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英语翻译 被仰慕的人

2023-05-19 17:39:29























envy是有点贬义的,美国口语喜欢说jealous,但是jealous还是羡慕中带着点嫉妒的,比如说你放假可以出去旅游我太羡慕了,I"m so jealous。
2023-01-04 04:06:493

it especially must be regarded by people who are themselves admired...中themselves 是什么成分

2023-01-04 04:07:042

英语 单选

2023-01-04 04:07:127

long admired

因为这儿whom是做的admired的宾语,所以用宾格形式 也可以用who,一般情况下whom和who是可以互换的,但是如果标准一点的话,在这最好就用宾格形式的whom
2023-01-04 04:07:361

who are themselves admired

他们敬佩的是谁! 这里themselves是指她/他们 “himself”的复数; “herself”的复数
2023-01-04 04:07:442


你分析的正确。countries are admired. 被动all over the world修饰admired 其成分是补语。
2023-01-04 04:07:582


admire 比较倾向 "欣赏, 钦佩, 敬佩" 的意思。不见得是你要用的词。commend 有 "表彰,称赞,表扬,嘉奖,赞许" 的意思。applaud 有 "鼓掌,赞同,赞许,喝采" 的意思。
2023-01-04 04:08:063


2023-01-04 04:08:181

It especially must be highly regarded by people who are themselves admired. 这句话怎么翻译?

2023-01-04 04:08:233


仰慕的英文是admire。句子:1、他是她祖父画作的一个仰慕者。He was an admirer of her grandfather"s paintings.2、她仰慕罗伯特的聪明才智。She admired Robert"s brainpower.3、以你仰慕的某个人为榜样并不等于模仿他们的全部言行。Modelling yourself on someone you admire is not the same as aping all they say or do.4、你是个受欢迎的女孩,格雷丝,许多比你小的女孩都仰慕你。You"re a popular girl, Grace, and a lot of the younger ones look up to you.5、她着装随意,戴墨镜,穿宽松的衣服,以避开大群的仰慕者。She dresses down in dark glasses and baggy clothes to avoid hordes of admirers.6、除了他的那些最热切的仰慕者以外,这位将军对于其他人并无吸引力。The general was an unattractive man to all but his most ardent admirers.7、一个理论家可以去认可另一位——这是个彼此仰慕的社会。One theoretician propping up another theoretician—this is a mutual admiration society.
2023-01-04 04:08:341

be themselves admired

还是反身代词,其实这个who 就是指代的people ,who are themselves admired 就是people themselves are admired ,只不过顺序换了一下
2023-01-04 04:09:031


2023-01-04 04:09:161


2023-01-04 04:09:223


可以形容人 关键点不在这里 在于admiring是指东西或人令人admire admired一般形容人 是指人感到admire
2023-01-04 04:09:391

be admired for/by 有什么区别

be admired for表示因为……被钦佩/羡慕 be admired by 表示被……钦佩/羡慕 his courage is admired by many peole.他的勇气被很多人钦佩 he is admired by many peole. 他被很多人钦佩
2023-01-04 04:09:451

这句英文为什么最后用to be admired被动形式

2023-01-04 04:09:502

什么样的动词后加ed或ing变成形容词?那admire 变成admired后是动词还是ADJ?

2023-01-04 04:10:031


2023-01-04 04:10:093

深受爱戴 如何翻译

Deeply love
2023-01-04 04:10:275


2023-01-04 04:10:511

be admired for/by

be admired for表示因为……被钦佩/羡慕be admired by 表示被……钦佩/羡慕his courage is admired by many peole.他的勇气被很多人钦佩he is admired by many peole. 他被很多人钦佩
2023-01-04 04:10:576


1.hundreds of murals and statues和small towns all over the United States是被动的关系2.动名词作主语,用完成时是因为won在struggle to establish之前发生,且 struggle 用的过去式3.因为是主动关系,细菌生活在土壤里,play是谓语
2023-01-04 04:11:202

admire 的过去式

2023-01-04 04:11:302

『请教3个ed / ing形容词问题.』

-ing是令人感觉怎么样,他的主语是物体,如果是人做主语,则后面应该用-edIt was pleasant 你可以看作是固定搭配的
2023-01-04 04:11:393


2023-01-04 04:11:519

which is to be admired

这是该被佩服的。which is to be admired.
2023-01-04 04:12:222

怎么修正病句“We admired him for the way(先行词) how he faced difficulties.”?

在the way后面,引导定语从句的关系词是用that而不用how。在其它情况,how也是可以引导从句的,例如:I dont know how he did it.
2023-01-04 04:12:313

was still be admired句式正确吗?

2023-01-04 04:12:511

英语作文题目是 the person i admired 介绍自己敬仰的人,外貌性格以及原因。初二的学生

你 是十一的么。
2023-01-04 04:12:572


The work was admired by the public.
2023-01-04 04:13:065


句意:人人都钦佩他处理问题的方法1、这个句子是定语从句,the way 是先行词,所以引导词为三种:in which /that/省略不填此句便是省略了引导词。2、从句中,主句和从句的时态应该一致,主句中用的是admired过去式,因此,从句中也要用过去式,deal----dealt
2023-01-04 04:13:264

admare 啥意思

是不是拼错了,只有admire及物动词 vt.1.赞赏; 钦佩; 仰慕 We admire his working so hard.我们钦佩他工作努力。2.称赞, 夸奖 Don"t forget to admire the baby.不要忘了夸奖那孩子。3.〈美口〉想要, 喜欢 We would admire to hear.我们喜欢听。4.欣赏
2023-01-04 04:13:404

she is very much admired

she is very much admired她是非常令人赞赏的
2023-01-04 04:13:551


2023-01-04 04:14:012

I admired my classmate Lisa very much. ______ her prettiness, she was smart and helpful. A.E..

C 试题分析:考查介词短语辨析。A除…之外(表示整体与局部的关系);B要不是…;如果没有…;C除…之外;D尽管,不管;句意:我很钦佩我的同学Lisa,除了她的美丽之外,她还很聪明和乐于助人。根据句意说明C正确。点评:解答这类题目,首先要理解题干的意思,其次要知道各选项词组的意思,然后像数学中的代入法一样,依次把各个选项意思放入句子中进行比较,不难选出正确答案。关键还是在平时学习的过程中,多积累多总结多记忆。以动词或者名词作为中心词进行记忆,是个不错的方法。
2023-01-04 04:14:101

my admired person 英语作文60字

My father is the man I admired most. Stern as he may be, he never fails to show his care and consideration. Once I broke a neighbor"s window. Seeing nobody around, I ran away immediately. When Dad came home, he noticed my uneasiness and asked me what had happened.I could only tell him the truth. Rather than scold me, he praised my honesty and then encouraged me to apologize to our neighbor. I learned from this episode that not only does Dad take care of our health but he also teaches us how to be good citizens. How lucky I am to have such a good father!
2023-01-04 04:14:161


2023-01-04 04:07:532


我们一起看动画片:Let"s watch cartoon together这个句子是let引导的祈使句。由"let"带头的祈使句(Imperative Sentences)是个常见的动词句型,它的主要用法有下列三种:1、表示“建议”。这个句型里的"let"后头紧跟着一个第一人称的代词宾语。2、表示“间接命令”或“愿望”。这句型里的动词宾语是第三人称名词或代词,3、表示“警告”、“蔑视”、“威胁”等。这种祈使句里的宾语也是第三人称为主。除了口气凶悍之外,有时还语带讽刺。扩展资料用"let"的祈使句时,必须注意下列几点:1、"let" 的否定句有二。如果宾语是第三人称用"Don"t let……";如果宾语是第一人称,则用"Let……not" 。2、"Let"只适用于现在时态,可以有被动语态 (the passive voice)。3、"Let"后头除了是不带"to"的不定式动词 (The infinitive without"to")之外,还可以是某些适当的副词,如out,in,down,alone等。
2023-01-04 04:07:586

microdelivery peel是什么意思

microdelivery peel 微晶焕肤面膜短语the microdelivery peel 微晶焕肤套装the microdelivery peel crystals 微晶磨砂水晶按摩霜Philosophy microdelivery peel 自然哲理微晶焕肤组合*********************************************************************祝学习进步!如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!**********************************************************************
2023-01-04 04:07:581


Shower的读音是:英["?a??(r)]。Shower的读音是:英["?a??(r)]。Shower的意思是n.淋浴;阵雨;送礼会;(大量)涌泻;v.冲(淋浴);下(阵雨);倾注。Shower【近义词】deluge大洪水。一、详尽释义点此查看Shower的详细内容n.(名词)淋浴阵雨,雨,雨水,阵雨般的东西,阵雨一样涌到的东西一阵,阵送礼会一大批(礼物),大量淋浴器淋浴间懒散和不修边幅的人展出者,出示者,表示者,指示者【物】射丛v.(动词)阵雨般落下,阵雨似地倾注,似阵雨般降落,下阵雨,倾注喷淋溅(把...给阵雨)淋湿,把...弄湿,使湿透大量给与,大量地给予,将大量...送给给(自己)洗淋浴,淋浴洒落,(使)纷纷降落,抛洒二、双解释义n.(名词)[C] 阵雨,阵雪 a fall of rain (or snow) lasting a short time[C] 淋浴 an act of washing the body by standing under running waterv.(动词)vt. & vi. 下阵雨; 似阵雨般降落 rain or fall in a showervt. & vi. 大量地给予 send or give it to sb in a shower三、英英释义Noun:a plumbing fixture that sprays water over you;"they installed a shower in the bathroom"washing yourself by standing upright under water sprayed from a nozzle;"he took a shower after the game"a brief period of precipitation;"the game was interrupted by a brief shower"a sudden downpour (as of tears or sparks etc) likened to a rain shower;"a little shower of rose petals""a sudden cascade of sparks"someone who organizes an exhibit for others to seea party of friends assembled to present gifts (usually of a specified kind) to a person;"her friends organized a baby shower for her when she was expecting"Verb:expend profusely; also used with abstract nouns;"He was showered with praise"spray or sprinkle with;"The guests showered rice on the couple"take a shower; wash one"s body in the shower;"You should shower after vigorous exercise"rain abundantly;"Meteors showered down over half of Australia"provide abundantly with;"He showered her with presents"四、例句She is taking a shower.她正在洗淋浴。Scattered showers are expected this afternoon.预料今天下午有零星阵雨。The weatherman predict shower this afternoon.气象预告员说,今天下午有阵雨。The neighbors held a bridal shower for the girl.邻居为姑娘举行了一个准新娘送礼会。The policemen were assailed by a shower of stones.警察遭到一阵石块的袭击。I have received a shower of letters recently.最近我收到了一大批信件。The firework exploded in a shower of sparks.烟火炸开放出一阵火花。I always shower after getting up.起床后我总是洗个淋浴。It suddenly started to shower.突然下起阵雨。The dancer was showered with praise.那个跳舞的人备受称赞。People shower the newly-weds with confetti .人们向新婚夫妇撒彩色纸屑。The best way to help a troubled child is to shower him with love.帮助失足少年的最好方法是施之以爱。Good wishes showered (down) on the bride and bridegroom.大家纷纷向新娘新郎祝福。Honours were showered upon the hero.人们纷纷向那位英雄致敬。五、常见句型用作名词(n.)Scattered showers are expected this afternoon.今天下午预测有间歇性阵雨。He was caught in a shower.他被阵雨淋湿了。During the afternoon there were three showers.整个下午下了三场阵雨。Today will be mostly fine and sunny, with intermittent showers.今天大部分是晴天有太阳,但有间断阵雨。The weather forecast says we"ll have scattered showers today.天气预报报道今天将有阵雨。My brother takes a cold shower every morning.我哥哥每天早晨用冷水淋浴。We have to take several cold showers to keep us cool every day in summer.夏季,我们一天得冲几次凉。He turned the shower on.他打开淋浴器。The bucket fell over, sending a shower of paint on the men below the ladder.油漆桶弄翻了,洒了梯子下面的人一身。There are a shower of letters on her birthday.有如雪片般的信函来祝贺她的生日。用作动词(v.)用作不及物动词S+~(+A)It has started to shower; I"m sure to get wet.天已开始下阵雨,我一定会被淋湿。Nuts showered down when the tree was shaken.摇动这棵树时,坚果纷纷落下。用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.They shower the newly married pair with rice.他们把大量的米抛洒在这对新人身上。The best way to help a troubled child is to shower him with love.帮助失足少年的最好方法是施之以爱。We showered gifts on her.我们纷纷向她赠送礼物。They showered honours upon the hero.他们纷纷向英雄致敬。1Flowers were showered on her.在她的身边堆满了鲜花。She was showered with compliments.她得到许多的恭维话。六、经典引文There had been a shower of rain.出自:V. Woolf七、词源解说☆ 直接源自古英语的scur,意为短时间的降雨,投掷物,打击的降临。Shower的相关临近词shown、showdown、showery、shower on、showeroom、shower box、shower gel、shower cap、showerhead、shower set、showerbath、shower deck点此查看更多关于Shower的详细信息
2023-01-04 04:08:001


《春词》【唐】刘禹锡 新妆宜面下朱楼,深锁春光一院愁。行到中庭数花朵,蜻蜓飞上玉搔头
2023-01-04 04:08:044

Space monkey in the place to be With a chemical peel是什么意思呢~

太空猴子在一个伴随着化学剥皮的地方。说明:chemical peel 医学上的一个名词:化学剥皮/化学换肤/化学蜕皮术
2023-01-04 04:08:051

have showers 是什么意思?

2023-01-04 04:08:051


Lift "n" Peel(TM) 瓶盖封条可提供平静平滑的表面,从而美化产品外观。它具有更高的内部结合强度,从而增加了可靠性和标签的易用性。该产品更高的测量精度可使瓶盖的转矩和密封程度得到极大提高,适用于各种材料如玻璃、PET、PE、PP和PVC材料制作的瓶子,并具有防添加功能。
2023-01-04 04:07:521


  1、全球经济增速放缓,国际航运市场低位运行  受全球经济增速放缓影响,预估2019年全球集运行业需求增速由2018年的5.1%下滑至3.1%,供给增速为2.9%,行业供需格局较2018年有明显改善。  波罗的海综合指数(BDI)是散装船航运运价指标,散装船运以运输钢材、纸浆、谷物、煤、矿砂、磷矿石、铝矾土等民生物资及工业原料为主。因此,散装航运业营运状况与全球经济景气荣枯、原物料行情高低息息相关。故波罗的海指数可视为经济领先指标。一般认为,BDI指数2000点是航运公司的盈亏线,跌破2000点后,所有航运公司都是亏损运营。  近年来,波罗的海干散装综合指数(BDI)保持低位运行。2019年,BDI指数自2月触底595点(2019年最低)以来一路上扬,迭创新高,9月5日报2499点,为近五年以来的新高点。2020年1-3月,指数维持在1000以下,3月6日为617点。  2、中国港口集装箱吞吐量稳步上升,在全球排名中占据绝对优势  2016-2019年,中国规模以上港口集装箱吞吐量逐年上升,2019年为26107万TEU,同比增长4.5%。其中,沿海。
2023-01-04 04:07:484


2023-01-04 04:07:473

peel and stick是什么意思

peel and stick网络剥即贴;剥即贴膜1. 剥即贴...计,以提供确切配置感测器的最大弹性,达到低成本的即剥即贴(Peel and Stick)安装。|基于2个网页 2. 剥即贴膜20年前,当第一代的所谓即剥即贴膜(peel and stick)出来时,他们几乎无愧于它们的名字。“任何风压都会把它们吹掉,”罗宾 …
2023-01-04 04:07:421


  漫画是一种艺术形式,是用简单而夸张的手法来描绘生活或时事的图画。那么你知道漫画用英语怎么说吗?下面跟我一起学习关于漫画的英语知识吧。   漫画的英语说法   cartoon   caricature   漫画的相关 短语   漫画家 cartoonist   香港漫画 Hong Kong Comics   战争漫画 War comics ; war comics   惊奇漫画 Marvel Comics   连载漫画 comic strip ; Caricature   漫画的英语例句   1. I used to read loads of Asterix books.   我以前看了很多《高卢英雄传》系列漫画书。   2. Joe loved to read "Superman" comics.   乔喜欢看《超人》的漫画书。   3. He was caricatured as a turnip.   在漫画里他被画成了一棵大头菜。   4. His cartoons mercilessly lampooned the politicians of his time.   他的漫画毫不留情地嘲讽了他那个年代的政治人物。   5. Cartoons showed the Minister as a long-nosed Pinocchio.   漫画把部长描画成长鼻子皮诺曹。   6. The company syndicates cartoons to newspapers across the country.   这家公司向全国各地的报纸出售漫画卡通.   7. She drew a wickedly funny caricature of the teacher.   她以老师为对象画了一幅淘气滑稽的漫画.   8. His cartoon mercilessly lampoon the leading politician of the day.   他的讽刺漫画无情地挖苦了当今的政界要人.   9. I saw the child reading a science fiction comic.   我看见那孩子在看一本科幻连环漫画杂志.   10. This comic was a swap that I got from Nick.   这本漫画书是我从尼克那里换来的.   11. The newspaper devotes two pages to comics.   报纸用两页版面来刊登漫画.   12. She caricatured political leaders of his time.   她画当时政治领导人的漫画.   13. He at first kept body and soul together by selling cartoons to the humorous papers.   他最初通过向幽默搞笑类报纸出售卡通漫画维持生计。   14. They signed the rights away when they sold their idea to DC Comics.   他们在将点子出售给DC漫画公司时签字放弃了版权。   15. After dinner that evening, Edith showed them a portfolio of her own political cartoons.   那天吃过晚饭,伊迪丝向他们展示了她的一组政治漫画作品。   关于漫画的英文阅读:漫画版书籍帮助读者更快学习   You probably have heard of comic book heroes like Superman, Batman and Spiderman. But what about Tom the motorcycle shop owner, Joe Knight and Karen Berman?   你可能已经听说过超人、蝙蝠侠和蜘蛛侠等漫画上的英雄人物。但听说过摩托车店老板汤姆,以及乔·奈特和卡伦·伯曼吗?   Tom, Joe and Karen all appear in a comic book called "Financial Intelligence." But Mr. Knight and Ms. Berman are real people. In two thousand six, they wrote a book called "Financial Intelligence: A Manager"s Guide to Knowing What the Numbers Really Mean." It was written for people who need to learn quickly about accounting. The book explains, in simple ways, often-complex methods of keeping financial information. It became a best-seller.   汤姆、乔·奈特和卡伦·伯曼全都是一本名为《财务智慧》的漫画上的人物。但奈特先生以及伯曼女士是生活中实际存在的人物。2006年,他们写了一本名为《财务智慧:如何理解数字的真正含义》 的书。这本书是为那些必须快速了解财务的人准备的,它通俗易懂地解释了通常非常复杂的管理财务信息的方式,也因此成为了一本畅销书。   This month, publisher SmarterComics released a comic book that provides the same information in easy-to-understand, picture form. The new book is a combination of a textbook and a graphic novel. It tells the story of Tom, a mechanic who must quickly learn how to direct the motorcycle repair shop his father founded. Tom has no experience with finance, and is struggling with the business. Joe Knight and Karen Berman help him. Artist Dave Wachter made illustrations for the comic book.   本月,出版商SmarterComics发行了一本漫画书,用易于理解的图片形式把相同的信息展示了出来。这本新书是教科书和连环画的结合体,它讲述了一个名为汤姆,需要快速学会如何掌管父亲创办的摩托车 修理 店的技工的 故事 。汤姆完全没有财务 经验 ,正对此疲于应对。奈特和伯曼帮助了他。画家戴夫·瓦赫特(Dave Wachter)为这本连环画绘制了插图。   Franco Arda is the founder and head of SmarterComics. He formerly worked as an investment banker. He started the company almost three years ago with his own money. He wanted to create educational comics that increase understanding.   佛朗哥·阿尔达是SmarterComics出版社的创始人兼负责人。他曾干过投资银行家。差不多三年前,他用自己的资金开办了这家公司。他希望创作出能够增进理解的 教育 类漫画。   FRANCO ARDA: "I think almost everybody understands the phrase that "a picture says a thousand words," so, I mean, mentally, probably ninety percent of us grew up with comics and they understand that comics or illustrations help learning a concept much quicker than just text alone."   阿尔达:“我认为几乎每个人都明白这句格言,‘一图胜千言"。所以我的意思是说,可能我们中90%的人是漫画陪着长大的。和单纯文字相比,我们能更快地领会这些帮助理解概念的漫画或插图。”   Franco Arda says "Financial Intelligence" will help readers quickly understand many of the major areas of accounting.   阿尔达说《财务智慧》这本书将有助于读者快速了解财务的很多重要领域。   FRANCO ARDA: "Within an hour, you kind of get the idea of accounting, very quickly and not in a boring way. So you get these illustrations, you get the basics of accounting and you get some balance sheets and cash-flow statements."   阿尔达:“不到一个小时,你就能很快理解财务的概念,而且还不至于无聊。你看懂了这些插图,就理解了财务的基本知识,就理解了资产负债表和现金流量表。”   The new comic book is available in paperback. There will also be versions for iPad and iPhone users.   这本新漫画书有纸质版本,还会有供iPad和iPhone用户使用的电子版。   The website named SmarterComics to its list of 100 Brilliant Companies of 2012. The company has created comic book versions of more than ten other books. These include "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill, "The Prince" by Niccolo Machiavelli and "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu. Later this year, SmarterComics plans to release a comic book by rapper 50Cent.     Entrepreneur.com网站将SmarterComics出版社列入了2012年100家杰出公司的名单。这家公司创作了十多种 其它 书籍的漫画版。其中包括拿破仑·希尔(Napoleon Hill)的《思考致富》,尼科洛·马基雅维利(Niccolo Machiavelli)的《君主论》,以及孙武写的《孙子兵法》。今天晚些时候,该公司还计划发行说 唱歌 手50Cent写的一本漫画书。 猜你喜欢: 1. 漫画家用英语怎么说 2. 动漫的英文单词 3. 动画片英语怎么说 4. 动漫的英语怎么说 5. 看动漫英语怎么说 6. 动漫英语怎么说
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