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2023-07-22 10:46:07

Five-Starred Red Flag (the national flag of the People"s Republic of China) 五星红旗

如果有帮到您 请给予好评 谢谢拉#^_^#祝您愉快


2023-07-22 06:56:558


national flag 国旗
2023-07-22 06:57:321

national flag是什么意思

国旗national flag
2023-07-22 06:57:541


2023-07-22 06:58:0313


2023-07-22 07:01:312


2023-07-22 07:02:016


分析如下:1、2、3、4、5、6、扩展资料:国旗(National flag)是国家的一种标志性旗帜,是国家的象征,它通过一定的样式、色彩和图案反映一个国家政治特色和历史文化传统。在一个主权国家领土上一般不得随意悬挂他国国旗。世界上各国国旗的颜色主要有红、白、绿、蓝、黄、黑等,这些颜色各有一定的含义,形状绝大多数是长方形。世界上各国国旗的颜色主要有红、白、绿、蓝、黄、黑等。这些颜色各有一定的含义:红色,象征国家为独立和解放而斗争的精神,也象征先驱者的鲜血,象征勇敢、真诚和热忱以及国家的兴旺发达。红色,象征国家为独立和解放而斗争的精神,也象征先驱者的鲜血,象征勇敢、真诚和热忱以及国家的兴旺发达。白色,象征纯洁和正直,象征对美好未来的希望。绿色,象征吉祥,多数伊斯兰国家的国旗喜欢用绿色,认为它是吉祥的标志,表示对伊斯兰教的信仰。一些地处沙漠的国家向往绿洲,国旗上也用绿色。蓝色,象征海洋、河流和天空。黄色,象征阳光、黄金、资源和财富。红、绿、蓝这三种颜色在各国国旗中出现得最为频繁。其中红色用得最多,中,美、英、法、日等国国旗上都有红色。资料来源:百度百科:国旗
2023-07-22 07:02:251


National Flag of the People"s Republic of China
2023-07-22 07:03:085

national flag的中文意思是

national flag的中文意思是升国旗
2023-07-22 07:03:222

national flag中文翻译

In canada, during a nationwide wrangle bining anger and silpness, the country adopted a new national flag . 加拿大在一场交织著愤懑和愚蠢的全国性辩论中通过了新国旗的式样。 Basic requirements for instruments to fly the national flag 国旗升挂装置基本要求 Hoist the chinese national flag on the flagpole , please 请在旗杆上升起中国国旗! The national flag and the regional flag . no problem 把国旗和区旗也拍下来! Hoist the chinese national flag on the fore mast , please 请在前桅升起中国旗 The national flag , the national emblem and the capital 第四章国旗国徽首都 There are 3 colors on the national flag of france 法国国旗有三种颜色,即红,白,蓝。 I love our national flag . i love our motherland (我爱我们的国旗。我爱我们的祖国。 ) I " m chinese . i love our national flag 我是中国人。我喜欢我们的国旗。 ) A national flag is always flown higher than other flags 国旗永远都要升于别的旗帜之上。 Chapter iv - the national flag , the national emblem and the capital 第四章国旗国徽首都 People hang national flags out on important hopdays 在重要的节日,人们把国旗悬挂在门外。 People hang national flags out on important hopdays 在重要的节日 In a symbopc gesture , the national flag of krakozhia was torn down 作为国家标志的卡科日亚国旗 It is the duty of every citizen to honor the national flag 尊敬国旗是每个公民的责任(义务) 。 National flag and national emblem and regional flag and regional emblem 国旗和国徽及区旗和区徽 Three colors in the france national flag , red , white and blue 法国国旗有三种颜色,即红,白,蓝。 How many stars are there on the national flag of china ? there 在中国的国旗上有几颗星?有五颗。 National flag and national emblem ordinance 国旗及国徽条例 What colour is our national flag 我们的国旗是什么颜色的? Can you see the national flag over kennedy airport in new york 你能看见纽约肯尼迪机场上空的国旗吗? Some birds have been incorporated onto national flags or emblems 有些鸟还被作为国旗或国徽的组成部分。 Standard color sample of national flag 国旗颜色标准样品 French national flag has three colors , they are red , white and blue 法国国旗有三种颜色,即红,白,蓝。 But i will wave our national flag 但是我想摇我们的国旗 The national flag is a tricolour of green , white and orange 爱尔兰国旗由绿色、白色和橙色这三种颜色组成。 French national flag certains three colors which is red , white and blue 法国国旗有三种颜色,即红,白,蓝。 On the tenth of october , we hang the national flag by our window 十月十日这天,我们会将国旗悬挂在窗户旁。 Do you know what the five stars on the chinese national flag represent 你知道中国国旗上的五颗星代表什么吗? They ran up their national flag 他们升起了国旗。 Article 13 when the national flag is displayed , a flag - hoisting ceremony may be held 第十三条升挂国旗时,可以举行升旗仪式。 Every time , under the national flag , we begin the study and the pfe of the week 每次,在国旗下,我们开始新一周的学习与生活。 Standing under our national flag , i promise : i will work and study harder in the future 而今天我做到了,我一定会圆满地完成任务,谢谢! The national flag has five horizontal stripes having colour , from top to bottom as follows 国旗上有五道不同颜色的横条,从上到下分别为: Article 15 when the national flag is displayed , it shall be placed in a prominent position 第十五条升挂国旗,应当将国旗置于显著的位置。 Article 17 no damaged , defiled , faded or substandard national flag shall be displayed 第十七条不得升挂破损、污损、褪色或者不合规格的国旗。 In one of the photos the nude stood upright and gave a miptary - pke salute to their national flag 其中一张照片显示他们笔直地站著向国旗敬礼。 Father " s shoulder is a hill . i hold up the united states national flag on the top of the hill 儿时,父亲的肩膀是座山,在山上,我竖起了美国国旗。 The red dragon is the traditional symbol of wales and appears on the welsh national flag 威尔士的红龙是其传统的象征,也通常出现在威尔士的国旗上。 After a celebration of a winning in a match , how should you dispose of the used national flag 庆祝比赛胜利过后,对于使用过的国旗我们应该如何处理?
2023-07-22 07:03:291


Kinas national flag (written)
2023-07-22 07:03:377

急问:nation flag是国旗,那么state flag是什么?区别在哪里?

2023-07-22 07:03:535


1澳大利亚 全称:The Commonwealth of Australia 缩写:AUS
2023-07-22 07:04:098


nai shen nou fu lai ge. 不能这么学啊,找个查单词的网站,上面有发间的.
2023-07-22 07:04:241

the national flaga symbol of the country国旗英语代表国家?

可以是:Is the national flag a symbol of the country?国旗是国家的象征吗?或者The national flag is a symbol of the country.国旗是国家的象征。
2023-07-22 07:04:311


2023-07-22 07:04:527


People"s Republic of China national flag. Face as red flags. Rectangle. Long and high as three to two. Wu Jiaoxing the upper left is made up five yellow. A larger star. Circumcircle a diameter of three tenths flag high, ranking the left; four weeks less. Circumcircle a diameter of one-tenth of flag high. Central to the arch-Zhiyou. Flagpole kit is white. June 1949 the eve of the founding of New China, the new CPPCC preparatory meeting decided to set up the national flag, national emblem logo primaries Committee and the "People"s Daily" newspaper published a notice seeking.译文:中华人民共和国国旗。旗面为红色。长方形。长与高为三比二。左上方缀黄色五角星五颗。一星较大。外接圆直径为旗高十分之三,居左;四星较小。外接圆直径为旗高十分之一。环拱于大星之右。旗杆套为白色。1949年6月新中国成立前夕,新政协筹备会议决定成立国旗、国徽图案初选委员会,并在《人民日报》等报纸上发表了征求启事。你可以自己选取以上其中部分~我认为蛮简单了!
2023-07-22 07:05:141


2023-07-22 07:05:475


The American national flag is usually called the stars and stripes (the Stars and Stripes). 18181 year United States Congress through the bill, stipulates on the American national flag the red and white interaction article is 13, represents original North America most early independent 13 states; The flag top left-hand corner for the blue bottom and the white small star, the small star"s number and the state number is the same, along with the American territory"s unceasing expansion, already passed through increases was 50 small stars, on the national flag red, white, blue tricolor also has each kind of different meaning, the white represents purely, red representative the honor, the blue color represents the justice. LZ你以后下载个金山词霸,或者用google的翻译功能就好了,不用这样问的
2023-07-22 07:06:022

raising the national flag怎么读?

2023-07-22 07:06:112


Americans Flag Day(美国国旗日)Americans take the treatment of their flag seriously and in the 20th century this has become an important issue. Included in the code of ethics are such rules as the national flag cannot be used for advertising. It cannot cover a monument or any ceilings. It must not be folded while being displayed. On June 14, 1777, the Continental Congress proposed that the United States have a national flag instead of the British Union Jack. The 13 stars of the flag represented the 13 new states. There were few public ceremonies honoring the Stars and Stripes until 1877, when on, June 14, it was flown from every government building in honor of the centennial(百年纪念)of the adoption of a national flag. The first official Flag Day was observed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1893.本人缩写5次了,不行就换篇简单的:National Flag国旗The national flag of the PRCis a red rectangle emblazoned with five stars.中华人民共和国国旗是红色长方形和五星组成的.The red of the flag symbolizes revolution;the stars are yellow so that they will stand out brightly against the red ground. The larger star represents the CPC and the four smaller ones, the Chinese people. This expresses the great unity of the Chinese people under the leadership of the CPC.
2023-07-22 07:06:181


The Guoqi from nail ?
2023-07-22 07:06:456

There are five stars on the national flag of China. 这句话flag为什么不加s?

2023-07-22 07:06:597

为什么是the raising of the national flag而不是the rising of the national flag?

简单地说rise是当什么东西自己能过升起来时用的,raise是这个东西需要借助别的东西才能升起来时用的。明白了吗?sunrise 日出这个词就是最好的对比。
2023-07-22 07:07:132

我们的国旗是什么 英文怎么回答?

There are five yellow stars.
2023-07-22 07:07:224


The blackboard is above the national flag
2023-07-22 07:07:305

national flag要不要大写?

2023-07-22 07:07:442


2023-07-22 07:07:536

The American national flag.短语中,是有两个形容词吗?分析下,构造特点。

2023-07-22 07:08:522

“这里是一面中国国旗 ”的英语怎么说?

This flag stands for Chinahere the national flag is PRC
2023-07-22 07:09:016


national flag
2023-07-22 07:09:275


所有国家的国旗如下图:1、2、3、4、5、6、截止2018年,世界上共有233个国家和地区,其中国家有195个,地区有38个。国旗(National flag)是国家的一种标志性旗帜,是国家的象征,它通过一定的样式、色彩和图案反映一个国家政治特色和历史文化传统。在一个主权国家领土上一般不得随意悬挂他国国旗。世界上各国国旗的颜色主要有红、白、绿、蓝、黄、黑等,这些颜色各有一定的含义,形状绝大多数是长方形。世界上最古老的国旗系丹麦国旗,被称为“丹麦人的力量”。旗地为红色,旗面上有白色十字形图案,稍偏左侧。扩展资料:国旗(National flag)是国家的一种标志性旗帜,是国家的象征,它通过一定的样式、色彩和图案反映一个国家政治特色和历史文化传统。在一个主权国家领土上一般不得随意悬挂他国国旗。世界上各国国旗的颜色主要有红、白、绿、蓝、黄、黑等,这些颜色各有一定的含义,形状绝大多数是长方形。世界上最古老的国旗系丹麦国旗,被称为“丹麦人的力量”。旗地为红色,旗面上有白色十字形图案,稍偏左侧。丹麦国旗又称为“丹尼布洛”(丹麦语:Dannebrog),意思为“丹麦人的旗”或“红色的旗”。相传在一次战争中,上天施给丹军一面有白色十字的红旗,使其从困境中转败为胜。此后,白色十字的红旗就成为丹麦王国的国旗。国旗的十字图案,以表示冰岛历史上与丹麦的特殊关系。中华人民共和国国旗是五星红旗,旗面为红色,长宽比例为3:2。左上方缀黄色五角星五颗,四颗小星环拱在一颗大星的右面,并各有一个角尖正对大星的中心点。中华人民共和国国旗的设计者是曾联松,是一名来自浙江瑞安的普通公民。随着中国共产党在解放战争中取得胜利,新政治协商会议筹备会在1949年7月发出了征集国旗图案的通告,曾联松设计并提交了他的国旗样稿。在2992幅(一说为3012幅)应征国旗图案中,曾联松的设计被选入38幅候选草图。经过多次讨论和少量修改,他的设计被选为了新政权的国旗。参考资料:百度百科--国旗
2023-07-22 07:10:071

升国旗 英文

升国旗 [词典] [体] raise the national flag and play the national anthem; [例句]在今天早上升国旗的仪式结束之后,我们学校的领导们举行了一次隆重的表彰仪式。Our school leaders held a solemn recognition after the ceremony of raising the national flag this morning.
2023-07-22 07:11:061

国旗升起 用 英语怎么说

raise of the national flag Rise of the national flag也行
2023-07-22 07:11:222

Please describe the Chinese national flag

The national flag of China was adopted at the First Plenary Session of the Chinese People"s Political Consultative Conference held in September 1949,shortly before the founding of the People"s Republic of China. The flag of the People"s Republic of China is red in color and it has five yellow stars.The color red symbolizes the spirit of the revolution,and the five stars signify the unity of the people of China under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party.The flag first went up in Tiananmen Square on October1,1949,upon the formal announcement that People"s Republic of China was founded. 你英文应该可以 自己选2句吧
2023-07-22 07:11:291


raise our national flag 是升国旗的意思。raise除了有升起的含义,还有其他意思:vt.1 举起;提起;使升高:例句: He raised his head and went out without a word.他什么也没说,扬起头来走了出去。2 建立:例句: They had raised a monument in memory of the great poet.他们修建了一座纪念碑来纪念这位伟大的诗人。3 提出(问题等):例句: I"d like to raise a new question before the class is over. 这堂课结束前我想提出一个新的问题。4 筹集:例句: we have raised 2000 yuan for him. 我们为他筹集了2000元。vi. 5 上升,升高,升起:例句: He raised higher and higher on the chair. 他的身子在椅子上越挪越高。
2023-07-22 07:11:361

What does the large star represent in the national flag?

What does the large star represent in the national flag? A.Communism B.Working class C.Soldier D.Army 正确答案:A
2023-07-22 07:11:541


2023-07-22 07:12:012


the national flag of xxx"sxxx"s national flag
2023-07-22 07:12:081

Every Monday morning,we watch the raising ----(升起) of the national flag

2023-07-22 07:12:233

watch the national flag-raising

watch sth/sb do watch sth/sb doing 都行啊 ,但第一个句型强调结果,第二个强调过程 see,observe,的很多词有类似用法 就这句而言,raising 就强调结果,就是说旗升上去了;如果是raise强调过程,就是说旗正在升.当然slowly加进去就强调过程了 ing和原形在语法上都正确
2023-07-22 07:13:111


The German national flag / The national flag of Germany德国国旗The symbol of the flag旗子的象征The flag of Germany is a tricolour consisting of three equal horizontal bands displaying the national colours of Germany: black, red, and gold.The colours of the flag of Germany are associated with the republican democracy formed after World War I, and represent German unity and freedom.德国国旗长方形,长宽之比为:5:3。旗面自上而下由黑、红、金三个平行相等的横长方形组成。黑红金为德意志民族所喜爱的颜色。黑、红、金三色旗最早出现于19世纪早期,开始正式被使用是在1848年德国革命。短命的法兰克福国民议会(1848–1850)提议使用三色旗为民主化德国联邦的旗帜。一战之后建立的魏玛共和国也使用三色旗为德国国旗。二战后的东西德都将三色旗作为自己的国旗,直到1959年东德在三色旗上加上国徽前这两个国家的旗帜是完全相同的。从1990年10月3日两德统一后,黑、红、金三色旗再次成为德国国旗。德国国旗也并非总是使用黑、红、金三色作为其基色。1866年的普奥战争之后,普鲁士王国领导的北德意志邦联采用黑、白、红三色旗为联邦旗。黑-白-红三色旗后来也成为1871年德意志统一后的德意志帝国(德意志第二帝国)的国旗,并一直使用到1918年一战结束。1933年开始纳粹德国也曾短期的使用过黑、白、红三色旗。三基色黑、红、金和黑、白、红在德国历史上都有着重要的意义,也常常获得不同的解释。现在黑、红、金代表二战后的共和民主政体体制,现在的德国联邦和自由的联合体:不仅仅是德国的自由,还包含了德国人民的民主自由。
2023-07-22 07:13:181


National Day October 1stnational flagChildren"s Daysweetsclothesa game machinethe Dragon Boat FestivalDragon Boat Raceeat rice dumplingsFloating River Lanternsfestival
2023-07-22 07:13:275

How many stars are there on our national flag?

2023-07-22 07:13:524

flag 与ensign 有什么区别?谢谢!

National Flag一般用于正式的国旗endign是指挂在旗舰上标示国家的旗帜,不通用的
2023-07-22 07:14:003

our national flag中文是什么意思

2023-07-22 07:14:082


整个句子,连起来应该是: On Monday we raise our national flag.在周一我们升国旗。
2023-07-22 07:14:182

The national flag ( )in our school before morning exercises every day.

B is raised 一般现在时的被动语态
2023-07-22 07:14:252

watch the national flag go up ,为什么flag不加s?为什么不用go

2023-07-22 07:14:332


The flag of the People"s Republic of China is a red field charged in the canton (upper left corner) with five golden stars. The design features one large star, with four smaller stars in a semicircle set off towards the fly (right side). The red represents revolution; the five stars and their relationship represent the unity of the Chinese people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC).
2023-07-22 07:14:412