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2023-07-21 16:53:04
TAG: 英语

被子的英语是quilt, duvet 或comforter。后面两个一般表示羽绒被,平常不特指的话一般就用quilt表示就行。


quilt ; duvet; comforter;




quilt [kwilt] 被子,被褥


comfore tree是什么意思

comforter英 [ˈkʌmfətə(r)] 美 [ˈkʌmfərtə(r)]n.安慰者; 羊毛围巾; 增加对方痛苦的安慰者; 橡皮奶头安慰者;羊毛围巾;棉被;被子复数: comforters双语例句1. He became Vivien Leigh"s devoted friend and comforter. 他成了费雯丽忠诚的朋友和给她安慰的人。2. Paul smooth the comforter, adjusting it carefully about his father"s neck. 保罗展开围巾,小心地盖到父亲的脖子周围.3. What"s new in the bum"s comforter? 报纸上有什么新闻 吗 ?4. Time is the only comforter for the loss of a mother. 时间是失去母亲的人唯一的慰藉.5. There could have been no kinder comforter than Mary Bold. 不可能有一位比玛丽?波尔德更友爱的宽慰人了.
2023-07-21 13:31:071


2023-07-21 13:31:186

quilt, comforter 和 duvet 有什么区别?

duvet 一般就指被芯,所以你还会看到duvet cover 那就是被套。comforter 可以不用被罩,但是表面比较简单,不会染色或者刺绣,只是白白的,美美哒。quilt 表面会比较花哨,外国人会用来纪念特殊日子,例如洞房花烛,金榜题名。简介:英语(English)是印欧语系-日耳曼语族下的语言,由26个字母组成,是欧盟以及许多国际组织以及英联邦国家的官方语言,亦是世界上使用最广泛的语言。它诞生于日德兰半岛和莱茵河流域,通过英国的殖民活动传播到了世界各地,后因英美两国经济、军事和政治的世界领先地位而成为一种国际语言。公元1066年,割据法兰西王国西北部的诺曼底公爵威廉一世征服英格兰王国,成为英格兰国王,所有的英国贵族也都换成法国人,并且和法国本土的贵族通婚。诺曼征服的三百余年间,英格兰王国的君主与贵族都讲法语,教士们则习用拉丁语,中古英语。1500年左右,中古英语演变成为近代英语。
2023-07-21 13:31:441

comforter filling:100% polyester wadding of 160 GSM中文意思是什么?谢谢.

2023-07-21 13:32:013


comforters n. 羊毛围巾; 安慰者( comforter的名词复数 ); 增加对方痛苦的安慰者; 橡皮奶头; [网络] 家用纺织品; 羽绒被; 被子; [例句]Whence shall I seek comforters for thee?我何处寻得安慰你的人呢。
2023-07-21 13:32:101


您好。美国人四件套一般是一床单,一床笠,两枕套叫sheet set,和国内的叫法不一样。带被套的一般是三件套,一被套两个枕套,叫 duvet set。床单: flat sheet,床笠 fitted sheet,被套 duvet cover,枕套 pillowcase ,被子comforter。再有什么疑问,您可以直接私信,谢谢。
2023-07-21 13:32:213


2023-07-21 13:32:433


2023-07-21 13:33:123

sham和pillow case有什么区别?

comforter 是被子, like quilt
2023-07-21 13:33:503

棉被的解释 棉被的解释是什么

棉被的词语解释是:棉被miánbèi。(1)絮了棉花的被子。 棉被的词语解释是:棉被miánbèi。(1)絮了棉花的被子。 注音是:ㄇ一ㄢ_ㄅㄟ_。 词性是:名词。 结构是:棉(左右结构)被(左右结构)。 拼音是:mián bèi。棉被的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、引证解释【点此查看计划详细内容】⒈絮了棉花的被子。二、国语词典用棉花为心、棉布或其他质料包在外面的被子。词语翻译英语comforter,quilt,CL:德语Baumwolldecke,Wattedecke(S)_法语couverture(literie)_,édredon三、网络解释棉被(用棉花填充的床上用品)棉被与羽绒、蚕丝、羊毛等被子相比的优点是:保暖性和柔软舒适度好,而且棉花被无静电,对患有心血管疾病的人群和婴幼儿很好。关于棉被的成语棉手闷子被发佯狂泽被后世被绣之牺被坚执锐被甲执_被甲持兵关于棉被的词语被宠若惊被甲执_棉手闷子韦裤布被被绣之牺被发佯狂被甲据鞍衣被群生被灾蒙祸被甲持兵关于棉被的造句1、理想是棉花,做成温暖的棉被。2、理想是棉被,温暖冰冷的灵魂。3、北风呼呼地刮着,雪花像片片鹅毛纷纷扬扬落下来,我急忙伸手去抓,可调皮的雪花娃娃一落到我手中就消失了。雪花落在树枝上,树像穿上了白衣服;雪花落在地上,大地像盖上了白棉被。4、秋天的风,浓烈而醉人,为果林带来成熟的气息。冬天的雪,洁白而温暖,给大地盖上了厚厚的棉被。5、地球是浩瀚宇宙中的一颗行星,外面包裹着厚厚的犹如棉被的大气层。点此查看更多关于棉被的详细信息
2023-07-21 13:34:221

quilt cover 和 comforter shell 的区别,真是头大,谢谢各位路过的高手

quilt cover是被套,comforter shell是被壳。(被壳是用面料布把被褥包裹起来,然后用针线把它与被褥缝在一起。带被壳的被子,不用被套也可以盖。被套是单独制作的整体袋子。把被子放进去后封口,使用方便,容易清洗)
2023-07-21 13:34:301


quilt 英[kwu026alt] 美[kwu026alt] n. 被子,棉被; 被状物; v. 缝(被); 用垫料填塞后缝拢; 东拼西凑地做; 用摘抄等方法编辑; vt. 东拼西凑地编; 加软衬料后缝制; [例句]Trembling with fear, he threw himself down on the bed and covered his head with the quilt.他吓得发抖,趴在床上,用被子蒙住了头。[其他] 复数:quilts
2023-07-21 13:34:474


  随着全球化与多元文化的发展,英语正跻身为一种国际语言被广泛使用。我精心收集了有关于购物的英语单词,供大家欣赏学习!   有关于购物的英语单词1   shopping centre   商业中心区   department store   百货商店   children"s goods store   儿童用品商店   antique shop   古玩店   second-hand store   旧货店   counter   柜台   stall, stand   售货摊   show window   橱窗   show case   玻璃柜台   shelf   货架   cash desk, cashier"s desk   收银处   price tag   标价签   prices are fixed, fixed prices   有定价   discount   打折扣   change   零钱   to keep the bill   留发票   to wrap up   包装   free of charge   不收费   to deliver   送   be al sold out, out of stock   售空   shop assistant, salesman   售货员   saleswoman   女售货员   glassware counter   玻璃器皿部   enamel ware   搪瓷器皿   haberdashery   男子服饰用品   confectionery   糖果糕点   cosmetics   化妆用品   stationery   文具   fabrics   纺织品   dry goods   服装   ready-made clothes, off-the-peg, ready-to-wear   成衣,现成服装   men"s wear   男服   women"s wear   女服  underwear   内衣裤   sports goods, athletic equipment   体育用品   sundries   零星小物   toilet articles   盥洗用品   towel   毛巾   handkerchief   手帕   toilet soap   香皂   shampoo   洗发香波   soap   肥皂   laundry soap   洗衣皂   soap powder   肥皂粉   有关于购物的英语单词2   vanishing cream 雪花膏   perfume, scent 香水   perfume spray 香水喷子 coat hanger 挂衣架   clothes-peg, clothes pin 晒衣夹   string bag, net bag 网兜   thermos bottle 热水瓶   cap, cork 热水瓶瓶盖   travellers" water bottle, water flask, canteen 旅行水壶   lunch box, canteen 饭盒   thread 线   needle 针   button 钮扣   zipper 拉链   key-ring 钥匙圈   torch, flashlight 手电   bulb 灯泡   battery 电池   lock 锁   watch, wrist watch 表, 手表   watch band 表带   watch chain 表链   clock 钟   alarm clock 闹钟   electric clock 电钟   umbrella 雨伞   parasol, sun umbrella 阳伞   knapsack 背包   handbag 女手提包   briefcase, portfolio 公事包   travelling bag 旅行包   suitcase 手提箱   trunk 大衣箱   magnifying glass 放大镜   binoculares 望远镜   hot-water bottle 热水袋   smoking set 烟具   lighter 打火机   jewelry, jewels 首饰, 珠宝   jewel case 首饰盒   antique, curio 古玩   ornaments 装饰品   ring, finger ring 戒指   signet ring 印章戒指   有关于购物的英语单词3   necklace 项链   brooch 胸针   pendant 坠子   bracelet 镯子   chain bracelet 手链   ear ring 耳环   trinket 小饰物   safety-pin 别针   cuff-link 袖扣   diamond 钻石   gold jeweleries 金饰   silver jeweleries 银饰   pearl 珍珠   imitation 仿制品   genuine 真的   fake 假的   baby"s cot, crib 婴儿床   cradle 摇篮   diaper, napkin 尿布   feeding bottle, feeder 奶瓶   teat, nipple 橡皮奶嘴   dummy, comforter 假奶嘴   perambulator 儿童车   go-cart, walker, babywalker 儿童学步车   rocking-horse 摇马   scooter 踏板车   child"s tricycle 儿童三轮车   razor 剃刀   safety razor 保险剃须刀   electric razor 电剃刀   razor blade 刀片   shaving brush 剃须刷   shaving cream 剃须膏   comb 梳子   hair-brush 发刷   hair-net 发网
2023-07-21 13:35:111


那鸿书双语对照词典结果:Nahum[英][u02c8neiu0259m][美][u02c8nehu0259m, u02c8neu0259m]n.那鸿(犹太人的先知),<那鸿书>(<圣经。旧约>中十二卷先知书的第七卷); Nahum[男子名] 内厄姆来源于希伯来语,含义是“安尉者”(comforter); 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1."In our view this would facilitate a fair deal," Nahum said.
2023-07-21 13:35:182

Master Of The House 歌词

歌曲名:《Master Of The House》(《一家之主》)歌手:Sacha Baron Cohen发行时间:2012-12-25所属专辑:《悲惨世界 电影原声带》歌词:My band of soaksMy den of dissolutesMy dirty jokes my always pissed as newts.My sons of whores spend their lives in my inn,Homing pigeons homing in,They fly through my doors.Welcome,monsieur!Sit yourself down.And meet the best innkeeper in town.As for the rest all of them crooks,Rooking the guests and cooking the books.Seldom do you see,honest men like me!A gent of good intent who"s content to be.Master of the House! Doling out the charmReady with a handshake and an open palmTells a saucy tale Creates a little stirCustomers appreciate a bon-viveurGlad to do a friend a favour!Doesn"t cost me to be niceBut nothing gets you nothing Everything has got a little price!Master of the House! Keeper of the zoo!Ready to relieve them of a sou or twoWatering the wineMaking up the weightPicking up their knick-knacks When they can"t see straightEverybody loves a landlordEverybody"s bosom friend!I do whatever pleases Jesus! Won"t I bleed "em in the end!Master of the House! Quick to catch yer eye!Never wants a passer-by to pass him by!Servant to the poor Butler to the greatComforter, philosopher and life-long mate!Everybody"s boon companion! Everybody"s chaperone!But lock up your valises Jesus! Won"t I skin you to the bone!Food beyond compare! Food beyond belief!Mix it in a mincer and pretend it"s beefKidney of a horse Liver of a catFilling up the sausages with this and that!Residents are more than welcome!Bridal suite is occupied!Reasonable charges Plus some little extras on the side!Charge them for the lice Extra for the miceTwo percent for looking in the mirror twiceHere a little slice There a little cutThree per cent for sleeping with the window shut!When it comes to fixing pricesThere are lots of tricks he knows!How it all increases! All them bits and pieces!Jesus! It"s amazing how it grows!I used to dream that I would meet a princeBut, God almighty, have you seen what"s happened since?"Master of the House" isn"t worth my spit!Comforter, philosopher, and life-long shit!Cunning little brain Regular Voltaire!Thinks he"s quite a lover But there"s not much thereWhat a cruel trick of nature Landed me with such a louse!God knows how I"ve lasted living with this bastard in the house!Master of the House! Master and a half!Comforter, philosopher! Don"t make me laugh!Servant to the poor Butler to the greatHypocrite, and toady, and inebriateEverybody bless the landlord! Everybody bless his spouse!Everybody raise a glass!Raise it up the master"s arse!Everybody raise a glass to the Master of the House!歌手简介:萨莎·拜伦·科恩(Sacha Baron Cohen)。英国演员。1971年出生在英国伦敦泰晤士河北岸著名住宅区哈莫史密斯的一个正统的犹太教家庭。歌曲试听:
2023-07-21 13:35:282

down alternative comforter是什么意思

你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下:down alternative comforter下的替代者希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳
2023-07-21 13:36:181


  被子是床上用品的一种,通常由被套或者被单包着棉絮而成,是我们睡觉时用来保暖的必备床上用品。那么你知道被子用英文怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来被子的英文说法和相关英文表达,欢迎大家一起学习。   被子的英文说法1:   quilt   英 [kwilt] 美 [kwu026alt]   被子的英文说法2:   duvet   英 [u02c8du:vei] 美 [duu02c8ve, dju-]   被子相关英文表达:   晒被子 air a quilt   制作被子 To make a quilt   折叠被子 fold the quilt   被子英文说法例句:   玛丽留下几块布准备做一床被子。   Mary saved up pieces of cloth to make a quilt.   羽绒被一种经常有可换洗被罩的被子,可以用来代替被褥或床单   A quilt, usually with a washable cover, that may be used in place of a bedspread and top sheet.   母亲昨天补了一床被子。   Mother pieced a quilt yesterday.   我珍惜地抱住被子,回头,对面天台已不见了那男子,也不见他那张被子。   The man and his quilt on the opposite roof had disappeared.   被子的厚度不足以为我御寒。   The quilt is not thick enough to protect me from the cold.   他躺下以后盖上被子,很舒服。   He snuggled down under the bedclothes.   他每翻一次身,总要把被子多拉一点到他那边去。   Every time he rolled over he pulled more of the bed clothes to his side.   他醒来发现被子从床上滑下来了。   He wakes to find that his quilt have slipped off the bed.   他得了严得的流感,只得被子送进医院了。   He had such bad flu that they had to take him to the hospital.   特别被子安慰和条件,帮助防止皮肤发炎。   Special comforters soothe and condition skin to help prevent irritation.   她敲打被子好使它松软。   She beat the quilt to make it soft.   使用柔软舒适的床单和被子。   Use comfortable soft sheets and comforter.   被子和毯子叠得很整齐。   The quilts and the blankets were neatly folded.   晒过的被子多暄和。   How fluffy the quilts are after sunning!   被子叠得整整齐齐。   The quilts were folded neatly.   这个还有那个,正忙着缝被子。   This and that, doing a lot of quilting.   有一天,我妈妈在缝制被子。   One day, my mother was sewing a quilt.   就象一群猴子闯进了缝被子联谊会。   Like a bunch of monkeys at a quilting bee.   他要盖着绣着龙的被子才睡得香。   He could not even sleep without his dragon-embroidered quilt.   被子下两人的气息永在。   The smell of the other always in the quilt.
2023-07-21 13:36:241


2023-07-21 13:36:391


pillow cover 是枕套twin/full/queen/king 双层 普通 大 特大k.king/cal.king California King--72 x 84 inches (or 182 x 213 cm)Twin--39 x 75 inches (or 99 x 190 cm) X-Long Twin--39 x 80 inches (99 x 203 cm) Full--54 x 75 inches (137 x 190 cm) Queen--60 x 80 inches (or 153 x 203 cm) King--76 x 80 inches (or 198 x 203 cm) California King--72 x 84 inches (or 182 x 213 cm)Fitted Sheet SizesTwin--39 x 75 inches (or 99 x 190 cm) X-Long Twin--39 x 80 inches (99 x 203 cm) Full--54 x 75 inches (137 x 190 cm) Queen--60 x 80 inches (or 153 x 203 cm) King--76 x 80 inches (or 198 x 203 cm) California King--72 x 84 inches (or 182 x 213 cm)Flat Sheet SizesTwin--66 x 96 inches (or 167 x 243 cm) X-Long Twin--66 x 102 inches (or 167 x 259 cm) Full--81 x 96 inches (or 205 x 243 cm) Queen--90 x 102 inches (or 228 x 259 cm) King/California King--108 x 102 inches (or 274 x 259 cm)Comforter SizesTwin--68 x 86 inches (or 173 x 218 cm) Full/Queen--86 x 86 inches (or 218 x 218 cm) King/California King--100 x 90 inches (or 254 x 229 cm)FOB100%B和FOB100%C
2023-07-21 13:37:151


2023-07-21 13:37:241


comfort的形容词: comfortable 舒适的,舒服的; comforting 安慰的;令人欣慰的; comfort的名词: comfortable 盖被; comforter 安慰者; comfort n. 安慰;舒适;安慰者; vt. 安慰;使(痛苦等)缓和 扩展资料   tried to offer a few words of comfort.   我试图说上几句安慰的.话。   The hotel combines comfort with convenience.   这家旅馆既舒适又方便。   Ned put his arm around her, trying to comfort her.   内德搂着她,试图安慰她。   His words were of little comfort in the circumstances.   在这种情况下,他的话起不了什么安慰作用。
2023-07-21 13:37:461


2023-07-21 13:38:142


2023-07-21 13:38:221

comfortor 在这里讲什么意思?

2023-07-21 13:38:302


quilt英 [kwu026alt] 美 [kwu026alt]n. 被子;棉被vt. 东拼西凑地编;加软衬料后缝制vi. 缝被子短语cotton quilt 棉被 ; 棉胎 ; 絮棉花的被子feather quilt 羽绒被 ; 鸭绒被 ; 羽毛被quilt top 绗缝面扩展资料同近义词comforter英 ["ku028cmfu0259tu0259] 美 ["ku028cmfu025atu025a]n. 安慰者;圣灵;(美)被子;(英)羊毛围巾短语dummy comforter 假奶嘴Comforter Shell 被壳 ; 传统式枕套cotton comforter 棉被例句1、Jaimie jumped back into bed and pulled the comforter over her head.杰米跳回床上,拉起被子蒙住头。2、Beyond that, through another open door, was a large bed made up like the ones in the hotel—a beige comforter, lots of pillows arranged upright against the headboard.除此之外,透过另一扇开着的门,可以看到像是饭店房间里的大床——铺着米黄色的被子,床头板上竖直靠着许多枕头。3、When I was a small child, I"d curl up on my parents" bed after the sunshine had warmed their dark brown comforter.孩提时代,我总喜欢蜷缩在爸妈的被子里,享受那种经过太阳照晒变得松软的被子,喜欢被子上那种让人舒适的阳光的味道。
2023-07-21 13:38:371

down alternative comforter是什么意思

2023-07-21 13:39:191

comforter set 与duvet cover set意思

comforter set成套的床上用品;安床床套;棉被组;求购棉被duvet cover set被套组
2023-07-21 13:39:272


“被子”的英文是quilt,音标:[kwu026alt],按音标读。相近意思的词还有:blanket、Comforter、Bedspreads相关词组:1、晒被子airaquilt2、补被子Patchaquilt3、折叠被子tofoldthequilt相关句子:1、目标是把被子全部涂成彩色。Thegoalistocompletethequilt. 2、他吓得发抖,趴在床上,用被子蒙住了头。Tremblingwithfear,hethrewhimselfdownonthebedandcoveredhisheadwiththequilt.3、然后你把每一块都收好,在最后把它们做成被子。工艺品材料你已经有了。ThenyoutakeeachsquareandeventuallyturnitintoaquiltArtsandcraftsmaterialsthatyoualreadyhave. 4、我这辈子说得最让人无从反驳的话就是被子不用叠——本来就是要摊开睡的——然而这也是第一个被人反驳掉的。I"vesaidmostletsapersoncannotrefute,isnotfoldthequiltistosleep---butitoutfirstwasrefuted.
2023-07-21 13:39:361

有关购物的英语单词有哪些? 要全的 越多越好 我会+分的哦

to do some shopping; to go shopping 买东西 shopping centre 商业中心区 department store 百货商店 children"s goods store 儿童用品商店 antique shop 古玩店 second-hand store 旧货店 counter 柜台 stall, stand 售货摊 show window 橱窗 show case 玻璃柜台 shelf 货架 cash desk, cashier"s desk 收银处 price tag 标价签 prices are fixed, fixed prices 有定价 discount 打折扣 change 零钱 to keep the bill 留发票 to wrap up 包装 free of charge 不收费 to deliver 送 be al sold out, out of stock 售空 shop assistant, salesman 售货员 saleswoman 女售货员 glassware counter 玻璃器皿部 enamel ware 搪瓷器皿 haberdashery 男子服饰用品 confectionery 糖果糕点 cosmetics 化妆用品 stationery 文具 fabrics 纺织品 dry goods 服装 ready-made clothes, off-the-peg, ready-to-wear 成衣,现成服装 men"s wear 男服 women"s wear 女服 underwear 内衣裤 sports goods, athletic equipment 体育用品 sundries 零星小物 toilet articles 盥洗用品 towel 毛巾 handkerchief 手帕 toilet soap 香皂 shampoo 洗发香波 soap 肥皂 laundry soap 洗衣皂 soap powder 肥皂粉 soap flakes 皂片 medicated soap 药皂 detergent 洗衣粉 cleanser 去污粉 tooth paste 牙膏 tooth brush 牙刷 toilet mirror 梳妆镜 hair brush 发刷 hair vaseline 发蜡 cosmetics 化妆品 lipstic 口红,唇膏 face powder 粉 compact 粉盒 powder puff 粉扑 cold cream 香脂 vanishing cream 雪花膏 perfume, scent 香水 perfume spray 香水喷子 coat hanger 挂衣架 clothes-peg, clothes pin 晒衣夹 string bag, net bag 网兜 thermos bottle 热水瓶 cap, cork 热水瓶瓶盖 travellers" water bottle, water flask, canteen 旅行水壶 lunch box, canteen 饭盒 thread 线 needle 针 button 钮扣 zipper 拉链 key-ring 钥匙圈 torch, flashlight 手电 bulb 灯泡 battery 电池 lock 锁 watch, wrist watch 表,手表 watch band 表带 watch chain 表链 clock 钟 alarm clock 闹钟 electric clock 电钟 umbrella 雨伞 parasol, sun umbrella 阳伞 knapsack 背包 handbag 女手提包 briefcase, portfolio 公事包 travelling bag 旅行包 suitcase 手提箱 trunk 大衣箱 magnifying glass 放大镜 binoculares 望远镜 hot-water bottle 热水袋 smoking set 烟具 lighter 打火机 jewelry, jewels 首饰,珠宝 jewel case 首饰盒 antique, curio 古玩 ornaments 装饰品 ring, finger ring 戒指 signet ring 印章戒指 necklace 项链 brooch 胸针 pendant 坠子 bracelet 镯子 chain bracelet 手链 ear ring 耳环 trinket 小饰物 safety-pin 别针 cuff-link 袖扣 diamond 钻石 gold jeweleries 金饰 silver jeweleries 银饰 pearl 珍珠 imitation 仿制品 genuine 真的 fake 假的 baby"s cot, crib 婴儿床 cradle 摇篮 diaper, napkin 尿布 feeding bottle, feeder 奶瓶 teat, nipple 橡皮奶嘴 dummy, comforter 假奶嘴 perambulator 儿童车 go-cart, walker, babywalker 儿童学步车 rocking-horse 摇马 scooter 踏板车 child"s tricycle 儿童三轮车 razor 剃刀 safety razor 保险剃须刀 electric razor 电剃刀 razor blade 刀片 shaving brush 剃须刷 shaving cream 剃须膏 comb 梳子 hair-brush 发刷 hair-net 发网 hair pin 发夹 hair oil, brilliantine 发油 hair lotion 生发水 pomade 发膏 hair drier 吹风机 hair-curler 卷发夹 electric clippers, electric shears 电推子 nail scissors 指甲剪 nail clipper 指甲夹 nail file 指甲锉 nail varnish, nail polish 指甲油
2023-07-21 13:39:541

棉被的成语 棉被的成语是什么

棉被的成语有:被坚执锐,被甲持兵,泽被后世。 棉被的成语有:被绣之牺,被发佯狂,被甲持兵。2:注音是、ㄇ一ㄢ_ㄅㄟ_。3:词性是、名词。4:结构是、棉(左右结构)被(左右结构)。5:拼音是、mián bèi。棉被的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】棉被miánbèi。(1)絮了棉花的被子。二、引证解释⒈絮了棉花的被子。三、国语词典用棉花为心、棉布或其他质料包在外面的被子。词语翻译英语comforter,quilt,CL:德语Baumwolldecke,Wattedecke(S)_法语couverture(literie)_,édredon四、网络解释棉被(用棉花填充的床上用品)棉被与羽绒、蚕丝、羊毛等被子相比的优点是:保暖性和柔软舒适度好,而且棉花被无静电,对患有心血管疾病的人群和婴幼儿很好。关于棉被的词语被甲据鞍被发佯狂衣被群生被绣之牺被甲执_被甲持兵被灾蒙祸韦裤布被棉手闷子被宠若惊关于棉被的造句1、理想是棉花,做成温暖的棉被。2、这床簇新的棉被让我明白了妈妈的爱。3、服装和棉被被新生拿到宿舍。4、秋天的风,浓烈而醉人,为果林带来成熟的气息。冬天的雪,洁白而温暖,给大地盖上了厚厚的棉被。5、冬天的雪,静寂而多情,替大地盖上安宁的棉被。点此查看更多关于棉被的详细信息
2023-07-21 13:40:091


2023-07-21 13:40:161

down alternative comforter是什么意思

down-alternative-comforter下的替代者双语例句1. She dusted herself down and left to build her own career. 她重振旗鼓去开创自己的事业了。来自柯林斯例句2. Try to support each other when one of you is feeling down. 当有人觉得情绪低落时,要努力相互打气。
2023-07-21 13:40:411


“被子”英文“quilt”.读法“kwu026alt".名词,表示被子、棉被、被状物。如:She covered herself with a quilt(她给自己盖上一条棉被).“被子”“quilt”.相近意思的词还有:blanket、Comforter、Bedspreads.相关的词组:air a quilt(晒被子);Patch a quilt(补被子);to fold the quilt(折叠被子)
2023-07-21 13:40:481


用百度词典来查啊 这个算不算答案啊 !~!~~~~
2023-07-21 13:41:195


The following is the content: Dear Mr. Warner: Hello! I am about to go to your house of Chinese students studying in a boarding Xu, I am very honored that my English is not very fluent, please forgive me. For your boarding home, I have some doubts, sorry to waste your valuable time for me to answer: 1. I do not need to be fitted with a bed and bedding and other supplies, to take, please let me know the specific needs with what? 2. I took the laptop in the past, I can access my room? 3. In addition to the normal daily use, what is needed to bring things? Finally, I wish you and your wife have a child a Happy New Year! I will bring with Chinese characteristics is the New Year"s gift to thank! Believe that we will get along very good! Xu
2023-07-21 13:42:037


2023-07-21 13:42:265


  围巾是围在脖子上的,用于保暖、美观等功能的饰品的一种。那么你知道围巾用英语怎么说吗?下面跟我一起学习围巾的英语知识吧。    围巾的英语说法   scarf   muffler   neckerchief    围巾的相关 短语   长围巾 Long Muffler   皮围巾 victorine ; necklet ; neckpiece   棉毛围巾 cotton scarf   围巾手套 scarves & gloves ; ScarvesGloves ; Scarves   皮草围巾 Giada ; Barbara Tfank ; MUFFLER ; SCARF   针织围巾 knitted scarf ; Knitting Scarf ; Missoni ; knit scarf   西装围巾 scarf for western-style clothes   围巾的英语例句   1. I shivered and pulled my scarf more tightly round my neck.   我打了个寒战,用围巾把脖子围得更紧了。   2. During the war, Joan helped her mother knit scarves for soldiers.   战争期间,琼帮妈妈给战士们织围巾。   3. She wore a large pink boa around her neck.   她脖子上围着一条粉色长羽毛围巾。   4. You can often choose between plain white or coloured and patterned scarves.   常可在纯白色或带图案的彩色围巾中作出选择。   5. Emma wore a fringed scarf round her neck.   埃玛脖子上围了一条流苏边的围巾。   6. Keep your scarf on, do your coat up.   围好围巾,扣好衣服。   7. She tied a knot in her scarf.   她把围巾打了个结。   8. She had a shawl draped around her shoulders.   她肩上披着一条围巾。   9. He tied a scarf around his neck.   他脖子上围着围巾。   10. Paul smooth the comforter, adjusting it carefully about his father"s neck.   保罗展开围巾,小心地盖到父亲的脖子周围.   11. Jamie was snugly wrapped in a white woolen scarf.   杰米围着一条白色羊毛围巾舒适而暖和.   12. Her bright red scarf set her apart from the other girls.   她那鲜红的围巾使她在姑娘们中间显得特别突出.   13. He hangs up his scarf on the hook behind the door.   他把围巾挂在门后的衣钩上.   14. Mind you wrap up well if you go out.   你出外的话要围好围巾.   15. The lady likes to wear the silk shawl.   那女士喜欢用丝围巾. 猜你喜欢: 1. 围巾的英语单词 2. 羊毛用英语怎么说 3. 围巾的经典广告词 4. 图案用英语怎么说 5. 手套的英文是什么 6. 脖子用英语怎么说
2023-07-21 13:42:431

美国大学宿舍床 twin xl 尺寸 急急

Mattress Sizes: Twin--39 x 75 inches (or 99 x 190 cm) X-Long Twin--39 x 80 inches (99 x 203 cm) Full--54 x 75 inches (137 x 190 cm) Queen--60 x 80 inches (or 153 x 203 cm) King--76 x 80 inches (or 198 x 203 cm) California King--72 x 84 inches (or 182 x 213 cm)Fitted Sheet Sizes: Twin--39 x 75 inches (or 99 x 190 cm) X-Long Twin--39 x 80 inches (99 x 203 cm) Full--54 x 75 inches (137 x 190 cm) Queen--60 x 80 inches (or 153 x 203 cm) King--76 x 80 inches (or 198 x 203 cm) California King--72 x 84 inches (or 182 x 213 cm)Flat Sheet Sizes: Twin--66 x 96 inches (or 167 x 243 cm) X-Long Twin--66 x 102 inches (or 167 x 259 cm) Full--81 x 96 inches (or 205 x 243 cm) Queen--90 x 102 inches (or 228 x 259 cm) King/California King--108 x 102 inches (or 274 x 259 cm)Comforter Sizes: Twin--68 x 86 inches (or 173 x 218 cm) Full/Queen--86 x 86 inches (or 218 x 218 cm) King/California King--100 x 90 inches (or 254 x 229 c
2023-07-21 13:42:581


children"s goods store 儿童用品商店 antique shop 古玩店 second-hand store 旧货店 counter 柜台 stall, stand 售货摊 show window 橱窗 show case 玻璃柜台 shelf 货架 shelf life 保质期 cash desk, cashier"s desk 收银处 price tag 标价签 prices are fixed, fixed prices 有定价 discount 打折扣 change 零钱 to keep the bill 留发票 to wrap up 包装 free of charge 不收费 to deliver 送 be al sold out, out of stock 售空 shop assistant, salesman 售货员 saleswoman 女售货员 glassware counter 玻璃器皿部 enamel ware 搪瓷器皿 haberdashery 男子服饰用品 confectionery 糖果糕点 cosmetics 化妆用品 stationery 文具 fabrics 纺织品 dry goods 服装 ready-made clothes, off-the-peg, ready-to-wear 成衣,现成服装 men"s wear 男服 women"s wear 女服 underwear 内衣裤 sports goods, athletic equipment 体育用品 sundries 零星小物 toilet articles 盥洗用品 towel 毛巾 handkerchief 手帕 toilet soap 香皂 shampoo 洗发香波 soap 肥皂 laundry soap 洗衣皂 soap powder 肥皂粉 soap flakes 皂片 medicated soap 药皂 detergent 洗衣粉 cleanser 去污粉 tooth paste 牙膏 tooth brush 牙刷 toilet mirror 梳妆镜 hair brush 发刷 hair vaseline 发蜡 cosmetics 化妆品 lipstick 口红, 唇膏 face powder 粉 compact 粉盒 powder puff 粉扑 cold cream 香脂 vanishing cream 雪花膏 perfume, scent 香水 perfume spray 香水喷子 coat hanger 挂衣架 clothes-peg, clothes pin 晒衣夹 string bag, net bag 网兜 thermos bottle 热水瓶 cap, cork 热水瓶瓶盖 traveler"s bottlewater flask, canteen 旅行水壶 lunch box, canteen 饭盒 thread 线 needle 针 button 钮扣 zipper 拉链 key-ring 钥匙圈 torch, flashlight 手电 bulb 灯泡 battery 电池 lock 锁 watch, wrist watch 表, 手表 watch band 表带 watch chain 表链 clock 钟 alarm clock 闹钟 electric clock 电钟 umbrella 雨伞 parasol, sun umbrella 阳伞 knapsack 背包 handbag 女手提包 briefcase, portfolio 公事包 travelling bag 旅行包 suitcase 手提箱 trunk 大衣箱 magnifying glass 放大镜 binoculars 望远镜 hot-water bottle 热水袋 smoking set 烟具 lighter 打火机 jewelry, jewels 首饰, 珠宝 jewel case 首饰盒 antique, curio 古玩 ornaments 装饰品 ring, finger ring 戒指 signet ring 印章戒指 necklace 项链 brooch 胸针 pendant 坠子 bracelet 镯子 chain bracelet 手链 ear ring 耳环 trinket 小饰物 safety-pin 别针 cuff-link 袖扣 diamond 钻石 gold jeweleries 金饰 silver jeweleries 银饰 pearl 珍珠 imitation 仿制品 genuine 真的 fake 假的 baby"s cot, crib 婴儿床 cradle 摇篮 diaper, napkin 尿布 feeding bottle, feeder 奶瓶 teat, nipple 橡皮奶嘴 dummy, comforter 假奶嘴 perambulator 儿童车 go-cart, walker, babyalker 儿童学步车 rocking-horse 摇马 scooter 踏板车 child"s tricycle 儿童三轮车 razor 剃刀 safety razor 保险剃须刀 electric razor 电剃刀 razor blade 刀片 shaving brush 剃须刷 shaving cream 剃须膏 comb 梳子 hair-brush 发刷 hair-net 发网 hair pin 发夹 hair oil, brilliantine 发油 cleaning product洗涤用品 domestic article家庭用品 refrigerator 冰箱 automatic rice cooker 电饭锅 steamer 蒸锅 oven 烤箱 grill 烧烤架 toaster 烤面包机 egg beater 打蛋器 ice crusher 刨冰机 food processor 食品加工机 paper towel 纸巾 apron 围裙 tableware 餐具 plate 盘子 dish 碟子 bowl 碗 upboard 碗橱 dining table 餐桌 larder 食品柜 drop-leaf table 可以折叠边缘的桌子 chopping board 案板 cutlery tray 装餐具的容器 dish drainer 晾干餐具的容器(类似铁丝筐) table cloth 桌布 laundry bag 洗衣袋 pail 洗衣桶 ironing board 烫衣板 steam and dry iron 蒸汽电熨斗 electric iron 电熨斗 laundry drier 烘干机 spin-drier 旋转式脱水机 washing machine 洗衣机 radiator 暖气片 electric fan 电扇 stand fan 落地电扇 oscillating fan 摇头电扇 bed light/bed lamp 床头灯 fluorescent lamp 日光灯 ceiling lamp/pendant lamp 吊灯 desk/table lamp 台灯 wall light 壁灯 floor lamp 落地灯 chandelier 枝状吊灯 water gauge 水表 plug 插头 outlet/receptacle 插座 paste 浆糊 glue 胶水 adhesive tape 胶条 packing paper 包装纸 string 绳子 carpenter 木工 electrician 电工 utility man 杂务工 plumber 管道工 painter 油漆工 vacuum hose holder 吸尘器管子的托架 watering can 浇水壶 blanket 毛毯 cushion 垫子 quilt 被子 cotton terry blanket 毛巾被 feather quilt 羽绒被 cotton quilt 棉被 bedding 床上用品 mosquito net 蚊帐 pillow 枕头 bolster 长枕 pillow case 枕套 tick 褥子 carpet 地毯 (一般指大的整块的,铺房间的那种) rug 地毯(一般指小块的,放在沙发等边上的那种) bed frame/bed base 床架 headboard 床头板 sofa bed 沙发床 folding guest bed 折叠床 loftbed frame 架在空中的床(下面可放沙发、桌子等) bunkbed frame 上下铺的床 slatted bed base 板条床  sprung base 弹簧床 bedspread 床罩 sheet 床单 mat 席子 mattress 床垫 (厚的那种) mattress pad 床垫 (薄的那种) bed canopy 支在床上的篷子 (一般用于儿童床上的装饰) bedside table 床头柜 bathtub 浴缸 hand shower 手握式淋浴器 shower nozzle 喷头 tap faucet 水龙头 plastic curtain 防水浴帘 shower cap 浴帽 bath slipper 洗澡用拖鞋 bath mat 防滑垫 towel hanger/holder 毛巾架 towel ring 毛巾环 bath towel 浴巾 soap stand 肥皂盒 comb 梳子 soap 肥皂 shampoo 洗发露 conditioner 护发素 dryer 吹风机 razor 刮胡刀 toothpaste 牙膏 toothbrush 牙刷  bathroom 浴室,厕所 flushing system 冲水系统 flush toilet 抽水马桶 flush pipe 冲水管 foul drainage system 排污水系统 drainage 排水道 ventilation shaft/pipe 通风管道 toilet seat 马桶坐圈 toilet lid 马桶盖 squatting pot 蹲式马桶 urinal 小便池 toilet paper/tissue 卫生纸 toilet brush 马桶刷 wardrobe 衣柜 cloth rail 挂衣服栏杆 hook 钩子 wall shelf 装在墙上放东西的架子 bracket 墙上突出之托架 magazine file 装杂志等的架子 shoe cabinet/storage 鞋柜 wall cabinet 壁橱 hook rack 挂钩架 TV bench 电视柜 bookcase 书架  braked castor 装在家具脚上方便推行的轮子 (如:storage unit on castors) 10-drawer chest 十个抽屉的储存柜 tea table 茶几 coffee table 咖啡台 smoking set 烟具 ashtray 烟灰缸 thermos bottle/vacuum bottle 热水瓶 doorknob,handle门把手 safety door hook 安全门钩 corridor 走廊 elevator 升降电梯 escalator 滚梯 rocking chair 摇椅 hanging seat 吊椅 swivel armchair 旋转扶椅 footstool 凳子stool chaise longue 躺椅 folding chair 折叠椅 Makeup(粉底)  Mask(面膜)  Mascara(睫毛膏)  Milk(乳)  Multi(多元)    Nail color(指甲油)  Nail enamel(指甲油)  Nail polish(指甲油)  Nail saver(保甲液)  Normal(中性皮肤)  Nutritious(滋养)    Oil-control(抑制油脂)  Oily(油性皮肤)  Pack(剥撕式面膜)  Peeling(敷面剥落式面
2023-07-21 13:43:571

University Of Missouri-Columbia 单人床 尺寸

学校宿舍的话一般是Twin sizeMattress Sizes Twin--39 x 75 inches (or 99 x 190 cm) X-Long Twin--39 x 80 inches (99 x 203 cm) Full--54 x 75 inches (137 x 190 cm) Queen--60 x 80 inches (or 153 x 203 cm) King--76 x 80 inches (or 198 x 203 cm) California King--72 x 84 inches (or 182 x 213 cm) Fitted Sheet Sizes Twin--39 x 75 inches (or 99 x 190 cm) X-Long Twin--39 x 80 inches (99 x 203 cm) Full--54 x 75 inches (137 x 190 cm) Queen--60 x 80 inches (or 153 x 203 cm) King--76 x 80 inches (or 198 x 203 cm) California King--72 x 84 inches (or 182 x 213 cm) Flat Sheet Sizes Twin--66 x 96 inches (or 167 x 243 cm) X-Long Twin--66 x 102 inches (or 167 x 259 cm) Full--81 x 96 inches (or 205 x 243 cm) Queen--90 x 102 inches (or 228 x 259 cm) King/California King--108 x 102 inches (or 274 x 259 cm) Comforter Sizes Twin--68 x 86 inches (or 173 x 218 cm) Full/Queen--86 x 86 inches (or 218 x 218 cm) King/California King--100 x 90 inches (or 254 x 229 cm)
2023-07-21 13:44:041


适合初学者的英语阅读短文    【2】Companionship of Books以书为伴   A man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps; for there is a companionship of books as well as of men; and one should always live in the best company, whether it be of books or of men.   A good book may be among the best of friends. It is the same today that it always was, and it will never chance. It is the most patient and cheerful of companions. It does not turn its back upon us in times of adversity or distress. It always receives us with the same kindness, amusing and instructing us in youth, and comforting and consoling us in age.   Men often discover their affinity to each other by the mutual love they have for a book just as two persons sometimes discover a friend by the admiration which both entertain for a third.There is an old proverb, "Love me, love my dog." But there is more wisdom in this: "Love me, love my book." The book is a truer and higher bond of union. Men can think, feel, and sympathize with each other through their favorite author. They live in him together, and he in them.   "Books," said Hazlitt, "wind into the heart; the poet"s verse slides in the current of our blood. We read them when young, we remember them when old. We feel that it has happened to ourselves. They are to be very cheap and good. We breathe but the air of books."   A good book is often the best urn of a life enshrining the best that life could think out; for the world of a man"s life is, for the most part, but the world of his thoughts. Thus the best books are treasuries of good words, the golden thoughts, which, remembered and cherished, become our constant companions and comforters. "They are never alone," said Sir Philip Sidney, "that are accompanied by noble thoughts." The good and true thought may in times of temptation be as an angel of mercy purifying and guarding the soul. It also enshrines the germs of action, for good words almost always inspire to good works.   Books possess an essence of immortality. They are by far the most lasting products of human effort. Temples and statues decay, but books survive. Time is of no account with great thoughts, which are as fresh today as when they first passed through their author"s minds, ages ago. What was then said and thought still speaks to us as vividly as ever from the printed page. The only effect of time has been to sift out the bad products; for nothing in literature can long survive but what is really good.   Books introduce us into the best society; they bring us into the presence of the greatest minds that have ever lived. We hear what they said and did; we see them as if they were really alive; we sympathize with them, enjoy with them, grieve with them; their experience becomes ours, and we feel as if we were in a measure actors with them in the scenes which they describe.   The great and good do not die, even in this world. Embalmed in books, their spirits walk abroad. The book is a living voice. It is an intellect to which one still listens. Hence we ever remain under the influence of the great men of old. The imperial intellects of the world are as much alive now as they were ages ago.   了解一个人,通常可以看他读什么书,结交什么人.因为有人以人为伴,有人以书为伴。无论是书友还是朋友,生活中我们都应该和最佳最善者常相伴。   好书可以是你最好的朋友。它始终不渝,过去如此,现在如此,将来也永不改变。它是最有耐心、最令人愉悦的伴侣。在我们遭受不幸,忧伤悲痛的时候,它不会抛弃我们。它总是一如既往地亲切相待。我们年少时,好书给我们带来欢笑和知识;我们年老时,好书又给我们以亲抚和慰藉。   喜欢同一本书的人,常常发现彼此间习性也相近,就像有一时两个人因为敬慕同一个人而成为朋友一样。古时有句谚语:“爱屋及鸟。”其实,“爱我及书”这句活蕴涵更多的哲理。书是更为真诚而高尚的情谊纽带。人们可以通过共同喜爱的作家沟通思想,交流感情,产生共鸣。他们和作家情感相通,作家和他们思想相融。   哈兹利特曾经说过:“书潜移转化人们的内心,诗歌熏陶人们的气质品性。少小所习,老大不忘,恍如身历其事。书籍价廉物美,不啻我们呼吸的空气。”   好书常如最精美的宝器,珍藏着人生思想的精华,因为人生命的境界主要在于其思想的境界。因此,最好的书是金玉良言,是崇高思想的宝库,这些良言和思想若铭记于心并多加珍视,就会成为我们忠实的伴侣和永恒的慰藉。菲利普·锡德尼爵士说得好:“有高尚思想做伴的人永不孤独。”当我们面临诱惑的时候,优美纯真的思想会像仁慈的天使一样,纯洁并保卫我们的灵魂。优美纯真的思想也孕育着行动的胚芽,因为金玉良言几乎总会启发善行。   书籍具有不朽的本质,是人类努力创造的最为持久的成果。寺庙会倒塌,神像会朽烂,而书却经久长存。对于伟大思想来说,时间是无关紧要的。多年前初次闪现于作者脑海的伟大思想今天依然清新如故。他们昨日的言论和思想刊载于纸张之上,如今依然生动如初,向我们娓娓道来。时间唯一的作用是淘汰不好的作品,因为只有真正的佳作才能经世长存。   书籍介绍我们与最优秀的人为伍,使我们置身于历代伟人巨匠之间,如闻其声,如观其行,如见其人,同他们情感交融,悲喜与共.感同身受。一定程度上,我们觉得自己仿佛在作者所描绘的舞台上和他们一起粉墨登场。   即使在人世间,伟大杰出的人物也永生不朽。他们的精神被载人书册,传于四海。书是有生命力的声音,是人类至今仍在聆听的智慧之声。所以,我们永远都受历代伟人的影响。多少世纪以前的盖世英才,如今仍同当年一样,显示着强大的生命力。    课堂笔记:   1.此处的“as well as”相当于连词"and"、连接两个介词短语。   2.虚拟语气在由“whether”引导的让步状语从句中,从句谓语用动词原形,表示“不论是……还是……”同时,"whether"一词可以省去,而将“be”动词放在主语前.此从句可以变为“be it of books or of men”.   3."the same as"和"the same that"都指“和…相同”的含义,但前者强调的是类型的相同,而后者强调的是事物本身的相同。此处指的是好书本身,故而用的是"the same that".   4.句中的两个介词“by"均表示方式,表“通过”之意。省略"that”的定语从句从句"they have for a book”用于修饰“love"。连词“as”表示“正如……一样”,后接从句,用于比较。关系代词“which”引导的定语从句“which both entertain for a third”用于修饰“admiration"。   5."Love me, love my dog.”常被译为“爱屋及乌”英语中有关“dog”的谚语很多,比如:a lucky dog(幸运儿);Every dog has his day.(人人皆有得意日。);It rains cats and dogs.(下倾盆大雨。);a cat-and-dog life(争争吵吵的日子)等等。   6.威廉·哈兹利特(William Hazlitt,1778-1830),英国散文家、评论家、画家.   7.这是由关系代词which引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词treasuries,从句中的过去分词结构“remembered and cherished(铭记于心并多加珍视)”用作状语,表示条件.   8.菲利普·锡德尼爵士(Sir Philip Sidney, 1554- 1586 ),英国文艺复兴时期的著名的散文家、政治家,有很高的艺术修养.科学知识丰富.   9.此处的but为介词,表示“除……以外”的含义,what引导的从句作but的宾语。 ;
2023-07-21 13:44:111


Girl On Fire 播放歌手:Alicia KeysSpirit of Marilyn calling me, audiblyBawling she, said that she would never leaveContinued to torture meTelling me to come with herUnderneath my comforterAnd she brought a gun with herPills and some rum with herTip me on the balcony telling me to jump with herYeah I"m in the ghost but I ain"t doing stunts with herI ain"t tryna be that haters wanna see thatBut I got ‘em aggy cause I win the gold like Gabby[Alicia Keys]She"s just a girl and she"s on fireHotter than a fantasy, longer like a highwayShe"s living in a world and it"s on fireFill with catastrophe, but she know she can fly awayOh, she got both feet on the groundAnd she"s burning it downOh, she got her head in the cloudsAnd she"s not backing down[Chorus]This girl is on fireThis girl is on fireShe"s walking on fireThis girl is on fire[Alicia Keys]Looks like a girl but she"s a flameSo bright she can burn your eyesBetter look the other wayYou can try but you"ll never forget her nameShe"s on top of the worldHottest of the hottest girls sayOh, we got our feet on the groundAnd we"re burning it downOh, got our head in the cloudsAnd we"re not coming down[Chorus]This girl is on fireThis girl is on fireShe"s walking on fireThis girl is on fire[Alicia Keys]Everybody stands as she goes byCause they can see the flame that"s in her eyesWatch her when she"s lighting up the nightNobody knows that she"s a lonely girlAnd it"s a lonely worldBut she gon" let it burn baby burn baby[Nicki Minaj]Dear God, If you"re here GodMake the fire disappear when they stare GodTake away my fear when they interfere GodDo you fear God? Cause I fear GodAnd in my backyard, that"s a deer, GodAnd that"s a horse ranchAnd to my core fans keep repping meDo it to the death of meX in the box cause ain"t nobody checking me[Chorus]This girl is on fireThis girl is on fireShe"s walking on fireThis girl is on fireOh, oh, oh…She"s just a girl, and she"s on fireGirl On Fire (Inferno Version) [feat. Nicki Minaj]( [feat. Nicki Minaj]) - Alicia Keys
2023-07-21 13:44:191


erished, become our constant companions and comforters.
2023-07-21 13:44:282


  在给别人准备的围巾上,绣上英文,逼格立马不同了。下面是我给大家整理的围巾的英文是什么,供大家参阅!   围巾的英文是什么   shawl   / u0283u0254u02d0l; u0283u0254l/ n (女用)披肩,围巾; 襁褓.   scarf   / skɑu02d0f; skɑrf/ n围巾; 头巾; 披肩.   围巾的英语例句   1. I shivered and pulled my scarf more tightly round my neck.   我打了个寒战,用围巾把脖子围得更紧了。   2. During the war, Joan helped her mother knit scarves for soldiers.   战争期间,琼帮妈妈给战士们织围巾。   3. She wore a large pink boa around her neck.   她脖子上围着一条粉色长羽毛围巾。   4. You can often choose between plain white or coloured and patterned scarves.   常可在纯白色或带图案的彩色围巾中作出选择。   5. Emma wore a fringed scarf round her neck.   埃玛脖子上围了一条流苏边的围巾。   6. Keep your scarf on, do your coat up.   围好围巾,扣好衣服。   7. She tied a knot in her scarf.   她把围巾打了个结。   8. She had a shawl draped around her shoulders.   她肩上披着一条围巾。   9. He tied a scarf around his neck.   他脖子上围着围巾。   10. Paul smooth the comforter, adjusting it carefully about his father"s neck.   保罗展开围巾,小心地盖到父亲的脖子周围.   11. Jamie was snugly wrapped in a white woolen scarf.   杰米围着一条白色羊毛围巾舒适而暖和.   12. Her bright red scarf set her apart from the other girls.   她那鲜红的围巾使她在姑娘们中间显得特别突出.   13. He hangs up his scarf on the hook behind the door.   他把围巾挂在门后的衣钩上.   14. Mind you wrap up well if you go out.   你出外的话要围好围巾.   15. The lady likes to wear the silk shawl.   那女士喜欢用丝围巾.   scarf的双语例句   1. I shivered and pulled my scarf more tightly round my neck.   我打了个寒战,用围巾把脖子围得更紧了。   2. Then she untied her silk scarf.   然后她把丝巾解下来。   3. I bought a great tie-dyed silk scarf.   我买了条非常好的扎染丝巾。   4. Emma wore a fringed scarf round her neck.   埃玛脖子上围了一条流苏边的围巾。   5. Keep your scarf on, do your coat up.   围好围巾,扣好衣服。   6. She adjusted her coloured head scarf fussily.   她不厌其烦地调弄着自己的彩色头巾。   7. She tied a knot in her scarf.   她把围巾打了个结。   8. She tied her scarf over her head.   她把头巾围在头上。   9. He tied a scarf around his neck.   他脖子上围着围巾。   10. Jamie was snugly wrapped in a white woolen scarf.   杰米围着一条白色羊毛围巾舒适而暖和.   11. Her bright red scarf set her apart from the other girls.   她那鲜红的围巾使她在姑娘们中间显得特别突出.   12. He hangs up his scarf on the hook behind the door.   他把围巾挂在门后的衣钩上.   13. This fight scarf is throttling me.   这条束得紧紧的围巾快要把我窒息死了.   14. He unwound the scarf from his neck.   他从脖子上解下围巾.   15. She wear a woollen scarf.   她围着一条羊毛围巾.   
2023-07-21 13:44:471


床上用品:Bedding; bedclothes 绝对地道,这是报关员考试教材上的翻译被子 Quilt; Duvet(充羽毛、绒制成的) 被壳 Comforter Shell 传统式枕套:Pillow Sham 开口式枕套: Pillow Case 靠垫 Cushion 帷幔 Valance 窗帘 Curtain 闺枕 Boudoir Pillow 圆抱枕 Neck Roll 被单 Bed Sheet 包被单 Sheet 床单 Flat Sheet 床罩 Fitted Sheet; Bed Cover 床裙 Bed Spread; Bed Skirt 枕巾 Pillow Towel 桌布 Tablecloth 盖毯 Throw 毛毯 Woolen Blanket 毛巾毯 Towel Blanket 睡袋 Sleeping bag; Fleabag
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Once, when I was back in kindergarten, I didn"t get enough for lunch, so I snuck a chocolate bar into my bed during noon nap. But I fell asleep before I could finish it. And it was summer then, the temperature was rather high. When I woke up, I found that the melted chocolate was all over the place. The comforter and my clothes got stained so badly that my teacher had to wash them for me. Ever since, I have avoided eating anything in my bed, especially chocolate.这是开教育培训公司的老板翻译的,很地道,谦虚地说一句:希望能帮助到你,望及时采纳。不客气~
2023-07-21 13:45:011


令人敬畏的英文有以下几种译法:formidable; august; awesome; impressive; awe-inspiring ;
2023-07-21 13:45:092


A man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps; for there is a companionship of books as well as of men; and one should always live in the best company, whether it be of books or of men. A good book may be among the best of friends. It is the same today that it always was, and it will never change. It is the most patient and cheerful of companions. It does not turn its back upon us in times of adversity or distress. It always receives us with the same kindness; amusing and instructing us in youth, and comforting and consoling us in age. Men often discover their affinity to each other by the mutual love they have for a book just as two persons sometimes discover a friend by the admiration which both entertain for a third. There is an old proverb, ‘Love me, love my dog.” But there is more wisdom in this:” Love me, love my book.” The book is a truer and higher bond of union. Men can think, feel, and sympathize with each other through their favorite author. They live in him together, and he in them. A good book is often the best urn of a life enshrining the best that life could think out; for the world of a man"s life is, for the most part, but the world of his thoughts. Thus the best books are treasuries of good words, the golden thoughts, which, remembered and cherished, become our constant companions and comforters. Books possess an essence of immortality. They are by far the most lasting products of human effort. Temples and statues decay, but books survive. Time is of no account with great thoughts, which are as fresh today as when they first passed through their author"s minds, ages ago. What was then said and thought still speaks to us as vividly as ever from the printed page. The only effect of time have been to sift out the bad products; for nothing in literature can long survive e but what is really good. Books introduce us into the best society; they bring us into the presence of the greatest minds that have ever lived. We hear what they said and did; we see the as if they were really alive; we sympathize with them, enjoy with them, grieve with them; their experience becomes ours, and we feel as if we were in a measure actors with them in the scenes which they describe. The great and good do not die, even in this world. Embalmed in books, their spirits walk abroad. The book is a living voice. It is an intellect to which on still listens.  通常看一个读些什么书就可知道他的为人,就像看他同什么人交往就可知道他的为人一样,因为有人以人为伴,也有人以书为伴。无论是书友还是朋友,我们都应该以最好的为伴。  好书就像是你最好的朋友。它始终不渝,过去如此,现在如此,将来也永远不变。它是最有耐心,最令人愉悦的伴侣。在我们穷愁潦倒,临危遭难时,它也不会抛弃我们,对我们总是一如既往地亲切。在我们年轻时,好书陶冶我们的性情,增长我们的知识;到我们年老时,它又给我们以慰藉和勉励。  人们常常因为喜欢同一本书而结为知已,就像有时两个人因为敬慕同一个人而成为朋友一样。有句古谚说道:“爱屋及屋。”其实“爱我及书”这句话蕴涵更多的哲理。书是更为真诚而高尚的情谊纽带。人们可以通过共同喜爱的作家沟通思想,交流感情,彼此息息相通,并与自己喜欢的作家思想相通,情感相融。  好书常如最精美的宝器,珍藏着人生的思想的精华,因为人生的境界主要就在于其思想的境界。因此,最好的书是金玉良言和崇高思想的宝库,这些良言和思想若铭记于心并多加珍视,就会成为我们忠实的伴侣和永恒的慰藉。  书籍具有不朽的本质,是为人类努力创造的最为持久的成果。寺庙会倒坍,神像会朽烂,而书却经久长存。对于伟大的思想来说,时间是无关紧要的。多年前初次闪现于作者脑海的伟大思想今日依然清新如故。时间惟一的作用是淘汰不好的作品,因为只有真正的佳作才能经世长存。  书籍介绍我们与最优秀的人为伍,使我们置身于历代伟人巨匠之间,如闻其声,如观其行,如见其人,同他们情感交融,悲喜与共,感同身受。我们觉得自己仿佛在作者所描绘的舞台上和他们一起粉墨登场。  即使在人世间,伟大杰出的人物也永生不来。他们的精神被载入书册,传于四海。书是人生至今仍在聆听的智慧之声,永远充满着活力。
2023-07-21 13:45:171

【急】把这段 英文 翻译成 中文,谢谢!不要用翻译软件!!!!

亲爱的先生华纳: 怎么是您? 这是徐,从上与您的中国的学生。 我由您的好客尊敬并且希望您将原谅我有限的英语。 关于搭乘安排的在您的家,我有有些问题我希望您会是很亲切的至于帮助我与。 1. 我是否会需要带来卧具例如板料、橡皮奶嘴、枕头等等? 如果那样,请告诉我明确地什么我应该带来与我。 2. 如果我将带来我的笔记本计算机,有没有我的一个方式能被连接到互联网在屋子里? 3.除日常使用的基本的必要之外,有没有我应该带来与我的别的? Best祝愿一新年好对您和您的家庭。 我希望通过带来与我一些典型的中国礼物显示我的欣赏作为一个新年当前为您。 我相信我们将得到相当好! 问候您, 徐
2023-07-21 13:45:374


  演讲稿可以帮助发言者更好的表达。在生活中,需要使用演讲稿的事情愈发增多,相信写演讲稿是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,以下是我收集整理的励志英语演讲稿,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 励志英语演讲稿1   Efforts toward the success of the process, at first glance, like a blacktunnel, sight of the head, such as Middle School graduating class of students,there are endless day of work, on the go, feel not enough sleep, many peopleevery day, "the first cantilever cone piercing, to burn the midnight oil", a dayin the "two line" between the hard work ... ... every day life is like a copierin print, everything is repeated.   Do not forget, the sun is new!   New, is a beautiful state of mind!   The new sun, Is this not a hope?   Every day see it, is like night and see the light of the black population,is it not a happiness?   Yes, the weight of our heavy burden almost collapsed, too highexpectations, we are firmly nailed to the ground, but perhaps the greatestburden is also a symbol of life enriched.   Nietzsche said that people do not suffer the power of pessimism, so we donot have to smile toward victory, but the face of temporary difficulties, wehave to smile, but also to heart smile. 励志英语演讲稿2   It suddenly began to rain. I was still walking leisurely along the pathwhen I saw a white thing on the path. Walking past, it was only a woundedbutterfly. It was struggling to climb up the water hole in the grass with itsslender legs. There was a picture in front of me: the big raindrops fellinexorably, and a white butterfly flapped its wings. The raindrops hit him. Itcouldn"t fly, but it didn"t stop. It"s been flying... Finally, he found a grassthat could shelter from the rain. The butterfly then stopped. However, thebutterfly was so weak that he accidentally fell into a nearby puddle. The rainstopped and it went on and on. Because it knows that there is a new startingpoint for climbing. Looking at it, a kind of inexplicable sadness welled up inmy heart. I quickly picked up the butterfly and put it in my hands, holding himto a sunny rock. I watched it silently. After a while, the butterfly"s wingswere dry. Slowly, his wings flew up. The white butterfly flew around me for aweek, as if to thank me. It seems to say to me, "you have to work hard to makeprogress toward tomorrow"s new starting point!" The butterfly slowly flew away,leaving me infinite ream. Yes, the starting point is in front. On the wayforward, no matter how hard it is, you must keep trying and never give upeasily. Because every tomorrow is a new beginning, a new path.   I think: we are from a starting line to the other starting line, thebeginning of the life of a beautiful life. Let us move towards a new startingpoint, the struggle of life, no regrets. 励志英语演讲稿3   青春短暂,转瞬即逝,但青春是人生最美好的时期,我们年轻,所以我们激进,我们敢于尝试,毫不犹豫地追求我们的梦。我们年轻,所以我们自信,我们从不向命运低头。我们年轻,所以我们美丽,我们有最迷人的脸庞。   这个世界不一定有美好的结局,没有缠绵青春的遗憾!无论快乐还是不快乐,青春都是用来怀念的!没有对与错,只是一个人的一点心意!这是最好的结局。   就像电影台词说的那样,成长的恐怖在于让自己看上去像你曾经不喜欢的人。增长的代价是失去一些东西,那些你觉得不珍贵的东西,但是几年后,当你经历了很多事情,你会意识到这些在你以后的生活中不会再出现。但是没关系,每个人的成长道路都是如此。珍惜你现在拥有的,因为那些是青春,带着眼泪,心碎作为回报。在接下来的日子里对过去的回忆会温暖你的心。我说,青春是不朽的,幸福,或者痛苦都是见证你年轻的证据。   生命是非常奇妙的,人类了解大自然的能力是有的限制,你永远不知道接下来会发生什么,尤其是当你发现自己陷入绝望。通往成功的道路充满变数也许成功只是一种可能性。也许,我们经过一个一生的.努力,到生命的尽头,终于没有得到成功了,但我们并不后悔,因为我们努力了。   我们应该做的是珍惜我们现在所拥有的,并学会成为心存感激,展望未来。为你的梦想而战! 励志英语演讲稿4   when i was seven, i started learning english. i played games and sangenglish songs with other children. sometimes, i watched english cartoons. it"sfunny. then i discovered the beauty of the language, and began my colorful dreamin the english world.   i hope i can travel around the world someday. i want to go to america tovisit washington, because my cousin is over there. of course, i want to go tolondon too, because england is where english language developed. if i can ridemy bike in cambridge university, i will be very happy.   i hope i can speak english with everyone in the world. also i"ll introducechina to them, such as the great wall, and the gardens in suzhou. i willteaching people of the world about the beautiful language of our country.   i like the english language. to learn english is wonderful. i once wantedto be an english teacher . i also like chinese literature. when i was reallyyoung, i was able to remember lots of poems. i also wanted to be a teacher ofchinese. now i think that both of my dreams can come true: i will be able to useenglish to teach foreign friends chinese and share chinese culture with them. sothat more and more people will be able to get to know the 5000 years" historyculture, and the prosperity of our great china.   my future is not a dream. 励志英语演讲稿5   Just read a report, a 19-year-old girl how clever, because of the exam hadno confidence a bit, although the test scores more than 7 points, colleges anduniversities to admit a line in the result under the single day take pills onhimself. This may be stressful. What a pity it is! She is not mature enough toknow the consequences of such a test. She does not know the consequences of herparents" love for her, or the influence of her parents" loss.   Adversity makes a man. Can suffer, can exercise a person. Hunger and thirstfor water, the value of a bowl of rice; Poverty and hardship, cold faces,hardships and setbacks can shape your character. On the way of learning, I feelthis way, when you feel learning is inferior to others, you will loseconfidence, or even give chance to others, when we want to know, opportunity isnot literally let to let go, is their fighting for. The hardship of life andstudy is such a torment, "the earth" always makes fun of it. We take the hardexperience and the growing season, record it! At the same time, it is possibleto find out the reasons for the hardship. Maybe there is no self-confidence, butthe people who lose their self-confidence can come back again. Yes, yes, likethe 19-year-old girl, she could have finished her studies, but she lost herself-confidence.   Let us remember the bitter lesson! I hope everyone has self-confidence.Believing in yourself is the end of success. 励志英语演讲稿6   青春是珍贵的礼物,也是我们生命中的黄金时光。当我们年轻的时候,我们强壮健康。是时候让我们准备好成为负责任的公民。   青春一生只有一次,因此,重要的是我们不应该把这些年浪费在无所事事和糟糕的生活上。这也是时候了当我们的记忆最好的时候。在这段时间里,我们能够学到比什么时候更多的东西   我们变老了。在我们年轻的时候,我们热情高涨我们自己的目标。我们也努力克服我们生活中的障碍方式。   如果我们意识到青春是多么珍贵,我们就会在年轻时得到满足以及当我们变老的时候。如果我们浪费青春,我们将度过余生我们的生活希望我们能再次年轻。 励志英语演讲稿7   青春不是人生的一段时光;这是一种精神状态;这不是一个玫瑰色的脸颊,红色的嘴唇和柔软的膝盖;这是一个意志的问题,一个品质的问题想象力,情感的活力;这是深海的新鲜生命之泉。   青春意味着勇气战胜胆怯,勇气战胜恐惧对冒险的渴望胜过对安逸的热爱。这通常存在于60岁的人身上超过一个20岁的男孩。没有人仅仅因为年龄而变老。我们变老了抛弃我们的理想。   岁月会使皮肤起皱,但放弃热情会使皮肤起皱灵魂。   担忧、恐惧、缺乏自信会扭曲人的心灵,让春天回到过去的灰尘。 励志英语演讲稿8   正如歌曲《我的未来不是梦》所说我喜欢这首歌。   每次唱这首歌都让我充满信心。我相信我们所有的梦想都可以。   如果我们有勇气去追求,梦想就会实现。我年轻的时候,我父亲总是问我未来会怎样。有时我发现很难给予某个回答。"我想当医生。""我想当老师。"和"我我想成为一名科学家!"这些答案中有许多可能非常幼稚荒谬。但我从来不认为他们离得很远。   时间过得真快!谁能给自己的未来下一个定义?我知道显然,那些高楼是建立在坚实的基础上的。作为学生,我应该有一个合理的目标,努力学习。我的目标是进入最好的中学毕业后大学深造。我知道这很难,我会遇到许多困难和挫折。但是不管它们是什么,我会继续努力,永不放弃。我的老师说只有一个那种真正成功的人:那些勇于承担的人带着艰辛。即使我达不到目标,我也不后悔我所做的。   我做到了,因为我已经为我的生活奋斗了。 励志英语演讲稿9   Good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen!   I"m very honored to stand here and give you a short speech! my topic isOpportunities and Challenges.   First, I would like to know, what does your destiny offer you? Happiness,wisdom, a strong body or something else. If I had asked this question topresident Nixon, he would probably had said,”Our destiny offers not the cup ofdespair, but the chalice of opportunity.”   Needless to say, one of the biggest opportunities given to China is the20xx Olympic Games. Till now, we have used two sevenths of the preparation time.How much changes have you seen? New roads, new subway lines, public-exercisingequipments with beautiful colors, large blocks of grass fields, and also lots ofmodern gyms which are under construction.   Other than those, there are even more good effects brought to us by theOlympic Games that cannot be seen directly. For example, more and more peoplewill get to know China. I"m sure the mysterious Chinese culture will attractthem strongly. And the games will also do good to the economy and environment,for it is gaining the attention of foreign investors and the awareness ofenvironmental protection is being strengthened. What is more, Olympic Games givea unique opportunity to inspire and educate a new generation of Chinese youthwith the Olympic values and the Olympic spirit. Now that we have seen so manyadvances, could you even imagine us losing the holding rights?   I"ve already said a lot about the Olympics and China. But I think everyoneshould use some time to think of this question, ”Does the Olympic Games have anyspecial meaning to you?”   For us, I mean the Chinese youth, 20xx Olympic Games is a tremendous gift.Because what we are waiting for is to do something significant as repaying thelove given to us .The society is just like a ship, and in our dreams the captainis waving his hand and saying ”Hey! Come here and take the helm! ”How charminghis voice is, but we have never heard of it in our true life. This morning,however, when we wake up, we will see the Olympic Games waving its hand. Afterchewing, most of us will have at least one plan about what to do for the OlympicGames. And mine is to be a “comforter” ----that is someone who will give comfortto others.   At the end of my speech, I hope all the preparation will go well, andeveryone will show their ability to the world. Let us seize opportunities andgive a big smile to challenges.
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