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How to renew French Passport in Hong Kong

2023-05-19 17:38:07
TAG: on ass ch


you can find enough information on the website of the French Consulate of Hong Kong. consulfrance-hongkong/spip?article354 Here is the document you need to hand in Old French passport 1 passport photo (limitation refered to website) Evidence of address (e.g. electric bill

phone bill

etc) Passport renewal charge (60 euro for *** s

paid in HKD) I am not sure if he needs to fill in a form because it"s not mentioned on the website. All application should be done in the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong located in Admiralty. For further information

you can contact M. David Vivier by phone 3752 9954. He prefers to be contacted in the afternoon

or by enquiry form on the website.

French Passport Renewal




admiralty是海军基地的意思 那地方以前是英国海军基地 附近有个大钟 每到午膳跟下班时就会敲打 后来港铁在那设了个站 就叫金钟站
2023-01-04 03:25:351


admiralty是海军基地的意思那地方以前是英国海军基地 附近有个大钟 每到午膳跟下班时就会敲打 后来港铁在那设了个站 就叫金钟站
2023-01-04 03:25:401


自英国1841年得到香港开始金钟一带是英海军重地三军司令官邸都选在金钟还有威灵顿兵房、域多利兵房、美利兵房和金钟船坞金钟这个名字就来自金钟船坞这个海军船坞因为裏面有个金色铜钟而英文名Admiralty是源自船坞的英文名Admiralty Dock
2023-01-04 03:25:461


阿德默勒尔蒂群岛(Admiralty Islands)由18座岛屿组成,属于俾斯麦群岛,位于新几内亚以北的南太平洋,属巴布新几内亚。因其中最大岛屿名为马努斯岛(Manus Island),故该群岛有时亦被称作马努斯群岛(Manus Islands)。该岛屿由热带雨林覆盖,属马努斯省,该省位于巴布新几内亚的岛屿区(Islands Region),为该国面积最小、人口最少的省。该群岛总面积为2100km²,其中许多岛屿为环礁,无人居住。
2023-01-04 03:25:511

admiralty grey是什么意思

2023-01-04 03:25:592


2023-01-04 03:26:092

first lord of the admiralty是什么意思

First Lord of the Admiralty英国海军大臣; 例句:1.Because john montague, the fourth earl of sandwich, had sponsored his voyages andhappened to be the first lord of the admiralty at the time, cook christened thearchipelago the sandwich islands. 因为英国三明治小镇的第四伯爵约翰蒙塔古(john montague)资助了他的这次航行,而蒙塔古又恰好是当时海军部的首位勋爵,库克于是将列岛命名为三明治岛屿。
2023-01-04 03:26:201


2023-01-04 03:26:259


史前文明该群岛与新几内亚、俾斯麦群岛及所罗门群岛一样,在约距今40000年前即有人类居住,可能来源于来自南亚的移民潮,该移民潮亦曾到达澳大利亚。该早期社会中已有芋头的种植,并人为从几内亚引入诸如袋鼠、大型鼠类等野生动物。该时期的群岛间还有黑曜石的收集及贸易。拉皮塔文化诞生于距今3500年左右,其地域从该群岛延伸至汤加及萨摩亚群岛。其起源尚存争议,可能为来自南亚的又一波移民潮。拉皮塔文化的主要特征有:著名的陶瓷文化,高跷房,猪、狗、鸡等家畜的蓄养,农业的发展及造船技术等。其中造船技术促进了远距离航行的发展。拉皮塔文化为一种特色鲜明的文化,并有其贸易网。该文化大约于2000年前消亡。欧洲及日本占领时期最早到达该岛的欧洲人为西班牙航海家阿尔瓦洛·萨维德拉(Álvarode Saavedra)。1528年夏天,他在由蒂多雷岛返回新西班牙的航行途中发现了该岛,并将该岛标记为Uraysla Grande。1616年荷兰航海家斯考滕(Willem Schouten)亦对该岛有所报道。1767年,英国皇家海军船长菲利普·加特利(Philip Carteret)将该群岛命名为“阿德默勒尔蒂群岛”(Admiralty Islands)。1884年-1914年,该地为德国殖民地。1914年11月,该群岛为澳大利亚海军及远征军占领。1942年4月7日,日本军队于该岛登陆,1944年,驻岛日军被盟军打败,其后美国在Lorengau附近的Lombrum建立了一个大型空军基地。1975年,巴布亚独立时,群岛的主权由澳大利亚转移至巴布亚新几内亚,成为该国岛屿区(Islands Region)的马努斯省(Manus Province)。
2023-01-04 03:27:001

Shop 318, Level 3 The Mall, Pacific Place, Admiralty请翻译

这是香港的一个地址:太古广场购物商场三楼(L3) 318号店 Admiralty意思是海军部,就是在香港岛那边的金钟那里的太古广场希望能够帮到你。
2023-01-04 03:27:121


经度:longitude 简写:lng纬度:latitude 简写:lat
2023-01-04 03:27:173

新加坡Maki-San(Kampung Admiralty)怎么样?有什么好玩的地方?

In an apropos nod to its name, Maki-San fuses fresh ingredients with its signature blend of Japanese food, whipping up sticky rice rolls and vegetable laden assemblages for the Collyer Quay, The Cathay, and Raffles Place scene. Customers become the architect of their own meals choosing from over 60 ingredients that go into each bite of sushi or salad creation. Makis are lovingly bound in traditional nori or an updated soy wrapper, before diners take their pick of rice, essentials, specials, sprinkles, and sauces. If creative juices fail to flow, one can always resort to the range of readily available repasts pre-engineered by the restaurant, garnishing their trays with miso soup, fried snacks, and chilly drinks. Furthering the tech-savvy flow, those with an aversion for queuing can track down the Maki-San app, placing orders and paying in advance before swinging by the eatery for their ready-to-go bounty all done up in washi tape-esque paper.飞猪上还可以查看更多有关于Maki-San(Kampung Admiralty)的介绍和玩法还有周边的景点
2023-01-04 03:27:351


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2023-01-04 03:27:414

温斯顿·丘吉尔 英文简介

Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill (30 November 1874 – 24 January 1965) was a British politician, best known as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom during the Second World War. At various times a soldier, journalist, author, painter, and politician, Churchill is generally regarded as one of the most important leaders in modern British and world history. He won the 1953 Nobel Prize in Literature. In a poll conducted by the BBC in 2002 to identify the "100 Greatest Britons", participants voted Churchill as the most important of all.Churchill"s legal surname was Spencer-Churchill (he is related to the Spencer family), but starting with his father, Lord Randolph Churchill, his branch of the family used the name Churchill in public life.
2023-01-04 03:27:556


阿拉斯加狭地,是阿拉斯加最接近于美国本土的区域。也是在阿拉斯加易手后几年内最初居民点聚居集中的地区,很多地名留有俄罗斯殖民痕迹。该地区主要由亚历山大群岛和美国最大的国家森林东加斯国家森林组成。阿拉斯加的首府朱诺就设立在此区域,前首府锡特卡和克奇坎,曾经是阿拉斯加最大的城市。由于地形原因,普通公路无法全部连通(只有海恩斯、锡特卡和克奇坎三座城市才有阿拉斯加公路连接),因而阿拉斯加海上公路为这个区域提供了极其重要的地面交通运输。该地区约45%的居民集中在朱诺市附近。 一、亚历山大群岛Alexander,在阿拉斯加东南部沿海,是一个长300英里的群岛,有大小岛屿约1100个,西北—东南向排列,系地壳下沉,海水上升,山顶露出海面所成。岛屿具有不规则的海岸线,岛与岛间形成深海峡。有陡峭的海岸和茂密常绿的温带雨林。主要岛屿是奇恰戈夫岛,阿德米拉勒岛,巴拉诺夫岛,弗兰格尔岛,雷维拉格吉岛,库普雷诺夫岛,多尔岛与威尔士亲王岛,总面积约35000平方公里。所有岛屿都是崎岖的山地,多针叶林,有大量的野生动植物。 旅游 业,林业和渔业是当地经济的支柱。有木材加工、渔业、水产加工、皮毛、采金、纸浆、造纸等。主要渔港有锡特卡、凯奇坎。该群岛得名于俄罗斯探险家亚历山大·巴拉诺夫。1741年,俄罗斯人首先来到了该群岛,并建立殖民据点,1867年,该群岛随同整个阿拉斯加被出售与美国。1、 阿德米拉勒岛(金钟岛)Admiralty,是在阿拉斯加东南部,亚历山大群岛的岛屿,位于57°44′N 134°20′W?。长145公里(90英里),宽56公里(35英里),是美国第七大岛屿,土地面积4,264.1平方公里(1,646.4平方英里)。有棕熊在岛上栖息,最高点是鹰峰,海拔1395米。这些森林提供了最好的栖息地,有棕熊,秃鹰黑尾鹿。人口650(2000年)。岛的西北端有银,金,铅锌矿。 2、贝克岛Baker,是在亚历山大群岛的岛屿,位于55°20′00″N 133°35′00″W,诺伊斯岛东南, 鲁鲁岛南部,土地面积115.1 平方公里(44.44平方英里),无人居住。俄国人阿列克谢·奇里科夫于1741年发现, 1879年由马库斯·贝克命名。 3、巴拉诺夫岛Baranof,有时也被称为斯特卡岛,是在亚历山大群岛。位于56°57′05″N 134°56′52″W,长100英里(160公里),宽30英里(48公里),土地面积4162 平方公里(1607平方英里),是美国第十大岛屿,主要城市斯特卡,人口8532(2000年)。有罐头制造,捕鲸站,并建立了狐狸养殖场。 4、本杰明岛Benjamin,是在美国亚历山大群岛,阿拉斯加朱诺市西北部,位于58°33′44″N 134°54′38″W,长2.4公里(1.5英里),宽0.80公里(0.5英里),是海峡群岛国家海洋公园的一部分,夏季用于野餐和露营。 5、凯瑟琳岛Catherine,是在亚历山大群岛的岛屿,巴拉诺夫岛的东北,位于57°22′00″N 134°54′00″W,土地面积86.936平方公里(33.566平方英里),没有常住人口。 6、奇恰戈夫岛Chichagof,是在亚历山大群岛的岛屿,位于57°51′N 135°34′W,长121公里(75英里),宽80公里(50英里),土地面积5,305.9 平方公里(2,048.61平方英里)是美国第五大岛屿,最高点海拔1,161米,人口1342人(2000年)。 7、雅各比岛Yakobi,是在亚历山大群岛,奇恰戈夫岛以西的太平洋海域,位于57°59′16″N 136°28′30″W,由阿拉斯加州负责管辖,面积213.3平方公里(82.37平方英里),岛上无人居住。 8、科罗岛(加冕岛)Coronation,是在亚历山大群岛的威尔士王子岛西北海岸,位于55°53′N 134°15′W,库尤岛南部和诺伊斯岛北部,面积78 平方公里,加冕岛有7个山峰,五个海湾,该岛周围为岩石地区,岛上主要是由石灰石组成,科兰德洞穴被发现于2001年。在加冕岛常见的动物包括黑熊,黑尾鹿,秃头鹰,狼,海獭,虎头海狮,斑海豹和驼背鲸。鱼类和贝类栖息在岛屿附近的海面,包括王鲑,红鲑,银鲑,粉鲑鱼,大麻哈鱼,大比目鱼,太平洋鳕鱼,鲦身鱼,老鼠鱼,狗鲨鱼,珍宝蟹,松叶蟹,帝王蟹,虾,对虾,扇贝,鲍鱼,文蛤,海蜇。也有报道目击到大白鲨。 9、多尔岛Dall,是在亚历山大群岛的岛屿,位于54°57′22″N 133°03′33″W,威尔士王子岛和加拿大北部水域,长73公里,宽14.4公里,土地面积657.91平方公里(254.02平方英里),是美国第28大岛屿,最高峰海拔745米(2443英尺),人口20人(2000年),经济有渔业和石灰石开采。10、鹿岛Deer,是在美国阿拉斯加,亚历山大群岛的一个岛屿,兰格尔镇东南部,位于56°02′30″N 132°01′06″W,岛长13.6公里(8.5英里),无人居住。 11、道格拉斯岛Douglas,是在阿拉斯加州的亚历山大群岛,位于58°16′0″N 134°28′0″W,阿德米拉勒岛以东,属朱诺市。土地面积199.243平方公里(76.928平方英里)。人口5297人(2000年)。有20世纪初开采黄金的矿山。岛上有沙滩,矿山,图书馆,加斯蒂诺小学,剧场,煤气站,几个酒吧和餐厅,滑雪场和一个直升机停机坪。有建于1935年朱诺 - 道格拉斯大桥,20世纪80年代重建。 二、格拉维纳群岛Gravina Islands,是在美国阿拉斯加东南部的太平洋海域,属亚历山大群岛,位于55°10′N 131°35′W,行政方面由阿拉斯加州管辖,主要岛屿有格拉维纳岛和安妮特岛。1、格拉维纳岛Gravina,是在是太平洋亚历山大群岛,格拉维纳群岛的岛屿,凯奇坎自治市西面,位于55°18′14″N 131°47′11″W,长34公里(21英里),宽约15.3公里(9.5英里),土地面积245.6平方公里(94.81平方英里)。人口50人(2000年)。野生动物和植被种类繁多。2005年8月计划兴建长223米的格拉维纳岛大桥,连接阿拉斯加大陆,由于拨款费用无法落实,阿拉斯加州政府最终选择了不筑桥,岛上有凯奇坎国际机场。 2、勒维拉格吉多岛Revillagigedo,是在亚历山大群岛,位于55°35′N 131°22′W,南北长约89公里(50英里),东西宽48公里(35英里),面积2,754.835平方公里(1,063.65平方英里),是美国第12大岛屿,人口13,950(2000年)。.岛上的城市是凯奇坎和萨克斯曼。主要经济是渔业,罐头,伐木和 旅游 业。 3、安妮特岛Annette,是在是太平洋亚历山大群岛,格拉维纳群岛的岛屿,位于55°08′06″N 131°27′21″W?,长约18公里(12英里),宽约18公里(12英里),土地面积332.573平方公里(128.407平方英里)。人口1447(2000年)。 4、杜克岛Duke,是在是太平洋亚历山大群岛,格拉维纳群岛的岛屿,位于54°55′51″N 131°20′44″W?,加拿大边界的北部,长19公里(12英里),宽13公里(8英里)。杜克岛地质复杂,有岩浆硫化物铜镍铂族元素矿床。 5、埃托林岛Etolin,是在阿拉斯加东南部亚历山大群岛,在北纬56°08′,西经132°24′,岛长48公里(30英里),宽16-35公里(10-22英里),土地面积878.08平方公里(339.03 平方英里),是美国第24大岛屿,人口15人(2000年)。该岛引进麋鹿,整个岛屿位于通加斯国家森林的边界,该岛南部的部分已被正式指定为南埃托林荒野保护区。 6、赫西塔岛Heceta,是在亚历山大群岛的岛屿,位于55°46′00″N 133°30′00″W,科西阿斯科岛南部,南面是毛雷列群岛,而再往南是诺伊斯岛,露露岛和圣费尔南多岛,面积181平方公里(69.88平方英里)。 7、加波斯克岛Japonski,是在斯特卡市,是亚历山大群岛的一个小岛屿,位于57°03′08″N 135°21′36″,面积1.467平方公里,该岛有连接到巴拉诺夫岛和斯特卡的奥康奈尔桥,岛上有西加洛基古铁雷斯机场,阿拉斯加东南大学斯特卡分校,埃奇克姆中学,国营阿拉斯加农村寄宿学校,卫生服务的地区医院(阿拉斯加东南部区域医疗中心)。建有美国海岸警卫队空气站,港口。除了海岸警卫队的住房,很少有人在岛上生活。人口269人(2000年)。 8、科西阿斯科岛Kosciusko,是在亚历山大群岛的岛屿,位于56°02′00″N 133°31′00″W,威尔士王子岛西北角附近,隔着埃尔卡皮坦通道,长40公里、宽19公里,土地面积444.403平方公里(171.585 平方英里),是美国第38大岛屿,人口52人(2000年)。主要居住在埃德纳贝。 9、卡丁岛Kadin,是在阿拉斯加东亚历山大群岛,兰格尔岛西北,位于56°31′44″N 132°27′27″W,长3.5公里(2英里),最高点海拔431米(1,414英尺)。行政上属兰格尔市。 10、克鲁佐夫岛Kruzof,是在亚历山大群岛的岛屿,位于57°10′14″N 135°40′29″W,岛屿长37公里(23英里),宽13公里(8英里),土地面积433.75平方公里(167.47平方英里),最高点海拔975米,是该国第41大岛屿。该岛是由休眠火山、几个圆筒山和部分倒塌锥形山构成的火山。无人居住。 11、库尤岛Kuiu,是在亚历山大群岛的岛屿,位于56°32′26″N 134°03′04″W,岛长105公里(65英里),宽10-23公里(6-23英里)。土地面积1,936.16平方公里(747.556平方英里),是美国第十五大岛屿,。整个岛是通加斯国家森林的一部分。人口10人(2000年)。一座灯塔位于岛上。 12、库普列亚诺夫岛Kupreanof,是在亚历山大群岛的岛屿,位于56°47′34″N 133°29′49″W?,长84公里(52英里),宽32公里(20英里),土地总面积2,802.84平方公里(1,082.18平方英里),是美国第十三大岛屿,最高点海拔257米,人口785人(2000年)。 13、长岛Long,是在美国阿拉斯加州东南部,亚历山大群岛的一个岛屿,多尔岛东南,威尔士王子岛西南科尔多瓦湾,位于54°52′16″N 132°43′07″W,土地面积为116.136平方公里(44.84平方英里),无人居住。 14、米特科夫岛Mitkof,又译梅特库夫岛,是在阿拉斯加东南部,亚历山大群岛的岛屿,位于56°35′54″N 132°48′33″W,库普列阿诺夫岛的西部。长28公里(18英里),宽16公里(10英里),土地面积539.7平方公里(208.38平方英里)。是美国第30大岛屿,最高点水晶山,海拔1,011米(3317英尺)。彼得堡市位于岛的北端。人口3,364(2000年),几乎全部住在彼得堡市。 15、勒梅热勒岛Lemesurier,是在奇恰戈夫岛西北,位于58°17′00″N 136°05′00″W,土地面积27.534平方公里(10.631平方英里),人口1人(2000年)。连同愉快岛和尼安岛,是国家荒野保护区。 16、长岛Long,是在亚历山大群岛的岛屿。位于54°51′00″N 132°43′00″W,威尔士王子岛南部。土地面积116.136平方公里(44.84平方英里),无人居住。 17、帕拉特福斯克夫岛Partofshikof,是在亚历山大群岛的岛屿,巴拉诺夫岛西北部,克鲁佐夫岛北部,位于57°16′15″N 135°37′30″W,土地面积34.177平方公里(13.195平方英里),没有常住人口。 18、普莱桑特岛Pleasant,是在亚历山大群岛,奇恰戈夫岛北部与阿拉斯加大陆通加斯国家森林之间,位于58°21′20″N 135°38′53″W,土地面积49.192平方公里(18.993平方英里),无人居住。普莱曾岛(Pleasant)、勒梅热勒岛(Lemesurier)、尼安岛(Inian)3个大岛和几个相邻的小岛屿,土地总面积93.69平方公里。有乘船,独木舟或水上飞机。普莱曾岛相当平坦,有古老的森林及小湖泊。有小船或皮艇供海滩露营使用。这些岛屿有棕熊,黑尾鹿,貂,水貂,水獭,红松鼠,松鸡和松鸡。在20世纪20年代曾是狐狸养殖场,现有商业渔船港。 19、威尔士亲王岛(威廉王子岛)Prince of Wales,是在阿拉斯加的亚历山大群岛,位于55°37′55″N 132°54′27″W,该岛长215公里(135英里),宽72公里(45英里)。面积6,675平方公里(2577平方英里),是美国第四大岛屿,大约有6000人住在岛上。有峡湾,陡峭的山脉,茂密的森林。最高点铜山海拔3,760英尺(1,146 米)。1592年西班牙人胡安·德富卡到了乔治亚海峡的北部,1741年,俄国人圣维特·白令指挥阿列克·谢奇里科夫第二次航行进行勘探登陆威尔斯王子岛。拉彼鲁兹伯爵率领的法国探险队在1786年到达该地区。1778年英国詹姆斯·库克船长到此地准确地绘制了阿拉斯加海岸,包括威尔斯亲王岛。1800年代末期在岛上开采黄金,铜和其他金属的。后开采镁铁,铂矿。在二十世纪50年代和70年代在博坎山开采铀矿。现以 旅游 业,捕鱼业为主要经济。 20、格伦达尔岛Grindall,是在阿拉斯加的亚历山大群岛,威尔士亲王岛附近克拉伦斯海峡,凯奇坎西部29公里(18英里),位于55°26′38″N 132°07′44″W,长2.4公里(1.5英里),宽2公里(1英里),面积3.9平方公里(1.5平方英里),岛上有两个湖泊,中心是沼泽地,无人居住。 21、休梅兹岛Suemez,是在亚历山大群岛的岛屿,威尔士王子岛西部海岸,多尔岛西北,位于55°15′0″N, 133°18′0″W,土地面积151.713平方公里(58.5768平方英里),最高点火山海拔50米(164英尺),无人居住。 苏克克旺岛Sukkwan,是在亚历山大群岛的岛屿,威尔士王子岛西南的科尔多瓦湾,多尔岛东部,长岛北部,位于55°06′00″N 132°47′00″W,最近的城市海达堡,与威尔士王子岛北隔着苏克克旺海峡,土地面积166.9平方公里(64.44平方英里),人口9人(2000年)。 沃伦岛Warren,是在亚历山大群岛的岛屿,位于55°53′34″N 133°53′34″W,西部是加冕岛,北方是库尤岛,土地面积47.191平方公里(18.22平方英里),没有常住人口。 沃罗库夫斯克岛Woronkofski是在亚历山大群岛的岛屿,位于56°23′49″N 132°28′52″W,南面是埃托林岛,土地面积59.382平方公里(22.9275平方英里),无人居住。 兰格尔岛Wrangell,是在亚历山大群岛,位于56°17′51″N 132°10′30″W,长48公里(30英里),宽8-23公里(3-14英里),土地面积544.03 平方公里的(210.05 平方英里),是美国第29大岛屿,兰格尔岛森林茂密,有大量的野生动植物。人口2401人(2000年)。 扎伦博岛Zarembo,是在阿拉斯加东南部亚历山大群岛的岛屿,位于56°21′21″N 132°50′09″W,埃托林岛西北,库普列阿诺夫岛东南,威尔士王子岛东北,土地面积474.34 平方公里(183.14 平方英里),是美国第34大岛,没有常住人口。
2023-01-04 03:28:181

Admiralty Notices to Mariners

2023-01-04 03:28:252


2023-01-04 03:28:346


就是在香港岛那边的金钟,太古广场,119号店。(太古广场有两座,I 和 II。但不知道在商场里头是否不分哪座,应该直接可以找得到)希望帮到你。
2023-01-04 03:28:561


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2023-01-04 03:29:012


香港 金钟区 皇后大道 太古广场2期 1512房
2023-01-04 03:29:135

customer services centre british council 3 superme court road,admiralty在哪

2023-01-04 03:29:311


2023-01-04 03:29:362


1915年5月7日(星期五),由纽约 (New York) 驶往利物浦 (Liverpool),冠达海运公司 (Cunard) 引以为豪的路西塔尼亚号(被昵称为海上灰狗)于爱尔兰南部的老金塞尔角 (Old Head of Kinsale) 附近被一枚德国鱼雷击沉。1914年8月战争爆发时,路西塔尼亚号被移交给英国海军 (Admiralty),并被送往利物浦的加拿大码头 (Canada Dock),在那里配备上12门6英寸口径的炮。她是作为武装的后备巡洋舰注册为英国海军舰队成员的,而她所装备的武器重量超过了在英吉利海峡 (English Channel) 巡逻的皇家海军 (Royal Navy) 舰队。作为首任英国海军大臣,温斯顿.邱吉尔 (Winston Churchill) 曾参观利物浦并视察了路西塔尼亚号。他发表了一番将令他终身难忘的言论:“对我来说她只不过是又一个45,000吨重的活鱼饵而已。”1915年5月7日(星期五)下午两点十分过后,负重30,396吨的路西塔尼亚号毫无预警地被一枚鱼雷击中。她只用了20分钟左右就沉没了,1,201个男人、妇女和小孩失去了生命。在死亡的人数中,有128人是美国公民。发射鱼雷的德国潜艇 U20 绕着下沉的船只转了几圈,然后就逃离了现场,于5月13日回到了其位于威廉港 (Wilhelmshaven) 的基地。沉船遗址首次被发现是在1935年。1982年路西塔尼亚号的一个四叶螺旋桨被打捞了上来,现在正在利物浦阿尔伯特港 (Albert Dock) 的默西赛德海洋博物馆 (Merseyside Maritime Museum) 的码头区展出。
2023-01-04 03:29:451


如果你需要注册商标或者购买商标这类商标的话建议你可以去金典商标网上看看 参考一下哦.....
2023-01-04 03:29:532


Google Churchill, Hawkins, Lincoln
2023-01-04 03:30:013

admiralty sailing directions什么意思

admiralty sailing directions 海军部航行指南Admiralty 英[ˈædmərəlti]n. 海军部(英国);sailing 英[ˈseɪlɪŋ]美[ˈselɪŋ]n. 帆船运动; 航行(乘帆船的); 航班(轮船的);v. 驾驶( sail的现在分词); 起航; 坐船旅行; 掠;adj. 航行的;
2023-01-04 03:30:561


2023-01-04 03:31:033


2023-01-04 03:31:193


1 夏威夷岛 Hawaii 10433平方公里 夏威夷2 科迪亚克岛 Kodiak 9293平方公里 阿拉斯加3 波多黎各岛 Puerto Rico 9104平方公里 中美洲波多黎各4 威尔士王子岛 Prince of Wales 6675 阿拉斯加5 奇恰戈夫岛 Chichagof 5388 阿拉斯加6 圣劳伦斯岛 St.Lowrance 5135 阿拉斯加7 阿德默勒尔蒂岛 ADMIRALTY 4264 阿拉斯加8 努尼瓦克岛 NUNIVAK 4209 阿拉斯加9 乌尼马克岛 UNIMAK 4119 阿拉斯加10 巴拉诺夫岛 BARANOF 4065 阿拉斯加 11 长岛 LONG 3629 纽约
2023-01-04 03:31:351


英国前首相-丘吉尔 Winston Churchill – Biography The Right Honourable Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (1874-1965), the son of Lord Randolph Churchill and an American mother, was educated at Harrow and Sandhurst. After a brief but eventful career in the army, he became a Conservative Member of Parliament in 1900. He held many high posts in Liberal and Conservative governments during the first three decades of the century. At the outbreak of the Second World War, he was appointed First Lord of the Admiralty - a post which he had earlier held from 1911 to 1915. In May, 1940, he became Prime Minister and Minister of Defence and remained in office until 1945. He took over the premiership again in the Conservative victory of 1951 and resigned in 1955. However, he remained a Member of Parliament until the general election of 1964, when he did not seek re-election. Queen Elizabeth II conferred on Churchill the dignity of Knighthood and invested him with the insignia of the Order of the Garter in 1953. Among the other countless honours and decorations he received, special mention should be made of the honorary citizenship of the United States which President Kennedy conferred on him in 1963. Churchill"s literary career began with campaign reports: The Story of the Malakand Field Force (1898) and The River War (1899), an account of the campaign in the Sudan and the Battle of Omdurman. In 1900, he published his only novel, Savrola, and, six years later, his first major work, the biography of his father, Lord Randolph Churchill. His other famous biography, the life of his great ancestor, the Duke of Marlborough, was published in four volumes between 1933 and 1938. Churchill"s history of the First World War appeared in four volumes under the title of The World Crisis (1923-29); his memoirs of the Second World War ran to six volumes (1948-1953/54). After his retirement from office, Churchill wrote a History of the English-speaking Peoples (4 vols., 1956-58). His magnificent oratory survives in a dozen volumes of speeches, among them The Unrelenting Struggle (1942), The Dawn of Liberation (1945), and Victory (1946). Churchill, a gifted amateur painter, wrote Painting as a Pastime (1948). An autobiographical account of his youth, My Early Life, appeared in 1930. From Nobel Lectures, Literature 1901-1967, Editor Horst Frenz, Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1969 This autobiography/biography was written at the time of the award and later published in the book series Les Prix Nobel/Nobel Lectures. The information is sometimes updated with an addendum submitted by the Laureate. To cite this document, always state the source as shown above. Winston Churchill died on January 24, 1965.
2023-01-04 03:31:401

Lane Crawford香港地址

Lane Crawford is a famous department store chain in Hong Kong specializing in luxury goods.HONG KONGLANE CRAWFORD IFC MALLPodium 3, ifc mall, 8 Finance Street, Centraltel: +852 2118 3388LANE CRAWFORD PACIFIC PLACELevel One, Pacific Place88 Queensway, Admiraltytel: +852 2118 3668LANE CRAWFORD PACIFIC PLACE HOME STOREShop 126, Pacific Place88 Queensway, Admiraltytel: +852 2118 3668LANE CRAWFORD CANTON ROAD3 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsuitel: +852 2118 3428LANE CRAWFORD TIMES SQUARE1 Matheson Street, Causeway Baytel: +852 2118 3638 DININGCAFÉ COSTALane Crawford ifc mallPodium 3, ifc mall, 8 Finance Street, CentralTel: +852 2118 7600SHIROShop 117A Pacific Place88 Queensway Admiralty Hong KongTel: +852 2155 8066
2023-01-04 03:31:463


Australia, officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country in the Southern Hemisphere comprising the mainland of the world"s smallest continent and a number of islands in the Southern, Indian, and Pacific Oceans. Neighbouring countries include Indonesia, East Timor and Papua New Guinea to the north, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and the French dependency of New Caledonia to the northeast, and New Zealand to the southeast.The mainland of Australia has been inhabited for more than 42,000 years by Indigenous Australians. After sporadic visits by fishermen from the north and by European explorers and merchants starting in the seventeenth century, the eastern half of the mainland was claimed by the British in 1770 and officially settled through penal transportation as the colony of New South Wales on 26 January 1788. As the population grew and new areas were explored, another five largely self-governing Crown Colonies were successively established over the course of the 19th century.On 1 January 1901, the six colonies became a Federation, and the Commonwealth of Australia was formed. Since federation, Australia has maintained a stable liberal democratic political system and remains a Commonwealth Realm. The capital city is Canberra, located in the Australian Capital Territory. The current national population is around 20.6 million people, and is concentrated mainly in the large coastal cities of Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, and Adelaide.EtymologyView of Port Jackson, the site where Sydney was established, taken from the South Head. (From A Voyage to Terra Australis.)The name "Australia" is derived from the Latin Australis, meaning of the South. Legends of an "unknown land of the south" (terra australis incognita) dating back to Roman times were commonplace in mediæval geography, but they were not based on any actual knowledge of the continent. The Dutch adjectival form Australische was used by Dutch officials in Batavia to refer to the newly discovered land to the south as early as 1638. The first use of the word "Australia" in the English language was a 1693 translation of Les Aventures de Jacques Sadeur dans la Découverte et le Voyage de la Terre Australe, a 1692 French novel by Gabriel de Foigny under the pen name Jacques Sadeur.[1] Alexander Dalrymple then used it in An Historical Collection of Voyages and Discoveries in the South Pacific Ocean (1771), to refer to the entire South Pacific region. In 1793, George Shaw and Sir James Smith published Zoology and Botany of New Holland, in which they wrote of "the vast island, or rather continent, of Australia, Australasia or New Holland."The name "Australia" was popularised by the 1814 work A Voyage to Terra Australis by the navigator Matthew Flinders, who was the first recorded person to circumnavigate Australia. Despite its title, which reflected the view of the British Admiralty, Flinders used the word "Australia" in the book, which was widely read and gave the term general currency. Governor Lachlan Macquarie of New South Wales subsequently used the word in his dispatches to England. In 1817, he recommended that it be officially adopted. In 1824, the Admiralty agreed that the continent should be known officially as Australia.The word "Australia" in Australian English is pronounced as /ə.ˈstɹæɪ.ljə/, /ə.ˈstɹæɪ.liː.ə/ or /ə.ˈstɹæɪ.jə/.HistoryMain article: History of AustraliaThe first human habitation of Australia is estimated to have occurred between 42,000 and 48,000 years ago.[2] The first Australians were the ancestors of the current Indigenous Australians; they arrived via land bridges and short sea-crossings from present-day Southeast Asia. Most of these people were hunter-gatherers, with a complex oral culture and spiritual values based on reverence for the land and a belief in the Dreamtime. The Torres Strait Islanders, ethnically Melanesian, inhabited the Torres Strait Islands and parts of far-north Queensland; their cultural practices are distinct from those of the Aborigines.Lieutenant James Cook charted the East coast of Australia on HM Bark Endeavour, claiming the land for Britain in 1770. This replica was built in Fremantle in 1988; photographed in Cooktown harbour where Cook spent seven weeks.The first undisputed recorded European sighting of the Australian mainland was made by the Dutch navigator Willem Janszoon, who sighted the coast of Cape York Peninsula in 1606. During the 17th century, the Dutch charted the whole of the western and northern coastlines of what they called New Holland, but made no attempt at settlement. In 1770, James Cook sailed along and mapped the east coast of Australia, which he named New South Wales and claimed for Britain. The expedition"s discoveries provided impetus for the establishment of a penal colony there.The British Crown Colony of New South Wales started with the establishment of a settlement at Port Jackson by Captain Arthur Phillip on 26 January 1788. This date was later to become Australia"s national day, Australia Day. Van Diemen"s Land, now known as Tasmania, was settled in 1803 and became a separate colony in 1825. The United Kingdom formally claimed the western part of Australia in 1829. Separate colonies were created from parts of New South Wales: South Australia in 1836, Victoria in 1851, and Queensland in 1859. The Northern Territory (NT) was founded in 1863 as part of the Province of South Australia. South Australia was founded as a "free province" — that is, it was never a penal colony. Victoria and Western Australia were also founded "free", but later accepted transported convicts [citation needed]. The transportation of convicts to Australia was phased out between 1840 and 1864.Port Arthur, Tasmania was Australia"s largest penal colony.The Indigenous Australian population, estimated at about 350,000 at the time of European settlement,[3] declined steeply for 150 years following settlement, mainly because of infectious disease combined with forced re-settlement and cultural disintegration. The removal of children, that some historians and Indigenous Australians have argued could be considered to constitute genocide by some definitions,[4] may have made a contribution to the decline in the indigenous population. Such interpretations of Aboriginal history are disputed by some as being exaggerated or fabricated for political or ideological reasons.[5] This debate is known within Australia as the History Wars.Following the 1967 referendum, the Federal government gained the power to implement policies and make laws with respect to Aborigines. Traditional ownership of land — native title — was not recognised until 1992, when the High Court case Mabo v Queensland (No 2) overturned the notion of Australia as terra nullius at the time of European occupation.The Last Post is played at an ANZAC Day ceremony in Port Melbourne, Victoria, 25 April 2005. Ceremonies such as this are held in virtually every suburb and town in Australia.A gold rush began in Australia in the early 1850s, and the Eureka Stockade rebellion against mining licence fees in 1854 was an early expression of civil disobedience. Between 1855 and 1890, the six colonies individually gained responsible government, managing most of their own affairs while remaining part of the British Empire. The Colonial Office in London retained control of some matters, notably foreign affairs, defence and international shipping. On 1 January 1901, federation of the colonies was achieved after a decade of planning, consultation and voting, and the Commonwealth of Australia was born, as a Dominion of the British Empire. The Australian Capital Territory (ACT) was formed from New South Wales in 1911 to provide a location for the proposed new federal capital of Canberra (Melbourne was the capital from 1901 to 1927). The Northern Territory was transferred from the control of the South Australian government to the Commonwealth in 1911. Australia willingly participated in World War I;[6] many Australians regard the defeat of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZACs) at Gallipoli as the birth of the nation — its first major military action. Much like Gallipoli, the Kokoda Track Campaign is regarded by many as a nation-defining battle from World War II.The Statute of Westminster 1931 formally ended most of the constitutional links between Australia and the United Kingdom when Australia adopted it in 1942. The shock of the United Kingdom"s defeat in Asia in 1942 and the threat of Japanese invasion caused Australia to turn to the United States as a new ally and protector. Since 1951, Australia has been a formal military ally of the US under the auspices of the ANZUS treaty. After World War II, Australia encouraged mass immigration from Europe; since the 1970s and the abolition of the White Australia policy, immigration from Asia and other parts of the world was also encouraged. As a result, Australia"s demography, culture and image of itself were radically transformed. Final constitutional ties between Australia and the United Kingdom were severed in 1986 with the passing of the Australia Act 1986, ending any British role in the Australian States, and ending judicial appeals to the UK Privy Council[7] Australian voters rejected a move to become a republic in 1999 by a 55% majority.[8] Since the election of the Whitlam Government in 1972, there has been an increasing focus on the nation"s future as a part of the Asia-Pacific region.
2023-01-04 03:31:571

特拉法加广场(Trafalgar Square)的英文简介

Trafalgar Square was designed to commemorate the Battle of Trafalgar won by the British under the leadership of Admiral Lord Nelson whose statue stands above the square on Nelsons Columm. Nelson is facing the Admiralty across the road by Admiralty Arch, with his back, unfortunately most on the square. But much more can be seen. St. Martin"s in the Field, a church famous for its lunchtime concerts, the National Portrait Gallery (better known abbrieviated to the National Gallery). To the side of one of the fountains you look down Horse Guards Parade and can just see Big Ben rising above the Palace of Westminster - the Houses of Parliament. Also leading off Trafalgar Square is the Mall leading to the Roayla residence, Buckingham Palace. In this scene are a couple of pavement artists chalking in flags of nations. They take requests, and it"s appreciated if a pound or two is left for their trouble.
2023-01-04 03:32:021

英语表明恋爱关系可以怎么说比如 make re

nication with the English admiralty! he clinks En so much my superior in age, wisdom and ex
2023-01-04 03:32:072


American article third paragraph second
2023-01-04 03:32:153


1鱼尾狮 Merlion2牛车水 Chinatown Geylang就是芽笼,Kallang叫加冷也在Geylang 其他的 裕廊坊 Jurong Point 滨海湾 Marina Bay 兀兰 Woodlands 金文泰 Clementi 红山 Red Hill 壁山 Bishan 莱佛士 Raffles 樟宜 Changi 湖畔 Lakeside 裕廊东 Jurong east 蔡厝港 Chua Chu Kang 文礼 Boon Lay 杜弗 Dover 波那维斯塔 Buona Vista 女皇镇 Queenstown 欧南园 Outram Park 牛车水 Chinatown 市政厅 City Hall 乌节路 Orchard 三巴旺 Sembawang 小印度 Little India 巴西立 Paris Ris 淡滨尼 Tampines 四美 Simei 丹那美拉 Tanah Merah 勿洛 Betok 景万岸 Kembangan 友诺士 Eunos 巴耶利嗒 Paya Lebar 阿裕尼 Aljunied 加冷 Kallang 劳明达 Lavender 武吉士 Bugis 政府大厦 City Hall 丹戎巴葛 Tanjong Pagar 中嗒鲁 Tiong Bahru 联邦 Commonwealth 博览中心 Expo 裕华园 Chinese Garden 武吉巴督 Bukit Batok 武吉甘柏 Bukit Gombak 油池 Yew Tee 克兰芝 kranji 马西岭 Marsiling 海军部 Admiralty 义顺 Yishun 卡迪 Khatib 杨厝港 Yio Chu Kang 宏茂桥 Ang Mo Kio 布莱徳 Braddell 大巴窑 Toa Payoh 诺维娜 Novena 纽顿 Newton 索美塞 Somerset 多美歌 Dhoby Ghaut 港湾 Harbour Front 克拉码头 Clarke Quay 花拉公园 Farrer Park 文庆 Boon Keng 波东巴西 Potong Pasir 实龙岗 Serrangoon 后港 Hougang 盛港 Sengkang 榜鹅 Punggo
2023-01-04 03:32:293


争斗由一可怕的slorm跟随。 所以,它直到10月26日的wasn"t恶习。 的Collingwood海军上将宣布能送他的报告到英国胜利和Nelson"s死亡。 He为小船的任务一选择了在他的flect的。 腌汁,带领由Lapenotiere上尉。 竟管stong风和风大浪急的海面。 腌汁做了停留超过1, 000英里刚好超过八天,到达在Falmouth在11月4.的早晨。 那里From。 lapenotiere上尉乘了一辆快速的驿马车到伦敦,旅行contimously 37个小时。 11天,在他留下Colingwood之后,在星期三他到达了海军部在Whitehall在上午1点, 11月6-less比。 offieials的Mest上床了在之前,但是seeretary仍然在工作在著名证券交易经纪人行情室。 Lapenotiete赶紧了并且移交了报告丝毫简单的词; “Sir,我们获取了伟大胜利。 但是我们失去了Nelson.”阁下 报告的Copies迅速被做了并且被送了到总理和国王Ceorge 111。 报纸的一个特刊冲出了并且在国家发表了。 公开幸福The大气胜利由普遍哀痛FOT减弱纳尔逊的deats。 如同一位诗人后写道; Trafalgat “The胜利庆祝了的确,与的rejoicing,小屋的通常形式没有joy.”,他们是
2023-01-04 03:32:391

2023-01-04 03:32:444


In the summer of 1940, Britain stood alone on the brink of invasion. At that crucial time, one man, Winston Churchill, defined what it meant to be British. We like to think of ourselves as tolerant and long-suffering people. But Churchill, through his leadership and his example, reminded us that if all we hold dear – our democracy, our freedom – is threatened, we will show courage and determination like no other nation: “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. You ask what is our policy? I can say it is to wage war by sea, land and air, with all our might and with all our strength that God can give us; to wage war against a monstrous tyranny, never surpassed in the dark, lamentable catalogue of human crime. You ask what is our aim? I can answer in one word: It is victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be.”3 This was the moment when Britain had to be at its greatest. And in Churchill we found the greatest of Britons.Winston Churchill was born in 1874 into one of Britain"s grandest families. The Churchills had been fighting for king and country for generations. Young Winston always believed he"d do the same. But self-belief was something he maintained despite rather than because of his family. His father Lord Randolph Churchill (1849–1895), and his mother, Jennie (1854–1921), were both cold and distant people. Winston was packed off to Harrow. He wasn"t good-looking or clever; he was sickly, with a lisp and a stammer. He was bound to be bullied – and he was. Far from giving support, Winston"s father predicted his child would “degenerate into a shabby, unhappy and futile existence”.He left school and, after three attempts, got into the military academy at Sandhurst. After Sandhurst he went looking for military action – wherever it was. He paid for himself by doubling up as a war correspondent. He used his dispatches to promote himself as a hero of the Boer War, and returned to England in 1900 renowned and all set to become an MP.He was elected as Tory MP for Oldham in the same year. Then he swapped to the Liberals, then back. He was never really a Party animal. He cared about Britain. His vision was of a place with better living standards for ordinary people, but with a fierce regard for law and order. Though he wasn"t a vicious man, Churchill"s attitude to suffragettes, trade unionists or anyone who challenged the system was brutal. His weapon of first resort was the army.But then he"d always wanted to be a general. This ambition dated back to the days when he spent his school holidays playing with toy soldiers in the corridors of Blenheim Palace, below the tapestries of his heroic ancestors. He must have been delighted when, in 1911, he was made First Lord of the Admiralty – and even more so when the First World War offered him the opportunity to plan a major military offensive at Gallipoli, in 1915. Gallipoli was a disaster, costing Winston his job and nearly his sanity. This was the onset of his first major bout of depression, a curse he called his “black dog”. Thankfully he now had a wife, Clementine, to help him through it. She was 11 years younger than him, beautiful, clever and unswervingly loyal. She kept him together, but he got himself out of it, in true Churchillian fashion. To make amends for his mistake, he took himself off to the trenches of France to fight. He must be one of the few soldiers to have written home from the First World War that he had “found happiness and content such as I have not known for months”. He was a man made for war. By the time Churchill returned to England, he"d already achieved many great things. He"d been a successful journalist, he"d fought for his country and he"d held high office, as he was to do again in the 1920s as Chancellor of the Exchequer. But by 1930, Labour was in power and he was on the backbenches, a nobody and a has-been. He largely sat out the 1930s at his country retreat Chartwell.In September 1938, Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain (1869–1940) famously brandished an agreement he"d signed with Adolf Hitler (1889–1945) and declared he"d secured peace in our time. You could almost hear the sighs of relief. But not from Winston. He"d predicted – long before anyone else – what German nationalism was leading to. By the time he was proved right, and war had been declared, King George VI (1895–1952) knew that “there was only one person I could send for to form a Government who had the confidence of the country. And that was Winston”. When the call came, Churchill was 65 years old. It had been a long wait, but destiny had arrived.People talk of 1066, of the Armada, of Trafalgar. But 1940 was the most important year in British history. It was the year of Dunkirk, the Battle of Britain, the Blitz. It was the year when every single Briton, civilian as well as soldier, found themselves at war. The cause appeared hopeless, yet Winston, reviving the V sign for victory from the fields of Agincourt 500 years before, told us we could win.Churchill was an instinctive, daring, often infuriating war leader. He was rude and unpleasant to his staff, who struggled to keep up with his limitless capacity for hard work and hard liquor. But he was also an inspiration. When victory was finally declared in Europe on 8 May 1945, it was quickly followed by a general election.The billboards said “Cheer Churchill, Vote Labour”, and that"s what people did. That was the irony. The very democracy that Churchill was prepared to lay down his life to defend was the same democracy that knew the difference between the needs of peace and the needs of war.When Churchill died in 1965, the new rock-and-roll Britain stood still. If Britain – its eccentricity, its strength of character, its big-heartedness – had to be summed up in one person, it was him. He had gone, but, thanks to him, Britain lived on. And what could be greater than that?
2023-01-04 03:32:582

AB summa cum laude 什么意思

2023-01-04 03:33:063


2023-01-04 03:33:173


呵呵, 我也是NICI迷.至少有2个地方.1: 是尖东 火车站内的商铺 (专门店)2: 铜锣湾时代广场内. (专门店)
2023-01-04 03:33:272


以下词汇供参考:accountability=负有责任adiabatic process=绝热过程adiabatic wall=绝热壁aerodynamics=空气动力学aeronautical=航空学的be wary of=提防、唯恐bond=保证书,担保boundary layer=边界层buoyancy=浮力budget=预算bill of quantities=工程量表civil engineer=土木工程师closed system=闭口系统compressibility=压缩性complementary=补充的、互补的commitment=承担义务、许诺cope with=对付,妥善处理conver=兑换counter-offer=还价comply with=照做,遵守conditions of contract=合同条件cyclically=周期地cyclic process=循环过程depend on=依...而定diathermal wall=透热壁dissipative=损耗效应drawings=图纸elastic body=弹性体eletromagnetic wave=电磁波enthalpy=焓entropy creation in universe=孤立系统的熵增extensive properties=量性参数,广延量参数externally reversible=外部可逆enter into=缔结far-flung=广泛的free of charge=免费gradient=梯度hydraulics=水力学hydrodynamics=流体动力学hydrology=水文学hydrostatics=流体静力学impermeable=不可渗透的increasing function=递增函数intensive properties=度性参数,强度参数internally reversible=内部可逆initial=草签inviscid=无粘性的instruction to tenders=投标者须知isobaric process=等压过程isolated=孤立的joint venture=联营体legion=大批的,大量的letter of intent 意向书marcroscopic=宏观的mechanical equilibrium=机械平衡,力平衡open system=开口系统obligation=义务,责任photons=光子postulate=假定prevail over=胜过优于prequalification=资格预审quasi-static process=准静态过程reversible process=可逆过程rigid wall=刚性壁shut off=停止、切断specialize=列举,专门研究stipulation=规定、条款surroundings=外界specification=规范thermodynamic equilibrium=热力平衡thermal equilibrium=热平衡tendering procedure=招标程序the tender=投标书thermal radiation=热辐射viscous=粘性的workmanship=工艺,工作质量air heater=空气预热器air preheater coil=暖风器air tight=气密性alignment=定位aluminum-silicates=硅酸铝anchor=支座,固定anhydrous ammonia=无水氨snthracite=无烟煤ash fusion temperature=灰熔融温度atomized=雾化attemperater=减温器、调温器austenitic=奥氏体钢auxiliary=辅助的,辅机availability=可用性、可用率axis=轴bagasse=甘蔗渣bare tube=光管bark=树皮beam=梁,横梁biomass material=生物质bituminous=烟煤blade=叶片blast furnace=高炉blowdown=排污boiler=锅炉bottom water seal=炉底水封Btu/h=英热单位/小时bulk=大块的burner=燃烧器burner zone=燃烧器区域butane=丁烷capacity=出力,功率carbon steel=碳钢cerium=铈chlorine=氯chromium=铬circulation method=循环方式coal gasifier=煤气化器(炉)cogenerator=热电联产机组combustion=燃烧commissioning=试运行、试车compressor=压缩机condenser=凝汽器containment=安全壳,反应堆convection=对流convection pass=对流烟道coolant=冷却剂,载热体coordinator=坐标、定位corten=低合金耐腐蚀钢counterflow=逆流creep strength=蠕变强度criterion=标准critical pressure=临界压力crossflow=交叉流,横向冲刷crude oil=原油culm=煤屑cycle efficiency=循环效率cyclone furnace=旋风炉debris=有机残余物,残骸decane=葵烷decay=分解deposited=沉积,沉淀的deslagging=除渣,清渣deterioration=恶化diesel oil=柴油differential=差别,微分distillate=馏出物distortion=变形,扭曲division wall=分隔墙,双面水冷壁down comer=下降管drainage=疏水,排水设备drum=汽包,锅筒dwell time=保压时间,保留时间economizer=省煤器embrittlement=脆化,脆性equalisation=均衡,平衡erosive=侵蚀的,磨蚀的ethane=乙烷evaluate=评价,评估evaporator=蒸发evaporator tube=蒸发面excess air=过量空气extended surface=扩展受热面fatigue=疲劳feedwater=给水ferrite铁素体fin=鳍片,肋片,散热片firing method=燃烧方式fixed carbon=固定碳flange=法兰,突缘flue gas=烟气fluid bed=流化床forced draft fan=送风机fouling=污垢,灰污furnace=炉膛furnace exit gas temperature=炉膛出口烟温furnace rear wall=炉膛后墙gas cylinder=气压缸hydraulic cylinder=液压缸gas turbine=燃气轮机gauge=表(压)generator=发电机geological=地质的girth=环形govern=控制,调节gravity=重力grinding balls and rollers=球磨与磨辊grinding rings and tablers 磨环与磨盘header=联箱,集箱heat recovery steam generator=余热锅炉heat recovery surface=余热回收受热面helical=螺旋状的helium=氦heterogeneous=不均匀的helically-finnd tube=螺旋肋片管hopper=斗,料斗higher heating value=高位发热量husk=壳,外皮hydraulic=水力的,液压的hydrocarbon=碳氢化合物ignite=点火ignition temperature=着火温度implosion=内爆impurity=杂质independent power producer=独立发电商(IPP)induced draft fan=引风机industrial steam generator(boiler)=工业锅炉inert=惰性inferior=低级的,劣质的ingredients=成分ingress=进入,入口in-line=顺列in-line arrangement=顺列布置inorganic=无机的ion=离子jurisdiction=权限lattice=晶格结构lb/h=磅/小时lbf/in2=英制压力单位,磅/平方英寸leakage air=漏风lean gas=贫气lignite=褐煤liquefaction=液化locally expensive fuels=当地廉价燃料longitudinally-finned tube=鳍片管low alloy=低合金钢low NOx burner=低氮氧化物燃烧器main load fuel=主燃料maintenance staff=维修(检修)人员manifold=联箱,集箱margin=裕量,安全系数matrix=矩阵membrane wall=膜式壁methane=甲烷mill=磨煤机milling plant=制粉间modification=改造mositure=水份molecule=分子molten=熔化,熔铸motor=发电机,电动机municipal solid waste=城市固体废物nitric oxide=氧化氮nonpressure=非承压的nontoxic=无毒的organisms=有机体oxidation=氧化peat=泥煤,泥炭pendants superheat platen=悬吊屏式过热器pentane=戊烷petrochemical=石油化工制品petroleum=石油制品plasma spray coating=等离子喷涂platen=屏,管屏polymer=聚合物pore=气孔,小孔porosity=多孔的potassium=钾Prandtl numbers=普朗特数perfabricated=预制的premium fuel=优质燃料pressure loss=压力损失pressure parts=承压部件pressurizd mill system=正压制粉系统primary air=一次风primary air fan=一次风机projected life=设计寿命propane=丙烷prototype=样机,示范proximate analysis=工业分析psi=英制压力单位,磅/平方英寸pulp=纸浆pulverized coal=煤粉pulverizer rejects=磨煤机排出的石子煤pyrite=黄铁矿pyrites=硫化铁矿radius=半径,范围rank=煤种Ranking cycle=朗肯循环rare earth element=稀土元素recuperator=间壁式换热器regenerator=回热器,蓄热器regulate=控制,调节reheater=再热器reliability=可靠性repercussions=反应reservoirs=储气罐residual fuel oil=残渣油resonant=共振,谐振retrace=缩回,缩近Reynolds numbers=雷诺数rigid=辊子roof tubes=顶棚管scaffolding=脚手架scale=水垢,结垢seal=密封sealing air=密封风sedimentary=沉积,沉淀的serpentine tube=蛇形管,螺旋管shale=页岩silica=二氧化硅silt=淤泥single-phase=单相skin casing=外护板slag=结渣,造渣slurry=煤泥浆,灰浆sodium=钠solvents=溶剂,溶媒sootblower=吹灰器sour gas=含硫气specification=规则,规范stable ignition=稳定着火staggered arrangement=错列布置Stanton numbers=斯坦顿数staurated=饱和的steam condition=蒸汽参数steam generating bank=对流蒸发管束straw=稻草steam line blowing=蒸汽管路吹扫stems=茎,干stress corrosion=应力腐蚀structural formula=结构式stud=双头螺栓subbituminous=次烟煤,贫煤suction=真空,负压suction mill system=负压制粉系统suction pressure=负压sulphur=硫superheater=过热器superheater platen=屏式过热器surfaces=受热面swamp=沼泽sweet gas=无硫气switchgear=配电装置,开关装置temperature-entropy diagram=温度-熵图tempering air system=(制粉系统)调温风系统tenacious=黏的thermal NOx=热力NOx,温度型NOxthermodynamic=热力学的tube bank=管排tube bundles=管束tube butt welds=管接头焊口tube spacing=管节距tubular=管状的turbine=汽轮机ultimate analysis=元素分析unburned carbon=未燃碳unit size=机组容量unitized boiler and turbine=单元制锅炉汽机utility=供电公司utility steam generator=电站锅炉velocity=速度vertical spidle mill=立轴磨煤机,中速磨vessel=容器,器皿viscosity=黏度volatile matter=挥发份volumetric expansion=体膨胀vulnerable=易损的,薄弱的waste heat=余热,废热wear=磨损weld=焊接wet ash pit=(炉膛底部的)湿渣池wingwall=屏式凝渣管yield=屈服yttrium=钇access=通道,入口admiralty brass=海军铜aluminium brass=铝黄铜annex=附属建筑物,附件,附录aspect ratio=相对高度assembly=组件,装配,装配图attachment=连接,附属设备,附件back pressure=背压baffle=挡板,隔板,导流板balance piston=平衡活塞bearing box=轴承箱bellows=膜合,波纹筒blade=叶片,刀片bled=被抽出的蒸汽blower=送风机,增压器,吹灰器bolting=螺栓连接bore=孔,钻眼,通道boundary layer=边界层,附面层brittle fracture=脆性断裂built-up blade=组合式叶片built-up rotor=套装转子carrier ring=持环case=壳,罩,箱,盒,机身casing=套管,外壳,箱,汽缸cast=铸,铸造,铸件cast-in blade=铸造叶片chimney=烟囱,烟道chord=弦,弦长;翼长compressor=压气机,压缩机computer-aided design=计算机辅助设计convergent-divergent type nozzle=缩放式喷嘴cooling tower=冷却水塔couping=连接,联轴节,连接法兰coverband=围带crane=起重机,吊车,虹吸器creep=蠕变,塑性变形critical speed=临界转速cross compound=汽轮机(双轴的)cylinder=圆筒,汽缸debris=有机物残渣,矸石deflrector=导向器detail=零件,零件图diaphragm=隔板,回转隔板diode=二极管dismantling=拆除,拆卸,拆开double-shell casing=双层缸drum typr rotor=鼓形转子ductility=粘性,延展性,韧性dynamic balance=动平衡elastic arch banding=弹性拱形围带electric power=电能,电功率excitation=励磁,扰动,磁动势exhaust=排汽,排出fabrication=装配fastening=连系,固紧,固定,紧固件fatigue cracking=疲劳断裂feed water=给水finger-shaped pinned fixing=叉形叶根fitting=装配,安装fixed blade=固定叶片,导向叶片flange=法兰flange warming steam=法兰加热蒸汽flexible coupling=扰性联轴器flexible rotor=扰性转子flue gas=烟气forging=锻件,模锻,锻造fracture=断裂,裂纹,断裂fracture appearance transition temperature=脆性转变温度full admission=全周进汽gland housing=轴封腔室grid=格栅,电网governor valve=调速阀head=汽包封头,扬程,水头heat transmission=传热hoop=环,套,圈impeller=叶轮,推进器,压缩机impulse=冲量,冲击,冲动,推动impulse tuebine=冲动式汽轮机incidence angle=入射角inlet belt=入口区域inner casing=内缸integral rotor=整锻转子inter-shell=缸间jig=夹具,模具,钻模journal=轴颈,支耳key=键,销lacing wire=拉金large turbine-gennerator unit=大型汽轮发电机组liquid-ring type air pump=水环式真空泵Mach number=马赫数markeup=补给,补充,补足monobloc rotor=整锻转子monolithic=单一的,整体的moving blade=动叶片,工作叶片nest=窝,组,一套non-destructive testing(NDT)=无损检验nozzle=喷嘴,喷管,注口,短管nozzle box=喷嘴室nozzle governing=喷嘴调节numerically-controlled machine=数控机床offset=补偿,抵消,偏移,漂移on-site=现场operational speed=运行速度outer casing=外缸out-of-balance weight=不平衡重量overlap=重叠,互搭,搭接部分pannier condenser=(布置在汽轮机侧面)背蓝式凝汽器partial admission=部分进汽pedestals=支架,轴架,支座penetrations=穿透,渗透penultimate stage=次末级pitch=节距,螺距,坡度,斜度purge=清洗,吹洗,纯化,净化quench=淬火,骤冷rating=额定值,功率,等级reaction=反应,反作用,反馈reaction machine=反动式汽轮机recuperation=间壁换热regenerative=回热的resonance=共振,谐振,共鸣rigid coupling=刚性联轴器rigid totor=刚性转子rim=边缘,轮缘,齿环rivet=铆钉,铆接robust=坚固的,硬的root=根部,叶根rotor=转子rupture=断裂,破裂s。w。g=钢丝线规semiflexible coupling=半扰性联轴器shaft=轴,竖井,烟囱shell=外壳,护套,轴瓦shoudler=肩,突肩,台肩shrink fit=冷缩配合,热套配合shrink-on disc rotor=套装转子shrouding=抱箍,围带覆环skirt=环,套筒,活塞导向部分sleeve=套,套筒,套管,空心轴,轴套slot=槽,隙,缝,沟solid coupling=刚性联轴器stage=级,阶段,程度,周期start-up=启动static balance=静平衡steam bending stress=蒸汽弯曲应力straigght or curved fir-tree root=直或弯的枞树形叶根stress concentration=应力集中strength=强度stub shaft=端轴,短轴symmetrical=对称的tandem=单轴的tapping=出口,抽头temper=回火,硬度tenon=叶片铆钉头thermal=热的,热力的throttle governing=节流调节thrust=推力,轴向推力tip seal=叶顶密封toughness=韧度,韧性,耐久性turbine=汽轮机,涡轮,透平turning vanes=导向器twisted moving blade=扭叶片two-shift operation 两班制运行velocity-compounded stage=复速级velocity triangle=速度三角形ventilation=通风,通风量,通风设备wake=尾流,尾迹welded disc rotor=焊接转子wheel=轮,齿轮,转动
2023-01-04 03:33:351


CityChain Moments IFC Shop 时间廊 Moments 国际金融中心商场分店 Shop No. 1025B, Podium Level One, IFC Mall, 1 Habour View Street, Central 中环港景街1号国际金融中心商场1楼1025B铺 Tel. 2295 0150 CityChain Tak Shing Shop 时间廊 德成大厦分店 Shop Unit 5, G/F, Takshing House, No. 20 Des Voeux Road Central 中环德辅道中20号德成大厦地下店号5 Tel. 2104 7212 Never Second Company Shop 323, Prince"s Bldg, No.3 Des Voeux Road, Central 中环德辅道中3号大子大厦323室 2525 7881 金钟Admiralty Gigasports Pacifice Place Shop Gigasports 太古广场分店 Shop 220, Level 2, Pacific Place, Admiralty 金钟太古广场2楼220号铺 Tel. 2918 9088 Marathon Pacific Place Shop Marathon 太古广场分店 Shop 125, Pacific Place II, Admiralty 金钟太古广场第二期125号铺 Tel. 2524 6992 Watches Watch Company 钟表一廊 Shop B8, Queensway Plaza, Admiralty 金钟金钟廊B8号铺 Tel. 2866 9211 铜锣湾 Causeway Bay Top CityChain Times Square Shop 时间廊 时代广埸分店 Shop 717, 7/F, Times Square, 1 Matheson St., Causeway Bay 铜锣湾勿地臣街1号时代广埸店号717 Tel. 2506 4594 CityChain East Point Road Shop 时间廊 东角道分店 Shop Nos. 23-24, Ground Floor, Excelsior Plaza, 24-26 East Point Rd, Causeway Bay 铜锣湾东角道24-26号怡东商场地下店号23-24 Tel. 2504 2817 Tic Tac Time Co Ltd Shop No. B223B, Basement 2, Time Square, Matheson Street, Causeway Bay 铜锣湾勿地臣街时代广场第2层地库B223B铺 Tel. 2506 3168 Universal Watch 环球表行 Shop G, G/F, 15 Pak Sha Road, Causeway Bay 铜锣湾白沙道15号地下G铺 Tel. 2576 1138 太古城 Taikoo Shing Top CityChain City Plaza 分店 时间廊 太古城分店 Shop 128-129, City Plaza Phase II, Taikoo Shing 太古城中心第2期店号128-129 Tel. 2885 8350 九龙区 Kowloon 尖沙咀 Tsim Sha Tsui Top Australia Watch & Jewellery Company 澳洲钟表珠宝有限公司 G/F., 39 Mirador Mansion, 54-64 Nathan Road, Kowloon 尖沙咀弥敦道62号美丽都商场39号地下 Tel. 2722 1338 CityChain Carnarvon Shop 时间廊 加拿芬道分店 Shop D, G/F., 16 Carnarvon Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon 尖沙咀加拿芬道16号地下店号D Tel. 2739 4110 CityChain Chung King Shop 时间廊 重庆大厦分店 Shop No 5, G/F., Chung King Mansion, 36-44 Nathan Rd., Kowloon 尖沙咀弥敦道36 - 44号重庆大厦地下店号5 Tel. 2723 6494 CityChain Tsim Sha Tsui Shop 时间廊 尖沙咀分店 Portion of Shop No. 39 on the Ground Floor and Portion of Shop no. 39 on the Mezzanine Floor, No. 97A Nathan Rd, T.S.T. 九龙尖沙咀弥敦道 97A 地下店号 39 Tel. 2367 3297 旺角Mongkok Top CityChain Hollywood Plaza Shop 时间廊 荷里活商埸分店 Shop G24-25, G/F, Hollywood Plaza, 610 Nathan Road, Kowloon 旺角弥敦道610号荷里活商埸地下店号G24-25 Tel. 2385 8794 Future Time Co Ltd Shop 30, 1/F., Trendy Zone, Mongkok 旺角弥敦道580A号潮流特区1楼30号铺 Tel. 2136 8467 其他九龙区 Other Kowloon Area Top Tic Tac Time Co Ltd L1-15, Festival Walk, Kowloon Tong 九龙塘又一城1楼115号铺 Tel. 2265 8820 CityChain Festival Walk Shop 时间廊 又一城分店 Unit 250, Level 2, Festival Walk, No. 80 Tai Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong. 九龙塘达之路 80 号又一城二楼店号 250 Tel. 2265 7013 CityChain Millennium City Shop 时间廊 创纪之城分店 Shop No. L1-3a on Level 1, apm, Millennium City 5, 418 Kwun Tong Road. 九龙观塘道418号, 创纪之城5期, 创纪之城一楼3a铺. Tel. 3148 9010 CityChain Telford Centre Shop 时间廊 德福中心分店 Shop G7, Telford Centre, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon 九龙湾德福中心店号 G7 Tel. 2759 8290 Wah Sang Watch Company 华生表行 K1, Golden Shopping Centre, 94A Yen Chow Street, Sham Shui Po 九龙深水?钦州街94号A高登购物中心地下K1铺 Tel. 2708 2891 新界区 New Territories 沙田Shatin Top CityChain New Town Plaza III Shop 时间廊 新城市广埸第三期分店 Shop 384, New Town Plaza, Phase III, Shatin 沙田新城市广埸第3期3楼店号384 Tel. 2693 2437 Tic Tac Time Co Ltd Shop No.602, 6/F, Phase 1, New Town Plaza, Shatin 沙田新城市广埸第1期6楼602号铺 Tel. 2696 3813 天梭表 全国特约服务中心 The Swatch Group (H.K.) Ltd. 39/F., Manulife Tower, 169 Electric Road North Point Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2510 5218 Fax: (852) 2512 8508 香港北角电气道169号宏利保险中心39楼 Shanghai SMH Watch Service Center Co. Ltd. – Beijing Branch Room 1609, Scitech Tower No. 22, Jian Guo Men Wai Avenue, Beijing 100004 Tel: (8610) 65265806 Fax: (8610) 65239117 上海纳沙泰尔手表服务有限公司(北京分公司) 北京市建国门外大街22号赛特大厦1609室 邮编:100004 Shanghai SMH Watch Service Center Co. Ltd. Room 510-505, Metro Tower No. 30, Tian Yao Qiao Road, Shanghai 200030 Tel: (8621)64267968 Fax: (8621)64267969 上海纳沙泰尔手表服务有限公司 上海市天钥桥路30号美罗大厦409 邮编:200030 Shanghai SMH Watch Service Center Co. Ltd. – Guangzhou Branch Rm 901-903 South Tower, World Trade Center No.371-375 Huangshi Dong Road, Guangzhou 510095 Tel: (8620) 87323330 Fax: (8620) 87323259 上海纳沙泰尔手表服务有限公司(广州分公司) 环市东路371~375 号,世界贸易中心, 南塔901-903 邮编:510095 Shanghai SMH Watch Service Center Co.Ltd. –– Shenyang Branch No.206, Nan jing North Avenue ,Shenyang 110001 Tel: (8624) 23341241 Fax: (8624) 23341242 上海纳沙泰尔手表服务有限公司(沈阳分公司) 沈阳市和平区南京北街206号沈阳城市广场一座2-196室 邮编:110001 Chengdu Hengdeli Watch & Clock Shop 49 Chunxi Road Beiduan, Chengdu 610016 Tel: (8628) 6662494 Fax: (8628) 6662494 成都亨得利钟表店 成都市春熙北段49号 邮编:610016 Wuhan Lao Hengdali Watch & Spectacles Shop 28 Hankou Jianghan Road, Wuhan 430014 Tel: (8627) 82832872 Fax: (8627) 82814993 武汉老亨得利钟表眼睛总店 武汉市汉口江汉路28号 邮编:430014 Suzhou Changjiang Watch & Spectacles Co. Ltd. 32 Suzhou Shi Road, Suzhou 215008 Tel: (86512) 5334536 Fax: (86512) 5334249 苏州长江钟表眼睛公司 苏州市石路32号 邮编:215008 Suzhou shijia watch shop No88,Guan Qian Shao Mo Zhen Xiang,Suzhou 215005 Tel: (86512) 65229666 Fax: (86512) 65229666 苏州世家名表行 苏州市观前邵磨针巷88号 邮编:215005 Qingdao Hengdeli Watch & Jewellery Co., Ltd. 144 Zhongshan Road, Qingdao 266001 Tel: (86532) 2827734 Fax: (86532) 2822765 青岛亨得利钟表店 青岛中山路144号 邮编:266001 Wenzhou Watch & Clock Shop 495 Jie Fang Nan Road, Wenzhou 325000 Tel: (86577) 88211263 Fax: (86577) 88224585 温州钟表店 温州市解放南路495号 邮编:325000 Changzhou Shopping Center No. 1, Yan Ling Xi Road, Changzhou 213003 Tel: (86519) 8116843 Fax: (86519) 8111346 常州购物中心 常州市延陵西路1号 邮编:213003 Fengle Swiss Watch Center No. 62, Kaihuasi Street, Taiyuan 030002 Tel: (86351) 4075973 Fax: (86351) 4180561 太原丰乐瑞士名表中心 太原市开化寺街62号 邮编:030002 Xian Shi Ji Jinhua Shopping Center 1 Xi Da Jie, Zhonglou Square, Xian 710002 Tel: (8629) 7265488 Fax: (8629) 7541389 西安世纪金花购物中心 西安市西大街1号钟鼓楼广场 邮编:710002 参考文献: 屈臣氏
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The Commonwealth of Australia is a country in the southern hemisphere comprising the mainland of the world"s smallest continent, the major island of Tasmania, and a number of other islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.N4 The neighbouring countries are Indonesia, East Timor, and Papua New Guinea to the north, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, and New Caledonia to the north-east, and New Zealand to the south-east.The Australian mainland has been inhabited for more than 42,000 years by Indigenous Australians.[2] After sporadic visits by fishermen from the north and then European discovery by Dutch explorers in 1606,[3] the eastern half of Australia was later claimed by the British in 1770 and initially settled through penal transportation as part of the colony of New South Wales, commencing on 26 January 1788. As the population grew and new areas were explored, another five largely self-governing Crown Colonies were established during the 19th century.On 1 January 1901, the six colonies became a federation, and the Commonwealth of Australia was formed. Since federation, Australia has maintained a stable liberal democratic political system and remains a Commonwealth realm. The capital city is Canberra, located in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). The population is just over 21 million, with approximately 60% of the population concentrated in and around the mainland state capitals of Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, and Adelaide.The name "Australia" is derived from the LatinAustralis, meaning "Southern". Legends of an "unknown land of the south" (terra australis incognita) date back to Roman times and were commonplace in medieval geography, but were not based on any actual knowledge of the continent. The first use of the word "Australia" in English was in 1625—the words "A note of Australia del Espiritu Santo, written by Master Hakluyt", published by Samuel Purchas in Hakluytus Posthumus.[4] The Dutch adjectival form Australische was used by Dutch officials in Batavia to refer to the newly discovered land to the south in 1638. "Australia" was used in a 1693 translation of Les Aventures de Jacques Sadeur dans la Découverte et le Voyage de la Terre Australe, a 1692 French novel by Gabriel de Foigny under the pen name Jacques Sadeur.[5]Alexander Dalrymple then used it in An Historical Collection of Voyages and Discoveries in the South Pacific Ocean (1771), to refer to the entire South Pacific region. In 1793, George Shaw and Sir James Smith published Zoology and Botany of New Holland, in which they wrote of "the vast island, or rather continent, of Australia, Australasia or New Holland."The name "Australia" was popularised by the 1814 work A Voyage to Terra Australis by the navigator Matthew Flinders, the first recorded person to circumnavigate Australia. Though its title reflected the British Admiralty"s usage, Flinders used the word "Australia" in his book, and as it was widely read it gave the term general currency. Governor Lachlan Macquarie of New South Wales subsequently used the word in his dispatches to England, and on 12 December 1817 recommended to the Colonial Office that it be officially adopted.[6] In 1824, the Admiralty agreed that the continent should be known officially as "Australia".The word "Australia" in Australian English is pronounced/əˈstɹæɪljə, -liːə, -jə/.HistoryMain article: History of AustraliaThe first human habitation of Australia is estimated to have occurred between 42,000 and 48,000 years ago.[7] These first Australians were possibly the ancestors of the current Indigenous Australians; they may have arrived via land bridges and short sea-crossings from present-day South-East Asia. Most of these people were hunter-gatherers, with a complex oral culture and spiritual values based on reverence for the land and a belief in the Dreamtime. The Torres Strait Islanders, ethnically Melanesian, inhabited the Torres Strait Islands and parts of far-north Queensland; their cultural practices were and remain distinct from those of the Aborigines.The first recorded European sighting of the Australian mainland was made by the Dutch navigator Willem Janszoon, who sighted the coast of Cape York Peninsula in 1606. During the 17th century, the Dutch charted the whole of the western and northern coastlines of what they called New Holland, but made no attempt at settlement. In 1770, James Cook sailed along and mapped the east coast of Australia, which he named New South Wales and claimed for Great Britain. The expedition"s discoveries provided impetus for the establishment of a penal colony there.The British Crown Colony of New South Wales started with the establishment of a settlement at Port Jackson by Captain Arthur Phillip on 26 January 1788. This date was later to become Australia"s national day, Australia Day. Van Diemen"s Land, now known as Tasmania, was settled in 1803 and became a separate colony in 1825. The United Kingdom formally claimed the western part of Australia in 1829. Separate colonies were created from parts of New South Wales: South Australia in 1836, Victoria in 1851, and Queensland in 1859. The Northern Territory (NT) was founded in 1911 when it was excised from South Australia. South Australia was founded as a "free province"—that is, it was never a penal colony. Victoria and Western Australia were also founded "free", but later accepted transported convicts.[8][9] The transportation of convicts to the colony of New South Wales ceased in 1848 after a campaign by the settlers.[10]Port Arthur, Tasmania was Australia"s largest gaol for transported convicts.The Indigenous Australian population, estimated at 350,000 at the time of European settlement,[11] declined steeply for 150 years following settlement, mainly because of infectious disease combined with forced re-settlement and cultural disintegration.[12] The removal of children from their families, which some historians and Indigenous Australians have argued could be considered to constitute genocide by some definitions,[13] may have contributed to the decline in the indigenous population. Such interpretations of Aboriginal history are disputed by some commentators as being exaggerated or fabricated for political or ideological reasons.[14] This debate is known within Australia as the History Wars. Following the 1967 referendum, the Federal government gained the power to implement policies and make laws with respect to Aborigines. Traditional ownership of land—native title—was not recognised until 1992, when the High Court case Mabo v Queensland (No 2) overturned the notion of Australia as terra nullius ("empty land") at the time of European occupation.A gold rush began in Australia in the early 1850s, and the Eureka Stockade rebellion against mining licence fees in 1854 was an early expression of civil disobedience. Between 1855 and 1890, the six colonies individually gained responsible government, managing most of their own affairs while remaining part of the British Empire. The Colonial Office in London retained control of some matters, notably foreign affairs, defence, and international shipping. On 1 January 1901, federation of the colonies was achieved after a decade of planning, consultation, and voting, and the Commonwealth of Australia was born as a Dominion of the British Empire. The Federal Capital Territory (later renamed the Australian Capital Territory) was formed from a part of New South Wales in 1911 to provide a location for the proposed new federal capital of Canberra (Melbourne was the temporary seat of government from 1901 to 1927 while Canberra was being constructed). The Northern Territory was transferred from the control of the South Australian government to the Commonwealth in 1911. Australia willingly participated in World War I.[15] Many Australians regard the defeat of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZACs) at Gallipoli as the birth of the nation—its first major military action. The Kokoda Track Campaign is regarded by many as an analogous nation-defining event during World War II.The Statute of Westminster 1931 formally ended most of the constitutional links between Australia and the United Kingdom when Australia adopted it in 1942. The shock of the United Kingdom"s defeat in Asia in 1942 and the threat of Japanese invasion caused Australia to turn to the United States as a new ally and protector. Since 1951, Australia has been a formal military ally of the US under the auspices of the ANZUS treaty. After World War II, Australia encouraged immigration from Europe; since the 1970s and the abolition of the White Australia policy, immigration from Asia and other non-European parts of the world was also encouraged. As a result, Australia"s demography, culture, and self-image have been radically transformed. The final constitutional ties between Australia and the UK were severed in 1986 with the passing of the Australia Act 1986, ending any British role in the government of the Australian States, and ending judicial appeals to the UK Privy Council.[16] In 1999, Australian voters rejected by a majority of less than 5% a move to become a republic with a president appointed by Parliament.[17] Since the election of the Whitlam Government in 1972, there has been an increasing focus on the expansion of ties with other Pacific Rim nations.
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于目前网络上都没有标准的答案,现提供来自中国驻菲律宾大使馆的信息:自2002年2月1日起,菲律宾驻华使馆简化了赴菲商务、个人旅游和团组旅游签证申请的材料要求(见附件),为中国公民赴菲提供便利。据了解,菲驻华使馆受理签证申请的时间为不超过3个工作日,签证费为250元人民币/人。菲律宾驻华使馆、驻香港、厦门和广州总领馆将统一执行此简化签证申请材料的新规定。一、赴菲律宾商务或旅游签证所需文件1.Passport and travel document valid for at least six (6) Months beyond the authorized stay in the Philippines;有效护照和旅行证件,有效期需超过在菲律宾停留时间至少六个月以上;2.Completed application form with photograph;填写好的签证申请表及照片;3.Proof of financial capacity through any one of the following document;下列文件中的任何一条经济能力证明;a.Employment certificate/introduction from work unit;工作单位介绍信;b. Certificate of property ownership;个人财产证明;c. Written guarantee executed by accredited Chinese travel agency;中国授权旅行社的保证书;d. Bank statement;银行存款证明;e. Internationally-valid credit card;国际有效的信用卡;f. Written guarantee executed by a Filipino citizen or reputable Philippine company.一菲律宾公民或著名菲律宾公司经过公证的保证书。4. Confirmed return/onward passage ticket;确认的往返机票;5. Visa fee of RMB250 per applicant.签证费每人¥250元人民币。二、赴菲律宾旅游团签证所需文件1. Passport or travel document valid for at least six (6) months beyond the period of authorized stay in the Philippines;有效护照或旅行证件,有效期需超过在菲律宾停留时间至少六个月以上;2. Three copies of completed group tour application form with photocopies of the passport personal information page of each tour group member;三张填写好的旅游签证申请表并附有每位旅行团成员护照个人信息那页的复印件;3. Affidavit of Support and Guarantee executed by the Philippine travel agent;菲律宾旅行社经过公证的保证书;4. Visa fee of RMB250.00 for each member of the tour group.每位旅行团成员签证费人民币¥250元整。申请菲律宾留学生签证9(F)须知所需文件:1、两份(2)填写好并附上两张(2)照片的签证申请表;2、有效中国护照或旅行证明文件,有效期需超过在菲律宾停留时间至少六个月(6)以上;3、短笺/介绍信;4、菲律宾高等教育委员会发的录取通知书;5、菲律宾的大学/学院的录取通知书;6、体检报告(包括实验室和X光片结果);7、警察无犯罪纪录证明(复印件);8、被鉴定的中学和大学毕业证书拷贝;9、被鉴定的学校成绩记录的拷贝;10、财务支持证明;11、介绍人/在菲律宾的联系人的目录;12、机票拷贝;签证费2500元人民币。
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Abbotsford Adams Flat Addington Admiralty Bay Ahaura Ahikiwi Ahimia Ahipara Ahititi Ahititi Ahuiti Ahurangi Ahuriri Ahuroa Aickens Aka Aka Akatore Akerama Akitio Albany Albert Road Albert Town Albury Alexandra Alford Forest Alfredton Algies Bay Allandale Allanton Alma Altimarlock Alton Amberley Amodeo Bay Anama Annat Aohanga Aokautere Aongatete Aorere Aotuhia Aparima Apata Apiti Appleby Arahura Arahura Aramiro Aramoana Aramoho Aranga Aranui Arapae Arapito Arapohue Arapuni Ararata Ararimu Aratapu Arcadia Ardlussa Ardmore College Argyll East Aria Ariki Arrowtown Arthur Pass Arthurs Point Arthurton Arundel Ashburton Ashhurst Ashley Ashley Clinton Ashton Ashwick Flat Ataahua Atapo Atarau Atawhai Atene Athenree Athol Atiamuri Auckland Auckland Aukopae Auroa Autawa Avondale Avondale Awaawakino Awahuri Awa-iti Awakaponga Awakeri Awakino Awamangu Awamarino Awamoko Awanui Awapiri Awaroa Awarua Awarua Plains Awatea Awatoto Awatuna Awatuna Awhitu Awhitu Central Aylesbury Babylon Bainesse Bainham Balcairn Balclutha Balclutha Balfour Ballance Bankside Bannockburn Barnego Barrhill Barrys Bay Barrytown Bartlett Batley Baton Baylys Beach Bayswater Bay View Beachlands Bealey Beaumont Beautiful Valley Becks Belfast Belgrove Bell Block Bell Hill Bells Belmont Belmont Bendigo Benhar Benmore Bennetts Berhampore Berlins Berwen Berwick Bethlehem Bexley Bideford Big Omaha Birchfield Birch Hill Birchwood Birkenhead Blackball Blackburn Blackpool Blacks Point Blackstone Hill Blackwater Blenheim Blind River Bluespur Bluff Bluff Bog Roy Bombay Bortons Braeburn Brighams Creek Brighton Brightwater Broad Bay Broadwood Bromley Brooklyn Brookside Broughton Bay Browns Browns Bay Bruce Bay Brunner Brunnerton Brunswick Bruntwood Brydone Buckland Bull Creek Bulls Bunnythorpe Buried Village Burkes Pass Burnham Burnside Burwood Bush Gully Caberfeidh Cable Bay Cairnbrae Cambrian Cambridge Camden Camerons Campbells Bay Canterbury Canterbury Statistical Area Canvastown Cape Runaway Cardiff Cardrona Carew Carnarvon Carswells Carters Beach Carters Mill Carterton Cashmere Hills Cass Castlecliff Castle Hill Castlepoint Cave Caversham Central Auckland Statistical Area Centre Bush Chaneys Charing Cross Charleston Charlton Charwell Forks Chaslands Chatto Creek Chatton Chelsea Cheltenham Chertsey Chesterfield Cheviot Chorlton Christchurch Churchill Clandeboye Claremont Claremont Clarence Clarendon Clareville Clarks Clarksville Clarkville Claudelands Clearburn Clevedon Clifden Cliff Road Clifton Clinton Clive Closeburn Clyde Clydevale Coal Creek Flat Coalgate Coatesville Cobden Colac Bay Collingwood Colville Colyton Conical Hills Coopers Creek Corbyvale Cormacks Coroglen Coromandel Courtenay Coutts Island Cowes Craigieburn Crail Bay Creighton Cricklewood Crofton Cronadun Cross Creek Crushington Culverden Cunninghams Cust Dacre Dairy Flat Dalefield Dannevirke Darfield Dargaville Dashwood Dawson Falls Dawson Gate Days Bay Deborah Deep Creek Denniston Devenport Devonport Dipton Dobson Domett Donnellys Crossing Dorie Douglas Dovedale Doyleston Driving Creek Dromore Drummond Drury Drybread Dumbarton Dunback Dunedin Dunrobin Dunsandel Duntroon Duvauchelle Ealing Earnscleugh Eastbourne Eastbourne East Cape East Chatton East Coast Statistical Area East End Eastern Bush East Taieri East Takaka East Tamaki Edendale Edgecumbe Edievale Egmont Village Eiffelton Eketahuna Elgin Ellerslie Ellesmere Elsthorpe Eltham Eltham Endeavour Inlet Enfield Enfield Erehwon Erina Erua Eskdale Esk Valley Ethelton Eureka Evansdale Evans Flat Eyre Creek Fabians Valley Fairburn Fairdown Fairfax Fairfield Fairlie Fairton Fairview Favona Featherston Feilding Fendalton Fergusons Fern Flat Fernhill Fernleigh Fernside Fernside Fitzroy Five Rivers Flagstaff Flaxton Flemington Flints Bush Fordell Forsyth Fort Galatea Fortrose Foxhill Foxton Foxton Foxton Beach Frankton Frankton Junction Franz Josef Glacier Frasertown French Farm Freshford Fruitlands The Forks Galloway Garston Georgetown Geraldine Gibbston Gimmerburn Girdleston Gisborne Gisborne Gisborne Gladstone Glen Afton Glenavy Glenbrook Glencoe Glendhu Glenduan Glen Eden Glenfield Glengarry Glenham Glenhope Gleniti Glenkenich Glenledi Glenlee Glen Murray Glenomaru Glenorchy Glenore Glen Oroua Glenpark Glenroy Glentanner Glentunnel Glinkes Gully Glorit Golden Downs Goldsborough Goodwood Goose Bay Gordon Gordonton Gore Gorge Road Gowanbridge Gracefield Grahams Beach Granity Greatford Greenfield Greenhills Greenhithe Greenmeadows Greenpark Greenstone Greenvale Green Valley Greerton Greville Harbour Greymouth Greytown Grove Grove Bush Grovetown Gummies Bush Guthrie Massey Glen Haast Hackthorne Hairini Hakahaka Hakaru Hakataramea Hakatere Halcombe Haldane Half-moon Bay Halfway Bush Halkett Halswell Hamilton Hamilton Bay Hampden Hamurana Hangatiki Hanmer Springs Hapuku Harapepe Harewood Harihari Haruru Hastings Hastings Hastwells Hataitai Hatfield Hatuma Haumoana Haunui Hautapu Hauturu Hauwai Havelock Havelock North Havelock North Havelock Suburban Hawarden Hawea Flat Hawera Hawera Hawkes Bay Hawkes Bay Hawkes Bay Statistical Area Hawkeswood Hawkins Haywards Hazelburn Hazletts Heathcote Valley Hector Heddon Bush Hedgehope Helena Bay Helvetia Henley Herbert Herbertville Herekino Herepo Heretaunga Heriot Herne Bay Hicks Bay Highbank Highcliffe Hihitahi Hikuai Hikumutu Hikurangi Hikutaia Hilderthorpe Hillend Hillersden Hillgrove Hillsborough Hilton Himatangi Hinahina Hinakura Hindon Hindon Railway Hinds Hinerua Hinuera Hira Hiwipango Hobsonville Ho Ho Hohonu Hokio Hokitika Hokonui Homai Homewood Honikiwi Hook Hope Hopelands Horeke Hornby Horoera Horopito Hororata Horotiu Horrelville Hoteo Houhora Houipapa Houpoto Houto Howard Howard Junction Howick Huapai Huarau Huatoki Huhuka Huia Huinga Huirangi Huiroa Hukanui Hukapapa Hukarere Hukerenui Humphreys Humua Hundalee Hunter Hunterville Hunts Road Hunua Hurleyville Huruiki Hyde Ida Valley Ikamatua Ikawai Inaha Inangahua Camp Inangahua Junction Inangahua Landing Inchbonnie Inglewood Invercargill Irwell Isla Bank Island Bay Island Block Island Cliff Jacksons Jamestown Jerusalem Johnsonville Johnstone Jordan Judgeford Kaawa Kaeaea Kaeo Kaharoa Kahuika Kahutara Kaiaka Kaiapoi Kaiata Kaiaua Kaihere Kaihiku Kaihinu Kaihu Kai Iwi Kaikarangi Kaikohe Kaikou Kaikoura Kaikoura Suburban Kaimai Kaimata Kaimata Kaimaumau Kaimiro Kaingapai Kaingaroa Kaipaki Kaipara Flats Kairanga Kairara Kairua Kairuru Kaitaia Kaitangata Kaitangata Kaitaratahi Kaitawa Kaitieke Kaitoke Kaituna Kaituna Kaiuma Kaiwaka Kaiwharawhara Kakahi Kakahu Bush Kakanui Kakapo Bay Kaka Point Kakapotahi Kakapuaka Kakaramea Kakatahi Kamahi Kamaka Kamo Kaniere Kanohi Kapara Kaponga Kapowai Kapuka Kapuni Karamea Karamu Karangahake Karangarua Karekare Karetu Karewa Karewarewa Karioi Karitane Karori Katea Katikati Katiki Kauaeranga Kauangaroa Kauhoe Kaukapakapa Kaupokonui Kauri Kauroa Kauru Hill Kauwhata Kawakawa Kawatiri Kawau Island Kaweku Kawerau Kawhia Kawiti Kekerengu Kelburn Kelchers Kelso Kelvin Grove Kenana Kenepuru Head Kennedys Bay Kennington Kent Road Kerepehi Kereta Kerikeri Kerikeri Inlet Kerrytown Khandallah Kihikihi Kikiwa Kilbirnie Killinchy Kimbell Kimbolton Kimihia Kingsdown Kingston Kinleith Kinloch Kinohaku Kioreroa Kirikau Kirikopuni Kiripaka Kiritaki Kiritehere Kirwee Kiteroa Kiwi Kiwitahi Kiwitea Knapdale Kohekohe Kohukohu Kohumaru Kohuratahi Kokakoriki Kokapo Kokiri Kokonga Kokopu Komakorau Komata Komata North Komiti Kongahu Konini Kononi Kopaki Kopu Kopua Kopuaranga Kopuawhara Kopuku Kopuriki Koputaroa Koraki Korakonui Korere Korere Valley Koriniti Korito Korokoro Koromiko Kotemaori Kotuku Koutu Koutu Kowai Bush Kowhatu Kowhitirangi Kuaotunu Kumara Kumeroa Kumeu Kuri Bush Kurow Kyeburn Kyeburn Diggings Kyle Ladbrooks Lady Barkly Lagmhor Lake Coleridge Lake Kaniere Lake Ohia Lake Pukaki Lake Rotoroa Lake Tekapo Langridge Lauder Lauriston Lawrence Leamington Le Bons Bay Leeston Lee Stream Leigh Leithfield Lepperton Levels Levin Levin Limehills Lincoln Linden Lindis Crossing Lindis Pass Linton Linwood Lismore Little Akaloa Little River Little Wanganui Livingstone Loburn Lochiel Longbeach Longburn Longbush Longford Long Gully Longridge Longs Beach Longwood Lorneville Lovells Flat Lowburn Ferry Lowcliffe Lower Hutt Lower Kaimai Lower Kohumaru Lower Kokatahi Lower Moutere Lower Shotover Lower Waiawa Lowgarth Lowther Luggate Lumsden Lyalldale Lyell Lyndhurst Lynnford Lyttelton Mabel BushMabel School Macandrew Bay Macetown Mackaytown Maclennan Macraes Flat Maerewhenua Mahakipawa Mahana Mahanga Beach Maharahara Maharakeke Maheno Mahers Creek Mahia Mahia Beach Mahitahi Mahoe Mahoenui Mahunga Mahurangi Mahuta Maihiihi Maimai Mairangi Bay Mairoa Maitahi Maitland Makaraka Makarau Makaretu Makarewa Makarewa Junction Makarora Makarora Wharf Makauri Makeokeo Maketu Makikihi Makirikiri Makotuku Makuri Mamaku Mamaranui Manaia Manakau Manapouri Manaroa Manawahe Manawaora Manawaru Mandeville Mandeville North Mangaiti Mangamahoe Mangamahu Mangamaire Mangamaunu Mangamingi Mangamingi Mangamuka Mangamutu Mangaohutu Mangaone Mangaonoho Mangapai Mangapani Mangapurua Mangarata Mangaroa Mangatainoka Mangatangi Mangatarata Manga
2023-01-04 03:34:461

note d什么意思/词性/用法?

noted的形容词意思:闻名的,著名的,附有乐谱的。动词意思:注意,记下。noted还是note的过去式和过去分词,当和别人交流时,对方回答“Noted!”,这句话的意思是:知道了。noted的同义词:famous,意思是著名的,有名的。noted是note的过去式,note:n.注意;笔记;注解;便条;纸币vt.注意;记录;现在分词:noting;过去式:noted;第三人称单数:notes;过去分词:noted;扩展资料:noted的相关英文例句:1、律师并非以仓促求变著称。Lawyers are not noted for rushing into change. 2、他的懒惰是出了名的。He was noted for his indolence. 3、在商界,他的天赋和远见卓识是出了名的。In business circles he is noted for his flair and clarity of vision. 4、突然,我意识到雨已经停了。Suddenly, I noted that the rain had stopped.5、然而,一定要注意不是所有的英国和美国军官都执行了命令。It must be noted, however, that not all British and American officers carried out orders.6、一名警卫来记了我们的名字,还记下了我们每个人的座位。A guard came and took our names and noted where each of us was sitting. 7、他记下纬度和经度,然后在航海图上做了个标记。He noted the latitude and longitude, then made a mark on the admiralty chart. 8、她记下了那些名字,并且简单地给我讲了这件事的真实情况。She had noted down the names and she told me the story simply and factually. 9、"他切除了扁桃体,一直病着,”她在日记里写道。He has had his tonsils out and has been ill, too," she noted in her diary 10、警察把我说的每句话都记录下来。The policeman noted down every word I said. noted同义词:1、famous 著名的2、renowned 有名的3、notable 显著的4、celebrated 著名的5、illustrious 著名的6、well-known 出名的7、prominent 显著的8、eminent 著名的9、distinguished 卓越的10、famed 著名的11、mentioned 提到的12、designated 指定的noted用法:1、note的基本意思是” 笔记,摘记”,指用来记录平时一些需要记住的事情的短小记录;也可指为了通知某人某事而写下的"短小信笺”。“记笔记” 可以说make a note(of),也可说take notes (of,.后者更常见。2、 note也可指提醒人们对某事加以重视,即“注意”。note引申可指“照会”“评注,注释”  “暗示,含义”“做注释” 等。3、 note还可作”纸币”解, in notes指"以纸币的形式”,介词in不可用其他介词代替,且notes须用复数形式。note后常可接介词短语、动词不定式或分词短语作定语。4、take a note of是“做笔记”的意思,但如果变成take note of时则变成了“注意”。5、note用作动词时指“将某事写在纸上”,以便于以后查找,即”记录”;还可指被某人或某物所吸弓|而把精力投入在其中,即“注意”。6、note多用作及物动词,后接名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式或that/wh-从句作宾语,还可接以形容词或不带to的动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。7、be noted for / be famous for都是因.而出名,用法是一样的.
2023-01-04 03:34:501

高分求 英文翻译上海川沙几个地名阿,谢谢各位了

Huaxia Kim Court Chinese Garden Like the Monte Vista Shenhua apartment Silver Garden Kim Villa Katsuo Garden Prestigious family homes Jin Lei Court China and Hong Kong Garden Pearly Court Royal Lagoon Tropicana Garden Moon Bay Park Pharmacists Village Pudong Dili Court New Tropicana Garden Island Jia Teng Garden Greenbelt apartment Acacia Apartments Li Shing Court Xinlong Garden Yinfeng Area Jia Yan Chau Court Jia Yuan, Magnolia Court Green summer quarter New Delhi apartment Linhe area Silver Court Shangpu Area Yu Yu Area Hang Lok Court Chuansha apartment Miaojing apartment Long sunny Court sector Yu-qiao Court Hing Tung Ming Yuan Admiralty Court Story of Three Villages Story of a Village Neighbourhood of northern Sichuan Friendship Court Story of the village New Delhi Area Pearl District Cloud-apartment See Longyuan Long the new century apartment sector China renowned doors - Habitat Court New River Garden The European Court The Warsaw Village New-apartment Miao City apartment Warsaw village Park West Area Diamond Court The Chihuly Miaojing home Miaojing a village Long sector Garden Village Cheung-home Pui the waterfront Mingdi Waterscape Tropicana Garden Huamao Court Mingguang Court Modern Commercial Plaza A Community Garden Taoyuan apartment Taoyuan Village Jia Yun apartment East Tang Garden East District have South Bridge Village Dawn Beiyuan Dongyuan dawn Seongnam Area East Village days Chuanshalieshi cemetery Huang Yan Pei home Chuansha ancient city wall Jin-Hui Commercial Plaza
2023-01-04 03:35:016