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2023-07-22 02:43:50
TAG: 翻译

你好,可准确翻译为以下几种说法:I would like to have one night stand with you.

=I want to have a sex with you.

=I want to fuck you.

=I want to make love with you.满意请速速采纳,谢谢合作!


One night stand with you, OK?


i want to have a sex with u


I want to make love to you



简言之,one-night stand就是“一夜情”的意思,其中的stand并不是“站立”的意思,而是表示一个很小的“place”,地方。本来这个词是指a single night theatre performance,即只在某夜某地上演一次就离开的巡回表演,后来被代指a sexual relationship that lasts for a single night,即只持续一夜的性关系,是口语中不正式的用法。
2023-07-21 21:43:112

one-night stand是什么意思

就是一 夜 青,简称ons
2023-07-21 21:43:382

one night stand是什么意思?

简言之,one-night stand就是“一夜情”的意思,其中的stand并不是“站立”的意思,而是表示一个很小的“place”,地方。 本来这个词是指a single night theatre performance,即只在某夜某地上演一次就离开的巡回表演,后来被代指a sexual relationship that lasts for a single night,即只持续一夜的性关系,是口语中不正式的用法。
2023-07-21 21:44:101

for one night和one night stand的区别

“for one night”和“one night stand”都有“一晚、一夜或一个晚上”的意思,但侧重意思、语气色彩和表示对象三个方面不同。一、侧重意思for one night:侧重表时间,就一个晚上。one night stand:侧重表维系关系或维持动作的时间短,就一次。二、语气色彩for one night:中性词,客观字面的表示一个晚上。one night stand:中性词时,客观字面的表示仅此一次、仅此一场或奋力一博等;贬义词时,指代一夜情、一夜风流、露水之欢或露水情缘等。三、表示对象for one night:表示对象为时间。例句He felt like he"d had enough secrets for one night. 他感觉好像他一晚上知道了太多的秘密。The hotel charged them £ 900 for one night. 饭店向他们索要900英镑作为住一晚的费用。one night stand:表示对象为短暂的(交往)关系或动作。例句Although she only had a one night stand with him,she still thought about him often. 虽然他和她在一起只度过了一个晚上,但她却经常想起他。Today, my roommates sent a relationship request to my one night stand with my Facebook account. 今天,我的室友用我的Facebook账号发了一条“求交往”信息给我的露水之欢。Wager whether or not you want a one-night stand. 不论怎样都奋力一博吧。
2023-07-21 21:44:181

One night stand什么意思啊?

1. 在一处只演出一场 英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(98)__英语... one-night stand 在一处只演出一场 2. 一夜情 伟大的色情单词 - 两性物语 - 杭州网论... one-night stand 一夜情
2023-07-21 21:44:522

one night stand

“一夜情”这些年已经成为一个司空见惯的词语和社会现象,而且可谓是不分中外。许多人想当然地以为,“一夜情”在英语中的说法就是one night sex或者是one night love.查询Google之后发现,输入one night sex之后出现的排序最前面的三个页面显示的并非是one night sex,而是one night stand.输入one night love之后的结果是,虽然这一说法确实能够找到一些相关网页,但是,类似的说法还有one night of love, one night love affair;看来对于把“一夜情”表达为one night love,这一说法并未得到广泛的认可。相反,倒是输入了one night stand进行检索之后发现了大量的相关页面,还有一位名叫张震岳的歌手有一首歌就叫做One Night Stand.   有一些页面对于为什么“一夜情”叫做one night stand进行了解释,如的网络词典维基百科的释义是A one-night stand is originally a single night theatre performance (usually a guest group on tour), and today more commonly also a single sexual encounter between a man and a woman.上述英文释义其实已经说的很明白了。   “百度知道”提供的解释如下:“一夜情(One Night Stand),顾名思义是指发生在一夜之间的情事,有的认为英语世界里的"一夜情"One Night Stand,通常是指发生在两个陌生人之间,短暂的亲密接触,无须了解,也无须责任。在中文世界里,一夜情最确切的解释应当是:一夜性。即”一夜情“是一种偶发的性行为,通常仅只一次,也可能是有限的两三次,强调双方均基于性欲求的特点,拒绝感情与责任,常发生在并不熟悉的人之间。 而Stand本身就有短暂的驻留,停留之意,它不需要留念也不需要感情付出。”   据说,我们现在所接受的“一夜情”的英语对应说法其实来自于One Night Stand这部由影星娜塔莎?金丝基主演的片子,它讲述了典型的一个一夜情的故事:因为一次商务旅行,广告导演与有夫之妇发生了一夜情,谁知以后便越来越想念,以致自己的婚姻也岌岌可危……   当然,在中文世界里,尽管有些“一夜情”也许并没有性的成分,“一夜情”已经被许多人看作等同于“一夜性”,因此便有了把“一夜情”翻译成one night sex的说法。其实,从地道英语角度来说,“一夜情”就是one night stand或one-night stand,其复数形式就是one-night stands,下面这篇路透社的新闻报道就是一个的佐证,同时也可以让我们了解英国女性对待性和婚姻问题的态度,她们其实是很谨慎很保守很忠于家庭的。   One-night stands immoral, say 9 in 10 women   By Nic Fleming, Science Correspondent   (Filed: 31/03/2006)   Samantha of Sex and the City, it is fair to say, would not approve. The casual attitude to sexual relations embraced by the most liberated of the characters in the television series turns out not to reflect the views of 21st century women quite as well as widely imagined.   Researchers investigating female attitudes to sex and their sexuality were surprised to find that most women have rather more traditional, conservative views on one-night stands than they expected.   Women expressed concerns about casual sex   Around nine out of 10 of those questioned felt casual sex was immoral and that those women who engaged in it were not doing so primarily for pleasure.   They said they felt sorry for women who hadone-night stands, that they were lacking something in their lives and if they had not simply lost control through drink and drugs they were seeking emotional rather than physical connection.   Dr Sharron Hinchcliffe, a psychologist from the University of Sheffield, presented her findings at the annual conference of the British Psychological Society in Cardiff yesterday.   Dr Hinchcliffe said: "Our results did not fit in with the image we have of today"s independent woman who can go out and get sexual fulfillment without the ties of a relationship.   "There was a view that if women had one-night stands they were doing it for reasons other than their own pleasure, more out of a feeling of being desperate, needy or looking for something, or that they had lost control through drink or drugs.“   "They said they did it for reasons that were different to those of women in relationships - which they said were for pleasure and to express their love for their partner. They defined it as deviant behaviour.“   "They referred to the women as emulating male behaviour. It was certainly the view that it was not the way women should behave.“   "Some of the respondents said these things even though they admitted they had had one-night stands themselves. I was surprised at how judgmental they were.“   "It makes me question whether women have really gained all the sexual freedom they are supposed to have gained since the Sixties."   Dr Hinchcliffe and colleagues carried out in-depth interviews with 46 women selected from the electoral roll aged 23 to 83, with an average age of 48.   Around 10 per cent of the sample disagreed with the majority view of "no strings" sex as immoral. Dr Hinchcliffe said that if anything the women in their early thirties were more negative about one-night stands than those of women in their fifties.   Some of the participants also expressed concerns about women having casual sex exposing themselves to sexually transmitted disease.   A survey of 1,095 men and women carried out on behalf of Amnesty International UK and published in November found that more than a third of people believed a female rape victim was totally or partially responsible if she had behaved in a flirtatious manner with her attacker.   Dr Tuppy Owens, of the Sexual Freedom Coalition, a group that campaigns for sexual freedom between consenting adults, said: "I don"t like the expression "one-night stand".“   "Two people just banging away at each other can be pretty meaningless and an empty experience, unless there is some passion, care and feeling towards the other person. However, if you go out wondering what might happen, ready to give as well as receive, you might have the most wonderful adventure.“   "Perhaps if they had asked the questions in a different way they would have got different answers."   Norman Wells, the director of Family and Youth Concern, said: "It shows that most women are seeking more than the fleeting gratification that temporary sexual relationships can offer.“   "Sexual intimacy was never meant to be engaged in outside the context of lifelong union between one man and one woman.“   "By divorcing sex from marriage in our thinking and in the sexual education given to children and young people, we are promoting something that runs contrary to our basic longings for stability, permanence and commitment."
2023-07-21 21:44:591

One Night Stand 歌词

歌曲名:One Night Stand歌手:Janis Joplin专辑:Farewell SongOne night stand 『一夜情』A.J.Alex&BluroasisIt"s always rainy dayHoney, baby, again 『甜心,宝贝,再来一次』Honey, baby, again 『甜心,宝贝,再来一次』All the fairness runs so fast『真实感逃离得如此快』I keep them 4 a little while『只想再紧握片刻』So again 『所以,再来一次』So againYou"re my cigarette『你是我的雪茄』you"re my heroine『你是我的海洛因』you"re my dirty thought『你是我所有肮脏的念头』you"re the broken sorrow 『你是破碎的伤痛』Open.. again 『打开双腿..再来一次..』Open again(Butterfly begin to cry, I must kill u at this time)『蝴蝶开始尖叫,我这次必须要杀了你』Honey, baby, againHoney, baby, againI like the way u walking, I like the way u screaming 『我欣赏你走路的姿态,正如我欣赏你尖叫的模样』So again...So again...You"re my underwear『你是我的内衣』you"re my Bacchus『你是我的酒神』you"re my venues『你是我的维纳斯』so make you misshapen 『那么,就让你破碎吧』Open againOpen againDon"t make the dawn down on me 『别让拂晓降临于此』Don"t make the dawn down on meDon"t make the dawn down on meFor it is 1 night stand『因为仅此一夜我们拥有彼此』by moe
2023-07-21 21:45:181

one night stand这个词怎么来的?

当男人和女人需要的时候,就有了one-night stand。
2023-07-21 21:45:263

求One Night Stand 铃木达央&羽多野涉歌词翻译

LUV的亚耳后,刚好够前面吹Dokya科托 告诉我宝贝恩戴Bakka可怕的想法,他们会付出好没什么 散日泰不要问我,我想只是一个时刻,烟花绽放 真是太酷我通过他们的生活得到在迪斯的年龄段 寻找一个晚上在小镇充满虚伪游泳扎拉燃起 深海鱼Toridori人(鱼)谁编织的声音 他们想下来只擦Reau声新闻 为什么(不)发现有没有第二个 一夜间与你一同站立不能忘记 一夜间站在你一次 一晚,和你们站在一起而不给予名称 在身体发热(热),只留下 给寒冷和无情不关心我可以Nabikanai光致 给我你的吻了公主,也键入它看起来像一个坚实的后卫 无畏像疯了似的,你肯定会成为获得更大更多的热量,请 我应该怎么办?不起急于自己相信 只有真理的谎言(真的)在本现実全国虚拟现实的虚笼 可以睡不被饶恕羊群未来 他想上的温暖依靠的愈合 唐氏(撞倒)我喜欢Motsureatsu 一晚与你站在我想让您告诉我 一夜间,你站在那里 - 电路即 一夜间站在你痛苦奎込穆 该解决方案弄脏(因为)不仅心 请移到远处发现了一个笑容,我错了 在存储波动,而我尾随,如海市蜃楼 我不知道什么是爱Kametai概率 只是想知道到暴Kitaku追Ikaketaku 一晚上一晚上和你们站在一起 一晚,和你们站在一起,它是于周二 一夜间与你一同站立不能忘记 一夜间站在你一次 一晚,和你们站在一起而不给予名称 在身体发热(热),只留下 选择或生活方式和所有我想要的方式很别致 好转的,因为我相信,一切OK,如果它是 恋爱Deployment"ll哭超过了坚实的女孩太多戏剧性结局 出如此糟糕,我感觉很高兴,再也不能把裸露
2023-07-21 21:45:344

One Night Stand 歌词

歌曲名:One Night Stand歌手:Lloyd Banks专辑:Rotten AppleBy JsnonameUh... (Oooooohhh)Uh huh... (Ooohh)Yeah...I"m one night standingMy joy ride has just begunGirl I"m the one that can get the job doneAnd not fall victim to the hit and runNo breakfast in bed todaySoon as day break I be on my wayMIA back to JFKYeah..Shorty damn near mine without the whip and chainBet if I don"t get the pussy, I"m a get the brainWhether she knows or don"t know what the scriptures sayingI"m a player with a league pass, ma I get the gamesWhether I hit her don"t hit she won"t forget the name (Banks!)Lloyd Banks you know the yellow nigga with the changeA frozen hand on the metal when I whip the RangeI"m sitting sideways, dazed and switching lanesThere"s a 60-inch plasma in the master roomAnd we can sleep the whole morning and fuck the way to afternoonI had a way with words since I had a half a moonAnd I"m touring the world all winter, I"ll be back in JuneYou ain"t got to handle a mop, or push back a broomThere"s maids for that, this where the paper with the papers atScars are a part of my story I can"t take it backMaybe that"s why I look at shit like that.. (Yeah!)I"m one night standingMy joy ride has just begunGirl I"m the one that can get the job doneAnd not fall victim to the hit and runI"m one night standingNo breakfast in bed todaySoon as they ring shots I be on my wayMIA back to JFKUh..And its the same thing around the wayJust a lot more drama, you have to swing around the KI never got the ones I wanted just the ones that wanted meLook at her, she got the vapors cause I"m on TVLooking" like a million dollars in that blue GTAnd my Reese and my blue EV"s, bitch pleaseI have you feeling like you hit the jackpotCause my back shots, equivalent to crack rockI have you hooked off, dick prank calling your bitchGoing back and forth with your friends paintallin" my whipBesides I done gave you the sign, you just wouldn"t read itNow you feeling like Keyshia Cole and You Should"ve cheatedSo hoe, I pay it to never mindMind on my money, money keep shit together, I"mProbably going where you drove and lookingListening to the radio and half way out of Brooklyngood lookingI"m one night standingMy joy ride has just begunGirl I"m the one that can get the job doneAnd not fall victim to the hit and runI"m one night standingNo breakfast in bed todaySoon as day break I be on my wayMIA back to JFKI"m one night standing... (You know how it goes...)I"ve got to leave you girl... (I be here today... Going tomorrow...)I"m one night standing... (Uh!)I"ve got to leave you girl (Haha... Pick me up yeah...)I"m one night standing...Wish I could stay... But I got to play....La la la laaaaa laaa laaaaaaa....La la laaaaa...La la la laaaaa laaa laaaaaaa....La la laaaaa...
2023-07-21 21:45:461

跪求电影《一夜风流》One Night Stand(1997)下载地址。导演迈克·菲吉斯,主演韦斯利·斯奈普斯、温明娜

2023-07-21 21:45:553

一夜情的英文为何是"one night stand"?有何来历?

不知道,我只知道 瑷欲合 可以。你可以去看看。
2023-07-21 21:46:246

one NightStand 怎么翻译成一夜情的?

A one-night stand is originally a single night theatre performance (usually a guest group on tour), and today more commonly also a single sexual encounter between a man and a woman.
2023-07-21 21:46:383


one night stand
2023-07-21 21:46:584

找歌。歌词是 a weekend baby weekend one night stand

2023-07-21 21:47:165

"one night stay "or "one night stand "?

I was hoping for a lasting affair,not just a one - night stand. 我希望的是长久恩爱,而不是一夜露水之欢。
2023-07-21 21:47:315

《one stand night》 keri hilson的中文歌词

You should stay another night with me Oh woah uh huh A one night stand is what I need Just you and me You should stay another night with me Oh woah uh huh A one night stand is what I need Tell me how you like it baby Do you want it fast or slow Cos I get so excited baby When you"re taking off my clothes Time and time again I done try To be the girl in your life Boy I know you"re feeling lonely So if you want it boy Just come over boy And I promise you won"t ever want any more yeah You should stay another night with me Oh woah uh huh A one night stand is what I need Just you and me You should stay another night with me Oh woah uh huh A one night stand is what I need Tell me how it feels When your man don"t please you right And tell me how it feels after I ? Ooh I got the remedy girl I"ll be your fantasy girl I"ma kiss from your head to your feet yeah Satisfaction guaranteed woahhh Girl I didn"t come to tease ya I just wanna please ya Hope you like it I know you wanna be loved Maybe we can make some Boy I think that you should stay You should stay another night with me Oh woah uh huh A one night stand is what I need Just you and me You should stay another night with me Oh woah uh huh A one night stand is what I need talk... You should stay another night with me A one night stand is all I needYou should stay another night with me Oh woah uh huh A one night stand is what I need Just you and me You should stay another night with me Oh woah uh huh A one night stand is what I need Tell me how you like it baby Do you want it fast or slow Cos I get so excited baby When you"re taking off my clothes Time and time again I done try To be the girl in your life Boy I know you"re feeling lonely So if you want it boy Just come over boy And I promise you won"t ever want any more yeah You should stay another night with me Oh woah uh huh A one night stand is what I need Just you and me You should stay another night with me Oh woah uh huh A one night stand is what I need Tell me how it feels When your man don"t please you right And tell me how it feels after I ? Ooh I got the remedy girl I"ll be your fantasy girl I"ma kiss from your head to your feet yeah Satisfaction guaranteed woahhh Girl I didn"t come to tease ya I just wanna please ya Hope you like it I know you wanna be loved Maybe we can make some Boy I think that you should stay You should stay another night with me Oh woah uh huh A one night stand is what I need Just you and me You should stay another night with me Oh woah uh huh A one night stand is what I need talk... You should stay another night with me A one night stand is all I need自动检测中英文中译英英译中百度翻译.翻译结果(英 > 中)复制结果你应该呆一个晚上与我哦,哇哦一一站是我所需要的只有你和我你应该呆一个晚上与我哦,哇哦一一站是我所需要的告诉我你喜欢它的婴儿你想它快或慢因为我这么兴奋,宝贝当你脱下我的衣服我一次又一次的做的尝试是你生命中的女孩我知道你感觉孤单所以如果你想要这孩子就在男孩我答应你永远不会再是你应该呆一个晚上与我哦,哇哦一一站是我所需要的只有你和我你应该呆一个晚上与我哦,哇哦一一站是我所需要的告诉我如何感觉当你的男人不请你并告诉我如何感觉我吗?哦,我要补救的女孩我会是你的幻想的女孩我会吻从头到脚啊满意保证woahhh我不是来挑逗你我只是想请你希望你喜欢它我知道你想被爱也许我们可以作出一些我认为你应该留下你应该呆一个晚上与我哦,哇哦一一站是我所需要的只有你和我你应该呆一个晚上与我哦,哇哦一一站是我所需要的谈…你应该呆一个晚上与我一一站是我所有的需要
2023-07-21 21:47:441


《Stay Here》歌手:薛之谦作词 : 薛之谦作曲 : Peter Krafft黑暗里 月亮落了地应该悲伤叹息 身体却没了力气因为彼此怀疑 我们漂浮在这里我们曾有引力 怎么没人记起Stay HereI want you stay with me用尽最后的空气Stay HereI want you stay with me反正也没人回应Stay Here Stay StayStay Stay Stay Stay Stay StayStay HereI want you stay with me在听不见的夜里Stay HereI want you stay with me像没人看的电影看 天空在闪来的太晚Stay Here stay with me就这样漫无目的Stay Here stay with me像坠入最深的海底Stay HereI want you stay with me向着稀薄的光明Stay HereI want you stay with me换个清白的姓名 再叫醒
2023-07-21 21:47:5310

跪求电影《一夜风流》One Night Stand(1997)下载地址。导演迈克·菲吉斯,主演韦斯

2023-07-21 21:48:442

one night stand什么意思

2023-07-21 21:49:483

for one night和one night stand的区别

for one night 只一夜one night stand 一夜情
2023-07-21 21:50:214

One Night Stand 歌词

歌曲名:One Night Stand歌手:Kenny G专辑:GravityOne night stand 『一夜情』A.J.Alex&BluroasisIt"s always rainy dayHoney, baby, again 『甜心,宝贝,再来一次』Honey, baby, again 『甜心,宝贝,再来一次』All the fairness runs so fast『真实感逃离得如此快』I keep them 4 a little while『只想再紧握片刻』So again 『所以,再来一次』So againYou"re my cigarette『你是我的雪茄』you"re my heroine『你是我的海洛因』you"re my dirty thought『你是我所有肮脏的念头』you"re the broken sorrow 『你是破碎的伤痛』Open.. again 『打开双腿..再来一次..』Open again(Butterfly begin to cry, I must kill u at this time)『蝴蝶开始尖叫,我这次必须要杀了你』Honey, baby, againHoney, baby, againI like the way u walking, I like the way u screaming 『我欣赏你走路的姿态,正如我欣赏你尖叫的模样』So again...So again...You"re my underwear『你是我的内衣』you"re my Bacchus『你是我的酒神』you"re my venues『你是我的维纳斯』so make you misshapen 『那么,就让你破碎吧』Open againOpen againDon"t make the dawn down on me 『别让拂晓降临于此』Don"t make the dawn down on meDon"t make the dawn down on meFor it is 1 night stand『因为仅此一夜我们拥有彼此』by moe
2023-07-21 21:53:011

one night stand什么意思

你好。one night stand翻译成中文是:一夜情。——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。
2023-07-21 21:53:091

One Night Stand 歌词

歌曲名:One Night Stand歌手:E-40 Featuring Dj Kayslay专辑:Breakin NewsOne night stand 『一夜情』A.J.Alex&BluroasisIt"s always rainy dayHoney, baby, again 『甜心,宝贝,再来一次』Honey, baby, again 『甜心,宝贝,再来一次』All the fairness runs so fast『真实感逃离得如此快』I keep them 4 a little while『只想再紧握片刻』So again 『所以,再来一次』So againYou"re my cigarette『你是我的雪茄』you"re my heroine『你是我的海洛因』you"re my dirty thought『你是我所有肮脏的念头』you"re the broken sorrow 『你是破碎的伤痛』Open.. again 『打开双腿..再来一次..』Open again(Butterfly begin to cry, I must kill u at this time)『蝴蝶开始尖叫,我这次必须要杀了你』Honey, baby, againHoney, baby, againI like the way u walking, I like the way u screaming 『我欣赏你走路的姿态,正如我欣赏你尖叫的模样』So again...So again...You"re my underwear『你是我的内衣』you"re my Bacchus『你是我的酒神』you"re my venues『你是我的维纳斯』so make you misshapen 『那么,就让你破碎吧』Open againOpen againDon"t make the dawn down on me 『别让拂晓降临于此』Don"t make the dawn down on meDon"t make the dawn down on meFor it is 1 night stand『因为仅此一夜我们拥有彼此』by moe
2023-07-21 21:53:161

One Night Stand 歌词

歌曲名:One Night Stand歌手:Divide The Day专辑:One Night StandOne night stand 『一夜情』A.J.Alex&BluroasisIt"s always rainy dayHoney, baby, again 『甜心,宝贝,再来一次』Honey, baby, again 『甜心,宝贝,再来一次』All the fairness runs so fast『真实感逃离得如此快』I keep them 4 a little while『只想再紧握片刻』So again 『所以,再来一次』So againYou"re my cigarette『你是我的雪茄』you"re my heroine『你是我的海洛因』you"re my dirty thought『你是我所有肮脏的念头』you"re the broken sorrow 『你是破碎的伤痛』Open.. again 『打开双腿..再来一次..』Open again(Butterfly begin to cry, I must kill u at this time)『蝴蝶开始尖叫,我这次必须要杀了你』Honey, baby, againHoney, baby, againI like the way u walking, I like the way u screaming 『我欣赏你走路的姿态,正如我欣赏你尖叫的模样』So again...So again...You"re my underwear『你是我的内衣』you"re my Bacchus『你是我的酒神』you"re my venues『你是我的维纳斯』so make you misshapen 『那么,就让你破碎吧』Open againOpen againDon"t make the dawn down on me 『别让拂晓降临于此』Don"t make the dawn down on meDon"t make the dawn down on meFor it is 1 night stand『因为仅此一夜我们拥有彼此』by moe
2023-07-21 21:53:231

One Night Stand 歌词

歌曲名:One Night Stand歌手:Let Loose专辑:Let LooseKeri Hilson feat.Chris Brown–One Night StandYou should stay another night with meOh woah uh huhA one night stand is what I needJust you and meYou should stay another night with meOh woah uh huhA one night stand is what I needTell me how you like it babyDo you want it fast or slowCos I get so excited babyWhen you"re taking off my clothesTime and time again I done tryTo be the girl in your lifeBoy I know you"re feeling lonelySo if you want it boyJust come over boyAnd I promise you won"t ever want any more yeahYou should stay another night with meOh woah uh huhA one night stand is what I needJust you and meYou should stay another night with meOh woah uh huhA one night stand is what I needTell me how it feelsWhen your man don"t please you rightAnd tell me how it feels after I ?Ooh I got the remedy girlI"ll be your fantasy girlI"ma kiss from your head to your feet yeahSatisfaction guaranteedwoahhhGirl I didn"t come to tease yaI just wanna please yaHope you like itI know you wanna be lovedMaybe we can make someBoy I think that you should stayYou should stay another night with meOh woah uh huhA one night stand is what I needJust you and meYou should stay another night with meOh woah uh huhA one night stand is what I needtalk...You should stay another night with meA one night stand is all I need
2023-07-21 21:53:311

One night stand 歌词

歌曲名:One night stand歌手:Virgos室男社专辑:VIRGOSVirgos室男社- One night stand词曲:肖彬立 英文词:吕品别再慢动作 解开热情的枷锁我们剩下的时间已经不多不多不需要啰嗦 什么话都不必说就让手机休息一夜它不通不通Hey 是谁的心在乱跳噗通噗通噗通(喘息得汹涌)喂 请把良心藏起来快乐快乐快乐(就算虚伪造作)What u make me gonna feel tonight,welcome u to come inside接下来更值得期待余兴节目的精彩There gonna be a big case tonight,welcome u to come inside可惜演出结束太快 Just one night stand,oh bye别再慢动作 解开热情的枷锁我们剩下的时间已经不多不多不需要啰嗦 什么话都不必说就让手机休息一夜它不通不通Hey 是谁的心在乱跳噗通噗通噗通(喘息得汹涌)喂 请把良心藏起来快乐快乐快乐(就算虚伪造作)What u make me gonna feel tonight,welcome u to come inside接下来更值得期待余兴节目的精彩There gonna be a big case tonight,welcome u to come inside可惜演出结束太快 Just one night stand,oh bye就算虚伪造作What u make me gonna feel tonight,welcome u to come inside接下来更值得期待余兴节目的精彩There gonna be a big case tonight,welcome u to come inside可惜演出结束太快 Just one night stand,oh bye
2023-07-21 21:53:381

One Night Stand 歌词

歌曲名:One Night Stand歌手:张震岳专辑:秘密基地One Night Stand 词曲: 张震岳我还在思考你用什么来诱惑著我我没有理由一步步走进你的漩涡她还在等我我不能对她做错什么再喝一口酒清醒我的头我的脆弱的灵魂今天不会太诚恳酒醒之後也许忘记你是谁是否我们在逃避这爱情的游戏我不要走开我不要走开我不要走开我还在思考你用什么来诱惑著我我没有理由一步步走进你的漩涡她还在等我我不能对她做错什么再喝一口酒清醒我的头我的脆弱的灵魂今天不会太诚恳酒醒之後也许忘记你是谁是否我们在逃避这爱情的游戏我不要走开我不要走开我不要走开我的脆弱的灵魂今天不会太诚恳酒醒之後也许忘记你是谁是否我们在逃避这爱情的游戏我不要走开我不要走开我不要走开今天不会太诚恳酒醒之後也许忘记你是谁是否我们在逃避这爱情的游戏我不要走开我不要走开我不要走开
2023-07-21 21:53:561

One Night Stand 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:One Night Stand歌手:Janis Joplin专辑:JanisOne night stand 『一夜情』A.J.Alex&BluroasisIt"s always rainy dayHoney, baby, again 『甜心,宝贝,再来一次』Honey, baby, again 『甜心,宝贝,再来一次』All the fairness runs so fast『真实感逃离得如此快』I keep them 4 a little while『只想再紧握片刻』So again 『所以,再来一次』So againYou"re my cigarette『你是我的雪茄』you"re my heroine『你是我的海洛因』you"re my dirty thought『你是我所有肮脏的念头』you"re the broken sorrow 『你是破碎的伤痛』Open.. again 『打开双腿..再来一次..』Open again(Butterfly begin to cry, I must kill u at this time)『蝴蝶开始尖叫,我这次必须要杀了你』Honey, baby, againHoney, baby, againI like the way u walking, I like the way u screaming 『我欣赏你走路的姿态,正如我欣赏你尖叫的模样』So again...So again...You"re my underwear『你是我的内衣』you"re my Bacchus『你是我的酒神』you"re my venues『你是我的维纳斯』so make you misshapen 『那么,就让你破碎吧』Open againOpen againDon"t make the dawn down on me 『别让拂晓降临于此』Don"t make the dawn down on meDon"t make the dawn down on meFor it is 1 night stand『因为仅此一夜我们拥有彼此』by moehttp://music.b***.com/song/9684110
2023-07-21 21:54:031


2023-07-21 21:54:125

有哪一首英文歌的歌词有“……just one night stand……turn around around……”

怎么感觉是just one last dance啊?你确定歌词是正确的?
2023-07-21 21:54:276

请问stay with me-sam smith 中文歌词

stay with me与我同在sam smithGuess it"s true,我想这是真的 I"m not good at a one night stand我不擅长一夜情 But I still need love "cause I"m just man但作为一个男人,我仍离不开爱情 These nights never seem to go to plan有些夜晚总不按计划进行 I don"t want you to leave,我不想你走 Will you hold my HAND?期盼你能挽我手 Oh, won"t you STAY with ME你得和我在一起 "Cause you"re all I NEED因为我只需要你 This ain"t LOVE, it"s clear to see很明显,这不是爱 But darling, STAY with ME可是亲爱的,请与我同在Why am I so emotional?!为何我如此激动 No it"s not a good look, gain some self control看起来不妙,我必须自控 Deep down I know this never works深知这行不通 But you could lay with me,但你可以睡在我身边 So it doesn"t hurt我的心就不会痛 Oh, won"t you STAY with ME你得和我在一起 "Cause you"re all I NEED因为我只需要你 This ain"t LOVE, it"s clear to see很明显,这不是爱 But darling, STAY with ME可是亲爱的,请与我同在Oooh oh ooh oooh ooooh oh Oooh oh ooh oooh ooooh ohOh, won"t you STAY with ME你得和我在一起 "Cause you"re all I NEED因为我只需要你 This ain"t LOVE, it"s clear to see很明显,这不是爱 But darling, STAY with ME可是亲爱的,请与我同在请采纳!!!
2023-07-21 21:54:412

I want to go to bed with you._Make love_one night stand__是什么意思

2023-07-21 21:54:471

《《One Night Stand Later》清澈洳海》txt全集下载

2023-07-21 21:54:542


419是英语for one night的谐音,是一夜情的意思。 MB是英语Money Boy的缩写,是男妓的意思。 以上两个都不是地道的英语,是非英语国家杜撰出来的。英文里一夜情是one night stand,男妓则是hustler。 SM 是英语sadomasochism的缩写,是虐待癖/被虐癖的意思。 Shemale是指所谓“人妖”,也就是扮为女性的男人。 cc是英语sissy的谐音,是“女气”的意思,这是骂人
2023-07-21 21:55:142

跪求电影《一夜风流》One Night Stand(1997)下载地址。

答案私信你了哦。。如果能下 请采纳
2023-07-21 21:55:232

just stand one night的中文意思

2023-07-21 21:55:363


2023-07-21 21:55:453

Usher的《Red Light》 歌词

歌曲名:Red Light歌手:Usher专辑:Yeah!It"s crazyI can"t believe that youWould be the one to doDo me like you doGet back here babyGirl you let meHave my way and i was thinkin i could get it againBaby we could be friends if you"re lonely (ssh)And you show meJust how quick your tires could spinYou were off in the windTell me where did you goWhen you left (oh)I"m thinkin which way did she goI should have known that you would lead me on girlIm in the wind on cruise controlI gotta be dreamin cuz i never felt like this beforeIt was supposed to beJust a one nightIn and out and im out the doorBut she"s got me sittin hereAt the red lightDrivin round lookin out for herIt was supposed to beJust a one nightIn and out and im out the doorSo why am i sittin hereAt the red lightDrivin round lookin out for herLookin out for herNow its raininAnd i"m lookin over at the passenger sideThinkin back in my mind how you set me offShe was stoppin and droppin meSwitchin from fast to slowBut that aint have nothing on how you gotWhen i got you homeWhen you left (oh)I"m thinkin which way did she goThe way you touched yourselfHad me up the wallIm in the wind on cruise controlI"m searchin for you cuz i can"t seem to let you goIt was supposed to beJust a one nightIn and out and im out the doorBut she"s got me sittin hereAt the red lightDrivin round lookin out for herIt was supposed to beJust a one nightIn and out and im out the doorSo why am i sittin hereAt the red lightDrivin round lookin out for herLookin out for herYou knowI really only thoughtThat this would be a one night standWhat you doin to meCome onWhat you doin to meMaybe (maybe)She"s runnin home to someone else (someone else)Or maybe (or maybe)She lost my number in her cell(oooh babe)(what you doin to me)Or maybe (or maybe)She"s never done like this beforeCuz i cant see (can"t see)Her not comin back for moreMoreIt was supposed to beJust a one nightIn and out and im out the doorBut she"s got me sittin hereAt the red lightDrivin round lookin out for herIt was supposed to beJust a one nightIn and out and im out the doorSo why am i sittin hereAt the red lightDrivin round lookin out for herIt was supposed to beJust a one nightIn and out and im out the doorBut she"s got me sittin hereAt the red lightDrivin round lookin out for herIt was supposed to beJust a one nightIn and out and im out the doorSo why am i sittin hereAt the red lightDrivin round lookin out for herLookin out for her
2023-07-21 21:55:531

有首英文歌,是男声的,有句歌词是 we can feel all that we love,有人知道歌名吗?

Free Loop I"m a little used to calling outside your name I wont see you tonight so I can keep from going insane But I don"t know enough, I get some kinda lazy day Hey yeah I"ve been fabulous through to fight my town a name I"ll be stooped tomorrow if I don"t leave as them both the same But i dont know enough, I get some kinda lazy day Hey yeah Cause it"s hard for me to lose In my life I"ve found only time will tell And I will figure out that we can baby We can do a one night stand, yeah And it"s hard for me to lose in my life I"ve found outside your skin right near the fire That we can baby We can change and feel alright I"m a little used to wandering outside the rain You can leave me tomorrow if it suits you just the same But I don"t know enough, I need someone who leaves the day Hey yeah Cause it"s hard for me to lose In my life I"ve found only time will tell And I will figure out that we can baby We can do a one night stand, yeah And it"s hard for me to lose in my life I"ve found outside your skin right near the fire That we can baby We can change and feel alright Cause it"s hard for me to lose In my life I"ve found only time will tell I will figure out that we can baby We can do a one night stand, yeah And it"s hard for me to lose in my life I"ve found outside your skin right near the fire That we can baby We can change and feel alright Cause it"s hard for me to lose In my life I"ve found only time will tell And I will figure out that we can baby We can do a one night stand, yeah And it"s hard for me to lose in my life I"ve found outside your skin right near the fire That we can baby We can change and feel alright
2023-07-21 21:56:011

求耽美文《OneNightStand》作者:无所谓。 下载txt链接。

2023-07-21 21:56:171


Free Loop (管不住的音符)I"m a little used to calling outside your name 如果不喊出你的名字,我在窗外会有点难受I wont see you tonight so I can keep from going insane 今晚若再见到你,我可能无法控制自己But I don"t know enough, I get some kinda lazy day 我不明白这是为什么,时间开始变得有点缓慢Hey yeah 嘿耶I"ve been fabulous through to fight my town a name 我曾一语惊人,想要名震一方I"ll be stooped tomorrow if I don"t leave as them both the same 如果我也离你而去,在人群中随波逐流,只会碌碌无为But i dont know enough, I get some kinda lazy day 我不明白这是为什么,时间开始变得有点缓慢Hey yeah 嘿耶Cause it"s hard for me to lose 因为失去你是一种煎熬In my life I"ve found only time will tell 我发觉在我的生活中只有时间才能证明一切And I will figure out that we can baby 宝贝,我会找到答案的We can do a one night stand, yeah 至少我们可以一夜相拥And it"s hard for me to lose in my life 因为失去你是一种煎熬I"ve found outside your skin right near the fire 我发现你被遗弃街头,外表憔悴不堪将要毁灭That we can baby 宝贝,我们可以We can change and feel alright 扭转一切,共度难关I"m a little used to wandering outside the rain 我已习惯在雨中漫步You can leave me tomorrow if it suits you just the same 如果你找到依赖,大可天明就离我而去But I don"t know enough, I need someone who leaves the day
2023-07-21 21:56:351

求一首很好听的英文歌MV 小时候在店门外看着钢琴长大存钱买后面缺钱又卖了手在自动的弹钢琴也配合着弹 .

FREE LOOP. Daniel Powter I"m a little used to calling outside your name I wont see you tonight so I can keep from going insane But I don"t know enough, I get some kinda lazy day Hey yeah I"ve been fabulous through to fight my town a name I"ll be stooped tomorrow if I don"t leave as them both the same But I dont know enough, I get some kinda lazy day Hey yeah Cause it"s hard for me to lose In my life I"ve found only time will tell And I will figure out that we can baby We can do a one night stand, yeah And it"s hard for me to lose in my life I"ve found outside your skin right near the fire That we can baby We can change and feel alright I"m a little used to wandering outside the rain You can leave me tomorrow if it suits you just the same But I don"t know enough, I need someone who leaves the day Hey yeah Cause it"s hard for me to lose In my life I"ve found only time will tell And I will figure out that we can baby We can do a one night stand, yeah And it"s hard for me to lose in my life I"ve found outside your skin right near the fire That we can baby We can change and feel alright Free Loop--Daniel Powter Cause it"s hard for me to lose In my life I"ve found only time will tell I will figure out that we can baby We can do a one night stand, yeah And it"s hard for me to lose in my life I"ve found outside your skin right near the fire That we can baby We can change and feel alright Cause it"s hard for me to lose In my life I"ve found only time will tell And I will figure out that we can baby We can do a one night stand, yeah And it"s hard for me to lose in my life I"ve found outside your skin right near the fire That we can baby Over... 还好那天闲着无事看过了捏·~
2023-07-21 21:56:431

跪求电影《一夜风流》One Night Stand(1997)下载地址。导演迈克·菲吉斯,主演韦斯利·斯奈普斯、温明娜

2023-07-21 21:56:533


自力更生 。。
2023-07-21 21:57:239

求一首英文歌名 男生唱的 整首歌伴奏都是有钢琴的铛~铛~铛~铛......声音 节奏很轻快

是不是这首?Neutron Star Collision (Love Is Forever)整首都能听到钢琴伴奏的但是开头不是look或looking 也有可能是Tennis Elbow-Sky Sailing开头是cell,节奏非常轻快
2023-07-21 21:57:403


2023-07-21 21:57:509

WWE 各类PVP比赛中文名称

1月Royal Rumble皇家大战2月No Way Out无路可逃4月Wrestlemania 摔角狂热5月Backlash 爆裂震撼 Judgment Day审判日6月One Night Stand Vengeance致命复仇7月Great American Bash美国大狂欢8月Summerslam夏日冲击9月Unforgiven杀无赦10月No Mercy毫不仁慈11月Cyber Sunday Survivor Series强者生存12月Armageddon世界末日
2023-07-21 22:00:121

Every Morning 歌词

歌曲名:Every Morning歌手:Keb"Mo"专辑:Keb" Mo"Every morning there"s a halo hanginfrom the corner of my girlfriend"s four post bedI know it"s not mine but I"ll see if I can use it forthe weekend or a one-night standCouldn"t understandHow to work it outOnce again as predicted left my broken heart openand you ripped it outSomething"s got me reelingStopped me from believingTurn me around againSaid that we can do itYou know I wanna do it againOh...........Oh................Oh.......Every Morning there"s a heartache hangingfrom the corner of my girlfriend"s four-post bedI know it"s not mine and I know she thinks she loves mebut I never can believe what she saidSomething so deceivingWhen you stop believingTurn me around againSaid we couldn"t do itYou know I wanna do it againOh...........Oh..................Oh...........Oh..........She always rights the wrongFor meBabyShe always rights the wrongFor meEvery Morning there"s a halo hangingfrom the corner of my girlfriend"s four-post bedI know it"s not mine but I"ll see if I can use it forthe weekend or a one-night standEvery MorningEvery Morning when I wake upEvery MorningEvery MorningEvery MorningEvery Morning
2023-07-21 22:00:201

哪首英文歌的开头的歌词是“ every morning” ??

Lucky 布兰妮的
2023-07-21 22:00:292