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2023-07-22 05:56:25
TAG: 英文
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星期天早晨,妈妈会烤面包,我就站在冰箱旁帮忙。一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.o*********.com

电冰箱的英文是fridge.读法可用中文 福瑞之来行音


refrigerator ,

美 [rəˈfrɪdʒəˌreɪdər] 英 [rɪˈfrɪdʒəreɪtə]

n. 冰箱;冷藏库;






fridge 英[fru026adu0292] 美[fru026adu0292] n. 电冰箱;冷冻机 名词复数:fridges [例句]You keep more food than beer in the fridge.放在冰箱里的食物多于啤酒了。
2023-07-22 05:40:031


  冰箱是保持恒定低温的一种制冷装置,也是一种使食物或其他物品保持恒定低温冷态的民用产品。那么,你知道吗?现在跟我一起来学习关于冰箱的英语知识吧。   冰箱的英文释义   icebox   refrigerator   freezer   fridge   chill box   ice tank   冰箱的英文例句   食物要是剩下就放进冰箱里。   If there"s any food left over, put it in the fridge.   需要食物的话,冰箱里就有。   There"s always the food in the freezer if need be.   接通冰箱的电源。   Connect the fridge up to the electricity supply.   她能自己修理冰箱。   She can mend the fridge by herself.   冰箱里有些冰块儿。   There"s some ice in the fridge.   易腐的食物应储存在冰箱里。   Perishable food should be stored in a refrigerator.   她以旧冰箱折价添钱买了一台新冰箱。   She traded in her old refrigerator for a new one.   在门和窗之间有一个冰箱.   Between the door and the window there is a refrigerator.   这冰箱在投产前做了相当大的改装。   The refrigerator is considerably modified before it goes into production.   把牛肉从冰箱里拿出来解冻。   Take the beef out of the refrigerator to defrost.   我的冰箱昨晚突然出了故障。   My refrigerator suddenly started kicking up yesterday.   汤姆一回到家就直奔冰箱而来。   The minute Tom came home he beelined for the refrigerator.   新型冰箱已订购一空。   The new refrigerators have been spoken for.   如果你的冰箱可以说话,它会说什么?   What would your refrigerator say if it could talk?   它可以是任何玩意儿:从你冰箱后面那些变质的牛奶到沥青和羽毛。   It can be anything: spoiled milk from the back of your fridge right down to tar andfeathers.   他喊道,“我忘记把它们放进冰箱了。”   I forgot to put them in the freezer.   还有,我对你的世界充满鄙视。我恨你的地毯,你的冰箱。   And yet, I despise your world, I hate your carpet and your refrigerator.   冰箱的英语句子带翻译   然后你们三个人要都在协议上签名,并把它贴在冰箱上。   Then all three of you sign the contract and post in on the fridge.   但是,那个家伙又扔了一个冰箱下来!   But, then the guy dropped a refrigerator on me!   因此,他说,儿童学习英语“需要有人给他们看这些字母,教他们字母的读音,与他们玩贴在冰箱上的磁铁字母。”   Because of this, he says, children learning English "need someone to show themthe letters, teach them the letter sounds, play with letter magnets on the fridge.   办公室里的冰箱因为不属于任何一个个人,没有人觉得自己有责任去管理或者照顾它,当然也没人在繁忙的工作时间抽出时间去做那些事情。   Because the office refrigerator is unowned by any individual, no one feelsresponsibility to take care of it, and certainly no one wants to take time out of hisor her busy workday to do so.   然后你可以把这些纸条贴在你的冰箱上,浴室的镜子上等等。   And then you can put those pieces of paper on your fridge, bathroom mirror etc.   如果鱼是冻的,把它用盘子装好放在冰箱里解冻12到24个小时,不要在平常室温下解冻。   If the fish is frozen, thaw it on a plate in the refrigerator for 12 to 24 hours, neverat room temperature.   你必须把冰箱、冷柜和橱子锁起来。   You have to lock the refrigerator, the freezer, cabinets.   这个滋补剂可以在冰箱中保持24小时。   The tonic will keep for 24 hours in the fridge.   但就在医生向她的眼睛注入新的基因几个星期之后,她已经能够看清楚冰箱的门。   But a couple of weeks after doctors injected one eye with new genes, she couldsee the refrigerator door.   虽然他们用冰箱的时间只有一个月,但她家庭已经习惯了这一便利。   While they have only had the fridge a month, her family is already used to theconvenience.   保持食物远离炉灶或冰箱的排气管。   Keep foods away from ranges or refrigerator exhausts.   尽管冰箱已经空了,我所购买只有牛奶、面包、水果和乳酪。   Despite the empty fridge, all I bought was milk, bread, fruit, and cheese. 1.冰箱用英语怎么说 2.冰箱的英语单词 3.冰箱的经典广告词 4.人民币用英语怎么说 5.冰箱的英文怎么说 6.专业的英文翻译是什么
2023-07-22 05:40:121


含义解释:Refrigerator [rɪˈfrɪdʒəreɪtər] 是指一种用于储存和保持食品、饮料等物品冷藏的电器,通常包括一个压缩机和一个冷却器。Fridge [frɪdʒ] 是 Refrigerator 的缩写,也是指一种用于冷藏食品和饮料的电器。语法、使用方法不同之处的对比:Refrigerator 是一个正式的术语,更常用于正式的场合,如商业厨房、医院、实验室等;而 Fridge 则是一个非正式的、口语化的术语,更常用于家庭、日常对话中。在英国和澳大利亚,人们更倾向于使用 Fridge,而在美国和加拿大,人们更倾向于使用 Refrigerator。在一些口语中,Fridge 还可以作为形容词使用,例如 "a fridge magnet"(冰箱磁铁)。具体用法举例:我们需要购买一个新的 Refrigerator 来存储食物和饮料。请把这些食物放进 Fridge 里。在我的新公寓里已经有了一个小的 Fridge。我在冰箱门上贴了几个 Fridge magnet。下面是一个简单的表格,用于比较 Refrigerator 和 Fridge:综上所述,Refrigerator 和 Fridge 都是指用于冷藏食品和饮料的电器,其中 Refrigerator 更正式、更适合用于正式场合,而 Fridge 更常见于日常对话和口语中。在不同的地区,人们对这两个术语的使用也有所不同。
2023-07-22 05:40:201

冰箱用英语怎么读 如何用英语表达冰箱

1、冰箱refrigerator,读音:英 [ru026au02c8fru026adu0292u0259reu026atu0259(r)] 美 [ru026au02c8fru026adu0292u0259reu026atu0259r]n. 冰箱,冷藏库。 2、例句:She traded in her old refrigerator for a new one. 她以旧冰箱折价添钱买了一台新冰箱。 3、短语:absorption refrigerator 吸收式冷冻机;吸收式冰箱。
2023-07-22 05:40:441


2023-07-22 05:40:555


冰箱”用英文:refrigerator冰箱 refrigerator;fridge;icebox;frig(e);icebox1.定期检查冰箱和冷冻柜的密封装置。checksealsonfridgesandfreezersregularly.2.鸡蛋不应保存在冰箱里,温度太低了。eggsshouldn"tbekeptinthefridge,it"stoocold .3.他从冰箱里取出一罐啤酒。hetookacanofbeerfromthefridge.4.我得往冰箱里再放点东西。ihavetorestockthefreezer
2023-07-22 05:41:122

fridge ; shelf ; refrigerator 这英语用谐音怎么读??

2023-07-22 05:41:313


2023-07-22 05:41:383


fridgen. 电冰箱汉字注音:夫瑞吉
2023-07-22 05:41:591


冰箱的英文 1、refrigerator 2、fridge 希望能帮助大家!
2023-07-22 05:42:142


2023-07-22 05:42:372

冰箱的英语怎么读 冰箱的英语是什么

1、冰箱的英语:Refrigerator,英 [ru026au02c8fru026adu0292u0259reu026atu0259(r)] 美 [ru026au02c8fru026adu0292u0259reu026atu0259r]。 2、这甜点从冰箱里拿出后即可食用。This dessert can be served straight from the refrigerator。 3、韦德快步走到冰箱边又拿出一罐啤酒。Wade walked quickly to the refrigerator and pulled out another beer。
2023-07-22 05:42:431

冰箱英文怎么读语音 冰箱的英语是什么

1、冰箱的英文是refrigerator,英式读音[riu02c8fridu0292u0259reitu0259],美式读音[ru026au02c8fru026adu0292u0259u02ccretu025a]。 2、短语搭配: absorption refrigerator 吸收式冷冻机;吸收式冰箱 electric refrigerator 电冰箱 refrigerator car n. 冷藏车
2023-07-22 05:42:501


问题一:冰箱用日语怎么说求大神帮助 冷れいぞうこ le zo u ko 问题二:冰箱里的保鲜 用日语怎么说 【鲜度を保つ】是比较口语化的说法此外还可以说【鲜度保持  せんどほじ】 问题三:各位日语“冰箱”怎么念 冷库(れいぞうこ) 拼音 :lei zao kao 雷造考 问题四:电视,电脑,冰箱,洗衣机,空调用日语怎么读 电视: 假名:テレビ 汉字:(无)罗马拼音:te re bi 电脑: 假名:コンピュタ 汉字:(无)罗马拼音:kon pyu ta 冰箱: 假名:れいぞうこ 汉字:冷库 罗马拼音:re i zou ko 洗衣机: 假名:せんたくき 汉字:洗濯机 罗马拼音:sen ta ku ki(ku不读出来) 空调: 假名:エアコン 汉字:(无)罗马拼贰:e a kon 注意:日语罗马字“r”和汉语拼音里的“r”发音不同,日语罗马字“r”读成汉语拼音的“l” ;日语罗马字“e”读成英语音标的“e”,不读成汉语的“e” 问题五:请友人翻译一下冰箱上面日文的意思?谢谢 为正确使用制冰机 使用方法 本制冰机只要将冷藏室的供水罐加水设置好就可以自动制冰,储藏于冰块箱中。供水罐没水时,控制面板的“给水”灯会亮灯通知。 冰块箱请务必使用附属品。用其他容器不能制冰。 制冰机的开关拨至“切”,停止运转。 请在长时间不使用时使用。 实验开关是手动运转制冰机时的开关。通常情况下请勿使用。另,使用方法请阅读使用说明书。 为干净清洁使用 水之外其它材料请勿使用。会造成制冰机故障。 注意刚开始使用时,冰箱没完全冷却,所以要制成冰需要4-5小时。 清理方法等详见说明书。 问题六:冰箱不制冷了 用日语怎么说啊? 这两种都可以: 冷库がかなくなった れいぞうこがきかなくなった 冷库が冷冻できなくなった れいぞうこがれいとうできなくなった 问题七:请问这句日语翻译成中文怎么翻译?内容描述的是冰箱的隔板。 挂?部分的宽度很广,目的是为了能附在冰箱内盒子的内侧和外侧。 问题八:冰箱贴的日语是什么? マグネット[magnet]
2023-07-22 05:42:581


冰箱的拼法主要有一下三种1 Refrigerator2 fridge3 ice box
2023-07-22 05:43:359


2023-07-22 05:44:0610


冰箱的英文怎么读 英文原文: refrigerator; fridge; ice box 英式音标: [ru026au02c8fru026adu0292u0259reu026atu0259] ; [fru026adu0292] ; [au026as] [bu0252ks]美式音标: [ru026au02c8fru026adu0292u0259retu025a] ; [fru026adu0292] ; [au026as] [bɑks] 冰箱的英语怎么读,单词是什么 英文原文: refrigerator; fridge; ice box 英式音标: [ru026au02c8fru026adu0292u0259reu026atu0259] ; [fru026adu0292] ; [au026as] [bu0252ks] 美式音标: [ru026au02c8fru026adu0292u0259retu025a] ; [fru026adu0292] ; [au026as] [bɑks] 冰箱的英文怎么说 要看是美式还是英式英文。 英式英文中冰箱是refrigerator, 而美式英文是fridge。 冰箱用英语怎么读? 20分 ruai fu rui gei rui te(儿化音)refrigerator 中文音译 冰箱英语怎么读 冰箱[bīng xiāng] refrigerator; fridge; ice box; frig(e); icebox 定期检查冰箱和冷冻柜的密封装置。 Check seals on fridges and freezers regularly. 鸡蛋不应保存在冰箱里,温度太低了。 Eggs shouldn"t be kept in the fridge, it"s too cold 冰箱的英语怎么读? refrigerator 英[ru026au02c8fru026adu0292u0259reu026atu0259(r)] 美[ru026au02c8fru026adu0292u0259u02ccretu025a] n. 冰箱; 冷藏库; 制冰机,冷冻机; [例句]He went to the refrigerator and removed a bottle of wine. 他走到冰箱处拿出一瓶酒。 [其他] 复数:refrigerators 冰箱的英语怎么读 10分 冰箱[bīng xiāng] refrigerator; fridge; ice box; frig(e); icebox 定期检查冰箱和冷冻柜的密封装置。 Check seals on fridges and freezers regularly. 鸡蛋不应保存在冰箱里,温度太低了。 Eggs shouldn"t be kept in the fridge, it"s too cold 冰箱的英语该怎么读 refrigerator英 [ru026au02c8fru026adu0292u0259reu026atu0259(r)] 美 [ru026au02c8fru026adu0292u0259u02ccretu025a] n. 冰箱;冷藏库;制冰机,冷冻机
2023-07-22 05:45:031


2023-07-22 05:45:241


冰箱全称:refrigerator 瑞福瑞哲瑞特儿 简称:fridge 福瑞智 冰柜:ice box 阿爱斯 鲍克斯
2023-07-22 05:45:561


2023-07-22 05:46:061


frɪdʒ 发音 这个是约定成俗的
2023-07-22 05:46:155


英文原文:Refrigerator, round table, living room, room, kitchen, toilet英式音标:[ru026au02c8fru026adu0292u0259reu026atu0259] , [rau028and] [u02c8teu026ab(u0259)l] , [u02c8lu026avu026au014b] [ruu02d0m; ru028am] , [ruu02d0m; ru028am] , [u02c8ku026atu0283u026an; -tu0283(u0259)n] , [u02c8tu0252u026alu026at] 美式音标[ru026au02c8fru026adu0292u0259retu025a] , [rau028and] [u02c8tebl] , [u02c8lu026avu026au014b] [rum] , [rum] , [u02c8ku026atu0283u026an] , [u02c8tu0254u026alu0259t]
2023-07-22 05:46:401


贼而 一兹 额 妞 夫瑞之there is a new fridge.
2023-07-22 05:46:481

冰箱怎么读 冰箱读音是啥

1、读音:[bīng xiāng]。 2、冰箱是保持恒定低温的一种制冷设备,也是一种使食物或其他物品保持恒定低温状态的民用产品。箱体内有压缩机、制冰机用以结冰的柜或箱,带有制冷装置的储藏箱。家用电冰箱的容积通常为20~500升。 3、1910年世界上第一台压缩式制冷的家用电冰箱在美国问世。1925年瑞典丽都公司开发了家用吸收式冰箱。1927年美国通用电气公司研制出全封闭式冰箱。1930年采用不同加热方式的空气冷却连续扩散吸收式电冰箱投放市场。1931年研制成功新型制冷剂氟利昂12。50年代后半期开始生产家用热电冰箱,中国从50年代开始生产电冰箱。
2023-07-22 05:46:551


2023-07-22 05:47:056


2023-07-22 05:47:201


回答和翻译如下:电话和冰箱。Telephone and refridgerator. ( 音译:太了峰,安得,瑞福瑞句锐特。)
2023-07-22 05:47:301

fridge diamand中的i读音相同吗

2023-07-22 05:47:372


2023-07-22 05:48:061


2023-07-22 05:48:143


2023-07-22 05:48:352


2023-07-22 05:48:433


2023-07-22 05:48:533

Massive Attack的《Mezzanine》 歌词

歌曲名:Mezzanine歌手:Massive Attack专辑:Mezzanine(Vowles, Del naja, Marshall)I"m a little curious of you in crowded scenesAnd how serene your friends and fiendsWe flew and strolled as two eliminated gentlyWhy don"t you close your eyes and reinvent meYou know you"ve got that heart made of stoneYou should have let me knowYou could have let me knowWe"ll go "till morning comesAnd traffic growsAnd windows humSpeding all week with your friendsGive me evenings and weekendsEvenings and weekendsI could be yoursWe can unwindAll these half floorsAll these half floorsYou"d agree it"s a typical highYou fly as you watch your name go byAnd once the name goes byNot thicker than water nor thicker than mudAnd the eight k thuds it doesSunset so thicklyLet"s make it quiet and quicklyDon"t frownIt taste"s better on the way back downI could be yoursWe can unwindAll these half floorsAll these half floorsAll these half floorsWill lead to mineWe can unwindAll these half floorsAll these half floorsWill lead to mineWill see toAll these half floorsAll these half floorsWill see toAll these half floorsWill lead to mineWe can unwind all our flawsWe can unwind all our flawsWe can unwind all our flaws
2023-07-22 05:41:241

求 河西走廊 百度云免费在线观看资源

《河西走廊》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: 提取码:7jdz《河西走廊》是中国中央电视台和中共甘肃省委宣传部联合出品的一部纪录片,正片共10集,以时间为线索,梳理了从汉代到中华人民共和国时期的河西走廊历史,此外还包含两集综述《致敬河西走廊》。纪录片于2015年3月3日起在中央电视台科教频道和凤凰网同步播出。
2023-07-22 05:41:242


equivalent 英[u026au02c8kwu026avu0259lu0259nt] 美[u026au02c8kwu026avu0259lu0259nt] adj. 相等的,相当的,等效的; 等价的,等积的; [化学] 当量的; n. 对等物; [化学] 当量; [例句]The equivalent of two tablespoons of polyunsaturated oils is ample each day每天相当于两大汤匙多重不饱和油的量就足够了。[其他] 复数:equivalents
2023-07-22 05:41:251


2023-07-22 05:41:251

Massive Attack的《Blue Lines》 歌词

歌曲名:Blue Lines歌手:Massive Attack专辑:Blue LinesMassive Attack - Blue Lines(marshall, vowles, del naja, thaws, brown,bennett, carlton, geurin, sample, scott)Can"t be with the one you love then love the one you"re withSpliff in the ashtray, red stripe I pull the lidHer touch tickles, especially when she"s gentleBut I don"t hear her words "cause I slide the instrumentalKeep the girl in the distance, moves are very hazyNo sunshine in my life the way I deal is shadySkip hip data to get the anti-matterBlue lines are the reason why the temple had to shatterTo the sound of silence surrounded by the massHer face is on the paper not the strangers that I passThe ones that looking back to see if they are looking back at meAre you predator or do you fear meYeah while I"m doing this I knowThe place I really wanna goThe one I love but never gets near meIt"s a beautiful day, well it seems as suchBeautiful thoughts means I dream too muchEven if I told you, you still would not know meTricky never does, adrian mostly gets lonelyHow we live in this existence, just beingEnglish upbringing, background carribeanIt"s the way that we billadeeSharing a soliloquyWe cut the broken thread from flexibilityMi chiamo 3D si sono IngleseNo sunshine in my life "cause the way I deal is hazyAnd everyday"s a daisy "cause I"m on my toesWhile contemporaries of mine remaining comatoseThere"s a looking glass she"s looking throughShe hated me, but then she loved me tooI"d lie not try so I lost faithThen turn to her to keep the faithShe told me take an occupation or you lose your mindAnd on a nine to five lemon, looking for the limeBox clever, watch your system come togetherCrazy weather at the end of my tetherMassive in the area, murdererAttack inna the area, murdererSome go softly softly round the habitatRatchet in the right handThey got no one to stab it atTake a walk billy, don"t be a heroEffort"s on minimal though almost touch zeroExcommunicated from the brotherhood of manTo wander lonely as a puzzled anagramCar paint blue, green, primer and zincTake it to extremities my purple and pinkI feel the colours fill my room beneath the patter of the rainI can"t stand the drops they"re dripping down my windowpaneThey wash away my shadow and don"t even leave a spark upon my soulThey leave the rainbows in the darkBlues get big, massive are even largerSave nuff space into the tricky tardisWe"d trawl what I saw from down in darren"s hallPeople laying their claimIn stormy weather it"s rainBut you"re living on a see-sawI try to see moreSomebody da-ditty, nobodyWalking on sunshine, but still we"re treading waterThe son of many reasons searching for the daughterSeeking knowledge, not acknowledging the jetsetSilver papers of the sound within my budakon headsetThe solar system watches in wisdomThe children dance as the moonlight kissed themTo Massive attack Matt Black appear wearing beadsTwo hours traveling so I wrote this on repeatAlways living fast, people getting jumpyWhere I"ve got in fights I just do the walter crumpyMicrophones held close, crouching far apartTake my piece of mind and sign my name across your heart
2023-07-22 05:41:311

为什么手机闹钟不响,只有滴滴的声音,我的是三星5830的 害我差点上班迟到 我去他大爷的

2023-07-22 05:41:324

Pang 在粤语姓氏中是庞还是潘,还是别的什么啊?

2023-07-22 05:41:321

Massive Attack的《Teardrop》 歌词

歌曲名:Teardrop歌手:Massive Attack专辑:Spirits Of Nature 5Massive Attack - TeardropLove, love is a verbLove is a doing wordFearless on my breathGentle impulsionShakes me makes me lighterFearless on my breathTeardrop on the fireFearless on my breathNine night of matterBlack flowers blossomFearless on my breathBlack flowers blossomFearless on my breathTeardrop on the fireFearless on my breathWater is my eyeMost faithful mirrorFearless on my breathTeardrop on the fire of a confessionFearless on my breathMost faithful mirrorFearless on my breathTeardrop on the fireFearless on my breathYou"re stumbling a littleYou"re stumbling a little
2023-07-22 05:41:381


好问题!可数!啊哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈| ू•ૅω•́)ᵎᵎᵎ
2023-07-22 05:41:396

Massive Attack的《Lately》 歌词

歌曲名:Lately歌手:Massive Attack专辑:Blue LinesMassive Attack - Lately(marshall, vowles, del naja, nelson, redmond)Summertime always gives me the bluesThinking about the things we used to doWatching lovers in the park making love so freeAnd now i realize there"s only meLately baby where, where did we go wrongLately baby where, where did we go wrongYou been acting like a cat on a hot tin roofSomething"s on your mind that you can"t shareYou never used to hide your feelings from meKeepin secrets i don"t understandLately baby where, where did we go wrongLately baby where, where did we go wrongI used to synchronize it with your bodyMaking it so tight never letting goI used to synchronize it with your bodyMaking it so tight never letting goLately baby where, where did we go wrongLately, lately, lately, latelyLately baby, where did we go wrongWhere did we go wrongMissed your touch, missed your touch
2023-07-22 05:41:171

world of wonder是什么?

2023-07-22 05:41:124


 “心宽体胖”“心广体胖”,“ 胖”的读音只有一个版本: pán。  心广体胖:原指人心胸开阔,外貌就安详。后用来指心情愉快,无所牵挂,因而人也发胖。  心宽体胖:原指人心胸开阔,外貌就安详。后用来指心情愉快,无所牵挂,因而人也发胖。 出处为《礼记·大学》:“富润屋,德润身,心广体胖。”  所以“心宽体胖”“心广体胖”的意思是一样的。  注:在读pán 音时,该“胖”字表“舒泰”意,与前面的“宽”或“广”字相对,是由两个并列短语组成的成语
2023-07-22 05:41:121


2023-07-22 05:41:105


2023-07-22 05:41:101

Massive Attack的《Karmacoma》 歌词

歌曲名:Karmacoma歌手:Massive Attack专辑:ProtectionMassive Attack - Karmacoma(vowles, del naja, marshall, thaws, norfolk, locke)You sure you want to be with meI"ve nothing to giveWon"t lie and say this lovin"s bestWell leave us in emotional paceTake a walk, taste the restNo, take a restI see you digging a hole in your neighborhoodYou"re crazy but you"re lazyI need to live and I need toYour troubles must be seen to see throughMoney like it"s paper with faces i rememberI drink on a daily basisThough it subtle cools my temperIt never cools my temperWalking through the suburbs though not exactly loversYou"re a couple, "specially when your body"s doubledDuplicate, then you wait for the next kuwaitKarmacoma, jamaica" aromaKarmacoma, jamaica" aromaKarmacoma, jamaica" aromaKarmacoma, jamaica" aromaYou sure you want to be with me i"ve nothing to giveTake a walk take a rest taste the restYou sure you want to be with me i"ve nothing to giveTake a walk take a rest taste the restTake a walk take a rest a taste of restDon"t want to be on top of your listMonopoly and properly kissedWe overcome in sixty secondsWith the strength we have to togetherBut for now, emotional ties they stay severedWhen there"s trust there"ll be treatsAnd when we funk we"ll hear beatsKarmacoma, jamaica" aromaKarmacoma, jamaica" aromaKarmacoma, jamaica" aromaKarmacoma, jamaica" aromaDeflowering my baby, aiyee my baby meI must be crazy, see i"m swazyDigging a hole in your neighborhoodYou"re crazy but you"re lazy, must be lazyDon"t wanna on top of your listMonopoly and properly kissedDeflowering my baby, aiyee my baby meMy babyDeflowering my baby, aiyee my baby meI must be crazy, you must be lazyKarmacoma, what?, jamaica aromaKarmacoma, what?, jamaica aromaKarmacoma, what?, jamaica aromaKarmacoma, what?, jamaica aroma
2023-07-22 05:41:091


2023-07-22 05:41:067

移动文件时出现 Directory not empty错误是什么意思

如果移动文件出现Directory not empty,可能是因为这个文件要移动到的驱动器的磁盘空间已满,可以尝试把文件移动到一个空的硬盘分区中,如果还是出现Directory not empty,则问题可能出在硬盘本身,需要换个硬盘解决问题。硬盘是由几片硬盘片环绕一个共同的轴心组成的盘片组,两个盘片之间仅留出安置磁头的距离。每个盘片有两个盘面,盘面上划分着许多同心圆,称为磁道。这些同心圆周长不同,但存储量却相同。每个磁道被分为很多区域,每个区域叫做一个扇区,每个扇区存储五百十二个字节的信息。在硬盘中,几个盘片上相同磁道号的集合叫做柱面,这些磁道有一个相同的磁场旋转方向。每个盘面对应一个磁头,但现在的硬盘,两个磁头可以读取一个盘片。所以硬盘容量由柱面数、盘面数、每磁道的扇区数决定。硬盘容量等于柱面数乘以盘面数乘以每个磁道的扇区数乘以512,一般以GB、TB为单位,很多硬盘厂商计算GB和TB时是十进制的,1GB是1000MB,1TB是1000GB。硬盘内部由磁储存盘片组成,数量从一片到三片不等,每个盘片有一定的容量,叫做单碟容量,几个盘片的容量之和就是硬盘总容量。硬盘的主轴马达带动盘片高速旋转,产生浮力使磁头飘浮在盘片上方,硬盘通过磁头来读取盘片上的数据,转速越快,数据读取的时间也就越短。转速在很大程度上决定硬盘的速度。硬盘的磁头移动到盘面指定的磁道所用的时间叫做平均寻道时间,单位为毫秒,这个时间越小越好。数据传输率是电脑从硬盘中准确找到相应数据并传输到内存的速率,包括内部数据传输率和外部数据传输率,是用单位时间可传输几兆字节衡量的。硬盘的接口有IDE接口和SCSI接口。
2023-07-22 05:41:051