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姜饼屋(Gingerbread House)

2023-07-21 11:31:37






有的作品要放大量巧克力,像这个《Fairy Fantasy》,描写精灵的生活







《周日晚上的足球赛》by Maga和她的三个天使。

《去湖边的好季节》by Coleman和Boogarrd一家。










gingerbread的意思姜饼,华而不实的装饰。gingerbreadn.(名词)姜饼;华而不实的装饰;adj.(形容词)(装饰)华而不实的。短语:1、gingerbread man;姜饼人 ; 姜饼小人 ; 华丽的人 ; 圣诞姜饼人;2、The Gingerbread Girl;姜饼女孩;3、The Gingerbread Man;姜饼人 ; 迷色布局 ; 姜饼小人儿 ; 饼干人。例句:1、The carriage was lined inside with sugar-plums, and in the seats were fruits and gingerbread.车里排满了着糖李子,座位上放着水果和姜饼。2、As with gingerbread men and gummy bears, the dilemma when served a locust is whether to begin eating it head or legs first.就像吃姜饼的人和小熊软糖一样,吃蝗虫时的窘境是先吃它的头还是腿。3、Then Gingerbread Man met a pig.然后,姜饼人遇到了一头猪。
2023-07-21 08:30:421


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2023-07-21 08:31:245

姜饼的英语翻译 姜饼用英语怎么说

2023-07-21 08:31:392


姜饼人的英文:Gingerbread man;是指用姜饼制成的人形 曲奇饼干,是耶诞节 过节食品的一种。 西方早在十五世纪时,已开始制作姜饼,而到了十六世纪,已有将饼干制成人形的习惯 。对于圣诞节里做姜饼人的传统,据说源自伊丽莎白女皇一世某次突发奇想命令点心师把姜饼造成宾客模样,但很多人相信姜饼人的流行来自于一对因为战争而分开的恋人,年老后担心对方找不到自己,便在自己的村庄里出售对方模样的姜饼人。做法:糖饰:白糖1/2量杯、蛋清1只、塔塔粉1/4茶匙(用柠檬汁或白醋代替也可)花费:制作过程约需30~45分钟,但面团做好后需要放在冰箱里1小时的冷却时间也要算进去。如果家中备有干姜粉及肉桂粉等材料的话,因为用量不多,做半斤饼大概只需要十多块钱的成本。购买事宜:在像CitySuper或Taste那样的香港食品超市里有专门用来制用姜饼的调料,里面除了干姜粉及肉桂粉还有其他复杂香料成分,令香味层次更丰富,也推荐选用,买一小包就可以做个十斤八斤了。否则,在广州的吉之岛、家乐福等超市购买调料自己搭配亦可。
2023-07-21 08:31:461


姜饼人英语:Gingerbread man拓展:姜饼人是一种传统的西方糕点,通常用蜂蜜、黄油、面粉、蛋、香料等烘焙而成。它通常呈现出可爱的形状,如同小人儿一般,拥有丰富的文化背景和故事。据传,姜饼人最早出现在古代希腊和罗马时期。随着时间的推移,姜饼人逐渐传至欧洲各国,并成为圣诞节期间的传统食品之一。在德国,姜饼人被称为“Lebkuchen”,它不仅在圣诞节期间食用,而且还在许多其他节日和庆祝活动中食用,例如万圣夜和复活节等。此外,在英国和美国,姜饼人通常被用来装饰圣诞树或作为礼物赠送给亲朋好友。除了味道美味,姜饼人还是一种艺术品,制作姜饼人需要有精湛的技术和创意。姜饼人的制作需要先将面粉、糖以及各种香料混合在一起,然后加入蜂蜜和黄油,揉成柔软的面团。接着,将面团擀平,用各种形状的模子来制作出姜饼人的形状,然后放入烤箱烘烤成形。完成后,可以根据个人喜好在姜饼人身上涂抹糖霜、糖果、巧克力等装饰品。除了美味的口感和精致的制作工艺,姜饼人还有许多文化故事。据传说,15世纪德国一位贫穷的木匠想要给自己心爱的女儿一个特别的圣诞礼物,于是他用面粉和蜂蜜做了一些小人儿,再用各种颜色的糖果点缀,做成了可爱的姜饼人。这些姜饼人被孩子们发现,引起了极大的兴趣和欢乐,从此姜饼人便成为了圣诞节期间不可或缺的食品。
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Christmas food
2023-07-21 08:32:475

gingerbread house是什么意思

2023-07-21 08:33:241


The gingerbread man got broken arms and legs.饼干人手脚断了。姜饼人(gingerbread man)是指用姜饼制成的人形曲奇饼干,是圣诞节过节食品的一种。西方早在十五世纪时,已开始制作姜饼,而到了十六世纪,已有将饼干制成人形的习惯。
2023-07-21 08:33:311


恋爱的法则是否背清楚,乖啦乖啦,乖啦乖啦,BAD BAD BOY DON"T TREAT ME LIKE A FOOL,看起来无辜其实我不糊涂”。最近抖音上这首歌特别的火,很多小伙伴还不知道这是什么歌?下面我就来为大家介绍下这首歌。 这首歌的歌名叫做《Gwalla》,是由THE9-谢可寅作词,Gingerbread编曲,虞书欣演唱的一首歌,歌曲发行于2021年2月7日。 Gwalla歌词: DO WHAT I WANT WHAT I WANNA DO 恋爱的法则是否背清楚 乖啦 乖啦 乖啦 乖啦 I"m sorry I might be late 丝绒牛仔 眼影色彩 要怎么搭配 脚步雀跃踢起的裙尾 像珍珠 的弧度 LOOKS精心准备 CHECKING 我的美 尾调淡香水 THE JEWELRY YOU CANT PAY 想要牵 我的手 拉勾勾陪我走 如果当爱是游戏 我宁愿你别靠近 女孩道理要牢记 男孩太主动没安好心 别再发 YOU MISS ME IM TOO BUSY FOR YOUR BUSINESS OOPS DONT YOU KNOW I DO WHAT I WANT WHAT I WANNA DO 恋爱的法则是否背清楚 乖啦 乖啦 乖啦 乖啦 BAD BAD BOY DON"T TREAT ME LIKE A FOOL 看起来无辜 其实我不糊涂 (如果你)乖啦乖啦 (那我也)乖啦乖啦 乖啦~ 乖啦~ 骄傲外在保护 害怕试探招数 确定爱的表述 才会乖乖的把心交付 为了好奇来探明 一眼看出你自欺 FEELING LIKE A CAKE OF CHEESE 像潘多拉的谜底 恋爱法则是难题 但只要 看着我 眼睛 BOY YOU ARE IN LOVE DO WHAT I WANT WHAT I WANNA DO 恋爱的法则你是否背清楚 乖啦乖啦 乖啦乖啦 BAD BAD BOY DON"T TREAT ME LIKE A FOOL 看起来无辜 其实我不糊涂 (如果你)乖啦乖啦 (那我也)乖啦乖啦 乖啦~ 乖啦啦啦啦啦啦~ 乖啦啦啦啦~ 乖啦~ 乖啦啦啦啦啦啦~ 乖啦啦啦啦~
2023-07-21 08:33:401


最能代表圣诞节的食物?当然是姜饼!连大名鼎鼎的英国大文豪莎士比亚都说过这样一句话:“如果在这世上我只剩一便士,你只需拿着它去买姜饼。”(出自《爱的徒劳》)那么老师在这里先来问个无聊的问题,姜饼人(Gingerbread Man)这么可爱的食物到底有什么起源?我们这里提供了5个版本的故事,你先来猜猜:一、来自东南亚的美食姜原产于东南亚,因十字军东征(顺便)从中东带回异域食材而传入欧洲。当时,欧洲香料匮乏,姜因其浓烈的辛香味,受到了没见过世面的欧洲贵族追崇。人们试着把姜混入面包和饼干的原料,结果不仅口感独特,还令面包和饼干本身更容易被保存,实在一举两得!二、姜饼和宗教的关系姜饼最初诞生在德国。当时的姜,并非寻常大众之物,最初的姜饼亦带有浓厚的宗教色彩。13世纪,德国修道院的僧侣们,在圣诞节和复活节时制作姜饼分发给信众。正因为姜饼与宗教的关系,教会和政府对姜饼的制作限制颇多:平日里,只有专门的注册姜饼师才被允许制作姜饼,只有到了圣诞节和复活节,才会放宽限制让平民也制作姜饼。流传至今,就变成,家家户户圣诞节要吃姜饼了……三、英国伊丽莎白的原创据说姜饼人是来自于英国伊丽莎白女王(Queen Elizabeth I (reigned 1558 – 1603))的一次突发奇想,她命烘焙师按照参加圣诞晚宴的宾客们的样貌制作了人形的姜饼(man-shaped gingerbread cookie),送给宾客作为圣诞的伴手礼。于是这个风俗变马上火遍欧洲。四、姜饼人的童话故事关于姜饼人还有一个童话故事,讲的是一对老夫妻很饿,所以做了姜饼人准备来吃,没想到姜饼人竟然活了,他拼命地跑,边跑边说“Run, run, as fast as you can. You can"t catch me, I"m the gingerbread man”,他躲过了老夫妻、躲过了各种动物的追击,不过最后还是被狡猾的狐狸吃掉了。五、姜饼恋人的故事姜饼人的流行来自于一对因为战争而分开的恋人,年老后担心对方找不到自己,便在自己的村庄里出售对方模样的姜饼人。-所以,聪明的你心里有答案了吗?到底姜饼人是来自于东南亚,还是与宗教相关?抑或是其他几个来源?哈哈答案就是以上的故事都是西方流传的经典!不管怎么样的版本,都是文化的一种体现。现在,姜饼已经成为风靡世界各地的圣诞礼物,每到圣诞节,大人们就会将制作成心形、人形、屋形等各种形状的姜饼送给孩子们,或偷偷地放入孩子们床头的圣诞袜子内,承载着美好的祝愿。当然,如果你有心爱的人,正苦于为送怎样的圣诞礼物给对方的话,那么DIY几个可爱又暖心的姜饼人这样一个sweet-and-spicy gift 或许是一个不错的主意哦。
2023-07-21 08:33:572


gingerbread-man双语例句1. He"s offered us his villa by the sea for two weeks. The only problem is that we can only have it in February, which rather takes the gilt off the gingerbread. 他把海边的别墅让给我们住两个星期. 但是美中不足的是我们只能在二月份去, 这就有些扫兴了.来自《简明英汉词典》2. The high taxes that I paid took the gilt off the gingerbread. 我缴付的高额税款除去了我大部分的收入.来自辞典例句3. I wouldn"t go halves in the toffee and gingerbread on purpose to save the money. 为了把钱省下来,我不肯把太妃糖和甜饼分给别人.来自辞典例句4. Make anatomically correct gingerbread people and eat the best parts first. 做成解剖状的姜饼人,先吃掉最好的部分.来自互联网5. For desert there"s coffee, gingerbread cookies and plum pudding. 至于甜点方面,包括了咖啡 、 姜饼和干果布丁.来自互联网如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!!
2023-07-21 08:34:051


歌名:Gwalla歌手:虞书欣作词:谢可寅作曲:JACK/Isaac Michael Reche Julius Edwards/Gingerbread/钱润玉(爱声存)编曲:Gingerbread歌词:DO WHAT I WANT WHAT I WANNA DO恋爱的法则是否背清楚乖啦,乖啦,乖啦,乖啦I"m sorry,I might be late丝绒牛仔 眼影色彩 要怎么搭配脚步雀跃踢起的裙尾像珍珠 的弧度LOOKS精心准备CHECKING 我的美尾调淡香水THE JEWELRY YOU CANT PAY想要牵 我的手 拉勾勾陪我走如果当爱是游戏 我宁愿你别靠近女孩道理要牢记男孩太主动没安好心别再发 YOU MISS MEIM TOO BUSY FOR YOUR BUSINESSOOPSDONT YOU KNOWI DO WHAT I WANT WHAT I WANNA DO恋爱的法则是否背清楚乖啦,乖啦,乖啦,乖啦BAD BAD BOY DON"T TREAT ME LIKE A FOOL看起来无辜 其实我不糊涂(如果你)乖啦乖啦(那我也)乖啦乖啦乖啦~乖啦~骄傲外在保护害怕试探招数确定爱的表述才会乖乖的把心交付为了好奇来探明一眼看出你自欺FEELING LIKE A CAKE OF CHEESE像潘多拉的迷底恋爱法则是难题但只要 看着我 眼睛BOY YOU ARE IN LOVEDO WHAT I WANT WHAT I WANNA DO恋爱的法则你是否背清楚乖啦乖啦,乖啦乖啦BAD BAD BOY DON"T TREAT ME LIKE A FOOL看起来无辜 其实我不糊涂(如果你)乖啦乖啦(那我也)乖啦乖啦乖啦~扩展内容:在《青春有你2》开播没多久,虞书欣起初和导师们的见面的时候,就先是上演了一波“喜欢lisa就得离她近一点”情景剧,后来因一声“哇~哦”出圈,火遍全网。虽然被网友们吐槽做作,也带给了观众很多欢笑,也是网友们模仿她的一个梗。选秀节目本身就深受观众们的喜欢,节目播出后总是会引起很大的热度。也是因此有了此次的《Gwalla》舞台首秀,这次的首秀也使得虞书欣获得大批的粉丝。
2023-07-21 08:34:121


1、Hong Bin曲奇香宾2、Christmas cookie 圣诞节曲奇饼3、apple juice苹果汁4、spreading blueberry 蔓越桔调味汁5、gingerbread 姜饼6、honey ham 蜂蜜火腿7、Danjiu 蛋酒8、small almond 小杏仁饼9、chocolate walnut cake南瓜饼zhuan10、cake 饼扩展资料:圣诞节装饰包括:圣诞袜,最早以前是一对红色的大袜子,大小不拘。因为圣诞袜是要用来装礼物的,所以是小朋友最喜欢的东西,晚上他们会将自己的袜子挂在床边,等待第二天早上收礼;圣诞帽,是一顶红色帽子,据说晚上戴上睡觉除了睡得安稳和有点暖外,第二天还会发现在帽子里多了点心爱的人送的礼物;圣诞树,通常人们在圣诞前后把一棵常绿植物(如松树)弄进屋里或者放在户外,用圣诞灯和彩色的装饰物装饰,并把一个天使或星星置于树顶,圣诞树起源于德国;圣诞节环,西方国家圣诞节期间挂在家门口用的装饰品,通常用绿色的枝叶或藤条(松毛、松针等)和银色的金属及金色的铃铛配以红色的缎带组成主色调,以绿、白、黄、红四色代表欢乐喜庆,上面还写有MERRY CHRISTMAS或简写为X"mas的字样,圣诞节环最早出现在芬兰。
2023-07-21 08:34:331


Gingerbread man圣诞姜饼人在西方家喻户晓的童话形象。 出自The Gingerbread man这个传统故事,讲一只刚烤好的姜饼小人为了避免被吃的命运,从烤箱里逃出来,一路狂奔,躲过了老爷爷老奶奶,猪,牛,马,最后在过河时,被狡猾的狐狸欺骗还是被吃掉了。整个故事里姜饼小人一直在唱一句话“Run, run, as fast as you can. You can"t catch me, I"m the gingerbread man.” 所以“姜饼人”被用来形容那种单纯又勇往直前的人。基本上,有天歌词里说的"bigger than Gingerbread man"s vitality"等同于我们说的“比打不死的小强还具有生命力”的意思。在英国还流传着一个传说,未婚女子吃下姜饼,即能遇见理想的伴侣。每到盛大的节日,大人们就会将各种形状如心形、人形的姜饼送给孩子们,或偷偷地放入孩子们期待的袜子内。 渐渐的,姜饼屋变成了在世界各地风靡的新年礼物。让期待的心承载着节日里的别样牵挂。The Gingerbread man 姜饼人 Once upon a time a little old woman and a little old man lived in a cottage. One day the little old woman made a gingerbread man. She gave him currants for eyes and cherries for buttons. She put him in the oven to bake.The little old woman and little old man were very hungry and wanted to eat the gingerbread man. As soon as he was cooked, the little old woman opened the oven door. The gingerbread man jumped out of the tin and ran out of the open window shouting, "Don"t eat me!"The little old woman and little old man ran after the gingerbread man."Stop! Stop!" they yelled.The gingerbread man did not look back. He ran on saying,"Run, run as fast as you can! You can"t catch me, I"m the gingerbread man!"Down the lane he sped when he came to a pig. "Stop! Stop! I would like to eat you," shouted the pig. The gingerbread man was too fast. He ran on saying "Run, run as fast as you can. You can"t catch me, I"m the gingerbread man.”A little further on he met a cow. "Stop! Stop! little man," called the hungry cow, "I want to eat you." Again the gingerbread man was too fast. He sped on down the road saying, "Run, run as fast as you can. You can"t catch me, I"m the gingerbread man."The cow began to chase the gingerbread man along with the pig, and the little old woman. But the gingerbread man was too fast for them.It was not long before the gingerbread man came to a horse. "Stop! Stop!" shouted the horse. "I want to eat you, little man." But the gingerbread man did not stop. He said,"Run, run as fast as you can. You can"t catch me, I"m the gingerbread man."The horse joined in the chase. The gingerbread man laughed and laughed, until he came to a river. "Oh no!" he cried, "They will catch me. How can I cross the river?"A sly fox came out from behind a tree. "I can help you cross the river," said the fox. "Jump on to my tail and I will swim across." "You won"t eat me, will you?" said the gingerbread man."Of course not," said the fox. "I just want to help."The gingerbread man climbed on the fox"s tail. Soon the gingerbread man began to get wet. "Climb onto my back," said the fox. So the gingerbread man did. As he swam the fox said, "You are too heavy. I am tired. Jump onto my nose." So the gingerbread man did as he was told.No sooner had they reached the other side, than the fox tossed the gingerbread man up in the air. He opened his mouth and "Snap!" that was the end of the gingerbread man.The End
2023-07-21 08:35:041


2023-07-21 08:35:123


火鸡 炸鸡
2023-07-21 08:35:284


动物:Animal 食物:food
2023-07-21 08:35:492

圣诞节的食物有哪些 用英文则么说?

苹果汁 cider棒棒糖 lolly lollipop香宾 champagne圣诞节曲奇饼 cookie蔓越桔调味汁 spreading blueberry蛋酒 egg-nog水果蛋糕 Fruit cake姜饼 gingerbread蜂蜜火腿 HoneyBaked Ham热巧克力 Hot Chocolate小杏仁饼 marchpane苹果派 Apple Pie草莓大黄饼 strawberry rhubarb pie胡桃饼 walnut pie南瓜饼 pumpkin火鸡 turkey烤鸭 Roast duck烘烤鹅 Roast goose
2023-07-21 08:36:093


2021年最火十大网络歌手?每年乐坛都会有新人因为一首歌或是其他的原因爆火,但是想要在乐坛站住脚跟是很难的,很多人都只是昙花一现,或者是只能火到那个程度,想要达到一定的知名度,则需要一定的实力。相比于,乐坛的常青藤,周杰伦、陈奕迅、林俊杰、鹿晗等等就耳熟能详很多了。2021年度网络最火十大歌手一起来看看吧。 2021年度最火十大网络歌手 1、2021年度最红网络歌手名单 2021年度最红网络歌手名单:许嵩,汪苏泷代表歌曲《小星星》、《万有引力》、《一笑倾城》、《后会无期》等等,白小白代表歌曲《爱不得忘不舍》、《我爱你不问归期》、《我们终究是错过》等等,李昕融代表歌曲《你笑起来真好看》、《听我说谢谢你》、《有你就幸福》等等,王琪代表歌曲《可可托海的牧羊人》、《万爱千恩》、《站着等你三千年》等等,海伦代表歌曲《桥边姑娘》、张远。 2、2021年热门女歌手 2021年爆火女歌手有:邓紫棋代表歌曲《泡沫》,张韶涵代表歌曲《阿刁》,李宇春代表歌曲《差生》等等,孟美岐代表歌曲《All I Want For Christmas is You》,虞书欣代表歌曲《月光变奏曲》、《Gwalla》等等,喻言代表歌曲《你还想她》、《空》等等,许佳琪代表歌曲《激流之战》,吴宣仪代表歌曲《MoMoMo》、《靠近你的心》、《Catch Me》等等,张碧晨代表歌曲《后会无期》、《爱你宿命》、《她说》等等。 十大热门神曲 1、2021年度抖音十大热门歌曲 2021年度抖音十大热门歌曲有:《少年》玩过抖音的人都知道的BGM。《好想爱这个世界啊》原唱是华晨宇。《夏天的风》这首歌非常的耐听。《太阳》这首歌满满的正能量值得反复品味。《关键词》又火起来的一首歌。《追》可以唱进人的心里去。《出山》非常的火爆。 2、2021年度快手十大热门歌曲 2021年度快手十大热门歌曲有:《云与海》是由伊子木木作词,阿YueYue演唱的歌曲。 《错季》是由江辉作词,秋原依演唱的歌曲。《夜夜夜漫长》是由DJ小鱼儿作词、作曲,DJ小鱼儿演唱的歌曲。《清空》由安苏羽作词,王忻辰、苏星婕演唱的歌曲。《错位时空》是周仁作词,艾辰演唱的歌曲。《醉倾城》是由蓝乐作词,小阿枫演唱的歌曲。《星辰大海》是由黄霄云演唱的歌曲。《落差》是由舒心作词作曲,IN-K、王忻辰演唱的歌曲。《醒不来的梦》是回小仙演唱的歌曲。《千千万万》是至遥作词,深海鱼子酱演唱的一首歌。 中国乐坛常青藤型歌手 1、中国乐坛重量级歌手 中国乐坛重量级歌手有:邓丽君代表歌曲有《甜蜜蜜》,张国荣代表歌曲有《风继续吹》,梅艳芳代表歌曲有《女人花》,谭咏麟代表歌曲有《讲不出再见》,黄家驹代表歌曲有《光辉岁月》,张学友代表歌曲有《当爱已成习惯》,周杰伦代表歌曲有《一路向北》,王菲代表歌曲有《但愿人长久》,陈奕迅代表歌曲有《十年》,刘德华代表歌曲有《忘情水》。 2、中国乐坛十大影响力歌手 中国乐坛十大影响力歌手有:周杰伦代表歌曲有《一路向北》、《稻香》、《不能说的秘密》等等,罗大佑代表歌曲有《夜是秋月明》、《你的样子》,黄家驹代表歌曲有《光辉岁月》、《大地》等等,崔健代表歌曲有《飞狗》、《解决》,刘欢代表歌曲有《阿尔卑斯山的小雨》等等,李宗盛代表作有《小雨来的正是时候》等等。
2023-07-21 08:36:483

Gingerbread Man 歌词

歌曲名:Gingerbread Man歌手:Mindi Abair专辑:StarsGucci Mane Ft. OJ Da Juice Man - Gingerbread ManIts money mane, n juice man, n gucci mane, gucci mane(Verse 1 - Gucci Mane)Ima keep droppin versus,Hotta den tha hottest summa,Eat rappers like jeffrey domer,Dope color shanay o conner?,Should i name another woman,Russian like president obama,Wannna buy two extra commas,All my shoes are fara gomma?Lightning actually hittin thunda,Even stevie wonder wonder,Why yo girl get home on time so much i had to change my numba,Sarcasism, these bitches need to ride em while i pass em,I wouldnt even give that bitch a orgasim,Miraculisly my niggas stand beside, not in back of me,So disrespect my faculty, how dare u have audasity,The ?, i cash out automatically,I spit these rhymes so radically, spiratically, fatality.(Chorus)I got the green, drank, pills, blow,Runnin round the town gettin money i suppose,Im the gingerbread man (x4)I got the green, drank, pills, blow,I cant get up, sleep, jus keep knockin on my door,Im the gingerbread man (x4)(Verse 2 - OJ Da Juice Man)Gingerbread man, i got white, i got white,Trap house bunkin up all night, take flight,Droppin 10 bases? Its jumpin that white?Trees to that paper so im something like a kite,Loud stanky kush and it tellin me to light,Extra loud diamonds and its lookin like a light,Rollin stay money and my pockets just glide,Everday diamonds kuz they dont like to hide,Vvs light yea so you block yo eyes,Burnt color diamonds like a sweet potato pie,Hit ya color diamonds And get ratchet like a fly?The brick man, the bread man i dont tell no lies.(Chorus)I got the green, drank, pills, blow,Runnin round the town gettin money i suppose,Im the gingerbread man (x4)I got the green, drank, pills, blow,I cant get up, sleep, jus keep knockin on my door,Im the gingerbread man (x4)(Verse 3 - Gucci Mane not available...)(Chorus)I got the green, drank, pills, blow,Runnin round the town gettin money i suppose,Im the gingerbread man (x4)I got the green, drank, pills, blow,I cant get up, sleep, jus keep knockin on my door,Im the gingerbread man (x4)
2023-07-21 08:37:481


A - avocado(牛油果)/ asparagus(芦笋)B- bacon(烟肉)/ broccoli (西兰花)/ brandy (白兰地)/ biscuit(饼干)C- cinnamon roll(肉桂卷)/ croissant(牛角包)/ chuck steak(颈肉,多数指牛)/ celery(芹菜)/ cucumber(青瓜)/ cider(苹果酒)/ chewing gum(香口胶)/ chrysanthemum tea(菊花茶)/ cauliflower(椰菜花)D- Drum(锤-chicken drum=鸡锤)/ dagwood(多层三文治)/ doughnut(冬甩)E- eel(白鳝或鳗)/ escalope(无骨的肉片或鱼片)/ espresso(特浓咖啡)F- fillet(无骨的肉片或鱼片)/ frank(肠仔)/ fruit punch(杂果宾治)/ fries(薯条)/ fettuccine(宽条面)G- garlic(蒜头)/ ginger(姜)/ gingerbread(姜饼)/ grapefruit(西柚)H- ham(火腿)/ halibut(比目鱼)/ hamburger(汉堡包)/ hot dog(热狗)I - ice-cream(雪糕)/ ipomoea(番薯)J- jelly bean(很多不同味的豆形象皮糖)K-ketchup(茄汁)L- loin(腰部的肉/ lasagne(千层面)/ lemonade(柠檬水)/ lettuce(生菜)/ latte(牛奶咖啡)M- muffin(松饼)/ melon(蜜瓜)/ macaroni(通心粉)/ marshmallow(果汁软糖)/ mayonnaise(沙律浆)N- noodles(面)O-over easy(荷包蛋)/ onion(洋葱)/ oatmeal(燕麦片)P- pie(批)/ peppercorn(胡椒粒)/ pumpkin(南瓜)/ pomegranate(石榴)/ plum(梅)/ pudding(布甸)/ popcorn(爆谷)/ persimmon(柿)/ pomelo(沙田柚)Q- quahaug(圆蛤)/ quails egg(鹌鹑蛋)R-rib(肋骨)/ radish(白萝卜)/ raspberry(杨莓)/ rum(_酒)S-sandwich(三文治)/ sausage(香肠)/ spinach(菠菜)/ scallop(带子)/sorbet(果汁雪糕)/ seaweed(紫萦)/ syrup(糖浆)/ soybean milk(豆浆)T- tuna(吞拿鱼)/ turkey(火鸡)/ toast(多士)/ tenderloin(腰肉)/ taro(芋头)/ tequila(酒的一种, 不清楚其中文名)U- upside-down cake(水果蛋糕)/ unagi(日文的鳗鱼, 在外国食寿司也会用日文order的)V- vinegar(醋)W- waffles(格仔饼)/ watermelon(西瓜)/ whiskey(威士忌)/ whipped cream(忌廉)/ wheat(麦/麦包)X- xerophagy(_斋)Y-yogurt(奶酪)/ yam(番薯)Z- ziti(管状的干面食)
2023-07-21 08:37:551

Gingerbread Man 歌词

歌曲名:Gingerbread Man 歌手:Gucci Mane专辑:The State vs. Radric DavisGucci Mane Ft. OJ Da Juice Man - Gingerbread ManIts money mane, n juice man, n gucci mane, gucci mane(Verse 1 - Gucci Mane)Ima keep droppin versus,Hotta den tha hottest summa,Eat rappers like jeffrey domer,Dope color shanay o conner?,Should i name another woman,Russian like president obama,Wannna buy two extra commas,All my shoes are fara gomma?Lightning actually hittin thunda,Even stevie wonder wonder,Why yo girl get home on time so much i had to change my numba,Sarcasism, these bitches need to ride em while i pass em,I wouldnt even give that bitch a orgasim,Miraculisly my niggas stand beside, not in back of me,So disrespect my faculty, how dare u have audasity,The ?, i cash out automatically,I spit these rhymes so radically, spiratically, fatality.(Chorus)I got the green, drank, pills, blow,Runnin round the town gettin money i suppose,Im the gingerbread man (x4)I got the green, drank, pills, blow,I cant get up, sleep, jus keep knockin on my door,Im the gingerbread man (x4)(Verse 2 - OJ Da Juice Man)Gingerbread man, i got white, i got white,Trap house bunkin up all night, take flight,Droppin 10 bases? Its jumpin that white?Trees to that paper so im something like a kite,Loud stanky kush and it tellin me to light,Extra loud diamonds and its lookin like a light,Rollin stay money and my pockets just glide,Everday diamonds kuz they dont like to hide,Vvs light yea so you block yo eyes,Burnt color diamonds like a sweet potato pie,Hit ya color diamonds And get ratchet like a fly?The brick man, the bread man i dont tell no lies.(Chorus)I got the green, drank, pills, blow,Runnin round the town gettin money i suppose,Im the gingerbread man (x4)I got the green, drank, pills, blow,I cant get up, sleep, jus keep knockin on my door,Im the gingerbread man (x4)(Verse 3 - Gucci Mane not available...)(Chorus)I got the green, drank, pills, blow,Runnin round the town gettin money i suppose,Im the gingerbread man (x4)I got the green, drank, pills, blow,I cant get up, sleep, jus keep knockin on my door,Im the gingerbread man (x4)
2023-07-21 08:38:041


圣诞食品姜饼人的寓意有多种说法,分别如下:一、版本一:Gingerbread man出自The Gingerbread man这个传统故事,讲一只刚烤好的姜饼小人为了避免被吃的命运,从烤箱里逃出来,一路狂奔,躲过了老爷爷老奶奶,猪,牛,马,最后在过河时,被狡猾的狐狸欺骗还是被吃掉了。整个故事里姜饼小人一直在唱一句话“Run, run, as fast as you can. You can"t catch me, I"m the gingerbread man。”所以“姜饼人”被用来形容那种单纯又勇往直前的人。基本上,有天歌词里说的"bigger than Gingerbread man"s vitality"等同于我们说的“比打不死的小强还具有生命力”的意思。二、版本二:在英国还流传着一个传说,未婚女子吃下姜饼,即能遇见理想的伴侣。每到盛大的节日,大人们就会将各种形状如心形、人形的姜饼送给孩子们,或偷偷地放入孩子们期待的袜子内。渐渐的,姜饼屋变成了在世界各地风靡的新年礼物。让期待的心承载着节日里的别样牵挂。三、版本三:对于圣诞节里做姜饼人的传统,据说源自伊丽莎白女皇一世某次突发奇想命令点心师把姜饼造成宾客模样,但很多人相信姜饼人的流行来自于一对因为战争而分开的恋人,年老后担心对方找不到自己,便在自己的村庄里出售对方模样的姜饼人。
2023-07-21 08:38:111


  少年儿童好比园中的花朵,人民教师好比辛勤的园丁。我精心收集了关于儿童英文诗歌,供大家欣赏学习!   关于儿童英文诗歌篇1   At The Seaside   When I was down beside the sea   当我到海边时   A wooden spade they gave to me   他们给了我一把木铲   To dig the sandy shore.   好去挖掘沙滩。   The holes were empty like a cup   挖成像杯状般的空洞   In every hole the sea camp up,   让每个洞中的海水涌现   Till it could e no more.   直到它不能再涌现。   by R. L. Stevenson   关于儿童英文诗歌篇2   The Cuckoo   In April,   四月里,   e he will,   它就来了,   In May,   五月里,   Sing all day,   整天吟唱多逍遥,   In June,   六月里,   Change his tune,   它在改变曲调,   In July,   七月里,   Prepare to fly,   准备飞翔,   In August,   八月里,   Go he must!   它就得离去了   关于儿童英文诗歌篇3   Christmas Dinner   Fruitcake.   水果蛋糕。   Candied yams.   糖果山药。   Mincemeat.   苹果甜馅。   Roasted hams.   烤火腿。   Eggnog.   蛋酒。   Turkey legs.   火鸡腿。   Aspic.   花色肉冻。   Deviled eggs.   魔鬼鸡蛋沙拉。   Gravy.   肉汁。   Dinner rolls.   晚餐卷。   Take some.   品尝一些。   Pass the bowls.   递个碗。   Jell-o.   果冻。   Christmas punch.   圣诞节冲床。   Cookies.   饼干。   Munch, munch, munch.   不停地嚼啊嚼,   Stuffing.   塞满了嘴。   Gingerbread.   姜饼。   Whoops, I"m   overfed!   哎呀,我吃的太饱了!   After   such a load,   吃了这么多的东西,   feel like   I"ll explode.   感觉我的肚子快要爆炸。   Guess I"m   gonna die,   我可不想就这么撑死,   so please   pass the pie.   所以,请大家一起来吃。   
2023-07-21 08:38:341


来源于英国家喻户晓的《饼干人》(the gingerbread man)。《饼干小子》的故事在它的诞生地英国可说是家喻户晓,它原本是连环画,后又被改编成小说。1956年英国著名剧作家大卫·伍德先生又将它改编为音乐剧搬上舞台,在英国上演即获得巨大成功。几十年来陆续被世界各国搬演,久演不衰,至今仍是日本四季剧团的保留剧目。《饼干小子》相关的Logo牌子与小玩具也还在不断畅销。中国儿童艺术剧院曾在2005年国庆节在深圳公演过。2007年8月好像还要在深圳少年宫剧场演出五场。大型英国音乐童话剧《饼干小子》该剧的故事更概:刚刚被主人烘制出来的饼干,在盐先生和胡椒面小姐、布谷男爵的帮助下,变成了一个热情、勇敢而又真诚的饼干人,他的到来,改变了生活在烹饪上的人们的生活。他为了帮助布谷钟男爵治好沙哑的嗓子,热心真诚的求助与阴森的袋茶奶奶;并且帮助大家成为了好朋友,从孤独寂寞中走了出来,获得了信心和幸福;他与贪婪、狡猾的老鼠施里普斗志斗勇,最后和大家齐心协力将其制服,恢复了烹饪台的安全和宁静。最终他的命运将会如何,让我们走进剧场亲自看一看吧…… 《饼干小子》讲述的是一个童心独运、奇趣横生的美妙故事:在一个普通家庭的厨房柜台上,那里有时刻梦想着大海随时准备起锚扬帆的盐罐先生、爱打喷嚏活泼开朗的胡椒磨小姐和寂寞地生活在茶壶里的茶袋奶奶,当然,还有报时钟的布谷鸟先生和主角饼干小子,以及狡猾凶狠的大老鼠斯利克。这一天,布谷鸟先生的嗓子哑了,就要被主人扔到垃圾箱里去了。情形万分危机急,饼干小子和柜台上的其他朋友一起,历尽千辛万苦,从茶袋奶奶那里取得了解救布谷鸟的蜂蜜,可偏偏蜂蜜里又被掺入了老鼠药,布谷鸟服后危在旦夕!在全场小观众的密切配合下,布谷鸟得救了,大老鼠也被扣在杯子里,赶回到它的洞中。推荐)
2023-07-21 08:38:411


歌名:Gwalla歌手:虞书欣作词:谢可寅作曲:JACK/Isaac Michael Reche Julius Edwards/Gingerbread/钱润玉(爱声存)编曲:Gingerbread歌词:DO WHAT I WANT WHAT I WANNA DO恋爱的法则是否背清楚乖啦,乖啦,乖啦,乖啦I"m sorry,I might be late丝绒牛仔 眼影色彩 要怎么搭配脚步雀跃踢起的裙尾像珍珠 的弧度LOOKS精心准备CHECKING 我的美尾调淡香水THE JEWELRY YOU CANT PAY想要牵 我的手 拉勾勾陪我走如果当爱是游戏 我宁愿你别靠近女孩道理要牢记男孩太主动没安好心别再发 YOU MISS MEIM TOO BUSY FOR YOUR BUSINESSOOPSDONT YOU KNOWI DO WHAT I WANT WHAT I WANNA DO恋爱的法则是否背清楚乖啦,乖啦,乖啦,乖啦BAD BAD BOY DON"T TREAT ME LIKE A FOOL看起来无辜 其实我不糊涂(如果你)乖啦乖啦(那我也)乖啦乖啦乖啦~乖啦~骄傲外在保护害怕试探招数确定爱的表述才会乖乖的把心交付为了好奇来探明一眼看出你自欺FEELING LIKE A CAKE OF CHEESE像潘多拉的迷底恋爱法则是难题但只要 看着我 眼睛BOY YOU ARE IN LOVEDO WHAT I WANT WHAT I WANNA DO恋爱的法则你是否背清楚乖啦乖啦,乖啦乖啦BAD BAD BOY DON"T TREAT ME LIKE A FOOL看起来无辜 其实我不糊涂(如果你)乖啦乖啦(那我也)乖啦乖啦乖啦~扩展内容:在《青春有你2》开播没多久,虞书欣起初和导师们的见面的时候,就先是上演了一波“喜欢lisa就得离她近一点”情景剧,后来因一声“哇~哦”出圈,火遍全网。虽然被网友们吐槽做作,也带给了观众很多欢笑,也是网友们模仿她的一个梗。选秀节目本身就深受观众们的喜欢,节目播出后总是会引起很大的热度。也是因此有了此次的《Gwalla》舞台首秀,这次的首秀也使得虞书欣获得大批的粉丝。
2023-07-21 08:38:492


2023-07-21 08:39:422


1、Hong Bin曲奇香宾2、Christmas cookie 圣诞节曲奇饼3、apple juice苹果汁4、spreading blueberry 蔓越桔调味汁5、gingerbread 姜饼6、honey ham 蜂蜜火腿7、Danjiu 蛋酒8、small almond 小杏仁饼9、chocolate walnut cake南瓜饼zhuan10、cake 饼扩展资料:圣诞节装饰包括:圣诞袜,最早以前是一对红色的大袜子,大小不拘。因为圣诞袜是要用来装礼物的,所以是小朋友最喜欢的东西,晚上他们会将自己的袜子挂在床边,等待第二天早上收礼;圣诞帽,是一顶红色帽子,据说晚上戴上睡觉除了睡得安稳和有点暖外,第二天还会发现在帽子里多了点心爱的人送的礼物;圣诞树,通常人们在圣诞前后把一棵常绿植物(如松树)弄进屋里或者放在户外,用圣诞灯和彩色的装饰物装饰,并把一个天使或星星置于树顶,圣诞树起源于德国;圣诞节环,西方国家圣诞节期间挂在家门口用的装饰品,通常用绿色的枝叶或藤条(松毛、松针等)和银色的金属及金色的铃铛配以红色的缎带组成主色调,以绿、白、黄、红四色代表欢乐喜庆,上面还写有MERRY CHRISTMAS或简写为X"mas的字样,圣诞节环最早出现在芬兰。
2023-07-21 08:40:181


2023-07-21 08:40:443


苹果汁 cider棒棒糖 lolly lollipop香宾 champagne圣诞节曲奇饼 cookie蔓越桔调味汁 spreading blueberry蛋酒 egg-nog水果蛋糕 Fruit cake姜饼 gingerbread蜂蜜火腿 HoneyBaked Ham热巧克力 Hot Chocolate小杏仁饼 marchpane苹果派 Apple Pie草莓大黄饼 strawberry rhubarb pie胡桃饼 walnut pie南瓜饼 pumpkin 火鸡 turkey烤鸭 Roast duck烘烤鹅 Roast goose
2023-07-21 08:41:011


2023-07-21 08:41:104

不容错过的英国十大美食 中英

1、麦尔登·莫布里(小镇名)猪肉派Melton mowbray pork pie2、炸鱼和炸薯片Fish and chips3、黑布丁(实际上就是我们吃的血肠…)Black pudding4、烟熏鲱鱼Smoked herring5、麦片姜饼Cereal gingerbread6、康沃尔肉馅饼Cornwall meat pies7、黄油虾仁Butter shrimp8、松鸡肉grouse9、糖浆松糕布丁Syrup sponge pudding10、切达干酪Cheddar cheese
2023-07-21 08:41:291

请帮忙翻译一下(中文),非常感谢(题目为:The Gingerbread man 姜饼人儿)

2023-07-21 08:41:371


 一 蛋糕按坯子做法可分为:   1、海绵蛋糕(SpongeCake) 主要是利用鸡蛋打进空气,经过烘焙使空气受热膨胀而把蛋糕撑大。这类蛋糕可以不加油脂质地柔软故又称清蛋糕,是最早出现的蛋糕。常温:冬季可保存3天,夏季可保存1天。最好低温冷藏。   2、戚风蛋糕(ChiffonCake) 戚风蛋糕是乳沫类和面糊类蛋糕改良综合而成的。制作时蛋白、蛋黄须分开,分别打发,最后才混匀。其组织最为膨松,水分多而味道清淡不腻,十分受人欢迎。市面上蛋糕店大多用这坯子。常温:冬季可保存3天,夏季可保存1天。最好低温冷藏。   3、布丁蛋糕 主要是采用黄油、鸡蛋、白糖、牛奶为主要原料配以各式辅料,通过冷藏或烤制而成的一种欧式蛋糕。夏季要低温冷藏,冬季无需冷藏可保存3-5天。   4、慕思蛋糕 是用明胶凝结乳酪及鲜奶油而成,不必烘烤即可食用。是现今高级蛋糕的代表。夏季要低温冷藏,冬季无需冷藏可保存3-5天。   5、天使蛋糕(AngelFood Cake) 属于乳沫类蛋糕,只用无油脂成分的蛋白部分,毫不油腻而且有弹性,非常爽口,其成品清爽雪白,仿佛安琪儿的食物,故称之为“天使蛋糕”。因为它不含油脂与胆固醇,特别适合于怕胖或有心血管疾病的人。是一种健康点心。。常温:冬季可保存3天,夏季可保存1天。最好低温冷藏。   6、芝士蛋糕(CheeseCake) 主要是采用多量的乳酪做成的高级蛋糕。是现今高级蛋糕的代表,亦是美食家的新宠。市面售价非常昂贵。 需低温冷藏。   7、面糊类蛋糕(battertype cake) 主要是采用大量的固体油脂,,故又称油蛋糕。又分基本奶油蛋糕和重奶油蛋糕。常温:冬季可保存3天,夏季可保存1天。最好低温冷藏。   二 按裱花材料可分为   1,鲜奶油蛋糕 鲜奶油是植物性油脂,主要从大豆提练,爽而不腻,营养丰富,深受人们喜爱。   2,水果蛋糕 一般名牌蛋糕店制做鲜奶油蛋糕时,坯子切三层,加水果,加酒。 现在一般说的水果蛋糕主要是鲜奶油蛋糕上摆上水果,   3,巧克力蛋糕 主要是戚风蛋糕坯子上浇铸融化的巧克力而成。   4,冰激凌蛋糕 用冰激凌代替鲜奶油。
2023-07-21 08:41:471


其实用不出来 好像除了开机动画不一样外 没什么不同
2023-07-21 08:42:183


turkey.drinks.foods.barbecue pig(maybe) and so on是英语老师问的??健康的???drink pock turkey(不能少)
2023-07-21 08:42:282


Gingerbread Man old man old woman dog cat farmer hunter fox tiger crocodile gingerbread man Aside(旁白) :Many years ago , there lived an old man and an old woman , they had no children . The old man had a dog , the old woman had a cat . They lived together happily . Old man : Grandma , Christmas Day is coming , let" s make a gingerbread man , I like gingerbread man very much . It"s very delicious . It"s good to eat ! Old woman : Ok ! Grandpa , I will make a gingerbread man . I like gingerbread man too . I think it"s very delicious . It"s good to eat ! And we need a gingerbread man , because Christmas Day is coming . Aside(旁白) : So the old woman made a gingerbread man , and it was really good to eat . The cat came into the kitchen , and saw the gingerbread man . Cat : I am . I am a cat . I"m very clever . Ah a gingerbread man , you look good to eat . Come on , don"t run away . Gingerbread man : No , you can"t eat me . Aside(旁白) : The gingerbread man ran into the living room . A dog saw him . Dog : I am . I am a dog . I can run fast . Gingerbread man , you look good to eat . Gingerbread man : No , you can"t eat me . Aside(旁白) : The dog jumped to the gingerbread man , but the gingerbread man ran away . The gingerbread man ran across the field , he met a farmer . Farmer : I am . I am a farmer . I like farming . Oh, here is a gingerbread man , I think its good to eat . Gingerbread man : No , you can"t eat me . Aside(旁白) : The gingerbread man ran into the forest , he saw a hunter . Hunter : I am . I am a hunter . I"m very hungry . Gingerbread man , you look good to eat , come on let me have a taste . Gingerbread man : No , you can"t eat me . Aside(旁白) : The gingerbread man ran in the forest , he saw a fox . Fox : I am . I am a fox . I"m so smart . Look , a gingerbread man is running . I think I can eat him . It looks good to eat . Gingerbread man : No , you can"t eat me . Aside(旁白) : The gingerbread man ran and ran . Here comes a tiger . Tiger : I am . I"m a tiger . I"m very strong . I am the king of the animals . Gingerbread man , you look good to eat . Gingerbread man : No , you can"t eat me . Aside(旁白) : The gingerbread man ran and ran . He came to a river . He wanted to cross the river . But there was a crocodile in the river . Gingerbread man: Mr. Crocodile , can you take me to cross the river? Crocodile: Sure , you can jump on my back . I can take you to cross the river. Gingerbread man : Thank you . You are so kind ! Aside(旁白) : The gingerbread man jumped on the crocodile"s back , then the crocodile swam in the river . Crocodile : Now , you can jump on my mouth . Gingerbread man : OK ! Aside(旁白) : The gingerbread man wanted to jump on the crocodile"s mouth . But the crocodile quickly opened his big mouth , and the gingerbread man jumped into his mouth . Crocodile : Er…. The gingerbread man is really good to eat . It"s really delicious !
2023-07-21 08:42:371


the Gingerbread Man
2023-07-21 08:42:582


苹果汁 cider棒棒糖 lolly lollipop香宾 champagne圣诞节曲奇饼 cookie蔓越桔调味汁 spreading blueberry蛋酒 egg-nog水果蛋糕 Fruit cake姜饼 gingerbread蜂蜜火腿 HoneyBaked Ham热巧克力 Hot Chocolate小杏仁饼 marchpane苹果派 Apple Pie草莓大黄饼 strawberry rhubarb pie胡桃饼 walnut pie南瓜饼 pumpkin 火鸡 turkey烤鸭 Roast duck烘烤鹅 Roast goose
2023-07-21 08:43:051


2023-07-21 08:43:4914

《姜饼人》(numbers with the gingerbread man)的英语故事简介

In the 1875 St. Nicholas tale, a childless old woman bakes a gingerbread man who leaps from her oven and runs away. The woman and her husband give chase but fail to catch him. The gingerbread man then outruns several farm workers and farm animals while taunting them with the phrase:" I"ve run away from a little old woman, A little old man, And I can run away from you, I can!The tale ends with a fox catching and eating the gingerbread man who cries as he"s devoured, "I"m quarter gone...I"m half gone...I"m three-quarters gone...I"m all gone!" - a detail often omitted in subsequent versions.以上.望采纳,谢谢.
2023-07-21 08:44:182

这句话真正意思Just lay off the gingerbread if you like your teeth

2023-07-21 08:44:423


2023-07-21 08:44:515


Candy canesWhy are some candies associated with Christmas? Hundreds of years ago sugar was very expensive. It was a food of the wealthy. For other people, it was a special treat saved for holidays (Christmas, Easter) and other special occasions (weddings, christenings). Many of these traditions remain today. About candy. Food historians tell us that hard candies (sticks, losenges, etc.) were originally manufactured for medicinal purposes. This idea survives today in the form of cough drops. Confectioners were quick to recognize the popularity of hard candy, in its various forms. Before long, hard candies of all sorts of shapes, sizes, and flavors were produced for "recreational" purposes. "The concept of sugar as medicine probably came from the tradition of Moslem physicians. They came from a culture which knew and used sugar...That sugar was an expensive and exotic luxury, used medicinally by the subtle and learned Arabs, probalby helped reinforce medieval European ideas of its intrinsic goodness. There were pleny of ailments in northern Europe for which sugar was considered suitable treatment--coughs, colds, chest infections, agues. The Christ allowed that sugar was medicinal (St. Thomas Aquinas himself apparently considered and pronounced on the subject), which meant it could be legitimately nibbled during Lent, probably adding to its appeal. It is no coincidence that our earliest information about pulled-sugar sweets in Britian, using the very word penides that travelled all the way from the Orient, comes from compilations of medicinal formulae, not elegant books on fine confectionery. A description of pulling sugar was written down about 1500 in the York manuscript, under the title To make penydes...The art of pulling sugar was evidently well understood 500 years ago..."---Sugar-Plums and Sherbet: The Prehistory of Sweets, Laura mason [Prospect Books:Devon] 2004 (p. 84-5) "When sugar first became known in Europe it was a rare and costly commodity, valued mainly for its supposed medicinal qualities and finding its place in the pharmacopoeia of the medieval apothecary...Sugar gradually became more widely available in Europe during the Middle Ages. In Britain it was considered to be an excellent remedy for winter colds. It might be eaten in the form of candy crystals...or it might be made into little twisted sticks which were called in Latin penida, later Anglicized to pennets. The tradition of penida survives most clearly in American stick candy which is similarly twisted and flavoured with essences supposed to be effective against colds, such as oil of wintergreen."---Oxford Companion to Food, Alan Davidson [Oxford University Press:Oxford] 1999 (p. 210)
2023-07-21 08:45:083


特色食品如龙虾仔、翡翠螺、生蠔、即切鱼生、印式烤饼、黑白朱古力喷泉 开胃菜: 口味清爽的食材如明虾、生蠔或干贝或口感浓厚的法式pate和鹅肝等等一直是高级餐厅用来引起食欲的开胃菜材料,而长时间熬煮的浓汤也很受人们的青睐。在搭配酒的部分应以餐点的特色来作搭配,海鲜类小菜可以与清爽的法国白酒和加州白酒来搭配。法国香槟有时也可以跟开胃菜一起搭配也很合适。如果想享用沙拉的话可以在此时上桌与白酒一起享用。香浓的海鲜浓汤或蔬菜类的浓汤则可以搭配口感丰富的法国勃根地白酒。 主菜: 大致上来讲主菜大多会是以肉类为主,而肉类可分为白肉和红肉。白肉是鸡肉、火鸡肉、猪肉和其他家禽类,而红肉则以牛羊肉和其他野味,而鸭肉的味道比一般的家禽类的肉还要浓厚,所以很多人挑选搭配鸭肉的酒品时会比较小心。虽然如此但是酱汁的味道通常会影响整体菜肴的感觉,所以要选择搭配主菜的酒时除了要注意肉类以外也要注意酱汁。白肉加上红酒熬出来的酱汁应该搭配味道细致的法国勃根地红酒或以梅洛葡萄所酿造出来的酒为主,而煎烤红肉则应以法国波尔多、隆河和以卡伯内苏维翁葡萄所酿造出来的酒为主。如果有人选择鱼类或海鲜为主菜时,应搭配浓郁的白酒。 甜点:基本上搭配甜点的酒大多是甜度较高的法国和德国贵腐白酒。比较讲究的人可以在吃完甜点后上一杯波特酒和比利时巧克力或法国起士和甘邑白兰地。 以四个人份的餐点应该搭配三瓶酒左右,而酒品的种类应以菜肴的特色加以配合。太浓、太酸和太涩的酒并不适合搭配餐点饮用,所以在选择餐酒时尽量避开这一些酒。 以下是两套建议酒品搭配圣诞大餐 1. 1997 Meursault Darviot-Perrin  1997 Bourgogne Pressoniers Joseph Roty   1999 Potensac Haut Medoc   1998 Coteaux du Layon Cuvee Selection Baumard   2. 1997 Chassagne Montrachet Colin Deleger   1995 Gevrey Champs Chenys Joseph Roty   1999 d"Armailhac   2000 Quart de Chaumes, Baumard  ,1. 焗火鸡 2. Goose/Duck 3. Eggnog (饮品) 4. Cinnamon apple cider (饮品) 5. Christmas pudding 6. Fruit cake 7. Pumpkin pie 8. Ginger bread 9. Cookie & milk (小朋友会临瞓前放喺火炉前请Santa Claus食) 10. Candy cane 11. Patone (Italian cake) 以上系喺美国嘅 experience. 下面个link有其他国家嘅特色食物: hungrymonster/Foodfacts/Merry_Christmas-Food-and-bev.cfm,姜饼 材料: 牛油 60g 蛋黄 1只 黄糖 30g Step: 糖浆 1汤匙 发粉 1/4茶匙 湐粉 150g 姜粉 1汤匙 制法: 1)牛油、黄糖、糖浆加蛋黄一起,打至滑身。 2)姜粉、湐粉加发粉拌匀。 3)加入已拌匀的粉搓成粉团。 4)将粉团压至4mm厚,然后倒模在你喜爱的形状。 5)放入焗炉,以180度焗15分钟便可。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 圣诞烧火鸡 材料: 野米4杯 蘑菇1两 西芹1两 红萝卜1两 雪藏火鸡1只 制法: 1.火鸡洗净去内脏,用盐及胡椒粉腌30分钟。预热焗炉至230度。 2.野米隔干水份与蒜蓉及其他蔬菜粒用牛油炒片刻,加入茜子及调味。 3.续少加入鸡汤煮滚,用慢火煮至半熟,待凉。 4.将野米馅放入火鸡腔内,用锡纸盖著开口,置230度焗约2小时至熟。 调味: 胡椒粉适量 牛油1安士 茜子少许 盐适量 蒜茸1茶匙 清鸡汤1杯,参考: headline/dining/recipe_subindex,火鸡!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,当然是圣诞火鸡!,参考: 自己,柺杖糖(Candy cane) 姜饼人(Gingerbread man) 火鸡 圣诞蛋糕 鹅肝酱 烧酿圣诞火鸡 百乐式片皮鸭 圣诞树头饼 鸡翅膀,到yahoo授寻把!,参考: Yahoo!知识,
2023-07-21 08:45:271


2023-07-21 08:45:342


2023-07-21 08:45:411