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should be treated为什么用ed?

2023-07-22 10:48:13




shoud be + 过去分词




2023-07-22 06:58:514


2023-07-22 06:59:561


2023-07-22 07:00:044


treat 英[tri:t] 美[trit] n. 招待; 款待; 乐事; 乐趣; v. 治疗; 对待; 处理; 款待; [例句]Artie treated most women with indifference阿蒂对大多数女人都漠不关心。[其他] 第三人称单数:treats 复数:treats 现在分词:treating 过去式:treated过去分词:treated
2023-07-22 07:00:111


treat可表示“款待,招待”,常伴有表明决定这种待人方式的性格、态度和观点的意味。作“对待(某人)”解时,用作及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语,也可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。 treat的释义 v.以…态度对待; 以…方式对待; 把…看作; 把…视为; 处理; 讨论; n.乐事; 乐趣; 款待; 第三人称单数:treats 复数:treats 现在分词:treating 过去式:treated 过去分词:treated treat的用法 1.treat用作名词 treat可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。用作名词的意思是“乐趣,愉快的事”,指不常得到或意料之外的事,常用单数形式,与a连用。 treat的基本意思是“以某种态度对待某人〔某事物〕”。引申为“款待”“请客”“处置”“谈判”“讨论”“医治”。作“医治”解时,可说treat sth,也可说treat sb for sth。 A treat has been arranged for the old folk.款待老人的事已作了安排。 Her enthusiastic treat made us very happy.她的热情款待使我们感到非常高兴。 2.treat用作动词 treat的基本意思是“以某种态度对待某人〔某事物〕”。引申为“款待”“请客”“处置”“谈判”“讨论”“医治”。作“对待(某人)”解时,用作及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语,也可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。作“医治”解时,可说treat sth,也可说treat sb for sth。 We should treat people and animals with humanity.我们应该仁慈地对待人和动物。 Do not treat a naughty child rough.不要粗暴地对待顽皮的孩子。 I decided to treat his remark as a joke.我决定把他的话当作戏言。
2023-07-22 07:00:181


treat的读音是:英[tri?t]。treat的读音是:英[tri?t]。treat的例句是用作动词(v.)We should treat people and animals with humanity.我们应该仁慈地对待人和动物。treat名词:treater;过去式:treated;过去分词:treated;现在分词:treating;第三人称单数:treats。一、详尽释义点此查看treat的详细内容v.(动词)款待,招待,请(客)处理,对待,处置看待,把…看作为…涂上保护层,涂医疗,治疗,医治谈判,协商,商议,磋商讨论,探讨,论述交涉【化,医】处理保护,保存作东道主n.(名词)乐事,愉快的事情,快乐的事情,喜事,难得的高兴事,难得的乐事请客,款待,招待,宴请轮到请客的人消遣,享受种子消毒乐趣极为有效,棒极了二、双解释义n.(名词)[S]乐事,乐趣 thing that gives great pleasure, especially sth unexpected or not always available[C]款待,招待 act of treating sb to sthv.(动词)vt. & vi. 对待; 处理 behave towards; apply a process, in order to changevt. 治疗 try to cure medically三、英英释义Noun:something considered choice to eatan occurrence that causes special pleasure or delightVerb:interact in a certain way;"Do right by her""Treat him with caution, please""Handle the press reporters gently"subject to a process or treatment, with the aim of readying for some purpose, improving, or remedying a condition;"process cheese""process hair""treat the water so it can be drunk""treat the lawn with chemicals""treat an oil spill"provide treatment for;"The doctor treated my broken leg""The nurses cared for the bomb victims""The patient must be treated right away or she will die""Treat the infection with antibiotics"act on verbally or in some form of artistic expression;"This book deals with incest""The course covered all of Western Civilization""The new book treats the history of China"provide with a gift or entertainment;"Grandmother always treated us to the circus""I like to treat myself to a day at a spa when I am depressed"provide with choice or abundant food or drink;"Don"t worry about the expensive wine--I"m treating""She treated her houseguests with good food every night"engage in negotiations in order to reach an agreement;"they had to treat with the King"regard or consider in a specific way;"I treated his advances as a joke"四、例句We should treat people and animals with humanity.我们应该仁慈地对待人和动物。Do not treat a naughty child rough.不要粗暴地对待顽皮的孩子。I decided to treat his remark as a joke.我决定把他的话当作戏言。Do not treat me as if I were a child .不要把我当作小孩子看待。The documentary treated the question in some detail.这部记录片探讨这个问题有些深度。This boy is being treated for a heart condition.这个男孩正在接受心脏病治疗。You ought to treat these matter with candor.你应当公正处理此事。This delicate glass must be treated with care.这精巧的玻璃杯处理时要小心。It is my turn to treat us today .今天,该轮到我请客了。A treat has been arranged for the old folk.款待老人的事已作了安排。Her enthusiastic treat made us very happy.她的热情款待使我们感到非常高兴。五、常见句型用作名词(n.)What a treat to get into the peace and quiet of the country!居住于安静乡村是多么快乐的事啊!Smoked salmon—what a treat!熏大马哈鱼——馐馔之福啊!Her son"s visits are a great treat for her.她儿子来看她,她心里美滋滋的。It is a treat to meet you here.在这里遇到你是件乐事。His treat is to give us ticket for a new film.他请我们看一场新电影。This is my treat.这次由我做东。She was cooking fish as a treat.她正在做鱼来款待客人。My father took me to the circus as a treat.我父亲带我去看马戏表演。用作动词(v.)用作不及物动词S+~(+A)I"ll treat today.今天我请客。The next chapter will treat about this question.下一章还要谈到这个问题。用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.He treated me all right.他待我不错。Please treat the matter seriously.请认真对待这件事。Don"t treat me like a child.别把我当小孩看。They treat their workers like dirt.他们把工人看得粪土不如。They treated her as roughly as they treated their slaves.他们对待她很粗暴,就像对他们的奴隶一样。I decided to treat myself to a taxi.我决定坐计程车,享受一下。I"ll treat you all.我来请你们大家。He treated himself to a Sunday afternoon excursion.他星期天下午出去游览了一番。The article treated various aspects of the political scene.这篇文章论述了政局的各个方面。He treats the subject scientifically in the following chapter.在下一章里,他科学地论述了这一问题。The documentary treated the question in some detail.这部纪录片探讨这个问题有些深度。Which doctor is treating you for this trouble?你这个病哪个大夫在给你治?Royal jelly is effective in treating nervous exhaustion.蜂王精治疗神经衰弱很有效。Our tincture of tiger bone is used in treating arthritis and rheumatism.我们的虎骨酒是用来治疗关节炎和风湿病的。They can treat most of the common diseases.他们可以治疗大多数常见病。How would you treat a sprained ankle?脚踝骨扭了你怎么治?They treated wet land by draining and sunning the fields.他们用排水晒田的办法对湿地进行了治理。1They were cruelly treated.他们受到残酷对待。The problem has been treated by a number of experts.许多专家已对这个问题进行过探讨。The subject has been treated in the previous chapter.该问题已在前一章中论述了。The children were treated to movies on June 1.六月一日,孩子们都免费看了电影。Never had they been treated to such a performance before.他们从来没被邀请看过这样(好)的节目。We were treated to the unusual sight of the Prime Minister singing on TV.我们有幸目睹首相上电视一展歌喉的难得场面。We made arrangements for her to be treated by a famous doctor.我们安排好让一位有名的大夫来给她治疗。用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. +as n./v -ing.He treated me as a child.他把我当小孩子看待。He treated money as having little value.他认为钱没有多大的价值。1I was treated as a distinguished guest.他们把我待若上宾。其他v -ed as Attrib.Now they wear rubber fingers treated with lactic acid.现在他们带上了用乳酸处理过的橡皮指套。They used strings previously treated with powdered glass.他们使用了事前用玻璃粉末处理过的绳子。六、词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~afford a treat款待enjoy a treat得到满足extend a treat请客give oneself a treat让自己享受一下have a picnic excursion treat享受野餐远足的乐趣indulge in a treat纵情款待luxuriate in a treat尽情享受乐趣offer a treat款待procure a treat设法获得乐趣provide enjoyable treat提供愉快的款待rejoice in a treat为请客而高兴relish a treat津津有味地享受乐趣revel in a treat好请客stand treat做东welcome a treat欢迎请客yieldtreat同意请客形容词+~delightful treat乐事Dutch treat自己付钱的聚餐或娱乐great treat很大乐趣optical treat视觉的乐趣pleasant treat一件乐事popular treat流行的趣事real treat真正的乐趣splendid treat极好的娱乐~+介词treat for sb对某人来说是乐趣treat to the eye饱眼福用作动词 (v.)~+名词treat arthritis and rheumatism治疗关节炎和风湿treat economic development探讨经济发展treat nervous exhaustion治疗神经衰弱treat the common diseases治疗常见病treat the subject论述这个问题treat wet land治理湿地~+副词treat cruelly残酷地对待treat exhaustively详尽透彻地论述treat fairly公正对待treat fully充分论述treat harshly苛刻地对待treat impartially公正地对待treat indulgently放纵地对待treat realistically现实地探讨treat romantically以浪漫派手法雕刻treat roughly粗暴对待treat seriously认真对待treat specially特殊处理treat successfully成功地治愈treat unfairly不公正对待treat warmly热情款待treat well待人很好~+介词treat about a question谈论问题treat sb as equals平等待人,平等相处treat sb as honored guests把…看作贵宾treat sb for a cold替某人治感冒treat sb like one"s own brother待…像亲兄弟一样treat of economic problems论述经济问题treat of the history讲述历史treat sb to a dinner请某人吃饭treat sb with a new drug用一种新药治病treat sb with kindness仁慈地对待某人七、词语用法n.(名词)treat可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。用作名词的意思是“乐趣,愉快的事”,指不常得到或意料之外的事,常用单数形式,与a连用。treat还可表示“款待,招待”,常伴有表明决定这种待人方式的性格、态度和观点的意味。v.(动词)treat的基本意思是“以某种态度对待某人〔某事物〕”。引申为“款待”“请客”“处置”“谈判”“讨论”“医治”。作“医治”解时,可说treat sth,也可说treat sb for sth。treat作“对待(某人)”解时,用作及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语,也可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。treat作“探讨,讨论”解时,用作及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语。treat可用于被动结构。treat的过去分词treated可用作形容词,在句中作定语,意为“处理过的”。treat的相关近义词account、consider、evaluate、rate、think、value、administer、attend、heal、tend、debate、discuss、disputetreat的相关临近词treatise、treasury、treated、treater、treat of、treatmet、treating、treat to、treation、treaties、treatmen、treatable点此查看更多关于treat的详细信息
2023-07-22 07:00:261

为什么treated是非谓语,were treated是谓语

2023-07-22 07:00:442


2023-07-22 07:00:555

treated 固定搭配

  A treated   treat指治疗的过程,行为; cure意为“治愈”,表结果.
2023-07-22 07:01:111


2023-07-22 07:01:204


2023-07-22 07:01:495


2023-07-22 07:02:101


吹意特 读快一点
2023-07-22 07:02:188


treat可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。 用作名词的意思是“乐趣,愉快的事”,指不常得到或意料之外的事,常用单数形式,与a连用。 treat: v.以…态度对待;以…方式对待;把…看作;把…视为;处理;讨论;治疗; n.乐事;乐趣;款待 扩展资料   The most serious cases were treated at the scene of the accident.   受伤最严重的"人在事故现场就得到了救治。   There are two schools of thought about how this illness should be treated.   关于如何治疗这种疾病,有两派不同的意见。   I"m going to treat myself to a new pair of shoes.   我打算给自己买双新鞋。   The condition is usually treated with drugs and a strict diet.   这种病通常用药物和严格控制饮食进行治疗。
2023-07-22 07:02:411


宾语补足语。类似的有:You should speak louder that you heard
2023-07-22 07:02:493


ated; treating; 对待; 看待, 把...看作[O][(+as/like)]Do not treat this serious matter as a joke. 不要把这件严肃的事情当作笑料。She treated me all right. 她对我还不错。处理; 为...涂上保护层This substance must be treated with acid. 这材料得用酸来处理。探讨; 论述The book treats some political problems. 该书论述某些政治问题。医疗, 治疗[(+for)]The doctors were not able to treat this disease. 医生治不了这种病。款待, 请(客)[(+to)]We"ll treat you to dinner. 我们请你吃饭。vi. 不及物动词变化形 treated; treated; treating; 探讨; 论述[(+of/about)]This book treats of economic problems. 这本书探讨经济问题。谈判, 协商[(+for/with)]请客I"ll treat today. 今天我作东请客。n. 名词 [C]变化形 treated; treated; treating; 请客It"s my treat. 我请客。难得的乐事It"s a great treat for them to go to the theater. 他们去看戏真是乐事。For dessert we had fresh strawberries -- a real treat. 饭后甜点我们吃鲜草莓--真是难得的享受。
2023-07-22 07:03:081

treat 是什么意思

及物动词 vt. 1.对待;看待,把...看作[O][(+as/like)]Do not treat this serious matter as a joke. 不要把这件严肃的事情当作笑料。 She treated me all right. 她对我还不错。2.处理;为...涂上保护层This substance must be treated with acid. 这材料得用酸来处理。3.探讨;论述The book treats some political problems. 该书论述某些政治问题。4.医疗,治疗[(+for)]The doctors were not able to treat this disease. 医生治不了这种病。5.款待,请(客)[(+to)]We"ll treat you to dinner. 我们请你吃饭。不及物动词 vi. 1.探讨;论述[(+of/about)]This book treats of economic problems. 这本书探讨经济问题。2.谈判,协商[(+for/with)]3.请客I"ll treat today. 今天我作东请客。名词 n. [C]1.请客It"s my treat. 我请客。2.难得的乐事It"s a great treat for them to go to the theater. 他们去看戏真是乐事。 For desert we had fresh strawberries -- a real treat. 饭后甜点我们吃鲜草莓 - 真是难得的享受。
2023-07-22 07:03:164


2023-07-22 07:03:241

i hated being treated with v

i hated being treated with v我讨厌被人对待
2023-07-22 07:03:452

treat怎么读 treat读音

1、treat英[triu02d0t]美[triu02d0t]。 2、vt.对待; 治疗; 处理; 把…看作; 把…视为; 讨论; 3、n.款待; 乐事; 乐趣; 4、[例句]That is no way to treat another human being.那绝不是对待他人的方式。 5、[其他]第三人称单数:treats 复数:treats 现在分词:treating 过去式:treated 过去分词:treated。
2023-07-22 07:04:261

一次性细胞培养皿等标明Tissue Culture Treated是什么意思

2023-07-22 07:04:532


vt. 治疗;对待;探讨;视为vi. 探讨;请客;协商n. 请客;款待n. (Treat)人名;(英)特里特
2023-07-22 07:05:013


  treat做动词有对待;视为;探讨;治疗;处理等意思,那么你知道save的第三人称单数是什么吗?下面我为大家带来treat的第三人称单数和用法例句,欢迎大家参考学习!   treat的第三人称单数:   treats   treat的用法:   treat的用法1:treat的基本意思是“以某种态度对待某人〔某事物〕”。引申为“款待”“请客”“处置”“谈判”“讨论”“医治”。作“医治”解时,可说treat sth,也可说treat sb for sth。   treat的用法2:treat作“对待(某人)”解时,用作及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语,也可接以as 短语 充当补足语的复合宾语。   treat的用法3:treat作“探讨,讨论”解时,用作及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语。   treat的用法4:treat可用于被动结构。   treat的用法5:treat的过去分词treated可用作形容词,在句中作定语,意为“处理过的”。   treat第三人称单数例句:   1. The book analyses why women kill and how the law treats them.   该书分析了女性杀人的动机以及法律对此是如何规定的。   2. City planning treats the city as a unit, as an organic whole.   城市规划将城市视为一个单位,一个有机的整体。   3. I remember how Grandma loved to cook, loved to fix special treats.   我记得祖母喜欢烹饪,喜欢做些平日吃不到的美味佳肴。   4. An experienced nurse treats all minor injuries.   一位有 经验 的护士处理所有的轻伤。   5. He treats everyone equally and considerately.   他对待每一个人都一视同仁,体贴周到。   6. She"s not very consistent in the way she treats her children.   她对待孩子反复无常。   7. She treats him as if he were the fount of all knowledge .   她把他当成无所不晓。   8. He treats his wife like a skivvy.   他待妻子就跟对奴仆似的。   9. This is the way how he always treats me.   他一贯就是这样对待我的.   10. The essay treats of the progress in cancer research.   这篇 文章 讲述了癌症研究的进展情况.   11. He treats his wife like a thrall.   他把妻子当作奴隶看待.   12. She treats all her students alike.   她对她所有的学生都同样看待.   13. The book treats the problems of economic development.   这本书探讨经济发展的问题.   14. He treats everyone with kindness.   他对每个人都很厚道.   15. She treats me well.   她对我很好.
2023-07-22 07:05:081


treat[英][tri:t][美][trit]n.款待; 招待; 乐事; 乐趣; v.对待; 治疗; 处理; 款待; 第三人称单数:treats过去分词:treated复数:treats现在进行时:treating过去式:treated以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Does god really treat his children that way? 上帝真会这样对待他的儿女吗?
2023-07-22 07:05:151


2023-07-22 07:05:222

treat什么意思啊 treat是什么意思

treat什么意思: 1、及物动词: (1)对待;看待,把...看作(+as/like)。Do not treat this serious matter as a joke. 不要把这件严肃的事情当作笑料。 She treated me all right. 她对我还不错。 (2)处理;为...涂上保护层。This substance must be treated with acid,这材料得用酸来处理。 (3)探讨;论述,The book treats some political problems. 该书论述某些政治问题。 (4)医疗,治疗(+for),The doctors were not able to treat this disease. 医生治不了这种病。 (5)款待,请(客)(+to),Well treat you to dinner. 我们请你吃饭。 2、不及物动词 : (1)探讨;论述(+of/about),This book treats of economic problems. 这本书探讨经济问题。 (2)谈判,协商(+for/with) (3)请客,Ill treat today. 今天我作东请客。 3、名词 : (1)请客,Its my treat. 我请客。 (2)难得的乐事,Its a great treat for them to go to the theater. 他们去看戏真是乐事。 For desert we had fresh strawberries -- a real treat. 饭后甜点我们吃鲜草莓 - 真是难得的享受。
2023-07-22 07:05:311

Some diseases are not at all dangerous if ___________ (treat) in time.为啥填treated?

2023-07-22 07:05:402

treated badly 和badly treated 有什么区别?

"treated badly" 和 "badly treated" 意思相同,都表示某人或某物受到了不好的对待。区别在于词序和语法结构。- "Treated badly": 这是一个被动语态的形式,其中“treated” 是动词 “to treat”的过去分词形式,“badly” 是副词修饰“treated”,意思是遭受了不良对待。- "Badly treated": 这是主动语态的形式,其中“badly” 是副词修饰“treated”,而 “treated” 则是由动词 “to treat” 构成的过去分词作为定语来描述所指对象。这个短语通常用来描述人或动物的遭遇,比如“那只狗被虐待了”,可以说“The dog was badly treated”。总之,“treated badly” 和 “badly treated” 在意义上没有区别,但是语法结构和使用场合可能会有所不同。
2023-07-22 07:05:471

if not (treated) with respect ,he got angry. 这个怎么解释?我怎么觉得用应该用 being treated

用treated跟being treated都可以,如果得不到尊重,他会生气
2023-07-22 07:05:553


2023-07-22 07:07:472


treat及物动词 vt. 1.对待;看待,把...看作[O][(+as/like)]Do not treat this serious matter as a joke. 不要把这件严肃的事情当作笑料。 She treated me all right. 她对我还不错。 2.处理;为...涂上保护层This substance must be treated with acid. 这材料得用酸来处理。 3.探讨;论述The book treats some political problems. 该书论述某些政治问题。 4.医疗,治疗[(+for)]The doctors were not able to treat this disease. 医生治不了这种病。 5.款待,请(客)[(+to)]We"ll treat you to dinner. 我们请你吃饭。 不及物动词 vi. 1.探讨;论述[(+of/about)]This book treats of economic problems. 这本书探讨经济问题。 2.谈判,协商[(+for/with)]3.请客I"ll treat today. 今天我作东请客。 名词 n. [C]1.请客It"s my treat. 我请客。 2.难得的乐事It"s a great treat for them to go to the theater. 他们去看戏真是乐事。 For desert we had fresh strawberries -- a real treat. 饭后甜点我们吃鲜草莓 - 真是难得的享受。
2023-07-22 07:07:561

treat 意思

2023-07-22 07:08:154


2023-07-22 07:08:341

treat sb.with和treat sb.to有什么区别?

"treat sb. with"和"treat sb. to"都表示对某人进行款待或照顾。但是,它们在用法上略有不同。“treat sb. with"通常用于描述对某个人的态度或方式,比如"He treated me with respect”(他以尊重的态度对待我)。而"treat sb. to"则更多用于描述某种活动或款待,例如"Let me treat you to a nice dinner"(让我请你吃一顿好的晚餐)。总体而言,两个词组都可以表示对某人的好待遇,但使用场合略有不同。
2023-07-22 07:08:422


1:treat可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词。用作名词是“乐趣,愉快的事”,指不常得到或意料之外的事,常用单数形式,与a连用。2:treat还可表示“款待,招待”,常伴有表明决定这种待人方式的性格、态度和观点的意味。固定搭配:treat of 、treat with等。 扩展资料 3:treat的基本意思是“以某种态度对待某人〔某事物〕”。引申为“款待”“请客”“处置”“谈判”“讨论”“医治”。作“医治”解时,可说treat sth,也可说treat sb for sth。4:treat作“对待(某人)”解时,用作及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语,也可接以as短语充当补足语的`复合宾语。5:treat作“探讨,讨论”解时,用作及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语。6:treat可用于被动结构。7:treat的过去分词treated可用作形容词,在句中作定语,意为“处理过的”。
2023-07-22 07:09:181


2023-07-22 07:09:251


treat核心词汇 4星级词汇英 [triu02d0t] 播放读音 美 [triu02d0t] 播放读音释义用例词组讲解更多v. 对待;视为;探讨;治疗;处理;请客n. 款待;宴飨释义分布图释义常用度分布图下载海词词典查看双解释义n. (名词)[S]乐事,乐趣thing that gives great pleasure, especially sth unexpected or not always available[C]款待,招待act of treating sb to sthv. (动词)vt. & vi. 对待; 处理behave towards; apply a process, in order to changevt. 治疗try to cure medically详尽释义v. 动词款待,招待,请(客)处理,对待,处置看待,把…看作为…涂上保护层,涂医疗,治疗,医治谈判,协商,商议,磋商讨论,探讨,论述交涉【化,医】处理保护,保存作东道主n. 名词乐事,愉快的事情,快乐的事情,喜事,难得的高兴事,难得的乐事请客,款待,招待,宴请轮到请客的人消遣,享受种子消毒乐趣极为有效,棒极了英英释义Noun:something considered choice to eatan occurrence that causes special pleasure or delightVerb:interact in a certain way;"Do right by her""Treat him with caution, please""Handle the press reporters gently"subject to a process or treatment, with the aim of readying for some purpose, improving, or remedying a condition;"process cheese""process hair""treat the water so it can be drunk""treat the lawn with chemicals""treat an oil spill"provide treatment for;"The doctor treated my broken leg""The nurses cared for the bomb victims""The patient must be treated right away or she will die""Treat the infection with antibiotics"act on verbally or in some form of artistic expression;"This book deals with incest""The course covered all of Western Civilization""The new book treats the history of China"provide with a gift or entertainment;"Grandmother always treated us to the circus""I like to treat myself to a day at a spa when I am depressed"provide with choice or abundant food or drink;"Don"t worry about the expensive wine--I"m treating""She treated her houseguests with good food every night"engage in negotiations in order to reach an agreement;"they had to treat with the King"regard or consider in a specific way;"I treated his advances as a joke"
2023-07-22 07:09:321

你对待别人,别人对待你(treat 的用法)

treat 的用法:对待; 看待, 把...看作[O][(+as/like)]Do not treat this serious matter as a joke. 不要把这件严肃的事情当作笑料。She treated me all right. 她对我还不错。处理; 为...涂上保护层This substance must be treated with acid. 这材料得用酸来处理。探讨; 论述The book treats some political problems. 该书论述某些政治问题。医疗, 治疗[(+for)]The doctors were not able to treat this disease. 医生治不了这种病。款待, 请(客)[(+to)]We"ll treat you to dinner. 我们请你吃饭。vi. 不及物动词变化形 treated; treated; treating; 探讨; 论述[(+of/about)]This book treats of economic problems. 这本书探讨经济问题。谈判, 协商[(+for/with)]请客I"ll treat today. 今天我作东请客。n. 名词 [C]变化形 treated; treated; treating; 请客It"s my treat. 我请客。难得的乐事It"s a great treat for them to go to the theater. 他们去看戏真是乐事。For dessert we had fresh strawberries -- a real treat. 饭后甜点我们吃鲜草莓--真是难得的享受。
2023-07-22 07:10:002


treat的意思是治疗;对待;探讨;视为。主要作为及物动词、不及物动词、名词,作及物动词时意为“治疗;对待;探讨;视为”,作不及物动词时意为“探讨;请客;协商”,作名词时意为“请客;款待,人名。双语例句1、He traveled thousands of miles by train to Moscow to treat with Stalin。他乘坐火车不远万里来到了莫斯科和斯大林进行谈判。2、Would you like to eat hot pot? It"s my treat。要不要去吃火锅?我来请客。3、Mental illness also requires to be treated professionally。心理疾病也需要接受专业治疗。4、Kane was using the money to buy treats for his pet。凯恩用这些钱为他的宠物买美食。5、Sometimes I treat myself to ice cream。有时候,我会给自己买个冰淇淋。6、Even if it"s not the most glamorous job,he likes to treat his work as his craft。尽管这不是世界上最光鲜的工作,但是他还是用匠心对待自己的工作。7、You treat him so well。No wonder he"s always by your side。你对他这么好。难怪他总是在你身边。
2023-07-22 07:10:071

treat sb with sth 能表示用某物招待某人吗

2023-07-22 07:10:474

treat sb. with sth. 和 treat sb. to sth. 在表示请客、用招待时两者用法一样吗?如有,有什么不一样呢?

在百度“treat sb with sth" 时,找不出对应的例句 在百度‘treat sb to sth" 可以看到很多结果,可以理解,在使用treat作为招待某人是用"treat sb to sth", 而没有treat sb with sth 这个搭配
2023-07-22 07:10:552


2023-07-22 07:11:372

treat sb to sth和 treat sb with sth有什么区别?

treat sb to sth用……招待某人 She was always treating him to ice cream...她总是请他吃冰激凌。treat sb with处理;治疗
2023-07-22 07:12:013

treat 意思

treat美音:[trit]英音:[tri:t] treat的中文翻译 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释 及物动词 vt. 1.对待;看待,把...看作[O][(+as/like)] Do not treat this serious matter as a joke. 不要把这件严肃的事情当作笑料. She treated me all right. 她对我还不错. 2.处理;为...涂上保护层 This substance must be treated with acid. 这材料得用酸来处理. 3.探讨;论述 The book treats some political problems. 该书论述某些政治问题. 4.医疗,治疗[(+for)] The doctors were not able to treat this disease. 医生治不了这种病. 5.款待,请(客)[(+to)] We"ll treat you to dinner. 我们请你吃饭. 不及物动词 vi. 1.探讨;论述[(+of/about)] This book treats of economic problems. 这本书探讨经济问题. 2.谈判,协商[(+for/with)] 3.请客 I"ll treat today. 今天我作东请客. 名词 n.[C] 1.请客 It"s my treat. 我请客. 2.难得的乐事 It"s a great treat for them to go to the theater. 他们去看戏真是乐事. For desert we had fresh strawberries -- a real treat. 饭后甜点我们吃鲜草莓 - 真是难得的享受.
2023-07-22 07:12:071


2023-07-22 07:12:472


简单动词 过去式和过去分词都是在词尾加–ed。treat treated treated
2023-07-22 07:12:541


treat表示款待; 招待; 乐事的意思,那么你知道treat的短语有哪些吗?treat的短语:treat of(v.+prep.)论及,涉及 take as subject of discourse, discussion, etc.〔说明〕 treat of通常不用于被动结构,也不用于进行体。This book treats of new trends in surgery.这本书写的是外科方面的新动向。treat with(v.+prep.)1.对待 behave in a way towards sbThey treated us with friendliness.他们待我们很友好。2.和…商谈 talk or negotiate with sbWe have treated with the three biggest firms in London.我们已与伦敦最大的三家公司谈判过了。同义词辨析:cure, treat, heal, remedy这些动词都有"治疗,医治"之意。cure : 主要指治愈疾病。treat : 普通用词,指接受并诊治病人。heal : 侧重指治愈伤口、伤痛如灼伤等。remedy : 着重用药物对病人进行治疗。treat的短语例句:1. New ways to treat arthritis may provide an alternative to painkillers.关节炎的新疗法可能是止痛药之外的另一种选择。2. They shouldn"t treat their mother in this disrespectful way.他们不能这样无礼地对待亲生母亲。3. Her cousin, a hairdresser, was perming her hair as a special treat.她表兄是美发师,正在免费给她烫发。4. No one knew how to treat this dreaded disease.没人知道如何治疗这种可怕的疾病。5. The allies say they will treat their prisoners decently.同盟国称他们将善待战俘。6. The first part of the plan works a treat.计划的第一部分天衣无缝。7. It was many years before the city began to treat its sewage.很多年以后这个城市才开始处理污水。8. She adored Paddy but he didn"t treat her well.她深爱帕迪,但他对她却并不好。9. The best way to treat such bleeding is to apply firm pressure.治疗这种流血的最好方法就是牢牢将伤口压住。10. Doctors refused to treat her, claiming that her problems were all psychosomatic.医生拒绝对她进行治疗,声称她的问题完全是心理作用引起的。11. Their main job is to preserve health rather than treat illness.它们的主要功效是保健而非治病。12. Too many airlines treat our children as second-class citizens.太多的航空公司把我们的孩子当作二等公民对待。13. It"s a treat to be enjoyed all the year round.这是全年都能享受到的款待。14. I hope voters will treat his advice with the contempt it deserves.我希望选民们给予其建议应有的鄙视。15. There were no doctors to treat the sick.没有医生为病人医治。
2023-07-22 07:13:011


对待 款待
2023-07-22 07:13:213


2023-07-22 07:13:314

英语to be treated as a system manpath怎么翻译?

to be treated as a system manpath被视为系统路径
2023-07-22 07:13:409