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I find a peace of mind when you're next at me.是什么意思?

2023-07-22 04:53:05

当你靠近我时 我就感觉到平静···





2023-07-22 02:55:524


  和平通常指没有战争或没有其它敌视暴力行为的状态,也用来形容人的不激动或安静。通常,维持国家关系之间的和平状态是多数人或组织的企盼,尤其是类似联合国这类国际组织。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。    和平英语说法1:   peace    和平英语说法2:   in peace    和平的相关短语:   和平条约 peace treaty ;   和平县 Heping County ;   世界和平 Paix dans le monde ; World peace ; World Peace ; Metta World Peace   和平饭店 Peace Hotel ; Peace Restaurant ; Woh ping faan dim ; De La Paix   和平站 Heping Railway Station   和平程序 peace process ; peace progress ; peace course ; conciliation peace process   和平地 in peace ; peacefully ; pacifically ; peaceably   和平的英语例句:   1. The road to peace will be long and drawn-out.   通往和平的道路将很漫长。   2. He argues strongly for retention of NATO as a guarantee of peace.   他强烈要求保留北大西洋公约组织以维护和平。   3. They have been per-suaded of the merits of peace.   他们被劝服,认识到了和平的好处。   4. The President is determined "to go the extra mile for peace".   总统决心“为实现和平而加倍努力”。   5. Later he was to bee famous as a pacifist.   后来他就变成了一位知名的和平主义者。   6. These incidents suggest the peace in Northern Ireland is still brittle.   这些事件表明北爱尔兰的和平仍然很脆弱。   7. Only the achievement of these goals will bring lasting peace.   只有达成这些目标才会带来持久的和平。   8. It was peopled by a fiercely independent race of peace-loving Buddhists.   那里住着一个与世隔绝的种族,人们都是爱好和平的佛教徒。   9. Greenpeace managed to assemble enough boats to waylay the ship at sea.   绿色和平组织设法聚集起足够数量的小船在海上拦截该船。   10. Leaders of some rival factions signed a peace agreement last week.   上周,一些敌对派系领导人签订了和平协议。   11. He was willing to make any sacrifice for peace.   他愿意为和平作出任何牺牲。   12. The king said there was now a window of opportunity for peace.   国王说现在有寻求和平的短暂机会。   13. He would soon launch a second offensive, killing off the peace process.   他不久将会再次发动进攻,彻底毁掉整个和平程序。   14. His mother looked ten years younger in jeans and flats.   他妈妈穿上牛仔裤和平跟鞋,看上去年轻了10岁。   15. Do you think this crisis can be settled without going to war?   你认为这场危机能和平解决吗?
2023-07-22 02:56:211

进行一次和谈是have a peaceful talk还是have a peace talk?

2023-07-22 02:56:314

restore a peace of mind

2023-07-22 02:56:511

用a peace of a cake 帮忙造个简单的句子吧。。急用额```

To win the game is a piece of cake.
2023-07-22 02:56:594

we just want a peace ful life toge ther through thelife 什么意思

2023-07-22 02:57:073


愿世界永远和平Peace to the world
2023-07-22 02:57:242

blue is a peace color

2023-07-22 02:57:431


There"s no point in having a go at me.没有理由责怪我。Feast your eyes!让你大饱眼福!This is all for naught1.这就是白费力气。Legends are lessons. They ring with truths.传说都是教训,授予我们真理。ring with: 充满……声音,回荡着。I would advise you to make your peace with this.我觉得你应该让自己接受这事。make peace with: 与……言归于好,与……讲和,休战。这里的意思是不再反对婚事。I"ve just about had enough of you, lass!我受够你了,大小姐!That would set us up for months.那可以供我们几个月的生活啦。Oh, I"ve been worried sick.哦,我担心死了。It"s a peace offering.这是我向你求和的礼物。We"ll sort it out tomorrow.我们明天会找到解决办法的。
2023-07-22 02:57:501

as is known to all,什么句式?

2023-07-22 02:58:003

rest of my life 的中文歌词

Ludacris Ft. Usher & – Rest Of 我的余生If you live for something, you"re , my friend如果你有活着的目标 那么你就不孤单 我的朋友So fill up your cup and, lift your lighter, and toast to life所以斟满你的酒杯 举起你的打火机 为生活干杯!Luda!(Ludacris出场~)They say what don"t kill me, can make me stronger他们说凡是不能杀死你的 都会让你变得更加坚强So two drinks a night should help me live longer所以每晚来两杯能让我活得更久(。。。肿么感觉跟广告一样I blow some smoke just to give my lungs a test我抽点儿烟就为了给我的肺做个测试(爷还活得很好Cause why tic toc to life, to arrive safely at death为啥要 平静地走向死亡?I"m only yearning, yeah, i"m on a roll我只是渴望着 爷一向运气超好Sometimes gotta close my eyes, just to open my soul有时我会闭上双眼 只是为了敞开心灵And tonight is the night, that i"m about act a fool就是今晚!我感觉我要做一些傻子做的事儿So if you go fix some drinks me and usher are about to break some rules所以 快去给我来点儿酒 就要做点儿出格的事儿了That"s somewhere to go but the world is moving slow拿出张地图随便指个地儿)我们可以去这里 去那里(这里也可以理解为我想变成什么样的人) 但是地球转得太慢 我等不及了I was born for the fast life我生来就是过快节奏的生活I go for all, and yes i"m not here to fall我想要一切 对 爷可不是来失败的But the water is worth i"m ready to play for the rest of my life我已经准备好For the rest of my life一生为之努力[Beat break][间断]If I got one life to live, i"mma party til i"m death如果我只能活一次 我一定会派对狂欢到死What the hell is a life worth living if it"s not on the edge如果不像在悬崖边上一样刺激那么活着有神马意思Tryna keep my balance i"m twisted so just in case I fall试着保持平衡 我不断扭动着身体防止摔倒(Ring on my tomb, don"t you say women win on alcohol敲着我的墓碑 难道你不觉得我海量么(这个ring on my tomb不知道咋翻译了。。。墓碑上的戒指也不对啊 ring有“敲(钟)”的意思)That"s somewhere to go but the world is moving slow我们可以去这里 去那里 但是地球转得太慢 我等不及了I was born for the fast life我生来就是过快节奏的生活I go for all, and yes i"m not here to fall我想要一切 对 爷可不是来失败的But the water is worth i"m ready to play for the rest of my life我已经准备好For the rest of my life我的余生都将为之努力奋斗[Beat break][间断] If you live for something, you"re , my friend如果你有活着的目标 那么你就不孤单 我的朋友So fill up your cup and, lift your lighter, and toast to life所以斟满你的酒杯 举起你的打火机 为生活干杯!I"m stuck in this moment, freeze the haste of my time我是如此享受 真想冻住我生命中这一刻的匆忙Cause I feel in a peace when i"m outta my mind只有做像疯了一样的事儿我才觉得内心平静And you can crazy but I like to roll the dice随我疯了也好 爷就是喜欢So i"m willing to bet that i"mma be crazy for the rest of my life但我就是愿意赌上一切(去争取我想要的) 我的余生都将这样疯狂下去For the rest of my life我的余生For the rest of my life….我要为之奋斗终生
2023-07-22 02:58:211

There is /are a peace of shoes.

There is a pair of shoes.
2023-07-22 02:58:376


2023-07-22 02:58:512

a peace of clothing that covers your hand.1为什么不用clothes?2that可以去掉吗

2023-07-22 02:59:052

make peace 和make a peace 一样吗?

peace为不可数的故make peace【讲和】
2023-07-22 02:59:251

有in a peace这样的用法吗

正确应该是in peace做副词短语,例如:She lives in peace.
2023-07-22 02:59:331


  和平通常指没有战争或没有其它敌视暴力行为的状态,也用来形容人的不激动或安静。通常,维持国家关系之间的和平状态是多数人或组织的企盼,尤其是类似联合国这类国际组织。那么你知道和平用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    和平英语说法1:   peace    和平英语说法2:   in peace    和平的相关短语:   和平条约 peace treaty ;   和平县 Heping County ;   世界和平 Paix dans le monde ; World peace ; World Peace ; Metta World Peace   和平饭店 Peace Hotel ; Peace Restaurant ; Woh ping faan dim ; De La Paix   和平站 Heping Railway Station   和平进程 peace process ; peace progress ; peace course ; conciliation peace process   和平地 in peace ; peacefully ; pacifically ; peaceably   和平的英语例句:   1. The road to peace will be long and drawn-out.   通往和平的道路将很漫长。   2. He argues strongly for retention of NATO as a guarantee of peace.   他强烈要求保留北大西洋公约组织以维护和平。   3. They have been per-suaded of the merits of peace.   他们被劝服,认识到了和平的好处。   4. The President is determined "to go the extra mile for peace".   总统决心“为实现和平而加倍努力”。   5. Later he was to become famous as a pacifist.   后来他就变成了一位知名的和平主义者。   6. These incidents suggest the peace in Northern Ireland is still brittle.   这些事件表明北爱尔兰的和平仍然很脆弱。   7. Only the achievement of these goals will bring lasting peace.   只有达成这些目标才会带来持久的和平。   8. It was peopled by a fiercely independent race of peace-loving Buddhists.   那里住着一个与世隔绝的种族,人们都是爱好和平的佛教徒。   9. Greenpeace managed to assemble enough boats to waylay the ship at sea.   绿色和平组织设法聚集起足够数量的小船在海上拦截该船。   10. Leaders of some rival factions signed a peace agreement last week.   上周,一些敌对派系领导人签订了和平协议。   11. He was willing to make any sacrifice for peace.   他愿意为和平作出任何牺牲。   12. The king said there was now a window of opportunity for peace.   国王说现在有寻求和平的短暂机会。   13. He would soon launch a second offensive, killing off the peace process.   他不久将会再次发动进攻,彻底毁掉整个和平进程。   14. His mother looked ten years younger in jeans and flats.   他妈妈穿上牛仔裤和平跟鞋,看上去年轻了10岁。   15. Do you think this crisis can be settled without going to war?   你认为这场危机能和平解决吗?
2023-07-22 02:59:401


和平的英文是peace。peace词义:名词: 和平,太平;平静,安宁;(心情)平静,平和;和约;和平时期;治安;和睦,和谐;平安礼;和平运动,裁军运动(尤指核裁军运动)。动词:安静。发音:英式:/ piu02d0s /,美式:/ piu02d0s /。固定搭配:1、Peace Corps 和平队。2、Peace Hotel 和平饭店。3、War and Peace 战争与和平。例句:1、The people yearned for peace.人民渴望和平。2、The dove is symbolic of peace.鸽子是和平的象征。3、Peace is now within our grasp.我们现在和平在望。4、It was a threat to world peace.这是对世界和平的威胁。5、The dove is an emblem of peace.鸽子是和平的象征。6、All I want is peace and quiet.我只要和平安宁。7、I just need some peace and quiet.我需要的只是平静与安宁。8、May joy and peace abide in us all.愿我们大家都欢乐平安。9、I prefer to think of peace not war.我更喜欢思考和平而不是战争。10、Many believe the peace plan is dead.许多人认为和平计划已成泡影。
2023-07-22 02:59:491

you wanna give a peace of me ?

give a peace of me
2023-07-22 03:00:041


2023-07-22 03:00:232

make a peace with的同义词

make a peace with1.(与…)言归于好,(与…)讲和 同义词:be peaceful with
2023-07-22 03:00:381


What a peaceful place it is!
2023-07-22 03:00:452

A. peace B sea C team D health 读音不同的? 不同,ea读/e/A. peace B sea C team 中的 ea读长音/i:/
2023-07-22 03:01:012

she spent a什么(peace)afternoon 宾语

他过来一小会,她却花了一生。 那意思是她等了他很久很久,他才来
2023-07-22 03:01:082


2023-07-22 03:01:152

i want to be a spiderman,with a peace world in m

2023-07-22 03:01:231


pine peoplepilepronepace peacepieceplease pineappleprestigeplacepicturepose
2023-07-22 03:01:421

a( peace) town填什么

peaceful 和平的
2023-07-22 03:01:501


peace的形容词是peaceful。 peace:n.和平;太平;平静;安静;宁静;和睦;融洽;和谐; 复数: peaces 扩展资料   After years of war, the people long for a lasting peace.   历经多年战乱之后,人民渴望永久和平。   I go to the library for a little peace and quiet.   我到图书馆去清静一下。   The attack added a new urgency to the peace talks.   这次攻击事件使和平谈判愈加紧迫。   The country is enjoying a period of peace and prosperity.   国家正值国泰民安、繁荣昌盛的时期。
2023-07-22 03:02:041

itwas a peace morning.i was tasked

0.5秒的私人小组Timer3_Timer()“除了时间.新闻稿和A. Keybd_event 65,0,0,0 END SUB点击看详细私人小组Timer4_Timer() keybd_event 65,0,KEYEVENTF_KEYUP,0 END SUB
2023-07-22 03:02:111


2023-07-22 03:02:191

改错:I head a peace of interesting information today.

2023-07-22 03:02:425


2023-07-22 03:02:593


今天我成为了枪支生产商眼中的典型顾客,以及百万分之一的真正冒这个险的人。他所犯下的罪行如此残忍,他想要加痛苦于他人的意愿如此之强,以至于我开始质疑我任何情况下都不能杀人的信条了。我意识到我曾经笃信不疑的偏执的和平主义能够对我,甚至更糟,对我的儿子产生不利影响;因此我不情愿地得出结论:我还是得保险地选择那个最利于生存的选项。我将我的手指扣上扳机并最终拉动了它,与此同时我就选择了将自己的手染上入侵者的鲜血,而为自己不会成为牺牲品而如释重负。原文:Why I Bought a GunGail BuchalterI was raised in one of Manhattan"s more desirable neighborhoods. My upper-middle-class background never involved guns. If my parents felt threatened, they simply put another lock on the door.By high school, I had traded in my cashmere sweaters for a black arm band. I marched for Civil Rights, shunned Civil Defense drills and protested the Vietnam War. It was easy being 18 and a peacenik. I wasn"t raising an 11-year-old child then.Today, I am typical of the women whom gun manufacturers have been aiming at as potential buyers—and one of the millions who have taken the plunge.I began questioning my pacifist beliefs one Halloween night in Phoenix, where I had moved when I married. I was almost home when another car nearly hit mine head-on. With the speed of a New York cabbie, I rolled down my window and screamed curses as the driver passed. He instantly made a U-turn, almost climbing on my back bumper. By now, he and his two friends were hanging out of the car windows, yelling that they were going to rape, cut and kill me.I already had turned into our driveway when I realized my husband wasn"t home. I was trapped. The car had pulled in behind me. I drove up to the back porch and got into the kitchen, where our dogs stood waiting for me. The three men spilled out of their car and into our yard.My heart was pumping. I grabbed the collars of Jack, our 200-pound Irish wolfhound, and his 140-pound malamute buddy, Slush. Then I kicked open the back door—I was so scared that I became aggressive—and actually dared the three creeps to keep coming. With the dogs, the odds had changed in my favor, and the men ran back to the safety of their car, yelling that they"d be back the next day to blow me away. Fortunately, they never returned.A few years and one divorce later, I headed for Los Angeles with my 3-year-old son, Jordan (the dogs had since departed). When I put him in preschool a few weeks later, the headmistress noted that I was a single parent and immediately warned me that there was a rapist in my new neighborhood.I called the police, who confirmed this fact. The rapist followed no particular pattern. Sometimes he would be waiting in his victim"s house; other times he would break in while the person was asleep. Although it was summer, I would carefully lock my windows at night and then lie there and sweat in fear. Thankfully, the rapist was caught, but not before he had attacked two more women.Soon the papers were telling yet another tale of senseless horror. Richard Bamirez, who became known as "The Walk-In Killer," spent months crippling and killing before he was caught. His alleged crimes were so brutal, his desire to inflict pain so intense, that I began to question my beliefs about not taking human life under any circumstances. The thought of taking a human life disgusts me, but the idea of being someone"s victim is worse. And how, I began to ask myself, do you talk pacifism to a murderer or a rapist?Finally, I decided that I would defend myself, even if it meant killing another person. I realized that the one-sided pacifism I once so strongly had advocated could backfire on me and worse, on my son. Reluctantly. I concluded that I had to insure the best option for our survival. My choices: to count on a cop or to own a pistol.I called a man I had met a while ago who, I remembered, owned several guns. He told me he had a Smith & Wesson 38 Special for sale and recommended it, since it was small enough for me to handle yet had the necessary stopping power.I bought the gun. That same day, I got six rounds of special ammunition with plastic tips that explode on impact. These are not for target practice; these are for protection.For about $50, I also picked up a metal safety box. Its push-button lock opens with a touch if you know the proper combination, possibly taking only a second or two longer than it does to reach into a night-table drawer. Now I knew that my son, Jordan, couldn"t get his hands on it while I still could.When I brought the gun home, Jordan was fascinated by it. He kept picking it up, while I nervously watched. But knowledge, I believe, is still our greatest defense. And since I"m in favor of education for sex, AIDS and learning to drive, I couldn"t draw the line at teaching my son about guns.Next, I took the pistol and my son to the target range. I rented a 22-caliber pistol for Jordan. (A.38 was too much gun for him to handle.) I was relieved when he put it down after 10 minutes—he didn"t like the feel of it.But that didn"t prevent him from asking me if he should use the gun if someone broke into our house while I wasn"t home. I shouted "no!" so loud, we both jumped. I explained that, if someone ever broke in, he"s young and agile enough to leap out the window and run for his life.Today he couldn"t care less about the gun. Every so often, when we"re watching television in my room, I practice opening the safety box, and Jordan times me. I"m down to three seconds. I"ll ask him what"s the first thing you do when you handle a gun, and he looks at me like I"m stupid, saying: "Make sure it"s unloaded. But I"m not to touch it or tell my friends about it." Jordan"s already bored with it all.I, on the other hand, look forward to Mondays—"Ladies" Night" at the target range—when I get to shoot for free. I buy a box of bullets and some targets from the guy behind the counter, put on the protective eye and ear coverings and walk through the double doors to the firing lines.Once there, I load my gun, look down the sights of the barrel and adjust my aim. I fire six rounds into the chest of a life-sized target hanging 25 feet away. As each bullet rips a hole through the figure drawn there, I realize I"m getting used to owning a gun and no longer feeling faint when I pick it up. The weight of it has become comfortable in my hand. And I am keeping my promise to practice. Too many people are killed by their own guns because they don"t know how to use them.It took me years to decide to buy a gun, and then weeks before I could load it. It gave me nightmares.One night I dreamed I woke up when someone broke into our house. I grabbed my gun and sat waiting at the foot of my bed. Finally, I saw him turn the corner as he headed toward me. He was big and filled the hallway—an impossible target to miss. I didn"t want to shoot, but I knew my survival was on the line. I wrapped my finger around the trigger and finally squeezed it. simultaneously accepting the intruder"s death at my own hand and the relief of not being a victim. I woke up as soon as I decided to shoot.I was tearfully relieved that it had only been a dream.I never have weighed the consequences of an act as strongly as I have that of buying a gun—but, then again, I never have done anything with such deadly consequences. Most of my friends refuse even to discuss it with me. They believe that violence leads to violence.They"re probably right.
2023-07-22 03:03:081

His father lives a (peace)life in the country.

peaceful 平静的
2023-07-22 03:03:161

急需一篇英语作文题目是多么糟糕的一天!(Wate a bad day!)

what a bad day i was so unlucky today!oh ,my god,too bad!today is my first day to work,this afternoon,i went to work with a happy mood.everything was ok in the afternoon and i sold many things.then,things became bad in the evening,the first bad things was that i got a peace of 100 yuan,but later i found it was fake money,our firm require us hand in all turnover every next morning.That means i must use my own money to make up the turnover.i just can earn fouteen yuan everyday,100,too much for me!there was another thing happened out of my expected.our dustbin was put outside our shop,when i took something to throw,i found the dustbin was missing!oh my god,i must pay for it by my own money again.i was very sad ,i was thinking are there any other bad things will happen on me.really,i was very unlucky today,as a result ,i met the same thing,the acountant was wrong.some money was missing.god,what a bad day today!
2023-07-22 03:03:251

Peace(A Prayer) 歌词

歌曲名:Peace(A Prayer)歌手:高培华专辑:就是高培华Swan Lake - PeacePeace (peace)No peace (no peace)No friends coming back from GreeceNo bombs to ensure there"s a ceasefire ceaseAnd no cascadesNo savage detectives to evadeAnd you will never see the alligator"s gladeWhere Agamemnon drowned the violent night shadePeaceNo peaceNo crystal cathedral to leaseNo no dancing in the basement must immediately ceaseBy the order, by the order of the ground I assistAnd the important event to behold (to behold)Is when we purge the terror in your bones (terror in your bones)And the important event to behold (to behold)Is when we purge the terror in your bones (terror in your bones)Oh when we purge the terror in your bones (terror in your bones)We gonna purge the terror in your bones (terror in your bones)No peace (no peace)No peace (no peace)"Cause you will never fear the alligator"s teethAnd you will never have protection from the drunken policeThe dancing in the basement oh darling must ceaseAnd the important event to behold (to behold)Is when we purge the terror in your bones (the terror in your bones)And the important event to behold (to behold)Is when we purge the terror in your bones (terror in your bones)We gonna purge the terror in your bones (the terror in your bones)We gonna purge the fear in your bones (the terror in your bones)We gonna purge the fear in your bones (the terror in your bones)We gonna purge the fear in your bones (the terror in your bones)Hold on to the edge no suicideHold on to the edge no suicideHold on to the edge no suicideNo suicide, hold on to the edge no suicideNo suicide, hold on to the edge no suicideAs a sailor sails on sinAs a sailor sips his vodka and his ginAs a sailor sails on sinAs a sailor drinks his vodka and gin
2023-07-22 03:03:321

in peace是什么意思

2023-07-22 03:03:525

以a three-day holiday为题写一篇70词的英语作文

i am overwhlmed to have a three-day holiday though it means i finally can free myself from day-to-day tedious schoolwork, which, also means, nobody will watch over my shoulder and tell me what to do. Maybe it"s time to have a break.If i had a three-day holiday,i would let myself just relax and think nothing about homework and endless exams. I would get close to nature and call on several of friends and plan a picnic or a barbecue. Of course, i wouldn"t miss my fishpole, you would never know how fishing can smooth my mood. Back when I was young , my grandpa used to take me to go fishing.It really gives me a peace of mind.The second day, i would go to the mall and buy myself some nice clothes. I didn"t remember when was the last time i got a new suit. So i would make myself look smart and give myself a nice mood.I would take my family to a movie recommended by the internet.The last day i would just stay at home ,get myself ready and prepare for the opening-day.如果收到答案请通知我
2023-07-22 03:04:251


2023-07-22 03:04:333

every children can be a hero if the ......翻译??

2023-07-22 03:04:402

A Temporary Girl(Aggressive Mix) 歌词

歌曲名:A Temporary Girl(Aggressive Mix)歌手:globe专辑:Super Eurobeat Presents Euro Globalglobe - a temporary girl作词:小室哲哉 & MARC作曲:小室哲哉Deep inside うるさくてHurt my soul 开くたび だからその手谁だか わからず离さず 眠らず Just a temporary girl淋しさのあまり 见えない光り伤だらけの二人 梦が土曜日时间をかけて 今日は休んで明日また 考えようよ最低だった季节は そろそろ终ってこの顷散歩とか 楽しくなってる昔行ったパスタのお店も行ったよ书きかけの油絵も 色足してるどうして人は争いや憎しみだったり理解ってもらいたかったりプライドもったりライオンは今日 明日生きる为戦う私は自分が爱した人を忘れようYou make a toy of youHe makes a fool of youShe makes a mess of you いつもI make a peace with you顽张ってた だけどもう戻れないとりあえずの とりあえずのロマンスじゃなかっただって友达より信じれてたどうしてこの顷 やさしい曲が好きなのあたたかい ゆっくりな音が聴きたい视力がまた悪くなるかもしれない野球のナイトゲーム ずうーっと见ている胜てるときも 负けるときも手抜きな訳じゃないすべてのバランスが 微妙に动いて爱することの方が まだゲーム読めるかも今朝もまたTVやニュースが ほら先読みYou make a toy of youHe makes a fool of youShe makes a mess of you いつもI make a peace with you顽张ってた だけどもう戻れないとりあえずの とりあえずのロマンスじゃなかっただって友达より信じれてたBut when the night is overいつまでも続かない Not ForeverJust a temporary Just a temporaryJust a temporary girlJust a temporary Just a temporaryJust a temporary girlいったい何を 求めて别にいいじゃん 自由で好きなように必要な时 鸣らしてONE CALL 予约済みTWO CALL でかけてね子守歌が飞んでゆくYou make a toy of youHe makes a fool of youShe makes a mess of you いつもI make a peace with you顽张ってた だけどもう戻れないとりあえずの とりあえずのロマンスじゃなかっただって友达より信じれてた...
2023-07-22 03:04:471

Like A Lake 歌词

歌曲名:Like A Lake歌手:Sara Groves专辑:Fireflies And SongsSara Groves - Like A LakeSo Much Hurt And PreservationLike A Tendril Round My SoulSo Much Painful InformationNo Clear Way On How To Hold ItWhen Everything In Me Is TighteningCurling In Around This AcheI Will Lay My Heart Wide OpenLike The Surface Of A LakeWide Open Like A LakeStanding At This Waters EdgeLooking In At God"s Own HeartI"Ve No Idea Where To BeginTo Swallow Up The Way Things AreEverything In Me Is Drawing InClosing In Around This PainBring The Wind And Bring The ThunderBring The Rain Till I Am TriedWhen It"s Over Bring Me StillnessLet My Face Reflect The SkyAnd All The Grace And All The WonderOf A Peace That I Can"t FakeEverything In Me Is TighteningI Am Fighting To Stay OpenOpen Open Oh Wide OpenOpen Like A Lake
2023-07-22 03:04:541


2023-07-22 03:05:032

需要一片英语演讲稿 题目是 a special day of China 着急 在线等 谢谢 最好有翻译

87 years ago in July, the Communist Party of China was born in South Lake boat fire spread revolution. A short span of 28 years has made the 9.6 million square kilometers in width, 4 Long live the people of the state power of the public. From a divided, being at the mercy of the "sick man" to the prosperous and strong, and proud of a democratic country, to rise from the humiliation, to take off from a standstill, from bitterness to glory. This is the kind of huge energy release, this is simply how that of the great feats! This is because the Communist Party of China has advanced the theory of guidance, is different from the previous peasant uprising, is not a simple change of government; This is because the Communist Party of China is rooted in the history of China"s most advanced productive forces, and embodied the essence of the best of the Chinese nation. I have a huge party for our proud achievements. In 1949, the eve of the founding of New China, Chairman Mao wrote excitedly rub: "The fate of the Chinese-speaking people by their own hands, such as China will be as the sun rises in the east, with their brilliant flame illuminated the earth, quickly and cleaned up the reactionary left government, heal the wounds of war, has built a strong brand-new People"s Republic of true. " History has given the important task of national rejuvenation of the Chinese Communist Party, and the Chinese Communist Party did not live up to the great trust of history, and lead people of all nationalities in the wind and rain in the 59-year history, do not yield to pressure undaunted by repeated setbacks, smashed the imperialist blockade and challenges, to defend the national sovereignty and dignity, one after another to overcome unimaginable difficulties and achieved a series of socialist construction achievements. Especially since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Party, the party has learned from three decades of experience in money and lessons out of a socialism with Chinese characteristics and the road to success. From the "Rise of Fantasy Monster" long-term poor and weak to " Yutian music played there," the initial prosperity can say that the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the backbone of the core, in the long history of the Chinese nation to write has a . If it is said that the development of human society is a lengthy drama, then 59 years of New China, the miracle of economic development, without a doubt is one of the most glorious, most glorious, the most touching scene. From China leap from an agricultural country to industrial countries in the vertical tracks, from many countries in the world in the horizontal comparison, but also shows the glory of the Communist Party of China, the great and correct. to listen to a knowledge-based economy, the Communist Party of China recalled the glorious footsteps of felt that the carol, indomitable spirit, vowed to the ideals and unshakeable conviction. I am proud for the honor to be a member of the Communist Party of China; I am proud to have the honor to bring the body"s own weak, modest contribution to mankind"s most magnificent, the greatest cause of communism. At the same time, I deeply know that as a Communist Party member, the proud but also a mission, a responsibility, a driving force.  The days to come, I should be proud as a member of the Communist Party of the situation into forward momentum, and strive to practice the "Three Represents" in the journey towards a better future, with more confidence and more high enthusiasm, and more hard work, strong will to fight more and more scientific attitude, extraordinary in their own positions Expressing the communist cause, loyalty and persistence. "Party members and cadres to stay, to enable students to take the lead!" This is not just a slogan, it is also a basic requirement. Officials do? Why join the party? With the right to do? This is what we should always ask ourselves topic. The official, to join the party is at a crucial moment, the people most in need can be excluded when obtained, were on red to open a peace for the masses of living space. For each party member, it requires not only clarity of vision, but also down-to-earth dedication! It requires not only the world"s most ambitious vision, but also the livelihood of the people need to pay attention to detail! It is not only the need for strict integrity and the need to undergo supervision by the masses of the magnanimous! This is the sentiment of a member of the Communist Party.  87年前的7月,中国共产党在南湖小船上诞生播撒革命的火种。短短的28年取得了960万平方公里之阔,4万万人民之众的国家政权。从一个四分五裂、任人宰割的“病夫”到繁荣富强、扬眉吐气的民主国家,从屈辱到奋起,从停滞到腾飞,从苦涩到辉煌。这是怎样的巨大能量的释放,这是怎样的惊天地、泣鬼神的伟绩!这是因为中国共产党有先进的理论指导,不同于历次农民起义,不是简单的改朝换代;这是因为中国共产党根植于中国历史上最先进的生产力,并凝聚着中华民族最优秀的精华。我为我们党巨大的建设成就而自豪。1949年,在新中国成立的前夕,毛主席蹭激动地写道:“中国的命运一经操在人民自己手中,中国就将如太阳升起在东方那样,以自己辉煌的火焰普照大地,迅速地荡涤反动政府留下的污泥浊水,治好战争的创伤,建设起一个崭新的强盛的名副其实的人民共和国”。历史把民族复兴的重任赋予了中国共产党,而中国共产党也没有辜负历史的重托,带领全国各族人民在59年的风雨历程中,不信邪,不怕压,披荆斩棘,百折不挠,粉碎了帝国主义的封锁和挑战,捍卫了国家的主权和尊严,战胜了一个又一个难以想象的困难,取得了社会主义建设的一系列巨大成就。特别是党的十一届三中全会以来,党吸取了钱三十年的经验和教训,走出了一条有中国特色社会主义的成功之路。从“百年魔怪舞翩跹”的长期积贫积弱到“万方乐奏有于阗”的初步繁荣昌盛,可以理直气壮地说,是中国共产党的领导核心和中流砥柱,在中华民族的历史长卷上写下了浓墨重彩的一笔。如果说人类社会的发展是一出漫长的话剧,那么,新中国59年经济建设的奇迹,无疑就是其中最壮丽、最辉煌、最动人的一幕。从中国由一个农业国飞跃为工业国的纵向轨迹中,从与世界上许多国家的横向比较中,更显示了中国共产党的光荣、伟大和正确。聆听着知识经济的潮声,回顾着中国共产党八十七年的光辉足迹,油然而生的是荡气回肠的颂歌,一往无前的气概,矢志不渝的理想和坚定不移的信念。我自豪,为有幸成为中国共产党的一员;我自豪,为有幸能把自己的微弱之躯,微薄之力奉献到人类最壮丽、最伟大的共产主义事业中去。同时,我也深深地知道,对于一名共产党员来说,自豪更是一种使命,一份责任,一个动力。  未来的日子里,我要把作为一名共产党员的自豪之情化作前进的动力,努力践行“三个代表”重要思想,在迈向美好未来的征程上,以更加坚定的信心,更加高昂的热情,更加勤奋的工作,更加旺盛的斗志,更加科学的态度,在自己平凡的岗位上抒写对共产主义事业的忠诚与执着。 “党员干部留下来,让学生先走!”这不仅是一个口号,更是一种基本要求。当官干什么?入党为什么?用权做什么?这是我们应该经常扪心自问的话题。而当官、入党,就是在关键时刻、在群众最需要的时候能够豁得出、冲得上、挺得住,能够为群众撑开一片安宁的生存空间。对每一个共产党员来说,它不仅需要远大的理想,更需要脚踏实地的奉献!它不仅需要胸怀世界的豪情,更需要关注民生的细腻!它不仅需要严于律己的品格,更需要接受群众监督的坦荡!这就是一个共产党员的情怀。
2023-07-22 03:05:202


歌曲名:Peace Of Heaven歌手:Giorgia Fumanti专辑:From My HeartPeace of HeavenArtist: Giorgia FumantiAlbum: From My Hearthave you ever seen the lightof the stars until the skydid it ever touch your heartgrave the graceif you listen to the windyou can hear the song get seatseven as you feel the graceon your facedo you feel the glowall around your soultell me do you knowdo you knowthere is a peace of heaven it fall aroundeverywhere you gonethere is a peace of heaven it fall aroundneedn"t to knowneedn"t to knowhave you ever watched songsee the colors changing aroundtouch the sky and watch them faintbut you feel the glowall around your soultell me do you knowdo you knowthere is a peace of heaven it fall aroundeverywhere you gonethere is a peace of heaven it fall aroundneedn"t to knowneedn"t to knowthere is a peace of heaven it fall aroundeverywhere you gonethere is a peace of heaven it fall aroundneedn"t to knowneedn"t to know
2023-07-22 03:05:381

a separate peace讲的是个什么故事?(希望详细一些,谢谢)

a separate peace独自和解a separate peace是指在二战前期英法为了促使德国对苏联的开战,对德国采取了许多宽容政策。不料苏联和德国私下签订了条约,约定一种“separate peace”,.英法最后弄得自己很惨。在小说中,《a separate peace 》的主题重复出现。在战争的阴影下,理想主义的菲尼仍保持这难得的乐观和平和,而在他的影响下,他们逃脱了周围的环境,窃取了战争中的独自和解。 战后15年,已成为军人的吉恩故地重游,在没有菲尼的情况下终于得到了内心的平和,从而完成了于自己的和解
2023-07-22 03:06:011

Do you think a premarital agreement is necessary? Why or Why not?是回答不是翻译

2023-07-22 03:06:103


1,They enjoy cutural activities like going th the theatre and the opera. 他们喜欢文化生活比如支剧院和戏院2,She is considered a great beauty in our school. 她被认为是我们学校的大美女3,A contient is a large mass of land surround by sea. 大陆是被大海围着的一大块土地4,The firm"s major competitors are all in France. 公司的主要竞争对手都在法国5,The average weight of a baby at birth is just over seven pounds. 新生儿的平均重量仅仅比七磅多一点6,The boundaries of provinces are marked with dotted lines. 省界用斑点线来标出7,And anyway he is dead,I can"t bring him back to life. 不管怎样说他已经死了,我再也不能让他活过来8,I pressed my parents until they finally give in and registered me for skating classes. 我会向我的父母施加压力,直到他们同意我去溜冰培训班9,200 peace activists are planning to set up a peace camp at the border. 200名和平人士计划在国界上进行和平宿营10,The Royal Palace ,which dates back to the 16th century ,is undergoing extensive restoration可以追溯到16世纪的这座皇宫,正在进行大规模的修复
2023-07-22 03:06:181


1、用文学促进和平。 Using literature to promote peace. 2、**是为了和平。 War is for the sake of peace. 3、有**才能带来和平。 A war to bring peace. 4、你选择和平,还是**。 You choose peace or war. 5、要和平,就得准备**。 Want peace, Ppare for war. 6、和平不是成就而是责任。 Peace is not achievement but responsibility. 7、和平是桥梁,斗争是围墙。 Peace is a bridge, the struggle is the wall. 8、这个世界,终将需要和平。 This world, will eventually need peace. 9、我们只能用武器来保卫和平。 We can only use weapons to defend the peace. 10、理想是和平的,历史是**的。 Ideal is peaceful, history is the violence. 11、夫妻之间的**,目的是和平。 War between husband and wife, the aim is peace. 12、理想是和平的,历史是残酷的。 Ideal is peaceful, history is cruel. 13、和平孕育着**,**孕育着和平。 Peace breeds war, war breeds peace. 14、尽管她渴望和平,但却沉溺于**。 Although she desires peace, but indulge in the war. 15、拖一日海阔天空,延一天世界和平。 Drag a day of sports day of world peace. 16、只有胜利者,才能用**去换取和平。 Only the winner, with war for peace. 17、真正持久的胜利是和平,而不是**。 True victory was lasting peace, not war. 18、**中你流尽鲜血,和平中你寸步难行。 You gave your life"s blood war, peace to you. 19、真理才是生命之光,斗争才是和平之母。 Truth is the light of life, the struggle is the mother of peace. 20、**的尽头,改革的开始,和平的诞生。 The end of the war, the beginning of the reform, the birth of the peace. 21、只有你的棍子比别人粗,才能保卫和平。 Only you stick coarse than others, to defend the peace. 22、武力不能维持和平。只有互相理解才可以。 Force can"t keep the peace. Can only understand each other. 23、赢得**只不过是使和平有一个良好的开端。 Win a war is to make peace with only a good place to start. 24、和平没有国界,而人类却为了国界放弃和平。 Peace without borders, and the human is to abandon peaceful borders. 25、从来就不存在好的**,也不存在坏的和平。 Never exist good war, there is no bad peace. 26、我们与谁实现和平?我们将与敌人实现和平。 We have peace with who? We will achieve peace with the enemy. 27、人类在永恒的斗争中壮大,在永恒的和平中毁灭。 Humans grow in eternal struggle, perished in eternal peace. 28、你要和平还是尊严?和平就是屈服,尊严就是死。 You want peace or dignity? Peace is to yield, dignity is death. 29、没有什么方法可以获得和平,和平本身是一种方法。 There is no method can obtain peace, peace itself is a kind of method. 30、我追求世界和平,可遇见你之后我的内心就从未和平。 I pursue the peace of the world, can meet you after my heart will never peace. 31、为了和平,需要据理力争,更需要适度、适时地妥协。 For the sake of peace, we need to argue, more need to compromise moderation, and timing. 32、当世界和平,尘埃落定,唯一能摧毁我们的,只有爱。 When the peace of the world, the dust settles, the only thing that can destroy us, but only love. 33、和平属于局部的声音,不和平的喧嚣还充斥着我们耳鼓。 Peace belongs to the local voice, not the noise of the peace also filled with our ears. 34、和平不是一厢情愿和单相思,更不是对合理**的回避。 Peace is not wishful thinking and unrequited love, more is not reasonable for the avoidance of war. 35、我们不能让和平的诚意和主张,变成别人束缚我们的绳索! We can"t keep the peace of the sincerity and claims, you become someone else bondage our rope! 36、上天赋予的生命,就是要为人类的繁荣和平和幸福而奉献。 God-given life, is to be dedication for the prosperity of human peace and happiness. 37、**是一名老师,教会了人类和平;而和平,教会了人类**。 War is a teacher, taught the human peace. And peace, taught human warfare. 38、我已经和恶魔签订了契约,事到如今已经无法和神明和平共处了。 I have already signed a contract with the devil, now can"t and the gods of peaceful coexistence. 39、我最大的愿望不是世界和平,而是我爱的人始终活在和平的世界里。 My biggest wish is not the peace of the world, but I love the people always live in a world of peace. 40、眼光短小之人会渴望和平,但和平是以**为前提建立起来的虚伪。 Short of people long for peace, but peace is the Pmise to build a false war. 41、降低物质欲望未必带来和平,为了得到和平,我们还须降低精神欲望。 Reduce material desires may not bring peace, for peace, we must also reduce the spiritual desire. 42、保护世界和平的任务交给他们了,我是个俗人,只对万恶的金钱感兴趣。 Give them the task of protecting world peace, I am a layman, only interested in money evil. 43、和平未到绝望之时,决不放弃和平;牺牲未到最后关头,亦不轻言牺牲。 Peace is not to despair, never give up the peace; Sacrifice to the last minute, nor sacrifice speaking out of turn. 44、自由是生命中最大的谎言,如果接受了这一点,你的内心,就能得到和平。 Freedom is the biggest lie in life, if you accept this, your heart, you can get peace. 45、和平相对于**来说,它具有滞后性。和平是**的延续,**是和平的手段。 Peace as opposed to war, it has a lag. Peace is a continuation of the war, the war is the means of peace. 46、你要记住,天下的和平不能寄希望于帮你守城的人,还需要有更多懂得和平的君主。 You want to remember, and all the guarding city peace cannot hope to help you, you also need to have more understand the prince of peace. 47、和平是在**中赢来的,**的胜利是通过武力得来的,武力却是用来保护和破坏和平的。 Peace is won in the war, the victory of the war of liberation by force, force is used to protect and destroy the peace. 48、或许是这个世界太残酷,又或许,是我们太渴望和平,所爱的人在追求和平的这条路上死去。 May be the world is too cruel, or, perhaps, is too long for peace, we love the people died in the pursuit of the road of peace. 49、这个世界上,总有一些和平是打出来的,又总有一些和平是谈出来的。简直就像是在生意场上一样。 In this world, there are always some peace is playing out, and there are always some is about peace. It was kind of like in business. 50、在这个和平的年代,“维护世界和平”的呼声似乎在人们的戏谑声中淹没,人的心,在此刻沉没了。 In this era of peace, "the maintenance of world peace" seem in people drown in the joking voice, man"s heart sank at the moment.
2023-07-22 03:06:271