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2023-07-22 05:50:08









共同创办人; 共同创始人






co founder是什么意思

2023-07-22 05:24:031


2023-07-22 05:24:114


2023-07-22 05:24:531


2023-07-22 05:25:032


英语单词符号学 · 创始人北京胡子英语 | 教学总监北京词砖家教育 | C-Founder认知语言学·构式语法资深研究者首都外经贸·研究生学位英语教师北京某上市教育集团前英语讲师培训师
2023-07-22 05:25:103


2023-07-22 05:25:334


  成功人士的经历总会被人们拿来当作极佳得教育资料,该如何去描述一位成功的人呢?我精心为大家搜集整理了关于成功的人英语作文,大家一起来看看吧。   关于成功的人英语作文篇1:something to do with successful man   There are a great many of successful men or women in this world.Amony them,it"s the hard work that they are common .Someone says:"the greatest men in the world are the poorest !" Such as balzhac and Liyang .LIyang was the poor man in the course of his college life,but he work hard in spoken English.Not only he conquer English himself ,but also he began to help others in the world that puzzled about learning English.   From these examples,I "ve learnt that "Rome is not built in a day",But if we"d like to persist long enough and work hard enough.We are sure to succeed .   关于成功的人英语作文篇2:   There are so many successful figures in our daily life.   Actually ,it"s not only people who make great inventions or achievements are successful, also the person who can realize his own value. There is no doubt that Edison is billiant and successful. It"s obviously that Mrs. Marie Curie is great. However,don"t you think the a city sanitation workers or firemen are great and successful?   You may keep those famous scientists or inventors deeply in mind, but i"d love to honor those who are always work ingloriously. I think they are the real person who are sucessful. We teenagers should set them as our example, just for their selfless spirit!   关于成功的人英语作文篇3:The Man of "Apple"   Steven Jobs, born in 1955, is an American businessman and inventor. He is the co-founder and chief executive officer (CEO) of Apple. Jobs once served as chief executive of Pixar Animation Studios, and became a member of the board of The Walt Disney Company.   In the late 1970s, Jobs, with his teammates, made the Apple II series a big success, but his introduction of Mac computers was not as successful as he hoped for. So he was forced to leave the board of Apple in 1985.One year later, he cofoundered Pixar, whose film, the Toy Story, was a big hit in 1995. He returned to Apple in 1996. In addition to iMav, the Apple launched the iPod, the iPhone and iPad in the following years. However, his falling health made him take a leave from Apple.   In a word, Jobs is a great man full of imagination and creation. People all over the world will never forget him and his “Apple”.   关于成功的人英语作文篇4:成功人士的品质What Characteristics Make People Successful?   Everyoneowns many personal characteristics that some are born with and some are formedin daily life. But what characteristics help us be successful? In my opinion,thereu2019re confidence, diligence, talent and curiosity.   每个人都有很多天生的特点,而有些则是在日常生活中形成的。但是什么样的性格可以帮助我们取得成功呢?在我看来,是自信,勤奋,天赋和好奇心。   Confidenceis the half of success. The proverb is suitable for any of us. We should beconfident in ourselves because nobody will believe us if we donu2019t believeourselves. From primary school to college, confidence always is the firstimportant thing that our teachers stress. Confidence is the first step toconquer difficulties. Sometimes we donu2019t need to care much about the results,what we should do is to be confident to start unknown and difficult career.   自信是成功的一半。这句谚语对我们任何人都适用。我们应该对自己有信心,因为如果我们自己都不相信自己的话,没有人会相信我们。从小学到大学,我们老师总是强调自信是最重要的。自信是战胜困难的第一步。有时我们并不在乎结果,我们所要做的是有信心去开始未知的和困难的事业。   Diligentcomes first when it comes to success. A famous person told us” Genius is onepercent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration”. We can know howimportant the hard work is from the sentence. Edison was not successful before,but he tried and tried again. Finally his efforts were rewarded. He becamesuccessful because of his diligence.   谈及成功的时候勤奋是最重要的。一个名人告诉我们,“天才是百分之一的灵感加上百分之九十九的汗水”。从这句话中我们可以了解到勤奋是多么的重要。爱迪生之前一直没有成功,但他还是一次次地尝试。最后,他的努力得到了回报。因为他的勤奋,他成功了。   Manyof us think that talent is nothing to do with achievement, while I hold theother side.  Certain person has certaintalent. The nature gives us some talent, so we should develop it.  Talent pluses diligent make success.   许多人都认为天才跟成就是没有任何关系的,而我则持相反的观点。有些人有一定的天赋。大自然给了我们一些天赋,所以我们应该将它发展。天赋加勤奋造就成功。   Thelast characteristic is curiosity. Newton discovered the law of universalgravitation because he is curious about why apple fall to the ground.  Then he did many researches to prove hissuppose.  Finally he found the greatgravitation law. Thatu2019s a big success to him. From an ordinary phenomenon to agreat discovery, curiosity is the important connection. People who are curiousalways can touch discovery.   最后一个个性是好奇心。牛顿发现了万有引力定律是因为他好奇为什么苹果会落地。然后他做了很多研究来证明他的假设。最后他发现了伟大的引力定律。对他来说是很大的成功。从一个普通的现象到一个伟大的发现,好奇心是重要的连接。好奇的人总是可以有所发现。   Inconclusion, different personal characteristics lead to different successfulpeople. As far as I know, confidence, diligence, talent and curiosity are somecharacteristics that most successful people have.   总之,不同个人特点导致了不同的成功人士。据我所知,自信,勤奋,天赋和好奇心是最成功的人拥有的一些特性。   关于成功的人英语作文篇5:Thomas Edison   Born in America, Thomas Edison was a great scientist and inventor. He was once thought to be a boy who was not worth educating. In fact, he was a man full of imagination.   I admire Edison a lot because of his great contribution to the world. He had more than 1,000 inventions. In his lifetime, he was always eager to know how things worked, which helped him to earn the nickname"the Wizard of Melo Park".He was also so diligent that he worked day and night. And this explained why he had so many great inventions.   What impresses me most is his famous saying,"Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration."Probably I cannot be an Edison myself, but I can be a hard-working learner. From him, I realize the secret to success is not when or where you were born, but what you are doing and how you do it in your life.
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2023-07-22 05:25:594


Steven Paul (born in 1955) is an American businessman and inventor. He is the co-founder and chief executive officer(CEO) of Apple Inc. Jobs also once served as chief executive of Pixar Animation Studios; he became a member of the board (董事会) of The Walt DisneyCompany in 2006, He loaned money for movie Toy Story in the 1995.In the late 1970s , Jobs, with Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak,Mike Markkula, and others, designed , developed , and marketed one of the first successful lnes of personal computers, theApple II series. In the early 1980s, Jobs was one of the firstto see the potential. After losing a power struggle with the board in 1984, Jobsresigned from Apple and founded NeXT, a company for the higher education and business markets. In 1996, Jobs back to the company he co-founded. Steve grew up in the apricot orchards which later became known as Silicon Valley,and still lives there with his family.
2023-07-22 05:26:222


2023-07-22 05:26:324


比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates),全名威廉·亨利·盖茨三世,
2023-07-22 05:26:415


1月份的时装表演,称为FutureFashion,体现多远绿色设计已经到来。主办纽约的非营利性地球的承诺,显示启发很多顶级设计师与首次可持续面料。此后作出若干承诺在其行有机面料。谁负责的设计师绿色时尚仍面临许多挑战。斯科特哈恩,与罗根和Loomstate,它使用全有机棉创始人格雷戈里说,高品质的可持续材料仍然可以很难找到。“大部分与现有的标签设计师发现有不可比的面料,可以直接代替自己在做什么和你的客户使用,”他说。例如,有机棉和非有机棉简直难以辨别一次织成一件衣服。但是,一些流行的人工合成材料,如弹力尼龙,仍然有一些环保等值。这些谁不作出这样的转变发现他们有更多的支持。去年,有影响力的展会设计师和代理商停止充电青年企业家的参与绿化费(企业家)的两个谁出席在洛杉矶和纽约的春天节目,并特别表扬设计师的收藏至少有25%的可持续。它现在拥有超过50个绿色设计,从不到12人两年前。本周沃尔玛将宣布一项重大倡议,帮助农民走有机棉花的目的:将收购过渡期(过渡型的)在棉花价格上涨,从而有助于扩大可持续发展的关键材料供应。 “主流即将发生,”哈恩说。一些分析家(分析师)不太确定。在消费者中,只有18%,甚至知道ecofashion存在,从6%4年前。娜塔莉奥米拉,时尚作家,是一个未转换的消费者的例子。当记者问她是否拥有任何可持续的衣服,她回答说:“我不是很了解。像大多数消费者”,她发现几乎没有时间购物,当她那样,她关于“可爱的东西狩猎不是太昂贵了。”据她自己承认,绿色只是还没有出现在她的主意。但我要的设计师,零售商和供应商的共同努力,有一天它会。
2023-07-22 05:27:253


问题一:小米手机的英文怎么写 应该是MiPhone 问题二:小米的英语翻译 小米用英语怎么说 millet 英[?m?l?t] 美[?m?l?t] n. 稷; 小米,粟; 狗尾草属植物; 黍的子实; [例句]The maize and millet were just putting forth ears. 玉米粟子刚刚吐穗。 [其他] 复数:millets 问题三:小米的英文名字是什么 小米手机的英文名就是自己的拼音:Xiaomi 不同的型号就在后面加不同型号的名称:M1,M1s,M2…… 问题四:小米 英文单词怎么写? 小米 [粮食] millet 问题五:求一篇介绍小米手机的英文及翻译? Xiaomi is a high-end *** artphone, using a Qualm Snapdragon S3 (dual core, 1.5 GHz) as its CPU and an Adreno 220 as its GPU,but its price (RMB1999/around USD310) at initial release is less than half the cost of a typical dual-core CPU *** artphone When it was released,the phone received more than 300,000 pre-orders in the first 34 hours. After two rounds of 100,000 unit open to public releases on 18 December 2011 and 4 January 2012 respectively, the pany has sold a total of 500,000 as of 5 January 2012. On 20 December 2011, the pany announced a partnership with Chinese telco China Uni. The plan was to offer one million custom Mi-one models at 2699 RMB at Uni stores on various two to three year term contracts. Xiaomi is shipped with MIUI pre-installed, but also supports stock Android ROMs and other 3rd party ROMs, and is in consideration to add Microsoft"s Windows Phone 7 to the phone. 小米是一款高端智能手机,采用了高通 的Snapdragon S3(双核,1.5 GHz的)作为其CPU和了Adreno 220的GPU,[ 但其价格(RMB1999/around USD310)在初始版本是不到半典型的双核CPU的智能手机的成本。当它上市在手机中的前34个小时内超过30万预购订单。分别对外公开发布18 2011年度及2012年1月4日,公司已共售出500,000截至2012年1月5日。 于2011年12月20日,该公司宣布与中国电信运营商中国联通的合作。该计划是提供百万定制的Mi-1车型在2699 RMB($ 421)在各种两至三年期联通合约门店。 小蜜是随MIUI预装,而且还支持股票的Android ROM的[ 9 ]和其他第三方ROM的,并且是在考虑加入微软的Windows Phone 7的手机。 问题六:为什么小米官网变成英文版的 你好。 没有啊那是你自己设置的吧,小米官网 问题七:小米路由器mini英文怎么写 您好,根据您的描述得出以下的答案: Millet router Mini 感谢您的提问 问题八:哪位有小米公司的英语简介 About Xiaomi Xiaomi was founded in 2010 by serial entrepreneur Lei Jun, who believes that high-quality technology doesn"t need to cost a fortune. At Xiaomi, we"ve brought together *** art people from Google, Kingsoft, Microsoft, Motorola, Yahoo, and other Internet and tech panies from around the world to bring that vision to life. We create remarkable hardware, software, and Internet services for and with the help of our Mi fans. We incorporate their feedback into our product range, which currently includes Mi 4, Mi 3, Mi Pad, Mi Box, Mi TV, Redmi 1S and Redmi Note, Mi Power Bank and other accessories. We sell direct to customers to keep our prices petitive. And with more than 18 million handsets sold in China in 2013 and products launched in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, India and Indonesia, we are ready to go global. Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Google+, and be sure to check back often so you don"t miss anything. Our mantra: “Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen”. mi/en/about/ 问题九:小米公司的创始人介绍 英文 A total of seven millet pany founder, respectively is the founder, chairman and CEO Lei Jun,co-founder and President Lin Bin, and vice president of co-founder Li Wanqiang, Zhou Guangping, Huang Jiangji, Liu De, Hong Feng. Millet staff is mainly posed of senior stafffrom Microsoft, Google, Jinshan, MOTO and other domestic and international IT panies.Millet people like innovation, fast Internet culture. Millet refused to mediocrity, millet people can make you feel their ideas at any time
2023-07-22 05:27:431


"co"是一个常见的缩写词,它可以表示不同的概念和意义。以下是一些常见的用法和意义:1. 在计算机科学和编程中,"co"通常指代Cookie,是一种存储在用户浏览器上的小型文本文件,用于存储用户的个人信息或标识符。Cookie可以帮助网站跟踪用户的访问历史、兴趣和行为,以提供更好的用户体验。2. 在音乐术语中,"co"可以指代"copy"或"cover",表示翻唱或模仿某首歌曲。这类歌曲通常会保留原歌曲的旋律,但在歌词、编曲或演唱风格上有所改变。3. 在组织结构和团队建设中,"co"可能指代一个团队的成员,例如"co-founder"(联合创始人)或"co-lead"(共同领导),表示他们共同创建或领导某个项目或组织。4. 在商业领域,"co"可能指代一种合作模式,例如"cooperation"(合作)或"co-branding"(联合品牌)。这种模式通常涉及两个或多个公司或品牌共享资源、共享市场份额或共同推广某个产品或服务。5. 在日常用语中,"co"也可以表示类似的概念,例如"coworker"(同事)或"co-partner"(合作伙伴)。总的来说,"co"可以表示不同的概念和意义,取决于上下文和所涉及的领域。在实际应用中,了解"co"的具体含义需要参考上下文信息,以便更准确地理解其含义。
2023-07-22 05:27:511


2023-07-22 05:28:263


值得去!路尚集团在王玉明董事长、郭成云总裁、张爱平总经理及所有路尚人的共同努力下,发展势如破竹,先后成立了订单事业部、支付事业部、互联网广告事业部、通讯事业部、AI驾培事业部、银行金融事业部、互联网金融事业部、子公司数字魔方八大集团直属机构,现如今,路尚集团已成为了业务遍及全国30余省市,业务涉足金融、互联网、汽车、人工智能、零售等领域,在职员工4000余人、全国子公司180余家的大型集团公司,集团能拥有今天的商业版图,离不开路尚人的艰辛付出,更离不开客户的大力支持,未来,路尚控股集团致力于成为一家被社会尊敬的企业,紧跟国家发展理念,助力更多国民企业的健康发展。我们将在发展的道路上贡献自己的力量,带领路尚控股集团走上更高的台阶,书写路尚新的辉煌!设置一组「这家创业公司是否值得加入」的过滤条件:1)团队。这是不是一群你一直在寻找的人?你是否喜欢这帮家伙(起码在直觉上)?想像一下以后你每天都会和他们在一起工作,吃饭,晚上加班还可能会分享一张沙发睡觉。这可不是可以装得出来的,成熟的公司往往会有成型的公司制度,而创业公司则几乎没有这套东西,所以大家在做事方式上是否有相似的习惯,你们在性格上是否可以相互包容和鼓励,这会直接决定你到底是否能和大家呆在一起。判断团队是否和你合拍的方法,是多创造接触的机会。主动和他们一起午餐和晚餐,饭桌上的话题一般比较轻松,你也有机会和每个人都有接触的机会,尝试抛出一些关于创业的问题,悉心听听他们的看法,如果你们很快就进入了垃圾时间──互相不认同,无话可谈,那你就直接撤了。邀请对方的 Tech Leader 一起参加技术聚会也是个好方法,你们可以在会后获得思想碰撞的机会。2)项目。这是不是一件你自己也想做的事?创业团队的成员很少会认为自己是在选择一份工作,他们都认为这是一项事业,他们愿意放弃之前工作,放弃更多的业余时间,决定排除万难来把这件事做成。换句话说,这对你也不应该只是一份工作,你要认同这份事业,否则你的热情会像火柴一样迅速熄灭。3)领导人。他是否有坚韧不拔的性格并做事专注,你可以问问 founder 或 co-founder 之前做过什么,犯过什么错误,取得过哪些成绩。他应该对你敞开心扉,而不是遮遮掩掩。另外, 他必须足够强大,他可以找到各种办法打消你的顾虑,并保持事情的推进。4)资金。搞清楚项目的资金来源,创始人自己出钱和天使投资人出钱是截然不同的情况,这会导致创业团队心态上的差异。很多顶着光环的创业项目最后遭遇滑铁卢,「花的不是自己的钱」的心态多半是一个重要的失败原因。你可以打听一下他们是如何花钱的,并在心里评估一下自己是否接受。补充一点,在搞清楚团队、项目、领导人和资金的同时,也同样要搞清楚你自己内心的想法,你要的一份工作,还是不仅仅是一份工作?你是否愿意承担风险,也有能力对自己的行为负责?
2023-07-22 05:28:511


2023-07-22 05:29:029


这是一个在现实和幻想两条轴上都非常有张力的故事。基本上在现实这条线上讨论了一个宗教和科学博弈的主题(就是发生在地球上的此次试验的始末,和由此引发的各种人类信仰和情感的效应),而在幻想这条线上讲的是未来我们和外星生物接触的未知技术、前景和意义(就是那个未经证实的18小时虫洞之旅)。在这两条线上卡尔。萨根的原作都为电影提供了精彩的剧本基础。 这源于卡尔。萨根卓越的双重身份 - 他既是一位普利策奖得主的文学家,又是一位真正的科学家。以下是一段生平摘录: “卡尔·萨根(Carl Sagan)(1934-1996),是美国康奈尔大学行星研究中心主任、大卫邓肯天文和太空科学研究会教授、加州理工学院喷气推进实验室出色的科学家。他同时还是世界性的太空研究组织、美国行星研究学会的创始人之一和会长。卡尔·萨根博士不仅仅是一名杰出的、做出了许多重要贡献的天文学家,更是一位功勋卓著的科普大师,他的优秀科普作品《伊甸园的飞龙》曾获美国普利策奖,这是美国国家科学院对他在公众理解科学领域中所作出的成就的最高奖励。他还是康耐尔大学“大卫·邓肯”教席的天文学与空间科学教授及行星研究实验室的主任。 萨根是空间探索的积极拥护者,他对绝大多数探索太阳系的无人探测计划均有贡献。其中包括最先拍到火星的细节照片、证明那是一颗荒凉贫瘠行星的“水手9号”飞船; 在火星表面寻找生命的“海盗号”轨道器(其任务并不成功)与着陆装置;第一次揭示太阳外围行星及其卫星奥秘的“先驱者”与“旅行者”号探测器;还有正在传回极其清晰的木星和木星卫星图像的“伽利略”号飞船。 萨根的工作改变了我们对地球在宇宙中所处位置的认识。他推断,由于强烈的温室效应,金星表面其实热得可怕——以前人们曾一度认为那里可能是气候宜人的地方。他还指出,宇宙中大量存在的复杂碳基化学成分可能是其它生命的原始形态。萨根还搜集了土卫六大气层中存在与生命的基团相似的有机分子的证据。此项工作被20世纪80年代的“旅行者”号探测器极好地证实了。 在萨根的职业生涯中,他一直赞同寻找地外生命迹象的工作的重要性。在康耐尔大学,他开创了“外空生物学”的新领域——这是研究可能的外星生物化学和生命形态的学科。他曾设计过一块包含地球人的问候信息的金属板,这块金属板正随“先驱者”10号飞船飞向星际空间(还有两张更复杂的刻录唱片正随两艘“旅行者”号飞往其它恒星)。萨根与多方面的的合作者(包括哈佛大学的Paul Horowitz)一道支持利用射电天文望远镜“倾听”天外信号的计划——这些信号可能源自外星智慧文明。” 这就是这位出现在影片最末星空右下角的那个字幕"to carl" 的背后精彩的人生故事。让我们对这位在96年因骨髓癌去世的科学家肃然起敬的不只是他故事里精彩的科学演绎,最重要的是充满了整个故事的人对真理探索的强烈渴望、好奇心和勇气,像不灭的火炬,使人愿意付出无论怎样的代价,哪怕是未知的命运,是最珍贵的感情,甚至是生命。 最后题外,转眼都10年了,我都忘了朱迪福斯特有那么一双最美的绿眼睛了。 This is a reality and fantasy are very two-axis tension story. In reality, this is basically an online discussion of the theme of religion and science game (that is, occurred in this experiment on the earth the whole story, and the resulting variety of human beliefs and emotional effects), while in the fantasy of this online talking about the future contact us and an unknown alien technology, prospects and sense (that is, that 18 hours without a proven wormhole trip). Carl in these two lines. Sagan"s original offer for the film are wonderful script basis. This stems from Karl. Sagan excellent double identity - he is both a Pulitzer Prize-winning writer, but also a true scientist. The following are extracts from a life: "Carl Sagan (Carl Sagan) (1934-1996), is a Cornell University planetary research director of the Center, David Duncan Professor of Astronomy and Space Science Research, California Institute of Technology Jet Propulsion Laboratory outstanding scientists. He also Space Research Organization, or worldwide, the United States Planetary Society"s co-founder and president. Dr. Carl Sagan is not only an outstanding and made many important contributions to the astronomers, but also a meritorious master of science, and his outstanding works of science, "the Garden of Eden Dragon" won the U.S. Pulitzer Prize, which is the U.S. National Academy of Sciences for his understanding of science in the public areas of the achievements made by the highest reward. He is Cornell University "David Duncan," a teaching professor of astronomy and space science and planetary research lab director. Sagan was an active advocate of space exploration, he was exploring the vast majority of the solar system exploration program have contributed to no one. These include the details of the first photograph of Mars pictures to prove that it is a desolate barren planet, "Mariner 9" spaceship; in the surface of Mars looking for life, "Viking" Orbiter (its task was not successful) and the landing gear; for the first time reveal the mysteries of solar planets and their satellites outside the "pioneers" and "Voyager" probe; there are very clear return of satellite images of Jupiter and Jupiter, "Galileo" spacecraft. Sagan"s work changed our planet in the universe location awareness. , He reasoned, because of the strong greenhouse effect, Venus has a surface hot in fact terrible - the past people had thought that there might be a pleasant climate in place. He also pointed out that the complexity of the universe, there is a large number of carbon-based chemical composition may be in other primitive life forms. Sagan was also collected Titan"s atmosphere and life, there is a similar group evidence of organic molecules. This work has been the 20th century, 80 years of "Voyager" was an excellent probe to confirm. In Sagan"s career, he has agreed to find signs of extraterrestrial life importance of the work. At Cornell University, he created the "exobiology" in the new field - This is a study of possible extraterrestrial biochemistry and life forms of the subjects. He has designed over a person"s greeting message that contains the Earth"s metal plate, this piece of metal plates being with the "Pioneer" 10 spacecraft flying in interstellar space (and two more complex with the two recording labels are "travelers "was to fly to other stars). Sagan with a wide range of collaborators (including Harvard"s Paul Horowitz) support the use of a radio telescope, "listen" to the outer signal of the program - the wisdom of these signals may have come from extraterrestrial civilizations. " This is the last Star appears in the lower right corner of that movie subtitles "to carl" the story behind the wonderful life. Let us be in 96 years, who died of bone marrow cancer, scientists awe of not only his wonderful story of scientific interpretation, the most important thing is the whole story is full of people"s strong desire to explore the truth, curiosity and courage, like the eternal torch that people are willing to pay whatever price, even the fate of the unknown is the most precious feelings, or even life. The last question, the twinkling of an eye are all 10 years, I forgot to Jodie Foster, so a pair of the most beautiful green eyes.望楼主采纳
2023-07-22 05:29:341


  你知道好哥们的英语怎么说吗?下面一起来看看吧。   好哥们的英语释义:   Brothers   好哥们的英语例句:   盼望圣诞祝福给你带来高兴,我的好哥们。   Christmas greeting to cheer you, my good friend.   作为好莱坞曾经最令人羡慕的一对明星夫妇,布拉德·皮特夫妇的分手在美国引起了轩然 *** 。 而布拉德·皮特的好哥们儿——有着“全球最性感的黄金单身汉”之称的乔治·克鲁尼,则在关键时刻挺身而出,将宽阔的肩膀借给了自己的失意兄弟。   Following the recent break up of Brad"s four year marriage, George Clooney"sshoulders are clearly of the broad and weling type as Brad Pitt turns to them to cry on.   直接去到我的好哥们,吉恩·鲍尔,他是农场动物避难所总裁和创办人之一和《农场动物避难所:改变对动物和食物的心念》FarmSanctuary: Changing HeartsandMindsaboutAnimalsand Food的作者,这是一本了不起的书。   Straight out to my good buddy, Gene Baur, president andco-founder of FarmSanctuary and author of "Farm Sanctuary: changinghearts and minds aboutanimals and food", an amazing book.   有讯息称,在《哈利波特》系列中扮演哈利好哥们的鲁伯特·格林特与在《暮光之城》中扮演男主角爱德华的罗伯特·帕丁森将有望在一部描写英国皇室生活的电影中出演哈利王子。   Rupert Grint and Robert Pattinson have both been tipped to play Prince Harry ina movie about the British monarch"s life.   当然,好哥们罗迪克输给穆雷了我们也挺难过的。   And, of course, we were sorry to see our good friend Andy bow out against Murray.   问:你和大J在第五季还是好哥们儿吧?。   Series Mag : You and Jared still get on well in the fifth season ?   你是个好哥们儿。无论何时,记得我永远会支援你的。   You are a great friend Ting , and if you need anything, remember I am alwaysthere for you.   若他一好哥们很符合你胃口,那送男友一顶威力十足的绿帽子也同样是个不错的选择。   Sleeping with his best friend is a good way to hit the nail on the head, but be public about it.   于是,在好哥们帮我买到参考书后,我就正式踏上了考研复习的征程。   Then, after good brother helps me buy reference book, I was set foot on formallyone"s deceased father grind reviewed journey.   我们一直都是好哥们儿。   We"ve always just been great friends. twilight.   我只是想让你知道,你是万里挑一的好哥们儿。   A pretty lousy friend, I guess. I just want you to know that I…   安德里亚:谢谢你。你可真是我的好哥们。   Andrea: Thanks. You are a really buddy.   我真的很喜欢大学。我有很多好哥们。   I really enjoyed university. I was part of a great gang of friends.   时间飞快,距离上次我们分开,快一年了,我的好哥们“大壮”又回来了!   Time past so fast … almost a year since last time i met shahaub . he is back ! ! !   塘泥是我的好哥们儿。   Tony"s my good buddy.   看着亨丽埃塔在自己肩膀上悠闲地散步,莫里斯说:“她是我的好哥们儿。我知道这听上去十分怪异,但是,她确实是一只很好的宠物。”   "She"s my buddy, " Morris said, as Henrietta walked across his shoulders. "It"s pretty strange, I know. But she"s a good pet. "   截至目前,白宫对总统好哥们被捕一事一直保持缄默,蒂特科姆本人也没有接受采访。   Up to now, the White House on the arrest of the president has been a goodbuddy to remain silent, Teeter Co *** e I did not interview.   不过,包子坚称,为自己的好哥们卡拉参加纪念赛,他义不容辞。   Nonetheless, the midfielder insists it was important for him to play a part in thecelebrations for his close friend Carragher.   比这些都要好。我准备带她到酒吧见见我那些好哥们!   Ken:No, something better. I am taking her to a bar with all my male friends! shangdichiqqtangma.   你是好哥们儿。   You"re a good friend.   他是个至真至诚的好哥们儿,就这么简单。   He"s just a thoroughly good fella, it"s as simple as that.   海,好哥们!现在过得好吗?考试准备得不错吧?。   Hi, buddy, How"s everything with you these days? Did you do enough preparation for your examination?
2023-07-22 05:29:411


2023-07-22 05:30:001


2023-07-22 05:30:314


2023-07-22 05:30:462

百老汇熄灯1分钟 向刚刚辞世伊丽莎白u2022泰勒致敬(双语)

百老汇熄灯1分钟 向刚刚辞世伊丽莎白u2022泰勒致敬(双语) 为向刚刚辞世的女演员伊丽莎白u2022泰勒致敬,百老汇将在本周五晚熄灯。伊丽莎白u2022泰勒于本周三病逝,享年79岁。 百老汇联盟发表声明称,“百老汇为痛失的舞台与电影巨星伊丽莎白u2022泰勒而哀悼。” 为向泰勒致敬,百老汇各家戏院将在周五晚八点整,也就是传统的演出开幕时间,熄灯一分钟。 上世纪五六十年代,伊丽莎白u2022泰勒红遍好莱坞和欧洲。她曾在百老汇参加丽莉安u2022海尔曼的作品《小狐狸》的重演,好评如潮,并借此获得托尼奖提名。 泰勒在1983年以制片人和诺埃尔u2022科沃德的作品《秘密生活》演员的身份重返银幕。在《秘密生活》一片中,她的前夫理查德u2022伯顿还与她成为搭档。同年泰勒还制作出品了影片《锦绣前程》。 百老汇联盟主席保罗u2022利宾说:“伊丽莎白u2022泰勒拥有非凡的天分和出众的美貌。她不仅让银幕,而且让百老汇舞台熠熠生辉。” “在台下,她孜孜不倦地投身于抗击艾滋病的慈善活动中,是艾滋病研治基金的共同创始人之一,也是伊丽莎白u2022泰勒艾滋病基金会的创始人,这是她一生中所扮演的另一个重要角色。我们向她的亲友和粉丝致意。” Broadway"s lights will darken on Friday in tribute to actress Elizabeth Taylor, who died in Los Angeles aged 79 on Wednesday. "The Broadway community mourns the loss of Elizabeth Taylor, legendary stage and screen star," The Broadway League said in a statement. In Taylor"s honor, Broadway"s theater marquees will be dimmed at exactly 8 p.m., the traditional curtain time for shows, for one minute. The actress, best known for her starring roles in Hollywood and Europe during the 1950s and 1960s, appeared on Broadway in a revival of Lillian Hellman"s "The Little Foxes," for which she won rave reviews and a Tony award nomination. Taylor returned in 1983 as producer and star of Noel Coward"s "Private Lives" opposite her former husband, Richard Burton, and produced "The Corn is Green" that year as well. "With her remarkable talent and extraordinary beauty, Elizabeth Taylor lit up the Broadway stage the same way she lit up the silver screen," League chairman Paul Libin said. "Off stage, her tireless commitment to fighting AIDS as a co-founder of amfAR and founder of The Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation added yet another meaningful role to the story of her life. Our thoughts go out to her friends, family, and fans."
2023-07-22 05:30:531


2023-07-22 05:31:131

有谁知道Bill Gates的一些故事?英文的!谢谢

Bill Gates was born on October28,1955l.He was a very clever boy when he was young ,and he wanted to be a scientist.He went to Harward University in 1973.He began a company called Microsoft in 1975 with his friend Paul Allen.In 1999,Bill wrote a book called Business@the Speed of Thought. It was one of the best sellers of the New York Time list.Bill enjoys reading a lot, he also likes playing golf and bridge.
2023-07-22 05:31:323


erwq rq eartr hty war wq;oe trwoahfrwotfgodasf ow o owrtghfprwtjfolae j9qei orfgiw owrqrt eoriqeitj oaeiw eae
2023-07-22 05:31:392


Michael Benjamin Bay (born February 17, 1965) is an American filmmaker. He is known for directing big-budget action films characterized by fast edits, stylistic visuals and extreme use of special effects. His films, which include the science fiction disaster thriller Armageddon (1998), the epic war film Pearl Harbor (2001) and the science fiction action films in the Transformers film series (2007–present), have grossed over US$5 billion worldwide.He is co-founder of commercial production house The Institute, a.k.a. The Institute for the Development of Enhanced Perceptual Awareness. He is co-chair and part-owner of the digital effects house Digital Domain.Despite his considerable success at the international box office, Bay has received mixed to negative reviews for his work from film critics. While his films such as The Rock, The Island, Pain & Gain, and Transformers received mildly positive reviews by critics and audiences, his three sequels in the Transformers film series were panned by critics, as were Pearl Harbor, the Bad Boys films, and Armageddon.
2023-07-22 05:31:551


  五月一号是国际劳动节,那么,你知道劳动节的由来吗?不妨用英文将其描写出来,以下是我为大家整理的相关资料,欢迎阅读。   范文一   This stanza es from the worker"s big strike of American Chicago.On May 1 in 1886, Chicago of 20 in order to fight for practicing eight hours to work to make but hold the big strike, many ten thousand workerses pass by hard of bloodshed conflict, acquired the victory finally.For memorial this time the socialist that the worker"s one who exercise, July 14 in 1889, from all countries Marxist call represents the conference, Parisian solemn and impressive open in France.On the conference, attend meeting to represent the consistent festival that May 1 settles for the international proletariat.This resolution gets the international munity, the worker responds to actively.On May 1 in 1890, the working class of Euro-American all countries leads off to go into the street, holding the grand demonstration and holding a meeting, fighting for the legal rights.From now on, every time round this international munity labors the people to all want the catcall, parade, to show to celebrate.   范文二   "Labor Day differs in every essential from the other holidays of the year in any country," said Samuel Gompers, founder and longtime president of the American Federation of Labor. "All other holidays are in a more or less degree connected with conflicts and battles of man"s prowess over man, of strife and discord for greed and power, of glories achieved by one nation over another. Labor devoted to no man, living or dead, to no sect, race, or nation."   Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity and well-being of our country.   范文三   Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.   Founder of Labor Day   More than 100 years after the first Labor Day observance, there is still some doubt as to who first proposed the holiday for workers.   Some records show that Peter J. McGuire, general secretary of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners and a cofounder of the American Federation of Labor, was first in suggesting a day to honor those "who from rude nature have delved and carved all the grandeur we behold." 的人还看
2023-07-22 05:32:131

《Follow Your Gut》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Follow Your Gut》(Rob Knight)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码:m6z4书名:《Follow Your Gut》作者:Rob Knight豆瓣评分:7.6出版社:Simon & Schuster Audio/TED出版年份:2015-4-7页数:128内容简介:Allergies, asthma, obesity, acne: these are just a few of the conditions that may be caused—and someday cured—by the microscopic life inside us. The key is to understand how this groundbreaking science influences your health, mood, and more.作者简介:Rob Knight is a Professor of Pediatrics and Computer Science & Engineering and Director of the Microbiome Initiative at the University of California, San Diego. He is cofounder of the American Gut Project and the Earth Microbiome Project.
2023-07-22 05:32:291


maker制造者 常用释义[英] [ˈmeɪkə][美] [ˈmeɪkər]n.制造者; 制作者; 上帝; 造物主[例句]Get your coffee fix at home with this state-of-the-art espresso-maker.有此最新意式浓缩咖啡制作机,在家尽享咖啡风情。[变形]复数:makersWith the development of science and technology , there are some people who have creative ideas and the ability to design ,they gather and set up some organizations to make their ideas into reality without the aim of profit.In general,we call them makers. Makers are willing to create a more beautiful life for all human being as well as for themselves.Usually they pay attention to electronic, machinery, robotics, 3D printing and so on. Already booming in the U.S., the maker movement is now gaining ground in China, challenging the country"s capacity for innovation. Make Magazine co-founder Dale Dougherty says a maker as someone who builds, creates or hacks physical materials, whether food, clothing or Small objects. Makers often gather at hackerspaces, or makerspaces, real-world locations where they can learn and work together. There are hundreds of hackerspaces world-wide and over a dozen now in China.In Chinese, “creation” means pioneer and founder,it shows anpositive and upward attitude, at the same time, makers always have ability to find problem, and try to solve the problem by an action.I think the spirit of makers should be learnt by all of us students.When studying and working,we should be more creative and try to solve new problems we meet.When there is something new appearing,I think all of us should be curious about it and figure it out.Makers are good at producing creative ideas , and they are eager to design and crazy about making it into reality.The economy is developing quickly which makes high-tech services badly required.In my opinion,everyone should have the skill to fit in the current situation like the makers and this is the requirement of societyLet"s be a maker, create more constantly, practice them continually, be willing to share inventions with others to build even better life for ourselves and all the people!
2023-07-22 05:32:481


Peking University Founder Group Co., Ltd. Shanghai Subsidiary
2023-07-22 05:33:294


Colonel Harland Sanders, born September 9, 1890, actively began franchising his chicken business at the age of 65. Now, the KFC?business he started has grown to be one of the largest quick service food service systems in the world. And Colonel Sanders, a quick service restaurant pioneer, has become a symbol of entrepreneurial spirit. More than a billion of the Colonel"s "finger lickin" good" chicken dinners are served annually. And not just in North America. The Colonel"s cooking is available in more than 80 countries and territories around the world. When the Colonel was six, his father died. His mother was forced to go to work, and young Harland had to take care of his three-year-old brother and baby sister. This meant doing much of the family cooking. By the age of seven, he was a master of several regional dishes. At age 10, he got his first job working on a nearby farm for a month. When he was 12, his mother remarried and he left his home near Henryville, Ind., for a job on a farm in Greenwood, Ind. He held a series of jobs over the next few years, first as a 15-year-old streetcar conductor in New Albany, Ind., and then as a 16-year-old private, soldiering for six months in Cuba. After that he was a railroad fireman, studied law by correspondence, practiced in justice of the peace courts, sold insurance, operated an Ohio River steamboat ferry, sold tires, and operated service stations. When he was 40, the Colonel began cooking for hungry travelers who stopped at his service station in Corbin, Ky. He didn"t have a restaurant then, but served folks on his own dining table in the living quarters of his service station. As more people started coming just for food, he moved across the street to a motel and restaurant that seated 142 people. Over the next nine years, he perfected his secret blend of 11 herbs and spices and the basic cooking technique that is still used today. Sander"s fame grew. Governor Ruby Laffoon made him a Kentucky Colonel in 1935 in recognition of his contributions to the state"s cuisine. And in 1939, his establishment was first listed in Duncan Hines" "Adventures in Good Eating." In the early 1950s a new interstate highway was planned to bypass the town of Corbin. Seeing an end to his business, the Colonel auctioned off his operations. After paying his bills, he was reduced to living on his 5 Social Security checks. Confident of the quality of his fried chicken, the Colonel devoted himself to the chicken franchising business that he started in 1952. He traveled across the country by car from restaurant to restaurant, cooking batches of chicken for restaurant owners and their employees. If the reaction was favorable, he entered into a handshake agreement on a deal that stipulated a payment to him of a nickel for each chicken the restaurant sold. By 1964, Colonel Sanders had more than 600 franchised outlets for his chicken in the United States and Canada. That year, he sold his interest in the U.S. company for million to a group of investors including John Y. Brown Jr., who later was governor of Kentucky from 1980 to 1984. The Colonel remained a public spokesman for the company. In 1976, an independent survey ranked the Colonel as the world"s second most recognizable celebrity. Under the new owners, Kentucky Fried Chicken Corporation grew rapidly. It went public on March 17, 1966, and was listed on the New York Stock Exchange on January 16, 1969. More than 3,500 franchised and company-owned restaurants were in worldwide operation when Heublein Inc. acquired KFC Corporation on July 8, 1971, for 5 million. Kentucky Fried Chicken became a subsidiary of R.J. Reynolds Industries, Inc. (now RJR Nabisco, Inc.), when Heublein Inc. was acquired by Reynolds in 1982. KFC was acquired in October 1986 from RJR Nabisco, Inc. by PepsiCo, Inc., for approximately 0 million. In January 1997, PepsiCo, Inc. announced the spin-off of its quick service restaurants -- KFC, Taco Bell and Pizza Hut -- into an independent restaurant company, Tricon Global Restaurants, Inc. In May 2002, the company announced it received shareholders" approval to change it"s corporation name to Yum! Brands, Inc. The company, which owns A&W All-American Food Restaurants, KFC, Long John Silvers, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell restaurants, is the world"s largest restaurant company in terms of system units with nearly 32,500 in more than 100 countries and territories. Until he was fatally stricken with leukemia in 1980 at the age of 90, the Colonel traveled 250,000 miles a year visiting the KFC restaurants around the world. And it all began with a 65-year-old gentleman who used his 5 Social Security check to start a business.
2023-07-22 05:33:513


2023-07-22 05:34:096


The police are the public and the public are the police(警察就是公众,公众就是警察); the police being only members of the public who are paid to give full time attention to duties which are incumbent on every citizen in the interests of community welfare and existencePeels Nine Principles of Policing(九条原则)The basic mission for which the police exist is to prevent crime and disorder. The ability of the police to perform their duties is dependent upon public approval of police actions. Police must secure the willing co-operation of the public in voluntary observance of the law to be able to secure and maintain the respect of the public. The degree of co-operation of the public that can be secured diminishes proportionately to the necessity of the use of physical force. Police seek and to preserve public favour, not by pandering to public opinion, but by constantly demonstrating absolutely impartial service to law, in complete independence of policy, and without regard to the justice or injustices of the substance of individual laws; by ready offering of individual service and friendship to all members of the public without regard to their wealth or social standing; by ready exercise of courtesy and friendly good humour; and by ready offering of individual sacrifice in protecting and preserving life. Police use physical force only when the exercise of persuasion, advice and warning is found to be insufficient to obtain public cooperation to an extent necessary to secure observance of law or to restore order; and to use only the minimum degree of physical force which is necessary on any particular occasion for achieving a police objective. Police, at all times, should maintain a relationship with the public that gives reality to the historic tradition that the police are the public and the public are the police; the police being only members of the public who are paid to give full-time attention to duties which are incumbent on every citizen in the interests of community welfare and existence. Police must recognize always the need for strict adherence to police-executive functions, and to refrain from even seeming to usurp the powers of the judiciary of avenging individuals or the state, and of authoritatively judging guilt and punishing the guilty. The test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder, not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with it. These nine principles were set forth by Sir Robert Peel, the founder of the British Police in 1822 and were taken from A Short History of the British Police, (London: Oxford University Press, 1948).
2023-07-22 05:34:381


对工作不满是普遍的,往往也是一时的。但是没几个人会花时间去分析为什么工作会不快乐,以及该如何调整。Fortunately Patrick Lencioni has done much of that work in his book "The Three Signs of a Miserable Job."幸运地是Patrick Lencioni在《工作不快乐的三个表现》一书中对此做了详细阐述。Job Misery Is Universal 工作不快乐是普遍现象The author notes that a "miserable" job differs from a "bad" job, as one person"s dream job may not appeal to another worker. A miserable job, however, has some universal traits.作者指出:“不快乐”的工作和“坏”工作是不同的。因为一个人的理想工作对另一个人也许毫无吸引力。但是,“让人不快”的工作有一些共同特征。"A miserable job makes a person cynical and frustrated and demoralized when they go home at night," Lencioni says. "It drains them of their energy, their enthusiasm, and self-esteem. Miserable jobs can be found in every industry and at every level."Lencioni说:“不快乐的工作让人在晚上加班回家后变得愤世嫉俗、沮丧、情绪低落;会耗尽人们的精力、挫伤积极性、损害自尊。各行各业、各个级别中都有让人不快的工作。”Lencioni blames much of the problem on managers, who are a key factor in the job satisfaction (or dissatisfaction) of their employees. A recent Yahoo! HotJobs survey points to a similar conclusion: 43% of workers said discontent with their boss was the main reason they planned to look for a new job in 2008.Lencioni认为这个问题大部分应归咎于管理者。他们是导致员工对工作满意或是不满的关键因素。Yahoo! HotJobs近期的调查得出了一个相似的结论:有43%的员工称对老板不满是促使他们计划在2008年找新工作的主要原因。The Three Signs 三个表现Lencioni identifies the three signs of job misery as anonymity, irrelevance, and "immeasurement."Lencioni指出工作不快乐的三个表现:不被关注、感觉自己无关紧要、和无法评价自己。Anonymity: Employees feel anonymous when their manager has little interest in them as people with unique lives, aspirations, and interests.不被关注:管理者们对作为独一无二的个体、有自己抱负和爱好的员工没有兴趣,这使员工感到“不被关注”。Irrelevance: This condition occurs when workers cannot see how their job makes a difference. "Every employee needs to know that the work they do impacts someone"s life -- a customer, a coworker, even a supervisor -- in one way or another."感觉自己无关紧要:当员工无法看到自己的工作所产生的影响时,就会有这种感觉。“每位员工都需要知道自己的工作以某种方式影响到了其他人——顾客,同事,甚至是上司。”Immeasurement: This term describes the inability of employees to assess for themselves their contributions or success. As a result they often rely on the opinions of others -- usually the manager -- to measure their success.无法评价自己:指员工无法评估自己的贡献或成就。于是,他们往往需要依赖别人的意见(往往是领导者的)来衡量是否成功。Three Remedies for Job Misery 如何改变工作不快乐的状态For workers who may be experiencing the signs of job misery, Lencioni recommends three steps to improve the boss-employee dynamic and enhance job satisfaction.对于那些可能正在遭受让人不快工作的员工来说,Lencioni建议用三步法来改善老板——员工关系,提升工作满意度。1. Assess your manager. 评价你的上司。Is the boss interested in and capable of addressing the three factors mentioned above? "Most managers really do want to improve, in spite of the fact that they may seem disinterested or too busy," Lencioni says.你的上司注意到了以上三条工作不快的表现并有能力应对吗? Lencioni说:“尽管上司们可能都表现地不太关心这些或者太忙,但大部分的确都希望能改善状况。”2. Help your manager understand what you need. 帮助上司理解你的需求This could mean reviewing with your manager what the key measurements for success are for your job. Lencioni also suggests asking your boss, "Can you help me understand why this work I"m doing makes a difference to someone?"这意味着你得和上司讨论一下衡量你工作成绩的主要标准。Lencioni建议去问老板一个问题:“你能告诉我为什么我的工作会对人们产生影响吗?”3. Act more like the manager you want. 希望别人怎么对你,就要怎么对别人"Employees who take a greater interest in the lives of their managers are bound to infect them with the same kind of human interest they seek," the author says. Or find ways to let your manager know how his or her performance makes a positive difference for you.Lencioni说:“那些对上司的生活更感兴趣的员工也会使上司对其产生兴趣”。或者,想办法让上司知道他/她的表现是如何对你产生了积极影响。Be Realistic 现实一点Richard Phillips, founder of Career Advantage Solutions, agrees that "managing up" is a good way to improve job satisfaction, but he cautions employees to be realistic in their expectations.Career Advantage Solutions创始人Richard Phillips也同意“向上管理”是提高工作满意度的好办法,但是他告诫员工在期望值上要现实一点。"Managers are not mind readers," he says. "Take the responsibility to communicate upon yourself, and remember there has to be an ongoing dialogue, or change is unlikely to happen."他说:“上司们可不会读心术;交流的责任在于自己。记住,必须要有不断的交流,否则不太可能会发生改变。
2023-07-22 05:34:471


2023-07-22 05:35:074

第一单元作文 on college students using the credit cards为题目作文

A new class of freshmen is settling into college life, and a new financial independence that often includes, for the first time, credit cards. A recent survey in the International Journal of Business and Social Science found that half of college students own four or more credit cards.But should students" new lifestyle include credit cards?“Typical college students make very attractive customers for credit card companies,” said Leah Hampton, a CPA from Lexington, Kentucky. “Most college students think about the here and now, and are not focused on their financial futures.”Today, thanks to 2009"s CARD Act, students must now demonstrate financial capability or have a creditworthy co-signer in order to get a credit card, but the requirements are still lax.“I"ve heard stories about students listing their student loan availability in the income section and getting approved, " said Mitchell D. Weiss, who teaches a financial literacy course at the University of Hartford in Connecticut. "I"ve heard about students asking friends and relatives to cosign."Your college kid, in other words, can probably get a credit card if he or she wants one. And it may not be a terrible idea. Credit cards provide a backup plan for emergencies, and allow students to build a credit history.The question is, What can a parent do to mitigate the dangers — the debt and bad credit scores — that can haunt the student, and parents, for years after graduation?One strategy is to arrange for a secured credit card, which is like a prepaid card, but which allows the students to establish “credit-creds.” (Make sure the bank that issues the card reports to a credit agency, so a credit history is created.)Parents can also give the student an authorized card on the parent"s existing account, with certain safety measures in place. The student"s card number should be different (in case it"s compromised) and a maximum charge should be established.For students over age 21, Weiss recommends two credit cards: one for routine charges that are within a student"s monthly budget and can be settled without carrying a balance, and a second card for emergency expenditures that may have to be carried. “That way, routine charges won"t incur interest costs and the emergency expenditures can be settled over a reasonable period of time,” said Weiss.Be aware of other cards your child may have, like debit cards that go with his or her new checking account. Make sure they set up overdraft protection as a safety net for those adjusting to the concept of balancing a budget.Students also need to learn to protect their valuable new information. Marian Merritt, a Norton Internet safety advocate, points to unfamiliar Wi-Fi hotspots and unsecured dorm rooms as places where login credentials and banking transactions can be intercepted by hackers.Your child"s financial education, experts say, is like other steps to adulthood parents need to attend to. According to a recent survey of more than 1,000 college students by, only 63 percent said their parents helped them learn about managing their money, whereas 82 percent taught them how to drive.“Until more parents teach their kids about money, I recommend a graduated path from cash, prepaid, ATM, authorize, cosign, secured, to unsecured credit cards,” saidCharles Tran, founder of CreditDonkey.Until the student "graduates" to an independent card, watch them carefully. Giving a student a credit card “doesn"t mean they have unilateral control over their purchases,” said Steve Trumble, president and CEO of American Consumer Credit Counseling. “If the parents" money is involved, or a parent cosigned for the card, then the parent has every right to set limits. It"s important for parents to monitor their kids" spending to make sure they"re using the credit card responsibly, especially when they first go away to college.”“Also, students should keep up with their finances as carefully as they would their schoolwork," says presumes, maybe optimistically, that college students are paying sufficient attention to their studies. "If all else fails," says, "they should use cash.”
2023-07-22 05:35:231

the other one是什么意思

the other one另一个;
2023-07-22 05:35:311


必须是清华经济管理学院啊!!!当之无愧的国内财经界执牛耳的存在!给你看看这个学院的顾问团队有多强大就知道了!清华大学经济管理学院顾问委员会(2017-2018)The Advisory Board of Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management (2017-2018)名誉主席Honorary Chairman朱镕基清华大学经济管理学院首任院长(1984-2001)中华人民共和国国务院总理(1998-2003)ZHU RongjiFounding Dean, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University (1984-2001)Premier, State Council, People"s Republic of China (1998-2003)名誉委员Honorary Members约翰u2022布朗勋爵L1 Energy(英国)公司执行主席华为技术(英国)有限公司主席英国BP集团原首席执行官Lord Browne of MadingleyExecutive Chairman, L1 Energy (UK) LLPChairman, Huawei Technologies (UK) Ltd.Former Group Chief Executive, BP PLC亨利u2022保尔森保尔森基金会主席美国财政部原部长高盛集团原董事长兼首席执行官Henry M. Paulson, Jr.Chairman, Paulson InstituteFormer U.S. Secretary of the TreasuryFormer Chairman and CEO, The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.李斯阁BDT Capital商业顾问委员会主席沃尔玛百货有限公司原总裁兼首席执行官H. Lee Scott, Jr.Chairman, Business Advisory Board for BDT CapitalFormer President and CEO, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.王岐山第十八届中共中央政治局常委中共中央纪律检查委员会原书记WANG QishanMember, Standing Committee of Political Bureau of the 18th CPC Central CommitteeFormer Secretary, CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection主席Chairman吉姆u2022布雷耶布雷耶资本创始人兼首席执行官Jim BreyerFounder and CEO, Breyer Capital副主席Vice Chairman邱勇清华大学校长QIU YongPresident, Tsinghua University委员Members玛丽u2022博拉通用汽车公司董事长兼首席执行官Mary T. Barra Chairman and CEO, General Motors Company鲍达民麦肯锡公司董事长兼全球总裁Dominic BartonGlobal Managing Partner, McKinsey & Company劳埃德u2022布莱克费恩高盛集团董事会主席兼首席执行官Lloyd C. BlankfeinChairman and CEO, The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.薄睿拓百威英博全球首席执行官Carlos BritoCEO, Anheuser-Busch InBev常振明中国中信集团有限公司董事长CHANG ZhenmingChairman, CITIC Group陈吉宁北京市代市长 中华人民共和国环境保护部原部长清华大学原校长CHEN Jining Acting Mayor, Beijing Municipal GovernmentFormer Minister, Ministry of Environmental Protection, People"s Republic of China Former President, Tsinghua University陈元中国人民政治协商会议第十二届全国委员会副主席国家开发银行原董事长CHEN YuanVice Chairperson, The 12th National Committee of the Chinese People"s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)Former Chairman, China Development Bank蒂姆u2022库克苹果公司首席执行官Tim CookCEO, Apple迈克尔u2022考伯特花旗集团首席执行官Michael L. CorbatCEO, Citigroup Inc.迈克尔u2022戴尔戴尔科技集团董事长兼首席执行官Michael DellChairman and CEO, Dell Technologies杰米u2022戴蒙摩根大通公司董事长兼首席执行官Jamie DimonChairman and CEO, JPMorgan Chase & Co.戴德立英国BP集团首席执行官Robert DudleyGroup Chief Executive, BP PLC德尼u2022杜威安盛集团非执行董事长Denis DuverneNon-Executive Chairman, AXA威廉u2022福特美国泛大西洋投资集团首席执行官William E. FordCEO, General Atlantic LLC冯国经冯氏集团主席利丰有限公司荣誉主席Victor K. FungGroup Chairman, Fung GroupHonorary Chairman, Li & Fung Limited克里斯多夫u2022高尔文哈里森街资本公司主席、首席执行官兼联合创始人 摩托罗拉原董事长兼首席执行官Christopher B. GalvinChairman, CEO and Co-Founder, Harrison Street Capital LLC Former Chairman and CEO, Motorola Inc.吉尔菲u2022盖瑞特宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院院长管理和私营企业Reliance讲席教授、政治学教授Geoffrey GarrettDean, The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania Reliance Professor of Management and Private Enterprise, Professor of Political Science卡洛斯u2022戈恩雷诺-日产-三菱汽车董事长兼首席执行官Carlos GhosnChairman and CEO, Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi郭台铭富士康科技集团创办人兼总裁Terry GouFounder and CEO, Foxconn Technology Group诸葛睿苏黎世保险集团首席执行官Mario GrecoCEO, Zurich Insurance Group莫里斯u2022格林伯格美国史带金融财团董事长 AIG原董事长兼首席执行官Maurice R. GreenbergChairman, Starr CompaniesFormer Chairman and CEO, AIG顾秉林清华大学高等研究院院长清华大学原校长GU BinglinDirector, Institute for Advanced Study, Tsinghua UniversityFormer President, Tsinghua University郭树清中国银行业监督管理委员会主席山东省原省长GUO ShuqingChairman, China Banking Regulatory CommissionFormer Governor, Shandong Province何晶淡马锡控股(私人)有限公司首席执行长HO ChingCEO, Temasek Holdings Private Limited 出井伸之Quantum Leaps公司创始人兼首席执行官索尼集团原董事长兼首席执行官Nobuyuki IdeiFounder and CEO, Quantum Leaps CorporationFormer Chairman and Group CEO, Sony Corporation艾文u2022雅各布高通公司创始人兼荣退首席执行官Irwin Mark JacobsFounding Chairman and CEO Emeritus, Qualcomm穆泰康可口可乐公司董事长Muhtar KentChairman, The Coca-Cola Company亨利u2022克拉维斯KKR投资集团联席董事长兼联席首席执行官Henry R. KravisCo-Chairman and Co-Chief Executive Officer, KKR科鲁格宝马集团董事长Harald KrügerChairman of the Board of Management, BMW AG乔纳森u2022莱文斯坦福大学商学院院长、菲利普u2022奈特讲席教授Jonathan D. LevinPhilip H. Knight Professor and Dean, Stanford Graduate School of Business理查德u2022莱文Coursera原首席执行官耶鲁大学原校长Richard C. LevinFormer CEO, CourseraFormer President, Yale University李泽楷盈科拓展集团主席兼行政总裁Richard LiChairman and Chief Executive, Pacific Century Group李彦宏百度创始人、董事长兼首席执行官Robin LiCo-Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Baidu, Inc.李荣融国有资产监督管理委员会原主任LI RongrongFormer Chairman, State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission柳传志联想控股股份有限公司董事长联想集团(Lenovo)创始人LIU ChuanzhiChairman, Legend Holdings CorporationFounder, Lenovo Group Limited刘鹤中共中央政治局委员中央财经领导小组办公室主任LIU HeMember, Political Bureau of CPC Central CommitteeMinister, Office of the Central Leading Group on Financial and Economic Affairs刘明康中国银行业监督管理委员会原主席LIU MingkangFormer Chairman, China Banking Regulatory Commission刘士余中国证券监督管理委员会主席、党委书记LIU ShiyuChairman, China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC)Secretary, The CPC Committee of CSRC楼继伟全国社会保障基金理事会理事长中华人民共和国财政部原部长LOU JiweiChairman, National Council for Social Security FundFormer Minister, Ministry of Finance, People"s Republic of China安东尼克u2022卢克希奇智利卢克希奇集团董事长Andrónico LuksicChairman, Luksic Group马云阿里巴巴集团董事局主席Jack MaExecutive Chairman, Alibaba Group马凯第十八届中共中央政治局委员中华人民共和国国务院副总理MA KaiMember, Political Bureau of the 18th CPC Central CommitteeVice Premier, State Council, People"s Republic of China马化腾腾讯公司主要创办人、董事会主席兼首席执行官Pony MaCore Founder, Chairman of the Board and CEO, Tencent埃里克u2022马斯金哈佛大学亚当斯大学讲席教授2007年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者Eric S. MaskinAdams University Professor, Harvard University2007 Nobel Laureate in Economics董明伦沃尔玛百货有限公司总裁兼首席执行官Doug McMillonPresident and CEO, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.迈克尔u2022迈克纳马拉伟创力集团首席执行官Mike McNamaraCEO, Flex埃隆u2022马斯克太空探索技术公司首席执行官特斯拉公司首席执行官Elon MuskCEO, Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) CEO, Tesla, Inc.萨提亚 u2022 纳德拉微软公司首席执行官Satya NadellaCEO, Microsoft尼廷u2022诺里亚哈佛商学院院长Nitin NohriaDean, Harvard Business School卢英徳百事公司董事长兼首席执行官Indra K. NooyiChairman and CEO, PepsiCo布莱恩u2022罗伯兹康卡斯特集团董事长兼首席执行官Brian L. RobertsChairman and CEO, Comcast NBCUniversal罗睿兰IBM公司董事长、总裁兼首席执行官Ginni RomettyChairman, President and CEO, IBM大卫u2022鲁宾斯坦凯雷投资集团联合创始人、联席首席执行官David M. RubensteinCo-Founder and Co-CEO, The Carlyle Group大卫u2022施密特雷恩麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院院长David C. SchmittleinJohn C Head III Dean, MIT Sloan School of Management苏世民黑石集团董事长、首席执行官兼共同创办人Stephen A. SchwarzmanChairman, CEO and Co-Founder, Blackstone李思拓诺基亚公司董事长芬安全公司董事长和创始人Risto K. SiilasmaaChairman, Nokia CorporationChairman and Founder, F-Secure Corporation孙正义软银集团股份有限公司法人代表董事长兼总裁 Masayoshi SonChairman & CEO, SoftBank Group Corp. 迈克尔u2022斯宾塞纽约大学斯特恩商学院教授2001年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者A. Michael SpenceProfessor, Stern School of Business, New York University2001 Nobel Laureate in Economics拉坦u2022塔塔 塔塔有限公司、塔塔工业公司、塔塔汽车公司、塔塔钢铁公司和塔塔化工公司名誉董事长Ratan N. TataChairman Emeritus of Tata Sons, Tata Industries, Tata Motors, Tata Steel and Tata Chemicals约翰u2022桑顿巴理克黄金公司董事长 美国华盛顿布鲁金斯学会董事会主席John L. ThorntonChairman, Barrick Gold Corporation Chairman, Board of Trustees, Brookings Institution范伯登荷兰皇家壳牌有限公司首席执行官Ben van BeurdenChief Executive Officer, Royal Dutch Shell plc雅各布u2022瓦伦博格银瑞达集团主席ABB、爱立信和北欧航空副主席Jacob WallenbergChairman, Investor ABDeputy Chairman of ABB, Ericsson and SAS王大中清华大学原校长WANG DazhongFormer President, Tsinghua University杨敏德溢达集团董事长Marjorie YangChairman, Esquel Group赵纯均清华大学经济管理学院原院长ZHAO ChunjunFormer Dean, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University周小川中国人民政治协商会议第十二届全国委员会副主席中国人民银行行长ZHOU XiaochuanVice Chairperson, The 12th National Committee of the Chinese People"s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)Governor, People"s Bank of China马克u2022扎克伯格Facebook公司创始人兼首席执行官Mark ZuckerbergFounder and CEO, Facebook
2023-07-22 05:35:411


2023-07-22 05:35:527


He is the co-founder and chief executive officer(CEO) of Apple Inc. Jobs also once served as chief executive of Pixar Animation Studios; he became a member of the board (董事会) of The Walt DisneyCompany in 2006, He loaned money for movie Toy Story in the 1995.In the late 1970s , Jobs, with Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak,Mike Markkula, and others, designed , developed , and marketed one of the first successful lnes of personal computers, theApple II series. In the early 1980s, Jobs was one of the firstto see the potential. After losing a power struggle with the board in 1984, Jobsresigned from Apple and founded NeXT, a company for the higher education and business markets. In 1996, Jobs back to the company he co-founded.In 1986, he remained CEO and majority shareholder at 50.1%until 2006. Finally, Jobs became Disney"s largest shareholder at 7%
2023-07-22 05:36:252


磁盘检测系统盘的,右键属性 工具 检查卷中的错误 全选两项 检查 耐心等待完成。其他盘的,可用上述方法,或保存数据后右键格式化。
2023-07-22 05:36:345


如果要简单罗列孵化器做的事情: 孵化计划在本质上, 是孵化器提供的经过整体打包的投后服务 。至于这个整体打包计划内具体包含什么,主要看每个孵化器的背景,以及运营人员。 具体来说, 孵化计划就是将场地、导师、招聘、合作伙伴、后续融资、法律、财务、政策、推广、海外拓展等所有服务综合起来,以合理的顺序重新梳理,以一定的节奏按照不同的方式把服务提供给入孵的团队。 与一般的创业比赛不同,孵化计划最重要的,就是要能够脚踏实地地帮助到团队和产品。而为了做到这一点,在以上所有提供的服务中,除了一般性的基础服务之外。 最关键的有:导师、招聘、后续融资。而其中又有一块非常重要,但容易被大家忽视,就是陪伴产品的共同开发。 孵化计划当中很重要的一块,就是对产品的共同开发。孵化器的所有人员,需要与产品团队一起,确认产品需求、解决开发过程中可能遇到的问题、作为天使用户进行测试与反馈、确认下一阶段迭代的重心。 我们不是旁观者,我们是创业团队的第6名合伙人。 纵向维度上看,4个月的周期,每个月都有针对性: 横向维度上看,有2类交流分享活动,每2周会固定举办: 在整个孵化计划当中,很重要的一点就是: 保有Co-Founder的心态 。孵化器某种意义上不是完全的投资人,更多的是创业团队的Co-Founder。在早期不同的时间段,我们帮助创业团队处理不同的事情,扮演不同的角色,HR、BD、产品最早的天使用户等。 而其中最重要的几块是:帮助产品进行需求调研、协助产品一起决定后续重点的发力方向、作为产品最早一批的天使用户、帮助团队对接上下游合作伙伴、后续融资。
2023-07-22 05:36:511

the other one是什么意思

2023-07-22 05:37:143


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2023-07-22 05:37:331


2012年5月,海尔保险正式获批更名为北大方正人寿,这是其自2011年1月从“海尔纽约人寿”到“海尔保险”,再到“北大方正人寿”的二度更名。5月3日,保监会发布公告,批准青岛海尔投资发展有限公司将其持有的51%的股份转让给北大方正集团有限公司。转让完成后,北大方正集团有限公司持有你公司51%股份,青岛海尔投资发展有限公司持有19.76%股份,明治安田生命保险相互会社持有29.24%股份。公司名称变更为北大方正人寿保险有限公司,英文名称为FOUNDER MEIJI YASUDA LIFE INSURANCE CO.,LTD。这已经是海尔保险成立10年来的第二次改嫁。2002年以信息产业起家的海尔集团与美国纽约人寿顺应合资潮流想在保险领域捞一桶金,成立海尔纽约人寿,双方持股各占五成,这就是海尔保险的前身。然而,海尔纽约人寿成立后一直找不到适合自己的发展模式,保费长期徘徊在3亿元左右,且迟迟没有盈利迹象,双方开始在资源与管理上出现分歧,并导致两者结束这场跨国婚姻。在2010年底,纽约人寿净身退出,日本明治安田生命保险相互会社受让海尔纽约人寿25%股份,海尔集团增持剩余部分股份并绝对控股,将该公司更名为海尔保险。随后海尔保险注册资本由人民币8.35亿元增至人民币11.8亿元,偿付能力从102.78%大幅提升至650%。海尔集团主导的海尔保险开始全面的转型,并借助海尔集团的销售网络进行交叉销售,2011年上半年实现盈利。但是多元经营的海尔集团并无多少保险经营经验,2010年,联想控股就悉数转让了所持嘉禾人寿的股份,彻底退出了保险业;而且由于海尔集团持有海尔保险股份高达75%,而监管要求其在一年内完成股权结构调整,实现持股占比不超过50%,这为再一次的股权转让埋下了伏笔。据悉,接手的方正集团同样以信息产业起家,目前正在涉猎金融领域,声称要搭建金融架构,已拥有基金、证券等多个金融牌照,保险成为炙手可热的一环。保险看起来很美,但是长达10年的盈利期限让很多公司望而却步,方正集团有多少实力能运营好这样一家故事颇多的公司有待观察。
2023-07-22 05:37:541


2023-07-22 05:38:073


肯德基是世界最大的炸鸡快餐连锁企业,肯德基的标记 KFC 是英文Kentucky Fried Chicken (肯德基炸鸡)的 缩写, 它已在全球范围内成为有口皆碑的著名品牌。 1930 年,肯德基的创始人哈兰 . 山德士在家乡美国肯德基州开了一家餐厅。在此期间, 山德士潜心研究炸鸡的新方法,终于成功地发明了有十一种香料和特有烹调技术合成的秘方,其独特的口味深受顾客的欢迎, 餐厅生意日趋兴隆, 秘方沿袭至今。肯德基州为了表彰他为家乡作出的贡献, 授予他山德士上校的荣誉称号。 山德士上校一身西装, 满头白发及山羊胡子的形象,已成为肯德基国际品牌的最佳象征。 山德士上校的成功起始于他 40岁在肯德基州经营Corbin 加油站时。为了增加营收,他开始自己制作各式小吃,提供给路过的旅客,因为他烹煮美食的名声吸引了过往的旅客,生意自此缓慢稳定的成长。在声誉日增的同时,当时的肯德基州长 Ruby Laffon 于1935 年授予他为肯德基上校, 以表彰他对肯德基州餐饮的贡献。 上校最著名的拿手菜, 就是他精心研制发明的炸鸡。这是德基现今最受欢迎的产品,它是由上校在经历十年的钻研后,用调和出的神奇十一种香料配方烹制而成, 令人品尝后吮指回味。 美味的炸鸡虽然吸引了众多慕名而来的顾客。然而,传统的炸鸡方法却使顾客必须等待三十分钟才可享用美食。到了1939 年,这个难题在上校参观一个压力锅展示时得到解答。上校购买一个压力锅回家,做了各项有关烹煮时间、压力和加油的实验后,终于发现一种独特的炸鸡方法。这个在压力下所炸出来的炸鸡是他所尝过的最美味的炸鸡,至今肯德基炸鸡仍维持这项使用压力锅的妙方。 上校的事业在1950年代中期面临一个危机,他的 Sanders Cafe 餐厅所在地旁的道路被新建的高速公路所通过, 使得他不得不售出这个餐厅。当时的上校已 66 岁, 但他自觉尚年轻,不需靠社会福利金过日子,而这反而成了他事业的转机。 上校用他那 1946 年出品的福特老车,载着他的十一种香料配方及他的得力助手--压力锅开始上路。他到印第安州、俄亥俄州及肯德基州各地的餐厅,将炸鸡的 配方及方法出售给有兴趣的餐厅。1952年设立在盐湖城的首家被授权经营的肯德基餐厅建立。令人惊讶的是,在短短五年内, 上校在美国及加拿大已发展有 400 家的连锁店, 这便是世界上餐饮加盟特许经营的开始。 肯德基:Kentucky Fried Chicken,简称KFC 另一种说法是Kentucky Fastfood Co. 参考资料: 肯德基创始人--Sanders上校。1890年出生的上校一生充满着美国式成功的传奇,他年轻时做过各行各业的工作,包括铁路消防员、养路工、保险商、轮胎销售及加油站主等等,最后在餐饮业上找到了事业的归宿。当他在肯德基州经营加油站时,为了增加收入,他自己制作各种小吃,提供过路游客;生意由此缓慢而稳步的发展,而他烹饪美餐的名声也吸引了过往的游客,故肯德基州长于1935年封他为肯德基上校,以表彰他对肯德基州餐饮的贡献。上校最著名的拿手好菜就是他精心研制出的炸鸡。这个一直受人欢迎的产品,是上校经历了十年的调配,才得到了令人吮指回味的口感。当上校66岁之际,开着他的那1946年的福特老车,载着他的十一种独特的配料和他的得力助手--压力锅,开始上路。他到印第安州、俄亥俄州、及肯德基州各地的餐厅,将炸鸡的配方及方法卖给有兴趣的餐厅。令人惊讶的是,在短短五年内,上校在美国及加拿大巳有400家的连锁店。 他创立肯德基的同时,他才是个66岁、月领105美圆的社会保险金的退休老人,而今天肯德基已成为全球最大的炸鸡连锁店。同时,上校也受到电视台的关注,由于整日忙于料理,他只有找出唯一一套清洁的、-白色的棕榈装,这一打扮自此成为他独一无二的注册商标。从此以后,人们便将这套西装与肯德基联想在一起;而他的这身白西装,满头白发,及山羊胡子也成为了全国性的象征。
2023-07-22 05:38:171


1 Chateau Ste. Michell 哥伦比亚山谷美乐葡萄酒 Columbia Valley MerlotChateau Ste. Michelle是华盛顿州著名的圣米歇尔葡萄酒公司的下属酒庄。毫无疑问,它也是华盛顿州最大的生产者,年产量超过一百万箱。Chateau Ste. Michelle也是最富冒险精神的酒庄之一,他们和欧洲的葡萄酒豪门如托斯卡纳的皮耶罗?安蒂诺里(Piero Antinori)和德国的厄恩斯?卢森(Ernst Loosen)联手在日渐兴旺的华盛顿Red Mountain产区和Horse Heaven Hill产区成立酒厂。这款酒有令人愉悦的烟熏味和丰富的黑樱桃味道,也因此为自己赚足了人气。2 Blackstone Winery 加利福尼亚美乐葡萄酒 California MerlotBlackstone酒园从1990年开始酿酒,其葡萄园的地理位置优越,具有丰饶的土质,这里的美乐葡萄酒堪称全加州口感最饱满、最易饮的酒款之一。最近,酒园已开始酿造各种葡萄酒,包括美味的雷司令葡萄酒等。但精华部分还是出自天才酿酒师丹尼斯?希尔(Dennis Hill)之手的有淡淡烟熏和李子味道的美乐葡萄酒。酒园的地下酒窖里还珍藏着很多种市面上很难买到的珍酿,作为加州的知名品牌,你可以在世界主要的机场免税店中发现它的身影。3 Bogle 古藤仙芬黛葡萄酒 Old Vine ZinfandelBogle家族自18世纪中期就在加州的克拉克斯伯格地区(Clarksburg)进行农耕,直到1968年才开始种葡萄,10年后,瓦伦?伯格(Warren Bogle)和他的儿子克里斯(Chris)建立了葡萄园并以家族的名字命名。现在,家族的生意由克里斯的遗孀巴蒂?伯格(Patty Bogle)经营着,葡萄园的面积已达1,200亩,有些用于做果酱。4 Clos du Bois 索诺玛黑品乐葡萄酒 Sonoma County Pinot Noir林场酒园酿出的酒一直是值得信赖的。几年前,成名于圣米歇尔古堡的酿酒师艾里克?奥尔森(Eric Olsen)来到林场酒园,并逐渐将葡萄酒的品质上升到新高度。Marlstone系列葡萄酒从1978年开始就深受大家的喜爱,最后一个年份(2003)也是索诺玛产区为数不多的物美价廉的黑品乐葡萄酒。5 Geyser Peak 加利福尼亚长相思葡萄酒 California Sauvignon Blanc这家坐落在索诺玛产区的酒园酿制的长相思葡萄酒非常鲜活,有一种未经橡木桶陈化的葡萄酒所特有的清爽,甚至能让喜欢霞多丽的酒迷迷恋上它。酿酒师米克?施洛(Mick Schroeter)为了创造出这种清脆的生命力,会提前小心采摘一些青涩葡萄作为原料,然后再与成熟的葡萄混合压榨,这样葡萄酒就有了柠檬和哈密瓜的风味。6 Hess 海色精选赤霞珠葡萄酒 Hess Select Cabernet Sauvignon尽管世界上最伟大的葡萄酒都是从很特别的葡萄园走出的,但超值的葡萄酒却是由不同葡萄园的葡萄混合酿造的,辛辣又具有黑樱桃口味的海色赤霞珠精选就是最典型的例子。它所用的葡萄是从纳帕谷、帕索罗贝和西耶拉等产区采摘的。这些产区共同造就了这款经典的加州赤霞珠葡萄酒。7 Kendall Jackson 酒园珍藏霞多丽葡萄酒 Vintner‘s Reserve Chardonnay关于这款葡萄酒,你必须知道两个事实:第一,其年产量为两百万箱;第二,所有的霞多丽葡萄全部来自酒园自己的葡萄园。葡萄园太大了,以至于你来参观的时候必须要乘直升机。但葡萄园受到了非常细致的维护,所以结出的果实仍非常饱满,酿出的美酒有着成熟的芒果和梨子的味道。8 Hogue Cellars 哥伦比亚山谷雷司令葡萄酒 Columbia Valley Riesling这款酒很好地解释了为什么雷司令可以成为美国大受欢迎的葡萄品种(在2006年增长29%),Hogue Cellars葡萄酒有柑橘花的香味、清爽,还有矿石的味道,这些都是雷司令的特性。它的微甜和酸爽非常平衡,特别适合搭配亚洲菜。9 King Estate 俄勒冈灰品乐 Oregon Pinot Gris你很难想象到现在的酿酒庄园曾经是一片广阔的牧区。1991年,艾德?金三世(Ed King III)本来是去俄勒冈的罗拉那谷(Lorane Valley)买草料的,但他注意到那里的山坡非常像自家的葡萄园。后来,他买下了这里的600亩地。现在,王者酒园已经成为俄勒冈最值得信赖的酒园,其最知名的就是灰品乐葡萄酒,这种爽脆的具有坚果味的白葡萄酒,非常值得饮用。10 Pepperwood Grove 加州美乐葡萄酒 California Merlot总部设在索诺玛的唐氏父子葡萄酒公司(Don Sebastiani & Sons)成立于2001年,他经营的葡萄酒很快就成为加州高性价比葡萄酒的代名词。酿制葡萄酒的葡萄是从加州各地区采摘的,与Smoking Loon和Screw Kappa Napa相比,椒木林酒园可能是这个公司旗下最小的品牌了,这个酒园的美乐葡萄酒闻起来有李子和巧克力的香味,非常易饮,很像唐氏公司经营的葡萄酒。11 Rancho Zabaco 古藤仙粉黛葡萄酒 Heritage Vines ZinfandelRancho Zabaco是加罗(Gallo)公司的品牌。加罗拥有大片的葡萄园,其中有很多长期栽种仙粉黛葡萄。这款酒有古藤酒的特点,味道很强烈,价格却没有Gallo Hearty Burgundy这款有争议的酒那么便宜。12 Beringer 方正酒园赤霞珠葡萄酒 Founder‘s Estate Cabernet Sauvignon在加州的葡萄酒中,毫无疑问,由这个历史悠久的酒园酿造的葡萄酒是获得好评最多的。从1976年开始,其私家珍藏系列就是纳帕谷产区的赤霞珠葡萄酒的标杆。这款价格平易近人的赤霞珠葡萄酒带着黑醋栗的红色,如天鹅绒般柔滑,口感雄浑,让人难忘!酒园的遗产在2001年正式注册为国家旅游景点,更平添了一份高贵的古典气质。13 Ravenswood 罗迪仙粉黛葡萄酒 Lodi Zinfandel1976年,Ravenswood首批葡萄酒问世了,当时只有327箱,全部是仙粉黛葡萄酒,在旧金山的品评会上大受赞誉。这也就注定了酒园和仙粉黛的缘分。不久前,Ravenswood的创始人皮特森(Peterson)还谦虚地说,当他创业之初,酿出的葡萄酒总是含有较高的酒精,并不完美。今天,Ravenswood酒园的仙粉黛葡萄酒和那些酒业大鳄们酿造的仙粉黛葡萄酒相比更多了份优雅,这就是它受人喜欢的原因。罗迪仙粉黛葡萄酒就是代表,价格虽然比那些粗制滥造的葡萄酒稍高,但酒体紧密,口感柔和,有果酱和胡椒的味道,入口后能感到李子和梅子的香甜,单宁柔和,回味悠长,让我们觉得它物有所值。14 Robert Mondavi Winery 纳帕谷白芙美葡萄酒 Napa Valley Fumé Blanc纳帕谷从一个默默无闻的地方一举成为美国葡萄酒的圣地,Roboert Mondavi家族功不可没。他们发展和创新的步伐从未停止,酿造这款酒的酒园刚刚成为Mondavi家族的一员,酿造的葡萄酒从赤霞珠到白芙美一应俱全。而Robert Mondavi酒厂从1968年开始将白芙美葡萄酒通称为长相思葡萄酒,酿酒师詹森斯(Janssens)仍然在使用法国的技术,即在桶中进行部分发酵,加一点赛美蓉葡萄,让这种脆爽的白葡萄酒更具复杂性,从而更容易搭配食物饮用。15 La Crema 索诺玛海岸霞多丽葡萄酒 Sonoma Coast ChardonnayLa Crema成立于1979年,为了保持特色,这家由家族经营的酒园迄今为止仍然坚持着手工酿酒的工艺。La Crema的酿酒师梅丽莎(Melissa)酿造了很多款细腻的霞多丽和黑品乐葡萄酒。这款索诺玛海岸霞多丽葡萄酒是她的得意之作,有丰富的成熟梨子和香草糖的甘美,搭配白汁或者清淡菜品有不错的感觉。16 Rodney Strong 索诺玛霞多丽葡萄酒 Sonoma County Chardonnay罗德尼?斯特朗(Rodney Strong)曾经是百老汇的舞蹈演员,也是索诺玛早期的优质葡萄酒先驱。正是由于他的努力,索诺玛产区完成了从大量酿造散装葡萄酒向酿造优质葡萄酒的转型,也由此成为了邻居纳帕谷产区的最大竞争对手。他在1959年建立了自己的酒园,致力于形成葡萄园自己的特色。他还发明了价格公道的由单一葡萄园葡萄酿造的赤霞珠葡萄酒。当然,这款有轻微烤面包香味的霞多丽葡萄酒也是这个酒园的杰作。澳大利亚和新西兰(17-23款)文 Ray Isle,Megan Krigbaum,Sampr,Pierre 编译 Sampras 图片 CIVB 西班牙使馆经济商务处17 Banrock Station设拉子葡萄酒 ShirazBanrock Station酒园在南澳大利亚有4,200亩的果园,葡萄酒的整体特色是富于果香,酒体比较重。这个酒园因为全力保护在澳大利亚濒危的沼泽地而闻名,还受到国际环保组织的嘉奖。这座位于南澳的酒园酿造的葡萄酒具有令人愉悦的烟熏味和浆果味,是典型的设拉子葡萄酒。18 Rosemount Estate 玫瑰山酒园钻标设拉子葡萄酒 Diamond Label Shiraz 玫瑰山酒园的创始人奥特里(Oatley)是靠在巴布亚新几内亚种咖啡起家的,上个世纪60年代开始在澳大利亚酿葡萄酒,成为了这个国家进行现代化酿造葡萄酒的先锋。他有一句名言:“我之所以把我们的葡萄酒称作‘澳大利亚葡萄酒的荣誉",就是要激励在这里工作的每一个人永远做到最好。”酒园最著名的葡萄酒要算是1982年的Show Reserve Chardonnay珍藏霞多丽葡萄酒,且价格公道,而该酒园的设拉子葡萄酒则让普通消费者感到十分亲切。19 Brancott 马尔伯乐长相思葡萄酒 Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc新西兰最伟大的长相思葡萄酒出自云雾之湾(Cloudy Bay)酒园。然而,1977年建立的Brancott酒园的历史却更长,也是世界上消费量最大的新西兰葡萄酒品牌,在新西兰北岛和南岛都有酒厂或是葡萄园,并向多样化生产的方向转型,这款产自南岛的长相思葡萄酒十分吸引人。20 Jacob‘s Creek 杰卡斯设拉子葡萄酒 Shiraz杰卡斯酒园隶属于世界第二大洋酒公司保乐利加公司,是澳大利亚红酒的翘楚,引领着澳大利亚红酒迅速成为一股崭新的风尚。从1976年推出第一款红酒后,杰卡斯仅用一年的时间就使自己成为了全澳最受欢迎的品牌之一,并在今后的岁月里,最终改变了整个澳大利亚葡萄酒产业的格局。今日的杰卡斯,凭借澳大利亚得天独厚的自然环境,酿造出别具一格的佳酿,使得葡萄酒的品质丝毫不亚于欧洲传统的旧世界酒,加之有着与生俱来的天然果香口感,令崛起的新世界葡萄酒变得更加美丽多元。在最近的三年里,杰卡斯一共获得了800块奖牌,其设拉子葡萄酒早已成为世界最好的设拉子葡萄酒之一。21 Yalumba 雅伦巴巴洛莎设拉子维奥涅尔葡萄酒 Barossa Shiraz Vioginer如今,在澳大利亚由家族经营的大酒园已经凤毛麟角了,但巴洛莎谷产区的雅伦巴酒园却已经传承五代,现由萨姆(Sam)和罗伯特(Robert)经营。兄弟俩负责市场,酿酒师凯文(Kevin)负责酿造品质不俗的酒,最经典的就是这款带有浆果红的设拉子和维奥涅尔混合酿制的葡萄酒。22 Penfolds 奔富库努加山赤霞珠葡萄酒 Koonunga Hill Cabernet Savignon从前,只有一种澳大利亚葡萄酒堪入顶级之列,那就是奔富庄园的葡萄酒,由设拉子和赤霞珠混合酿造的,可见奔富在澳大利亚的王者地位。现在这款葡萄酒还是澳大利亚葡萄酒的典范,但奔富已经开始酿造其他优秀的葡萄酒了,像库努加山赤霞珠葡萄酒,奔富从1976 年开始酿制这个系列的红酒,也算是该公司旗下的入门酒,这款酒有明显的黑醋栗的香气,水果味十足,是值得信赖的赤霞珠葡萄酒之一。23 Wolf Blass 禾富酒园黄牌雷司令葡萄酒 Yellow Label Riesling禾富酒园最出名的是红葡萄酒,黑牌赤霞珠设拉子葡萄酒创纪录地4次赢得了澳大利亚最权威的葡萄酒大奖——吉米?沃特森奖(Jimmy Watson Trophy)。当然,名园不酿劣酒,禾富酒园的白葡萄酒同样是上品,这瓶雷司令的口感非常活泼,柠檬和酸橙的味道令人回味无穷,在饭后倒上一杯,细细品过,惬意又得体。阿根廷和智利(24-30款)文 Ray Isle,Megan Krigbaum,Sampr,Pierre 编译 Sampras 图片 CIVB 西班牙使馆经济商务处24 Alamos 阿拉莫斯门多萨马贝克葡萄酒 Mendoza Malbec门多萨卡特纳(Catena)酒园让全世界都认识到阿根廷也能酿造世界级品质的红葡萄酒,而不只是那些唾手可得的便宜货。但有趣的是,卡特纳著名的副牌酒阿拉莫斯是那么物美价廉,特别是马贝克葡萄酒,品质一贯高水准,口感像天鹅绒,还有那标志性的烟熏橡木的味道。有人说以Alamos酒园为代表的阿根廷葡萄酒是沉睡中的狮子,在多年后必定成为市场中的主流。25 Bodega Norton 诺顿酒园珍藏马贝克葡萄酒 Reserva Malbec诺顿酒园由英国人诺顿爵士创洛士奇水晶集团。但诺顿的酒还是有很浓的阿根廷口味,辛辣刺激,带有黑色水果的香气。 桃花山红酒
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