barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-22 02:32:00


operation CWAL 快速建造,研究和修复

Whats mine is mine 无限多矿石

Breathe deep 无限多天然气

whats mine is mine 增加1000点矿石

breathe deep 增加1000点天然气

show me the money 增加10000点矿石和天然气

The Gathering 用于特殊技能的能量无限

game over man 任务以失败结束

Noglues 对方不能使用魔法

Power Overwhelming 无敌,只怕原子弹

staying alive 使用后无法完成任务

there is no cow level 直接过关

something for nothing 完成所有升级

black sheep wall 显示全部地图

war aint what it used to be 取消迷雾

food for thought 生产不受人口上限限制



Stim Packs 损10 Damage的兴奋剂(可以增加攻击力和机动力)

LockDown 锁定机械系敌人

ShockWave 震动波(损敌我的energy, 和神族的电浆护盾)

Spider Mines 蜘蛛诡雷

Scanner Sweep 范围扫瞄器(暴露隐形单位)

Def. Matrix 方阵护盾

Irradiate 放射线(对虫族的所有部队及神族的地面部队有效)固定目标范围

YaMaTo Gun 大和巨炮

Cloaking field 隐形(Air)

P.Cloaking 隐形(Earth)


Psionic Storm 迷幻风暴

Hallucination 幻象(产生与指定目标相同的两个幻象)

Recall 唤回部队

Stasis Field 凝滞场(冻结)忽略有效兵力

Zerg: Infestation 群袭

SpawnBroodling 体外伏寄(专对地面部队的必杀寄生虫)还会残留两只小虫

Dark Swarm 群集(掩护)

Plague 疫病(严重损伤)但不会死 Consume 把自军部队吸引

energy+50 Ensnare 陷诱(异光黏液)暴露隐形单位 Parasite 寄生侦察虫




HP 60

Shields(护盾) *

Armor(防御力) 1

对空 *

对地 *

制造时间 30

矿 50

油 25




Optical Flare:至盲,使被使用部队视野降到最低。(对象:任何部队。范围:一个成员)


HP 200

Shields(护盾) *

Armor(防御力) 2

对空 5+x

对地 *

制造时间 60

矿 250

油 125




1:Dark Templar(黑暗圣殿武士)

HP 80

Shields(护盾) 40

Armor(防御力) 1

对空 *

对地 40+3x

制造时间 50

矿 125

油 100



2:Dark Archon(黑暗头领)

HP 25

Shields(护盾) 200

Armor(防御力) 1

对空 *

对地 *

制造时间 20

矿 *

油 *

性质:头领,由 Dark Templar 合体而成。


Mind Control:永久控制对方部队(对象:任何部队。范围:一个成员)



HP 100

Shields(护盾) 80

Armor(防御力) 1

对空 5+x

对地 *

制造时间 40

矿 150

油 100


能力:Disruption Web:使作用范围内地面部队无法对空攻击(作用于区域的能力)



HP 125

Shields(护盾) *

Armor(防御力) 1

对空 *

对地 20+2x

制造时间 40

矿 50

油 100

性质:生物系地面部队,潜入地下方能攻击,由Hydralisk 孵化而成



HP 250

Shields(护盾) *

Armor(防御力) 2

对空 25+2x

对地 *

制造时间 40

矿 150

油 50































注: 所有红色文字标出的信息只在星际争霸:母巢之战中有效。


在单人玩者模式按 ENTER 键后输入:

power overwhelming =无敌

operation CWAL=快速建筑

show me the money =10,000 单位的矿物和高能瓦斯

the gathering = psionic stuff 法力能量无限

game over man =任务失败

noglues =敌人无法施行魔法

staying alive =任务无法完成

there is no cow level =任务完成

whats mine is mine =矿产无限

breathe deep =高能瓦斯无限

something for nothing =开启所有可生产的选项

black sheep wall =得―全开

medieval man =单位无限生产

modify the phase variance =拥有生产所有建筑物的能力

war aint what it used to be =关闭战争迷雾

food for thought =拥有在补给限制下无限制造单位的能力

玩 BROOD WAR 选用异形时

Radio Free Zerg =异形主题曲


输入 ophelia 然后按下 enter




Stim Packs =兴奋剂(损10 点生命值但可增加攻击力和机动力)

LockDown =瘫痪机械目标

ShockWave = 震动波(损敌我的能量,和神族的电浆护盾)

Spider Mines =蜘蛛诡雷

Scanner Sweep =隐形单位扫描器

Def. Matrix =方阵护盾

Irradiate =放射线(对虫族的所有部队及神族的地面部队有效)

YaMaTo Gun = 大和巨炮

Cloaking field = 飞行器隐形能力

P.Cloaking =地面人员隐形能力


Psionic Storm = 迷幻风暴

Hallucination =产生与指定目标相同的两个幻象

Recall =时空门

Stasis Field =冻结目标


Burrowing =钻地

Infestation =生产自杀炸弹兵

Spawn Broodling =专对地面部队的必杀寄生虫,还会残留两双小虫

Dark Swarm =机枪的攻击失效

Plague =目标生命值下降至濒死

Consume =吞食同伴并吸收能量

Ensnare =大幅降低部队行动速度

Parasite = 寄生侦察虫

在单人玩者模式按 ENTER 键后输入:

power overwhelming =无敌

operation CWAL=快速建筑

show me the money =10,000 单位的矿物和高能瓦斯

the gathering = psionic stuff 法力能量无限

game over man =任务失败

noglues =敌人无法施行魔法

staying alive =任务无法完成

there is no cow level =任务完成

whats mine is mine =矿产无限

breathe deep =高能瓦斯无限

something for nothing =开启所有可生产的选项

black sheep wall =得―全开

medieval man =单位无限生产

modify the phase variance =拥有生产所有建筑物的能力

war aint what it used to be =关闭战争迷雾

food for thought =拥有在补给限制下无限制造单位的能力

玩 BROOD WAR 选用异形时

Radio Free Zerg =异形主题曲


输入 ophelia 然后按下 enter




Stim Packs =兴奋剂(损10 点生命值但可增加攻击力和机动力)

LockDown =瘫痪机械目标

ShockWave = 震动波(损敌我的能量,和神族的电浆护盾)

Spider Mines =蜘蛛诡雷

Scanner Sweep =隐形单位扫描器

Def. Matrix =方阵护盾

Irradiate =放射线(对虫族的所有部队及神族的地面部队有效)

YaMaTo Gun = 大和巨炮

Cloaking field = 飞行器隐形能力

P.Cloaking =地面人员隐形能力


Psionic Storm = 迷幻风暴

Hallucination =产生与指定目标相同的两个幻象

Recall =时空门

Stasis Field =冻结目标


Burrowing =钻地

Infestation =生产自杀炸弹兵

Spawn Broodling =专对地面部队的必杀寄生虫,还会残留两双小虫

Dark Swarm =机枪的攻击失效

Plague =目标生命值下降至濒死

Consume =吞食同伴并吸收能量

Ensnare =大幅降低部队行动速度

Parasite = 寄生侦察虫


power overwhelming =无敌 星际争霸秘籍

operation CWAL=快速建筑生产

show me the money =10,000 单位的矿物和高能瓦斯

the gathering = psionic stuff 法力能量无限

game over man =立即游戏失败

noglues =敌人无法施行魔法

staying alive =任务无法完成

there is no cow level =完成目前所执行的任务

whats mine is mine =矿产无限

breathe deep =瓦斯无限

something for nothing =打开


black sheep wall =地图全开

medieval man =单位无限生产

modify the phase variance =拥有生产所有建筑物的能力

war aint what it used to be =关闭战争迷雾

food for thought =拥有在补给限制下无限制造单位的能力


输入 ophelia 然后按下 enter




Stim Packs = 损10 Damage的兴奋剂(可以增加攻击力和机动力)

LockDown = 锁定机械系敌人

ShockWave = 震动波(损敌我的energy, 和神族的电浆护盾)

Spider Mines =蜘蛛诡雷

Scanner Sweep = 范围扫瞄器(暴露隐形单位)

Def. Matrix =方阵护盾

Irradiate 放射线(对虫族的所有部队及神族的地面部队有效)固定目标范围

YaMaTo Gun = 大和巨炮

Cloaking field = 隐形(Air)

P.Cloaking =隐形(Earth)


Psionic Storm = 迷幻风暴

Hallucination =幻象0002(产生与指定目标相同的两个幻象)

Recall =唤回部队

Stasis Field = 凝滞场(冻结战场~~~)忽略有效兵力

Zerg: Infestation = 群袭

SpawnBroodling = 体外伏寄(专对地面部队的必杀寄生虫)还会残留两只小虫

Dark Swarm =群集(掩护)

Plague =疫病(严重损伤)但不会死 Consume = 把自军部队吸引

energy+50 Ensnare = 陷诱(异光黏液)暴露隐形单位 Parasite = 寄生侦察虫

回答者:сancêr - 试用期 一级 12-9 17:12

power overwhelming:打开上帝模式(无敌)

operation cwal:建造速度加快

the gathering:技能点数无限(魔法不减)


game over man:当前关卡失败

staying alive:在关卡胜利后继续玩下去

show me the money:各种资源增加10000个单位

there is no cow level:立即通过本关

whats mine is mine:得到500单位水晶石

breathe deep:得到500单位瓦斯

something for nothing:开启所有可生产的选项

black sheep wall:展现完整的地图

medieval man:作战单位免费升级

modify the phase variance:可生产所有的建筑物

war aint what it used to be:关闭遮罩的迷雾

food for thought:使你能够无限制的建造作战单位


回答者:lingbo00 - 见习魔法师 二级 12-9 17:12

show me the money 给钱

power overwhelming:打开上帝模式

operation cwal:建造速度加快

the gathering:技能点数无限


game over man:当前关卡失败

staying alive:在关卡胜利后继续玩下去

show me the money:各种资源增加10000个单位

there is no cow level:立即通过本关

whats mine is mine:得到500单位水晶石

breathe deep:得到500单位瓦斯

something for nothing:开启所有可生产的选项

black sheep wall:展现完整的地图

medieval man:作战单位免费升级

modify the phase variance:可生产所有的建筑物

war aint what it used to be:关闭遮罩的迷雾

food for thought:使你能够无限制的建造作战单位


回答者:花牙牙 - 门吏 二级 12-9 17:13

power overwhelming 无敌

operation cwal快速建筑生产

show me the money 10000矿和瓦斯

the gathering 法力能量无限

game over man 游戏失败

noglues 敌人无法施行魔法

staying alive 任务无法完成

there is no cow level 完成目前所执行的任务

whats mine is mine 矿产无限

breathe deep 瓦斯无限

something for nothing 打开

black sheep wall 地图全开

medieval man 单位无限生产

modify the phase variance 拥有生产所有建筑物的能力

war aint what it used to be 关闭战争迷雾

food for thought 拥有在补给限制下无限制造单位的能力


输入 ophelia 然后按下 enter




Stim Packs 损10 Damage的兴奋剂(可以增加攻击力和机动力)

LockDown 锁定机械系敌人

ShockWave 震动波(损敌我的energy, 和神族的电浆护盾)

Spider Mines 蜘蛛诡雷

Scanner Sweep 范围扫瞄器(暴露隐形单位)

Def. Matrix 方阵护盾

Irradiate 放射线(对虫族的所有部队及神族的地面部队有效)固定目标范围

YaMaTo Gun 大和巨炮

Cloaking field 隐形(Air)

P.Cloaking 隐形(Earth)


Psionic Storm 迷幻风暴

Hallucination 幻象(产生与指定目标相同的两个幻象)

Recall 唤回部队

Stasis Field 凝滞场(冻结)忽略有效兵力

Zerg: Infestation 群袭

SpawnBroodling 体外伏寄(专对地面部队的必杀寄生虫)还会残留两只小虫

Dark Swarm 群集(掩护)

Plague 疫病(严重损伤)但不会死 Consume 把自军部队吸引

energy+50 Ensnare 陷诱(异光黏液)暴露隐形单位 Parasite 寄生侦察虫




加钱:show me the money

power overwhelming =无敌 星际争霸秘籍

operation CWAL=快速建筑生产

show me the money =10,000 单位的矿物和高能瓦斯

the gathering = psionic stuff 法力能量无限

game over man =立即游戏失败

noglues =敌人无法施行魔法

staying alive =任务无法完成

there is no cow level =完成目前所执行的任务

whats mine is mine =矿产无限

breathe deep =瓦斯无限

something for nothing =打开


black sheep wall =地图全开

medieval man =单位无限生产

modify the phase variance =拥有生产所有建筑物的能力

war aint what it used to be =关闭战争迷雾

food for thought =拥有在补给限制下无限制造单位的能力


输入 ophelia 然后按下 enter




Stim Packs = 损10 Damage的兴奋剂(可以增加攻击力和机动力)

LockDown = 锁定机械系敌人

ShockWave = 震动波(损敌我的energy, 和神族的电浆护盾)

Spider Mines =蜘蛛诡雷

Scanner Sweep = 范围扫瞄器(暴露隐形单位)

Def. Matrix =方阵护盾

Irradiate 放射线(对虫族的所有部队及神族的地面部队有效)固定目标范围

YaMaTo Gun = 大和巨炮

Cloaking field = 隐形(Air)

P.Cloaking =隐形(Earth)


Psionic Storm = 迷幻风暴

Hallucination =幻象0002(产生与指定目标相同的两个幻象)

Recall =唤回部队

Stasis Field = 凝滞场(冻结战场~~~)忽略有效兵力

Zerg: Infestation = 群袭

SpawnBroodling = 体外伏寄(专对地面部队的必杀寄生虫)还会残留两只小虫

Dark Swarm =群集(掩护)

Plague =疫病(严重损伤)但不会死 Consume = 把自军部队吸引

energy+50 Ensnare = 陷诱(异光黏液)暴露隐形单位 Parasite = 寄生侦察虫

回答者:сancêr - 试用期 一级 12-9 17:12

power overwhelming:打开上帝模式(无敌)

operation cwal:建造速度加快

the gathering:技能点数无限(魔法不减)


game over man:当前关卡失败

staying alive:在关卡胜利后继续玩下去

show me the money:各种资源增加10000个单位

there is no cow level:立即通过本关

whats mine is mine:得到500单位水晶石

breathe deep:得到500单位瓦斯

something for nothing:开启所有可生产的选项

black sheep wall:展现完整的地图

medieval man:作战单位免费升级

modify the phase variance:可生产所有的建筑物

war aint what it used to be:关闭遮罩的迷雾

food for thought:使你能够无限制的建造作战单位


回答者:lingbo00 - 见习魔法师 二级 12-9 17:12

show me the money 给钱

power overwhelming:打开上帝模式

operation cwal:建造速度加快

the gathering:技能点数无限


game over man:当前关卡失败

staying alive:在关卡胜利后继续玩下去

show me the money:各种资源增加10000个单位

there is no cow level:立即通过本关

whats mine is mine:得到500单位水晶石

breathe deep:得到500单位瓦斯

something for nothing:开启所有可生产的选项

black sheep wall:展现完整的地图

medieval man:作战单位免费升级

modify the phase variance:可生产所有的建筑物

war aint what it used to be:关闭遮罩的迷雾

food for thought:使你能够无限制的建造作战单位


回答者:花牙牙 - 门吏 二级 12-9 17:13

power overwhelming 无敌

operation cwal快速建筑生产

show me the money 10000矿和瓦斯

the gathering 法力能量无限

game over man 游戏失败

noglues 敌人无法施行魔法

staying alive 任务无法完成

there is no cow level 完成目前所执行的任务

whats mine is mine 矿产无限

breathe deep 瓦斯无限

something for nothing 打开

black sheep wall 地图全开

medieval man 单位无限生产

modify the phase variance 拥有生产所有建筑物的能力

war aint what it used to be 关闭战争迷雾

food for thought 拥有在补给限制下无限制造单位的能力


输入 ophelia 然后按下 enter




Stim Packs 损10 Damage的兴奋剂(可以增加攻击力和机动力)

LockDown 锁定机械系敌人

ShockWave 震动波(损敌我的energy, 和神族的电浆护盾)

Spider Mines 蜘蛛诡雷

Scanner Sweep 范围扫瞄器(暴露隐形单位)

Def. Matrix 方阵护盾

Irradiate 放射线(对虫族的所有部队及神族的地面部队有效)固定目标范围

YaMaTo Gun 大和巨炮

Cloaking field 隐形(Air)

P.Cloaking 隐形(Earth)


Psionic Storm 迷幻风暴

Hallucination 幻象(产生与指定目标相同的两个幻象)

Recall 唤回部队

Stasis Field 凝滞场(冻结)忽略有效兵力

Zerg: Infestation 群袭

SpawnBroodling 体外伏寄(专对地面部队的必杀寄生虫)还会残留两只小虫

Dark Swarm 群集(掩护)

Plague 疫病(严重损伤)但不会死 Consume 把自军部队吸引

energy+50 Ensnare 陷诱(异光黏液)暴露隐形单位 Parasite 寄生侦察虫




进入单人模式single player 进资料片Explasion,custom,进一张八人地图,menu调速度fastest,然后输秘籍,show me the money调钱 ,black sheep wall开地图,operation cwal快速建造。



我记不太清楚了,6年前我就用Z族在1.08版上只用了一个show me the money 和建造加速玩那1v7的图狂出疯狗就通关了。。





只要单机模式就可以- -!



operation CWAL 快速建造,研究和修复

show me the money 增加10000点矿石和天然气

The Gathering 用于特殊技能的能量无限

game over man 任务以失败结束

Noglues 对方不能使用魔法

Power Overwhelming 无敌,只怕原子弹

something for nothing 完成所有升级

black sheep wall 显示全部地图

food for thought 生产不受人口上限限制



进single player模式玩,秘籍别人给你那么多我也就不啰嗦了







power overwhelming 无敌模式。

show me the money 钱


钱 show me the money

建造速度 operation cwal


星际争霸中的power overwhelming是什么意思?

2023-07-21 21:24:296

power overwhelming的意思!

2023-07-21 21:24:504


2023-07-21 21:25:0111


2023-07-21 21:25:381

星际里白球有句话是“power overwhelming”,这是什么意思呢?

2023-07-21 21:25:452


power overwhelming:打开上帝模式(无敌) operation cwal:建造速度加快 the gathering:技能点数无限(魔法不减) noglues:使对方无法使用 game over man:当前关卡失败 staying alive:在关卡胜利后继续玩下去 show me the money:各种资源增加10000个单位 there is no cow level:立即通过本关 whats mine is mine:得到500单位水晶石 breathe deep:得到500单位瓦斯 something for nothing:开启所有可生产的选项 black sheep wall:展现完整的地图 medieval man:作战单位免费升级 modify the phase variance:可生产所有的建筑物 war aint what it used to be:关闭遮罩的迷雾 food for thought:使你能够无限制的建造作战单位 ophelia:跳到任何一关(按enter键激活后,再按数字键,跳到所要的关卡数
2023-07-21 21:25:551


秘籍打起来真的没意思,但是为了分还是给你吧power overwhelming:打开上帝模式(无敌) operation cwal:建造速度加快 the gathering:技能点数无限(魔法不减) noglues:使对方无法使用 game over man:当前关卡失败 staying alive:在关卡胜利后继续玩下去 show me the money:各种资源增加10000个单位 there is no cow level:立即通过本关 whats mine is mine:得到500单位水晶石 breathe deep:得到500单位瓦斯 something for nothing:开启所有可生产的选项 black sheep wall:展现完整的地图 medieval man:作战单位免费升级 modify the phase variance:可生产所有的建筑物 war aint what it used to be:关闭遮罩的迷雾 food for thought:使你能够无限制的建造作战单位 ophelia:跳到任何一关(按enter键激活后,再按数字键,跳到所要的关卡数)
2023-07-21 21:26:056


2023-07-21 21:26:258


the gathering
2023-07-21 21:26:522


show me the money
2023-07-21 21:27:127


2023-07-21 21:27:274


instifine ore
2023-07-21 21:27:342


shi mei you de wo shi guo le
2023-07-21 21:28:146


想作弊 开地图的有。有本事就自己找到。想虐待电脑 楼上说的很明白了。
2023-07-21 21:28:302


Protess神族 Zealot 狂战士(出场00) My life for Aiur! 我为Aiur而生! (闲聊00) En Taro Adun! (神族语) (闲聊01) All for the Empire! 一切为了帝国! (闲聊02) Doom to all who threaten the homeworld. 如果谁威胁到了家园,厄运 就会降临! (选择00) What now calls? 现在做什么? (选择01) Issah"Tu!(神族语) (选择02) I long for combat! 我久盼战斗! (选择03) G"hous! (神族语) (行动00) Gau"gurah! (神族语) (行动01) Thus I serve! 所以我服务 (行动02) Honor guide me! 荣誉指引着我 (行动03) For Adun! 为了 Adun! Dragoon 龙骑士(出场00) I have returned. 我又卷土重来了! (闲聊00) Unauthorized transmission. 不合法的信号 (闲聊01) Incorrect protocol. 协议不对! (闲聊02) (BEEP)Drop your weapon. You have 15 seconds to comply. "嘟嘟" 放下武器. 你有十五秒钟时间 (闲聊03) 5,4,3,2,1 (fire)5,4,3,2,1 "开火" (选择00) Receiving. 收到! (选择01) Awaiting instructions. 等待重建 (选择02) Transmit.传输信号 (选择03) Input command. 输入命令 (选择04) Glah"sos(神族语) (选择05) Cah"karadahs(神族语) (选择06) Make use of me. 发挥我的作用 (选择07) I am needed. 我是必需的 (行动00) Confirmed. 确认 (行动01) Initiating. 初始化! (行动02) Loch"tide(神族语) (行动03) Meto"rah (神族语) (行动04) Commencing. 开始 (行动05) Nagat"soon (神族语) (行动06) For vengeance. 为了复仇 High Templar 光明圣堂武士(闪电)(出场00) Hasah-hurditum-hari! (神族语) (闲聊00) Your thoughts betray you. 你的思想背叛了你! (闲聊01) I see you have an appetite for destruction. 我发现你对毁灭很感兴 趣 (闲聊02) And you learn to use your illusion. 试着去使用你的幻想 (闲聊03) But I find your lack of control disturbing. 但我发现你没法违背命 令! (选择00) Your thoughts? 你的想法? (选择01) Saragh"ha! (神族语) (选择02) I heed thy call. 我需要你的召唤 (选择03) State thy bidding. 言汝之命 (行动00) You think as I do. 你的想法就是我的做法 (行动01) It shall be done. 它应该完成了 (行动02) My path is set. 我的路径被设定了 (行动03) Ee"tahk (神族语) Archon 光明执政官(白球)(出场00) The merging is complete! 合成完毕! (闲聊00) It all looks so different on this side. 这样看什么都不一样了 (闲聊01) Break on through! 思想崩溃! (闲聊02) It"s beautiful! 太美了! (闲聊03) They should have sent a poet. 他们应该送来一位诗人 (选择00) We burn! 我们燃烧着! (选择01) We need focus! 我们需要目标! (选择02) Thorasoh"cahp (神族语) (选择03) Power overwhelming. 力量无限! (行动00) Destroy! 毁灭! (行动01) Annihilate! 消灭! (行动02) Obliterate! 抹去! (行动03) Eradicate! 除去! Scout 侦察机(出场00) Teleport successful. 心灵运输成功! (闲聊00) Signal unstable. 信号不稳定 (闲聊01) Psionic Link dissipating. 心灵连接失效了? (闲聊02) Adjusting neural transmission. 调整心灵信号 (闲聊03) (后退) (闲聊04) ...reengaged(神族语) (选择00) Awaiting command. 等候命令 (选择01) Standing by. 待命 (选择02) Contact. 联系 (选择03) Cho"gal (神族语) (行动00) Chaos混乱! (行动01) Koh"rahk(神族语) (行动02) ...acknowledged明白 (行动03) It will be done. 马上完成 Arbiter 仲裁者(出场00) Warp field stabilized. 时空扭曲很稳定 (闲聊00) We sense a soul in search of answers. 在寻找答案时,我们才能感受 到灵魂 (闲聊01) Do you seek knowledge of time travel? 你有关于时间旅行的知识吗? (闲聊02) We"ll take that as a 行动. 我们将会同意 (闲聊03) And now for your first lesson. Hahaha. 现在开始第一课,哈哈哈 (闲聊04) Do you seek knowledge of time travel? 你有关于时间旅行的知识吗? (选择00) We feel your presence. 我们感受到了你的存在 (选择01) Duras. 多长时间? (选择02) Gun Adun向 Adun进发 (选择03) We are vigilant. 我们很警惕 (行动00) In Khast"meen(神族语) (行动01) Jepahca"zoen(神族语) (行动02) Gowron. (神族语) Carrier 航母(出场00) Carrier has arrived! 航母到位! (闲聊00) Our enemies are legion! 敌人太多了! (闲聊01) And still you procrastinate!? 你仍然在耽误时间 (闲聊02) Command, or you will be relieved! 发命令吧,你会放心的 (闲聊03) This is not an idle threat! 这不是无聊的恐吓 (选择00) Instructions. 指令 (选择01) Your command? 你的命令 (选择02) Loh"Klahs(神族语) (选择03) Ischk"nu? (神族语) (行动00) Commencing. 准备好了 (行动01) Kokal"tulah(神族语) (行动02) Gau"ju(神族语) (行动03) Affirmative. 同意 Observer 叮当(闲聊00) I sense a soul in search of answers. 在寻找答案时我感受到了灵魂 (闲聊01) It sounds like...a huge, gargantuan, swollen, bloated mushroom! 它听起来像一个巨大的、庞大的、浮肿的、膨胀的蘑菇 (闲聊02) One small step for man, one giant...(static) STOP POKING ME!!! 对 于一个人是一小步,对整个人类是一大….别扎我!!! (wi闲聊03) (电影) (wi闲聊04) Warcraft zwei, jetzt als Exklusivedition mit dem Expansion Set...4 Boostern und Zauberlehrbuch (德语) Dark Templar 黑暗圣堂武士(隐刀)(出场00) Adun Toridas! (神族语) (闲聊00) Your taunts are inadvised, Templar. 没法赞同你的污辱,祭司 (闲聊01) Do not provoke me to violence. 你想让我暴动吗??? (闲聊02) You can no more evade my wrath... 你没法逃避我的愤怒! (闲聊03) ...Than you could your own shadow. 与你相比,我像你的影子一样无形 (选择00) 行动? 是? (选择01) Zerashk gulida! (神族语) (选择02) I"m waiting. 我正在等待 (选择03) Neraz Gulio. (神族语) (行动00) For Aiur. 为了Aiur. (行动01) Ner"mah! (神族语) (行动02) So be it. 那么就成为它吧 (行动03) Very well. 非常棒 Corsair 海盗船(出场00) It is a good day to die! 今天是去死的好日子 (闲聊00) Look at all the pretty lights! 看看那些漂亮的灯 (闲聊01) I wonder what this button does. 我想知道这个按钮是干吗的 (闲聊02) (BEEP) I think this was a BIG mistake. 我想这是一个大错误 (闲聊03) (唱歌1) (闲聊04) (唱歌2) (闲聊05) Zefram Cochrane, is that you? Zefram Cochrane,是你吗? (闲聊06) What did you do to your hair? 你怎么弄你的头发??? (选择00) Ready for battle! 准备战斗 (选择01) May I be of service? 我需要服役吗? (选择02) I stand ready. 准备完毕 (选择03) Let us ack. 我们一起攻击吧 (行动00) Excellent! 非常棒 (行动01) Adun Toridas! (神族语) (行动02) Ah, at last! 啊,终于 (行动03) I thought you"d see it my way. 我想你一定知道它在我的路上。 Dark Archon 黑暗执政官(红球)(出场00) We are as one! 我们如同一人 (闲聊00) Must consume. 必须毁灭. (闲聊01) Or oblivion will take us. 否则我们将被遗忘 (闲聊02) Adun, save me. Adun, 救救我! (闲聊03) Darkness overpowering! 黑暗不可抗拒! (选择00) Must have energy! 必须有力量 (选择01) We hear you. 我们听见你啦 (选择02) Thoughts in chaos! 在混乱中思考 (选择03) Must feed! 必须喂食 (行动00) We"ll go. 我们走 (行动01) Oblivion awaits! 等待赦免 (行动02) We move! 我们移动 (行动03) (呻吟) 基地 (Err00) You"ve not enough minerals. 你没有足够的矿石了 (Err01) You require more vespene gas. 你需要更多瓦斯 (Err02) You must construct additional pylons. 你必须建更多的能源塔 (Err06) Not enough energy. 能量不足 (Upd00) We are under ack! 正在遭受攻击 (Upd01) Your warriors have engaged the enemy. 你的战士遇到了敌人 (Upd02) Research complete. 研究完成 (Upd04) Nuclear launch detected. 监测到核打击 (Upd06) Upgrade complete. 升级完成
2023-07-21 21:28:391


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2023-07-21 21:29:144


2023-07-21 21:29:341


只能在单人模式中使用 power overwhelming =无敌 operation CWAL=快速建筑生产 show me the money =10,000 单位的矿物和高能瓦斯 the gathering = psionic stuff 法力能量无限 game over man =立即游戏失败 noglues =敌人无法施行魔法 staying alive =任务无法完成 there is no cow level =完成目前所执行的任务 whats mine is mine =矿产无限 breathe deep =瓦斯无限 something for nothing =打开所有可生产的选项 black sheep wall =地图全开 medieval man =单位无限生产 modify the phase variance =拥有生产所有建筑物的能力 war aint what it used to be =关闭战争迷雾 food for thought =拥有在补给限制下无限制造单位的能力 跳关: 输入ophelia 然后按下 enter 再打入你想选择的关卡名称 特技: Terran: Stim Packs = 损10 Damage的兴奋剂(可以增加攻击力和机动力) LockDown = 锁定机械系敌人 ShockWave = 震动波(损敌我的energy, 和神族的电浆护盾) Spider Mines =蜘蛛诡雷 Scanner Sweep = 范围扫瞄器(暴露隐形单位) Def. Matrix =方阵护盾 Irradiate 放射线(对虫族的所有部队及神族的地面部队有效)固定目标范围 YaMaTo Gun = 大和巨炮 Cloaking field = 隐形(Air) P.Cloaking =隐形(Earth) Protoss: Psionic Storm = 迷幻风暴 Hallucination =幻象0002(产生与指定目标相同的两个幻象) Recall =唤回部队 Stasis Field = 凝滞场(冻结战场~~~)忽略有效兵力 Zerg: Infestation = 群袭 SpawnBroodling = 体外伏寄(专对地面部队的必杀寄生虫)还会残留两只小虫 Dark Swarm =群集(掩护) Plague =疫病(严重损伤)但不会死 Consume = 把自军部队吸引 energy+50 Ensnare = 陷诱(异光黏液)暴露隐形单位 Parasite = 寄生侦察虫
2023-07-21 21:29:441


秘技 特兰族(Terran): Cloaking field:空中部队隐形; Def Matrix:方阵护盾; Irradiate:放射线(对虫族的所有部队及神族的地面部队有效) Lock Down:锁定机械系敌人; P.Cloaking:地面部队隐形; Scanner Sweep:显示隐形单位; Shock Wave:震动波(损伤敌我能量和普罗特丝族护盾); Spider Mines:蜘蛛诡雷; Stim Packs:损10 Damage的兴奋剂(可增加攻击力和机动力); YAMATO Gun:大和巨炮。 普罗特丝族(Protoss): Hallucination:幻像(产生与指定目标相同的两个幻像); Psionic Storm:迷幻风暴; Recall:回唤部队(时空门); Stasis Field:冻结目标(忽略有效兵力)。 泽格族(Zerg): Burrowing:钻地; Consume:吞食同伴并吸收能量; Dark Swarm:机枪的攻击失效; Ensnare:暴露隐形单位(大幅降低部队行动速度); Infestation:生产自杀炸弹兵; Parasite:寄生侦察虫; Plague:目标生命值下降至濒死。 Spawn Broodling:体外寄生(专对地面部队的必杀寄生虫),还会残留两只小虫。 连线作战时的无敌秘技 选Zerg族,正常发展,直到主基地可以研制最后一种士兵(像蜈蚣的那种,可吸食本族士兵增加能量的那种),然后开发它那种“喷红雾使敌人掉血”的技能,完毕后,用红雾对自己的老农喷一下,等老农的血减到1格时,让老农变成主基地。马上对刚开始盖的主基地选择取消,然后再立刻变回主基地,。重复2-3次,当发现变回的老农血格为0格时,就大功告成了。现在无论怎么攻击这个血格为零的老农,都不会受到一点伤害。要破解这样的无敌老农,只有用Zerg族的皇后(Queen)用技能把它变成两只小虫子。 单人模式的秘技 在单人模式按Enter键后输入以下字符串可得到相应的秘技: power overwhelming:无敌; operation CWAL=快速建筑; show me the money:10,000 单位的矿物和高能瓦斯; the gathering:psionic stuff 法力能量无限; game over man:任务失败; noglues:敌人无法施行魔法; staying alive:任务无法完成; there is no cow level:任务完成; whats mine is mine:矿产无限; breathe deep:高能瓦斯无限; something for nothing:开启所有可生产的选项; black sheep wall:地图全开; medieval man:单位无限生产; modify the phase variance:拥有生产所有建筑物的能力; war aint what it used to be:关闭战争迷雾; food for thought:拥有在补给限制下无限制造单位的能力; 玩 BROOD WAR 选用异形时: Radio Free Zerg:异形主题曲。 跳关 输入 ophelia,然后按下Enter,再打入你想选择的关卡名称。 科技: 人类(Terran): Stim Packs =兴奋剂(损10 点生命值但可增加攻击力和机动力) LockDown =瘫痪机械目标 ShockWave = 震动波(损敌我的能量,和神族的电浆护盾) Spider Mines =蜘蛛诡雷 Scanner Sweep =隐形单位扫描器 Def. Matrix =方阵护盾 Irradiate =放射线(对虫族的所有部队及神族的地面部队有效) YaMaTo Gun = 大和巨炮 Cloaking field = 飞行器隐形能力 P.Cloaking =地面人员隐形能力 神族(Protoss): Psionic Storm = 迷幻风暴 Hallucination =产生与指定目标相同的两个幻象 Recall =时空门 Stasis Field =冻结目标 虫族(Zerg): Burrowing =钻地 Infestation =生产自杀炸弹兵 Spawn Broodling =专对地面部队的必杀寄生虫,还会残留两双小虫 Dark Swarm =机枪的攻击失效 Plague =目标生命值下降至濒死 Consume =吞食同伴并吸收能量 Ensnare =大幅降低部队行动速度 Parasite = 寄生侦察虫 秘技 利用bug将地堡修到基地底下,用shift+s连续两次将基地向地堡滑动,能达到如下效果: 将人类的大本营和其它能起飞的建筑经过多次起飞以及滑行(按住Shift+S同时在地图上点要去的地方),最终其它建筑能下落到主基地内,两个建筑的功能不变。可以起到迷惑敌人和节约地盘的作用。 战网超级秘籍 一般大家在战网开始游戏之后,都会设定高网络延迟(因为中国网络质量太cool了)。其实这个动作又快捷键的。只要按住alt,然后o、n、o、n的狂按,屏幕上就出现的大排的xxx set network for xxx。 作用: 1、耍帅。 2、在你打理好事务之后,就开始狂按,可以扰乱对手心理,耽误其初期发展,然后你就更容易取胜! 人族妙招 把人族兵营飞起来在让坦克到它下面去,然后把坦克编成1队,然后快点Q,变成坐地兵营在落就行了,这样敌人只能打兵营打暴了之后才能打坦克。 打赢战争(BY FU BO) 在星际里的地图不是有的有河吗!用人族原子弹炸河!这时按~河里会有俩个河怪跳出来!你可以赢这一仗了!因为河怪的血是无数的!(不过只能对地)大家快试试吧!百用百灵! 超级秘籍(BY 许星辰QQ::87681326) 在星际中,对着对方主基地狂点鼠标左键(大概1000下)就会爆。 1.08中用原子弹炸天上飞的那种鸟,第一下炸不死,再炸一下,会变成超级大飞龙,比航母大10多倍。无敌。空地都打。 星际争霸密码 P0wer overvhelming—上帝模式 Sh0w me the money一得到gas和crystal各10,000 0Deration CwAL—快速建造 The Gatherin8—得到无限的能量 Game over man—以矢败结束战斗 Stayin8AliYe—无法完成游戏 There i s no cow level—完成当前任务 WhatS皿ine i s mine 一得至g minerals Breathe deep一得至g Gas Somethin8for nothin8—完成所有升级 B1ack Sheep wall—全地图 Medievalman—无限升级 M0dify the phase variaDce—能造所有建筑 w9r aint what it used to be— 禁止战争迷雾 F00d for thought—无人口限制
2023-07-21 21:29:512


2023-07-21 21:30:012

星际争霸 1.08以上版本的无限人口补丁

2023-07-21 21:30:093


看语境,ing形式一般表示势不可挡的,压倒一切的,巨大的; 压倒一切的。
2023-07-21 21:30:173


评论1 ┆ 举报回答:开心智多星智者9月29日 23:16 这个网很好!下载中心 - - 电脑游戏 - 星际争霸 - - 中文最大游戏下载中心 - 中国资深玩家游戏网 - - 游戏应以玩家为本,我们就是游戏界!星际联盟星际争霸之初级篇 大家好啊,我是刚开始写,所以一定会有不对的地方。所以请大家带好眼药水首先,我要说的是针对108B版本的东东。既然是初级篇。就应该从头讲起先说说星际争霸的安装吧一般星际安装的系统大多是98的,不过2000和NT也支持SC,只是不怎么好。所以大多是安装在98下。要有星际争霸的安装盘,不管是D版的还是Z版的,然后对机器的要求是有光驱。安装过程我想大家都会的。所以。。就不说了 下面说说星际的玩法进入星际之后的开始界面有几个选项,SINGLE PLAY是单人游戏的意思,也就是和电脑玩。点SINGLE PLAY后可以看到三个选项,ORIGINAL是母巢,也是老版本了,现在玩的人好象不多了 。EXPANSION是血战,比较新的版本,还有几个版本,比如107和108,现在大家普遍玩的就是这两个版本。你进入之后呢,如果是第一次玩。需要填一个游戏ID ,就是玩家的名字。还可以有多个ID,要是你已经有一个或多个ID了。还下要新的ID就得点NEW ID ,然后填入你想要的ID。要是不想要的ID可以选DELETE来删除。下一步就可以点OK了。进入下一个画面了有几个选项。你可以玩过关模式的。那就选择种族,有三个种族让你选择,ZERG虫。PROTOSS,神,还有的就是TERRAN人。这是星际里面的三个种族。各个种族有自己的特点,种族之间也有相克的科技。LOAD SAVED 是继续进行你以前的游戏,就是在你以前打的过关游戏的时候的存盘。PLAY CUSTOM是自定义游戏,就是你可以选择一个地图,选择几个对手来进行游戏。LOAD REPLAY 是108的特色了,可以观看游戏录象。要说的是你要是下载的录象必须放到星际争霸默认目录里的MAPS的REPLAY目录里,才可以看。如果你对你的选项不满意的话,还可以按CANCEL 来重新选择一切完毕后就OK了,去吧。完成你光荣的使命吧。下面来说说MULTIPLAYER选项。 点了以后也和SINGLE一样可以选母巢或血战。进入之后有几个选项: BATTLE。NET 就是大家说的BN也就是战网的意思,不过要上网。上BN呢,可以和别的玩家来对战,不过要注意的版本一定要相同,否则,不能进行游戏的。要上战网先要有战网IP或战网注册表。要是你对注册表有一定了解的话,可以自己修改注册表,108的在HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareBattle.netConfiguration 107的在HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareBattle.netConfiguration,你把SERVER LIST的键值改成你要去的战网IP就可以了。还需要的就是补丁了如果你想玩108或107的话,要有升级文件。如果你嫌麻烦也可以到网上去下载一个注册表。进入战网以后。要是你第一次来,得先注册一个战网ID和填写密码。 进入战网以后,在屏幕的左面有几个选项,CHANNEL是频道。通过这个你可以到几个不同的频道。CREAT是建立新游戏,你GAME NAME是游戏名字。PASSWORD是密码,如果你只想一个或几个人打,而又不想别人进你的游戏的话,可以设置密码,然后把密码告诉你的朋友,这样别人呢就进不去了。MAP是地图,就是你要进行游戏所打的地图。如果你想打的地图不在,可以选BROWSE来找你要打的地图。GAME TYPE 是游戏类型。可以是多种类型的。比如是MELEE。GAME SPEED是游戏速度。从左到右是由慢到快。当然是快的好了。都选完后,就可以点OK了然后等你的朋友加入吧 JOIN是加入游戏。你的朋友或别人建立的游戏你都可以加入。点这个就可以了。LADDER是积分赛查看表。你可以看看都有谁打了积分赛QUIT不用我说了吧。。。。。。。。。。。~~~~~~~~~~~。嘻嘻介绍几个战网常用的命令:/WHOIS ID 查看玩家所在位置 ID 就是你要查看的玩家的名字啦。。。/WHO 游戏名 查看某个游戏里所有的玩家/WHEREIS ID 和/WHOIS ID 基本相同/STATUS 查看目前战网状态,包括玩家数目,游戏数目等等/STATS ID 查看玩家状态 不打ID的话,就是查看自己的状态/WHO LOCAL 查看在线的所有玩家/WATCH ID 把某个玩家列入好友,当这个玩家上线或下线的时候系统可以通知你。/IGNORE ID 如果有个玩家你不喜欢,可以给他来一个。这和在QQ的黑名单一样哦,/HELP 帮助,有什么不会的可以看这个,不过你的E文要是不好的话。。。。别怪我哦。!!!在战网里对战,千万不要非正常推出,这样就是大家痛恨的关猫!!对了,在游戏中所有选项的亮的字母,都是快捷项。在快捷项下面都有一个小横杠。比如MULTPLAYER M 是高亮的,那么你可以点MULTPLAYER进入多人游戏,有可以敲键盘的M来进入多人游戏。在战网的基本相同。不过要加ALT 举例来说CREAT 在C的下面有个小横杠,你可以点CREAT建立游戏,还可以按ALT +C 建立游戏在战网里你要是和别人进行悄悄话的话,最好是先选择那个玩家,然后打好要说的话,按ALT+WALT+N是复制你选择的玩家的姓名 然后就是LOCAL AREA NETWORK (IPX) 这个是在局域网进行游戏的东东,也就是用网卡连接或电缆直接连接的情况下常用的方法。设置和BATTLE基本相同。大家可以参考上面。MODEM是用猫直接拨号连接,不过。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。还是不要老用的好,因为拨号和打电话没什么区别的,要是对方在外地或更远的地方,你用这个,那你惨了。和打长途一样!!!小心小心。不过要是你的电话是公的那就随便了。因为不常用,所以略过。DIRECT CABLE CONNECTION和自定义游戏差不多。略。。。。。。。。。。。 CAMPAIGN EDITOR是游戏地图编辑器。可以编辑地图,这个不属于初级的问题了,所以以后再说。(旁白:不是你也不会吧???)再说说常见的游戏故障吧,主要是在战网的故障:1上不了战网 2在战网无法建立游戏和加入游戏(CREAT,JOIN 是灰的)3无法建立游戏4无法加入游戏 5看不到玩家 具体解决办法: 对于1: 1没有上网(不会吧???) 2战网IP不对 3战网服务器坏4某些战网没有升级108SNP文件,把107的SNP文件拷进去(BATTLE。SNP,STANDARD。SNP)对于2: 重新上战网 对于3: 有可能你是宽带,ADSL,换人建立游戏 对于4:可能是建立游戏玩家或你的网速的缘故。办法:凉拌对于5:有可能你是版本太老了,没人完^0^对于国外的你先选择频道今天先说到这里,谢谢大家浏览
2023-07-21 21:30:322


说起中国网游的发展史,我相信80后90后最有感触,他们见证了中国网游从无到有,从点点星光到漫天星海!从侠客行到英雄联盟,期间有着很多里程碑式的游戏,也给我们带来了太多珍贵的回忆,本期小编就带大家穿越时光的长廊去领略中国网游的发展历程!1969年10月29日22点30分,加州大学的洛杉矶分校第一节点与斯坦福研究院第二节点联通,实现了分组交换网络的远程通讯,标志着世界互联网的正式诞生!14年后也就是1983年,美国国防部成功研制用于异构网络的TCP/IP协议,美国加利福尼亚伯克莱分校把该协议作为其BSD UNIX的一部分,使得其在社会上流行起来,Internet诞生。而此时中国刚刚经历过十年文革的浩劫,开始了改革开放之路,同年中国十二届二中全会在北京召开,中国此时真正开始稳步走向复兴之路!1994年4月20日,中国通过一条64K的国际专线接入国际互联网,中国互联网诞生在中科院牵头的科研项目NCFC,一直遵循了“先发展,后管理”的理念。这一年中国加入了国际互联网的大家庭!1995年,还在台湾留学的方舟子被台湾的一款文字网络游戏(MUD)《东方故事2》给吸引了,下定决心做一款MUD游戏,当时的方舟子对金庸武侠很热爱,于是和翔少爷、时空、丁、草鱼策划了一个武侠题材的MUD-侠客行并与1996年上线,《侠客行》在当时取得了很大反响,这是中国大陆游戏玩家最早接触到的文字MUD,并且给中国网游带来了借鉴作用!不知道这款游戏有人玩过吗?虽然方舟子的人品真的有问题(特差!!!)但不能否认他给中国网游带来的影响,不知道有没有小伙伴玩过这款游戏呢?1997年,被公认为中国互联网元年,中国早期最知名的三家互联网公司成立,它们是搜狐、网易、四通利方(新浪前身)。这是中国互联网的1.0时代。1998年创立的腾讯,它将“人和人”进行了连接;同年鲍岳桥、简晶王建华、创建联众游戏世界,它给中国玩家提供了一个免费玩棋牌游戏的平台,还记得2000年举办的中韩线上围棋对抗赛吗,当时的参赛人数超过1万人,也成了当时游戏爱好者茶余饭后的谈资!1999年创立的阿里巴巴,它将“人和商品”进行了连接;同年7月《网络创世纪》进入中国游戏市场,在当时中国游戏市场还是十分匮乏的,它作为国内出现的第一款图形MUD也是历史上第一款出现“坐骑”的网络游戏,《网络创世纪》在其玩法设定中有着许多独特的方面,并且这些设定确实是很具特色的,类似交互系统换装系统都是网络游戏沿用至今的设定,真不愧为-创世纪!在当时的游戏热者应该都会听说过这款游戏吧!毕竟在当时中国的游戏市场还是急缺好游戏的,不过值得一提的是或许很多游戏热爱着甚至玩家都不知道,其实自己玩的是私服!虽然开发公司Origin一直在尝试让UO进入中国,但在当时的时代背景下还是失败了。不过幸运的是,1998年,UO的爱好者们自己开发编写出了模拟UOServer的程序,并且自己架设了UO网站。并在1999年进入中国游戏市场。1999年4月,乐斗士工作小组正式成立,笑傲江湖游戏网组建,推出了中国大陆自主研发的最早的简易图形MUD游戏《笑傲江湖之精忠报国》。1999年4月,雷爵资讯股份有限公司正式成立,成为中国第一家应用图形化MUD技术于商业消费市场的网络游戏研发公司。2000年,《万王之王》进入大陆地区,从此开启了中国网游数百亿的市场大门。《万王之王》是第一款进入韩国市场的中国网络游戏,而且是韩国市场上的第一款网游。没想到在游戏界有着一定地位的韩国第一款网游居然来自中国。 万王之王以其特色的游戏系统设定吸引很多玩家, 游戏中采用了即时战斗及补给的设定,根据玩家选择职业与武器装备的不同使得战斗充满变数,部分特殊技能够使多名怪物受到伤害,而怪物也会有相应的技能,被不同武器不同技能击中后怪物会有僵直时间。还有转职系统,惩罚系统,交易体验,pk系统,这些设定在当时对于中国玩家来说是一个全新的体验,也是中国网游史上一个现象级的游戏!在那个网络和电脑都还不发达的年代,《万王之王》仅用了一个月便达到万人同时在线,不过之后随着韩国网游大举进入中国市场,热度渐渐消散了,不能长久的原因还是因为《万王之王》虽然是一款图形化网游但是却没有摆脱文字网游的束缚,所以在面对韩国更为完善的图形化网游时缺点被无限放大,并且游戏画面也很粗糙,导致新用户吸引不过来而老用户也留不住,最后全民溃败! 不过《万王之王》作为中国游戏市场的开拓者是具有特殊意义的,它为中国大陆培养了第一批网络游戏玩家,中国庞大的网游市场从此被打开。2001年5月,《万王之王》荣获中国第一届网络游戏评选之最佳网络游戏。2000年9月,中国台湾推出《网络三国》,这是中国第一款三国线上网游!2000年11月,宇智科通代理韩国网游《黑暗之光》,这款游戏在中国没有掀起太大风浪却标志着韩国网游正式进军中国市场!2000年百度创立,他将“人和信息”进行了连接。中国互联网的2.0时代就这样来临了!2001年1月,北京华义代理《石器时代》上线,日系网游第一次进入中国,石器时代作为Q版网游的鼻祖延续了日系风的清新可爱,传承了日系网游的独特任务系统,用其轻松的回合制设定,特色的宠物养成方式吸引了大批的玩家,并且这款游戏颇受女性玩家热爱,也让中国游戏界注意到了女性游戏市场的潜力。2001年3月,韩国网游《千年》进入中国市场同年7月《龙族》《红月》相继进入中国市场,这是韩国网游进军中国市场爆发式的阶段,同样的练级pk模式相似的玩法,韩国网游在2001年凭借着数量与质量迅速在国内抢占一片市场!2001年7月,《金庸群侠传online》上线。金庸群侠传凭借着特色的武学系统,经济系统和经济系统在加上中国风画面已及《金庸群侠传单机版》攒下的口碑成功在韩国网游中抢回了部分市场!成为2001年最为成功的中国原创网游!这一时代群雄并立,中国互联网正在迅速发展,网民以成倍的数量在增长,中国大陆网游市场接收着来自台湾,日本,韩国的一股股浪潮并不断壮大,而国内以网易为首的自主研发团队也在马不停蹄的研发中,2001年网易收购《天下》,并研发《大话西游网络版》准备在中国群雄并立网游之中抢占市场。2001年是传奇的一年,这一年是中国网游迅速发展的一年,各种游戏接踵而至,各个模式五花八门,顶级的游戏厂商门都在想方设法在国内游戏市场还没成型前抢占市场站稳脚跟,而在2001年7月14日,陈天桥用全部身家30万美元和《传奇》开发商Actoz签订了一年合约。一段传奇,从此拉开序幕。2001年9月11日,盛大完成了所有的服务器架设工作,于当日开放“万人有奖内测”活动。随后几日,烈焰、新浪、联通等服务器相继推出,网吧里越来越多的人开始加入传奇的行列。9月28日,传奇推出1.1版"三英雄传说",开始正式公测。公测后仅一周时间,传奇同时在线就突破了1万人。到2002年7月,《传奇》同时在线人数突破50W,成为世界规模最大网络游戏。“无兄弟不传奇”的口号在当时铿锵有力!而那些网游大神8l,小虾米,伊人风采,无涯的事迹也令人感叹!2001年12月,《大话西游》终于上线。网易开始走上了西游ip一条龙!2002年2月,网星公司代理《魔力宝贝》,这款同样来自日本的Q版萌系网游迅速取代了《石器时代》在中国的市场份额!同年2月捷三峰代理韩国YMIR公司《倚天》,5月蝉童软件推出《决战》,6月网易引进韩国三大网游《精灵》此时韩流已经势不可挡的涌进了中国网游市场。《精灵》作为中国引进的第一款3d网游,填补了中国3d网游的市场空缺。在当时满屏的2d网游之中《精灵》款游戏就如同精灵一样让我们眼前一亮,3d的画面让许多只接触过2d网游的玩家仿佛是潜游在深海里的鱼见到天空一样,原来游戏世界可以如此的广阔!精灵的华丽动作和可爱的游戏角色给这款游戏加分了不少,让其成为当时比较热门的网游之一!2002年8月,《大话西游2》上线。网易的西游ip开始发力!《大话西游2》以其精致而古香古色的中国画风,感人至深的剧情任务,丰富的内涵和良好的游戏性风靡全国,里面的坐骑召唤兽,结婚生子系统不知道玩过的小伙伴还有印象吗?2002年7月,《剑侠情缘online》上线,西山居也加入了网游大家庭。而《剑侠情缘》三部曲也在后来以至现在满足了无数玩家的武林梦!ps:推荐大家看《侠肝义胆沈剑心》这部动漫O(∩_∩)O哈哈~2002年11月新浪网签约《天堂》国内第一门户网进军网游市场!2003年1月网新发布了大宇制作的《轩辕剑ol》 台湾大宇公司用轩辕剑4的3D引擎开发的《轩辕剑网络版》的英文名字叫做“chain of life”,翻译过来就是人际链,这可是游戏的精髓所在。在游戏中,玩家之间可以通过赠送特定的礼物来建立彼此间的关系,人际关系五个种类: 亲人 、 师父 、徒弟、朋友、情侣。建立了关系的玩家可以使出本关系所特有的合击技,并且随着关系的加深,合击技的等级和威力也会随之增强!2003年4月26日天人互动代理的欧美网络游戏《魔剑》在国内正式公测,这款被称为最有可能挑战《无尽的任务》在欧美网络游戏垄断地位的传奇级作品却在国内遭遇了滑铁卢, 在2002年宣布进入中国时,曾获得过业界极高的评价和大量玩家的热切期待。 但结果是,在《魔剑》正式运营不足一年后,代理商“天人互动”便宣布倒闭。这款游戏在中国失败的根本原因还是游戏设计本身以及对于战争的残酷性和人物角色的PK以及大型PVP战斗惩罚上的规则过于严苛,玩家必须以公会为生存基本,而在公会战过程中,战败的公会一旦失败,将损失大量的游戏物品、金钱,这种过于现实的后果在中国那个年代游戏圈内还是接受不了的,也可以说是生不逢时了!并且作为《魔剑》的代理,天人互动作为单机代理出生的运营商在网游运营经验上还是不成熟,面对大量玩家的流逝没有及时作出应有的对策!不过这也给之后的运营商一个警醒,每个国家的情况不同可能热爱的游戏也不同,代理商需要把握市场需求找到那个还未打磨的璞玉。2003年7月盛大的《传奇世界》横空出世,一把木剑一席布衣,我们来到了中州大陆,传奇之路就此开启!《传奇世界》成为盛大《热血传奇》后另一款现象级网游。不知道现在的你是否得到了那梦寐以求的狂龙紫电了吗?2003年12月《梦幻西游》公测奠定了之后网易游戏大厂的身份,也是网易长期的摇钱树!2004年4月,《泡泡堂》上线。盛大采取了免费模式,凭借其简单的游戏模式休闲的游戏体验风靡一时!2004年6月,《天堂2》登场。画面最好的游戏之一,《天堂2》与《精灵》可谓给中国3d网游带来了不少的启发!只不过在当时并没有引起什么太大的热潮!2004年8月,《星际争霸》上线,应该算第一款星际题材的FPS网游,模式新颖,可玩性高。《星际争霸》提供了一个游戏战场,用以玩家之间进行对抗。这也是该游戏以及所有即时战略游戏的核心内容。在这个游戏战场中,玩家可以操纵任何一个种族,在特定的地图上采集资源,生产兵力,并摧毁对手的所有建筑取得胜利。游戏同时为玩家提供了多人对战模式。可能英语不好的玩家对这些英文去记忆犹新吧!show me the money,black sheep wall,operation cwal,power overwhelming,there is no cow level,battlecurisse operational!2005年4月,《魔兽世界》登场。世界网游里程碑,引领全国网吧硬件升级。九城也借此成为当时仅次于盛大的运营商。2005年5月,由完美世界公司研发的一款MMORPG网络游戏,《完美世界》上线。2005年12月,《劲舞团》来袭。洗脑的2005年5月,由完美世界公司研发的一款MMORPG网络游戏,《完美世界》上线。音乐,看不懂的文字,杀马特的形象这个估计是很多人对它的印象。不过《劲舞团》可是第一款真正的休闲社交网游。而90后也开始展现他们在游戏消费市场上的地位了,还记得葬爱家族吗?听说最近流行文艺复兴!2005年7月,《劲舞团》在中国大陆成为中华人民共和国文化部第一批适合未成年人网络游戏产品。2006年3月17日,跑跑卡丁车上线,跑跑卡丁车是韩国NEXON(纳克森)公司出品的一款休闲类赛车竞速游戏。与其他竞速游戏不同,跑跑卡丁车首次在游戏中添加了漂移键。游戏以“全民漂移”为宣传词,而角色则使用了泡泡堂中的人物,角色可以驾驶卡丁车在沙漠、城镇、森林、冰河、矿山、墓地等多种主题的赛道上进行游戏。2006年4月,《EVE》登录中国。星际战争主题,游戏以宏大的太空为背景,高度融合硬科幻元素,为玩家展现了一个极其自由的虚拟宇宙沙盒世界!这个时代最为纯粹,大家都把目光放在如何优化游戏创新模式来制作出一款好的网游而不仅仅为了圈钱,这个时代的游戏质量提高速度是最快的,几乎把后面以至于现在大多数的游戏模式囊括其中!2006年4月5日,巨人网络征途上线,《征途》是巨人网络第一款自主研发的网络游戏,以中国武侠文化为基础,融合PK战争、休闲竞技、恋爱养成等众多游戏内容。十国争斗设定、八大职业选择,为玩家提供全方位的游戏体验。征途算的上是国战类型游戏的开山鼻祖了。2006年04月22日,北京光宇华夏科技有限责任公司运营的免费2D回合制网络游戏《问道》正式公测,道行系统无形门派,问道是本土化网游的代表之一!2006年9月27日,由完美世界自主研发的Q版3D武侠网游《武林外传》上线,戏采用了完美世界自主研发Angelica 3D引擎。游戏取材于同名古装情景喜剧,首创“喜剧网游”模式,从游戏背景、任务、系统等各方面突出轻松搞笑的风格。2007年04月05日,有北京完美时空网络技术有限公司开发的网游,诛仙上线运营,根据萧鼎所著同名仙侠小说改编开发的角色扮演类网络游戏,开始五大门派后又发行了《诛仙2》,在《诛仙》原有五大门派的基础上,增加了人族 与神裔两大种族概念,并在其基础上衍生12大职业,并推出两大独创玩法和十大全新系统, 相信玩过的小伙伴都不会忘记诛仙的宣传歌曲和mv吧,在当时还没有拍成电视剧的诛仙,游戏mv简直满足了我对碧瑶的所有幻想!2007年5月3日,腾讯引进韩国Smile Gate开发的第一人称射击游戏的网络游戏《穿越火线》上线。腾讯的三大摇钱树之一,cf这款游戏之所以这么火除了自身的原因外,腾讯的运营手段也不容忽视,腾讯为它建立起了一整套成熟、完善、并且还在不断进步的比赛体系。从当年火遍大江南北的百城联赛,市冠,省冠,TGA,CFPL,CF已经形成了一套完整的比赛晋升机制。所有知道现在虽然画面已经落后了,但是还是有着很多忠实的粉丝!2008年1月23号,由腾讯的琳琅天上游戏工作室开发,腾讯游戏发行的一款网络游戏《QQ飞车》,最高同时在线已超过300万。游戏结合休闲和竞技玩法,是专为QQ用户打造的一款时尚赛车游戏,采用了物理引擎PhysX来保证车辆运行时的真实感。动感的音乐,飙车的激情,当然少不了腾讯必备氪金套装,这些元素可以唤起你那时候的记忆吗?2008年6月19日,《地下城与勇士》是一款韩国网络游戏公司NEOPLE开发的免费角色扮演2D游戏,中国则由腾讯游戏代理发行。该游戏是一款2D卷轴式横版格斗过关网络游戏,大量继承了众多家用机、街机2D格斗游戏的特色。同年跻身最受欢迎十大网络游戏,外号毒奶粉(DNF),dnf里面的装备价格也是让人瞠目结舌的,随随便便就上万的装备真的令人惊叹。2009年08月28日,由金山软件西山居开发,金山运营的3D武侠角色扮演电脑客户端游戏《剑侠情缘网络版叁》(简称《剑网3》)上线,《剑网3》凭借地形植被渲染技术、场景光影特效和SpeedTree等引擎特效来展现中国传统武侠世界,将诗词、歌舞、丝绸、古琴、饮酒文化、茶艺、音乐等多种具有中国传统文化特色的元素融入到游戏中,展现给玩家一个气势恢弘、壮丽华美的大唐世界。同时,《剑网3》通过物理引擎打造的ACT新轻功玩法,为玩家带来新的游戏体验。剑网三目前有15个职业,师徒情侣系统等特色系统为这款游戏加分了不少,游戏中的传统服饰,大唐的风景如画,让人一入江湖便沉沦于此,这款游戏不管男女都是比较喜欢的! 《剑网3》的品质跟它的期望值是成正比的,各个方面都具有独特的中国古典武侠特色,操作上手非常容易,并且非常符合大陆玩家的操作习惯,更是把大量中国古代文化融合到了游戏当中,包括经脉、经典古籍等,圆满地超越了泛滥成灾的泡菜模式,可以说是国内自主研发网游中的成功之作。2009年9月20日,网易研发的一款角色扮演网络游戏《天下贰》,于2009年9月20日在中国发行。该游戏以《山海经》为蓝本,参照中华地理格局,通过数百玩法,数万NPC,数十万故事剧情,再现宏大华夏玄幻世界。后又推出《天下叁》。2011年4月18日,是由腾讯旗下琳琅天上工作室开发,腾讯游戏发行的网络游戏《逆战》上线。游戏采用第一人称射击形式表现,采用虚幻3引擎开发,并且是以机甲模式为核心[c1] 近未来风格游戏,游戏中出现了未来版95式突击步枪等武器。“逆战逆战狂野”这一句歌词大家都不陌生吧!2011年9月22日,它来了,由美国拳头游戏(Riot Games)开发、中国大陆地区腾讯游戏代理运营的英雄对战MOBA竞技网游,《英雄联盟》正式上线。游戏里拥有数百个个性英雄,并拥有排位系统、天赋系统、符文系统等特色养成系统。英雄联盟影响力不用多说,看看这两年世界赛夺冠后男生宿舍就知道了!2011年7月,蜗牛公司重新诠释传统中国武侠文化的大型多人网络在线游戏产品,《九阴真经OL》上线。《九阴真经2》采用全新虚幻4(UE4)引擎打造,通过宏观的游戏场景,极具感染力的画面氛围,丰富的细节如植被、建筑、人物等真实而细腻的纹理表现,结合高品质视觉特效,带给用户革新级感官体验。同时凭借引擎的卓越表现,带来交互效果上的极大提升与细化,无论是场景物理破坏,还是基于IK技术真实表现的运动、打斗,《九阴真经2》实现了游戏的全面进化。2013年5月,韩国网络游戏开发商NCSoft开发的3D奇幻大型多人在线动作类游戏《剑灵》上线,中国国内由腾讯代理。2014年3月3日,暴雪娱乐开发的一款集换式卡牌游戏《炉石传说》,中国大陆地区独家运营权已被授予网易公司。2015年5月28日,腾讯北极光工作室研发的一款武侠题材的3D大型多人在线角色扮演游戏《天涯明月刀OL》不删档内测,以《天涯明月刀》小说改编而成。游戏采用自主研发的Quicksliver引擎,游戏以做电影的方式去做网游,融合了两种艺术,也参杂进了轻功系统。2016年5月24日,由暴雪娱乐公司开发的一款第一人称射击游戏《守望先锋》,于2016年5月24日全球上市,中国大陆地区由网易公司代理。游戏以未来地球为背景,讲述人类、守望先锋成员和智能机械的恩怨纠葛。游戏拥有22位英雄,每一位英雄都有各自标志性的武器和技能。2017年3月,《绝地求生》上线。大吉大利,今晚吃鸡。2018年6月29日网易《逆水寒》公测!刚刚公测时被称为会呼吸的江湖,不过早期经济市场比较极端,现在慢慢趋向稳定了也是一款优良的古风游戏!2019年7月11日 网元圣唐旗下上海烛龙研发的一款大型多人在线仙侠类角色扮演游戏《古剑奇谭网络版》正式公测! 《古剑奇谭网络版》延续《 古剑奇谭 》IP世界观,不仅注重剧情发展及世界观的完善,也通过细节上的表现勾起玩家的美好回忆,令玩家感受到自己身处于古剑的世界之中。同时通过交错而灵活的社交关系、大量细节和人文展示,使玩家更好的融入游戏之中。中国大陆网游发展这么多年,从开始台湾地区以及韩国、日本、欧美这些国家对中国大陆市场的占领,到如今中国国产网游的崛起,中国也是在不断学习和进步的,尽管很多地方也很不足,但是我相信未来中国市场上会有更多属于自己独立ip的好游戏好网游的,而随着时代的发展,可能网游会被时代所抛弃,毕竟现在移动端游戏如此红火,而未来虚拟现实的游戏也许也会普及,但是即使这样,那属于我们一代人的回忆却是科技无法给到的,即使它画面很简陋,游戏跟不上潮流,被别人取笑还玩这些老古董,但那又怎样?这就是我们的潮流!
2023-07-21 21:30:421


* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!*.cn/zhuanqu/sc/indexpage.shtml这上面都有详细说明的
2023-07-21 21:32:227


power overwhelming =无敌 operation cwal=快速建筑生产 show me the money =10,000 单位的矿物和高能瓦斯 the gathering = psionic stuff 法力能量无限 game over man =立即游戏失败 noglues =敌人无法施行魔法 staying alive =任务无法完成 there is no cow level =完成目前所执行的任务 whats mine is mine =矿产无限 breathe deep =瓦斯无限 something for nothing =打开所有可生产的选项 black sheep wall =地图全开 medieval man =单位无限生产 modify the phase variance =拥有生产所有建筑物的能力 war aint what it used to be =关闭战争迷雾 food for thought =拥有在补给限制下无限制造单位的能力
2023-07-21 21:32:391


魔兽还有Who"s your dad此乃无敌密码!
2023-07-21 21:32:498


2023-07-21 21:33:071

overwhelming 如何用英文造句

sometimes the power of nature is overwhelming
2023-07-21 21:33:152


2023-07-21 21:33:253


关于海洋有什么了解?有些人见过它,但有些人还没有看到。在晴朗的天气里,大海看起来很美,大风时会很困难。你还知道其他什么事情吗?当然,大海很大,世界上有比陆地更多的海洋。下面给大家分享一些海洋 英语 作文 初中,希望对大家有帮助。 海洋英语作文初中1 What do know about the sea? Some people have seen it but others haven"t. The sea looks beautiful on a fine sunny day and it can be very tough when there is a strong wind. What other things do you know about it? Of course, the sea is very large. In the world there is more sea than land. If you have swum in the sea, you know that the sea is salty. Rivers carry salt from the land into the sea. Some places of the sea are saltier than the other places. Do you know the Dead Sea? It is so salty that you can"t sink when you are in the water! And fish cannot live in it! 海洋英语作文初中2 Marine biological environment is a complex system including sea water, sea water, soluble matter and suspended matter, seabed sediments and marine organisms. The rich biological resources, mineral resources, chemical resources and power resources in the sea are indispensable human resources treasure houses, which are closely related to the survival and development of mankind. At present, the main objective of marine conservation is to protect marine biological resources so that they can not be exhausted for sustainable use by mankind. In particular, priority should be given to the conservation of marine animals that are valuable and endangered. According to the UN investigation, due to overfishing, mangrove accidental killing of non target to allow the killing of marine organisms, the coastal engineering construction, deforestation, pollution of the marine environment in general, at least 25 of the world"s most valuable fisheries resources consumed, whales, sea turtles, manatees and many other marine animal faces the danger of extinction. It is expected that with the expansion of marine development, it is possible to cause more damage to marine biological resources. Marine protection task should first stop on the marine biological resources excessive use, secondly to protect the marine biological habitat or habitat, especially their migration, spawning, feeding, avoid Huahai coastline, beaches, estuaries, coral reefs, to prevent heavy metals, pesticides, oil, organic produce and eutrophication. Nutrients such as marine pollution. Maintain the ability of regeneration of marine biological resources and the natural purification ability of the sea water, maintain the marine ecological balance, and ensure the sustainable development and utilization of the marine. 海洋英语作文初中3 "Bumper harvest, bumper harvest!"!" Cried one of the fishermen, happily jumping up like a child. After a while, the full cabin fish alive and kicking, calm sea filled with coming from all sides of the fishermen"s laughter......... Now, like this "fish and shrimp full cabin" scene has been very rare. In today"s market, is the most common fish pound at least to dozens of yuan, more serious pollution of the ocean, the ocean resources gradually dried up, seafood production, prices rise, it illustrates this point? In the ocean of natural calamities and man-made misfortunes emerge in an endless stream today, human pollution is often not from the original intention, but it is caused by the unexpected effect. The British Petroleum oil, because the drilling platform explosion, caused by the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, to 9900 square kilometers of sea water is seriously polluted, so that tens of thousands of seabirds soaked in oil to move, die in hunger and misery, makes countless fish poisoning death; and the Japanese earthquake and tsunami triggered a nuclear leak the marine pollution is more serious...... The sea is so vast that it is because the rivers and streams flow into the Yangtze River and then run into the sea. If we do not solve the pollution problem from the source, then no matter how people clean up the sea, there will always be sewage flowing into the sea, and all the efforts will be futile. Now, streams and streams are often seriously polluted, or they become places where people dump rubbish or are loaded with pesticide cans. Finding a clear stream in an inhabited area can be very difficult today! In any case, the protection of the oceans can not be achieved by individual forces, and the protection of the oceans depends on the joint efforts of all mankind. I do not want one day in the future, our descendants can only imagine the image of the vast and wide sea. This is not only the wish of a pupil, but also the wish of all mankind, isn"t it? 海洋英语作文初中4 Boundless sea to look forward to, give people the beauty, give a person warm motherly love. The sea is like a poem; it jumps; like a picture, rich in meaning; and like a symphony, vast and mighty...... It is like a mirror; sometimes calm, sometimes filled with rage, overwhelming, to sail the boat overturned. In my mind, the sea is blue world, is also the cradle of life. Pregnant with many free and small life. The sea is so mysterious, so charming! Now the sea has changed. The sea is no longer clear, it becomes muddy and dirty. Washed up on the beach, left is no longer alive and kicking the fish shrimp, instead of the piles of rubbish, but also mixed with a lot of dead fish shrimp, stinking. Why is that? It"s all because of us. When people admire the beauty of the seaside, they throw the foul rubbish into the sea. There are also people living on the beach, the toilet drain pipe to the bottom of the sea. What"s worse is that the factory waste water flows into the sea in large stocks, and the sea is dyed in a strange color. Led to the birth of a lot of lack of brains, low IQ infants, our next generation - bright eyes [voice tender], the face of the next generation of red, will never see the beautiful blue sea. Someone once did an experiment. He compared a basin of water to the ocean, and dropped a drop of ink into the sea. Immediately, the ink slowly spread out, became shallow and disappeared. The sea water was almost as clean as ever. If the ink kept dropping, the color of the sea would be deeper and darker, and eventually it would become a basin of black water. 6 billion people on the earth produce large quantities of living waste water and industrial pollution every day. Like ink, it has been injected into the clear sea water. It has become a polluted lake. To the health of our human beings, to see the beautiful blue sea for our children and grandchildren. Let us act now, love the ocean as much as we love life, and love the common blue home of mankind. 海洋英语作文初中5 Sea pollution is becoming an increasing problem for our planet and we have a responsibility to reduce sea pollution. I need to describe the problem. Our ship currently dumps all its rubbish into the sea.It"s easy to result in huge endanger. First of all, Non-organic substances such as plastic bags kill fish and whales. Because fish get trapped and whales cannot digest them. Secondly some rubbish is inherently toxic. I can suggest some solutions. First and foremost we can create a better system of disposing of rubbish for instance. We ought to store rubbish. Next, we are supposed to make ships environmentally and friendly. A case in point is that we should stop providing plastic bags. We must act now before it is too late! 海洋英语作文初中相关 文章 : ★ 关于海洋的初中英语作文 ★ 大海的初中英语作文 ★ 有关于大海的英语作文 ★ 保护海洋环境的英语作文范文 ★ 保护海洋的重要性英语作文 ★ 关于大海的英语作文 ★ 写鲸鱼的初中英语作文 ★ My Favourite Season英语作文带翻译 ★ 海洋馆一日游英语作文带翻译 ★ 如何保护海洋环境英语作文
2023-07-21 21:34:031


国学英语怎么说 30分 sinology 较好,英文字典指The study of Chinese language, literature, or civilization 即汉学,研究中国语言、文学或文明的学科。虽然是殖民主义的产物,但恰当准确。而且殖民一说如美国黑人(African-American)一开始不使用negro(黑人,农奴庄园经济时的专用名词),认为有种族歧视之嫌,但现在反倒经常自称negro,可见其殖民意义并无大碍。 另外:儒学 Confucian Studies, 玄学 Metaphysical Studies 或 Chinese Metaphysics “国学”用英语怎么说 studies of Chinese ancient civilization “国学”的英文译法请问“国学”这个词用英文怎么翻 studies of Chinese ancient civilization国学代表课程用英语怎么说 国学代表课程 The representative course of Chinese culture 国学代表课程 The representative course of Chinese culture 国学课英语怎么说 是国学课的英文翻译吗?Traditional sinology class 我是被新聘上的德克士的 *** 。我需要前辈指导基本的东西,一些细节操作 按照标准的SOC SOP 操作就行了 记住执行率要100% “国学”的英译 楼主,你好。大中华人才济济,百度高手林立,不必慨叹如斯哦!只不过很多高手四处游历,未必恰巧路过而已。 国学特指中国传统的学术文化,其内涵博大精深,国学之“经、史、子、集”四科共同构成并展示中国文化的风采。换言之,国学是一个集结的称呼,因此确实不容易翻译出来。 在英语,国学可以叫 Traditional Chinese Learning 一份大学学报(哲学和社会科学版)和一份上海的科学杂志均把国学翻译作Traditional Chinese Learning 以下是参考依据: scholar.ilib/Abstract.aspx?A=kx200105009 坦白地说,揣摩下来Traditional Chinese Learning 并非一个拍案叫绝的理想翻译,但我认为是一个可以接受、也基本上能表达国学含义的翻译。正如中国功夫,翻译成Chinese Martial Art 始终变了味,干脆叫 Chinese Kung Fu 反而贴切、比较接近G点。因此好莱坞电影内Chinese Kung Fu人人皆知,Martial Art 硬梆梆的,Kung Fu 更有四两拨千斤的震撼。若以国学论功夫,功夫的最高境界,并非打架争胜负,而是两家相让,天下太平。楼主,你说对么? 国学这门课的英文翻译是什么? 我想Traditional Chinese Culture是否更准确一些?因为现代的很多中国文化并不属于“国学”范畴 怎样写以“国学”为主题的英语作文 国学热 The national learning craze 近年来中国出现了一股引人注目的文化热潮即国学热.一些大学成立了国学院、国学研究所和名目繁多的国学讲堂竞相阐释传统的儒、释、道思想.在乡间坊里各种旧习俗、新事物纷纷打着国学旗号以壮声威祭孔庙、拜黄帝陵之类的活动搞得声势浩大风水、占卜、星相之术也大行其道.这种内容庞杂的国学热具有极强的精神感召力与中国高速增长的经济实力和日益复苏的大国理想相互砥砺使得当前中国文化在精神面貌方面呈现出一种与改革开放初期的全盘西化倾向迥然而异的景象.从冷战时代结束以后的全球文化发展趋势来看这股国学热表现了一种文化保守主义的价值取向蕴涵着一种现代化而不西方化的文化要求表现了一种民族文化身份的自觉意识同时也难免带有泥沙俱下的复杂性. In recent years,a striking cultural movement in the form of a “national learning craze” has swept China.Some universities have set up national learning collegesand research institutes as well as variously named lecture halls,all peting to interpret traditional Confucian,Buddhist and Taoist thought.In rural areas,all kinds of old customs and new things flaunt the banner of “national learning” to bolster their standing,and Confucian temples and the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor conduct resplendent ceremonies.Feng shui or geomancy,divination and astrology are also widely practiced.This kind of catch-all “national learning”has a strong intellectual attraction.It works in with the rapid growth in China"s economic power and the revival of the ideal of China as a great nation,so that the intellectual atmosphere of today"s Chinese culture is quite the opposite of the trend toward “wholesale Westernization” in the early stages of reform and opening up.Seen in the light of global cultural trends following the end of the Cold War era,it is similar in some respects to the Islamic revival in the Middle East and the rise of Hindui *** in the South ......>> 新闻热词:“国学大师”英语怎么说 摇摆州 Swing states 摇摆州 名 swing state; 表达美选特说叫battleground state或者purple state,指a state in which no candidate has overwhelming support,即竞选双势均力敌都明显优势
2023-07-21 21:34:101


Artanis: The swarm brought ruin to our world. Artanis: Our proud people became refugees. Artanis: And yet ... Artanis: They could not shatter our unity. Artanis: For we are bound by the Khala ... ... the sacred union of our every thought and emotion. Archon: Power overwhelming. Artanis: Today we retake our homeworld ... ... and with it, our legacy.
2023-07-21 21:34:302


按下空格无敌秘籍是power overwhelming 快速秘籍是operation cwal 地图全显示black sheep wall 金钱秘籍是show me the money(气矿和金钱只加一万,用完后可以再打秘籍)
2023-07-21 21:34:405


2023-07-21 21:34:5810

星际争霸 母巢之战 都有哪些秘籍

show me the money
2023-07-21 21:35:453


show me the money~~~只能在单人模式中使用 power overwhelming =无敌 operation CWAL=快速建筑生产 show me the money =10,000 单位的矿物和高能瓦斯 the gathering = psionic stuff 法力能量无限 game over man =立即游戏失败 noglues =敌人无法施行魔法 staying alive =任务无法完成 there is no cow level =完成目前所执行的任务 whats mine is mine =矿产无限 breathe deep =瓦斯无限 something for nothing =打开所有可生产的选项 black sheep wall =地图全开 medieval man =单位无限生产 modify the phase variance =拥有生产所有建筑物的能力 war aint what it used to be =关闭战争迷雾 food for thought =拥有在补给限制下无限制造单位的能力
2023-07-21 21:35:541


  在单人模式按 ENTER 键后输入:  power overwhelming =无敌 (cpu和cpu对打双方都无敌)  operation CWAL=快速建筑  show me the money =10,000 单位的矿物和高能瓦斯  the gathering = psionic stuff 法力能量无限  game over man =任务失败  noglues =敌人无法施行魔法  staying alive =任务无法完成  there is no cow level =任务完成  whats mine is mine =矿产无限  breathe deep =高能瓦斯无限  something for nothing =开启所有可生产的选项  black sheep wall =得―全开  medieval man =单位无限生产  modify the phase variance =拥有生产所有建筑物的能力  war aint what it used to be =关闭战争迷雾  food for thought =拥有在补给限制下无限制造单位的能力  科技:  人类(Terran):  Stim Packs =兴奋剂(损10 点生命值但可增加攻击力和机动力)  LockDown =瘫痪机械目标  ShockWave = 震动波(损敌我的能量,和神族的电浆护盾)  Spider Mines =蜘蛛诡雷  Scanner Sweep =隐形单位扫描器  Def. Matrix =方阵护盾  Irradiate =放射线(对虫族的所有部队及神族的地面部队有效)  YaMaTo Gun = 大和火炮  Cloaking field = 飞行器隐形能力  P.Cloaking =地面人员隐形能力  神族(Protoss):  Psionic Storm =灵能风暴  Hallucination =产生与指定目标相同的两个幻象  Recall =时空门  Stasis Field =冻结目标  虫族(Zerg):  Burrowing =钻地  Infestation =生产自杀炸弹兵  Spawn Broodling =专对地面部队的必杀寄生虫,还会残留两双小虫  Dark Swarm =机枪的攻击失效  Plague =目标生命值下降至濒死  Consume =吞食同伴并吸收能量  Ensnare =大幅降低部队行动速度  Parasite = 寄生侦察虫
2023-07-21 21:36:011


要打回车在游戏过程中回车, 直接输入: power overwhelming =无敌 operation CWAL=快速建筑生产 show me the money =10,000 单位的矿物和高能瓦斯the gathering = psionic stuff 法力能量无限game over man =立即游戏失败noglues =敌人无法施行魔法staying alive =任务无法完成 there is no cow level =完成目前所执行的任务whats mine is mine =矿产无限 breathe deep =瓦斯无限something for nothing =打开所有可生产的选项black sheep wall =地图全开medieval man =单位无限生产modify the phase variance =拥有生产所有建筑物的能力war aint what it used to be =关闭战争迷雾food for thought =拥有在补给限制下无限制造单位的能力跳关:输入 ophelia 然后按下 enter再打入你想选择的关卡名称 特技: Terran: Stim Packs = 损10 Damage的兴奋剂(可以增加攻击力和机动力) LockDown = 锁定机械系敌人 ShockWave = 震动波(损敌我的energy, 和神族的电浆护盾) Spider Mines =蜘蛛诡雷 Scanner Sweep = 范围扫瞄器(暴露隐形单位) Def. Matrix =方阵护盾 Irradiate 放射线(对虫族的所有部队及神族的地面部队有效)固定目标范围 YaMaTo Gun = 大和巨炮 Cloaking field = 隐形(Air) P.Cloaking =隐形(Earth) Protoss: Psionic Storm = 迷幻风暴 Hallucination =幻象0002(产生与指定目标相同的两个幻象) Recall =唤回部队 Stasis Field = 凝滞场(冻结战场~~~)忽略有效兵力 Zerg: Infestation = 群袭 SpawnBroodling = 体外伏寄(专对地面部队的必杀寄生虫)还会残留两只小虫 Dark Swarm =群集(掩护) Plague =疫病(严重损伤)但不会死 Consume = 把自军部队吸引 energy+50 Ensnare = 陷诱(异光黏液)暴露隐形单位 Parasite = 寄生侦察虫 附注: 只能在单人模式中使用
2023-07-21 21:36:101


魔兽 在游戏中按下 Enter键叫出对话框后输入密技 如果输入正确会出现 Cheat enabled 字样 greedisgood =黄金木材各加500单位 KeyserSoze =加黄金 LeafItToMe =加木材 PointBreak =加人口上限 whosyourdaddy =无敌且拥有一击必杀 iseedeadpeople =显示全部地图 allyourbasearebelongtous =立即获胜 somebodysetupusthebomb =立即战败 ItVexesMe =不会被判定获胜 StrengthAndHonor =不会被判定战败 thereisnospoon =法力无限 WhoIsJohnGalt =研发加速 WarpTen =快速建筑 SharpAndShiny =建筑物升级 Synergy =科技全开 RiseAndShine =黎明 LightsOut =黄昏 DaylightSavings =调整时间 Motherland =跳关 (如 human 04) IocainePowder =fastdeath TheDudeAbides =cooldown 星际 在游戏中按“Enter”键后直接输入!输入后再按“Enter”键就可以了! power overwhelming =无敌 operation CWAL=快速建筑生产 show me the money =10,000 单位的矿物和高能瓦斯 the gathering = psionic stuff 法力能量无限 game over man =立即游戏失败 noglues =敌人无法施行魔法 staying alive =任务无法完成 there is no cow level =完成目前所执行的任务 whats mine is mine =矿产无限 breathe deep =瓦斯无限 something for nothing =打开所有可生产的选项 black sheep wall =地图全开 medieval man =单位无限生产 modify the phase variance =拥有生产所有建筑物的能力 war aint what it used to be =关闭战争迷雾 food for thought =拥有在补给限制下无限制造单位的能力 魔法门 游戏中按TAB键,然后输入下列密技: nwctheconstruct 加10万金子,每项资源+100 nwctrinity 在每个空带兵格加5个大天使 nwcagents 在每个空的带兵格加10个black nights nwclotsofguns 给选中英雄所有战争机器 nwczion 所有城镇升到顶级 nwcneo 选中的英雄升一级 nwcnebuchadnezzar 选中英雄无限移动点 nwcthereisnospoon 全部魔法+999魔法值 nwcoracle 开藏宝图 nwcwhatisthematrix 开全地图 nwcignoranceisbliss 隐藏地图 nwcmorpheus 士气最高 nwcfollowthewhiterabbit 幸运最高 nwcredpill 直接胜利 nwcbluepill 游戏失败 nwcphisherprice 改变游戏颜色更多
2023-07-21 21:36:191


打power overwhelming和operation CWAL 不赢才怪
2023-07-21 21:36:285


1. 用英文写一段含三种修辞手法的120左右文章 In international munication,we try to use gesture to express our meaning because of the different languages.Since every customs differ from each other,the meanings of the gestures are not the same.For example,many middle-age delder people touch the children on the head to show their love for them.However,the people of Malaysia believe that head is the most important part of the body and it`s forbidden to be touched.What`s more,nodding means agreement and shaking means disagreement in general.But this is in the oppsite in Albania.In a word ,there is a great necessity to know and to show respect to different customs.。 2. 求一篇用了12种修辞手法以上的英语作文,最好跟平时生活贴切的, Dear Miss Zhang I"m not the best student of yours, but you"re the most respected teacher of mine. On this special occasion for you, what I can dedicate is my highest consideration and earnest blessings. May you be happy; may all of your life be fullofhappiness, joy as well as sweetness.I still remred clearly thattheday I was crying with a heavy heart because I failed to passtheexamination. I didn"t know what to do and where to go, just likeabird lost its way. Teacher, it was you who lighted the beaconofhope in my heart in the dark night. Your warm words,affectionateeyes, which dispelled the cold winter from my heart andkindled theflame of hope as well. And I still remred that theplatform, thedesks, the springs and autumns, all witness the flowerpetals ofyour heart. The buds, the seedlings, the spring flowersand fallfruits, all owe to your sincere devotion.In my view, all Iwant todo is to make the best of every day, and e a littlecloser towhat I dream of. Furthermore, I must not relax my effortsto be thebest I can be and do the best I can do. Besishes 3. 修辞手法在英语作文中的应用 一、比喻(the figures of speech) 比喻是语言艺术的升华。 英语中常见的比喻方法有三种:明喻、隐喻和借喻。 1.明喻(the simile) 格式:本体 + 显著比喻词(like/as/as if) + 喻体 常用介词like 、连词as,as if,asso、动词seem等以及句型Ato B asCtoD等等表示“好像”意思的比喻说法就叫明喻。 例如: (1)Teacher, you are like the sun, but more magnificent, andmorebrillant. 老师,您像太阳,又比太阳更灿烂更辉煌。 (2)Your soul is as pure as snow, your personality is as nobleaspine trees! All praise to you, our belovedteacher.您的心灵像雪一样纯净,您的人格像青松一般高洁!赞美您,敬爱的老师。 英语中除上述的用介词、连词或句型等的明喻表达方式外,还有许多常用的明喻习语。例如: (1)as clear as crystal清如水晶 (2)as weak as water软弱无力 这类利用类似汉语的押韵和叠声增加语言的美感。 与此同时,又可以使语言短小精悍,表达生动、形象。 2.隐喻(the metaphor) 格是:本体 + is/are + 喻体 例如: (1)Time is a river, of which memory is the water. Oh myfriend,what I scoop up from the river is all yearning ofyou.时间是河、记忆如水,朋友,我从河里捧起来的都是对你的思念。 (2)Time is money. 时间就是金钱。 注意:英语中存在着许多数词习语和俚语,用作隐喻(也有个别用作明喻)。 例如 : (1)You are one in a million.你真是人见人爱。 (2)He has one over the eight.他酩酊大醉。 (3)This film star is a nine days wonder; I doubt whetheranyonewill remr her in ayearstime.这位电影明星现在红极一时(也指昙花一现),但我认为一年以后人们不见得还记得她。 注意:英语中还有许多隐喻成语。 例如: (1)to teach fish to swim 班门弄斧 (2)to plough the sand 白费力气 (3)up the tree骑虎难下;lame duck强弩之末;above board光明正大 3.借喻(the metonymy) 格式:直接用比喻事物代替本体事物 例如: (1)The buses in America are on strikenow.美国的公共汽车司机正在罢工(这里buses喻指司机drivers)。 (2)The pen is mightier thanthesword.文人胜于武士(以pen,sword喻指使用这物的人)。 英语中一些鸟兽鱼虫的名字,除本义外,常可转借喻人,形象生动,意味隽永。例如: (1)She is a social butterfly.她是一个交际花(以虫喻人)。 (接下页) 二、借代(the synecdoche) 借用一个名称来代替另一事物。替代的方式可以是人、物互代,部分和全体互代,单数代复数,描象代替具体或具体代替抽象等等。 例如: (1)Uncle Sam will not help us.美国人不会帮助我们。(用Uncle Sam代替船美国人本身) (2)You can depend on him for help whenever youre in tourble.Hesa true blue.你遇到麻烦时尽管去找他帮忙,他是一个靠得住的忠实朋友。 (用trueblue代替真金烈火,忠诚可靠的) 使用借代修辞方式要选用最突出最明显的事物特征来代替事物名称。借代运用得好,能使语言表达简洁明快、具体、形象,以避免重复、累赘,并给人以新鲜感。 三、夸张(the exaggeration) 把事物的特征,有意地加以夸大或缩小,就叫夸张。 例如: (1)Thank you a thousand.千恩万谢。 英语中夸张修辞格,应用极为频繁。夸张的功能是突出事物的本质特征,因而给人强烈印象或警悟、启发 。 四、拟人(the personifjcation) 就是把无生命的事物人格化。 例如: (1)Books are a guide in youth and an entertainment for age.Theysupport us under solitude, and keep us from being a burdentoourselves.书籍是青年人的指南、老年人的娱乐。 孤寂时,书籍给我们力量,使我们摆脱精神负担。 (2)Love is the master key that opens the gatesofhappiness.爱是开启幸福之门的万能钥匙。 拟人用法在英语写作中运用得好,不仅使语言表达得生动、有力,而且给人以亲切、实在、耳目一新的感受。 五、排比 把结构相同或相似、语气一致、意思密切相关联的句子或句子成分排列起来,使句式得到增强,感情得到加深,这种修辞叫排比。 例如: (1)You are overwhelming jade, as white as snow, as *** oothandmoist as grease, as brilliant as candles, and as firmasrock.你洁白如雪,润泽如脂,你光辉如烛,坚贞如磐,你是令人倾心的美玉。 (2)You are in my mind and in my heart. You are in the very airIbreathe. You are part ofme.Forever.你占据了我整个思绪和心灵;你在我呼吸的空气里;你永远是我的一部分。 此外,在英语的具体写作过程当中,我们可以运用恰当的抒情手法来进行写作,达到以情动人的效果。下面就以2005年6月份四级考试作文为例,进行写作。 提纲要求: In honor of teachers on the occasion of Teacher"s Day 向老师致以节日祝贺 从一件难忘的事回忆老师的教诲和无私的奉献 我如何回报老师的关爱 范文:Dear Miss Zhang,I"m not the best student of yours, butyou"rethe most respected teacher of mine. On this special occasionforyou, what I can dedicate is my highest consideration andearnestblessings. May you be happy; may all of your life be fullofhappiness, joy as 。 4. 急求一篇150字的英语作文,要用到修辞手法 这篇不错 Autumn in Countryside It gradually turns cool. The sunlight is no longer so strong and the cicadas have stopped crying. The hot summer went by at last. The favorite season in the year is ing. Everywhere we can see the scene of bumper crops: on the fields is golden rice,on the trees are ripe fruits. The farmers faces are full of *** iles. They are now expecting a good harvest through a summer"s hard work. The It gradually turns cool. The sunlight is no longer so strong and the cicadas have stopped crying. The hot summer went by at last. The favorite season in the year is ing. Everywhere we can see the scene of bumper crops: on the fields is golden rice,on the trees are ripe fruits. The farmers faces are full of *** iles. They are now expecting a good harvest through a summer"s hard work. The autumn evening is especially beautiful. When the setting sun goes slowly down to the west, the sky over the mountains is covered with red rays of evening sunlight, which shines upon the blue sky and floating clouds, just as the maple leaves fall onto the sky. It is getting cool at dusk. The wind blows, the moonlight shines on the ground,the frogs croak and insects chirp in the fields. Such a situation will make you fet all the unhappy things in the daytime. I love the beautiful season. evening is especially beautiful. When the setting sun goes slowly down to the west, the sky over the mountains is covered with red rays of evening sunlight, which shines upon the blue sky and floating clouds, just as the maple leaves fall onto the sky. It is getting cool at dusk. The wind blows, the moonlight shines on the ground,the frogs croak and insects chirp in the fields. Such a situation will make you fet all the unhappy things in the daytime. I love the beautiful season. 5. 用英文用修辞手法写一篇短篇故事 I enjoy reading different kinds of books, but "Harry Porter" is my favorite one. The story is very long but I am interested in it. Harry was such a brave and clever boy that he dared to fight against powerful enemies. His Z-shaped scar and magic stick brought me into a magical world. In fact, the fiction story is so meaningful that I can learn a lot from it. I think it"s the best book I"ve ever read.。 6. 有5种修辞手法的300字 英语作文 如题,追加悬赏后补,谢谢 As food is to the body, so is learning to the mind. Our bodies grow and muscles develop with the intake of adequate nutritious food. Likewise, we should keep learning day by day to maintain our keen mental power and expand our intellectual capacity. Constant learning supplies us with inexhaustible fuel for driving us to sharpen our power of reasoning, *** ysis, and judgment. Learning incessantly is the surest way to keep pace with the times in the information age, and an infallible warrant of success in times of uncertainty. Once learning stops, vegetation sets in. It is a mon fallacy to regard school as the only workshop for the acquisition of 。 As food is to the body, so is learning to the mind. Our bodies grow and muscles develop with the intake of adequate nutritious food. Likewise, we should keep learning day by day to maintain our keen mental power and expand our intellectual capacity. Constant learning supplies us with inexhaustible fuel for driving us to sharpen our power of reasoning, *** ysis, and judgment. Learning incessantly is the surest way to keep pace with the times in the information age, and an infallible warrant of success in times of uncertainty. Once learning stops, vegetation sets in. It is a mon fallacy to regard school as the only workshop for the acquisition of knowledge. On the contrary, learning should be a never-ending process, from the cradle to the grave. With the world ever changing so fast, the cease from learning for just a few days will make a person lag behind. What"s worse, the animalistic instinct dormant deep in our subconsciousness will e to life, weakening our will to pursue our noble ideal, sapping our determination to sweep away obstacles to our success and strangling our desire for the refinement畅碃扳度殖道帮权爆护 of our character. Lack of learning will inevitably lead to the stagnation of the mind, or even worse, its fossilization, Therefore, to stay mentally young, we have to take learning as a lifelong career.。 7. 求一篇英文作文,要求用到拟人等修辞手法并根据方位顺序描述某一地 范文:Dear Miss Zhang,I"m not the best student of yours, butyou"rethe most respected teacher of mine. On this special occasionforyou, what I can dedicate is my highest consideration andearnestblessings. May you be happy; may all of your life be fullofhappiness, joy as well as sweetness.I still remred clearly thattheday I was crying with a heavy heart because I failed to passtheexamination. I didn"t know what to do and where to go, just likeabird lost its way. Teacher, it was you who lighted the beaconofhope in my heart in the dark night. Your warm words,affectionateeyes, which dispelled the cold winter from my heart andkindled theflame of hope as well. And I still remred that theplatform, thedesks, the springs and autumns, all witness the flowerpetals ofyour heart. The buds, the seedlings, the spring flowersand fallfruits, all owe to your sincere devotion.In my view, all Iwant todo is to make the best of every day, and e a littlecloser towhat I dream of. Furthermore, I must not relax my effortsto be thebest I can be and do the best I can do.Besishes,Andy.。
2023-07-21 21:36:541


1、Confidence is half the success。 信心是成功的一半。 2、practice is the test, the test is to practice。 练习就是中考,中考就是练习。 3、In the exam is a practice for a million people to attend。 中考是汇百万人参加的一次练习。 4、The best is silver, with each passing day。 名列前茅是银,日新月异是金。 5、To the winner will lose, is not afraid of the losers will win。 总想赢者必输,不怕输者必赢。 6、To work easily, the problem will become easier。 把容易题作对,难题就会变容易。 7、A product kuibu Zhen Cheng, thousands of miles away。 积一时之跬步,臻千里之遥程。 8、Never forgive yourself for carelessness。 永远不要以粗心为借口原谅自己。 9、The body often moves, the heart is often quiet。 身体常动,内心常静。 10、To succeed, to go crazy, determined to move forward! 要成功,先发疯,下定决心往前冲! 11、Confidence is a prerequisite for success。 自信是成功的先决条件。 12、Nervous and orderly, efficiency is the key。 紧张而有序,效率是关键。 13、The sweat into the pearl, the dream into reality! 把汗水变成珍珠,把梦想变成现实! 14、Fight a high score, a score of achievement。 拼一分高一分,一分成就终生。 15、Faster, higher, stronger。 Leading is the gold medal。 更快、更高、更强。领先就是金牌。 16、Try it, you can win。 试试就能行,争争就能赢。 17、On weekdays strictly, in the test frankly。 平日从严,中考坦然。 18、Fight a year, to fight the life without regret。 拼一载春秋,搏一生无悔。 19、Dead heart does not panic, more easily in fine。 遇难心不慌,遇易心更细。 20、Learning and meditation are similar, there must be a star。 学习与坐禅相似,须有一颗恒心。 21、The secret is to get high marks in the exam is a little lost points! 中考得高分的秘诀就是少丢分! 22、The cause of mental achievement, attitude determines everything。 精神成就事业,态度决定一切。 23、Without think not ask for advice, do not move the text book。 不经三思不求教,不动笔墨不读书。 24、There is a high level of collective, only a high level of personal。 有高水平的集体,才有高水平的个人。 25、Confidence comes from strength, strength comes from hard work。 信心来自于实力,实力来自于勤奋。 26、There is power without pressure, stress, and not anxiety。 有动力而无压力,紧张而不焦虑,迅速而不慌乱。 27、Do not seek the difficult problems, first of all, the middle grade is good。 不求难题都做,先求中低档题不错。 28、Dickens is good, ask Yu, extensive exchanges, in-depth discussion。 勤思则得,善问则裕,广泛交流,深入切磋。 29、Erudite, questioning, deliberative, discernment, and faithful。 博学之,审问之,慎思之,明辨之,笃行之。 30、Treat the test: calm, optimistic, treat the exam: serious, confident。 对待试题:冷静、乐观,对待考试:认真、自信。 31、Dont ask the harvest, but the hard work! God helps those who help themselves。 不问收获,但问耕耘!天道酬勤。 32、Encounter will do the title: careful; encounter will not do the title: calm。 遇到会做的题:仔细;遇到不会做的题:冷静。 33、Ningchengyigusheng, stroke as a force, ruthless one, is a dream。 拧成一股绳,搏尽一份力,狠下一条心,共圆一个梦。 34、The most difficult question, for you, is not necessarily the last one。 最难的题,对你而言,并不一定在于最后一道。 35、The third grade is the period of collective fighting and personal achievement。 初三是集体战斗与个人成就的时期。 36、Not every minute of learning, but learning every minute to harvest。 不必每分钟都学习,但求学习中每分钟都有收获。 37、For time is to strive for success, improve efficiency is to improve the score。 争取时间就是争取成功,提高效率就是提高分数。 38、Good understanding of the previous senior high school entrance examination questions, by analogy。 体悟好往届中考题,触类旁通。 39、Confidence is the aggregation of endless wisdom。 plain, is on the success of the inn。 自信,是无尽智慧的凝聚。平淡,是成功路上的驿站。 40、Dont feel inferior, you are not stupid。 Dont be complacent, others are not stupid。 不要自卑,你不比别人笨。不要自满,别人不比你笨。 41、plan to be fine, do it early, to implement the。 plans and goals, action。 计划要细,动手要早,落实要准。计划与目标、行动一致。 42、There is no direction, each learning stage should set a goal for yourself。 没有目标就没有方向,每一个学习阶段都应该给自己树立一个目标。 43、Be kind to your love, dont let them get out of the way, to make them learn to serve。 善待你的爱好,别让它们为学习让路,要让它们替学习服务。 44、This moment will nap, you will have a dream; but this moment study, you will interpret a dream! 此刻打盹,你将做梦;而此刻学习,你将圆梦! 45、Four points of knowledge and wisdom, the three talk Loparex, two test method, a common heart。 四分学识智,三心细耐恒,二成应试法,一片平常心。 46、Weak utilitarian, move forward; without pay, not to complete, firm and indomitable。 淡薄功利,轻装前进;不计付出,坚韧不拔;不达目的,誓不罢休。 47、Show your ideal, seize the entrance opportunity; spell out your strength, taste the joy of success。 亮出你的理想,抓住升学时机;拼出你的实力,品尝成功喜悦。 48、Facing the opportunity, do not hesitate; face the choice, do not hesitate; face the decisive battle, not afraid! 面对机遇,不犹豫;面对抉择,不彷徨;面对决战,不惧怕! 49、Science students to Chongwen, liberal arts students to science。 Text to see every day, every day to practice。 理科生要重文,文科生要重理。文要天天看,理要天天练。 50、A point of hard work, a harvest, not necessarily; nine points to work, there will be a harvest, a certain! 一分耕耘,一分收获,未必;九分耕耘,会有收获,一定! 励志英语格言 励志英语格言 1、Keep on going never give up. 勇往直前,决不放弃! 2、Never put off what you can do today until tomorrow. 今日事今日毕! 3、Believe in yourself. 相信你自己! 4、You think you can, you can. 你认为你行,你就行。 5、I can because i think i can. 我行,因为我相信我行! 6、Action speak louder than words. 行动胜于言语! 7、Never say die. 永不气馁! 8、) 100、Every noble work is at first impossible. 每一个伟大的工程最初看起来都是不可能做到的! 英语格言谚语有关学习的英语格言关于成功的英语格言 励志的英语格言 励志的英语格言 1、True mastery of any skill takes a lifetime. 对任何技能的掌握都需要一生的刻苦操练。 2、Se overwhelming passion that also happens to allow you to earn a living doing it, always remember that work should be a means to an end: living an enjoyable lifeSpend as little time on the means as possible consistent with achieving the endOnly idiots live to work. 如果你将工作等同于生活,那么你将为工作而生活。和很多人一样,当看到那些艺术家和音乐家的工作几乎是全部的生活,我感到很困惑。其实那不是工作,那是他们的自我。除非你有无法抵挡的激情,恰巧也能让你从中得以谋生,否则请永远记住,工作只是一种手段,而不是目的,我们的最终目的是享受生活。在实现目的的同时,尽可能地少花时间在手段上。只有傻瓜才是为工作而生活。 英语格言谚语有关学习的英语格言励志英语格言 英语格言励志长句 1、在以后的学习中,刻苦学习,拼搏进取。 In the later study, study hard, enterprising. 2、人的价值蕴藏在人的才能之中。 The value of a man is in the persons ability. 3、环境永远不会十全十美,消极的人受环境控制,积极的人却控制环境。 The environment e people is beautiful, the persons life is a struggle. 7、自己去做吧。不要依赖别人。 Do it myself. Dont rely on others. 8、没有人能改变你,别人只能影响你,能改变你的只有你自己。 No one can change you, others can only affect you, only you can change you. 9、智者不只发现机会,更要创造机会。 The etimes it is only success and failure often lies in: continue to struggle to give up or compromise. 22、逆水行舟用力撑,一篙松劲退千寻。 You felt the floor, a pole slacken qianhe back. 23、一个人如同一只钟表,是以他的行动来确定其价值。 A man like a different angles to observe. 26、挫折与不幸是人生的伴侣,但又是人生的一笔财富,它能使人清醒,催人奋进。 Setbacks and misfortune is a partner in life, but it is the life of a fortune, it can make people awake, and motivating. 27、人生的烦恼,多在于知道的太多,而做的太少。 Troubles in life, is to know too much more, and doing too little. 28、一个人在年轻的时候,没有什么能把他搞垮。 A man at a young age, nothing can take him down. 29、生命之灯因热情而点燃,生命之舟因拼搏而前行。 The lamp of life for enthusiasm and lit, the boat of life because of hard and move on. 30、不能埋怨社会的不公,既然老天没给你你想要的,就要自己去争取。 Not against social injustice, since god didnt give you the failure. pray plete. 45、忍别人所不能忍的痛,吃别人所别人所不能吃的苦,是为了收获得不到。 Endure other people cant endure the pain, the others . 55、善人行善,从乐入乐,从明入明。恶人行恶,从苦入苦,从冥入冥。 Good good, from joy into joy, from Ming Ming. The ent study, you petition, build team spirit, the pursuit of customer satisfaction, is my responsibility to you. 81、真正觉悟的青年,应当舍身到最黑暗的地方;只有在最黑暗的地方,需要你们觉悟的光明。 True consciousness of the youth, should give to the most dark place; Only in the most dark place, it is necessary to the realization of your light.
2023-07-21 21:37:011


Our country ancient times the root tree animal appearing and disappearing time and the life characteristic, took 12 kind of animals the Chinese zodiac, namely each kind of animal was a time. The mouse is situated first (and “” when matching), the following order is: Mouse, cow, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, chicken, dog, pig. Mouse: 11:00 pm to second day of 1:00 (i.e. “11 p.m. to 1 a.m”). At this time, the mouse guts are strongest, the activity is most frequent, therefore, 11 p.m. to 1 a.m with mouse matching. cow: Before dawn when 1-3 (i.e. “Chou period”). At this time Niu Chizu is sloppy, “the chew cud” is thinnest, is slowest, is most comfortable, therefore Chou period with cow matching. tiger: Before dawn when 3-5 (i.e. “3 to 5 a.m”). According to the ancient book carries, at this time, the tiger is most active, is fiercest, offends somebody many, therefore 3 to 5 a.m with tiger matching. Rabbit: In the morning 5-7 (i.e. “period from 5 a.m. to 7 a.m”). By now, the sun had not revealed the honor, moon"s glory has not gone into seclusion completely. The jade hare on the moon is the moon synonym, is in the moon myth the only animal, such period from 5 a.m. to 7 a.m with rabbit matching. Dragon: In the morning when 7-9 (i.e. “7 to 9 a.m”). Fable this is group Long Xingyu time, the dragon is in the myth animal, therefore the 7 to 9 a.m is the dragon. snake: In the morning when 9-11 (i.e. “9 to 11 a.m”). It is said this time"s snake will not offend somebody, also does not loaf on the road which the human will walk, the multi-hiding in the thick patch of grass, such 9 to 11 a.m belonged to the snake. Horse: 11:00 am to 1:00 pm (i.e. “noontime”). Based on taoist priest"s view, noon sun is at the highest point, the Yang spirit achieves reaches the extreme, the gloom increases gradually, when the masculine and feminine elements trades the column, generally the animal lies down is resting, only then the horse is also familiar with is standing, even sleeps is also standing, ever is not lying down. Thus, noontime was the horse. Sheep: In the afternoon when 1-3 (i.e. “1 to 3 p.m”). It is said sheep in this time sprinkles the urine to be most industrious, the urine which sprinkles may cure own one kind of startled insanity, therefore, the 1 to 3 p.m is a sheep. monkey: In the afternoon when 3-5 (i.e. “3 to 5 p.m”). At this time, the monkey most likes yelling, the sound pulls most is longest, is loudest and clearest. Therefore the 3 to 5 p.m is a monkey. chicken: In the afternoon when 5-7 (i.e. “when tenth Earthly Branch”). At this time, the sunset hump, the chicken starts to enter the cage to turn over to the nest, the night to sleep, when tenth Earthly Branch is the chicken. Dog: Evening when 7-9 (i.e. “period of day from 7 to 9 p.m”). The dark night approaches, the dog looks after the house, the vigilance which stands night watch is highest, and has one kind of special vision and the hearing, looks far, hears clearly. Therefore the period of day from 7 to 9 p.m is the dog. pig: Evening when 9-11 (i.e. “9 to 11 p.m.”). At this time the pig rests luxurious, sends out the snoring sound is loudest and clearest, the whole body muscle vibrates fiercely, puts on weight quickly, therefore the 9 to 11 p.m. is a pig. In Chinese zodiac Xiao"s platoon position, why mouse slightly for big, arranges in first? This question first lets human the sages and the now wise hundred thinks do not its solution: By the build, the mouse is much smaller, lets the human raise can play between the stock palm, in the Chinese zodiac Xiao animal, it is smallest one. ; By strength, it with cow strong, tiger"s overwhelming power, dragon supernatural power, horse"s prance, cannot be mentioned in the same breath simply; By quality, cow steadfast, rabbit good, horse diligent, sheep docile, pig"s solid, also appears the mouse is better than on many times; Discusses the wisdom cleverly again, the monkey, dog"s intelligence, also above mouse. Drew back 10,000 steps saying that even if were more vicious than who, feared snake also this platoon in mouse"s front. But the fact is the small mouse is the Chinese zodiac Xiao"s rank eldest child!
2023-07-21 21:37:113

未哭过长夜的人,不足以语人生。Thomas Carlyle 的英文原话是什么?

Not cry all night long, not language life
2023-07-21 21:37:212


  英语作为高一必修的一门课程,对于初中阶段和高中阶段的英语学习起著承前启后的关键作用。下面是我整理的高一英语短文,欢迎阅读!   高一英语短文篇一   Redifine Yourself   How do you difine yourself? As a mother, father, daughter or any one of a myriad different titles? Or do you define yourself by other"s perception of you? Do any of these e close to your own knowledge, your personal experience of whom you really are?   In your quiet moments, in times of inexplicable joy, have you had the overwhelming and yet clear and lucid feeling of total invincibility -- a feeling that nothing can hold you down, that you can acplish anything and everything if you put your mind to it? Well, that feeling is not a random one.   What is ti that gets in the way of your exquisite power?   In fact, the infinite power that is naturally present in each and every one of us by virtue of own consicousness, can be rendered ineffectived if not tended to properly. The stress of our lifestyle, the pollution of our environment, and the collective stress of our world keeps us from functioning at our full potential.   But there are remedies: incorporate modalities in your lifesyle that effectively bat stress and help keep you centered. Some of these opinions are:   Be aware of what you eat, what you use -- both on yourself, and in your environment. Choose natural, organic products.   Live a life of kindness, passion, and charity -- it keeps you connected to your center, your source, that infinite reservoir within you that is your powerhouse.   Don"t judge people, or situation -- approach each moment with the potential of any number of possibilities.   To connect with your real nature that is unbounded and invincible, practice yoga and mediation   Once you are in touch with your true nature, then nothing is beyond your means-- you are truly empowered. And that is an accurate definition of you!   高一英语短文篇二   Think What You Are!   Carbon and oxygen taken together, one atom each, gives you the deadly gas carbon monoxide. On the other hand, these very two elements on some other proportion provide us with carbon dioxide, the harmless gas. When these basic elements can behave in this way so can the human mind!   All human beings inhale the air from this very earth, consume nearly the same kind of food and live under the same sky gaining energy from its only source Sun. Then what makes an individual distinct from each other? It"s the attitude, the behavior that distinguishes one from other person. The thought process going on in our brains is what differs.   Solely our brains control our body, which in turn controls our living, our peace and happiness and overall progress as an individual. What we input is what we get. What we think is what we develop into. What we feed into our brains is what we get the oute as. On reaping good thoughts and positive attitude in our minds the good follows. Bad thoughts creeping in should be plucked and thrown off as soon as possible.   Human body takes mands from its brains and works. Our brains are functional always. So any kind of thought nurtured in our brains remain there even when we are not aware of their presence. These thoughts are processed without our conscious and the result follows. These outes can change our lives. At times when wrong words are spoken, they remain in our sub-conscious minds, without our awareness, and the wrong follows.   Brain as a physical thing is not aware of what is right and what is wrong. When we think about things in some way and the perspective with what we look at them for the first time remain in our mind. Our mind intends to take this perspective as true and makes way for it to follow. So on thinking well the good happens and wrong thought brings unhappy situations. Human beings learn from the situations faced in life and their thinking is affected by the circumstances faced. This in turn affects the thinking. Thus our life and our thoughts are mutually related. To lead a good life it is desired to think good.   So is rightly said, "What you think is not what you are… but what you THINK is what you are!"   高一英语短文篇三   Kiss of Reality   To talk of illusions, are"t they great? Illusion or day dreaming help us to think of what we want to bee in life. We literally see how life revolves us in that position. It"s an entirely different world of pleasure, fort and imagination. Most of our day dreaming or illusions make us more and more egocentric. The word ego means self. Hence by dreaming and visualization we bee self-centered. We never realize that things we dream of can be achieved by us by programming ourselves to work for it. But somehow the pleasure of dreaming ourselves as someone important takes us away from the realistic approach to achieve that level of self-satisfaction and self-acplishment.   This leads to an increase in the frustration levels of our mind. Why frustrations? This is because what we are, and what we dream of are totally different. We raise ourselves to a very high pedestal and we see that we are not able to live up to our expectations. And when this happens, we bee mentally restless.   The vital solution that will dissolve all our problems is to make up our minds to get realistic. This approach will make us e in terms with reality. And there is no better road to self-improvement rather than the path of reality. When you gauge yourself, you subconsciously make two columns in your mind. One consists of the things that you are good at, and the other consists of the ares where you can improve. And believe it will boost us to work on our weak areas and strengthen them. Fortifying your weak areas will harness your conscience and improve you convert would be to must be. And when someting must happen, it always happens. This new you will improve you for the better and increase your levels of self-esteem.It will change your outlook to things.   I would like to type the thoughts that have just sprung up in my mind. Read and ponder on each line.I admit that it"s a sad aim at poetry, but I am allowing my mind to control my typing.   If you want to achieve what you couldn"t have   If you want to be what you want to be   If you want to do what you can do,   but aren"t doing   If there is a place,you want to be   but haven"t been   You will get there, bee the one and do it   Cos its all in a state of mind.   Make up your mind and rule the stars.   Control your mind and make your fate.   I hope this conveys my thoughts with clarity. So it"s some advice and suggestion to all those eyeballs running through this part of the book, to keep their heads on their shoulders without using heads and shoulders! And believe me guys; you guys have it in you to make it big. Just don"t let that teenage iconoclastic habit rule over sense.   
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show me the money
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