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2023-05-19 17:39:20
TAG: a m admire

admire其后不接that从句,但有时可接 what 从句。如:我们对他所做的事很钦佩。正:We admire (him for) what he has done. 误:We admire that he is honest.附admire的用法和搭配:1. 是及物动词,通常的结构是admire sb, admire sth, admire sb for sth。如:They admired him very much. 他们很钦佩他。They admired his workmanship. 他们很钦佩她的手艺。They admired him for his workmanship. 他们很钦佩她的手艺。注意不要受汉语影响漏掉必要的宾语。如:我钦佩她的勇气。误:I admire for her bravery.正:I admire her for her bravery.他的事业非常成功,他的朋友都很羡慕!误:He was very successful in his business and all his friends admired!正:He was very successful in his business and all his friends admired him!2. 其后有时可接 what 从句。如:We admire (him for) what he has done. 我们对他所做的事很钦佩。但是,一般不接that 从句。如:我们佩服他的诚实。误:We admire that he is honest.正:We admire (him for) his honesty.3. 有时还可后接动名词(通常有逻辑主语)。如:They all admired his believing in that manner. 他们都赞赏他那样做。4. 汉语说“你不得不佩服……”,英语可用以下类似表达:You can only admire her courage and determination. 你不能不佩服她的勇气和决心。You have to admire their dedication and commitment. 你不得不佩服他们的尽心竭力。It was a rash thing to do, yet one cannot but admire her courage. 这事做得过于鲁莽,然而不能不佩服她的勇气。祝学业进步!



admire意为“ 钦佩,欣赏,赞赏,仰慕”。第三人称单数:admires。现在分词:admiring。过去式:admired。过去分词:admired。记忆技巧:ad 加强 + mir 惊奇,看 + e → 很惊奇地看 → 羡慕。短语搭配:greatly admire 激赏 admire sb 崇拜某人 Admire you 仰慕你 双语例句:1、I really admire your enthusiasm. 我确实钦佩你的热情。2、I admire his thoroughness. 我钦佩他办事认真仔细。3、The school is widely admired for its excellent teaching. 这所学校教学优秀,远近称誉。
2023-01-04 03:53:371


  admire有钦佩;赞美;羡慕;欣赏等意思,那么你知道admire的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习admire的用法和 短语 例句吧,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    admire的用法   admire的用法1:admire的基本意思是表示主语(人)对某人、物或事物的尊重或喜爱的感情,即“赞美、赞赏、称赞”; 也可表示承认其优越性和超人之处,即“钦佩”。口语中有时含有“奉承”的味道,也可用作反语,表示一种讥讽的口气,在古语中还可表示“惊奇,难以想象”。   admire的用法2:admire语气较强,多用于一般时态,可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时后接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,有时还可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。在表示“钦佩某人的…”时常用admire for v -ing结构。   admire的用法3:在美式英语或英国一些方言中admire可以接动词不定式作宾语,但不表示“钦佩”“赞赏”,而表示“高兴做某事”,相当于like, wish。   admire的用法4:admire还可用作不及物动词,这时通常接at短语,可表示“对…感到钦佩”。   admire的用法5:admire的语气较强,通常含有“赞赏不已”“竭力赞赏”“惊羡”的意味。   admire的用法6:admire有时也可用作反语,表示一种讥讽的口气。    admire的常用短语   用作动词 (v.)   admire at (v.+prep.)   对…感到羡慕〔惊讶〕 be admired because of sth   admire at sb/sth   admire for (v.+prep.)   因…而称赞… have a high regard for   admire sb/sth for sth/v-ing   admire的词汇辨析   admire,honour,respect,regard,esteem   这些动词均含“尊重、钦佩”之意。   admire 侧重指对某人或某物的仰慕、钦佩,并含欣赏爱慕之情。   honour 侧重指对某人或某物表示极大的敬意。   respect 指对人的行为、品德、才华或成就等的仰慕尊重。尤指对年长或地位高的人的尊敬。   regard 最正式用词,中性,含义不很明确,一般需用修饰语加强或明确其意。   esteem 除表示尊敬之外,还暗示由此而产生的称赞。    admire的用法例句   1. I had to admire David"s vow that he would leave the programme.   戴维发誓要离开这个项目,我不得不对他表示钦佩。   2. We admire her dedication to the cause of humanity.   我们敬佩她对人类事业的献身精神。   3. We took time to stop and admire the view.   我们特意驻足欣赏风景。   4. His was a rags-to-riches story and people admire that.   他白手起家,人们对他都很钦佩。   5. I am content to admire the mountains from below.   我满足于从山脚下观赏山景。   6. All those who knew him will admire him for his work.   所有认识他的人都敬佩他所做的工作。   7. I had to admire the contortions of the gymnasts.   我不得不为这些 体操 运动员们高难度的扭体动作而赞叹。   8. You"ve got to admire her grit.   你不得不佩服她的勇气。   9. In particular I admire Gary Lineker.   我特别崇拜加里·莱因克尔。   10. His supporters admire his decisiveness.   他的支持者欣赏他的果决。   11. I, for one, admire his audacity.   比如说,我就很钦佩他的胆识。   12. The architect stepped back to admire his handiwork.   设计师后退一步以欣赏自己的作品。   13. I really admire your enthusiasm.   我确实钦佩你的热情。   14. I admire his passionate belief in what he is doing.   我佩服他对自己的工作所抱的坚定信心。   15. You have to admire her superb draughtsmanship.   你不得不佩服她那一流的绘画水平。 猜你喜欢: 1. admire的近义词 2. admire的同义词 3. admire的同义词是什么 4. admire的短语 5. admire同义词短语
2023-01-04 03:53:511


admire[英][ədˈmaɪə(r)][美][ædˈmaɪr]vt.赞赏; 称赞; 欣赏; <美口>想要; 第三人称单数:admires过去分词:admired现在进行时:admiring过去式:admired例句:1.What world leader do you admire? 你欣赏什么样的世界领袖?2.Employees were expected to admire and emulate this devotion. 员工们则理应敬佩并效仿这种奉献精神。
2023-01-04 03:53:576


2023-01-04 03:54:192


2023-01-04 03:54:276


  admire有赞赏; 称赞; 欣赏等意思,那么你知道admire的 同义词 有哪些吗?下面我为大家带来admire的同义词和例句,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!   admire同义词:   admire, honour, respect, regard, esteem   admire同义词辨析:   这些动词均含"尊重,钦佩"之意。   admire 侧重指对某人或某物的仰慕、钦佩,并含欣赏爱慕之情。   honour 侧重指对某人或某物表示极大的敬意。   respect 指对人的行为、品德、才华或成就等的仰慕尊重。尤指对年长或地位高的人的尊敬。   regard 最正式用词,中性,含义不很明确,一般需用修饰语加强或明确其意。   esteem 除表示尊敬之外,还暗示由此而产生的称赞。   admire的例句:   1. I had to admire David"s vow that he would leave the programme.   戴维发誓要离开这个项目,我不得不对他表示钦佩。   2. We admire her dedication to the cause of humanity.   我们敬佩她对人类事业的献身精神。   3. We took time to stop and admire the view.   我们特意驻足欣赏风景。   4. His was a rags-to-riches story and people admire that.   他白手起家,人们对他都很钦佩。   5. I am content to admire the mountains from below.   我满足于从山脚下观赏山景。   6. All those who knew him will admire him for his work.   所有认识他的人都敬佩他所做的工作。   7. I had to admire the contortions of the gymnasts.   我不得不为这些 体操 运动员们高难度的扭体动作而赞叹。   8. You"ve got to admire her grit.   你不得不佩服她的勇气。   9. In particular I admire Gary Lineker.   我特别崇拜加里·莱因克尔。   10. His supporters admire his decisiveness.   他的支持者欣赏他的果决。   11. I, for one, admire his audacity.   比如说,我就很钦佩他的胆识。   12. The architect stepped back to admire his handiwork.   设计师后退一步以欣赏自己的作品。   13. I really admire your enthusiasm.   我确实钦佩你的热情。   14. I admire his passionate belief in what he is doing.   我佩服他对自己的工作所抱的坚定信心。   15. You have to admire her superb draughtsmanship.   你不得不佩服她那一流的绘画水平。
2023-01-04 03:54:531


  你知道admire的同义词是什么吗?一起来学习一下吧!   admire的同义词1:   honour   admire的同义词2:   respect   admire的同义词3:   regard   admire的同义词4:   esteem   admire的同义词辨析:   admire, honour, respect, regard, esteem   这些动词均含"尊重,钦佩"之意。   admire :侧重指对某人或某物的仰慕、钦佩,并含欣赏爱慕之情。   honour :侧重指对某人或某物表示极大的敬意。   respect :指对人的行为、品德、才华或成就等的仰慕尊重。尤指对年长或地位高的人的尊敬。   regard :最正式用词,中性,含义不很明确,一般需用修饰语加强或明确其意。   esteem :除表示尊敬之外,还暗示由此而产生的称赞。   admire的同义词例句:   1. I had to admire David"s vow that he would leave the programme.   戴维发誓要离开这个项目,我不得不对他表示钦佩。   2. We admire her dedication to the cause of humanity.   我们敬佩她对人类事业的献身精神。   3. We took time to stop and admire the view.   我们特意驻足欣赏风景。   4. His was a rags-to-riches story and people admire that.   他白手起家,人们对他都很钦佩。   5. I am content to admire the mountains from below.   我满足于从山脚下观赏山景。   6. All those who knew him will admire him for his work.   所有认识他的人都敬佩他所做的工作。   7. I had to admire the contortions of the gymnasts.   我不得不为这些体操运动员们高难度的扭体动作而赞叹。   8. You"ve got to admire her grit.   你不得不佩服她的勇气。   9. In particular I admire Gary Lineker.   我特别崇拜加里·莱因克尔。   10. His supporters admire his decisiveness.   他的支持者欣赏他的果决。   11. I, for one, admire his audacity.   比如说,我就很钦佩他的胆识。   12. The architect stepped back to admire his handiwork.   设计师后退一步以欣赏自己的作品。   13. I really admire your enthusiasm.   我确实钦佩你的热情。   14. I admire his passionate belief in what he is doing.   我佩服他对自己的工作所抱的坚定信心。   15. You have to admire her superb draughtsmanship.   你不得不佩服她那一流的绘画水平。   1. The treaty binds them to respect their neighbour"s independence.   条约规定他们必须尊重其邻国的独立。   2. We need to restore respect for the law-enforcement agencies.   我们需要重塑执法机构的声望。   3. I respect his judgement and I"ll follow any advice he gives me.   我尊重他的判断能力,会接受他提出的任何建议。   4. With respect, Minister, you still haven"t answered my question.   部长,恕我冒昧,您还没有回答我的问题。   5. In the treaty both sides pledge to respect human rights.   双方在条约中都承诺将尊重人权。   6. Brian had learned to look at her with new respect.   布赖恩看她时变得多了一分尊重。   7. He is a veteran parliamentarian whose views enjoy widespread respect.   他是个资深议员,其观点受到广泛尊重。   8. He inspires affection and respect as a man of unquestionable integrity.   他无可争议的忠诚正直赢得了人们的爱戴和尊敬。   9. One thing is certain, both have the utmost respect for each other.   有一点可以肯定,那就是双方都非常尊重对方。   10. The paper has earned respect for its investigative journalism.   这份报纸的调查性新闻报道为其赢得了尊敬。   11. They command the respect and obedience of the armed forces.   他们要求武装部队尊重上级,服从指挥。   12. Finally, trying to respect her wishes, I said I"d leave.   最后,为了尊重她的意愿,我说我会离开。   13. He has no respect, no regard for anyone"s feelings.   他不尊重,也不顾及别人的感受。   14. I"ve got as much respect for the cloth as the next man.   我和任何人一样都对神父充满敬意。   15. In one respect, however, the men really were strikingly similar.   然而,一方面,那些男人真的非常相似。   1. It was so humiliating, a terrible blow to my self-esteem.   这件事如此丢脸,深深地挫伤了我的自尊心。   2. He is held in high esteem by colleagues in the construction industry.   建筑业的同行们都非常敬重他。   3. He said he retained immense regard and esteem for the prime minister.   他说他一直极其尊重和敬仰首相。   4. I greatly esteem your message in the midst of our hard struggle.   您在我们奋力抗争时发来的电文让我充满了敬意。   5. When self-esteem is high, we lose our mortal fear of jealousy.   自信心很强时,我们不再对妒忌感到极度惧怕。   6. He was left without a shred of self-esteem.   他的自尊荡然无存。   7. Their public esteem has never been lower.   他们在公众中的信誉从未如此之低。   8. The public, meanwhile, hold architects in low esteem.   与此同时,公众对建筑师并不看重。   9. She is held in high esteem by her colleagues.   她深受同事的敬重。   10. We esteem Sigmund Freud as the father of psychoanalysis.   我们把西格蒙德·弗罗伊德看做精神分析学之父.   11. She does not want to knock down his self - esteem .   她不想挫他的 自尊.   12. It is easy for children to lose their self - esteem .   孩子很容易失去 自尊.   13. I did not esteem him to be worthy of trust.   我认为他不值得信赖.   14. I esteem your uncle for his kindness, experience, and honesty.   我很钦佩你叔叔的善良 、 老练和诚实.   15. The school"s aim is to build the self - esteem of the children.   这所学校的目标是培养学生的 自尊.
2023-01-04 03:54:591

admire doing sth什么意思

Admire to do sth.很想做某事,admire doing敬佩所做的事。admir是及物动词,通常的结构是admire sb, admire sth,admire sb for sth。admire基本词义1.钦佩,赞美,羡慕:He"s very much admired by his students. 他的学生十分钦佩他。2.观赏,欣赏:We stopped to admire the view. 我们停下来欣赏风景。3.赞美,夸奖:Aren"t you going to admire my new hat? 你难道不想夸夸我的新帽子吗?admire用法1. 其后不接双宾语或that引导的宾语从句,如可说:I admire his bravery. 但不说:I admire him his bravery.或I admire that he is brave. 注:若语义上要接that从句,可考虑改为the fact that结构:I admired the fact that he would talk to students outside the classroom or talk with them on the telephone. 我羡慕他经常在课外与学生聊天或通过电话与学生聊天。虽然不能后接that从句,但可接疑问词引导的从句:I admire how well she speaks English. 我羡慕她英语讲得那么好。2. 其后不接不定式的复合结构,即不说admire sb to do sth,要表示“羡慕(赞赏)某人做某事”,英语可用admire sb [sb"s] doing sth:They all admired his behaving so bravely. 他们钦佩他表现如此勇敢。【谚语】If the eyes do no admire, the heart will not desire. 眼不馋,心不贪
2023-01-04 03:55:071


2023-01-04 03:55:222

admire 与applaud用法区别

2023-01-04 03:55:301


2023-01-04 03:55:362

admire to you 还是admire you?

admire是及物动词,所以直接跟对象就可以了。所以是admire you.表示很“钦佩你”。 不及物动词怎么能加宾语呢,不行的,后面得加介词再加宾语,呵呵
2023-01-04 03:55:446


1、admire英[?d?ma??(r)]美[?d?ma??r],vt.钦佩; 欣赏; 赞赏; 仰慕。2、[例句]They admired the smoothness and efficiency with which the business was run.他们钦佩这家公司协调高效的管理方式。
2023-01-04 03:56:061


2023-01-04 03:56:112


I am admire her honesty so much
2023-01-04 03:56:237


admire形容词时admiring;副词是admiringly。读音:英 [ədˈmaɪə(r)];美 [ədˈmaɪər] vt. 钦佩;赞美vi. 钦佩;称赞短语admire your candor 你还真胆大Admire the Moonlight 月光慕情 ; 月光沐情 ; 详细翻译a leader you admire 一个你崇拜的领导 ; 你所崇拜的领导人 ; 人物篇扩展资料:词语辨析honour, esteem, regard, admire, respect这组词都有“尊重、钦佩”的意思,其区别是:honour 侧重指对某人或某物表示极大的敬意。esteem 除表示尊敬之外,还暗示由此而产生的称赞。regard 最正式用词,中性,含义不很明确,一般需用修饰语加强或明确其意。admire 侧重指对某人或某物的仰慕、钦佩,并含欣赏爱慕之情。respect 指对人的行为、品德、才华或成就等的仰慕尊重。尤指对年长或地位高的人的尊敬。
2023-01-04 03:56:481


admire佩服双语对照词典结果:admire[英][ədˈmaɪə(r)][美][ædˈmaɪr]vt.赞赏; 称赞; 欣赏; <美口>想要; 第三人称单数:admires过去分词:admired现在进行时:admiring过去式:admired以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Tell your children about the women you admire most. 告诉你的孩子你最欣赏的的一位女性。
2023-01-04 03:57:026

adore 和admire的区别

adore崇拜 admire 钦佩
2023-01-04 03:57:254


应该读[əd"maiə],[æd ˈmaiə]这样的读法是错的. 一般a在重音的情况下才会读[æ],像admire,重音在m这里,所以要发成[ə〕.
2023-01-04 03:57:431


2023-01-04 03:57:481


admire的同义词:praiseadmire 英[ədˈmaɪə(r)] 美[ædˈmaɪr] vt. 欣赏; 赞赏; 称赞; <美口>想要; [例句]We took time to stop and admire the view.我们特意驻足欣赏风景。[其他] 第三人称单数:admires 现在分词:admiring 过去式:admired过去分词:admired
2023-01-04 03:57:541


因为动词后面要跟宾格..宾格的意思是her him 之类的.
2023-01-04 03:57:594

admire是什么意思 admire解释

1、admire意思是钦佩;欣赏;赞赏;仰慕。 2、第三人称单数:admires、现在分词:admiring、过去式:admired、过去分词:admired。 3、造句:I really admire your enthusiasm.我确实钦佩你的热情。
2023-01-04 03:58:501


1、admire 读音:英 [əd"maɪə(r)] 美 [əd"maɪər]    vt. 钦佩;赞美;羡慕;欣赏We admire him for his righteousness.我们钦佩他的正直。2、actor  读音:英 ["æktə(r)]  美 ["æktər]    n. 演员;行动者ohn promises well as an actor.约翰有希望成为演员。3、apple 读音:英 ["æpl]   美 ["æpl]    n. 苹果;珍宝;家伙My uncle has an apple orchard.我叔叔拥有一个苹果园。4、arouse 读音:英 [ə"raʊz]  美 [ə"raʊz]    v. 叫醒;唤醒;激起;睡醒Diana aroused them just before dawn.戴安娜在黎明前唤醒了他们。5、athlete 读音:英 ["æθliːt]  美 ["æθliːt]    n. 运动员She will make a very good athlete.她将来会成为一名很好的运动员。
2023-01-04 03:58:551


1、admire 读音:英 [əd"maɪə(r)] 美 [əd"maɪər]    vt. 钦佩;赞美;羡慕;欣赏We admire him for his righteousness.我们钦佩他的正直。2、actor  读音:英 ["æktə(r)]  美 ["æktər]    n. 演员;行动者ohn promises well as an actor.约翰有希望成为演员。3、apple 读音:英 ["æpl]   美 ["æpl]    n. 苹果;珍宝;家伙My uncle has an apple orchard.我叔叔拥有一个苹果园。4、arouse 读音:英 [ə"raʊz]  美 [ə"raʊz]    v. 叫醒;唤醒;激起;睡醒Diana aroused them just before dawn.戴安娜在黎明前唤醒了他们。5、athlete 读音:英 ["æθliːt]  美 ["æθliːt]    n. 运动员She will make a very good athlete.她将来会成为一名很好的运动员。
2023-01-04 03:59:061

admire怎么读 英语admire怎么读

1、admire英[ədˈmaɪə(r)]美[ədˈmaɪər],vt.钦佩; 欣赏; 赞赏; 仰慕。 2、[例句]They admired the smoothness and efficiency with which the business was run.他们钦佩这家公司协调高效的管理方式。
2023-01-04 03:59:161


1.是及物动词,通常的结构是admire sb, admire sth, admire sb for sth。如: They admired him very much. 他们很钦佩他。 They admired his workmanship. 他们很钦佩她的手艺。 They admired him for his workmanship. 他们很钦佩她的手艺。 注意不要受汉语影响漏掉必要的宾语。如: 我钦佩她的勇气。 误:I admire for her bravery. 正:I admire her for her bravery. 他的事业非常成功,他的朋友都很羡慕! 误:He was very successful in his business and all his friends admired! 正:He was very successful in his business and all his friends admired him! 2.其后有时可接 what 从句。如: We admire (him for) what he has done. 我们对他所做的事很钦佩。 但是,一般不接that 从句。如: 我们佩服他的诚实。 误:We admire that he is honest. 正:We admire (him for) his honesty. 3.有时还可后接动名词(通常有逻辑主语)。如: They all admired his believing in that manner. 他们都赞赏他那样做。 4.汉语说“你不得不佩服……”,英语可用以下类似表达: You can only admire her courage and determination. 你不能不佩服她的勇气和决心。 You have to admire their dedication and commitment. 你不得不佩服他们的尽心竭力。 It was a rash thing to do, yet one cannot but admire her courage. 这事做得过于鲁莽,然而不能不佩服她的勇气。
2023-01-04 03:59:211


1、admire 读音:英 [əd"maɪə(r)] 美 [əd"maɪər]    vt. 钦佩;赞美;羡慕;欣赏We admire him for his righteousness.我们钦佩他的正直。2、actor  读音:英 ["æktə(r)]  美 ["æktər]    n. 演员;行动者ohn promises well as an actor.约翰有希望成为演员。3、apple 读音:英 ["æpl]   美 ["æpl]    n. 苹果;珍宝;家伙My uncle has an apple orchard.我叔叔拥有一个苹果园。4、arouse 读音:英 [ə"raʊz]  美 [ə"raʊz]    v. 叫醒;唤醒;激起;睡醒Diana aroused them just before dawn.戴安娜在黎明前唤醒了他们。5、athlete 读音:英 ["æθliːt]  美 ["æθliːt]    n. 运动员She will make a very good athlete.她将来会成为一名很好的运动员。
2023-01-04 03:59:271


admire用法及搭配如下:1、是及物动词,通常的结构是admire sb,admire sth,admire sb for sth。如They admired him very much. 他们很钦佩他。They admired his workmanship. 他们很钦佩她的手艺。They admired him for his workmanship. 他们很钦佩她的手艺。注意不要受汉语影响漏掉必要的宾语。如我钦佩她的勇气。误:I admire for her bravery.正:I admire her for her bravery.他的事业非常成功,他的朋友都很羡慕!误:He was very successful in his business and all his friends admired!正:He was very successful in his business and all his friends admired him!2、其后有时可接 what 从句。如We admire (him for) what he has done. 我们对他所做的事很钦佩。但是,一般不接that 从句。如我们佩服他的诚实。误:We admire that he is honest.正:We admire his honesty.3、有时还可后接动名词(通常有逻辑主语)。如They all admired his believing in that manner. 他们都赞赏他那样做。4、汉语说“你不得不佩服……”,英语可用以下类似表达It was a rash thing to do, yet one cannot but admire her courage. 这事做得过于鲁莽,然而不能不佩服她的勇气。
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2023-01-04 03:59:524


admire等于admire beauty of... 赞赏…。admire读音:英 [ədˈmaɪə(r)]   美 [ədˈmaɪər]。释义:钦佩。admire语气较强,多用于一般时态,可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时后接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,有时还可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。在表示“钦佩某人的…”时常用admire for v -ing结构。在美式英语或英国一些方言中admire可以接动词不定式作宾语,但不表示“钦佩”“赞赏”,而表示“高兴做某事”,相当于like, wish。admire还可用作不及物动词,这时通常接at短语,可表示“对…感到钦佩”。相关词组:admire long 长久地赞扬。admire (very) much 非常钦佩。admire deeply 深深地羡慕。admire extravagantly 大肆地赞扬。admire ignorantly 无知地钦佩。admire perpetually 永久地欣赏。admire sincerely 真诚地赞赏。admire usually 经常欣赏。
2023-01-04 04:00:101

admire sb for sth什么意思

【中文释义】:因...钦佩某人【读音】:[ədˈmaɪə(r)]例句:He admired the way she had coped with life 他欣赏她处世的方法。扩展资料【派生词】1、admiring(赞赏的,钦佩的)例句:She was used to receiving admiring glances from men.她习惯了男人投来的赞赏目光。2、admiringly (钦佩地,羡慕地)例句:I asked Shirley. "He"s adorable," she answered admiringly. 我问雪莉。“它挺可爱的,”她赞赏地回答。
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2023-01-04 04:01:382


  admire表示赞赏; 称赞; 欣赏的意思,那么你知道admire的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了admire的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!   admire的短语:   admire for(v.+prep.)   因…而称赞… have a high regard for   I admire him for his bravery and learning.我羡慕他胆识过人,学识渊博。   admire at(v.+prep.)   对…感到羡慕〔惊讶〕 be admired because of sth   His friends admired at his sudden success.他的突然成功使他的朋友们惊讶。   同义词辨析:   admire, honour, respect, regard, esteem   这些动词均含"尊重,钦佩"之意。   admire :侧重指对某人或某物的仰慕、钦佩,并含欣赏爱慕之情。   honour :侧重指对某人或某物表示极大的敬意。   respect :指对人的行为、品德、才华或成就等的仰慕尊重。尤指对年长或地位高的人的尊敬。   regard :最正式用词,中性,含义不很明确,一般需用修饰语加强或明确其意。   esteem :除表示尊敬之外,还暗示由此而产生的称赞。   admire的短语例句:   1. I had to admire David"s vow that he would leave the programme.   戴维发誓要离开这个项目,我不得不对他表示钦佩。   2. We admire her dedication to the cause of humanity.   我们敬佩她对人类事业的献身精神。   3. We took time to stop and admire the view.   我们特意驻足欣赏风景。   4. His was a rags-to-riches story and people admire that.   他白手起家,人们对他都很钦佩。   5. I am content to admire the mountains from below.   我满足于从山脚下观赏山景。   6. All those who knew him will admire him for his work.   所有认识他的人都敬佩他所做的工作。   7. I had to admire the contortions of the gymnasts.   我不得不为这些体操运动员们高难度的扭体动作而赞叹。   8. You"ve got to admire her grit.   你不得不佩服她的勇气。   9. In particular I admire Gary Lineker.   我特别崇拜加里·莱因克尔。   10. His supporters admire his decisiveness.   他的支持者欣赏他的果决。   11. I, for one, admire his audacity.   比如说,我就很钦佩他的胆识。   12. The architect stepped back to admire his handiwork.   设计师后退一步以欣赏自己的作品。   13. I really admire your enthusiasm.   我确实钦佩你的热情。   14. I admire his passionate belief in what he is doing.   我佩服他对自己的工作所抱的坚定信心。   15. You have to admire her superb draughtsmanship.   你不得不佩服她那一流的绘画水平。
2023-01-04 04:01:461


admire是及物动词时,通常的结构是admire sb、admire sth、admire sb for sth。admire其后有时可接what从句。admire后面有时候还可以接动名词。1.admire做及物动词时,通常的结构是admire sb、admire sth、admire sb for sth。如: (1)They admired him very much.他们很钦佩他。 (2)They admired his workmanship.他们很钦佩她的手艺。 2.admire其后有时可接 what 从句。但是,一般不接that从句。如: (1)We admire (him for) what he has done.我们对他所做的事很钦佩。 (2)We admire (him for) his honesty.我们钦佩他的诚实。 3.admire有时还可后接动名词(通常有逻辑主语)。如: (1)They all admired his believing in that manner.他们都赞赏他那样做。 (2)I very admire Andra"s refusing to give up.我非常佩服安德拉拒绝认输。
2023-01-04 04:01:551


2023-01-04 04:02:014


I appreciate your kindness
2023-01-04 04:02:164


admire的用法是admire sb/sth (for sth),admire sb (for doing sth)。admire的常用短语有admire at、admire for等。 admire词性及词义 v.钦佩;赞赏;仰慕;欣赏 第三人称单数:admires 现在分词:admiring 过去式:admired 过去分词:admired 派生词:admiring adj. admiringly adv. admire的用法与搭配 1.是及物动词,通常的结构是admire sb, admire sth, admire sb for sth。如: They admired him very much.他们很钦佩他。 They admired his workmanship.他们很钦佩她的手艺。 They admired him for his workmanship.他们很钦佩她的手艺。 注意不要受汉语影响漏掉必要的宾语。如: I admire her for her bravery.我钦佩她的勇气。 他的事业非常成功,他的朋友都很羡慕! He was very successful in his business and all his friends admired him! 2.其后有时可接 what 从句。如: We admire (him for) what he has done. 我们对他所做的事很钦佩。 但是,一般不接that 从句。如: We admire (him for) his honesty.我们佩服他的诚实。 3.有时还可后接动名词(通常有逻辑主语)。如: They all admired his believing in that manner.他们都赞赏他那样做。 4.你不得不佩服,英语表达方式: You can only admire her courage and determination.你不能不佩服她的勇气和决心。
2023-01-04 04:02:311


admire读:英[ədˈmaɪə(r)],美[ədˈmaɪr]。admire作及物动词时意为“ 钦佩,赞美”。作不及物动词时意为“钦佩,称赞”。单词发音:greatly admire激赏,非常敬佩,非常赞赏。admire sb崇拜某人,钦佩某人,敬佩某人,欣赏某人。Admire you仰慕你,羡慕你,很羡慕你,很佩服你。to admire欣赏,羡慕,钦佩,佩服。双语例句:1、We all admire him.我们都很崇拜他。2、What others admire us is not what we have.别人羡慕我们的不是我们拥有什么。
2023-01-04 04:02:361


admire的用法是admire sb/sth (for sth),admire sb (for doing sth)。admire的常用短语有admire at、admire for等。扩展资料:  admire词性及词义  v.钦佩;赞赏;仰慕;欣赏  第三人称单数:admires  现在分词:admiring  过去式:admired  过去分词:admired  派生词:admiring adj. admiringly adv.  admire的用法与搭配  1.是及物动词,通常的结构是admire sb, admire sth, admire sb for sth。如:  They admired him very much.他们很钦佩他。  They admired his workmanship.他们很钦佩她的"手艺。  They admired him for his workmanship.他们很钦佩她的手艺。  注意不要受汉语影响漏掉必要的宾语。如:  I admire her for her bravery.我钦佩她的勇气。  他的事业非常成功,他的朋友都很羡慕!  He was very successful in his business and all his friends admired him! 2.其后有时可接 what 从句。如:  We admire (him for) what he has done. 我们对他所做的事很钦佩。  但是,一般不接that 从句。如:  We admire (him for) his honesty.我们佩服他的诚实。  3.有时还可后接动名词(通常有逻辑主语)。如:  They all admired his believing in that manner.他们都赞赏他那样做。  4.你不得不佩服,英语表达方式:  You can only admire her courage and determination.你不能不佩服她的勇气和决心。
2023-01-04 04:02:501


admire 有以下四种固定搭配用法: 1. admire+名词, 表示:钦佩/欣赏… 2. admire +名词+for sth. ,表示:因…佩服… 3. admire有时可接 what 从句,一般不接that 从句 4. admire单独使用,也表示欣赏。造句:I really admire your enthusiasmI admire his thoroughnessThe new building has been very much admired
2023-01-04 04:03:031

admire to do还是doing

Admire to do sth.很想做某事,admire doing敬佩所做的事。admir是及物动词,通常的结构是admire sb, admire sth,admire sb for sth。 admire基本词义 1.钦佩,赞美,羡慕: He"s very much admired by his students. 他的学生十分钦佩他。 2.观赏,欣赏: We stopped to admire the view. 我们停下来欣赏风景。 3.赞美,夸奖: Aren"t you going to admire my new hat? 你难道不想夸夸我的新帽子吗? admire用法 1. 其后不接双宾语或that引导的宾语从句,如可说: I admire his bravery. 但不说: I admire him his bravery.或I admire that he is brave. 注: 若语义上要接that从句,可考虑改为the fact that结构: I admired the fact that he would talk to students outside the classroom or talk with them on the telephone. 我羡慕他经常在课外与学生聊天或通过电话与学生聊天。虽然不能后接that从句,但可接疑问词引导的从句: I admire how well she speaks English. 我羡慕她英语讲得那么好。 2. 其后不接不定式的复合结构,即不说admire sb to do sth,要表示“羡慕(赞赏)某人做某事”,英语可用admire sb [sb"s] doing sth: They all admired his behaving so bravely. 他们钦佩他表现如此勇敢。 【谚语】If the eyes do no admire, the heart will not desire. 眼不馋,心不贪。
2023-01-04 04:03:201


admire是及物动词时,通常的结构是admire sb、admire sth、admire sb for sth。admire其后有时可接what从句。admire后面有时候还可以接动名词。1.admire做及物动词时,通常的结构是admire sb、admire sth、admire sb for sth。如:(1)They admired him very much.他们很钦佩他。(2)They admired his workmanship.他们很钦佩她的手艺。2.admire其后有时可接 what 从句。但是,一般不接that从句。如:(1)We admire (him for) what he has done.我们对他所做的事很钦佩。(2)We admire (him for) his honesty.我们钦佩他的诚实。3.admire有时还可后接动名词(通常有逻辑主语)。如:(1)They all admired his believing in that manner.他们都赞赏他那样做。(2)I very admire Andra"s refusing to give up.我非常佩服安德拉拒绝认输。
2023-01-04 04:03:251


admire的副词形式是admiringly。 admire:v.钦佩;赞赏;仰慕;欣赏; 第三人称单数: admires现在分词: admiring过去式: admired过去分词: admired; 派生词: admiring adj. admiringly adv. 扩展资料   You have to admire the way he handled the situation.   你不得不佩服他处理这个局面的"手段。   I admire the effective use of colour in her paintings.   我很欣赏她绘画作品中的色彩效果。   She"s an artist whose work I really admire.   她这位艺术家的作品令我赞赏不已。   When she finished painting, she stepped back to admire the overall effect.   画完以后,她退后一步,以审视总体效果。
2023-01-04 04:03:321


admire是及物动词时,通常的结构是admire sb、admire sth、admire sb for sth。admire其后有时可接what从句。admire后面有时候还可以接动名词。一站式出国留学攻略
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admire 表示“钦佩”、“佩服”,侧重的是对某人的欣赏、仰慕、钦佩,常含羡慕、爱慕之情,或对某物欣赏,赞赏、观赏。 appreciate只是通常意义上的  “欣赏”、“赞赏”。
2023-01-04 04:04:033


2023-01-04 04:04:222