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Admission Office 和 Admissions Office admission加s 和 不加s 有啥区别哪个对啊?

2023-05-19 17:41:12



Admission Office 入学办公室 入院处 招生办

Admissions Office(英、美)入学许可办公室


admitting floor, nurse on floor, admitting service,admissions.的意思?医学英语?

承认地板,地板上,承认服务、 招生护士
2023-01-04 04:44:483

admissions office是什么意思

admissions office招生办公室; 招生办; 双语例句1As an assistant in the admissions office, I dealt with students, parents, alumni, and faculty.作为招生办公室的一名助理,我与学生、家长、校友和教职工打过交道。2Yeah, but why break into the admissions office?好吧,但是为什么我们要闯进招生办?
2023-01-04 04:44:591

admissions revenue什么意思

admissions revenue入场费;收益admissions[英][əd"mɪʃnz][美][əd"mɪʃnz]n.承认; 准许进入( admission的名词复数 ); 入场费; 入场券; revenue[英][ˈrevənju:][美][ˈrevənu:]n.财政收入; 税收收入; 收益; 复数:revenues易混淆单词:Revenue以上结果来自金山词霸
2023-01-04 04:45:051

admissions decisions是什么意思

  admissions decisions直译为“招生决策”。  例句:  1、Middle of December: Early Action admissions decisions are available online.  十二月中旬,Early Action同学可在网上得知录取结果。  2、Buffett applied to Harvard Business School but was turned down in what had to be one of the worst admissions decisions in Harvard history.  巴菲特曾申请哈佛商学院被拒,这后来成为哈佛历史上最糟糕的录取决定之一。  3、High school seniors anxiously awaiting admissions decisions might find that question bizarre, but recently some strenuous arguments have been leveled against the value of a college degree.  那些在焦急等待着大学录取通知书的高三学生可能会觉得这问题很怪,不过最近坊间针对大学文凭的价值,出现了种种热议。
2023-01-04 04:45:102

admissions bar什么意思/ bar 怎么翻译

admissions bar:招生酒吧 bar:酒吧 admissions bar:招生酒吧
2023-01-04 04:45:196

executive admissions什么意思

2023-01-04 04:45:442


DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL 请不要回复此邮件亲爱的Jialin,感谢你的申请,你的确认号是1640。我们的一个助理正在审查你的申请。你的申请将在接下来的两个工作日内被处理,同时你将收到一封邮件和注册时间。同时,如果你要知道如何安排一个评估事宜,评估样品问题和看到检测数据的时间表,点击评估。如果你对评估有任何问题,请拔打(323)953-4000转2264。再一次对你的委托和教育成长表示祝贺。我们希望你在LACC的时光是一生之中最好的。管理办公室
2023-01-04 04:46:022

office of admissions是什么意思

2023-01-04 04:46:104

日本AO入试 是什么意思??

AO,admissions office入试,アドミッションズ�9�9オフィス入试,入学选考部入试
2023-01-04 04:46:284

什么叫ug admissions

你好,ug admissions是指ug招生,其中UG是Unigraphics 软件的缩写词,让我简单的介绍下这个软件吧.Unigraphics 软件基于过程控制的技术,在造型﹑设计﹑分析和制造方面提供了一整套产品数字模型,已广泛用于设计和生产飞机﹑汽车﹑机械设备以及日用产品,Unigraphics是用户快速开发新产品,提高产品竞争力的一个有力的工具。说到这里你应该有个基本的了解了吧。那么学习这个软件能解决写什么问题呢?也就是目的吧,我把它再列出来:第一,能够为机械设计、数控加工及模具设计提供一套完整的设计、制造和分析方案; 第二,掌握UG参数化零件建模、装配、工程图出图和数控加工的方法和手段; 第三,能够完成包括自由曲面在内的复杂模型创建; 第四, 能够完成包括三轴铣削、4轴5轴铣削在内的典型数控加工的CAM设计,设定械控制参数; 第五,通过本课程的学习,熟悉并掌握UG软件中的常用的编程加工命令,能够利用它来对产品进行程序路径编制、生成NC代码,程序传输等。希望你学习了这个建模辅助工具后对你的事业有帮助!
2023-01-04 04:46:431

Undergraduate admissions 与 Graduate admissions的区别

Undergraduate admissions 本科招生Graduate admissions 研究生招生graduate 我们知道的最多的就是大学毕业生,大学毕业了,也就是研究生,所以graduate也有研究生的意思,那前面加了under就是研究生下面的,也就是本科生了,是英语习惯问题
2023-01-04 04:46:491

写给大学Admission Office用什么title最合适?

你不知道那个OFFICE的人的名字?最好查一下~~人家可是管招生的~你连人家名字都不知道不太好吧~~你上面列的那三种都不行~ 或者打个电话去问问~~电话里你可以不说自己是谁~~人家也可能是秘书接电话,你问下名字就好了~~
2023-01-04 04:46:554

admissions essay题目的翻译

以一片简短的作文(一页以内)陈述你要报 NSCAD University的理由。报名者应该讨论引起你们报NSCAD University的经历或是理由,也可以讨论你们希望在大学学得的技术或是希望取得的信息,和解释在你们心中NSCAD University能提供怎么样的教育以及这样的教育会通向什么道路。如果你连这样的英语都看不懂,怎么出国上大学啊?
2023-01-04 04:47:122


如果想要成功申请美国研究生,首先要有好的GRE,TOEFL和GPA,如果因为这些成绩没有达到录取要求而被拒,就太可惜了。此外,要有良好的专业背景,如专业相关的项目,课题,论文,实习等。大家需要切实了解美国学校想要录取什么样的学生,根据学校的要求进行申请,才能提高录取成功率,那么美国大学又是如何录取学生的呢?美国研究生审核录取流程一般来说,学生材料齐全后,美国研究生审核录取流程是分为三轮的:第一轮这是一个粗略的筛选过程。一般是有秘书或者是电脑软件根据院系GPA,GRE,TOEFL的最低要求来筛掉一些背景不太好的学生。第二轮等到申请截止的前两周如何去美国留学,学校的招生委员会就会正式开始处理申请。 招生委员会开始指派老师进行审核材料,进而挑选出有竞争力的学生。第三轮通过第二轮挑选出具有竞争力的学生,第三轮就会对这些学会进行详细审核。院系录取审核流程以上所说的是研究生录取审核的一般流程,录取审核是研究生招生委员会和院系的合作过程,成绩单和GT成绩首先是被研究生招生委员会审核的,接着是院系审核。院系的一些录取要求(例如:论文,WS,文书等)是由院系的招生老师审核的。1 提交网申后,admissions counselor(招生顾问)先是审核申请者的材料是否齐全?之后会发确认邮件通知材料是否齐全。一般来说,由于申请人数比较多,材料审核耗时比较长,所以早期的审核过程需花费5-21天时间。2 审核过程中所需要的非官方成绩单(unofficial trans)是由研究生院和系同时审核的。切记:如果学生被录取,学生才被要求邮寄官方成绩单(official trans)。如果在网申中没有上传非官方成绩单,学生可以直接email给学校的指定邮箱地址。3 申请者的网申信息是被研究生录取委员会和院系共享的。所以有时,院系会先审核咱们的申请,并先给出录取通知。4 对于一些学校需要进一步审核的学生,学校可能会通过面试要决定是否会录取该申请人。一般是通过Skype视频面试的方式。5 学生会先收到院系的录取邮件,然后院系推荐给研究生录取委员会,之后研究生院才会给学生发最终的录取邮件。小提示:本季的申请只能当季有效。如果想要推迟申请,需要在本学期开学前和研究生招生委员会联系沟通。
2023-01-04 04:47:212


77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139
2023-01-04 04:47:333

preliminary admissions decision notification是什么意思

preliminary admissions decision notification预录录取通知双语对照例句:1.Notification of decision on electioneering activities. 就批准进行竞选活动的决定通知。2.Bottom line: don"t get hung up on grievances, because you have no way of knowingwhy an admissions decision was made. 底线:不要因为委屈而心神不宁,因为你没办法知道录取决定是如何作出的。
2023-01-04 04:47:511


2023-01-04 04:47:577


2023-01-04 04:48:221

英语问题!China saw mounting number of museums offering free admissons to the public recently.

saw是see的过去式就是看见的意思 后边加ing是因为of是介词 admissons是因为复数加s
2023-01-04 04:48:274

“招生咨询会” 用英语怎么翻译比较好?

2023-01-04 04:48:452

请问Admissions Essay是指什么,和PS一样么

2023-01-04 04:48:533


不知道你要的是约翰霍普金斯大学哪个学院的地址,所以都给你摘了下来。University Divisions and Hospital School ofAdvanced Internatl.Studies (SAIS) SAIS1740 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.Washington, DC 20036-1983202.663.5700 Applied PhysicsLaboratory (APL) APLJohns Hopkins RoadLaurel, MD 20723-6099240.228.5000 (Washington)443.778.5000 (Baltimore) School of Arts & Sciences Arts & Sciences237 Mergenthaler Hall3400 North Charles StreetBaltimore, Maryland 21218410-516-8220 School ofBusiness Carey Business School103 Shaffer Hall3400 N. Charles StreetBaltimore, MD 21218410.516.7185 School ofEducation School of Education103 Shaffer Hall3400 N. Charles StreetBaltimore, MD 21218410.516.7185 School ofEngineering School of Engineering120 New Engineering Building3400 North Charles StreetBaltimore, Maryland 21218410.516.4050 School of Medicine School of Medicine733 North BroadwayBaltimore, MD 21205-2196410.955.5000 School of Nursing School of Nursing525 North Wolfe StreetBaltimore, MD 21205410.955.7548 Peabody Institute Peabody1 East Mt. Vernon PlaceBaltimore, MD 21202410.659.8100 School of Public Health Public Health615 North Wolfe StreetBaltimore, MD 21205-2179410.955.1680 Johns Hopkins Hospitaland Health System Johns Hopkins Hospital600 N. Wolfe StreetBaltimore, MD 21287410.955.5000 Quick StatisticalSnapshot ofJohns HopkinsDivisions & Affiliates Fast Facts Website More addresses andphone numbers Online here. University Administrative Information PrincipalAdministratorsand Deans Online here. Find a Person Online here. Links to OtherOnline Directories Online here. Emergency Info& Weather Alerts Online here. Campus Maps,Driving Directions,Transportation,etc. Online here. Admissions Arts & Sciences,Engineering[undergrad] AdmissionsKrieger School of Arts and SciencesWhiting School of EngineeringMason Hall3400 North Charles StreetBaltimore, MD 21218Phone 410.516.8171Fax 410.516.6025Email Arts & Sciences,Engineering[graduate] AdmissionsKrieger School of Arts and SciencesWhiting School of Engineering101 Whitehead Hall 3400 North Charles StreetBaltimore, MD 21218Phone 410.516.8174Fax 410.516.0780Email Business AdmissionsCarey Business School6740 Alexander Bell DriveSuite 110Columbia, MD 21046Phone 410.872.1234 or 1.800.GO.TO.JHUFax 410.872.1250Email Education AdmissionsSchool of Education6740 Alexander Bell DriveSuite 110Columbia, MD 21046Phone 410.872.1234 or 1.800.GO.TO.JHUFax 410.872.1250Email Medicine MD AdmissionsSchool of Medicine720 Rutland AvenueBaltimore, MD 21205-2196Phone 410.955.3182Graduate Programs AdmissionsSchool of Medicine1830 E. Monument StreetSuite 2-107Baltimore, MD 21205Phone 410.614.3385 Nursing AdmissionsSchool of Nursing525 North Wolfe Street, Room 120Baltimore, Maryland 21205-2100Phone 410.955.7548 Fax 410.955.9177Email Peabody AdmissionsPeabody InstituteOne East Mount Vernon PlaceBaltimore, MD 21202Phone 410.659.8110Fax 410.659.8102 Public Health AdmissionsBloomberg School of Public Health615 N. Wolfe Street, Suite E1002Baltimore, Maryland 21205Phone 410.955.3543 School of AdvancedInternational Studies AdmissionsNitze School of Advanced International Studies1740 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.Washington, D.C. 20036Phone 202.663.5700Fax 202.663.7788Email Financial Aid Information Online here. Registrar Offices Online here. University Offices and Resources Alumni and Giving News Alumni Relations3211 North Charles StreetBaltimore, Maryland 21218Phone 410.516.0363, 800.548.5481Email Athletic Center 3400 North Charles StreetBaltimore, Maryland 21218Phone 410-516-7490Sports Info 410-516-0552Staff List Employment - Jobs at JHU- Office of Human Resources Information Technology,Computing Support Hopkins Information Technology Services (HITS)Support ServicesPhone 410.516.HELPEmail Johns HopkinsMedicineResources - JH Online Medical Reference- JH Medicine website Main ResearchLibrary The Sheridan Libraries of The Johns Hopkins University3400 N. Charles StreetBaltimore MD 21218410.516.8335 Medical Library William H. WelchMedical Library1900 East Monument StreetBaltimore, MD 21205-2113Phone 410.955.3411Email UniversityBookstores,Merchandise Links to bookstores. University Press Johns Hopkins University Press2715 North Charles StreetBaltimore, Maryland 21218-4363Phone 410.516.6900Fax 410.516.6968 这里看不清楚,可以去下面这个网址看约翰霍普金斯大学的介绍:学校地址:3400 N Charles St Baltimore,MD 21218所在州:马里兰州在校学生:5301人建校时间:1876年USNews2008美国大学综合排名(本科)14名美国大学2008年Biomedical/Bioengineering 第一名美国大学2008年神经系统科学、神经生物学专业排名第三
2023-01-04 04:49:052


纽约大学:邮箱 (Graduate School of Arts and Science ), Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development), (School of Law ), F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service ),(212) 998-5910(Silver School of Social Work ), School of the Arts )哥伦比亚大学邮箱:isso@columbia.edu杜克大学邮箱:maria.parker@duke.edu加州大学洛杉矶分校邮箱:ugadm@saonet.ucla.edu卡耐基学院:联系方式:地址:550 Stephenson Highway Suites 100 - 110 Troy, Michigan 48083电话:248.589.1078传真:248.589.1631 康奈尔大学邮箱:dean_gradschool@cornell.edu华盛顿大学邮箱 真是有点多,你自己去参考资料的地方去找吧,搜索学校名就可以,申请指南里面有联系方式
2023-01-04 04:49:132


全在这,国际转学生要求:不外乎就SAT,TOEFL,高中成绩,大学成绩,资产证明,网上申请(含作文)这几项。 在Iowa State上学的时候最好开张教授推荐信一起寄过去。你至少得在Iowa State上个半年一年的再转吧。如果是想就上半个学期就转,那你要申请纽大春季入学,2010年春季入学的申请截止日期是今年11月1号。如果你想申请2010年秋季入学,截止日期是2010年4月1号,这样你在Iowa State就上够1年了。 补充:这个“国际转学生”的意思是,你是国际生,在美国的某个大学上学,要转学的意思。 我就是这么转的,要求和当时从中国申请美国一样没少,完全就是重新申请一遍,材料都不能缺。
2023-01-04 04:49:261

我参加了医学院入学考试 I took the medical college admission

2023-01-04 04:49:323


Admissions Kevin Whitmore, Admissions Officer Undergraduate Recruitment and AdmissionsEmail: kwhitmo3@uwo.caPhone 519 661-2111 ext 81146
2023-01-04 04:49:443


2023-01-04 04:49:564


2023-01-04 04:50:114

有人知道多伦多大学Missisauga分校区Admission and Awards 的电子邮箱么?

据查证 没看到试下这个
2023-01-04 04:50:252


加入委员会的 admission,允许进入,加入权;committee委员会。
2023-01-04 04:50:402

admission price是什么意思

admission price门票价格双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 入场券2. 门票价格admission[英][ədˈmɪʃn][美][ædˈmɪʃən]n.准许进入; 承认; 坦白; 入场费; 复数:admissions以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The admission will intensify doubts about the election result. 阿巴斯的承认将加深人们对选举结果的怀疑。
2023-01-04 04:50:481

admission price是什么意思

admission price门票价格双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 入场券2. 门票价格admission[英][ədˈmɪʃn][美][ædˈmɪʃən]n.准许进入; 承认; 坦白; 入场费; 复数:admissions以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The admission will intensify doubts about the election result. 阿巴斯的承认将加深人们对选举结果的怀疑。
2023-01-04 04:50:543

英语the Admissions Committee怎么翻译?

The admission committee =资格审查委员会。
2023-01-04 04:51:053

admissions counselor

入学顾问 高中或大学入学时 学生有什么问题可以问他
2023-01-04 04:51:151

take the admissions test那个admission一定要加s嘛?为什么?

出几个特殊名词(man woman )一般名词作定语不用复数形式。所以admission test中的admission可不用复数形式。
2023-01-04 04:51:201


2023-01-04 04:51:261

full admissions什么意思

2023-01-04 04:51:342


2023-01-04 04:51:421


2023-01-04 04:51:484


2023-01-04 04:52:025


南州立科技大学(SPSU)Southern Polytechnic State UniverstiySPSU占地100公顷,位于亚特兰大市北郊,被大家以“乔治亚技术大学”而熟知。亚特兰大是美国成长最快的城市之一,是一个充满各种商业、教育和文化机会的现代化、国际化大都市。Address Information Name of College or University: Southern Polytechnic State University Mailing Address, City/State/Zip: 1100 South Marietta Parkway, Marietta, Georgia 30060-2896 Street Address (if different), City/State/Zip: same Main phone: 678-915-7778 WWW Home Page Address: Admissions Phone Number: 678-915-7281 Admissions toll-free number: 800-635-3204 Admissions Office Mailing Address, City/State/Zip: same Admissions Fax number: 678-915-7292 Admissions E-mail Address: Is there a separate URL application site on the Internet? If so, please specify: no
2023-01-04 04:52:211


Office of AdmissionsG-1 Communications BuildingBox 353770Seattle, Washington 98195-3770(206)543-5900University of Washington共有三个校区,分别在Seattle,Bothell和Tacoma。研究生院招生部的联系地址:Office of AdmissionsG-1 Communications BuildingBox 353770Seattle, Washington 98195-3770(206)543-5900
2023-01-04 04:52:292

a letter of sponsorship to the Office of Admissions是什么

2023-01-04 04:52:543


2023-01-04 04:53:053


2023-01-04 04:53:262

学校里Associate Director of Admissions和Assistant Director of Admissions哪个大

2023-01-04 04:53:331

上UCLA的申请条件是什么啊?本人初二,具体详细些。 多谢!

2023-01-04 04:53:392


NYU 纽约大学MS Global Finance是香港科技大学和NYU联合办学的项目,在香港、纽约、上海三地上课,主要通过想干科技大学申请。感兴趣的学生可以参考下面的链接: Purdue U 普渡大学MS(F)(7月11开学,开课时一些学生还没拿到毕业证和学位证,需要向学校出具证明)GMAT: The name of the programyou are applying to is the "code" required fo rreporting your GMAT score. Reference the following: MS (Finance) 代码就是学校名字和项目名字:MS (Finance)GRE: 1631TOEFL: 1631邮寄地址: Office of Graduate Admissions Purdue University Young Hall, Room 170 155 S. Grant St. West Lafayette, IN 47907-2114 OSU 俄亥俄州立大学Specialized Master of FinanceTOEFL: school code 1592, department code 02 (可有可无)GRE: 1592GMAT: Search by school nameand program name 搜索学校名字和项目名字即可邮寄地址:The Ohio State University Fisher College of BusinessMBA Admissions Office2108 Neil AvenueGerlach Hall 100Columbus, Ohio 43210, USA Tulane U 杜兰大学Master of Finance(需要成绩单认证)GMAT code for MFin program:XVC-SG-55GRE institution code:6197TOEFL institution code:6197邮寄地址: Graduate AdmissionsA. B. Freeman School of BusinessTulane UniversityGoldring/Woldenberg Hall INew Orleans, LA 70118-5669,USA Fordham U 福特汉姆大学MSQF & MSGF(需要WES成绩单认证)TOEFL code: 7666,GMAT for MSQF: FMR-X6-15GRE: Institution -2429 Department - 0000邮寄地址:Graduate Business Admissions Office45 Columbus Avenue, 4th FloorNew York, NY 10023Phone: SMU 南卫理工大学MS FinanceGMAT/GRE Code: HWG-KN-73 TOEFL Code: 6660, Dept 02邮寄地址:SMU Cox MSF AdmissionsPO Box 750333Dallas, TX 75275-0333 U Maryland-College Park 马里拉大学帕克分校Master of FinanceTOEFL institutional code:5814GRE institutional code: 5814GMAT: SQT - N8 – 48IELTS邮寄地址: University of Maryland Enrollment Service Operations Application for Graduate Admission Room 0130 Mitchell Building College Park, Maryland 20742, USA American U 美国大学MS Finance(相比GRE,学校更认可GMAT成绩)GMAT: RN4-J4-21;GRE: 5007;TOEFL: 5007邮寄地址:Via U.S. Mail (USPS) 平邮Kogod Graduate AdmissionsOffice of Enrollment4400 Massachusetts Avenue NWWashington, DC 20016-8081OrVia Courier/Overnight (FedEX/UPS/DHL/etc.) 快递Kogod Graduate AdmissionsOffice of Enrollment3201 New Mexico Avenue NWSTE B1Washington, DC 20016-8081, USA Clark U 克拉克大学MS Finance (邮寄正式纸质成绩单)GRE code: 3279GMAT code: Q4X-6X-07TOEFL code: 5969 IELTS: Please notify IELTS tosend scores electronically tothe Graduate Admissions Office. 雅思要求直接电子版寄送到克拉克大学研究生招生办公室。 地址如下:(也是正式成绩单邮寄地址):Clark University Graduate Admissions Office 950 Main St. Worcester, MA 01610, USA U Delaware 特拉华大学MS Finance (有双录取)TOEFL: 5811GRE: 5811GMAT: 搜索学校名字即可邮寄地址: University of Delaware Graduate and Professional EducationGraduate Admissions234 Hullihen HallNewark, DE 19716, USA MSU 密歇根州立MS FinanceGMAT: QH0-5P-69GRE school code: 1465, departmental code 4102TOEFL school code: 1465, departmental code 4102邮寄地址:MSF Admissions, Department of Finance,Eli Broad Graduate School of Management,Michigan State University,315 Eppley Center,East Lansing, MI 48824, USA. U Alabama 阿拉巴马大学(可能提供双录)MS Finance(三个方向:Financial Policy金融政策,Financial Engineering金融工程,Real Estate房地产)TOEFL School Code:1830GRE School Code:1830GMAT:Follow this link andenter “University ofAlabama-Tuscaloosa”in the search box to select your program搜索学校名字和项目名字即可邮寄地址: 平邮The University of Alabama Graduate School,Box 870118,Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0118快递The University of Alabama Graduate School,801 University Blvd,102 Rose Administration,Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0118, USA U Colorado-Boulder 科罗拉多大学博尔德分校MS FinanceGMAT:全日制研究生项目: 11S-Z2-95, 在职研究生项目:11S-Z2-32GRE code: 4841 & MS Program code: 7836TOEFL code: 4841 SUNY - Stony Brook 纽约州立石溪 (强烈建议做WES或NACES成绩单认证)MS FinanceGRE/TOEFL code: 2548GMAT: Search by school name and program name 搜索选定学校和项目名称即可。邮寄地址College of Business,Stony Brook University,109 Harriman Hall,Stony Brook, NY 11794-3775, USAPhone: 631-632-7171 Drexel U 德雷赛尔大学 (需要邮寄纸质正式成绩单)(提供GMAT预备课程)MS FinanceGRE and TOEFL: 2194GMAT: Search by school name and program name搜索选定学校和项目名称即可邮寄地址:Graduate Admissions LeBow College of Business 3220 Market Street, Suite 453 Philadelphia, PA 19104 FSU 佛罗里达州立(需要邮寄纸质正式成绩单)MS Finance(更偏爱GMAT,可能不接受GRE,有待确定)GMAT : PN8K567TOEFL and GRE: 5219邮寄地址:Florida State UniversityOffice of Admissions282 Champions WayP.O. Box 3062400Tallahassee, FL 32306-2400USA IIT 伊利诺伊理工MS Finance (最好不要邮寄纸质材料,会延误审理)GRE institution code: 1318TOEFL institution code: 1318GMAT: please select Ilinois Institute of Technology and thecorrect college/program 搜索选定学校名,学院和项目名即可。邮寄地址:Office of Graduate Admission10 W. 33rd Street, Perlstein Hall Room 203Chicago, IL 60616, USATel 312.567.3020 | Toll Free866.472.3448 | Fax 312.567.3138 U SanDiego 圣地亚哥大学MS Finance (需要wes成绩单认证)GMAT school code: 29B-Q2-68GRE code: 4849TOEFL code: 4849邮寄地址:Office of Graduate AdmissionsUniversity of San Diego5998 Alcala ParkSan Diego, CA 92110, USA Auburn U 奥本大学(可申请ELS双录)MS Finance (需要邮寄纸质正式成绩单)GRE Code:1005TOEFL Code: 1005GMAT Code for MSF Program: QSQ-KV-93邮寄地址:Auburn Graduate School106B Hargis HallAuburn, AL 36849, USA SUNY-Buffalo 纽约州立水牛城MS FinanceGMAT: K6RQX45GRE: Institution Code – 2925,Department Code - 4201TOEFL: Institution Code –2925, Department Code -02邮寄地址:Graduate Programs Office,University of Buffalo - SUNY203 Alfiero Center,Buffalo, NY, 14260, USA UC-Riverside 加州大学河滨分校Master of Finance (正式纸质成绩单一定要邮寄到系里,而不是研究生院,否则会延误审理)GRE institution code: 4839TOEFL institution code: R4839GMAT: Search by school name and program 送分是搜索学校名字和项目名字即可。成绩单邮寄地址Graduate Program in FinanceThe A. Gary Anderson Graduate School of ManagementUniversity of California, Riverside900 University AvenueRiverside, CA 92521, USA雅思邮寄地址:Graduate Admissions Office Attn: Graduate Program in Finance Graduate Division University Office Building University of California-Riverside Riverside, CA 92521, USA DePaul U 德保罗大学 (有双录取)MS Finance(要成绩单认证,可以是ECE,EP,不接受WES)GRE/TOEFL/GMAT School code:1165邮寄地址: Kellstadt Graduate School of Business DePaul University 1 E. Jackson Blvd., Suite 5300 Chicago, IL 60604-9983 USA Temple U 天普大学 (自考或已经毕业的申请者需要CDGDC成绩单认证)MS Finance 纯金融硕士项目暂时不招生了,只有博士招生,对天普金融感兴趣的学生还可以考虑另外两个金融相关项目MS Financial Engineering和MS Financial Analysis and Risk Management,参考链接: institution code: 2906GMAT institution code: 2906TOEFL institution code: 2906 U Arizona 亚利桑那大学MS Finance(需要邮寄正式纸质成绩单)GMAT, GRE and TOEFL SchoolCode: 4832邮寄地址:Master"s in Finance ProgramDepartment of FinanceThe University of ArizonaMcClelland Hall, Room 315R1130 E. Helen StreetTucson , AZ 85721-0108 U Cincinnati 辛辛那提大学(可申请ELS双录)(录取后需要CDGDC成绩单认证邮寄到学校)MS FinanceGMAT: Can be sent by usingcollege/program name 送分是搜索学校和项目名字即可GRE/TOEFL school code: 1833成绩单邮寄地址:For regular U.S. postal mail 平邮:ATTN: Graduate Transcript ProcessingGraduate School110 Van Wormer HallUniversity of CincinnatiPO Box 210627Cincinnati, OH 45221-0627, USAFor delivery via FedEx, DHL,etc 快递:ATTN: Graduate Transcript ProcessingGraduate SchoolUniversity of Cincinnati2614 McMicken Circle110 Van Wormer HallCincinnati, OH 45221-0627, USAAdditional Documents 其他材料(包括雅思)邮寄地址:University of CincinnatiCarl H. Lindner College of BusinessAttn: Graduate Programs OfficeSuite 606 Lindner HallP.O. Box 210020Cincinnati, OH 45221-0020, USA Hofstra U 霍夫斯特拉大学MS FinanceGMAT/GRE School Code: 2295TOEFL/IELTS School Code: 2295邮寄地址:Hofstra UniversityOffice of Graduate Admission126 Hofstra UniversityHempstead, NY 11549, USA UT-Dallas 德州大学达拉斯分校MS Finance (接受ELS112级,应该可以双录)GMAT for MSF Full Time 全日制: ZTZ-PQ-03Part Time 在职: ZTZ-PQ-16GRE School Code: R6897TOEFL School Code: 6897 邮寄地址:The University of Texas at DallasAdmission and Enrollment Services800 W Campbell Rd (ROC 11)Richardson, TX 75080-3021, USA
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Undergraduate Recruitment and AdmissionsOffice of the RegistrarRoom 165, Stevenson-Lawson BuildingUniversity of Western Ontario 1151 Richmond StreetLondon, Ontario N6A 5B8
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录取标准[词典] admission criteria;[例句]录取标准和授课方法以及内容的变化,可能是商学院的下一个发展方向。This change in admissions criteria and teaching methodology and content is probably the next frontier for business schools.
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