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2023-07-21 17:18:16




Yiruma《kiss the rain》《初恋》和《The day after》

全素颜的不怎么好找,你去Very CD网站下载她的专辑吧

凯文科恩的曲子有好多我们都很熟悉,像《through the arbor》


我目前最喜欢的《RIVER FLOWS IN YOU》超好听的钢琴曲,听着它,我仿佛我的每个细胞都在跳动。仿佛每个音调的跳动,是音键毕生用生命敲打的一样。


















kiss the rian

I Miss You wmaTheDaydream




The First Snowflakes


Connie"s butterfly


Sunset Valley


Childhood Memory 什么意思

2023-07-21 14:19:133

Childhood Memory什么意思?

Childhood Memory是童年记忆,儿时记忆的意思。
2023-07-21 14:19:271

班得瑞的《童年》 childhood memory 是从哪一个名曲中翻版的,还是哪部电影中某个曲子

翻奏的, 歌曲原版为和平之月
2023-07-21 14:19:342

班得瑞的《childhood memory》是什么乐器合奏的呢?

2023-07-21 14:19:443

Childhood Memory 什么意思

2023-07-21 14:19:523


Childhoood Memory 人鱼湾美人鱼。《childhood memory》是 Bandari演唱的歌曲,时长03分16秒,洛克王国是一款很受欢迎的游戏搭配《childhood memory》背景音乐也是很好听的
2023-07-21 14:20:082

求一篇两三分钟的英语的演讲 关于childhood memory、可以写记住的一件事也可概括、急用!!

1.My favourite childhood memory I grew up in the beautiful seaside city .I could still remember the good old days. The sea I saw was pure , clean and blue, We could hear the cries of seagulls as they circled over the sea. In my memory , the sea and the beach were the most important characters of my childhood. In summer, the weather was hot. I liked swimming with my father in the sea. It was so comfortable to swim in such a hot weather. We enjoyed ourselves .After swimming , we lied on the beach and breathed the fresh sea wind . In spring , the weather was warm. I remember, under the blue sky , my dad and I ran hand in hand on the beach and sang the song “Twinkle , twinkle, little star . ” when we felt tired , we sat on the beach and watching the sunset . In autumn, the weather was cool, we liked playing games with the sea . There"re many different kinds of shells on the beach , they made the beach more fascinating . We walked along the beach collecting small shrimps and crabs in a bucket , I left my tiny footprints in the sand . In winter , the weather was cold , the sea was covered in thick ice all winter , Although we felt cold , we still skating on the sea . we made snowmen and had a snowball fight . How times flies ! Now , I am get older . Last year, I went back to the sea side city , I was deeply impressed by the changes of the city . The factory insteaded of the beach , the sea was dirty and smelly because of the serious pollution . It will no longer be that beautiful . The blue sea and the fascinating beach were disappear . but my golden childhood memory will never be lost.2.There is only one word which can describe my childhood. The word is“carefree①”that so many today"s kids② do not understand, although they have delicious food, beautiful clothes and pretty toys.My parents never forced me to do anything. I recited a lot of poems and fine articles, but not for performing before their friends and our relatives, just because I enjoyed rhythms③ and words. So I never considered them a burden④. Later, when I was in the primary school, the homework was very few and easy to do, and I was never asked to be the top students.Nor did my parents stop me from doing anything. After I finished my homework, I could stay outside for a whole afternoon to do whatever I liked. I used to go swimming in the river in summer, skating on the ice in winter. Sometimes I played basketball or football with my little friends. I could read any book, and my parents never examine it before my reading.Sometimes I think my childhood was boring⑤and not unforgettable, but I was really carefree and happy then. What is more important than to give a child a happy childhood?
2023-07-21 14:20:171


2023-07-21 14:20:262

求写一篇childhood memory,能涉及到超级玛丽等游戏的英文演讲稿,两百字左右,谢谢!!!

2023-07-21 14:20:342

写出你小时候的记忆My earliest memory was my childhood.When I was a child,

Childhood MemoryI remember it like yesterday. We were all waiting patiently for my father to come home from the race track. He promised me and my sister that if he won, he would take us all to Rye Playland. The minutes felt like hours. It was the longest hour of my life. Then finally we heard the car door shut. Me and my sister ran to the front door anxiously waiting for the news. He opened the door and walked in. We tried to read the expression on his face but of course he was looking down while taking his sneakers off. The suspense was killing us. Then he looked up. No words were spoken between us and our father. He just gave us a blank stare. I didn"t know what to think. I was scared to ask because I was so worried of the response. It was that moment when he said to us, "Well kids, pick out what your going to wear to Rye playland this weekend." Excitement just jumped through out my whole body. We both ran over and gave him the biggest hug and ran upstairs to pick out what we had to bring and start the trip to Rye on the weekends.
2023-07-21 14:20:521

英语演讲稿My favourite childhood memory(400词左右)

In my childhood, filled with a lot of interesting young Fun, will not help laughing sometimes question that all of us should ask. One thing that made me worry a new memory. I remember that during the last one year when Sunday morning, I was sitting comfortably on the sofa and watch television with relish. Inadvertently, I saw on television a chicken farm in the chicken, all kinds, colors, yellow, white, a very lovely. Small brain, the eyes turn round Liuliu stop, coupled with the hairy body, especially elicit people like. I felt I needed to have an idea of buying a handful of chick-let. Mom in the kitchen cooking, I went to my mother around grinning, and said : "Mother, father to father, I have bought a few chicks! Overtime, it will give you time to buy, ah? "I have a lot of pouting and said :" I really hate! "You know they collapsed on the sofa again, a second time to have passed. Suddenly, I scare up, the refrigerator is not the egg? I think about while talking to himself on, do it! Won two eggs through the refrigerator. "Hen hatching chicks depending on the temperature of the eggs were hatched to, if I were to the hatching, eggs are being squeezed easily broken. Of the usually like my mother always said that his father"s body stove, the father"s quilt is definitely hot. "I think that the father was an egg carefully into the yard, and patiently wait for the birth of her chicks. Dad back, the storm will soon have to open their eyes, into a bedroom, opened quilts, sleeping only heard the father was not named soon, I immediately went past, and my father was out of paper shining his pants. I Wuzhuozui secretly smiled, and her mother came running over and down the back of the skull. Dad angry and said : "Dzodzo, is not a good thing you do? "I will detail in the dark to tell the parents. We all laughed, and her mother rubbed my small brain : "dumb children, no eggs were hatched chicks! "My eyes what we sway. How interesting to me! It made me understand a profound truth : that people should not blindly do, but after careful thought, and action. 凑和用吧
2023-07-21 14:20:591

my favorite childhood memory演讲稿

There is only one word which can describe my childhood. The word is“carefree①”that so many today"s kids② do not understand, although they have delicious food, beautiful clothes and pretty toys.My parents never forced me to do anything. I recited a lot of poems and fine articles, but not for performing before their friends and our relatives, just because I enjoyed rhythms③ and words. So I never considered them a burden④. Later, when I was in the primary school, the homework was very few and easy to do, and I was never asked to be the top students.Nor did my parents stop me from doing anything. After I finished my homework, I could stay outside for a whole afternoon to do whatever I liked. I used to go swimming in the river in summer, skating on the ice in winter. Sometimes I played basketball or football with my little friends. I could read any book, and my parents never examine it before my reading.Sometimes I think my childhood was boring⑤and not unforgettable, but I was really carefree and happy then. What is more important than to give a child a happy childhood?
2023-07-21 14:21:091

谁能帮我写一篇题目为my golden childhood memory

My favourite childhood memory I grew up in the beautiful seaside city .I could still remember the good old days. The sea I saw was pure , clean and blue, We could hear the cries of seagulls as they circled over the sea. In my memory , the sea and the beach were the most important characters of my childhood. In summer, the weather was hot. I liked swimming with my father in the sea. It was so comfortable to swim in such a hot weather. We enjoyed ourselves .After swimming , we lied on the beach and breathed the fresh sea wind . In spring , the weather was warm. I remember, under the blue sky , my dad and I ran hand in hand on the beach and sang the song “Twinkle , twinkle, little star . ” when we felt tired , we sat on the beach and watching the sunset . In autumn, the weather was cool, we liked playing games with the sea . There"re many different kinds of shells on the beach , they made the beach more fascinating . We walked along the beach collecting small shrimps and crabs in a bucket , I left my tiny footprints in the sand . In winter , the weather was cold , the sea was covered in thick ice all winter , Although we felt cold , we still skating on the sea . we made snowmen and had a snowball fight . How times flies ! Now , I am get older . Last year, I went back to the sea side city , I was deeply impressed by the changes of the city . The factory insteaded of the beach , the sea was dirty and smelly because of the serious pollution . It will no longer be that beautiful . The blue sea and the fascinating beach were disappear . but my golden childhood memory will never be lost.
2023-07-21 14:21:171

childhood memory . mp3谢谢

2023-07-21 14:21:266

求班德瑞的 childhood memory钢琴谱, 带指法的 ! 谢谢 (巴赫-恰空) 巴齐尼《精灵舞曲》《妖精舞曲》《妖精之舞》 Ysaye无伴奏谱子 恰空-巴赫 2 新疆之春 阳光照耀着塔什库尔干1 巴赫无伴奏 弗朗克的小提琴奏鸣曲谱子 贝多芬小提琴协奏曲 野蜂飞舞 匈牙利舞曲(double) 爱之欢乐 silent night的谱子 肖邦《别离曲》小提琴版 美丽的罗斯玛利亚 爱的忧伤 圣桑引子与回旋 门德尔松第三章 两边的重奏 友谊地久天长 德沃夏克小提琴协奏曲 改编Canon in D 小提琴合奏版 air on g string 《传奇》小提琴分谱+参考指法+音响 《梁祝》总谱 传奇(谭诗) 帕格尼尼的小提琴与吉他重奏-幻想曲 魔鬼的颤音 赛茨《第一学生协奏曲第三乐章》 柴可夫斯基《如歌的行板》 帕格尼尼《钟》 yesterday once more 牧歌 很久很久以前 Carmen (全部) 爱的欢乐 圣母颂 Paganini 24capr 花儿为什么这样红 丁香花 拉赫马尼罗夫的vocalise 训练左手手指的颗粒性 蓝色多瑙河3 班德瑞《Childhood memory》 勃朗姆斯协奏曲第3乐章 勃朗姆斯摇篮曲四重奏 巴赫双小提琴协奏曲慢乐章 莫扎特第三小协— 超好听的第一乐章主部主题 丰收渔歌 钢琴谱 巴赫《吉格》—— 小提琴与复调钢琴 新春乐 我爱祖国的台湾 维圭尔第A小调协奏曲 巴赫1、2、3号小步舞曲
2023-07-21 14:21:401

读书比较辛苦 听什么歌可以缓解压力

读书比较辛苦 听什么歌可以缓解压力 KIN TAII(金大伟)东巴 《智者之音》 比较震撼 刘星《My Way .一意孤行》比较空灵 班得瑞的《寂静之声》比较轻松 太多太多了。。一时半会儿又想不出来 呵呵。。。 对对对 补充下 林海&蒋彦的《琵琶相》 林海说那是玩出来的音乐 很值得一听 欢沁 踏古 凡人歌。。。整张专辑 都很不错 听什么歌可以最快缓解压力 缓解压力效果更为突出的是自然韵类音乐,比如潺潺的流水之音乐。一般来说柔和舒缓的音乐都可以让人平静、放松,这时的音乐应以舒缓柔美为宜,但是不要太低沉的音乐。总之,音乐的节奏应掌握在一定的范围之内,不要太慢,也不要太快。太慢了成了催眠曲,让人昏昏欲睡;太快了容易使人过度兴奋。 之所以会无聊.心情不好.寂寞.空虚.孤独,孤单.忧伤.郁闷.心烦.烦恼.迷茫.伤心.累.痛苦 有压力.是因为周围的环境太过繁琐.周围的事太过繁琐,所以好像已经融入一样.当你只身一人抽离时候,就会感觉到一种没有形态可以比拟的空虚.本来就无聊的人生就更不该再想多余的来为难自己 事事想得开,把挫折乐观对待,把困难看得简单.遇风躲起来,遇雨把伞带.让自己适应气候变化,让心情随时调整,只要坚信快乐是你的,开心就会与你相伴.人生的路不是这样简单,但是你可以简单面对,面对只要开心的现在.小的插曲,还要欣赏,听过品过,就要收起来,回味它的甜,丢掉无奈.人生短暂,万事具应想得开,随时随地保持心理平衡,守平常心,处变不惊,笑口常开,潇洒走一回,自会快乐地过一生!学会快乐懂得快乐、善于快乐实在是一种智慧、一种气度、一种气魄相信开心快乐永远在你身边陪伴,愿你永远笑开怀 .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,你永远要感谢给你逆境的众生。 你随时要认命,因为你是人。 你永远要宽恕众生,不论他有多坏,甚至他伤害过你,你一定要放下,才能得到真正的快乐。 这个世界本来就是痛苦的,没有例外的。 当你快乐时,你要想,这快乐不是永恒的。当你痛苦时你要想这痛苦也不是永恒的。 认识自己,降伏自己,改变自己,才能改变别人。 今日的执著,会造成明日的后悔。 你可以拥有爱,但不要执著,因为分离是必然的。 不要浪费你的生命在你一定会后悔的地方上。 你什么时候放下,什么时候就没有烦恼。带给一切人快乐。 什么歌曲可以缓解压力 推荐帕海贝尔的卡农,古典音乐,有钢琴,小提琴和吉他的,很多版本,在里面可以听出甜蜜忧伤的不同感觉。 另外,再推荐几首歌,比较轻快:right now right here Gotta Have You Je M"Appelle Helene 用KUGOO工具下载,很多 爱莫 - 袁娅维 词: 袁娅维,接靓 曲: 袁娅维 爱是魔 爱是佛 爱是占有爱是舍得 爱是空 也是色 爱是迷失了自我 爱是不知所措 爱是奢 爱是错 爱是黑洞爱是漩涡 Love has changed my life There"s one for you I know 是追是躲是戒 爱将心碾成末 哪怕只一瞬间 拥有了你就拥有全部 雨泪了火焰 幸福起了雾 眼泪迷了路 Is it good 那是谁的是谁也说不出口 藏在左心房的爱 爱是惑 爱是诺 爱并非有花就结果 爱是纠 也是缠 爱似飞蛾焚身扑火 爱的魂飞魄散 爱是奢 爱是错 爱是黑洞爱是漩涡 Love has changed my life There"s one for you I see 是追是躲是劫 爱将心碾成末 哪怕只一瞬间 拥有了你就拥有全部 雨泪了火焰 幸福起了雾 眼泪迷了路 Is it good 那是谁的是谁也说不出口 藏在左心房的爱 MO 是奋不顾身 想要快乐 是奋不顾身 想要快乐 低落尘埃 开出绚烂的花 TO ME 是歇斯底里后的沉默 哪怕只一瞬间 拥有了你就拥有全部 雨泪的火焰 幸福起了雾 眼泪迷了路 Is it good 那是谁的是谁也说不出口 藏在左心房的爱 爱是魔 爱是佛 爱是占有 爱是舍得 舍得 读什么书可以有效缓解压力? 有笑话,能幽默搞怪的书,实际上无论什么书,只要你读进去了,都会忘掉自己,自己都“忘了”不存在了,也就不存在压力了。 初三可以通过听什么歌曲缓解压力 Beyond系列的: 海阔天空 光辉岁月 不再犹豫 真的爱你 旧日的足迹 大地 岁月无声 活着便精彩 无悔这一生 林子祥系列: 莫再悲 谁能明白我 真的汉子 男儿当自强 每夜唱不停 经典粤语歌曲: 壮志骄阳-张学友 迈向新一天-梅艳芳 李中浩 蓝天-黄子华 红日-李克勤 天意人心-蔡国权 涟漪-陈百强 奔向未来日子-张国荣 总有你鼓励-李国祥 伦永亮 夕阳之歌-梅艳芳 英文歌曲: Seasons in the sun--西域男孩 Cry on my shoulder--Deutschland sucht den Superstar(DSDS) Never had a dream e true--S Club 7 God shaped hole--Plumb 钢琴曲: 出埃及记 《背景音乐之旅—爱情之歌》 1. 阿兰蒂斯之恋(ARANJUEZ MON AUOUR) 2. 爱的纪念(SOUVENIRS D"ENFANCE) 3. 爱的罗曼史(Romance De Amor) 4. 爱的协奏曲(CONCERTO POUR UNR JEUNE FILLE NOMMEE) 5. 爱的协奏曲 6. 爱之梦(LIEBESTRAUM) 7. 今晚为爱祝贺 8. 蓝色的爱(LOVE IS BLUE) 9. 罗密欧与朱丽叶(ROMEO & JULIA) 10. 梦中的婚礼(MARIAGE D" AMOUR) 11. 你是爱(You Are Love) 12. 情书(LOVELETTER TO YOU) 13. 伤心的爱(HEARTBREAK LOVE) 14. 致爱丽丝(FOR ELFSE) 《背景音乐之旅—静谧之曲》 1. Windancer 2. 安妮的仙境(Annie"s W"onderland) 3. 巴格达之星(Star Of Baghdad) 4. 感觉静谧 5. 蝴蝶犬(Papillon) 6. 卡布里的月光(moonlight of capri) 7. 梦里的故事(HISTOIRE D"LLN REVE) 8. 柔板(Adagio) 9. 小曲(Passacaglia) 10. 星空(LYPHARD MELODY) 11. 摇篮曲(Tim"s Lullaby) 12. 摇篮曲(勃拉姆斯版) 13. 摇篮曲(舒伯特版) 14. 月光奏鸣曲(Piano Spnata) 《背景音乐之旅—恢弘之章》 1. 奥林匹克鼓号曲 2. 布兰诗歌 3. 查拉图斯特拉如是说 4. 出埃及记(Exodus) 5. 大明宫词-序曲 6. 豪勇七蛟龙(The Magnificent Seven) 7. 火之战车(CHARIOTS OF FIRE) 8. 拉德斯基进行曲 9. 乱世佳人 10. 小号进行曲 11. 星球大战主题曲 12. 行星组曲 13. 英雄的黎明 14. 与狼共舞主题曲 《背景音乐之旅—感人之声》 1. 给母亲的信(LETTRE A MA MERE) 2. 故乡的原风景 3. 泪花(TEARS) 4. 流动(Flowing) 5. 绿色通道(GERRN SHANNEL) 6. 你的笑颜(Your Smile) 7. 神秘园之歌(Song From A Secret Garden) 8. 宋家王朝(THE SOONG SISTER) 9. 童年(Childhood Memory) 10. 希腊计划 11. 雪的梦幻(Snowdreams) 12. 远处的星光(STARLIGHT AFAR) 13. 月亮门(Moon gate) 14. 再见警察(goodbye) 《背景音乐之旅—久仰之乐》 1. CCTV动物世界片头曲(Just Blue) 2. CCTV动物世界片尾曲(we stay) 3. CCTV对话主题曲(One Man"s Dream) 4. CCTV今日说法片头曲(Presence of the Moment) 5. CCTV今日说法片尾音乐(Igniting the World) 6. 阿罕布拉宫的回忆(Recuerdos de la Alhambra) 7. 爱的筵席(LOVE SONGS FEAST) 8. 和兰花在一起(With an orchid) 9. 简单的礼物(Simple Gifts) 10. 溜冰圆舞曲 11. 威廉退尔 12. 巡逻兵进行曲(American Patrol) 13. 夜莺(Ninghtingale) 14. 渔舟唱晚 《背景音乐之旅—自然之韵》 1. 秋的喁语(A COMME AMOUR) 2. 灿烂之美(BEAUTIAUL BURN) 3. 绿袖子(GREENS SLEEVES) 4. 绿色阁(GREEN HOUSE) 5. 印地安之梦(INDIAN DREAM) 6. 柔如彩虹(COULEUR TENDRESSE) 7. 苗岭的早晨 8. 风的色彩(COLORS OF THE WIND) 9. 百鸟朝凤 10. 宛如小河淌水(LITTBE RIVER) 11. 初雪(The First Snowflakes) 12. 春野(ONE DAY IN SPRING) 13. 晨曲 14. 万里行 《背景音乐之旅—优美之音》 1. 达依女士 2. 祈盼黎明 3. 瓦妮莎的微笑 4. 玫瑰色的人生 5. 水边的阿狄丽娜 6. 橄榄项链 7. 暖阳 8. LEGENDS OF THE GODDESS 9. 帕格尼尼狂想曲 10. 比特里克斯 11. 安妮的歌 12. 幽默曲 13. 嘉禾舞曲 14. F小调瞬间音乐 唱歌可以缓解压力吗? 我想可以的,特别是你是喜欢唱歌的人。。。当然是和朋友出去
2023-07-21 14:22:081


求大神给适合婚礼上播放的英文歌曲有哪些? Bruno Mars的marry you,Taylor Swift 的love story,个人觉得黄老板的thinking out loud 啊等等 请大家推荐一下适合在婚礼上播放的英文歌曲 这些你都听听吧,呵呵,一般结婚很多人都会播放“今天你要嫁给我”啦,呵呵,感觉这首听着很幸福呢。下面是英文的,时间问题,自己复制名字去试听吧。 We Can Work It Out When The Angels Sing What I"ve been looking for Love is color blind If a song could get me you You are the music in me The Salater Room Anyone of us You Make Me Wanna Read my mind it happens everytime Just Want You to Know Mermaid song One True Flame Destiny I need love The tide is high Far away from home A thousand miles Five days Johnny All about you Always getting over you ei yo Creepin"up on you as long as you love me heyah mama Disguise Eternal flame white house First Love when there was me and you All rise Love story Start of Something New Hey Juliet Girl In Your Dreams I"ll meet you there I"m Just A Little Bit Shy Jambalaya Floating Off The Ground Nothing In The World New Soul One Less Lonely Girl Open Your Eyes perfect moment save your kisses for me sky diver With You - Chris Brown best in me Stuck In the Moment valder fields We"re all in this together Will You Dance Air traffic another day 求很甜蜜的英文歌曲,很适合在婚礼上播放 朴慧京-a lover"s concerto 朴慧京-结婚 好听的婚礼歌曲。 钢琴曲:1 梦中的婚礼 2 爱的喜悦 3 爱的旋律 4爱的协奏曲 其他歌曲:1 nothing can change my love 2 because i love you 3 Wedding March 4 婚礼进行曲(走红地毯) 5 La provence 6 paint my love 7 王力宏-唯一 婚礼上播放粤语歌曲有哪些 适合婚礼的粤语 如果是国语我觉得《i 懂》真心不错!粤语我想到几首,谭嘉仪版本的《陪着你走》比较甜蜜,张国荣的为你钟情比较忧伤! 求推荐适合婚礼上播放的中英文歌曲各5首,抒情浪漫温馨一些的,谢谢! 今天我要嫁给你 最浪漫的事 约定 王菲:我愿意 出嫁 你的名字我的姓氏 promise don not e easy can you celebrate 陈慧琳《love paradise 》 宇多田光 《stay gold》 can t s love 网易云音乐上有哪些适合婚礼上播放的歌曲 1.我们结婚吧 2.咱们结婚吧 3.今天你要嫁给我啦 4.My Love 5.我只在乎你 等等,想到再追评 适合在婚宴上播放的英文歌曲 艾薇儿< could this be love> <just a kiss> Lucky - Jason Mraz&colbie Caillat. <Pretty Woman> Avril Lavigne - I Will Be. 推荐20首适合婚礼上播放的浪漫歌曲,英文和韩文为主。 Kiss The Rain 悲伤类型适合感人唯美场景的渲染 慢镜头解释、(钢琴为主) Sad Run *** 型适合工作,运动等有节奏感向上的场景 (城市猎人) The Dawn 常用的魔兽视频制作音乐,魔幻色彩浓重 (常见魔兽视频) Lost good things 衔接转变场景类型音乐 尤其小提琴部分 有转换点(头文字D电影版) you and me 间奏部分 童声,欢快,回忆 (小情人插曲) 天空之城 钢琴小提琴 电影同名音乐 忧伤 宿命 感人 流动的城市-林海-钢琴 节奏轻快 谱写现代人城市生活的诗意乐章 节奏和城市的时间有关联 3个部分 月光边境-林海-钢琴 幽静流畅静态景物描述 卡农 欢快节奏 庆祝类 比较常见的场景背景音乐 The Magnificent Seven 常用作颁奖典礼等一些活动暖场音乐 Simple Gifts 比较适合庄重场面的暖场音乐 Snow dreams 班得瑞被应用最多的一首曲子 多用于说话时的渲染 Childhood Memory 轻音乐多用于回忆的场面 Could This Be Love 艾薇儿婚礼背景音乐 很多推荐感觉很一般 枉凝眉 中国风的古典 歌舞的背景配乐 On the radio 节奏感强烈 比较适合无脑描写现在生活的 Two Hornpipes 欢快场景 舞曲 交响乐 Drink Up Me Hearties 激昂雄壮 战争场面描写 加勒比海盗主要场景音乐 he"s a pirate 节奏感强 有层次感觉 运动场面描写 davy jones 伤感向雄壮递进类型的 黎明前得黑暗类 Breaking Free 歌舞青春 校园生活类 阳光朝气 When there was me and you 校园爱情类歌曲 甜蜜派 I don"t dance 适合舞曲工作场景 情人的眼泪-伴奏 一个陌生女人的来信-琵琶语 爱情 宿命 … 全是我自己整理的 再推荐一首what are words 大家可以介绍些婚礼上可以播放的英文歌曲吗? 看看这个:v.youku./v_show/id_XMTA4MjUxNzQ0.歌曲是chris brown的forever 还有Robbie Williams的let love be your energy 婚礼上适合放的抒情英文歌 wonderfui night 方大同 pretty boy my heart will go on
2023-07-21 14:22:141


2023-07-21 14:22:235


好多人 我没希望了 路过..
2023-07-21 14:22:437


中:人们在端午节通常吃什么?英:What do people usually eat on the Dragon Boat Festival?重点词汇释义人们people; men; the public; humanity; folk; wananchi; everybody; we; one端午节the Dragon Boat Festival通常general; usual; normal; typically; commonly; mostly; more often than not; as often as not; for the most part什么anything; something
2023-07-21 14:23:123

和childhood memory 差不多感觉的歌曲

2023-07-21 14:23:562


【 #三年级# 导语】父亲节(Father"s Day),顾名思义是感恩父亲的节日。约始于二十世纪初,起源于美国,现已广泛流传于世界各地,节日日期因地域而存在差异。最广泛的日期在每年6月的第三个星期日,世界上有52个国家和地区是在这一天过父亲节。以下是 整理的《小学三年级父亲节英语作文五篇》相关资料,希望帮助到您。 1.小学三年级父亲节英语作文   There are so many people talking about how much their mother love them, whereas seldom people realize how much love their father give them.   In fact, fathers love is as strong as mothers, but normally, fathers are not very good of expressing their feelings. Fathers love is deep and silent, thats why most people think their father love them less.   If you carefully go through your childhood memory, you will notice your father is always there when you need them, though they never said it out loud how much they love you, fathers like a shelter when the storm coming, fathers like a door when there is danger outside, father is someone no matter how you treat him, he will choose to bear all the pressure and let you free. So please cheer for the love of father!  2.小学三年级父亲节英语作文   As Fathers Day is coming,I am writing to you to send all my best wishes for you.During the days you work outside,I miss you so much.Thank you for giving me a warm family and making me live happily.Now,I have grown up,and you dont need to worry about me any more,I can look after myself well at home.   I hope you take good care of yourself,for you know,I love you,daddy.   Happy Fathers Day,and have a good time. 3.小学三年级父亲节英语作文   My dear father,Today is Father Day,I want to say to you:“I love you !”Because you gave me life and love me.You have to in order to our home to work hard every day.I also want to say to you:“I"m sorry!”because I often make you feel angry.   I know I shouldnt do it.I promise I wont in the future.Do you remember you teach me play basketball?I want to play basketball with you.Who is winner?I think you can and I compare.   Finally,I hope you have a happy Father Day.I love you forever. 4.小学三年级父亲节英语作文   Today is father"s day on June 20. I want to say to Dad, Dad, you have been working hard. It has been five years since kindergarten. You sent me in the morning and picked me up in the evening. You never stop until you have something to do.   In life, as long as I want anything, you will satisfy me and never say you cant buy one. Sometimes when I dont perform well, when I"m careless in my study, you will scold me. I know you are doing it for me. You always tell me to be a good, polite, sensible, clever and filial child at home. My sister often says to my father and mother. I love you and I never dare to say to my father. Today is your day.   Today, I"d like to say to you, Dad, I love you. You are worked hard. 5.小学三年级父亲节英语作文   Yesterday was Father"s Day. I had planned to give my father a present. But I didn"t remember it until in the was too late to post a card to him. So I decided to buy something. When I was in the department store. I found it was not easy for me to choose something right for him.   Suddenly I got an idea. I ran home and opened my computer. I made a beautiful card and mailed him through the Internet. then I began to make supper. When father came home, he was very glad to find a big meal on the table. then I asked him to check his e-mail. He was amazed to find a beautiful card in his e-mail-box.   What a wonderful surprise!
2023-07-21 14:24:031


【 #父亲节# 导语】在平平淡淡的日常中,大家对作文都再熟悉不过了吧,根据写作命题的特点,作文可以分为命题作文和非命题作文。那么你知道一篇好的作文该怎么写吗?以下是 无 为大家整理的关于父亲节英语作文精选,希望能够帮助到大家。 1.关于父亲节英语作文   In 1909, living in the united states, washington spokane (spokane) of ms. du de (mrs. dodd, sonora louise smart dodd), when she was attending the main church on mother‘s day, held weeks later, ms. du de mind a the deep feelings, and she thought about: "why in this world do not have a festival to commemorate his father do?"   Ms. du de‘s mother died when she was 13-year-old year, left six children; ms. du de‘s, mr. william smart (mr. william smart), in the united states, a country in eastern washington state farms, alone, the father and mother raising six children grown up level. mr. smart participated in the american civil war, feats advertised, after the death of his wife, determined to no longer xu xian and devote herself brought up six children.   Ms. du de eldest, is the only girl at home. characteristics of women carefully, so that she could better understand the father‘s hard work; mr. smart to work hard during the day, go home at night but also take care of home with each child‘s lives. After decades of hard work has finally grown up sons and daughters, when their children look forward to a good old age make the occasion, mr. smart, mr. smart, but because of the long years of over-exertion and the sick died.   1909 that year, exactly, mr. smarr‘s death, when ms. du de attending church, mother‘s day thanksgiving weeks later, she missed particular father; until then, du defu people understand that her father in the upbringing of children during the pay love and efforts, and no less than any one of the mother‘s hard work.   Ms. du de her feelings to tell the church rasmus (rev. rasmus), she hoped to have a special day, to pay tribute to the great, mr. smart, and can the whole world to commemorate the g great father.   Rasmus, after listening to the story, mr. smart, mr. smart deeply touched by the spirit and the love that he praised and supported ms. du de would like to promote the "father‘s day" efforts. So ms. du de spring in 1910 began promoting the establishment of father‘s day campaign, and soon received the support of various church organizations; she then wrote a letter to the mayor and the state government to express their ideas and proposed that the combined efforts of ms. du de, the spokane mayor and governor of washington state in favor of the public, so the u.s. will be in washington june 19, 1910, held the world‘s first father‘s day gathering.   In 1924, the united states calvin coolidge (calvin coolidge) support for father‘s day become a holiday throughout the united states; in 1966, president johnson (lyndon johnson) announced in june that year the first three sundays, that is, mr. smart‘s birthday month father‘s day for the united states; 1972, u.s. president richard nixon (richard nixon) signed the official documents, will be the third sunday in june each year, set for father‘s day throughout the united states and become a permanent state-designated the anniversary of the united states.   In 1966, president lyndon b. johnson (lyndon johnson) signed a presidential proclamation declaring the third year in june as father‘s day sunday. father‘s day has become not only his father, as well as words and deeds, such as the father of all men - including the stepfather, uncle, uncle, peter, uncle, grandfather, grandfather and adult male friends - by the glory of the festival‘s official section of father‘s day flower is white roses or red roses. Haddad‘s wife suggested that people in his father‘s day, to honor the father of the deceased to wear a white rose, for the glory of his father alive, wearing red roses. 2.关于父亲节英语作文   There is always a brilliant image living in my heart. That is my dear father. Seen through the eyes of many other people, father seems to be a very ordinary person. But he is quite extraordinary in my eyes, I have never lost my wonder at his good-personalities such as diligence, devotion, care, optimism ever since my childhood.   Being a farmer, father works very hard in the fields all the year round. He works from dawn till dusk every day and even till midnight when it is the harvest season. He seldom enjoys leisure with other farmers even if the farm work is not much. He chooses to live a busy life with reluctance to stop for a while.   Father devotes all himself to our family. As we are poor, he always tries his best to support our family and afford the tuitions for my brother and me. For the whole family, for brother and me, he never stops working laboriously in the fields throughout the year. Now he has got a wrinkled face and white hair because of excessive hard work, looking much older and weaker than any other person of his age. In spite of all this, father never complains to us. It is his full devotion that we‘re living a better life now. It is his full devotion that both my brother and I are able to study at college.   Father shows much care to us children and my mother as well. Whenever there is any delicious food on the table, he just leaves it to us while he takes the simple one himself. If my brother and I fall ill, he will not hessitate a moment to get some medicine for us or take us to see the doctor. My mother suffers a bad disease. Father looks after her very carefully. He never lets mother do any heavy work both at home and in the field. Mother appreciates him m much that she often praises him as a model husband before others.   Father is a person full of optimism. He never complains about our poor life. He is never frustrated by trouble. He often tells us that everything will be all right if we have enough confidence in life. Due to his optimism, we are all confident to face our life and work.   We all think that father is not in the least an ordinary man. He plays an extraordinary role in my family. We can‘t have anything without him. Now I‘m pursuing further studies at college far away from father. I miss him very much. And I often see him in my dreams. His great image is deeply carved in my mind. 3.关于父亲节英语作文   My father is a nice man. He likes to play computer games. He is an owner of a factory which produces many things .He is good at designing. He works very hard. I love him very much because, sometimes, I can help him to do something in his factory .He is always on business trips because he has his business everywhere so it takes up too much of his time . Therefore, he doesn"t have any time to play with me but I don"t blame him for that. I often spend a lot of my time on the computer, so I have something to do. My mother is usually on the phone and tells my father to get home early but my father doesn"t listen to her. So my mother and I sometimes are upset and I don"t like my father in a sense that he always gets home late.   I love my father but not his job! 4.关于父亲节英语作文   There are so many people talking about how much their mother love them, whereas seldom people realize how much love their father give them.   In fact, fathers love is as strong as mothers, but normally, fathers are not very good of expressing their feelings. Fathers love is deep and silent, thats why most people think their father love them less.   If you carefully go through your childhood memory, you will notice your father is always there when you need them, though they never said it out loud how much they love you, fathers like a shelter when the storm coming, fathers like a door when there is danger outside, father is someone no matter how you treat him, he will choose to bear all the pressure and let you free. So please cheer for the love of father! 5.关于父亲节英语作文 Dear Dad,   Today is fathers day, for so many years Ive been seekig a way to express my heartfelt thanks for all you have done for me. Here comes it!   Thank you for always being there sharing my life when I need you most. Whenever I encounter difficulties, I never feel alone and vulnerable, because you will keep me on the right path. Im blessed to have you.   Thank you for offering me education and teaching me how to be a man. You always inspire me not by words, but by what you have done! Your efforts in the work, your loyalty to your friends, your responsibility for the family and your persistence in the life have already set me good examples in my own life.   Thank you for always appreciating my work, no matter how tiny it is! You have made me realize that its capacity not scores that really counts.   Dad, I love you and I will love you forever!   Yours beloved,   Li Ming
2023-07-21 14:24:101

幼时记趣 翻译

Childhood Memory
2023-07-21 14:24:199

贝多芬的 童年的回忆 钢琴曲

2023-07-21 14:24:422

求班得瑞Childhood memory的歌词,跪求

Have you seen my Childhood? 你可见过我的童年 I"m searching for the world that I come from 我正在寻觅自己生命的本源 "Cause I"ve been looking around 因为我曾在身边找遍 In the lost and found of my heart... 也陷入过心灵的得失之间 No one understands me 了解我的人仍未出现 They view it as such strange eccentricities... 人们认为我做着古怪的表演 "Cause I keep kidding around 只因我总显出出孩子般的一面 Like a child, but pardon me... 但请对我宽容一点 People say I"m not okay 有人说我不正常很明显 "Cause I love such elementary things... 就因为我对简单自然的爱恋 It"s been my fate to compensate, 补偿我从未有过的童年 for the Childhood 却是注定的命运 I"ve never known... 摆在我的面前 Have you seen my Childhood? 你可见过我的童年 I"m searching for that wonder in my youth 我正在寻觅儿时的欢乐瞬间 Like pirates and adventurous dreams, 比如海盗和征服冒险 Of conquest and kings on the throne... 宝座上的国王你是否也曾梦见 Before you judge me, try hard to love me, 请试着喜欢我,在你对我做出判断之前 Look within your heart then ask, 审视你的内心,向自己发问 Have you seen my Childhood? 你可见过我的童年 People say I"m strange that way 有人说我有奇特的表现 "Cause I love such elementary things, 就因为我对简单自然的爱恋 It"s been my fate to compensate, 补偿我从未有过的童年 for the Childhood 却是注定的命运 I"ve never known... 摆在我的面前 Have you seen my Childhood? 你可见过我的童年 I"m searching for that wonder in my youth 我正在寻觅儿时的欢乐瞬间 Like fantastical stories to share 好像分享幻想故事还有神仙 The dreams I would dare, watch me fly... 我那些大胆的梦想啊,看我飞上了蓝天 Before you judge me, try hard to love me. 请试着喜欢我,在你对我做出判断之前 The painful youth I"ve had 我痛苦的儿时记忆仍在绵延 Have you seen my Childhood.... 你可见过我的童年
2023-07-21 14:25:061

谁知道这首歌的完整歌词啊!Childhood Memory 童年 (班得瑞专辑)

secret garden - song from a secret garden神秘园之歌july - my soul 忧伤还是快乐escala - children
2023-07-21 14:25:143

childhood Memory的歌词(文字)

Have you seen my Childhood? 你可见过我的童年 I"m searching for the world that I come from 我正在寻觅自己生命的本源 "Cause I"ve been looking around 因为我曾在身边找遍 In the lost and found of my heart... 也陷入过心灵的得失之间 No one understands me 了解我的人仍未出现 They view it as such strange eccentricities... 人们认为我做着古怪的表演 "Cause I keep kidding around 只因我总显出出孩子般的一面 Like a child, but pardon me... 但请对我宽容一点 People say I"m not okay 有人说我不正常很明显 "Cause I love such elementary things... 就因为我对简单自然的爱恋 It"s been my fate to compensate, 补偿我从未有过的童年 for the Childhood 却是注定的命运 I"ve never known... 摆在我的面前 Have you seen my Childhood? 你可见过我的童年 I"m searching for that wonder in my youth 我正在寻觅儿时的欢乐瞬间 Like pirates and adventurous dreams, 比如海盗和征服冒险 Of conquest and kings on the throne... 宝座上的国王你是否也曾梦见 Before you judge me, try hard to love me, 请试着喜欢我,在你对我做出判断之前 Look within your heart then ask, 审视你的内心,向自己发问 Have you seen my Childhood? 你可见过我的童年 People say I"m strange that way 有人说我有奇特的表现 "Cause I love such elementary things, 就因为我对简单自然的爱恋 It"s been my fate to compensate, 补偿我从未有过的童年 for the Childhood 却是注定的命运 I"ve never known... 摆在我的面前 Have you seen my Childhood? 你可见过我的童年 I"m searching for that wonder in my youth 我正在寻觅儿时的欢乐瞬间 Like fantastical stories to share 好像分享幻想故事还有神仙 The dreams I would dare, watch me fly... 我那些大胆的梦想啊,看我飞上了蓝天 Before you judge me, try hard to love me. 请试着喜欢我,在你对我做出判断之前 The painful youth I"ve had 我痛苦的儿时记忆仍在绵延 Have you seen my Childhood.... 你可见过我的童年
2023-07-21 14:25:211

一篇英语作文“childhood memory”字数不限

Like many children, I had a happy childhood under the care and love of my parents. My mother took me to the kindergarten and home every day. I thought mother was so kind and healthy that she would never get sick. But one day, my father went to the kindergarten to get me back. I asked, "Why doesn"t my mother come?""She is sick, and she is in hospital. "said Father. I felt sad and frightened. Then I began to cry. "Don"t cry or mother would worry. You should be a good child." I seemed to understand my mother was too tired. I made up my mind I would look after my mother from then on.
2023-07-21 14:25:311

一篇英语作文“childhood memory”字数不限

Like many children, I had a happy childhood under the care and love of my parents. My mother took me to the kindergarten and home every day. I thought mother was so kind and healthy that she would never get sick.But one day, my father went to the kindergarten to get me back. I asked, "Why doesn"t my mother come?""She is sick, and she is in hospital. "said Father. I felt sad and frightened. Then I began to cry. "Don"t cry or mother would worry. You should be a good child." I seemed to understand my mother was too tired. I made up my mind I would look after my mother from then on.
2023-07-21 14:25:411

跪求童年childhood memory的 单簧管谱

2023-07-21 14:25:481

求 班德瑞 的资料以及所有专辑名称 谢谢

他们好像是瑞士的我有他们全套CD一共八张梦花园,仙境,日光海岸,寂 静森林。。。。。。。。。。太多了,记不得,不过很不错
2023-07-21 14:25:583

Childhood Memory 的长笛谱哪有啊 谢谢

ri 在百度查
2023-07-21 14:26:051


《背景音乐之旅-爱情之歌》1. 阿兰蒂斯之恋(ARANJUEZ MON AUOUR)2. 爱的纪念(SOUVENIRS D"ENFANCE)3. 爱的罗曼史(Romance De Amor)4. 爱的协奏曲(CONCERTO POUR UNR JEUNE FILLE NOMMEE)5. 爱的协奏曲6. 爱之梦(LIEBESTRAUM)7. 今晚为爱祝贺8. 蓝色的爱(LOVE IS BLUE)9. 罗密欧与朱丽叶(ROMEO & JULIA)10. 梦中的婚礼(MARIAGE D" AMOUR)11. 你是爱(You Are Love)12. 情书(LOVELETTER TO YOU)13. 伤心的爱(HEARTBREAK LOVE)14. 致爱丽丝(FOR ELISE)《背景音乐之旅-静谧之曲》1. Windancer2. 安妮的仙境(Annie"s Wonderland)3. 巴格达之星(Star Of Baghdad)4. 感觉静谧5. 蝴蝶犬(Papillon)6. 卡布里的月光(moonlight of capri)7. 梦里的故事(HISTOIRE D"UN REVE)8. 柔板(Adagio)9. 小曲(Passacaglia)10. 星空(LYPHARD MELODY)11. 摇篮曲(Tim"s Lullaby)12. 摇篮曲(勃拉姆斯版)13. 摇篮曲(舒伯特版)14. 月光奏鸣曲(Piano Spnata)《背景音乐之旅-恢弘之章》1. 奥林匹克鼓号曲2. 布兰诗歌3. 查拉图斯特拉如是说4. 出埃及记(Exodus)5. 大明宫词-序曲6. 豪勇七蛟龙(The Magnificent Seven)7. 火之战车(CHARIOTS OF FIRE)8. 拉德斯基进行曲9. 乱世佳人10. 小号进行曲11. 星球大战主题曲12. 行星组曲13. 英雄的黎明14. 与狼共舞主题曲《背景音乐之旅-感人之声》1. 给母亲的信(LETTRE A MA MERE)2. 故乡的原风景3. 泪花(TEARS)4. 流动(Flowing)5. 绿色通道(GERRN SHANNEL)6. 你的笑颜(Your Smile)7. 神秘园之歌(Song From A Secret Garden)8. 宋家王朝(THE SOONG SISTER)9. 童年(Childhood Memory)10. 希腊计划11. 雪的梦幻(Snowdreams)12. 远处的星光(STARLIGHT AFAR)13. 月亮门(Moon gate)14. 再见警察(goodbye)《背景音乐之旅-久仰之乐》1. CCTV动物世界片头曲(Just Blue)2. CCTV动物世界片尾曲(we stay)3. CCTV对话主题曲(One Man"s Dream)4. CCTV今日说法片头曲(Presence of the Moment)5. CCTV今日说法片尾音乐(Igniting the World)6. 阿罕布拉宫的回忆(Recuerdos de la Alhambra)7. 爱的筵席(LOVE SONGS FEAST)8. 和兰花在一起(With an orchid)9. 简单的礼物(Simple Gifts)10. 溜冰圆舞曲11. 威廉退尔12. 巡逻兵进行曲(American Patrol)13. 夜莺(Nightingale)14. 渔舟唱晚《背景音乐之旅-自然之韵》1. 秋的喁语(A COMME AMOUR)2. 灿烂之美(BEAUTIFUL BURN)3. 绿袖子(GREENS SLEEVES)4. 绿色阁(GREEN HOUSE)5. 印地安之梦(INDIAN DREAM)6. 柔如彩虹(COULEUR TENDRESSE)7. 苗岭的早晨8. 风的色彩(COLORS OF THE WIND)9. 百鸟朝凤10. 宛如小河淌水(LITTBE RIVER)11. 初雪(The First Snowflakes)12. 春野(ONE DAY IN SPRING)13. 晨曲14. 万里行《背景音乐之旅-优美之音》1. 达依女士2. 祈盼黎明3. 瓦妮莎的微笑4. 玫瑰色的人生5. 水边的阿狄丽娜6. 橄榄项链7. 暖阳8. LEGENDS OF THE GODDESS9. 帕格尼尼狂想曲10. 比特里克斯11. 安妮的歌12. 幽默曲13. 嘉禾舞曲14. F小调瞬间音乐
2023-07-21 14:26:261


Bandari - Childhood Memory
2023-07-21 14:26:381


ood of expressing their feelings. Father"s love is deep and silent, that"s why most people think their father love them less. If you carefully go through your childhood memory, you will notice your father is always there when you need them, though they never said it out loud how much they love you, father"s like a shelter when
2023-07-21 14:26:472


There are so many people talking about how much their mother love them,whereas seldom people realize how much love their father give them.In fact,father"s love is as strong as mother"s,but normally,fathers are not very good of expressing their feelings.Father"s love is deep and silent,that"s why most people think their father love them less.If you carefully go through your childhood memory,you will notice your father is always there when you need them,though they never said it out loud how much they love you,father"s like a shelter when the storm coming,father"s like a door when there is danger outside,father is someone no matter how you treat him,he will choose to bear all the pressure and let you free.So please cheer for the love of father!许多人谈论他们的母亲如何爱他们,但是很少有人意识到父亲给了他们多少的爱.实际上,父亲的爱和母亲的爱一样强烈,但是通常父亲不是很善于表达他们的情感.父亲的爱是深沉宁静的,这就是为什么大多数人认为他们的父亲爱他们爱得少一些.如果你们仔细想想你们的童年,你们会发现,尽管父亲从不大声说出他们多爱你们,但是当你们需要他们的时候他们总会在那里.父亲是风暴来临时的避风港,父亲是外面世界危险时的家门,父亲就是那个不管你怎么对待他,他都会选择忍受一切压力而让你自由的人.所以请为父亲的爱而喝彩吧!
2023-07-21 14:26:571


  我也那天考 所以搜集了一些资料 也都是网上找来的  PAT的写作预测  1 Some people think high school students should be encouraged to evaluate their teachers, but others think it will result in loss of respect and discipline in classrooms. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.  2 Children who are brought up in families that do not have large amounts of money are better prepared to deal with the problem of adult life than children who are brought up by wealthy parents. Do you agree or disagree?  3 There is not enough respect for the elderly people. What are the causes and what are your solutions?  4 People should learn history in order to solve present problems. Do you agree or disagree?  5 The government is responsible for protecting a nation"s cultural identity. Thus, some people believe new buildings should be built in traditional styles. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?  6 People who move to a new country should accept the new culture as their own. To what extent do you agree or disagree?  7 Many governments spend vast sums of money on self-defense. Some people think they should spend the money on reducing poverty and other disadvantages rather than on weapons. To what extent do you agree?  8With the sweeping trend of globalization, there are more immigrants than ever.Some people think immigrants should adopt the new culture as their own while others think they should keep their own cultural identity. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.  9 The only way to improve safety on the road is to give driving offenders stricter punishment. Do you agree or disagree?  10 We have developed into a “throw-away” society and fill our environment with plastic bags and rubbish that we can not fully dispose of. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion and what measures do you think should be taken to solve this problem  Libraries should only provide books instead of providing software and DVDs as well. To what extent do you agree?  我在杭州环球学的雅思 我们写作老师的预测  1月23日雅思写作预测  栾杰 发布日期:2010-01-19  新的一年又开始了,希望烤鸭们都取得理想的成绩。我们共同努力。  2010年1月23日的小作文要关注流程图和柱图,流程要多看看地图题。注意要写图与图的对比。大作文重点在教育和环境类。其中广告,交通和老年人的小话题也要看看。要留心原因措施类的文章。  1月23日具体的预测如下:  大范围话题方面:  乡村工作  Some children in rural places cannot have good schools and medical facilities. To improve this situation, some people suggest that new teachers and doctors should be sent to rural places for several years. Others, however, believe every one has the free right to choose where to work. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.  教育方面  学校功能  Some people think the main purpose of schools is to turn the children into good citizens and workers, rather than to benefit them as individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?  国际新闻  Some people think secondary students should study international news as a school subject, but others argue that it is a waste of their valuable school time. What"s your opinion?  学习方法  Some people think that students should be organized into groups to study, while others argue that students should be made to study alone What are the benefits of each study method and which one do you think is more effective?  评价老师  In order to improve the quality of education, high school students should be encouraged to evaluate and criticize their teachers, but some people think it will result in loss of respect and discipline in classroom. Discuss both views and give your opinion.  大学生失业问题  In many countries, more and more young people are leaving schools and unable to find jobs after graduation. What problems do you think youth unemployment will cause to the individual and the society? Give reasons and make some suggestions.  环境方面:  环境保护  Some people believe that individuals can not improve environment, but only governments and big companies can make a difference. To what extend do you agree or disagree?  能源危机  Development of countries leads to increasing demand for energy fuel, such as petrol and coal. What dangers might this lead to? Are there any solutions to deal with this problem?  一次性社会  Many people say that we have developed into a “throw-away” culture, because we are filling up our environment with so many plastic bags and rubbish that we cannot fully dispose of. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion and what measures can be taken to reduce this problem?  小话题方面:  广告目的  Advertising encourages consumers to buy in quantity rather than in quality. To what extent do you agree or disagree?  老龄化社会  In a modern society, it has been observed in some countries that old people are not respected. Discuss the reasons why this has occurred and the effects it might have on our society.  传媒对文化的影响  Exposure to international media, e.g. films, TV and magazines, has an impact on the local culture. To what extent do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?  51的写作写作  Task 1.图表作文关注饼状图和柱状图,流程图也有必要看下。  Task 2.  1.Some people think the university education function should prepare the students for employment, but others believe universities education can offer many other functions.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.  2.Now because of the improved technology communication and transport,people can choose anywhere to live or work. Do you think it is good? Do its advantages outweigh the disadvantage?  3.More and more students are choosing to study in another country for higher education. Do the benefits outweigh the drawbacks?(immigrants)  4.Some people believe that the best way to improve public health is by increasing the number of sports facilities. Others think that this has little effect and other measures are required. Discuss both views and give your opinion.  5.Nowadays, many charities and organisations have to publicise their activilities by giving a name to a particular day, such as National Children"s day for encouraging treatment of children, National Non-smoking Day for encouraging people to give up smoking.  Why do these charities and organisations do so?  How effective can these special days be?  6.Society is based on rules and laws. It could not function if individuals were free to do whatever they wanted. To what exteet do you agree or disagree?  7.Some people believe that improving public health should increase the number of sports facilities. Others hold that it has little effects and needs other measures to improve it. Discuss both sides and show your opinions.  8.Many governments spend vast sums of money on self-defense. Some people think they should spend the money on reducing poverty and other disadvantages rather than on weapons. To what extent do you agree?  9.Children who are brought up in families that do not have large amounts of money are better prepared to deal with the problem of adult life than children who are brought up by wealthy parents. Do you agree or disagree?  10.Some people think high school students should be encouraged to evaluate their teachers, but others think it will result in loss of respect and discipline in classrooms. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.  11.Some people think that the range of technology available to individuals makes the increasing of gaps between rich people and poor people. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?  预测  王东博客口语预测  PAT博客口语预测  这个是那个原来口语考官CHRIS他网站上的口语预测  98. A Conversation You Had (May 9, 2009)  199. An Electrical/Electronic Product (May 9, 2009)  200. A Film (4) (May 9, 2009)  Page 41  201. A Job (May 9, 2009)  202. A Leisure Activity (May 9, 2009)  203. A Newspaper or Magazine Article (May 9, 2009)  204. A Party (Apr. 25, 2009)  205. A Picnic or Outdoor Meal (May 9, 2009)  Page 42  206. A Trip (May 9, 2009)  207. A Place with a Lot of Water (2) (May 9, 2009)  208. A Science Lesson (May 9, 2009)  209. An Exciting Sport (May 9, 2009)  210. Someone Who Gave You Important Help (May 9, 2009)  Page 43  211. A Recent Happy Event (2) (May 9, 2009)  212216. A Small Shop (Sept 5, 2009) Still in Use. A Happy Childhood Memory (2) (May 9, 2009)  229. A Book You Enjoyed as a Child (2) (Nov 14, 2009)  230. Your Favourite Subject at School (2) (Nov 14, 2009)  Page 47  231. A Special Meal (2) (Oct 31, 2009)  232. An Old Person (Nov 14, 2009)  233. A Person who has Visited your Home (2) (Nov 14, 2009)  234. Something You Made by Hand (2) (Nov 14, 2009)  235. A City you have Visited or Lived In (Oct 31, 2009)  Page 48  236. A Letter or Card You Received (Oct 31, 2009)  237. The Latest Book You Have Read (2) (Nov 14, 2009)  240. An Old Thing in Your Family (Oct 31, 2009)  Page 49  241. A Public Event (2) (Nov 21, 2009)  242. A Journey with Your Friends (Dec. 3, 2009)  Probably (很可能) the following topics will continue to be used during the month of January before finally being retired in early February:  8. A Friend (Probably no longer used)  10. An Exhibition (Probably no longer used)  11. A Work Of Art (Probably no longer used  22. Future Work Plans (1) (Probably no longer used  33. A Photograph That You Like (Probably no longer used)  30. A Childhood Friend (Probably no longer used)  44. A Person You Visited (Probably no longer used)  79. A Business Near Your Home (February 3, 2007) (Probably no longer used)  67. Clothes (October 28, 2006) (Probably no longer used)  81. Art or Music (February 10, 2007) (Probably no longer used  91. A Person You Enjoy Talking With (May 19, 2007) (Probably no longer used)  97. Future Work Plans (2) (May 19, 2007) (Probably no longer used)  98. A Small Business You Would Like to Own (2) (May 19, 2007) (Probably no longer used)  110. A Photograph (2) (July 7, 2007) (Probably no longer used)  118. An Artistic Activity (Aug. 11, 2007) (Probably no longer used)  127. A Project or Homework Assignment (Oct. 13, 2007) (Probably no longer used)  133. A Teenager You Know (Jan 10, 2008) (Probably no longer used)  123. A School Friend (Sept. 1, 2007) (Probably no longer used)  136. A Place where People Listen to Music (Jan 10, 2008) (Probably no longer used)  150. An Organization (May 10, 2008) (Probably no longer used)  161. A Photograph (3) (July 12, 2008) (Probably no longer used)  165. Clothing for Special Occasions (Sept. 6, 2008) (Probably no longer used)  167. A Work of Art (2) (Sept. 6, 2008) (Probably no longer used)  177. Your Best Friend (Sept. 6, 2008) (Probably no longer used)  186. A Childhood Song or Melody (Jan. 10, 2009)  194. A Future Change (Jan. 10, 2009)  Course You Would Like to Take (Jan. 10, 2009)  听力阅读什么预测的3G 无忧上都有 搜下就能搜到了  其实预测很多 就挑着看吧  还有这分数也忒少了吧 我就当是为考试攒下人品算了=_=
2023-07-21 14:27:071


1 安妮的仙境 班得瑞 仙境 2 故乡的原风景 宗次郎 3 雪之梦 班得瑞 莱茵河波影 4 雨的印记 yiruma 5 琵琶语 林海 琵琶相 6 童年 班得瑞 日光海岸 7 忧伤还是快乐 纯音乐 8 天空之城 宫崎骏 宫崎骏动漫原声音乐 9 春野 班得瑞 春野 10 秋日私语 理查德·克莱德曼 现代钢琴曲 11 梦中的婚礼 理查德·克莱德曼 水边的阿狄丽娜 12 风居住的街道 矶村由纪子 13 the truth that you leave pianoboy 14 水边的阿狄丽娜 理查德·克莱德曼 水边的阿狄丽娜 15 天空之城 久石让 16 星空 理查德·克莱德曼 星空 17 英雄的黎明 纯音乐 18 初雪 班得瑞 莱茵河波影 19 月光 班得瑞 日光海岸 20 蓝色的爱 理查德·克莱德曼 命运 21 我在那一角落患过伤风 冯曦妤 a little love 22 假如爱有天意 卡洛儿 一尘不染 23 天空之城 24 和兰花在一起 纯音乐 25 爱的纪念 理查德·克莱德曼 现代钢琴曲 26 卡农 27 仙境 班得瑞 维也纳森林 28 秋日的私语 理查德·克莱德曼 命运 29 献给爱丽丝 理查德·克莱德曼 命运 30 kiss the rain 31 卡农 游学志 陶笛飞行船 32 summer 久石让 joe hisaishi meets kitano films 33 神秘园之歌 神秘园 34 清晨 班得瑞 阿尔卑斯巡礼 35 childhood memory 班得瑞 36 river flows in you yiruma 37 千与千寻 宫崎骏 宫崎骏动漫原声音乐 38 神秘园 潇蕾蕾 潇蕾蕾原创作品集 39 罗密欧与朱丽叶 理查德·克莱德曼 命运 40 song from a secret garden secret garden the ultimate secret garden 41 雨中漫步 白日梦 白日梦 42 the glorious death 冯曦妤 如果...阳光 43 月光边境 林海 月光边境 44 your smile bandari 恋爱spa 45 雪千寻 东方不败 东方不败之风云再起 46 睡莲 47 only time enya the very best of enya 48 variations on the kanon by pachelbel george winston 四季演奏音乐会 49 月光 50 夏日华尔兹 班得瑞 琉璃湖畔 51 蓝色多瑙河 52 变幻之风 班得瑞 仙境 53 tears 54 再见 无间道 无间道Ⅲ-终极无间 55 the truth that you leave 很好听,带点小忧伤。 56 kiss the rain 很熟悉的旋律 57 sleepless beauty
2023-07-21 14:27:335

童年的记忆-A Memory of My Childhood

My childhood was ha y with my mother"s love. In my young heart, my mother was strong and healthy, and never got sick. She took me to the kindergarten and home every day, in ite of rain and wind.   But one day, after we got home from the kindergarten, my mother went into the bedroom and stayed in bed. I didn"t know what had ha ened. I sat beside her and wanted to cry. My mother said to me, "It doe "t matter, mum has only a stomachache. I will be all right after a while." Although mother said so, I found tears in her eyes because of pain. At that time I knew adults also got ill and cried. I decided I would take care of my mother from then on.   在妈妈的呵护下,我的童年是快乐的。在我幼小的心灵中,妈妈强壮健康,永远不会生病。无论是下雨还是刮风,她每天带我在幼儿园和家之间穿梭。   但是有一天,我们从幼儿园回来后,妈妈进屋就躺在了床上。我禾知道发生什么了,坐在她旁边想哭。妈妈对我说:“没关系,妈妈只是胃疼,一会就会好。”虽然妈妈这么说,但我发现了她疼得眼中含着眼泪。那个时候我才知道大人也会生病,也会哭的。从那时起我决定要照顾妈妈。   Like many children, I had a ha y childhood under the care and love of my parents. My mother took me to the kindergarten and home every day. I thought mother was so kind and healthy that she would never get sick.   But one day, my father went to the kindergarten to get me back. I asked, "Why doe "t my mother come?""She is sick, and she is in ho ital. "said Father. I felt sad and frightened. Then I began to cry. "Don"t cry or mother would worry. You should be a good child." I seemed to understand my mother was too tired. I made up my mind I would look after my mother from then on.   像许多孩子一样,在父母的关心和呵护下我有一个快乐的童年。妈妈每天带我在幼儿园和家之间穿梭。我认为妈妈是那么和善、健康,永远不会生病。   但是一天,是爸爸来幼儿园接我的。我问:“为什么妈妈没采?”“她病了,在医院里。”爸爸说。我感到难过和害怕,开始哭了。“别哭,否则妈妈会担心的。你应该做一个乖孩子。”我似乎懂得妈妈是太累了。从那以后我下决心要照顾妈妈
2023-07-21 14:27:461

初中英语作文:初二英语作文 Memory of My Childhood

Like many children, I had a happy childhood under the care and love of my parents. My mother took me to the kindergarten and home every day. I thought mother was so kind and healthy that she would never get sick. But one day, my father went to the kindergarten to get me back. I asked, "Why doesnu2019t my mother come?""She is sick, and she is in hospital. "said Father. I felt sad and frightened. Then I began to cry. "Donu2019t cry or mother would worry. You should be a good child." I seemed to understand my mother was too tired. I made up my mind I would look after my mother from then on. 《初中英语作文:初二英语作文 Memory of My Childhood》由liuxue86.com我整理
2023-07-21 14:28:041


2023-07-21 14:28:158

初中英语作文:童年的记忆-A Memory of My Childhood

My childhood was happy with my mother"s love. In my young heart, my mother was strong and healthy, and never got sick. She took me to the kindergarten and home every day, in spite of rain and wind.    But one day, after we got home from the kindergarten, my mother went into the bedroom and stayed in bed. I didn"t know what had happened. I sat beside her and wanted to cry. My mother said to me, "It doesn"t matter, mum has only a stomachache. I will be all right after a while." Although mother said so, I found tears in her eyes because of pain. At that time I knew adults also got ill and cried. I decided I would take care of my mother from then on. 在妈妈的呵护下,我的童年是快乐的。在我幼小的心灵中,妈妈强壮健康,永远不会生病。无论是下雨还是刮风,她每天带我在幼儿园和家之间穿梭。 但是有一天,我们从幼儿园回来后,妈妈进屋就躺在了床上。我禾知道发生什么了,坐在她旁边想哭。妈妈对我说:“没关系,妈妈只是胃疼,一会就会好。”虽然妈妈这么说,但我发现了她疼得眼中含着眼泪。那个时候我才知道大人也会生病,也会哭的。从那时起我决定要照顾妈妈。 Like many children, I had a happy childhood under the care and love of my parents. My mother took me to the kindergarten and home every day. I thought mother was so kind and healthy that she would never get sick. But one day, my father went to the kindergarten to get me back. I asked, "Why doesn"t my mother come?""She is sick, and she is in hospital. "said Father. I felt sad and frightened. Then I began to cry. "Don"t cry or mother would worry. You should be a good child." I seemed to understand my mother was too tired. I made up my mind I would look after my mother from then on. 像许多孩子一样,在父母的关心和呵护下我有一个快乐的童年。妈妈每天带我在幼儿园和家之间穿梭。我认为妈妈是那么和善、健康,永远不会生病。 但是一天,是爸爸来幼儿园接我的。我问:“为什么妈妈没采?”“她病了,在医院里。”爸爸说。我感到难过和害怕,开始哭了。“别哭,否则妈妈会担心的。你应该做一个乖孩子。”我似乎懂得妈妈是太累了。从那以后我下决心要照顾妈妈。
2023-07-21 14:28:311


2023-07-21 14:28:402

初中英语作文:Memory of My Childhood

  Like many children, I had a happy childhood under the care and love of my parents. My mother took me to the kindergarten and home every day. I thought mother was so kind and healthy that she would never get sick.   But one day, my father went to the kindergarten to get me back. I asked, "Why doesnu2019t my mother come?""She is sick, and she is in hospital. "said Father. I felt sad and frightened. Then I began to cry. "Donu2019t cry or mother would worry. You should be a good child." I seemed to understand my mother was too tired. I made up my mind I would look after my mother from then on.
2023-07-21 14:28:471


适合朗诵的背景音乐有:《故乡的原风景》、《雪的梦幻》、《童年回忆》、《风舞者》、《Summer》。一、《故乡的原风景》故乡的原风景:《神雕侠侣》多次引用,哀伤感人,缠绵悱恻,出自日本作曲家宗次郎1991年的专辑《木道》。二、《雪的梦幻》这首《雪的梦幻》(Snowdreams)出自班德瑞的《春野》这张专辑,相当经典的纯音乐,被电台和电视台使用的次数已经无法统计,常在一些关乎爱情的播讲中充当背景音乐。三、《童年回忆》《童年回忆》(Childhood Memory)出自班德瑞的《日光海岸》这张专辑。确实曲如其名,让人回想起过去的童年时光。四、《风舞者》《风舞者》,这首曲子出自神秘园的专辑《White stone》,悠扬舒畅,有品味的书店和FLASH动画都比较偏爱这首曲子。五、《Summer》《Summer》是整个电影的主题曲,译为《菊次郎的夏天》,整首曲子简单明快、清新自然、灵动而活泼,让人听来有一种十分舒心的情怀。
2023-07-21 14:28:571


Recollections of childhood
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2023-07-21 14:30:212