barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-21 16:48:55

The word "experience" has two meanings, one is literal: something someone has been through before; the other is more figurative, refering to the knowledge/skills etc. gained from past experiences. When the word is literal, it is a countable noun. When it is figurative, it is uncountable. Let me tell you how to distinguish these two meanings: for example, in the sentence "he has a lot of experience", "experience" remains singular after "a lot of", inferring that it is an uncountable noun. Therefore, in this case, the use of "experience" is referring to the figurative meaning. Similarly, if you find "experience" in its plural form, or after indefinite articles such as "a" or "an", then you can tell it is countable, thus referring to its literal meaning.


experience of this word has two meanings, one meaning of experience, one experience, meaning, when the experience of speaking time is a countable noun, when the experience is when it is an uncountable noun. Now I let me tell you how to differentiate the two words. For instance, for example, he has a lot of experience, in this sentence, experience on a lot of surprise can be maintained behind the prototype shows that it is an uncountable noun, so experience when the experience is here


The word experience has two meanings, one means experience, one experience, when is spoken as experience it is a countable noun, when is spoken as experince it is an uncountable noun. Now I let me tell you how to distinguish(differentuate) the two words. For instance, for example"he has a lot of experience"in this sentence,it is surprised that can be maintained prototype behind the "a lot of",it shows that the word is an uncountable noun, so experience is spken as experience.


has two meanings, one means experience, one experience, when is spoken as experience it is a countable noun, when is spoken as experince it is an uncountable noun. Now I let me tell you how to distinguish(differentuate) the two words. For instance, for example"he has a lot of experience"in this sentence,it is surprised that can be maintained prototype behind the "a lot of",it shows that the word is an uncountable noun.



2023-07-21 13:19:323


experience [英]u026aku02c8spu026au0259riu0259ns [美]u026aku02c8spu026ariu0259ns n. 经验,体验;经历,阅历 vt. 亲身参与,亲身经历;感受;发现
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experiences的读音:英[u026aku02c8spu026au0259riu0259ns];美[u026aku02c8spu026ariu0259ns]。experience的意思是经验;经历。经验,从哲学上讲,是指人类在同事物直接间接接触的过程中,通过身体器官五感从而获得的关于对事物的现象和联系的认识过程。唯物主义者认为,经验是在社会实践中产生的,它是客观事物在人们头脑中的自然反映,也是人类认识的开端。经验有待于深化,有待上升到理论,理论源于实践,实践又检验理论,循环往复,不断演化。在日常生活中亦指对感性经验所进行的概括总结,或许指直接接触客观事物的过程。经验是由人生经历总结而来,实践是认识的来源,而经验只是认识的初级阶段,必须不断深化才能成为人生阅历。知识是人类对物质世界以及精神世界探索的结果总和,及经验的系统固化;唯有将经验与知识结合,于人生经历中灵活运用所学知识,方可最大限度激发潜能,展现能力,丰富阅历。经验是个性化的,持久的不断积累;知识是普世化的,理论式的系统总结。experience双语例句:1、It was a cathartic experience.那是一次情感宣泄的体验。2、It was a tremendous experience.这是个了不起的经历。3、It was a chastening experience.那是一次令人遗憾的经历。4、It was a terrifying experience.那是一次可怕的经历。5、We all learn by experience.我们都从经验中得到教益。
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英语单词experience有两层含义: 1、做名词时,它的意思是经验,实践,经历,阅历,体验。复数:experiences。 2、做动词时,它的意思是经历,经受,遭受,感受,体会,体验。 扩展资料   第三人称单数:experiences;现在分词:experiencing;过去式:experienced;过去分词:experienced。   例句:   1、In my experience, very few people really understand the problem.   据我的经验看,真正理解这个问题的`人很少。   2、Experience is more important for this job than paper qualifications.   就这项工作而言,经验比纸面上的资格重要。   3、This is a new experience for me.   对于我来说,这是一次从未有过的经历。   4、Do you have any previous experience of this type of work?   你以前干过这种工作吗?   5、Everyone experiences these problems at some time in their lives.   每个人在人生的某个阶段都会经历这些问题。
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experience作名词时,可以是可数名词,也可以当不可数名词。只有是作可数名词且需要用复数形式时才加s,当experience在句子中是指往事,经历,感受时,是可数的。如:childhood experiences儿时的经历a lot of bad experiences 许多不快的经历Failing an exam was a new experience for me.
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prepare(准备) The dinner is preparring. 正在准备饭 experience(经历) He has rich working experience. 他有丰富的工作经历 introduce(介绍) Could you introduce a friend for me? 你能给我介绍个朋友吗 immediately(马上) Please go to school immediately. 请马上去学校 develop(培养) Fresh air and exercise develop healthy bodies. 清新的空气培养健康的身体 kindness(善意) Thank you for your kindness. 谢谢你的好心 regret(后悔) I regret to tell you that my friend is ill. 我很后悔告诉你我的朋友生病了 continue(继续) Will you continue gardening after dinner? 你可以饭后再弄花园吗 require(要求) The rules require us all to be present. 按规定我们都要到场.
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experience的基本意思是作名词意为“经验;经历”,作动词“感受,亲身经历”的意思。它的形容词是后面加-d,变为experienced,表示有经验的,经验丰富的。第三人称单数:experiences 复数:experiences 现在分词:experiencing 过去式:experienced 过去分词:experienced。一、作名词使用 1、作不可数名词。指做过某项特定工作的经验。 He has also had managerial experience on every level. 他还有各个层级的管理经验。 2、作不可数名词,指过去的事件,知识或情感的经验。 I should not be in any danger here, but experience has taught me caution. 我在这里应该不会有任何危险,但是经验告诉我要小心。 3、作可数名词,指一经历,发生在自己身上的事。 Moving had become a common experience for me. 搬家对我而言已经成了常事. 二、作动词使用 4、作及物动词,意思是“经历”。 British business is now experiencing a severe recession.英国商业现在正经历严重的衰退。 5、作动词,意思是“感受” Widows seem to experience more distress than do widowers.寡妇似乎比鳏夫更痛苦。扩展资料:undergo,experience,sustain,suffer这些动词均有“经历,经受,遭受”之意。1、undergo多指经受艰难、痛苦、不愉快或危险等事。2、experience指亲身经受或体验某事。3、sustain指遭受痛苦或承受负担。4、suffer常可与sustain通用,尤指受到损害或伤害。
2023-07-21 13:22:341


experience 英[u026ak"spu026au0259ru026au0259ns] 美[u026aku02c8spu026ariu0259ns] n. 经验,体验;经历,阅历 vt. 亲身参与,亲身经历;感受;发现 第三人称单数:experiences;过去分词:experienced;名词复数:experie... [例句]He has no diplomatic experience.他并没有外交经验。
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这个词两种形式都有,当表示“经验”的时候是不可数的,如He is a good teacher with much experience当表示“经历,经历的事”是可数的,如Travelling in the USA is really a great experience.
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experience[英][u026ak"spu026au0259ru026au0259ns] [美][u026aku02c8spu026ariu0259ns] 生词本简明释义n.经验,体验;经历,阅历vt.亲身参与,亲身经历;感受;发现复数:experiences第三人称单数:experiences过去式:experienced过去分词:experienced现在分词:experiencing
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vt.经验;经历;体验。变形:过去式experienced,过去分词experienced,现在分词experiencing,第三人称单数experiences,复数experiences。反义词 inexperience 读音:英[&16;&18;n&18;k&12;sp&18;&01;ri&01;...
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experience[英][u026ak"spu026au0259ru026au0259ns][美][u026aku02c8spu026ariu0259ns]n.经验,体验; 经历,阅历; vt.亲身参与,亲身经历; 感受; 发现; 第三人称单数:experiences过去分词:experienc
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experience 作经验时不可数,作经历时可数。 例句: These were horrifying experiences. 这些都是令人震惊的经历。 The book came out of his experiences in India. 这本书取材于他在印度的经历。 扩展资料   He wrote a book documenting his prison experiences.   他写了一本书,记录他的牢狱经历。   Students meet biweekly to discuss their experiences.   学生们每周见两次面以讨论他们的经历。   He"s nowhere near recovered yet from his experiences.   他远未从他的.经历中恢复过来。   She described her experiences in Africa very movingly.   她十分动人地描述了她在非洲的经历。   His experiences in India influenced his later writings.   他在印度的经历影响了他后来的著作。
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experience英 [u026aku02c8spu026au0259riu0259ns] 美 [u026aku02c8spu026ariu0259ns] n.经验,体验; 经历,阅历vt.感受; 亲身参与,亲身经历; 发现网络经验; 体验; 经历第三人称单数: experiences 复数: experiences 现在分词: experiencing 过去式: experienced 过去分词: experienced 形近词: sexperience sexperience
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experience 英[u026aku02c8spu026au0259riu0259ns] 美[u026aku02c8spu026ariu0259ns] n. 经验,体验; 经历,阅历; vt. 感受; 亲身参与,亲身经历; 发现; [例句]He has also had managerial experience on every level他还有各个层级的管理经验。[其他] 第三人称单数:experiences 复数:experiences 现在分词:experiencing过去式:experienced 过去分词:experienced
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experience 英[u026aku02c8spu026au0259riu0259ns]美[u026aku02c8spu026ariu0259ns]n. 经验,体验; 经历,阅历;vt. 感受; 亲身参与,亲身经历; 发现;[例句]He has also had managerial experience on every level他还有各个层级的管理经验。[其他] 第三人称单数:experiences 复数:experiences 现在分词:experiencing 过去式:experienced 过去分词:experienced
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experience这个英语单词有两层含义: 做名词时,表示的是:(由实践得来的)经验,实践,经历,阅历;(一次)经历,体验。属于可数名词,复数形式:experiences 做动词时,表示的是经历,经受,遭受,感受,体会,体验。 扩展资料   第三人称单数:experiences;   现在分词:experiencing;   过去式:experienced;   过去分词:experienced   experience常见用法   1、作名词时:与形容词或名词连用,如practical experience实践经验/ work experience工作经验;a doctor with experience in ......表示在某方面很有经验的医生。   2、作动词时:sb.+experience+sth.某人经历了......;experience pain/pleasure/unhappiness 感到痛苦/愉快/不幸。   experience例句分享   Moving had become a common experience for me   搬家对我而言已经成了常事。   He has also had managerial experience on every level   他还有各个层级的管理经验。   She had learned from experience to take little rests in between her daily routine   生活经验告诉她在日常生活中要注意劳逸结合。
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experiences 是什么意思意思

experiences经验双语对照词典结果:experiencesn.经历( experience的名词复数 ); 经验; 亲身经历; 传统; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.In other words, they stuff experiences into well-worn patterns. 换言之,大脑会把经验转化为固定模式。
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经验双语对照词典结果:experience[英][u026ak"spu026au0259ru026au0259ns][美][u026aku02c8spu026ariu0259ns]n.经验,体验; 经历,阅历; vt.亲身参与,亲身经历; 感受; 发现; 第三人称单数:experiences过去分词:experienced复数:experiences现在进行时:experiencing过去式:experienced很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~
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experience 既是可数名词又是不可数名词。指“经验”时,是不可数名词。指“经历”时是可数名词。例:He had many interesting experiences when he was in America.当他在美国时,他有许多有趣的经历。He has no experience in teaching English.他在教英语方面没有经验。希望能帮到你!
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experience 英[u026aku02c8spu026au0259riu0259ns] 美[u026aku02c8spu026ariu0259ns] n. 经验,体验; 经历,阅历; vt. 感受; 亲身参与,亲身经历; 发现; [例句]He has also had managerial experience on every level他还有各个层级的管理经验。你看到了 经验不可数经历可数,We are all conditioned by early impressions and experiences我们都受到早年印象和经历的影响。Most of the experiences herein concern cancer. 本文中大多数的经历都和癌症有关。
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experience 英[u026aku02c8spu026au0259riu0259ns] 美[u026aku02c8spu026ariu0259ns] n. 经验,体验; 经历,阅历; vt. 感受; 亲身参与,亲身经历; 发现; [例句]He has also had managerial experience on every level他还有各个层级的管理经验。[其他] 第三人称单数:experiences 复数:experiences 现在分词:experiencing过去式:experienced 过去分词:experienced
2023-07-21 13:29:261


experience 英[u026ak"spu026au0259ru026au0259ns] 美[u026aku02c8spu026ariu0259ns] n.经验,体验;经历,阅历 vt.亲身参与,亲身经历;感受;发现 第三人称单数:experiences;过去分词:experienced;名词复数:experie... [例句]He has no diplomatic experience. 他并没有外交经验.
2023-07-21 13:29:331

英语词汇 单词相似意不同:experience / experiment

experience / experiment   experience: noun meaning something that a person lives through, i.e. something that someone experiences. - also used as an uncountable noun meaning "knowledge gained by doing something"   experience:   1.名词,表示一个人经历过的事情,比如可以说something that someone experiences.   2.不可数名词,表示做什么事情后得到的知识。其实就是一个人的经历、经验。   Examples:   例句:   (first meaning)His experiences in Germany were rather depressing.   (second meaning) I"m afraid I don"t have much sales experience.   (第一种意思)他在德国的经历非常郁闷。   (第二种意思)恐怕我没什么销售经验。   experiment: noun meaning something that you do to see the result. Often used when speaking about scientists and their studies.   experiment:名词,意思是做一些事情看结果,通常用来说科学家和他们的学生。其实意思就是实验、试验。   Examples:   例句:   They did a number of experiments last week.   Don"t worry it"s just an experiment. I"m not going to keep my beard.   上周他们做了很多实验。   别担心,就是试验一下,我不会留胡子的。
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experience [英][u026ak"spu026au0259ru026au0259ns][美][u026aku02c8spu026ariu0259ns] n.经验,体验; 经历,阅历; vt.亲身参与,亲身经历; 感受; 发现; 第三人称单数:experiences过去分词:experienced复数:experiences现在进行时:experiencing过去式:experienced [例句]He has no diplomatic experience. 他并没有外交经验. 2.It was an incredible experience. 那是不可思议的经历. 3.The experience is almost tangible. 这种体验几乎是有形的. 4.Many others have reported this same experience. 很多人都有同样的感受. 5.And what an experience it is. 下面来说说这中体会吧.
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en her cloak, and she heeds not the snow. Th
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experience 作经验时不可数,作经历时可数。 experience n.经验,体验;经历,阅历; vt.感受;亲身参与,亲身经历;发现; experience的第三人称单数:experiences; 过去分词:experienced; 复数:experiences 扩展资料   Experience is more important for this job than paper qualifications.   就这项工作而言,经验比纸面上的.资格重要。   This is a new experience for me.   对于我来说,这是一次从未有过的经历。   Do you have any previous experience of this type of work?   你以前干过这种工作吗?   Everyone experiences these problems at some time in their lives.   每个人在人生的某个阶段都会经历这些问题。
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experience作经历讲是可数名词。 experience: n.(由实践得来的)经验;实践;经历; v.经历;经受;遭受;感受;体会;体验; 第三人称单数: experiences复数: experiences现在分词: experiencing过去式: experienced过去分词: experienced 扩展资料   Some hospital patients experience high levels of anxiety.   有些住院病人十分焦虑不安。   The book is based on personal experience.   本书是根据个人经历写成的。   It was her first experience of living alone.   那是她第一次单独生活。   She has ten years" useful experience behind her.   她有十年的经验,能派上用场。
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初中英语的一些问题。。experience作为经历和经验的区别。 求详解。。

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experience 作经验时不可数,作经历时可数。 experience: n.(由实践得来的)经验;实践; v.经历;经受;遭受;感受;体会; 第三人称单数: experiences复数: experiences现在分词: experiencing过去式: experienced过去分词: experienced 扩展资料   The book is based on personal experience.   本书是根据个人经历写成的.。   It was her first experience of living alone.   那是她第一次单独生活。   She has ten years" useful experience behind her.   她有十年的经验,能派上用场。   Last season was a learning experience for me.   上个季度对我来说是一次学习。
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experience只有作为经历、体验时是可数的。 例:He has a lot of experiences of travelling.他有很多旅游的经历。 These were horrifying experiences. 这些都是令人震惊的经历。 扩展资料   He wrote a book documenting his prison experiences.   他写了一本书,记录他的牢狱经历。   Students meet biweekly to discuss their experiences.   学生们每周见两次面以讨论他们的经历。   He"s nowhere near recovered yet from his experiences.   他远未从他的经历中恢复过来。   She described her experiences in Africa very movingly.   她十分动人地描述了她在非洲的.经历。   His experiences in India influenced his later writings.   他在印度的经历影响了他后来的著作。
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过去的经历 英语翻译(用experiences)

experiences in the past.翻译
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名词 n. 1.经验,体验[U][(+of/in)]She had no experience of life at all. 她毫无生活经验。 Have you had any experience of teaching English? 你有过教英语的经验吗? 2.经历,阅历[C]Please tell us about your experiences in Africa. 请跟我们谈谈你在非洲的经历。 I had a rather odd experience the 以上是百度词典对experience的解释,即只有当experience作“经历,阅历”解时才是可数名词,此时才能加S。
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experience [ik"spiu0259riu0259ns] n.经验;经历;体验 vt.经验;经历;体验 [ 过去式experienced 过去分词experienced 现在分词experiencing ] experience in 有经验;有…的经验 work experience 工作经验 1.用作名词,表示“经验”“体验”,是不可数名词;而表示“经历”“感受”,通常是可数名词.如: Experience is the best teacher.经验是最好的老师. He had many interesting experiences while travelling inAfrica.他在非洲旅行时,有很多有趣的经历. 表示做某事的经验,其后通常不接不定式,而接 in [of] doingsth.如: He has had many years" experience in [of] wheat planting / planting wheat].他有多年种小麦的经验. 比较:experiece in [of] teaching=teaching experience(教学经验) 2.用作动词,表示“体验”“经历”等,只用作及物动词.如: The child had never experienced kindness.这孩子从未受过善待. 【注】有时其过去分词用作形容词. Even experienced teachers can make mistakes.即使有经验的教师也可能犯错误. 希望对你有所帮助,
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experience这个单词可以有复数,表示经验是不可数名词,表示经历是可数名词,有复数形式;experiences,n. 经历(experience的复数)
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1,experience of 时,接名词或者Ving动名词,【这时experience是名词】,而后面接的名词或动名词,一般是具体的表示经历的事物.例如:She had no experience of life at all.她毫无生活经验.Have you had any experience of teaching English?【教授英语,注意此句与下面的区别】你有过教英语的经验吗?2,experience in 接名词或者动名词,在【某方面】有经验或经历例如:She has no experience in typing,nor does the skill interest her.她没有打字经验,那种技术也引不起她的兴趣.I am trying to find out experience in teaching.【在教学领域】我在摸索教学经验.3,experience with sth,通常后面接的事情属于有相关度的事情,并非经历本身.例如:My experience with a foreign language began in junior middle school,when I took my first English class.望采纳
2023-07-21 13:33:302


experiencing[英][u026ak"spu026au0259ru0259nsu026au014b][美][u026ak"spu026au0259ru0259nsu026au014b]体验; 双语例句 1Don " t waste time and money travelling to new places and experiencing different cultures, activities or lifestyles.不要浪费金钱和时间外出旅行,别到什么新的地方去体验不同的文化啦、不同的活动啦或者不同的生活方式啦。2Ashe adds: “ on the consumer side, it is a great place to go to be immersed in what consumers are going to be experiencing over the next couple of years.阿什还说:“从消费者的角度而言,CES很棒,在这儿人们可以想象一下今后几年消费者会有什么样的体验。
2023-07-21 13:33:592


experience的各种变化形式:复数: experiences 第三人称单数: experiences 过去式: experienced 过去分词: experienced 现在分词: experiencing
2023-07-21 13:34:071

小学英语作文 My Unforgettable Experiences(难忘的经历)

I think everyone have unforgettable experiences . I am glad to share my experiences now . They are all unique , but they are not always the most important things . For example , I remember one day I am in the kindergaten . On that day , parents were be open to the kindergaten . When the parents were left . So many classmates were cried but I am not . The teachers told me I was a brave girl . I also remember the first day when I was in Primary One . I was nevous . I didnu2019t talk to my new classmates . I didnu2019t answer question in the lesson . I wanted to return home ! My proudest experience was in next semester of Primary Three . At that time , my English test often get 100 points and sometimes get 99.5 points . My Chinese sometimes get 100 points and always get 98 points . My Maths also sometimes get 100 points and usually get 97 points . I thought I work so hard ! My worst experience when I was eight years old . I could only ride the bike unskilfully . One day , my father and I went to the park by bike . We talked very happy . Unfortunutely , I tripped from my bike . I felt pain . Then my father took me returned home . My happiest experience was in the winter of 2007 . I went to Hainan with my parents and friends . We went there for one week . I played with my friends everyday . We also had very great meals . But I felt a little homesick . And now here I am eleven years old and in Primary Six , on my way to Form One next year . I must study well and I mustnu2019t watch TV a lot . I used to play with my classmates . This is the last semester we are together . I am sure this semester is one of my unforgettable experiences this year !
2023-07-21 13:34:141