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2023-07-21 10:05:40




2、difference的意思是:差别;不同(之处);变化(之处);差额; 意见分歧; 不和;辨别;区分





The two boys are different in their tastes.




I can"t see much difference in them.




My generation behaves differently from my father"s.




读音:英 ["dɪfrənt]     美 ["dɪfrənt]

派生词: differently adv.


1、a different kettle of fish 另一码事;截然不同的人

2、be another/a different matter 另外一回事;又是一回事;另当别论

3、pull in different/opposite directions 目标迥异;各行其是

4、sing a different tune 改变观点(或态度);改弦易辙

5、tell a different story/tale 说的情况迥然不同

同义词:diverse various 【词义:不同的】

1、different adj. 不同的,不一样的

〔辨析〕强调事物之间的区别,侧重对比,英国英语口语中常用 different to, 而美国英语中则用 different than



difference[英][u02c8du026afru0259ns][美][u02c8du026afu0259ru0259ns, u02c8du026afru0259ns]n.差别,差异; [数]差数,差额; 意见分歧; 特色; vt.辨别,区分; 第三人称单数:differences复数:differences现在分词:differencing过去式:differenced过去分词:differenced形近词: 1There is no difference between the sexes.男女之间没有差别。
2023-07-21 04:53:501


difference差异双语对照词典结果:difference[英][u02c8du026afru0259ns][美][u02c8du026afu0259ru0259ns, u02c8du026afru0259ns]n.差别,差异; [数]差数,差额; 意见分歧; 特色; vt.辨别,区分; 第三人称单数:differences过去分词:differenced复数:differences现在进行时:differencing过去式:differenced以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.How can you tell the difference? 如何判断两者的区别呢?
2023-07-21 04:53:581


difference dif.fer.ence[`dIfru0259ns, `dIfu0259ru0259ns; ˋdifru0259ns, -fu0259ru0259ns]《differ,different 的名词》名词1 不同,相异,差异 (之处) [between]a ~ in appearance [quality]外表 [品质] 上的差异a world of ~ =all the ~ in the world天渊之别,霄壤之别the ~ between A and B = the ~ of A from B A与 B 的差别the ~ between the two两者之间的差异a distinction without a ~无聊 [无差异] 的区别make a ~有差别,有影响,关系重大It makes no [It doesn"t make any] ~ (to me) whether it is large or small.它是大或是小对我都没有什么两样[关系]What is the ~ between A, B(,) and C? A, B.与 C之间什么不同?It makes all the [a lot of] ~.那大不相同 [大有差别]His was a style with a ~.他的风格与众不同 [独特]2 (U) [又作 a ~] (数、量的) 差; 差额meet [pay] the ~补足 [支付] 差额It is a ~ of a few dollars.那是两三美元之差3 (C)[常 ~s]意见的分歧,不和,争执; (国际间的) 纷争~s of opinion意见的分歧 [不同]iron out ~s消除分歧 [隔阂]They settled their ~s.他们消除了分歧split the difference(1) 采取差额的中间数,折中(2) <双方> 互让,妥协What"s the difference?(1) 有什么不同?(2)(口语)有什么关系?
2023-07-21 04:54:072


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n 差别,差异,差额特色vt辨别,区分
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difference 差异 不同【精】 (锐)
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2023-07-21 04:57:351


difference可作可数名词或不可数名词。difference它的意思是:不同,是名词,常作主语,宾语等。复数是differences;第三人称单数differences;现在分词differencing它的例句有:The two communities are learning how to resolve theirdifferences.这两个团体正在学会如何消除它们之间的分歧。difference普通用词,可指事物本质上的差异或数量上的差额,还可指人们之间的不同意见。distinction较正式用词,除指事物在本质上的差别外,还指在细节上的区分,要在认真观察、研究后才易觉察。difference可用作可数名词亦可用作不可数名词,常与介词between连用,表两者间的不同。make a difference是固定用法,一般用于肯定句,其中的a不能省略,在否定句或疑问句中一般用make any difference。
2023-07-21 04:57:461


difference和differences区别是:differences 是指不同之处,difference 指抽象的不同。一、difference读法:英[u02c8du026afru0259ns]美[u02c8du026afru0259ns]1、n.差别;差异;不同(之处);变化(之处);差;差额;意见分歧;不和2、vt.辨别;区分短语:1、Difference 差异差别不同区别2、Du0130FFERENCE 英式摇滚3、Finite difference 差分有限差有限差数有限差分4、difference frequency 差频差拍频率频率差差频产生5、Timing difference 计列时差时间归属差异暂时性差异6、gender difference 性别差异男女差异以谈性别性别差uf9627、forward difference 前向差分前差8、divided difference 均差将二阶多项式插值9、register difference 套印不准10、CE Difference 差异差别二、different读法:英[u02c8du026afru0259nt]美[u02c8du026afru0259nt]adj.不同的;有区别的;有差异的;分别的。短语:1、Different 不同差异两样与众不同2、Different Seasons 不同的季节肖申克的救赎不同季节3、different from 不同于两回事不同4、look different 看起来不同看上去不同看起来与众不同看起来不一样5、Different person 判若两人6、Different Ideas 意见分歧看法分歧想法不同不同的主意7、Different levels 不同层次不同程度8、Different types 出现不同的标准不同种类不同类型不同的种类9、different way 搞不清楚的明天扩展资料:一、用法不同:1、difference的用法(1)difference作“差异、区别”解时,指一事物区别于另一事物的不同之处,可指事物之间的本质差别,也可指事物之间的非本质的差别,可充当不可数名词,也可作可数名词。(2)difference还可作“差距、差额”解,指的是事物之间存在的一个差额值,作不可数名词。2、different的用法:(1)different强调事物存在本质上的差别,有时有对比意义,可以修饰单数和复数名词。(2)different常接介词from、to或than,在英语中常用differentto,在美语中有时用differentthan,而differentfrom英美都用。在口语中,differentfrom有时可接从句。二、例句:1、There is a big difference in the amounts that banks charge.银行的收费在数额上有很大的不同。2、Both teams had tied on points and goal difference两支队伍得分和净胜球都相当。3、She modestly suggests that "sex, or at any rate gender, may account for the difference"她谨慎地提出“性别,至少是男女的性征,也许能解释这个差异”。4、What set tongues wagging was the age difference between the two partners.这对伴侣年龄上的差异招来了不少闲话。5、The problem simply resulted from a difference of opinion这个问题仅仅是由于意见分歧引起的。
2023-07-21 04:58:486


可数,也可以不可数:difference 表示"差异,差别",可数:There are many differences between living in a city and living in the country.生活在城市和生活在乡村有许多不同之处.difference 表示"差额,差数",不可数:The difference between 5 and 11 is 6.十一和五的差是六.Flowers make no/a lot of difference to a room. 一个房间里有没有鲜花没有/有很大差别.It doesn"t make much/any/the least difference to me what you do .你干什么对我都没有多大/任何/丝毫关系.When you"re learning to drive, having a good teacher makes all the difference.初学驾驶如有好的老师指导,差别很大.difference 表示"不和,分歧",可数:They"ve settled their differences and are friends again.他们已消除芥蒂,重归于好.
2023-07-21 04:59:332


语法标注解释 difference英音:["dif05r05ns]美音:["d01f05r05ns] 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释 名词 n. 1. 差别,差异[C][(+between)]Whether it rains or not makes no difference to me. 下不下雨对我来说都一样。 Can you tell the difference between an ape and a monkey? 你能区分猿和猴吗? 2. 差,差距;差额[the S][(+between/in)]The difference in temperature between the day and the night there is thirty degrees. 那里白天与黑夜的温差是三十度。 3. 争论;不和[P1]That is the root cause of all our differences. 那是我们一切分歧的根源。 及物动词 vt. 1. 区别反义词:identical; the same; alike; like; similar; equal; equivalent; parallel
2023-07-21 04:59:451


difference可数。difference表示“差别,不同”的时候既可做可数也可做不可数名词,表示“差额”时不可数。相关例句:He was studying the complex similarities and differences between humans and animals差别不止一处,因此用了复数形式。相关例句:I can never tell the difference between the twins这里指的不是具体的某处差别,而是指总体、概括、抽象意义上的差异,因此不可数。
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2023-07-21 05:00:272


这是权威报纸英文版《中国日报》上的例句,自己体会吧diverse:Tibetans are so diligent and brave that they create vital and diverse cultural customs. difference:There is great difference in climate between the north and south -- the Northern Tibet Plateau has a mean annual temperature of -2oC and is covered with snow half of the year, and the Southern Tibet Valleys are much more temperate and humid.
2023-07-21 05:00:372

Differentiation 和difference的区别

前者n. 区别;变异,分化 后者n. 差异;不同;争执 1. differentiate v. 区分,分辨(就是区别出事物的不同之处,辨别出来的意思) 例如:It"s important to differentiate between fact and opinion.区分/辨别事实和观点非常重要. differentiation n.区分,分辨(的动作或能力) 同时 differentiation differentiate 还可以表示数学中的微分
2023-07-21 05:00:461


different: [ "difr05nt ] a. 不同的 例句与用法: 1. He"s a different man from what he was 10 years ago. 他和十年前不一样。 2. He"s very different from/to his brother. 他跟他哥哥很不同. 3. This visit is very different from/to last time. 这次的访问与上次大不一样. 4. I called on three different occasions, but he was out. 我打了三次电话, 他都不在. 5. You look different than before. 你看上去跟从前不同了. 6. Your trains are different from/than ours. 你们的火车跟我们的不一样. 7. My husband has several shirts of different colors. 我丈夫有好几件颜色不同的衬衫。 8. The two doctors made different diagnosis of my disease. 两位医生对我的病作出了不同的诊断。 difference: [ "dif05r05ns ] n. 不同,差异 例句与用法: 1. Flowers make no difference to this room. 这房间有没有花没什么区别。 2. It won"t make much difference whether you go today or tomorrow. 你今天或明天去没有多大关系。 3. She makes no difference between her two sons. 她对两个儿子一视同仁. 4. The sea air has made a difference to (ie improved) her health. 海上的空气改善了她的健康状况. 5. It makes no difference (to me) what you say: I"m not going. 不管你怎麽说(对我来说)都无所谓, 反正我不去. 6. We measured the difference(s) in temperature. 我们测量了温度的变化. 7. A hot bath makes all the difference (ie makes you feel better) in the morning. 上午洗个热水澡能让人精神振奋. 8. Does that make any difference? ie Is it important, need we consider it? 那要紧吗?
2023-07-21 05:00:571


2023-07-21 05:01:137


"Difference" 是指两个或多个事物之间的区别或差异。在不同的语境下,可以使用许多不同的短语来表达不同类型的差异。常见的短语之一是 "make a difference",意思是对某事产生影响或效果。例如,慈善捐款可以改变需要帮助的人们的生活。另一个短语是 "spot the difference",指找到两个相似物体或图像之间的微小差异,通常用于游戏或难题中。"Make a difference" 还可以用于否定的意义上,例如 "what"s the difference?" 意味着两件事物之间没有实质性的区别。"Make a world of difference" 是一个强调某事可以产生重大影响的短语,例如行为或态度上的小变化可以大大改善情况。"Bridge the difference" 是一个建议将两个不同的观点或群体联系在一起,以找到共同点并解决冲突的短语。其他表达不同类型差异的短语包括 "point of difference","critical difference","subtle difference","fundamental difference" 和 "significant difference"。每个短语都可以用来描述两个或多个事物之间不同方面的对比或区别。希望我的回答能够帮到你!
2023-07-21 05:01:501


  difference表差别,差异的意思,那么你知道difference的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了difference的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!   difference的的短语:   make a/no/some difference   1.对某人〔某事物〕有〔没有,有一些〕作用或影响 have an〔no, some〕 effect (on sb/sth)   The sea air has made a difference to her health.海上的空气改善了她的健康状况。   2.对某人〔某事〕重要〔不重要〕 be important, unimportant (to sb/sth)   It makes no difference to me what you say: I"m not going.你说的对我来说都无所谓,我不会走。   make a difference between   区别对待 treat differently   She makes no difference between her two sons.她对两个儿子一视同仁。   with a difference   特别的,与众不同的 special; unusual   She"s an opera singer with a difference: she can act well!她这个歌剧演唱家与众不同,因为她还擅长表演!   同义词辨析:   difference, distinction, discrepancy, discrimination   这些名词都有"差别,区别"之意。   difference : 普通用词,可指事物本质上的差异或数量上的差额,也可指事物在某一方面的差别,还可指人们之间的不同意见。   distinction : 较正式用词,除指事物在本质上的差别外,还指在某一方面或某一细节上的区分,要在认真观察、研究后才易觉察。   discrepancy : 多用于言论和记述方面,指两物之间缺乏使之相似或平衡的协调。   discrimination : 侧重指在判断、见识方面的差别,也可指待遇上的区别。   difference的短语例句:   1. The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.   你是什么样的人和你想成为什么样的之间的差距就是,你做了什么。   2. There has always been a difference between community radio and commercial radio.   社区广播电台和商业广播电台一直是有区别的。   3. For a beach resort with a difference, try Key West.   如果想去一个与众不同的海滨度假胜地,那就去基韦斯特吧。   4. The only difference between us is the colour of our skins.   我们之间唯一的差别就是肤色。   5. Research shows a wide difference in tastes around the country.   研究表明全国各地的口味大有不同。   6. The difference is, you are Anglo-Saxons, we are Latins.   差异在于,你们是英国血统,而我们是拉丁裔的。   7. Both teams had tied on points and goal difference.   两支队伍得分和净胜球都相当。   8. Perhaps your force of argument might have made some difference.   或许是你的雄辩使情况发生了变化。   9. As one former customer said cynically, "He"s probably pocketed thedifference!"   正如一位愤世嫉俗的旧主顾所说的那样,“他很可能把差额塞进了自己的腰包!”   10. I can"t really tell the difference between their policies and ours.   我真的看不出他们的政策和我们的有什么不同。   11. It"s here that we come up against the difference of approach.   我们就是在这一点上面临方法上的分歧。   12. The problem simply resulted from a difference of opinion.   这个问题仅仅是由于意见分歧引起的。   13. Nothing I do makes any difference anyway, so why bother?   既然我做什么都于事无补,我为什么还要费劲呢?   14. There is a big difference in the amounts that banks charge.   银行的收费在数额上有很大的不同。   15. What set tongues wagging was the age difference between the two partners.   这对伴侣年龄上的差异招来了不少闲话。
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2023-07-21 05:02:487

请教distinction 和difference的区别两个该如何区别

distinctionn.区别,差别,级别,特性,声望,显赫differencen.差异,差别,分歧,争论,[数]差额,差分adj.[数]微分的,[机]差动的 distinction 做区别将的时候,和difference互换.distinction所表达的区别比较本质,difference比较一般但是distinction还有更重要的意思就是"杰出,超强,牛!,天外飞仙!" distinction 做区别将的时候,和difference互换.distinction所表达的区别比较本质,difference比较一般。
2023-07-21 05:03:042


2023-07-21 05:03:192


distinction和difference一样都有“差别”的意思: distinction 偏于抽象、细微的差别,发现不同的难度大一些。 difference 偏于普通、显著的不同,发现不同的难度小一些。 扩展资料   例句:   We need to draw a distinction between the two events.   我们得把两起事件区别开来。   The distinction between craft and fine art is more controversial.   工艺和美术之间的"区别更有争议。   It won"t make a scrap of difference.   这不会有丝毫的差别。   Few people understand the difference.   很少有人了解这个差别。
2023-07-21 05:03:261


不同 差异 是个名词
2023-07-21 05:03:523


n. 差别,差异,[数]差数,差额,意见分歧,特色 vt. 辨别,区分 变形:过去式: differenced; 现在分词:differencing; 过去分词:differenced; 扩展资料   difference用法   difference可以用作名词   difference作“差异,区别”解时,指一事物区别于另一事物的不同之处,可指事物之间的"本质差别,也可指事物之间的非本质的差别,可充当不可数名词,也可作可数名词。difference还可作“差距,差额”解,指的是事物之间存在的一个差额值,作不可数名词。difference引申还可作“分歧,争执”解,这时常用作复数形式。   difference后常接介词between, of短语作定语。   difference用作名词的用法例句   How do you account for the difference between them?你怎样来解释它们之间的差异呢?   Flowers make no difference to this room.这房间有没有花没什么区别。   It won"t make much difference whether you go today or tomorrow.你今天或明天去没有多大关系。   difference用法例句   1、The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.   你是什么样的人和你想成为什么样的之间的差距就是,你做了什么。   2、There has always been a difference between community radio and commercial radio.   社区广播电台和商业广播电台一直是有区别的。   3、For a beach resort with a difference, try Key West.   如果想去一个与众不同的海滨度假胜地,那就去基韦斯特吧。
2023-07-21 05:03:591


difference用法和搭配: 1、be different from 与...不同 2、be different to 与...不同 3、be different than 与...不同 扩展资料   difference用法:   difference可以用作名词:   difference作“差异,区别”解时,指一事物区别于另一事物的不同之处,可指事物之间的.本质差别,也可指事物之间的非本质的差别,可充当不可数名词,也可作可数名词。difference还可作“差距,差额”解,指的是事物之间存在的一个差额值,作不可数名词。difference引申还可作“分歧,争执”解,这时常用作复数形式。   difference后常接介词between, of短语作定语。   difference用作名词的用法例句:   How do you account for the difference between them?你怎样来解释它们之间的差异呢?   Flowers make no difference to this room.这房间有没有花没什么区别。   It won"t make much difference whether you go today or tomorrow.你今天或明天去没有多大关系。
2023-07-21 05:04:461


difference是可数名词。复数是differences。在 some difference中difference为单数,此时some理解为在某一个方面。 整个词组理解为在某个方面或某一方面的不同之处。
2023-07-21 05:04:554


2023-07-21 05:05:396


difference的用法如下:difference可作可数名词或不可数名词。difference它的意思是:不同,是名词,常作主语,宾语等。复数是differences;第三人称单数differences。现在分词differencing它的例句有:The two communities are learning how to resolve theirdifferences.这两个团体正在学会如何消除它们之间的分歧。difference普通用词,可指事物本质上的差异或数量上的差额,还可指人们之间的不同意见。distinction较正式用词,除指事物在本质上的差别外,还指在细节上的区分,要在认真观察、研究后才易觉察。difference可用作可数名词亦可用作不可数名词,常与介词between连用,表两者间的不同。make a difference是固定用法,一般用于肯定句,其中的a不能省略,在否定句或疑问句中一般用make any difference。difference作“差异,区别”解时,指一事物区别于另一事物的不同之处,可指事物之间的本质差别,也可指事物之间的非本质的差别,可充当不可数名词,也可作可数名词。difference还可作“差距,差额”解,指的是事物之间存在的一个差额值,作不可数名词。difference引申还可作“分歧,争执”解,这时常用作复数形式。
2023-07-21 05:06:061


2023-07-21 05:06:331


difference造句如下:1、There is a big difference。这是一个重要的区别。2、we should make a difference since we are lazy these days。我们最近有些倦怠,所以应该做出一些改变。3、You can see the difference in these books。你能发现这些书的不同之处。4、There is some difference from you and me。你与我有一些不同。5、Patience is often the difference between creating savings and being in debt.。耐心足够与否往往是存钱和欠钱之间的差别。6、The difference with europe is especially striking。美国与欧洲的差异尤为显著。
2023-07-21 05:06:431


difference可数。difference表示“差别,不同”的时候既可做可数也可做不可数名词,表示“差额”时不可数。相关例句:He was studying the complex similarities and differences between humans and animals差别不止一处,因此用了复数形式。相关例句:I can never tell the difference between the twins这里指的不是具体的某处差别,而是指总体、概括、抽象意义上的差异,因此不可数。
2023-07-21 05:07:101

difference 可数吗

difference n. 差异;不同;争执 可数,也可以不可数。 difference 表示"差异,差别",可数;difference 表示"差额,差数",不可数。 扩展资料   例句:   Few people understand the difference.   很少有人了解这个差别。   There"s no difference in the results.   结果没有差别。   The difference is 8532.   差额是8532。   It"s the difference between a pass and a fail.   这是及格和不及格的区别。
2023-07-21 05:07:312


"difference"一词在英语中的读音为 ["dɪf(ə)rəns]。它是一个名词,表示两个或多个事物之间的差异或不同之处。下面将拓展"difference"的用法。1. 表示差异或不同:- There is a noticeable difference between the two cars.(这两辆车之间有明显的差异)2. 表示差距或差异的程度:- There is a significant difference in their performance.(他们的表现有显著的差距)3. 表示意见、观点或态度的不同:- We have a difference of opinion on this matter.(我们在这个问题上有不同的观点)4. 表示改变或变化:- She has made a difference in the lives of many people.(她改变了许多人的生活)5. 表示个人特点或特征:- His unique style of painting makes all the difference.(他独特的绘画风格让他与众不同)6. 表示数学中的差:- What is the difference between 10 and 5?(10和5的差是多少?)
2023-07-21 05:07:501


different用作形容词,difference用作名词、动词,differently用作副词,三者之间的区别是:意思不同、用法不同一、意思不同1、different的意思是:不同的;差异的;分别的;各不相同的2、difference的意思是:差别;不同(之处);变化(之处);差额; 意见分歧; 不和;辨别;区分3、differently的意思是:不同地;相异地二、用法不同1、different:常接介词from、to或than,在肯定句中可用very修饰,在否定句中则用much修饰。在句中可用作定语或表语,无比较级和最高级。例句:The two boys are different in their tastes.这两个男孩的兴趣是相异的。2、difference:可充当不可数名词,也可作可数名词。后常接介词between、of短语作定语。例句:I can"t see much difference in them.我看不出他们有什么大的差别。3、differently:副词,一般用来修饰动词,常后置。例句:My generation behaves differently from my father"s.我们这一代人的所作所为和我父亲的那一代人不同。扩展资料different读音:英 ["dɪfrənt]     美 ["dɪfrənt]派生词: differently adv.习语:1、a different kettle of fish 另一码事;截然不同的人2、be another/a different matter 另外一回事;又是一回事;另当别论3、pull in different/opposite directions 目标迥异;各行其是4、sing a different tune 改变观点(或态度);改弦易辙5、tell a different story/tale 说的情况迥然不同同义词:diverse various 【词义:不同的】1、different adj. 不同的,不一样的〔辨析〕强调事物之间的区别,侧重对比,英国英语口语中常用 different to, 而美国英语中则用 different than
2023-07-21 05:08:131

different, difference, differently的用法区别有哪些?

different用作形容词,difference用作名词、动词,differently用作副词,三者之间的区别是:意思不同、用法不同一、意思不同1、different的意思是:不同的;差异的;分别的;各不相同的2、difference的意思是:差别;不同(之处);变化(之处);差额; 意见分歧; 不和;辨别;区分3、differently的意思是:不同地;相异地二、用法不同1、different:常接介词from、to或than,在肯定句中可用very修饰,在否定句中则用much修饰。在句中可用作定语或表语,无比较级和最高级。例句:The two boys are different in their tastes.这两个男孩的兴趣是相异的。2、difference:可充当不可数名词,也可作可数名词。后常接介词between、of短语作定语。例句:I can"t see much difference in them.我看不出他们有什么大的差别。3、differently:副词,一般用来修饰动词,常后置。例句:My generation behaves differently from my father"s.我们这一代人的所作所为和我父亲的那一代人不同。扩展资料different读音:英 ["dɪfrənt]     美 ["dɪfrənt]派生词: differently adv.习语:1、a different kettle of fish 另一码事;截然不同的人2、be another/a different matter 另外一回事;又是一回事;另当别论3、pull in different/opposite directions 目标迥异;各行其是4、sing a different tune 改变观点(或态度);改弦易辙5、tell a different story/tale 说的情况迥然不同同义词:diverse various 【词义:不同的】1、different adj. 不同的,不一样的〔辨析〕强调事物之间的区别,侧重对比,英国英语口语中常用 different to, 而美国英语中则用 different than
2023-07-21 05:08:421


2023-07-21 05:09:022


difference用法和搭配:搭配:1、be different from 与...不同2、be different to 与...不同3、be different than 与...不同不同的豆子用法:1、difference可以用作名词:2、difference作“差异,区别”解时,指一事物区别于另一事物的不同之处,可指事物之间的.本质差别,也可指事物之间的非本质的差别,可充当不可数名词,也可作可数名词。difference还可作“差距,差额”解,指的是事物之间存在的一个差额值,作不可数名词。difference引申还可作“分歧,争执”解,这时常用作复数形式。3、difference后常接介词between, of短语作定语。不同方向拓展内容:difference用作名词的用法例句:例句:How do you account for the difference between them?你怎样来解释它们之间的差异呢?Flowers make no difference to this room.这房间有没有花没什么区别。
2023-07-21 05:09:101


difference读法是英[u02c8du026afru0259ns];美[u02c8du026afru0259ns]difference造句:1、Is there a difference between sickle cell disorder,disease and anemia.镰状细胞紊乱、镰状细胞病和镰状细胞性贫血之间有何差异?2、There"s a significant difference between negligence and fraud.过失与欺诈之间有着实质性的区别。3、A Study on the Size Difference of Evenness Variations of Raw Silk.生丝匀度变化的纤度差异研究4、What is the difference between baseband and broadband?之间的区别是什么基带和宽带?5、OBJECTIVE:To explore mechanical property difference in the different mixing ratio of PMMA.目的:探讨不同混合比例聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯的力学性能差异。6、The difference between actual and predicted value within 2D was 92.65%or 91.43%.两个模型预测值与实际手术值的误差小于2D的百分比分别为92.65%和91.43%。7、With regard to second query,we have a difference of opinion.对于第二个质疑,我们的意见有分歧。8、Authors described and analyzed the finite difference method and finite element method.作者阐述并分析了有限差分方法和有限元方法。
2023-07-21 05:09:401

time difference是什么意思

2023-07-21 05:10:397


difference 可用作可数名词亦可用作不可数名词,常与介词 between 连用,表两者间的不同。 词组: all the difference (in the world) 天渊之别, 大不相同 as near as makes no difference 没有多少差别 iron out the difference(s) 消除分歧 扩展资料   例句:   Young people must be taught to learn the difference between good and evil.   必须教导年青人学会区分善与恶。   The differences between manual labour and mental labour are diminishing in some developed countries.   在一些发达国家体力劳动和脑力劳动的差别正在缩小。   There are many differences between living in a big city and living in the country.   生活在大城市与生活在乡村有许多不同之处。   I can"t see much difference in them.   我看不出他们有什么大的差别。   The difference between 8 and 2 is 6.   八和二差是六。
2023-07-21 05:10:531

difference discrepancy 的区别

difference是比较泛指的差异,比如人与人之间的差别,各种文化的差别.基本上difference比较强调“不一样”,但不一定有矛盾。diacrepancy 有“矛盾”“偏差”“误差”的意思,强调的是“不一致”,多用于同一件事情资料,数据上的不一样。
2023-07-21 05:11:032


2023-07-21 05:11:333


1、difference英[?d?fr?ns]美[?d?fr?ns],n.差别; 差异; 不同(之处); 变化(之处); 差; 差额; 意见分歧; 不和;vt.辨别; 区分。2、[例句]There are no significant differences between the two groups of students.这两组学生没有明显差别。
2023-07-21 05:11:401


2023-07-21 05:11:512


  difference有差异;不同;差额;分歧等意思,那么你知道difference的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习dafference的用法和 短语 例句吧,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    difference的用法   difference的用法1:difference作“差异,区别”解时,指一事物区别于另一事物的不同之处,可指事物之间的本质差别,也可指事物之间的非本质的差别,可充当不可数名词,也可作可数名词。difference还可作“差距,差额”解,指的是事物之间存在的一个差额值,作不可数名词。difference引申还可作“分歧,争执”解,这时常用作复数形式。   difference的用法2:difference后常接介词between, of短语作定语。    difference的常用短语   用作名词 (n.)   make a/no/some difference   make a difference between   split the difference   with a difference    difference的用法例句   1. The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.   你是什么样的人和你想成为什么样的之间的差距就是,你做了什么。   2. There has always been a difference between community radio and commercial radio.   社区广播电台和商业广播电台一直是有区别的。   3. For a beach resort with a difference, try Key West.   如果想去一个与众不同的海滨度假胜地,那就去基韦斯特吧。   4. The only difference between us is the colour of our skins.   我们之间唯一的差别就是肤色。   5. Research shows a wide difference in tastes around the country.   研究表明全国各地的口味大有不同。   6. The difference is, you are Anglo-Saxons, we are Latins.   差异在于,你们是英国血统,而我们是拉丁裔的。   7. Both teams had tied on points and goal difference.   两支队伍得分和净胜球都相当。   8. Perhaps your force of argument might have made some difference.   或许是你的雄辩使情况发生了变化。   9. As one former customer said cynically, "He"s probably pocketed thedifference!"   正如一位愤世嫉俗的旧主顾所说的那样,“他很可能把差额塞进了自己的腰包!”   10. I can"t really tell the difference between their policies and ours.   我真的看不出他们的政策和我们的有什么不同。   11. It"s here that we come up against the difference of approach.   我们就是在这一点上面临 方法 上的分歧。   12. The problem simply resulted from a difference of opinion.   这个问题仅仅是由于意见分歧引起的。   13. Nothing I do makes any difference anyway, so why bother?   既然我做什么都于事无补,我为什么还要费劲呢?   14. There is a big difference in the amounts that banks charge.   银行的收费在数额上有很大的不同。   15. What set tongues wagging was the age difference between the two partners.   这对伴侣年龄上的差异招来了不少闲话。 猜你喜欢: 1. difference的短语 2. best的用法和短语例句 3. distinguish的用法和短语例句 4. bridge的用法和短语例句 5. praise的用法和短语例句
2023-07-21 05:12:111


可数,也可以不可数:difference 表示"差异,差别",可数:There are many differences between living in a city and living in the country.生活在城市和生活在乡村有许多不同之处.difference 表示"差额,差数",不可数:The difference between 5 and 11 is 6.十一和五的差是六.Flowers make no/a lot of difference to a room. 一个房间里有没有鲜花没有/有很大差别.It doesn"t make much/any/the least difference to me what you do .你干什么对我都没有多大/任何/丝毫关系.When you"re learning to drive, having a good teacher makes all the difference.初学驾驶如有好的老师指导,差别很大.difference 表示"不和,分歧",可数:They"ve settled their differences and are friends again.他们已消除芥蒂,重归于好.
2023-07-21 05:13:019