barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-22 05:12:17
TAG: oo od go good goo


英 [gu028ad] 美 [ɡu028ad]

adj. 好的;优秀的;有益的;漂亮的,健全的

n. 好处,利益;善良;善行;好人

adv. 同well

复数: goods

比较级: better

最高级: best





2023-07-22 03:38:291


good英 [gʊd] 美 [ɡʊd] 比较级:better最高级:best第三人称复数:goodsgood 基本解释形容词好的; 优秀的; 有益的; 漂亮的,健全的名词好处,利益; 善良; 善行; 好人副词同well
2023-07-22 03:38:473

good 什么意思

2023-07-22 03:39:366


2023-07-22 03:39:514


2023-07-22 03:40:187


good英 [gʊd]美 [ɡʊd]adj. 好的;优秀的;有益的;漂亮的,健全的;n. 好处,利益;善良;善行;好人;adv. 同well;[例句]We had a really good time together 我们一起玩得真痛快。[其他] 比较级:better 最高级:best 复数:goods
2023-07-22 03:40:461


2023-07-22 03:41:063


2023-07-22 03:41:143

good evening 中文怎么说

2023-07-22 03:41:211


2023-07-22 03:41:394


good [gud]a.好的;擅长的; n.善,好处[ pl.]商品well [wel]ad.好地;完全地 int.那末 a.健康的 n.井good [gʊd] n. 善行,好处adj. 好的,优良的,上等的[pl.]商品例句:My one good suit is at the cleaner"s.我那套讲究的衣服还在洗衣店里呢。He was very good to me when I was ill.我生病时他帮了我的大忙。This is a good place for a picnic.这是一个野餐的好地方。goodKK: []DJ: []a.1. 好的,令人满意的He is my good friend.他是我的好朋友。2. 有益的;有效的;适合的[(+for/to)]Exercise is good for health.运动有益于健康。3. 愉快的We all had a good time on the beach.我们在海滩上玩得很开心。4. 新鲜的[Z]Go and get me some good eggs.去给我买些新鲜鸡蛋来。5. 漂亮的She is endowed with good looks.她天生丽质。6. 擅长的,有本事的[(+at)]He is good at maths.他擅长数学。7. 诚实的;虔诚的She is a good Catholic.她是一个虔诚的天主教徒。8. 好心的;乐于助人的[(+to/about/of)]It is good of you to help us.你真好,来帮助我们。9. (尤指孩子)乖的;恭顺的Be a good boy and go to sleep.乖孩子,睡觉去。10. 非常的;十足的;充分的[B]He has good reason to refuse.他有充分的理由拒绝。11. 可靠的;真正的This is a good investment.这是一笔可靠的投资。12. (用于称呼或问好)好的,平安的n.1. 利益;好处,用处[U]What good will it do you?这会给你带来什么好处呢?2. 善;好事;慷慨的行为[U]There is good in her, in spite of her bad reputation.尽管她名声不佳,她还是有善的一面。3. 长处,优点[U]4. (总称)好人[the S][K]Christians believe the good will go to heaven when they die.基督教徒相信好人死了进天堂。
2023-07-22 03:42:041


adj. 好的;优秀的;有益的;漂亮的,健全的n. 好处,利益;善良;善行;好人adv. 同well
2023-07-22 03:42:462


2023-07-22 03:43:075


good的音标是/ gud/拓展oo 的发音常见的有三种oo 发长音/ u:/ 如 food roomoo 发短音 / u/ 如 foot cook look took goodoo 发/ A/ 比较少见 flood
2023-07-22 03:43:222


you can say "slash" or "or"希望采纳~ (百分之百确定是这么说)外国人都这么说
2023-07-22 03:43:554


你好!good 英[gu028ad] 美[ɡu028ad] adj. 好的; 优秀的; 有益的; 漂亮的,健全的; n. 好处,利益; 善良; 善行; 好人; adv. 同well; [例句]We had a really good time together我们一起玩得真痛快。
2023-07-22 03:44:461


2023-07-22 03:45:2611


2023-07-22 03:46:165


good是一个英语单词,意思是做得好;真棒!好极了!感叹,如:Smoking is not good for your health.形容词比较级:better;最高级:best。例句与用法:1、Smoking is not good for your health.吸烟对你的健康不好。2、This is a goodplacefor a picnic.这是一个野餐的好地方。3、He was very good to me when I was ill.我生病时他对我很好。4、My one good suit is at the cleaner"s.我那套讲究的衣服还在洗衣店里呢。good的比较级是 better,最高级是 best,副词是well。例句1、ADJGoodmeans pleasant or enjoyable. 令人愉快的。例:We had a really good time together.我们一起度过了非常愉快的时光。I know they would have a better life here.我知道他们在这儿会过上更好的生活。2、ADJGoodmeans of a high quality, standard, or level. 质量高的; 水准高的。例:Exercise is just as important to health as good food.锻炼和好的饮食对身体健康一样重要。His parents wanted Raymond to have the best possible education.他的父母想让雷蒙德尽可能得到最好的教育。3、ADJIf you aregood atsomething, you are skilful and successful at doing it. 擅长的。例:He was very good at his work.他十分擅长他的工作。I"m not very good at singing.我不很擅长唱歌。
2023-07-22 03:47:091


magic power - be okeverything will be ok给自己一个机会everything will be ok给自己一个机会哈罗朋友你又在烦恼什麽事情什麽事情又坏了好心情大雨后才刚天晴外头的sunshine你怎麽都不领情难道真的一发不可收拾生米煮成熟饭的故事又一次好像长骨刺你躺着也出事只能等着神明来开示其实没有这麽糟糕不要觉得我太唠叨前方施工那就改道说不定发现更多美好谁说事情只有正反两面我说它就像千层面亲自品尝才能明白个中滋味人生不就这样你觉得勒everything will be ok给自己一个机会味道不对那就来点调味everything will be ok给自己一个机会哭得太累睡一下无所谓内心的恶魔在呐喊他挣扎的想出来告诉他主人还在别想搞什麽窝里反海带阿海带输了又怎样这杯喝完我们下一局再战喝酒要适量但是生活这美酒你可以尽量好像劲量电池一样总是充满能量没人挡得住因为你电力超强好比小强就是打不死管他今天拖鞋又几双那道彩虹一共有七种颜色你的出口绝对有更多选择希望你能放下心中的大石头在听完这首歌之后everything will be okeverything will be okeverybody say heymagic power -新世界ladies and gentlemen欢迎来到这个新世界it"s time to make some changebring it on come on现在到处都在讲态度你有没有态度但有多少人懂什麽是真正的态度态度两个字不是空白背书不是叫你耍酷是做每件事情都要全力以赴不管你为了理想打拼或是只求生存就算困难重重也要坚持do your best执着的傻劲放手一搏的精神也许有人唱衰just don"t give a shut一百分或是只求及格活得光彩或是苟且偷生你想要的世界要靠自己双手完成你想要的音乐就让我们帮你coverwelcome to a whole new worldno matter who you arewelcome to a whole new world新的世界新的生活welcome to a whole new world紧紧牵着彼此的手welcome to a whole new world记住mp带给你的感动手牵手心连心共创美好天地虽然是个老梗但是百听不腻想走到目的地除了靠自己的努力身旁绝对少不了家人朋友的相挺所有的枪林弹雨绝对真人实境我们携手奋斗一起打赢这场战役今天无法得意的笑没有关系今晚乾了这杯明天keep on fightinglet"s fight ! for one shot , one opportunitywe never die !用音符燃烧我们的生命所有旋律诞生都从这个family我们用音乐创造你所有的fantasy这个世界运转don"t stop这种态度持续don"t stop如果还找不到方向跟着magic power right now change upmagic power -我是谁我是谁我是谁我是谁你是否常常这样问自己我是谁总是活在别人的期望里我是谁是谁又擅自帮你定义了你是谁只有不是自己才安全为什麽你以为这个世界很美丽为什麽你爱这个世界胜过爱自己为什麽这个世界不给你平等待遇为什麽到底做错了什麽朋友都说你太太太奇怪在背后把你当成笑笑笑话看每一个动作都被瞎猜他们说你是个不能容忍的存在你想要的很很很简单不过就是最普通的的的平凡诚实做自己有时候很难但是请你勇敢的试一次看看无论他们又说什麽闲言闲语无法伤害我世界上只有一个我没人能代替的我无论他们又做什麽携作无法打败我我知道自己是最美丽的the most beautiful会不会上帝把你的灵魂放错了身体会不会是故意整你不是不小心会不会你常常都觉得力不从心会不会坚持要做自己太危险凭什麽难道比较特别就是不对凭什麽先下了注解在认识之前凭什麽只不过想认真的活一遍凭什麽随便就把人定罪我是谁这个问题困扰你多少天多少夜我是谁谁有资格决定你怎样才是对我是谁我是谁我是谁我就是我你就是你认真做自己的人最美丽magic power -时间倒转如果时间倒转我想要收回那些伤人的话叛逆的行为以为这样就是长大然后说声sorry对我亲爱的爸爸妈妈你们的爱是我这辈子最珍惜的收藏如果时间倒转我会记得我们的纪念日我会紧紧抓住和你在一起的每个日子改掉坏脾气还有相处的方式我爱你这三个字我会更完美的诠释wu oh~ there"s only one waywu oh yeah这条路你无法回头你只能往前走wu oh~ there"s only one waywu oh yeah反省了过去从今天起别让遗憾再重来过时间倒转是个不可能的梦想时光机不存在至少在你我的年代看着未来记住手中握的蔚蓝别再为过去伤感remember~remember~ life goes on如果时间倒转多希望努力能够重来一遍多希望跟梦想的距离能够再拉近一些这些希望不会只在梦里回味我不会再让那些失望一次又一次的上演如果时间倒转那些坏习惯那些无赖那些对不到点的生活节拍我会不再依赖我会通通甩开it"s brand new me and a brand new life时间它不会倒转你就要把握现在magic power -忙碌超人你又在忙什麽你又在赶什麽时间永远不够用maybe just take it easyjust take it easyma de ma de 你又急着去哪边话都还没说完人就不见你还真的是一刻不得闲又是哪个单位需要支援ma de 我觉得你好面熟你该不会是那个没错就是我busy man我的任务就是拯救世界告辞我下午四点要开会六点还要跟客户见面三支手机加起来要回call三十通未接来电大家都佩服我的体力为了生活我也是不得已谁叫我是busy man翻成中文要怎麽念忙碌超人什麽叫做超人就是超级卖力的人忙起来可是六亲不认我的评价只有一句"你好神"oh oh 神人觉得累了oh oh 又有任务等我完成每天忙着救人其实我只想要一个平凡的身分最近突然发现我不是唯一的busy man从幼稚园到成年这种人越来越普遍妈妈说要赢在起跑点能补就是福再多补一点点从小补到大都还不是很会谁知道就要进入了社会妈妈其实也很可怜每天要接你上下学三餐给你吃大补帖有事没事还要被顶嘴busy man and busy mama你们的生活都太过紧张给自己放个假跟mp老师一起说wu sa wu sa这个吐呐的动作重复五遍是不是感觉好一些累到抓狂的时候就照着念现代人的生活都快要把自己逼疯你们真的都需要一点时间relaxma de ma de又再忙什麽ma de ma de又再赶什麽magic power - get out老板薪水给得太少上班时间太早每天一张朴克脸要你加班到肝爆掉隔壁麻将声音太吵十二点还无法睡觉连叫警察都没有用你真的快要疯掉尖酸刻薄的老板还有恶邻居梦魇的三角习题让你挥之不去完全找不到适合的公式来解题我现在只想要对你们说一句get get get get get get get out马上滚开所有的烦恼shut shut shut shut shut shut shut up别再说废话闭上你的大嘴巴有钱人又再逃税政府还要退税我却为了一碗三十块的卤肉饭心碎今天结婚的又是谁谁跟谁又约会八卦八卦我一点都不牵挂这个世界越来越没有天理社会秩序变成一场乱数习题完全找不到适合的公式来解题我现在只想要对你们说一句magic power -魔力派对everybody shake shake your body让我看看你有什麽本领everybody make make some magic魔力派对现在正式邀请你everybody shake shake your body让我看看你有什麽本领everybody make make some magic世界太疯狂一起说let it be今晚需要什麽你就说想要干麻你就做欢迎来到magic world让我们陪你一起疯在这里你绝对不会是alone在这里每个人都要都要遵守唯一的规矩就是尽情摆动没钱没马子没朋友你好像一无所有想为自己的***ed life做点什麽在这里不用丸子也能摇头听我们的音乐just shake it shake it shake it shake it to the flooreverybody shake shake your body让我看看你有什麽本领everybody make make some magic魔力派对现在正式邀请你everybody shake shake your body让我看看你有什麽本领everybody make make some magic世界太疯狂一起说let it be跟着我举起手跟着我点点头我要你四肢放松跟着这个节奏just feel the breath and feel the flow所有的***ed up things just let it go如果这样还不够没关系我还有魔术师大卫 who现在换我来秀 clap clap 两声就让你美梦成真请准备好因为你即将进入魔力新世界gola la la la la la la lala la la la la la la lastep 1 step 2一起太空漫步spot light在你身上baby show me what you gotstep 3 step 4 boys and ladies跟我做spot light在我身上let me show you what i got来到魔力派对一定要不醉不归瞎咖都变危险没有什麽大不了这里我们帮你搞定一切magic power - longliulan (拢溜连)listen up listen up这是longliulan radio如果你觉得这频率还不错那就请张大你的耳朵(show hand)下好离手 triple l的精神就是毫不保留摆烂能力值绝对没人能比这是一种艺术我们就是极品市面上有很多仿冒品copy因为大家崇拜lazywhat有什麽问题吗what看什麽看阿what觉得酷就说阿stop跟着一起唱我们就是一群懒骨头yeah ~ we are longliulan boys我们每天都没有事做yeah ~ we are longliulan boys我们就是爱好吃懒做yeah ~ we are longliulan boys我们就是无赖你怎样yeah ~ we are longliulan boys你千万别误会了 l并不代表loser我们就像是休旅车的霸王land rover一路上吊儿啷当别人都看我们不爽说我们太猖狂说我们皮在痒(so what)大老二我照打敌人我照杀宝物我照拿街我照逛沙发我照躺遥控器我照抢饭我照吃霸王我就是大王magic power - summer当气温飙到摄氏三十六我只想全身脱到光溜溜跳进海里跟着波浪的 flow 冲浪板 let"s go这个 moment everybody 尽情 enjoy金黄色的沙滩上来一场 volleyball当然少不了养眼的 bikini show人人手上一罐清凉解渴的啤酒oh summer 好像在作梦come some ice come some spice冰火九重天让我们一起 high大口大口直冲脑门的 feeling这种爽度只有夏季限定夹脚拖鞋短裤加背心不用打扮穿着多惬意路上不时走过的迷你裙oh dj summer 音乐不要停夏天求求你别走夏天留下来陪我夏天我只想在你的怀里作梦当气温飙到摄氏三十六最新潮的墨镜都出动所有女孩开始在全身疯狂涂抹防晒油这个 moment uv 真是让人头痛男孩们秀一下苦练很久的 muscle搭配了古铜色的剪会更抢手有了这些所有女孩都像我靠拢oh summer 好像在作梦
2023-07-22 03:46:391


You Know I still Love You Baby And it will never change I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You 那大度撒狼啊系咯 你噶啊你西咯 I want nobody nobody nobody nobody 那系冷得 不那米冷得内 哟古阿尼加不顾 类吗冷的忒亚穆库 为宜咯可大陆南家也给 那破肋列廖哈尼 哦度可耶曼尼 那位俄多路品卡吗 那不出卡拉品卡马 一自股莫内哦 那路咯贼马尾 文哈吉多俄能过哈哟黑 I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You 那大度撒狼啊系咯 你噶啊你西咯 I want nobody nobody nobody nobody I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You 那大度撒狼啊系咯 你噶啊你西咯 I want nobody nobody nobody nobody 那楚王得拿很伯卡得 纳马尼苏面对 卡巴能可哟能得 努库纳艘 很不卡那咯亚 那努压那所 很不卡艘不搜 那巍峨铺路品卡马 那不足卡拉品卡马 马里哟内能吗 以龙共俄莫拉 以伽哦西哦多可很不可 I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You 那大度撒狼啊系咯 你噶啊你西咯 I want nobody nobody nobody nobody I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You 那大度撒狼啊系咯 你噶啊你西咯 I want nobody nobody nobody nobody 拿出马 以嘎你秒 以嘎你秒西咋马哟 I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You 那大度撒狼啊系咯 你噶啊你西咯 I want nobody nobody nobody nobody I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You 那大度撒狼啊系咯 你噶啊你西咯 I want nobody nobody nobody nobody back to the days when we were so young and wild and free 那新给多木吗噶他动不腿 多拉卡不西碰得 为家古那路一聊为了黑 why do you push me away I do want nobody nobody nobody nobody but you
2023-07-22 03:46:401


In case of an emergency, dial 911 for immediate assistance. (在紧急情况下,拨打911寻求即时帮助。)The hospital has an emergency room for patients with life-threatening conditions. (医院设有急诊室,为有生命危险的病人提供救治。)The airline crew is trained to handle emergency situations during a flight. (航空公司机组人员接受过在飞行过程中处理紧急情况的培训。)The company has an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses. (公司设有应急基金,用于应对意外开支。)The fire department responded quickly to the emergency call and put out the fire. (消防部门迅速响应紧急呼叫并扑灭了火灾。)The government declared a state of emergency due to the natural disaster. (政府因自然灾害宣布进入紧急状态。)"Emergency" 的意思是指突发情况或紧急情况,需要立即采取行动或寻求帮助以避免危险或减轻损失。例如,自然灾害、意外事故、医疗紧急情况、火灾等都可以被称为紧急情况。此外,"emergency" 还可以指紧急状态或状态紧急时的应急措施或预算。
2023-07-22 03:46:431


eye,hour,umbrella,elephant,apple,angle,American,island,an old man,orange,answer,idea,actor/ actress(男/女演员),engineer(工程师),inventor(发明家),airplain,industry(工厂),agreement(协议),artical,office,event,understanding,age,opinion,enemy(敌人),address(演说),apartment(公寓),18(eighteen),accident,orphan(孤儿),assistant(助手),apology(道歉),emergency(突发事件),explanation(解释),an interesting/exciting story(一有趣/令人兴奋的故事),excellent(优秀的),honor(荣幸),excuse(借口)
2023-07-22 03:46:436


2023-07-22 03:46:452

dancing king exo歌词音译

DancingKing(音译歌词)  音译来源:音译歌词吧@Choii_  演唱:EXO、刘在石  [刘在石/ALL]Heyheyheyhey  Heyheyheyhey  Heyheyheyhey  [伯贤]的够问瑞的没噶死米对加那  她啦哦r啦几根内心讲一  [KAI]Comeonshakeit耨诶本能额r给我  一喜感一几那卡gi叫内  [XIUMIN]A-ya-ya哦呢r班那嫩DancingKing  [LAY]那诶给吧就得咯  [SUHO]A-ya-ya哦呢r班那哇Danceallnight  [CHEN]Oh几录诶等哈路宝搜等就报里够  内啊内加m的咯一等哼恩清gi够  [D.O.]哦r啦她把哟gi瑞的米兰吧报贝  Senorita噶m加耨r啦r吧么r森木r嘿住r给  [伯贤]搜吞莫m几sei耨了r吗Q可娘米求  [世勋]Oohahahahahah  [CHEN]几亲卡死没不了r当Q哈m给去么r求  Cuztonight  [LAY]的够问瑞的没噶死米对加那  大啦哦r啦几根内心讲一  [灿烈]Comeonshakeit耨诶本能额r给我  一喜感一几那卡gi叫内  [D.O.]A-ya-ya哦呢r班那嫩DancingKing  [KAI]那诶给吧就得咯  [LAY]A-ya-ya哦呢r班那哇Danceallnight  [刘在石]Ah加曾那嫩一r的r某读一够西破r带  够民吗r够可娘那了r恰加哦谬n对  YeahMamboTangoRumbaSamba莫等吗r吗内  Buonasera么近sei桑额咯凑带黑住r给  [CHEN]搜吞莫m几sei耨了r吗Q可娘米求  [刘在石]Oohahahahahah  [D.O.]一喜感吗嫩某读一叫哈m给去么r求Cuztonight  [SUHO]的够问瑞的没噶死米对加那  [D.O.]忙搜里几吗  [SUHO]大啦哦r啦几根内心讲一  [D.O.]大啦哦r啦  [刘在石]Comeonshakeit耨诶本能额r给我  [D.O.]哈m给很的咯  [刘在石]一喜感一几那卡gi叫内  [D.O.]Ohyeah  [KAI]A-ya-ya哦呢r班那嫩DancingKing  [伯贤]那诶给吧就得咯  [XIUMIN]A-ya-ya哦呢r班那哇Danceallnight  [灿烈]Shakeittotheleft  Nowshakeittotheright  大里几r带噶几耨r么m去几嫩吗  [世勋]Shakeyourbodyohmy  Dancingallnight  内给怒你门男耨r播内r苏奥b搜  [ALL]Awoooo~~~  [SUHO]奥恰皮韩本撒嫩音sing一加那  大r留波r噶哦呢r叫个噶几  [CHEN]Comeonshakeit耨诶本能额r给我  几个木林一代咯hing波尅  [刘在石]A-ya-ya哦呢r班那嫩DancingKing  [XIUMIN]那诶给吧就得咯  [伯贤]A-ya-ya哦呢r班那哇Danceallnight  [ALL]Heyhey  Heyhey  Heyh
2023-07-22 03:46:472


中文歌词: 我不要其他人 如果不是你就不要 我不喜欢 为什么把我推出去 老是不听我的话 为什么这样 把我推向其他的男人 怎么能这样 说为了我才这样的这种话 你还不足的这种话 现在到此为止 你了解我的 为什么强迫做不愿做的事 我不要其他人 如果不是你就不要 我不要其他人 如果不是你就不要 我喜欢啊 我觉得幸福啊 只要有你就够了 没有更盼望的了 遇见了谁 幸福下去 我离开你的话 没有办法幸福 为了我才这样的这种话 你还不足的这种话 不像话的这种话 为什么不懂 我不要其他人 如果不是你就不要 没有你还怎么幸福 我不要其他人 如果不是你就不要 我不要其他人 如果不是你就不要 我是真的如果不是你 如果不是你的话 我都不要 我不要其他人 如果不是你就不要 我不要其他想回到所有的都像做梦一般的那个时候 为什么老是把我推开 人 如果不是你就不要 ---------------------------------------------------------- 韩文歌词: You Know I still Love You Baby And it will never change I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody nobody nobody I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody nobody nobody I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody nobody nobody I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody nobody nobody I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody nobody nobody I don`t want nobody body I don`t want nobody body I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody nobody nobody I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody nobody nobody Back to the days when we were so young and wild and free why do you push me away I don`t want nobody nobody Nobody nobody but you ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 英文歌词: You Know I still Love YouBaby. And it will never change. I want nobody nobody But You, I want nobody nobody But You How can I be with another, I don"t want any other I want nobody nobody nobody nobody Why are you trying to, to make me leave ya I know what you"re thinking Baby why aren"t you listening How can I just Just love someone else and Forget you completely When I know you still love me Telling me you"re not good enough My life with you is just too tough You know it"s not right so Just stop and come back boy How can this be When we were meant to be I want nobody nobody But You, I want nobody nobody But You How can I be with another, I don"t want any other I want nobody nobody nobody nobody I want nobody nobody But You, I want nobody nobody But You How can I be with another, I don"t want any other I want nobody nobody nobody nobody Why can"t we just, just be like this cause it"s you that i need and nothing else until the end Who else can ever make me feel the way I I feel when I"m with you, no one will ever do Telling me you"re not good enough My life with you is just too tough You know me enough so you know what I need boy Right next to you is where I need to be. I want nobody nobody But You, I want nobody nobody But You How can I be with another, I don"t want any other I want nobody nobody nobody nobody I want nobody nobody But You, I want nobody nobody But You How can I be with another, I don"t want any other I want nobody nobody nobody nobody I don"t want no body, body I don"t want no body, body Honey you know it"s you that I want, It"s you that I need Why can"t you see~ I want nobody nobody But You, I want nobody nobody But You How can I be with another, I don"t want any other I want nobody nobody nobody nobody Back to the days when we were so young and wild and free Nothing else matters other than you and me so tell me why can"t it be please let me live my life my way why do you push me away i don"t want nobody nobody nobody nobody but you.
2023-07-22 03:46:492


2023-07-22 03:46:519


问题一:真理用英语应该怎么说 truth或者verity 祝楼主进步! 问题二:这是真理对吧? 用英语怎么说? This is the truth, right? 麻烦采纳,谢谢! 问题三:“追求真理”和“写下真理”英语怎么翻译 追求真理 Pursue the truth.或者Seek the truth. 写下真理 Write down the truth. 问题四:请问真理的英文是什么 真理: [ zhēn lǐ ]1. truth 近义词或词组 verity | veritas | true | Gospel 例句与用法 1. 他努力追求真理。 He strives for the truth. 2. 以下是人生而平等的真理。 What follows is the truth that men are created equal. 3. 【谚】智者热爱真理,愚者回避真理。 Wise men love truth, whereas fools shun it. 4. 常去教堂的英国人更喜欢严格的布教者,因为他认为一些深刻的真理不至于伤害他的邻居。 The british churchgoer prefer a severe preacher because he think a few home truth with do his neighbour no harm. 问题五:真理的英语怎么说 truth, fact 问题六:问:我相信真理用英语怎么说。。 I believe (in) the truth 注意真理只有一个,表特指,所以加the 问题七:真理用英语应该怎么说 truth或者verity 祝楼主进步! 问题八:“追求真理”和“写下真理”英语怎么翻译 追求真理 Pursue the truth.或者Seek the truth. 写下真理 Write down the truth. 问题九:这是真理对吧? 用英语怎么说? This is the truth, right? 麻烦采纳,谢谢! 问题十:最近大家关注的焦点是什么?有什么新鲜的事情发生 人民币升值
2023-07-22 03:46:521


大悲咒译文:皈依三宝,皈依大悲渡世的观世音菩萨,世间感受一切恐怖病苦的众生,要誓愿宣说广大圆满无碍大悲救苦救难的真言,要看破生死烦恼,了悟真实光明,皈依于大慈大悲、随心自在的观世音菩萨。祈求一切圆满,不受一切鬼卒的侵害,皈命于为观世音菩萨请说广大圆满无碍大悲心陀罗尼的本尊-千光王静住如来。能得清净圆明的光辉,能除无明罣碍的烦恼,要修得无上的功德,方不致沉沦在无边执着的苦海之中。大慈大悲的观世音菩萨,常以诸佛菩萨的化身,悠游于大千世界,密放神通,随缘化渡,一如菩萨显化的狮子王法身,引导有缘众生远离罪恶,忘却生死烦恼,皈向真实光明。大慈大悲的观世音菩萨以清净无垢圣洁莲华的法身,顺时顺教,使众生了悟佛因,大慈大悲的观世音菩萨,对于流布毒害众生的贪、瞋、痴三魔,更以严峻大力的法身予以降伏,使修持众生能得清净,菩萨更以清净莲华,显现慈悲,扬洒甘露,救渡众生脱离苦难。只是娑婆世界众生,常习于十恶之苦,不知自觉,不肯脱离,使行诸利乐的菩萨,常要忍受怨嫉烦恼。然而菩萨慈悲,为救众生痴迷,复显化明王法身,以无上智慧破解烦恼业障,远离一切恐怖危难。大慈大悲观世音菩萨显化之诸般法相,常在众生之中,随缘随现,使众生忆佛念佛,迷途知悟。为使众生早日皈依欢喜圆满,无为虚空的涅盘世界,菩萨复行大慈大悲的誓愿,手持宝幢,大放光明,渡化众生通达一切法门,使众生随行相应,自由自在得到无上成就。菩萨的无量佛法,广被大众,恰似法螺传声,使诸天善神均现欢喜影相,亦使众生于听闻佛法之后,能罪障灭除,各得成就。不管是猪面、狮面,不管是善面、恶面,凡能受此指引,都能得诸成就,即使住世之黑色尘魔,菩萨亦以显化之大勇法相,持杖指引,渡其皈依三宝。南无大慈大悲圣观世音菩萨,南无大慈大悲圣观世音菩萨,南无大慈大悲圣观世音菩萨。大悲咒来源:《大悲咒》出自“伽梵达摩”所译的《千手千眼观世音菩萨广大圆满无碍大悲心陀罗尼经》,全名为《广大圆满无碍大悲心陀罗尼》。按照内容文字的多少,《大悲咒》有广、中、略三种不同的版本。现今通行的“伽梵达摩”84句《大悲咒》,其经本以《大正藏》的底本为依据,是一个变化差异较大的晚期增改本,并非“伽梵达摩”译本的原始面貌。除此类藏经外,还有一些很重要且更准确的可参考文献。如与译经年代较接近的敦煌抄本、房山石经,以及与汉译本多有一致的西藏大藏经等。大悲咒意义:《大悲咒》在汉传佛法中具有极其重要的意义。自唐代翻译《大悲心陀罗尼经》之后,《大悲咒》即广为弘传,并被纳入汉地丛林功课。据《大悲心陀罗尼经》载:《大悲咒》是观世音菩萨为利乐一切众生而宣说,其利益功德广如大海而叹莫能尽;无论是消障除难、得善遂愿,还是究竟的觉证解脱,《大悲咒》都能因其不可思议的大方便威神之力广为利乐。因而有不在少数的佛门四众,寄於虔心持诵《大悲咒》以自利利他、护持佛法。扩展资料:大悲法门的核心《大悲心陀罗尼经》中,大梵天王为探求《大悲咒》的真实义,向观世音菩萨请问其相貌:“唯愿大士为我说此陀罗尼形貌状相。”就《大悲咒》的“相貌”,观世音菩萨予以启导:“大慈悲心是;平等心是;无为心是;无染着心是;空观心是;恭敬心是;卑下心是;无杂乱心是;无见取心是;无上菩提心是。当知如是等心,即是陀罗尼相貌,汝当依此而修行之。”一切法皆有形相,《大悲咒》所显示的“相貌”,即是《大悲咒》所具有的种种意义,这是《大悲咒》的真实相。观世音菩萨在此处所开示的“相”,即是佛弟子所要探求和理解的“法”。《大悲咒》的“相貌”,即是《大悲咒》的真实义,也是观世音菩萨大悲法门的真实义和修行准则。参考资料:大悲咒 (佛教术语)-百度百科
2023-07-22 03:46:521

Nobody 歌词 韩文加中文

2023-07-22 03:46:572


2023-07-22 03:47:049

dancing king 歌词分配

Hey hey hey hey【全体】嘿 嘿 嘿 嘿Hey hey hey hey嘿 嘿 嘿 嘿Hey hey hey hey嘿 嘿 嘿 嘿ub728uac70uc6b4 ub9acub4ecuc5d0 uac00uc2b4uc774 ub6f0uc796uc544【边伯贤】内心正随着火热的节奏跳动ub2ecuc544uc62cub77c uc9c0uae08 ub0b4 uc2ecuc7a5uc774现在我的心脏在狂跳Come on shake it ub108uc758 ubcf8ub2a5uc744 uae68uc6cc【金钟仁】来吧 摇摆 唤醒你的本能uc774 uc2dcuac04uc774 uc9c0ub098uac00uae30 uc804uc5d0在这段时间过去之前A-ya-ya uc624ub298 ubc24 ub098ub294 Dancing King【金珉锡】啊呀呀 今夜我就是舞王ub098uc5d0uac8c ube60uc838ub4e4uc5b4【张艺兴】为我深深着迷吧A-ya-ya uc624ub298 ubc24 ub098uc640 Dance all night【金俊勉】啊呀呀 今夜与我彻夜舞动吧Oh uc9c0ub8e8ud588ub358 ud558ub8f0 ubc97uc5b4 ub358uc838 ubc84ub9acuace0【金钟大】噢 从那无聊的一天中逃离ub0b4 uc548uc5d0 uc7a0ub4e4uc5b4 uc788ub358 ud765uc740 ucc59uae30uace0将我心中沉睡的兴奋激起uc62cub77cud0c0 ubd10 uc5ecuae30 ub9acub4ecuc774ub780 ub9c8ubc95uc5d0【都暻秀】坐上来吧 随着这里名为节奏的魔法Senorita! uae5cuc9dd ub180ub784 ubc24uc744 uc120ubb3cud574 uc904uac8c女士!我要把这让人大吃一惊的夜晚赠与你uc11cud230 ubab8uc9d3uc5d0 ub108ub97c ub9e1uaca8 uadf8ub0e5 ubbf8uccd0【边伯贤】就把自己交给这不熟练的动作 尽情疯狂(Ooh ah ah ah ah ah)(【吴世勋】喔 啊 啊 啊 啊 啊)uc9c0uce5c uac00uc2b4uc5d0 ubd88uc744 ub2f9uaca8 ud568uaed8 ucda4uc744 ucdb0【金钟大】点燃疲惫的心 一同跳起来Cuz tonight因为今夜ub728uac70uc6b4 ub9acub4ecuc5d0 uac00uc2b4uc774 ub6f0uc796uc544【张艺兴】内心正随着火热的节奏跳动ub2ecuc544uc62cub77c uc9c0uae08 ub0b4 uc2ecuc7a5uc774现在我的心脏在狂跳Come on shake it ub108uc758 ubcf8ub2a5uc744 uae68uc6cc【朴灿烈】来吧 摇摆 唤醒你的本能uc774 uc2dcuac04uc774 uc9c0ub098uac00uae30 uc804uc5d0在这段时间过去之前A-ya-ya uc624ub298 ubc24 ub098ub294 Dancing King【都暻秀】啊呀呀 今夜我就是舞王ub098uc5d0uac8c ube60uc838ub4e4uc5b4【金钟仁】为我深深着迷吧A-ya-ya uc624ub298 ubc24 ub098uc640 Dance all night【张艺兴】啊呀呀 今夜与我彻夜舞动吧Ah uc9dcuc99dub098ub294 uc77cub4e4 ubaa8ub450 uc78auace0 uc2f6uc744 ub54c【刘在石】啊 想把糟心的事情全都忘掉的时候uace0ubbfc ub9d0uace0 uadf8ub0e5 ub098ub97c ucc3euc544uc624uba74 ub3fc不要烦恼 只要来找我就好Yeah ub9d8ubcf4 ud0f1uace0 ub8f8ubc14 uc0bcubc14 ubb50ub4e0 ub9d0ub9cc ud574耶 曼波 探戈 伦巴 桑巴 无论什么只要说句话Buona sera! uba4buc9c4 uc138uc0c1uc73cub85c ucd08ub300ud574 uc904uac8c晚上好!我会邀你去往精彩世界uc11cud230 ubab8uc9d3uc5d0 ub108ub97c ub9e1uaca8 uadf8ub0e5 ubbf8uccd0【金钟大】就把自己交给这不熟练的动作 尽情疯狂Ooh ah ah ah ah ah【刘在石】喔 啊 啊 啊 啊 啊uc774 uc2dcuac04ub9ccuc740 ubaa8ub450 uc78auc5b4 ud568uaed8 ucda4uc744 ucdb0【都暻秀】就在这一刻 忘掉一切 一起跳起来Cuz tonight因为今夜ub728uac70uc6b4 ub9acub4ecuc5d0 uac00uc2b4uc774 ub6f0uc796uc544 (ub9dduc124uc774uc9c0ub9c8)【金俊勉】内心正随着火热的节奏跳动(【都暻秀】不要犹豫)ub2ecuc544uc62cub77c uc9c0uae08 ub0b4 uc2ecuc7a5uc774 (ub2ecuc544uc62cub77c)现在我的心脏在狂跳(【都暻秀】狂跳起来)Come on shake it ub108uc758 ubcf8ub2a5uc744 uae68uc6cc (ud568uaed8 ud754ub4e4uc5b4)【刘在石】来吧 摇摆 唤醒你的本能(【都暻秀】一起摇摆)uc774 uc2dcuac04uc774 uc9c0ub098uac00uae30 uc804uc5d0 (Oh yeah)在这段时间过去之前(【都暻秀】噢 耶)A-ya-ya uc624ub298 ubc24 ub098ub294 Dancing King【金钟仁】啊呀呀 今夜我就是舞王ub098uc5d0uac8c ube60uc838ub4e4uc5b4【边伯贤】为我深深着迷吧A-ya-ya uc624ub298 ubc24 ub098uc640 Dance all night【金珉锡】啊呀呀 今夜与我彻夜舞动吧Shake it to the left【朴灿烈】先往左边扭Now shake it to the right现在再扭到右边ub2ecuc774 uc9c8 ub54cuae4cuc9c0 ub110 uba48ucd94uc9c0ub294 ub9c8【在月亮降下之前你都不要停下来】Shake your body oh my【吴世勋】舞动你的身体 噢 我的天Dancing all night彻夜舞动ub124uac8c ub208uc774 uba3c ub09c ub110 ubcf4ub0bc uc218 uc5c6uc5b4为你而奋不顾身的我 无法将你送别Awoooo~~~【全体】Awoooo~~~uc5b4ucc28ud53c ud55c ubc88 uc0acub294 uc778uc0dduc774uc796uc544【金俊勉】反正人生只能活一次ub2ecub824 ubcfcuae4c uc624ub298 uc800 ub05duae4cuc9c0今天一起嗨到最后吧Come on shake it ub108uc758 ubcf8ub2a5uc744 uae68uc6cc【金钟大】来吧 摇摆 唤醒你的本能uc9c0uae08 uc6b0ub9b0 uc774ub300ub85c ud589ubcf5ud574现在我们就这样好幸福A-ya-ya uc624ub298 ubc24 ub098ub294 Dancing King【刘在石】啊呀呀 今夜我就是舞王ub098uc5d0uac8c ube60uc838ub4e4uc5b4【金珉锡】为我深深着迷吧A-ya-ya uc624ub298 ubc24 ub098uc640 Dance all night【边伯贤】啊呀呀 今夜与我彻夜舞动吧Hey hey【全体】嘿 嘿Hey hey嘿 嘿Hey hey嘿 嘿Hey嘿每个人的part都标出来了满意请采纳哦~
2023-07-22 03:47:061


2023-07-22 03:47:073

歌词大概是baby see you at the party男声很骚,节奏感强

ub354 ud50cub9bf(The Flit) - AtTurn the lights onTurn the lights onTurn the lights oni"m about to act a foolTurn the lights on1 2 3 4 ub098uc5d0uac8c uc624ub294 ub110 ub290uaef4Don"t forget it"s on the floorshake your body loose controlit"s alright come and bewe can make it love tonightmy love for you ub0b4uac8c uc640ubd10ub0a0 uc6d0ud55cub2e4uba74 uc880ub354 come on now(ub110 uc9c0ucf1cubcf4uace0 ud760uce6b uba48uce6b ud574ub3c4)i can see i know uc774uc820 ub2e4uac00uc640come on loveub108ub97c uac00uc9c0ub824ud574ub3c4 ub108ub97c uac00uc9c0ub824ud574ub3c4ub098uc758 ub9c8uc74cucc98ub7fc ub418uc9c8uc54auc544 uac00uc2b4 uc870ub9b4ubfd0baby gotta let you knowbaby going back to goub2e4uc2dc uac00ub824ud574ub3c4 uc774ubbf8 ub098ub294 ub2a6uc5b4ubc84ub9b0uac781 2 3 4 ub098uc5d0uac8c uc624ub294 ub110 ub290uaef4Don"t forget it"s on the floorshake your body loose controlit"s alright come and bewe can make it love tonightmy love for you ub0b4uac8c uc640ubd10ub0a0 uc6d0ud55cub2e4uba74 uc880ub354 come on now(ub110 uc9c0ucf1cubcf4uace0 ud760uce6b uba48uce6b ud574ub3c4)i can see i know uc774uc820 ub2e4uac00uc640come on love(shaking my body. let me think about it)ub108ub97c ubc14ub77cubcf4uc544ub3c4 ub108ub97c ubc14ub77cubcf4uc544ub3c4ub108uc758 ub208ube5b uc18duc5d0 ub098ub294 uc5c6uc5b4uadf8uc800 uccb4ub150ubfd0baby get the let you knowbaby going back to goub2e4uc2dc uac00ub824ud574ub3c4 uc774ubbf8 ub098ub294 ub2a6uc5b4ubc84ub9b0uac78Let"s make these people moveSo DJ where you atSo make that bass attackthe party is Start iti"m about to act a foolTurn the lights onub108ub97c ubc14ub77cubcf4uc544ub3c4 ub108ub97c ubc14ub77cubcf4uc544ub3c4ub108uc758 ub208ube5b uc18duc5d0 ub098ub294 uc5c6uc5b4uadf8uc800 uccb4ub150ubfd0baby get the let you knowbaby going back to goub2e4uc2dc uac00ub824ud574ub3c4 uc774ubbf8 ub098ub294 ub2a6uc5b4ubc84ub9b0uac78ub098ub97c ubc14ub77cubcf4uc544ub3c4 ub108ub97c ubc14ub77cubcf4uc544ub3c4ub108uc758 ub208ube5b uc18duc5d0 ub098ub294 uc5c6uc5b4uadf8uc800 uccb4ub150ubfd0baby get the let you knowbaby going back to gouc774uc820 ub2a6uc5b4ubc84ub9b0 uccb4ub150uc73cub85c ub3ccuc544uc11cub294uac78(Turn the lights on)
2023-07-22 03:47:131


Nobody ——Wonder Girls瑜斌:You Know I still Love You BabyAnd it will never changeI want nobody nobody But YouI want nobody nobody But You先艺:nan den sa lang ming xi louni ga a ni ming xi louI want nobody nobody nobody nobody宣美:nan xi len dei wul nar mi lou neibil gu wa ni za gunei ma nen den ji an kuwai yi lou kei da len nan za yei keinar po lei nen han nie de kei gei len ni昭熙:ner vi yei ku le den ke manun bu zu ka da nen ki mayi zen gi ma nen onan na len ji ma weiwan hi ji dou wan ning ger hi miu heiI want nobody nobody But YouI want nobody nobody But You誉恩:nan den sa lang ming xi louni ga a ni ming xi louI want nobody nobody nobody nobodyI want nobody nobody But YouI want nobody nobody But You先艺:nan den sa lang ming xi louni ga a ni ming xi louI want nobody nobody nobody nobody宣美:nan chu wen deinan hing bo kan deinou ma ni si ming duitou ba la kei gei nen deinu kur mun na souhing bo kan len gou yanen nur den na souhing bo kei su wo pu sou昭熙:ner vi yei ku le den ke manun bu zu ka da nen ki mama li yan dui nen mali len gou wen mou lani ga ou xi ao de ki hing bo keiI want nobody nobody But YouI want nobody nobody But You誉恩:nan den sa lang ming xi louni ga a ni ming xi louI want nobody nobody nobody nobodyI want nobody nobody But YouI want nobody nobody But You先艺:nan den sa lang ming xi louni ga a ni ming xi louI want nobody nobody nobody nobodyI don"t want nobody body bodyI don"t want nobody body body誉恩:na nen cong mar ni ga ni miuni ga ni miu xi sang ma li ya a~~I want nobody nobody But YouI want nobody nobody But You誉恩:nan den sa lang ming xi louni ga a ni ming xi louI want nobody nobody nobody nobodyI want nobody nobody But YouI want nobody nobody But You先艺:nan den sa lang ming xi louni ga a ni ming xi louI want nobody nobody nobody nobody瑜斌:Back to the days when we were so young and wild and freemao den gei na ne mu na ku man gen gou teitu la ga gu xi pu deiwai ze gu na lu mi dou nei liu heiwhy do you push me awayI don"t want nobody nobodyNobody nobody but you
2023-07-22 03:47:163


2023-07-22 03:46:381


2023-07-22 03:46:351


2023-07-22 03:46:341

求No Body的汉语音译歌词

You Know I still Love You Baby And it will never change I want nobody nobody but uI want nobody nobody but una a li sa lang mo xi doni ga a ni mian xi doI want nobody nobody nobody nobodyna xi lu dei ba na mi lo neibiao ku wo ni jia kune ma lu dun qi yo kuwei yi lo kei ta lun na jiaa ye keina lu po nei liao ha nio do kai ni liao nine ru wi ye ku lo dun gu manom mu jiu ka la lun gu mayi gin gu ma nei nonei lu lei jun ma weiwo ha ji don wu non gu da nio heiI want nobody nobody but uI want nobody nobody but una da sa lang mu xi doni ga a ni mu xi doI want nobody nobody nobody nobodyI want nobody nobody but uI want nobody nobody but una da sa lang mu xi doni ga a li mu xi doI want nobody nobody nobody nobodyna qiu wun dui nang hen bu kang deino ma ni sun miao duito pa lei kei yo nen deidu ku mo na so hei bo ka li ko yana no do na so hin pu ku so op sone ru wi ye ku lo dun gu mano mu jiu ka na lun gu mama li ya nei lun mali lun bo ei mo lani kao o xi o do kei o mo keiI want nobody nobody but uI want nobody nobody but una da sa lang mu xi doni ga a ni mu xi doI want nobody nobody nobody nobodyI want nobody nobody but uI want nobody nobody but una da sa lang mu xi doni ga a ni mu xi doI want nobody nobody nobody nobodyI don"t want nobody bodyI don"t want nobody bodyna nen qia ma~ ni go ni miaoni ga ni miao xi ca ma liao~~I want nobody nobody but uI want nobody nobody but una da sa lang mu xi doni ga a ni mu xi doI want nobody nobody nobody nobodyI want nobody nobody but uI want nobody nobody but una da sa lang mu xi doni ga a ni mu xi doI want nobody nobody nobody nobody
2023-07-22 03:46:332


2023-07-22 03:46:324

Verity 能当成英文名字吗?

verity D.J.[u02c8veriti] K.K.[u02c8vu025bru026ati] n. 真实,事实,真理,真实的陈述
2023-07-22 03:46:311


2023-07-22 03:46:307


2023-07-22 03:46:282

Emergency (911) 歌词

歌曲名:Emergency (911)歌手:Jordin Sparks专辑:BattlefieldJordin Sparks - Emergency (911)You know my ringtone, (why don"t you answer the phone?)If you don"t get here, (I"m dancing alone)Get in the fast lane cause someone will ask me if you don"tI hear the music, (I"m ready to go)You better get here, (because I"m dancing alone)Better get driving,and turn on the sirenBecause you"re in the danger zoneYou know its Friday,Why don"t you call me?You got my number,Hey I"m still waitingWhy don"t you call me?Aren"t you my boyfriend?You"re suppose to be here like an hour agoI bought this dress for youI got my legs so smoothI got my mani, pediWent and got my hair done tooAll dressed up and nowhere to goIt"s an emergencyI need you here with meIt"s a 911, 911It"s an emergencyCan"t you see it"s a 911, 911?Dying of dance deprivationEmotional starvationI need resuscitationGetting impatient it"s an emergency (emergency),Emergency (emergency)911, 911You know I told you,You can"t be late nowWatching my watch tick, tick, tick, tickThere goes my attitude,I"m almost over youYou were supposed to be here like an hour agoThat"s what you always do,Give me some lame excuseLike you were working, sleepingCome on baby, try the truthAll dressed up and nowhere to goIt"s an emergencyI need you here with meIt"s a 911, 911It"s an emergencyCan"t you see it"s a 911, 911?Dying of dance deprivationEmotional starvationI need resuscitationGetting impatient it"s an emergency (emergency),Emergency (emergency)911, 911You know my ringtone, (why don"t you answer the phone?)If you don"t get here, (I"m dancing alone)Get in the fast lane cause someone will ask me if you don"tI hear the music, (I"m ready to go)You better get here, (because I"m dancing alone)Better get driving, so turn on the sirenBecause you"re in the danger zoneIt"s an emergencyI need you here with meIt"s a 911, 911It"s an emergencyCan"t you see it"s a 911, 911?Dying of dance deprivationEmotional starvationI need resuscitationGetting impatient it"s an emergency (emergency),Emergency (emergency)911, 911
2023-07-22 03:46:281


wondergirls 《nobody》 You Know I still Love You Baby. And it will never change I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You 我不要其他人 如果不是你就不要 I want nobody nobody nobody nobody 我不喜欢 为什么把我推出去 老是不听我的话 为什么这样把我推向其他的男人 怎么能这样 为了我才这样的这种话 你还不足的这种话 现在到此为止 你了解我的 为什么强迫做不愿做的事 I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You 我不要其他人 如果不是你就不要 I want nobody nobody nobody nobody I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You 我不要其他人 如果不是你就不要 I want nobody nobody nobody nobody 我喜欢啊 我觉得幸福啊 只要有你就够了 没有更盼望的了 遇见了谁 幸福下去 我离开你的话 没有办法幸福 为了我才这样的这种话 你还不足的这种话 不像话的这种话 为什么不懂 没有你还怎么幸福 I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You 我不要其他人 如果不是你就不要 I want nobody nobody nobody nobody I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You 我不要其他人 如果不是你就不要 I want nobody nobody nobody nobody I don"t want nobody body body. I don"t want nobody body body 我是真的如果不是你 如果不是你的话 我都不要 Back to the days when we were so young and wild and free 想回到所有的都像做梦一般的那个时候 为什么老是把我推开 why do you push me away. I don"t want nobody nobody Nobody nobody but you
2023-07-22 03:46:251

Verity 是什么意思?能当成英文名字吗?

Error Occurred +1 Credit Returned.
2023-07-22 03:46:242


2023-07-22 03:46:233


大悲咒译文:皈依三宝,皈依大悲渡世的观世音菩萨,世间感受一切恐怖病苦的众生,要誓愿宣说广大圆满无碍大悲救苦救难的真言,要看破生死烦恼,了悟真实光明,皈依于大慈大悲、随心自在的观世音菩萨。祈求一切圆满,不受一切鬼卒的侵害,皈命于为观世音菩萨请说广大圆满无碍大悲心陀罗尼的本尊-千光王静住如来。能得清净圆明的光辉,能除无明罣碍的烦恼,要修得无上的功德,方不致沉沦在无边执着的苦海之中。大慈大悲的观世音菩萨,常以诸佛菩萨的化身,悠游于大千世界,密放神通,随缘化渡,一如菩萨显化的狮子王法身,引导有缘众生远离罪恶,忘却生死烦恼,皈向真实光明。大慈大悲的观世音菩萨以清净无垢圣洁莲华的法身,顺时顺教,使众生了悟佛因,大慈大悲的观世音菩萨,对于流布毒害众生的贪、瞋、痴三魔,更以严峻大力的法身予以降伏,使修持众生能得清净,菩萨更以清净莲华,显现慈悲,扬洒甘露,救渡众生脱离苦难。只是娑婆世界众生,常习于十恶之苦,不知自觉,不肯脱离,使行诸利乐的菩萨,常要忍受怨嫉烦恼。然而菩萨慈悲,为救众生痴迷,复显化明王法身,以无上智慧破解烦恼业障,远离一切恐怖危难。大慈大悲观世音菩萨显化之诸般法相,常在众生之中,随缘随现,使众生忆佛念佛,迷途知悟。为使众生早日皈依欢喜圆满,无为虚空的涅盘世界,菩萨复行大慈大悲的誓愿,手持宝幢,大放光明,渡化众生通达一切法门,使众生随行相应,自由自在得到无上成就。菩萨的无量佛法,广被大众,恰似法螺传声,使诸天善神均现欢喜影相,亦使众生于听闻佛法之后,能罪障灭除,各得成就。不管是猪面、狮面,不管是善面、恶面,凡能受此指引,都能得诸成就,即使住世之黑色尘魔,菩萨亦以显化之大勇法相,持杖指引,渡其皈依三宝。南无大慈大悲圣观世音菩萨,南无大慈大悲圣观世音菩萨,南无大慈大悲圣观世音菩萨。大悲咒来源:《大悲咒》出自“伽梵达摩”所译的《千手千眼观世音菩萨广大圆满无碍大悲心陀罗尼经》,全名为《广大圆满无碍大悲心陀罗尼》。按照内容文字的多少,《大悲咒》有广、中、略三种不同的版本。现今通行的“伽梵达摩”84句《大悲咒》,其经本以《大正藏》的底本为依据,是一个变化差异较大的晚期增改本,并非“伽梵达摩”译本的原始面貌。除此类藏经外,还有一些很重要且更准确的可参考文献。如与译经年代较接近的敦煌抄本、房山石经,以及与汉译本多有一致的西藏大藏经等。大悲咒意义:《大悲咒》在汉传佛法中具有极其重要的意义。自唐代翻译《大悲心陀罗尼经》之后,《大悲咒》即广为弘传,并被纳入汉地丛林功课。据《大悲心陀罗尼经》载:《大悲咒》是观世音菩萨为利乐一切众生而宣说,其利益功德广如大海而叹莫能尽;无论是消障除难、得善遂愿,还是究竟的觉证解脱,《大悲咒》都能因其不可思议的大方便威神之力广为利乐。因而有不在少数的佛门四众,寄於虔心持诵《大悲咒》以自利利他、护持佛法。扩展资料:大悲法门的核心《大悲心陀罗尼经》中,大梵天王为探求《大悲咒》的真实义,向观世音菩萨请问其相貌:“唯愿大士为我说此陀罗尼形貌状相。”就《大悲咒》的“相貌”,观世音菩萨予以启导:“大慈悲心是;平等心是;无为心是;无染着心是;空观心是;恭敬心是;卑下心是;无杂乱心是;无见取心是;无上菩提心是。当知如是等心,即是陀罗尼相貌,汝当依此而修行之。”一切法皆有形相,《大悲咒》所显示的“相貌”,即是《大悲咒》所具有的种种意义,这是《大悲咒》的真实相。观世音菩萨在此处所开示的“相”,即是佛弟子所要探求和理解的“法”。《大悲咒》的“相貌”,即是《大悲咒》的真实义,也是观世音菩萨大悲法门的真实义和修行准则。参考资料:大悲咒 (佛教术语)-百度百科
2023-07-22 03:46:201


emergency和accident都是意外情况,但二者有一定区别。 emergency指的是紧急状况,包括火灾、自然灾害、政治危机或者其他突发事件,它们会给周围的人带来严重的威胁和危险。当发生这种状况时,大多数情况下需要警察、消防队和医疗人员等迅速抢救和救援。 accident指的是意外事故,往往指与车辆有关的交通事故,也可以指其他非人为的意外情况。大多数情况下,如果发生事故,可能会对遭受影响的人造成身体和精神上的伤害,必要时需要医疗人员的帮助。
2023-07-22 03:46:191

Come On Come On 歌词

歌曲名:Come On Come On歌手:After Midnight Project专辑:Let"S Build Something To BreakCome on! Come on! Everybody party nowCome on! Come on! ここに集まってCome on! Come on! 気ままに踊ろうCome on! Come on! And listen to the DJ何を気にし悩んでいるの?すべて忘れ 见知らぬ君と梦を见よう流れる汗が胸を伝い辉く今Move your body, shake a shake your bodyMove your body to hazumuMove your body, shake a shake your bodyshake a shakea shake it to rhythmMove your body, shake a shake your bodyMove your body pumpin" bassMove your body, shake a shake your bodyAnd listen to the DJCome on! Come on! このまま夜明けにCome on! Come on! 君を连れ去りCome on! Come on! 海まで飞ばそうCome on! Come on! And listen to the DJ一人きりで 泣いてないでみんな一绪に楽しもうよ今日もすぐに 去ってしまうだから Mm ほらね 笑颜でいようMove your body, shake a shake your bodyMove your body to atsukuMove your body, shake a shake your bodyshake a shakea shake it to noseteMove your body, shake a shake your bodyMove your body kickin" beatMove your body, shake a shake your bodyAnd listen to the DJCome on! Come on! 髪をなびかせCome on! Come on! 素足のままでCome on! Come on! 踊るよ无邪気にCome on! Come on! And listen to the DJ
2023-07-22 03:46:151