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flashing ice cube 是什么意思

2023-07-22 06:02:52





flashing ice cube








ice cube是什么意思

ice cube的意思是:近似冰块。例句:The oven was made of a roughly built cube of fire-bricks。烤箱是用做工粗糙的近似立方形的耐火砖做的。His face looked as cold as ice。他的脸看起来冷的近似冰块。英英互译:a small cube of artificial ice;used for cooling drinks。
2023-07-22 05:54:421

ice cube和ice,有咩分别

cube系立方体,ice cube系呈立方体嘅冰,视乎有几大,但大多数指雪柜冰格内嘅冰粒,呢类冰粒一定系你整出来,雪柜唔会无故有四方冰粒整出来。至于ice系泛指冰,除咗人做之外,上天亦会跌落嚟,咁一定唔系四方型。 ice cube是冰箱或人工制造出来的冰粒 ice是冰=水的固态,例如冬天(北方)下雪后地面或路面会结冰,那便是ice而不会是ice cube. 但你去吧饮冻饮的加冰那些就会叫ice cube,但通常都只会讲with ice. 另外饮威士忌酒会讲Scotch on the rock的意思是指加冰,亦是由于ice cube像一粒石仔吧。
2023-07-22 05:55:111

lce cube何许人也?在美国有没有地位?

作为美国洛杉矶著名说唱组合N.W.A的核心成员之一,Ice Cube也是该组合中最早宣布单飞而谋求个人发展的成员。在离开N.W.A组合之后,Ice Cube逐渐成长为美国Hip-Hop音乐界最优秀同时也是最具争议的歌手之一。Ice Cube在他个人发展之后的专辑中表现出了更为尖锐的政治和社会观点,这也使得他颇为引人注目的前两张个人专辑《AmeriKKKa??s Most Wanted》和《Death Certificate》毁誉参半。后来,Ice Cube开始和Cypress Hill等后辈说唱乐团合作,其本人的影响力虽略有下降,但Ice Cube在整个美国说唱界的地位却从未改变。在上世纪90年代,Ice Cube一直都是最耀眼的说唱歌手之一。与众多家境贫寒,从小便浪迹街头的说唱歌手相比,Ice Cube的家境算是比较好的了。原名O??Shea Jackson的Ice Cube从小生活在洛杉矶的中南部,父母都在加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)工作,而少年时期的Ice Cube也一直都是个好孩子。到了上中学的时候,Ice Cube才开始创作Rap,而他在这个时期创作的歌曲包括了与搭档 Sir Jinx合作写出的《Boyz-n-the Hood》。随着创作水平的不断提高,由Ice Cube领衔的二人说唱组合“CIA”开始在Dr.Dre举办的排队上演出。很快,Ice Cube就通过Dr.Dre结识了当时还在HBO组合的Eazy-E。随后,Eazy-E决定离开HBO。事实上,在这个时候,Eazy-E,Dr.Dre和Ice Cube三人已经构成了N.W.A组合的雏形。1987年,Ice Cube前往菲尼克斯学习建筑。1988年,在拿到了一年制的学位之后,Ice Cube重新回到了洛杉矶。而Ice Cube的这次回归正是时候,因为他正好赶上了N.W.A组合首张专辑《Straight Outta Compton》的录制。最终,《Straight Outta Compton》在1988年末发行并成为1989年美国地下说唱圈中的热门专辑。专辑歌词中的极端内容得到了各界的关注,其中最引人注目的是美国联邦调查局(FBI)对本张专辑的关注。由于Ice Cube和N.W.A的经纪人有着很严重的分歧,因此他在1989年末的时候选择了离队。
2023-07-22 05:55:191

ice block and ice cube有什么区别?

都是冰块的意思,只是形状不同ice block 侧重是 长形冰块大冰块;寒冰屏障ice cube 侧重正方形的冰块小冰块
2023-07-22 05:55:262


问题一:冰块,用英文怎么说 Ice 问题二:啤酒加的那个"冰块"的英语怎么说??? Ice is ok. 问题三:冰块用英语怎么说 Ice cube Ice cake 问题四:啤酒加的那个"冰块"的英语怎么说 比方你在美国,别人问你要不要冰块,都是直接说ice。 问题五:我喜欢喝加冰块的可乐 用英语怎么说??? I like drinking cola with ice in it, 问题六:不要加冰块用英语怎么说 without ice cube; 问题七:果汁加冰很好喝用英语怎么说加上with also Fruit juice with ice also very nice! 问题八:加冰的;冰镇的 英文怎么说? 5分 Iced
2023-07-22 05:55:331

求Ice cube 的Why we thugs中文翻译!

简介] 是啊 每个姑娘一样(* 2 *) 来吧 [合唱] 他们给我们的枪支和毒品 然后不知道在他妈的为什么我们暴徒 他们要算蛞蝓 然后就在这里,并与我们他妈的(嗯) 他们给我们的枪支和毒品 然后不知道在他妈的为什么我们暴徒 他们要算蛞蝓 然后就在这里,并与我们他妈的 [诗1] 我从群交土地 我从小时候开始,是不是他妈的升变 它说,同醇 布什喜欢sadaam侯赛因运行狗屎 i公鸡和目标,临床疯狂 对付这种废话每天 如果我出售部分yay一些干草或烟雾 您母狗要投入鹈鹕湾给我 我打电话系统中的一个动物了 但谁是那些建造这个监狱动物 谁是发明降低动物的生活 这些项目,感谢上帝鲁塞尔西蒙斯 感谢上帝sugarhill 我把一钢之前,我不同的烧烤 y"all知道它是什么,您自己的孩子害怕 如何将这些贫民区niggaz接管娱乐圈 [合唱] [诗2] 它在引擎盖男孩,它在引擎盖玩具 y"all想知道为什么有噪声罩 原因有毒品,在发动机罩,暴徒在引擎盖 nigga杀害crip并在引擎盖(真正的血液) 事业得到部落时niggaz 这就是生存,没有人承担责任 我走入了5哦 外婆来到法院与她圣经 但是,当法官击中木槌 现在我太远,我的家人旅行 我刚刚拆开 嵌在d.a.在我得到gaffled 拥有c.a,国有资产 就像年1553年 寻找我,一个单程票出 不明白,什么是这么难的数字呢? [合唱] [诗3] (该死)我不能压力 拉的佛,佛成立了梳妆台 抓住体重达到了壁橱 坡坡来,但我害怕它抛 y"all知道发生了什么我最后一次失去它 不能告诉你niggaz什么fuckin老板本来 比赛得到了nigga用尽 得走了大便宜,他们提供的 二十年为了什么? 违反这些法律的贪污腐败 采取这些会堂及写留言"时间了 一些粉饼狗屎这即将爆发 阿伊y"all,我将要坚持 直到2000年,他妈的什么? 在发动机罩,不要按你的运气 导致这些motherfuckers将设置你,两个字 [合唱] [outro] 每个姑娘一样(* 3倍*) 每个姑娘一样(* 2 *) 停止它trippin 每个姑娘一样(* 2 *) 每个姑娘一样(* 2 *)
2023-07-22 05:55:422

冰立方 (flash ice cube )是什么

2023-07-22 05:55:502

Ice Cube的《Friday》 歌词

歌曲名:Friday歌手:Ice Cube专辑:At Tha MoviesDaniel Bedingfield LyricsFriday LyricsI live in an Ice house aI never do dance salsaI"m living in JamacaI live in an Ice BreakerI"m living in AfricaI never do Know where aWhere I"m living but I"m living in a free fallWhenever she goes awayMight as well be in San Jose"Cause I never can tell where myWhere my heart"s gonna spend it"s timeHalf of me"s missingI miss her KissingI don"t know nothing but I knowShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayMy head is a hurricaneMy heart is a touch insaneand my body can"t sleep to dreamAnd my Eyes open up to screamAnd my mouth is a thin straight lineAs I"m struggling to pass the timeAnd my crime is that I"m living life without herAnd the morning soon will comeAnd the days nearly almost doneAnd the clock says it"s half past fiveBut the sun is still in the skyDisorientatedInsatiatedHow long I"ve waited but I knowShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayMy head is a hurricaneMy heart is a touch insaneand my body can"t sleep to dreamAnd my Eyes open up to screamAnd my mouth is a thin straight lineAs I"m struggling to pass the timeAnd my crime is that I"m living life without herAnd the morning soon will comeAnd the days nearly almost doneAnd the clock says it"s half past fiveBut the sun is still in the skyDisorientatedInsatiatedHow long I"ve waited but I knowShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on Friday
2023-07-22 05:56:091

Ice Cube的《Ghetto Vet》 歌词

歌曲名:Ghetto Vet歌手:Ice Cube专辑:War & Peace Vol. 1 (The War Disc)Life....niggas used to come and get mewhen it was time to disagree with an enemypass the hennessy it gives me energypacked the gat in the small of my backwhere these niggas at I clear the whole packtalkin" shit cuz I"m down for my set I"m a vetsmokin" on a wet cigarette(who these niggas think they are)(wishin" on a ghetto star i represent my tar)I start bustin" and they scatter like water bugscuz these westside niggas is harder thugsenslve us but nothin" can save us from sportin" Ben Davisshootin" at your neighbors(cuz sometimes I feel like a nut don"t give a fuck when I open ya up)hot rocks fly from the back seat andbusta ass niggas run like a track meetan if you crawl in the middle bleed mo" than a little (what)killer king is the hospitalfeelin" numb from the bullets I humand when they hit black mothers have fits I don"t give a shit(Chorus)Fool I"m a vet you can bet thatI could dance underwater and not get wet (check it)Ice CubeIts rainin" bullets and I"m still there(Foe life) I"m still theremy house shoes get wet from the dew on the grassup early in the morning takin" out the trashfeelin" like a loser alcohol abusertwo youngsters roll up on a beach cruiserone on the peddles the other on the handle bars (what)tryin" be ghetto stars they said:Are you from the westside is it so?i said hell yea and who wanta to know (me)in slow mo fo" fo" slugs face down in the mudpuddle full of blood left for deadthe pain starts to spread now I can"t feel my legsI meet doctor who at King Drew medical centeras I enter I.C.U.he said the bullet hit a nerve that was vitalI said I can"t move my legs he said don"t try tonow this ain"t the end my friend but you"ll probably never walk againI sit there motionless holdin" this pain inside contemplating suicideat night I jerk and jerkbut my dick don"t work it don"t even hurt (damn)now who"d ever thought a nigga rude as Ice CubeI be pissin" through a tube Fool i"m a vet(Chorus)Fool I"m a vet you can bet thatI could dance underwater and not get wet (check it)Its rainin" bullets and I"m still thereyoung ghetto nigga in a wheelchairgang hospital for a crippal now I"m drinkin" rippalsame corner same hood I"m still therewith bandanas tied to my wheel chairTo all the hoodrat hoes I"m firedthey mad cuz my tongue get tirednow everybody wanna put they dope on mesayin" I won"t get searched by the LAPDI"m sitting on a doorway duece fiveDependin on that to keep my ass aliveI don"t got bows but my arm"s about a one-sixMy fuckin legs, lookin like tooth pickssome times I can"t deal got to beg the B G"s to roll me up the hillput me on the porch now I"m on the torch smokin" cocainejust to maintain nutin" to gain nutin" to loseand last night I couldn"t make it to the bathroomfeelin" like a two year old you can"t get a sip from the brew I holdnigga its the only friend to a stranger AKA hadicap gangbangerthere"s a lot in my life I regret becomin" a ghetto vetFool I"m a Vet(Chorus)(2X)Fool I"m a vet you can bet thatI could dance underwater and not get wet (check it)Its rainin" bullets and I"m still thereyoung ghetto nigga in a wheelchairLife.....Yea....Life...Yea....Life... Life....Dedicated to all the ghetto vetsfor every nigga that done took one for the hood
2023-07-22 05:56:171

"Why We Thugs" Ice Cube唱的 这首歌的歌词 中文的 谁有给我翻译一下

Why We Thugs为什么我们是小混混yeah耶~ every hood"s the same每一间房顶都是一样的 come on 来吧[chorus] they give us guns and drugs他们给我们枪和毒品 then wonder why in the fuck we thugs然后想要知道为什么要做T.M.D小混混 they wanna count the slugs他们想要算一算有多少子弹 then come around here and fuck with us (uh huh)然后在这里乱逛,和我们做`爱(啊哈~) they give us guns and drugs他们给我们枪和毒品 then wonder why in the fuck we thugs然后想要知道为什么要做T.M.D小混混 they wanna count the slugs 他们想要算一算有多少子弹then come around here and fuck with us 然后在这里乱逛,和我们做`爱[verse 1] i"m from the land of the gang bang我来自那个充满呯呯嗙嗙(枪声)的地方 since i was little, ain"t a god damn thang changed 打从我很小的时候,不是那个该死的thang所能改变的(这里不会翻译...)it"s the same ol saying 这和ol说的一样bush run shit like sadaam hussien乔`治`布`什,去吃`屎,就和Sadaam Hussien一样 i cock and aim, clinically insane to deal with this bullshit day to day if i sell some yay or smoke some hay 对不起,我翻译不下去了...歌词太那个了...另请高明-___-!
2023-07-22 05:56:251

Ice Cube,Chris Tucker 俩人演的(星期五)的片尾曲叫什么?

原来是95年的老片子了,不知道网上找不找得到,一起列出来,楼主自己找吧:"Tryin" to See Another Day"Performed by The Isley BrothersWritten by Ronald Isley (as R. Isley), Ernie Isley (as E. Isley), Angela Winbush (as A. Winbush Isley)Courtesy of Elektra Records"Freddie"s Dead"Performed by Curtis MayfieldWritten by Curtis MayfieldCourtesy of Curtom Classics, Inc."The Way You Do the Things You Do"Performed by The TemptationsWritten by Smokey Robinson (as William "Smokey" Robinson) and Bobby Rogers (as Robert Rogers)Courtesy of Motown Record Company, arrangement with PolyGram Special Markets"Get Up (I Feel Like Being a Sex Machine)"Performed by James BrownWritten by James Brown, Bobby Byrd, Ron Lenhoff (as Ronald Lenhoff)Courtesy of PolyGram Special Markets"Roll It Up, Light It Up, Smoke It Up"Performed by Cypress HillWritten by Larry Muggerud (as L. Muggerud), Louis Freese (as L. Freese), Senen Reyes (as S. Reyes)Courtesy of Ruffhouse/Columbia Records"Hoochie Mama"Performed by 2 Live CrewWritten by Luther Campbell (as L. Campbell), Mr. Mixx (as D. Hobbs), Brother Marquis (as M. Ross),Fresh Kid Ice (as C. Wong Won)Courtesy of Luke Records"Hittin" Corners"Performed by K-DeeWritten by K-Dee, Shaquil Taja-AllahCourtesy of Lench Mob Records"I Heard It Through the Grapevine"Performed by Gladys Knight & The Pips (as Gladys Knight and The Pips)Written by Norman Whitfield and Barrett StrongCourtesy of Motown Record Company, arrangement with PolyGram Special Markets"Control"Written by Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis"Heartbreaker (Part I, Part II)"Performed by ZappWritten by Roger Troutman and Larry TroutmanCourtesy of Warner Bros. Records, arrangement with Warner Special Products"I Heard It Through the Grapevine"Performed by Roger Troutman (as Roger)Written by Norman Whitfield and Barrett StrongCourtesy of Warner Bros. Records, arrangement with Warner Special Products"Lettin" Niggas Know"Performed by ThreatWritten by C. Lloyd, M. JordanCourtesy of Da Bomb Records"I Wanna Get Next to You"Performed by Rose RoyceWritten by Norman WhitfieldCourtesy of MCA Records"Coast II Coast"Performed by Tha AlkaholiksWritten by Tash (as R. Smith), J-Ro (as J. Robinson), E-Swift (as E. Brooks)Courtesy of Loud/RCA Records"Superhoes"Performed by FunkdoobiestWritten by Larry Muggerud (as L. Muggerud), Son Doobie (as J. Vasquez), R. MedranoCourtesy of Immortal/Epic Records"Take a Hit"Performed by Mack 10Written by Mack 10 (as D. Rolison)Courtesy of Priority Records"Low Rider"Performed by WarWritten by Morris D. Dickerson (as M. Dickerson), Charles Miller (as C. Miller),Thomas Allen (as S. Allen), Harold R. Brown (as H. Brown), Howard E. Scott (as H. Scott),, Lee Oskar (as L. Oskar), "Lonnie Jordan" (as L. Jordan), Jerry Goldstein (as J. Goldstein)Courtesy of Avenue Records"Keep Their Heads Ringin""Performed by Dr. DreWritten by Dr. Dre, Sam Sneed, J-FlexCourtesy of Death Row Records/Interscope Records"Little Child Runnin" Wild"Performed by Curtis MayfieldWritten by Curtis MayfieldCourtesy of Curtom Classics, Inc."You Got Me Wide Open"Performed by Bootsy Collins and Bernie WorrellWritten by Ice Cube, Bootsy Collins (as B. Collins), Bernie Worrell (as B. Worrell)Courtesy of Ceccil Enterprises"Friday Night"Performed by Scarface featuring CJ MacWritten by Scarface (as B. Jordan), CJ Mac (as B. Ross), J. JohnsonCourtesy of Rap-A-Lot/Noo Trybe Records"Mary Jane"Performed by Rick JamesWritten by Rick JamesCourtesy of Motown Record Company, arrangement with PolyGram Special Markets"Blast If I Have To"Performed by E-A-SkiWritten by E-A-Ski (as S. Adams), M. OgletonCourtesy of Infrared Music Group/Priority Records"Friday"Performed by Ice CubeWritten by Ice CubeCourtesy of Priority Records
2023-07-22 05:56:321

谁有Ice Cube 《Why Me》 歌词的中文翻译?

[00:20.67]Why the fuck you wanna murder me? 你该死的为什么要谋害我[00:23.76]Your punk ass never heard of me 你这笨蛋从来没有听懂过我[00:26.34]I never did nothin" to your family 我为你的家人做了那么多[00:28.86]Still you wanna kill a young niucer randomly你仍然要随便地杀掉一个年轻的好人[00:31.63]You wanna take the life God handed to me 你想要拿走上帝赋予我的生命[00:34.29]Send it back to him coz you ain"t a fan to me 还给他只因为你不是我的崇拜者[00:36.92]Scary bitch with a gun that ain"t a man to me对我来说用枪恐吓恐一个婊子不是男人所为[00:39.59]That"s an animal, 那是畜生[00:40.82]A fucking cannibal 一种嗜食人肉的生物[00:42.32]I"m Duranimo and Hannibal 我是Duranimo 和Hanniba[00:44.27]We international Gangsta bull 我们国际匪帮汉[00:46.26]I"m bull and Barcelona, with a karona 我是彪汉,有着伪神卡若娜的巴塞罗那[00:49.02]You a fake ass niucer, where"s ya owner? 你这虚伪的骗子 你的主人在哪里[00:52.05]I"m real live man, you a persona 我是一个真正的活生生的男人,你一个人格面具[00:54.20]Now I"m a goner, call ma momma, in the corner 现在我是一个无可救药、行将就木之人[00:58.31]Mister gun man, your plan is working 先生向人开枪了,你的计划开始了[01:01.00]Coz niucers is dieing and mommas is hurting 因为好人正在灭绝,妈妈们在伤害着别人[01:03.82]Why you wanna murder me?为什么你要谋杀我[01:07.00]You never ever heard of me你从来没有听懂过我[01:09.42]You don"t know who I am 你不知道我是谁[01:11.94]I could be part of your family tree 我可能是你家族中的一部分[01:14.62]Now现在[01:15.56]Sent by G.O.D 由上帝给予[01:17.28]To save the word you and me 来拯救整个世界你和我[01:19.96]You never know who you facin" 你从来不知道你面对的是谁[01:22.44]Who ya chasin" 你雕刻的是谁[01:23.98]The life you wastin" 你浪费的生活[01:25.27]I was made by the one and only G.O.D 我只被上帝所创造[01:27.71]To take my life to the T.O.P把我的生活带到巅峰[01:30.05]Now here comes a motherfuckin" D.O.G 现在这儿来了一个混账的无赖[01:32.93]Who ain"t happy til a niucer is R.I.P 知道好人被撕碎谁才会快乐[01:35.43]Tryin" to be som"in" you saw on BET 试着成为你在赌局中看到的那个[01:38.36]Either T.I.P or B.I.G小费或者大赢家[01:41.06]I don"t give a fuck what you saw on TV 我没有给一个你在电视上看到过的混蛋[01:43.63]But a 187 don"t make a O.G. 但是一个187不会产生一个无赖[01:46.58]I"m a O.G 我是一个无赖[01:48.00]Never had to fake it从来没有要去假装[01:49.36]God gave me this, how you goin" take it上帝给了我,你如何拿走[01:51.69]What you goin" tell "em, when you get to heaven当你去天堂的时候你要告诉他们什么[01:54.43]when he asks you why did you send back his present.当他问你你为什么要把他的礼物退回[01:57.02]Who the fuck are you, you motherfucking peasant 你该死的是谁,你该死的礼物[01:59.67]Even got the nerve to ask the man for a blessing.甚至厚颜得求上帝祝福[02:02.35]Send his ass to Hades with his big Mercedes 用他的大奔把他的愚蠢送去地狱[02:05.32]Niucer, hell on earth is being stuck in the 80"s好人,80年代地狱到底正在陷入[02:07.66]Why you wanna murder me? 你为什么要谋害我[02:10.68]You never ever heard of me 你从来没有听懂过我[02:13.32]You don"t know who I am你不知道我是谁[02:15.73]I could be part of your family tree我可能是你家族中的一部分[02:18.46]Now现在[02:19.55]Sent by G.O.D由上帝给予[02:21.42]To save the word you and me来拯救整个世界你和我[02:23.76]You never know who you facin"你从来不知道你面对的是谁[02:26.30]Who ya chasin"你雕刻的是谁[02:27.89]The life you wastin"你浪费的生活[02:29.41]Before you shoot me man think about it在你开枪之前思考一下[02:32.04]lets go have a drink about it为了它让我们去喝一杯[02:34.89]Before you make a stink about it在你为了它臭名昭著之前[02:37.39]man lets talk about it男人 让我们谈论一下[02:38.79]maybe we can walk about it.也许我们可以为它徘徊[02:40.15]But just don"t be a coward但是就是不要成为一个懦夫[02:42.64]and take my life "cause you got the power [02:44.87]of the white mans gun powder不要因为你有了白人火药的力量就拿走我的生命[02:47.97]coz you might face a gun tower.因为你可能面对一个炮塔[02:50.75]And time never run out,时间从未流逝[02:53.53]They take the fun out, til your life run out.他们从中取得乐趣直到你的生命耗尽[02:55.78]So don"t pull your gun out,所以不要把你的枪拔出[02:58.79]If you ever want a house, just like Run"s house.如果你不要一所房子,就像一所流动的房子[03:01.15]It"s better than a big house,它比一幢大屋子更好[03:04.06]Less four-five some woman we can dig out,我们可以发现少于四五个女人[03:06.46]Find a place we can dig out,发现一个地方[03:09.26]Party all night til the owner say "get out"整晚狂欢直到主人说滚出去[03:11.73]Why you wanna murder me?你为什么要谋杀我[03:14.86]You never ever heard of me你从不懂我[03:17.22]You don"t know who I am你从不知道我是谁[03:19.79]I could be part of your family tree我可能是你家族中的一份[03:22.58]Now现在[03:23.58]Sent by G.O.D上帝所给予[03:25.61]To save the word you and me拯救整个世界你和我[03:27.97]You never know who you facin"你从不知道你面对的是谁[03:30.69]Who ya chasin"你雕刻的是谁[03:32.09]The life you wastin"你浪费的生活[03:34.20]Dedicated to all the niucers,为所有好人献身[03:38.36]thats dead and don"t know why.那就是死亡 不知道为什么[03:43.40]Who wanna look at the niucer who shot "em 谁要看着那些好人 谁要枪杀他们[03:48.30]And ask these questions.问这些问题[03:53.61]Why me homie? Why me?为什么是我伙伴?为什么是我?[03:58.63]PS:rap太太太难翻了。。。。尽力了orz
2023-07-22 05:57:001

谁知道电影狂蟒之灾中Ice Cube在游轮上用收音机播放的歌曲是什么?

Anaconda (Main Title)Watching and WaitingNight AttackThis Must Be HeavenDown RiverSeductionTravelogueBaiting the LineMy Beautiful Anna... (Conda)The Totem‘s Sacred GroundSarone‘s Last Stand当时看记录下来的就这么多,有没有就不记得了
2023-07-22 05:57:081


2023-07-22 05:57:196

求ice cube 演的电影 下个星期五

他本来是西海岸的说唱歌手,至于说演电影是他的副业。第一个周日 First Sunday ------- (2008) 长驱直入 The Longshots ------- (2008) The Extractors ------- (2008) 小鬼上路2:有完没完 Are We Done Yet? ------- (2007) Nickelodeon Kids" Choice Awards "07 ------- (2007) 3rd Annual VH1 Hip-Hop Honors ------- (2006) Spike TV"s Autorox Awards 2006 ------- (2006) BET Awards 2006 ------- (2006) God Gave Rock & Roll to You ------- (2006) From Convict to Hero: The Making of "XXX: State of the Union" ------- (2005) 小鬼上路/我们到了没? Are We There Yet? ------- (2005) WrestleMania 21 ------- (2005) 极限特工2/极限战士/限制级战警2:极限公园/3X之特种叛变 xXx: State of the Union ------- (2005) Behind the Harmony ------- (2005) GTO: Muscle, Missiles and More ------- (2005) "And You Don"t Stop: 30 Years of Hip-Hop" ------- (2004) 极速酷客/极速飞车 Torque ------- (2004) The 61st Annual Golden Globe Awards ------- (2004) 理发店2/哈啦大发师2 Barbershop 2: Back in Business ------- (2004) "Tavis Smiley" ------- (2004) E! 101 Most Starlicious Makeovers ------- (2004) N世界 The N-Word ------- (2004) 101 Most Unforgettable SNL Moments ------- (2004) Beef 2 ------- (2004) Beef ------- (2003) WC: Bandana Swangin - All That Glitters Ain"t Gold ------- (2003) "Jimmy Kimmel Live" ------- (2003) Hollywood Celebrates Denzel Washington: An American Cinematheque Tribute ------- (2003) Friendly Fire: Making an Urban Legend ------- (2003) "Ellen: The Ellen DeGeneres Show" ------- (2003) 理发店 Barbershop ------- (2002) All About the Stunts ------- (2002) 又是一个星期五 Friday After Next ------- (2002) Tha Westside ------- (2002) "Listen Up! Charles Barkley with Ernie Johnson" ------- (2002) Eazy-E: The Impact of a Legend ------- (2002) Korn: Deuce ------- (2002) The N.W.A. Legacy: The Video Collection ------- (2002) 班哲明传奇/重奖之下 All About the Benjamins ------- (2002) "Last Call with Carson Daly" ------- (2002) Strictly Business: Making "All About the Benjamins" ------- (2002) Shot Caller: From Videos to Features ------- (2002) VH1 Big in 2002 Awards ------- (2002) Miami Nice ------- (2002) Red Desert Nights: Making "Ghosts of Mars" ------- (2001) Cypress Hill: Still Smokin" ------- (2001) 火星幽灵 Ghosts of Mars ------- (2001) Journey of Dr. Dre ------- (2000) 2000年MTV电影颁奖典礼 2000 MTV Movie Awards ------- (2000) The Up in Smoke Tour ------- (2000) "106 & Park Top 10 Live" ------- (2000) 下个周五 Next Friday ------- (2000) 2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards ------- (2000) Under the Bunker: On the Set of "Three Kings" ------- (2000) 三个好汉/夺金三王/夺金三雄/三个国王/夺宝大作战 Three Kings ------- (1999) "The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn" ------- (1999) Thicker Than Water ------- (1999) An Intimate Look Inside the Acting Process with Ice Cube ------- (1999) 玩家俱乐部 The Players Club ------- (1998) Family Values Fall Tour "98 ------- (1998) I Got the Hook Up ------- (1998) 危险之地 Dangerous Ground ------- (1997) 狂蟒之灾 Anaconda ------- (1997) 校园大冲突 Higher Learning ------- (1995) Rap: Looking for the Perfect Beat ------- (1995) 星期五 Friday ------- (1995) Murder Was the Case: The Movie ------- (1995) 终极护卫战/特警雄心 The Glass Shield ------- (1994) The Voice of a Nation ------- (1993) CB4 ------- (1993) 擅入 Trespass ------- (1992) 街区男孩/邻家少年杀人事件/头巾少年 Boyz n the Hood ------- (1991)
2023-07-22 05:57:351


ice cube绝对是,求采纳
2023-07-22 05:57:432

求一首英文嘻哈的RAP歌曲,歌词开头是 one two three four get you什么什么from the floor.

可能是"Nuthin" But A "G" Thang”
2023-07-22 05:58:125


2023-07-22 05:58:486

问一首歌 夜店总放 歌词开头是一个女人喊i got power 中间一个说唱的男人 听声音像ice cube 或者 rick ros

是否是the power这首歌呀?shap唱的
2023-07-22 05:59:117

请问、《极限特工2》中,黑人在音乐派对里面当酒保,内首歌曲的名字是什么?专辑曲目:01. J-Kwon Feat. Petey Pablo & Ebony Eyez - Get XXX"d02. Ice Cube - Anybody seen The PoPo"s?!03. KoRn Feat. Xzibit - Fight The Power04. Dead Celebrity Status - Messiah05. Big Boi Feat. Killer Mike & Bubba Sparxxx - Oh No06. P.O.D. - The Payback 07. Velvet Revolver - Dirty Little Thing 08. Bone Crusher - Wyle Out 09. Dirtbag - Here We Go 10. YoungBloodZ - Dis Dat Block 11. Chingy Feat. G.I.B. - Lookin" For U12. Hush - The March 13. Moby & Public Enemy - MKLVFKWR 14. Bone Crusher & Three Days Grace - Just Like Wylin"15. Labba - Did It Again 16. Tonex - The Good Song极限特工2的所有插曲都在这里 自己找找吧
2023-07-22 05:59:261

ice cake跟ice cube的区别?

意思不同,ice cake,冰块; 冰饼ice cube(加入饮料用的)[食品] 小方冰块
2023-07-22 05:59:461

美国说唱歌手(艾斯 库伯)的身高、体重、血型、爱好。

艾斯·库伯个人资料英文名Ice Cube国家或地区美国生日1969-06-15出生地 职业演员 监制星座双子座身高176公分 其他的就真的找不到了
2023-07-22 05:59:542

Ice Cube的《Tomorrow》 歌词

歌曲名:Tomorrow歌手:Ice Cube专辑:Raw Footage-Lench MobIce Cube - TomorrowAll hail to the West coast, I am the grand wizardThe West coast warlord, and the future is todayCause tomorrow - that shit never comeI worry "bout today and this urban decayI worry "bout hip-hop, when did it flip-flopGet whack, and turn into gridlockI don"t know is it a government plot?I don"t give a fuck whether you love it or notThat"s all we got and if you throw it awayYou dumb as OJ, off a for-tayIn your Izod, this the rap GodWhat"chu gon" put up, in your iPod?Downloader, what"chu gon" dowhen your favorite MC, got to sue youCause he got to eat ain"t nuttin tabooGet your ass beat by Erykah BaduCause you wanna steal this good musicPut me out of business, now you lose itTomorrow, don"t you worry "bout tomorrowThis is very hard to swallowKeep your hand up on that throttleDon"t you worry "bout tomorrowTomorrow, I"ma handle my businessBut today, I"ma drink this liquorCause tomorrow, I might be a little quickerBut today, I"m just the same old niggaYou know that shit is still a day awayDo yo" thang baby put your life on layawayCause everybody is NostradamusBoy don"t you know that tomorrow ain"t promised?To all the lil" mamasDon"t do a nigga, like Isiah ThomasIf you a bitch, please be honestActin like a hoe you"re not an an-gelWhile you"re, daydreamin "bout your futureMotherfucker come around the corner and shoot youDon"tcha, get stuck in neutralPut your shit in drive, while you still alive causeTomorrow, don"t you worry "bout tomorrowThis is very hard to swallowKeep your hand up on that throttleDon"t you worry "bout tomorrowTomorrow~! That shit never comeI know it sounds strange but today is never doneI"m up in the Range when the clock strikes 1While y"all countin sheep, I"m countin Benja-monsUp on my feet at the break of the sunPresident of the Gangster Na-tionWe don"t go to war, we go to the storeWe rob from the rich, and give to the poorHip-Hop, oh what a boreLettin college motherfuckers run the front door(Fuck that!) Let"s take it back to the streetsDon"t let Viacom, dictate the heatThe nerve of them, I never heard of demAskin me about, my urban spinsAnd if I got about, a thousand of themI"m a crate MC, accordin to themFuck that!Tomorrow, don"t you worry "bout tomorrowThis is very hard to swallowKeep your hand up on that throttleDon"t you worry "bout tomorrowAll hail to the West coast, I am the grand wizardThe West coast warlord, the future is todayGet your grind on mayne, get your grind on mayne, get your grind on
2023-07-22 06:00:011

求ice cube hello lrc

Ice Cube-Look at these niggas with attitudesLook at these niggas with attitudesLook at these niggas with attitudesLook at these niggas with attitudes-Hello-Dr. Dre-I started this gangsta shitand this the mutherfuckin" thanks i get?-Hello-MC Ren-I started this gangsta shitand this the mutherfuckin" thanks i get?-Hello-Ice Cube-The motherfuckin" world is a ghettoFull of magazines full clips and heavy metalWhen the smoke settle, i"m just lookin" for a big yellowAnd six inch stelletowsDr. Dre --hello-- perculatin" keep "em waitin"While you sittin" here hatin", your bitch is hyperventillatin"Hopin" that we pentratin", you gets natin" cuz i never been to satanThe hardcore administratin" gang bang affiliatin"MC Ren will have you wildin" off a zone and a whole half a gallon--Get the dollar---9 1 1 emergency--And you can tell "em--It"s my son he"s hurtin" me--And he"s a felon--On parole for robbery, ain"t no copin" a plea, ain"t no stopin" a G
2023-07-22 06:00:091

ice cube是西海岸的吗

ice cube是西海岸的
2023-07-22 06:00:161

Only In California (Feat. Ice Cube And Snoop Doggy Dogg) 歌词

歌曲名:Only In California (Feat. Ice Cube And Snoop Doggy Dogg)歌手:Mack 10&Ice Cube&Snoop Doggy Dogg专辑:Based On A True Story (Explicit)Lyric By 顺. / Ice Cube / SingSpeak on it my nigga, speak on it (and my heat go)Only in California Yeah YeahWhere niggaz pull heat and run up on ya (get your grind on)Only in California (California)Where niggaz pull heat and run up ya (run up on ya)Ice Cube the mutherfuckin donSnoop Doggy Dogg a.k.a. Tha DoggfatherMack 10 alias the Chicken HawkGangstas with rulesCause youse the niggaz with no rules(California)ain"t got nothing to lose, we got everything to loseThrew his ass in, he feel the fin of the baracudaI negotiate Mack is the shooterYou the nigga on the journey strapped to this gurneyWe break breads with accountants and attorneysCurrency never worry me (never)Who"s got the balls to murder meDegree higher than a 33Tell them what you drank (Hennessy)Never tell them what you thinkin"Never tell them where the body stankin"Fuck Lincoln, fuck Jackson, bankin Franklin what you thankin"Hope your man come with the ransomLet me see you dance on, no longer handsomeIf you don"t drop off than walk off, watch him, watch himOnly in California speak on itWhere niggaz pull heat and run up ya Yeah (I"m heat Yeah)Only in California (California)Where niggaz pull heat and run up ya(California)/ Snoop Doggy Dogg / SingThem westcoast niggaz is real set trippasWill get you for them zippas, on a quest for them chippasSlidin while we ridin, not even hittin switchesHangin at the high school gettin" at them young bitchesI got the dove sacks, homies love that (who got the bud)where the bud at, hollering at my big homeboy who fresh outHangin at my grandmama house, homie burnt outWhat you gonna do when you get out of jail (speak on it)I"m gonna have some funWhat do you consider fun a ounce and about five hunSo I put him on a move that I know aboutHooked him with a homegirl from the South (good lookin" out)Money made, plug a playa in the gameEspecially when he represent the same thing I claimDamn they don"t make niggaz like they used toThat"s probably why I keep a tight grip on my deuce deuce (that"s real)Cause everybody wanna be a starin the city of dope, a.k.a. caviarOnly in CaliforniaWhere niggaz pull heat and run up on yaOnly in California(California)Where niggaz pull heat and run up on ya(California)/ Mack 10 / SingWhat have we a house full of cavi (no stress)Well known ridas from different sides of the WestGot the hi-zoes lickin up so hard we stickin up niggazTired of the bullshit so we clicken upNigga please we ain"t trippin off C"s and B"sIt"s the Westside Connect with the DPG"sFor the cheese we jab with the gift of the gabalways cappin, Mack, Cube and Snoop rappinNow how did that happen it"s all good (fool)So peep game If you couldSnoop be from Long Beach and I be from InglewoodNow you despise cause it came to yo surpriseTwo well known enemies now becoming alliesIn Californ-I-A we parlay the G waySome wear red and black and some sport blue and greySo gangsta"s don"t dance we hang boogie and bangSo it"s the Westside Connect with the Dogg Pound GangOnly in CaliforniaWhere niggaz pull heat and run up on yaOnly in California(California)Where niggaz pull heat and run up on ya(California)/ Ice Cube / SingThere we have it, Ice motherfuckin" CubeThe big fish,(California) rollin with the atomic dogSnoop Doggy (California)down with the ring leaderMack motherfuckin" 10, (California) coming back once againNigga we make and spend nigga (California)and my heat goes boom boom boom boom boom boom ...... I"ll be damn, It" motherfucker a jam know me , and my heat goes Pom...
2023-07-22 06:00:361

有哪些说唱歌手的歌词和ice cube一样华丽

你听得到 播放歌手:周杰伦语言:国语所属专辑:叶惠美你听得到 - 周杰伦词:曾郁婷曲:周杰伦有谁能比我知道你的温柔像羽毛秘密躺在我怀抱只有你能听得到还有没有人知道你的微笑像拥抱多想藏着你的好只有我看得到站在屋顶只对风说不想被左右本来讨厌下雨的天空直到听见有人说爱我坐在电影院的二楼看人群走过怎么那一天的我们都默默的微笑很久我想我是太过依赖在挂电话的刚才坚持学单纯的小孩静静看守这份爱知道不能太依赖怕你会把我宠坏你的香味一直徘徊我舍不得离开比我知道你的温柔像羽毛秘密躺在我怀抱到得听能你有只还有没有人知道你的微笑像拥抱多想藏着你的好只有我看得到坐在电影院的二楼看人群走过怎么那一天的我们都默默的微笑很久我想我是太过依赖在挂电话的刚才坚持学单纯的小孩静静看守这份爱知道不能太依赖怕你会把我宠坏你的香味一直徘徊我舍不得离开我想我是太过依赖在挂电话的刚才坚持学单纯的小孩我舍不得离开
2023-07-22 06:00:551


life goes on
2023-07-22 06:01:042


Drake ,xxxtentacion
2023-07-22 06:01:133


2023-07-22 06:01:383


2023-07-22 06:01:573

冰的latent heat

Q1. 咁系唔系20粒冰比10粒冰融解的时间长D?因为多d冰? A: In theory each cube of ice absorbs heat from the surroundings independently. The time of each ice cube to melt pletely is thus the same as you cannot differentiate one cube from the other. Therefore the o cups of ice would all melt within the same time interval. The above argument is only true if all ice cubes are placed separated from one another. But in reality this may not be so. As the ice cubes may stack together thus reducing their surface area in contact with the air. This in turn reduces the rate of heat flow from the ambient air towards the ice cubes. Hence the cup with more ice cubes takes a bit longer time than the one with less ice cubes but surely would not take ice as long. This is the reason why crushed ice (碎冰) melts much faster than ice cubes even if the o have the same mass. It is simply because the former has a larger contact area with the air thus enabling a much larger flow of heat. Q2.两个杯中的冰融解时 温度是不变? 至到冰完全融解成0度的水 再吸室温的热 温度就会上升? A: Yes it is true. Thermal equilibrium beeen the melting ice and the water is always maintained during the melting process (process of change of state). As such the temperature of the mixture doesn"t change. (1)E=ml latent heat公式 (2)E=Pt 功率公式 .".Pt=ml 根据上述情况 假设1粒冰的mass=m <>即系常数的意思 一样系室温 冰又一样温度 基于温差一样的关系 2杯冰升温的速度亦一样 所以 <P> 每粒冰mass 一样 所以<m> 一样都系冰 所以 <l> 10粒冰的情况:<P>(t1)=10<m><l> 20粒冰的情况:<P>(t2)=20<m><l> 比较两条式 2(t1)=(t2) 那就是20粒冰理论上比10粒冰需要多一倍的时间溶解 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 固体:分子密度大 = 分子间距离小 液体:分子密度中 = 分子间距离中 气体:分子密度小 = 分子间距离大 系转形态的时候变化的只是分子间距离变大/小 由于动能不变 其温度亦不变。 而完全转形态的物质 倘若再吸热便会增加分子动能 从而增加温度
2023-07-22 06:02:041


2023-07-22 06:02:133

求又黑人ice cube 主演的电影《next Friday》资源

2023-07-22 06:02:371


2023-07-22 06:02:5713


$ave Dat Money - Lil Dicky&Fetty Wap&Rich Homie QuanTrap God, and we servin up the whole world老子独眼龙就是Trap God 横扫整个世界Ay, Where the gold at baby咦 金条金链都去哪儿了?Ay, Where the clothes at baby咦 珠光宝气都去哪儿了?Ay, Where the dough at baby咦 大把钞票都去哪儿了?And the banger but you know 都存进银行I ain"t tryna blow that baby老子不会随便乱造Ay, We gon save that money (I"m so thrifty)把钱都存起来 (老子就是这么鸡贼)Ay, We gon save that money (I"m so stingy)把钱都存起来 (老子就是这么抠门儿)Ay, We gon save that money把钱都存起来What we do? We gone save that money咱怎么着? 把钱都存起来Rap game got it all wrong这说唱游戏简直黑白颠倒We ain"t bout to go and spend money just to flex on her咱再也不用花钱了 都存起来每天吹逼We ain"t really got it like ya"ll咱就不学你们那一套I"m the type of motherfucker that"ll check the check哥就是那种小气鬼 每个账单都得亲自检阅Do the math, I ain"t never gettin" robbed数学老师教得好 哥从没被人洗劫过Those margaritas not goin" on my card银行卡就像黑洞 只进不出I ain"t bout to split a damn thing for convenience sake即使图个方便 老子也分文不出I"m at the restaurant workin" that waitress下个馆子也得跟服务员逼逼半天You ain"t heard of lil Dave, or L the Jew biz major你小子难道没听过本大爷屌哥?Fuck you know bout the world he was raised in?你知道这地球围着谁转么?I"ve been saving money since the motherfucker 13哥从13岁就开始攒钱I wear the same pair of jeans everyday一条牛仔裤穿一辈子Free sandwiches, homie, two stamps away三明治都吃免费的Book flight December but I leave in May老子年底就订好明年的机票Drugs are generic but still work the same嗑药也挑便宜的货 反正功效也差不多I get login"s for Netflix from my cousin Greg老子支付宝的账号都是从表哥那借的Ay, Where the gold at baby咦 金条金链都去哪儿了?Ay, Where the clothes at baby咦 珠光宝气都去哪儿了?Ay, Where the dough at baby咦 大把钞票都去哪儿了?And the banger but you know I ain"t tryna blow that baby都存进银行 老子不会随便乱造Ay, We gon save that money (I"m so thrifty)把钱都存起来 (老子就是这么鸡贼)Ay, We gon save that money (I"m so stingy)把钱都存起来 (老子就是这么抠门儿)Ay, We gon save that money把钱都存起来What we do? We gone save that money咱怎么着? 把钱都存起来All of my luggage is Louie V, 哥的箱子都是LV驴牌的I swear to God nigga向天发誓 All of my bitches scared of me, 大妞们都畏惧哥I put that rod in "em因为哥的棒棒攻击太凶猛All of them bitches actin" thotties, 那些碧池都装的一逼 I disregard them哥从不把她们当回事All them bitches actin" holy, 那些碧池都故作深沉 ain"t got no God in "em哥就偏要耍流氓I can teach a lil nigga somethin", preacher小子 都跟哥学着点吧I can take his ass church fresh as hell,no Easter哥告诉你们什么叫人生 那可不是闹着玩的I can make his ass burb like a baby without no hiccup哥能把你吓出翔 就像穿开裆裤的屁孩I can哥要把你。。Quan what"s this have to do with saving money though?土豪Quan哥 你这说的和攒钱有半毛钱关系?You know a full verse would have been 下面该轮到我了I think要你一整段歌词半段就得了to expensive anyways我都嫌太贵I ain"t parkin" that unless the meter green homie哥停车只找那些个付过钱的车位Hair cut several months in-between homie好几个月才去理一次发Hit the motherfuckin" lights when I leave homie进门出门随手关灯 节约用电啊亲Single ply TP ass bleed厕纸都用最便宜的 不怕菊花泛红Air B&B the mother fucker, least I"m never there管他汉庭还是凯宾斯基 哥才不住那种地方I"m not in Cali, why the fuck my company in Delaware?老子又不在加州 但公司就得放在省税的地方Happy hour takin" out the chicken, 欢乐时光不供应鸡腿了I don"t even care哥也不在乎That applies to both dating and wings约妞和吃鸡翅同时进行Peep matinees phone bill got 带着全家the motherfuckin" fam on it一起蹭戏看401k rollin" over bands on it花不完的钱都留着养老Coppin" sweaters in the summer with the sail on it就爱在夏天买毛衣 特价就是超值The fuck you rappers bragging bout? 你们这帮rapper花那么多冤枉钱 还吹什么牛逼You overpay for it你得到它Ay, Where the gold at baby咦 金条金链都去哪儿了?Ay, Where the clothes at baby咦 珠光宝气都去哪儿了?Ay, Where the dough at baby咦 大把钞票都去哪儿了?And the banger but you know 都存进银行 老子不会随便乱造I ain"t tryna blow that baby把钱都存起来 (老子就是这么鸡贼)Ay, We gon save that money (I"m so thrifty)把钱都存起来 (老子就是这么抠门儿)Ay, We gon save that money (I"m so stingy)把钱都存起来Ay, We gon save that money咱怎么着? 把钱都存起来What we do? We gone save that money要付钱的酒吧哥从来不去I ain"t never hit a bar with a cover就爱盖硬的被子 软的可贵着呢Low thread count, hard with the covers免费的宣传活动Free trial memberships though老子从来不出席I never join the shiz though这也太不尊重哥了Fuck you think this is though?老子总在天上飞来飞去就像一只小鸟Frequent flying like a motherfuckin finch tho左氏烧鸡 一签子才六块肉General Tso, half a dozen on the stick这样才能保持身材不走形Just so I can whet the appetite of dick你瞎说啥呢?What you talkin" about?哥空调从来不开 吹风扇就够了My AC never doing nothing, blow fans拿着会员卡 专挑那些没牌子的便宜货Walgreens card shoppin" all the off brands攒钱的时候哥最牛逼Boy go hard when collecting, got Venmo烟头也存起来 留着以后慢慢抽Save every motherfuckin" roach, tryna smoke拯救每一个他妈的蟑螂 想抽烟Kept the clothes in my drawers, 抽屉里的衣服I ain"t playin" around都有一股烟味It"s LD, lil boy, Mr. Hand-me-down小屌哥我就是个接盘侠Dirty drawers gettin" worn, can you blame me now?内裤再脏也继续穿 你管得着吗You think I got $4.50 up in quarters on me洗次衣服才四块五well I fucking don"t!老子也TM绝对不掏Ay, Where the gold at baby咦 金条金链都去哪儿了?Ay, Where the clothes at baby咦 珠光宝气都去哪儿了?Ay, Where the dough at baby咦 大把钞票都去哪儿了?And the banger but you know都存进银行I ain"t tryna blow that baby老子不会随便乱造Ay, We gon save that money (I"m so thrifty)把钱都存起来 (老子就是这么鸡贼)Ay, We gon save that money (I"m so stingy)把钱都存起来 (老子就是这么抠门儿)Ay, We gon save that money把钱都存起来What we do? We gone save that money咱怎么着? 把钱都存起来Everytime these niggas tryna play每当我看到这些蠢货们花钱And lately I"ve been stackin" up然而不久后老子就堆出钞票山了Cause I"m bout the bands baby全叠起来 一摞一摞的啊 亲100k underneath the bed baby八十万现金全藏在床底下啊 亲If you at a restaurant and got an iced coffee在馆子里要了一杯冰咖啡And the waiter been refillin" 店小二写单的时候that without a word of caution一不小心And you get your fuckin" 我靠竟然要我bill and you can see "em double chargin"付双倍付钱 仔细一看For the coffee and you told "em there"s a problem为了一杯破咖啡至于吗?Sing a long like老子就这么说吧Ohh don"t double charge for me for that休想管我要双倍Ohh don"t double charge for me for that休想管我要双倍Don"t do it to yourself可千万别给自己找别扭啊亲Cause I might just ask what the ice cube"s worth我可能先问问这冰块值多少钱
2023-07-22 06:03:371

哪位大侠有EMINEM DR.DRE ICE CUBE The.Up.In.Smoke.Tour演唱会视频的字幕 中英文的最好

2023-07-22 06:03:483

Soul On Ice (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Soul On Ice (Lp Version)歌手:Ice T专辑:PowerIce Cube - Soul On IceInternationally KnownYou Got To Smell My CologneWestcoast MotherfuckaLet"s Toast MotherfuckaOld Money ....Old Money New Money No Money Noge MoneyDon"t Try To Con The Godfather In SunnyDon"t Try To Turn Your Four Fathers Into MoneeyThe Rap God Got the Whole World Praying For MePray For Me Bird I See You LayingFor MeGot Crazy Goons DJing For MeI"m The Real Iron Man You Just Robert DowneyA Crack Head And Black Face Fresh Out The CountyNiggaBack The Fuck Up Off MeI Burn Just Like Hot CoffeeI"m Conned Up Sweet Like CoffeeLook What This Game Done For MeLook Mama Look Mama I"m Soul On IceLook Mama Look Mama I"m Soul On IceLook Mama Look Mama I"m Soul On IceLook Mama Look Mama I"m Soul On IceEyYou Bout To Smell My CologneYou Bout To Smell My CologneYou Bout To Smell My CologneLook NiggaYou Bout To Smell My CologneEyOld MoneyCandy Paint Flow Ever Since My AdidasIce Cube Fans Get Sugar Doc RidasSugar Ray Leonard Style Nigga I"m The SweetestRoll In On Some Ass Just Like JesusCool As A Fridge and You Shaking Like JelloMad Cause My LIfes Like A MarshmellowLook Motherfucka If You Smell My CologneAsk Yourself Why You"re All Up In My ZoneBack The Fuck Up Off MeI Burn Just Like Hot CoffeeI"m Conned Up Sweet Like CoffeeLook What This Game Done For MeLook Mama Look Mama I"m Soul On IceLook Mama Look Mama I"m Soul On IceLook Mama Look Mama I"m Soul On IceLook Mama Look Mama I"m Soul On IceEyYou Bout To Smell My CologneYou Bout To Smell My CologneYou Bout To Smell My CologneYou Bout To Smell My CologneOooh Ooh Oh OohYo What"s Up My Niggas Out ThereJust Letting You Know Right Now ManYou Got To You Better You Gotta Pay Your DuesTo The Dime NiggaDead On The Block And Hit Ya"ll AssWith That Old Ice Cube Superbom HitThe One That Sent Your Cousin Tony Tole To The PeneteniaryGet Back In 89The One That Sent Lil Ray Ray Out From LATo St Louis And Got Off The BusAnd Served Those Nigga Them Quater ThangsMake Sure Ya"ll Tune Into Ice CubeThe First One Who Put You NiggasOn Burns And PimpingPistols And PreachingOn Burns And PimpingPistols And PreachingOn Burns And PimpingPistols And PreachingOn Burns And PimpingPistols And PreachingOld MoneyOld MoneyOld MoneyOld Money
2023-07-22 06:04:071

Soul On Ice 歌词

歌曲名:Soul On Ice歌手:Ras Kass专辑:Soul On IceIce Cube - Soul On IceInternationally KnownYou Got To Smell My CologneWestcoast MotherfuckaLet"s Toast MotherfuckaOld Money ....Old Money New Money No Money Noge MoneyDon"t Try To Con The Godfather In SunnyDon"t Try To Turn Your Four Fathers Into MoneeyThe Rap God Got the Whole World Praying For MePray For Me Bird I See You LayingFor MeGot Crazy Goons DJing For MeI"m The Real Iron Man You Just Robert DowneyA Crack Head And Black Face Fresh Out The CountyNiggaBack The Fuck Up Off MeI Burn Just Like Hot CoffeeI"m Conned Up Sweet Like CoffeeLook What This Game Done For MeLook Mama Look Mama I"m Soul On IceLook Mama Look Mama I"m Soul On IceLook Mama Look Mama I"m Soul On IceLook Mama Look Mama I"m Soul On IceEyYou Bout To Smell My CologneYou Bout To Smell My CologneYou Bout To Smell My CologneLook NiggaYou Bout To Smell My CologneEyOld MoneyCandy Paint Flow Ever Since My AdidasIce Cube Fans Get Sugar Doc RidasSugar Ray Leonard Style Nigga I"m The SweetestRoll In On Some Ass Just Like JesusCool As A Fridge and You Shaking Like JelloMad Cause My LIfes Like A MarshmellowLook Motherfucka If You Smell My CologneAsk Yourself Why You"re All Up In My ZoneBack The Fuck Up Off MeI Burn Just Like Hot CoffeeI"m Conned Up Sweet Like CoffeeLook What This Game Done For MeLook Mama Look Mama I"m Soul On IceLook Mama Look Mama I"m Soul On IceLook Mama Look Mama I"m Soul On IceLook Mama Look Mama I"m Soul On IceEyYou Bout To Smell My CologneYou Bout To Smell My CologneYou Bout To Smell My CologneYou Bout To Smell My CologneOooh Ooh Oh OohYo What"s Up My Niggas Out ThereJust Letting You Know Right Now ManYou Got To You Better You Gotta Pay Your DuesTo The Dime NiggaDead On The Block And Hit Ya"ll AssWith That Old Ice Cube Superbom HitThe One That Sent Your Cousin Tony Tole To The PeneteniaryGet Back In 89The One That Sent Lil Ray Ray Out From LATo St Louis And Got Off The BusAnd Served Those Nigga Them Quater ThangsMake Sure Ya"ll Tune Into Ice CubeThe First One Who Put You NiggasOn Burns And PimpingPistols And PreachingOn Burns And PimpingPistols And PreachingOn Burns And PimpingPistols And PreachingOn Burns And PimpingPistols And PreachingOld MoneyOld MoneyOld MoneyOld Money
2023-07-22 06:04:141

Soul On Ice 歌词

歌曲名:Soul On Ice歌手:Phillip Boa And The Voodooclub专辑:PhilisterIce Cube - Soul On IceInternationally KnownYou Got To Smell My CologneWestcoast MotherfuckaLet"s Toast MotherfuckaOld Money ....Old Money New Money No Money Noge MoneyDon"t Try To Con The Godfather In SunnyDon"t Try To Turn Your Four Fathers Into MoneeyThe Rap God Got the Whole World Praying For MePray For Me Bird I See You LayingFor MeGot Crazy Goons DJing For MeI"m The Real Iron Man You Just Robert DowneyA Crack Head And Black Face Fresh Out The CountyNiggaBack The Fuck Up Off MeI Burn Just Like Hot CoffeeI"m Conned Up Sweet Like CoffeeLook What This Game Done For MeLook Mama Look Mama I"m Soul On IceLook Mama Look Mama I"m Soul On IceLook Mama Look Mama I"m Soul On IceLook Mama Look Mama I"m Soul On IceEyYou Bout To Smell My CologneYou Bout To Smell My CologneYou Bout To Smell My CologneLook NiggaYou Bout To Smell My CologneEyOld MoneyCandy Paint Flow Ever Since My AdidasIce Cube Fans Get Sugar Doc RidasSugar Ray Leonard Style Nigga I"m The SweetestRoll In On Some Ass Just Like JesusCool As A Fridge and You Shaking Like JelloMad Cause My LIfes Like A MarshmellowLook Motherfucka If You Smell My CologneAsk Yourself Why You"re All Up In My ZoneBack The Fuck Up Off MeI Burn Just Like Hot CoffeeI"m Conned Up Sweet Like CoffeeLook What This Game Done For MeLook Mama Look Mama I"m Soul On IceLook Mama Look Mama I"m Soul On IceLook Mama Look Mama I"m Soul On IceLook Mama Look Mama I"m Soul On IceEyYou Bout To Smell My CologneYou Bout To Smell My CologneYou Bout To Smell My CologneYou Bout To Smell My CologneOooh Ooh Oh OohYo What"s Up My Niggas Out ThereJust Letting You Know Right Now ManYou Got To You Better You Gotta Pay Your DuesTo The Dime NiggaDead On The Block And Hit Ya"ll AssWith That Old Ice Cube Superbom HitThe One That Sent Your Cousin Tony Tole To The PeneteniaryGet Back In 89The One That Sent Lil Ray Ray Out From LATo St Louis And Got Off The BusAnd Served Those Nigga Them Quater ThangsMake Sure Ya"ll Tune Into Ice CubeThe First One Who Put You NiggasOn Burns And PimpingPistols And PreachingOn Burns And PimpingPistols And PreachingOn Burns And PimpingPistols And PreachingOn Burns And PimpingPistols And PreachingOld MoneyOld MoneyOld MoneyOld Money
2023-07-22 06:04:211

Soul On Ice 歌词

歌曲名:Soul On Ice歌手:Ras Kass专辑:Soul On Ice (Explicit)Ice Cube - Soul On IceInternationally KnownYou Got To Smell My CologneWestcoast MotherfuckaLet"s Toast MotherfuckaOld Money ....Old Money New Money No Money Noge MoneyDon"t Try To Con The Godfather In SunnyDon"t Try To Turn Your Four Fathers Into MoneeyThe Rap God Got the Whole World Praying For MePray For Me Bird I See You LayingFor MeGot Crazy Goons DJing For MeI"m The Real Iron Man You Just Robert DowneyA Crack Head And Black Face Fresh Out The CountyNiggaBack The Fuck Up Off MeI Burn Just Like Hot CoffeeI"m Conned Up Sweet Like CoffeeLook What This Game Done For MeLook Mama Look Mama I"m Soul On IceLook Mama Look Mama I"m Soul On IceLook Mama Look Mama I"m Soul On IceLook Mama Look Mama I"m Soul On IceEyYou Bout To Smell My CologneYou Bout To Smell My CologneYou Bout To Smell My CologneLook NiggaYou Bout To Smell My CologneEyOld MoneyCandy Paint Flow Ever Since My AdidasIce Cube Fans Get Sugar Doc RidasSugar Ray Leonard Style Nigga I"m The SweetestRoll In On Some Ass Just Like JesusCool As A Fridge and You Shaking Like JelloMad Cause My LIfes Like A MarshmellowLook Motherfucka If You Smell My CologneAsk Yourself Why You"re All Up In My ZoneBack The Fuck Up Off MeI Burn Just Like Hot CoffeeI"m Conned Up Sweet Like CoffeeLook What This Game Done For MeLook Mama Look Mama I"m Soul On IceLook Mama Look Mama I"m Soul On IceLook Mama Look Mama I"m Soul On IceLook Mama Look Mama I"m Soul On IceEyYou Bout To Smell My CologneYou Bout To Smell My CologneYou Bout To Smell My CologneYou Bout To Smell My CologneOooh Ooh Oh OohYo What"s Up My Niggas Out ThereJust Letting You Know Right Now ManYou Got To You Better You Gotta Pay Your DuesTo The Dime NiggaDead On The Block And Hit Ya"ll AssWith That Old Ice Cube Superbom HitThe One That Sent Your Cousin Tony Tole To The PeneteniaryGet Back In 89The One That Sent Lil Ray Ray Out From LATo St Louis And Got Off The BusAnd Served Those Nigga Them Quater ThangsMake Sure Ya"ll Tune Into Ice CubeThe First One Who Put You NiggasOn Burns And PimpingPistols And PreachingOn Burns And PimpingPistols And PreachingOn Burns And PimpingPistols And PreachingOn Burns And PimpingPistols And PreachingOld MoneyOld MoneyOld MoneyOld Money
2023-07-22 06:04:281

Look, the ice cube______(melt) in the warm water.

你好,很高兴回答你的问题,正确答案为:is melting**************************************************************************^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!**************************************************************************
2023-07-22 06:04:371

Children of the Korn 歌词

歌曲名:Children of the Korn歌手:Korn专辑:Follow the LeaderAttention all parents!Report to your local therapist!Report to your local church!Report to your local police department!It"s goin" down!Jonathan:Gazing into my son"s eyes, reveals the pain.I felt her in the day.Ice Cube:Insanity.Jonathan:It was all about the pussy, if you can get it.A little girl like me never fucking liked it.Ice Cube:We ain"t takin" no mo"! (x2)Go!Jonathan:So sing me! Stop fuckin" with me!Alright. Stop fuckin" with me!And the children are born. Stop fuckin" with me!You picked on me! Stop fuckin" with me!Alright. Stop fuckin" with me!You"re the children of the Korn. Stop fuckin" with me!Ice Cube:Drunk as fuck in the alley, makin" noise with a double pump.Bring your boys to the party, we can double up.Double rowdy double bout it hardcore teenager, fuckin" bitches major.Catch me if you can, fuck the law with my dick in my hand,We"re comin" strong.Generation triple X, we"re all about the weed smoke and the kinky sex.Nigger what?Jonathan:So sing me! Insanity!Alright. Insanity!And the children are born. Insanity!You picked on me! Stop fuckin" with me!Alright. Stop fuckin" with me!We"re the children of the Korn. Stop fuckin" with me!Called a fag all my life.Then I got it, so far.It"s open day like me.Ice Cube:Insanity.Jonathan:Go figure, what"s a fag?Now a player, baptized and born,and the Children of the Korn.Ice Cube:Children of the Korn!I"m the first born!Fuck authority! Hit your ass in the head with my 40.You girls see more of me, after school, you better run to your car.Class clown, I already know I"m a star.Your Children of the Korn was born, from your porn and twisted ass ways,now you look amazed.I"m sitting in a daze, in a purple haze.You better check my pulse, "cause nuttin" seems to faze.Beeatch!Nuttin" seems to faze.Your children of the Korn, children of the Korn.Nuttin" seems to faze.Your children of the Korn, children of the Korn.Jonathan:Look and see, I feel the parents hating me.Ice Cube:Hurt me. You hurt me.Jonathan:Why don"t you step outside and feel me?Ice Cube:Feel me! Feel me! Feel me!How you gonna tell me where to skate, who to date,how to fuck, how to kiss, who to love, who to diss,how to live. What it is, somethin" gotta give.Parents or the kids, it won"t be the kids.What? It won"t be the kids.We"re talking shit, "cause life is a "biz.You know it is. Everybody tryin" to get rich. God damn!All I wanna do is live. All I wanna do is live.Jonathan:All I wanna do is live! (x2)Ice Cube:All I wanna do is live. (x3)Jonathan:All... I... want... to... do...All... I... want... to... do...All... I... want... to... do... is live.Ice Cube:Insanity.Stop fuckin" with me.Insanity.Ice Cube:Stop... fuckin"... with... me.BITCH!
2023-07-22 06:04:441

Silicone Ice Cube

2023-07-22 06:05:053

Eminem怎么和ice cube有矛盾

2023-07-22 06:05:131

light up ice cube里面是什么材料

2023-07-22 06:05:211

be equivalent to 造句

(be) equivalent to相等于,相当于 同义替换:= equal in value,amount,meaning equivalent原始涵义:adj. 1.相等的,相当的 There is no exactly equivalent French tense to the present perfect tense in English. 法语里没有和英语中的现在完成时完全对应的时态. 2.(数量、度量、价值、力量、意义、重要性等)均等的;同等重要的,等量的;等价的,等值的;等效的;等势的;同义的,等义的 造句:His reply is equivalent to a refusal. 他的回答等于是拒绝.
2023-07-22 05:56:431


2023-07-22 05:56:441

我想问一下,电影《女生向前翻》(又名《stick it 》)中的演员nikki soohoo就是杨云吗?

是啊 属于客串
2023-07-22 05:56:402


1. a Wonderful day作文 I had a wonderful day at the Spring Festival! And it"s also a noisy day. Many people, my uncles and aunties and their children, came to my home. We had delicious food, but mum was so tired. We were very happy. Dad was also busy, he was cleaning the rooms. Though my parents were busy and tired, they were *** iling! Everybody was excited. I"m happy i"m only a child, i dont need to do housework, i was playing with my brothers and sisters. It was really a wonderful day!。 2. 英语作文:A wonderfui day in the beijing World Park A wonderful day in the Beijing World Park On a clear Sunday morning,Millie together with her friends took a bus to the Beijing World Park ,which is highly spoken by lots of people. However,Millie felt a little sick all along the way.But she was pletely attracted by over 100 man-made places of interest around the world at the moment she entered the park .The splendid buildings were totally a visual feast .They had a good time there and took many photos.It"s a really wonderful day. 3. 以“a wonderful day”写一篇大约一百字的英语作文 I had a wonderful day last weekend. In the morning, i got up early and play badminton with my father. Then my parents took me to the zoo. I saw many kinds of animals there, such as tigers, lions, monkeys, giraffes and so on. They ate the food that I gave them. At noon, we had lunch in KFC, which is my favorite place. I had a sandwich and some potatoes for lunch while my parents had hamburgers. In the afternoon, i went shopping with my best friend. We had a good time. In the evening, i watch TV with my parents and l like the program very much. At eleven o"clock I went to bed. I had a wonderful day。 4. 以"a wonderful day" 为题写一篇短文5句话6年级 I had a wonderful day last weekend. In the morning, i got up early and play badminton with my father. Then my parents took me to the zoo. I saw many kinds of animals there, such as tigers, lions, monkeys, giraffes and so on. They ate the food that I gave them. At noon, we had lunch in KFC, which is my favorite place. I had a sandwich and some potatoes for lunch while my parents had hamburgers. In the afternoon, i went shopping with my best friend. We had a good time. In the evening, i watch TV with my parents and l like the program very much. At eleven o"clock I went to bed. I had a wonderful day.。 5. a wonderful day 作文 三分钟左右 had a wonderful day at the Spring Festival! And it"s also a noisy day. Many people, my uncles and aunties and their children, came to my home. We had delicious food, but mum was so tired. We were very happy. Dad was also busy, he was cleaning the rooms. Though my parents were busy and tired, they were *** iling! Everybody was excited. I"m happy i"m only a child, i dont need to do housework, i was playing with my brothers and sisters. It was really a wonderful day!过年。 6. 英语7年级下册A wonderful shopping day作文怎么写 An Interesting Shopping Experience This morning , I went shopping for my mother, my pen friend Mary wanted to go with me, she though it was a good chance to learn Chinese , so we went together. There are many kinds of goods in the markets, Marry was very happy to talk to the sellers, so were they. we wanted to buy some chicken for lunch, I encoraged Mary to ask for price, Marry was a little nevous, she ask the seller:" How much is the cock?" ,the seller said:" yeah。 , I am not sure whether it is a cock or a hen" .Mary didn"t know what to do, she looked at me, I laughed " How much is the chicken?" " Yes , yes, I see. " All of the people laughed. Then we went to buy some eggs, I asked Mary :" Do you want to buy hens" sons or daughters?" Mary shouted:" I can say eggs". We laughed again, the people looked at us in surprie, Mary stopped me " Be quiet, please". Then we bought some fruit and went home happily. What an interesting shopping experience!--------------------During my vacation last month, I had been to the biggest mall in south India with my family.It was a great experience, as it"s the leading shopping mall. However, the price of the items were heavy for a typical Indian. One best thing that I noticied, is the collection of fancy ornaments, because, the price of ornaments is really good as pared with other stores. overall experience had been memorable for me.----------------------Shopping malls are the important part of lives of some people in today"s era. An essay on shopping mall all the benefits of a shopping mall. The shopping malls are the places that are packed in weekends. The malls of today"s world are huge and provide all the products that a man desires as a source of entertainment. During weekends people e with the families for shopping and fun in the shopping malls. There are large in size with hundreds of shops. If one enters a shopping mall, he/she can get each and everything from household products to eatables in the same mall. These shopping malls attracts huge youngster crowd towards themMany people just e for window shopping to the shopping malls. These days the malls have bee a good source of entertainment for everyone. There are many branded showrooms in the malls. Shopping malls have made the shopping of people very convenient as they get almost everything from one same roof. These shopping malls are constructed beautifully to attract more and more customers. They have huge infrastructure. Descriptive essay on shopping malls explains the various aspects shopping malls whereas in opinion essay on shopping malls people/writer expresses his views on the shopping malls. Opinion essay on shopping malls explains the general view of the people regarding these malls. If the writer wants to write about the negative views about the shopping malls than he/she has tell about some particular aspects that he don"t like. If it"s so hard for you to write the descriptive essay on shopping, or if you haven"t a lot of time, you can buy essays at our custom writing service – Essays Lab. Opinion essay on shopping mall can describe the negative and positive aspects of the malls. Some people find the shopping malls as highest achievements of our civilization and some people are totally against this view and are very much irritated about few things related to the malls.The writer who has neutral views about the shopping malls。READ FULL DOCUMENT。 7. 英语作文a wonder fulactivity A Wonderful , Enjoyable and Treasured Experience!Last Sunday , ourclass hosted a party–barbecue or picnic--which is our first class activity inFubo Hill . Both picnics and barbeques are friendly, informal social eventsthat offer an opportunity to enjoy a meal outside in pleasant surroundings . Beforethe day , we were all looking forward to having a amused experience and memory.At 8:30 , we ,morethan 40 students got on the No.10 bus with happy *** ile. On the way to ourdestination , all of us had a good time talking and joking together . After onehour , we reached the entertainment village named the first household. As soonas we got to that place, we。 Last Sunday A Wonderful . Both picnics and barbeques are friendly. As soonas we got to that place. It was filled with conversation and laughter.10 bus with happy *** ile. Justat that moment grill-worthy foods also were cooked, we , good-tasting and cooked dumplingswere exposed in front of us. On the way to ourdestination . During the period . We began to gather and light the materialsfor a fire, informal social eventsthat offer an opportunity to enjoy a meal outside in pleasant surroundings ,such as playing cards and mahjong . Twohours later.As the day worealong we came back to the school with joy and pleasure , everything was ready, all of us had a good time talking and joking together . Beforethe day . Less than no time, we started work actively .A moment later we cleaned all the dumplings, we were all looking forward to having a amused experience and memory, the sweet- *** elling . Some cut vegetables . After onehour . It was a wonderful meal.At 8, Enjoyable and Treasured Experience,morethan 40 students got on the No, fullof fun. And some washed and scraped dishes, we reached the entertainment village named the first household,and we all ploughed into it, ourclass hosted a party–barbecue or picnic--which is our first class activity inFubo Hill .Some clas *** ates cleanedvegetables and meat. We all could not keep from eating them because wewere all hungry at that time . The class divided into several *** aller groups to barbecue and boildumplings, played games , singing songs anddabbling in water:30 , we took lots of beautiful pictures near the LiRiver。 8. a wonderful holiday这个作文怎么写 小学6年级水平 用自己学过的一些简单句子写就可以啊。首先要确定这个假期你是去了哪里还是做了什么有意思的事情。然后再写这件事。注意时态,用一般过去式,给你一些句子参考,希望对你有帮助: I went to。.with my friends last weekend. It was sunny and warm. We went there by。.. There were。 We saw。。。 They were 。. We had a good time. What a wonderful holiday! 9. 以A wonderful trip to I had a very pleasant trip climbing the Cuihua Hill last month. There were 20 of us. We took the bus and start climbing at about 10AM. It was a long way up to the summit of the hill and the road was muddy because it rained the day before. We were talking and laughing all along the road, people sharing their food and drink, taking pictures. We spent 4hours up and down. Before we left, we went to the "peasant"s restaurant" and enjoyed a wonderful "peasant meal". It was really a pleasant trip 不用谢!给点分就成!
2023-07-22 05:56:391