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sufficient[英][su0259u02c8fu026au0283nt][美][su0259u02c8fu026au0283u0259nt]adj.足够的; 充足的; 充分的;
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sufficient[英][su0259u02c8fu026au0283nt][美][su0259u02c8fu026au0283u0259nt]adj.足够的; 充足的; 充分的; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Standard sunglasses will not provide sufficient protection. 标准的太阳镜无法提供足够的保护。
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adequate/enough/sufficient 词义辨析区别

有朋友问我这3个词的有什么不同,以及使用的时候语法区别。大刘在网上综合找了下对应的解释,收集整理了下分享给大家。 1、 enough 和sufficient 在含义上几乎没有差异,指“充分的;足够的”,表示数量完全满足需要或期望。一般enough 比sufficient 使用更普遍。而在用法上,enough 后面既可以加可数名词也可以加不可数名词。如:enough people 足够人数;enough money 足够的金钱。而sufficient 后面一般只能加不可数名词。如:sufficient sunlight, water and oxygen 充足的阳光、水和氧气;sufficient investigation 充分调查。但也可以用于少数可数名词,如:sufficient funds 足够的资金;sufficient foreign exchange reserves 足够的外汇储备。 2、adequate 虽然也表示“足够的;充分的”,但是与enough 和sufficient 二词之间有着细微差异。主要体现在以下两点:(i) adequate 的内涵是:合理的、公平的或不苛刻的,在主观上并不一定是让人满足的,有时往往指满足一个最低或客观标准。如:His wages are adequate to support three people. 这句话说的是:他的工资够养活3个人的。即,这些钱养活3个人够得上一般生活水平。但这些钱可能并不能满足他心里的期望。 而,He has enough money to spend. 他有足够的钱让他去花。 即,表示他的钱完全能够满足他的需要。 (ii) adequate 在表示“充分、足够”时包含了“公平、合理、适当”的意思,其并不单单指数量,更倾向于表示质量、标准或要求。如:adequate compensation 适当补偿;adequate remedy at law 法律上的充分救济;adequate manning 充分的船员配备;adequate disclosure 充分披露。因此在指数量上的足够时,一般用enough 或sufficient 。 从如下例句中可以看出三个词之间的细微差别:
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sufficient 和adequate的区别 二者都有丰富的意思,但有什么不同呢

sufficient无比较等级,作为形容词有“足够的,充分的”意思,常与for或与to+动词原形连用 They haven"t saved money sufficient for a new house.他们还没有存够买新房的钱. His income is not sufficient to support his family.他的收入不够养家. adequate作为形容词除了有“适当的,充分的,足够的”之意外,还有“可以胜任的”的意思
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问题一:足够的 用英语怎么说 She is old enough. enough adj.足够的,修饰可数名词或不可数名词,可以放在名词前面,也可以放在名词后面;adv.足够地,修饰形容词、副词、动词,并放在其后。 enough adj. 足够的, 充足的, 只够做...的 n. 充足, 足够, 很多 adv. 足够地, 充分地 int. 够了! enough e.nough adj.(形容词) Sufficient to meet a need or satisfy a desire; adequate: 充足的:足以满足需要或愿望的;充足的: enough work to keep us all busy.See Synonyms at sufficient 足够多的让我们大家全都忙碌的工作参见 sufficient pron.(代词) An adequate number or quantity: 数目足够,数量充足: “The Gods above should give,/They have enough and we do poorly live”(Henry David Thoreau) “天上的神祉应该赐予/因他们富足而我们却贫苦度日”(亨利u30fb戴维u30fb索罗) adv.(副词) To a satisfactory amount or degree; sufficiently: 足够地,充分地:数量或程度上令人满意地;足够地: Is the fish cooked enough? 鱼做的火候够吗? Very; fully; quite: 很;十分;充分地: We were glad enough to leave. 我们很高兴离开 Tolerably; rather: 尚可;相当: She sang well enough, but the show was a failure. 她演唱得算好的了,但演出却是个失败 interj.(感叹词) Used to express impatience or exasperation: 用以表达不耐烦或恼怒: You"ve been practicing the violin all afternoon. Enough! 你整个下午都在练小提琴。够了! 问题二:足够好,足够多用英语怎么说 good enough, more enough 问题三:对我来说足够多 英文怎么说 I think it is enough for me . 问题四:足够的时间的英文怎么说 enough time to enough:足够的,充足的 还有问题追问哦亲~ 问题五:足够的,用英文怎么说 enough 问题六:当我有了足够的能力用英语怎么说 当我有了足够的能力 When I have enough ability 当我有了足够的能力 When I have enough ability 问题七:足够活跃的英文怎么说 active enough 问题八:足够的 用英语怎么说 She is old enough. enough adj.足够的,修饰可数名词或不可数名词,可以放在名词前面,也可以放在名词后面;adv.足够地,修饰形容词、副词、动词,并放在其后。 enough adj. 足够的, 充足的, 只够做...的 n. 充足, 足够, 很多 adv. 足够地, 充分地 int. 够了! enough e.nough adj.(形容词) Sufficient to meet a need or satisfy a desire; adequate: 充足的:足以满足需要或愿望的;充足的: enough work to keep us all busy.See Synonyms at sufficient 足够多的让我们大家全都忙碌的工作参见 sufficient pron.(代词) An adequate number or quantity: 数目足够,数量充足: “The Gods above should give,/They have enough and we do poorly live”(Henry David Thoreau) “天上的神祉应该赐予/因他们富足而我们却贫苦度日”(亨利u30fb戴维u30fb索罗) adv.(副词) To a satisfactory amount or degree; sufficiently: 足够地,充分地:数量或程度上令人满意地;足够地: Is the fish cooked enough? 鱼做的火候够吗? Very; fully; quite: 很;十分;充分地: We were glad enough to leave. 我们很高兴离开 Tolerably; rather: 尚可;相当: She sang well enough, but the show was a failure. 她演唱得算好的了,但演出却是个失败 interj.(感叹词) Used to express impatience or exasperation: 用以表达不耐烦或恼怒: You"ve been practicing the violin all afternoon. Enough! 你整个下午都在练小提琴。够了! 问题九:足够好,足够多用英语怎么说 good enough, more enough 问题十:对我来说足够多 英文怎么说 I think it is enough for me .
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sufficient 和adequate的区别

2023-07-22 00:49:452

sufficient 反义词,它的名词?它名词的反义词?

sufficient 反义词:inadequate,insufficient. 名词:sufficiency名词的反义词:inadequation, insufficiency 希望有帮助~
2023-07-22 00:50:103

consideration must be valuable & sufficient but need not be adequate

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可以加 in 变成 insufficient, 不足的意思。
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enough English
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充裕的英文:plentysufficientenough参考例句:In plenty;in a large quantity;in abundance大量;丰富;充裕comfortable earnings.充裕的工资He has a comfortable income.他有充裕的收入。A princely gift,sum丰厚的礼物、充裕的款项There is a great abundance of sunshine here.这里阳光充裕。He has abundance of time to himself他时间充裕。Wines are fruity, yet smooth in texture.葡萄酒果味充裕,口感顺滑。There was beer in abundance.有充裕[喝不完]的啤酒。You have ample time to finish the project.你有充裕的时间完成这个提案。Oil is in abundant supply in this country.这个国家石油供应十分充裕。plenty是什么意思:n. 许多,大量,充足adj. 充裕的,足够的,很多的pron. 充裕;足够But there is plenty of scope at that level.然而在此水平上还是有足够的余地。The youth has plenty of go in him.这个年轻人干劲十足。The camp has a plentiful supply of food.营地食物供应充分。sufficient是什么意思:adj. 足够的;充分的;必然的That is the sufficient result.那是必然的结果。He is not a sufficiency man.他不是一个自负的人。There was always sufficient reason for such an attention.对这种殷勤致意,总是不乏理由的。enough是什么意思:adj. 足够的,充足的adv. 很,十分,相当地,尚,足够地pron. 足量,受够了n. 足够,充分The food supply is smart enough.食物供给相当足够了。There is not enough water to float the ship .没有足够的水使船漂浮起来。This piece of grund is flat enough.这块地相当平。
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2023-07-22 00:51:512

sufficient consideration 和 adequate consideration 的区别

sufficient is used when we suggest a close meeting of a need <sufficient savings>. adequate may imply barely meeting a requirement <the service was adequate>. (Webster)
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2023-07-22 00:52:172

gmat ds 什么叫sufficient

GMAT 数学数据充分性判断Data Sufficiency(简称DS),另一种题型是问题求解Problems Solving(简称PS)。
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enough a. 1. 足够的,充足的 We have enough chairs for everyone. 我们有足够的椅子让大家坐。 I was fool enough to trust him. 我真傻,竟会信赖他。 n. 1. 足够,充分[+to-v][(+for)] We earned enough to buy a new house. 我们挣的钱足够买一幢新房子。 I"ve had enough, thank you. 我够了,谢谢。 ad. 1. 足够地;充分地[+to-v] They cannot walk fast enough. 他们走得不够快。 I"m old enough to handle my own affairs. 我已经长大了,可以处理我自己的事情。 2. 很,十分 3. 相当地,尚 The situation is serious enough. 情况相当严重。 adequate a. 1. 能满足需要(量)的,足够的[(+for)][+to-v] Martin decided that he had no adequate proof. 马丁断定他没有充足的证据。 2. 适当的[(+to/for)] He sought for an adequate solution to the problem. 他寻求解决这个问题的适当办法。 3. 胜任的[F][(+to)] She proved adequate to the job. 事实证明她能胜任此项工作。 4. 尚可的,差强人意的 That hotel is merely adequate. 那家旅馆只能说是差强人意。 sufficient a. 1. 足够的,充分的[(+for)][+to-v] Her income is not sufficient to support her family. 她的收入不够养活家人。 $2000 will be sufficient for the trip. 这次旅行两千元就够了。 They had food and clothing sufficient for their needs. 他们有足够所需的食品和衣服。 2. 【古】能胜任的,有充分能力的[(+for)] n. 1. 足量,充足[U]
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每日一词07 suffice

1.suffice 英英释义:to be enough “suffice”是“sufficient”的动词形式,不及物动词,使表达更加简洁有力。 当我们想表示“足够”或者“不足够”的时候,除了用 sufficient, enough 外,也可以用动词 suffice 表示。 例句: Good ideas alone do not suffice. For beginning runners, a 10-minute jog and a few stretches will suffice. Extensive reading alone does not suffice. We have to, too, put what we read into practice. 举例时想表达“只用一个/两个例子就可以说明某事”时,也会用到 suffice。比如我们想说,只用马云的例子就可以证明颜值和财富并没有很大关系,就可以这样用 suffice:A single example will suffice: Jack Ma. 常用搭配: suffice for后面接名词 suffice to do sth 后面接动词 suffice (it) to say (that) 无需多说=I"ll just say/all that needs to be said is... 作业: 对于高阶英语学习者来说,每天学一个词是不够的。 For advanced English learners, one word per day will not suffice. 光有意愿是不够的。 Willing does not suffice. 几条小鱼就可以满足孩子们的观察要求。 Some fish will suffice for the children"s observation.
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谁知道adequacy sufficient abundance 的区别

1. 足够,充分,充足2. 胜任3. 适当,恰当 名词n. 1.足够,充分,充足 the adequacy of resources 足够的资源 2.胜任 He doubted her adequacy for the job. 他怀疑她能否胜任这项工作。 3.适当,恰当 sufficient 形容词 adj. 1.足够的; 充足的 We have gained sufficient experience to tackle this problem. 我们已经有了足够的经验来处理这个问题。 A word to the wise is sufficient. 有灵犀者一点就通。 His income is sufficient for his needs. 他的收入能满足他的需要。 The rain was not sufficient to do any harm. 雨量不足对庄稼有害。 abundance 名词n. 1.大量, 充足 There was an abundance of corn last year. 去年玉米丰收。 At the party there was food in abundance. 聚会上食品很丰富。
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sufficient足够的;充分的;充足的;足够Proof that you have sufficient funds to support yourself and your family after you arrivein Canada. 证明你有足够的资金能够维持你和你家人在到达加拿大以后的生活。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助
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sufficient英 [su0259u02c8fu026au0283nt] 美 [su0259u02c8fu026au0283u0259nt] adj. 足够的;充足的;充分的There was not sufficient evidence to secure a conviction. 没有足够的证据来定罪。
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一、详细释义: , adj. , 足够的;充足的;充分的 , 例句: ,There was not sufficient evidence to secure a conviction.,没有足够的证据来定罪。, 例句: ,One metre of fabric is sufficient to cover the exterior of an 18-in-diameter hatbox.,一米布足以包裹住直径为18英寸的帽盒。, 必然的 , 例句: ,Discipline is a necessary, but certainly not a sufficient condition for learning to take place.,纪律是有必要的,但绝对不是保证学习成效的充分条件。, 例句: ,That is the sufficient result.,那是必然的结果。, 二、词义辨析: , adequate,enough,sufficient ,这些形容词均含“足够的,充足的”之意。adequate指数量上足够,质量上适当。enough最普通用词,口语、书面语可用,较侧重分量或数量的足够,多指希望的满足。sufficient正式用词,侧重数目或数量或程度达到某一特定要求或需要。, 三、参考例句: ,Do you have sufficient money?,你的钱够吗?,That is the sufficient result.,那是必然的结果。,The plaintiff"s declaration has sufficient evidence.,原告的诉词有充分的证据。,They had sufficient food to sustain life.,他们有足够维持生命的食物。,The recipe is sufficient for six people.,照此食谱做出的饭足够六个人吃。,Don"t act without sufficient reflection.,不要未经深思就采取行动。,Unbalanced yarns have sufficient ist to kink.,卷缩的纱线捻度过高会产生扭结。,The food is sufficient for a week.,食物足够一周用。,There"s sufficient food to support the people.,有足够的食物供养人民。,The engine provides a sufficient margin of power.,该引擎能提供足够的功率极限。
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enough最普通用词,口语、书面语可用,较侧重分量或数量的足够,多指希望的满足。 sufficient正式用词,侧重数目或数量或程度达到某一特定要求或需要。enough常用来表示数量或程度,不宜用于表示性质、质量。 而suffient既可用于描述数量或程度,也可用于描述性质、质量。 扩展资料   词汇搭配不同   1、sufficient   1)sufficient experience〔money〕 足够的经验〔钱〕   2)be sufficient for 满足…   2、enough   1)enough time 足够的"时间   2)quite enough 十分充足   3)enough for 对…足够的
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  很多人只知道充足的英文是enough,其实除了enough,充足的英文还有adequate、sufficient等单词。下面是我为你整理的充足的英文,希望大家喜欢!   充足的英文   1.adequate   2.sufficient   3.abundant   4.ample   5.enough   6.plenty   adequate的常见用法   用作形容词   用作定语   ~+ n.   There was adequate rain and snow last winter.   去年冬天雨雪充足。   You ought to take adequate measures.   你应该采取适当的措施。   n. +~   They had money adequate for the cost of the journey.   他们的钱足够这次旅行的费用。   We found a solution adequate to the problem.   我们找到了解决这个问题的适当方法。   用作表语   S+be+~   The council"s provision for the elderly is barely adequate.   理事会对老年人的条款规定不充分。   S+be+~+ prep. -phrase   Is your time adequate for it?   你有足够的时间做此事吗?   The food is adequate for all of us.   这些食物足够我们大家吃的。   This is adequate for the purpose.   这足以达到目的。   sufficient的用法   用作形容词   用作定语   ~+ n.   We have gained sufficient experience to tackle this problem.   我们已经有了足够的经验来处理这个问题。   用作表语   S+be+~   A word to the wise is sufficient.   心有灵犀者一点就通。   S+be+~+ prep .-phrase   His ine is sufficient for his needs.   他的收入能满足他的需要。   S+be+~+to- v   The rain was not sufficient to do any harm.   雨量不足对庄稼有害。
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问题一:足够的 用英语怎么说 She is old enough. enough adj.足够的,修饰可数名词或不可数名词,可以放在名词前面,也可以放在名词后面;adv.足够地,修饰形容词、副词、动词,并放在其后。 enough adj. 足够的, 充足的, 只够做...的 n. 充足, 足够, 很多 adv. 足够地, 充分地 int. 够了! enough e.nough adj.(形容词) Sufficient to meet a need or satisfy a desire; adequate: 充足的:足以满足需要或愿望的;充足的: enough work to keep us all busy.See Synonyms at sufficient 足够多的让我们大家全都忙碌的工作参见 sufficient pron.(代词) An adequate number or quantity: 数目足够,数量充足: “The Gods above should give,/They have enough and we do poorly live”(Henry David Thoreau) “天上的神祉应该赐予/因他们富足而我们却贫苦度日”(亨利u30fb戴维u30fb索罗) adv.(副词) To a satisfactory amount or degree; sufficiently: 足够地,充分地:数量或程度上令人满意地;足够地: Is the fish cooked enough? 鱼做的火候够吗? Very; fully; quite: 很;十分;充分地: We were glad enough to leave. 我们很高兴离开 Tolerably; rather: 尚可;相当: She sang well enough, but the show was a failure. 她演唱得算好的了,但演出却是个失败 interj.(感叹词) Used to express impatience or exasperation: 用以表达不耐烦或恼怒: You"ve been practicing the violin all afternoon. Enough! 你整个下午都在练小提琴。够了! 问题二:足够好,足够多用英语怎么说 good enough, more enough 问题三:对我来说足够多 英文怎么说 I think it is enough for me . 问题四:足够用英语怎么说? enough 充足的;足够的sufficient 足够的,充裕的 问题五:当我有了足够的能力用英语怎么说 当我有了足够的能力 When I have enough ability 当我有了足够的能力 When I have enough ability 问题六:足够多用英语怎么说 enough
2023-07-22 00:55:051

adequate和sufficient 的区别,感觉都同enough差不多。另外insufficient,那么adequate有没类似反义词?

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问题一:足够的 用英语怎么说 She is old enough. enough adj.足够的,修饰可数名词或不可数名词,可以放在名词前面,也可以放在名词后面;adv.足够地,修饰形容词、副词、动词,并放在其后。 enough adj. 足够的, 充足的, 只够做...的 n. 充足, 足够, 很多 adv. 足够地, 充分地 int. 够了! enough e.nough adj.(形容词) Sufficient to meet a need or satisfy a desire; adequate: 充足的:足以满足需要或愿望的;充足的: enough work to keep us all busy.See Synonyms at sufficient 足够多的让我们大家全都忙碌的工作参见 sufficient pron.(代词) An adequate number or quantity: 数目足够,数量充足: “The Gods above should give,/They have enough and we do poorly live”(Henry David Thoreau) “天上的神祉应该赐予/因他们富足而我们却贫苦度日”(亨利u30fb戴维u30fb索罗) adv.(副词) To a satisfactory amount or degree; sufficiently: 足够地,充分地:数量或程度上令人满意地;足够地: Is the fish cooked enough? 鱼做的火候够吗? Very; fully; quite: 很;十分;充分地: We were glad enough to leave. 我们很高兴离开 Tolerably; rather: 尚可;相当: She sang well enough, but the show was a failure. 她演唱得算好的了,但演出却是个失败 interj.(感叹词) Used to express impatience or exasperation: 用以表达不耐烦或恼怒: You"ve been practicing the violin all afternoon. Enough! 你整个下午都在练小提琴。够了! 问题二:足够好,足够多用英语怎么说 good enough, more enough 问题三:对我来说足够多 英文怎么说 I think it is enough for me . 问题四:足够的时间的英文怎么说 enough time to enough:足够的,充足的 还有问题追问哦亲~ 问题五:足够的,用英文怎么说 enough 问题六:当我有了足够的能力用英语怎么说 当我有了足够的能力 When I have enough ability 当我有了足够的能力 When I have enough ability 问题七:足够活跃的英文怎么说 active enough 问题八:足够的 用英语怎么说 She is old enough. enough adj.足够的,修饰可数名词或不可数名词,可以放在名词前面,也可以放在名词后面;adv.足够地,修饰形容词、副词、动词,并放在其后。 enough adj. 足够的, 充足的, 只够做...的 n. 充足, 足够, 很多 adv. 足够地, 充分地 int. 够了! enough e.nough adj.(形容词) Sufficient to meet a need or satisfy a desire; adequate: 充足的:足以满足需要或愿望的;充足的: enough work to keep us all busy.See Synonyms at sufficient 足够多的让我们大家全都忙碌的工作参见 sufficient pron.(代词) An adequate number or quantity: 数目足够,数量充足: “The Gods above should give,/They have enough and we do poorly live”(Henry David Thoreau) “天上的神祉应该赐予/因他们富足而我们却贫苦度日”(亨利u30fb戴维u30fb索罗) adv.(副词) To a satisfactory amount or degree; sufficiently: 足够地,充分地:数量或程度上令人满意地;足够地: Is the fish cooked enough? 鱼做的火候够吗? Very; fully; quite: 很;十分;充分地: We were glad enough to leave. 我们很高兴离开 Tolerably; rather: 尚可;相当: She sang well enough, but the show was a failure. 她演唱得算好的了,但演出却是个失败 interj.(感叹词) Used to express impatience or exasperation: 用以表达不耐烦或恼怒: You"ve been practicing the violin all afternoon. Enough! 你整个下午都在练小提琴。够了! 问题九:足够好,足够多用英语怎么说 good enough, more enough 问题十:对我来说足够多 英文怎么说 I think it is enough for me .
2023-07-22 00:55:381

足够、充足、合适的英文怎么说?enough/ sufficient/ adequate 中文意思与用法!

足够、充足、合适的英文 要怎么说?跟「足够、充足」相关的英文单字大致上有三个,分别是 enough、sufficient、adequate,所以这三个英文单字算是易混淆字。如果你还搞不清楚这三个英文单字的用法跟中文意思差异,那就赶快来看这篇英文教学吧! 下面说明 enough/ sufficient/ adequate 这三个英文单字的用法与中文意思差异。 内容目录 英文 enough/ sufficient/ adequate 用法与中文意思 1.enough 足够的 enough 的中文意思可以翻译为「足够的」。关于 enough 有一句琅琅上口的句子叫做:enough is enough. 这句英文句子意思其实就是:真是够了!中文里面有句成语叫做:是可忍,孰不可忍。大概就是类似的意思。 enough 通常是指某个数量够了,也就是指那种「程度上」的足够的意思。 例: Have you had enough (to eat)? 你吃饱了吗? 例: He is rich enough. 他够有钱了。 例: That"s enough 真是够了! 例: He is not tall enough to play basketball in NBA. 他身高不足以可以打NBA。 例: Is the water cold enough yet? 水够冷吗? 关于 enough 的英文片语也相当多,分别列举如下: 1. enough is enough 真是够了、适可而止 例: Enough is enough, I don"t want to argue with you any more. 好了好了,我不想再跟你争了。 2. That"s enough 够了 That"s enough 很常会在电影里面听到,通常是某个人做得太过头了,所以有另外一个人在一旁说:That"s enough. 表示够了、可以了,太过头了的意思。 例: That"s enough, Mark. 马克,够了。 3. have had enough 受够了;再也无法忍受了 have had enough 跟 enough is enough 意思很像,都是有点受够了、受不了了的意思。 例: I"ve had enough – I"m going home. 我受够了——我要回家了。 2.sufficient 足够的、充分的 sufficient 中文意思是指「足够的、充分的」的意思。跟 enough 不太一样,enough 通常是指数量上的够不够,而 sufficient 则通常是指理由、资讯、动机…等方面的够不够。 例: We don"t have sufficient evidence to convict him. 我们没有足够证据将他定罪。 例: Do you have sufficient time to do the job? 您有足够的时间完成这项工作吗? 例: Have you had sufficient sleep? 你有足够睡眠吗? 3.adequate 适当的、足够的、合适的 adequate 中文意思可以翻译为适当的、充足的、足够的。adequate 其实如果翻译成「合适的」可能会更为贴切,例如数量合不合适、理由合不合适….等等。 例: I didn"t have adequate time to prepare. 我没有合适的时间来准备。 上面这句例句的 adequate 其实翻译成「足够的」也是可以的。上面例句的意思是,我没有合适的时间来准备,也就是你给我的准备时间不合适,应该再给我多一点时间的。 例: Have we got adequate food for 30 guests? 我们的食物足够招待30位客人吗? adequate, adequate 中文, adequate 意思, adequate 用法, enough, enough 中文, enough 意思, enough 用法, sufficient, sufficient 中文, sufficient 意思, sufficient 用法, 充足 英文, 充足的 英文, 合适 英文, 合适的 英文, 足够 英文, 足够的 英文
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这个单词的意思是充分的;它的否定词就是不重分的;前面应该加上的前缀是in。 insufficient adj.不充分的;不足的;不够重要的 派生词: insufficiently adv. insufficiency n. 扩展资料   His salary is insufficient to meet his needs.   他的"薪水不够应付需要。   British industry suffers through insufficient investment in research.   研究投入不足让英国工业深受其害。   Facilities for people with disabilities are still insufficient.   供伤残人士使用的设施仍然匮乏。
2023-07-22 00:56:011

We haven’t ___ time to catch the train now. A .adequate B. sufficient C. enough D. muc ?

enough time
2023-07-22 00:56:094


问题一:足够的 用英语怎么说 She is old enough. enough adj.足够的,修饰可数名词或不可数名词,可以放在名词前面,也可以放在名词后面;adv.足够地,修饰形容词、副词、动词,并放在其后。 enough adj. 足够的, 充足的, 只够做...的 n. 充足, 足够, 很多 adv. 足够地, 充分地 int. 够了! enough e.nough adj.(形容词) Sufficient to meet a need or satisfy a desire; adequate: 充足的:足以满足需要或愿望的;充足的: enough work to keep us all busy.See Synonyms at sufficient 足够多的让我们大家全都忙碌的工作参见 sufficient pron.(代词) An adequate number or quantity: 数目足够,数量充足: “The Gods above should give,/They have enough and we do poorly live”(Henry David Thoreau) “天上的神祉应该赐予/因他们富足而我们却贫苦度日”(亨利u30fb戴维u30fb索罗) adv.(副词) To a satisfactory amount or degree; sufficiently: 足够地,充分地:数量或程度上令人满意地;足够地: Is the fish cooked enough? 鱼做的火候够吗? Very; fully; quite: 很;十分;充分地: We were glad enough to leave. 我们很高兴离开 Tolerably; rather: 尚可;相当: She sang well enough, but the show was a failure. 她演唱得算好的了,但演出却是个失败 interj.(感叹词) Used to express impatience or exasperation: 用以表达不耐烦或恼怒: You"ve been practicing the violin all afternoon. Enough! 你整个下午都在练小提琴。够了! 问题二:足够好,足够多用英语怎么说 good enough, more enough 问题三:对我来说足够多 英文怎么说 I think it is enough for me . 问题四:当我有了足够的能力用英语怎么说 当我有了足够的能力 When I have enough ability 当我有了足够的能力 When I have enough ability 问题五:足够的时间的英文怎么说 enough time to enough:足够的,充足的 还有问题追问哦亲~ 问题六:足够认真用英语怎么说 enough修饰形容词,可以放在前,也可以放在后:careful enough 或者 enough careful 问题七:足够多的钱用英语怎么说 问题八:足够的 用英语怎么说 She is old enough. enough adj.足够的,修饰可数名词或不可数名词,可以放在名词前面,也可以放在名词后面;adv.足够地,修饰形容词、副词、动词,并放在其后。 enough adj. 足够的, 充足的, 只够做...的 n. 充足, 足够, 很多 adv. 足够地, 充分地 int. 够了! enough e.nough adj.(形容词) Sufficient to meet a need or satisfy a desire; adequate: 充足的:足以满足需要或愿望的;充足的: enough work to keep us all busy.See Synonyms at sufficient 足够多的让我们大家全都忙碌的工作参见 sufficient pron.(代词) An adequate number or quantity: 数目足够,数量充足: “The Gods above should give,/They have enough and we do poorly live”(Henry David Thoreau) “天上的神祉应该赐予/因他们富足而我们却贫苦度日”(亨利u30fb戴维u30fb索罗) adv.(副词) To a satisfactory amount or degree; sufficiently: 足够地,充分地:数量或程度上令人满意地;足够地: Is the fish cooked enough? 鱼做的火候够吗? Very; fully; quite: 很;十分;充分地: We were glad enough to leave. 我们很高兴离开 Tolerably; rather: 尚可;相当: She sang well enough, but the show was a failure. 她演唱得算好的了,但演出却是个失败 interj.(感叹词) Used to express impatience or exasperation: 用以表达不耐烦或恼怒: You"ve been practicing the violin all afternoon. Enough! 你整个下午都在练小提琴。够了! 问题九:足够好,足够多用英语怎么说 good enough, more enough 问题十:对我来说足够多 英文怎么说 I think it is enough for me .
2023-07-22 00:56:231

enough, sufficient, adequate 表示数量时?

enough> sufficient> adequate 三个分别表示:足够可能有盈余>足够>刚刚好
2023-07-22 00:57:012

enough 和suffient的区别

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2023-07-22 00:57:192

谁知道adequacy sufficient abundance 的区别

2023-07-22 00:57:282

consideration must be valuable & sufficient but need not be adequate

2023-07-22 00:57:351

澳洲法律术语 adequate和sufficient区别

adequate是要非常合乎需要的.sufficient是充足的。其实两者的英文解释是差不多的。都是enough for a particular porpose.
2023-07-22 00:57:441


adj.自给自足; 自给; 自足的,极为自负的,傲慢的;
2023-07-22 00:58:033

请问sufficient,ample, enough, abundant, adequate, plenty的具体区别?

正常人 不太会用 ample. ample abundant plenty----超出的多enough adequate sufficient --足够的多。
2023-07-22 00:58:111


enough,sufficient,adequate 都是足够的,修饰名词,表数量。复数名词只能用前两个修饰。adequate带否定意味,表数量勉强够,the water supply here is adequate 这里的水勉强够,也可表质量意为够好的。以上英汉词典╮(╯▽╰)╭
2023-07-22 00:58:212