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2023-07-22 05:58:11
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Disco出现在70年代,BPM约在120拍上下,中文翻译成“迪士高”。Disco的风潮应归钱于电影的杰作:70年代的美国电影中大量使用了Disco舞曲,由于Disco舞曲本身节奏简单(4/4拍),旋律积极向上易被人接受,再加上崇拜明星的作为,从而在全美国乃至全世界掀起一股Disco的风潮。Disco不仅仅只是一种舞曲风格,它是当今崇尚时尚潮流的原起点。如果在当时没有Disco的话可能现在我们的生活还是黑白的。中国人开始接受舞曲文化就是从Disco开始的,也正是这个原因,现在在我国很多地方依然将舞曲统称“迪士高”。其实“迪士高”仅仅是舞曲发展的一小部分而已。 House起源于70年代,BPM约在130拍上下。 House舞曲是一种继Disco舞曲以后发展起来的另一类脍炙人口的类型。以电子乐器与采样器来组成它的较强个性的音乐形式。可能是因为电子时代的来临了?House充满了光怪陆离的电子合成器和音效,它的BPM也比较适合年轻人的激情和疯狂投入,在追求生活享乐的都市里House音乐也更符合现代口味,它的出现也带来了酗酒、磕药等一些负面影响。 House舞曲目前在我国相当的舞厅依然十分流行。


POP舞曲起源于80年代中期,BPM在100拍-130拍。 其实当前一些有别于经典曲风的舞曲以及较难区分的舞曲多可列入POP舞曲的范畴中来。POP舞曲所指的是和流行音乐和舞曲节奏相融合的一种舞曲形式。在当时DISCO盛行的情况下,有些和当时乐坛流行的曲风结合的舞曲开始受到青年人的欢迎,再加上MTV这种新的音乐包装形式的出现,这类舞曲即通过由当时当红的明星借助电影、电视及其新兴的MTV传播开来,形成了所谓的POP舞曲。POP舞曲象早期的玛当娜、迈可.杰克逊及目前当红的辣妹、后街男孩均有出品。













此类音乐过度机械化以致于难以归类在一般性的HOUSE乐拍之下,但又不像TRANCE和TECHNO HOUSE的风格那么重和晦暗。其特点是TRANCE风格的键盘和电子合成乐器的处理、HOUSE风格的唱腔、令人亢奋的电子中板的HOUSE节奏。













WORLD MUSIC是西方角度观点的词汇,意思指非英、美及西方民歌 /流行曲的音乐,通常指发展中地区或落后地区的传统音乐,例如非洲及南亚洲地区的音乐,有些地区如拉丁美洲的音乐,则能普及到自成一种类型。今天大家说的 WORLD MUSIC通常是指与西方音乐混和了风格的、改良了的传统地区音乐。非洲的 KING SUNNY ADE,东欧的DON BYRON,中国的朱哲琴,巴基斯坦的 NUSRAT FATEHALI KAHN等是西方乐迷较熟悉的 WORLD MUSIC乐手。


DREAM-POP是种“梦”般的流行曲,它有一种迷离的气氛,多靠SYNTHESIZERS(电子合成器)造成,加了ECHO效果的电结他也是重要的成分,歌唱部分往往很 "BREATHY"即呼吸声重,歌词也往往有梦般的诗意色彩。代表乐队有 COCTEAU WINS, LISA GERMANO, ST.ETIENNE, THIS MORTAL COIL, MY BLOODY VALENTINE, MAZZY STAR和 DEAD CAN DANCE等。中文歌手以王菲为首,代表作有 "迷路 "、 "DI-DA"等。

什么是 NEW AGE?

NEW AGE是种宁静、安逸、闲息的音乐,纯音乐作品占的比重较多,有歌唱的占较少。 NEW AGE可以是纯 ACOUSTIC(即以传统自发声乐器演奏)的,也可以是很电子化的,重点是营造出大自然平静的气氛或宇宙浩瀚的感觉,洗涤听者的心灵,令人心平气和。 NEW AGE很多时与音乐治疗有关,不少NEW AGE音乐说可以治病,也有不少与打坐冥想有关,这与 NEW AGE思潮哲学有莫大关系。 NEW AGE音乐通常被目为颇为中产阶级的音乐, WINDHAM HILL是最具代表性的 NEW AGE唱片公司, NEW AGE代表乐手有 ENYA, GEORGE WINSTON, WILLIAM ACKERMAN, YANNI, KITARO等等。


Hip-Hop也就是街舞。Hip-Hop起源于80年代,B.P.M在90-110拍. Hip-Hop前生是Rap和一点点的R&B,再加上各种磨片的音效声,属于80年代开始年轻人爱玩的音乐。Hip-Hop舞从字面上来看Hip是臀部;Hop是单脚跳,Hip-Hop则是轻扭摆臀,可以看出它的出处。Hip-Hop涵有有Rap的饶舌和较R&B复杂的节奏以及电唱机的音效,另外在墙上涂鸦也是Hip-Hop文化的延伸。随意又健康(不药)的party若有Hip-Hop助兴是很容易交上朋友的.


Britpop虽有个“ Pop"字,但其实是 Rock的一种,源於九十年代英伦,中文可译为“英式摇滚”,这是英伦乐坛对美国 Grunge潮的一个回应,主要是以乐队形式出现。不过, Britpop风格其实十分广泛,如 Oasis是结他摇滚乐队, Blur则Pop很多,而Pulp则接近Glam Rook及跳舞风格,不过他们都被列作 Britpop。英国 Britpop代表人物:Oasis, Blur, Suede, Pulp, Radiohead /O

什么是 Trip-Hop?

Trip-Hop是英伦/欧洲跳舞音乐的一种,它的名字来源是“ Trip+ Hip Hop"= Trip-Hop",因为它发源自英国的Bristol,因此最早时称作"Bristol Hip-Hop".。由于把把Hip-Hop(其实很多音乐都是架构在Hip-Hop上的...不知啥是Hip-Hop的去看看跳街舞的人, 他们多半是用Hip-Hop音乐来跳的.)节奏变慢(有时很慢很慢),加入一些迷幻的味道,如很阴沉,肥厚的Bass,轻微但迷幻的 合成音效,或是些唱片的取样,有时可能连唱片的杂音都会被"故意"取样进去.所谓“ Trip",指迷幻,氤氲的药物「旅程」,所以, Trip-Hop是种慢板的迷幻的、有 Jazz感觉的、迷糊的、带点 Hip Hop节奏的 Break beat音乐。它虽然隶属跳舞音乐类,但其迷幻迷糊特色已令它跳一般跳舞音乐所有的明确节拍特色相去很远。外国 Trip-Hop代表人物:Trip-Hop中公认的铁三角:Portishead, Tricky, Massive Attack. Mandalay Moloko, Coldcut

什么是Break beat ?

不像House的拍子Boom-Boom-Boom-Boom那么规律,而是以破碎的节拍呈现,像是切分拍.如在两拍中加入小碎鼓,等等,Breakbeat只是一 个总称而已,有很多种音乐都属Breakbeat,如以下的Brit-Hop,Big-Beat l

什么是Brit-Hop ?

把黑人Hip-Hop的节奏加快鼓声加重,配合些许电吉他,Bass,有摇滚乐的味道, 如The Chemical Brothers的曲风即是.


"大节拍",把Brit-Hop变得更快,节奏更重,更有摇滚的味道,可说是将Brit-Hop改良后, 更成熟的一种曲风,你可以想像一下又重又碎,又有点快的节拍是什么样子.如The Prodigy,The Chemical Brothers, Fat Boy Slim即是Big Beat的"大角


对某些人来说,Drum"n"Bass的音乐可能很烦,因为Drum"n"Bass很注重在节奏上玩花样,还有Bass的表现, 像是很快很快,复杂的碎拍,以及运用各种不同的电子鼓,或是取样而来的鼓声.因此Drum"n"Bass也是Breakbeat的一种.4Hero为Drum"n"Bass的知名乐团.


Jungle就是Drum"n"Bass的前身.Jungle的速度比Drum"n"Bass快很多,而且节拍更为 复杂,比较强悍,有时会搭配一些Rap,不像Drum"n"Bass会融合一些Jazz,Soul等元素,听起来比较柔(当然这是和Jungle比起来~).连"摇滚变色龙" David Bowie现在都搞起Jungle了


早在70年代末,80年代初,那时还没有House,Techno...这类玩意儿,电子音乐也较不盛行,只有Electro这类电子音乐而已. Electro可说是纯粹以电子合成器(Synthesizer,长得有点像Keyboard)来发声的音乐,通常蛮轻柔的,且常使用Roland公司的鼓机(Drum Machine)TR-808来发鼓声.德国的Kraftwerk乐团可算是代表. 现在的Electro音色比以前明亮,透明许多.后来一些DJ利用Electro变形成了一种Hip-Hop乐,被称作Old School.现在的Fatboy Slim(流线胖小子)也融合了一些Electro和Old School在音乐中. Y


Dub可说是将歌声抽离只剩下音乐的Reggae(瑞格,也有称之为雷鬼,一种很有节拍性 ,唱腔特别的南美黑人音乐).而将Dub运用在 电子乐上,则是将部份歌声抽离,将Bass和鼓声加重,并且加入大量的Echo(回音)等效果.这种技术常在现场表演时,将歌曲重新混音(Remix)呈现.像Massive Attack 的专辑Protection便由Mad Professor从Trip-Hop音乐混音成了Dub版本.

什么是Chill Out?

这只是一种统称而已.在舞池旁边,常会有一个区域,或是小房间,里头会放一些较缓和,较平静的音乐,让舞客跳完舞后缓和情绪,休息一下,以放Ambient音乐为主,所以会叫 "Chill Out"(冷却)就是这个缘故.The Orb可说是Chill Out音乐大师.


这被翻译成"极小派乐风",在Ambient和Techno的音乐中 常听的到.带有Minimalism的曲子有着重复性的旋律,还有一种特别的律动 ,感觉上像一种特别的频率一样 让你听了会有被催眠的感觉.Jeff Mills的作品就属于Minimal Detroit-Techno,带有相当的迷幻色彩.



后来这些DJ们试著将一些黑人灵魂乐,和德国电子乐团体Kraftwerk的音乐,及用电子鼓编出的4/4 mix在一起,而这样的音乐很受舞客欢迎。八○年代正是Disco舞曲风行的时候,虽然Disco也会使用电子合成的元素,但Disco毕竟是以"歌曲"取向,反倒没有这些DJ玩的玩意新鲜。电子取向的Kraftwerk音乐,黑人灵魂歌声和稳定的4/4拍节奏,就成了House曲风的基本原型。而House也成为电子舞曲始祖,也渐渐由舞厅出现在商业市场上。现在相当多的流行歌曲常被重新混音成House版本,有些反而比原曲更受欢迎,当然有更多是滥竽充数。


至于它为什么会被称作House呢?一个意义是,它最早是在舞厅,在室内播放的。二来只要你自己有简单的录音设备,你甚至可以自己创作这种曲子。 House现今已有庞大的发展体系,它最少发展出了下列分支:

1.Acid House:也就是融合了TB-303的Acid声的House乐。这类曲风刚诞生时,以其极端的Acid声旋律备受瞩目。

2.Deep House:著重于浓厚的灵魂唱腔,又叫作Garage,很有速度感,蛮流行化的.。像M-People就是个好例子。当年M-People的经典Moving On Up真是红遍舞厅。

3.Hard House:简单来说,就是节奏较重,较猛的House.

4.Progressive House:这类House没啥灵魂唱腔,反而比较注重旋律和乐曲编排.有一 点像"演奏类"的House乐,不过这类曲风定义很广。像SASH!的专辑It"s My Life便是很好的Progressive House专辑.英国名DJ Paul Oakenfold自己的厂牌Perfecto也以Progressive House为主.

5.Epic House:就是"史诗"House。Epic House有著优美、流畅的旋律和磅礴的气势,很少会有vocal在里面(几乎是没有!)。BT的音乐就是很棒的Epic House,而他也被称作"Epic House天皇".。其实连Rock也有"Epic Rock"呢,经典摇滚团Pink Floyid的专辑Dark Side Of The Moon甚至在排行榜上待了十年之久。

6.Trible House:带有非洲原始风貌或是印地安人的鼓奏的House是啥样? 这就是Trible House。这种House除了有一般House稳定的节奏外,在每拍之间,会加入一些带有原始风貌,零碎的鼓点, 蛮有趣的。




R&B的全名是 Rhythm & Blues,一般译作"节奏怨曲"。广义上, R&B可视为“黑人的流行音乐”,它源於黑人的Blues音乐,是现今西行流行来和摇滚来的基础,Billboard杂志曾介定 R&B为所有黑人音乐,除了 Jazz和Blues之外,都可列作 R&B,可见 R&B的范围是多么的广泛。近年黑人音乐圈大为盛行的 Hip Hop和 Rap都源於 R&B,并且同时保存着不少 R&B成分。

hip-hop是20多年前始于美国街头的一种黑人文化,也泛指rap(说唱乐)。hip-hop 文化的四种表现方式包括rap (有节奏、押韵地说话)、b-boying(街 舞)、dj-ing(玩唱片及唱盘技巧)、raffiti writing(涂 鸦 艺 术)。 因此rap (说 唱 乐)只是hip-hop 文化中的一种元素,要加上其它舞蹈、服饰、生活态度等才构成完整的hip-hop 文 化。比较有名的hip-hop 乐团(乐手)有 public enemy 、l .l .cool .j 、m .c.hammer 等

现代音乐已经把所有音乐的界限模糊了~如果有想法,民歌戏曲都可以和r&b结合!但是前提,你必须有很好的音乐修养及理论知识。王力宏 陶吉吉 JAY都是很好的例子。称他们为天才,是因为他们在良好的音乐修养上加上了自己对音乐的正确感知和开创。如果他们不是有了十几年的音乐学习创作经验,不会有今天的成绩的。

要知道 台上一分钟 台下十年功 是没有错的。

音乐创作的话,感觉占70% 其他的占30%


建议你购买现在大学音乐系的乐理基础知识 先看下


想作曲 悟性快的1年时间,慢的终生难有成就。






JO SAN又在给我们讲2007年的远景规划,说要带领大家迈进新纪元,尽量为大家创造舒适和便捷的工作环境,可是才刚刚年头就被横滨那家客户的东西缠上了,今天全部相关的要留下来加班,想想怎么办……今天终于可以不加班——我一直视不加班为高效率,可是越来越发现我的工作不存在高效率的状况:它们都是突然通知,又要突然解决的,基本上没有什么长远的计划性。JO SAN上次半开玩笑半认真的说要考我的英文水平,把我调到欧美线去……哈哈哈哈,连我自己都觉得不太可能,如果见到那个叫做ROMEO的欧美线客人——一个标准的美籍Taiwanese……不晓得我会说什么。还是先伺候好日本人吧,顺便学学日本语,说不定以后还能忽悠一下的说。





都是长篇的..晕- -










* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
Cakewalk Sonar 4.04 Producer Edition

Cakewalk Pro Audio 9.03 中文版

Cakewalk Project5 v1.5



Massive Attack 歌词

歌曲名:Massive Attack歌手:Dr. Jekyll专辑:MoodsNicki Minaj Ft. Sean Garret - Massive AttackMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop source(Nicki Minaj)It"s Barbie (barbie, barbie, barbie)(Sean Garrett)We got Tom tom"s over here bigger than a monsterBla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla BlaWe got Tom tom"s over here bigger than a monsterBla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla(Nicki Minaj)Tom tom like in LebanonHotter than in PakistanClick click click Young Nick the atomic bombYeah, see ya then you lick ya tongue, bet thatIt tastes good getcha someWicked, got ten bad b-tchesWe sh sh shut it downNow the club got glitches, dig it?And while you do that GT"s pullin upYeah, spaceship E.T"s in the cut, yeahPop a bottle just to get my head rightTell the doctor go and get my med"s rightMonster, you know it wouldn"t be properIf we didn"t return with a big rocket launcher(Sean Garrett - Chorus)Massive attack, mm Massive attackGot the bomb bombs make the whole club go back, eeehBend the knees, jig em bring this one back back, eeehLike a swagger mum, bring on this track, ehMassive attack, mm Massive attackWhats the numba mean, no more say that"s that ehNever find me in the club laid backI wanna jump to this jam all night until we see the sun(Nicki Minaj)So, so hot in here it feels like a jungle (yeah)Me don"t like boys that aint Jumbo (yeah)One time bust a shot for my championGirls, tell em guys super size me a comboKn-kn-know I got the ammo, that"s why I bulletproofed the LamboIn the Middle East on a camelRunning through the jungle – RamboLiberace tangoSwinging on a vine, mango (mango)So call me Simba little mama"Cause Mufasa couldn"t stop a bitchI fly in on that choppa just to buy BalenciagaIt"s just me Mr. Miyagi and the phantom of the operaGoin blocka muthaf-ckaGot that big rocketlauncher(Sean Garrett - Chorus)Massive attack, mm Massive attackGot the bomb bombs make the whole club go back, eeehBend the knees, jig em bring this one back back, eeehLike a swagger mum, bring on this track, ehMassive attack, mm Massive attackWhats the numba mean, no more say that"s that ehNever find me in the club laid backI wanna jump to this jam all night until we see the sun(Nicki Minaj)Detonate in the palms, detonate in the fireRose by the bucketMoney make an attireDetonatin my bomb, detonatin them hitsGonna buy out the barOh my (oh my) bitches is richYa better duck when it comesBetter duck cause it"s cominBest believe when you ru-ru-ru-runninNow tell that bitch that Nicki said thisWe got Tom Tom"s over here bigger than a monster!(Sean Garrett)We got Tom tom"s over here bigger than a monsterBla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla BlaWe got Tom tom"s over here bigger than a monsterBla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla…(Sean Garrett - Chorus)Massive attack, mm Massive attackGot the bomb bombs make the whole club go back, eeehBend the knees, jig em bring this one back back, eeehLike a swagger mum, bring on this track, ehMassive attack, mm Massive attackWhats the numba mean, no more say that"s that ehNever find me in the club laid backI wanna jump to this jam all night until we see the sun
2023-07-22 05:40:481

Massive Attack的相关介绍以及下载

Massive Attack又是一支叫座不卖座的英国trip hop团体,比起Morcheeba,他们的音乐还是少了一点hop的感觉。几年前流行音乐半小时,自从范立离开之后,就变成了trip hop音乐的电台,Massive Attack的音乐也是经常播放,他们迄今为止作为有名的,也许也是最出色的是Tear Drop,唯一的一首前十名单曲,第十名。这张双CD精选辑收入了Massive Attack的大规模的作品,包括他们为电影Danny the Dog制作的音乐,还有和Madonna合作的Marvin Gaye的翻唱作品I Want You,第二张CD主要是一些混音和rare作品。精选辑的限量版包括一张DVD,一些音乐录影带。Live With Me是专辑中收入的一首新歌,除了Tear Drop,我最喜欢的一首作品是Protection,演唱这首歌的是Everything But The Girl的主唱Tracey Thorn。Collected”中还包含了新拍摄的音乐DVD VIDEO。“Live With Me”邀请到了乡村爵士传奇Terry Callier为其献声,曲目制作单位依然由3D(Robert Del Naja)和担当过“Mezzanine”“100th Window”的制作人Neil Davidge共同来完成。此DVD精选集收录由享誉全球着名MV导演Jonathon Glazer近六年来首次执导之最新单曲「Live With Me」音乐录影带 + 「Live With Me」音乐录影带团员Terry自剪版本 + 历年13首经典珍藏单曲音乐录影带。不过是用电驴下载的.
2023-07-22 05:40:551

找massive attack的paradise circus中英文歌词

massive attack大举进攻paradise circus天堂马戏团It"s unfortunate that when we feel a storm最倒霉的时候是我们感觉一场暴风雨要来临的时候We can roll ourselves over "cause we"re uncomfortable我们一直摇摆不定因为我们很不安Oh well, the devil makes us sin哦 好吧,魔鬼让我们犯罪But we like it when we"re spinning in his grip但我们喜欢在他的控制下旋转Love is like a sin, my love,爱像一种罪,我的爱,For the one that feel it the most为了你最有感觉的那个人Look at her with her eyes like a flame看着她像火焰一样的眼睛She will love you like a fly will never love you again她将爱上你好像除此没机会再爱你了那样It"s unfortunate that when we feel a storm最倒霉的时候是我们感觉一场暴风雨要来临的时候We can roll ourselves over when we"re uncomfortable我们一直摇摆不定因为我们很不安Oh well, the devil makes us sin哦 好吧,魔鬼让我们犯罪But we like it when we"re spinning in his grip但我们喜欢在他的控制下旋转Love is like a sin, my love,爱像一种罪,我的爱,For the ones that feel it the most为了你最有感觉的那个人Look at her with a smile like a flame看着她像火焰一样的眼睛She will love you like a fly will never love you again 她将爱上你好像除此没机会再爱你了那样
2023-07-22 05:41:021

Massive Attack的《Karmacoma》 歌词

歌曲名:Karmacoma歌手:Massive Attack专辑:ProtectionMassive Attack - Karmacoma(vowles, del naja, marshall, thaws, norfolk, locke)You sure you want to be with meI"ve nothing to giveWon"t lie and say this lovin"s bestWell leave us in emotional paceTake a walk, taste the restNo, take a restI see you digging a hole in your neighborhoodYou"re crazy but you"re lazyI need to live and I need toYour troubles must be seen to see throughMoney like it"s paper with faces i rememberI drink on a daily basisThough it subtle cools my temperIt never cools my temperWalking through the suburbs though not exactly loversYou"re a couple, "specially when your body"s doubledDuplicate, then you wait for the next kuwaitKarmacoma, jamaica" aromaKarmacoma, jamaica" aromaKarmacoma, jamaica" aromaKarmacoma, jamaica" aromaYou sure you want to be with me i"ve nothing to giveTake a walk take a rest taste the restYou sure you want to be with me i"ve nothing to giveTake a walk take a rest taste the restTake a walk take a rest a taste of restDon"t want to be on top of your listMonopoly and properly kissedWe overcome in sixty secondsWith the strength we have to togetherBut for now, emotional ties they stay severedWhen there"s trust there"ll be treatsAnd when we funk we"ll hear beatsKarmacoma, jamaica" aromaKarmacoma, jamaica" aromaKarmacoma, jamaica" aromaKarmacoma, jamaica" aromaDeflowering my baby, aiyee my baby meI must be crazy, see i"m swazyDigging a hole in your neighborhoodYou"re crazy but you"re lazy, must be lazyDon"t wanna on top of your listMonopoly and properly kissedDeflowering my baby, aiyee my baby meMy babyDeflowering my baby, aiyee my baby meI must be crazy, you must be lazyKarmacoma, what?, jamaica aromaKarmacoma, what?, jamaica aromaKarmacoma, what?, jamaica aromaKarmacoma, what?, jamaica aroma
2023-07-22 05:41:091

Massive Attack的《Lately》 歌词

歌曲名:Lately歌手:Massive Attack专辑:Blue LinesMassive Attack - Lately(marshall, vowles, del naja, nelson, redmond)Summertime always gives me the bluesThinking about the things we used to doWatching lovers in the park making love so freeAnd now i realize there"s only meLately baby where, where did we go wrongLately baby where, where did we go wrongYou been acting like a cat on a hot tin roofSomething"s on your mind that you can"t shareYou never used to hide your feelings from meKeepin secrets i don"t understandLately baby where, where did we go wrongLately baby where, where did we go wrongI used to synchronize it with your bodyMaking it so tight never letting goI used to synchronize it with your bodyMaking it so tight never letting goLately baby where, where did we go wrongLately, lately, lately, latelyLately baby, where did we go wrongWhere did we go wrongMissed your touch, missed your touch
2023-07-22 05:41:171

Massive Attack的《Mezzanine》 歌词

歌曲名:Mezzanine歌手:Massive Attack专辑:Mezzanine(Vowles, Del naja, Marshall)I"m a little curious of you in crowded scenesAnd how serene your friends and fiendsWe flew and strolled as two eliminated gentlyWhy don"t you close your eyes and reinvent meYou know you"ve got that heart made of stoneYou should have let me knowYou could have let me knowWe"ll go "till morning comesAnd traffic growsAnd windows humSpeding all week with your friendsGive me evenings and weekendsEvenings and weekendsI could be yoursWe can unwindAll these half floorsAll these half floorsYou"d agree it"s a typical highYou fly as you watch your name go byAnd once the name goes byNot thicker than water nor thicker than mudAnd the eight k thuds it doesSunset so thicklyLet"s make it quiet and quicklyDon"t frownIt taste"s better on the way back downI could be yoursWe can unwindAll these half floorsAll these half floorsAll these half floorsWill lead to mineWe can unwindAll these half floorsAll these half floorsWill lead to mineWill see toAll these half floorsAll these half floorsWill see toAll these half floorsWill lead to mineWe can unwind all our flawsWe can unwind all our flawsWe can unwind all our flaws
2023-07-22 05:41:241

Massive Attack的《Blue Lines》 歌词

歌曲名:Blue Lines歌手:Massive Attack专辑:Blue LinesMassive Attack - Blue Lines(marshall, vowles, del naja, thaws, brown,bennett, carlton, geurin, sample, scott)Can"t be with the one you love then love the one you"re withSpliff in the ashtray, red stripe I pull the lidHer touch tickles, especially when she"s gentleBut I don"t hear her words "cause I slide the instrumentalKeep the girl in the distance, moves are very hazyNo sunshine in my life the way I deal is shadySkip hip data to get the anti-matterBlue lines are the reason why the temple had to shatterTo the sound of silence surrounded by the massHer face is on the paper not the strangers that I passThe ones that looking back to see if they are looking back at meAre you predator or do you fear meYeah while I"m doing this I knowThe place I really wanna goThe one I love but never gets near meIt"s a beautiful day, well it seems as suchBeautiful thoughts means I dream too muchEven if I told you, you still would not know meTricky never does, adrian mostly gets lonelyHow we live in this existence, just beingEnglish upbringing, background carribeanIt"s the way that we billadeeSharing a soliloquyWe cut the broken thread from flexibilityMi chiamo 3D si sono IngleseNo sunshine in my life "cause the way I deal is hazyAnd everyday"s a daisy "cause I"m on my toesWhile contemporaries of mine remaining comatoseThere"s a looking glass she"s looking throughShe hated me, but then she loved me tooI"d lie not try so I lost faithThen turn to her to keep the faithShe told me take an occupation or you lose your mindAnd on a nine to five lemon, looking for the limeBox clever, watch your system come togetherCrazy weather at the end of my tetherMassive in the area, murdererAttack inna the area, murdererSome go softly softly round the habitatRatchet in the right handThey got no one to stab it atTake a walk billy, don"t be a heroEffort"s on minimal though almost touch zeroExcommunicated from the brotherhood of manTo wander lonely as a puzzled anagramCar paint blue, green, primer and zincTake it to extremities my purple and pinkI feel the colours fill my room beneath the patter of the rainI can"t stand the drops they"re dripping down my windowpaneThey wash away my shadow and don"t even leave a spark upon my soulThey leave the rainbows in the darkBlues get big, massive are even largerSave nuff space into the tricky tardisWe"d trawl what I saw from down in darren"s hallPeople laying their claimIn stormy weather it"s rainBut you"re living on a see-sawI try to see moreSomebody da-ditty, nobodyWalking on sunshine, but still we"re treading waterThe son of many reasons searching for the daughterSeeking knowledge, not acknowledging the jetsetSilver papers of the sound within my budakon headsetThe solar system watches in wisdomThe children dance as the moonlight kissed themTo Massive attack Matt Black appear wearing beadsTwo hours traveling so I wrote this on repeatAlways living fast, people getting jumpyWhere I"ve got in fights I just do the walter crumpyMicrophones held close, crouching far apartTake my piece of mind and sign my name across your heart
2023-07-22 05:41:311

Massive Attack的《Teardrop》 歌词

歌曲名:Teardrop歌手:Massive Attack专辑:Spirits Of Nature 5Massive Attack - TeardropLove, love is a verbLove is a doing wordFearless on my breathGentle impulsionShakes me makes me lighterFearless on my breathTeardrop on the fireFearless on my breathNine night of matterBlack flowers blossomFearless on my breathBlack flowers blossomFearless on my breathTeardrop on the fireFearless on my breathWater is my eyeMost faithful mirrorFearless on my breathTeardrop on the fire of a confessionFearless on my breathMost faithful mirrorFearless on my breathTeardrop on the fireFearless on my breathYou"re stumbling a littleYou"re stumbling a little
2023-07-22 05:41:381

求Massive Attack的Group Four歌词翻译

2023-07-22 05:41:453


碟中谍1主题曲叫什么 《碟中谍 1》主题曲是一首纯音乐,名叫《Theme from Mission: Impossible》。同名原曲由Lalo Schifrin在1967年创作出版,1996年U2成员鼓手Larry Mullen和贝斯手Adam Clayton加以改编,并用作电影《碟中谍》(Mission: Impossible)的主题音乐,成为当时红极一时的一首电子乐。 曲名:Theme from Mission: Impossible 作曲:Lalo Schifrin 改编:Larry Mullen Jr. / Adam Clayton音乐时长:03:27 所属专辑:Mission: Impossible (Music From And Inspired By The Motion Picture) 发行时间:1996-05-14 发行公司:Island 专辑类别:原声带、影视音乐 这张电影原声基本以电子音乐汇集而成。影片改编自美国六七十年代极受欢迎的同名电视剧集,而由Lalo Schifrin创作的电视剧集主题曲早已深入人心,所以电影版沿用了这段主题,只是加以了改编。负责改编的正是爱尔兰超特乐团U2成员——鼓手Larry Mullen和贝斯手Adam Clayton。1993年,U2在音乐风格上突然急转直下,出版的《Zooropa》专辑昭示著U2由一支十多年的著名摇滚乐队摇身一变成为时髦的舞曲组合,一夜之间,过去十多年间摇滚U2的死党歌迷悉数弃他们而去,唱片只卖出可怜的200万张,可U2依然“舞”逆不改,越跳越起劲,在这首改编主题音乐中,Larry和Adam玩翻电子天地,听这段音乐眼前总觉得有红绿发光二极管乱闪,激光和二进制数码交错跳跃,身体不由得就要蠢蠢欲动。这段主题音乐不但保持了原作的紧张意味,又混入新电子U2的音乐风格,和影片主题扣合得天衣无缝,绝对是U2的成功之作。紧跟着U2,缓拍电子分支Trip-Hop班霸Massive Attack也来助兴,一曲《Spying Glass》由Horace Andy和Massive Attack合作,来自Massive Attack 94年那张多位艺人加盟的大好评专辑《Protection》,电子异化的vocal部分再加上各种古灵精怪的电子效果音,“来电一族”绝对狂呼过瘾。同样曾出现在《Protection》专辑中的Nicolette亦在这张电影原声出现,《No Government》颇得Massive Attack真传,今天听起这首单曲倒有几分象Madonna 98年落进舞池的专辑《Ray Of Light》中的歌曲,Madonna之前和Ma鼎sive Attack也有合作,真是电到一处去了。比较突出的是原声唱片中收录了The Cranberries的《Dreams》,另类新女声的出现打破了一片电子叫嚣,《Dreams》早在1993年就已经出版,3年后《Mission:Impossible》原声大碟再次收录此曲,足见“小红莓”的魅力。这张原声唱片还收录了数段电影的Music Score,由曾担纲《蝙蝠侠》电影配乐的Danny Elfman主理,照样“电压”高到电倒人。另外唱片还收录了一定的传统摇滚和Brit Pop作品,不过只是点缀而已,抑或是唱片公司出于商业考量,毕竟盖不过整张唱片的电子格调。 碟中谍主题曲是什么? 楼主,碟中谍的主题曲叫《mission impossible》,这里是下载网址: 电影(碟中谍)里的主题曲 也许这个世界上很少有人知道他的名字,你甚至在网络上都找不到他的相关资料。但他的音乐,你一定不会陌生。著名的电影 主题曲,以及众多电影主题曲和游戏背景音乐,都是由这个天才音乐人创造出来的。 他的才华洋溢的非常骄傲,而他的人生恰恰相反,33年的生命历程里,一路都伴随着失意。他换过很多艺名,他本想用这种方式换换他的运气。可没曾想到,却引起了著名的原创抄袭风波。知情人都知道 主题曲却是出自他手,但却莫名其妙的成了别人的作品。 2002年3月,他组建一支名为Pro-te憨t的乐队,乐队名字的寓意,显而易见,Protest( *** )。可是整个乐队只有他一个人,没有歌迷,没有支持者。造物弄人,命运给了他一个充满曲折的人生,也许真的是天妒英才。 2002年11,在自己公寓中开枪自杀,从此这个天才连着他的名字,以及他璀璨的音乐。一起消失在人们的视线中,留下的,只有照片,还有回忆,还有那永远不会被人们忘记的一首歌 主题曲。 他叫 :Ben Scott 。 一个被所有人忘记的音乐鬼才,一个人生充满了崎岖,充满了坎坷的音乐人。 碟中谍中那个很有名的插曲是什么 《mission impossible》(不可能的任务 )满意的话,记得采纳哦! 碟中谍的开头曲是什么?谁唱的? Light the Fuse Mission Impossible 4的原声音乐集中的第二首曲子,时长2分钟,应该可以帮到你。百度一下或者到verycd上下全集都行。 电影碟中谍中那首没有歌词的片尾曲叫什么? 这是电影的主题音乐,名字应该就叫《Mission Impossible Main Theme》吧 碟中谍5片尾曲叫什么 《finale and curtain call》 碟中谍最原始的主题曲到底是来自于谁? 100分 《做好了受伤的准备 (On And On)》是韩国组合VIXX于2013年发行的单曲专辑。同名主打歌曲《做好了受伤的准备 (On And On)》由金伊娜作词,黄世俊、 Ricky Hanley等作曲。 主打歌《做好了受伤的准备(On and On)》由作曲家黄世俊,参与过日本岚、KAT-TUN专辑制作的Albi Albertsson,与Cheryl Cole、Take That、Pet Shop Boys等人合作的Ricky Hanley、Kristine Lind共同创作。 歌曲是寻求差别化的rock基础Synthpop风格。歌词讲述即使爱着的女子对自己持续造成伤害也只看着、等待那个人的内容。 奔跑吧兄弟碟中谍主题曲是什么 《mission impossible》你听下是不是这首歌 007电影主题曲和碟中谍电影主题曲一样吧?主旋律? 截自网络:由汤姆克鲁斯主演互《碟中谍》系列电影是改编自美国60、70年代非常受欢迎的一部电视连续剧,影片的主题音乐是由阿根廷作曲家拉罗·希福林所创作的。这首主题音乐和007系列电影的主题音乐一样,都是大家耳熟能详的经典音乐,叫做“导火线主题”。10年来,三部惊险 *** 的电影中沿用这个主题音乐,通过不同的音乐手法,把影片传播到世界的很多角落。如今我们已经很难分清是电影流行了这首主题曲,还是这首主题曲让人们记住了电影。
2023-07-22 05:41:521

massive attack 的 《angel》歌词大意谁知道啊??

你是我的天使,从高不可攀的地方而来,只为带给我丝丝爱意。她的两潭秋水。她属阴,让目之所及的男人,都变得柔和起来。爱你,爱你,爱你……你是我的天使,从高不可攀的地方而来,爱你,爱你,爱你……You are my angelCome from way aboveTo bring me loveHer eyesShe"s on the dark sideNeutralizeEvery man in sightTo love you, love you, love you ...You are my angelCome from way aboveLove you, love you, love you ...讲她的一段是在描述,一个带点邪魅的女人对男人的无限吸引力。
2023-07-22 05:42:101

狙击职业杀手 片头曲

2023-07-22 05:42:181


M200狙击枪CheyTacM200狙击步枪,是一款由美国CheyTac公司生产的手动枪机操作式狙击步枪,使用了手动枪机操作并装上了可自由伸缩设计的枪托,枪托配有折叠后脚架和托腮架。CheyTac M-200主要用途是阻截远距离的软目标,它使用了7发容量的可拆式单排弹匣供弹,发射.408 CheyTac或.375 CheyTac子弹。据CheyTac文件指出,整个系统能够在高达2,286 米(2,500 码)的距离打出比1 角分还要小的精度,是所有现代狙击步枪之中射程最长的一支。需要注意的是“intervention”系夏延战术公司给这个系列武器的名称,不代表其用途,应该翻译成“干预”而非“战术干扰”。名称M200狙击枪制造商美国CheyTac公司口径10.36毫米全枪长1,187.45毫米全枪重14.06千克弹匣容弹量7发有效射程2,000米设计内容CheyTac M-200的设计是基于EDM风行者M96狙击步枪(英语:EDM Arms Windrunner M96)它使用了手动枪机操作并装上了可自由伸缩设计的枪托,枪托配有折叠后脚架和托腮架。枪管为浮动式设计,组装的只会跟机匣连接亦且由圆柱型护木保护。枪管和枪机亦有凹槽以减少重量及提升张力,两者亦可以迅速更换或分解以便运输而弹匣前方的大型提把用以方便携带此枪,并可以在不使用时向下折叠。护木前方附设的两脚架和枪托配有折叠后脚架用于提高在地面上的稳定性,不使用时亦可以折叠。枪口的PGRS-1制动器并可以装上消声器手枪握把上有手指凹槽,射击时比较稳定和准确的。由于此枪并没有任何的机械瞄具(照门及准星)必需利用机匣顶部的战术导轨上安装瞄准镜和/或夜视镜,而其他战术配件可于前端的战术导轨上安装。特点研制CheyTac LRRS(远射程步枪系统)的初衷就是在系统重量尽可能轻的情况下,对各种软目标进行有效的远距离杀伤。为了实现这一目的,约翰 D. 泰勒计.408CheyTec弹药。.408弹药的体形介于常见的.50BMG与已有一定影响的.338Lapua弹之间。这种新弹药的弹头重量可以达到419格令(27.15克),这使得它在2000米外(2200码)还在以超音速飞行。在700米外,.408子弹的动能甚至超过了.50BMG弹。这种新弹药比.50BMG弹轻1/3后坐力也更小。 最初的CheyTec InterventionM100步枪是在EDM公司的.50Windrunner步枪的基础上研制的现在的M200狙击步枪也是沿袭了 Windrunner的设计,但加入了一些改进。组成这种远射步枪系统还包括CheyTec战术电脑(装有CheyTec研发的弹道计算软件的商用掌上电脑)、Nightforce NXS5.5-22倍瞄准镜、与掌上电脑相连的Kestrel4000风力温度气压传感器。参数新型的战术电脑、传感器和弹道软件可为远距离射击提供各种必须的参数。精度CheyTec的文件声称这个狙击系统择2500码外(2270米)还保持着小于1MOA的精度。匿踪攻击比麦尔斯单束镭射器及西姆瑞德203夜视器的M200,使得在夜间时比其他武器得到更远的视野-750码,而且不会产生红外线轨迹。sdw消声器和的使用让噪音更低,火光更小。m200属于长射程反人员狙击枪,很多朋友喜欢拿巴雷特甚至AWP跟它相比较。我要说的是,巴雷特属于大口径反器材狙击步枪,主要装备的是燃烧弹或者穿甲弹。在威力上,巴雷特甚至可以击杀装甲载具中的人员。可是在精确度方面却不如没有比它名气大的m200。还有些游戏玩家拿AWP来比较,实际上,AWP在威力和精确度上远不及M200。步枪系统弹壳子弹枪管昔安战术有限公司为了能够长距离狙击,而不断尝试研制最佳弹壳,子弹和枪管的配置。英吋(330.2 毫米),阳膛直径8条.4080 英吋(10.36 毫米)、阴膛直径.4010 英吋(10.19 毫米)、螺纹顶直径0.50 英吋(12.7 毫米),方形切割,无锥度。而后来以.408 CheyTac子弹开发的.375 CheyTac子弹的膛线缠距则被设定在1:11.5 英吋(292.1 毫米)。制退器消声器能够减少.408 CheyTac的后座力的重要因素,就是由麦克阿瑟研制PGRS-1枪口制退器,麦克阿瑟设计就是利用连着子弹的高压气体在离开枪口制退器以前用作制动。而装在CheyTac枪口制退器的消声器,是由OPS INC所生产,那种消声器是不锈钢制造。一体化全不銹钢构造的消声器的内部并没有任何可以替换的部件。如果使用者需要调整枪口制退器的话,就必需重新对瞄准镜的瞄准高度作6角分的归零调整的。光学瞄准镜CheyTac M200并没有装上机械瞄具。它有两种不同的光学瞄准镜可以于白天使用。最主要的瞄准镜是Nightforce的NXS 5.5-22x56可改变放倍率的瞄准镜,物镜直径为56 毫米(2.2 英吋)。该设备需要使用一个以钛制成的导轨安装支架连接于瞄准镜的上方。功能纪录在爱达荷州的阿科,CheyTac M-200打出了在最佳远程射击群组的世界纪录,3发子弹在2,122.32 米(2,321 码)左右命中的群组为42.2 厘米(16.69英寸)。在电视节目新时代武器(英语:Future Weapons)第2季第13集(播出顺序为第19集)“大举进攻”(英语:Massive Attack)之中,作为前海豹部队成员及该节目的主持理查德·马科维斯(英语:Richard Machowicz),在爱达荷州的阿科之中的测试了九枪,当中首三枪击中了在距离822.96 米(900 码)以外的金属制人形枪靶,然后在“真正测试”之中的六枪之中有三枪击中了在距离2,313.43 米(2,530 码)以外的金属制人形枪靶。实战记录:英特种兵1.5英里外命中IS成员 子弹空中飞3秒海外网5月22日电 英国空军特勤队(SAS)一名狙击手大概两周前在伊拉克摩苏尔的反狙击行动中,用长射程步枪在1.5英里(2414码)外击毙一名IS成员,被赞“神枪手”。据英国太阳报报道,这名狙击手监视目标长达4小时,因猜测目标人物已经走至隐蔽位置,一度想放弃。该目标人物利用其身在地面的优势躲避射击,不过在天色开始昏暗之时,目标人物松懈下来,移动至他认为安全的地方,并将他的步枪举上肩膀。此时,SAS神枪手抓住机会,利用手上最远射程近3.2公里的CheyTac M200干预型狙击步枪,击中这名IS成员,一枪毙命。这名中枪的伊拉克IS成员,曾枪杀及枪伤数名士兵。英国每日星报引述消息人士报道,SAS成员已多次瞄准那名IS成员,但没有足够时间开枪。在这么长程的射击中,有很多会影响子弹飞行的因素,子弹需要3秒才飞到目标位置。据了解,这次射击是SAS史上难度最高的一次远程射击,打破了这款步枪最远射程纪录。这次SAS狙击手所用的CheyTac M200干预型狙击步枪,使用.408口径步枪子弹。CheyTac的相关文件中指出,CheyTac M200在2286米的距离可打出比一角分还要小的精确度。这支枪属美国特种部队所有,但借予SAS在战场上试用。精度CheyTac声称在2006年11月13日的资料文件说明,“CheyTac长距离步枪系统被定位为一种在1,828.8 米(2,000 码)的范围使用的反人员系统。.408口径的主要设计目的就是作为一种最大范围的反人员系统。根据一直以来获得的数据,在914.4 米(1,000 码)的群组为17.78—22.86 厘米(7—9 英吋)、在1,371.6 米(1,500 码)的群组为25.4 厘米(10 英吋)以及在1,828.8 米(2,000 码)的群组为38.1 厘米(15 英吋)此枪亦获得在1,920.24 米(2,100 码)的群组为48.26 厘米(19英寸)以及在2,194.56 米(2,400 码)的群组为73.66 厘米(29英寸)的记录。而2,743.2 米(3,000 码)外的垂直散布群组仍然少于1角分。型号演变CheyTac M200狙击步枪可以分为以下多种衍生型:M-200标准型:枪管长度为736.6 毫米(29英寸),伸缩枪托及可拆式弹匣供弹。M-200卡宾枪型:枪管长度为660.4 毫米(26英寸),伸缩枪托及可拆式弹匣供弹。M-310:单发型及连发型等衍生型的枪管长度为736.6 毫米(29英寸),固定枪托。M-325:单发型、连发型及战术型等衍生型的枪管长度为711.2 毫米(28英寸),固定枪托。不同衍生型的主要的性能差异,都是由枪管长度来决定枪口初速。枪口初速越高的话,就会增加步枪的有效射程其余一切相同。此外,M-200 标准型和M-200 卡宾枪型皆具有可拆卸弹匣供弹和伸缩枪托的设计,而其它的衍生型都采用了玻璃纤维强化塑胶固定式麦克米兰枪托的设计。电视资讯节目2007年—《新时代武器》(Future Weapons):4月9日第2季第13集(播出顺序为第19集)“大举进攻”(英语:Massive Attack)。2009年—《终极武器》(Ultimate Weapons)。
2023-07-22 05:42:261


1. Teardrop - Massive Attack2. See The World - Gomez3. Walter Reed - Michael Penn4. Beautiful (Xtina cover) - Elvis Costello5. Dear God ( XTC cover) - Sarah McLachlan6. Feelin Alright - Joe Cocker7. Waiting On An Angel - Ben Harper8. Got To Be More Careful - Jon Cleary and the Absolute Monster Gentlemen9. God, Please Let Me Go Back - Josh Rouse10. Are You Alright? - Lucinda Williams11. Good Man - Josh Ritter12. You Can"t Always Get What You Want - Band from TV (featuring Hugh Laurie, Bob Guiney, Bonnie Somerville, Greg Grunberg, and James Denton.)
2023-07-22 05:45:171

black milk歌词

你不是我的食客我不是你的食物为了上帝 而爱你为了圣母 而爱你吃掉我 在这个地方我用心为了上帝 而爱你为了圣母 而爱你圣泉 或许真的有或许并不存在最高的意境沉没的小教堂为了上帝 而爱你为了圣母 而爱你世间万物皆为爱只有爱超级喜欢这首歌 TRIPHOP风格的经典代表作 MASSIVE ATTACK的优秀作品
2023-07-22 05:45:242

请问 我们来了20160826期那个郭培高订时装秀里,奚梦瑶出场的时候放的

奚梦瑶正式走秀背景音乐歌名:【Jealous】歌手:Nick Jonas——————————奚梦瑶走秀演习背景音乐歌名:【I Against I】歌手:Mos Def / Massive Attack所属专辑:Blade II————————————百度歌手歌名可搜无误还望采纳~
2023-07-22 05:45:331


rage your dream, around the world等
2023-07-22 05:45:542


  戚继光,明朝抗倭名将,杰出的军事家、书法家、诗人、民族英雄。下面是我为你整理的戚继光简介英语版,希望对你有用!   戚继光简介   Qi Jiguang (November 12, 1528 - January 5, 1588), the character King, No. Nan Tong, late Meng Zhu, the posthumous title Wu Yi. Han nationality, Shandong Penglai people (one said ancestral Anhui Dingyuan, was born in Shandong Jining Weishan County Lu Town). Ming Dynasty anti-Japanese famous, outstanding military strategist, calligrapher, poet, national hero.   Qi Jiguang in the southeast coast to fight pirates for more than ten years, swept the years for the brutal Japanese pilgrimage, to ensure the safety and life of the people of the coastal people; and later in the northern part of the Mongolian tribe to commit more than ten years to defend the security of the northern territory, The Mongolian and Chinese nation"s peaceful development, wrote the eighteen volumes of the "new book" and the 14 volumes of the "training and discipline" and other famous military books, as well as "stop only Church" and in different historical periods reported to the court Of the sparse and repent.   At the same time, Qi Jiguang is an outstanding weapons expert and military engineer, he transformed, invented a variety of fire attack weapons; he built the size of warships, chariot, so that the Ming Jun waterway equipment better than the enemy; his creative In the Great Wall on the construction of hollow enemy Taiwan, into the retreat can be defended, is a very unique military engineering.   戚继光人物生平   Early experience   Qi Jiguang childhood suave romantic, very personality. Although his family is poor, but he likes to study, proficient Confucianism, history.   Jiajing twenty-three years (1544), Qi Jiguang inherited the post on the ancestors, Ren Deng Wei command Qian Qian.   Jiajing twenty-five years (1546), Qi Jiguang is responsible for the management of Dengzhou Wei"s garrison affairs, when the coastal areas of Shandong suffered the pirates of the burning and looting, Qi Jiguang determined to kill the thief, wrote the " Sea wave "of the verse.   Jiajing thirty-two years (1553), Qi Jiguang by Zhang Juzheng recommended, into the command of Qian Qian post, management Dengzhou, Wendeng, Jimo three battalion twenty-five Wei, defense of the coastal pirates in Shandong.   Jiajing thirty-four years (1555), Qi Jiguang was transferred to the Zhejiang Division Qian Qian, and served as the Senate, defending Ningbo, Shaoxing, Taizhou three counties.   South Japanese pirates   Battle of Cen Hong Kong   Jiajing thirty-six years (1557), the Japanese pilgrimage Yueqing, Ryan, Linhai and other places, Qi Jiguang led his army to rescue, but because of the road isolation and not had time, the court also died Qi Jiguang crime. Then, Wang Zhiyu party chaos in the Cen Hong, Qi Jiguang and Yu Dayou two forces meet, to siege. But for a long time did not attack, so the court will Qi Jiguang, Yu Dayou and others all removed, let the crime to kill the enemy. The Japanese pirates stationed at Cen Hong could not resist the attack of Qi Jiguang and Yu Dayou, and tried to escape.   Jiajing thirty-seven years (1558), the pirates made a good ship, ready to drive the night escape, Yu Dayou and Qi Jiguang took the opportunity to attack, sinking pirates of the ship, the party to fleeing the southern Fujian. From the port to escape the Japanese pirates in Taizhou burning looting, to the matter Luo Jiabin and others impeach Qi Jigang deliberately let go of the Japanese pirates, there are through the Japanese suspect. Was about to prepare for the crime, Qi Jiguang but because of Ping Wang Wang"s meritorious service and rehabilitation officer, so Qi Jiguang guarding the station, gold, Yan three counties.   Qi Jiguang to Zhejiang after the visit, found that the soldiers of the warrior combat capability in general, and Jinhua, Yiwu more sturdy, so Qi Jiguang to recruit three thousand people, in Qi Jiguang"s guidance training, will be trained as an elite troops, Later known as "Qi Jiajun". Qi Jiguang according to the geographical characteristics of the southern marsh to develop matrix method, and gave his troops equipped with firearms, military equipment, warships and other equipment, Qi Jiajun so famous world.   Taizhou war   Jiajing forty years (1561), the pirates massive attack Taozhu, Qi head and other places, Qi Jiguang led his army to guard Taozhu, in the Longshan big break pirates, Qi Jiguang all the way to kill Yanmen Ling. After the Japanese pilgrims fled, swoop attack Taizhou, Qi Jiguang head of the first hand blade Japanese pirates head, the party desperate, all fall into the melon river drowned. And Qi head pirates actually violated Taizhou, Qi Jiguang led his army in the Xianju will be wiped out. After the victory of Taizhou, Qi Jigang official rose three and so on. Then, Fujian and Guangxi area of the pirates into the Jiangxi area for chaos, the governor Hu Zongxian can not be put down, so Qi Jiguang to reinforcements, Qi Jiguang led his troops in the square nest to break, the pirates run Jianning, Qi Jiguang lead back to Zhejiang.   Battle of Fujian   Jiajing forty-one years (1562), the Japanese pirates invading Fujian, and the joint Funing, Lianjiang and other places of the pirates, has captured Shouning, political and, Ningde and other places, from Guangdong South Australia invasion of pirates joint Fuqing, Changle pirates Captured Xuanyuan Zhong, and invading Longyan, Songxi, Daejeon, Gutian, Putian and other places.   The Japanese army frantic, the local government did not dare to attack, so Hu Zongxian order to Qi Jiguang troops to suppress the thief. Qi Jiguang led the troops after the first attack Hengyu, Hengyu four sides of the waterway risk is not easy to pass, Qi Jiguang life soldiers each holding a bunch of straw, filling the trenches into the big break Yokoya pirates, beheaded two thousand two hundred level. Then, Qi Jiguang victory chase, kill to Fuqing, destroyed cattle, end of the pirates lair. Pilgrims party hurriedly fled to Xinghua, Qi Jiguang did not stop, all the way to chase, but also destroyed the pirates base more than sixty battalion, beheading countless.   Qi Jiguang settle the Fujian pilgrimage teacher back to Zhejiang, line to Fuqing, met a small number of Japanese pirates from Dongying Australia login, Qi Jiguang rate of emergency attack, beheaded two hundred people. After several fights, Min guang area of the pirates almost killed by Qi Jiguang.   Xinghua war   Qi Jiguang back to Zhejiang, from the Japanese local new pirates and opportunistic aggression, the number of their growing after the attack Xinghua, but siege for several months did not attack. At this time Liu was sent eight people with a letter to Xinghua to convey information, was the Japanese pirates stopped, the pirates put on Liu Xian messenger"s clothing cheat the city gate, took the opportunity to capture the Xinghua City.   After the pirates attacked Xinghua, Liu Xian led troops approaching Xinghua, but because the soldiers less, Liu was not unauthorized siege, but it was impeached, guilty. And Fujian General Bing Yu Dayou also said the need for a military encirclement.   Jiajing forty-two years (1563), the court to Tan Lun for the right Qian are censor, governor of Fujian to come to support, and are commanding Ouyang deep but in the pirates buried battle and died, the pirates then occupy Pinghaiwei. In April, Qi Jiguang led Zhejiang soldiers to support. Qi Jiguang later, Tan Lun immediately prepared for the pirates of the total attack, the first in the sea on the ring fence to block the Japanese pirates return road, and then Tan Leng to Liu Xian for the left army, Yu Dayou for the right army, Tan Lun self-led to Qi Jiguang as a pioneer, siege Pinghaiwei, in one fell swoop, beheaded two thousand level, Qi Jiguang and other soldiers chase, pirates road barrier, but also beheaded more than three thousand people. So Liu Xian and other revival Xinghua. The court to Qi Jiguang before the Hengyu war, recorded before and after the exploits, to Qi Jiguang for the governor know, Shiyan 1000, instead of Yu Dayou for the soldiers.   Xianyou war   Jiajing forty-three years (1564 years) in February, the Japanese pilgrimage party more than ten thousand people siege Xianyou, playing for three days, Qi Jiguang soldiers to rescue, pirates defeated, Qi Jiguang led his army chase, chase Wangcang Ping, beheaded hundred Level, many people are falling in the cliff fell to his death. More than thousands of people to flee to occupy Zhang Pu Cai Pi Ling. Qi Jiguang five whistle (ancient military units) soldiers climbing on the rocks, and the pirates close combat, even prisoners to kill more than 100 people. The rest of the pirates looted fishing boats fled to the sea, and then inflicted Funing, Qi Jiguang led Li Chao to go to beat him, and win over Yongning, killing more than 300 people.   In the same year, Chaozhou pirates gathered together twenty thousand, and the pirates Wu Ping horns of the potential hijack Chaozhou, Yu Dayou led the soldiers to kill the pirates, and Wu Ping move, so Wu Ping stationed in Meiling. But soon after, Wu Ping was defeated by the Ming defeated the pirates of more than ten thousand people, together with Lin Daogan, had a successor in the horse, Bo Pu Australia landed, looted the village and the port village. Qi Jiguang immediately led his troops to encirclement, Wu Ping learned to give up before the defenders of the Meiling, a collection of more than 100 ships, fled to South Australia, and the construction of Dazhai defense.   Jiajing forty-four years (1565), Yu Dayou led the army, Qi Jiguang led the infantry, the two together to encircle Wu Ping, Wu Ping dilapidated, fled to Phoenix Hill alone.   North Royal Tatar   Longqing the first year (1567), to the matter of Wu to Ming Muzong on the sparse, it is recommended to Qi Jiguang, Yu Dayou and others training Ji door area soldiers. But after the decision to appoint only Qi Jiguang can be. So the court Ren Qi Jiguang for God machine vice. At that time, Tan Lenggang in the Liao, thistle area raised thirty thousand infantry, and in Zhejiang, recruited three thousand soldiers, asked Qi Jiguang to its training, has been the permission of Muzong.   Longqing two years (1568), Ming Muzong to Qi Jiguang training Jizhou, Changping, Baoding and other places of the soldiers, the general officer of the following officials are subject to Qi Jiguang control. Qi Jiguang arrived, when the Jizhou state total Guo Guo, and Qi Jiguang as prime minister, can not be unified command, so the court will be transferred to Guo Hu, Qi Jiguang as general officer, guarding Jizhou, Yongping, Shanhai and other places. And Qi Jiguang before breaking Wu Ping active, into the right for the right captaincy. When the North Manzi invasion of Castle Peak, Qi Jiguang lead the soldiers to repel.   Wanli the first year (1573), the North small prince and Dong fox plan to attack, to the Ming court to ask the reward was rejected, so two people in the hi peak mouth burning looting, Qi Jiguang learned that after the soldiers to chaos, almost catch Dong fox. In the same year the summer, Dong fox invaded Taolin, Qi Jiguang repulsed. And then the fox"s nephew Dong Changan invasion of the ridge, and was defeated. Dong fox repeatedly infested the border not only did not account for cheap, but the loss of heavy, so offer off reward, the court promised to give their reward.   Wanli two years (1574), Dong Changan invasion of the border but can not attack from the mark, so forced his uncle Dong bald guilty guilty. Qi Jiguang led the troops to beat and live Dong Chang bald. Dong fox and Dong Changan led the clan of three hundred people came to Qi Jiguang off before the crime, the Dong fox to wear suits crying request forgiveness Dong long bald. Qi Jiguang and his men decided to accept their surrender after consultation, Dong fox will be the looting of the people back, and vowed no longer rebellious. Since then the Dong fox and Dong Changan no longer afraid to violate the thistle door.   Qi Jiguang guarding the thorn door impregnable, the North barbarians can not attack, then turned into Liaodong, Qi Jiguang troops reinforcements, to help Liaodong keep Li Chengliang to repel. Court seal Qi Jiguang Prince Edward Taibao, but also into the seal less security.   The star falls   Wanli ten years (1582), the court of the first cabinet Zhang Juzheng died, to the matter Zhang Dingsi took the opportunity to say Qi Jiguang should not be placed in the north, so Qi Jiguang was transferred to the court in Guangdong.
2023-07-22 05:46:181


2023-07-22 05:46:274

求PSP版寂静岭起源的一段片头插曲 这张OST出自psp掌机版本的寂静岭《起源》,正如游戏的名字一样,故事讲的是关于寂静岭起源的一些故事的来由。为了令听者尽量感受到ost的魅力,建议大家有必要简单介绍一下游戏的背景。当然,游戏的fans就不必了。一如以往,作为一部恐怖游戏,音乐带来的是强烈的工业躁音和电子乐,感觉焦虑、压抑、黑暗、混乱等等。轻柔与厚重并合。开头与结尾2首都是以rock为主的,个人特别喜欢的是4、7、11、15、17、22,第11和17是以幽怨的女声为主,感觉有点象Massive Attack的感觉。其中第11首“O.R.T feat.Mary Elizabeth McGlynn”是游戏主题音乐,把游戏的气氛渲染到了极致。寂静岭是一款优秀的游戏,它的音乐也一样。附带介绍一下音乐制作人的资料:生日:1968.2.6出身地:日本东京简介:经过了5年自由作家后进入KONAMI。从那以后就一直任职于KONAMI。现在所属于KCET - Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo -。是矩形波俱乐部的后期成员之一。“寂静岭”是其代表作。3以后就不仅是音乐,作为监督也十分活跃。出演各个媒介,能看见以寂静为魅力的姿态。其他还有向“beatmaniaIIDX”“实况足球”“真魂斗罗”等等提供乐曲。是有着广幅的音乐性与人性思考的、感性的出色作曲家。你要的个应该在里面 具体是哪首看上面的 应该是主题背景音乐 直接点击歌曲就可以下载了 一共26首 都是不错的音乐~ 游戏8小时通关 不错的说 呵呵
2023-07-22 05:46:351

Pray For Rain 歌词

歌曲名:Pray For Rain歌手:Massive Attack专辑:HeligolandPray For RainMassive AttackIn deepest hollow of our mindsA system failure left behindAnd their necks craneAs they turn to pray for rainAnd their necks craneDull residue of what once wasA shattered cloud of swirling dovesAnd their eyes changeAs they learn to see through flamesAnd their necks craneAs they turn to pray for rainAnd their eyes changeAs they learn to see through flamesAnd their necks craneAs they turn to pray for rainDrops on rocks fall fast and fleetingHearts and wings commence to beatingWoods unseen with all believingVision walls fall all recedingVision walls fall all recedingDrops on rocks come fast and fleetingRhythm laws unleash their meaningUsher us into the dreamingVision walls fall all recedingHearts and wings commence to beatingAll unending all completingVision walls fall fast and fleetingVision walls fall all revealingVision walls fall all revealingVision walls fall all revealingVision walls fall all revealingIn deepest hollow of our mindsA system failure left behindDull residue of what once wasA shattered cloud of swirling dovesAnd their eyes changedAs they learned to see through flamesAnd their necks cranedAs they prayed for rain
2023-07-22 05:46:551

求Massive Attack-Teardrop (泪珠)中文歌词?

Massive Attack-Teardrop (泪珠)中英文歌词Love, love is a verb Love is a doing word Feathers on my breath Gentle impulsion Shakes me makes me lighter Feathers on my breath Teardrop on the fire Feathers on my breath In the night of matter Black flowers blossom Feathers on my breath Black flowers blossom Feathers on my breath Teardrop on the fire Feathers on my breath Water is my eye Most faithful my love Feathers on my breath Teardrop on the fire of a confession Feathers on my breath Most faithful my love Feathers on my breath Teardrop on the fire Feathers on my breath Stumbling a little Stumbling a little 中文歌词 爱,爱是个动词 爱是个进行中的动词 羽毛泛泛,乘着我的呼吸 温柔的鼓动 舞动我,令我更轻盈 羽毛泛泛,乘着我的呼吸 焰光中泪光闪闪 羽毛泛泛,乘着我的呼吸 夜,多事之夜 黑色的花朵绽放 羽毛泛泛,乘着我的…… 水,是我的眼睛 最忠诚的镜子 羽毛泛泛,乘着我的呼吸 忏悔的火焰中泪光闪闪 羽毛泛泛,乘着我的呼吸 最忠诚的镜子 羽毛泛泛,乘着我的呼吸 焰光中泪光闪闪 羽毛泛泛,乘着我的呼吸 你在黑暗中挣扎 你在黑暗中挣扎
2023-07-22 05:47:021

Massive Attack的《Sam》 歌词

歌曲名:Sam歌手:Massive Attack专辑:Unleashed OstYou live on Lancaster RoadAnd you"ve got a computerAnd you go, when the libraries closedAnd sit and think of the futureOh, oh oh SamOh, oh oh SamOh, oh oh SamYou"re my main manYou"ve got a mum by the name of AnneAnd she has got a daughterAnd you"re brother Simon, well sometimes he gets out of handBut he looks like John TravoltaOh, oh, oh, SamOh, oh, oh, SamOh, oh, oh, SamYou"re my main manOh, oh, oh, SamOh, oh, oh, SamOh, oh, oh, Sam, la...You drink tea, in a cafe close to meI sit and read the headlinesYou don"t seem to mind if the social"s too unkindOr if you"re near the breadlineOh, oh, oh, SamOh, oh, oh, SamOh, oh, oh, SamYou"re my main manOh, oh, oh, SamOh, oh, oh, SamOh, oh, oh, SamWe"ll do everything we canla...Samsuedeby-摇滚本事-www.kissradio.net
2023-07-22 05:47:091

Massive Attack的《Teardrop》 歌词

歌曲名:Teardrop歌手:Massive Attack专辑:MezzanineMassive Attack - TeardropLove, love is a verbLove is a doing wordFearless on my breathGentle impulsionShakes me makes me lighterFearless on my breathTeardrop on the fireFearless on my breathNine night of matterBlack flowers blossomFearless on my breathBlack flowers blossomFearless on my breathTeardrop on the fireFearless on my breathWater is my eyeMost faithful mirrorFearless on my breathTeardrop on the fire of a confessionFearless on my breathMost faithful mirrorFearless on my breathTeardrop on the fireFearless on my breathYou"re stumbling a littleYou"re stumbling a little
2023-07-22 05:47:161

Massive Attack的《Teardrop》 歌词

歌曲名:Teardrop歌手:Massive Attack专辑:TeardropMassive Attack - TeardropLove, love is a verbLove is a doing wordFearless on my breathGentle impulsionShakes me makes me lighterFearless on my breathTeardrop on the fireFearless on my breathNine night of matterBlack flowers blossomFearless on my breathBlack flowers blossomFearless on my breathTeardrop on the fireFearless on my breathWater is my eyeMost faithful mirrorFearless on my breathTeardrop on the fire of a confessionFearless on my breathMost faithful mirrorFearless on my breathTeardrop on the fireFearless on my breathYou"re stumbling a littleYou"re stumbling a little
2023-07-22 05:47:241

Massive Attack的《Angel》 歌词

歌曲名:Angel歌手:Massive Attack专辑:CollectedMassive Attack - AngelYou are my angelCome from way aboveTo bring me loveHer eyesShe"s on the dark sideNeutralizeEvery man in sightTo love you, love you, love you ...You are my angelCome from way aboveLove you, love you, love you ...
2023-07-22 05:47:311

Safe From Harm (Perfecto Mix) 歌词

歌曲名:Safe From Harm (Perfecto Mix)歌手:Massive Attack专辑:Blue Lines - The RemixesMassive Attack - Safe From Harm(marshall, vowles, del naja, cobham, nelson)Midnight ronkersCity slickersGunmen and maniacsAll will feature on the freakshowAnd I can"t do nothing "bout that, noBut if you hurt what"s mineI"ll sure as hell retaliateYou can free the world you can free my mindJust as long as my baby"s safe from harm tonightYou can free the world you can free my mindJust as long as my baby"s safe from harm tonightI was lookin" back to see if you were lookin" back at meTo see me lookin" back at youLucky dippersCrazy chancersSeems to be moving fastWhat happened to the nicitiesOf my childhood daysWell I can"t do nothing "bout that, noBut if you hurt what"s mineI"ll sure as hell retaliateI was lookin" back to see if you wereI was lookin I wasI was lookin" back to see if you were lookin" back at meTo see me lookin" back at youYou can free the world you can free my mindJust as long as my baby"s safe from harm tonightYou can free the world you can free my mindJust as long as my baby"s safe from harm tonightTell us what it is dangerousFriends and enemies I find it"s contagerousAnd they"re spreading through your system like a virusYes the trouble in the end it makes you anxiousI was lookin" back to see if you were lookin back at meTo see me lookin back at youI was lookin" back to see if you were lookin back at meTo see me lookin back at youBut if you hurt what"s mineI"ll sure as hell retaliateYou can free the world you can free my mindJust as long as my baby"s safe from harm tonightYou can free the world you can free my mindJust as long as my baby"s safe from harm tonight
2023-07-22 05:47:381

Massive Attack - Teardrop 歌词翻译

2023-07-22 05:47:452

Massive Attack featuring Tracey Thorn的《Protection》 歌词

歌曲名:Protection歌手:Massive Attack featuring Tracey Thorn专辑:ProtectionTaj Jackson - ProtectionI was cruising down the ave, thirty on the gasSaw this chick and I couldn"t help but look backPut it in reverse, not even thinking about who I"m gonna hurtNooSaid I like what I seeDunno what it is, but you got what I needAnd it didn"t even dawn on me what the consequences might beWas it just my intentionGot a girl that I never seem to mentionAnd I tell myself that it"s for her protectionTo erase in my head my deceptionI ain"t tryna lose my girlBut this chick got all my attentionAnd it"s hard not to show her my affection1, I know I"m going in the wrong directionI don"t need this in my worldYou don"t deserve someone like meCause I"ll never give you what you needI should walk away and let you beCause you don"t deserve someone like meIt was just one kissBut the way she did it made me think of your lipsWas not expecting to feel like thisWhen you"re in love, this ain"t how you liveAnd I shoulda went homeCouldn"t stop myself cause she made me say oohhhAnd the only thing I could see was my girl saying why"d you do this to meAnd I gotta stop stressin"Thought this girl was gonna run, say somethingAnd if she do, I"m gonna say I did nothingMan, I hope this chick don"t be buggingI ain"t tryna lose my girlDon"t know why I couldn"t be faithfulI ain"t ever been no angelNow I"m force to live with this labelI don"t need this in my worldYou don"t deserve someone like meCause I"ll never give you what you needI should walk away and let you beCause you don"t deserve someone like meI shoulda loved you moreI don"t know what I was with her forOne day I"ll have to tell you the truthCause there ain"t no excuseI was with her when I should have been with youBaby you don"t deserve, nooooYou don"t deserve someone like meCause I"ll never give you what you needI should walk away and let you beCause you don"t deserve someone like meYou don"t deserve someone like me
2023-07-22 05:48:031

Massive Attack的《Black Milk》 歌词

歌曲名:Black Milk歌手:Massive Attack专辑:Mezzanine(Vowles, Del naja, Marshall, Fraser)You"re not my eaterI"m not your foodLove you for GodLove you for the MotherEat meIn the spaceWithin my heartLove you for GodLove you for the MotherMother fountainOr live or not at allThe most levelSunken chapelLove you for GodLove you for the MotherAll"s there to loveOnly love
2023-07-22 05:48:111

Angel (Radio Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:Angel (Radio Edit)歌手:Massive Attack专辑:Singles CollectionMassive Attack - AngelYou are my angelCome from way aboveTo bring me loveHer eyesShe"s on the dark sideNeutralizeEvery man in sightTo love you, love you, love you ...You are my angelCome from way aboveLove you, love you, love you ...
2023-07-22 05:48:181


如果是主要以重低音为主的话 多半就是hardstyle风格的
2023-07-22 05:48:425


what does “fall” mean 翻译为:"fall”是什么意思?【附】fall 英[fu0254:l] 美[fu0254l] v. 跌倒; 落下; 减少; 沦陷; n. 秋天; 落下; 瀑布; 减少; [网络] 秋; 落; 下跌; [例句]Her father fell into the sea after a massive heart attack.她父亲在一次严重的心脏病发作后坠入海中。[其他] 第三人称单数:falls 现在分词:falling 过去式:fell 过去分词:fallen
2023-07-22 05:49:041


1. 抛砖引玉的出处,译文和故事 【释 义】 抛出砖头,引来白玉。 比喻用自己不成熟的意见引出别人更好的意见。 【出 处】 宋·释道原《景德传灯录》:“时有一僧便出,礼拜,师曰:"比来抛砖引玉,却引得个坠子。 "” 【典 故】 [编辑本段] 唐朝时有一个叫赵嘏(音gu)的人,他的诗写的很好。曾因为一句“长笛一声人倚楼”得到一个“赵倚楼”的称号。 那个时候还有一个叫常建的人,他的诗写的也很好,但是他总认为自己没有赵嘏写的好。 有一次,常建听说赵嘏要到苏州游玩,他十分的高兴。 心想,“这是一个向他学习的好机会,千万不能错过。用什么办法才能让他留下诗句呢?”他想,“赵嘏既然到苏州,肯定会去灵岩寺的,如果我先在寺庙里留下半首诗,他看到以后会补全的。” 于是他就在墙上题下了半首诗。 赵嘏后来真的来到了灵岩寺,在他看见墙上的那半首诗后,便提笔在后面补上了两句。 常建的目的也就达到了。他用自己不是很好的诗,换来了赵嘏的精彩的诗。 后来人们说,常建的这个办法,真可谓“抛砖引玉”了。 这个成语的意思是说,先把自己的不是很好的观点或文章介绍给大家,目的是为了引出别人的高论或佳作。 是一个表示自谦的说法。 2. 谁有抛砖引玉的故事译文 不全译文:700 BC, Chu "Paozhuanyinyu" strategy to be able to beat City. This year, Chu able to attack the soldiers of the (now Yunyang County, northwest of Hubei), the rapid action force. Binglinchengxia Chu, the momentum strong, able to face the insight to town, Xiongduojishao, decided to stick城池. City Xianyao able terrain, easy to defend and hard to attack. Chu repeated attacks were repelled. Stalemate over a month the o armed forces. Chu doctor Moao place blemish careful *** ysis of the struggle beeen the o sides, that the city could only be able to circumvent dependencies, can not be over. He told Chu presented a "bait to catch a big fish" strategy. He said: "The siege over, as the lure of profits." Youdi he asked Chu to the law. Qu blemish proposal: While the city was able to Wai Yue Yu, the city"s lack of firewood, to send more soldiers dressed as Qiao Fu Da Chai Wan back up the mountain, the enemy will be out of town Jieduo straw. The first few days, let them e some *** all profits, and so they, insensitive, a large number of soldiers to town Jieduo straw when the first was set up Fubing off road, and then the F-poly and the right moment seize the city. Chu worried that country will not easily be able to be taken, Qu Xia said: "The king assured that cutter country is *** all and light dry, light, less impatient strategy. Sweetest this bait, no worries about not catch it." Chu was in accordance with terms and Line, the fate of some soldiers dressed as Qiaofu uphill Dachai. Hou able to listen to a probe report into the mountain porters, Mangwen whether these Qiaofu Chu protection. Probe said that 3,322 out of them, did not follow the soldier. Layout people to be able to designate immediately, the question "Qiaofu" carrying Chaihechushan of the machine, a surprise, really *** ooth succeed, captured more than 30 "Qiao Fu", have won many straw. For several days, really Shouhuobuxiao. See profitable, and able to soldier Jieduo straw to the city more and more. Chu see the enemy has been swallowed bait, we decided to quickly caught a big fish. The sixth day, be able to soldier the same as a few days ago to the city looting, "Qiao Fu" in the military again be able to see looting, the Taoben scared Mei Ming, able to catch up with the soldier closely, unwittingly be introduced into the Chu Mai Fuquan within. Only Fubing everywhere, Shashengzhentian, Wen country where the soldiers to resist is maintained, hurried retreat, met Fubing broken Guilu, countless casualties. Chu took the opportunity siege at this time, be able to Hou aware of dollars, has been unable to resist, only Qingjiang. AD 690, Khitan attack, camp. Cho division to send Wu Zetian, the case of Zhang Xuan, Li Zuo, Maren of four generals Although Xizheng, the state would like to regain business, Pingding Khitan. Qidan pioneer Sun Wanrong familiarize Bingshu, quite-seeking. He thought Tangjun massive, positive confrontation, and has negative. First of all, he created food shortages in the camps, the media and deliberately to escape captured Tang Jun, Qiaofu Army division mander in chief Cho see - the road escaped back to the Tang Bing-Huang Ji thin, and learned from their camps in serious shortage Grain, within the camp Zhoucheng Khitan military officers and men of instability. Cho division hearts Daxi that the Khitan single blow, captured camp, just around the corner. Tang Jun Zhang Xuan vanguard force of the event and Maren Festival, would like to seize Tougong, to the camp, rushed forward, the way, also see the camp, escaped from the Khitan elderly Shizu, they claim to serious food shortages in camps, soldiers Have escaped, and expressed willingness to Guixiang Tangjun. Zhang, Ma will be even more believe that the o camps, food and Khitan morale of the instability. They led the troops day and night Jiancheng, rushed to the West Kip Shigu, only narrow roads, on both sides of Cliff. In accordance with the forces of law, laid an ambush set up here is the danger. However, Zhang, Ma Qi Danshi They think that a single long Ede vulnerable, and win Tougong mood-driven, ordered troops to move forward. Tang Jun flooded into the Valley, difficult road. The evening hours, only heard - sound Baoxiang, the cliffs above, Jianruyuxia, Tang Jun troops trampled on numerous casualties. Sun Wanrong personally led troops from all directions Jinji Tangjun. Tang Jun may not advance and retreat, before Fubing, after the Rangers Jiesha, and no war since the chaos. Zhang, Ma They were Khitan army captured alive. Sun Wanrong use of the seizure of India, wrote the report immediately Ch。 3. 古代抛砖引玉的意思是什么啊 抛砖引玉 类以诱之①,击蒙也②。 【注释】 ①类以诱之:出示某种类似的东西并去诱惑他。 ②击蒙也:语出《易经.蒙》如。参前“借尸还魂”计注释④。击,撞击,打击。句意为:诱惑敌人,便可打击这种受我诱惑的愚蒙之人了。 【按语】 诱敌之法甚多,最妙之法,不在疑似之间,而在类同,以固其惑。以旌旗金鼓诱敌者,疑似也;以老弱粮草诱敌者,则类同也。如:楚伐绞,军其南门,屈瑕曰:“绞小而轻,轻则寡谋,请勿捍采樵者以诱之。”从之,绞人获利。明日绞人争出,驱楚役徙于山中。楚人坐守其北门,而伏诸山下,大败之,为城下之盟而还。又如孙膑减灶而诱杀庞涓。 【解析】 战争中,迷惑敌人的方法多种多样,最妙的方法不是用似是而非的方法,而是应用极相类似的方法,以假乱真。比如,用旋旗招展、鼓声震天来引诱敌人,属“疑似”法,往往难以奏效。而用老弱残兵或者遗弃粮食柴草之法诱敌,属“类同”法,这样做,容易迷惑敌人,可以收到效果,因为类同之法更容易造成敌人的错觉,使其判断失误。当然,使用此计,必须充分了解敌方将领的情况,包括他们的军事水平、心理素质、性格特征,这样才能让此计发挥效力。正如《百诫奇略.利战》中所说:“凡与敌战,其将愚而不知变,可诱以利,彼贪利而不知害,可设伏兵击之,其军可败。法曰‘利而诱之"。”庞涓就是因为骄矜自用,才中了孙膑减灶撤军之计,死于马陵道的。 【探源】 抛砖引玉,出自《传灯录》。相传唐代诗人常建,听说赵嘏要去游览苏州的灵岩寺。为了请赵嘏作诗,常建先在庙壁上题写了两句,赵嘏见到后,立刻提笔续写了两句,而且比前两句写得好。后来文人称常建的这种作法为“抛砖引玉”。此计用于军事,是指用相类似的事物去迷惑、诱骗敌人,使其懵懂上当,中我圈套,然后乘机击败敌人的计谋。“砖”和“玉”,是一种形象的比喻。“砖”,指的是小利,是绣饵;“玉”,指的是作战的目的,即大的胜利。“引玉”,才是目的,“抛砖”,是为了达到目的的手段。钓鱼需用钓饵,先让鱼儿尝到一点甜头,它才会上钩;敌人占了一点便宜,才会误入圈套,吃大亏。 公元前700年,楚国用“抛砖引玉”的策略,轻取绞城。这一年,楚国发兵攻打绞国(今湖北郧县西北),大军行动迅速。楚军兵临城下,气势旺盛,绞国自知出城迎战,凶多吉少,决定坚守城池。绞城地势险要,易守难攻。楚军多次进攻,均被击退。两军相持一个多月。楚国大夫莫傲屈居瑕仔细分析了敌我双方的情况,认为绞城只可智取,不可力克。他向楚王献上一条“以鱼饵钓大鱼”的计谋。他说:“攻城不下,不如利而诱之。”楚王向他问诱敌之法。屈瑕建议:趁绞城被围月余,城中缺少薪柴之时,派些士兵装扮成樵夫上山打柴运回来,敌军一定会出城劫夺柴草。头几天,让他们先得一些小利,等他们麻痹大意,大批士兵出城劫夺柴草之时,先设伏兵断其后路,然后聚而歼之,乘势夺城。楚王担心绞国不会轻易上当,屈瑕说:“大王放心,绞国虽小而轻燥,轻躁则少谋略。有这样香甜的钓饵,不愁它不上钩。”楚王于是依计而行,命一些士兵装扮成樵夫上山打柴。 绞侯听探子报告有挑夫进山的情况,忙问这些樵夫有无楚军保护。探子说,他们三三两两进出,并无兵士跟随。绞候马上布置人马,待“樵夫”背着柴禾出山之机,突然袭击,果然顺利得手,抓了三十多个“樵夫”,夺得不少柴草。一连几天,果然收获不小。见有利可图,绞国士兵出城劫夺柴草的越来越多。楚王见敌人已经吞下钓饵,便决定迅速逮大鱼。第六天,绞国士兵象前几天一样出城劫掠,“樵夫”们见绞军又来劫掠,吓得没命的逃奔,绞国士兵紧紧追赶,不知不觉被引入楚军的埋伏圈内。只见伏兵四起,杀声震天,纹国士兵哪里抵挡得住,慌忙败退,又遇伏兵断了归路,死伤无数。楚王此时趁机攻城,绞侯自知中计,已无力抵抗,只得请降。 成语 抛砖引玉 ( pāo zhuān yǐn yù ) 解 释 抛出砖头,引来白玉。比喻用自己不成熟的意见引出别人更好的意见。 出 处 宋·释道原《景德传灯录》:“时有一僧便出,礼拜,师曰:"比来抛砖引玉,却引得个坠子。"” 用 法 连动式;作谓语、定语、宾语、分句;用于谦词 示 例 清·李汝珍《镜花缘》:“方才婢子费了唇舌,说了许多书名,原是~,以为借此长长见识。” 近义词 引玉之砖、一得之见 4. 请问(抛砖引玉)是什么意思 宋·释道原《景德传灯录·卷十·赵州东院从稔禅师》:“大众晚参,师云:‘今夜答话去也,有解问者出来。 "时有一僧便出,礼拜。稔曰:‘比来抛砖引玉,却引得个墼子。 "” (墼:没有烧的砖坯。) 抛砖引玉,出自《传灯录》。 相传唐代诗人常建,听说赵嘏要去游览苏州的灵岩寺。为了请赵嘏作诗,常建先在庙壁上题写了两句,赵嘏见到后,立刻提笔续写了两句,而且比前两句写得好。 后来文人称常建的这种作法为“抛砖引玉”。此计用于军事,是指用相类似的事物去迷惑、诱骗敌人,使其懵懂上当,中我圈套,然后乘机击败敌人的计谋。 “砖”和“玉”,是一种形象的比喻。“砖”,指的是小利,是诱饵;“玉”,指的是作战的目的,即大的胜利。 “引玉”,才是目的,“抛砖”,是为了达到目的的手段。钓鱼需用钓饵,先让鱼儿尝到一点甜头,它才会上钩;敌人占了一点便宜,才会误入圈套,吃大亏。 公元前700年,楚国用“抛砖引玉”的策略,轻取绞城。这一年,楚国发兵攻打绞国(今湖北郧县西北),大军行动迅速。 楚军兵临城下,气势旺盛,绞国自知出城迎战,凶多吉少,决定坚守城池。绞城地势险要,易守难攻。 楚军多次进攻,均被击退。两军相持一个多月。 楚国大夫莫傲屈居瑕仔细分析了敌我双方的情况,认为绞城只可智取,不可力克。他向楚王献上一条“以鱼饵钓大鱼”的计谋。 他说:“攻城不下,不如利而诱之。”楚王向他问诱敌之法。 屈瑕建议:趁绞城被围月余,城中缺少薪柴之时,派些士兵装扮成樵夫上山打柴运回来,敌军一定会出城劫夺柴草。头几天,让他们先得一些小利,等他们麻痹大意,大批士兵出城劫夺柴草之时,先设伏兵断其后路,然后聚而歼之,乘势夺城。 楚王担心绞国不会轻易上当,屈瑕说:“大王放心,绞国虽小而轻燥,轻躁则少谋略。有这样香甜的钓饵,不愁它不上钩。” 楚王于是依计而行,命一些士兵装扮成樵夫上山打柴。 绞侯听探子报告有挑夫进山的情况,忙问这些樵夫有无楚军保护。 探子说,他们三三两两进出,并无兵士跟随。绞候马上布置人马,待“樵夫”背着柴禾出山之机,突然袭击,果然顺利得手,抓了三十多个“樵夫”,夺得不少柴草。 一连几天,果然收获不小。见有利可图,绞国士兵出城劫夺柴草的越来越多。 楚王见敌人已经吞下钓饵,便决定迅速逮大鱼。第六天,绞国士兵象前几天一样出城劫掠,“樵夫”们见绞军又来劫掠,吓得没命的逃奔,绞国士兵紧紧追赶,不知不觉被引入楚军的埋伏圈内。 只见伏兵四起,杀声震天,纹国士兵哪里抵挡得住,慌忙败退,又遇伏兵断了归路,死伤无数。楚王此时趁机攻城,绞侯自知中计,已无力抵抗,只得请降。 [编辑本段]用法 连动式;作谓语、定语、宾语、分句;用于谦词 [编辑本段]示例 刚才婢子费了唇舌,说了许多书名,原是~,以为借此长长见识,不意竟是如此!(清·李汝珍《镜花缘》第十八回) [编辑本段]近义词 引玉之砖、一得之见 [编辑本段]典故 唐朝时有一个叫赵嘏(音gǔ)的人,他的诗写的很好。曾因为一句“长笛一声人倚楼”得到一个“赵倚楼”的称号。 那个时候还有一个叫常建的人,他的诗写的也很好,但是他总认为自己没有赵嘏写的好。 有一次,常建听说赵嘏要到苏州游玩,他十分的高兴。 心想,“这是一个向他学习的好机会,千万不能错过。用什么办法才能让他留下诗句呢?”他想,“赵嘏既然到苏州,肯定会去灵岩寺的,如果我先在寺庙里留下半首诗,他看到以后会补全的。” 于是他就在墙上题下了半首诗。 赵嘏后来真的来到了灵岩寺,在他看见墙上的那半首诗后,便提笔在后面补上了两句。 常建的目的也就达到了。他用自己不是很好的诗,换来了赵嘏的精彩的诗。 后来人们说,常建的这个办法,真可谓“抛砖引玉”了。 这个成语的意思是说,先把自己的不是很好的观点或文章介绍给大家,目的是为了引出别人的高论或佳作。 是一个表示自谦的说法。 [编辑本段]解析 “抛砖引玉”,就是抛出砖头,引来玉石。 这是一个比喻,砖可以泛指一切质次的、价值低的或量小的事物,相对来说,玉可以指一切质优的、价值高的或量大的事物。 发表粗浅的、不成熟的意见或者文艺作品,引出别人高明、完美的意见或作品,常被称为抛砖引玉。 日常生活中,这种现象很常见。虽然狂傲之徒高谈阔论一番,待到他人发表意见或作品时,却充耳不闻,闭目不视,但他们还是口口声声说是抛砖引玉。 作为一种谋人之术,抛砖引玉绝不可像交流意见与信息时那样温文尔雅,而是一种以小利谋大利的诱骗术、掠夺术、谋取术。砖抛出来,专等玉来,玉不来,则使用各种手段来取,或诱取,或骗取,或巧取,或用各种武力强取! 楚人抛出一些老弱残兵之类的,让绞兵得了好处,然后大败绞兵,逼绞签订盟约,可以说是抛砖引玉之计在军事上的成功运用。 冒顿,把本部落最好的千里马和美女送给太湖部落,诱使太湖部落疏于防范,最后兼并太湖部落,统一全匈奴。千里马和美女,与一个大部落相比,就好比砖和玉,冒顿抛出砖,成功地取得了玉。 孙万荣也深知抛砖可以引玉的妙处,两次运用,两次获胜。粗略地看,军事上抛砖通常有些。 5. "抛砖引玉"英语翻译 直译(老外常这么干): Throw out a brick to attract a jade; 常用的译法为 Use the little to get the big. (fig) offer a few monplace remarks by way of introduction so that others may e up with valuable opinions 抛出砖去,引回玉来。比喻自谦以粗浅的见解引出别人的高见
2023-07-22 05:49:241


这是《刀锋战士2》原声专辑的曲目: 1. Blade (theme from Blade) - Marco Beltrami & Danny Saber 2. Cowboy - Eve & Fatboy Slim 3. I Against I - Mos Def & Massive Attack 4. Right Here, Right Now - Ice Cube & Paul Oakenfold 5. Tao of the Machine - The Roots & BT 6. Child of the Wild West - Cypress Hill & Roni Size 7. The One - Busta Rhymes / Silkk The Shocker & Dub Pistols 8. We Be Like This - Fabolous / Jadakiss & Danny Saber 9. Gorillaz On My Mind - Redman & Gorillaz 10. Gangsta Queens - Trina / Rah-Digga & Groove Armada 11. PHDream - Bubba Sparxxx & The Crystal Method 12. Raised in the Hood - Volume 10 & Roni Size 13. Gettin" Aggressive - Mystikal & Moby 14. Mind What You Say - Buppy (Bonus Track) 抱歉,具体哪个就不晓得了, 这上似乎能下到,但不敢保证。。。满意请采纳
2023-07-22 05:49:461


创作背景李连杰谈到接拍影片的初衷时表示,他一直想拍一些特别的、从未涉猎的片子。并向吕克·贝松表示,希望在电影上另辟蹊径,让动作在影片中为故事服务,同时传达一个信息:暴力不是解决问题的方法。吕克·贝松很赞同李连杰的想法,并在几天后就给他看了《狼犬丹尼》的剧本。 音乐制作影片由时尚电音摇滚乐团Massive Attack负责电影音乐的制作,导演认为这个组合非常接近《狼犬丹尼》的世界,具有通过几乎暴力的乐曲表达感情的能力。Massive Attack对着电影画面费时3个月终于完成配乐工作,以电子合成器营造各种不同的情景声效,再透过电子摇滚、trip-hop、dub或是环境声效的表现手法,来捕捉影片中时而疾驰狂奔,时而伤感落寞的戏剧效果。
2023-07-22 05:49:531


艺名:高雪岚真名:傅佩嘉英文名:Maggie生日:1月14日身高:5"5体重:110lbs学校:O.F.P,MaryknollConventSchool喜欢的颜色:黑色,蓝色,灰色喜欢的生果:巨蜂(提子)喜欢的地方:TowerRecords,HMV喜欢的电影:缘份两面睇,雷霆救兵喜欢的乐器:钢琴喜欢的男演员:宾艾佛力,汤汉斯喜欢的音乐:R&B,HipHop,骚灵,任何好的音乐喜欢的女演员:美琪赖恩喜欢的组合:MassiveAttack,Cardigans最难忘的事情:第一次在红馆演唱最想做的事情:去纽约读时装设计喜欢的歌手:LaurynHill,AlanisMorissette,Misia,Mary.J.Blige 宇多田光,李泉,王力宏,陶喆
2023-07-22 05:50:061

After 21 year of marriage,my wife want me to take another woman out to dinner and see a movie.这篇

2023-07-22 05:50:192

2023-07-22 05:52:033


Beijing has a long history, as early as 3000 years ago, the land arose Tzu. Yuan, Ming and Qing three-year, Beijing is your "State". 600 years of history to appreciate modern Beijing culture permeates deep breath, or left or exquisite beauty Royal building. These Monuments world famous. Preservation of the world"s most complete wooden structure of the palace complex Palace, the Temple of Heaven elegant style, the reality Fairyland Beihai, Yuan Ming three generations of the nation"s highest institution Imperial Academy, the track record of royal kin Guiqi Gongwang"s life : : The Imperial Palace, also known as the Forbidden City, Ming and Qing dynasties is the Palace, the largest of China"s most complete existing ancient buildings. Forbidden City occupies more than 720,000 square metres, a total of more than 9,000 palaces, are wooden structures, yellow glazed tile top, Green Whitehead corner, resplendent in gold and jade green decorated with the paintings. The palace is a north-south along the central axis configuration, and to start on both sides, North and the South to directly, or symmetrical. This not only runs in the Forbidden City of China axis, and approximately 14:00, north to Gulou, Clock Tower, through the entire city, the magnificent boldness of vision, planning rigorous, very spectacular. Longevity Hill and Kunming Lake Summer Palace mainly by the composition of material in the waters of more than 3,000 house pavilion, new roof Pavilion Bridge. A "King, a King, a Park Garden" features layout, in the four-round for the first time. Park has four node. Orient House is the easternmost gate areas, including North Korea will be the Minister of Housing Renshoudian and the Southern and Northern Dynasties, usually, big stage, courtyard. Longevity Hill Middle is the construction of the most magnificent, accompanied by two of the vertical axis guide, the East-West axis is famous promenade, the North-South axis from the central promenade, followed by Pai Cloud Gate, Paiyundian, Te Temple, Buddha incense Pavilion. Buddha incense Pavilion is the center of the whole park, trying to spread it around the building, forming Zhongxingpengyue tendency of a grand style. North is Lake scenic areas, forest trees, mountain road twists and turns, with the Jiangnan region of rivers and lakes on the characteristics Suzhou Street in here. Beihai Park in Beijing center Palace Square, a waters that Xiyuan, as too fluid pool. Too fluid to be divided into three pools : North to the North Sea, the China Sea to the South for the South China Sea. Most of which are members of the North Sea, here was originally Liaoning, gold, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasty gradually built by the five imperial palace, my oldest existing, the most comprehensive and most complete representation of the royal garden one. Park has Qiongdao, Baitasi, Fang Shan restaurant, attractive buildings. Qiongdao the west was originally Qing dynasty emperor pleasance pm, or at the banquet of the Yuet Sum Temple. Northwest have read Gulou, storage buildings since the Wei, Jin and Ming Fatie 340 pieces, more than 210 pieces preface and postscript, Bay Rock Inscription 495 side. Northeast slope eyes look, here is "another famous" one "Qiongdaochunyin." 难道写得不对吗?望采纳!o()^))o 唉
2023-07-22 05:53:272


匹克威克外传读后感 "the Kerwick Unauthorized biography" is the Dickens"s first novel, is also one of his outstanding representative works. This work had reflected the extremely broad life picture, described the early 19th century"s British society really, what the story writes is a single old gentry Mr. Kerwick, is one “the celebrities”, is also one “the scholar”, is also by his surname naming mass organization “Kerwick society” creator. He brings several “the Kerwick faction” to exit to travel for pleasure. A group has bumped into all sorts of funny laughable people and the matter, passes through for about two years, his follower and he thought that travelled for pleasure has sufficed, “Kerwick society” also announced has dismissed, Mr. Kerwick implemented “retired”, the story also in light of this finished. The complete plot is along with Kerwick et al. the travel what one sees and hears and the bitter experience launches, therefore the structure is quite sloppy, but therefore can also more give the reader by new and the nimble feeling. The author especially has also arranged one for the entire story take Mr. Kerwick and the hoodlum gold Mr. Ghale"s contradictory conflict as the content master line, from the beginning runs throughout the tail. Also presses “completely” the spirit finally in the entire book, book in whole show"s fate, As soon as has made the confession. But this work is not eventually by the vicissitudes of life, winding complex story win that one kind. Causes the people excited, to cause the people to undergo for a long time does not forget, is these many and varied typical characters, these concise vivid life picture, they give the human by the extremely rich inspiration. Superficially, take golden Ghale"s turning a new leaf as the symbol, this work"s main thought is an abstract old formula: “nicely finally defeats evilly”, but this is also is suitable for Dickens"s many work common formulas. But in fact, author"s thoughts and feelings as well as the work content, certainly not so is actually withered and vulgar, but extremely is rich and moving. Reads "the Kerwick Unauthorized biography", the people everywhere can by these ingenious, vivid and the profound satire description attract. These marvelous satire art, is precisely author"s thoughts and feelings nature reveals. The target of attack, is precisely under the capitalist system is in power the character. The author harbors the mood which abhors, has portrayed at that time British upper circles of society"s all sorts of characters from each aspect, like aristocrat, landlord, capitalist, politician, serviceman, wife, young lady, manager, pastor and so on, has exposed their ugly souls and the disgusting life really. The people saw that another acts like a fool the portrait and the genre painting, also cannot stop the hatred and the loathing in any event. But, in all satires In the objects, the author attacks repeatedly specially emphatically, is overtop structures and so on capitalism law, legal system, jail, as well as bourgeoisie"s judge, attorney, government official and so on. About these aspect"s description, has accounted for the massive lengths in the book and the most important position, this is this book characteristic. But this is also the work true subject is. "Kerwick Unauthorized biography" is simply to capitalism legal system"s one most vivid, the powerful complaint book! , the author is oppressed on the other hand to the capitalist system under and small and weak which harms and common laborer"s sincere sympathy, in the work is also obvious. Specially the author with the interlude form these independent small stories which says to the reader, for example “becomes an itinerant wushu performer the play this article"s story”, “turns over to the story which imprisons”, “the church janitor"s story” and so on, very vividly touching described many have experienced suffering the misery lower level good character"s images, was nearly holds tear of the sympathetic to narrate the capitalist society completely to add in their spiritual life and the material life tribulation, this With to these bourgeoisie pet"s taunting, forms the incisive comparison. is natural, we are not difficult to see that although Dickens"s this article hatred is intense, down to although he in this book to ugly and the unreasonable capitalism law, the legal system the entire political life"s attack is brave and powerful, but because in his world outlook is containing the very big contradiction, therefore also maintains regarding the bourgeoisie was fantasizing, is holding the reformism thought to the capitalist system. He denied the bourgeoisie law then, actually placed hopes in one kind of impractical moral education. In his opinion, that law (and all accessories) indeed are the insignificance, is not only insufficient to punish warns and transforms “the unprincipled person”, instead will harm (lawsuit namely its of example which “the good person” for example Mr. Kerwick will encounter), in fact only will be other worse “the unprincipled person” (e.g. class of a grandson and the Fogg) uses to make the wicked tool. But, he thinks the basic question because in the society has “the unprincipled person” the existence, therefore the law is also used continually by them does the misdemeanor. Then, how to manage? Outlet what in? His answer is: Moral education. Therefore, he when finished entire book lets Mr. Kerwick influence golden Ghale with the good conduct, and rescued him the jail (in his opinion jail is in itself evil), but also has arGolden Ghale also thoroughly rectifies misdeeds, learned sincerely, has realized author"s ideal. This is Dickens"s petty bourgeoisie humanitarianism thought and the social class compromise-ism thought performance, is also his basic weakness is. at the same time, in Dickens thought"s weakness in the artistic performance is also very obvious. He always in this article creation some his mind"s ideal character manifests his abundant this article, the equality, good, honest and so on abstract idea, with the aim of achieving “the moral education which” he believes in goal. But nearly without a single exception, such is defeated diligently. This book"s Mr. Kerwick, is originally one describes the very much successful villain, but as a result of the author world outlook"s contradiction, he wrote gradually him a positive character, takes on “ideal ranged the work and the outlet for him. But
2023-07-22 05:53:361


饥饿的鲨鱼进化大螃蟹攻略 大螃蟹的弱点须知玩《饥饿的鲨鱼》的小伙伴们都被大螃蟹所困,这畜生实在不好对付,左右两口大钳,3下能夹死灰鲸鲨,4下能弄死锤头虎鲨,实在BT。你如果用礁鲨又看不到它,可奈何- -只能迎难而上呢,不过这里我们其实可以巧取,切不可硬上,否则你会屡战屡败,具体提打法细节如下:首先要对付大螃蟹其实挺简单的,只是干掉它会需要些时间而已杀螃蟹经验心得分享:1、只要躲开他的钳子,但别躲太远,夹不着就好,一边躲一边吃小鱼,乌龟神马的加血效果不错。2、大螃蟹的壳顶上有一块类似坦克车盖的,那是他的弱点。但只有其弱点暴露时,攻击才有效。其他时候会被夹。3、满血鱼要了解下。一般在最左边有几条水滴鱼,吃一个可以满血恢复哦^_^水滴鱼长的愁眉苦脸的肉色鱼,头特大,眼睛全黑,500分。4、如果自己血快没了的话,一定要赶紧冲刺过去吃水滴鱼,再吃小鱼。不要担心吃完,在巨蟹死前他们是会更新的。5、当大螃蟹的弱点闪烁着绿光时,系统会提示attack with boost,螃蟹此刻会趴下不动,这是最好的时机,冲过去撕咬它的致命点。冲刺时距离要算好,最好在咬到它的时候,你还在冲刺,攻击成功时,会提示massive damage,螃蟹缩一下并闪光,多咬几次,壳顶的攻击闪光提示变黄,不要以为不能打了,不然后面全闪黄光,继续咬。6、发现,咬到的次数越多,提示越向红色过渡(先是绿,过一会变黄,再咬变红)当螃蟹发狂地挥舞钳子,弱点变红时,不要怕,他伤不了你了,冲过去,给他最后一击吧!你会亲眼看见仇敌从中间裂开,碎掉,血溅当场,和打别的boss一样,掉钱。7、吃螃蟹的要注意,第一次只掉钱,第二次+一个钻石。第三次嘛,我还不知道,变蓝了,但没打死。咬死他之后,把巢穴清掉(或不清),出去吧!8、远古巨齿鲨可以秒杀这只大螃蟹哦,不过前提是你要先得到大白鲨。大概就是这样杀大螃蟹的,有更好方法的童鞋别掖着藏着哟,拿出来分享给大家哟,上面这个方法最普通呢。
2023-07-22 05:53:461


GOD是韩国第一代男子团体是五人男子团体,成员包括朴俊亨、尹启相、安信源、孙昊永、金泰宇。 队名为groove over dose三个英文单字的缩写,除此意义外,缩写之後的三字合起来便有天神之意,意味著天团之崛起,团体的代表颜色是天蓝色,歌迷官方名称为「FANgod」。 曾於2005年宣布无限期停止活动,2014年5月8日以五人完全体回归歌坛,发表出道十五周年纪念单曲《丑小鸭》,7月8日发行了第八张正规专辑,12日以首尔为起点举办了十五周年演唱会。
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frɪdʒ 发音 这个是约定成俗的
2023-07-22 05:46:155


1、pang臭是川渝和湖南等地的方言,意思是特别臭。用pang臭表达臭时,能让人感受到表达者的情绪十分饱满,再结合略带痛苦的表情,光是听着就觉得这人是真的被臭到了。 2、方言(英文:topolect、dialect)一词最早出自汉扬雄(前53—18)的《_轩使者绝代语释别国方言》一书。“方言”在不同的人群中指代不同,中国人口中所称“方言(Topolect)”是一个政治学概念,实为“地方语言”,又称“白话(Vernacular)”、“土话”或“土音”,指的是区别于标准语的某一地区的语言,这种叫法不考虑语言间的亲属关系。
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  现代战争片有很多,你知道1938年的那场台儿庄战役吗?下面我为大家整理了1938年台儿庄战役相关的知识,希望对大家有用。   战役背景   全局背景   日本侵略军1937年12月13日和27日相继占领南京、济南后,连贯南北战场, 决定 以南京、济南为基地,从南北两端沿津浦铁路夹击徐州。   按原定作战方案,徐州以北保卫战,由第5战区副司令长官兼第3集团军总司令韩复榘指挥,岂知驻扎山东的韩复榘,大敌当前,还为保存实力打小算盘。1937年12月23日,日军一部攻陷归仁镇后,韩复榘未战而走,造成了严重后果。27日,济南失守,日军由博山、莱芜进攻泰安。1938年1月1日,泰安落入日军北方军第2军矶谷廉介之手。韩复榘连连丧池失地,致北段津浦路正面大门洞开,使日军得以沿线长驱直入,给徐州会战投下阴影。李宗仁屡屡严电韩复榘夺回泰安,并以此为根据地阻截南下之敌。韩复榘对李宗仁的 命令 置若罔闻,一错再错。为此,韩遭到蒋介石枪毙的处置,由孙桐萱代任其职。韩复榘的不战自退,非但使中国军队失去了黄河天险,更将济南、泰安等地拱手让敌,其后果之恶劣,实难形容。他也因此成为在抗战中第一个被处决高级将领。    地理 背景   1938年徐州会战中的日军骑兵   台儿庄地处苏鲁交界,位于枣庄南部,地处徐州东北30公里的大运河北岸,临城(今枣庄市薛城区驻地)至赵墩的铁路支线上,北连津浦路,南接陇海线,西面毗邻南四湖,为山东南大门、徐州之门户,乃是南下徐州的最后一道屏障,举世闻名的京杭大运河横贯全境,自古是南北漕运枢纽,战略位置十分重要, 历史 上为兵家必争之地,是日军夹击徐州的首争之地。   战役爆发   1938年3月,日军坂垣征四郎第五师团沿胶济路西进,进逼临沂;矶谷廉介第十师团沿津浦路南下,直扑台儿庄。中国第五战区司令长官李宗仁以孙连仲第二集团军等部为主力,并请蒋介石下令调动中央军汤恩伯部,在台儿庄地区迎战日军。日军主力猛攻台儿庄,中国军队舍命奋战,主阵地几易其手,战斗异常激烈。战况最危急时,我方四分之三阵地失守,但中国军队拼死不退,最后预备队用完,通讯兵、担架兵组成敢死队上场拼杀。   1938年3月20日,日军矶谷师团借攻克滕县之威,在飞机的掩护下,集中4万人,配以坦克、大炮,向台儿庄发动了猛烈的进攻,企图一举攻占徐州。李宗仁以第2集团军总司令孙连仲率部固守台儿庄,第20军团军团长汤恩伯参谋长封裔忠率部让开津浦铁路正面,转入兰陵及其西北云谷山区,诱敌深入,待机破敌。国民政府 军事 委员会关于台儿庄战役的意图和部署是,以擅长固守的原西北军孙连仲部防守台儿庄运河一线,一方面防堵日军进窥徐州,一方面将骄狂冒进的矶谷师团吸引到峄县南部地区,而后以隐藏于峄县东北山区的汤恩伯第20军团拊敌侧背,加以聚歼。日军的作战意图是:“确保韩庄、台儿庄一线,并警备临城、峄县,同时用尽可能多的兵力向沂州方面突击,协助第5师团战斗。1938年3月23日,日军由枣庄南下,在台儿庄北侧的康庄、泥沟地区与守军警戒部队接   为诱敌深入,第31师刘兰斋连长率骑兵连从台儿庄出发,向峄县方向搜索前进,91旅旅长乜子彬率183团跟进,在峄县城南20里康庄与日军遭遇。台儿庄地区战斗正式打响,中国军队马队为诱敌深入边打边撤,1938年3月24日,日军逼近台儿庄开始向台儿庄地区大举进攻。日军在台儿庄北五里刘家湖村设有炮兵阵地,排列10门大炮,向台儿庄猛轰。91旅183团3营营长高鸿立率领士兵,每人一把大刀,8颗手榴弹,杀入敌人炮兵阵地,砍得敌人无法招架,弃炮而逃。当时台儿庄战场上流传着:“活张飞大闹刘家湖的佳话”。   1938年3月24日,日军2000多人在飞机、大炮和坦克的配合下,开始向台儿庄大举进攻。坚守台儿庄北门的186团1营在王震团长和姜常泰营长的指挥下顽强抵抗,并在城北门外与日军展开白刃战。打退日军的多次进攻。1营是新兵,几乎全牺牲在台城门战后的惨烈景象儿庄北门。王震团长也亲自架起机枪向城外日军扫射,当晚,日军200人突破小北门,躲进小北门附近的泰山庙,王震团长亲率将士围攻泰山庙之敌,终将其消灭。24日起,日军反复向台儿庄猛攻,多次攻入庄内。守军第2集团军顽强抗击,与日军展开激烈的争夺战。日军猛攻3天3夜,才冲进城内。   3月24日,当台儿庄激战开始时,蒋介石即赴徐州视察督导,返回时留下副参谋总长白崇禧、军政部次长林蔚,军令部第一厅厅长刘斐、高级参谋王鸿诏组成参谋团在徐州协助李宗仁指挥作战。3月27日,当日军增兵鲁南,战事趋向激烈的时刻,蒋介石亲赴前线车辐山车站,并去台儿庄南站观战。李宗仁劝阻说,委员长之安全系全国长期抗战之成败,万万不可在此久留。蒋介石说:王铭章师长与全师在滕县壮烈殉城前,我痛惜未曾与之谋面,今池师长又将及生死关头,我既来此,不可却步。蒋终于在李宗仁、白崇禧等人的陪同下去台儿庄南车站会见了池峰城,这使池峰城惊喜有加。蒋拉着池峰城的手说:你的长官说你是忠勇、精干兼备之人,今天看来此言不虚。池峰城说:我师绝对战斗到底,与阵地共存亡,以报国家,以报委座知遇之恩。蒋对池峰城嘉许、勉励一番,挥手告别。   1938年3月27日,得到增援后的日军对台儿庄城发动第3次攻击。日军炮轰台儿庄围墙,北城墙被炸塌,小北门亦被毁,守卫小北门的181团3营官兵牺牲殆尽,300多日军突入城内,惨烈的巷战开始,城内中国守军同日寇展开了激烈的巷战。尽管日军占据了全庄的三分之二,但坚守在南关一带的中国守军至死不退,死守阵地,目的是为了外线部队完成对日军的反包围。这是李宗仁早已制定好的作战计划,让参谋长封裔忠部以部分兵力死守台儿庄,守军尽量拖住敌人,以便庄外的大军将日寇团团围住,来个瓮中捉鳖。28日,日军攻入台儿庄西北角,谋取西门,切断中国守军第31师师部与庄内的联系。该师师长池峰城指挥,以强大炮火压制敌人,并组织数十名敢死队员,与敌肉 搏格斗。汤恩伯军团关麟征第52军和王仲廉第85军在外线向枣庄、峄县日军侧背攻击。   3月29日,日军濑谷支队再以兵力支援,并占领了台儿庄东半部。29日,林蔚转述蒋介石的电令:台儿庄屏障徐海,关系第二期作战至巨,故以第二集团军全力保守,即存一兵一卒,亦须本牺牲精神,努力死拼,如果失守,不特全体官兵应加重罚,即李长官、白副总长、林次长亦有处分。 31日,国军守军将进入台儿庄地区的濑谷支队完全包围。是时,坂本支队由临沂转向台儿庄驰援,到达向城、爱曲地区,侧击第20军团。该军团即命第52军和刚到的第75军围攻坂本支队。激战数日,予日军以重创,使其救援濑谷支队的计划落空。矶谷师团见救援无望,决定以死相拼,一个个杀红了眼。国民党军队虽以5倍的兵力围攻,并付出极大的伤亡代价,但难以将敌人消灭,战争一时呈胶着状态。   1938年4月3日,李宗仁下达总攻击令。第20军团汤恩伯部之第52军、第85军、第75军在台儿庄附近向敌展开猛烈攻势。日军拼力争夺,占领大部分街市。国军展开街垒战,逐次反击,肃清敌人,夺回被日军占领的街市。4日,中国空军以27架飞机对台儿庄东北、西北日军阵地进行轰炸。当晚,日军濑谷支队力战不支,炸掉不易搬动的物资,向峄县溃逃。   4月6日,李宗仁赶到台儿庄附近,亲自指挥部队进行全线反击,4月7日凌晨1时,中国军队吹响了反攻的号角,以孙连仲第2集团军为主组成的左翼兵团和以汤恩伯第20军团为主组成的右翼兵团在台儿庄及其附近地区大举反攻。一直防守遭攻的孙连仲部,听说反击,神情振奋,命令一下,杀声震天。双方便展开了巷战、肉 搏战,一时间,台儿庄城内枪林弹雨,血流成河。日军头一次遭到了国民党军队的如此顽强进攻,很快便溃不成军。台儿庄北面,枪炮声渐密,汤恩伯军团已向敌人开火。矶谷知已陷入反包围圈,开始动摇,下令部队全线撤退。此时敌军已成强弩之末,弹药汽油也用完,机动车多被击毁,全军丧魂落魄,狼狈逃窜。李宗仁命令部队猛追,敌兵遗尸遍野,各种辎重到处皆是,矶谷本人率残部拼命突围。   激战4天,国军重创日军濑谷支队、坂本支队,其余日军残部于7日向峄城、枣庄撤退。至此台儿庄战役胜利了。台儿庄会战,在李宗仁的亲自指挥下,击溃日军第5、第10两个精锐师团的主力,歼灭日军2万余人,缴获大批武器、弹药,严重地挫伤了日军的气焰,是国民党战场在抗战初期取得的一次大胜利。振奋了全民族的抗战精神,坚定了国人抗战胜利的信念。   台儿庄战役,历经月余,中国军队毙伤日军11984人,俘虏719人,缴获大炮31门,装甲车11辆,大小战车8辆,轻重机枪1000余挺,步枪10000余支。《新华日报》1938年4月7日、8日报道称:歼敌万余人,坦克车被击毁30余辆,缴获大炮70余门,战车40余辆,装甲车70余辆, 汽车 100余辆。日方数据为第5、第10师团合计伤亡11984名,其中第五师团2月20日至5月10日共战死1281人,受伤5478人,第十师团3月14日至5月12日战死1088人,受伤4137人。
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