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2023-07-21 17:50:15
TAG: an and ha hand




2023-07-21 15:49:127


handn.手; 协助,帮助; (工具等的)把,柄; 掌管vt.传递,交给; 搀扶; 支持
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你的手,hands 是你的双手。
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2023-07-21 15:50:161


hand的读音是:英[h?nd]。hand的读音是:英[h?nd]。hand的例句是用作名词(n.)It was written by hand.这是手写的。hand形容词:handless;名词:hander;过去式:handed;过去分词:handed;现在分词:handing;第三人称单数:hands。一、详尽释义点此查看hand的详细内容n.(名词)指针手,动物的前肢,爪,像手的东西人手,雇员字迹,手迹雇员手艺,技能签字插手,参与,经手,轮值鼓掌帮助允婚,答允一串,一束,分枝根茎牌戏的一盘,打牌人,一手牌一手之宽手感,手觉一拳,一击(谈判等中的)实力汉德(英文姓氏)v.(动词)搀扶交,给,传递,提供【海】收卷(风帆)用手操纵,对付adj.(形容词)用手(操作)的二、双解释义n.(名词)[C]手 either of the movable parts at the end of a person"s arm, including the fingers[C](钟表等的)指针 a pointer or needle on a clock, machine, or measuring instrument[C]人手,员工 a worker[S]帮助,援助 help[C]字迹,书法 handwriting[C]有手艺〔技能〕的人 sb with skill, knowledge, or experience of the stated kind[S]鼓掌,拍手 encouragement given by clapping the hands; a burst of applause[C]掌握,控制 control, power, or responsibilityv.(动词)vt. 递,交付 give or transfer sth with one"s hand or handsvt. 传给 give or leave to people who are younger or live after三、英英释义Noun:the (prehensile) extremity of the superior limb;"he had the hands of a surgeon""he extended his mitt"a hired laborer on a farm or ranch;"the hired hand fixed the railing""a ranch hand"something written by hand;"she recognized his handwriting""his hand was illegible"ability;"he wanted to try his hand at singing"a position given by its location to the side of an object;"objections were voiced on every hand"the cards held in a card game by a given player at any given time;"I didn"t hold a good hand all evening""he kept trying to see my hand"one of two sides of an issue;"on the one hand..., but on the other hand..."a rotating pointer on the face of a timepiece;"the big hand counts the minutes"a unit of length equal to 4 inches; used in measuring horses;"the horse stood 20 hands"a member of the crew of a ship;"all hands on deck"a card player in a game of bridge;"we need a 4th hand for bridge"a round of applause to signify approval;"give the little lady a great big hand"terminal part of the forelimb in certain vertebrates (e.g. apes or kangaroos);"the kangaroo"s forearms seem undeveloped but the powerful five-fingered hands are skilled at feinting and clouting"physical assistance;"give me a hand with the chores"Verb:place into the hands or custody of;"hand me the spoon, please""Turn the files over to me, please""He turned over the prisoner to his lawyers"guide or conduct or usher somewhere;"hand the elderly lady into the taxi"四、例句It was written by hand.这是手写的。He has a book in one hand, and a pen in the other.他一手拿书,一手拿笔。Do you want a hand?你需要帮忙吗?He"s always willing to give a hand to anyone who asks.任何人有求于他,他总是乐于帮助。He has a light hand with pastry.他很会做糕点。Please hand me that book.请把那本书递给我。She helped to hand round the dishes.她帮忙把菜传给大家。Most of my clothes were handed down to me by my older brother.我的衣服大多是我哥哥传给我的。五、词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~accept sb"s hand接受某人的求婚ask for a lady"s hand向某个女人求婚bear a hand in在…中出一把力bind hand and foot捆住手脚bite the hand that feeds one恩将仇报burn one"s hand烧伤手change hands易手check one"s hand拒绝做某事clap one"s hand拍手come to hand到手,收到cup one"s hand拱着手掌cut one"s hand割破手decline sb"s hand拒绝某人的求婚deliver by hand专人递送dig one"s hand into把手伸入…fall into sb"s hands落入某人之手force sb"s hand迫使某人,强迫某人gain a lady"s hand求得某女士同意结婚get a big hand大受欢迎get one"s hand使自己熟悉技能get sth off one"s hands摆脱某事物,卸掉对某事的责任have a hand很会…have an open hand慷慨大方,大手大脚have one"s hands free没有事情可做,空着手have one"s hands full手头工作很忙hold one"s hands迟迟不下手,观望join hands手拉手kiss one"s hand to向…飞吻lay one"s hands on得到,抓到,对…动武lend a hand帮助,帮忙lift a hand动手,帮忙offer one"s hand伸出手oil sb"s hand贿赂某人put one"s hand to承担…,着手做…raise one"s hand against sb打某人,威胁某人reach one"s hand out for sth伸手拿某物set one"s hand on着手干…set one"s hand to着手干…shake hands with sb同某人握手show one"s hand摊牌,表明自己的真正意图stay one"s hand住手,不做某事strengthen sb"s hands使某人采取极有力的行动take a hand in参与throw in one"s hand放弃,退出(竞争)throw up one"s hands绝望tie sb"s hands使某人无能为力try one"s hand at sth尝试一下,试试身手turn one"s hand to sth承担某事,着手做某事wash one"s hand解手,洗手wash one"s hand of sth洗手不干某事,不再做某事wave one"s hand at〔to〕 sb向某人挥手示意win a lady"s hand求得某女士同意结婚write a good hand写得一手好字employ hands雇工hire hands雇工give sb a hand帮助某人形容词+~brown hands晒黑的手gentle hands温柔的手large hands宽大的手strong hands粗大有力的手thin hands纤细的手weak hands软弱无力的手good hand字写得好small hand一般书写体first hand第一手的,直接的second hand第二手的,间接的,用过的,旧的good hand at善于…的人green hand生手new hand新手old hand老手,技术熟练的人poor hand at不善…的人white hands不从事劳动的人名词+~hour hand时针minute hand分针second hand秒针factory hand工人farm hand农工介词+~at the hands of doctors医生给予的by hand手工hold sb by the hand握住某人的手lead sb by the hand拉着某人的手领路pull sb by the hand拉着某人的手take sb by the hand抓住某人的手from hand to mouth仅够糊口地hand in hand手拉手,共同地in one"s hand在手里take the business in hand承担这件事a pair of hands一双手off hand立即,当下on hand手头under sb"s hand由某人签署的,在某人保管之下with a heavy hand粗手粗脚地,严厉地,高压地with clean hand廉洁地strike sb with one"s hand用手打某人with one"s own hand由某人亲自用作动词 (v.)~+名词hand a good line所有功课都考得好hand sb a blow给某人一击hand the old granny扶那位老太太~+副词hand bewilderingly使人迷惑地传递hand cautiously小心地交出hand confidentially秘密地传递hand conscientiously诚心诚意地给hand constantly连续地传递hand cordially真心诚意地交出hand delicately灵敏地传递hand dexterously熟练地传递hand discreetly谨慎地给hand earnestly诚挚地交出hand erroneously错误地传递hand felicitously恰当地传递hand generously大度地交出hand methodically有条理地传递hand immediately立刻交出hand impressively令人难忘地传递hand incompetently不适当地交出hand intelligently明智地交出hand intentionally故意地给hand passively被动地交出hand selectively有选择地传递hand systematically有条理地传递hand unanimously一致交出hand unhesitatingly毫不犹豫地交出hand back把(某物)交还给某人,使某人重新获得hand back the government to the people把政权还给人民hand down把(某物)传递给下面的人,提出或公开声明hand down a decision公布一项决定hand in把(某人)扶上车,把(某物)递交给负责人,提交hand off用手推开对手hand on把(某物)传递给某人,给他人传递(消息),把…移交他人hand out分发,散发,免费提供hand out copies分发文本hand over把…移交他人hand round把…递给,分发给众人hand round the letter把那封信给大家传阅hand up把…递上去,把…提交给上司~+介词hand sb across the street扶某人过街hand sb from the car把某人扶下汽车hand sb into the car把某人扶上汽车hand to把(某物)交给或递给(某人)hand the salt to sb把盐递给…六、情景对话请求帮助A:Could youhand me the salt, please?您能把盐递过来吗?B:With pleasure. Here you are.乐意为您效劳。在公共汽车上A:I"m going to Beihai Park. Is this the right bus, please?我要去北海公园,请问坐这辆车对吗?B:No, you"re going the wrong way. You want a 103 from Beijing Zoo.不,您弄错了。您得在动物园坐103 路车。hand什么意思A:How can I get it,please?请问我怎样到达那里呢?B:You get off at the next stop, cross the street, and you"ll find the stop not far on your righthand side.您可以在下一站下车,穿过街道,在右边不远处,您会看见站台。A:Could I have a transfer, please?请问我可以要一张转乘车票吗?B:Here you are.给您。A:Thank you.谢谢。Joe"s Date-(乔的约会)hand是什么意思A:And then we went to a dance after dinner, and after the third dance she tells me that she"s practically engaged to some G.I. who"s overseas.那样,晚饭后我们去跳舞,跳完第三只舞她告诉我,其实她已经同一位海外的大兵订婚了。B:So?这没什么。A:What do you mean by "so"? You don"t accept dates if you"re practically engaged.你说"这没什么"是什么意思?既然你已订婚,就不应再接受约会。B:Why not? You only asked her for a date, not for herhand in marriage.There"s nothing wrong in going out with a friend from the office.为什么不可以?你只不过是请她赴约会,又不是向她求婚。同办公室的一位朋友出去玩玩并没有什么不对。A:I know, but it makes me mad.我知道,不过这使我很恼火。B:They"re all engaged, and they never tell you before you ask them out.她们都订婚了,而如果你不问她们,她们从不告诉你。七、常见错误n.(名词)我的每只手都可以举起这块石头。误 My every hand can lift the stone.正 Each of my hands can lift the stone.析 hand 作名词指一个人的手时,不可用every, none, any, all 作限定词。庆祝的日子临近了。误 The day of celebration is in hand.正 The day of celebration is at hand.析 短语at hand意思是“在手边,在眼前”; in hand意为“在手里”。我抓住他的手。误 I grabbed him by hand.正 I grabbed him by the hand.析 在表示“抓住某人的手”时, hand前要用定冠词the。他很聪明,但在另一方面,他又犯了许多错误。误 He is clever, but in the other hand, he makes many mistakes.正 He is clever, but on the other hand, he makes many mistakes.析 on the other hand是固定短语,表示“另一方面”,其中介词on不可换为in。昨天谈到的每件事都跟我们决定要做的事情有直接关系。误 Everything that was said yesterday bears in first hand on what we decide to do.正 Everything that was said yesterday bears at first hand on what we decide to do.析 at first hand为固定短语,意思是“直接地”,其中介词at不可换为in。他把手伸到衣兜里摸,试图找到那把钥匙。误 He dived the hand into his pocket in an attempt to find the key.正 He dived his hand into his pocket in an attempt to find the key.析 hand用作动词的宾语时,其前须用物主代词而不用定冠词。在我们厂里伍德先生是个新手。误 Mr. Wood is a young hand in our factory.正 Mr. Wood is a green hand in our factory.析 a green hand为固定短语,意思是“生手”“新手”。那男孩双手抱着孩子。误 The boy carried a baby in his hands.正 The boy carried a baby in his arms.正 The boy held a baby in his arms.析 在表示“双手抱着孩子”时,不能用hand,而应用arm,因为arm一词指“肩膀至手掌部位”。v.(动词)在车站入口处,他把票递给了检票员。误 He handed the ticket-collector for his ticket at the entrance of the station.正 He handed the ticket-collector his ticket at the entrance of the station.正 He handed his ticket to the ticket-collector at the entrance of the station.析 hand接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词to而不是for的宾语。hand的相关近义词ability、aid、skill、support、worker、aid、assist、deliver、give、guide、help、lead、passhand的相关临近词handbag、Hancock、Handa、Handt、Handl、Handor、handed、Handte、Handly、Handan、hander、Handal点此查看更多关于hand的详细信息
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2023-07-21 15:52:341

HAND什么意思 ?。

HAND = Have A Nice Day :)
2023-07-21 15:53:064

hand 的音标是什么?

hand 英[h03nd] 美[h03nd] n. 1.手 2.(钟表等的)指针 3.人手, 员工 4.有手艺[技能]的人 5.帮助, 援助 6.(脊椎动物的)前脚 7.(鹰等鸟类的)爪 8.(虾、蟹等的)螯 9.手状物;具手功能的东西 10.(钟表、仪器的)指针 11.(工具等的)把,柄 12.(香蕉等的)一扇,一把,一串;(烟草等的)一束 13.[用复数]雇员,职员;船员,乘员 14.手艺,技巧,技能;手法;(手工)细活 15.[常用复数]权力;支配,管理 vt. 1.递, 交付, 传给 2.帮助;搀扶 Hand n. 1.[英格兰人姓氏] 汉德。绰号,手伤残者或失去一只手者,来源于中世纪英语、古英语,含义是“手”(hand) 2.[爱尔兰姓氏] 汉德。盖尔语姓氏的英语形式,是盖尔语人名的误译 HAND abbr.Hawaii Association for National Defence 夏威夷国防协会
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hand的意思是:手,手艺;帮助;指针;插手。hand是一个英语单词,名词、动词。作名词时意思是“手,手艺;帮助;指针;插手”,作及物动词时意思是“传递,交给;支持;搀扶”。例句:1、We have one thumb on each hand.我们每只手各有一个拇指。2、What is that in her hand?那在她手上的是什么哪?3、All this in his hand.这一切都在他手中
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手的意思left hand 左手right hand右手
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2023-07-21 15:56:012

英语hend 和hand的读法,发个汉字,音标不会拼谢谢亲

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hands 是手的意思
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vt. 传递,交给;支持;搀扶vt. 1. 交,递;给,送,递送;呈送,递上(常与 up 连用): He handed me a necklace last night.昨晚他送给我一条项链。Would you please hand this letter to my wife?麻烦你把这封信交给我夫人。2. 帮助;搀扶: I handed him into his car.我把他搀上了他的车。3. 【航海学】 把(帆、旗等)卷起使改变航向 4. [美国英语]【法律】上报(与up连用) 5. [废语]用手操纵;对付 hand [h03nd] n. 1. the (prehensile) extremity of the superior limb he had the hands of a surgeon 2. a hired laborer on a farm or ranch the hired hand fixed the railing a ranch hand 3. something written by hand she recognized his handwriting his hand was illegible 4. ability he wanted to try his hand at singing 5. a position given by its location to the side of an object objections were voiced on every hand 6. the cards held in a card game by a given player at any given time I didn"t hold a good hand all evening he kept trying to see my hand 7. one of two sides of an issue on the one hand..., but on the other hand... 8. a rotating pointer on the face of a timepiece the big hand counts the minutes 9. a unit of length equal to 4 inches; used in measuring horses the horse stood 20 hands 10. a member of the crew of a ship all hands on deck 11. a card player in a game of bridge we need a 4th hand for bridge 12. a round of applause to signify approval give the little lady a great big hand 13. terminal part of the forelimb in certain vertebrates (e.g. apes or kangaroos) the kangaroo"s forearms seem undeveloped but the powerful five-fingered hands are skilled at feinting and clouting 14. physical assistance give me a hand with the chores v. 1. place into the hands or custody of hand me the spoon, please 2. guide or conduct or usher somewhere hand the elderly lady into the taxi 以上来源于: WordNet
2023-07-21 16:04:371


hand的意思是手。hand是一个英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时意思是"手,手艺;帮助;指针;插手",作及物动词时意思是"传递,交给;支持;搀扶"。短语搭配hand out分发 ; 散发 ; 施舍 ; 发给hand wheel手轮 ; 扳手 ; 操纵盘 ; 操作手轮hand ball手触球 ; 手球 ; 手球犯规 ; 球门球on hand在手边, 临近, 在场, 现有双语例句1、We have one thumb on each hand.我们每只手各有一个拇指。2、What is that in her hand?那在她手上的是什么哪?3、All this in his hand.这一切都在他手中。4、Heave at my hand, I lift you up.用力拉住我的手,我把你拉上来。5、His life was in my hand.他的性命操在我的手心里。6、I clasped his hand tight in both of mine.我把他的手紧紧攥在我的两只手里。7、I hewed him on his neck with my left hand,and he released his hands that seized me by the throat.我用左手掌一下子劈在了他的脖颈上,他那双紧掐住我喉咙的双手松了开来。8、She fanned out the cards in her hand.她将纸牌在手中展成扇形。9、She shook my hand and turned away.他握了握我的手,转身走了。10、She looked at him, and smoothed out her apron with one hand.她看着他,用一只手把围裙弄平。11、The frightened boy gripped his mother"s hand.惊恐的男孩牢牢抓住妈妈的手。12、The baby drivelled on my hand.婴儿把口水滴到我手上。13、being short of sickles, they are reaping by hand.由于缺少镰刀,他们在徒手收割庄稼。
2023-07-21 16:05:371


hand英文:名词、动词,作名词时意思是"手,手艺;帮助;指针;插手",作及物动词时意思是"传递,交给;支持;搀扶"。hand-picked grapes手工采摘的葡萄; hand-me-down ideas别人用过的点子;hand-carved手工雕刻的; hand-sewn手工缝制的;hand-crafted手工制作的;hand out分发 ; 散发 ; 施舍 ; 发给;hand wheel手轮 ; 扳手 ; 操纵盘 ; 操作手轮;hand ball手触球 ; 手球 ; 手球犯规 ; 球门球;on hand在手边, 临近, 在场, 现有。例句:1、We have one thumb on each hand.我们每只手各有一个拇指。2、What is that in her hand?那在她手上的是什么哪?3、All this in his hand.这一切都在他手中。4、He has a book in one hand, and a pen in the other.他一手拿书,一手拿笔。
2023-07-21 16:06:051


hand翻译是作名词时意思是"手,手艺;帮助;指针;插手";作及物动词时意思是"传递,交给;支持;搀扶"。一、短语搭配:1、hand out 分发 ; 散发 ; 施舍 ; 发给。2、hand wheel 手轮 ; 扳手 ; 操纵盘 ; 操作手轮。3、hand ball 手触球 ; 手球 ; 手球犯规 ; 球门球。4、on hand 在手边, 临近, 在场, 现有。二、双语例句:1、We have one thumb on each hand.我们每只手各有一个拇指。2、What is that in her hand?那在她手上的是什么哪?3、All this in his hand.这一切都在他手中。4、hand-picked grapes.手工采摘的葡萄。5、hand-me-down ideas.别人用过的点子。6、hand-carved.手工雕刻的。7、 hand-sewn.手工缝制的。
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英文字面是“入口”,国内有叫“门户”技术的,但我觉得“集成”技术更能表达它的意思。Portal是一个基于web的应用程序,它主要提供个性化、单点登录、不同来源的内容整合以及存放信息系统的表示层。为规范Portal,SUN于2003年底制定了JSR168,它定义了Portlet标准,并给出了一个实现接口。Portlet是基于java技术的web组件,它由Portlet容器管理、并处理请求,并动态生成输出内容。Portlet是基于java的web组件,由Portlet容器管理,并由容器处理请求,生产动态内容。Portals使用Portlets作为可插拔用户接口组件,提供信息系统的表示层。作为利用servlets进行web应用编程的下一步,Portlets实现了web应用的模块化和用户中心化。Portlet规范,即jsr(java specification request)168,是为了实现portal和Portlet的互操作。它定义了Portlet和Portlet容器之间的和约,让Portlet实现个性化、表示和安全的api集。规范还定义了怎样在Portlets应用中打包Portlets。低成本的集成技术。如果你的网站或企业已经有了很多信息系统,Portal可以很容易的将这些系统集成起来,并以统一的方式提供给用户,统一可以有流程的统一,如:登陆、定制、浏览;界面的统一,如:显示风格登高度的模块化。通过Portal技术提供的plugin技术,可以根据企业,网友的需求编制标准的模块,并嵌入Portal系统,供企业、网友使用。高度的扩展性,已经有了很多产品和标准来制定Portal,作为这些产品和标准,如:jsr- 168,通过Portlet的概念来对Portal的功能进行扩展。个人认为从两个方面。一是针对跟人(网友)的应用。由于Portal的特色,企业和网站可以很容易的将自己的服务进行标准封装,插入Portal系统,提供跟用户使用。现在很多门户网站和专业网站有很多服务,但是很多服务用户根本就没有使用过、发现过,通过Portal的形式给用户一个集中体验的场所。二是针对企业,企业可以将现有的信息系统,资源通过Portal来进行封装,提供给用户使用。比如:有些公司有报销系统,考核系统,会议系统,但这些系统都是彼此分离的,使用和界面并不统一,通过Portal可以很容易地将这些系统提供的服务封装并呈给用户使用。
2023-07-21 15:54:015

开机后360总会出现srv.sys和 http.sys的加载,而且一开始不会出现宽带的图标,

srv.sys ----是存放在目录 C:WindowsSystem32drivers。srv.sys 是 Windows 系统文件。 应用程序没有可视窗口。 这个文件是由 Microsoft 所签发。 srv.sys 似乎是被压缩过的文件 总结在技术上威胁的危险度是 0% 。 切记: srv.sys 也可能是恶意软件所伪装,尤其是当它们存在于 c:windows 或 c:windowssystem32 目录。建议使用 Security Task Manager 来检查电脑的安全状况,以便进一步查看 srv.sys 进程是否真的有害。一般情况下不影响使用,你就不要管它了 如果有影响,建议你重装一下系统http.sys简介  http.sys   是一个位于Win2003和WinXP SP2中的操作系统核心组件,能够让任何应用程序通过它提供的接口,以http协议进行信息通讯。   温馨提示:如果用户不慎删除了该驱动文件,不用担心,该驱动会在下次系统启动时重建。是一个删不掉的系统核心组件!实用程序结束该驱动,该驱动也会马上重新创建(只有粉碎文件才不能马上重建,但粉碎后,下次启动会重建)。   微软在Windows 2003 Server里引进了新的HTTP API和kernel mode driver Http.sys,目的是使基于Http服务的程序更有效率。这个改变的直接收益者就是IIS 6.0和ASP.NET。   其实在Windows XP安装SP2后,Http.sys已经出现在系统里了,但事实上,操作系统并没有真的使用这个内核级驱动,而XP上自带的IIS 5.1也没有使用HTTP API。   新的HTTP API里最核心的变化都封装在Http.sys这个kernel mode driver里了。在此之前,基于HTTP协议的程序都是在User mode下运行的,而且必须自己处理诸如软件中断、context switch、线程调度等等问题,并且往往无法自由接触系统资源。过去,HTTP服务器,如IIS, Apache等都是利用Winsock API来创建一个User mode下的network listener。Network listener通常独自(i.e.: per application or per thread basis)占用一个IP端口。通俗点说,就是在同一时间只有一个应用程序可以监听一个端口,这在有些时候是一个不太令人舒服的限制。编辑本段http.sys的好处  新的Http.sys带来的好处大致有如下一些:   1. 缓存 - 静态的内容现在被缓存于内核模式下,这使服务响应速度更快   2. 记录 (Log)-IIS的log功能更快且标准化了   3. 带宽控制 - greater scalability control and throttling   4. 可靠性 - 所有的服务请求会在Http.sys里暂存入队列,而不是由服务程序本身来处理,这样,即使服务程序重启,尚未被处理的请求也不会丢失了   5. IP端口重用 - 现在,只要是通过Http.sys管理的端口(基本包括了那些著名的端口,比如80),都可以同时允许多个程序同时监听了。建议重装系统试试
2023-07-21 15:54:051


不能。可以改成they were the first men landed on the moon. 这是一个定语从句,前面时态是一般过去时,后面要一致,不是进行时态
2023-07-21 15:54:074


2023-07-21 15:54:094

再老也有可玩的乐趣 别克赛欧SRV低趴改装

老的东西我觉得总是有一种独特的魅力,即使它再普通,只要经过精心搭配和呵护,也使人品味出独特的味道。相信各位对刚刚结束的iAcro聚会上的一台“沙漠之舟”有着很深的印象,车型虽然老旧,但是经过车主的精心改装让它散发出了自己的“第二春”,亮眼程度绝不输于同样是VW的晚辈。如果您认为老车能玩的也就是那么一两个,那就错了,很多您意想不到的车型其实要是细心打理起来,还是能让人发出哇塞(为了和谐起见还是不爆粗口)的感叹,就比如别克赛欧SRV。我发誓不是给冠希哥刷存在感才借用他多年前的这首歌作为分页标题的,而是真的有朋友已经忘记了这个叫SRV的赛欧了。在那个老三样依旧猖狂的时代,家用车除了这三个老头之外好像也没什么别的选择,直到像赛欧这样的其实技术不算新的新鲜血液来到中国市场,才算真正打开了中国 汽车 市场的大门。凭借圆润的外观,以及还可以的配置,普通版赛欧迅速抢占了市场,而随后推出的旅行版(也就是SRV)更是沙漠之舟之后挑战百姓固有轿车观念的又一利器,甚至还被某国内厂商抄袭成了厢式货车。只可惜在改挂金领结标之后的第二代赛欧,基本就是换汤不换药,让已经对 汽车 有一定了解了的消费者们失去了兴趣。 既然是旅行车,如此经典的圆润造型就真的没有必要去破坏了,一套安装在车顶的行李架及自行车架与旅行车简直就是绝配,搭配复古气息浓郁的BBS RS款轮毂,原来赛欧改完也挺有味儿的。由于过于家用的地位,赛欧在性能方面真的没什么潜力可言,而国内玩外观又是近两年的事,这也就导致了玩它的几乎没有,更别提什么与车型相对应的改装件了。因此,像进排气和防倾杆这类东西只能通过“私人定制”的办法解决了,非主流车就是这样不容易。
2023-07-21 15:54:121


Dear leaders:Hello!Thank you for your review of my busy schedule of written submissions, want to give me a chance!I Lanzhou Petrochemical College students graduating in 2011, faced with career, I will choose the candidate with my professional counterparts of your company"s technical operations staff. I have great hopes and expectations, and I goes to the written submissions, please review.16 years, read it slowly and study hard, I created a self-improvement. I understand: modern society, opportunities and challenges; I know: Only the tireless efforts will have a good harvest. It was with this conviction, I am optimistic and entrepreneurial spirit, hard work and learning attitude, work hard practical work style, team work principles of life, to forge ahead, beyond the self, and strive to become an innovative, positive open compound talents.University life is my life the most important stage of my life to explore and practice the true value, transcendent wisdom, towards more mature. During this time I seriously studied the textbook knowledge, and attend professional various degrees, English A-level, mid-level computers, the total control of chemical workers. In recent years, I wanted to become an outstanding professional students to learn this, I not only have a solid theoretical foundation, but also a certain practical skills, and hard-working team spirit. Born in rural families that I have a hard, endure hardship, practical, progressive spirit and style. Rural life, for me, simple, honest, good character,I am not afraid of difficulties in cultivating the setbacks, unyielding spirit of struggle.College student, I constantly improve their knowledge structure, to improve their overall quality. Many social practice, and to theory and practice. Active in schools outside the practice, test your learned knowledge, to equip itself with a strong analysis of the problem and the practical ability to solve problems."Him," I have a healthy and natural, I adhere to the principle of an innovative, mature and energetic self-confidence. With the nature I would like the most sincere heart I accept your selection. The real world, the talents, if I could come to the fore, only see the true value of practical experience. Looking back, I dare to explore the diligent study of knowledge stored up the road; Looking to the future, will be ready to sacrifice my career to develop in the way of business.Create your company"s performance and open up prospects for ambitious I admired a long time. Am sure I will be diligent with their own sweat and colleagues in a bright future for your company struggle without rest! I sincerely hope to become a member, from the grassroots level.I wish your organization and prosperity!Sincerely,SaluteIntroduce ourselves in person: Qu LinMarch 28, 2010 采纳
2023-07-21 15:54:124


诚实是最好的政策,它应该遵循的人人在其一生中取得成功。虽然我们也能赚钱的方式不当,但它不会给我们一个很好的社会地位。诚信是非常重要的个人生活和商业生活。正如我们通过历史上的伟大的领导人,他们都成功地在其一生中主要的方式他们的生活作风建设。他们都遵循了真理和诚实。 诚信是非常重要的许多方面我们的生活。如果我们是诚实的,每个人都会认为我们。如果我们不坦白,即使再一次没有人会相信我们尊重或即使我们说的是事实。一个很好的例子,这是故事“的男孩那个哭着狼” 。 最好的办法,以避免这些问题的解释我们的情况,我们所有的朋友都去剧院,他们问我的参与到其中。您能给我一个获准前往呢?如果我们做到这一点,他们必将使我们能够参与到其中。这使他们感到高兴。我们应当遵循诚实在我们个人的幸福的家庭生活。即使是很重要的是诚实与我们的合作伙伴。它很好地理解它们之间。 如果在企业的生命,我们应该诚实对我们的同事和我们的老板。这给他们一个良好的舆论简介。我们奖励他们。商业上的成功主要是基于诚实。如果我们是诚实的一部分,我们可以成为名人在我们的业务。 在编造的诚实是成功的重要一部分我们的生活。
2023-07-21 15:53:552

What is he like?和What does he look like?的区别

2023-07-21 15:53:504

请问Portlet 是什么 ?

通常请求一个portal页面会引发多个portlets被调用。每个portlet都会生成标记段,并与别的portlets生成的标记段组合在一起嵌入到portal页面的标记内。”(摘自Portlet规范,JSR 168)  Portal的功能可以分为三个主要方面:  1. Portlet容器:Portlet容器与servlet容器非常类似,所有的portlet都部署在portlet容器里,portlet容器控制portlet的生命周期并为其提供必要的资源和环境信息。Portlet容器负责初始化和销毁portlets,向portlets传送用户请求并合成响应。  3. 公共服务:portlet服务器的一个强项是它所提供的一套公共服务。这些服务并不是portlet规范所要求的,但portal的商业实现版本提供了丰富的公共服务以有别于它们的竞争者。在大部分实现中都有望找到的几个公共服务有:   单次登录:只需登录portal服务器一次就可以访问所有其它的应用,这意味着你无需再分别登录每一个应用。例如一旦我登录了我的intranet网站,我就能访问mail应用、IM消息应用和其它的intranet应用,不必再分别登录这些应用。  Portal服务器会为你分配一个通行证库。你只需要在mail应用里设定一次用户名和密码,这些信息将以加密的方式存储在通行证库中。在你已登录到intranet网站并要访问mail应用的时候,portal服务器会从通行证库中读取你的通行证替你登录到mail服务器上。你对其它应用的访问也将照此处理。Portlet与Servlet比较:  0202020202020202 与servlets类似,portlets是部署在容器内用来生成动态内容的web组件。从技术角度讲portlet是一个实现了javax.portlet.Portlet接口的类,它被打包成war文件格式部署到portlet容器里。  Portlets在以下方面与servlets相似:  1. portlets由特定的容器管理。  2. portlets生成动态内容。  3. portlet的生命周期由容器管理。  4. portlets通过请求/响应模式与web客户端交互。  Portlets在以下方面与servlets相异:  1. portlets只能生成标记段,而不是整个文档。  2. portlets没有可供直接访问的URL地址。不过你还是能够让别人通过URL访问到portlet,你可以把包含该portlet的页面的URL发给他。  3. portlets不能随意地生成内容,这是因为portlet生成的内容最终要成为portal页面的一部分。如果portal服务器要求的是html/text类型,那么所有的portlets都应生成html/text类型的内容。
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2023-07-21 15:53:476


Portlet被禁用可能有多种原因,需要具体情况具体分析和处理。以下是一些常见的可能性和对应的解决方法:- **权限问题**:检查用户的权限设置,确保拥有正确的权限。如果权限设置正确,但用户仍然无法访问,可能需要联系管理员或技术支持人员解决问题。- **Portlet配置问题**:检查Portlet的配置文件,确保配置正确。如果配置文件正确,但Portlet仍然无法正常运行,可能需要重新安装Portlet或使用其他替代方案。- **服务器问题**:检查服务器配置,确保服务器正常运行。如果服务器配置正确,但Portlet仍然无法正常运行,可能需要重新启动服务器或使用其他替代方案。请注意,以上仅是一些可能的解决方法,具体解决方法需要根据具体情况进行分析和处理。如果以上方法无法解决问题,建议联系管理员或技术支持人员获取帮助。
2023-07-21 15:53:431

赛欧srv和别克凯越旅行版是同一种车吗 ?

2023-07-21 15:53:403