barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-21 15:38:38


Sometimes I can look very indifferent, and sometimes I am too persistent.


I have only one love, or do not pay, to pay, is all.


Colorful and flashy, but you have to.


On the poor blue down the yellow spring, two vast are not seen.


There is pressure, but will not be crushed; confused, but never despair.


Only when you don"t expect anything, everything may come as scheduled.


The most painful thing in the world is to hold your urine from class to the end of class. As a result, the teacher still procrastinates.


I can figure it out and accept it, but I"m very sad. Actually, I"m not generous.


Don"t let the regret go on, it"s all in time.


My pleasure is to live a warm life with you.


Maybe I"m so stupid that I can"t help it. Knowing that you don"t love me, I don"t want to go back.


Sometimes, I have to put away my lonely tears and bear them alone.


Some of the opposite sex can not be used as lovers, but also reluctant to give to others.


Good night, remember to cover the quilt, don"t catch a cold, or I will be distressed.


All of those, is not just a moment of fireworks blooming gorgeous.


It takes a hundred reasons to give up, but only one word of care can continue.


In the dark night constantly think of you, and once beautiful.


Never give up is not easy, not only is the oath of anger, but step by step to achieve.


Don"t think about relying on others, have goals and pursuits, it has nothing to do with age.


If you have the power to force me, I have the power to kill you.


Don"t be ambitious, but condescend to humble people. Don"t think you"re smart.


No matter what you do, as long as you are willing to work hard, there is no failure.


It"s just that I"m not around you and can"t share your every moment.


Life is too short for self pity and jealousy.


You said: next stop, happiness. I said: in fact, every station with you is very happy.


If you don"t understand, what else can I say? Is it dispensable for you.


Others guess that you have a lot of ambiguous relationships. In fact, you are lonely like a dog.


Life can be whatever you want, but you can"t go with the flow.


If the eyes are the Windows of the soul, then tears are the crystallization of emotion.


Some people, even if you fight to retain, in exchange for a body of fatigue.


Even if your life is not good and your family background is not good, it is also your own problem.


I meet who will have what kind of dialogue, I love the youth, he is in the far future.


Most people only do three things in their life: deceive themselves and be deceived.


Chu Liuxiang keeps incense everywhere, but I show mercy everywhere.


I want to be your eye and take the most beautiful scenery into your heart.


Long night, once waiting, but finally in exchange for a road can not heal the injury.


Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity.


At the moment, I can"t see my future. I"m at a loss.


What happened will never be forgotten, just can"t remember.


Day and night reversed, this is the advantage of insomnia, so not afraid to recruit thieves at night.


Where you fall, where you rise.


I feel very tired. I can"t be cool anymore. I want to provide for the aged.


I am a weak without wind, but give me a king"s heart.


In this ****in "crowd, there are a few sincere people.


You should thank everyone who transformed you, good or bad.


I hope someone can let me feel his love all the time.


You say you hate the smell of wine, but you get drunk late at night for a person.


Just be yourself, don"t care what others say.


Some songs can"t be heard or sung. Some people can"t think about it or forget it.


Don"t play any more. I know who really cares about me. That"s all.



dispensible可有可无的双语例句1The vitality of an enterprise stems from both the internal dynamics of theenterprise and the external pressure from the market, neither of which is dispensible.企业的活力来自企业内在动力与市场外在压力,二者缺一不可。
2023-07-21 10:26:542


dispensable英[du026as"pensu0259bl],美[du026a"spu025bnsu0259bl]a. 不是必要的, 可有可无的;dispensable : 来自dispense,分配,分发。即可分发出去的,可有可无的。词源说明dispensable : 来自dispense,分配,分发。即可分发出去的,可有可无的。词源故事1. dispense(豁免):基督教会发放的特许状英语单词dispense来自拉丁语dispensare,是dispendere的反复动词形式,由dis(out)和pendere(称重)构成,字面意思就是“按重量分发”,因此英语单词dispense的本意就是“分发、分配”,并由此派生出dispenser(分配者、药剂师、自动售货机)和dispensary(药房、诊疗所、防治站)等单词。然而,在辞典中,dispense还有另一个更加常用的词义,即“豁免、免除”。这个词义是怎么产生的呢?原来,在中世纪的基督教会中,教会和主教有权分发一种特许状,拥有这种许可的人享有特权,可以做一些原本禁止做的事,或免做一些原本必须要做的事。拉丁语dispendere常被用来表示这种特许状的分发。由于这种特许状能够“豁免、免除”持有人罪过或责任的,因此dispendere一词也就衍生出“豁免、免除”之意,源自该词的英语单词dispense自然也就继承了这一义项。dispense:[du026a"spens] v.分发,分配;豁免,免除dispensation:[du026aspen"seu026au0283(u0259)n] n. 分配;免除;豁免;天命dispenser:[du026a"spensu0259] n.分发者,分配者,药剂师,自动售货机dispensary:[du026a"spens(u0259)ru026a] n.药房、诊疗所、防治站(分发药品的地方)dispensable:[du026a"spu025bnsu0259bl] adj. 可有可无的;非必要的indispensable: ["u026andu026a"spu025bnsu0259bl] adj. 不可缺少的;绝对必要的;责无旁贷的n. 不可缺少之物;必不可少的人不拘一格背单词1. dispensable:(dispense+able→能分送出去→不重要的)2. dispensable : 来自dispense,分配,分发。即可分发出去的,可有可无的。21世纪大英汉词典dispensableadj.1.可分配的;可分发的;可执行的,可实施的2.可省却的,可除名的,可有可无的,非必不可少的,非必需的;不重要的3.【法律】在特定条件下可能宽(或无约束力)的,可被宣布为无效的[亦作dispensible]4.【天主教】(过错或罪)可赦免的,可宽恕的,可放宽的,可免除的
2023-07-21 10:27:481


与dispensable意义相反的有以下两个英语单词: essential作形容词时,中文翻译为完全必要的,必不可少的,极其重要的,本质的,基本的,根本的。 indispensable作形容词时,中文翻译为不可或缺的,必不可少的。 扩展资料   dispensable是什么意思   dispensable是一个英语形容词,它的意思是不必要,可有可无,不重要。   dispensable例句分享   All those people in the middle are dispensable.   所有那些立场骑墙的"人都可要可不要。   They looked on music and art lessons as dispensable.   他们认为音乐课和美术课是可有可无的。
2023-07-21 10:28:521

『高分』我是一个可有可无的人 英文怎么说

我是一个可有可无的人。英文翻译:I am a dispensable person.重点词汇:dispensable 英[du026au02c8spensu0259bl] 美[du026au02c8spu025bnsu0259bu0259l] adj. 非必需的,可省去的; 不必要; [例句]They looked on music and art lessons as dispensable. 他们认为音乐课和美术课是可有可无的。
2023-07-21 10:29:051


dispensable not essencial be as well without it as with it
2023-07-21 10:29:134

dispensable 在什么情况下是 缺一不可的 又在什么情况下是 可有可无的?

看All those 和 Both
2023-07-21 10:29:211


2023-07-21 10:29:302


1.可有可无的 dispensable 例如: These are dispensable items of personal property.这些是个人财产中可有可无的项目。2 变位动词 (??这个好像是法语里的吧:P) (anyway,我只知道特殊变位动词是 heteroclitic verb)3 客观存在的真理,习惯性的动作和现在正在进行的动作 objective truth, habitual action, ongoing action4 现在完成时,过去进行时和一般过去时 Present Perfect Tense, Past Continuous Tense/Past Progressive Tense, Simple Past Tense5 头衔 title 例如:The emperor conferred a title on the brave soldier.皇上授予这勇敢的士兵一头衔。 称号 title/name 例如:He holds the title of model hunter for the number of wolves he has killed. 由于他打死了不少狼,他享有模范猎手的称号。6 出现顺序 the order of appearance7 大不列颠是君主制国家,仍然保留着授予子民贵族的传统。Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy, who still maintains the tradition to award people noble.
2023-07-21 10:30:111

indispensable ,essential ,crucial 三词个的区别是什么?

意思差不多,搭配看例句吧。例句:He made himself indispensable to the parish priest.It is essential to keep up-to-date recordsThis game is cruial to our survival.
2023-07-21 10:30:224

dispensable 怎样巧记住

2023-07-21 10:30:314


这是指这两种前缀in-,dis-,这两个前缀都带有否定/相反的含义。对于长的复合单词,可以从词根开始一层一层加衣服来记忆pens 花费dispense,不需要花费,也就是免除dispensable,可免除的,也就是可有可无、无所谓的indispensable,不可免除的,也就是不可或缺的
2023-07-21 10:30:462

indispensible与 indispensable辨析

2023-07-21 10:30:591


  indispensable  英 [u02ccu026andu026au02c8spensu0259bl] 美 [u02ccu026andu026au02c8spu025bnsu0259bu0259l]  adj.不可缺少的; 绝对必要的; 责无旁贷的; 不可避开的;  n.不可缺少的人或物;  [例句]The indispensable guide for any traveller in France  在法国对任何游客来说都不可缺少的向导  [其他]复数:indispensables 形近词: nondispensable indispensably disable
2023-07-21 10:31:081


好不容易长大 却弄得遍体鳞伤 自找的痛 何必喊疼 Why shout pain when you ask for it 回头一看 全是活该 Looking back ,it all deserved it谈不上难过 就是不快乐无悲无喜像个活死人 你两手空空,为何心事重重? 就是因为两手空空,我才心事重重!道理都懂 就像鱼活在水里 也死在水里 所有的不开心,都是因为想太多 All the unhappiness is because of thinking to much心酸纵有千万种 沉默不语才是真难过 “可有可无的东西 What is dispensable 一律……可无” Is not available我喜欢现在的年纪 却不喜欢现在的自己 世人慌慌张张 生活不过是碎银几两或者不是为了取悦谁 自己开心就好 爱你的人永远指导怎么爱你先爱自己 溢出来的能量再爱别人 记得在崭新的生活里爱自己真正的陪伴是经得起坎坷的 同时也经得起冷淡跟考验 物质的女孩儿你养不起 不物质的女孩儿你宠不起 钱和感情总得给一样吧 要是一样都没有那就算了吧
2023-07-21 10:31:261

我像是一个你可有可无的影子 翻译成英语。

I like your shadow dispensable.
2023-07-21 10:31:354


  你知道音乐课的英文怎么说吗?下面一起来看看吧.   音乐课   音乐课的英文释义:   music class   网 络music class;music lesson;The music lesson;Music Time   音乐课的英文例句:   他明天上音乐课吗?   Is he going to take the piano lesson tomorrow?   他们认为音乐课和美术课是可有可无的。   They looked on music and art lessons as dispensable.   她在中学每周教一次音乐课。   She instructs music once a week at a middle school.   我们每周上一次音乐课。   We have a music class once a week.   她给孩子们上音乐课。   She gives the children lessons in music.   我写了病假条,希望可以得到允许不去上音乐课。   I wrote my own sick note excusing myself from music lessons.   他无意上音乐课。   He felt a disinclination to take music lessons.   我们每周上两节音乐课。   We have two periods of music a week.   开有音乐课和手工课吗?   Are there music and handwork lessons?   我们一周上两次音乐课。   We have music lessons a week.   1. They looked on music and art lessons as dispensable. 他们认为音乐课和美术课是可有可无的。   2. She instructs music once a week at a middle school. 她在中学每周教一次音乐课.   3. A question about arithmetic is irrelevant in a music lesson. 在音乐课上,一个数学的问题是风马牛不相及的.   4. Where some people learned to play the accordion for dances in their munity, others took music lessons. 一些人学习弹手风琴,为他们社群里的舞蹈表演进行伴奏,而其他人则上音乐课。   5. He felt a [ some ] disinclination to take music lessons. 他无意上音乐课.   6. Jack: They enabled me to buy the neighbor"s houses at half price. 杰克: 因为音乐课使我们只用半价就买下了邻居的房子.   7. There are Art lesson, puter studies , Music lesson and Science lesson. 有艺术课, 电脑, 音乐课和科学课.   8. At ten o"clock we have Science. Ato"clock we have Music. 十点钟我们上科学课, 十一点上的是音乐课.   9. I wrote my own sick note excusing myself from music lessons. 我写了病假条,希望可以得到允许不去上音乐课.   10. We will invite Profeesor Li to give us a music lecture. 我们邀请李教授来给我们上音乐课.   11. Jack: My daughter"s music lessons are a fortune to me. 杰克: “我女儿的音乐课给我带来了好运. ”   12. Her school fees are $ 440 a term, music and dancing extras. 她的学费是每学期440美元, 音乐课和舞蹈课额外收费.   13. B Your music class What musical instrument do you play? B音乐课?你玩什么乐器?   14. Sells musical instruments, conducts music lessons and provides news aboutpetitions. 柏斯琴行销售乐器, 提供音乐课,并提供有关比赛的讯息.   15. Music is going to be taught by Miss Lin. 音乐课将由林小姐来教.   16. There will only be ONE round of audition. 答:李伟菘音乐课室将举办一场选拔赛.   17. I have dropped my music lessons. 我已经停上音乐课了.   18. She gives the children lessons in music. 她给孩子们上音乐课.   19. I"m going to my music class first. 我先去上音乐课.   20. She"s having music lessons this year. 她今年在上音乐课.
2023-07-21 10:31:501


1.Itisalmostimpossibletolistwhathehasdone.2.Canyouexplainhowtheultravioletradiationchangesthecholesterinintheskinintovatamin?3.Forahospital,theseequipmentsisneccessarytoguranteethe normalwork.4.Thisspecialdevicecan showwhere theradioativematerialhasreachedinthebody.5.Somerivershavedriedbecauseofthelackofwater.6.Thedoctortoldtheoldmantoeatfoodrichincalciuminordertostrengthedthebones.
2023-07-21 10:32:004


1、睁开眼睛,给你一个轻轻的祝福,愿它每分每秒都带给你健康、好运和幸福。 Open your eyes and give you a gentle blessing. May it bring you health, good luck and happiness every minute and every second. 2、懂你的人不言而喻,不懂你的人百口莫辩! It is self-evident that people who know you, and people who don"t know you can"t argue! 3、我们最大的错误,就是把最差的脾气和最糟糕的一面,都给了最亲近的人。 Our biggest mistake is to give the worst temper and the worst side to the closest people. 4、学会宽容伤害自己的人,因为他们很可怜,各人都有自己的难处,大家都不容易。 Learn to tolerate those who hurt themselves, because they are very poor, everyone has their own difficulties, everyone is not easy. 5、最伤人的就是,昨天还让你觉得自己意义非凡的人,今天就让你觉得自己可有可无。 The most hurtful thing is that the person who made you feel special yesterday makes you feel dispensable today. 6、多数人悲伤,不是因为自己失去了,而是因为别人得到了。 Most people are sad not because they lost, but because others got it. 7、请给我一双手,抚慰我的烦躁;给我一个怀抱,让我疲惫的依靠。 Give me a hand to soothe my restlessness, give me a hug, let me rely on exhaustion. 8、每个人心里都有一段伤痕,时间才是最好的疗剂。 Everyone has a scar in his heart. Time is the best medicine. 9、点蜡烛,用好的床单,穿上炫丽的内衣。不要特殊场合才用。今天就是特别的一天。 Light candles, use good sheets and wear gorgeous underwear. Don"t use it on special occasions. Today is a special day. 10、那些从车窗划过的风景,如同画面一样疾驰,抓不到手中,温暖不到心里。 Those sceneries from the windows, like pictures, gallop, can not grasp the hands, can not warm the heart. 11、当一切都静下来的时候,突然发现习惯是一件可怕的事情,让人戒不掉,忘不掉。 When everything is quiet, suddenly found that habits are a terrible thing, people can not give up, forget. 12、不要生气要争气,不要看破要突破,不要拖延要积极,不要心动要行动。 Don"t be angry, fight for it, see through it and make a breakthrough, procrastinate and take action. 13、别把太多无关的人请进你的生命里,有些事,不必说给所有人听。 Don"t invite too many unrelated people into your life. There are some things you don"t have to say to everyone. 14、有时候,我们不得不坚强,于是乎,在假装坚强中,就真的越来越坚强。这是真的。 Sometimes, we have to be strong, so in pretending to be strong, we really become stronger and stronger. It"s true. 15、有一天,蓦然回首,你会发现,那个给你许多痛苦的人,却也是你的救赎。 One day, when you look back suddenly, you will find that the one who gives you a lot of pain is also your salvation. 16、坚持自己的梦想,听听前辈的建议,少错几步。 Stick to your dreams, listen to the advice of your predecessors, and make fewer mistakes. 17、天气影响身体,身体决定思想,思想左右心情。 Weather affects the body, the body decides the mind, and the mind controls the mood. 18、花时间去认识一两个知心朋友,比谈几场没有结果的恋爱要划算的多。 It"s more cost-effective to spend time with one or two intimate friends than to talk about a few fruitless relationships. 19、不要稽查人生。现在就呈现和做最大的发挥 Don"t check your life. Present and make the best use of it now 20、生活若剥去了理想、梦想、幻想,那生命便只是一堆空架子。 If life strips away ideals, dreams and fantasies, then life is just a bunch of empty shelves. 21、为自己活着的人,低劣;为别人意见活着的人,渺小;为别人幸福活着的人,高尚。 Those who live for themselves are inferior; those who live for the opinions of others are insignificant; those who live for the happiness of others are noble. 22、心烦时记住三句话:算了吧,没关系,会过去的。 When you are upset, remember three sentences: Come on, it doesn"t matter, it will pass. 23、明明已经习惯了孤单,为何还是如此贪念温暖。 Clearly has been accustomed to loneliness, why still so greedy warmth. 24、从前太慢,现在却太快。 It used to be too slow, but now it"s too fast. 25、火把倒下,火焰依然向上。 When the torch fell, the flame still went up. 26、沐浴着清晨那唯美而又柔和的朝阳,开始新的一天。给一点心灵阳光,心灵就会灿烂。 Bathing in the beautiful and gentle morning sun, start a new day. Give a little soul sunshine, the soul will be brilliant. 27、快乐总是短暂,无路可走要学会勇敢。 Happiness is always short, there is no way to go to learn to be brave. 28、年轻就是要拼,在可以折腾的年代不折腾就是怠慢自己,你的**有你纵享。 Youth is to fight, not to toss is to neglect oneself in the age of toss and turn, your passion has you to enjoy. 29、真理是时间的产物,而不是权威的产物。 Truth is the product of time, not of authority. 30、烦恼不过夜,健忘才幸福。 Happiness comes from forgetfulness. 31、一个人最好的状态就是,眼里写满了故事,脸上却不见风霜。不羡慕谁,不嘲笑谁。 A person"s best state is that his eyes are full of stories, but his face is not frosty. Do not envy or laugh at anyone. 32、当我们懂得了珍惜平凡的幸福时,我们也就已经是成了人生的赢家。 When we know how to cherish ordinary happiness, we have become the winners of life. 33、如果敌人让你生气,那说明你还没有胜他的把握。 If the enemy makes you angry, it means that you are not sure you can beat him. 34、如果我们把我们的问题都丢成一堆,然后看看其它人的,我们会把我们的捡回来。 If we throw our problems in a pile and look at others, we"ll pick them up. 35、生活是一只看不见的储蓄罐,你投入的每一份努力都不会白费。 Life is an invisible savings tank, and every effort you put in will not be wasted. 36、快乐有三法:舍得、放下、忘记。 There are three ways to be happy: willing, putting down and forgetting. 37、总是在一种生活里向往另一种生活,然后错过现在的生活,顺带也失去了向往的生活。 Always yearn for another life in one life, and then miss the present life, incidentally also lost the yearning life. 38、别让过去的悲催,或者未来的忧虑,毁掉自己当下的快乐。 Don"t let past sorrows or future worries ruin your present happiness. 39、一个人外表有多开心,那他的内心就有多少眼泪。 How happy a person"s appearance is, how many tears are there in his heart. 40、生命太短,没时间留给遗憾。若不是终点,请微笑一直向前。 Life is too short to leave time for regret. If it"s not the end, please keep smiling.
2023-07-21 10:32:181


You are jealous of her big eyes are more than you要加谓语areAre you jealous of her eyes are bigger than you
2023-07-21 10:32:274


在雅思写作中,一个好的开头段不仅抓住读者的注意力,引起阅读兴趣,亦要点明中心论点,统领全文, 其重要性可见一斑。在雅思大作文的写作中, 开头段一般由general statement,argument, thesis statement两部分构成。每个人的情况不同,也可以登录文都国际教育官网进行一对一的咨询。1General StatementGeneral Statement的主要作用是介绍写作背景,引入话题。但是值得注意的是:不能照抄题目,应用同义词、近义词替换题目中的相关词语,并用不同的句子结构来改写题目中的句子结构。例如:Example 1:It is widely believed that mothers are by nature better parents than fathers. It is therefore more important for mothers to spend time with children than fathers. Others think fathers make equally good parents. What is your opinion?在这个题目中,首先我们可以看到题干表述用了三个句子,首先我们要区分哪句是general statement, 哪句是arguments. 其实很容易发现,通常句中间有明显阐述观点表达的,就是arguments, 而做客观陈述的就是general statement,其位置一般是题目的第一句。上题中 It is widely believed that mothers are by nature better parents than fathers, 就是我们要拿来做同义改写,放到我们开头段作为背景的句子。同义改写可以采取以下技巧:1 同义句型转换。如 It is widely believed that… 这个句套表达某事情是众所周的,它有很多同义句型,如 It is generally assumed that…, Common knowledge is that…, 等。2 同义词,近义词,同义结构转换。如by nature 这个介词词组表达的含义是,自然天性上的,在原句中作为be动词的表语,我们可以改写为一个同义名词词组,nurturing instinct,自然天性的意思。相应的,前面的谓语动词要发生变化,搭配have。3 造并列结构。有的时候我们可能发现原题中的表述无论词语还是句型都不是很轻易的可以找出同义结构出来,那么我们可以采取并列结构,即并列两个近义词语义,或者反义词再加否定结构。上题中的better parents than 可以改为 better or less dispensable parents than通过上面的三个步骤,我们就可以成功的将原题的背景句改写为我们开头段的general statement。原题:It is widely believed that mothers are by nature better parents than fathers.改写完后:It is generally assumed that women have a ‘nurturing instinct"that somehow makes them better or less dispensable parents than fathers are.General Statement常用句型:With the development of science and technology, great changes have taken place in…in the past few years. (虽常用,但已被滥用,建议减少使用)Along with the increasingly rapid _____________, more problems are brought to our attention.The issue of whether or not __________ has been widely/ heatedly/ debated currently/recently.When it comes to whether …, some… are strongly against it, claiming….It is generally accepted/ It is indeed the case that most countries have seen an increase in _______ over recent years.2Argument(争议)Argument即为题目表述的观点的立场,不同题目的立场表述大有不同。(1)有的题目中只有一个立场e.g. Countries with a long average working time are more economically successful than those countries which do not have a long working time. To what extent do you agree or disagree?在我们写的开头段,在写完general statement后,直接用One point is that…把原题的立场(countries with a long average working time are more economically successful than those countries which do not have a long working time) 同义转述即可。值得注意的是,这个题目本身没有背景句,所以写general statement的时候,需要我们根据题目的argument进行总结。亦或者可以general statement 和argument这两个部分合并为一个部分,这个题目可写成:The issue of whether or not countries with a long average working hours are more successful in terms of economic development than those countries which do not have a long working time has been heatedly debated currently. As far as I am concerned, …(2)有的题目中包含两个互相否定或者相关的立场e.g. Some scientists think it is very soon that computers will be more intelligent than human. Some people think it is a positive development, while others think it is a negative development. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.e.g. Some people think the best way to reduce crimes is to give longer prison sentence. Others,however, think there are better alternative ways to reduce crime. Discuss and give your opinion.这样的题目,在开头段写完general statement后,要把题目双方的立场都转述,不可减少或删除一方立场。如 Some people think it is a positive development, while others think it is a negative development. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.可以转述为:Quite a few people claim that it has brought great benefits. On the other hand, those who think differently argue that it inevitably would has negative influence.3Thesis Statement (总论点)Thesis Statement简单来说就是作者对某一写作话题所持的明确观点。例如:1 In my opinion/ As far as I am concerned/ To my mind, students should wear uniforms in school.2 While the majority may like to live in a large family, I prefer to the small one.在雅思写作中,文章的立场,也就是全文的总论点,主要分两种:有倾向性立场和两边支持有倾向性(一边倒)有倾向性的立场一般在文章的开头即表明本文的立场,同意或者不同意,或者多大程度地同意和不同意。在剑桥雅思的考官范文中,有一个题目涉及对教育免费的商榷:All education,primary, secondary school and further education, should be free to all people and paid for by the government. Do you agree or disagree with the statement?考官在范文的开头段中即明确表明自己的立场:I certainly agree with the statement that this should be the case.当然,有倾向性的立场还包含让步的观点,这种立场的文章多见于以to what extent do you agree or disagree?提问的论题。如:Environmental problems should be solved by the government instead of individuals and private companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?在考官范文的开头段中,立场是这样表明的:I concede that the government should lead the efforts in addressing the environmental problems. Nevertheless, cooperation and participation from the cooperations and individual citizens are essential as well.让步的立场并不需要纠结于在句子中回答到底agree 或者disagree没有, 清楚的说明自己的观点即可。值得注意的是,观点有倾向性并不代表思路有局限性。在辩论中,作者既要证明自己的观点,同时也要回应对方的观点,也就是说能够站在不同的角度看同一个事情,并且能看到各自的优劣。两边都支持这种文章立场一般常见于discuss both view and give your opinion这种提问方式的题目。立场一般建议在结尾段点明,并且要在结尾段明确题干两者之间的关系。(4) 开头段的两种常用写作方法将以上三个部分组合起来,我们步难得出开头段的以下两种写法:A. General Statement – Positive+Negative Idea – Thesis StatementThe issue of whether or not students should take a part-time job has been widely/ heatedly debated currently/ recently. Quite a few people claim that it would not only widen their horizon but also help shape their personalities. On the other hand, those who think differently argue that the task of a student is to make good use of his limited time and acquire necessary knowledge and skill for the future career. As for me/ As far as I am concerned/ In my opinion, I believe that part-time jobs play a positive role in the development of university students.这种方法的一个变形形式是:General Statement – Opposite Idea – Thesis StatementNowadays the incomes of many sport stars are truly astounding. Some people claim that the salaries of athletes are too high and the athletes themselves attract too much attention. Yet, in my opinion, such benefits are well deserved.B. General Statement – Concession – Thesis StatementWhen it comes to whether students should be allowed to work outside the school hours, some educators vote against it, claiming that part-time work may have a negative influence on their study. Obviously, too large amount of time a student is employed may contribute to a poor academic performance. However, if they do a part-time job over reasonable hours, it is extremely beneficial for them, providing financial support for their study and broadening their horizon.When evaluating a job applicant, most companies would place much weight on one"s educational certificate. Of course, one"s educational certificate does tell something about the applicant. However, it is not the only means through which we can judge whether the applicant is qualified or not.
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Some people think that a new language should be invented for people from different countries to use

题目:Some people think that a new language should be invented for people from different countries to use for the international communication. To what extent do you think its advantages far outweigh its disadvantages?其实这篇并不怪啊,就相当于我发的讲义的重点题目第一题,一种全球化的语言。In the contemporary world, globalization is making a large incidence around the world. The issue of invented a fresh language is an emotional one, with some people talking the attitude that is necessary to contrive a new language for people from different countries to use for the international communication.The reason for this trend may involve the recognition that different language may cause dispensable trouble, even lead to a war and also restricted people who can only use their mother tongue to communicate with external people. By contrast, those who can use foreign language to get a high-paid career and immigrate to other countries have a high quality life. They tend to be more enlighten may to they broader view. Admittedly, having ability to communicate with people who has different culture background is increasingly remarkable. So, invented a new language may bring numerous benefits to not only a person, but countries from all over the world.第一个立论段落的问题:主题句涵盖太多内容,太宽泛,变成几乎没有主题句However, a great language frequently link to a variety of culture. Furthermore, originate a new language is a long-term evolution like Chinese. Classical Chinese is the beginning of Chinese which is throughout 5000 years of history and gradually evolve to modern language called Modern Vernacular Chinese. During that time, Chinese shaped a colorful culture which is magnificent at present. But, current science and technology is become increasing advancing. Scientist may totally create a new language which is combine diversity of culture.这段的论述有点离题了Overall, despite of creating a language may during a long-term period. But, modern technology can reduce that period and eventually contrive a new language. Speaking myself, its benefits are significant contributing factors to the development of world.给你一点论据:支持:1. 个人生活,学习,工作带来方便2. 促进世界的经济发展,国与国的沟通,社会进步不支持:1. 造成很多小语种和少数民族文化的消失2. 造成世界的uniformity,使人们的生活变的dull或monotonous
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1、对不起,我没有办法去笑着原谅那些伤害过我的人。 Sorry, I can"t smile and forgive those who hurt me. 2、想你像是咳嗽,无论如何也止不住,也没有办法。 Think of you like a cough, in any case can not stop, there is no way. 3、人生无非受苦二字,而那些欢悦,不过是苦中作乐。 Life is nothing but suffering, and those joys are nothing but pleasure in bitterness. 4、生活本来就不容易,一路且行且珍惜吧。 Life is not easy, go all the way and cherish it. 5、睡不着,好心烦!越来越觉得自己是个可有可无的人物! Can"t sleep, good intentions! More and more feel that he is a dispensable character! 6、你自认为是的挂念,在他人眼里仅仅个笑话。 You think you are worried, in the eyes of others is only a joke. 7、暧昧让人变的贪心,知道等待失去意义。 Ambiguity makes people become greedy, knowing that waiting is meaningless. 8、我说不出口挽留,如果你看到我的眼泪能不能别走。 I said not to export to retain, if you see my tears can not go. 9、去年今日此门中,人面桃相映红,人面不知何处去,桃花依旧笑春风。 Last year in this door, peach face red, people do not know where to go, peach blossom still smile spring breeze. 10、分手之后,我还是那么没出息,处处留意你的消息。 After breaking up, I am still so unpromising, pay attention to your news everywhere. 11、找你害怕烦到你,不找你,我真的很想你。 Looking for you, afraid to trouble you, not looking for you, I really miss you. 12、心里的苦永远没人懂,以前自卑,现在没时间去建立一段亲密关系。 No one can understand the pain in my heart. I used to feel inferior and now I have no time to establish a close relationship. 13、永远真的太久了,对不起,我等不到那一天。 Forever really too long, I"m sorry, I can"t wait for that day. 14、每个人都说过永远,说的人和听的人都一样坚信。 Everyone said forever, the people who said it and those who heard it believed it. 15、若是足够心安,何必小心试探。 If you have enough peace of mind, why try carefully. 16、什么时候你回我的消息,能像自动回复一样快。 When you reply to my message, it can be as fast as automatic reply. 17、有些事,不说是个结,说了是个疤。 Some things, not a knot, but a scar. 18、失去的人,不要悲伤,你就当,他本身就不属于你。 Lost people, do not be sad, you take it, he does not belong to you. 19、你喜欢的那人只是凡人,是你的喜欢,才让他镀上金身。 The person you like is just a mortal. It"s your liking that makes him plated with gold. 20、毕竟他是暖男对谁都很好,毕竟他是太阳在哪都发光。 After all, he is a warm man who is good to everyone. After all, he is the sun shining everywhere. 21、我最怕的两个字,是当时。因为现在的我,已经回不去了。 The two words I fear most are at that time. Because now I can"t go back. 22、爱情是一场说走就走的旅行,也是一场说散就散的青春。 Love is a travel that can be said to go, but also a youth that can be said to be scattered. 23、一句话的爱情,轻描淡写,说出来,却字字如伤。 A word of love, understatement, said, but words such as injury. 24、失望是钝器会慢慢磨掉爱你的心。 Disappointment is a blunt instrument that will slowly wear away your love heart. 25、你先睡吧,我再想你一会。 You go to sleep, I"ll miss you for a while. 26、梦里,你来,长夜如洗。你走,清泪决堤。 Dream, you come, long night like washing. You go, clear tears burst the bank. 27、最后,你没有挽留,我也没有回头,找一个借口,谁都可以先走。 In the end, you didn"t detain me. I didn"t look back. Anyone could go first. 28、你的近况已与我无关,回想却让我走的好迟缓。 Your recent situation has nothing to do with me, but let me walk slowly in retrospect. 29、你能够委屈能够痛哭,但不要让所有人都看到你的脆弱。 You can be aggrieved and cry, but don"t let everyone see your vulnerability. 30、你说谎瞒不过我,你诚实我又难过。 You can"t keep me from telling lies. I"m sorry you"re honest. 31、你要相信,在历尽千帆后,总会有那么一个人用生命在爱你。 You have to believe that after going through thousands of sails, there will always be a person who loves you with his life. 32、渔船孤灯,寒风彻骨冰冷,都不及你言语半分。 Fishing boat solitary lamp, cold wind biting cold, less than half of your words. 33、别回头看,身后万千灯盏都不是归宿。 Don"t look back, behind thousands of lights are not home. 34、华丽的转身、华丽的落泪、华丽的说、不爱你。 Gorgeous, gorgeous, no tears. 35、遗憾的是,从来没有感受过被人坚定选择的感觉。 Unfortunately, I have never felt the sense of being firmly chosen. 36、而我已经分不清,你是友情还是错过的爱情。 And I have been unable to distinguish, you are friendship or missed love. 37、你如果不成长,有些人是等不了你的。 If you don"t grow up, some people can"t wait for you. 38、爱过,痛过,哭过,才知道,不是我的,我就不该要。 Love, pain, cry, just know, not mine, I should not. 39、哪怕是一场盛世之欢,也难保宴散之后的凄凉。 Even if it is a joyous occasion, it can not guarantee the desolation after the banquet. 40、爱情是奢饰品,说不定你一辈子都遇不到。 Love is a luxury ornament, maybe you will never meet it in your life. 41、雨天带走了眼泪,阳光带走了悲伤。快乐依旧无处安放。 Rainy days take away tears, sunshine takes away sadness. There is still no place for happiness. 42、我们从陌生开始,又以陌生结束。 We begin with strangeness and end with strangeness. 43、我是不喜欢抚慰伤口的,因为它们太傲娇了越安慰越得劲儿。 I don"t like to comfort wounds, because they are too proud and charming, the more comfort, the stronger. 44、我所有的悲伤,都源于,在错误的时间遇到了对的人。 All my sadness comes from meeting the right person at the wrong time. 45、看上就爱,处腻就甩。 If you like it, you will love it; if you are tired, you will throw it away. 46、好与不好都走了,幸与不幸都过了。 Good and bad are gone, good and bad are over. 47、若你没有经历我的旅程,请不要来批判我走的道路。 If you have not experienced my journey, please do not criticize my path. 48、我的无奈与难过,你永远不懂。所以请滚出我的世界。 My helpless and sad, you never understand. So please get out of my world. 49、我喜欢忙碌,累了能沾床就睡,只要不想起你,累点也无所谓。 I like to be busy, tired can touch the bed to sleep, as long as do not think of you, tired point does not matter. 50、我想我还是喜欢你吧,我怕错过你以后遇不到比你更好的。 I think I still like you, I"m afraid I will miss you, and I won"t meet anyone better than you.
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  必要的英文我们都知道是necessary,那么不必要的英文是什么呢?下面是我为你整理的不必要的英文,希望大家喜欢!   不必要的英文   1.unnecessary   2.dispensable   3.needless   unnecessary造句   1. The barbaric slaughter of whales is unnecessary and inhuman.   对鲸的野蛮屠杀既不必要也不人道。   2. They will be concerned to cut back expenditure on unnecessary items.   他们将会考虑削减不必要的开销。   3. The pity is that it was all completely unnecessary.   遗憾的是这完全没有必要。   4. A union would infuse unnecessary conflict into the company"semployee relations.   工会会把不必要的冲突带入公司员工关系当中。   5. The slaughter of whales is unnecessary and inhuman.   屠杀鲸鱼是没有必要的也是不人道的。   6. Please, Mary, this is all so unnecessary.   玛丽,请不要这样,这完全没必要。   7. He accused Diana of making an unnecessary fuss.   他责备黛安娜没必要那么大惊小怪。   8. They were found guilty of causing unnecessary suffering to animals.   他们因虐待动物而被判有罪。   9. This renders it unnecessary for me to do anything.   这使我无需做任何事情.   10. We shall have to trim away the unnecessary parts of the spending.   我们必须削减不必要的开支.   dispensable例句   1. They looked on music and art lessons as dispensable.   他们认为音乐课和美术课是可有可无的。   2. Delete what is dispensable and give more prominence to the essentials.   可以不说的去掉,该说的就可以更突出.   3. Since none of the four is dispensable, they are equally important.   实际上,这四种力量既然是缺一不可的, 所以是同等重要的.   4. All those people in the middle are dispensable.   所有那些立场骑墙的人都可要可不要。   5. Otherwise Miller would become a dispensable figurehead.   否则米勒就会变成可有可无的傀儡.   6. Both neither is welfare pay, not be dispensable more.   既不是福利待遇, 更不是可有可无的.   7. Some conductors do not agree that their services might dispensable.   有些指挥不赞同奥菲斯这种模式,认为这种模式没有必要.   8. He repents having compensated the dispensable pension for fear of penalty.   他后悔因害怕处罚而补偿了不必要的养老金.   9. Wherever conductors are needed, insulators will be in dispensable.   凡是需要导体的地方, 绝缘体就必不可少.   10. Consider the design conflict of an ordinary dispensable razor.
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我是一个可有可无的人英文可以这么翻译:I am a dispensable person
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lessons[u02c8lesu0259nz]n.功课( lesson的名词复数 );课程;教训;一堂课双语例句1.lessons for young ladies in deportment and etiquette年轻女士的礼仪课2.They looked on music and art lessons as dispensable.他们认为音乐课和美术课是可有可无的。3.She gives piano lessons.她教授钢琴课。4.She persevered with her violin lessons.她孜孜不倦地学习小提琴。5.I"m taking riding lessons.我在学习骑马。
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以下是书面表达中常用词分类举例: 1、连词: ▲举例:for example,for instance,take…for example,such as,like,and so on,so on and so forth,and so on and on and on, etc.等. ▲说明:that"s to say,in other words,namely,等. ▲因果:so,for,therefore,as a result,thus,because,because of,thanks to…,owing to…,due to ……等. ▲递进:then,besides,in addition, furthermore,moreover, what"s more等.ue004 ▲顺序:firstly, secondly,thirdly, finally;in the first place,in the second place, in the third place, lastly to begin with,then,furthermore,finally;to start with, next, in addition,finally;first and foremost, besides, last but not least;most important of all,moreover,finally(以上为时间顺序) in the front of,in front of …,before, behind, at the back of, on the right/left(of),to the right /left of…,on the other side of …,in the center of …,in the middle of …,at the beginning of , at the end of …,by the side of …,on the top of …,at the foot of …,on the bottom of, inside,outside, upstairs, downstairs(以上为空间顺序) ▲转折: nevertheless, however, although, though, but,on the country,after all, oppositely等. ▲总结: in short, in a word, in general, generally speaking, finally,at last,as far as I know,in brief,briefly speaking, in the end, as a matter of fact, in reality, in fact, on the whole, in conclusion, on account of this, therefore等. ▲强调: really, indeed,certainly,surely,for sure, above all等.ue004 ▲对比: in the same way,just as,in mon with, pared with, on the one hand…on the other hand, for one thing… for another,similarly等. ▲平行:and,both…and…,as well as,as well,neither…nor…or,either…or…,not only…but also…等. 2、高级词汇(替换前面的简单词汇) through->in term of/via operate->manipulate offspring->descendant inevitable-dispensable detail->specific explain->interpret obvious->conspicuous hurt->vulnerable use->employ/utilize value->merit provide->lend->offer true->accurate leading to->contribute to/ conduce to/result in more and more->increasing/growing hardly->merely->barely well-known->outstanding large->miraculous/marvelous although->albeit/notwithstanding in fact->actually/virtually want->intend to/tend to/be inclined to because->in that may be->probably to sum->to summarize/in conclusion explain->interpret/illustrate change->alert chance->alternative custom->convention/tradition think->contemplate/muse/meditate/retrospect arouse->ignite/stimulate/spur/motivate limit->stress/hinder/hamper key->crucial/vital/consequential old->ancient emphasis->accentuate devote to->dedicate to character->trait/individuality/idiosyncrasy/personality expect->anticipate join->participate delegate->representative bias->prejudice/discriminate/tendency thrive->palmy/floushing/prosperity clash->conflict/collision/rencounter publicize->propagandize agree partly->agree with reserve proper->apposite want to->desire big city->metropolis lawmaking->legislation first->primarily but->nonetheless/nevertheless child->juvenile absorb->assimilate hand in->render undermine->sap/enervate/debilitate get into chaos->with chaos ensuing key->pivot/crux sway->vacillate fanatic patrioti *** ->jingoi *** /chauvini *** persusive->thorough/sound/specific/convincing consider->take into account vague->gratuitous/unwarranted/oversimplified 3、经典的作文开始句(阅卷老师最爱) ①Opinions are divided on the question.(NMET2002) ②Chart 1 shows the daily average amount of time the students of the school spend on different after-class activities. (2004北京卷) ③As is shown on Chart 2, only 10% of the time is taken up with sports activities.(2004北京卷) ④Although the city is modern and convenient, there are still some problems, such as air pollution, crowdedness and noise.(2004湖南卷) ⑤My parents and I are very pleased to have you with us.(2004全国卷I) ⑥I am so sorry that I won"t be able to attend the lecture on American history tomorrow afternoon. (2004全国卷III) 4、经典的作文结束句(阅卷老师最爱) ①If there is anything I can do for you, I would be more than glad to help.( 2004全国卷I) ②It would mean a great deal to me to listen to the tape and learn what is covered in the talk. (2004全国卷III) ③What"s more, some statues of famous people will be set up to encourage us to work harder. Don"t you think it a wonderful program? (2004福建卷) ④Please let me know if you want me to buy these dictionaries. (2004浙江卷) ⑤By the time mom came back, I had finished the work. Mom praised me, and I felt proud too. (2004重庆卷) ⑥In short, the students have not arrived at any agreement yet.(2004湖北卷) 背熟以上词汇句式,灵活运用……你的作文一定很高级很高级的说!
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not necessary
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英文句子经典正能量带翻译 英文句子经典正能量带翻译,励志的句子能给我们带来一些正能量,很多人在会发表说说来分享自己的生活,好的句子才能够很好地表达自己的观点,阅读优美句子还能够提高我们的鉴赏能力。希望阅读后英文句子经典正能量带翻译能成为你的动力。 英文句子经典正能量带翻译1 1、I am not afraid of tomorrow for I have seen yesterday and love today.我不害怕明天,因为我经历过昨天,又热爱今天。 2、Dont cry because it is over, smile because it happened.不要为结束了而哭泣,应该为过去了而微笑。 3、When in doubt, just take the next small step .坚持不下去的时候,再坚持一会儿。 4、Many people like you, Im just dispensable.I like few people,no one except you.喜欢你的人很多,不缺我一个;我喜欢的人很少,除你就没了。 5、Dont put time and energy on the wrong person, you have a lot of good times! good Morning!不要把时间和精力放在错的人身上,你有大把好时光!早安! 6、Life is like traveling, so enjoy the scenery along the way. good Morning!人生就像旅行,好好欣赏沿途的风景。早安! 7、Happy he who learns to bear what he cannot change.学会承受无法改变的事情,就会幸福。 8、I don"t love in the past, I don"t want to meet in the future, I"m not in the moment, so well. good Morning!过往不恋,未来不迎,当下不负,如此安好。早安! 9、No pains, no gains.一分耕耘,一分收获。/不劳则无获! 10、Believe in yourself, you work hard, and you will get to you slowly. good Morning!相信自己,你努力了,该得到的都会慢慢向你走来。早安! 11、What is adhere to? Is day, and one day, you tell yourself, insist again one day. 什么是坚持?就是一天,又一天,你告诉自己,再坚持一天。 12、The stronger your heart is, the brighter your smile will be. 内心越强大,笑的越漂亮。 13、The little things that you miss in the past, can make you miss the most important things in the future.牵挂过去鸡毛蒜皮的事,可能让你错过未来重要的事。 14、Love alone could waken love!只有爱才能唤醒爱! 15、Do what makes you happy. Be with who makes you smile. Laugh as much as you breath. Love as long as you live.做让你开心的事,交能逗你乐的朋友;像呼吸一样频繁地开怀笑,像生命一样长久地全心爱。 16、When I thought I couldnt go on, I forced myself to keep going. My success is based on persistence, not luck. 当我以为我无法继续走下去时,我强迫自己要继续前进。我的成功是基于我的坚持,并非运气。 17、When you really matter to someone, that person will always make time for you. No excuses, no lies, and no broken promises.如果一个人真的在乎你,那么ta总能挤得出时间陪你,没有什么借口、谎言,没有不兑现了的誓言。 18、 You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only chance you have.你永远不会知道自己有多坚强,直到坚强成为你唯一的选择。 19、Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must.能享受时可尽兴,须忍受时当坚持。 20、 Dont take peoples care for granted. No matter how much they love you, people get tired eventually.不要把别人的关心当成理所当然。不管他有多爱你,最终也会有疲惫的一天。 21、Life is a another encounter and separation is forgotten and the beginning of time and time again.生命是一场又一场的相遇和别离,也是一次又一次的遗忘和开始。 22、Sometimes when I say "Im ok" I just want some one to look me in the eyes, hug me tight, and say, "I know youre not." 有时候我说“我很好。"其实我是多希望,有个人能看穿我的伪装并紧紧抱住我,说:“我知道,你并不好。” 23、Don‘t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。 24、You never feel my lonliness. 你从未体会我的孤单。 25、Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.就地开始,用你所有的,做你所能做的 26、Friends are like stars. They always lighten up your world, even in your darkest hour.朋友就像天上的星星,永远照亮着你的世界,即使在你最黑暗的时候。 27、I dont want to be your world, just do your shoulders.不当你的世界,只做你肩膀。 28、Not he who has much is rich, but he who gives much.拥有的多并不算富有,给予的多才算富有 英文句子经典正能量带翻译2 1、Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the men of old; seek what they sought. 不要追寻先人的足迹,追寻先人所追寻的吧! 2、There is a crack in everything. Thats how the light gets in. 万事万物中都有裂缝,这样光才能照射进来。 3、Failure is success if you learn from it. 只要能吸取教训,失败也是成功。 4、When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this: you havent. 当你已穷尽所有可能性时,要记住:还是有可能。 5、Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless. 思维有限,但我们的想象力能造就无限可能。 6、Dont worry when you are not recognized, but strive to be worthy of recognition. 如果不被别人认可,不要担心,要努力让自己值得被认可。 7、Everything youve ever wanted is on the other side of fear. 你想要的东西都在恐惧的那一端。 8、In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can. 要想成功,我们首先必须相信自己能成功。 9、The real test of good manners is to be able to put up with bad manners pleasantly. 对礼貌真正的考验在于能否愉快地忍受粗鲁。 10、Dream is an exciting and alluring place, where everything is achievable. 梦是一个让人激动兴奋的.充满诱惑的世界,在梦里的话,不管什么事都做得到。 11、Halloween is an opportunity to be really creative. 万圣节前夜是挥洒创意的好时机。 12、Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. 获得知识并不够,还要去应用;立下志向也不够,还要去行动。 13、Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later. 总要竭尽全力。你播种什么,就会收获什么。 14、Success is falling nine times and getting up ten. 成功就是跌倒九次,第十次仍会站起来。 15、Dont watch the clock. Do what it does. Keep going. 不要只看时钟,要效仿时钟,一直前行。 16、A river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but because of its persistence. 河流可以切碎岩石,并非因其力大无穷,乃是因为坚持不懈。 17、Dont limit yourself. You can go as far as your mind lets you. 不要框住自己。你想得有多远,就能走多远。 18、Be sure you put your feet in the right place; then stand firm. 让自己的双脚站在正确的位置,然后站稳。 19、What you do today can improve all your tomorrows. 你今天的付出会让你所有的明天都更好。 20、The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas. 找到好点子的最佳办法就是多想点子。 21、Success is achieved and maintained by those who try and keep trying. 不断尝试的人才能取得成功并且保持成功。 22、Leave nothing for tomorrow which can be done today. 今天能做的,就不要拖到明天。 23、The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be. 你注定只会成为你决心要变成的那个人。 24、There is nothing impossible to him who will try. 对勇于尝试的人来说,没有不可能。 25、Just do the best you can. No one can do more than that. 唯有竭尽全力,此外别无他法。 26、You can"t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have. 创新取之不尽用之不竭,越用越多。 27、Life is about making an impact, not making an income. 生命在于影响他人,而非赚钱糊口。 28、I have just tried to do my very best each and every day. 我每天都竭尽全力做到最好! 29、Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them. 一旦我们接受了自己的极限,就要超越它。 30、I walk slowly, but I never walk backward. 我走得慢,但从不后退。 31、The great aim of education is not knowledge but action. 教育的伟大目的并非传授知识,而是教人行动。 32、For a gallant spirit there can never be defeat. 勇敢的灵魂,永不言败。 33、Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation. 永远要把逆境转化为顺境。
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早安暖心英语句子篇一   1、早上好!一束光照在身,祝你天天都开心。   Good morning! A beam of light in the body, I wish you every day happy.   2、亲爱的,又是新的一天,愿美丽的阳光美丽你的心情,好运与你相伴行。   Dear, it"s another day. May the beautiful sunshine, beautiful mood and good luck go with you.   3、人生苦短,所以每天不要带着遗憾醒来。   Life is short, so don"t wake up with regret every day.   4、尝试后可能会放弃,但千万不能放弃尝试。   You may give up after trying, but never give up trying.   5、生命就是一杯清茶,就是一支歌谣,就是一首耐人寻味的小诗!   Life is a cup of tea. It is a ballad. It is a thought-provoking poem.   6、绿草清香,宜人芬芳,展现微笑,新的一天!你好,早安!   Green grass fragrance, pleasant fragrance, to show a smile, a new day! Hello, good morning!   7、祝福记心间,希望常存信念,温馨道声早安。   Bless the heart, hope to keep faith, warm road good morning.   8、把每个睡醒后的早晨当成一件礼物,把每个开心后的微笑当成一个习惯。   Take every waking morning as a gift, and take every happy smile as a habit.   9、早安,祝你今天好心情,工作顺利,生活甜美!   Good morning, good luck, good work and sweet life.   10、清晨,美好的开始,祝你今天精神棒棒,活力多多,心情好好,一切都好!   Early morning, a beautiful start, I wish you today"s spirit bang bang, vitality, good mood, everything is good!   11、清新的空气,清晰的你,愉快的情绪陪伴你!祝您愉悦!   Fresh air, clear you and happy mood accompany you! I wish you joy!   12、我要重新开始,做不一样的自己。   I want to start afresh and make myself different.   13、给自己一个微笑,告诉自己今天会更美好。   Give yourself a smile and tell yourself that it will be better today.   14、我不要短暂的温存,只要你一世的陪伴。   I do not want to be short-lived, as long as you accompany me for life.   15、一声鸟鸣,新的一天拂晓。好的心情是快乐一天的开始,早安,我的朋友!   A bird"s voice, a new day"s dawn. Good mood is the beginning of a happy day. Good morning, my friend!   16、朋友,早安!愿你心情无比灿烂,生活舒心烦!   Good morning, friend! May you have a wonderful mood and no worries in your life!   17、睡去昨天的疲惫,忘却昨天的烦恼,睁开今天的双眼,打开今天的美好。   Sleep away from yesterday"s fatigue, forget yesterday"s troubles, open today"s eyes, open today"s beauty.   18、早上好,来个笑,早餐吃好身体好,精神饱满赚钞票。   Good morning, have a laugh. Breakfast is good, healthy, energetic, making money.   19、亲爱的朋友,早上好,愿你今天有个好心情!   Good morning, dear friend. I hope you have a good mood today.   20、迈上幸福之路,越走越宽;点燃财源之火,越烧越旺。   The road to happiness is widened and wider, and the fire that ignites the source of wealth becomes more and more prosperous.   21、频频回头的人,是走不了远路的。   People who go back often cannot go far.   22、清清的晨风摇响愉悦的铃铛,我的心奏起欢快的乐曲,说声“早安”,向你问好!   The early morning wind rings the bells of joy, and my heart plays the music of joy, saying "Good morning" to you.   23、早安,朋友,愿你今天好心情,生活工作都舒心!   Good morning, friend, I wish you good mood today, life and work are comfortable!   24、早晨的好处,是让我们知道今天能从头开始。早安!   The greatest advantage of morning is to let us know that we can start from scratch today. Good morning!   25、美丽的早晨,灿烂的你,完美的生活在等你!   Beautiful morning, bright you, perfect life waiting for you! 早安暖心英语句子篇二   1.I am not afraid of tomorrow for I have seen yesterday and love today.我不害怕明天,因为我经历过昨天,又热爱今天。   2.Don"t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.不要为结束了而哭泣,应该为过去了而微笑   3.When in doubt, just take the next small step 坚持不下去的时候,再坚持一会儿。   4.Many people like you, I"m just dispensable.I like few people,no one except you。喜欢你的人很多,不缺我一个;我喜欢的人很少,除你就没了。   5.不要把时间和精力放在错的人身上,你有大把好时光!早安!Don"t put time and energy on the wrong person, you have a lot of good times! good Morning!   6.人生就像旅行,好好欣赏沿途的风景。早安!Life is like traveling, so enjoy the scenery along the way. good Morning!   7.Happy he who learns to bear what he cannot change.学会承受无法改变的事情,就会幸福。   8.过往不恋,未来不迎,当下不负,如此安好。早安!I don"t love in the past, I don"t want to meet in the future, I"m not in the moment, so well. good Morning!   9.No pains, no gains.一分耕耘,一分收获./不劳则无获!   10.相信自己,你努力了,该得到的都会慢慢向你走来。早安!Believe in yourself, you work hard, and you will get to you slowly. good Morning!   11.What is adhere to? Is day, and one day, you tell yourself, insist again one day. ~~~什么是坚持?就是一天,又一天,你告诉自己,再坚持一天。   12.The stronger your heart is, the brighter your smile will be. ~~~内心越强大,笑的越漂亮。   13.The little things that you miss in the past, can make you miss the most important things in the future。牵挂过去鸡毛蒜皮的事,可能让你错过未来重要的事。   14.Love alone could waken love!只有爱才能唤醒爱   15.Do what makes you happy. Be with who makes you smile. Laugh as much as you breath. Love as long as you live.做让你开心的事,交能逗你乐的朋友;像呼吸一样频繁地开怀笑,像生命一样长久地全心爱。   16.When I thought I couldn"t go on, I forced myself to keep going. My success is based on persistence, not luck. 当我以为我无法继续走下去时,我强迫自己要继续前进。我的成功是基于我的坚持,并非运气。   17.如果一个人真的在乎你,那么ta总能挤得出时间陪你,没有什么借口、谎言,没有不兑现了的誓言。 When you really matter to someone, that person will always make time for you. No excuses, no lies, and no broken promises.   18.你永远不会知道自己有多坚强,直到坚强成为你的选择。 You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only chance you have.   19.Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must.能享受时可尽兴,须忍受时当坚持。   20.不要把别人的关心当成理所当然。不管他有多爱你,最终也会有疲惫的一天。 Don"t take people"s care for granted. No matter how much they love you, people get tired eventually 早安暖心英语句子篇三   1.只要你还愿意为自己努力,世界会给你惊喜。早安!As long as you are willing to work hard for yourself, the world will surprise you. good Morning!   2.人若是有勇气说再见,生活也会还我们一个崭新的开始。早安!If people have the courage to say goodbye, life will also give us a new beginning. good Morning!   3.要认真、要快、要全力以赴!早安!Be serious, be quick, and go all out! good Morning!   4.任何时候都不该放弃开始,放弃拼搏,任何时候,你的努力都会迎来回报,所以努力吧!早安!You shouldn"t give up at any time, give up fighting, and at any time, your efforts will pay off, so work hard! good Morning!   5.或许每一天并不会都是美好的一天,但每一天中至少都会有一些美好的瞬间。早安!Maybe every day is not a good day, but there will be at least some good moments in every day. good Morning!   6.在人生的道路上,想哭就哭,想笑就笑吧,只是别忘记赶路。早安!On the road of life, if you want to cry, you will cry. If you want to laugh, just laugh. Just don"t forget to hurry. good Morning!   7.人总要努力,才能活成自己喜欢的样子。早安!People must work hard to behave like they like. good Morning!   8.起床不是为了应付今天的时间;而是必须做到今天要比昨天活得更精彩!早安!Getting up is not to cope with today"s time; it must be done today to be more exciting than yesterday! good Morning!   9.若没有人赠予你阳光 ,那就做自己的小太阳。早安!If no one gives you sunshine, then be your own little sun. good Morning!   10.希望明天的你会感激今天努力的自己。早安!I hope that tomorrow you will be grateful for your efforts today. good Morning!   11.总有人要成功,为什么不是你?早安!There are always people to succeed, why not you? good Morning!   12.要让事情变好,先让自己变好!早安!To make things better, let yourself be better! good Morning!   13.世界很大,时光很快,每一天都是无法复制的,唯有珍惜才是不负此生的的生活态度。早安!The world is very big, the time is fast, and every day can"t be copied. Only cherish is the best life attitude that does not bear this life. good Morning!   14.你努力的样子,很美,请务必保持。早安!The way you work hard is beautiful, so be sure to keep it. good Morning!   15.愿你成为自己的太阳,无需凭借谁的光。早安!May you be your own sun, no need to rely on who"s light. good Morning!
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Hitch movie critic Love is a major problem that is recognized, at least not many people know what research his life is the real love. 不过有人成为了爱情学问研究的佼佼者,并且屡试不爽。 But some academic research has become the leader of love and time-tested. 只是他没有用在自己身上去肆意地玩弄爱情,而是教会别人如何去勇敢地追求自己的真爱。 But he did not deliberately used to playing with himself to love, but to teach others how to courageously pursue their true love. 这就是希什,威尔·史密斯扮演的爱情专家。 This is the shish, Will Smith plays a love expert. 在他的精心指导下,一对对有情人终成眷属,而这其中,大部分都是男人在他这里学到如何去追求自己心爱的女人。 Under his careful guidance, pairs of lovers to get married, and this one, most of them are here to learn how his men to pursue his beloved woman. 于是一场场看似偶遇的邂逅不断发生…… Then encounters a field appears to encounter the ongoing ... ... 有趣的是,他没有自己的爱情。 Interestingly, he did not own love. 就像他的顾客嘲讽他的,在他销售爱情这个商品的时候,他自己竟然从来没有去相信它。 As he ridiculed his customers in his sales love this product, he that he was never to believe in it. 他曾经被他认为是爱情的东西伤害过,尽管那已经是很久之前的事情。 He had been what he believes is love hurt, although it has been a long time before the thing. 我想我该明白他的对于爱情手段的研究应该在于痛定思痛勃然大怒之后的绝地反击。 I think I understand what he means for the study of love is to work hard to be furious counterattack after the Jedi. 我看过很多这种被爱情伤害或者被爱情藐视后的反击,有人开始肆意玩弄爱情游戏,走马灯式地换着女朋友;有些人更单纯的把单身作为追求欲望享受的借口。 I have seen many of these were despised love love after being hurt or counterattack, it was started deliberately play love games, lantern-style land for the girlfriend; some people even a simple desire to enjoy the pursuit of the single as an excuse. 他没有,他的绝地反击在于固守,在于坚持,在于对他人爱情的信仰,尽管这种信仰看似那么空泛却被他在行动中奉之为圭臬。 He did not, he must stick to counter lies, lies persist is the belief of love to others, although this belief seems so vague and been venerated by his actions as a standard. 我再次看到他在被受到误解伤害后的难以抑制的悲伤,对着一个他爱的女人,他红着眼圈,却只说了几个字:你伤害了我。 Once again, I saw him after being hurt by misunderstanding unquenchable sorrow, against a woman he loved, he Hongzhe Yan circle, but only say a few words: you hurt me. 伤害会是什么? Damage will be? 爱情能拿伤害怎么样? How kind of love could get hurt? 伤害会怎么样对待爱情。 What happens to treat injuries love. 他有过一段创伤,她被一段噩梦困扰。 He had a wound, she was troubled by a nightmare. 影片最感人的地方在于两个人在她家沙发上的谈心。 The most impressive is the film where two people talk to her home on the sofa. 看似没有浓情蜜意的花前月下,他被消过敏的药喝醉了,谈吐中隐约流露出的曾经的伤害;她向他坦诚了那个故事,三分钟改变了一个人的一生。 Seemed to have no passion Mi Yi"s drawing near, he was allergic to the drug consumption drunk, talked in vague showing the former injury; She told him frankly of that story, three minutes to change a person"s life. 一分钟前,人还活着,而另一分钟后,生命会经历一段考验。 A minute ago, were still alive, and another minutes later, life will be through a test. 生与死的交替之间让她只有不断地投入工作。 Alternating between life and death she continued to work only. 爱情,也许是她生命中可有可无的东西。 Love, perhaps something of her life dispensable. 两个人就这样改变了,爱情就在看似精心设计的追求中开始。 In this way two people change, love in the pursuit of seemingly well-designed to begin. 女人渴望浪漫的想象在这里被淋漓尽致地得到满足。 Women want a romantic idea here is most vividly to be met. 电影最后,他帮助成就的一对恋人中的女友问他在关于爱情的这场追逐中做了什么,他如实地回答,他什么也没有做。 Film Finally, he helped in the achievement of a pair of lovers girlfriend asked him love the chase on what to do, he answered truthfully, he has done nothing. 一切的一切全部在于爱人提供的对她的关注和感知。 All is love and everything provided for her attention and perception. 满足她的需要,原来有时候爱情就这么简单;告诉她你爱她,原来有时候爱情就这么简单。 Meet her needs, had sometimes love is so simple; tell her you love her, had sometimes love"s that simple. 他终于有勇气去奔跑到自己相爱的女人面前手舞足蹈语无伦次地表演了他拙劣的示爱能力。 He finally have the courage to run to their love of a woman dancing in front of his incoherent to show poor ability to love. 在属于他自己的爱情前面,他第一次开始感觉到了对她说出“我爱你”这三个字的重要性了。 Love in front of his own, he first began to feel for her to say "I love you" three words is important. 我为这部电影感动,不仅在于它教会你如何更好地爱人,更重要的在于教会你懂得爱情的真谛:那就是随时随地去感知她的需要,去创造机会满足和实现她的需要。 I moved for the movie, not only because it teaches you how to love better, more important is the church you know the true meaning of love: that is, to sense that her need for anytime, anywhere, to create opportunities to meet and fulfill her needs. 爱情的学问也许就是在复杂和简单中徘徊,就看施爱的人如何去经营和收获了。 Love of learning is probably wandering in the complex and simple, it depends on the person to love how to operate and gain.
2023-07-21 10:36:311


More and more households have a private car, get a driver"s license the increasing number of people, even some students have also got a driver"s license. I am not opposed to driving, but I think students should not be driving, because this age kids hearted about this. Students should be more time spent in learning to realize their dreams. And so grown up, they will have more opportunities to drive. And this time, the ability to think high school students can not reach a certain level. 现在越来越多的家庭拥有了私家车,拿到驾驶证的人也日渐增多,甚至有些学生也拿到了驾驶证。你不反对开车,但你觉得中学生不应该开车,因为这个年龄段的孩子们不够认真。中学生应该把更多的时间花费在学习上,去实现他们的梦想。等长大了,他们会有更多的机会去开车。
2023-07-21 10:36:391


  你知道音乐课的英文怎么说吗?下面一起来看看吧.   音乐课   音乐课的英文释义:   music class   网 络music class;music lesson;The music lesson;Music Time   音乐课的英文例句:   他明天上音乐课吗?   Is he going to take the piano lesson tomorrow?   他们认为音乐课和美术课是可有可无的。   They looked on music and art lessons as dispensable.   她在中学每周教一次音乐课。   She instructs music once a week at a middle school.   我们每周上一次音乐课。   We have a music class once a week.   她给孩子们上音乐课。   She gives the children lessons in music.   我写了病假条,希望可以得到允许不去上音乐课。   I wrote my own sick note excusing myself from music lessons.   他无意上音乐课。   He felt a disinclination to take music lessons.   我们每周上两节音乐课。   We have two periods of music a week.   开有音乐课和手工课吗?   Are there music and handwork lessons?   我们一周上两次音乐课。   We have music lessons a week.   1. They looked on music and art lessons as dispensable. 他们认为音乐课和美术课是可有可无的。   2. She instructs music once a week at a middle school. 她在中学每周教一次音乐课.   3. A question about arithmetic is irrelevant in a music lesson. 在音乐课上,一个数学的问题是风马牛不相及的.   4. Where some people learned to play the accordion for dances in their munity, others took music lessons. 一些人学习弹手风琴,为他们社群里的舞蹈表演进行伴奏,而其他人则上音乐课。   5. He felt a [ some ] disinclination to take music lessons. 他无意上音乐课.   6. Jack: They enabled me to buy the neighbor"s houses at half price. 杰克: 因为音乐课使我们只用半价就买下了邻居的房子.   7. There are Art lesson, puter studies , Music lesson and Science lesson. 有艺术课, 电脑, 音乐课和科学课.   8. At ten o"clock we have Science. Ato"clock we have Music. 十点钟我们上科学课, 十一点上的是音乐课.   9. I wrote my own sick note excusing myself from music lessons. 我写了病假条,希望可以得到允许不去上音乐课.   10. We will invite Profeesor Li to give us a music lecture. 我们邀请李教授来给我们上音乐课.   11. Jack: My daughter"s music lessons are a fortune to me. 杰克: “我女儿的音乐课给我带来了好运. ”   12. Her school fees are $ 440 a term, music and dancing extras. 她的学费是每学期440美元, 音乐课和舞蹈课额外收费.   13. B Your music class What musical instrument do you play? B音乐课?你玩什么乐器?   14. Sells musical instruments, conducts music lessons and provides news aboutpetitions. 柏斯琴行销售乐器, 提供音乐课,并提供有关比赛的讯息.   15. Music is going to be taught by Miss Lin. 音乐课将由林小姐来教.   16. There will only be ONE round of audition. 答:李伟菘音乐课室将举办一场选拔赛.   17. I have dropped my music lessons. 我已经停上音乐课了.   18. She gives the children lessons in music. 她给孩子们上音乐课.   19. I"m going to my music class first. 我先去上音乐课.   20. She"s having music lessons this year. 她今年在上音乐课.
2023-07-21 10:36:461

初一英语考试作文 “我有的学习用具”

My school supplies During the study, each of us can not do without school supplies. I am using a lot of school supplies, there are rubber, ruler, pencil ...... every school supplies have their own strengths, but each is short. Pencil most important school supplies, it is the study of a gun, no pens, we will not be able to learn. The role of rubber in a variety of school supplies in a very "small", dispensable, but, if not this "cleaner", exercise books would be pandemonium. Stationery, stationery their housekeeper. It is the belly of the members may be more, there are gentle pencil, small eraser, ruler strong personality ...... We can not do without learning at school supplies, it"s like our good friends and partners. We should cherish school supplies, do not damage, not wasted.我的学习用品 在学习中,我们每个人都离不开学习用品。我现在用的学习用品很多,有橡皮、直尺、铅笔……每种学习用品都各有所长,各有所短。 铅笔在学习用品中最为重要,它是学习中的一杆枪,没有了笔,我们将无法学习。 橡皮在各种学习用品中的作用很“渺小”,可有可无,可是,如果没有这个“清洁工”,练习本上就会乌烟瘴气。 文具盒,是文具们的大管家。它肚子里的成员可多了,有文质彬彬的铅笔,小巧玲珑的橡皮,性格坚强的直尺...... 我们学习时离不开学习用品,它就像我们的好朋友、好伙伴。我们要爱惜学习用品,做到不损坏、不浪费。望采纳
2023-07-21 10:37:071

细菌的泛基因组分析 怎么确定细菌的亲缘关系

2005年,Tettelin等人提出了微生物泛基因组概念(pan-genome,pan源自希腊语‘παν",全部的意思),泛基因组即某一物种全部 基因的总称,包括核心基因组(core genome),在所有菌株中都存在的基因;以及非必须基因组(dispensable genome), 在部分菌株中存在的基因。在实际研究中,有时候,泛基因组也可以分成核心基因组(在所有菌株中都存在的基因)、非必须基因组(在2个以及2个以上的菌株中 存在的基因),以及菌株特有基因(strains-specific gene,仅在某一个菌株中存在的基因)。根据物种的泛基因组大小与菌株数目的关系,将物种的泛基因组分为开放型泛基因组(open)和闭合型泛基因组(close)。开放型的泛基因组是 指,随着测序的基因组数目的增加,物种的泛基因组大小也不断增加。闭合性的泛基因组是指,随着测序的基因组数目增加,物种的泛基因组大小增加到一定的程度 后收敛于某一值。
2023-07-21 10:37:161


1、I am not afraid of tomorrow for I have seen yesterday and love today.我不害怕明天,因为我经历过昨天,又热爱今天。   2、Dont cry because it is over, smile because it happened.不要为结束了而哭泣,应该为过去了而微笑。   3、When in doubt, just take the next small step .坚持不下去的时候,再坚持一会儿。   4、Many people like you, Im just dispensable.I like few people,no one except you.喜欢你的人很多,不缺我一个;我喜欢的人很少,除你就没了。   5、Dont put time and energy on the wrong person, you have a lot of good times! good Morning!不要把时间和精力放在错的人身上,你有大把好时光!早安!   6、Life is like traveling, so enjoy the scenery along the way. good Morning!人生就像旅行,好好欣赏沿途的风景。早安!   7、Happy he who learns to bear what he cannot change.学会承受无法改变的事情,就会幸福。   8、I don"t love in the past, I don"t want to meet in the future, I"m not in the moment, so well. good Morning!过往不恋,未来不迎,当下不负,如此安好。早安!   9、No pains, no gains.一分耕耘,一分收获。/不劳则无获!   10、Believe in yourself, you work hard, and you will get to you slowly. good Morning!相信自己,你努力了,该得到的都会慢慢向你走来。早安!   11、What is adhere to? Is day, and one day, you tell yourself, insist again one day. 什么是坚持?就是一天,又一天,你告诉自己,再坚持一天。   12、The stronger your heart is, the brighter your smile will be. 内心越强大,笑的越漂亮。   13、The little things that you miss in the past, can make you miss the most important things in the future.牵挂过去鸡毛蒜皮的事,可能让你错过未来重要的事。   14、Love alone could waken love!只有爱才能唤醒爱!   15、Do what makes you happy. Be with who makes you smile. Laugh as much as you breath. Love as long as you live.做让你开心的事,交能逗你乐的朋友;像呼吸一样频繁地开怀笑,像生命一样长久地全心爱。   16、When I thought I couldnt go on, I forced myself to keep going. My success is based on persistence, not luck. 当我以为我无法继续走下去时,我强迫自己要继续前进。我的成功是基于我的坚持,并非运气。   17、When you really matter to someone, that person will always make time for you. No excuses, no lies, and no broken promises.如果一个人真的在乎你,那么ta总能挤得出时间陪你,没有什么借口、谎言,没有不兑现了的誓言。   18、 You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only chance you have.你永远不会知道自己有多坚强,直到坚强成为你唯一的选择。   19、Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must.能享受时可尽兴,须忍受时当坚持。   20、 Dont take peoples care for granted. No matter how much they love you, people get tired eventually.不要把别人的关心当成理所当然。不管他有多爱你,最终也会有疲惫的一天。   21、Life is a another encounter and separation is forgotten and the beginning of time and time again.生命是一场又一场的相遇和别离,也是一次又一次的遗忘和开始。   22、Sometimes when I say Im ok I just want some one to look me in the eyes, hug me tight, and say, I know youre not. 有时候我说“我很好。其实我是多希望,有个人能看穿我的伪装并紧紧抱住我,说:“我知道,你并不好。”   23、Don‘t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。   24、You never feel my lonliness. 你从未体会我的孤单。   25、Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.就地开始,用你所有的,做你所能做的   26、Friends are like stars. They always lighten up your world, even in your darkest hour.朋友就像天上的星星,永远照亮着你的世界,即使在你最黑暗的时候。   27、I dont want to be your world, just do your shoulders.不当你的世界,只做你肩膀。   28、Not he who has much is rich, but he who gives much.拥有的多并不算富有,给予的多才算富有   英文句子经典正能量带翻译2   1、Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the men of old; seek what they sought. 不要追寻先人的足迹,追寻先人所追寻的吧!   2、There is a crack in everything. Thats how the light gets in. 万事万物中都有裂缝,这样光才能照射进来。   3、Failure is success if you learn from it. 只要能吸取教训,失败也是成功。   4、When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this: you havent. 当你已穷尽所有可能性时,要记住:还是有可能。   5、Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless. 思维有限,但我们的想象力能造就无限可能。   6、Dont worry when you are not recognized, but strive to be worthy of recognition. 如果不被别人认可,不要担心,要努力让自己值得被认可。   7、Everything youve ever wanted is on the other side of fear. 你想要的东西都在恐惧的那一端。   8、In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can. 要想成功,我们首先必须相信自己能成功。   9、The real test of good manners is to be able to put up with bad manners pleasantly. 对礼貌真正的考验在于能否愉快地忍受粗鲁。   10、Dream is an exciting and alluring place, where everything is achievable. 梦是一个让人激动兴奋的.充满诱惑的世界,在梦里的话,不管什么事都做得到。   11、Halloween is an opportunity to be really creative. 万圣节前夜是挥洒创意的好时机。   12、Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. 获得知识并不够,还要去应用;立下志向也不够,还要去行动。   13、Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later. 总要竭尽全力。你播种什么,就会收获什么。   14、Success is falling nine times and getting up ten. 成功就是跌倒九次,第十次仍会站起来。   15、Dont watch the clock. Do what it does. Keep going. 不要只看时钟,要效仿时钟,一直前行。   16、A river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but because of its persistence. 河流可以切碎岩石,并非因其力大无穷,乃是因为坚持不懈。   17、Dont limit yourself. You can go as far as your mind lets you. 不要框住自己。你想得有多远,就能走多远。   18、Be sure you put your feet in the right place; then stand firm. 让自己的双脚站在正确的位置,然后站稳。   19、What you do today can improve all your tomorrows. 你今天的付出会让你所有的明天都更好。   20、The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas. 找到好点子的最佳办法就是多想点子。   21、Success is achieved and maintained by those who try and keep trying. 不断尝试的人才能取得成功并且保持成功。   22、Leave nothing for tomorrow which can be done today. 今天能做的,就不要拖到明天。   23、The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be. 你注定只会成为你决心要变成的那个人。   24、There is nothing impossible to him who will try. 对勇于尝试的人来说,没有不可能。   25、Just do the best you can. No one can do more than that. 唯有竭尽全力,此外别无他法。   26、You can"t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have. 创新取之不尽用之不竭,越用越多。   27、Life is about making an impact, not making an income. 生命在于影响他人,而非赚钱糊口。   28、I have just tried to do my very best each and every day. 我每天都竭尽全力做到最好!   29、Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them. 一旦我们接受了自己的极限,就要超越它。   30、I walk slowly, but I never walk backward. 我走得慢,但从不后退。   31、The great aim of education is not knowledge but action. 教育的伟大目的并非传授知识,而是教人行动。   32、For a gallant spirit there can never be defeat. 勇敢的灵魂,永不言败。   33、Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation. 永远要把逆境转化为顺境。
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1、一季花开,陌上香,一季悲怨,枕上伤。 A season of flowers, fragrance on the road, a season of sorrow and resentment, hurt on the pillow. 2、也许,爱情,只是属于一瞬间的东西。 Maybe, love is just something that belongs to a moment. 3、没有什么过不去,只有你跟自己过不去。 There"s nothing you can"t live, only you can"t live with yourself. 4、该笑的时候没有快乐,该哭的时候没眼泪,该信的时候没诺言。 There is no happiness when we laugh, no tears when we cry, and no promise when we write. 5、把一切当做过程,最后让自己变得更成熟。 Take everything as a process, and finally make yourself more mature. 6、岁岁常欢愉,万事皆胜意。 Every year is happy, and everything is happy. 7、别人自嘲可以,但你千万不要附和。 Others can laugh at themselves, but you must not agree. 8、沉默不是我懦弱,而是我觉得你没资格。 Silence is not my cowardice, but I think you are not qualified. 9、我可以学着对你宽容,但绝不允许你对我放纵。 I can learn to be tolerant to you, but I will never allow you to indulge me. 10、有时候,笑着的人是在用最美的方式难受。 Sometimes people who smile are suffering in the most beautiful way. 11、想家,很温馨,总会让我很心静。 Homesick, very warm, always makes me very calm. 12、我想要的,是一个不管三七二十一,无条件站在我这边的人。 What I want is a person who stands on my side unconditionally, no matter what. 13、我们总是容易高估了在别人心中的位置,这叫自作多情。 We tend to overestimate our position in other people"s hearts, which is called being amorous. 14、如果你无法忘掉昨天,就不会有一个更好的明天。 If you can"t forget yesterday, there won"t be a better tomorrow. 15、每一段回忆都像一根刺,一点一点堆成一个字。 Every memory is like a thorn, piled up into a word bit by bit. 16、现在的我你爱理不理,未来的我你高攀不起。 You love me now and ignore me in the future. 17、我有密集恐惧症,不能接近心眼子多的人。 I have a dense phobia and can"t get close to people with a lot of heart and eyes. 18、关于明天的事情,后天我们就都知道了。 We all know about tomorrow the day after tomorrow. 19、我若不是可有可无,你又怎会忽冷忽热。 If I am not dispensable, how can you be hot and cold. 20、我迷失在你的城里,找不到回家的路。 I"m lost in your city. I can"t find my way home. 21、你以为的极限,弄不好只是别人的起点。 You think the limit is only the starting point for others. 22、白天掩饰一切悲伤,黑夜倾倒一切过往。 The day hides all sorrow, the night pours all past. 23、与你缠绵的每一秒,都是我生命里的永远。 Every second I"m in love with you is forever in my life. 24、认真生活,就能找到被人生偷藏起来的糖果。 If you live seriously, you can find the sweets hidden by life. 25、不会再勉强自己逢场作戏了,该笑笑,该闹闹。 It"s time to laugh and make a scene. 26、如果你见到有人没有笑,那你就给他们一个微笑。 If you see someone who doesn"t smile, give them a smile. 27、若你没有经历过我的旅程,就不要来批判我走的道路。 If you haven"t experienced my journey, don"t criticize my path. 28、曾经以为,拥有是不容易的;后来才知道,原来舍弃更难。 Once thought that it was not easy to have; later I learned that it was more difficult to give up. 29、如果只是路过,请好好路过! If it"s just passing by, please pass by! 30、不怕输的人最勇敢,不将就的人最好看。 Those who are not afraid of losing are the bravest and those who do not make do with it are the best. 31、酷的像风,野得像狗,不招人喜欢,倒也自由。 Cool as the wind, wild as a dog, not liked, but also free. 32、留不住的东西你不扔远地点,以后绊倒你就是你活该。 If you don"t leave something you can"t keep, you deserve to trip up later. 33、没有什么值不值得,只有我愿不愿意,只要我愿意,那就值得。 There is no value or not, only I would like to, as long as I want, it is worth it. 34、想和你喝酒是假的,想醉你怀里是真的。 It"s fake to want to drink with you. It"s true to want to drink with you. 35、你简单,世界就是童话;心复杂,世界就是迷宫。 You are simple, the world is a fairy tale; the heart is complex, the world is a maze. 36、上帝是公平的,给了你一张丑的脸,一定再会给你没钱的家。 God is fair, gave you a ugly face, will give you no money home. 37、一定要爱着什么,恰似草木对光阴的钟情。 Be sure to love something, just like plants love time. 38、现在晚安之后不知道是真睡了,还是只想结束话语。 Now I don"t know if I really sleep after good night, or just want to end the conversation. 39、只有一条准则,喜欢就不要错过。 There is only one rule. Don"t miss it if you like it. 40、人成熟的标志,就是该动脑子的时候,不再动情。 The sign of maturity is that when it"s time to use your brain, you don"t get emotional anymore. 41、从小就被教育,做人要礼尚往来,所以我喜欢你,你就得喜欢我。 I have been educated since I was a child, and I need to be polite, so if I like you, you have to like me. 42、生活就是溶剂,要么销魂蚀骨,要么百炼成钢。 Life is a solvent. It"s either soul destroying or steel refining. 43、成熟的人需要面具。戴上,坚强面对社会;摘下,温柔面对家人。 Mature people need masks. Put on, face the society firmly; take off, face the family gently. 44、你又不是我的氧气,可是离开你我就会痛到窒息。 You"re not my oxygen, but I"ll suffocate if I leave you. 45、人生何必如初见,但求相看两不厌。 Why do we need to see each other for the first time. 46、你还年轻,别凑合过,接下来的人生,还有万万种可能。 You are still young. Don"t make do with it. There are thousands of possibilities in your next life. 47、尽管人群拥挤,每个人都是沉默的,孤独的。 Despite the crowd, everyone is silent and lonely. 48、长大就是将一副叫做虚伪的面具戴在脸上,并逐渐变得严丝合缝。 Growing up is to put a mask called hypocrisy on your face and gradually become perfect. 49、我想变成你,见你所见,爱你所爱。 I want to be you, see what you see, love what you love. 50、经过昨天我已经回不了头了,因为我落枕了。 I can"t go back after yesterday, because I have a pillow. 51、有人说我长的丑,我顿时笑了,我丑,我追你了吗! Someone said I was ugly, I immediately smiled, I am ugly, I chase you! 52、你的眼睛会发光,不适合悲伤,未来路还长,你要挺直胸膛。 Your eyes will shine, not suitable for sadness, the future road is still long, you have to straighten your chest. 53、时间被轻轻踏碎,再也无法拼接完全。 Time is gently broken, and can no longer be spliced completely. 54、我可以哭可以笑可以执着,却无法摆脱我的软弱。 I can cry, I can laugh, I can persist, but I can"t get rid of my weakness. 55、记住喜欢是暂时的,没用,钱,学业,前途,才是永远的。 Remember like is temporary, useless, money, study, future, is forever. 56、别和我谈恋爱,虚伪。有本事咱俩结婚。 Don"t fall in love with me, hypocrisy. We can get married. 57、我有向你低头的那一刻,你就有向我下跪的那一天! The moment I bow to you, the day you kneel to me! 58、一朝春尽红颜老,花落人亡两不知。 Once the spring is over, the flowers fall and the people die. 59、生活到处都是磨难,为难我的人多了,你算老几。 Life is full of tribulations. There are many people who have embarrassed me. How old are you.
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delete英 [du026au02c8li:t] 美 [diu02c8lit]vt.& vi.删除过去式: deleted 过去分词: deleted 现在分词: deleting 第三人称单数: deletes 报双语例句1. We will be pleased to delete the charge from the original invoice. 我们决定将这笔费用从原始发票上删去。2. Select "Delete all" from the drop-down list. 在下拉列表项中选择“全部删除”。3. Delete what is dispensable and give more prominence to the essentials. 可以不说的去掉,该说的就可以更突出.4. Ron Artest doesn"t believe in the DELETE button because hes never wrong. 阿泰从不信任delete键,因为他从没错过.5. Can I use NEW and DELETE in my kernel? 我可以在内核里面用new和delete 吗 ?
2023-07-21 10:37:501

速求一篇120字左右的《世界无车日》 英语作文

Yesterday was the Mid-Autumn festival, many people in this small holiday will choose driving pleasure, however yesterday was a special day -- world car free day. Citizens will you do for Mid-Autumn festival "car free day" way "? Yesterday, reporters at some investigation. The results found that can give up since motorists way of practicing the concept of environmental protection of voluntary, is only a minority.Yesterday morning, the reporter comes to dinghai jiefang road, renmin and huancheng road traffic larger sections such as observation, vehicles or as usual, road is still the same, not because it is crowded car free day and change. Then the reporter 20 drivers and pedestrians were investigated: you know the world car free day? Do you approve of a car free day? Are you willing to give up the car free day to drive? Investigation shows, only 2 people know "world" car free day ", about half of people in favor of a car free day, and most of them are said to drive or not depends.In putuo work miss wang is preparing to dinghai Chinese festivals, the her hometown haven"t heard about "car free day", also don"t approve of set "car free day". She said, oneself and boyfriend live in dinghai, if bus words, time is tight, or they drive more comfortable.The bank clerk Mr Huang is know no cars for a day, but he felt a "car free day" dispensable, car free day and will not ease traffic pressure. He also said, usually has to work or to distant place would drive, in dinghai words are electric bike users. "Car free day can let motorists experience public transportation." civil servants Mr. Li argues that, only by government compulsory control vehicle are unrealistic, must change people"s idea. "I hope people rationally to consider their own transportation, for the long-term development of the whole city for a duty."Indeed, let people give up cars choice bus, is far from a "car free day", a few words of advocating can improve the situation. "World" car free day "is not refuse to cars, but to arouse people"s attention to environmental problems.Series: the world car free day 1998 French greens leaders, then the French national land consolidation and environment minister dominique DE within the earthen Mrs Initiative launched an "today I in the city not drive" activities, get capital Paris and other 34 provincial city response. That year on September 22, France 35 cities of citizens voluntary dumped by cars, make this one day become "the city with no car day". So far, the international on more than 1,000 cities conducted "car free day" activities
2023-07-21 10:38:012

是否在你心里,我可有可无…… 的英文怎么写

是否在你心里,我可有可无…… 英文翻译:Am I important in your heart or not? 这句话表达了不确定自己在他人心中是否重要的感受。这是一种常见的心理状态,常常伴随着无助、不安和困惑,需要逐渐通过与他人建立更深刻的联系和接纳来突破。可以通过表达自己的情感和需求、关注他人的反馈和回应以及提高自我认知和自尊来帮助自己摆脱这种困境,找到更积极的生活意义和价值。
2023-07-21 10:38:097

终于看清楚自己饰演的角色,也终于看清了你的心!原来我在你心中只是一个可有可无的洋娃娃罢了 用英语翻

Finally, I see the role I"ve been playing clearly as well as your heart, in which I turn out to be a dispensable doll
2023-07-21 10:38:257


not essential; not indispensable; may or may not be needed; be as well without it as with it
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缺一不可这个词语用英语表达翻译为 : None is dispensable.
2023-07-21 10:39:162


  突出指出众地显露出来。也有窜出;冲出; 隆起;凸出等意思。那么你知道突出用英语怎么说吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下吧。   突出的英语说法1:   prominent   突出的英语说法2:   outstanding   突出的英语说法3:   extrude   突出相关英语表达:   outstanding achievements;   突出成就   striking example;   突出的例子   prominent sign;   突出的标志   prominent characteristic   突出的特点   突出的英语例句:   1. The house stands on a shelf of rock among pines.   房子矗立在松树丛中一块突出的岩石上。   2. Once again, the "Free Press" prefers not to highlight these facts.   “自由新闻”组织再次故意不去突出强调这些事实。   3. Nutmeg, parsley and cider all complement the flavour of these beans well.   肉豆蔻、西芹和苹果酒都能很好地突出这些豆子的味道。   4. Its other great virtue, of course, is its hard-wearing quality.   它的另一个突出优点当然就是经久耐用。   5. In the earlier rounds, Ferguson and Dickinson were the standouts.   在最初的几轮中,弗格森和迪金森表现突出。   6. His track record as a headmaster was excellent.   他作为校长的工作履历非常突出。   7. His shaven head accentuates his large round face.   光头使他的大圆脸更加突出。   8. I believe our results are not untypical.   我认为我们的成绩算是突出的。   9. I caught my coat on a loose brick projecting from the wall.   我把大衣挂在一个突出于墙外的一块松动的砖头上.   10. The sudden summoning of the Cabinet underlines the seriousness of the situation.   内阁会议的突然召开,突出了局势的严重性.   11. Exquisite workmanship is the outstanding characteristic of these artistic handwork"s.   工艺精美是这些工艺品的突出特点.   12. Gold hangings were used to show off the pictures.   金色的吊帘被用来突出那些图片.   13. Delete what is dispensable and give more prominence to the essentials.   可以不说的去掉,该说的就可以更突出.   14. The tops of the flooded houses jutted out of the water.   一个个遭水淹的房顶突出水面.   15. Her bright red scarf set her apart from the other girls.   她那鲜红的围巾使她在姑娘们中间显得特别突出.
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