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八年级英语作文 假设2008年奥运会已经开始了,你做为一名奥运会的志愿者向外国朋友介绍一下北京8

2023-07-21 17:43:24

The origin of the Olympic Games

Ancient Greek mythology is a kingdom, beautiful and moving story and the myth of the folk legends bizarre twists and turns for the origin of the ancient Olympic Games cast a mysterious color. Legend: Ancient Olympic Games for the worship of Zeus and sports competition held on a regular basis activities. Another legend of Hercules and the son of Zeus-related. Hercules was due to great power, "Hercules" of the name. Elis city, he completed the task of ordinary people can not be completed in less than a half-day martial arts will sweep clean the king"s tie-up piles of cow dung, but the king did not want to carry out given the promise of 300 cattle, to get rid of the King angrily赫拉克勒. To celebrate the victory, he held the Olympic Games.

With regard to the origin of the ancient Olympic Games is the most widely佩洛普斯marriage story. Elis in ancient Greece in order to own the king"s daughter of the Prince Consort文武双全pick a horse, to be elected must be, and their own chariot race. Competition, there have been 13 young people lost their lives under the king"s spear, and the first 14 young people is the grandson of Zeus and Princess佩洛普斯sweetheart. Inspired by love, he accepted the king"s challenge to Moses to win finally. In order to celebrate this victory with the Princess佩洛普斯of Zeus at Olympia, held a grand wedding in front of the temple, it was arranged for tanks, etc. arena game, and this is the first ancient Olympic Games, became the ancient佩洛普斯the legendary founder of the Olympic Games.

The origin of the Olympic Games, in fact, the ancient Greek society and is closely related to the situation. 9-8 BC century, the gradual collapse of the Greek clan society, slave society of the city-state system gradually established more than 200 city-states. Their own city, without a unified monarchy, between the city-state wars. In order to cope with war, the city-states are actively training soldiers. Sparta city children from 7 years of age by the state dependent on, and to engage in sports, military training, led a military life. War soldiers, soldiers need a strong body, and sports is to train soldiers to levy a powerful means of善战. The war has promoted the development of sport in Greece, the ancient Olympic Games also mark a significant military. Continuous so that the people disgusted by the war, the general desire to have a peaceful environment in which to recuperate. Later, King of Sparta and Elis, Wang signed a "sacred truce on" treaty. Thus, to prepare troops for the military training and sports competition, becoming the Games of peace and friendship.

Greeks in 776 BC to require that every 4 years in the first Games held in Olympia. During the Games, all the Greek athletes and ordinary people gathered in the vicinity of Lai Man Olympia in southern Greece, this beautiful town. 776 BC in the first Olympic Games held here, the Dorians kloster 192.27 meters sprint in the race won. He became the International Olympic Committee awarded the first item in the first person crown.

Later, the ancient Greek Games, gradually expanding the size and become a grand display of national spirit. Winners receive lauroyl, wild olive and palm, such as weaving garlands. Starting from 776 BC to AD 394 ended the year, after 1170, a total of 293 sessions were held in ancient Olympic Games. 394 AD Roman Emperor, he was prohibited.

1875 ~ 1881, Germany in the Olympic蒂乌斯library site to explore the archaeological finds, has aroused worldwide interest. To this end, the French educator Pierre de Coubertin believed that the restoration of the ancient Greek tradition of Olympic Games, to promote the development of international sports have great significance. In his advocacy efforts and positive, the June 1894, in Paris held its first General Assembly in international sports. The General Assembly decided to international sports world will be called a comprehensive sports Olympic Games held in Athens, the first modern Olympic Games, to 4 years, alternately in the various Member States.

In the traditional Chinese arts and culture of fish and water a symbol of prosperity and harvest design. Beibei bring blessing and prosperity. Fish is a symbol of Chinese culture earnings, another measure of a good year, a good day. Decoration Line Design of water waves from a well-known Chinese paintings over the past. five friends know Beibei gentle, pure. Water was robust, reflecting her blue Olympic ring. Jingjing to make the children smile - but also brought him happiness and he goes. He said that you look at his personality and lovely pure dance, causing a wave of his black-and-white hair. as a national treasure and a protected species, the giant panda is worship. Lotus design Jingjing feet, which is encouraged by the porcelain paintings of the Song Dynasty (ad 960-1234), and forest green symbolizes the harmony between man and nature relationship. Jingjing was chosen as the representative, we hope that the gifts of nature - beautiful nature, the protection of future generations. Jingjing conservative na? ve optimistic . He is a well-known athletes, their strength is the black Olympic ring jingle competition cycle in the body, Huanhuan is the big brother. He is a child of fire, symbolizing the Olympic movement and the flame of passion - passion of the blessed, blessed him. Huanhuan Center for races at the core of the embodiment of the Olympic spirit. At the same time, he encouraged all the passion and management faster, jump higher, stronger, he is also open and the invitation. Huanhuan, according to a, please warmth of Beijing 2008 -- - and the wishful blessings of the Chinese people - can be felt. firery head master of the decorative designs from the Dunhuang murals - as long as the touch of traditional Chinese auspicious designs. Huanhuan is lively and warm. He is good at all the ball games, on behalf of the Olympic red ring. like antelope, flexible, fast and can quickly cover a lot of Yingying private land, he cross-racial. the symbol of the vastness of the face of China, and the blessings of antelope health, physical strength comes from harmony with nature. Love embodies the essence of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau endemic to the flight, the first animal to be protected. chose the Tibetan antelope promised a green Olympics in Beijing. the head of the decorative style of some from Qinghai and Xinjiang, Tibet"s traditional culture and western ethnic design. Strong in track and field competition, the situation is wit flexible, agile young man is the yellow Olympic ring. annual spring, summer, children"s kites Beijing flow into beautiful wind blow through the capital. in kite design, Gold Wing Yan is one of the most popular traditions. Nini"s figure is from the tradition of grand design, the flight. Her golden wings symbolize the infinite sky and spread good luck wishes as she flies. Yan clearly "strict", the city is known as an ancient the capital city of Beijing. friends, is happy as a swallow naive. She is a strong, green Olympic gymnastics rings.






希腊人于公元前776年规定每4年在奥林匹亚举办一次运动会。 运动会举行期间,全希腊选手及附近黎民百姓相聚于奥林匹亚这个希腊南部的风景秀丽的小镇。公元前776年在这里举行第一届奥运会 时,多利亚人克洛斯在192·27米短跑比赛中取得冠军。他成为 国际奥林匹克运动会荣获第一个项目的第一个桂冠的人。

后来,古希腊运动会的规模逐渐扩大,并成为显示民族精神的盛会。比赛的优胜者获得月桂、野橄榄和棕榈编织的花环等。从公元前776年开始,到 公元394年止,历经1170年,共举行了293届古代奥林匹克运动会。公元394年被罗马皇帝禁止。

1875~1881年,德国库蒂乌斯人在奥林匹克遗址发掘了出土文物,引起了全世界的兴趣。为此,法国教育家皮埃尔·德·顾拜旦认为,恢复古希腊奥运会的传统,对促进国际体育运动的发展有 着十分重大的意义。在他的倡导与积极奔走下,1894年6月,在巴黎举行了首次国际体育大会。国际体育大会决定把世界性的综合体育运动会叫做奥林匹克运动会,并于雅典 举行第一届现代奥运会,以4年一次,轮流在各会员国举行。

在中国传统文化艺术的鱼和水的繁荣与收获的象征设计. 贝贝带来的祝福,并繁荣. 鱼也是中华文化的一个象征盈余,另一项衡量一个好年头,好日子. 装饰线的水浪设计取自著名国画过去. 五朋友,知道贝贝温柔、纯洁. 水上强劲,反映了她的奥运会蓝戒指. 晶晶微笑使孩子--而且也是他带来幸福快乐的推移而他. 他说,你看他的个性纯真可爱的舞蹈,引起一波他黑白毛. 作为国宝级的保育类及,大熊猫是人们崇拜. Lotus设计晶晶的脚,这是鼓舞宋代的瓷画(a.d.960-1234),象征着绿意和森林人与自然的和谐关系. 晶晶被选为代表,我们希望保护大自然的礼物--美丽的大自然,保护世世代代. 晶晶是保守na? ve乐观. 他是著名的运动员,他们的力量是黑色奥林匹克响叮当 在体内循环比赛,欢欢是大哥. 他是一个火孩子,象征着奥林匹克运动的激情和火焰--热情的祝福,祝福他. 欢欢中心站比赛为核心的奥林匹克精神的体现. 同时,他鼓励所有的激情与管理更快、跳得更高、更强是,他还公开和邀请. 而根据着欢欢,请温暖北京2008年--与中国人民的祝福如意--可以感觉到. firery的头部装饰设计大师来自敦煌壁画--只要触动中国传统吉祥设计. 欢欢是活泼热情. 他擅长所有的球类运动,代表奥林匹克红色的戒指. 像羚羊、灵活、速度快,可莺莺迅速复盖很大的私人土地上,他跨越种族. 浩瀚的象征中国的面貌,有羚羊的祝福健康、身体力量来自与自然和谐. 情的本质体现了对飞行特有的青藏高原,第一个受到保护的动物. 选择了藏羚羊为北京绿色奥运承诺. 头部装饰风格的装饰将一些来自青海和新疆、西藏传统文化与西部民族设计. 在田径比赛强,情是机智灵活、利落的小伙子是奥运会黄色光环. 每年春、夏、儿童风筝北京美丽的水流进风,通过资本冲击. 在风筝设计、金翼燕是最受欢迎的传统之一. Nini的这个数字是来自盛大的传统设计,飞行. 她金色的翅膀,象征着无限的天空,散布吉祥祝福作为她在苍蝇. 燕也明显"严"中,这座被称为是一种古老的北京首都. 朋友之间,是天真快乐作为吞下. 她是坚强的,是绿色奥运体操戒指.


  2008 Beijing Olympic Games will be full of wisdom; green.

  2008 in Beijing, earthshaking changes have taken place: a Zhuangzhuang skyscrapers(拔地而起); one of the wide road leading to all directions. World-class stadium, hotel, waiting for foreign friends visit. Piaozhuo the colored flags everywhere; has a wide variety of flowers of the open men, women and children singing and dancing…… ah, this is Beijing, the sea became joy.

  Ah, how the future of the Olympic Games is longing for ah! We should now start to study hard in all homework, and lay a solid foundation of knowledge, to host the 2008 Olympic Games on our strength!


  "One World One Dream" fully reflects the essence and the universal values of the Olympic spirit -- Unity, Friendship, Progress, Harmony, Participation and Dream

  "One World One Dream" is a profound manifestation of the core concepts of the Beijing Olympic Games. It reflects the values of harmony connoted in the concept of "People"s Olympics", the core and soul of the three concepts -- "Green Olympics, High-tech Olympics and People"s Olympics".

  "One World, One Dream" is simple in expressions, but profound in meaning. It is of China, and also of the world. It conveys the lofty ideal of the people in Beijing as well as in China to share the global community and civilization and to create a bright future hand in hand with the people from the rest of the world. It expresses the firm belief of a great nation, with a long history of 5,000 years and on its way towards modernization, that is committed to peaceful development, harmonious society and people"s happiness. It voices the aspirations of 1.3 billion Chinese people to contribute to the establishment of a peaceful and bright world. 你可以进行下略微的删减即可。


People native to urban Beijing speak the Beijing dialect, which belongs to the Mandarin subdivision of spoken Chinese. Beijing dialect is the basis for Standard Mandarin, the language used in the People"s Republic of China, the Republic of China on Taiwan, and Singapore. Rural areas of Beijing Municipality have their own dialects akin to those of Hebei province, which surrounds Beijing Municipality.

Beijing Opera, or Peking Opera (Jingju), is well-known throughout the national capital. Commonly lauded as one of the highest achievements of Chinese culture, Beijing Opera is performed through a combination of song, spoken dialogue, and codified action sequences, such as gestures, movement, fighting and acrobatics. Much of Beijing Opera is carried out in an archaic stage dialect quite different from modern Standard Mandarin and from the Beijing dialect; this makes the dialogue somewhat hard to understand, and the problem is compounded if one is not familiar with Chinese. As a result, modern theaters often have electronic titles in Chinese and English.

A hutong in eastern Beijing near Dongsishitiao. In this March 2003 photo the left side was still standing, but it has since given way to new construction.The Siheyuan is a traditional architectural style of Beijing. A siheyuan consists of a square housing compound, with rooms enclosing a central courtyard. This courtyard often contains a pomegranate or other type of tree, as well as potted flowers or a fish tank. Siheyuans line Hutongs , or alleys, which connect the interior of Beijing"s old city. They are usually straight and run east-to-west so that doorways can face north and south for Feng Shui reasons. They vary in width — some are very narrow, enough for only a few pedestrians to pass through at a time.

Once ubiquitous in Beijing, siheyuans and hutongs are now rapidly disappearing, as entire city blocks of hutongs are leveled and replaced with high-rise buildings. Residents of the hutongs are entitled to apartments in the new buildings of at least the same size as their former residences. Many complain, however, that the traditional sense of community and street life of the hutongs cannot be replaced. Some particularly historic or picturesque hutongs are being preserved and restored by the government, especially for the 2008 Olympics. One such example can be seen at Nanchizi.

Mandarin cuisine is the local style of cooking in Beijing. Peking Roast Duck is perhaps the most well-known dish. The Manhan Quanxi ("Manchu-Han Chinese full banquet") is a traditional banquet originally intended for the ethnic-Manchu emperors of the Qing Dynasty; it remains very prestigious and expensive.

Teahouses are also common in Beijing. Chinese tea comes in many varieties and some rather expensive types of Chinese tea are said to cure an ailing body extraordinarily well.

The Jingtailan is a cloisonné metalworking technique and tradition originating from Beijing, and one of the most revered traditional crafts in China. Beijing lacquerware is well known for the patterns and images carved into its surface.

The Fuling Jiabing is a traditional Beijing snack food, a pancake (bing) resembling a flat disk with filling, made from fu ling (Poria cocos (Schw.) Wolf, or "tuckahoe"), an ingredient common in traditional Chinese medicine.

[edit] Stereotypes

Beijingers are stereotypically held by other Chinese to be open, confident, humorous, majestic in manner, enthusiastic about politics, art, culture, or other "grand" matters, unconcerned with thrift or careful calculation, and happy to take center stage. They are also stereotypically aristocratic, arrogant, laid back, disdainful of "provincials", always "lording it over others", and strongly conscious of social class. These stereotypes may have originated from Beijing"s status as China"s capital for most of the past 800 years, and the high concentration of officials and other notables in Beijing that has resulted.


think hosting the Olympic games 2008 will have a positive effect on the Chinese economy.

First, there will be millions of foreigners come to China to see the Olympic Games, these foreginers will consume during their staying in China, for example, they eat foods in restaurants, live in hotels, they are like those travellers who visits China.

Second, the Olympic games creates more job opportunities for local workers. Olympic games ususlly requires a standard of the gymnasiums for the sport games, so there will be more building needed.

Third, the past data show most countries" economies improved after hosting an Olypmic games.


treatment 的过去分词

1.【compounded(是动词?还是过去分词做状语?如何区分呢?) 】 是动词,有很多原因.首先,这句话主语在前面而且用逗号隔开了,在compounded这小句里面没有主语,如果它是过去分词作状语,那它用来修饰谁呢?再者,如果它是过去分词作状语的话,那它相当于一个形容词,从意思上看,副词 frequently 修饰形容词 compounded ,意思是“频繁地混合的”.再退一步说,如果说 frequently compounded 是本文里合理的形容词这个说法说得过去,那接上后文,怎么又不通了呢?答案只有一个,【compounded是动词的过去时】 2.选项A的话,“the treatment and release of……”解释的是上述的“problem”“为什么会出现”.而选D的话,“the treatment and release of……”解释的是“为什么出现在”“这个area”.一个强调原因,一个则侧重地点. 【网上找不到解析,全都是自己打出来的.我也在准备sat,呵呵,欢迎追问,望采纳!】
2023-07-21 15:28:411

compounded by后面好几个修饰语

with old structure problems compounded by a huge population是修饰city的,所以是定语.(定语:修饰或者限制名词的成分叫做定语,补语是动词或者形容词的补充成分).compounded是过去分词做后置定语.
2023-07-21 15:28:481


compound 英[u02c8ku0252mpau028and] 美[u02c8kɑ:mpau028and] n. 复合物; 场地; (筑有围墙的) 院子; 复合词; vt. 调和; 使混合; 使严重; 调停; adj. 复合; [语法学] (句子) 复合的; 合成的; 多功能的; [例句]Police fired on them as they fled into the embassy compound.当他们逃进使馆大院时,警察向他们开了枪。[其他] 第三人称单数:compounds 复数:compounds 现在分词:compounding过去式:compounded 过去分词:compounded
2023-07-21 15:28:581

compounded monthly什么意思

2023-07-21 15:29:296


6.7%的年利率,按月计算复利. 6.7%的年利率是1//15,那么每个月的利率大概是0.56%也就是1/180,按照复利计算就是 18000*(1+1/180)^(12*10), ^后面表示的是几次方,12是一年12个月,10是10年,也就是(1+1/180) 的120次方,结果大概是1.944,那么乘以18000就是34995美元.
2023-07-21 15:29:441

compounded continuously什么意思

2023-07-21 15:29:533


2023-07-21 15:30:144


Leave me alone!
2023-07-21 15:30:322

..............分析一下语法 He acknowledged that whatever neuroses

主语是whatever neuroses drove the criminal to commit the original crime
2023-07-21 15:30:413


combining 的意思是结合。
2023-07-21 15:30:524


a little bit额 立头 比
2023-07-21 15:31:1011


synthesis 合成如,有机合成(organic synthesis)
2023-07-21 15:31:444

在线求一道英语数学题. Compound Interest.

2023-07-21 15:32:043


2023-07-21 15:32:142


2023-07-21 15:32:344


答案当然是D, 首先,因为要保证主句结构,所以ABC都不对,不然的话the problem就没有动词了.后面作为伴随地点修饰所以用where. 希望能帮到你哦
2023-07-21 15:32:511

求翻译 a principle of 4100 dollars is invested at

2023-07-21 15:33:004


  在什么样的情况下,你会用到错误的英文短语?下面就由我为大家带来关于错误的英文短语,希望大家能有所收获。   错误mistake的英语短语   What did you learn from this mistake?   你从这个错误里学到了什么?   That nurse should not plead inexperience in excuse of her mistake.   那个护士不应该借口缺乏经验来为她的错误辩解。   But that would be a mistake.   但是那将是一个错误。   She immediately came to me to admit her mistake.   她立刻到我这里来,并承认了她的错误。   This was a mistake because they all discovered how easy it was to be a pirate and became one.   这是一个错误,因为他们都发现做一个海盗是何等的简单,并且都成的海盗。   Why is this a mistake?   为什么这是一种错误?   We do not know why the translator made that mistake.   我们不知道那名翻译员为何会犯下这个错误。   One day heu2019ll understand his mistake.   总有一天他会明白他的错误。   He (made) a mistake so I told him to (do)the exercise again.   他犯了个错误,因此我告诉他把练习再做一遍.   But instantly she became aware of her mistake.   然而她立即意识到了自己的错误。   But this is a huge mistake.   但这是一个巨大的错误。   错误mistake的英语例句   She blasted to make him admit his mistake.   她激烈批评使他承认自己的错误。   He compounded his mistake by arguing with the teacher.   他与老师争吵就更加重了他的错误。   One should not plead inexperience in excuse of his mistake.   一个人不应该借口缺乏经验来为其错误辩解。   Lucky tells everybody that he had everything, but almost lost his life from one mistake.   拉基对大家说,他过去拥有一切,但因一个错误而几乎丧失生命。   Your description desperate, but only to analysis the statement of the word, you let us see thefundamental mistake.   你的描述令人绝望,不过只是对分析而言,你的陈述让人看到了它的根本错误。   And I think to count them out would be a mistake.   我觉得,认为他们已经被淘汰出局是一个错误。   Felicity (to Sally): I guess what Iu2019m saying is this might all be a colossal mistake, as my dad wouldsay, but on the other hand it mayu2026maybe itu2019ll save my life or something.   费利西蒂(对莎莉说):我猜我想要说的这个可能是个巨大的错误,如同我爸爸说的那样,但是另一方面也许u2026u2026也许它可拯救我的生命或者别的什么。   Its mistake is not to lie, but to proclaim that it will lie, for its very honesty undermines the value ofits deceit.   政府的错误不在于撒谎,而在于提前就声明它将会撒谎,因为,政府的诚实正在削减其欺骗的价值。   If even one mistake can drag your life down, you can imagine what kind of damage bad habitscan do.   即使是一个错误都可以拖累你的生活,你可以想象一下坏习惯能带来多大的危害。   Even then he would not admit his mistake.   即使那样,他也不承认他的错误。   Even then he would not admit his mistake.   即使那样,他也不承认他的错误。   错误mistake的双语例句   1. The president beat his breast and called that deal a mistake.   总裁捶胸顿足,称那是个错误的交易。   2. This was a genuine mistake, but it did cause me some worry.   这是好心办错事,可是确实让我担心了一阵子。   3. Could you have given them the wrong drug by mistake?   你有没有可能一时疏忽给错他们药了呢?   4. I may have made a mistake in that regard.   我在那一点上可能已经犯了一个错误。   5. What women mistake as thoughtlessness is often just diffidence.   女性误以为是考虑不周的事情往往只是缺乏自信。   6. No one should mistake how serious the issue is.   任何人都不该低估该问题的严重性。   7. I think it"s a serious mistake to confuse books with life.   我认为把书本同生活混为一谈是大错特错。   8. Beth was struck by how Naomi took the mistake in her stride.   娜奥米在失误面前表现得处乱不惊,给贝丝留下了深刻印象。   9. That was a mistake. We"ll never do it again.   那是个错误,我们永远不会再犯了。   10. Why should I pay the penalty for somebody else"s mistake?   为什么我要代人受过?   11. Once they realised their mistake the phone was reconnected again.   他们一意识到他们的错误,电话就重新接通了。   12. To be frank with you, Harvey, I may have made a mistake.   老实跟你讲,哈维,我可能犯了个错。   13. Mr Morris said the victims had suffered from a very grievous mistake.   莫里斯先生说遇难者因为一个极其严重的失误而遭遇不幸。   14. She went pink again as she remembered her mistake.   想起自己的错误,她又脸红了。   15. It sounds as if they might have made a dreadful mistake.   听起来他们似乎犯下了一个可怕的错误。   
2023-07-21 15:33:061

有关compound interest

选择(d). $6743.18这是一个银行存款复利的问题,每半年存入$500,期满后利息计入本金,从2000年元月存入$500起,至2004年底本息合计$6743.18
2023-07-21 15:34:001


一、几何部分   1、所有的角  alternate angle 内错角 ue003 corresponding angle 同位角ue003 vertical angle 对顶角ue003 central angle 圆心角 ue003 interior angle 内角ue003 exterior angle 外角ue003 supplementary angles 补角 ue003 complementary angle 余角ue003 adjacent angle 邻角ue003 acute angle 锐角 ue003 obtuse angle 钝角ue003 right angle 直角ue003 round angle 周角ue003 straight angle 平角 ue003 included angle 夹角ue003ue003   2、所有的三角形  equilateral triangle 等边三角形ue003 scalene triangle 不等边三角形 ue003 isosceles triangle 等腰三角形ue003 right triangle 直角三角形ue003 oblique 斜三角形 ue003 inscribed triangle 内接三角形ue003ue003   3、有关收敛的平面图形,除三角形外ue003 semicircle 半圆 ue003 concentric circles 同心圆ue003 quadrilateral 四边形ue003 pentagon 五边形ue003 hexagon 六边形 ue003 heptagon 七边形ue003 octagon 八边形ue003 nonagon 九边形ue003 decagon 十边形ue003 polygon 多边形 ue003 parallelogram 平行四边形ue003 equilateral 等边形ue003 plane 平面ue003 square 正方形,平方 ue003 rectangle 长方形ue003 regular polygon 正多边形ue003 rhombus 菱形ue003 trapezoid 梯形   4、其它平面图形  arc 弧ue003 line, straight line 直线ue003 line segment 线段ue003 parallel lines 平行线ue003 segment of a circle 弧形ue003ue003   5、有关立体图形  cube 立方体,立方数ue003 rectangular solid 长方体 ue003 regular solid/regular polyhedron 正多面体ue003 circular cylinder 圆柱体ue003 cone 圆锥 ue003 sphere 球体ue003 solid 立体的ue003ue003   6、有关图形上的附属物  altitude 高ue003 depth 深度 ue003 side 边长ue003 circumference, perimeter 周长ue003 radian 弧度ue003 surface area 表面积 ue003 volume 体积ue003 arm 直角三角形的股ue003 cross section 横截面ue003 center of a circle 圆心 ue003 chord 弦ue003 radius 半径ue003 angle bisector 角平分线ue003 diagonal 对角线ue003 diameter 直径 ue003 edge 棱ue003 face of a solid 立体的面ue003 hypotenuse 斜边ue003 included side 夹边ue003 leg 三角形的直角边ue003 median of a triangle 三角形的中线ue003 base 底边,底数(e.g. 2的5次方,2就是底数) ue003 opposite 直角三角形中的对边ue003 midpoint 中点ue003 endpoint 端点ue003 vertex (复数形式vertices)顶点 ue003 tangent 切线的ue003 transversal 截线ue003 intercept 截距ue003ue003   7、有关坐标   coordinate system 坐标系ue003 rectangular coordinate 直角坐标系ue003 origin 原点 ue003 abscissa 横坐标ue003 ordinate 纵坐标ue003 number line 数轴ue003 quadrant 象限ue003 slope 斜率 ue003 complex plane 复平面   8、其它  plane geometry 平面几何ue003 trigonometry 三角学ue003 bisect 平分ue003 circumscribe 外切ue003 inscribe 内切ue003 intersect 相交ue003 perpendicular 垂直ue003 pythagorean theorem 勾股定理ue003 congruent 全等的ue003 multilateral 多边的   二、其它ue003ue003   1、单位类  cent 美分ue003 penny 一美分硬币 ue003 nickel 5美分硬币ue003 dime 一角硬币 ue003 dozen 打(12个)ue003 score 廿(20个)ue003 Centigrade 摄氏ue003 Fahrenheit 华氏ue003 quart 夸脱 ue003 gallon 加仑(1 gallon = 4 quart)ue003 yard 码ue003 meter 米ue003 micron 微米ue003 inch 英寸 ue003 foot 英尺ue003 minute 分(角度的度量单位,60分=1度)ue003 square measure 平方单位制ue003 cubic meter 立方米ue003 pint 品脱(干量或液量的单位)ue003ue003   2、有关文字叙述题,主要是有关商业  intercalary year(leap year) 闰年(366天)ue003 common year 平年 (365天)ue003 depreciation 折旧ue003 down payment 直接付款ue003 discount 打折ue003 margin 利润 ue003 profit 利润ue003 interest 利息ue003 simple interest 单利ue003 compounded interest 复利ue003 dividend 红利ue003 decrease to 减少到ue003 decrease by 减少了ue003 increase to 增加到ue003 increase by 增加了ue003 denote 表示ue003 list price 标价ue003 markup 涨价 ue003 per capita 每人ue003 ratio 比率ue003 retail price 零售价ue003 tie 打平
2023-07-21 15:34:081


脱氧核糖核酸(英语:Deoxyribonucleic acid,缩写为DNA)又称去氧核糖核酸,是一种分子,双链结构,由脱氧核糖核苷酸(成分为:脱氧核糖、磷酸及四种含氮碱基)组成。可组成遗传指令,引导生物发育与生命机能运作。基因技术基因由人体细胞核内的DNA(脱氧核糖核酸)组成,变幻莫测的基因排序决定了人类的遗传变异特性。人类基因组研究是一项生命科学的基础性研究。有科学家把基因组图谱看成是指路图,或化学中的元素周期表;也有科学家把基因组图谱比作字典。但不论是从哪个角度去阐释,破解人类自身基因密码,以促进人类健康、预防疾病、延长寿命,其应用前景都是极其美好的。人类10万个基因的信息以及相应的染色体位置被破译后,将成为医学和生物制药产业知识和技术创新的源泉。以上内容参考:百度百科-脱氧核糖核酸
2023-07-21 15:34:161


中文名称:过氧化脲 中文别名:过氧化尿素;过碳酰胺;过氧尿素英文名称:Urea hydrogen peroxide英文别名:carbamide peroxide; hydrogen peroxide carbamide; hydrogen peroxide, compounded with urea (1:1); hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), compounded with urea (1:1); hydrogen peroxide-urea compound (1:1); hydroperit; hyperol; ortizon; percarbamide; perhydrit; perhydrol-urea; thenardol; urea, compounded with H2O2; urea, compounded with hydrogen peroxide (1:1); urea, compounded with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) (1:1); Urea hydrogen peroxide (1 gr tablets), contains 35 wt% H2O2, stabilized; urea hydroperoxide; Urea peroxide; ; hydrogen peroxide - urea (1:1)CAS:124-43-6EINECS:204-701-4分子式:CH4N2O3分子量:92.0541风险术语:R34:; R8:;安全术语:S17:; S26:; S36/37/39:; S45:;物化性质:Melting_point 75-85°C (dec.) Water_soluble 500 g/L (20°C)熔点:75-85℃ (dec.)溶解性:500 g/L (20℃)用途:是洗涤行业中性洗涤剂的重要添加剂上游原料:过氧化氢、过氧化氢、尿素、尿素
2023-07-21 15:34:371

apr和effective annual rate 的区别

1、APR(Augmented Pay Reality)即增强支付现实技术。是支付宝KungFu(空付)技术的一部份。2、APR(Apache portable Run-time libraries,Apache可移植运行库)的目的如其名称一样,主要为上层的应用程序提供一个可以跨越多操作系统平台使用的底层支持接口库。3、年利率。4、质量回顾。5、信用卡里的年利率(Annual percentage rate)。6、英文四月April的缩写。7、电子设计自动化中的自动布局布线(Auto Place and Route)。8、自动功率减小(Automatic Power Reduction) 实际年收益 effective annual yield。计算投资品种年度复合收益的办法。即在本期收益基础上将利息计入本金再投资的年度收益,为计算复利因素的收益概念。
2023-07-21 15:34:502


In waterclouds, cloud droplets are small drops. They are mostly from continue condensation and colliding compounded lattar. Therefore, in waterclouds, cloud droplets will increase to the size of the rain, we first need to cloud is very thick, cloud droplets dense, moisture content many, so that it can continue to condense growth; Secondly, in the waterclouds inside still need to have strong vertical movement, like this can increase many collisions compounded opportunities. While in thinner and more stable waterclouds, cloud droplets not enough condensation and compounded growth opportunities, can cause cloudy, cloudy day, the general assembly does not rain. In different parts of a cloud, the cloud droplets size within the distribution is different, causing cloud droplets uneven size of the reason for this is that the transfer of moisture in the air around which cloud droplets of evaporation and. That cloud droplets growth factor is congeals and collision and process, in only condensation role, under the situation of cloud droplets size is uniform, but because of the added to make some water vapor cloud droplets increased, plus and and function of the results, the larger cloud droplets continue to grow bigger be rain. Raindrops suffer the effect of gravity and decline, when there are updraft, you will have a upward force is applied in the rain, make its declining speed slowing, and a few small rain may also be brought up. Only when raindrops increases to a certain extent, to fall to the ground, into rain.
2023-07-21 15:34:571

SAT 语法题

,而且device才是DEVISE的名词形式,用devising就不如名词好,应为在SAT中动你好我SAT writing当年考了750还是因为写作太差了,语法题只错了一题,希望
2023-07-21 15:35:062

财务管理的题 急求!

2023-07-21 15:35:252


2023-07-21 15:35:363


引言 聚丙烯酸碱金属盐类是水溶性,多功能展示了聚电解质溶液性质和洗碗机洗涤剂在洗衣多种有用成分。这些聚丙烯酸酯包含任何地方从10至4000个单位以上的重复单体具有结构式:- CHZ“CH(COO)-.从历史上看,聚丙烯酸酯钠作为增稠剂及合成洗涤剂制造商的使用已被建议(1)早在1949年。大约在同一时间,埃德尔森和Fuoss,(2,3)使用钠作为其基础研究模型化合物,说明聚电解质之间的这种简单和溴化钠电解质的根本分歧聚丙烯酸酯。然而,大规模的合成洗涤剂成分聚丙烯酸酯钠商业用途可能没有生效,直到近20年后,从最近公布的专利文献评论(4,5)。在这种不断增长的工业用聚丙烯酸酯在商业和机构清洁产品尽管如此,在不同的功能性利益已发表的文献后,确认他们的复合洗涤剂产品的最终使用性能,充其量,微薄的(6-9)。本文介绍了一些实验研究,以确定下进行模拟洗涤剂使用的条件,这些专业洗涤剂添加剂的多功能效益,以及可能的作用机制基本去污力聚丙烯酸酯播放。实验程序在这项研究中使用的材料聚丙烯酸是从商业(BF古德里奇化工)材料,分析其特点如表一所示,这些被转换成相应的钠盐与氢氧化钠中和至pH值由10.5 andwere使用的范围无需进一步净化。在本报告中聚丙烯酸酯聚合物浓度的基础上。其他材料和试剂的详细情况介绍如下适当的实验程序。
2023-07-21 15:36:114


in certain areas在某些地区 where 是 in certain areas 的同位语
2023-07-21 15:36:182


  老师或教授尊称为传授 文化 、科学和技术的人,泛指在某方面值得学习的人。那么,你知道老师的英文怎么写吗?   老师的英文释义:   teacher   mullah   moolvie   moolvee   mulla   老师的英文例句:   学生们接受老师的劝告。   The students take the admonition from their teacher.   这位老师给他的学生们定下高标准。   The teacher sets high standard for his pupils.   要仔细听才能听懂老师讲的课。   Listen carefully so as to follow the teacher. 老师的英语怎么写   一个好老师总是尽力为学生解答。   A good teacher never fails to try his best to answer his students.   珍和玛丽是好朋友,前者是老师,后者是护士。   Jane and Mary are good friends; the former is a teacher, the latter is a nurse.   我的数学老师是一个女老师。   My math teacher is a woman teacher.   学生们惹得老师太生气了,所以老师辞职了。   The students pushed the teacher so much that he resigned.   老师说要推迟讲座,同学都问推到什么时候。老师说,推迟不超过一星期   It will be put off no more than one week.   因此他和老师之前总是有很多麻烦。最后,保罗的老师又给他的父亲抱怨。   So he was always in trouble with his teachers.   他们都很钦佩他们的老师。   They all look up to their teacher.   老师把学生聚集在她周围 。   The teacher gathered her pupils round her.   我谨以此词典献给我的老师,以表示对他的爱戴和感激之情。   To my teacher I dedicate this dictionary in token of affection and gratitude.   这次对我们的英语练习老师将不特别注意拼写和语法,而是着重找使她满意的表达法。   This time the teacher will not mark our English exercises for spelling andgrammar, but she will be looking for pleasing expression.   每逢我们在学习上遇到困难,老师总是耐心辅导。   Whenever we have trouble with our studies, our teachers help us patiently.   他为我向老师求情。   He interceded with the teacher for me.   我们的老师以给学生评分公平著称。   Our teacher is known for her fairness in grading pupils.   老师把她所讲的和第12课联系在一起。   The teacher tied in what she said with Lesson 12.   他与老师争吵就更加重了他的错误。   He compounded his mistake by arguing with the teacher.   老师把他的学生召集起来了。   The teacher gathered his pupils up.   学生们爱他们的老师。   The pupils love their teacher.   老师给我们讲了他在英国的经历。   The teacher told us his experiences in England.   她依然珍藏着老师送给她的钢笔。   She still treasured the pen the teacher gave her.   一个学生怎么能对老师这样无礼地讲话?   How could a student cheek his teacher like this?   学生们不应不尊重他们的老师。   The students should not dishonour their teachers.   老师因为她在上课时说话而严厉申斥她。   The teacher came down on her for talking in class.   老师说的话使学生们都感动了。   What the teacher said touched all the students.   这位老师总是为这样那样的事责备学生们。   The teacher is always at the pupils for one thing or another.   我找(他)说话的那个人原来是我们的新老师。   The person I spoke to turned out to be our new teacher.   老师根据年龄和高矮将学生分成一对一对。   The teacher paired off his students by age and height.
2023-07-21 15:36:271

公司理财问题~英语~有答案 求解答步骤~~

2023-07-21 15:36:362

英文数学题,关于future value of an annuity: sinking funds

2023-07-21 15:36:432

why not write down our mistake on the book是否正确

首字母要大写,最后要附上疑问号“?”其它的正确。Why not write down our mistake on the book?
2023-07-21 15:36:522


  networking英 [u02c8netwu025c:ku026au014b] 美 [u02c8netwu025c:rku026au014b]  n.网络化; [计] 网络系统; 人际网;  [网络]网络通信; 联网; 人脉网络;  [例句]For triple jumpers, the traditional hurdles of academics, networking, and job hunting are compounded by language, visa, and cultural barriers.  三级跳健将不仅要面对学术、人际网络和求职等传统障碍,还要跨越语言、签证和文化障碍等壁垒。  [其他]形近词: nonworking
2023-07-21 15:37:131


2023-07-21 15:37:222


2023-07-21 15:37:313

compound semiannually是什么意思

compound semiannually例句$10000 is invested at 10 percent simple annual interest, compound semiannually,what is the balance after 1 year?大概意思: 年利率是10%25, 半年复利,一年后%2410,000是多少钱?Oxygen enters into many compound bodies.氧是许多化合物的组成部分。Air is a mixture, not a compound of gases.空气是气体的混合物,不是化合物。Rose is a plant with compound leaves.玫瑰是复叶植物。"Broad-shouldered" is a compound word."Broad-shouldered"是个复合字。
2023-07-21 15:37:391


2023-07-21 15:37:474

What is the effective annual rate (EAR) of interest if a nominal rate of 6% is compounded twice per

EAR = ( 1 + APR / m ) ^ m - 1 = ( 1 + 6% / 2 ) ^ 2 - 1 = 0.0609 = 6.09%
2023-07-21 15:37:552


2023-07-21 15:38:252


Some other religious customs of Shinto Japanese allude to unknown origins, and in each case a close relation to Jewish religious tales and traditions can be found. Take for example, both the entrances to Shinto shrines and Jewish synagogues hold golden bells that are to be rung before entering or engaging in prayer. The floor plan of the Shinto shrine is very similar to that of a Jewish tabernacle. The "torii" or "gate" that is the entrance to a Shinto shrine, is almost exactly the same design as the "taraa" gate / entrance to a Jewish tabernacle. At a traditional Shinto festival "Ontohsai" the ancient tradition was to sacrifice seventy-five deer, followed by the symbolic (simulated) sacrifice of a young boy who is saved shortly before death by another priest playing the role of a "kami" or "god (spirit)," this is comparable to the Hebrew story of Abraham"s near sacrifice of Isaac. This similarity is compounded by the fact that the Hebrew ceremony also called for a sacrifice of seventy-five sheep. However, since there were originally no sheep in Japan, it is believed that deer were substituted because they are kosher; never mind the fact that animal sacrifice plays absolutely no role in any other Shinto traditions and seems to go against the very nature of Shinto itself (it was eventually outlawed in the Meiji era, and is now simulated with stuffed animals). And finally, a rumor that the holy mirror in the Shinto shrine of Ise contains an actual Hebrew phrase (scripted in Hebrew). On three separate occasions, and by three unrelated people(2), this phrase has been translated as the Hebrew name of God, meaning "I Am That I Am."Some Hebrew social traditions also may have found their way into Japanese culture, such as bowing as a form of greeting, the imagery of mountains as holy places of enlightenment and spiritual discovery, similar styles of folk-dancing amongst both Hebrew and Japanese peoples, and the sowing of salt before an important (or religious) undertaking as a symbol for purification. Not to mention the similarities between the royal crest of the Japanese imperial family carrying the exact same design as the seal over Herrod"s Gate in Jerusalem (one of the most important entrances to the holy city).With all of these findings to consider, one can easily see why the influence of Jewish mysticism is so strong in Japanese anime. And the introduction of Christianity to Japan in 1549 by Jesuit Francis Xavier, and its reintroduction in 1859 after Japan"s two centuries of seclusion, has also served its part in shaping the religious and social lives of the Japanese. Although true freedom of religion did not show itself in Japan until the Allied occupation in 1945, it has long been the nature of Shinto to tolerate and even absorb certain aspects of other religions(3). Shinto-ized versions of Christian angels and demons have found their way into Japanese art and story. Naturally, with the strong apocalyptic tendencies of Japanese entertainment, one can see how the Christian idea of angels as saviors, while also being juxtaposed as the bringers of Armageddon, would be a fascinating subject for the Japanese. One example can be found in "Wish," a Japanese manga by the leading female artist group CLAMP, which tells the story of a young angel, Kohaku, sent to earth to find another missing angel, Hisui. While these angels are depicted in the traditional Christian manner (white wings, halos, white robes, etc…) they are assigned very pagan roles. There are four archangels, but they are not the typical four found in Christian mythology, instead they are given Japanese names, and represent the elements of nature: fire, wind, water, and earth. Kohaku himself represents a fifth element, that of spirit, and he is assigned with the role of "hatching" new angels from the "tree of life," (possibly a Qabbalistic association with Jewish mysticism). Coincidentally, God"s "messengers" are hares, a traditional Shinto myth animal-association with communication, sending warnings or messages.A situation which illustrates the angel as destructor can be found in the anime "Neon Genesis Evangelion." These "angels" are certainly not represented in the typical Christian fashion as far as looks are concerned - they are definitely given a Japanese flavor by being portrayed as giant mecha - but their arrival in Neo-Tokyo is seen as a sign of the coming of the destruction of the earth.These current trends of including Western religious symbolism in Japanese tales do seem on the surface to be not much more than a sprinkling of the exotic to Japan"s "Western-crazed" fads, but I strongly believe it to be a reflection of distant past influences to their religious and social traditions, the memory of which may have been lost for many generations.(2) The three people were: Arinori Mori (the cultural minister of Japanese education, culture, and science, around 1899), Dr. Sakon (a professor at Aoyama-Gakuin University, around 1947), and Yutaro Yano (a Shinto priest, in 1978). Yutaro Yano actually copied by hand the scribing on the back of the holy mirror, and this picture can be found in his book which was handed down through his Shinto tradition to his daughter who has recently published it. The drawing clearly shows the Hebrew phrase, but it is not known if the drawing is an accurate representation due to the fact that few other people have been allowed to look at the holy mirror.(3) In Shinto, notions of "purity" and "cleanliness" are very important. Blood is considered unclean, as well as artifacts associated with death or corpses, therefore the tasks of funeral rites and burials were meted out to Buddhists, who have no strong aversion to dealing with death. This tradition continues into the present day.参考:
2023-07-21 15:38:331

求一篇8千字左右的外文文献和翻译 关于创新型城市评价的 打点擦边球的也可以!

2023-07-21 15:38:424


《古朗月行》(全集)古诗有:【原文】:小时不识月, 呼作白玉盘。又疑瑶台镜, 飞在青云端。仙人垂两足, 桂树何团团。白兔捣药成, 问言与谁餐?蟾蜍蚀圆影, 天明夜已残。羿昔落九鸟, 天人清且安。阴精此沦惑, 去去不足观。忧来其如何? 凄怆摧心肝。【译文】小时候不认识月亮, 把它称为白玉盘。又怀疑是瑶台仙镜,飞在夜空青云之上。月中的仙人是垂着双脚吗?月中的桂树为什么长得圆圆的?白兔捣成的仙药,到底是给谁吃的呢?蟾蜍把圆月啃食得残缺不全,皎洁的月儿因此晦暗不明。后羿射下了九个太阳,天上人间免却灾难清明安宁。月亮已经沦没而迷惑不清,没有什么可看的不如远远走开吧。心怀忧虑啊又何忍一走了之,凄惨悲伤让我肝肠寸断。【注释】:这是一首乐府诗。“朗月行”,是乐府古题,属《杂曲歌辞》。鲍照有《朗月行》,写佳人对月弦歌。李白采用这个题目,故称《古朗月行》,但没有因袭旧的内容。诗人运用浪漫主义的创作方法,通过丰富的想象,神话传说的巧妙加工,以及强烈的抒情,构成瑰丽神奇而含意深蕴的艺术形象。诗中先写儿童时期对月亮稚气的认识:“小时不识月,呼作白玉盘。又疑瑶台镜,飞在青云端。”以“白玉盘”、“瑶台镜”作比,生动地表现出月亮的形状和月光的皎洁可爱,使人感到非常新颖有趣。“呼”、“疑”这两个动词,传达出儿童的天真烂漫之态。这四句诗,看似信手写来,却是情采俱佳。然后,又写月亮的升起:“仙人垂两足,桂树何团团?白兔捣药成,问言与谁餐?”古代神话说,月中有仙人、桂树、白兔。当月亮初生的时候,先看见仙人的两只脚,而后逐渐看见仙人和桂树的全形,看见一轮圆月,看见月中白兔在捣药。诗人运用这一神话传说,写出了月亮初生时逐渐明朗和宛若仙境般的景致。然而好景不长,月亮渐渐地由圆而蚀:“蟾蜍蚀圆影,大明夜已残。”蟾蜍,俗称癞蛤蟆;大明,指月亮。传说月蚀就是蟾蜍食月所造成,月亮被蟾蜍所啮食而残损,变得晦暗不明。“羿昔落九乌,天人清且安”,表现出诗人的感慨和希望。古代善射的,射落了九个太阳,只留下一个,使天、人都免除了灾难。诗人为什么在这里引出这样的英雄来呢?也许是为现实中缺少这样的英雄而感慨吧!也许是希望有这样的英雄来扫除天下吧!然而,现实毕竟是现实,诗人深感失望:“阴精此沦惑,去去不足观”。月亮既然已经沦没而迷惑不清,还有什么可看的呢!不如趁早走开吧。这显然是无可奈何的办法,心中的忧愤不仅没有解除,反而加深了:“忧来其如何?凄怆摧心肝”。诗人不忍一走了之,内心矛盾重重,忧心如焚。这首诗,大概是李白针对当时朝政黑暗而发的。唐玄宗晚年沉湎声色,宠幸杨贵妃,权奸、宦官、边将擅权,把国家搞得乌烟瘴气。诗中“蟾蜍蚀圆影,大明夜已残”似是刺这一昏暗局面。沈德潜说,这是“暗指贵妃能惑主听”。(《唐诗别裁》)。然而诗人的主旨却不明说,而是通篇作隐语,化现实为幻景,以蟾蜍蚀月影射现实,说得十分深婉曲折。诗中一个又一个新颖奇妙的想象,展现出诗人起伏不平的感情,文辞如行云流水,富有魅力,发人深思,体现出李白诗歌的雄奇奔放、清新俊逸的风格。【创作背景】:此诗当作于唐玄宗天宝末年安史之乱前。陈沆云:“忧禄山将叛时作。”(《诗比兴笺》)萧士赟云:“按此诗借月以引兴。日,君象;月,臣象。盖为安禄山之叛,兆于贵妃而作也。”(《分类补注李太白诗》)【作品介绍】:《古朗月行》是唐代伟大诗人李白借乐府古题所作的一首五言古诗。此诗作于安史之乱之前不久。此诗先写儿童时期对月亮稚气的认识,写出了月亮初升时逐渐明朗和宛若仙境般的景致,接着写月亮渐渐地由圆而蚀,继而沦没而迷惑不清,心中感到忧愤不平。诗人运用浪漫主义的创作方法,通过丰富的想象,神话传说的巧妙加工,以及强烈的抒情,构成瑰丽神奇而含意深蕴的艺术形象。全诗文辞如行云流水,富有魅力,发人深思,体现出李白诗歌雄奇奔放、清新俊逸的风格。【作者简介】:李白(701年-762年) ,字太白,号青莲居士,又号“谪仙人”,是唐代伟大的浪漫主义诗人,被后人誉为“诗仙”,与杜甫并称为“李杜”,为了与另两位诗人李商隐与杜牧即“小李杜”区别,杜甫与李白又合称“大李杜”。其人爽朗大方,爱饮酒作诗,喜交友。李白深受黄老列庄思想影响,有《李太白集》传世,诗作中多以醉时写的,代表作有《望庐山瀑布》、《行路难》、《蜀道难》、《将进酒》、《梁甫吟》、《早发白帝城》等多首。李白所作词赋,宋人已有传记(如文莹《湘山野录》卷上),就其开创意义及艺术成就而言,“李白词”享有极为崇高的地位。
2023-07-21 15:38:072

初中英语短文What does he look like

2023-07-21 15:38:093


handle可以用作动词,作及物动词,宾语可以是人或事物; 偶尔用作不及物动词,其主动形式往往表示被动意义。有处理,搬动等含义;作名词有把手,拉手等含义。1.handle主要用作及物动词,宾语可以是人或事物; 偶尔用作不及物动词,其主动形式往往表示被动意义。有处理,应付,控制等含义。 I was impressed by her handling of the affair. 我觉得她对此事的处理很了不起。 The speaker was roughly handled by the mob. 演说者受到暴民的粗暴对待。 He"s not a very good teacher---he doesn"t know how to handle children. 他不是一个好的老师---他不懂得如何对待孩子。 with,cope with,dispose of,manage,handle这些动词或短语动词都含有“处理”,“对付”之意。 deal with 既可指处理具体事情,也可指处理或解决具有抽象意义的问题。 cope with 指成功地处理或对付更为重大,更为严重的问题或事物。 dispose of 与deal with同义,普通用法。 manage 指处理日常事务与工作,也可指经营管理。 handle 从原义“手柄”,转引申为作“处理”解时,其内涵是管理和操纵。
2023-07-21 15:38:111


如图所示,我们要在A2:F12区域中提取工号为100003、100004、100005、100007、100010五人的全年总计销量,并对应的输入到I4:I8中。一个一个的手动查找在数据量大的时候十分繁琐,因此这里使用VLOOKUP函数演示:首先在I4单元格输入“=Vlookup(”,此时Excel就会提示4个参数。第一个参数,显然,我们要让100003对应的是H4,这里就输入“H4,” ;第二个参数,这里输入我们要查找的区域(绝对引用),即“$A$2:$F$12,”;第三个参数,“全年总计”是区域的第六列,所以这里输入“6”,输入“5”就会输入第四季度的项目了;第四个参数,因为我们要精确查找工号,所以输入“FALSE或者“0”。最后补全最后的右括号“)”,得到公式“=VLOOKUP(H4,$A$2:$F$12,6,0)”,使用填充柄填充其他单元格即可完成查找操作。VLOOKUP函数使用注意事项一.VLOOKUP的语法1.括号里有四个参数,是必需的。最后一个参数range_lookup是个逻辑值,我们常常输入一个0字,或者False;其实也可以输入一个1字,或者true。两者有什么区别呢?前者表示的是完整寻找,找不到就传回错误值#N/A;后者先是找一模一样的,找不到再去找很接近的值,还找不到也只好传回错误值#N/A。2.Lookup_value是一个很重要的参数,它可以是数值、文字字符串、或参照地址。我们常常用的是参照地址。用这个参数时,有三点要特别提醒:A)参照地址的单元格格式类别与去搜寻的单元格格式的类别要一致,否则的话有时明明看到有资料,就是抓不过来。特别是参照地址的值是数字时,最为明显,若搜寻的单元格格式类别为文本格式,虽然看起来都是123,但是就是抓不出东西来的。而且格式类别在未输入数据时就要先确定好,如果数据都输入进去了,发现格式不符,已为时已晚,若还想去抓,则需重新输入。B)在使用参照地址时,有时需要将lookup_value的值固定在一个格子内,而又要使用下拉方式(或复制)将函数添加到新的单元格中去,这里就要用到“$”这个符号了,这是一个起固定作用的符号。比如说我始终想以D5格式来抓数据,则可以把D5弄成这样:$D$5,则不论你如何拉、复制,函数始终都会以D5的值来抓数据。C) 用“& 连接若干个单元格的内容作为查找的参数。在查找的数据有类似的情况下可以做到事半功倍。3.Table_array是搜寻的范围,col_index_num是范围内的栏数。Col_index_num 不能小于1,其实等于1也没有什么实际用的。如果出现一个这样的错误的值#REF!,则可能是col_index_num的值超过范围的总字段数。选取Table_array时一定注意选择区域的首列必须与lookup_value所选取的列的格式和字段一致。比如lookup_value选取了“姓名”中的“张三”,那么Table_array选取时第一列必须为“姓名”列,且格式与lookup_value一致,否则便会出现#N/A的问题。4.在使用该函数时,lookup_value的值必须在table_array中处于第一列。二.VLOOKUP的错误值处理。如果找不到数据,函数总会传回一个这样的错误值#N/A,这错误值其实也很有用的。例如,如果我们想这样来作处理:如果找到的话,就传回相应的值,如果找不到的话,就自动设定它的值等于0,则函数可以写成这样:=if(iserror(vlookup(1,2,3,0)),0,vlookup(1,2,3,0))在Excel 2007以上版本中,以上公式等价于=IFERROR(vlookup(1,2,3,0),0)这句话的意思是:如果VLOOKUP函数返回的值是个错误值的话(找不到数据),就等于0,否则,就等于VLOOKUP函数返回的值(即找到的相应的值)。这里又用了两个函数。第一个是iserror函数。它的语法是iserror(value),即判断括号内的值是否为错误值,如果是,就等于true,不是,就等于false。第二个是if函数,这也是一个常用的函数的,后面有机会再跟大家详细讲解。它的语法是if(条件判断式,结果1,结果2)。如果条件判断式是对的,就执行结果1,否则就执行结果2。举个例子:=if(D2=””,”空的”,”有东西”),意思是如D2这个格子里是空的值,就显示文字“空的”,否则,就显示“有东西”。(看起来简单吧?其实编程序,也就是这样子判断来判断去的。)在Excel 2007以上版本中,可以使用iferror(value, value_if_error)代替以上两个函数的组合,该函数判断value表达式是否为错误值,如果是,则返回value_if_error,如果不是,则返回value表达式自身的值。三.含有VLOOKUP函数的工作表档案的处理。一般来说,含有VLOOKUP函数的工作表,如果又是在别的档案里抓取数据的话,档案往往是比较大的,尤其是当你使用的档案本身就很大的时候,那每次开启和存盘都是很受伤的事情。有没有办法把文件压缩一下,加快开启和存盘的速度呢?这里提供一个小小的经验。在工作表里,点击工具──选项──计算,把上面的更新远程参照和储存外部连结的勾去掉,再保存档案,则会加速不少,不信你可以试试。下面详细的说一下它的原理。1.含有VLOOKUP函数的工作表,每次在保存档案时,会同时保存一份其外部连结的档案。这样即使在单独打开这个工作表时,VLOOKUP函数一样可以抓取到数值。2.在工作表打开时,微软会提示你,是否要更新远程参照。意思是说,你要不要连接最新的外部档案,好让你的VLOOKUP函数抓到最新的值。如果你有足够的耐心,不妨试试。3.了解到这点,我们应该知道,每次单独打开含有VLOOKUP函数的工作表时,里面抓取外部档案的数值,只是上次我们存盘时保存的值。若要连结最新的值,必须要把外部档案同时打开。Vlookup最容易出错的地方是查找区域的首列必须含有查找的内容。   比方说一个表,a列是序号,b列是姓名,c列是身份证,你在d列输入其中的一个姓名,在e1得到其身份证的公式不能是=vlookup(d1,a:c,3,0),而应是=vlookup(d1,b:c,2,0).对于vlookup函数的使用方法,只是看文字就显得很枯燥,为了方便大家理解,可以查看参考资料中的vlookup函数的使用方法实例方便理解掌握。
2023-07-21 15:38:111

deal handle tackle区别

deal 是偏重处理的主观能动性,比如遇到困难了知难而上handle 侧重操控,指对一个问题的控制能力tackle 指解决一个具体的难题
2023-07-21 15:38:031


2023-07-21 15:38:033

regulation administration management区别,不要词典翻译!

2023-07-21 15:37:541


2023-07-21 15:37:518