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2023-07-22 05:12:31

截肢是什么意思? 梦到支离破碎去



截肢一词中截的意思是 “截肢”一词中“截”的意思是:割断,弄断。

亲人被截肢一段一段的是什么意思 不要总是故意提及这个截止的事情。淡忘淡化 其实残疾人,和正常人没有太大差别啊。 现在应该给自己的母亲吧,找点事情做,我觉得。

截肢的截的部首是什么 截

拼音: jié

简体部首: 戈 ,部外笔画: 10 ,总笔画: 14

高度截肢是什么意思 这个是指截肢的部位离躯干部较近。比如大腿截断。


右手截肢是什么 10分 右手截肢是指把右手截断,后期是可以通过安装假肢。

具体解释一下什么是高位截肢? 高位截瘫顾名思义,是指横贯性病变发生在脊髓较高水平位上。



女孩子,我的右脚受伤了,大夫说要给我截肢,截肢的什么意思?? 10分 这大半夜不好好睡觉,吓人干嘛,早点休息吧,望采纳

截肢的那些缩写都什么意思DAK,RAK,LAK,RAE,RBK,LBK,LAE,LHD,DHD向这些 习惯用语

above-knee(A-K)amputation 膝上截肢:在大腿中或高位,股骨髁上区进行的截肢

Alanson"s amputation Alanson切断术:肢体环形截断,残端形如空锥。同circular amputation

Alouette"s amputation Alouette 切断术:髋部截断,大转子处外皮瓣呈半环形,并自内向外作一内侧大皮瓣

amniotic amputation 羊膜切断:胎儿肢体被羊膜索所切断

aperiosteal amputation 除骨膜性切断术:施切断术时将骨残端末端之骨膜完全除去

Béclard"s amputation Béclard 切断术:髋关节切断时先作后皮瓣之手术

below-knee(B-K)amputation 膝下截肢:在胫骨粗隆下数厘米处进行的截肢

Bier"s amputation Bier小腿切断术:施行小腿骨成形切断术时,在断端上方切取胫腓骨瓣

Bunge"s amputation Bunge 切断术,除骨膜性切断术:同aperiosteal amputation

Callander"s amputation Callander切断术:膝关节处腱成形切断术,前后皮瓣长,切除髋骨,其窝受纳股骨断端

Carden"s amputation Carden 切断术:单皮瓣手术,紧邻膝上方切断股骨

central amputation 中央切断术:术后手术瘢痕位于残肢中心或近中心处

chop amputation 无瓣切断术:环形切口不留皮瓣的截肢术

Chopart"s amputation Chopart切断术:切断足部,保留跟骨、距骨和其他跗骨

cinematic amputation , cineplastic amputation 运动成形性切断术:同kineplasty

circular amputation 环形切断术:施术时沿肢体长轴垂直方向作单皮瓣和环形切割

closed amputation 瓣状切断术:进行此手术时,皮瓣用皮肤和皮下组织构成,缝于骨端

coat-sleeve amputation 袖形切断术:环状切断,作一极长皮瓣,末端以筋带缝合

plete amputation 全部切断术,完全切断术:全肢或肢段完全切除

congenital amputation 先天〔性〕切断术:推断胎儿肢体在子宫内为紧缩之羊膜索所切断

consecutive amputation 连续切断术:在化脓期间或其后施行切断术

amputation in contiguity 关节切断术,关节断离术

amputation in continuity 关节外切断术:在关节外其他部位施行切断术

cutaneous amputation 皮肤切断术:切断术时,皮瓣全由皮肤所组成

diaclastic amputation 穿骨切断术:骨用折骨器折断,软组织用绞勒器绞断之切断术

Dieffenbach"s amputation Dieffenbach切断术:见operation项下

double-flap amputation 双瓣切断术:作两个皮瓣之切断术

Dupuytren"s amputation Dupuytren切断术,肩关节切断术:从肩关节处切除上肢

eccentric amputation 偏心切断术:切除术后瘢痕不在残肢中心

elliptic amputation 椭圆形切断术......>>



他的有腿受重伤, 因此给他截肢.英语:1) His right leg was injured so badly that it had to do amputation surgery.2) He injured his right leg was very badly. An amputation surgery had to be done.
2023-07-22 03:47:281


  工具箱是存储工具和各种家庭杂物的容器,可用于生产,家庭,维修,钓鱼等各种用途,使用广泛。那么工具箱用英文怎么说吗?有关工具箱的常用英文表达有哪些?下面我为大家带来工具箱的英文说法,欢迎大家学习。   工具箱的英文说法1:   kit   英 [kit] 美 [ku026at]   工具箱的英文说法2:   Hold-all   英 [u02c8hu0259u028aldu0254:l] 美 ["hu0259u028ald"u0254u02d0l]   工具箱的英文说法3:   tool case   英 [tu:l keis] 美 [tul kes]   工具箱相关英文表达:   优化工具箱 Optimization Toolbox   符号数学工具箱 Symbolic Math Toolbox   磁盘工具箱 DiskToolbox   财政金融工具箱 Financial Toolbox   应用工具箱 Application Toolbox   工具箱英文说法例句:   1. A good toolbox is a handy thing to have in any house.   任何一个家庭都应备有一个好的工具箱以便随时使用.   2. He opened the box to put in the hammer.   他打开工具箱把锤子放里.   3. Put back the tools in the box.   把工具放回工具箱.   4. Unfortunately, hierarchical trees are one of the most inappropriately used controls in the toolbox.   遗憾的是, 层次树也是工具箱中最容易被错误使用的控件之一.   5. Perhaps he was carrying a portable amputation kIt"similar to this.   他有可能带着象这样的一个手术工具箱.   6. There are many tools in my tool storage unit ( tool chest, tool box ).   我的工具柜 ( 工具盒 、 工具箱 ) 里面有很多工具.   7. There is a repair kit provided in the boot of each car.   车的行李箱内备有工具箱.   8. Better yet , many of these toolkits are Visual Basic add - ons .   更喜人的是,其中很多工具箱是Visual Basic 附加模块.   9. To access the Toolbox, choose Toolbox from the View menu.   若要访问“工具箱”, 请从“视图”菜单中选择“工具箱”.   10. I always keep a tool set in case of emergency.   我总是准备一个工具箱,以备急用.   11. Drag a comment from the Class Designer Toolbox onto the class diagram.   将注释从“类设计器工具箱”拖到类关系图上.   12. You can place controls in the Toolbox window for easy access.   为了便于访问,可以将控件放在“工具箱”窗口中.   13. Does the dormitory a well stocked first aid kit?   宿舍是否配备有充满足够药物的急救工具箱?   14. The worker felt for a few screws in a tool box.   这位工人在工具箱里摸来摸去找几个螺丝钉.   15. Each Star represented a new tool added on to my toolbox.   每颗奖星代表着一种加到我的工具箱的新工具. 工具箱的英文怎么说相关 文章 : 1. 工程用英语怎么说 2. 工具用英语怎么说 3. 系统工具用英语怎么说 4. 学习工具用英语怎么说
2023-07-22 03:47:441


一辆失控冲来的客车,一个生死瞬间的选择,她把学生推开,自己却被卷入车轮下,失去了双腿,她就是“最美女教师”张丽莉。人们钦佩她,称她为“最美”,人们也心疼、着急、担心:她今后怎么办?义举,创伤,往往相伴而生,她把“最美”送给社会,社会也把最美的赞誉送给她,人们期盼她能醒来,因为她是最美的向阳花,她令人再一次相信:见义勇为、舍身救人并非遥远的传说和童话。不过,这次除了赞美外,人们还有了更多的思考:如何不让英雄“流血又流泪”。就从张丽莉老师开始,希望半月、半年、一年之后,当眼下的高度关注渐渐平复之后,还有相应的制度在保证她过得相对幸福,她还能享受到社会持续的爱与敬意。这不仅是一个社会对她这样的英雄应有的尊重和保障,也是维系人们心中应有的道德文明的需要,因为这样才会有更多的人从善如流,选择成为有道德感、正义感的好人。社会应当为这种牺牲承担一定的补偿,所以在制度上要明确,在见义勇为基金不足以补偿的情况下,政府要承担起先行垫付的责任。此外,还要通过完善社会保障、医疗保障体系来提供全面、有效的保障,来进一步破解救治见义勇为者的难题。在目前的科学发展水平下,天灾有时难免,但人祸却可以避免。要说从制度上去关爱“最美”,那也需要从源头做起。就此事来说,祸起肇事司机的疏忽大意,而且学校的门口没有警示牌。肇事司机的责任会受到法律的追究,但法律追究也不能使时光倒流、使这位最美女教师像从前那样健康地站立,这是好人的伤痛,也是公众的无奈,而我们能做的是以此为鉴,杜绝此类伤痛重演。如果对生命、对职业的基本尊重和敬畏都没有,那会产生多少安全隐患,又会有多少“最美”的人因此流血又流泪?所以,要让英雄不白白流血又流泪,每个人也都可以从自己做起,多一份对生命的责任感、多一份敬业之心。 英文 May 8, 2012 nights, in a bus suddenly lost control and drove toward the critical point, student Zhang, Li Li despite life-threatening, stepping forward to rescue two students were involved in the car was crushed, and legs, and is still high amputation had been unconscious. She was just 29 years old this year ... this extraordinary moment, and she touched the hearts of the people of the present illness affects more people"s hearts, Zhang, Li Li"s deeds in the community, she has found a strong concern everyone called "the most beautiful women teachers. She lives in the student is seriously threatened, the crucial moment, stood up, and sacrificed his life to the hope of life left for dead, and the students left to their own risk, and the weakness in their own body support a life of the sky, the action has written a song to feel the day the Love chant. She has been practicing traditional Chinese virtues of bravery, highlighting the good image of the good practice examples of socialist core values. After this the young man of 80 female teachers, composed with his life that the greatest love songs. Needs of the community this is energy, she is a well-deserved the best teachers.
2023-07-22 03:48:172


Warring States Period, the Qin king soldiers continued strong offensive neighbors, occupied many places. 其它六国都很害怕,想方设法去对付它。The other six countries are afraid of and find ways to deal with it. 当时有一个人,叫苏秦,他提出“合纵”抗秦,意思是六国联合起来共同抗秦。At that time, a man named Qin Su, his "balancing" Kangqin, meaning six Kangqin joint together. 因为六国位置是纵贯南北,南北为纵,所以称为“合纵”。Because the six countries are located between north, south, north and south of things, it called "balancing." 苏秦是洛阳人。Xi"an Jiaotong University, who is in Luoyang. 洛阳是当时周天子的都城。Luoyang was the capital of the Zhou Emperor. 他很想有所作为,曾求见周天子,却没有引见之路,一气之下,变卖了家产到别的国家找出路去了。He wanted to do something, had to ask for a meeting with Chou emperor, but not the road to her, then angrily. sold to other countries to find a way out to the family. 但是他东奔西跑了好几年,也没做成官。But his troubles for a number of years, officials did not create. 后来钱用光了,衣服也穿破了,只好回家。Later, all the money, also broke through the clothes, had to return home. 家里人看到他趿拉着草鞋,挑副破担子,一付狼狈样。Tala Fuquan with the family saw him pick Deputy breaking burden of paying headgear kind. 他父母狠狠地骂了他一顿;他妻子坐在织机上织帛,连看也没看他一眼;他求嫂子给他做饭吃,嫂子不理他扭身走开了。He severely scolded by his parents to pay; His wife sat on the organization silk loom even Kanyemeikan his eye; He and his wife had to cook food, ignoring his wife trunk and walked away. 苏秦受了很大刺激,决心争一口气。Su Qin under great stimulus to bid a sigh of relief. 从此以后,他发愤读书,钻研兵法,天天到深夜。From then on, he resolved to delve into Art every day to night. 有时候读书读到半夜,又累又困 ,他就用锥子扎自己的大腿, 虽然很疼,但精神却来了,他就接着读下去。Sometimes reading read midnight, the storm Then, he would stabber down his thighs, while 13 prisoners injured, but the spirit has come. He then read on. 传说,他晚上念书的时候还把头发用带子系起来拴到房梁上,一打瞌睡,头向下栽,揪得头皮疼,他就清醒过来了。Legend has it that when a student at his hair also tying a belt up to amputation, I dozed off, the head tilted downward and crashed. have a thorough scalp pain, he would wake up the. 这就是后来人们说的“头悬梁,锥刺股”,用来表示读书刻苦的精神。Later, people say this is the "head of the thigh, cone beam," said study hard for the spirit. 就这样用了一年多的功夫,他的知识比以前丰富多了。Spent more than a year on such efforts, more abundant than before his knowledge. 公元前334年开始,他到六国去游说,宣传“合纵”的主张,结果他成功了。334 BC, he began to lobby the six countries to promote "balancing", and he succeeded. 第二年,六国诸侯订立了合纵的联盟。The following year, the six countries made balancing the mighty Union. 苏秦挂了六国的相印,成了显赫的人物。Su Qin linked to the phase of the six countries and India became prominent figures. 这消息传到了苏秦的家乡,他的父母兄嫂都后悔以前对苏秦的态度不好。This news spread to the home of Xi"an Jiaotong University, Xi"an Jiaotong University, the parents of former sister-in-law regret the poor. 听说苏秦要去赵国经过洛阳,全家人特地赶到洛阳城外30里的地方,把路扫得干干净净,准备了丰盛的酒宴,跪着迎接他。Su Qin Zhao told to go after Luoyang, about 30 km outside the city of Luoyang rushed to the family"s special place, sweeping away roads, prepared a rich wine, stay kneeling to greet him. 苏秦看到这情景,前后对比,百感交集。Su Qin see this scene before and after comparison with mixed feelings. 可是“合纵”很快就被苏秦的同学张仪的“连横”策略破坏了,苏秦也被刺客刺死,“合纵”宣告彻底破产了。But "balancing" the Xi"an Jiaotong University students will soon be perceived "lining up" strategy destroyed, Xi"an Jiaotong University, was stabbed to death Assassins, "balancing" declared a bankrupt. 来源:中国侨网Source : China"s overseas network
2023-07-22 03:48:271


2023-07-22 03:48:364


2023-07-22 03:48:561

有关 最美的汉字 英语作文

最美女教师May 8, 2012 nights, in a bus suddenly lost control and drove toward the critical point, student Zhang, Li Li despite life-threatening, stepping forward to rescue two students were involved in the car was crushed, and legs, and is still high amputation had been unconscious. She was just 29 years old this year ... this extraordinary moment, and she touched the hearts of the people of the present illness affects more people"s hearts, Zhang, Li Li"s deeds in the community, she has found a strong concern everyone called "the most beautiful women teachers. She lives in the student is seriously threatened, the crucial moment, stood up, and sacrificed his life to the hope of life left for dead, and the students left to their own risk, and the weakness in their own body support a life of the sky, the action has written a song to feel the day the Love chant. She has been practicing traditional Chinese virtues of bravery, highlighting the good image of the good practice examples of socialist core values. After this the young man of 80 female teachers, composed with his life that the greatest love songs. Needs of the community this is energy, she is a well-deserved the best teachers. 最美司机吴斌中文吴斌,你用那短短的七十多秒守护了二十四条生命,你是真正的英雄,我们感谢你,尽管你救的不是我。你的面容虽不是最美,但是你的心灵是最美的,我们相信,你虽然仙去,但你的精神永垂不朽。吴斌------英雄!英文Wu Bin, you use the short more than 70seconds to guard the twenty-four life, you are the real heroes, we thank you, although you save me. Your face is not the most beautiful, but you are the most beautiful, we believe, although you are immortal, but your spirit go down to posterity. Wu Bin - hero!
2023-07-22 03:49:031


人类的科学史上不乏猫咪的身影,它们有的是探险家的亲密伴侣,有的为科学实验做出了重大牺牲,还有的在科学家生活中提供了灵感。夜光猫2011年,科学家创造出了这只基因改造的荧光猫,他们给了它一个或许能够抵抗“猫艾滋病”的基因。科学家还加入了另一个基因,使它发出了绿色的荧光——指示了抗病基因是否被植入了猫的基因组。目前,科学家正准备让这些基因改造猫接受猫免疫缺陷病毒的考验,如果它们能成功对抗病毒,那或许将为人类寻找新的艾滋病治疗方法提供帮助。 探险猫图中这只猫名为“Chippy夫人”,但它其实是只公猫。在欧内斯特·沙克尔顿爵士带领“坚忍号”起航前往南极探险时,它一路追随。显然,“Chippy夫人”得到了船上所有成员的喜爱(雪橇犬除外),并且阻止了船上的老鼠横行。不幸的是,当“坚忍号”被困在浮冰之中时,沙克尔顿和船员们只能弃船而去,并遗弃了所有额外的东西——其中就包括这只猫。在吃完最后一餐后,“Chippy夫人”被放在了船上。后来,人们将与它的铜像(按实际大小打造)放在了沙克尔顿爵士的坟墓之上,它的形象将一直流传下去。 失重猫猫是不是每次都用脚着地?1947年,美国政府想要找出这个问题的答案,于是空军航空医疗处将两只猫带上了一架C-131运输机。飞机做的是抛物线飞行,在此过程中会经历几秒钟的失重。对两只小猫来说,这一天似乎过得并不是很有趣。最后的结论是:猫并不总是用脚着地! 拳击猫在托马斯·爱迪生1892年发明电影摄像机后不久,第一部关于猫的影片诞生了,内容是两只猫在打拳击……亚轨道天文猫1963年,Félicette成为第一只登上太空的猫。它来自巴黎,是一只脾气很好的母猫。法国政府将它与其他13只猫一起进行训练,包括压缩舱和离心机训练。10月18日,Félicette搭乘法国Veronique AG1火箭升上太空,科学家在它大脑里安装了电极阵列,以记录它的神经活动。在约160公里高度上,Félicette所在的特制舱室与火箭脱离,打开降落伞并最终回到了地面。Félicette安然无恙,但几个月之后被安乐死,以检查它大脑中植入的电极。尽管如此,在太空中15分钟的传奇经历足以使Félicette登上世界各地的邮票。 电力猫在克罗地亚的成长岁月中,尼古拉·特斯拉最好的朋友是Macak。“世界上所有猫里面最好的,”特斯拉在信中如是说。这封信还描述了Macak如何启发了他一生的事业。“在傍晚的黄昏中,我抚摸着Macak的背部,忽然看到了一个令我目瞪口呆的奇迹。Macak的背上发出了一片光,而我的手产生出四溢的火花,声音之大,整个屋子里都能听到……我母亲似乎被迷住了。‘别玩那只猫了,"她说,‘他可能会引发一场火灾。"但我正想得出神,大自然是不是一只巨大的猫?如果是的话,谁在抚摸它的背?……我不能夸大这个奇妙夜晚给我童年想象带来的影响。日复一日我都在问自己,‘什么是电?"”如果没有Macak,特斯拉或许永远也不会发明交流电,我们今天的生活可能将是另一番模样。量子猫任何“科学猫”盘点中都不会少了“薛定谔的猫”。为了阐述量子力学的机制,薛定谔用了每个人都能明白的例子:猫。这是一个思想实验,内容是这样的:把猫放入一个密封的箱子,里面放着一瓶毒药和一个放射性物体。如果放射性物质的一个原子衰变,瓶子就会破碎,猫就会被毒死。由于观察者没有办法知道猫是否被毒死,因此这只猫可以被视作既是活的又是死的。注:图中这只名为Maru的猫并不是真正的“薛定谔的猫”。 克隆猫2001年,在美国德克萨斯州农工大学诞生了世界上第一只克隆猫“CC”。《国家地理》描述了它的克隆过程:“这只猫的克隆是将‘彩虹"(Rainbow)——一只母三色猫——的DNA移植到一个细胞核已被移除的卵细胞中,发育成胚胎之后再植入代孕母猫Allie的子宫内。”尽管CC的基因与“彩虹”完全一致,但两只猫看起来却很不一样。这是因为猫的毛色源于子宫内发生的表观遗传变化——细胞分化过程中,某些基因被激活或抑制,但不改变基因组序列。2011年时CC还活着,它还生了好几只小猫。天文猫在著名天文学家爱德文·哈勃(Edwin Hubble)手臂中的,是一只名为“尼古拉·哥白尼”的猫。很显然,它是以文艺复兴时代那位敢于声称地球绕着太阳转的波兰天文学家命名的。加利福尼亚州圣马力诺的亨廷顿图书馆曾发现一封哈勃妻子写的信,其中暗示了“尼古拉·哥白尼”或许曾帮助哈勃解开了宇宙膨胀之谜:“当(爱德文)在书房的大桌子上工作的时候,尼古拉庄严地趴在尽可能多的纸页上。‘他在帮我,"爱德文解释道。” 无线电报猫传说爱因斯坦曾用一只猫来解释无线电报的原理:“你们看,有线电报就像一只很长,很长的猫。你在纽约拉起它的尾巴,它位于洛杉矶的头就喵喵叫了起来。你们明白这个吗?无线电也是同样的原理:你在这里发射信号,他们在那里接收信号。唯一的不同就是没有猫。”不过,我们不能确定以上引用的话源自何处。间谍猫忘掉那些高科技间谍装备吧。在20世纪60年代,美国中央情报局推出了“声学小猫”计划(Operation Acoustic Kitty)。该计划通过训练猫来窃听俄罗斯的通话。通过在猫耳朵内植入麦克风,在猫脖子附近挂上发射器,猫尾巴上安装天线,史上第一只猫科特工诞生了。不过它很快就被一辆的士碾死了。在1967年的一份备忘录中写道:“这个计划不适于在实际意义上,满足我们较高的专业需求。”2010年,奥斯卡(Oscar)成为世界上第一只在脚踝上接上假肢的猫。这种技术被称为“骨内经皮截肢修复”(intraosseous transcutaneous amputation prosthetics,ITAP),模仿了鹿角的多孔性,将肌肉和金属紧密结合在一起,隔绝了外物和细菌的入侵。ITAP技术已经在人类中应用,使用者表示通过这种方法植入的假肢比可拆卸的假肢舒服得多。
2023-07-22 03:49:291


The Paralympic Games is a major international multi-sport event, involving athletes with a range of physical disabilities, including impaired muscle power (e.g. paraplegia and quadriplegia, muscular dystrophy, post-polio syndrome, spina bifida), impaired passive range of movement, limb deficiency (e.g. amputation or dysmelia), leg length difference, short stature, hypertonia, ataxia, athetosis, vision impairment and intellectual impairment. There are Winter and Summer Paralympic Games, which since the 1988 Summer Games in Seoul, South Korea, are held almost immediately following the respective Olympic Games. All Paralympic Games are governed by the International Paralympic Committee (IPC).
2023-07-22 03:49:371


  工具箱是储存工具和各种家庭杂物的容器,可用于生产,家庭,维修,钓鱼等各种用途,使用广泛。它分为移动型和固定型。移动性的工具箱也就是所谓的工具车。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。   工具箱英语说法1:   kit    工具箱英语说法2:   tool case    工具箱英语说法3:   tool cabinet    工具箱的相关表达:   优化工具箱 Optimization Toolbox ; optimized kit ; optimized toolbox ; optimization tool box   抽象视窗工具箱 AWT ; Abstract Window Toolkit ; Abstract Windowing Toolkit ; awt   木匠工具箱 iHandy Carpenter ; iHandysoft lnc   符号数学工具箱 Symbolic Math Toolbox ; Symbolic Math ; symbolic maths tools ; symbolic math toolbox   磁碟工具箱 DiskToolbox   财政金融工具箱 Financial Toolbox   手机工具箱 QPtools ; Nktools ; BoxTool   应用工具箱 USAT ; SIM Application Toolbox   韧体工具箱 ROM Toolbox    工具箱的英语例句:   1. A good toolbox is a handy thing to have in any house.   任何一个家庭都应备有一个好的工具箱以便随时使用.   2. He opened the box to put in the hammer.   他开启工具箱把锤子放里.   3. Put back the tools in the box.   把工具放回工具箱.   4. Unfortunately, hierarchical trees are one of the most inappropriately used controls in the toolbox.   遗憾的是, 层次树也是工具箱中最容易被错误使用的控制元件之一.   5. Perhaps he was carrying a portable amputation kIt"similar to this.   他有可能带着象这样的一个手术工具箱.   6. There are many tools in my tool storage unit tool chest, tool box .   我的工具柜 工具盒 、 工具箱 里面有很多工具.   7. There is a repair kit provided in the boot of each car.   车的行李箱内备有工具箱.   8. Better yet , many of these toolkits are Visual Basic add - ons .   更喜人的是,其中很多工具箱是Visual Basic 附加模组.   9. To access the Toolbox, choose Toolbox from the View menu.   若要访问“工具箱”, 请从“检视”选单中选择“工具箱”.   10. I always keep a tool set in case of emergency.   我总是准备一个工具箱,以备急用.   11. Drag a ment from the Class Designer Toolbox onto the class diagram.   将注释从“类设计器工具箱”拖到类关系图上.   12. You can place controls in the Toolbox window for easy access.   为了便于访问,可以将控制元件放在“工具箱”视窗中.   13. Does the dormitory a well stocked first aid kit?   宿舍是否配备有充满足够药物的急救工具箱?   14. The worker felt for a few screws in a tool box.   这位工人在工具箱里摸来摸去找几个螺丝钉.   15. Each Star represented a new tool added on to my toolbox.   每颗奖星代表着一种加到我的工具箱的新工具.
2023-07-22 03:49:511


2023-07-22 03:49:583

求英语高手帮我翻译下 在线等!中文翻译到英语 请不要用GOOGLE翻译或者其他

Parys in the hell would like an idea to deal with three dogs, he went inside the balcony, he saw a box. And he opened the box to find that possession of a few desserts, his mind heard a woman"s voice say, "Hell three dogs are like dessert. "after, Parys picked up a dessert thrown from the balcony, hell three dogs who actually do eat dessert, but at this time jump off a cliff Parys and ride the hell is eating three desserts the first dog who, with his arms cut off its three heads, but he did not drink its blood. Hardee"s seems to have found something wrong, he appeared before the Parys. Hades growled, "the humble semi-god you actually killed my pet, you should be duly punished," Hades raised his sickle to Parys amputation, but Parys escape the Hades of a hit, Parys said, "my wife gave me, or I"ll kill you." Hades smiled, "the humble half-god, you Try it "and then Hades Push threw his sickle the ground, the ground split a gap, actually there was a black name Stygian river." I want you so you never see under the non-dipped to light, "Hardee said. Hardy picked up his sickle soul trying to Parys inhalation dipped, but many times in Parys in the boycott, after all, not be sucked dipped. After several rounds of fighting, Parys won the Hardee"s sickle and the Hardee"s soul inhaled dipped. He also found his wife, but his wife is dead now only the soul can not take him back to earth. that woman again and told to look to Mother Earth Gaia resurrection of his wife. Parys finally found Gaia and get the trust of the final Gaia Gaia resurrection of his wife. Parys and his wife finally returned home, living a happy life ....
2023-07-22 03:50:263


Apppcation of inert ceramic in hip arthroplasty 惰性生物陶瓷在人工髋关节的应用 Advances in minimally invasive total knee arthroplasty 微创全膝关节置换术研究进展 Antibiotic prophylaxis for knee arthroplasty 膝关节成形病患接受预防性抗生素 Antibiotic prophylaxis for hip arthroplasty 髋关节成形病患接受预防性抗生素 Rehabiptation for the patients of total knee arthroplasty 膝关节置换术后患者功能康复中的护理干预 Diagnosis and treatment of postoperative infection of hip arthroplasty 人工髋关节术后感染诊断治疗 Total knee arthroplasty , tka 现代膝关节置换术 Surgical site infections with nnis risk index 1 hip arthroplasty patients 依风险指数分类1之髋关节成形术病患之伤口感染 Surgical site infections with nnis risk index 2 hip arthroplasty patients 依风险指数分类2之髋关节成形术病患之伤口感染 Surgical site infections with nnis risk index 0 hip arthroplasty patients 依风险指数分类0之髋关节成形术病患之伤口感染 Surgical site infections with nnis risk index 3 hip arthroplasty patients 依风险指数分类3之髋关节成形术病患之伤口感染 Surgical site infections with nnis risk index 0 knee arthroplasty patients 依风险指数分类0之膝关节成形术病患之伤口感染 Surgical site infections with nnis risk index 1 knee arthroplasty patients 依风险指数分类1之膝关节成形术病患之伤口感染 Surgical site infections with nnis risk index 3 knee arthroplasty patients 依风险指数分类3之膝关节成形术病患之伤口感染 Surgical site infections with nnis risk index 2 knee arthroplasty patients 依风险指数分类2之膝关节成形术病患之伤口感染 Antibiotic prophylaxis for hip arthroplasty within 1 hour prior to incision 髋关节成形术病患划刀前1小时内接受预防性抗生素 Antibiotic prophylaxis for knee arthroplasty within 1 hour prior to incision 膝关节成形术病患划刀前1小时内接受预防性抗生素 Antibiotic prophylaxis for hip arthroplasty within 2 hours prior to incision 髋关节成形术病患划刀前2小时内接受预防性抗生素 Antibiotic prophylaxis for knee arthroplasty within 2 hours prior to incision 膝关节成形术病患划刀前2小时内接受预防性抗生素 Antibiotic prophylaxis for hip arthroplasty within 30 minutes prior to incision 髋关节成形术病患划刀前30分钟内接受预防性抗生素 Antibiotic prophylaxis for hip arthroplasty for a duration of 24 hours or less 髋关节成形手术病患接受小于或等于24小时预防性抗生 Antibiotic prophylaxis for knee arthroplasty for a duration of 24 hours or less 膝关节成形术病患接受小于或等于24小时预防性抗生素 Antibiotic prophylaxis for knee arthroplasty within 30 minutes prior to incision 膝关节成形术病患划刀前30分钟内接受预防性抗生素病 Progress on the investigation of bmp apppcation in revision total hip arthroplasty 骨形态发生蛋白在全髋关节置换翻修术中的应用研究进展 Postural control in rheumatoid arthritis patients scheduled for total knee arthroplasty 准备进行全膝关节成形术的类风湿性关节炎病人的 *** 控制 Analgesic oute of taking celecoxib by time medicine method following total knee arthroplasty 全膝关节置换术后采用时间治疗法服用塞来昔布的镇痛效果 Mechanical and biological factors of prosthetic aseptic looseness after total hip arthroplasty 人工髋关节置换术后假体无菌性松动的机械力学及生物学因素 Cpnical apppcation of hydroxyapatite - coated total hip arthroplasty for young and middle patients 羟基磷灰石涂层人工髋关节应用于中青年患者的临床观察 Preoperative design and its cpnical significance of the first time total hip arthroplasty for the variant acetabular 变异髋臼初次全髋人工关节置换术前设计及临床意义 Standard practice for cycpc fatigue testing of metalpc stemmed hip arthroplasty femoral ponents without torsion 无扭转装有金属杆的髋关节成型术股骨部件的循环疲劳检验 We managed the problem using arthroplasty with close - wedge osteotomy on the lateral condyle of the humerus 我们提出在肱骨外髁处施行封闭契形切骨作关节整形术来解决这个问题。 Surgery may be required for certain severe cases of deformity . these include arthroplasty and knee replacement therapy 严重的关节变形,或需手术矫正,以致人造关节替换术等。 Surgery may be required for certain severe cases of deformity . these include arthroplasty and knee replacement therapy 严重的关节变形,或需手术矫正,以致人造关节替换术等。 Standard practice for cycpc fatigue testing of metalpc stemmed hip arthroplasty femoral ponents with torsion 有转矩的金属带柄臀部关节成形术股骨元件的循环疲劳试验标准实施规程 Objective to pare the effect of anterior and transtrochanteric surgical approaches in primary total hip arthroplasty 摘要目的比较经大粗隆切口与前切口在初次髋关节置换术中的应用特点。 The methods of shorting of proximal femoral and total hip arthroplasty for old femoral neck fracture with severe hip joint dislocation 股骨近端缩短及全髋置换术治疗陈旧股骨颈骨折伴严重髋关节脱位 The cpnical course and pictures were presented , and recent medical evidences of total ankle arthroplasty were discussed 特在此报告整个临床过程,并针对近来有关全人工踝关节置换术的文献加以整理与讨论。 Cpnical review and parison of cemented hemiprosthesis arthroplasty and internal fixation for treatment of intertrochanteric fracture in the elderly 人工股骨头置换与内固定治疗老年股骨转子间骨折疗效比较 Objective to evaluate the curative effect of o - stage revision of the hip joint for the treatment of postoperative infection after hip arthroplasty 摘要目的探讨二期翻修方法治疗人工髋关节置换术后感染的效果。 Total knee arthroplasty for acute severe tibial plateau fractures and post - traumatic arthritis of knee after open reduction and internal fixation 早期严重胫骨平台骨折和开放复位内固定后继发关节炎施行全膝置换术 Surgical options for end - stage ankle arthritis include below - knee amputation , ankle arthrodesis , and total ankle arthroplasty 摘要末期踝关节炎的手术治疗选择有:膝下截肢、踝关节融合术、以及全人工踝关节置换术。 Objective : to study the influence of head - neck ratio and implant position on the range of motion ( rom ) after total hip arthroplasty ( tha ) 摘要目的:探讨不同股骨头颈直径比和髋臼安置方位对人工全髋关节活动范围的影响。 Conclusion antimicrobial agents - loaded cement spacer for the control of postoperative infection after hip arthroplasty can achieve good result 结论采用抗菌药物骨水泥临时占位,感染控制后行二期翻修治疗人工关节置换术后感染效果良好。 One shoulder was converted to a stemmed total shoulder arthroplasty at enty - four months because of pain , but the implant was not loose at the revision 1例患者由于疼痛在24个月后进行了保留骨干的全肩关节置换术,在翻修时移植骨未脱落。 Conclusions we propose that total hip arthroplasty may be superior to femoral head replacement for patients with femoral neck fracture both in relatively young patients and in old aged 。结论:对股骨颈骨折患者的关节置换,以选择全髓关节置换为宜。 Arthritic dislocation is the mon postoperative ppcation of total hip arthroplasty and larger ball head could be one of the efficient means to deal with this problem 摘要关节脱位是全髋关节置换术后常见的并发症,而采用大直径球头是减少术后脱位的可能途径之一。 Domestic magnesium - sipcon jade total hip prosthesis has too low head - neck ratio to result in enough range of motion that fulfilled daily pving after total hip arthroplasty 国产镁硅玉全髋假体由于头颈比太小,在任何安置方位内其活动范围都较小,将难于满足日常生活需要。 Biomechanical changes of the prostheses for the surface hemi - arthroplasty of the hip in the treatment of femoral head avascularnecrosis by using puter - assisted einzel - bild - rontgen - *** yse - femoral ponent *** ysis 法分析半髋表面置换治疗股骨头缺血性坏死假体生物力学变化 ( 3 ) enty - seven hips in 21 patients with femoral head osteonecrosis were treated with mcminn " s surface replacement arthroplasty and were reviewed 1 - 6 years after the operation ( 3 )对21例27髋股骨头缺血性坏死病例行mcminn型假体髋关节表面置换术后1 - 6年观察,随访评价其疗效。 The summation of forces on extensor mechani *** should be zero according to equipbrium rules of forces before and after total knee arthroplasty based on constant extensor moment 计算得到髌骨形位参数变化前后与伸膝机构相关的动力学参数,包括股四头肌力、髌韧带力及髌股关节接触压力的变化。
2023-07-22 03:50:341


2023-07-22 03:50:431


2023-07-22 03:50:571

she loves me not歌词意思。以下是歌词

When I see her eyes look into my eyes   Then I realize that she can see inside my head   So I close my eyes thinking that I could hide   Disassociate so I don"t have to lose my head   The situation is to adjatation if she cut me off   Would this be an amputation   I don"t know if I care   I"m the jerk life"s not fair   Fighting all the time   This is out of line   She loves me not loves me not!   Do you realize I won"t compromise   She loves me not loves me not!   Over the past five years I have shed my tears   I have drank my beers and watch my fingers fly away   Then until this day you still swing my way   But its sad to say sometimes she says she loves me not   But I hesatate to tell her I hate   This relationship I wanted to date this is over   I don"t know if I care   I"m the jerk!   Life"s Not Fair   Fighting all the time   This is out of line   She loves me not loves me not!   Do you realize I won"t compromise   She loves me not   Life"s Not Fair   I"m the jerk   Line for line ryhme for ryhme   Sometimes I be writin" all the goddam time   It"s makin" me sick   Relationship is gettin" ill   On the lil could you feel   What I feel what"s the deal girl   We"re tearin" up each others world   We should be in harmony boy and girl   That is a promise we made   Back in the day   You told me that things wouldn"t be this way   I think we should work this out   "Cause all I didn"t mean is to scream and shout   I don"t know if I care   I"m the jerk life"s not fair   Fighting all the time   This is out of line   She loves me not loves me not!   Do you realize I won"t compromise   She loves me not loves me not!   Life"s not fair!   Life"s not fair!   Life"s not fair!   I"m the jerk!   Life"s not fair!   She loves me not!   Loves me not!
2023-07-22 03:51:123


2023-07-22 03:51:361


2023-07-22 03:51:451


2023-07-22 03:51:521


A person who has had one or more limbs removed by amputation.被截肢者:被截去一个或更多个肢体的人
2023-07-22 03:52:133


切断的英文是cut off,或者shut off,或者disconnect 比如我们要表达“我们已经切断了敌人的回路。”,可以用We have cut the enemy"s retreat. 与切断相关词汇有amputation意思是切断术,cut off sb"s retreat意思是切断退路 ,cut-off switch的意思是切断开关。
2023-07-22 03:52:201


  工具箱是储存工具和各种家庭杂物的容器,可用于生产,家庭,维修,钓鱼等各种用途,使用广泛。那么工具箱用英文怎么说吗?有关工具箱的常用英文表达有哪些?下面我为大家带来工具箱的英文说法,欢迎大家学习。   工具箱的英文说法1:   kit   英 [kit] 美 [ku026at]   工具箱的英文说法2:   Hold-all   英 [u02c8hu0259u028aldu0254:l] 美 ["hu0259u028ald"u0254u02d0l]   工具箱的英文说法3:   tool case   英 [tu:l keis] 美 [tul kes]   工具箱相关英文表达:   优化工具箱 Optimization Toolbox   符号数学工具箱 Symbolic Math Toolbox   磁碟工具箱 DiskToolbox   财政金融工具箱 Financial Toolbox   应用工具箱 Application Toolbox   工具箱英文说法例句:   1. A good toolbox is a handy thing to have in any house.   任何一个家庭都应备有一个好的工具箱以便随时使用.   2. He opened the box to put in the hammer.   他开启工具箱把锤子放里.   3. Put back the tools in the box.   把工具放回工具箱.   4. Unfortunately, hierarchical trees are one of the most inappropriately used controls in the toolbox.   遗憾的是, 层次树也是工具箱中最容易被错误使用的控制元件之一.   5. Perhaps he was carrying a portable amputation kIt"similar to this.   他有可能带着象这样的一个手术工具箱.   6. There are many tools in my tool storage unit tool chest, tool box .   我的工具柜 工具盒 、 工具箱 里面有很多工具.   7. There is a repair kit provided in the boot of each car.   车的行李箱内备有工具箱.   8. Better yet , many of these toolkits are Visual Basic add - ons .   更喜人的是,其中很多工具箱是Visual Basic 附加模组.   9. To access the Toolbox, choose Toolbox from the View menu.   若要访问“工具箱”, 请从“检视”选单中选择“工具箱”.   10. I always keep a tool set in case of emergency.   我总是准备一个工具箱,以备急用.   11. Drag a ment from the Class Designer Toolbox onto the class diagram.   将注释从“类设计器工具箱”拖到类关系图上.   12. You can place controls in the Toolbox window for easy access.   为了便于访问,可以将控制元件放在“工具箱”视窗中.   13. Does the dormitory a well stocked first aid kit?   宿舍是否配备有充满足够药物的急救工具箱?   14. The worker felt for a few screws in a tool box.   这位工人在工具箱里摸来摸去找几个螺丝钉.   15. Each Star represented a new tool added on to my toolbox.   每颗奖星代表着一种加到我的工具箱的新工具.
2023-07-22 03:52:261


2023-07-22 03:53:241


1. 悬梁刺股文言文翻译 悬梁: 东汉·班固《汉书》:“孙敬字文宝,好学,晨夕不休。及至眠睡疲寝,以绳系头,悬屋梁。后为当世大儒。” 刺股: 西汉·刘向《战国策·秦策一》:“(苏秦)读书欲睡,引锥自刺其股,血流至足。” 以下为具体:说秦王书十上而说不行,黑貂之裘弊,黄金百斤尽,资用乏绝,去秦而归,负书担橐,形容枯槁,面目犁黑,状有归色。归至家,妻不下紝,嫂不为炊。父母不与言。苏秦喟然叹曰:“妻不以我为夫,嫂不以我为叔,父母不以我为子,是皆秦之罪也!”乃夜发书,陈箧数十,得太公阴符之谋,伏而诵之,简练以为揣摩。读书欲睡,引锥自刺其股,血流至足,曰:“安有说人主,不能出其金玉锦绣,取卿相之尊者乎?”期年,揣摩成,曰:“此真可以说当世之君矣。”乃见说赵王于华屋之下,抵掌而谈,赵王大悦,封为武安君。受相印,革车百乘,锦绣千纯,白璧百双,黄金万溢,以随其后,约从散横以抑强秦,故苏秦相于赵而关不通。当此之时,天下之大,万民之众,王侯之威,谋臣之权,皆欲决苏秦之策。不费斗粮,未烦一兵,未战一士,未绝一弦,未折一矢,诸侯相亲,贤于兄弟。夫贤人在而天下服,一人用而天下从,故曰:式于政不式于勇;式于廊庙之内,不式于四境之外。当秦之隆,黄金万溢为用,转毂连骑,炫熿于道,山东之国从风而服,使赵大重。将说楚王,路过洛阳,父母闻之,清宫除道,张乐设饮,郊迎三十里。妻侧目而视,倾耳而听。嫂蛇行匍伏,四拜自跪而谢。苏秦曰:“嫂何前倨而后卑也?” 2. 悬梁刺股的原文及翻译 悬梁刺股 xuán liáng cì gǔ 〖解释〗形容刻苦学习。 〖出处〗西汉·刘向《战国策·秦策一》:“(苏秦)读书欲睡,引锥自刺其股,血流至足。”东汉·班固《汉书》:“孙敬字文宝,好学,晨夕不休。及至眠睡疲寝,以绳系头,悬屋梁。” 悬梁刺股 东汉时候,有个人名叫孙敬,是著名的政治家。他年轻时勤奋好学,经常关起门,独自一人不停地读书。 每天从早到晚读书,常常是废寝忘食。读书时间长,劳累了,还不休息。时间久了,疲倦得直打瞌睡。 他怕影响自己的读书学习,就想出了一个特别的办法。古时候,男子的头发很长。他就找一根绳子, 一头牢牢的绑在房梁上。当他读书疲劳时打盹了,头一低,绳子就会牵住头发,这样会把头皮扯痛了, 马上就清醒了,再继续读书学习。 这就时孙敬悬梁的故事。 战国时期,有一个人名叫苏秦,也是出名的政治家。在年轻时,由于学问不多不深,曾到好多地方做事, 都不受重视。回家后,家人对他也很冷淡,瞧不起他。这对他的 *** 很大。所以,他下定决心,发奋读书。 他常常读书到深夜,很疲倦,常打盹,直想睡觉。他也想出了一个方法,准备一把锥子,一打瞌睡, 就用锥子往自己的大腿上刺一下。这样,猛然间感到疼痛,使自己清醒起来,再坚持读书。 这就使苏秦"刺股"的故事。 3. 悬梁刺股文言文节选 【刺股】《战国策·秦策一》:苏秦上书说秦王不成,回家后遭到冷落,“乃夜发书,陈箧数十,得太公阴符之谋,伏而诵之,简练以为揣摩。读书欲睡,引锥自刺其股,血流至足”。O指勤学苦读。宋王安石《酬慕容员外》:“吹毛未识腰间剑,刺股犹藏袖里锥。”另参见人体部·肢体“股多坑”、器用部·其他“季子锥”。 【悬头苦学】《太平御览》卷三六三引《汉书》:“孙敬字文宝,好学,晨夕不休,及至眠睡疲寝,以绳系头悬屋梁。后为当世大儒。”O咏勤奋苦学。唐李商隐《咏怀寄秘阁旧僚二十六韵》:“悬头曾苦学,折臂反成医。"”另参见人体部·头面“悬头”、器用部·宫宝“悬梁”。 4. 悬梁刺股的翻译 Warring States Period, the Qin king soldiers continued strong offensive neighbors, occupied many places. 其它六国都很害怕,想方设法去对付它。 The other six countries are afraid of and find ways to deal with it. 当时有一个人,叫苏秦,他提出“合纵”抗秦,意思是六国联合起来共同抗秦。At that time, a man named Qin Su, his "balancing" Kangqin, meaning six Kangqin joint together. 因为六国位置是纵贯南北,南北为纵,所以称为“合纵”。 Because the six countries are located beeen north, south, north and south of things, it called "balancing." 苏秦是洛阳人。Xi"an Jiaotong University, who is in Luoyang. 洛阳是当时周天子的都城。 Luoyang was the capital of the Zhou Emperor. 他很想有所作为,曾求见周天子,却没有引见之路,一气之下,变卖了家产到别的国家找出路去了。He wanted to do something, had to ask for a meeting with Chou emperor, but not the road to her, then angrily. sold to other countries to find a way out to the family. 但是他东奔西跑了好几年,也没做成官。 But his troubles for a number of years, officials did not create. 后来钱用光了,衣服也穿破了,只好回家。Later, all the money, also broke through the clothes, had to return home. 家里人看到他趿拉着草鞋,挑副破担子,一付狼狈样。 Tala Fuquan with the family saw him pick Deputy breaking burden of paying headgear kind. 他父母狠狠地骂了他一顿;他妻子坐在织机上织帛,连看也没看他一眼;他求嫂子给他做饭吃,嫂子不理他扭身走开了。He severely scolded by his parents to pay; His wife sat on the anization silk loom even Kanyemeikan his eye; He and his wife had to cook food, ignoring his wife trunk and walked away. 苏秦受了很大 *** ,决心争一口气。 Su Qin under great stimulus to bid a sigh of relief. 从此以后,他发愤读书,钻研兵法,天天到深夜。From then on, he resolved to delve into Art every day to night. 有时候读书读到半夜,又累又困 ,他就用锥子扎自己的大腿, 虽然很疼,但精神却来了,他就接着读下去。 Sometimes reading read midnight, the storm Then, he would stabber down his thighs, while 13 prisoners injured, but the spirit has e. He then read on. 传说,他晚上念书的时候还把头发用带子系起来拴到房梁上,一打瞌睡,头向下栽,揪得头皮疼,他就清醒过来了。Legend has it that when a student at his hair also tying a belt up to amputation, I dozed off, the head tilted downward and crashed. have a thorough scalp pain, he would wake up the. 这就是后来人们说的“头悬梁,锥刺股”,用来表示读书刻苦的精神。 Later, people say this is the "head of the thigh, cone beam," said study hard for the spirit. 就这样用了一年多的功夫,他的知识比以前丰富多了。Spent more than a year on such efforts, more abundant than before his knowledge. 公元前334年开始,他到六国去游说,宣传“合纵”的主张,结果他成功了。 334 BC, he began to lobby the six countries to promote "balancing", and he succeeded. 第二年,六国诸侯订立了合纵的联盟。The following year, the six countries made balancing the mighty Union. 苏秦挂了六国的相印,成了显赫的人物。 Su Qin linked to the phase of the six countries and India became prominent figures. 这消息传到了苏秦的家乡,他的父母兄嫂都后悔以前对苏秦的态度不好。This news spread to the home of Xi"an Jiaotong University, Xi"an Jiaotong University, the parents of former sister-in-law regret the poor. 听说苏秦要去赵国经过洛阳,全家人特地赶到洛阳城外30里的地方,把路扫得干干净净,准备了丰盛的酒宴,跪着迎接他。 Su Qin Zhao told to go after Luoyang, about 30 km outside the city of Luoyang rushed to the family"s special place, sweeping away roads, prepared a rich wine, stay kneeling to greet him. 苏秦看到这情景,前后对比,百感交集。Su Qin see this scene before and after parison with mixed feelings. 可是“合纵”很快就被苏秦的同学张仪的“连横”策略破坏了,苏秦也被刺客刺死,“合纵”宣告彻底破产了。 But "balancing" the Xi"an Jiaotong University students will soon be perceived "lining up" strategy destroyed, Xi"an Jiaotong University, was stabbed to death Assassins, "balancing" declared a bankrupt. 来源:中国侨网Source : China"s overseas neork。
2023-07-22 03:53:331


失聪 deaf .adj.;deafness, n残疾人disabled person, handicapped person残奥会Paralympic Games哑巴 dumb adj;dummy n
2023-07-22 03:53:522


The Road to Success Andrew Carnegie(卡耐基)It is well that young men should begin at the beginning and occupy the most subordinate positions. Many of the leading businessmen of Pittsburgh had a serious responsibility thrust upon them at the very threshold of their career. They were introduced to the broom, and spent the first hours of their business lives sweeping out the office. I notice we have janitors and jamtresses now in offices, and our young men unfortunately miss that salutary branch of a business education. But if by chance the professional sweeper is absent any morning, the boy who has the genius of the future partner in him will not hesitate to try his hand at the broom. The other day a fond fashionable mother in Michigan asked a young man whether he had even seen a young lady sweep in a room so grandly as her Priscilla. He said so, he never had, and the mother was gratified beyond measure, but then said he, after a pause, "What I should like to see her do is sweep out a room." It does not hurt the newest comer to sweep out the office if necessary. I was one of those sweepers myself.Assuming that you have all obtained employment and are fairly started, my advice to you is "aim high". I would not give a fig for the young man who has not already seen hilf the partner or the head of an important firm. Do not rest content for a moment in your thoughts as head clerk, or foreman, or general manager in any concern, no matter how extensive. Say to yourself, "My place is at the top." Be king in your dreams.And here is the prime condition of success, the at secret: concentrate your energy, thought, and capital exclusively upon the business in which your are engaged. Having begun in one line, resolve to fight it out on that line, to lead in it, adopt every improvement, have the best machinery, and know the most about it.The concerns which fail are those which have scattered their capital, which means that they have scattered their brains also. They have investments in this, or that, or the other, here, there, and everywhere. "Don"t put all your eggs in one basket" is all wrong. I tell you "put all your eggs in one basket, and then watch that basket". Look round you and take notice; men who do that do not often fail. It is easy to watch and carry the one basket. It is trying to carry too many baskets, that breaks most eggs in this country. He who carries three baskets must put one on his head, which is apt to tumble and trip him up. One fault of the American businessman is lack of concentration.To summarize what I have said: Aim for the highest, never enter a bar room; do not touch liquor, or if at all only at meals; never speculate; never indorse beyond your surplus cash fund; make the firm"s interest yours; break orders always to save owners; concentrate; put all your eggs in one basket, and watch that basket; expenditure always within revenue; lastly be not impatient, for, as Emerson says, "no one can cheat you out of ultimate success but yourselves."
2023-07-22 03:54:013

mirror touch synesthesia是什么意思

对于大多数普通人来说,当观察到他人经受疼痛会激活自身与疼痛经验有关的神经区域,因此观察者虽然会感觉到不适,但是不会很强烈。而镜像触觉联觉者会(mirror-touch synesthesia),在看到他人的触觉经历(包括痛觉)时,自己也会强烈“体验”到相同的感觉,比如当他们看到别人左脸被打了,自己的右脸会有痛感。人群中大概有 1.6% 的个体会发展成为镜像联觉者。
2023-07-22 03:54:103

幻痛the phantom pain什么意思

2023-07-22 03:54:172


2023-07-22 03:54:256

In time of stress什么意思?

2023-07-22 03:54:401

根据提示写英语作文【急】拜托各位了 3Q

1、Elephants are the biggest and strongest animals on land. They have big ears, long tasks, grey fur, and long trunks. They are heavy. And they are quiet and peaceful. Elephants can walk on tiptoe easily. There are few elephants in the wild now. The number of them is getting smaller and smaller, because hunters kill them for their tusks. If hunters see an elephant in the wild, they will kill it. Hunters will make a lot of money if they sell elephants" tusks. Elephants can help farmers do lots of things if people train them. They never hurt people. They are friendly towards people and can work for people. There will not be any elephants if we do not protect them. If we do not help these wild animals, they will die soon. So we should help elephants. 大象是陆地上最大的动物和最强。他们有大耳朵,长期的任务,灰色皮毛,长鼻子。他们正在重。他们正在安静祥和。 大象可以踮起脚尖走。 很少有大象在野外。它们的数目正在变得越来越少,因为猎人杀掉他们,因为他们的长牙。 如果猎人们看到一只野生大象,他们将会杀死它。猎人会赚很多钱,如果他们卖大象的长牙。大象可以帮助农民做很多事,如果人们对他们进行培训。他们从不伤害别人。他们是友好的人,可以为别人工作。 不会有任何的大象,如果我们不保护他们。如果我们不帮助这些野生动物,他们很快就要死了。所以我们应该帮助大象。 2、London is in Scotland. Area approximately 1600 square kilometers. Population of about 700 million. London has many places of interest, such as: the British museum, China town, Buckingham Palace, Hyde park, Big Ben, etc. 伦敦位于苏格兰东南部。面积约有1600平方千米。人口大概有700多万。 伦敦有许多名胜古迹,比如有:大英博物馆,中国城,白金汉宫,海德公园,大本钟等等。 3、In 1982, Wen Huazhi was born in hunan province, later, became a guide. She is a sincere and smile to visitors with the girl. On August 28, 2005, in her car, when in groups to rescue personnel to sit in the front row of Wen Huazhi to rescue her out, said: "I was behind me, is the guide, please you save first visitor visitors." In fact, cuttlefish hurt very serious. Finally, because the precious time delay treatment, cuttlefish had to do a leg high amputation. She sacrifice oneself in rescuing others this spirit is worth studying. 1982年,文花枝在湖南省出生,后来,成了一个导游。她是一名用真诚和微笑对待游客的女孩。2005年8月28日,她在带旅游团途中遭遇车祸,当营救人员想把坐在第一排的文花枝先抢救出去时,她大声说:“我是导游,后面是我的游客,请你们先救游客。”事实上,文花枝伤得非常严重。最后,由于延误了宝贵的救治时间,文花枝不得不做了左腿高位截肢手术。她这种舍己为人的精神很值得我们学习。
2023-07-22 03:54:471


篇一:安全教育英语作文   星期六的时候,我很早就起床了,因为我要看浙江电视台少儿频道的安全教育节目。早上8:10分左右开始的。第一部分是当发生地震时我们应该如何避险;第二部分是当火灾发生时我们应该怎样正确逃生;第三部分是在马路上行走时应该注意哪些问题;第四部分是我们不应该到哪些地方去游泳,当有人发生溺水时我们应该如何营救;第五部分是其他一些校园安全防范常识。我以为是八点半开始的,所以我起晚了一点,当我打开电视开始看的时候,我不知道放了到哪个部分了,所以我就一边看电视一边看通知单。   看完电视我知道了当发生地震的时候如果我们在校园里的话,我们得趴在桌底下,不要动,保护好自己的头,要闭上眼睛。如果在家里发生地震的话,我们得拿上枕头在某个角落蹲着,把枕头放在头了,闭上眼睛。   当发生火灾的时候,我们得象以前演习那样如果在学校我们得用袖子捂住口鼻。排好队跑到操场上,之后再迅速离开学校。如果在家里发生的话,我们得用湿毛巾捂住口鼻,直接下楼,不能乘坐电梯,不然会困在那里。   我还知道了怎么过马路和其他的安全知识,我觉得这些知识对我们非常有帮助,我牢牢的记在心里。   On Saturday, I got up very early, because I want to see Zhejiang TV children"s safe education program. 8:10 am to start around. The first part is how we should hedge when an earthquake occurs; the second part is how we should escape when the fire occurs; the third part is the problem that should be paid when walking on the road; the fourth part is what we should not Where to go swimming, when people drowning when we should be how to rescue; the fifth part is some other campus security precautions. I thought it was starting at half past eight, so I got a little late. When I started watching TV, I did not know where to put it, so I watched the TV while watching the notice.   Watching the TV I know when the earthquake when we are on campus, we have to lie under the table, do not move, to protect their own head, to close your eyes. If there is an earthquake at home, we have to take a pillow in a corner squatting, put the pillow on the head, close your eyes.   When there is a fire, we have to go to the previous exercise if we had to cover our mouth and nose with our sleeves. Row of teams went to the playground, and then quickly leave the school. If at home, we have to cover his nose and mouth with a wet towel, directly downstairs, can not take the elevator, or will be trapped there.   I also know how to cross the road and other security knowledge, I think this knowledge is very helpful to us, I firmly in mind. 篇二:安全教育英语作文   守於交通的人才有幸福的生活,大家都知到交通是什麽,交通安全也在我们生活中出现过。我们要遵守交通安全。   在等车时,应依次排队,站在道路边或站台上等候,不应拥挤在车行道上,更不准站在道路中间拦车。上车时,不要拥挤,预防摔跤。   有一次,我和一个朋友一起回家,我们上了一辆拥挤车,车子时不时的刹车,   突然,司机又刹车,一个小朋友从座位上飞了下来,小朋友摔倒在地上,幸好她妈妈   绊了一脚,要不然小朋友的手就骨折了,小朋友的妈妈急忙把小朋友送到医院治疗。   还有非常多像这位小朋友发生例似的事   下面我建议乘车方面的知识:   乘坐公共车辆,应该遵守公共秩序,讲究社会公德,注意交通安全。   候车时,应依次排队,站在道路边或站台上等候,不应拥挤在车行道上,更不准站在道路中间拦车。上车时,应等汽车靠站停稳,先让车上的乘客下完车,再按次序上车,不能争先恐後。上车后,应主动买票,主动让座给老人、病人、残疾人、孕妇或怀抱婴儿的乘客。车辆行驶时,要拉住扶手,头、手不能伸出车窗外,以免被来往车辆碰擦。下车时,要依次而行,不要硬推硬挤。下车后,应随即走上人行道。需要横过车行道的,应从人行道内通过;千万不能在车前车尾急穿,这样很不安全。   我们也都知道,每个人的生命只有一次,要珍惜生命,生命是不可以用钱换来的,只能让你自己去保护自己的生命。   Keep the traffic people have a happy life, we all know what traffic is, traffic safety has also appeared in our lives. We have to comply with traffic safety.   When waiting for the car, should line up, standing on the roadside or platform waiting, should not be crowded in the roadway, but not allowed to stand in the middle of the road block. On the train, do not crowded, to prevent wrestling.   Once, I went home with a friend, we got a crowded car, the car from time to time the brakes,   Suddenly, the driver brakes, a child flew down from the seat, the children fell to the ground, but fortunately her mother   Stumbled, or else the children"s hand on the fracture, the child"s mother rushed to the children to the hospital for treatment.   There are so many things like this little girl happened   Here I suggest traveling knowledge:   Take public vehicles, should comply with public order, pay attention to social morality, pay attention to traffic safety.   Waiting, should line up, standing on the roadside or waiting on the platform, should not be crowded in the roadway, but not allowed to stand in the middle of the road block. On the bus, you should wait for the car to stop the station, let the passengers on the car under the car, and then order the car, can not scrambling. After the car, should take the initiative to buy tickets, take the initiative to the elderly, patients, disabled, pregnant women or pregnant baby passengers. When driving the vehicle, to pull the handrail, head, hand can not be stretched out of the window, so as not to be rubbed by the vehicle. Get off, to follow the line, do not push hard squeeze hard. After getting off, you should immediately walk on the sidewalk. Need to cross the roadway, should be passed from the sidewalk; do not rush in front of the car front, so very safe.   We also know that each person"s life only once, to cherish life, life can not be used in exchange for money, can only let yourself to protect their own lives. 篇三:安全教育英语作文   安全,是每个人必须遵守的。一旦不遵守安全,发生了意外,那么我们有可能永远失去自己的生命。生命只有一次,我们要珍惜自己的生命。   尽管我们还只是小学生,但是我们应该遵守校园安全。我曾看到过一则新闻,一些学生上完晚自习从教室拥挤上楼。由于学生互相拥挤,一楼楼梯栏杆被挤坏,一些学生摔倒在地,后面的学生不知道出事仍向前拥挤,结果导致惨剧发生。事故导致死亡21人,伤47人,其中六人受重伤。这种事故还有很多很多。其实,这次事故时可以避免的,如果大家排队走好,不拥不挤,那么这次事故就不会发生,就不会死伤那么多人,难道不是吗?   还有,我们课间时,不要打打闹闹,你追我赶。在一家小学,课间时,发生40名学生挤压事故,造成18名学生受伤。我们明明可以避免这一系列事故发生的,可为什么还要让他们发生哪?   我建议学校多开展一些安全教育活动,我们自己也要遵守交通安全。生命诚可贵,一旦失去了还会再有吗?   Security is that everyone must abide by. Once the failure to comply with security, an accident, then we may never lose their lives. Life only once, we want to cherish their own lives.   Although we are only primary school students, but we should abide by campus safety. I have seen a news, some students on the evening classes from the classroom crowded upstairs. As the students crowded each other, the first floor staircase railings were crushed, some students fell to the ground, behind the students do not know the accident is still crowded forward, resulting in tragedy. The accident killed 21 people, injured 47 people, of which six were seriously injured. There are many such accidents. In fact, the accident can be avoided, if we line up to go, do not hold not crowded, then the accident will not happen, it will not hurt so many people, is not it?   Also, when we are between classes, do not fool, you catch me up In a primary school, during the class, 40 students were crushed and 18 students were injured. We obviously can avoid this series of accidents, but why should let them happen?   I suggest that schools carry out some safety education activities, we have to comply with traffic safety. Life is precious, once lost again? 篇四:安全教育英语作文   七月七日晚上吃过饭,我和爸爸、妈妈早早地就坐在了电视机旁,准备好了纸和笔,准备观看《安全教育讲座》。   《安全教育讲座》开始了,一张张真实的照片,一个个活生生的事实告诫同学们:“注意安全,珍爱生命”。看了这次《安全教育讲座》,我学到了许多知识,比如:有人落水,自己不要去救,应该请大人去救;未满十二周岁不能骑自行车;地震时应该躲到桌子下面去,双手护头,听从老师的指挥。   我印象最深的是一个“篮球女孩儿”。因为她出了车祸,下半身截肢,只能坐在篮球里维持生活。看到这儿,我真想哭。因为她太可怜了!和小姑娘相比,我太幸福了!因为我身体很健康,可以自由自在地和小伙伴们一起玩耍。   同学们,我们一定要注意安全,因为生命只有一次。   I had dinner on the evening of July 7, and my father and mother sat right next to the TV, prepared the paper and pen, ready to watch the "safety education lecture."   "Safety Education Seminar" began, a picture of a real picture, a living fact warned the students: "pay attention to safety, cherish life." Read the "safety education lectures", I learned a lot of knowledge, such as: someone fell into the water, they do not want to save, should ask adults to save; less than 12 years of age can not ride a bike; earthquake should hide below the table, Hands hands, listen to the teacher"s command.   I was most impressed by a "basketball girl". Because she was out of a car accident, lower body amputation, can only sit in basketball to maintain life. See here, I really want to cry. Because she was too poor! Compared with the little girl, I am too happy! Because my body is very healthy, you can freely play with small partners.   Students, we must pay attention to safety, because life only once. 篇五:安全教育英语作文   安全关系着我们的生命,同样也关系着我们的幸福,这个世界上实在有太多太多的安全隐患了。例如:学校里面,在楼梯道上不要追跑打闹。在下雨天,走廊上有非常多的积水,容易滑倒。而且不要带一些小刀子进入学校,更不要带打火机。在走廊上休息时,不要将上半身探出栏杆,更不要攀爬栏杆。不要从走廊向楼下扔任何东西。不要在教室内跑、追逐打闹和做游戏。   而在校外的安全隐患也一样,例如:过马路的时候,一定要注意。不要随意地跟陌生人走。不要吃一些没有经过安全检测的零食。不要进网吧这些的游乐场所。   除了这些校外和校内的安全以外还有家里的安全,例如:不要触摸电线,这样很容易被电到。有时爸爸妈妈煮饭忘了关火,一定要及时提醒他们,还有,千万不要碰那些炉子,这样很容易被烫伤。不要玩滚烫的白开水,以免皮肤烫伤。   预防安全隐患从身边做起,从大家做起!   Security relationship with our lives, also related to our happiness, the world is too much too many security risks. For example: inside the school, do not chase on the stairs road slapstick. In the rainy day, the corridor has a lot of water, easy to slip. And do not bring some small knife into the school, not to bring a lighter. When resting in the corridor, do not take the upper body out of the railing, do not climb the railing. Do not throw anything from the corridor to the downstairs. Do not run in the classroom, chase slapstick and do the game.   And the security risks outside the school are the same, for example: when crossing the road, we must pay attention. Do not go with strangers at will. Do not eat snacks that have not been safely tested. Do not enter the Internet cafes of these places of play.   In addition to these outside school and school security, there are home security, such as: do not touch the wire, so it is easy to be electricity to. Sometimes my father and mother cook forgot to turn off the fire, be sure to promptly remind them, and, do not touch those stoves, it is easy to be burned. Do not play hot boiled water, so as not to skin burns.   Prevention of security risks from the side to start, from everyone to start!
2023-07-22 03:55:051


2023-07-22 03:55:239

Mandatory Suicide 歌词

歌曲名:Mandatory Suicide歌手:Slayer专辑:Live: Decade Of AggressionMurder at your every foot step.A child"s toy sudden death.Sniper blazes you thru your kneesFalling down can you feel the heat,Burn!Ambushed by the spray of leadCount the bullet holes in your head.Offspring sent out to cry,Living mandatory suicide.Suicide.Suicide.Suicide.Suicide.Holes burn deep in your chest,Raked by machine gun fire.Screaming soul sent out to die,Living mandatory suicide.Suicide. Suicide.Suicide.Suicide.Lying, dying, screaming in pain.Begging, pleading, bullets drop like rain.Mines explode, pain sheers through your brain,Radical amputation, this is insane.Fly swatter stakes drive through your chest.Spikes impale you as you"re forced off the crest.Soldier of misfortuneHunting with bated breath.A vile smell, like tasting death.Dead bodies, dying and woundedLitter the city streetsShattered glass, bits of clothing and human deceit.Dying in terror,Blood"s cheap, it"s everywhere.Mandatory suicide, massacre on the front line.
2023-07-22 03:56:001

求大神来告诉我 为什么Ticking entity

ailableAquaculture{1.2.3} [Aquaculture] (水产养殖-1.7.2- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Availableshipwrecks_winslow{1.6.2} [Shipwrecks!] (沉船遗迹MOD-1.7.2-1.6.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Availabledesertwells{V0.1 - 1.7.2} [Desert Wells] (沙漠水井遗迹Desert Wells-V0.1 - 1.7.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Availablefloatingislands{V0.1 - 1.7.2} [Floating Islands] (浮岛地形Floating Islands-V0.1 - 1.7.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Availablerealisticpain{1.1} [Realistic Pain] (溅血MOD-1.2-mc1.7.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Availabletouhou_alice_core{1.7.2-rin} [Alice*s Core MOD] (爱丽丝人偶TouhouAliceDolls_rin2_1.7.2(Qf汉化).zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Availabletouhou_alice_dolls{1.7.2-rin} [Alice*s Dolls MOD] (爱丽丝人偶TouhouAliceDolls_rin2_1.7.2(Qf汉化).zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Availabletouhou_alice_extras{1.7.2-rin} [Alice*s Dolls Ex] (爱丽丝人偶TouhouAliceDolls_rin2_1.7.2(Qf汉化).zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->AvailableSpiceOfLife{1.0.4} [The Spice of Life] (生活调味料[1.7.2]Core-SpiceOfLife-1.0.4 cn.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->AvailableChestTransporter{1.1.8} [Chest Transporter] (箱子搬运器-1.1.8-MC1.7.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Availablepokeball{V0.1 - 1.7.2} [Pokeball] (精灵球Pokeball-V0.1 - 1.7.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->AvailableInfernalMobs{1.5.3} [Infernal Mobs] (精英怪物s-1.7.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Availablesupercraftingframe{} [Super Crafting Frame] (超级合成框架- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Availableenchantview{4.0.0} [EnchantView] (附魔预览EnchantView-v4.0.0-mc1.7.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Availablethirstmod{1.8.4} [Thirst Mod] (饮水thirstmod-1.8.4.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Availablecraftguide{} [CraftGuide] ((G键合成表) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->AvailableNEIAddons{} [NEI Addons] ((NEI扩展)neiaddonsmc172- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->AvailableNEIAddons|ExtraBees{} [NEI Addons: Extra Bees] ((NEI扩展)neiaddonsmc172- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->AvailableNEIAddons|Forestry{} [NEI Addons: Forestry] ((NEI扩展)neiaddonsmc172- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->AvailableNEIAddons|CraftingTables{} [NEI Addons: Crafting Tables] ((NEI扩展)neiaddonsmc172- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->AvailableNEIAddons|ExNihilo{} [NEI Addons: Ex Nihilo] ((NEI扩展)neiaddonsmc172- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->AvailableWaila{1.5.2_1.7.2} [Waila] ((NEI扩展)Waila-1.5.2a_1.7.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->AvailablegokiStats{1.0.0} [gokiStats] ((RPG升级)[1.7.2]Core-gokiStats-1.0 cn_via_CI010.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->AvailableDamageIndicatorsMod{3.1.2} [Damage Indicators] ((伤害与血量显示)DamageIndicators v3.1.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Availablevoxelmap{1.7.2} [VoxelMap] ((小地图,可指南)voxelmapv1.0.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->AvailableiChunUtil{3.2.1} [iChunUtil] ((怪物碎尸肢解核心)iChunUtil-3.2.1.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->AvailableMobDismemberment{3.0.1} [MobDismemberment] ((怪物碎尸)MobDismemberment-3.0.1.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->AvailableMobAmputation{3.0.1} [MobAmputation] ((怪物肢解)MobAmputation-3.0.1.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->AvailableIronChest{} [Iron Chest] ((更多箱子)Iron-Chests-Mod-1.7.2-CN78.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Availablemillenaire{5.2.0} [Millénaire] ((村庄)millenaire-5.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Availableinventorytweaks{1.57-116} [Inventory Tweaks] ((物品整理)InventoryTweaks v1.57-116.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Availablepchan3{0.7} [PChan3 mods] ((飞艇MOD )PChan3Mods-0.7(1.7.2).jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->AvailableProfiler Position: N/A (disabled)Vec3 Pool Size: 23083 (1292648 bytes; 1 MB) allocated, 23083 (1292648 bytes; 1 MB) usedPlayer Count: 2 / 8; [EntityPlayerMP[*WinterBenson*/9408, l=*Jz*, x=-183.50, y=76.94, z=173.10], EntityPlayerMP[*JzMrC*/534, l=*Jz*, x=-184.50, y=66.94, z=183.90]]Type: Integrated Server (map_client.txt)Is Modded: Definitely; Client brand changed to *fml,forge*
2023-07-22 03:56:071

关于 烟有害健康 的英语小短文

What Are the Risks of Smoking 吸烟有害健康 [1]Before Dr. Luther L. Terry, then the Surgeon General of the United States, issued his office"s first "Report on Smoking and Health" more than 30 years ago, thousands of articles had already been written on the effects of tobacco use on the human body. [2] Tobacco companies had countered the reports--which purported to show links between smoking and cancer and other serious diseases--with denials and competing studies. [3] So in 1964, Terry and his Advisory Committee on Smoking and Health knew they were stepping into a major pit of controversy when they announced "cigarette smoking is a health hazard of sufficient importance in the United States to warrant appropriate remedial action". [4] It was America"s first widely publicized acknowledgment that smoking cigarettes is a cause of serious diseases. [5] But the issue wasn"t settled in 1964, nor is it settled in 1997, despite literally thousands more studies--and litigation that has forced at least one tobacco company to admit what some activists say they knew all along: cigarette smoke is hazardous to your health. [6] More than 30 years--and more than 20 Surgeon General reports--later, the issue appears headed for settlement in the courtroom rather than the laboratory.
2023-07-22 03:56:163


  Chopart"s operation  【医】 肖帕尔氏手术(唇成形术)  还有其他肖帕尔氏手术:  Chopart"s joint 肖帕尔氏关节  Chopart"s amputation 肖帕尔氏切断术  Chopart"s articulation 【医】 跗横关节   
2023-07-22 03:56:231


Anteater Anteater An Xenarthra Anteater: mammals, the main habitat in Central and South America, tropical forest in the south of Argentina. This group predatory ants and termites in the area have a high degree of specialization. Anteater structural features is its predatory insects linked to a series of activities. The skull was long and generally cylindrical-shaped, zygomatic complete, the Department of long nose kiss a complex middle turbinate. Bone slender teeth, no teeth. Worm - like长舌flexibility stretching, tongue rich secretion of saliva from the salivary gland and parotid gland secretions of mucus mixed for the many dead from the ants. These developed glands in the neck. Forelimb strong, coarse third toe, with a strong and long curved claws, narrowing the remaining toe. The habitat of the anteater with the bending joints and toe walking, and to lesser anteater, that is, toe anteater and ring-necked anteater live wholly or in part Dendrocola life, walking, bending with the claw on the forelimb within back to the toe. Anteater there are significant differences between body size, small anteater big like squirrels, but 350 grams, while the anteater weighing 25 kg. The anteater with a long body and thick hair, coat color SEPIA, more because the tail mast Long Hair, and other types of body and tail Dendrocola the hair are shorter, and the tail is抓挠capacity. Anteater with powerful forelimb tearing open the nests of termites and ants, using长舌predation,囫囵swallowed, thickening on the stomach pyloric mill inquiry. All anteater on the ground activities appeared slow and clumsy. The two are arboreal, the former toe claws for grasping palm linked to the double amputation alternative way forward along the trunk movement. Small anteater totally arboreal, and the high tree feeding; ring-necked anteater and weighing 3 1 5 kg, mainly to Dendrocola, often on the ground activities, and they are夜行性animals. And anteater and it is entirely to habitat, and the main line of animals for the day when they were in danger, hind legs to stand with tail or back as a pillar to form a stable tripod posture, with palm claws and opponents厮打. Although his head no defense equipment, but very powerful forelimb and the巨爪was a sharp powerful "weapons." Giant anteater sleeping 14-15 hours a day, wake up, in蚁穴between sluggish moved about to find food. They are smart organ, which is very suitable for small predator prey. The former anteater on the 4-10 cm foot of a sharp and powerful clawed. Anteater use it to open蚁穴rather than undermine蚁穴, prior to their long noses stretch蚁穴with tongue舔食ants. An alarming anteater"s tongue can stretch out its 60 cm long, and are able to one minute 150 times the frequency stretching. Small thorns on the tongue and around a lot of mucus, ants were粘住will not escape. An anteater in a蚁穴in only eat 140 days about the ants, then left after eating the other for a蚁穴. On this flavor, it can guarantee its own territory within蚁穴the ants survive, and come back to it on some other day US meal. The anteater all have an excellent sense of smell, on the nose sniff out蚁穴, reuse利爪to蚁穴up set, they are always very careful to蚁穴will not be completely destroyed. An adult short nose anteater and its skin color than black youngest son is舔食ants, short nose anteater is Dendrocola anteater, the long clawed around in the branches and to the tail. Anteater walking with joints, in order to protect its long clawed. This makes them走起路来like a lame person.
2023-07-22 03:56:411


  谚语流传于民间口语中的谚语,伴随着文字的产生,开始出现在各种文学作品和文化典籍中。也有很多,大家知道有哪些吗?今日我就为大家整理了有,供大家参考查阅,希望可以帮助到大家。      行船走马三分险。   There are three risks in sailing.   四川太阳云南风,贵州下雨如过冬。   Sichuan sun Yunnan wind, Guizhou rain like winter.   山无水不灵,水无山不活。   Mountains without water are ineffective, and waters without mountains are inactive.   雁门关外野人家,朝穿皮袄午穿纱。   Yanmenguan outdoor family, wearing leather jacket at noon yarn.   急走冰,慢走泥。   Walk fast on the ice, walk slowly on the mud.   太阳渗了土,还能奔走十四五。   The sun seeps through the earth and can run years.   九寨归来不进沟,九寨归来不看水。   When Jiuzhai returns, it does not enter the ditch, and when Jiuzhai returns, it does not look at the water.   名泉七十二,趵突天下无。   The seventy-two famous springs are unprecedented in the world.   出得门多,受得罪多。   He who goes out much suffers much.   江湖走得老,六月带棉袄。   Rivers and lakes are old, and cotton-padded jackets are brought in June.   多喊一声哥,少走十里坡。   Shout one more brother and walk ten miles less.   桂林山水甲天下,阳朔山水甲桂林。   Guilin is the best place in the world and Yangshuo is the best place in Guilin.   出门三里地,就是他乡人。   Three miles out of doors is a fellow countryman.   日出十里,日没十里。   Ten miles at sunrise, ten miles at sunrise.   金山屋里山,焦山山里屋。   Jinshan Wuli Mountain and Jiaoshan Wuli Mountain.   坐船坐头,坐车坐尾。   Take a boat at the head and a car at the tail.   河跟山走,城住河流。   Rivers follow mountains and cities live in rivers.   走路不用问,大路没有小路近。   Don"t ask about walking. There is no short road on the main road.   快走滑路慢走桥。   Take a fast slip and a slow bridge.   紧走滑,慢走沙。   Tight walk, slippery walk, slow walk sand.   十里勿问饭,二十里勿问店。   Don"t ask for food in ten li, don"t ask for shop in twenty li.   出门人,三分小。   The number of people who go out is less than three.   峨嵋天下秀,三峡天下雄。   Emei is the best in the world and the Three Gorges is the best in the world.   桂林山水甲天下,阴朔山水甲桂林。   Guilin is the best place in the world, and Yinshuo is the best place in Guilin.   行船走马三分险。   There are three risks in sailing.   一站走三里,一歇走三村。   Walk three miles at a stop and three villages at a rest.   鸟从巢中起,水从源头流。   Birds rise from their nests and water flows from their sources.   多喊一声哥,少走十里坡。   Shout one more brother and walk ten miles less.   湖中有岛千岛湖,岛在有湖龙川岛。   There are islands in the lake, Qiandao Lake and Longchuan Island.   江湖走得老,六月带棉袄。   Rivers and lakes are old, and cotton-padded jackets are brought in June.   吃稀饭要搅,走溜路要跑。   Eat porridge to stir, walk slippery to run.   十里温塘河,九曲十八弯。   Ten miles of Wentang River, nine curves and eighteen bends.   神农谷里走一遭,有病不治自己消。   When you walk in Shennong Valley, if you are sick, you can cure yourself.   出得门多,受得罪多。   He who goes out much suffers much.   黄河百害,惟富一套。   The Yellow River is harmful to all but one.   九乡溶洞九十九,数完溶洞白了头。   Ninety-nine karst caves in Jiuxiang were counted and the caves turned white.   四川太阳云南风,贵州下雨如过冬。   Sichuan sun Yunnan wind, Guizhou rain like winter.   在家千日好,出外一时难。   It"s good to be at home for a thousand days, but difficult to go out for a while.   坐船坐头,坐车坐尾。   Take a boat at the head and a car at the tail.   河跟山走,城住河流。   Rivers follow mountains and cities live in rivers.   桂林风景异,伙似洛阳春。   Guilin has a wonderful scenery, like Luoyang Spring.   人家半凿山腰住,车马都在屋顶过。   People live half-chiseled on the hillside, and horses and cars pass on the roof.   多喊一声老表,少走十里迢迢。   Shout your old cousin more and walk ten miles less.   急走冰,慢走泥。   Walk fast on the ice, walk slowly on the mud.   不怕慢,就怕站,站一站,二里半。   If you are not afraid of slowness, you are afraid of standing. Stand one stop, two and a half miles.   日出十里,日没十里。   Ten miles at sunrise, ten miles at sunrise.   天无三日晴,地无三尺平。   There are no three sunny days and no three feet flat ground.   只要迈开两脚,哪愁千里迢迢。   As long as you step on your feet, you"ll never be sad.   太阳渗了土,还能奔走十四五。   The sun seeps through the earth and can run years.   黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回。   The water of the Yellow River rises in the sky and rushes to the sea.   路从口路出嘴边。路走三熟。   The road es out of the mouth. Walk three times.   内地苏杭,关外巴塘。   Su Hang in the Mainland, Batang outside Guanwai.   细湖景致六座桥,一枝杨柳一枝桃。   There are six bridges, one willow and one peach in the view of the fine lake.   急行无好步。缓走当歇气。   There is no good step in haste. Walk slowly as you breathe.   走路不用问,大路没有小路近。   Don"t ask about walking. There is no short road on the main road.   江南园林甲天下,苏州园林甲江南。   Jiangnan gardens are the best in the world, and Suzhou gardens are the best in the south.   出门人,三分小。   The number of people who go out is less than three.   未晚先投宿,鸡鸣早看天。   Bed before night, cock crows early to see the sky.   金山屋里山,焦山山里屋。   Jinshan Wuli Mountain and Jiaoshan Wuli Mountain.   歇肩莫歇长,走路莫走忙。   Don"t walk busily.   雁门关外野人家,朝穿皮袄午穿纱。   Yanmenguan outdoor family, wearing leather jacket at noon yarn.   走千走万,不如淮河两岸。   It"s better to go all the way than to cross the Huaihe River.   鼻子底下通南京。行路能开口,天下随便走。   Nanjing is under the nose. The road opens and the world walks freely.   出门三里地,就是他乡人。   Three miles out of doors is a fellow countryman.   七倍长江八倍巢,只抵洞庭半截腰。   Seven times the Yangtze River eight times the nest, only half to the Dongting waist amputation.   若把西湖比西子,淡妆浓沫总相宜。   If the West Lake is pared with Xizi, light makeup and thick foam are always appropriate.   上有天堂,下有苏杭。   There is heaven above and Suzhou and Hangzhou below.   南天春意浓,北国正冰封。   Spring is intense in the South and ice is frozen in the north.   吐鲁番的葡萄哈密的瓜,厍车的羊羔一枝花。   The grape of Turpan, the melon of Hami, the lamb of Cheche, a flower.
2023-07-22 03:56:571


【 #英语资源# 导语】第16届夏季残疾人奥林匹克运动会(Games of the XVI Paralympiad),即2020年东京残奥会,是由日本奥林匹克委员会举办的国际性残疾人奥林匹克赛事,于2021年8月24日开幕,9月5日闭幕。 为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。 1.2020年东京残奥会英语作文素材   Today, the Chinese sports delegation to the 16th Paralympic Games was established in Beijing and will go to Tokyo in batches to participate in the Paralympic Games. From the 251 Paralympic athletes, we can not only see the spirit of tenacious struggle, but also feel the attitude of self-improvement. They also deserve attention for their mission to win glory for the country; They inspire the courage of struggle and show the passion of life, which is especially commendable. Cheer for every Paralympic athlete, come on!   Among the 251 athletes, there are 119 male athletes, 132 female athletes, and 186 coaches, staff and competition assistants. The athletes come from 24 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government, including 8 Nationalities: Han, Mongolian, Miao, Buyi, Manchu, Dong, Yao and Bai. Their average age is 27.5 years old. Zhao Ping, a 56 year old table tennis player, and Jiang Yuyan, a 16-year-old swimmer, are the youngest. We are all amateurs, including workers, farmers, students, civil servants, staff and freelancers. The vaccination rate has reached 100%. 2.2020年东京残奥会英语作文素材   Tonight, the Tokyo Paralympic Games will open! In the Paralympic Games, we see extraordinary shock and moving, as well as the unyielding and blooming of life. Paralympic athletes tell us "nothing is impossible" with indomitable fighting spirit and self-improvement attitude towards life.   The Paralympic Games, the total number of Chinese sports delegation 437 people, including 251 athletes. 56 years old, the youngest 16 years old. Behind every Paralympic athlete, there is a story of fighting against fate.   Wang Hao: I hope to stand on the podium of the Paralympic Games   On August 23, the Chinese sports delegation of the 16th Paralympic Games announced that Zhou Jiamin, a female wheelchair Archer, and Wang Hao, a male track and field athlete, would be the flag bearer of the Chinese sports delegation at the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Paralympic Games. Wang Hao won the gold medal in long jump in 2017 and 2019 world Paralympic track and Field Championships. He will take part in the men"s T46 100m Sprint, long jump and 4 × 100 meter mixed relay and other events.   26 year old Wang Hao was born with a disability in his right forearm. In 2009, he came to Shenyang from Panjin to receive professional sports training. In 2014, 19-year-old Wang Hao welcomed his first intercontinental competition on behalf of the national team - Incheon Asian disabled games. In this competition, Wang Hao was brilliant. In the four competitions he participated in, he successively won gold medals in men"s 100m, 200m and 400m.   In the following years, Wang Hao"s performance was very stable, and he won the long jump in the 2017 World Championships of track and field for the disabled; In 2018, the Asian Paralympic Games won five gold medals, breaking four Asian records and 4 × The 100 meter relay broke the world record. In 2018, Wang Hao entered the school of competitive sports of Beijing Sport University to study and train while learning.   At the Tokyo Paralympic Games, Wang Hao will participate in the men"s T46 100m Sprint, long jump and 4 × 100 meter mixed relay and other events. He said he hoped to raise the Chinese national flag and play the Chinese national anthem on the podium.   Zhou Jiamin: if the five-star red flag rises because of me, it will be the proudest thing in my life   Zhou Jiamin, born in 1990, is a girl in Fenghua, Ningbo. She has won the championship of composite bow open individual competition and mixed doubles in 2016 Rio Paralympic Games, and the championship of composite bow open group and mixed group in 2019 World Championships. In the current Tokyo Paralympic Games, Zhou Jiamin will participate in the women"s composite bow open individual and composite bow open mixed team events.   In October 2018, Jakarta won 1 gold and 1 bronze in the third Asian Paralympic Games. In the activity of "glorious Paralympic athlete leader" launched by the three color belt foundation of the International Paralympic Committee (IPC), he successfully obtained the training qualification, was invited to Dubai, UAE to complete the training and assessment, obtained the certification of "glorious Paralympic athlete leader", and became a disabled athlete in China who won this honor.   She said, "if the five-star red flag rises because of me, it will be the proudest thing in my life." Girl, come on!   Liang Guihua: confident "one legged Knight"   Liang Guihua, born in 1984, is a master of China"s disabled cycling team. At the age of 4, he learned to swim and ride a bike because of an accidental disability of his left leg. With tenacious perseverance and the spirit of daring to compete for the first.   At the 2010 Asian Games, he won one gold and one bronze, and won two gold medals and broke two world records at the world championships that year. In the 2012 London Paralympic Games, he broke his own world record twice in the 3km individual chase. In the 2016 Rio Olympic Games, he won the championship again in the 3km individual chase. In 2018, the Rio world disabled bicycle track Championship won one silver and one bronze. In the same year, it won the gold medal of road time trial at the Asian Games in Jakarta.   In recent years, Liang Guihua"s status has been maintained. In the cycling race of the 11th Disabled Games of the people"s Republic of China and the 8th Special Olympic Games held in Shenzhen in 2021, he won four gold medals: C2 men"s 45km highway group race, C2 men"s 10km individual time race, C2 men"s 1km time race and C2 men"s 3km individual chase race.   He said: I have only one leg, but I stand strong like you.   Tan Yujiao: not only to win, but also to win beauty   As the absolute strength of women"s weight lifting in the 67kg class, Tan Yujiao hopes that she can successfully defend the title in Tokyo and defend the title by setting a new world record. Tan Yujiao, the strength weightlifting champion of the 2016 Rio Paralympic Games, has a simple but incisive understanding of weightlifting: if you don"t lift the barbell, you will be pressed by it.   After the London Paralympic Games, she almost "raised" her invincible hand all over the field. From 2014 to 2015, she broke the world record of 67kg women"s weight lifting several times. With proud achievements, Tan Yujiao won the gold medal of 67kg women"s weightlifting at the 2016 Rio Paralympic Games, breaking the world record.   "Only when you carry it can you have a broad sky". This is Tan Yujiao"s personal signature on the social platform. Since the age of 13, this independent and optimistic girl has firmly grasped the steering wheel of her life and supported her own sky.   Zheng Tao: as long as you have an unyielding heart, everyone can write their own legend.   At the 2012 London Paralympic Games, the young man set out with a towel in his mouth. In the competition, he kept it with his powerful legs. In the final sprint stage of the competition, normal athletes can cushion it with their hands, but he lost his arms and couldn"t do it. Therefore, in order to maintain the whole sprint, he had to hit the swimming pool hard. Finally, he helped the Chinese swimming delegation win its first gold medal in swimming and broke the Olympic record. At the scene, tens of thousands of foreign audiences gave him warm applause.   Zheng Tao, born in 1990, accidentally lost his arms when he was a child, but he didn"t give up his life. In swimming training, because he lost his arms, he can only work harder than others. The water in the swimming pool often infected his amputation site, but he never wanted to shrink back. After winning the championship in 2012, Zheng Tao was not proud, but continued to train silently. Four years later, at the Rio Paralympic Games. He defended the title again with his amazing perseverance and set a new world record and Paralympic record.   Wang Jiachao: the power of life lies in disobedience In 1991, Wang Jiachao was disabled by a high-voltage accident and lost his left arm, but he learned to swim in the village river with one hand; In 2003, he became a national disabled swimmer. In his swimming career over the past 12 years, Wang Jiachao won 103 medals, including one gold, four silver and one bronze in the three Paralympic Games in Athens, Beijing and London. In 2015, Wang Jiachao officially retired from Yunnan disabled swimming team, but he did not stop challenging himself. He decided to return to the Olympic stage as a Chinese disabled Triathlon athlete. In 2018, Wang Jiachao decided to impact the Tokyo Olympic Games. Wang Jiachao"s spirit of repeated failures moved a teacher of the sports department of the China Disabled Persons" Federation. With the help of the teacher, Wang Jiachao officially signed up through the Yunnan disabled persons" Federation and began to participate abroad, realizing the most difficult "0 to 1". Have a clear goal, strong execution and firm faith. Wang Jiachao has a high degree of self-discipline in his life. Some people say he is a one armed Superman, but in fact, he is an iron man trained in the triathlon. In Tokyo"s new national arena, the Tokyo Paralympic Games will begin 16 days after the Olympic flame is extinguished! How many "transcendence" will be remembered and how many "touched" will be written? 3.2020年东京残奥会英语作文素材   The Tokyo Paralympic Games will open on the 24th, and the Chinese delegation will arrive in Tokyo in batches. 251 Chinese Paralympic athletes will show themselves on the stage of the Paralympic Games. They come not to defeat their opponents, but to surpass themselves.   Surpassing oneself requires dreams to ignite. The Paralympic Games is a stage for disabled athletes to realize their dreams. Some dream of winning the championship, some dream of breaking records, and some dream of just standing on the field. Zhang Yan, a 54 year old wheelchair table tennis player, has participated in the Paralympic Games for the fifth time and won two gold medals. Although his peak state has passed, he has not given up. In the past five years, he has worked harder to stand on the stage of the Paralympic Games again. Swimmer Wang Jingang, who lost his arms, won two bronze medals in the London Paralympic Games and the Rio Paralympic Games. This time, he is eager for a new breakthrough.   Surpassing oneself requires a fighting spirit. On the stage of the Olympic Games, only tenacious struggle can realize their own value. Many disabled athletes say that their purpose of fighting is not only to get on the podium, but also to overcome themselves and surpass themselves. Most of the Paralympic Games mobilization have experienced the trough of life. It is sports that put wings on them and let them find the direction. Only by constantly working hard can they forge these wings stronger.   Surpassing oneself requires perseverance. Among the Chinese athletes participating in the Tokyo Paralympic Games, the age is 56. Some athletes have insisted on this for more than 20 years. Zhang Yan started the formal training of wheelchair table tennis in 2000. In the past 21 years, he has never relaxed. The left hand of the wheelchair is full of calluses, and these calluses have changed one layer after another. Zhang Yan said that when he was young, he was focused on the gold medal. Now he is enjoying the game and the confidence and happiness brought by table tennis.
2023-07-22 03:57:051


  没有英语怎么说   没有的英文:   doesn"t exist   not have   not   less than   参考例句:   No investigation, no recognition.   没有调查,就没有发言权。   Lose patience;lose calmness   没有耐心   No, go ahead.   没有,请坐。   No home, no happiness.   没有家庭即没有幸福。   No antenna,no radio,we"re back in the nineteenth century!   没有天线,没有无线电,我们回到十九世纪了。   Not courteous or in good taste; ungracious.   没有礼貌的或没有好品味的;粗野的   No. It turned out that the air fare was free,   没有,结果是飞机票是免费的,   Some guinea pigs lack tails.   有些豚鼠没有尾巴。   No man is Born wise or learned   没有生而知之者   The authority has no exacting responsibility.   (授予的.)职权没有明确责任。   exist是什么意思:   v. 存在;生存,生活   There is no existent in the space.   在那个空间已经没有东西存在了。   He conceived of an idea and believed that it existed or should exist.   他持有一个理想,相信它已经存在或者应该存在。   To ascribe material existence to.   使人格化把物质的存在归于…   纸杯蛋糕的英文怎么说   纸杯蛋糕的英文:   Cup Cake   cup是什么意思:   n. 杯子;奖杯;一杯(的量)   v. 使成杯状   A cup or goblet.   茶杯或高脚酒杯   These cups chip easily.   这些杯子容易碎裂。   clutch controlling cup   离合器控制碗   One"s cup of tea   一个人的口味   That"s not my cup of tea.   那不是我喜欢的人/事   cake是什么意思:   n. 蛋糕;饼;块状物   v. 使结块,加块状物于;结块   A piece of cake   小事一桩   For dessert, we have fruit cake, cream cake and chestnut cake.   至于甜食,我们有水果蛋糕、奶油蛋糕和栗子蛋糕。   The knife easily cut into the cake.   刀一下子就切进了蛋糕。   The cakes were displayed in the window.   糕点陈列在橱窗中。   Dust sugar on to a cake.   将糖撒在糕点上。   发烧英语怎么说   美分。发烧   have a high temperature (from illness)   have a fever   febris   febricity   have a temperature   kindle   例句:   这孩子身发上烧。   The child"s body flet feverish.   这种病的症状是烧发与呕吐。   The symptoms of tihs disease are fever and sickness.   30用英语怎么说   三十的英文:   thirty   参考例句:   A day is about one thirtieth of a month.   一天大约是一个月的三十分之一。   The old lady counted out thirty pence and gave it to the shop assistant.   老太婆一个个地数出三十便士给了售货员。   One second of arc movement is one thirtieth of a millimetre.   一弧秒的移动是一毫米的三十分之一。   The blue whale grows to over 30 meters long.   蓝鲸可以长到三十多米长。   We put thirty spokes together and call it a wheel; but it is the center hole   that makes the wagon move.   "三十辐,共一毂,当其无,有车之用"   They"d had a close platonic relationship for more than thirty years.   他们之间的柏拉图式的亲密关系已有三十多年了.   She"s thirty now.   她今年三十岁了。   I am thirty years old.   我三十岁了。   The postage was thirty cents.   邮费为三十   接下来用英语怎么说   接下来   afterwards   following   later   after   参考例句:   in the back of;In the rear of   .之后   Then the rattle on the knocker   之后是连续的叩门声。   He will shuffle the deck and deal the cards.   他洗牌之后发牌。   A rainbow is usually seen after a heavy rain.   大雨之后常有彩虹。   There is no doubt that the Qing Dynasty postdates the Ming Dynasty.   毫无疑问,清朝继明朝之后。   The lightning was followed by a fearful clap of thunder.   闪电之后是一阵可怕的雷声。   Following the embryonic stage of development.   胚胎后期的在胚胎发育期之后的   A prosthesis was fitted after the amputation.   截肢之后安装了义肢.   公鸡英语怎么说   公鸡的英文:   cock   rooster   参考例句:   An adult male chicken;a rooster.   公鸡一只已成熟的公鸡;雄鸡   The cock bristled up his crest.   那只公鸡竖起冠子。   A cock flaps his wings.   一只公鸡鼓动着翅膀。   The rooster bristled his crest   公鸡竖起了鸡冠。   The cock is crowing.   这只公鸡正在啼鸣。   As soon as the red cock squared the gray one, it squared off.   那红公鸡一看见灰公鸡,就拉开斗架的姿势。   Every cock crows on his own dunghill.   公鸡总是在自己的粪堆上啼叫。   Every cock crows on his own dunghill.   公鸡总在自己草堆上称雄。   A weathervane,especially one in the form of a rooster.   风标,风信标风标,尤指成公鸡形状的风标   获胜的选手们互相拍了拍背。   公鸡振翅啼叫。
2023-07-22 03:57:241


  A young Chinese girl"s journey to create a future for herself, despite losing both legs in a tragic accident, has become the story that inspired thousands of disable people in China.   一个年轻的中国女孩,尽管在一场不幸的车祸中失去双腿,仍奋力为自己创造未来。她的故事激励着全中国成千上万的残疾人。   Qian Hongyan, from Yunnan, south west China, made the headlines in 2005 when she was photographed "walking" with the help of a basketball.Today, that same young woman is a champion swimmer with Paralympic dreams.In 2009, the determined girl became a national champion in the Chinese National Paralympics Swimming Competition.Last September, she won another gold medal in the 100m breaststroke final in the Yunnan Provincial Paralympic Games.   钱红艳,来自中国西南部的云南省,2005年因借助篮球“行走”的照片曝光而登上各大媒体的头版头条。今天,同样的主角,这个年轻的女孩怀揣着奥运会的梦想成为了残奥会游泳冠军。2009年,这个意志坚定的女孩在全国残奥会游泳比赛中获得了冠军。去年9月,她还在云南省残奥会100米蛙泳决赛中获得了另一块金牌。   A four-year-old Qian Hongyan had both of her legs amputated after getting into an accident in 2000 where she nearly lost her life. Her family were extremely impoverished. They farmed and produced silk for a meager living. According to People"s Daily Online, with little resources available, her grandfather resorted to cutting up an old basketball to replace of her lower body.The little girl learnt to "walk" on her hands by supporting her entire upper body using wooden pads with handles.The basketball helped her to balance and provided a platform to rest on when she got tired.   2000年,四岁的钱红艳发生了一场车祸,几乎送命,经抢救后仍不得不将双腿截肢。她的家庭非常贫困,以务农产丝勉强为生。据人民网报道,由于没有可用的资源,钱红艳的祖父就决定将“改装”后的.旧篮球代替她的下肢。这个小女孩需要学习通过借助带把手的木板支撑自己整个上身用手“行走”。篮球的作用就是帮助她保持平衡,并在她走累的时候作为一个休息的支撑物。   She spent many years of her childhood being dubbed the "Basketball Girl" by locals as a result.In 2005, Qian Hongyan"s incredible hardship caught the widespread attention of Chinese, and later, international media. It also became a turning point in the then ten-year-old girl"s life. With the help and support of donations, she was given the chance to travel more than 1,600 miles to Beijing and be fitted with her first pair of legs.   多年以来,当地人都叫她“篮球女孩”。2005年,钱红艳励志故事成为了全中国的焦点,之后国际媒体还报道了此事。这也成为了这个年仅十岁的女孩人生中的转折点。在社会捐款的帮助和支持下,钱红艳有机会穿越1600多千米的旅程到北京“佩戴”人生中第一双腿。   Then another blow came in 2007. Through donations, Qian Hongyan was able to attend and finish primary school.However, according to Xinhua news, she was faced with the reality that her family simply did not have enough money to allow her to continue her education beyond the age of 11.   2007年,钱红艳另一个大事件发生了。在社会捐助的帮助下,钱红艳能够上学,并完成小学学业。然而,根据新华新闻的报道,钱红艳当时的情况是家里没有足够的钱让自己在11岁之后继续学业。   While most people would be disheartened by the dashed hope of a future, Qian Hongyan set out to create her own destiny.   当大部分人都在为她未来破灭的希望而感到伤心难过的时候,钱红艳决定要自己改变自己的命运。   She returned to Yunnan where she was encouraged to join South of the Cloud, a local swim team for people with disability and one of the first of its kind in China. Qian Hongyan"s high amputation made swimming particularly difficult.She revealed in an interview with China Daily: "It seemed there was no way I could float in the water. I always choked."But she really put her heart into the sport.   她回到云南,在家人和朋友的鼓励下参加了“云之南”游泳队——一个中国首例为身患残疾人士创建的地方性游泳队伍。钱红艳因高度截肢使得游泳变得异常困难。她在《中国日报》的采访中说道:“好像我根本不可能浮在水面上,经常被呛水。”但是她真的很用心地投入到这项运动中。   Within a few years, she was winning gold medals at national competitions and had dreams of representing China in the Paralympics in London 2012. In 2009, Qian made headlines again by winning one gold medal and two silver medals in the Chinese National Paralympics Swimming Competition.   不到几年的时间,她就在一些国家性的比赛中拿到了金牌,并梦想着能在2012年伦敦奥运会上代表中国参赛。2009年,钱红艳在全国残奥会游泳比赛中获得一金两银的好成绩再次登上各大媒体的头条。   In September 2014, Qian won the 100m breaststroke final during the Yunnan Provincial Paralympic Games, which put her and her incredible life stories back in the spotlight.It seems that Qian has turned her eventful childhood into a life filled with inspiration and incredible strength. One that few in China could live to match. And one of determination.   2014年9月,钱红艳在云南省残疾人奥运会比赛100米蛙泳总决赛中获得金牌,她和自己的人生故事再次回到媒体的视线中。就好像钱红艳把自己命运多舛的童年变成充满希望和力量的人生,一段中国很少有人可以媲美的充满意志力的人生。
2023-07-22 03:57:311

Do What You Do 歌词

歌曲名:Do What You Do歌手:Mudvayne专辑:The New GameMudvayne - Do What You DoLips bleed from the rings,All these little bruises, the little things,That provoke the segregation.Lead the separation.Cage and clip the wings.Little noises, the little screams,That stop the operation.Conscious amputation.Just do what you do,What you do, what you did to me.Now I"m stuck in between a rock and nowhere,With nothing,With no one.Just do what you do,What you do, what you"ve done to me.Draw the chalk line around the scene, it"s over,Now it"s all over.Like a heart that"s lost it"s beat.A little boy, that softly weeps,Overwhelmed with emotion,Views burns through explosion.Lost the forest through the treesLittle whispers, the little dreams,That sparked the recollection.Constant suffocation.Just do what you do,What you do, what you did to me.Now I"m stuck in between a rock and nowhere,With nothing,With no one.Just do what you do,What you do, what you"ve done to me.Draw the chalk line around the scene, it"s over,Now it"s all over.I can feel my life is changing,Changing.I can feel my heart is jaded,Jaded.Left the sticks,Left the stones,Words don"t hurt,Mend the bones.I can feel my life is changing.Just do what you do,What you do, what you did to me.Now I"m stuck in between a rock and nowhere,With nothing,With no one.Just do what you do,What you do, what you"ve done to me.Draw the chalk line around the scene, it"s over,Now it"s all over.Erase the past and leave the pain,Cleanse the wounds and forget the name.Lost the will, ran far away,So it"s all over.Spread the ash and fill the grave,Lost the tongue and make my way.Do what you do and go away,Now it"s all over.
2023-07-22 03:57:381


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2023-07-22 03:57:451


t just wasn"t meant to be
2023-07-22 03:58:015


  英语谚语指流传于英国和美国的比较简练而且言简意赅的话语,有一部分来自书面文献,主要出自一些名家作品中。关于旅游的英文谚语大家知道有哪些吗?以下是我为大家整理的关于旅游的英文谚语,供大家参考,希望能帮到您,欢迎查阅。    关于旅游的英文谚语   1、峨嵋天下秀,三峡天下雄。   Emei is the best in the world and the Three Gorges is the best in the world.   2、桂林山水甲天下,阴朔山水甲桂林。   Guilin is the best place in the world, and Yinshuo is the best place in Guilin.   3、行船走马三分险。   There are three risks in sailing.   4、一站走三里,一歇走三村。   Walk three miles at a stop and three villages at a rest.   5、鸟从巢中起,水从源头流。   Birds rise from their nests and water flows from their sources.   6、多喊一声哥,少走十里坡。   Shout one more brother and walk ten miles less.   7、湖中有岛千岛湖,岛在有湖龙川岛。   There are islands in the lake, Qiandao Lake and Longchuan Island.   8、江湖走得老,六月带棉袄。   Rivers and lakes are old, and cotton-padded jackets are brought in June.   9、吃稀饭要搅,走溜路要跑。   Eat porridge to stir, walk slippery to run.   10、十里温塘河,九曲十八弯。   Ten miles of Wentang River, nine curves and eighteen bends.   11、神农谷里走一遭,有病不治自己消。   When you walk in Shennong Valley, if you are sick, you can cure yourself.   12、出得门多,受得罪多。   He who goes out much suffers much.   13、黄河百害,惟富一套。   The Yellow River is harmful to all but one.   14、九乡溶洞九十九,数完溶洞白了头。   Ninety-nine karst caves in Jiuxiang were counted and the caves turned white.   15、四川太阳云南风,贵州下雨如过冬。   Sichuan sun Yunnan wind, Guizhou rain like winter.   16、在家千日好,出外一时难。   It"s good to be at home for a thousand days, but difficult to go out for a while.   17、坐船坐头,坐车坐尾。   Take a boat at the head and a car at the tail.   18、河跟山走,城住河流。   Rivers follow mountains and cities live in rivers.   19、桂林风景异,伙似洛阳春。   Guilin has a wonderful scenery, like Luoyang Spring.   20、人家半凿山腰住,车马都在屋顶过。   People live half-chiseled on the hillside, and horses and cars pass on the roof.   21、多喊一声老表,少走十里迢迢。   Shout your old cousin more and walk ten miles less.   22、急走冰,慢走泥。   Walk fast on the ice, walk slowly on the mud.   23、不怕慢,就怕站,站一站,二里半。   If you are not afraid of slowness, you are afraid of standing. Stand one stop, two and a half miles.   24、日出十里,日没十里。   Ten miles at sunrise, ten miles at sunrise.   25、天无三日晴,地无三尺平。   There are no three sunny days and no three feet flat ground.   26、只要迈开两脚,哪愁千里迢迢。   As long as you step on your feet, you"ll never be sad.   27、太阳渗了土,还能奔走十四五。   The sun seeps through the earth and can run 145 years.   28、黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回。   The water of the Yellow River rises in the sky and rushes to the sea.   29、路从口路出嘴边。路走三熟。   The road comes out of the mouth. Walk three times.   30、内地苏杭,关外巴塘。   Su Hang in the Mainland, Batang outside Guanwai.    关于旅游的英语谚语   1、山无水不灵,水无山不活。   mountains without water are ineffective, and waters without mountains are inactive.   2、四川太阳云南风,贵州下雨如过冬。   sichuan sun yunnan wind, guizhou rain like winter.   3、不怕慢,就怕站,站一站,二里半。   if you are not afraid of slowness, you are afraid of standing. stand one stop, two and a half miles.   4、快走滑路慢走桥。   take a fast slip and a slow bridge.   5、细湖景致六座桥,一枝杨柳一枝桃。   there are six bridges, one willow and one peach in the view of the fine lake.   6、走路问老大,破柴破小头。   walking to ask the elder, broken wood broken small head.   7、湖中有岛千岛湖,岛在有湖龙川岛。   there are islands in the lake, qiandao lake and longchuan island.   8、十里温塘河,九曲十八弯。   ten miles of wentang river, nine curves and eighteen bends.   9、刮风走小巷,下雨走大街。   wind takes the lane, rain takes the street.   10、人是地行仙,一日不见走一千。   man is an immortal who never walks a thousand times a day.   11、未晚先投宿,鸡鸣早看天。   bed before night, cock crows early to see the sky.   12、日出十里,日没十里。   ten miles at sunrise, ten miles at sunrise.   13、多喊一声哥,少走十里坡。   shout one more brother and walk ten miles less.   14、出门三里地,就是他乡人。   three miles out of doors is a fellow countryman.   15、神农谷里走一遭,有病不治自己消。   when you walk in shennong valley, if you are sick, you can cure yourself.   16、急行无好步。缓走当歇气。   there is no good step in haste. walk slowly as you breathe.   17、宁走封冻冰薄一寸,不走开江冰厚一尺。   better go an inch thin and frozen than a foot thick.   18、坐船坐头,坐车坐尾。   take a boat at the head and a car at the tail.   19、七倍长江八倍巢,只抵洞庭半截腰。   seven times the yangtze river eight times the nest, only half to the dongting waist amputation.   20、天无三日晴,地无三尺平。   there are no three sunny days and no three feet flat ground.   21、路从口路出嘴边。路走三熟。   the road comes out of the mouth. walk three times.   22、歇肩莫歇长,走路莫走忙。   don"t walk busily.   23、出得门多,受得罪多。   he who goes out much suffers much.   24、江南园林甲天下,苏州园林甲江南。   jiangnan gardens are the best in the world, and suzhou gardens are the best in the south.   25、名泉七十二,趵突天下无。   the seventy-two famous springs are unprecedented in the world.   26、十里勿问饭,二十里勿问店。   don"t ask for food in ten li, don"t ask for shop in twenty li.   27、紧走滑,慢走沙。   tight walk, slippery walk, slow walk sand.   28、河跟山走,城住河流。   rivers follow mountains and cities live in rivers.   29、南天春意浓,北国正冰封。   spring is intense in the south and ice is frozen in the north.   30、九乡溶洞九十九,数完溶洞白了头。
2023-07-22 03:58:171

Do What You Do 歌词

歌曲名:Do What You Do歌手:Larry Adler专辑:The Glory Of GershwinMudvayne - Do What You DoLips bleed from the rings,All these little bruises, the little things,That provoke the segregation.Lead the separation.Cage and clip the wings.Little noises, the little screams,That stop the operation.Conscious amputation.Just do what you do,What you do, what you did to me.Now I"m stuck in between a rock and nowhere,With nothing,With no one.Just do what you do,What you do, what you"ve done to me.Draw the chalk line around the scene, it"s over,Now it"s all over.Like a heart that"s lost it"s beat.A little boy, that softly weeps,Overwhelmed with emotion,Views burns through explosion.Lost the forest through the treesLittle whispers, the little dreams,That sparked the recollection.Constant suffocation.Just do what you do,What you do, what you did to me.Now I"m stuck in between a rock and nowhere,With nothing,With no one.Just do what you do,What you do, what you"ve done to me.Draw the chalk line around the scene, it"s over,Now it"s all over.I can feel my life is changing,Changing.I can feel my heart is jaded,Jaded.Left the sticks,Left the stones,Words don"t hurt,Mend the bones.I can feel my life is changing.Just do what you do,What you do, what you did to me.Now I"m stuck in between a rock and nowhere,With nothing,With no one.Just do what you do,What you do, what you"ve done to me.Draw the chalk line around the scene, it"s over,Now it"s all over.Erase the past and leave the pain,Cleanse the wounds and forget the name.Lost the will, ran far away,So it"s all over.Spread the ash and fill the grave,Lost the tongue and make my way.Do what you do and go away,Now it"s all over.
2023-07-22 03:58:241

求歌TAT!歌词带“what you do what you do”

2023-07-22 03:58:323

请写一篇有关最美女教师张丽莉的英语作文 要求写出她的有关信息以及他救人的事 最后发表感想

2023-07-22 03:58:422

求英文儿歌 歌词in for kids,fun for kids,baby baby fun for kids, clab your hand shake your body...

2023-07-22 03:47:201