walk, we see the world, we know the world, and we are familiar with it. We walk on the road, understand, understand, we also grasp every minute and second of walking, we also know that walking, we will leave youth behind forever, all know the rush of time, so we go not fast but carefully appreciate every scenery around us, not willing to give up a star. Walking on the road, you will always see the world"s different scenery, learning and also experiencing the test of the world, but finally walk on the road for the ideal, but at the end of the day, it proves a sentence: after the cold winter, ushering in the spring flowers.
2023-07-22 07:43:251

请以 my favorite sentence (我最喜欢的一句话) 为题,写一篇不少于120个单词的短文,急用。

my favorite sentence The sentence where there is a will ,there is a way is my favorite.And I view it as my motto as well.In our life ,there are so many great challenges that we all but just can not survive them. In the end,the most chose to quit. And you see our will is put to the test.When come across a complicated question ,you give up,then how you can realize your dream and make a better life! The famous like Thomas Edison,Alexander Pope,Helen Keller and so on have the virtue to stay the course, quite many of whom are handicap and face more than difficultise to deal with their problems. The season why they can make so great achievements is that they all have a will of iron,and a will of sea which can conquer the all. So no doubt that I am so quite appreciative of this sentence,you know it will give me the great vitality to reach my goal,and it dose.
2023-07-22 07:43:331

little life skills are a big help翻译

小小的生活技能是很大的帮助。英译汉翻译15种技巧1. amplificationamplification for the purpose of rhetoric or coherence(修辞性或连贯性增I came to a garden of grottoes, pavilions and shapely rocks and trees.我来到一个假山花园前,园中亭阁玲珑,山石嶙峋,树木葱茏。Amplification by repetition (重复性增词)Avoid using this computer in extreme cold, heat, dust or humidity.不要在过冷,过热,灰尘过重,湿度过大的情况下使用此电脑。2. omissionomitting the pronounpronouns are more frequently used in English than in Chinese. Therefore , when translated into Chinese, many English pronouns may be omitted so as to conform the rendering to the accustomed usage of Chinese expression.For two weeks, he had been studying the house, looking at its rooms, its electric wiring, its bath and its garden.两周以来,他一直注意观察房子的情况,查看各个房间,留心电线的走向,通道和花园的布局。Omitting the articleAny substance is made up of atoms whether it is a solid, a liquid, or a gas.任何物质,不论是固体,液体还是气体, 都由原子组成。3. divisionSometimes, an English sentence with a restrictive attributive clause is too long or too complicated for the translator to take as a single sentence. In this case, we may divide it into two or several parts, placing the attributive clause after the principle clause to conform to the Chinese usage, repeating the antecedent being modified.Eg: They are striving for the ideal which is close to the heart of every Chinese and for which , in the past, many Chinese have laid down their lives。他们正在为实现一个理想而努力,这个理想是每个中国人所珍爱的,在过去,许多中国人为了这个理想而牺牲了自己的生命。He managed to raise a crop of 200 miracle tomatoes that weighed up to two pounds each.他种出了200个大得惊人的西红柿,每个重达两磅。4. combination( combination in restrictive attributive clauses)Pollution is a pressing problem which we must deal with.污染是我们必须解决的一个迫切问题。The people who worked for him lived in mortal fear of him.在他手下工作的人对他怕得要死。5. extensionthe extension of meaning may be either from the specific to the general or from the concrete to the abstract, and vice versa.It is more than transient everydayness.这远非一时的柴米油盐问题。(from the abstract to the concrete)Americans love work, it is meat and drink to them美国人热爱工作。对他们来说,工作就是乐趣。6. substitutionthe technique is used to replace the words of the original expression with Chinese synonyms or idioms according to different situations.He was indeed a good riddance他还是不在的好。The same is not true with a mortal illness.
2023-07-22 07:43:391

2023-07-22 07:43:581

87 Which sentence is incorrect ?

D 正确的是be fond ofC devote ..... to + 名词形式(动名词短语)
2023-07-22 07:44:2010