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现在购物与传统购物的区别 的英语作文

2023-07-22 05:16:30

  The traditional marketing and the network marketing information dissemination of the advantages and disadvantages of traditional marketing communication1(1) the advantages and disadvantages of traditional marketing communication advantages network marketing information communication can not completely replace the traditional marketing mode of transmission of information, because the information consciousness and the information ability is not high, people"s living habits, working mode, values have not complied with the global information development trend, the network "s application is very limited. Secondly, online shopping is the first payment to, the customer and the product cannot meet directly, so that the customer can use tactile, olfactory and other sensory experience directly, so the online virtual stores despite the rich content, but also tends to increase the probability of wrong mistakenly purchase purchase. At the same time, some consumers to network marketing product quality concerns, the customer to global enterprises within the framework of the credible degree of validation can not start, which will increase its remote shopping risk, so as to choose the traditional marketing way of spreading information. (2) the traditional marketing information dissemination shortcoming in the traditional marketing in enterprises of publicity, advertising and marketing strategies are directed to all consumers, advertising is huge and has blindness. In addition, the traditional marketing communication is often limited to a particular region, at the same time by buying time or the limitation of print period, the target group easy to miss, and the dissemination of information is difficult to retain, is very difficult to ensure that the information is not consumer. In the traditional media advertising marketing effectiveness is more difficult to test, evaluate, to calculate how many people receive advertising information, not the statistics how many people are influenced by advertisements and make the decision of purchase. The 2 network marketing information advantages and disadvantages (1) marketing information network transmission has the advantages of network marketing information can increase the economic benefit of information dissemination in network marketing, business network is fully effective acquisition, transmission of information in the best way, it reduces the communication cost, is a modern enterprise to develop new products, develop new markets and expand cooperation is the most powerful means. Network management is to low cost, the user is wide, without restrictions of time and space, fast, convenient wait for an advantage to develop rapidly. The network marketing information to accelerate the marketing speed and scope of enterprises to join the Internet, e-mail, electronic webpage and online advertising, can expand the range of collection and transmission. The use of online browser queries within a few minutes, so that customers can see worldwide needed information and product catalog. The network marketing information could help the small and medium enterprises to understand the market and develop their own chances of some small and medium enterprises because of lack of funds and do not have the ability to develop the international market, so you can use the Internet to carry out marketing activities, not only to reduce costs, improve efficiency, but also the use of advanced Internet, quick information transmission function, the small and medium-sized enterprise information resources extension to the whole world, to realize the information sharing.

  传统营销与网络营销信息传播方式的优缺点   1.传统营销信息传播的优缺点   (1)传统营销信息传播的优点   网络营销的信息传播方式还不能完全替代传统营销的信息传播方式,因为全民的信息意识和利用信息的能力还不高,人们的生活习惯、工作方式、价值观念还没有顺应全球信息化向前发展的趋势,对网络的应用十分有限。其次,网上购物是先付款后得物,顾客与产品不能直接见面,使得顾客不能利用触觉、嗅觉等感官直接感受产品,因此网上的虚拟商店尽管内容丰富,但往往也会增加了错购误购的几率。同时,一些消费者也对网络营销的产品质量心存疑虑,顾客对全球范围内企业的信誉可靠程度的验证无从下手,这些都会增大其远程购物的风险,从而选择传统营销的信息传播方式。   (2)传统营销信息传播的缺点   在传统营销中企业的宣传、广告和营销策略都是针对所有的消费者,广告费巨大且具有盲目性。另外,传统营销的信息传播往往局限于某一个特定的区域内,同时受购买时段或刊期的限制,目标群体容易错过,并且所传播的信息难以保留,很难保证信息不被消费者遗忘。再者就是传统媒体发布广告的营销效果是比较难以测试、评估的,无法准确测算有多少人接收到所发布的广告信息,更不可能统计出有多少人受广告的影响而做出购买决策。   2.网络营销信息传播的优缺点   (1)网络营销信息传播的优点   ①网络营销信息传播可以增加经济效益   在网络营销信息传播中,企业经营入网是充分有效地获取、传送信息的最佳途径,它降低了信息传播的成本,是现代企业开发新产品、拓展新市场和扩大合作最有力的手段。网络经营正以低成本、用户广、无时空限制、快捷、方便等优势迅速发展起来。   ②网络营销信息传播加快了市场营销的速度和范围   企业加入互联网络,通过电子邮件、电子网页和网上广告,可以扩大收集与传递的范围。利用网上浏览器的查询,可以使顾客几分钟内看到全世界范围内的所需信息和产品目录。   ③网络营销信息传播可以帮助中小企业了解市场和发展自己的机会   一些中小企业由于资金不足而又没有能力开拓国际市场,所以可以借助互联网开展国际营销活动,不但可以降低成本,提高效率,还能利用Internet先进、快捷的信息传递功能,把中小企业的信息资源推广到全世界,实现信息的共享。



online marketing takes the internet as a method to spread infotmation 是什么意思

  译文:在线销售(网购)把互联网作为一种传播信息的手段。  句式结构【主语】online marketing【谓语动词】takes【宾语】the internet【宾补】as a method to spread information
2023-07-22 03:49:241


网络营销产生于20世纪90年代,90年代互联网媒体,以新的方式、方法和理念,通过一系列网络营销策划,制定和实施的营销活动,可以更有效的促成交易的新型营销模式。网络营销的产生和发展,是科技进步、消费者生活习惯和价值观变革、商业竞争等综合因素所促成的。网络营销的产生有其技术基础、观念基础和现实基础。从全球范围来看,1993 年出现基于互联网的搜索引擎、1994 年第一起利用互联网赚钱的“律师事件”以及网络广告出现等事件标志着网络营销的诞生。相对于互联网发达国家,我国的网络营销起步较晚 ,到目前为止,大致可以分为三个发展阶段: 一是 1997 年之前的传奇阶段,网络营销的基本特征是概念和方法不明确,偶然因素的影响十分明显,多数企业对上网一无所知; 二是 1997至2000年我国网络营销的萌芽阶段。在这一阶段,标志性的事件包括:网络广告和 Email 营销诞生,电子商务网站大量出现,企业网站建设从神话变成现实,搜索引擎的作用日益凸现,2000年互联网泡沫破裂成为重要转折点,对网站和网络营销的认识趋于理性;三是 2001 年以来网络营销的应用和发展阶段,其特征表现为:网络营销服务市场初步形成,企业网站建设发展迅速,网络广告形式和应用不断发展,搜索引擎向细分化方向发展,网上销售环境日趋完善。
2023-07-22 03:49:335


网络营销的概念网络营销在英文文献中描述的词很多,汇总起来主要有:Cyber Marketing,Internet Marketing Network Marketing,Online marketing,www Marketing和e-Marketing等,不同的单词词组有着不同的涵义,其中Cyber Marketing主要是指网络营销是在虚拟的计算机空间进行运作Internet Marketing是指在互联网上开展的市场营销活动;Network Marketing,是在网络上开展的营销活动这里的网络不仅指互联网,还有其他一些类型的网络,如增值网VAN目前中国学者较常用的是e-Marketing,e-表示电子化、信息化、网络化的涵义,简洁明了,而且与电子商务(e-Business)相对应。e-Marketing目前尚未有完全确定的中文表达,有些文献中将其描述为互联网营销,主要是为反映出21世纪市场营销以互联网为基础这一重要的新特征,但21世纪营销的基础不完全局限于互联网,还有企业进行的内部信息化管理所依赖的企业内联网等,因此,目前,我国学者大都将e-Marketing译为网络营销。关于网络营销的概念,国内外尚无统一的描述,目前主要有以下几种:网络营销是指在虚拟的互联网基础上为目标顾客制造、提供产品或服务,与目标顾客进行网上沟通的一系列战略管理过程。网络营销也是一种可以通过计算机和调制解调器达到目标顾客的渠道。网络营销是以互联网络为媒体,以新的方式、方法和理念实施营销活动,更有效地促成个人和组织交易活动的实现。网络营销就是以互联网作为传播手段,通过对市场的循环营销传播,达到满足消费者需求和商家需求的过程。由以上定义我们可以看出网络营销已不仅仅是营销部门在市场经营活动方面的业务,它还需要其它相关的业务部门如采购部门、生产部门、财务部门、人力资源部门、质量监督管理部门和产品开发与设计部门等的配合,根据市场需求通过计算机网络来对企业业务进行系统规范的重新设计和构造,以适应网络知识经济时代的数字化管理和数字化经营需要。电子商务与网络营销的关系根据以上对两者概念的分析,可以看出电子商务和网络营销是两个相互交差的概念,两者既存在相同点,但又有所区别。电子商务与网络营销的共同点技术基础相同。电子商务与网络营销都是借助计算机网络来进行的经济活动,两者都是依靠企业内联网来实现资源在企业内部的共享,完成管理信息在企业内部的上传下达,促进企业各部门之间的相互协调,实现企业内部高效率、低成本的信息化管理;都借助互联网的信息结构,实现与贸易伙伴、消费者之间的网络业务信息共享,有效地促进现有业务进程的实施,对市场等动态因素做出快速响应并及时调整当前业务进程,使网络交易顺利进行。而且,在这一过程中,两者都是基于网络信息技术,如文本、图像、声音等数据传输,遵循TCP/IP协议,遵循WEB信息交换标准,采用相应的安全标准提供安全保密技术商务活动内容相同。电子商务与网络营销都包括面向市场的以市场交易为中心的活动,即都包括促成交易实现的各种商务活动(如网上商品展示、网上公关、网上洽谈等活动)和实现交易的电子贸易活动主要是利用互联网实现交易前的信息沟通、交易中的网上定单传递与支付和交易后的售后服务等),以及利用企业内联网进行人事、财务等信息化管理等。电子商务与网络营销的不同点设定概念的角度不同。电子商务是从国家宏观的角度出发,着重于围绕着商务活动而进行的基础设施建设、网络信息技术、以及各种配套技术设施的建设等各方面活动的总体规划。而且这一概念在计算机技术领域应用较多。网络营销则多是从企业微观角度出发,着重于企业借助网络进行的市场营销活动,这一概念多用于市场营销研究领域与企业界,专业性更强。重点不同。由于世界已经进入买方市场,产品销售困难,因而企业要认真研究买方的需求,并通过满足顾客的需求来实现企业的利益目标。对于买来讲,虽然也影响到企业的效益,但无论如何要比卖容易得多。因此,网络营销重点研究自己卖别人买,而不是自己买。电子商务由于站在宏观的角度考虑问题,所以其研究重点既包括企业的销售,又包括企业的采购。即不但要借助网络努力实现企业的销售环节,同时还注重利用网络和相应的软件,建立企业的采购系统,而且建立供应商数据库,根据历史资料对供应商的资信情况进行分析,不断地筛选供应商,保证企业能够利用其采购系统顺利地完成采购任务。此外,目前由于在中国许多人对市场营销缺乏完全的认识,把营销等同于推销,再加上网络营销具有很强的专业性,因而人们对其知之甚少。网络经济发展需要依靠电子信息技术,加之媒的广泛宣传,因此,人们虽然对电子商务的内涵缺乏足够的认识,但电子商务的概念却相当普及,其知名度要比网络营销更高。
2023-07-22 03:49:471


Internet advertising"s positioning is to choose a good major media sites, according to the different product categories, choose a different advertising media, such as the mass of the product, if funded, you can choose the portal site advertising, on the relatively strong local products, such as human resources website, you can have influence in the local website advertising, relatively strong for the professional products, such as water meters, electricity meters, of course, choose their own professional website in the industry as well, otherwise, there will be big investment sum, there is no benefits from that. 你可以找谷歌翻译下~~希望能帮到你吧!!!加油兄弟
2023-07-22 03:49:571


  市场推广是指企业为扩大产品市场份额,提高产品销量和知名度,而将有关产品或服务的资讯传递给目标消费者,激发和强化其购买动机,并促使这种购买动机转化为实际购买行为而采取的一系列措施。那么你知道市场推广用英语怎么说吗?下面和我一起来学习一下市场推广的英语说法吧。   市场推广的英语说法1:   market promotion   市场推广的英语说法2:   Marketing Promotion   市场推广的相关短语:   市场推广主管 Marketing Promotion Supervisor   中心市场推广员 Center Promoter   产品市场推广专员 Product Promotion Specialist   市场推广部经理 Marketing Manager   市场推广的英语例句:   1. There were reports that three panies were negotiating to market the drug.   有报道说,有3家公司在洽谈这种药的市场推广。   2. The pany has overspent on marketing.   这个公司在市场推广方面开支过多。   3. Besides selecting technological ventures for investment, the firms provide management, marketing and networking advice to the investee panies.   除甄选适宜投资的科技开发专案外,创业资金公司并为获得投资的公司提供管理 、 市场推广和建立网路等方面的意见.   4. Build the profile in the market via various marketing method.   通过运用各种市场推广方法在市场上树立公司品牌与形象.   5. The first is what marketing people call the halo effect.   第一是市场推广人员所说的光环效应.   6. Implement sales and marketing strategies as determined by management.   在集团管理层的指导下执行销售及市场推广策略.   7. Preference will be given to candidates with Market Promotion experience.   有过市场推广工作及促销工作经验者优先.   8. The marketing promotion will draw many new users to the site.   市场推广将吸引许多新使用者访问该网站.   9. Also responsible for the selling tools and material in product and marketing.   另外负责工程相关的产品及市场推广资料和工具的制作.   10. Harvey: Next, Victoria will take you through the marketing process.   哈维: 然后维多利亚将向您介绍市场推广的程式.   11. A wide range of value added services is offered to advertisers.   本刊还为广告客户提供范围广泛的增值服务,比如市场推广资料的翻译、助增刊、接邮寄材料、场调查及其它商品销售支援计划.   12. Understanding or experience of the european online marketing. Knowledge of textual critici *** .   理解或有相关的欧洲网路市场推广、网路影响经验. 懂得文字批判技巧.   13. We will introduce a new type of machine to the market.   我们将向市场推广一种新型机器.   14. The wine to protect liver medicine in wenzhou region specific marketing plan?   解酒护肝药在温州地区具体市场推广方案?   15. Financial Strength: A Marketing And Brand Building Of The Necessary Funds.   资金实力: 拥有进行市场推广与品牌建设的必要资金.
2023-07-22 03:50:031


2023-07-22 03:50:1210


2023-07-22 03:50:386


问题一:百度公司靠什么挣钱???? 这是百度老总的解释 baidu的赢利模式 《今传媒》:新浪、搜狐都在靠广告、短信、游戏等获取赢利,作为一种搜索工具,百度的赢利模式是什么? 李彦宏:搜索已经是一个很具规模的市场了,到目前为止,竞价排名仍然是最有希望的赢利模式。 百度的赢利模式是非常明晰的,我们在2001年9月20日推出了竞价排名,这是百度最主要的赢利模式。竞价排名最早出现在美国,在2000年以后逐渐为投资界认可。以前,中国中小企业主要通过会展进行推广,现在可以通过竞价排名在网上推广,这种模式不仅在国外得到认可,在国内也得到认可。这跟以前的推广方式不太一样。中国大概有2000万家的中小企业,这些中小企业推广产品和服务的渠道都是非常少的,比如电视广告,甚至报纸广告,它们都打不起,也没必要,因为它们卖的东西也可能是很专的东西,那怎么推广它的产品和服务呢? 搜索引擎就是非常好的模式,就是某个人在找这个东西的时候,卖这个东西的人就出来了。无论是中国也好,美国也好,这一点是相通的。 今传媒:竞价排名这个赢利模式真的会“钱”途无量吗? 李彦宏:应该是的。竞价排名是个非常合理、优秀的模式,它可以让广告商家很精确地找到他的客户是谁,这是一个大家普遍比较看好的赢利模式。百度做这个竞价排名已经有将近四年的时间,跟我们当初的判断是非常一致的。竞价排名的收入平均年增长达到390%之多。 这个盈利模式,就是以付费的形式,使其信息在百度关键字搜索中的排位来形成。比如在百度上搜索某个需要的信息,凡是加入百度竞价排名的有关的企业,其信息都能显示在网页上。而这样的经营模式,赢得了众多中小企业及本土的认可。 百度应该说对于中国2000多万家中小企业都是适用的,不管你生产什么、销售什么,你产品的名字、服务的名字,都可以通过这种形式,跟用户的需求有一个匹配,这个是大家普遍看好的一个赢利模式。跟美国一些主流的搜索引擎的赢利模式是非常类似的,但是它又跟中国目前的一些互联网公司的赢利模式有很大的不同。 百度是一个搜索引擎,那么无论中国的网民有什么样的信息需求,他都会以关键字的形式输入到搜索框里头,当把他的这种需求用关键字的形式表现出来的时候,我们其实已经知道他在找什么东西,他对什么东西感兴趣。这样的一个信息,其实对于很多企业来说,都是非常有价值的。 百度追求专注 今传媒:现在的最大竞争对手是谁?面对竞争对手,百度靠什么赢得市场? 李彦宏:其实我现在不太在乎谁是竞争对手,因为市场还很大。从规模来说,百度还是相对比较小的。现在很多企业还没意识到竞价排名的作用,所以竞争可以更快地培育市场的成熟度,从这点来说,竞争不一定是坏事。新的竞争对手进来并不会导致百度业绩下滑,相反,这样对市场培育和扩大反而会更容易一些。 中文搜索潜力是很大的。与此同时,百度在过去也不是一个先行者,我们推出面向网民的中文搜索时,实际上市场上已经有很多中文搜索都推出来了,所以我们不怕竞争,我们本来就是在竞争当中发展起来的。 面临挑战,真正可怕的是后来者,是更加专注的公司。所以我们一直关注市场的变化,谁能把握住需求谁就能获胜。 百度过去之所以有这么高速的成长,之所以取得中文搜索市场份额第一的位置,是因为我们专注。今后,我们在这个领域面临更多具有实力的竞争对手的时候,仍然靠专注来战胜它们。你可以注意,现在在上市公司里,百度是唯一一家只做中文搜索的公司,专注使百度成为所有中国搜索引擎中最大的网站。 今传媒:最近阿里巴巴收购雅虎中国并投入10亿美元做搜索,要在中国市场做搜索的老大,对百度是不是有很大的威胁? 李彦宏:面对威胁,我们更需要专注精神。我们一......>> 问题二:百度靠什么挣钱? 呵呵,百度是搜索引擎,赚钱的方法和别的搜索网址是一样的,有以下几种赚钱办法 1.广告收入,对搜索网站来说,每天的点击率是很高的,这么高的浏览次数,当然是广告商投放广告的好地方,当然也是百度赚钱的好办法 2.搜索收入 对搜索网站,赚钱的另一种办法就是出售网民搜索时,第一个出现网址的位置,你搜索时,有没有发网址的排列是有顺序的?对咯,这个也可以赚阀,第一位的价格是最贵的,其余的按第2位 第3位 依次递减价钱 问题三:百度靠什么赚钱? 百度的盈利模式还是比较成功的,主要有以下几种方式: 1、搜索 *** 竟价。简单的讲就是谁给百度的钱多,百度就把谁的信息放到显要的位置。 2、为其他的网站提供搜索服务,如搜狐,新浪,23顶等提供搜索专利服务,每年有巨额利润。 3、百度与 *** 部门,以及事业单位合作,为他们提供技术上的支持,以及服务,获得利润。 4、广告字字是金。 5、百度的品牌效益,已达到100亿人民币。 6、百度还通过融资,引进大量资金进行其他的商业活动获得大量的商业利润 点击率可能不能直接转化成财富,但是点击的人多了说明对网站的关注就多了。访问量大的网站挂出的广告才能赚钱,而且访问量高的网站排名可能也会提前。所以也衍生了一些人可能会骗取点击率等等 问题四:百度公司是靠什么赚钱的? 怎么李彦宏都上福布斯了 搜索赚大发了啊 你out 百度搜索占的中国市场份额那么大。 比如你搜索 哪个医院好,哪个代理公司好,等等关键字 搜索出来的都是别人交给百度钱的客户自己的网站链接。热门的关键字在首页里,一般要一个月几十万甚至上百万都有 暴利啊 问题五:百度公司靠什么挣钱??? 百度主要靠 竞价排名服务 赚钱 这是很大的一头 其实整个搜索引擎行业都是主要靠这个赚钱的 包括google 比如 你在百度搜索 自行车 第一页的前几个后面有推广的 就是竞价排名服务 百度竞价排名是百度首创的一种按效果付费的网络推广方式,用少量的投入就可以给企业带来大量潜在客户,有效提升企业销售额。 每天有超过 1 亿人次在百度查找信息,企业在百度注册与产品相关的关键词后,企业就会被查找这些产品的客户找到。 竞价排名按照给企业带来的潜在客户访问数量计费,企业可以灵活控制网络推广投入,获得最大回报。 竞价排名服务为什么会有效果 百度是全球最大中文搜索引擎,全球10大网站之一,覆盖95%的中国网民,是最具价值的企业推广平台。 按效果付费,获得新客户平均成本低 完全按照给企业带来的潜在客户访问数量计费,没有客户访问不计费,企业可以灵活控制推广力度和资金投入,投资回报最高。 针对性强 企业的推广信息只出现在真正感兴趣的潜在客户面前,针对性强,更容易实现销售。 推广关键词不限 可以同时免费注册多个关键词,数量没有限制,使得企业的每一种产品都有机会被潜在客户找到,支持企业全线产品推广。 全程贴心服务 拥有业界最大最专业的网络营销服务中心,覆盖全国,为企业全程提供增值服务,全面保证网络营销使用效果。 竞价排名服务收费标准 1、 竞价排名推广费最低预付金为1500元,多付不限,您的付款将会被存入您所注册的竞价排名账号中,当有潜在客户通过竞价排名点击访问你的网站后,百度会从你的账号中扣除相应费用。 2、 每次点击的收费起价为0.30元,如果多家网站同时竞买一个关键字,则搜索结果按照每次点击竞价的高低来排序。 3、 每个用户所能提交的关键字数目没有限制,无论提交多少个关互字,均按网站的实际被点击量计费。 4、 竞价排名点击计费系统每15分钟统计一次点击情况,扣除相应费用。你可以随时登陆竞价排名客户管理平台查看点击情况。 5、 我们为每个客户提供详细的点击统计报告,您可以随时登陆管理平台查看。 6、 每年交纳服务费600元,百度为您提供咨询服务、开户服务、管理服务、报告服务。 问题六:腾讯,百度,360这些公司靠什么赚钱? 1.打广告 免费,是让百姓爱戴,受贫下中农喜欢(虽然技术比其它产商差),自然人气就上去了,自然而然的一些公司就要和360合作,靠360的人气,给那些公司打广告啊。 2.用户通过“360软件管家”下载软件,360可从中获利获利。 目前免费软件下载价格在每下载一次软件开发者付给下载网站0.1元至0.5元左右,收费软件给下载网站的提成甚至高达数十元,大型商业软件的提成更是上不封顶。据悉,一个大型软件下载网站年收入甚至可达千万元。 可能还会有3,4... 比如说,如果现在360安全卫士有QQ那么多用户和那么强的用户黏性的话,要发行360币也就是意料之中的事儿。 希望对你有帮助。 问题七:像腾讯,百度,360,这种网络公司是靠什么赚钱的呢?而我们所用它们的产品几乎是免费的。 你好,这个是举例360的。 广告收入,这是占了好大一部分的。 360的杀毒软件虽然是免费的,但是它公司不仅仅只做这个。 一、互联网服务收入是360的第一大收入来源,主要包括三部分: 在线广告收入(Online Advertising) 这部分收入约为1.23亿美元,占2011年总营收的73.3% [2]。 其中: 1. 在线营销服务(online marketing services)[3] 收入约为1.06亿美元,占2011年总营收的63.1% [4] 。这部分收入主要是靠360的平台级产品卖广告位获得。平台级产品包括「360网址导航页」、「360安全桌面」、「360软件管家」等。(你现在知道360那个网址导航页 hao.360 有多挣钱了吧!) 2.搜索引擎转介服务(search referral services)[5] 收入约为1700万美元,占2011年总营收的10.2% [6]。这部分收入就是我们通常所说的「导流量收入」。比起上面的广告收入,这点钱确实不算什么。2009年时,360导航页的搜索框默认的是百度搜索,这部分钱主要由百度支付。2010年,百度和360交恶,360把默认搜索改为了Google,为Google导了大量流量,360也从Google拿到了约1200万美元的回报。到了2011年,尽管360提供的搜索推荐里面仍然有百度,但百度一分钱也没有给360(这是360自愿提供的,百度在2010年就声明取消和360的合作);此外,搜狗、有道、即刻的搜索引擎由于市场份额太低,流量变现能力很弱,所以也基本上没有与360进行流量分成;因此,这部分钱主要是由Google支付,即1700万美元。所以我们常说「Google是360的第一大金主」,从这笔收入的构成来看确实是这样。 互联网增值服务收入(Internet Value-added Services) 这部分收入约为4360万美元,占2011年总营收的26% [7]。 其中: 1. 页游联运(operating web games)[8] 收入分成约为4357万美元(即360页游平台与70家页游制作商的收入分成)[9] ; 2. 远程技术支持(remote technical support)[10] 等收入约为3万美元,几乎可以忽略不计。 其他服务收入(Other Services) 这部分主要是指「针对企业客户的IT外包与系统集成服务」(IT outsourcing and systems integration services to enterprise customers)[11] ,大约34.6万美元,占2011年总营收的0.2% [12] 。 以上「互联网服务收入」就贡献了2011年360总营收的99.5%(73.3%+26%+0.2%)。 二、第三方杀毒软件销售收入――89万美元 是的,你没有看错!号称安全产品完全免费的360其实仍然有0.5%的收入来源于杀毒软件的销售。这部分收入在2009年时到达1629万美元,占360总营收的50.4%;2010年时约为387万美元,占当年总营收的6.7%。自从360开始走“免费杀毒+扩大用户“战略之后,这部分收入已经越来越少。相信在2012年该收入将小到忽略不计。 问题八:百度值多少钱是那个公司运营的靠什么挣钱 百度其他的支柱产业在维持,知道商城对回报的这点财富对于百度来说九牛一毛。挣钱的比如百度播放器,浏览器,广告的收入等等。 问题九:百度怎么赚钱 百度怎么赚钱? 这个问的太有技术了,你是要知道竞价是什么一回事。 你就知道百度太会赚钱了。 就算你用百度做广告推广的话,你要是赚了15万,有10都给你百度。 问题十:百度是如何赚钱的? 1竞价排名 用户在百度购买关键字,比如我是卖拐杖的.我给百度钱购买这个关键字.用户在百度输入拐杖,我的网站就会出现在前面.至于是出现第一还是第二要看你给百度交了多少钱.现在基本所有的关键词百度都卖了.不信随便输个你身边的东西,只要是大众能用的.排名第一的就是推广.关键字成千上万,百度日进万金,只恨我晚生了几年,不然.... 2广告 我在回答这个问题的时候,百度的广告占了屏幕的3分之一,就在右边,你注意点就可以看到. 3信息费,潜在资本 百度可以在第一时间知道用户在搜索什么,在想知道什么,在喜欢什么,搜索的记录可以反应广大人民群众在关心什么,这在某些公司是一贰巨大的财富,21世纪,信息社会,信息就是钱.(知道为啥腾讯搜狗把一个拼音输入法告来告去吧,因为输入法软件也可以带来同样的效果),要是我早出道几年.... 4各种赚钱方式 百度有很高的人气,很高的访问量,如果某些公司,部门,个人出了某某事情,不想要百度显示,给钱就行.这也是一种赚钱之道. 5还有很多衍生的赚钱方式.
2023-07-22 03:51:211


however, people must admit that on - line shopping more convenient and cost - effectiveness of online shopping it should abide by the principle of certain commodities can be bought on the internet, some goods cannot. If you know this principle, you will not be any loss. Online shopping is sometimes really convenient. People can buy things at any time, there is no need to worry about the weather is good or not. With the vigorous development of the Internet business become more and more advanced, but Cyberspace is not entirely shopping paradise. Although the condition has improved, It cannot overlook the negative effect of internet shopping. In order to avoid the buyer privacy and security problems in on - line shopping. In fact, I believe that we can combine traditional shopping choice of rational selection of Network Products Chinese book retailer Inc. as the world"s largest, and one of the largest online shopping, unremittingly focus on the customer experience, to provide cheap prices, convenience, and a wide selection of merchandise, customer demand as the priority, providing a full range of services. According to customer needs in different stages, take all kinds of network marketing methods, such as e - mail marketing, viral marketing network marketing techniques to improve the efficiency of marketing, establish marketing function and utilization of network marketing transformation more marketing strategy, improve the enterprise"s marketing mode to promote the rapid development of enterprises, as success in the B2C e - commerce operators, and has high - quality resources, logistics, service conditions, to Become E - business representatives of large - scale shopping website, the outstanding network marketing has played an important role in e - commerce company. In the future, the Amazon from e - commerce network marketing mode of consumption psychological trends and characteristics and current consumption psychological factors restricting the development of the network marketing analysis, discussion on the modern enterprise in the face of network consumers" specific mental, to break through the traditional operating limitations, native marketing strategy of reform, marketing, brand new operation mechanism construction for enterprises to meet the needs of our customers, better selling products, are recognized by consumers.
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1 An Overview of Marketing2 Marketing Management Philosophies3 Strategic Planning in the Organization4 Select a Strategic Alternative5 The Company s Microenvironment6 The Company s Macroenvironment7 Marketing Information System8 Primary and Secondary Data in Marketing Research9 The Consumer Decision-Maaking Process10 Psychological Influences on Consumer behavior11 Major Categories of Organizational Buyers12 Interactions with Organizational Buyers13 Market Segmentation14 Market Targeting and Positioning15 Product Branding16 Services17 New-Product Development Process18 The Product Life Cycle19 Factors Influencing Price Determination20 Approaches to Pricing21 Pricing Strategies22 Price-Adjustment Strategies23 Selecting Channels of Distribution24 Physical Distribution and Logistics25 Retail Marketing Strategy26 Wholesaling27 Marketing Promotion and Communicatuion Mix28 Developing an Optimal Promotional Mix29 Advertising Media30 Sales Promotion and Public Relations31 The Sales Process32 Implementing the Slaes Plan33 Conducting Online Marketing34 One-To-One Marketing35 Customer Relationship Marketing36 Competitive Marketing Strategies37 Modes of Entry into Global Markets38 The Gloal Marketing Program39 Social Responsibilities of Marketing Management40 Marketing Ethics词汇索引
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Office 365编辑据 The Next Web 引用 Office 官方博客的内容,微软在昨晚发布了三种面向中小企业的 Office 订阅方案。带着浓浓的微软式 Marketing 风格,它们分别叫 Office 365 Business、Office 365 Business Essentials 和 Office 365 Business Premium。这三种方案的资费分别为 5 美元、8.25 美元和 12.5 美元/每人每月,它们的具体细节如下:Office 365 Business:包含完整的 Office 套件(Outlook、Word、Excel、PowerPoint、OneNote、Publisher 和 OneDrive for Business),可以在 Windows PC、Mac、iPad、Windows 平板和智能手机(iOS、Android 和 Windows Phone )上使用。[4] Office 365 Business Essentials:包含企业级电子邮件和日历服务、Office Online、在线网络会议服务、即时通讯服务(Lync 和 Skype)、线上视频会议、云端储存和文件分享等服务。Office 365 Business Premium:包含上述两种订阅中的所有内容。[4]
2023-07-22 03:52:505


问题一:电商的线上模式和线下模式,各是什么意思? 电商的线上模式和线下模式O2O,全称Online To Offline,又被称为线上线下电子商务,区别于传统的B2C、B2B、C2C等电子商务模式。O2O就是把线上的消费者带到现实的商店中去:在线支付线下商品、服务,再到线下去享受服务。通过打折(团购,如GroupOn)、提供信息、服务(预定,如Opentable)等方式,把线下商店的消息推送给互联网用户,从而将他们转换为自己的线下客户。这样线下服务就可以用线上来揽客,消费者可以用线上来筛选服务,还有成交可以在线结算,很快达到规模。 问题二:线上线下销售是什么意思 线上营销,就是把原本需要企业自己雇人实现的网络营销工作以合同的方式委托给专业网络营销服务商。 线下销售是区别于线上销售而出来的概念,个人理解是所谓线上销售是指通过互联网、电视媒体、电话等手段达成销售合作的,线下销售就是指通过实际见面的方式达成销售。 问题三:线上线下是什么意思,能事例讲解一下o2o模式吗 线上是通过网络 而线下的话一般都是实体店或者实物的。O2O模式就是Online To Offline 目前比较明显的话就是团购 通过这类方式可以很好的做到一个宣传以及订单的模式了 问题四:线上和线下什么意思? 一般线上就是网上,线下就是实体店的意思。 问题五:采购中什么叫线上线下 网上买东西就是叫线上,实体店买就是线下。指的是网络上,还是网络下。 问题六:淘宝店的线上和线下是什么意思? 问题七:线下与线上的区别是什么? 线上是在一起打 线下是只要连网打就可以 不非得人在一块 拜托你搞清楚 再说你碰到谁 那就是RP问题了 你要真碰到MOON 跟他打一次 还不得乐死你啊 UD开矿 你说不开是因为不需要? 你随便问个族 哪个能说不需要开矿的 有钱还不想要 傻子 还有至于你说削弱方面 各个族的平衡 只有打职业玩家 在比赛中才能看的出来 不是咱们这玩游戏的能说的 你强 有人比你更强 可以是每个族都赢你 一个比一个强 到最后就变成职业选手了 所以职业选手是最能说明每个族都有什么特点的. 暴雪才会因为他们出补丁 你也知道MOON练习刻苦 当然他也是从你们这个等级过来的 如果你认为你是正确的话.你可以给暴雪发邮件~写信哈 反映问题 人家靠的是职业选手挣钱 而不是听娱乐选手 在这里乱说 乱说也没用 哈 那就更简单了 因为他们没那么强所以进不去线上 等强了梗好了 至于补丁问题 不只咱们这些人能说的 只有每个族的前几强才能说明问题 咱们做的只有抱怨 问题八:马云的电子商务 线上线下叫什么模式 B2C的概念 B2C是Business-to-Customer的缩写,而其中文简称为“商对客”。“商对客”是电子商务的一种模式,也就是通常说的商业零售,直接面向消费者销售产品和服务。这种形式的电子商务一般以网络零售业为主,主要借助于互联网开展在线销售活动。B2C即企业通过互联网为消费者提供一个新型的购物环境――网上商店,消费者通过网络在网上购物、在网上支付。 网站组成 B2C电子商务网站由三个基本部分组成: 1、为顾客提供在线购物场所的商场网站; 2、负责为客户所购商品进行配送的配送系统; 3、负责顾客身份的确认及货款结算的银行及认证系统。 代表网站: 天猫――为人服务做平台 京东――自主经营卖产品 凡客――自产自销做品牌 B2B概念 B2B(企业对企业的电子商务模式) B2B(也有写成BTB)是指企业对企业之间的营销关系,它将企业内部网,通过B2B网站与客户紧密结合起来,通过网络的快速反应,为客户提供更好的服务,从而促进企业的业务发展(Business Development)。近年来B2B发展势头迅猛,趋于成熟。 B2B是指进行电子商务交易的供需双方都是商家(或企业、公司),她(他)们使用了互联网的技术或各种商务网络平台,完成商务交易的过程。电子商务是现代B2Bmarketing的一种具体主要的表现形式。 含有三要素 ⒈买卖:B2B网站平台为消费者提供质优价廉的商品,吸引消费者购买的同时促使更多商家的入驻。 ⒉合作:与物流公司建立合作关系,为消费者的购买行为提供最终保障,这是B2B平台硬性条件之一。 ⒊服务:物流主要是为消费者提供购买服务,从而实现再一次的交易。 代表网站 阿里巴巴 阿里巴巴是国内也是全球最大的B2B电子商务网站。是中小企业首选的B2B平台,主要提供“诚信通”服务,但由于所有用户基本上都是“诚信通”客户。所以没有专业的电子商务运营能力和做阿里巴巴的其它推广业务,很难取得显著效果。 C2C的概念 c2c实际是电子商务的专业用语,是个人与个人之间的电子商务。c2c即消费者间 ,因为英文中的2的发音同to,所以c to c简写为c2c。c指的是消费者,因为消费者的英文单词是Customer(Consumer),所以简写为c,而C2C即 Customer(Consumer) to Customer(Consumer)。C2C的意思就是个人与个人之间的电子商务。比如一个消费者有一台电脑,通过网络进行交易,把它出售给另外一个消费者,此种交易类型就称为C2C电子商务。 代表网站: 淘宝网 易趣网 拍拍网 毫无疑问,淘宝在C2C领域的领先地位暂时还没有人能够撼动。然而,淘宝却也不得不承受这份领先带来的沉甸甸压力。在领先与压力之间,淘宝在奋力往前走 O2O和B2C、C2C的区别 B2C、C2C是在线支付,购买的商品会塞到箱子里通过物流公司送到你手中;O2O是在线支付,购买线下的商品、服务,再到线下去享受服务。 O2O模式的核心很简单,就是把线上的消费者带到现实的商店中去。在线支付购买线下的商品和服务,再到线下去享受服务。...>> 问题九:请问线上与线下有什么区别 什么是电子商务?线上线下的区别到底是什么?以目前来看,也许线上只是线下的补充。以现在电商整体迷茫的行为和现在传统企业争相开展电子商务来看,似乎并不清楚什么是电子商务?什么是线上和线下的区别? 电子商务就是 “利用现有的网络技术和相关的技术来创造、提高、增强、转变企业的现有的业务方式,利用网络所独有的全时、全地域、全方位的特性,为企业创造更高的价值和回报。电子商务是时代赋予我们的一种全新方式,“触电”并非目标。而国内电商还停留在比价格更低、速度更快、种类更多的低级范畴。 电子商务的优势在于利用网络的特性实时和顾客互动交流,而且不分时间、不分地域,并且有利于品牌的宣传,方便为消费者提供更好的服务,降低企业成本,增加销售量。增加销售当然是最重要的目标之一,但绝不是电商的唯一目标。 “如果不做电子商务,企业未来有危险”;“为了抵御销售量的下滑、增加销售”。这表明传统企业未能理解电子商务的本质。在电子商务时代开启了新消费模式,由跨渠道已演化至全渠道消费时代,传统企业需要从整体来考虑电商战略和逻辑布局。但是,在电商咄咄逼人宣传攻势下,缺乏互联网基因,用传统企业思维来做电商,要不就是一掷千金希望迅速改造企业――重金招兵买马挖角,以速度为本的并购,期望一夜之间成为电商大佬。要不就是开展电子商务业务,也基本上是清理库存尾货,既然电商业务只有卖库存的权力,那么,注定不会重视电商业务的规划和开展,更谈不上战略。 中国的传统企业和电商都运用非常短视战略行为,忽视消费行为的全过程、消费者满意度、品牌策略,无视咨询反馈、互动交流、用户体验、企业形象、在线增值服务等能给企业带来根本性变化的机遇。从而只有量的积累,没有质的飞跃,虽然牢牢占据排行榜,须知“江山代有人才出,各领 *** 数百年”。 传统企业做电子商务并没有真正认识到电子商务的重要性,因为线下产品利润高和线上产品利润低,不做压力太大,做了投入产出比低。即使做电子商务的也只是为了跟随潮流,把网络当成原有销售渠道的一种补充, 这样是不可能成功的。必须充分认识到电子商务的优势,电子商务最大的优势在于全地域覆盖,没有时间限制,以及丰富的产品、便捷的搜索、清晰的比价、社群互动、顾客评价等等;线下的优势在于,良好的购物体验、面对面的咨询沟通、舒适的购物环境和商业氛围。尽管现在店内销售仍然受欢迎,随着新技术的出现电子商务目前的劣势会得到转变,线下传统企业终会走上电子商务这条路,未来零售趋势是,大型实体店转型为大型展厅,让消费者体验产品;小型实体店转型为提货点,完善售后服务.电子商务是未来主要的商业模式,看清优势才能更好地把控未来。
2023-07-22 03:53:071


2023-07-22 03:53:175


2023-07-22 03:53:3810


? 作者出处? 三境界
2023-07-22 03:54:152


电商”一词是业内人士对电子商务的简称。 在直观概念上,业界将电商划分为狭义与广义,狭义电商(E-Commerce)是指实现整个贸易过程中各阶段贸易活动的电子化,而广义电商(E-Business)是指利用网络实现所有商务活动业务流程的电子化。 前者集中于基于互联网的电子交易,强调企业利用互联网与外部发生交易与合作;而后者则把涵盖范围扩大了很多,指企业使用各种电子工具从事商务活动。
2023-07-22 03:54:353


2023-07-22 03:54:524


针对“从零开始做电商”给出如下建议:一、宗旨 宗旨:边干边学,不断学习! 经过前期准备后,立即开始行动。二、前期准备1、根据自己喜欢的、擅长的,选择经营领域。2、进行市场调研。 市场调研,分为线上调研和线下调研。例如,淘宝网、天猫等平台该领域商品销售情况、用户情况分析等等,也可到线下零售店、批发市场进行了解情况,与朋友、同学谈谈,听听大家的意见。3、信息分析通过调研分析,进一步确定自己经营的构想,并且细化下来,充分论证可行性。4、进货渠道调研、洽谈。5、物流行业调研、分析、洽谈 了解周边物流行业情况,分析后,洽谈几家备用。6、团队建设 例如:客服、方案、美工,等等。当然,也可以自己一从身兼多职,那就需要自己提前学习一下。三、开始行动。千里之行,始于足下!没有行动的心动等于零!只需要注意:时时总结,时时修正。电商运营基础知识想要做好电商,首先得先了解电商运营的基础。第一、目前电商可以分为买卖模式和平台模式两种模式,所谓买卖模式也就是自买自卖的自营方式;平台模式是自己搭建平台,引入品牌商或者淘宝店家,包括B2C和C2C。买卖模式需要的是效率。第二、选取适合的品类切入,通过成本的压缩提高价格优势,这就要求选品团队以及从上游供货商的议价权、库存管理能力、运营效率、甚至到物流环节的控制能力要足够强悍,特点是要求平台比较重,对于以上团队的要求很高,同时在流程的控制上能力也更强。第三、平台模式下按盈利模式又可以分为淘宝和天猫为代表的两种方式,淘宝通过广告位盈利,天猫依靠租金+提成盈利。平台模式成败的关键就在于流量,就像做商业地产,搭建起一个万达广场,招商入驻,收取租金+提成,只要有顾客来,剩下的就是营收。模式上比较轻。第四、网站类型:比价网站,导购网站,团购网站,特卖网站,奢饰品网站第五、细分人群的电商细分人群的电商之所以存在就是因为综合性网站淘宝京东品类、商品太多,用户找到目标商品的成本太高,导致了细分领域电商的存在。比如楚楚街,精准聚焦于年轻群体,按性别区隔展示,这类人群对于价格敏感度很高。
2023-07-22 03:55:136


2023-07-22 03:55:312


我手打的,开头有些没大写,你自己知道就好了~ 第一类: 1.Network operations 2.Marketing operations 3.planning department 4.Commerce Department 5.P或者A Personal & Administration department 第二类 Network operations: 1.department of technology 2.Online department 3.editorial department Marketing operations: 1.the sales department, 2.Marketing Department, 3.customer service department The planning department: 1.advertising department 2.Offline department 3.Planning Department The ministry of commerce: 1.Government docking department 2.development department, The personnel administration: 1.administrative department 2.Ministry of Personnel 都是一一对应的,你看一下吧~
2023-07-22 03:55:571


u3000The traditional marketing and the network marketing information dissemination of the advantages and disadvantages of traditional marketing communication1(1) the advantages and disadvantages of traditional marketing communication advantages network marketing information communication can not completely replace the traditional marketing mode of transmission of information, because the information consciousness and the information ability is not high, people"s living habits, working mode, values have not complied with the global information development trend, the network "s application is very limited. Secondly, online shopping is the first payment to, the customer and the product cannot meet directly, so that the customer can use tactile, olfactory and other sensory experience directly, so the online virtual stores despite the rich content, but also tends to increase the probability of wrong mistakenly purchase purchase. At the same time, some consumers to network marketing product quality concerns, the customer to global enterprises within the framework of the credible degree of validation can not start, which will increase its remote shopping risk, so as to choose the traditional marketing way of spreading information. (2) the traditional marketing information dissemination shortcoming in the traditional marketing in enterprises of publicity, advertising and marketing strategies are directed to all consumers, advertising is huge and has blindness. In addition, the traditional marketing communication is often limited to a particular region, at the same time by buying time or the limitation of print period, the target group easy to miss, and the dissemination of information is difficult to retain, is very difficult to ensure that the information is not consumer. In the traditional media advertising marketing effectiveness is more difficult to test, evaluate, to calculate how many people receive advertising information, not the statistics how many people are influenced by advertisements and make the decision of purchase. The 2 network marketing information advantages and disadvantages (1) marketing information network transmission has the advantages of network marketing information can increase the economic benefit of information dissemination in network marketing, business network is fully effective acquisition, transmission of information in the best way, it reduces the communication cost, is a modern enterprise to develop new products, develop new markets and expand cooperation is the most powerful means. Network management is to low cost, the user is wide, without restrictions of time and space, fast, convenient wait for an advantage to develop rapidly. The network marketing information to accelerate the marketing speed and scope of enterprises to join the Internet, e-mail, electronic webpage and online advertising, can expand the range of collection and transmission. The use of online browser queries within a few minutes, so that customers can see worldwide needed information and product catalog. The network marketing information could help the small and medium enterprises to understand the market and develop their own chances of some small and medium enterprises because of lack of funds and do not have the ability to develop the international market, so you can use the Internet to carry out marketing activities, not only to reduce costs, improve efficiency, but also the use of advanced Internet, quick information transmission function, the small and medium-sized enterprise information resources extension to the whole world, to realize the information sharing.
2023-07-22 03:56:041


MACO”是“Marketing And Commerce Online”的缩写,意思是“在线营销和商业”。
2023-07-22 03:56:121

关于“Social networking” 500字的英文文章,

Social networking is the grouping of individuals into specific groups,like small rural communities or a neighborhood subdivision.It is possible in person,but is mostly referred to connections in the workplace,universities,and high schools,as well as the internet,which filled with millions of individuals who are looking to meet other people. Social networks can be used to gather and share first-hand information and experiences developing friendships or professional alliances,finding employment,business-to-business marketing,et cetera.The topics and interests are as varied and rich as the story of our world. When it comes to online social networking,websites are commonly used.These websites are known as social sites.Social networking websites function like an online community of internet users.Depending on the website in question,many of these online community members share common interests in hobbies,religion,or politics.Once you are granted access to a social networking website you can begin to socialize.This socialization may include reading the profile pages of other members and possibly even contacting them. The friends that you can make are just one of the many benefits to social networking online.Another one of those benefits includes diversity because the internet gives individuals from all around the world access to social networking sites.This means that although you are in the United States,you could develop an online friendship with someone in Denmark or India.Not only will you make new friends,but you just might learn a thing or two about new cultures or new languages and learning is always a good thing. As mentioned,social networking often involves grouping specific individuals or organizations together.While there are a number of social networking websites that focus on particular interests,there are others that do not.The websites without a main focus are often referred to as "traditional" social networking websites and usually have open memberships.This means that anyone can become a member,no matter what their hobbies,beliefs,or views are.However,once you are inside this online community,you can begin to create your own network of friends and eliminate members that do not share common interests or goals. As I"m sure you"re aware,there are dangers associated with social networking including data theft and viruses,which are on the rise.The most prevalent danger though often involves online predators or individuals who claim to be someone that they are not.Although danger does exist with networking online,it also exists in the real world,too.Just like you"re advised when meeting strangers at clubs and bars,school,or work -- you are also advised to proceed with caution online. By being aware of your cyber-surroundings and who you are talking to,you should be able to safely enjoy social networking online.It will take many phone conversations to get to know someone,but you really won"t be able to make a clear judgment until you can meet each other in person.Just use common sense and listen to your inner voice; it will tell you when something doesn"t feel right about the online conversations taking place.
2023-07-22 03:56:261


Internet Education Advantage And Disadvantage The advent of internet made the world very smaller. Anyone from anywhere can make business deals with people far from their place, without having to travel such a long distance. Wherever the dear ones or friends are, they can always be closer to you giving you the regular updates. This is all possible only through the Internet. Thanks to the great advancement of technology, one can now feel the world a lot closer. However this technology was not something that developed overnight. It developed through a slow process and reached this stage. Initially internet was created to enable communication through a central mainframe. The communications was limited to specific network stations. Then the internet operations turned in connecting multiple networks. Then came a number of private internet service providers. This expanded the scope of internet widely. Today people send emails, talk to others, send images, videos and also gather information through internet. The use of internet is being increasing rapidly everyday and life seems to be difficult without it. This makes it necessary to have internet education in schools. However there are disadvantages of it too. Here are a few advantages and disadvantages of internet education. Advantages: Internet is now one of the major means of communicating to different people. One can send an email to person anywhere in the world which reaches the person in just a few seconds. This quick delivery of mails has been extremely useful in expanding businesses. One can receive quicker response without wasting time. This increases the efficiency in work. Emails also help in communicating with different suppliers, buyers and sellers all around the world. Internet has also helped in maintaining personal relationships too. Chat rooms, video conferencing, etc help people communicate no matter where they are located geographically. The use of intranet in organizations has helped in quicker sharing of information, solving the queries etc. Moreover getting used to internet doesn"t need any extra qualification or course. It is simple and easy to use. With internet, there is more access to the information. There are several search engines where one can search for the required information. Also, a number of websites provide information on various subjects and hence one can gain huge knowledge through internet. There are various forums and blogs where different people can discuss about different things. This allows sharing of information and knowledge which is very important for the development of the society. Traditional means of gathering information requires visiting libraries, searching for books and going through those books. But internet has made all that very easier. One can look out for any information and can collect vast information from different sources. Many schools and colleges are adopting internet technology for communicating to students. They assign projects or work through internet and also track their progress online. Education is making use of advantages of technological developments. Another major advantage of internet is in entertainment industry. People now can sit at their homes, download a movie and watch it. It is no more necessary to go to cinema halls or theatres to watch a movie. There are many websites from where one can download their favorite movies. In the same way, even music can be legally downloaded. There is no limit to entertainment over internet. One can play online games with another player no matter where they live. One can also share photos, videos, files etc online. Internet is also a great means of connecting people with different background and culture. Internet has also been a great place to find life partners too. Moving around the shops to shop for different items is a thing of past. One can now shop for varied things sitting at the home. There are various websites which sell products online. All that one needs to do is select the product and process the payments online. In fact by shopping online, one can choose from various options available from a wide range of products. Internet has also made the transfer of money easier. One can transfer the money to any location in just a few seconds sitting at home. Some of the other advantages of internet are booking for reservations, getting tickets for movies, trains, flights etc. There are also a number of websites which provide medical support. The advantages of internet can be termed as ‘limitless". Disadvantages: Internet has been a great source of information. Due to this it has also been a target to those who steal valuable information. Many times the information and work of the people is being stolen and presented as their own. Hence, information sharing on internet is not completely safe. Internet, no doubt is a strong means of communication between people from different background and location. But people rarely do reveal their original self. Many times people enter websites, forums and chat rooms anonymously or with a wrong identity. As long as this is just for the sake of having chats or gossips, it may be fine. But sometimes people make others believe in them and then take disadvantage of this trust. Internet has become an easier means of financial transactions. But this has given rise to internet thefts. Some people use their intelligence in developing harmful software like viruses, spyware or malware which transmit the sensitive information on the computer to certain parties. These harmful programs get installed into the computer just at a click of the mouse and that too without your knowledge. There are also phishing mails which come to your inbox in the name of a well known bank and ask for your personal information. These mails are not actually sent from the banks. The information is later used to make financial frauds. The number of financial fraud cases through internet is increasing day by day and these are posing a risk to transactions through internet. Spamming is another problem of internet. Spam emails are unwanted emails regarding advertisements or marketing that are sent in bulk. Sometimes these emails contain viruses that may corrupt the system. While sometimes, the emails themselves are annoying. There are a number of websites which themselves send adware, malware, viruses and other harmful software to the system. These can slow the PC considerable. Sometimes these malicious software rob the important information on the computer. There are also software which when get installed into the computer gives the whole control of the computer to some party. Internet is a great place for children. They create a learning curve and help children grow with technology. But pornography is something that can cause a serious impact on a child"s mind. There are several porn sites which are easily accessible and this makes it unsafe to leave children on the internet without adult supervision. Another major disadvantage to internet is addiction. Many people get addicted to internet so much that they find no time for their personal lives. This can often cause serious problems in relationships and personal life. People are often getting adjusted to the virtual world of internet and spending time with virtual people on internet whom they have never seen. Also, people are now finding ways of socializing through internet rather than socializing through real groups. This attraction for virtual world has made people ignore their true relations and life. This overpowering of internet over lives of people can be quite harmful.
2023-07-22 03:56:481


@刘夫人发了一个抖音短视频,你尽管点开,不好看算我输!;ΨΨfag9bBUb8f8ΨΨ打鐦Dou荫搜索@刘夫人发了一个抖音短视频,你尽管点开,不好看算我输!;ΨΨfag9bBUb8f8ΨΨ打鐦Dou荫搜索@刘夫人发了一个抖音短视频,你尽管点开,不好看算我输!;ΨΨfag9bBUb8f8ΨΨ打鐦Dou荫搜索@刘夫人发了一个抖音短视频,你尽管点开,不好看算我输!;ΨΨfag9bBUb8f8ΨΨ打鐦Dou荫搜索@刘夫人发了一个抖音短视频,你尽管点开,不好看算我输!;ΨΨfag9bBUb8f8ΨΨ打鐦Dou荫搜索@刘夫人发了一个抖音短视频,你尽管点开,不好看算我输!;ΨΨfag9bBUb8f8ΨΨ打鐦Dou荫搜索@刘夫人发了一个抖音短视频,你尽管点开,不好看算我输!;ΨΨfag9bBUb8f8ΨΨ打鐦Dou荫搜索%%Zd2wgfe49f8%% @春暖花开 在抖音发布le新作品{"open_launch_config":{"content":"{"from":"腾讯视频","action_url":"imeituan://"}", "sha1":"d758140823bc63701c352cf0a14b0af48d0b364f"}}{"open_launch_config":{"content":"{"from":"腾讯视频","action_url":"imeituan://"}", "sha1":"d758140823bc63701c352cf0a14b0af48d0b364f"}}{"open_launch_config":{"content":"{"from":"腾讯视频","action_url":"imeituan://"}", "sha1":"d758140823bc63701c352cf0a14b0af48d0b364f"}}{"open_launch_config":{"content":"{"from":"腾讯视频","action_url":"imeituan://"}", "sha1":"d758140823bc63701c352cf0a14b0af48d0b364f"}}{"open_launch_config":{"content":"{"from":"腾讯视频","action_url":"imeituan://"}", "sha1":"d758140823bc63701c352cf0a14b0af48d0b364f"}}{"open_launch_config":{"content":"{"from":"腾讯视频","action_url":"imeituan://"}", "sha1":"d758140823bc{"open_launch_config":{"content":"{"from":"腾讯视频","action_url":"imeituan://"}", "sha1":"d758140823bc63701c352cf0a14b0af48d0b364f"}}{"open_launch_config":{"content":"{"from":"腾讯视频","action_url":"imeituan://"}", "sha1":"d758140823bc63701c352cf0a14b0af48d0b364f"}}{"open_launch_config":{"content":"{"from":"腾讯视频","action_url":"imeituan://"}", "sha1":"d758140823bc63701c352cf0a14b0af48d0b364f"}}{"open_launch_config":{"content":"{"from":"腾讯视频","action_url":"imeituan://"}", "sha1":"d758140823bc63701c352cf0a14b0af48d0b364f"}}{"open_launch_config":{"content":"{"from":"腾讯视频","action_url":"imeituan://"}", "sha1":"d758140823bc63701c352cf0a14b0af48d0b364f"}}{"open_launch_config":{"content":"{"from":"腾讯视频","action_url":"imeituan://"}", "sha1":"d758140823bc63701c352cf0a14b0af48d0b364f"}}
2023-07-22 03:56:572


2023-07-22 03:57:082


产品 产品策略主要研究新产品开发,产品生命周期,品牌策略等,是价格策略,促销策略和分销策略的基础。
2023-07-22 03:57:171


Market sales词典是这样的,绝对正确
2023-07-22 03:57:278


wikipedia "marketing" 有非常多的连结中英文都有Marketing is an integrated communications-based process through which individuals and communities discover that existing and newly-identified needs and wants may be satisfied by the products and services of others.Marketing is defined by the American Marketing Association as the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. The term developed from the original meaning which referred literally to going to market, as in shopping, or going to a market to buy or sell goods or services.Marketing practice tends to be seen as a creative industry, which includes advertising, distribution and selling. It is also concerned with anticipating the customers" future needs and wants, which are often discovered through market research. Seen from a systems point of view, sales process engineering views marketing as a set of processes that are interconnected and interdependent with other functions, whose methods can be improved using a variety of relatively new approaches.Marketing is influenced by many of the social sciences, particularly psychology, sociology, and economics. Anthropology and neuroscience are also small but growing influences. Market research underpins these activities through advertising, it is also related to many of the creative arts. The marketing literature is also infamous for re-inventing itself and its vocabulary according to the times and the culture.Four PsMain article: Marketing mixIn the early 1960s, Professor Neil Borden at Harvard Business School identified a number of company performance actions that can influence the consumer decision to purchase goods or services. Borden suggested that all those actions of the company represented a “Marketing Mix”. Professor E. Jerome McCarthy, also at the Harvard Business School in the early 1960s, suggested that the Marketing Mix contained 4 elements: product, price, place and promotion. * Product: The product aspects of marketing deal with the specifications of the actual goods or services, and how it relates to the end-user"s needs and wants. The scope of a product generally includes supporting elements such as warranties, guarantees, and support. * Pricing: This refers to the process of setting a price for a product, including discounts. The price need not be monetary; it can simply be what is exchanged for the product or services, e.g. time, energy, or attention. Methods of setting prices optimally are in the domain of pricing science. * Placement (or distribution): refers to how the product gets to the customer; for example, point-of-sale placement or retailing. This third P has also sometimes been called Place, referring to the channel by which a product or service is sold (e.g. online vs. retail), which geographic region or industry, to which segment (young adults, families, business people), etc. also referring to how the environment in which the product is sold in can affect sales. * Promotion: This includes advertising, sales promotion, publicity, and personal selling. Branding refers to the various methods of promoting the product, brand, or company.
2023-07-22 03:57:541


How to quickly have a strong customer base
2023-07-22 03:58:032


《Marketing for Dummies》(亚历山大·希亚姆)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:vdjr书名:Marketing for Dummies作者:亚历山大·希亚姆出版年份:2009-10页数:368内容简介:Covers everything from essential marketing principles and techniques to the latest methods and trends Want to sharpen your marketing skills to promote your products and services? Whether you"re introducing a new product or jumpstarting your existing marketing plans, "Marketing For Dummies, 3rd Edition, " helps you get a handle on such basic marketing concepts as the four P"s-product, pricing, positioning, and placement - and boost your sales with innovative new approaches. Packed with over 25 percent new and revised material, this practical, savvy, guide shows you how to treat every aspect of interacting with customers-including customer service and the product itself - as an opportunity to grow the organization. You"ll learn how to prepare hard-hitting campaigns, plan a marketing budget and stick to it, and seize new opportunities to increase customer awareness and appreciation of your product or service. Explains Internet and search engine marketing to work for you Helps you identify customers where you least expect them Offers tips on using online resources to size up competitors Covers effective product positioning in a crowded marketplace Introduces guerilla and global marketing You don"t have to be a marketing genius to expand your customer base and boost sales, but you will need a little help from "Marketing For Dummies, 3rd Edition."
2023-07-22 03:58:101

What changes in the marketing environment does the Schwab marketing effort reflect

The establishment of customer satisfaction, value, and the preservation of the market hot ---- Charles Schwab Charles Schwab discount brokerage was set up, named after him in 1974. The company"s low-cost investment products are based on the traditional aversion of the Charles Schwab brokers, who he labeled "the insider selling of information, always trying to let me buy the product or investment", until 1993, the broker Charles Schwab has been instructions do not provide investment advice, but publicly available research users Morningstar Poor"sor Standard & Poor"s. Schwab to benefit from the prosperity of online transactions. As early as in any traditional brokerage firms that move e-commerce in 1997, Schwab was the first discount brokerage firms offer online trading. It provides online trading 29.95 U.S. dollars in the first 1.000 shares, and each transaction costs, more than 100 U.S. dollars. To start in 1995, online trading accounted for 85% implementation of all walks of life Schwab in 2001 years ago. The company"s retail assets grew by three to one trillion U.S. dollars, almost at the same time, in league with the nation"s largest brokerage. From 1997 to 2000, average daily trading rose 183 points, 112 per cent profit increase in the time limit. Charles Schwab"s marketing activities to help the company become a household name in the same transactions on the Internet. Early use of real financial advertising customers and employees to identify personal ads, in 1999, the company"s celebrity spokesman for the military to provide comprehensive services to advertise their online investment services. Featured sports stars humorous advertising, such as the football player Shannon Sharpe, and tennis star Anna Kournikova in a guest role, Schwab customers who surprised the rival"s knowledge of investment principles. Heading differences contribute to the strengthening of Schwab"s online brokerage only: "We have created a smart investment, we have established a more smart investors," these ads as part of the Charles Schwab 2:00 u3007 u3007 billion dollars in 1999 marketing budget. In 2001, as a slowdown in online transactions, with the collapse of the dot-com bubble, Schwab sought to expand its business customers with more services, rather than relying on a large number of low-cost promotion of industry revenue, Schwab began to focus on the provision of Investment Consulting, its customers. Brokers in the new offices on the Schwab financial consultants from their clients to seek investment in skills and other service charges. Schwab also provides equity research considered proprietary customers. Industry experts expect that the new service will be to rewrite the role of Schwab more similar to the traditional brokerage firm. Schwab before the implementation of the forecast, "Schwab will be a lot closer than that of Schwab, Merrill Lynch yesterday." Source: John Gorman, "Charles Schwab, version 4.0," Forbes January 8, 2001, pp.89 - 85. Brown and Ken Charles Gasparino, "Schwab"s stock in their online transactions are moved to" The Wall Street Journal, June 19, 2001, p.A1. Rebecca Buckman and Catherine Kranhold, "Schwab, the supply of sports-themed ad," The Wall Street Journal, August 30, 1999, p.B9 1. Changing market environment is reflected in Schwab marketing efforts? How to effectively market demand is expected to Schwab? 2.Draw recent economic development, is expected to change in the future may be for Schwab, consider what the past and future events may have a significant impact on its future mode of operation.
2023-07-22 03:58:231

求英语高手翻译论文内容摘要急 高分

Chinese home appliance industry, after decades of rapid development, is currently in the mature life cycle stage,The most important manifestation is growing competition in the product"s popularity, the tendency to zero of the marginal profit, and as Chinese consumption rising living standards, more and more diversified consumer demand. At the same time, the homogenization of home appliances, home appliance price war brought about a lose-lose, and a single appliance promotions, making household electrical appliance enterprises have to find way out from the marketing. This article is based on this background, household electrical appliance enterprises network marketing strategy of a series of questions.This paper focuses on internet marketing, home appliance industry, network marketing advantages, network marketing problems and the causes and the corresponding strategies on the network appliance industry marketing strategy recommendations.Purpose and significance of this study is to answer the first home appliance manufacturer Why (why) to conduct online marketing of home appliances manufacturing business that is what is the environment force them to make choices, which is selected or forced to accept the initiative to change the problem. Whether the transaction costs from the contract theory point of view, or from the perspective of a new information distribution channels, or from the broker point of the theory re-organize the corporate network appliance marketing channels research, all reached the same conclusion, that is, household electrical appliance enterprises network marketing enterprise in the increasingly fierce competition to gain more market share for the initiative to make choices. How to answer household appliance industry (how) the problem of network marketing, or network marketing, design and choice. Then once the decision to answer a business network marketing, specifically the choice of a (which) strategy and a series of problems. Finally, Taobao Circuit City, Gome, Suning, Jingdong Mall, etc. for the cases of e-commerce platform appliances a new model of network marketing channels.
2023-07-22 03:58:314

please talk about the advantages and disadvantag

2023-07-22 03:58:463


China Tourism MarketChina Tourism MarketThe outbound tourism market in China is undergoing an unprecedented boom now. And the best marketing strategy is also evolving everyday in this market. Nowadays, the online marketing strategy has been proven as a very cost-efficient strategy for companies to use.Target of online marketingIn 2012, there has been over 80 million people travel overseas from China. Thus, China stays the 3rd in terms of the contribution to international travel market. Besides, Chinese outbound tourists have spent 91 billion USD in 2012, topping the list of expense. The huge cake has already caught the eyes of companies and nations in this field from all corners of the world.Now their attraction caught by online marketing. Especially for those nations or companies want to attract individual tourists and high-class travelers.The main reasons to choose online marketing are the hard facts are:83% of the Chinese people tend to consult information online before making decisions.that among 66% of the rich people who organize the trips for themselves, searching information online is their first choice, especially the information about travel agency and hotel.How Chinese tourists make decision?1. SearchingMost Chinese tourists start their preparation for travel from searching information, especially on the internet. And searching engines, travel website and SNS are the most popular tools among them.2. ComparisonAfter the searching, they will compare all the information he found and here in this step, comments from others, news on other online news media and ranking are often taken seriously in consideration.3. Pay and go travellingOnce they make decisions, they will make the payment for that and enjoy their travel.What needs to be pointed out is that in the era of Internet, the value of a tourist doesn"t only mean money, but also his influence. His opinion, ideas and experience will probably influence people in his circle
2023-07-22 03:59:071


like the traditional marketing services, internet marketing services, ready for use. In the communications revolution has led to spread of the Internet and the world in every corner of the corner Thank you. Since each company launched an online service, life Never be so easy for the customer. With the increasing popularity of these services, increasing competition between companies. In order to compete in the current circumstances, the company must give their online customers. With the help of network marketing companies, the company can make strong in their own online business. network marketing companies offer different types of services. Compared with traditional marketing services, internet marketing is cheap. Some of them are provided free of charge service. This example is the article marketing service, blog, press releases and social networking services. Search engine optimization SEO company can provide these services to help improve the site"s visibility. If per-click campaigns and classification, in addition to these, there are paid advertising. article marketing, press and blog, as the site for all types of online marketing strategies. These services are mainly focused on improving the popular search engine results pages of the pension plan"s web site page rank. Such as Google, Yahoo and MSN sites are dynamic and the information content value of the search engine. However,Christian Louboutin, considering the limited bandwidth capacity available for each Web site, it is not practical to add new content to the site every day. On the contrary, by submitting articles, article submission directory,Christian Louboutin, and then loop to the user"s site, the site hosts to increase visibility. blog performing similar functions, such as articles. In some cases, they are better than the article. Blog can be small and clear, they can be updated very fast than the article. Blog can start any of the main site as part or exclusive blog site. In both cases, the blog will help increase the visibility of the site. Press release also done similar work. They published on the website, they also distributed through various line services. They are very informative, because they understand the latest developments in a company"s market and customers. Not only that, they also help to improve website page rank. If you want to know more about the online network marketing service, you can access the Internet in any marketing company in India to provide these services. Related Article:And women the whole time You can acquisition
2023-07-22 03:59:144


(一)近期主要著作  《网络口碑的形成、传播与影响机制研究》,合著(第一),武汉大学出版社(学术丛书),2011/1  《电子商务(第三版)》,主编,高等教育出版社,2007/11  《网络营销(第二版)》,主编,武汉大学出版社,2007/09  《电子商务(第二版)》,主编,高等教育出版社,2004/12  《企业电子商务》,主编,武汉大学出版社,2002/12  《电子虚拟市场的演进与交易模式》,独著,武汉大学出版社,2002/1  《网络营销基础》,编著(第一作者),机械工业出版社,2001/7   《电子商务》,主编,高等教育出版社,2001/6  《网络经济与网络营销》,合编,中央广播电视大学,2001/3  《网络营销》,独著,武汉大学出版社,2000/6(二)近五年国内期刊发表论文  冯小亮&黄敏学&张音(2013).矛盾消费者的态度更容易受外界影响吗——不同态度成份的变化差异性研究,南开管理评论,第1期 .92-101(CSSCI)  王峰&黄敏学(2012).基于有限状态自动机的新产品市场成长研究,管理科学学报.第7期.26-35(CSSCI)  李新建&吴春梅&黄敏学&李崇光&李小玲(2011).基于顾客信任的网络商店显示价格对比性信息的策略研究,中国管理科学.第5期.124-130 (CSSCI)  黄敏学&谢亭亭&冯小亮(2010).矛盾的消费者是如何解读多元化口碑信息的?.心理学报.第10期.998-1100 (CSSCI)  朱华伟&黄敏学&符国群(2010).价格促销为何只能带来人气而没有买气?.经济管理.第1期.86-91(CSSCI)  黄敏学&才凤艳&周元元&朱华伟(2009).关系范式对消费者抱怨意愿及潜在动机的影响模型.心理学报.第10期.989-999(CSSCI)  黄敏学&李小玲&朱华伟(2008). 企业被“逼捐”现象的剖析:是大众“无理”还是企业“无良”?. 管理世界.第10期. 115-126(CSSCI)  黄敏学&周学春(2012). 顾客教育、就绪和参与研究:以基金为例.管理科学.第7期.  李新建&黄敏学&李小玲(2012).营销渠道如何“无为而治”:渠道政策的制度化机制研究,第4期.1-17(CSSCI)  张音&黄敏学(2012).产品召回为何“弄巧成拙”.经济与管理研究.第4期.96-105(CSSCI)  王长征&周学春&黄敏学(2012)“求同”与“存异”:面子如何抑制或促进消费者的独特性需求,第4期.18-34(CSSCI)  张音&黄敏学(2012). 企业产品召回的多视角研究述评.经济纵横.第4期.121-124(CSSCI)  朱华伟&黄敏学(2012).高瞻远瞩导致自控还是冲动:自我建构与冲动购买.第3期. 45-62(CSSCI)  黄敏学&王岩&姜书琴(2011).基于互联网的病毒式人际信息传播机制.珞珈管理评论.第1期.105-116  黄敏学&冯小亮&谢亭亭(2010). 消费者态度的新认知:二元化的矛盾态度.心理科学进展.第6期. 987-996(CSSCI)  黄敏学&王殿文(2010).从客户关系管理到客户圈子管理.企业管理.第6期.98-100  黄敏学&冯小亮&王峰&蔡融(2010).不满意消费者的网络负面口碑机制研究.武汉大学学报(哲学科学版).第3期.138-146(CSSCI)  黄敏学.李蔓(2010). 品牌流失者的差异化管理.企业管理,第2期.90-92  黄敏学&王峰&谢亭亭(2010). 口碑传播研究综述及其在网络环境下的研究初探.管理学报.第1期.138-146 (CSSCI)  黄敏学&李小玲&潘黎(2008). 销售经理与销售人员的沟通质量对工作绩效的影响.武汉大学学报(哲学社科版).第6期.862-867(CSSCI)  黄敏学&谢亭亭&董孝鹏(2008). 网络环境下消费者口传动机的研究综述.武汉大学学报(人文社科版).第4期.152-156(三)近期国际检索论文(SSCI:5/ABI: 1)Fang, Eric., Xiaoling Li,Minxue Huang(2015). Direct and Indirect Effects of Buyers and Sellers on Search Advertising Revenues in Business-to-Business Electronic Platforms. Journal of Marketing Research(SSCI,营销国际权威期刊)Wang,Feng,Minxue Huang,Zhigang Shou(2015).Business expansion and firm efficiency in the commercial banking industry: Evidence from the U.S. and China.Asia Pacific Journal of Management(Forthcoming,SSCI)Zhou,Yuanyuan&Minxue Huang&Alex Tsang&Nan Zhou(2013). “Recovery strategy for group service failures: the interaction effects between recovery modes and recovery dimensions”, European Journal of Marketing,, 47(8):1133 - 56  Wang,Rui &Xiaoling Li & Minxue Huang(2012). Channel Management through Selective Announcement of Reward and Punishment Decisions,Journal of Business-Business Marketing,19(2):129- 146 (SSCI)   Huang, Minxue&Fengyan Cai& Alex Tsang& Nan Zhou (2011). Making Your Online Voice Loud:The Critical Role of Resender and WOM Information,European Journal of Marketing, 45(7/8):1277 - 97 (SSCI).  Huang, Minxue and Alex Tsang (2010). “Development and Current Issues Related to Internet Marketing Communications in China”, Journal of Interactive Advertising,11(1) (ABI)  Huang,Minxue&Huawei Zhu&Xuechun Zhou. Can E-Tailers Benefit from Providing More Information?, Online Information Review (SSCI, forthcoming)  Zhou,Yuanyuan,Alex S.L. Tsang, Minxue Huang, Nan Zhou. Does delaying service-failure resolution ever make sense?. Journal of Business Research (SSCI, forthcoming)(四)近期国际重要会议论文(EI: 12/ISTP/ISSHP: 9/ABI: 1)  刘茂红&黄敏学(2009). The Optimal Pricing Model of Commission of China Futures Exchange.: Competition-oriented or Cost-oriented. ICIM 2009.12 (EI)  李新建&黄敏学&李小玲(2009).Consumer Information Search Behavior with Time Tolerance. EMS 2009.10 (EI)  叶柯&朱华伟&黄敏学(2008).Can ETailers benefit from providing rich information?” Proceedings - 2008 International Seminar on Future Information Technology and Management Engineering, FITME 2008.12 (EI)  黄学松&刘茂红&黄敏学(2008). People as transmitters: What makes An online marketing message contagious? Proceedings - 2008 International Seminar on Future Information Technology and Management Engineering, FITME 2008.12 (EI)  朱华伟&周元元&黄敏学(2008).Do Consumes always keep Silence in the Internet Era When Dissatisfied? EMS 2008 Proceedings,2008.10(EI)  黄敏学&王峰(2008). Using Online WOM to Forecast Box Office for Movies Coming Soon. WiCOM 2008 Proceedings,2008.10(EI)  才凤艳&黄敏学(2007).Consumer as monitor: the role of relationship norm in consumers" complaint intention.2007 Association for Consumer Research Conference, 2007.10(美国消费者研究学会年会 入选工作论文)  黄敏学&朱华伟&刘茂红(2007).Why Do Chinese Users Use Pirated Software: An Integrative Perspective? EMS2007 Proceedings,2007.9(EI)  黄敏学&李小玲(2007).Service Quality in Web 2.0 Electronic Commerce:An Integrative Perspective from Typical Service and Technique Adoption. ISM2007 Proceedings, 2007.7 (EI)  朱华伟&黄敏学(2009).Customer Attitudes toward Credit Card in an Emerging Market. WHICEB 2008. (ISTP/ISSHP)  刘茂红.谢亭亭.黄敏学(2008).How to Improve Software Development? A Perspective from Customers" Perceived Quality. WHICEB 2008.( ISTP/ISSHP)  徐珊珊&黄敏学(2007). Does Negative Online Word-of-Mouth Influence Consumer Negatively? WHICEB 2007. (ISTP/ISSHP)  黄敏学&梅澎&张宁(2006).How Web Contents Influence Price Sensitivity of Online Consumers for Different Tangible Products. WHICEB 2006.( ISTP/ISSHP)  廖以臣&黄敏学(2006).What are motivations of experiential tour? A study based on on-line. WHICEB 2006. (ISTP/ISSHP)  黄敏学&黄勇&曹火平(2005). How Personal Skill and Challenge of Websites Affecting Online Behaviors on Information-Oriented and Trade-Oriented Websites. WHICEB 2005. (ISTP/ISSHP)  才凤艳&黄敏学(2005).How the Characters of Online Messages Influencing on Buying Behaviors of the Members in the Online Community. WHICEB 2005(.ISTP/ISSHP)  黄敏学&肖莉(2004).How Interactivity and Vividness Influence the Effectiveness of Interactive Advertising under Different Product Types. WHICEB 2004.(ISTP/ISSHP)  朱华伟&黄敏学&马菁(2004).Effects of Functional Factors and Symbolic Factors on Online Brand. WHICEB 2004.(ISTP/ISSHP)
2023-07-22 03:59:281


唐老师著有《社会化媒体营销大趋势》第1版;《社会化媒体营销大趋势》第2版(清华大学出版社)翻译出版:《决战第三屏-移动互联网时代的商业与营销新规则》《移动营销的魔力》合著或参编著作有:《无微不至:微博营销实战指南》《网络营销其实很简单——15位业界知名专家布道互联网营销》 《社会媒体营销》等著作。Online Marketing Expert with more than 12 years of relevant experience in social media marketing ,search engine marketing, affiliate marketing, and online advertising. Specializing in online marketing of various businesses focus on next generation web marketing, social media marketing , digital marketing promotion techniques, web viral marketing and new media businesses.
2023-07-22 03:59:431

双赢 Win-win 用英语举个实例来说明双赢。 最好是中英都给出来

win-win是个形容词,是双赢,是中国 外经贸部副部长 龙永图在入世谈判的时候提出的。A Win-Win Business Opportunity in Affiliate Marketing : Affiliate Marketing is one of the most popular internet business and the easiest way to profit online.Affiliate Marketing Herve Leger Single Strap is defined as an agreement between a merchant and a website owner to promote the merchant"s products on his website with a hyperlink. The merchant pays a % of commission to the website owner for all sales generated by someone clicking on the link to complete a purchase. Affiliate marketing programs is a win-win business opportunity for both the affiliate and merchant, as both of them enjoys various benefits through affiliate marketing.If you are a Merchant, you can benefit from...The merchant is able to penetrate a wider market to promote a product when it engages in affiliate marketing. This allows maximum exposure for the product which may not be possible with other advertising strategies. As affiliate sites increases, the more the traffic, this would increase the chance to close a sale.Affiliate Marketing provides you with a platform to send out a throng of sales Herve Leger Scoop Neck people, advertising and promoting the product, and receives a commission if a purchase is made.If you are an Affiliate, you can benefit from ...As mention above that it is a win-win relationship between the merchant and affiliate, the affiliate will also enjoy the rewards of this joint-venture. As simple as adding a link or an ad to the merchant"s website, any potential patrons to the site who makes Idea and Opportunities Make More Money in Your Online Business a purchase will earn a commission for the affiliate.There is also minimal risk to take part in this business. If the product that you are promoting is not converting sales, then you can simply discard it and select a new product. There are no contracts in this business tying you down to products that are not making you money.
2023-07-22 03:59:551

英语作文,what kind of job do you want to do after graduation

I"m eager to get started in foreign trade when I graduate from school.There exists several reasons for me to make this choice,wchich can be concluded as " I"m motivated,I"m qualified and I"m ready“. First of all," I"m motivated".Because foreign trade is what i am interested in,so I will have the motivation to overcome the problem in the work.Second,I am good at negotiating and have a spirit of cooperation which is very necessary in doing foreign trade,so I"m qualified.Third,I have learnt much useful knowlwdge for my future job in foreign trade. To sum up,I have the confidence that I will make success in this field and I will make effort to realize my dream.
2023-07-22 04:00:042

madam adam的fall from grace 歌词谁知道 跪求

首先要说,这个词是我在网上搜的,不是我自己写的。这个我没有听过,所以不知道。如果你觉得这个词不对,告诉我,我可以去试试听着写下来。Amanda Marshall - Fall From GraceLost inside this angeltownLost like I could not be foundNo connections of the heartLove was glass that broke apartGimme faith in dreamsAnd someone to holdGimme love "cause I"m out here in the coldThere are no secretsNo angels at my doorAnd oh, when you touch my handAnd oh, when you reach for meI fall from graceI fall from graceOn a steeltown boulevardLife"s a promise that doesn"t lastResurrections of the pastChildren come and are gone so fastSo gimme faith in loveBaby tonightGimme arms to hold you here so tightThere are no secretsNo angels at my doorAnd oh, when you touch my handI fall from graceAnd oh, when you reach for meI fall from graceAnd oh, when you touch my handI fall from graceAnd oh, when you reach for meI fall from graceAnd oh, when you touch my handAnd oh, when you reach for me
2023-07-22 03:56:202


  Chopart"s operation  【医】 肖帕尔氏手术(唇成形术)  还有其他肖帕尔氏手术:  Chopart"s joint 肖帕尔氏关节  Chopart"s amputation 肖帕尔氏切断术  Chopart"s articulation 【医】 跗横关节   
2023-07-22 03:56:231


  酶的英文,指生物催化剂,应该不指什么特定药物。  酶(德语:Enzym,源于希腊语:ενζυμον,“在酵里面”),指具有生物催化功能的高分子物质。 在酶的催化反应体系中,反应物分子被称为底物,底物通过酶的催化转化为另一种分子。几乎所有的细胞活动进程都需要酶的参与,以提高效率。  与其他非生物催化剂相似,酶通过降低化学反应的活化能(用Ea或ΔG表示)来加快反应速率,大多数的酶可以将其催化的反应之速率提高上百万倍;事实上,酶是提供另一条活化能需求较低的途径,使更多反应粒子能拥有不少于活化能的动能,从而加快反应速率。酶作为催化剂,本身在反应过程中不被消耗,也不影响反应的化学平衡。  酶有正催化作用,也有负催化作用,不只是加快反应速率,也有减低反应速率。与其他非生物催化剂不同的是,酶具有高度的专一性,只催化特定的反应或产生特定的构型。
2023-07-22 03:56:231


2023-07-22 03:56:252


2023-07-22 03:56:263


gonna就是go to的意思wanna 就是 want to 的意思
2023-07-22 03:56:192

Wonder Girls 韩文版Nobody 中文版Nobody歌词 mp3下载

You know I still love you babyAnd it will never change我爱你I want nobody nobody but youI want nobody nobody but you不管谁先伤害谁我只需要你安慰I want nobody nobody nobody nobody乱了心扉我不属于谁别装作无所谓可以忽略我的美高脚酒杯已斟满颓废心慢慢在破碎变成一种负累我就是受伤的玫瑰需要你浇灌着泪水你掩饰这伤悲连头都不敢回像独自长达三年的憔悴I want nobody nobody but youI want nobody nobody but you不管谁先伤害谁我只需要你安慰I want nobody nobody nobody nobodyI want nobody nobody but youI want nobody nobody but you不管谁先伤害谁我只需要你安慰I want nobody nobody nobody nobody慢慢体会幸福的滋味只要与你相随世界都变的完美将友谊剪碎爱那么的昂贵脱去了防备在心里面陶醉这份爱好像是花蕊别轻易就让她枯萎未来要怎么追请不要不理会只想和你紧紧得依偎I want nobody nobody but youI want nobody nobody but you不管谁先伤害谁我只需要你安慰I want nobody nobody nobody nobodyI want nobody nobody but youI want nobody nobody but you不管谁先伤害谁我只需要你安慰I want nobody nobody nobody nobody遇见你 相信上帝才能让我安稳入睡I want nobody nobody but youI want nobody nobody but you不管谁先伤害谁我只需要你安慰I want nobody nobody nobody nobodyI want nobody nobody but youI want nobody nobody but you不管谁先伤害谁我只需要你安慰I want nobody nobody nobody nobody(Rap)Back to the days when we wereso young and wild an freeNothing else matters other than you and meSo tell me why ean"t it bePlease let me live my life my wayWhy do you push me awayI don"t want nobody nobody nobody nobody but youI want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But Youub09c ub2e4ub978 uc0acub78cuc740 uc2ebuc5b4 ub2c8uac00 uc544ub2c8uba74 uc2ebuc5b4 I want nobody nobody nobody nobody我不要其他人 如果不是你就不要ub09c uc2ebuc740ub370 uc65c ub0a0 ubc00uc5b4ub0b4ub824uace0 ud558ub2c8 uc790uafb8 ub0b4ub9d0uc740 ub4e3uc9c0 uc54auace0我不喜欢 为什么把我推出去 老是不听我的话uc65c uc774ub807uac8c ub2e4ub978 ub0a8uc790uc5d0uac8c ub0a0 ubcf4ub0b4ub824 ud558ub2c8 uc5b4ub5bbuac8c uc774ub7ecub2c8为什么这样把我推向其他的男人 怎么能这样ub0a0 uc704ud574 uadf8ub807ub2e8 uadf8 ub9d0 ub10c ubd80uc871ud558ub2e4ub294 uadf8 ub9d0为了我才这样的这种话 你还不足的这种话uc774uc820 uadf8ub9ccud574 ub10c ub098ub97c uc54cuc796uc544 uc65c uc6d0ud558uc9c0ub3c4 uc54aub294uac78 uac15uc694ud574现在到此为止 你了解我的 为什么强迫做不愿做的事ub09c uc88buc740ub370 ub09c ud589ubcf5ud55cub370 ub108ub9cc uc788uc73cuba74 ub3fc ub354 ubc14ub784uac8c uc5c6ub294ub370我喜欢啊 我觉得幸福啊 只要有你就够了 没有更盼望的了ub204uad74 ub9ccub098uc11c ud589ubcf5ud558ub780 uac70uc57c ub09c ub110 ub5a0ub098uc11c ud589ubcf5ud560 uc218 uc5c6uc5b4遇见了谁 幸福下去 我离开你的话 没有办法幸福ub0a0 uc704ud574 uadf8ub807ub2e8 uadf8 ub9d0 ub10c ubd80uc871ud558ub2e4ub294 uadf8 ub9d0为了我才这样的这种话 你还不足的这种话ub9d0uc774 uc548 ub418ub294 ub9d0uc774ub780 uac78 uc65c ubab0ub77c ub2c8uac00 uc5c6uc774 uc5b4ub5bbuac8c ud589ubcf5ud574不像话的这种话 为什么不懂 没有你还怎么幸福I don"t want nobody body body.I don"t want nobody body bodyub098ub294 uc815ub9d0 ub2c8uac00 uc544ub2c8uba74 ub2c8uac00 uc544ub2c8uba74 uc2ebub2e8 ub9d0uc57c我是真的如果不是你 如果不是你的话 我都不要Back to the days when we were so young and wild and freeubaa8ub4e0uac8c ub108ubb34ub098 uafc8ub9cc uac19uc558ub358 uadf8ub54cub85c ub3ccuc544uac00uace0 uc2f6uc740ub370想回到所有的都像做梦一般的那个时候uc65c uc790uafb8 ub098ub97c ubc00uc5b4ub0b4ub824 ud574为什么老是把我推开why do you push me away. I don"t want nobody nobodyNobody nobody nobody but you下载地址:
2023-07-22 03:56:181


2023-07-22 03:56:171

关于 烟有害健康 的英语小短文

What Are the Risks of Smoking 吸烟有害健康 [1]Before Dr. Luther L. Terry, then the Surgeon General of the United States, issued his office"s first "Report on Smoking and Health" more than 30 years ago, thousands of articles had already been written on the effects of tobacco use on the human body. [2] Tobacco companies had countered the reports--which purported to show links between smoking and cancer and other serious diseases--with denials and competing studies. [3] So in 1964, Terry and his Advisory Committee on Smoking and Health knew they were stepping into a major pit of controversy when they announced "cigarette smoking is a health hazard of sufficient importance in the United States to warrant appropriate remedial action". [4] It was America"s first widely publicized acknowledgment that smoking cigarettes is a cause of serious diseases. [5] But the issue wasn"t settled in 1964, nor is it settled in 1997, despite literally thousands more studies--and litigation that has forced at least one tobacco company to admit what some activists say they knew all along: cigarette smoke is hazardous to your health. [6] More than 30 years--and more than 20 Surgeon General reports--later, the issue appears headed for settlement in the courtroom rather than the laboratory.
2023-07-22 03:56:163