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2023-07-21 09:02:37

Jincheng City, Shanxi Province in the south-east, East pillow too Bank, the south central China, the Yellow River Seomang, North-Youyan, convenient location, convenient traffic, Shanxi is an important gateway to the Central Plains. Coke too, waiting on the railway throughout the West, Shanxi Coke high-speed, long-Jin, Jinyang high-speed, 207 State Road, provincial and county Road, Sheung Heung Road intertwined to form a network, extensive land transport, and is very convenient.

It presides over Jincheng City, Zezhou, Gaoping City, the Yangcheng, and Lingchuan Qinshui six counties (cities, districts), with a total area

9,490 square kilometers, accounting for a total area of the province of 6%. The total area of 283.38 hectares of arable land, 1.42 acres of land per capita. Usual late 2006, the city"s total population of 2214500 people. The city"s population of 22 nationalities. Muslim minorities in the largest number of people, mainly in urban areas.

Jincheng a long history and rich cultural heritage, is the birthplace of Chinese civilization. As early as two years ago the late Paleolithic, left here in the footsteps of human life. Legend has it"s Nu Wa, Shennong, and Chiyou Jiuli tribal leaders Yao, Shun and Yu were all in the activities here. Nuwa Sky (legendary Chinese ancestor Nuwa Humanity"s Lian-Sky sites and habitats - cochlear Imperial Cave, but also water Dongxiang Dan Zezhouxian the north bank of Lau Fau Shan North Valley), Shennong seeding (China First Great Shennong mining Baicao grain taste of the air of mountains and ancient regarding tomb is also in Gaoping City), Yu Chipping doors (a Shihmen in Yangcheng County), the Foolish Old Man Moved Mountain, Jingweichenhai historical legends may have that field. Ancient "Mo" had "Shungeng in Lishan" (this is in Qinshui County Lishan Wang Ping-shun), "Fishing in the Prime Minister" (this Yangcheng County east of Ze River) records. Qinshui also to the river Mausoleum Chuanda River, West Yiu-chuen, as the representative of the original culture to have high Zezhou, Pali Ping Qinshui represented by the Neolithic culture. In 260 BC, the history of the famous "Changbengzhizhan" occurred in the vicinity of Gaoping.

Jincheng rich in mineral resources. Length 160 km east and west, north and south width of 100 km underground, and there are coal, gas layer, manganese iron ore, bauxite, copper, zinc, gold, silver, marble, crystal, and others dozens of mineral resources. Particularly coal and iron reserves are substantial, "Rail coal town" reputation. Anthracite coal resources in the main, the reserves of anthracite reserves about 1 / 4 or above, accounting for Shanxi 1 / more than two. The city"s coal-bearing area of 5,350 square kilometers, accounting for 56.4 per cent of the city"s total area, the total reserves of 80.8 billion tons, of which 27.1 billion tons of proven reserves. Jincheng coal with sulphur content of small, high heat, optional features of the good. Block carbon crystal produced by Bright, burning smokeless tasteless, known as "white coal, coal-orchid carbon," said the British royal family had been selected for coal fireplace, sold the 20 provinces, municipalities, autonomous regions, and exports Britain, Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Western Europe and other countries and regions. 2001 in the southern Qinshui County discovered and proven a major CBM Field - Qinshui coal bed methane fields, the current proven reserves of coalbed methane 100 billion cubic meters. City by the state in 1984 as the fertilizer and chemical raw materials coal base. March 1996, the Fourth Session of the Eighth National People"s Congress adopted the "national economy and social development Ninth Five-Year Plan and Long-Term Goals for 2010" clearly put forward in the building of a shipment of high-quality coal as raw material to the high concentration of nitrogen bases.

Jincheng significant forest resources, 380.5 million mu of forest area, the forest coverage rate reached 33.6 percent. Qinshui County Ping Wang Lishan-sun area of the province has retained the only one area of more than 730 hectares of virgin forest. Slope natural grassland animal husbandry 254,700 hectares, the base is one of the livestock industry in Shanxi. Northern China"s largest demonstration on the ranch built in Qinshui County.

Jincheng silkworm silk industry has a long history, is well-known in northern China"s rural Mulberry silk, silk production accounted for 80% of Shanxi Province, North China is currently the largest silk sericulture base.

Jincheng mild climate, abundant rainfall, particularly suitable for the growth of many rare animals and plants, known as the "treasure house of biological resources in Shanxi" reputation. Manghe existing Yangcheng Qinshui Lishan and two state-level nature reserve. Calendar Mountain Nature Reserve has more than 1,300 species of seed plants, a national focus on the protection of 11 species, 342 kinds of animals, a national key protected animal 38. Manghe Nature Reserve, there are 882 kinds of seed plants, 285 kinds of animals. A national focus on the protection of a black stork, golden eagles, LEOPARD three kinds, there are two monkeys, otters, etc. 28. In the wild plant resources, precious wild Hericium, fungus, mushrooms and other fungi microbes. Hawthorn city is the nation"s top five producing regions of Shanxi Province and one of the natural health food production base, rich Yellow Pear, Hawthorn range of health foods and drugs and health food.

Jincheng City in North China is relatively water-rich area of water resources for the total 2.149 billion cubic meters. Per capita water consumption of 872 cubic meters, and higher than the province"s average level of the surrounding provinces and regions. Qinhe first major rivers with a total length of 485 km, originated Qinyuanxian territory into the Yellow River. Dan River"s second largest river with a total length of 121.5 km, originated in Gaoping, Qinhe injection.


Jin city

Chinese coal industrial base. Be located on province the southeast of the mountain west, the too burnt railroad is on-line.Govern a Qin water county, sun city county, the county of Ling Chuan 3 counties.Area 9490 the squares be thousand meters.(downtown 2170 square thousand meters)Population in 19911,919,400(downtown 666,600), regard Chinese as principle.The Han establishes Gao all a county.Sui calls Dan Chuan.Tang changes to Jin city a county.Clear merge into Ze state.Pure establish a Feng set a county.Change to Jin city a county in 1912.The war against Japan was period to once build up Jin Qin, Jin east and the Jin north 3 anti- days county government.Change to Jin city a county in 1945.Establish Jin city in 1985.The mineral resources is gain advantage with coal iron and also have minerals, such as manganese mineral, aluminum mineral, sulphur mineral, marble and limestone...etc. to hide.Have coal, metallurgy, machine, chemical engineering, building materials, electronics, spinning, porcelain and ceramics, deckle, plastics, food...etc. more than 20 professions become of industrial system, still have a traditional ironware manufacturing in the meantime.The iron pot, nail, sickle are a traditional special product.The agriculture has a food to plant, the fruit tree cultivation, livestock husbandry, village industry for pay of village economy pillar.The special product contains red fruit, persimmon, yellow pear.The transportation ether is burnt and the Hou month railroad is a framework and the highway is leading everywhere.The famous spots and historical remains has the view the virtuous bridge, big spring temple, civilized temple, jade Huang temple, east Yue temple, Dai temple, two fairy views, green lotus temple, Chong life temple, Mang river, Fo son mountain.


Jincheng City, Shanxi Province in the south-east, East pillow too Bank, the south central China, the Yellow River Seomang, North-Youyan, convenient location, convenient traffic, Shanxi is an important gateway to the Central Plains. Coke too, waiting on the railway throughout the West, Shanxi Coke high-speed, long-Jin, Jinyang high-speed, 207 State Road, provincial and county Road, Sheung Heung Road intertwined to form a network, extensive land transport, and is very convenient.



火车c开头的是代表城际列车。城际列车虽然城际列车的运用不如长途列车广泛,但随着我国多个城市群的大面积崛起以及成批的城际铁路大规模兴建,城际列车在铁路运输中的地位日趋提高。如目前开行的京津、广深、沈大、沪杭、沪宁、成渝、成绵乐、昌 九、长株潭、昆曲城际列车等。城际列车介绍又称城际专列(Inter-City Rail Service ),是指往返于相邻重要城市或城市群之间的客运列车,一般全程运行距离较近、乘车时间较短、途经城市较少,不配置卧铺车厢。城际列车是指仅服务于少数特定城市之间的中短途客运列车,主要用于加强附近城市间的联络。方便周边地区之间的跨市出行和人文交流。虽然城际列车的运用不如长途列车广泛,但随着我国多个城市群的大面积崛起以及成批的城际铁路大规模兴建,城际列车在铁路运输中的地位日趋提高。一般情况下城际列车的运行里程较短、基本不超过200公里。行程耗时不多、通常在2小时以内;经过城市很少,大多只穿梭于两三座地级市之间。城际列车的发车密度、班次总量、停站数目、列车编组和行车速度均要视车站总数、客流需求、出行目的以及铁路运能等一系列实际情况而定。
2023-07-21 02:32:141


2023-07-21 02:32:311


是城际动车组列车。又称城际专列(Inter-City Rail Service),是指往返于相邻重要城市或城市群之间的客运列车,一般全程运行距离较近、乘车时间较短、途经城市较少,不配置卧铺车厢。是指仅服务于少数特定城市之间的中短途客运列车,主要用于加强附近城市间的联络,方便周边地区之间的跨市出行和人文交流。扩展资料:一般情况下城际列车的运行里程较短、基本不超过200公里;行程耗时不多、通常在2小时以内;经过城市很少,大多只穿梭于两三座地级市之间。城际列车的发车密度、班次总量、停站数目、列车编组和行车速度均要视车站总数、客流需求、出行目的以及铁路运能等一系列实际情况而定。因此,城际列车班次不一定呈现公交化,在站点停靠上亦有分站站停列车和大站停快车。不过因运行时间短暂,城际列车几乎不配备卧铺车厢。城际列车既可以在干线铁路上运行,也可以在支线铁路上运行;可以在新建城际专线上运行,亦能在既有线路上运行,如厦深铁路线上的深汕捷运城际列车。
2023-07-21 02:32:402


c打头的火车势城际列车。城际列车,又称城际专列(Inter-City Rail Service),是指往返于相邻重要城市或城市群之间的客运列车,一般全程运行距离较近、乘车时间较短、途经城市较少,不配置卧铺车厢。城际列车是指仅服务于少数特定城市之间的中短途客运列车,主要用于加强附近城市间的联络,方便周边地区之间的跨市出行和人文交流。虽然城际列车的运用不如长途列车广泛,但随着我国多个城市群的大面积崛起以及成批的城际铁路大规模兴建,城际列车在铁路运输中的地位日趋提高。扩展资料:优点1、异地通勤城际列车总体上速度快、运量大、班次多、全天候、不误点、安全舒适、高效快捷,加快了城市群间的同城化进程,在时空上缩短了不同城市间的距离,使得更多人能够在异地之间工作居住、上学购物等。2、旅游观光在有些偏远地区支线铁路上开通的城际列车往往用于直达相应的旅游城市及其重要景区。3、释放运能只要城际列车的调度运营安排得当,就可以更好地释放既有铁路线的运输能力,减少城际列车与长途列车之间的冲突,同时缩短城际列车和长途列车的路途时间,提高整条铁路线的综合运力和总体效率。
2023-07-21 02:33:052


2023-07-21 02:33:233

地铁发展历史及前景 中英

1863年1月10日,这是一个不同寻常的日子,按照查尔斯u2022皮尔逊的设计,世界上第一条地下铁道在伦敦正式建成并投入运营。这一地铁是由蒸汽机牵引的,车厢是由木材制成的,客车车厢内是用煤油灯照明的。居民们争先恐后前去乘坐地铁,伦敦的交通拥挤很快得到了缓解。  可是,没过多久,居民对乘坐地铁不感兴趣了,又宁愿乘坐马车了。这是因为,地铁的蒸汽机排出的水蒸汽,燃料燃烧产生的烟雾,煤油灯泄漏的煤气全部集聚在隧道内。地铁隧道内终日浓烟滚滚,气味呛人,使人难以忍受。“能不能发明一种不冒烟的列车,让它在城市里行驶呢?”为此,已是年近花甲的查尔斯u2022皮尔逊又开始对地铁进行改进的设计。但是因积劳成疾,最后病死在对地铁进行改进设计的图纸跟前。   后来,电动机出现了。1896年,在匈牙利首都布达佩斯,诞生了世界上第一辆电动地铁。它因为没有污染,行驶速度快,深受城市居民的欢迎。从此,地铁相继出现在世界各大城市。但是,人们永远无法忘记查尔斯u2022皮尔逊发明地铁的艰苦历程 公开资料显示,我国城市轨道交通投资已达1.23万亿元,2012年完成1896亿元,建成337公里地铁。2013年投资2200亿元,将建成290公里。全国已批准修建城市轨道交通的35个城市,线路里程合计5720公里。据行业内估算,到"十二五"末,全国城轨运营总里程将达到3000公里,到2020年,运营总里程将达到6000-7000公里。 根据公布的城际轨道规划,不仅珠三角城际轨道交通网的总投资规模就高达3700亿元,其中2012年-2020年期间计划完成1180亿元。而江苏省计划在"十二五"完成860亿元投资后,"十三五"期间再投资2100亿元修建城际轨道。 不仅仅是城轨市场的潜力,随着铁路投融资体制改革的深入,支线铁路和城际铁路的经营权和所有权将逐渐下放到地方政府,有望带动支线铁路和城际铁路的发展。而铁路装备制造将成为最大的受益者。In January 10, 1863, this was an unusual day, according to Pearson Charles design, the world"s first underground railway officially built and put into operation in London. This subway is driven by steam engine, and the car is made of wood, and the car compartment is illuminated with kerosene lamps.. The residents rushed to take the subway, London traffic jam quickly got ease.However, before long, residents take the subway is not interested, and would rather take the carriage of the carriage. This is because the steam engine of the subway is discharged by water vapor, the smoke generated by the fuel burning, and the gas gathering in the kerosene lamp leak all gather in the tunnel. Inside the subway tunnel smoke, the smell of choking people, making it unbearable. "Can you invent an not smoking train that will drive it in the city?" Therefore, it is nearly 60 years Charles Pearson began to improve the design of the subway. But because the mortality was improved finally break down from constant overwork, drawing up to in the subway.Later, the motor appeared.. In 1896, in the Hungarian capital, Budapest, the world"s first electric subway was born.. Because there is no pollution, the speed of the city residents is welcomed by the city.. From then on, the subway has appeared in the major cities of the world. But people will never forget the hard journey of the invention of the subway by Pearson CharlesPublic information, investment in urban rail transportation has reached 1.23 trillion yuan, in 2012 to complete 189600000000 yuan, built 337 km subway. 2013 Investment 220000000000 yuan, will build 290 kilometers. 35 cities nationwide has approved the construction of urban rail transportation, the total line mileage of 5720 kilometers. According to industry estimates, to the twelfth five year, the total mileage of the national urban rail operations will reach 3000 kilometers, by 2020, total mileage will reach 6000-7000 km.According to the announcement of intercity rail plan, not only the total investment of the PRD intercity rail transit network reached 370000000000 yuan, of which the total investment in 2012 -2020 plan to complete 118000000000 yuan. Jiangsu province plans to complete the 86000000000 yuan investment in the "Twelfth Five Year", "Thirteen five" period to invest 210000000000 yuan to build intercity rail.Not only is the city rail market potential, with the deepening of the railway investment and financing system reform, regional rail and intercity railway management right and ownership will gradually into the local government, is expected to drive the development of regional rail and intercity rail. The railway equipment manufacturing will become the biggest beneficiary.
2023-07-21 02:33:421


2023-07-21 02:33:481


1.概念和服务范围不同。 地铁是铁路运输的一种形式,指在地下运行为主的城市轨道交通系统,即“地下铁道”或“地下铁”的简称,英文subway或者metro。轻轨也从属于地铁系统。地铁一般服务于大中型城市内部,是连接市区和郊区的轨道交通。 城际铁路既属于城际轨道交通又隶属国家铁路系统。城际铁路线就是国家铁路线,开通于两个短途、人口稠密城市之间,英文inter-cityrailservice。城际铁路一般是连接两座以上相邻城市的快速铁路,目的是实现城市间的快速联通。 2.优势各自不相同。 地铁在地下运行,不受地上天气影响,具有安全,流水发车,方便快捷,便宜,环保等优点。快速和准点率是地铁的最大特点,地铁是恶劣天气的首选市内交通工具。高峰小时地铁单向最大客运量为3-7万人次,轻轨为1-3万人次。地铁是最高效的城市交通工具。 城铁具有安全,短途,高速,运力大,站点多,公交化,环保舒适,准点率高等优点。相对于高速公路运输,城铁的高效、准时、环保、高运量是最大优势。一次载客量有600人左右。城铁满足了两大城市之间的高效客流运输。 3.运行车型标准和时速不同。 地铁选用A型或B型列车的轨道交通路线,采用5~8卡编组。轻轨选用C型列车的轨道交通路线称为轻轨,采用2~4卡编组列车。地铁设计速度为30km/h至120km/h,轻轨为每小时120公里。 城际铁路与国家铁路系统列车标准一致,参考T/D字列车。城际铁路设计速度为100km/h至300km/h。
2023-07-21 02:34:071


以C打头的车次:城际动车组列车。车次的表示方法为CXXXX(XXXX为四位数字)次,铁路系统标准读法为“城XXXX次”,C是汉字“城”的汉语拼音第一个字母。  以G打头的车次:高速动车组列车。车次的表示方法为GXXXX(XXXX为四位数字)次,铁路系统标准读法为“高XXXX次”,G是汉字“高”的汉语拼音第一个字母。高铁车次便是G开头。
2023-07-21 02:34:173


2023-07-21 02:35:111


The traffic means has always been an important inducing factor for the specific forms of city development. In recent years, the influences of land use structures around cosmopolitan rail depots have been widely studied. Since the 1990s, Shanghai has witnessed large-scale strategic adjustments in urban construction and industrial structures to achieve historical breakthroughs. However, with the acceleration of urban growth and economic development, compared with the abundant land resources in suburban areas, Shanghai is confronted with a grave lack in land resources in the central city area, which restricted her developing space. The following problems become increasingly serious, such as traffic congestion, degenerated living environment, overpricing and other urban issues. Number 2 traffic rail is the line that connects the east and the west of Shanghai in the traffic grid. As a line that links the central city area of Shanghai and the suburban districts, the dwelling environment along the traffic line has some typical characteristics. The paper analyzes the utilization status of land resources along the number 2 traffic line of Shanghai rail in the beginning, and also probes the influences of land use plans on the number of passangers. Then the author discusses the interaction of rail traffic and land use. Finally, suggestions on land use schemes along traffic rails are provided. 仅供参考,欢迎指正
2023-07-21 02:35:193


  一、申报卡的左边   Instructions部分是一段说明,主要是告诉大家如果随身携带的现金或金融票据超过10000加币,就需要向海关申报。   Part B部分是旅行者须知。告诉旅行者随身携带以下物品免关税。   a. 每件不超过60加币的礼品(除烟酒外)   b. 1.5升的红酒,或者1.14升酒精饮料,或者24*355毫升灌装(或8.5升)啤酒   c. 200支烟,50支雪茄,200克烟丝   Part C部分是移民须知。主要是告诉要移民的人,移民出境后,根据时间享有的免税额。   二、申报表右边,正式开始填写   最上面的For Agency Use Only部分由入境部门填写,不需要旅客填写,直接从下面的PartA开始。   这里需要说明的是,All Travellers (living at the same address)- Please print in capital letters指的是所有住在同一住址的乘客填写一份申报卡——请用大写字母工整填写。一张表格只能填最多四个人的名字,超过的人数要另外填表。   1. Last name, first name and initials:姓,名和姓名的首字母。其实就把护照上姓和名的拼音写上就可以,(也有人说没必要写姓名首字母,因为有些根本写不下)。假设入境人姓张名华,就填上ZHANG HUA,姓和名之间要空一格。   2. Date of birth:出生日期。这里需要注意一下,因为每个人书写日期的方式都不太一样,大家就根据这张申报卡上的提示YY/MM/DD,按年/月/日的格式写。例如,入境人的出生日期为1988年10月22日,就要写成88/10/22。   3. Citizenship:国籍。中国国籍的话写CHINESE就可以了。   1. Home address - Number, Street, apartment No.:家庭住址——门牌号,街道名,公寓编号。这部分填常住地址就好,比如你住在高新区科技路239号1204号房,那就可以写ROOM1204,239KEJI ROAD,GAOXIN DISTRICT,因为中英文的地址书写顺序是相反的。   2.City/Town :城市或镇的拼音名字。比如西安:XI`AN   3. Prov./State :省或州的拼音名字。比如陕西:SHAANXI。但是表格中却只给了四个空格,一些省名写不下,那就挤挤写进去吧,其实没有太大关系。   4. Country:国家。填CHINA即可;   5. Postal/Zip code:邮政编码。   1. Arriving by:抵达加拿大的方式。   ?? Air; Rail; Marine; Highway : 空中;铁路;水上;公路。在对应方式后面的方框打勾。   ?? Airline/flight No.,train No. or vessel name :航空公司和航班号,火车车次,或轮船名。假设乘坐南方航空CZ329航班入境,根据申报卡上给的空格数,不可能把南航的英文名China Southern Airline全写上,填CZ329即可,因为CZ就是南航的代码。(这部分我专门查阅了网上攻略也咨询了填过申报卡的游客)   2. Purpose of trip:来加拿大的目的。Study(学习)、Personal(私人)和Business(商务)三项中勾选一种。   3. Arriving from:从什么地方来加拿大。US only(从美国直接来)、Other country direct(从其他国家直接来)和Other country via US(从其他国家经美国前来)三项中勾选一种。   1. I am/we are bringing into Canada:我(我们)携带了以下物品进入加拿大。这一部分内容就是对自己携带的物品进行申报。   ?? Firearms or other weapons (eg switchblades, Mace or pepper spray):枪支或其他武器(如弹簧折叠刀、狼牙棒或者胡椒喷雾)。   ?? Commercial goods, whether or not for resale:商业用途的物品,无论是否用于零售(样品、工作、设备)。这里仅限于商业用途的物品,自用物品不必申报。   ?? Meat/meat products; diary products; fruits; vegetables; seeds; nuts; plants and animals or their parts; cut flowers; soil; wood/wood products; birds; insects.:肉类或肉制品;奶制品;水果;蔬菜;种子;坚果;植物和动物及其组成部分;切花;土;木和木制品;鸟类;昆虫。(网上大神的实践证明,这些东西根本就不要带入境。)   ?? Currency and/or monetary instruments totaling CAN$10,000 or more.:总价值达到或超过10000加币的现金和(或者)金融票据。现金、支票、旅行支票一律计算在内。如有多国货币,按当时的汇率全部转换为加币计算,如果超过1万加币就申报。   2. we have unaccompanied goods.:我(我们)有随后运来的物品。如果自己有此次并未携带,但随后有运抵加拿大的物品,就需要在此申报。   3. I/we have visited a farm and will be going to a farm in Canada.:我(我们)到访过农场,而且即将要到访在加拿大境内的农场。   表格右侧Part B部分   Visitors to Canada:来加拿大的访客填写(加拿大永久居民或公民不用填)   1. Duration of stay in Canada:填写打算在加拿大停留的天数。(按照每个月30天计算就可以)   2. Do you or any person listed above exceed the duty-free allowances per person? (See instructions on the left.):你或表格中的任何人有没有携带超过个人免税额度的物品? (参看申报卡左边的说明。)   Part C部分   Residents of Canada:加拿大居民填写(来加拿大的访客不用填这部分)   Part D部分   Signatures (age 16 and older): I certified that my declaration is true and complete.:签名(年龄16周岁一下的不用签)   注意:不要让别人代签,不要折叠申报卡。
2023-07-21 02:35:271


2023-07-21 02:35:353


同学,为你解答:               MyHometownShenzhenismyhometowninGuangdongprovince,locatedinsoutheastofChina.Itisamodernandbusyprovince.Therearemanyhighbuildings,bigsupermarkets,beautifulgardensandfactorieshere.Itisveryeasytogoshoppinghere.Youcanseegreenhills,bigtreesandniceflowerseverywhere.TherearemanyrestaurantsinShenzhen.Youcanenjoyallkindsofseafood.Theytasteverydelicious.Therearemanygoodplacestovisit,suchastheWindowofWorldandOceanPark.Manyvisitorscomeheretovisitthemallovertheworld.Thetrafficsarewell-developedandyoucangoanywhereveryconveniently.YoucanalsoseeinterestingfilmsintheBigTheatre.Myschoolisverybigandbeautiful.Ihopeyoucancomeandvisitsoon.翻译:我的家乡  我的家乡深圳在广东省,中国的东南部。它是一个现全化和繁忙的城市。这里有许多高楼,大商场,漂亮的花园和工厂。这里购物非常容易。到处你都能看见绿色的山,大树和漂亮的花。在深圳有许多餐馆。你能在这里享受各种海鲜。他们偿起来非常可口。这里有许多好地方参观,比如世界之窗和海洋公园。世界各国的旅客都来这里参观。这里的交通很发达,而且你能很方便的去任何地方。你同样能够在大剧院看有趣的电影。我的学校非常的大和漂亮。我希望你能尽快来参观。希望能帮到你,请采纳,谢谢!如有不明白的,欢迎随时提问!祝学习进步,天天开心!
2023-07-21 02:36:102


是的每个音标的发音都不一样,怎么会苦难呢,和我们的汉语拼音一样啊。good的音标是[ɡu028ad] g u028a d 就类似于汉语拼音的 g e +d 哥 额 的,连起来就“各得”你多举几个例子,不会发的单词我给你解答
2023-07-21 02:36:181

模拟城市3000如何建 立交桥

游戏开始时可选三种模式:Starter Town:从已经预先建好基础设施的城市中选择一个。New City:随机产生一个地图,开始一个新城市。Real City Terrain:真实的城市地图!你可选一个真实地图开始(还有香港呢!)新上手的市长可以从StarterTown开始,看看城市基础设施应如何建设。若选New City,你可以选择三个初始年份,注意若选择了1900年,会有许多建筑都不能建造(太原始了)。进入游戏,开始时是处于暂停状态,在画面下方有一个暂停键和开始键,开始时是处于暂停状态,按下开始键,时间就开始流转了,旁边的日期将不断变化,开始键下面有四小格可调节游戏速度。建议,应该先把基础建设搞好,并且将城市规划好后再开始运转游戏。在画面的右下小地图旁一网格按钮,如果你不想看到网格,只需击此按钮。另外,在画面下面有不断移动的信息栏为你提供信息,都为超文本,点击便可了解,不过为英文:-(。还有RCI的指数是指人口、商业和工业的发展状况,往上是发展,往下是倒退。再有,游戏还设置了许多快捷键供使用,如F1是另存,1-5键就是放大和缩小,B键就是铲除等等。在画面的右方还有九个大按钮,这是游戏的“操作中心”,下面我逐个来说。在开始前,告诉你一个小技巧:先按着Ctrl键不放,再用鼠标单击屏幕上的建筑或地点,你就可以了解到关于该建筑的情况,这很重要,你可以了解你城市发展的情况。一、? 设置(Landscape)1、植树(Plant Tree):可以美化环境,减少污染,提高土地价值,每一网格可以连续种植6次(即按6下鼠标,一次多于一次)。2、制造水面(Create Surface Water):可以用来建人工湖。3、下降地表(Lower Terrain):游戏的地表有高度设置,高度可影响建筑物能否顺利安放于某处,用此工具可将地表海拔高度调低。4、上升地表(Raise Terrain):升高地表,使低洼变平原,使平原变山丘。5、使地表水平(Level Terrain):这是最常用的地表工具,如碰到大片高低不平的地形,可用它一拉便可使地形水平。但要注意,被使用的地表上不应有其它建筑。6、毁坏(Demolish):可以将地面的建筑和树木等,以及地下的水管(pipe)清理掉,在下面的按钮里还会出现,功能是一样的。二、地区设置(Zone)1、住宅区(Residential):按住鼠标不放可选择低、中、高密度三种类型,价钱是逐渐递增的,在地图上会以浅、中、深三种绿色表示。它们的作用是把地面指定发展建筑的种类,放在地图上后要等游戏开始了才可能慢慢建成住宅。2、商业区(Commercial):同上,颜色是紫。3、工业区(Industrial):同上,颜色是黄。4、垃圾堆放处(Landfill):用来放置垃圾,会制造污染,发出难闻的气味。此区在安排时应注意远离住宅区。5、海港(Seaport):提供海运,要在海岸边上铺设,面积应适度,地表要求平整。6、机场(Airport):提供空运。7、删除地区属性(De-Zone):用以删除指定的地区属性,这跟推土机(Demolish毁坏)是有区别的。三、建造运输建筑(Build Transportation)1、公路(Road):公路可带来繁荣,“要想富先修路”在这个游戏中得到了最好的诠释。住宅、商业区和工业区等需要在公路旁约4、3和5格范围内铺设。公路与公路之间相隔6-8格最有效。2、快速路:分两类,高速公路(Highway):使交通更畅通,解决交通堵塞的最有效手段。但占地较大,应注意规划。交流道(On-Ramp):连接公路。高速公路必须与公路相连才能发挥作用。3、公共汽车站(Bus Stop):解决交通问题。应在十字路口或交叉点等交通中心设置。另外,两站之间不应相距太远,否则作用不大。4、铺设铁轨(Lay Rail)和火车站(Train Station):看上去跟《铁路大亨2》有点象。5、地铁铁轨(Lay Subway Rail)和地铁站(Subway Station):地铁与铁路的运输量是公路的三倍。地铁建造费昂贵,须量力而为。注意:如选择地铁铁轨,那么游戏地图会变成地下地图。6、地铁到铁路的连接(Subway to Rail Connection)四、建造能源设施(Build Utilities)1、电线竿(Power Lines):传输发电厂的能源,注意:建筑物是可以导电的,可为5格内的区域提供电源,但不包括角部。2、发电厂(Power Plants):有燃煤、燃油、风力、太阳能等等,关键是污染和价钱问题,同时发电厂有使用年限,到时候就要换,不然会爆炸!3、水管(Water Pipes):选择后,游戏地图会变成地下地图,为7格内的区域提供水源(可以看到一层淡淡的覆盖范围)。4、水源建筑(Water Structures):其中帮浦(Pumpimg Station)是最常用的,放在水边再连接水管可以为城市带来水源,而净化水处理厂(Water TreatmentPlant)的作用主要是处理被污染的水。要使它工作,就必须将它联入到你的水管系统(Pipesystem)中。另外,水系统中还包括水塔(Water Tower),海水处理厂(DesalinizationPlant)。帮浦的储水量随气候与季节变化,在多天晴天后,储水量会锐减,这时应兴建水塔,在雨水多时,水塔会储水。在供水不足时,水塔会放出已蓄满的水。水塔只建一座无多大用,应多建。彼此之间应用水管连接!只有多方面配合才能解决城市水问题。5、废物处理(Garbage Disposal):处理垃圾,循环再用,改善环境,减少污染。五、公共和政府建筑(Place Civic/Special Bldgs)1、警察局(Police):减少犯罪的发生,维持治安,平息暴乱,有覆盖范围,但可指令前往事发地点。监狱(Jail):如果没有了监狱,那么警察抓回来的犯人就没处安放,只好让他们回家了。注意:监狱应远离市区,否则会影响地皮价值。2、消防局(Fire Station):能迅速扑灭火警,也可预防火灾,有覆盖范围,但可指令前往事发地点。3、健康与教育(Health & Education):医院(Hospital)、学校(Sc-hool)、大学(College)、图书馆(Library)和博物馆(Museum)。这些建筑可以改善居民身体状况,提高教育水准,刺激人口增长。它们盖在那里都是一样的,只要数量足够就行,如不足,那么它们的属性会出现红色数字(CTRL+MOUSE)。4、公园和娱乐(Parks & Rec):小公园(Small Park)大公园(LargePark)喷泉(Fountain)池塘(Pond)运动场(Playground)散步道(Marina)动物园(Zoo)棒球场(Ballpark)。公园可以改善环境,减少污染,其他可以使人民快乐,刺激人口,提高地价。5、城市标志性建筑(Landmarks):这里收藏了数十座世界著名的建筑物(包括香港的中银大厦、巴黎铁塔、白宫、帝国大厦等等),你可以随便挑选一座放在城市中,称之为城市的标志建筑,最多可盖10座,而且是免费的。6、奖励(Rewards & Opportunities):如果你的工作有成绩,城市人口达到一定程度时,人们就会送一些建筑给你做礼物,如市长别墅、市长雕象等等,选个好地方放它们吧!它们是免费的。六、突发事件(Emergency)1、视窗移到灾难点(Go to Disaster)2、空袭警告(Activate Warning Siren)3、派遣警察(Dispatch Police)4、派遣消防队(Dispatch Firefighters)注意:如果你的城市发生火灾或暴乱,那么你就以点选此项,然后点击灾区,警队就会迅速处理,如果你不派人去,那么建筑物将会被烧毁。另外,如果你有一支警队,那么你便可同时处理两处灾区,有二支就可处理三处。5、产生灾难(Start Disaster):可随机发生火灾 (Fire)、龙卷风(Tornado)、地震(Earthquake)、暴乱(Riot)、外星人入侵(UFO)等灾难。你能应付吗七、会议(Meet)只有你一个市长当光杆司令是不成的!《3000》为你提供了一群高级顾问、智囊团,他们的意见都十分中肯,不过都是E文:-(。有时会有请愿者向你提出要求,有些要求你允许一些交易,你要小心,因为这些交易可以给你带来金钱,但也会带来麻烦,你可以听取顾问们的意见以作判断。八、调整和回顾(Adjust & Review)1、预算(Budget):这里分两个版:支出(Expenditures)和收入(Income)。其中,法令(Ordinances):可指定各项法令,使城市安定繁荣,但可能会增加支出。邻国交易(Neighbor Deals):你可跟邻国进行能源、水源和垃圾处理等交易,关键是建立连接(能源线、水管和道路等都要延伸到边界上,并交付2500块才能建立连接),而且交易的机会并不是经常有的,有些交易会带来污染。贷款(Loans):每次最多可借25000,然后会每年还一定数目(包括利息),直到指定日期还清,借满十次后如第一次还没有还清就不能再借。教育(Education),公共健康(Public Health),火灾(Fire),道路(Roads),警察(Police),公共运输(MassTransit)这些都要投入一定的资金,否则就有大麻烦。在收入(Income)里,居民的税率(Residential Tax Rate),商业税率(Commercial Tax Rate),工业税率(Industrial Tax Rate)均可调整,但不要过高,否则三者都不会获得发展,甚至发生倒退。2、邻国(Neighbor)3、法令(Ordinances)4、询问(Query):就是CTRL+鼠标左键5、查阅数据(View Data)这里有许多图标,表示了犯罪、火灾、污染等等覆盖面积,选择后再按下“Use As Map”按钮就可将右下角的小地图更改。下面还有两个图标,标出了一些指数,其中有赞成与责骂(Approval Rating) 污染(Po- llution) 犯罪(Crime) 居民(Residents)教育(Education)健康(Health) 地价(Land Value)交通(Traffic)基金(Fun- ds)城市范围(City Size)商业(Commerce)工业(Industry)失业(Unemployment)等等。好了,按钮功能就介绍到此,现在说说如何游戏。首先你要寻找好发电厂和帮浦的位置(两者不要太近了),然后安置它们,并用电线和水管把它们连接起来,接着确定建造你的市区(远离发电厂),铺设道路。注意,住宅,商业,工业三大区分配必须均匀。游戏初期,商业区可有可无,一切以工业为主。但发展成大城市后,商业区就十分重要了!初期水管可设在道路下,如果你掌握了水管外7格内可供水的细节,那么就可自由一点了。只要位置合适,拉长一定道路过对岸就可建桥,但要加钱。建筑是可导电的,建筑外5格除角的位置均能导电,这样你就不用到处铺电线竿了。住宅、商业区和工业区可以提供税收,它们需要在道路旁约4、3和5格范围内铺设,否则可能会造成浪费。警察局、消防局、医院和学校都是必须的公共设施,但你要慢慢建设你的城市,不然会马上负债累累。公共设施和教育机关在建设时应避免在同一区域内有相同设施。打开起动按钮后,时间开始流转,但能源设备需要一个月的时间才可运行正常,如果你发现某些建筑出现闪电标志,那就是没电,注意你的发电厂和帮浦的负载量,出现赤字就要增添,有时水源断了,你可看看水管有没有中断。如果你发现人口上不去了,就建些娱乐设施,在公园、运动场等旁边的地价是高的。有时民、商、工指标下降的原因可能是建筑陈旧,它们将会自动更新。把垃圾站建在邻国旁可将一半的垃圾流到邻国,以减少我国的污染(太损了)。城市的建设是繁重的,你要注意的地方很多,但当自己的城市发展起来后,那种感觉真是太美好了!OK,攻略就写到这里了!能否当一个受市民尊重的好市长,就看你自己下了多大工夫了。希望可以帮到你!
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down to the new millenn
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Zócalo,使一个市中心区广场仿照西班牙语城市的街道当墨西哥城文化毂用.不知道地,广场已经也到经济上的中心之一.绝大部分在墨西哥中工作成长在地下部分-在朝派街道货摊,其走完每一个人行道空间的平方英寸,弹掉玉米粉圆饼靠近路缘的人行道部分妇女和对过路人沿街叫卖电话卡或者偷盗的CDs孩子的中发生.尽管存在为打扫是不合法或者认为丑东西的活动所作的努力,仍然,摊贩编造一巨大的部分墨西哥的工作力量和根据洛杉矶时报主要是负责保管的官员失业谴责下面那的美国. 在问题大量存在的同时,城市正尽最大努力寻找解决的方法.自行车是新基层暴怒带着从暂时的齐的tourists向头儿-高的送交古柯可乐果树和新-焙烤面包一切.城市已经有一在随着九线许多年,75英里的轨迹和在修建中更多中兴旺的轻轨的系统.邻近地区组结合在一起向外型房子,去除垃圾和右手击球员的左后方场地罪削减.志愿者也使希望进入很多城市中最无遮蔽的部分.旧金山已经通过美洲的非赢利的程序伙伴长时间当一座"伙伴"城市用去墨西哥城.通过这程序,圣弗朗西斯科湾地区居民已经和一对应者委员会在墨西哥城City中工作和自愿教英语,提出医疗用品和发展极小的-企业.程序已经也发展在还有其他有利于双方的边公民的人文科学,经济学,林学和教育中许多交流-.汤姆Gaman,圣Francisco/墨西哥城伙伴关系的一名加利福尼亚林务员和秘书希望人口增长将当经济上的状况在区域中有改进时,拒绝.他向南谈到他的很多旅行说,每次我那里拿打赌的我感受到重新开始在朝派希望......有关问题,其是所以外国我们北方佬是前面的和集中在墨西哥城的
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瑞士铁路拥有150年的悠久历史,除了连接国内各地长达3000公里的瑞士联邦铁路之外,还有各种私用铁路,它们 共同构成了瑞士国内5000公里的铁路网。 列车大多具备冷暖空调设施。 在EC欧洲城际特快(Eurocity),Ic国内 城际快(Intercity),IR国内地区间快车(Interregio)等连接主要城市的长途列车上,还设有提供简单食品和 特色菜肴的餐车以及儿童游戏车厢。 除清晨和深夜外,所有前往同一地点的列车发车时间均调整至每小时的同一分钟。 时间准确、安全舒适。 所有火 车站内均贴有火车到达/出发时刻表,方便旅客查询,其中白色时刻表代表火车到达本站的时间,而黄色的表示火 车从本站开出的时间。 时刻表右边的数字代表火车到达或出发的站台号,快车会以红色为标记,而黑色则为慢车 出发 火车出发时并没有广播通知或 *** 提示,时间一到就静静地准时出发。 在车上会有以德语或法语广播的下站名, 若不懂外语,最好留意每个经停车站的名字或备有火车路线图。 目的地 在瑞士开往不同目的地的火车车厢有时会被连接在一起,之后中途会分开前往各自目的地,为避免坐错车厢及慎 重起见,乘车之前请仔细核对火车车厢上标明的目的地,或与乘务员确认。 车门开关 瑞士火车的车门并不是统一自动开启的,乘客如要开门必须转动开门手把或轻按车们旁边的开门按钮。 车上查票 瑞士的火车站并没有检票通道等设施,列车员会在火车上验票。 通常只会查验一次便不会再问。 火车时刻表网址
2023-07-21 02:37:171


在经营《模拟城市2000》多年后,终于在第一时间搞到了续集《模拟城市3000》(以下简称《3000》)。原以为又可大玩特玩一番,不成想.....哇塞!怎么那么多E文!经过N小时的奋战,和玩《模拟城市2000》积累的经验,终于将其搞定!兴奋之余,赶制此文,希望能让中国市长们尽快开始上任!《模拟城市3000》较之前做画面更加精美,地图可放大缩小4倍以上,以及多角度观察,让我们见到了许多在前作中见不到的东西,比如行人,汽车,地下铁等。画面上的造型是全3D的,并支持3D卡。不过支持效果并不好,感觉上画面没什么大的变化,并且用了3D加速后速度有时会慢下来。看来又得要什么补丁了。倒是音效方面真的支持3D效果,支持创通的EAX环境音效,在我的SB Live!上听起来感觉还不错,无论是工厂运作的声音,汽车的鸣笛声,还是人们的嬉笑声,都十分逼真。好了,下面进入正题,开玩儿!游戏开始时可选三种模式:Starter Town:从已经预先建好基础设施的城市中选择一个。New City:随机产生一个地图,开始一个新城市。Real City Terrain:真实的城市地图!你可选一个真实地图开始(还有香港呢!)新上手的市长可以从Starter Town开始,看看城市基础设施应如何建设。若选New City,你可以选择三个初始年份,注意若选择了1900年,会有许多建筑都不能建造(太原始了)。进入游戏,开始时是处于暂停状态,在画面下方有一个暂停键和开始键,开始时是处于暂停状态,按下开始键,时间就开始流转了,旁边的日期将不断变化,开始键下面有四小格可调节游戏速度。建议,应该先把基础建设搞好,并且将城市规划好后再开始运转游戏。在画面的右下小地图旁一网格按钮,如果你不想看到网格,只需击此按钮。另外,在画面下面有不断移动的信息栏为你提供信息,都为超文本,点击便可了解,不过为英文:-(。还有R C I的指数是指人口、商业和工业的发展状况,往上是发展,往下是倒退。再有,游戏还设置了许多快捷键供使用,如F1是另存,1-5键就是放大和缩小,B键就是铲除等等。在画面的右方还有九个大按钮,这是游戏的“操作中心”,下面我逐个来说。在开始前,告诉你一个小技巧:先按着Ctrl键不放,再用鼠标单击屏幕上的建筑或地点,你就可以了解到关于该建筑的情况,这很重要,你可以了解你城市发展的情况。一、地表设置(Landscape)1、植树(Plant Tree):可以美化环境,减少污染,提高土地价值,每一网格可以连续种植6次(即按6下鼠标,一次多于一次)。2、制造水面(Create Surface Water):可以用来建人工湖。3、下降地表(Lower Terrain):游戏的地表有高度设置,高度可影响建筑物能否顺利安放于某处,用此工具可将地表海拔高度调低。4、上升地表(Raise Terrain):升高地表,使低洼变平原,使平原变山丘。5、使地表水平(Level Terrain):这是最常用的地表工具,如碰到大片高低不平的地形,可用它一拉便可使地形水平。但要注意,被使用的地表上不应有其它建筑。6、毁坏(Demolish):可以将地面的建筑和树木等,以及地下的水管(pipe)清理掉,在下面的按钮里还会出现,功能是一样的。二、地区设置(Zone)1、住宅区(Residential):按住鼠标不放可选择低、中、高密度三种类型,价钱是逐渐递增的,在地图上会以浅、中、深三种绿色表示。它们的作用是把地面指定发展建筑的种类,放在地图上后要等游戏开始了才可能慢慢建成住宅。2、商业区(Commercial):同上,颜色是紫。3、工业区(Industrial):同上,颜色是黄。4、垃圾堆放处(Landfill):用来放置垃圾,会制造污染,发出难闻的气味。此区在安排时应注意远离住宅区。5、海港(Seaport):提供海运,要在海岸边上铺设,面积应适度,地表要求平整。6、机场(Airport):提供空运。7、删除地区属性(De-Zone):用以删除指定的地区属性,这跟推土机(Demolish 毁坏)是有区别的。三、建造运输建筑(Build Transportation)1、公路(Road):公路可带来繁荣,“要想富先修路”在这个游戏中得到了最好的诠释。住宅、商业区和工业区等需要在公路旁约4、3和5格范围内铺设。公路与公路之间相隔6-8格最有效。2、快速路:分两类,高速公路(Highway):使交通更畅通,解决交通堵塞的最有效手段。但占地较大,应注意规划。交流道(On-Ramp):连接公路。高速公路必须与公路相连才能发挥作用。3、公共汽车站(Bus Stop):解决交通问题。应在十字路口或交叉点等交通中心设置。另外,两站之间不应相距太远,否则作用不大。4、铺设铁轨(Lay Rail)和火车站(Train Station):看上去跟《铁路大亨2》有点象。5、地铁铁轨(Lay Subway Rail)和地铁站(Subway Station):地铁与铁路的运输量是公路的三倍。地铁建造费昂贵,须量力而为。注意:如选择地铁铁轨,那么游戏地图会变成地下地图。6、地铁到铁路的连接(Subway to Rail Connection)四、建造能源设施(Build Utilities)1、电线竿(Power Lines):传输发电厂的能源,注意:建筑物是可以导电的,可为5格内的区域提供电源,但不包括角部。2、发电厂(Power Plants):有燃煤、燃油、风力、太阳能等等,关键是污染和价钱问题,同时发电厂有使用年限,到时候就要换,不然会爆炸!3、水管(Water Pipes):选择后,游戏地图会变成地下地图,为7格内的区域提供水源(可以看到一层淡淡的覆盖范围)。4、水源建筑(Water Structures):其中帮浦(Pumpimg Station)是最常用的,放在水边再连接水管可以为城市带来水源,而净化水处理厂(Water Treatment Plant)的作用主要是处理被污染的水。要使它工作,就必须将它联入到你的水管系统(Pipe system)中。另外,水系统中还包括水塔(Water Tower),海水处理厂(Desalinization Plant)。帮浦的储水量随气候与季节变化,在多天晴天后,储水量会锐减,这时应兴建水塔,在雨水多时,水塔会储水。在供水不足时,水塔会放出已蓄满的水。水塔只建一座无多大用,应多建。彼此之间应用水管连接!只有多方面配合才能解决城市水问题。5、废物处理(Garbage Disposal):处理垃圾,循环再用,改善环境,减少污染。
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2023-07-21 02:38:101

用JR PASS 坐新干线或者特急, 系唔系一定要预约?

首先你要check下你想搭的路线是不是全指定席(好像东北新干线),全指定席就一定要预约,要去用pass换指定席的票 如果不是全指定的,你有pass梗系去换指定席的票啦,因为一定有位坐,又不用加钱。当地人坐指定席要加钱的 你可以在JR的网站预约,你在网上预约左,要去指定的车站取票的,预约时要提供信用卡的资料的,你取票时出示rail pass就不会过你数的。 如果你不想网上预约,你可以用rail pass去换票,选好你要的斑次告诉职员,show埋个pass佢就会出票给你。 如果你取了票,到时你想搭早一班,可以去换的。 我上次去时,上网预约了车票,因为我买JR EAST,可以在日本买,一次过在新宿站搅掂哂~ 买完PASS再去换埋约了车票,成个行程都不用烦住去换车票,都几方便~ (因为不是每个车站的职员都识英文的) 要预约的只有"指定席"或头等"Green Car"车厢 如有"自由席"车厢 (特急车一定有 但不肯定是否有某些新干线冇 这个要查) 则不须预约. 但"自由席"不保证有座位. 所以只要不是"全车指定席" 便不一定要订座. 当然 若无订座 要选"自由席"车厢坐 一般会差一点 所以如有JR Pass 都会先预定 坐好一点的车厢. 可在JR车站内的票务处预约 给服务员看你的JR Pass、终点站及出发日期及时间便可. 若迟了 也是到票务处作更改. 有关新干线的介绍 可参考 e-japannavi/tr/citykan3.s
2023-07-21 02:38:182


2023-07-21 02:38:521


共享单车的利与弊英语作文及翻译   共享单车因其便捷、便宜和灵活,受到了人们的青睐。不过,当它落户诸多城市后,一系列问题就随之产生了。以下是网为大家分享的共享单车的"利与弊英语作文及翻译,希望对大家有所帮助。   Shared cycling refers to the enterprises and government cooperation, subway stations, bus stops, in the campus, residential, commercial, public service provide bicycle bike sharing service, is a kind of new form of Shared economy.   Since the end of 2016, domestic sharing of bicycles has suddenly become popular, and recently a mobile phone screen shot up the Internet. In this screenshot, the 24 ICONS of Shared cycling apps are full of mobile phone screens, and it"s really "a graphic illustration of the fierce competition for sharing bikes". And in the streets, as if overnight, the sharing of bicycles has reached the point of "overflow", with all the city"s streets lined with different colors of bicycles.   As a short distance travel tool, it also helps the construction of the city "slow traffic" system. Tie-in walk or bus, subway and other modes of transport, share the bike can be used as a change to the feeder, the citizens of this not only saved travel cost, also on low carbon, green and sustainable development of city has not to be ignored. However, there are a series of problems, such as the operation, parking, maintenance and other problems. Some bike users lack the sense of responsibility, the station in the city, the rail transit site and other transportation hubs, as well as schools, hospitals, shopping malls and other personnel strong liquidity, high intensity area around the park bicycle parking area, to illegal use of public resources, instead of the new urban traffic congestion.   共享单车是指企业与政府合作,在校园、地铁站点、公交站点、居民区、商业区、公共服务区等提供自行车单车共享服务,是共享经济的一种新形态。   2016年底以来,国内共享单车突然就火爆了起来,最近一张手机截屏蹿红网络。在这张截图上,24个共享单车应用的图标霸满了整个手机屏幕,真的是“一图说明共享单车的激烈竞争”。而在街头,仿佛一夜之间,共享单车已经到了“泛滥”的地步,各大城市路边排满各种颜色的共享单车.   作为一种短距离出行工具,也有助于城市“慢交通”系统的搭建。搭配步行或者公交车、地铁等交通方式,共享单车可用作换乘接驳,这不仅节省了市民的出行成本,还对城市的低碳、绿色和可持续发展有不可忽视的推动作用。但是也随之出现了一系列的问题,单车的运营、停放、维护等一系列问题也接踵而至。一些单车使用者缺乏责任心,在城市车站、轨道交通站点等交通集散地,以及学校、医院、商场等人员流动性强、密集度高的场所周边区域非停车区域停放单车,对公共资源进行非法占用,反而新增了城市交通拥堵。 ;
2023-07-21 02:38:591


  高中英语作文关于交通的范文一:家乡的交通问题 Traffic Problem in My Hometown   The traffic problem is one of the most serious problems in my hometown. Recently, more and more people have private car, but the roads are so narrow that we have to fight against the heavy traffic when we go out. Especially during the rush hours, cars and buses are unable to move. To make things worse, many people are killed in the traffic accidents. How miserable it is!   For the sake of our life and security, some measures must be taken to change the present situation. In the first place, as there are a great many cars, we should control the number of private cars and vehicles and use the public transportation more often. Secondly, the government should widen the roads and build more flyovers, so as to ease the traffic pressure and reduce the traffic accidents. In addition, the undergrounds and light rails should be constructed, so that we can have more choices when going out and do not have to worry about the traffic jams in the future.   I believe the traffic problem could be solved if we devote our actions to them.   在我的家乡交通问题是最严重的问题之一。现在越来越多的人拥有私家车,但道路却是如此的狭窄,所以我们出门的时候都必须和交通拥挤对抗。尤其是在繁忙时间段,汽车和公共汽车都动不了。更糟的是,许多人在交通事故中丧生。那是多么悲惨的啊!   为了我们的生命和安全起见,我们必须采取一些措施来改变现状。首先,因为有很多车,所以我们应该控制私家车的数量,更经常使用公共交通工具。其次,政府应该拓宽道路,建造更多的立交桥,以缓解交通压力,减少交通事故的发生。此外,应构建地铁和轻轨,这样我们将来外出时可以有更多的选择也不用不必担心交通堵塞。   我相信如果我们采取行动的话交通问题是可以解决的。   高中英语作文关于交通的范文二:交通问题之我见 My View on Traffic Problems   There is no doubt that traffic congestion becomes a growing worry for the residents of most urban areas. Some major roads are regularly choked with traffic in rush hours. The limited transport capacity contributes largely to the vexing problem. How to solve the headache?   The existing solutions to traffic jam mainly aim at creating metro bus systems and broadening major roads. Widening the existing roads can solve traffic snarls on some level. Soaring car ownership compounds the chronic annoying problem, so we must sharply reduce the heavy reliance on cars and drive a shift to the mass transportation. It is a cheap and good way. We can create a system of customized bus routes and highlight the development of subways, trolleys and light rail. The effective combination of these solutions will enable the urban areas to possess a smooth traffic.   毫无疑问,交通拥堵成为大部分城市地区居民越来越担心的问题。在繁忙时段,一些主要道路经常交通堵塞。有限的交通容量是导致这一令人烦恼的问题的主要原因。怎样解决这个令人头疼的问题呢?   现有的交通拥堵解决方案主要针对地铁公交系统和扩大主要道路。拓宽现有道路可以在一定程度上解决交通挤塞。急剧攀升的汽车拥有量是导致这一恼人问题的长期原因,因此我们必须大幅度减少对汽车的严重依赖,转向大众交通。这是一种既便宜又好的方法。我们可以创建一个定制的巴士路线系统,突出地铁,电车和轻轨的发展。这些方法的有效结合将使城市地区拥有一个更顺畅的交通。   高中英语作文关于交通的范文三:解决交通问题的建议 Advice on Solving traffic problems   With the development of economy, there are more and more vehicles on the streets. Governments at all levels have to do something to solve the problem of heavy traffic in the city.   I would like to share with you some ideas about this problem: firstly, the government should build more roads. This action can decrease the degree of street congestion and make it possible for cars to run faster than ever before. But each coin has two sides. If a city builds too many roads, the streets will occupy much land. We will have little space used for other purposes. So secondly, more special bus lines for public transportation should be added. Thus people can go conveniently everywhere they like; they will not ride bikes or drive cars. In this way, the number of cars and bikes on the road will be greatly cut down.   As far as I am concerned, if we want to solve this problem, we should set up an idea of public transportation first and give a priority to this idea in our traffic work.   随着经济的发展,道路上的汽车越来越多了。各级政府必须做些事情来解决城市拥堵的交通问题。   我想与大家分享我对这个问题的一些看法。首先,政府应该修建更多的公路。这一举措能够减轻街道拥堵程度,使汽车能够比以前跑得更快。但是,每件事都有利弊。如果一个城市修建太多的公路,过多的街道就会被占用,用作其他用途的空间就很少。其次,应该增加更多特殊的公共交通线路。这样一来,人们就方便行走到他们想要去的任何地方;他们就不用骑自行车或者开车。通过这个方法,公路上汽车和自行车的数量就会大大减少。   在我看来,如果我们想要解决这个问题,我们就应该首先树立公共交通的想法,在交通上首选公共交通。
2023-07-21 02:39:121


Astralia is a beautiful country.It has seven is famous for the sdyny opera house .you can see koala there.
2023-07-21 02:39:264


2023-07-21 02:40:037


Shanghai Lingang New City is located in the East China Sea, the planning area of 296 square kilometers, urban district 50 kilometers from Lujiazui, 30 km away from Pudong International Airport, 35 kilometers away from Disney, Yangshan deep water port of a bridge. The Shanghai city hall building is a major strategic decision, but also in Shanghai to upgrade the industry level major strategy act. After decades of basic construction as well as the government"s huge financial investment, planning and positioning of the three core functions, for example: shipping of area of function of industry, equipment industry function zone, city functional living area, construction has achieved initial success. The current regional shipping industry has already formed the scale, the large equipment industry floor show cluster effect, combined with the urban area promoting the construction of program of high starting point, highlights the strong trend of the regional economy. So most people believe that, over time, harbor will become Shanghai and even whole nation the most development potential of the new city, will become numerous in the high-end crowd investment, employment, living for the. During the 12th five-year plan, Shanghai harbor as a shipping and equipment two major industrial center will become the main battlefield, the adjustment of industrial structure in Shanghai the most benefit from the region, Shanghai will become a new round of economic development engine. The future, will become a world-class shipping traffic hub port, China equipment industry power demonstration zone, China"s low carbon city development model of world attention. The only shortcoming is that the population at the present stage, for the large commercial projects, solve good audience customers radiation, to solve the " chicken, and egg" problem, can let us enjoy the rapid development brought opportunity and feast. China world class shipping traffic hub harbor China equipment industry power demonstration zone of China low carbon city development model project surrounding traffic facilitation, Shanghai outer ring expressway network has S1-S20, S2, G1501 Hulu Expressway freeway around Shanghai City, S32 Shenjiahu highway have been opened. Project 40 minutes from Lujiazui, 20 minutes drive from Disney, away from Pudong airport and 20 minutes, 20 minutes drive from the Yangshan deep water port. Of track traffic no 16 opened to traffic, from Longyang Road station to port 30 minutes.
2023-07-21 02:40:213


2023-07-21 02:40:381


2023-07-21 02:40:451


但我了解到如果您购买了JAPAN RAIL PASS 通票,可在位于JR车站的指定座席售票机或绿色窗口领取指定座席票。建议您到相关网站查询或咨询相关人员,以便得到更准确的信息。
2023-07-21 02:40:532

"change in my city"写一篇作文80字

你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下:My hometown Gaochun is an old and beautifulcity. It used to be quiet place. There were green hills, fresh air and many oldhouses. However, the area has changed a lot over the years.In the past, people could only go to there by bicycle or on foot. Many busespass there now, people can take the taxi, car, bus, underground or light railto Gaochun. The environment has also changed, too. The water is clearer, thetree is greener, and the air is fresher. We are happy to live in the beautifulcity.希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳。
2023-07-21 02:41:111

“Change in my city”写一篇作文,80字

Change in my cityMy hometown Gaochun is an old and beautifulcity. It used to be quiet place. There were green hills, fresh air and many oldhouses. However, the area has changed a lot over the years.In the past, people could only go to there by bicycle or on foot. Many busespass there now, people can take the taxi, car, bus, underground or light railto Gaochun. The environment has also changed, too. The water is clearer, thetree is greener, and the air is fresher. We are happy to live in the beautifulcity.
2023-07-21 02:41:222

the White city什么意思?

2023-07-21 02:41:314

有没有 Goodbye city的歌词? 泰民 不朽唱的

Goodbye Laurelie lyricsThe grass is overgrowing on the garden rail.And crickets call a chorus I remember.well,Calling me, that old familiar thunder. WritingLetters I always meant to send you.When every second feature showed Niagara Falls We wereSitting pretty, feeling twice as tall. Making faces at the madmanIn the alleyway. We laughed at every cowboy who stopped toFill his glass.(Chorus)Calling, Goodbye Laurelie, dirty town lullabye.Goodbye Laurelie, goodbye.Goodbye Laurelie, dirty town lullabye.Goodbye Laurelie . . .When all the city papers say you"re doing well You"re[ Still a small town story that the neighbours tell WhenYou smile and say hello to strangers You"re still theFoolish boy they all remember.The crazy Jane I chased every other night. HasReappeared in white like a virgin bride. I"m theFace in the comer of the photograph A wild manAt the weddding, fixing his tie.(Chorus)Calling, Goodbye Laurelie dirty town lullabye.Goodbye Laurelie, goodbye.Goodbye Laurelie, dirty town lullabye.Goodbye Laurelie . . .
2023-07-21 02:41:371

求一篇英文作文,题目:is Hong Kong a truly international city?谢谢?

---Hong Kong is truly (an) international city in that it is filled with love and care. When you ask for the best part of HK ask for a private tour with a local guide or guides that will bring you to the main attractions and the best known parts of the city.The best part is the Buz part whether you are here for Buz or for pleasure. ---After seeing the scenic in HK which else do you want to do? May be go into the ects of eat drink shop and plenty more.International tour guides are here for the purpose of doing so. ---Foreigners vistors gambling gamblers may find their Buz. adddresses of their super-shops offices factories flag-stations country villas easily accessible due to the city planning success where venues were required as demanded meeting time and places were conveniently located and also due to the success of the high-rail trportation system were established with the participation of Mainland China. According to the "silk&road" system all of your friends and Buz friends are met here for mercial enterprise ein HK. ----When buying and selling merce and trade were well done by the HK Govt. every buzman works on their own account employing lots of others.All foreign mercial enterprising anizers find value for money matching the trendiest New York-London here in the Central district of Banking areas where hotels mass trit railways were stretching out to the greater HK under the covered walkways safely. If you don"t mind merce and trade mercial enterprises and Buz Hong Kong is truly (an) international city.
2023-07-21 02:41:441


74、YES.75、London.76、Becaues 12 lines across the city.77、There are 275 stations across the city.78、1873.79、It can take hours to get across town by bus.The subway goes to just a small part of the city center.The light rail line only runs between the Long Beach hotel area and the city center.
2023-07-21 02:41:541


The increase of private cars has brought more and more serious air pollution and traffic jams in our city, especially in the rush hour. So I think it"s time to promote the green travel at present. In my opinion, first, we"d better not travel by car unless it"s necessary. Second, people should be encouraged to choose the public transport. They can take a bus or the light rail. They can even go by underground. These ways of travel can save energy and reduce air pollution .They can also improve the traffic conditi. Third, we should choose to walk or ride a bicycle if we don"t go far away. Travelling on foot or by bike provide us with a chance to make us stronger and healthier. In a word , I believe that we can improve the environment as well as our traffic conditi if we all choose the green travel. 私家车的增加带来了更多的在我们的城市更严重的空气污染和交通堵塞,特别是在交通高峰期. 所以我认为现在是时候推动目前绿色旅游.在我看来,首先,我们最好不要坐汽车,除非有必要.第二,应该鼓励人们选择公共交通.他们可以坐公共汽车或轻轨.他们甚至可以坐地铁去.这些旅行方式可以节约能源,减少空气污染.它们还可以改善交通条件.第三,我们应该选择步行或骑自行车,如果我们不走远.徒步或骑自行车为我们提供了一个机会,使我们更强壮和健康. 总之,我相信我们可以改善环境以及我们的交通条件,如果我们都选择绿色出行.
2023-07-21 02:42:151


2023-07-21 02:42:252


三联、中华、商务印书馆这些有书店都有卖。三联分店最多,也最齐全。三联门市中环店 Central 中环域多利皇后街9号(港铁中环站C出口)9 Queen Victoria Street, Central (MTR Central Exit C) 创BOOKCAFE 中环域多利皇后街9号中商大厦2楼(港铁中环站C出口)2/F., 9 Queen Victoria Street, Central (MTR Central Exit C) 西环店 Sai Wan 西环卑路乍街8号西宝城广场111号Shop 111, Level 1, The Westwood, 8 Belcher"s St., Sai Wan 湾仔庄士敦店 Wan Chai (Johnston Rd) 湾仔庄士敦道141号(港铁湾仔站A3出口)141 Johnston Road, Wan Chai (MTR Wan Chai Exit A3) 新世纪店 Grand Century Place 旺角新世纪广场2楼288铺(港铁旺角东站D出口)288, L2, Grand Century Place, Mongkok (MTR Mongkok East Exit D) 启田店 Kai Tin 九蓝田启田商场2楼232B(港铁蓝田站A出口)232B, L2, Kai Tin Shopping Centre, Lam Tin (MTR Lam Tin Exit A) 观塘JP@apm 观塘道 418 号创纪之城 5 期 apm 6楼 L6-5铺(港铁观塘站A2出口)Shop L6-5, Level 6, apm, Millennium City 5, 418 Kwun Tong Road (MTR Kwun Tong Exit A2) 淘大店 Amoy 九龙湾淘大商场第一期二楼S54-56号铺(港铁九龙湾站B2出口)S54-56, 2/F, Amoy Plaza I, Kowloon Bay (MTR Kowloon Bay Exit B2) 钻石山店 Diamond Hill 钻石山荷里活广场二楼282-283号(港铁钻石山站C出口)282-283, Level 2, Plaza Hollywood, Lung Poon Street, Diamond Hill (MTR Diamond Hill Exit C) 慈云山店 Tsz Wan Shan 慈云山毓华街23号慈云山中心5楼512-515号512-515, 5/F, Tsz Wan Shan Shopping Centre, 23 Yuk Wah St., Tsz Wan Shan 元朗店 Yuen Long 元朗教育路一号千色广场(轻铁大棠道站)2/F Citimall, 1 Kau Yuk Road, Yuen Long (Light Rail Tai Tong Road) 元朗(西) Yuen Long(W) 元朗青山公路元朗广场3楼328 至 332号 328-332, 3/F, Yuen Long Plaza, Castle Peak Road, Yuen Long 荃湾店 Tsuen Wan 荃湾青山公路210号富华中心3楼A铺(港铁荃湾站B出口)Shop A,3/F Fou Wah Centre, 210 Castle Peak Road,Tsuen Wan (MTR Tsuen Wan Exit B) 葵芳店 Kwai Fong 葵涌葵富路7-11号葵涌广场3楼89铺(港铁葵芳站D出口)Shop 89, L3, Kwai Chung Plaza, 7-11 Kwai Foo Rd., Kwai Chung (MTR Kwai Fong Exit D) 青衣店 Tsing Yi 青衣青敬路33号青衣城2楼211号(港铁青衣站A2出口)Shop 211, Maritime Square, 33 Tsing King Road, Tsing Yi (MTR Tsing Yi Exit A2) 马鞍山店 Ma On Shan 马鞍山新港城中心3楼3065号(港铁马鞍山站B出口)3065, L3, Sunshine City Plaza, Ma On Shan (MTR Ma On Shan Exit B) 荔枝角店 JPexpress 九龙荔技角道833号升悦商场107号铺Shop No.107, 1/F Liberte, 833 Lai Chi Kok Road, Kowloon
2023-07-21 02:42:321


Grand Shandong Liao Cheng City Cable Factory, is located in the Liao Cheng City Jiaming industry garden , the west faces Beijing-Jiulong Railway and Han helps the railroad relationship converging to get along, south be going aid the mansion express highway , geographic location advantageous , have transport facilities, the environment is graceful. Enterprise is one of the whole nation cableindustry medium-sized industrial enterprise. Originally, the factory owns the most advanced wire of in the homeland cable production facility , checks that equipment is all in readiness. The factory produces various power cable, wire , great variety of goods controlling cable and Geon. Maycarry out special field design according to different request of customer giving birth to a child,the cable wire the year is produced goes over hundred million yuan. My factory product is sold to Beijing , Tianjin , Shijiazhuang , Taiyuan , Qingdao , Dong Ying City , Bin Zhou , Yan Tai City , area such as Zi Bo City , Jinan , Lin Yi City , Handan at present mainly. Product quality and service accept extensive customer favourable comment. Enterprise already passes ISO9001: 2000 mass system attestation , gains and the mandatory country product attestation CCC certificate. The entire employee insists on with the high standard , gives mass , low price preferential treatment. The customer is satisfied be that we serve the consistent purpose in the customer.
2023-07-21 02:42:4115


给朋友发邮件,介绍,你和你的家人。(英语作文)。 Mingming: My father was born in May 1971, is now an aountant. My mother was born in November 1985, is now a teacher. They love life, love outdoor sports, every weekend to take me climbing, let me breathe the fresh air of nature. I am happy and harmonious family, parents courteous. 介绍你和你的朋友是怎样到学校的,英语作文 School is located in the center of the city. A lot of people usually take underground or rail way trains to the school. Some people take taxis or cars. However my house is not too far away from the school, so me and my friend ride bikes to the school everyday. By passing all the buildings and the wind blows into me make me feel so refreshing and relaxing. 给朋友发邮件英语乍读 email to friend 英语作文你和你的家人去了动物国 : Amy and her family went to zoo last weekend. It was a nice trip! They saw lots of amazing animals.They observed sleeping panda and swimming.. 用至少十句话介绍你和你的家庭 (英语作文) Hi!My name is...They are my grandparents and they are my parents. 介绍你和你的朋友使用电脑情况.初一英语作文. My best friend and I get along with each other quite well.But we are so different.He is funnier,more outgoing than I am and i"m more serious.He is more athletic and likes to play all kinds of sports but I am *** arter on study.My friend is wilder than me and I am calmer.He is tall,thin,strong,with short hair,And sometimes he is very careless and lazy.On the other hands,I am short,fat,weak,with shorthair.He is very helpful because I am very lazy and don"t want to do any sports.And I will help him with his study. 英语作文 假设你是学生,最近你的英国笔友, 介绍你和你的好朋友交往 One possible version: I am happy to know that you are beginning to learn Chinese. It"s true that Chinese is not easy to learn, but there is no need to feel worried. I will give you some advice. Aording to some language experts, the first thing for you to do is to understand what kind of learner you are. Some people are "visual learners" and remember best by seeing pictures and visualizing things in their mind; others are "auditory" and are happy to learn by listening; "kinesthetic" learners tend to learn by doing things and experience. Then you should realize what weak language skills you are going to improve. And finally, make a practical plan and carry it on step by step until you sueed. As far as I am concerned, it"s important that you choose a good teacher who knows the difference beeen the o languages. Most importantly, you should always keep in mind that you must have confidence in yourself. Don"t be frightened by the seemingly hard task. Break your main task into *** aller goals and you will realize your dream in the end. Hope you will be getting on better with your Chinese. Yours, Li Hua 英语作文 用比较级作文介绍你的家人 I have a big family. There are 6 perple in my family. My grandfather is older than my grandma. But my grandma is busier than my grandfather. My mohter is o years younger than my father. She is healthier than my father. But she is shorter than my father. My brother is younger than me, but he is much *** arter than me. He does better in study than I do. In a word, I have a happy family. We care for each and help each other. Our life is better and better. 英语作文“介绍你的家人”字数90(要译文) There are 3 people in my family, my parents and me. My father is the manager of a corporation. He goes to work at about 7 in the morning and es back home at around 6 in the evening. My father is tall and thin. He has black short hair and big eyes. He likes playing sports when he has time. My mother is a nurse. She works in a hospital. She is very beautiful. She is also very patient and helps people all the time. Sometimes, she has to go to the hospital late at night. On weekends, my family and I sometimes go hiking. 我家里有三个人:我父母和我。我爸爸是一家公司的经理。他早上7点上班晚上6点下班。我爸爸很高很瘦。他有黑色短头发和大眼睛。他有空的时候喜欢玩体育运动。我妈妈是护士。她在医院上班。她很漂亮。她也有耐性而且一直帮助别人。有时候,她晚上也不得不去医院。周末的时候,我家人和我有时候去远足。 字数有点多· 你可以按照中文翻译自行删减。 介绍你和你的朋友能演奏什么乐器,初中英语作文范文 When I was *** all, I like to eat a lot of food, but I have a habit, I will not eat up all the food, I just like to taste all of it. When my mother saw this, she felt bad for me, she told me that all the food was the farmers" hard work, I should not waste it. Thinking about this, I felt so shameful about my bad behavior, I decided to eat up the food. Wasting the food should be condemned, especially in the cities, people like to waste the food, they want to keep thin and only eat *** all portion. Now, the government advocates people clean the plate, this movement is weled by the public, more and more people have the idea not to waste the food.
2023-07-21 02:43:071


这个容易,主要看up 后面接的东西就行了。给你几个例子你就懂了。副词:(up 后面没有名词)he jumped up.他跳了起来。two of the men hoisted her up.两个男人把她抬了起来。the curtain went up.帘子升了起来。she made her way up to bed.她上楼去睡觉。介词:(up 后面有名词)she climbed up a flight of steps.她爬上一段楼梯。She is walking up the street.沿街走。
2023-07-21 02:43:152


yes !
2023-07-21 02:43:242

ping219.150.32.132 -t bytes=32 time=78ms TTL=248 有时候还出现Request timed out.这是什么意思?

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2023-07-21 02:40:362


Jack tossed the papers on my desk—his eyebrows knit into a straight line as he glared at me. 杰克把文件扔到我桌上,皱着眉头,气愤地瞪着我。 "What"s wrong?" I asked. “怎么了?”我问道。 He jabbed a finger at the proposal. "Next time you want to change anything, ask me first," he said, turning on his heels and leaving me stewing in anger. 他指着计划书狠狠地说道:“下次想作什么改动前,先征求一下我的意见。”然后转身走了,留下我一个人在那里生闷气。 How dare he treat me like that, I thought. I had changed one long sentence, and corrected grammar, something I thought I was paid to do. 他怎么能这样对我!我想,我只是改了一个长句,更正了语法错误,但这都是我的分内之事啊。 It"s not that I hadn"t been warned. Other women who had worked my job before me called Jack names I couldn"t repeat. One coworker took me aside the first day. "He"s personally responsible for two different secretaries leaving the firm," she whispered. 其实也有人提醒过我,上一任在我这个职位上工作的女士就曾大骂过他。我第一天上班时,就有同事把我拉到一旁小声说:“已有两个秘书因为他而辞职了。” As the weeks went by, I grew to despise Jack. His actions made me question much that I believed in, such as turning the other cheek and loving your enemies. Jack quickly slapped a verbal insult on any cheek turned his way. I prayed about the situation, but to be honest, I wanted to put Jack in his place, not love him. 几周后,我逐渐有些鄙视杰克了,而这又有悖于我的信条——别人打你左脸,右脸也转过去让他打;爱自己的敌人。但无论怎么做,总会挨杰克的骂。说真的,我很想灭灭他的嚣张气焰,而不是去爱他。我还为此默默祈祷过。 One day another of his episodes left me in tears. I stormed into his office, prepared to lose my job if needed, but not before I let the man know how I felt. I opened the door and Jack glanced up. “What?” he asked abruptly. 一天,因为一件事,我又被他气哭了。我冲进他的办公室,准备在被炒鱿鱼前让他知道我的感受。我推开门,杰克抬头看了我一眼。“有事吗?”他突然说道。 Suddenly I knew what I had to do. After all, he deserved it. 我猛地意识到该怎么做了。毕竟,他罪有应得。 I sat across from him and said calmly, “Jack, the way you"ve been treating me is wrong. I"ve never had anyone speak to me that way. As a professional, it"s wrong, and I can"t allow it to continue.” 我在他对面坐下:“杰克,你对待我的方式很有问题。还从没有人像你那样对我说话。作为一个职业人士,你这么做很愚蠢,我无法容忍这样的事情再度发生。” Jack snickered nervously and leaned back in his chair. I closed my eyes briefly. God help me, I prayed. 杰克不安地笑了笑,向后靠靠。我闭了一下眼睛,祈祷着,希望上帝能帮帮我。 “I want to make you a promise. I will be a friend,” I said. “I will treat you as you deserve to be treated, with respect and kindness. You deserve that. Everybody does.” I slipped out of the chair and closed the door behind me. “我保证,可以成为你的朋友。你是我的上司,我自然会尊敬你,礼貌待你,这是我应做的。每个人都应得到如此礼遇。”我说着便起身离开,把门关上了。 Jack avoided me the rest of the week. Proposals, specs, and letters appeared on my desk while I was at lunch, and my corrected versions were not seen again. I brought cookies to the office one day and left a batch on his desk. Another day I left a note. “Hope your day is going great,” it read. 那个星期余下的几天,杰克一直躲着我。他总趁我吃午饭时,把计划书、技术说明和信件放在我桌上,并且,我修改过的文件不再被打回来。一天,我买了些饼干去办公室,顺便在杰克桌上留了一包。第二天,我又留了一张字条,在上面写道:“祝你今天一切顺利。” Over the next few weeks, Jack reappeared. He was reserved, but there were no other episodes. Coworkers cornered me in the break room. “Guess you got to Jack,” they said. “You must have told him off good.” 接下来的几个星期,杰克不再躲避我了,但沉默了许多,办公室里再也没发生不愉快的事情。于是,同事们在休息室把我团团围了起来。“听说杰克被你镇住了,”他们说,“你肯定大骂了他一顿。” I shook my head. “Jack and I are becoming friends,” I said in faith. I refused to talk about him. Every time I saw Jack in the hall, I smiled at him. After all, that"s what friends do. 我摇了摇头,一字一顿地说:“我们会成为朋友。”我根本不想提起杰克,每次在大厅看见他时,我总冲他微笑。毕竟,朋友就该这样。 One year after our "talk," I discovered I had breast cancer. I was thirty-two, the mother of three beautiful young children, and scared. The cancer had metastasized to my lymph nodes and the statistics were not great for long-term survival. After my surgery, friends and loved ones visited and tried to find the right words. No one knew what to say, and many said the wrong things. Others wept, and I tried to encourage them. I clung to hope myself. 一年后,我32岁,是三个漂亮孩子的母亲,但我被确诊为乳腺癌,这让我极端恐惧。癌细胞已经扩散到我的淋巴腺。从统计数据来看,我的时间不多了。手术后,我拜访了亲朋好友,他们尽量宽慰我,都不知道说些什么好,有些人反而说错了话,另外一些人则为我难过,还得我去安慰他们。我始终没有放弃希望。 One day, Jack stood awkwardly in the doorway of my small, darkened hospital room. I waved him in with a smile. He walked over to my bed and without a word placed a bundle beside me. Inside the package lay several bulbs. 就在我出院的前一天,我看到门外有个人影。是杰克,他尴尬地站在门口。我微笑着招呼他进来,他走到我床边,默默地把一包东西放在我旁边,那里边是几个球茎。 "Tulips," he said. “这是郁金香。”他说。 I grinned, not understanding. 我笑着,不明白他的用意。 He shuffled his feet, then cleared his throat. "If you plant them when you get home, they"ll come up next spring. I just wanted you to know that I think you"ll be there to see them when they come up." 他清了清嗓子,“回家后把它们种下,到明年春天就长出来了。”他挪挪脚,“我希望你知道,你一定看得到它们发芽开花。” Tears clouded my eyes and I reached out my hand. "Thank you," I whispered. 我泪眼朦胧地伸出手。 Jack grasped my hand and gruffly replied, "You"re welcome. You can"t see it now, but next spring you"ll see the colors I picked out for you. I think you"ll like them." He turned and left without another word. “谢谢你。”我低声说。杰克抓住我的手,生硬地答道:“不必客气。到明年长出来后,你就能看到我为你挑的是什么颜色的郁金香了。”之后,他没说一句话便转身离开了。 For ten years, I have watched those red-and-white striped tulips push their way through the soil every spring. 转眼间,十多年过去了,每年春天,我都会看着这些红白相间的郁金香破土而出。事实上,今年九月,医生已宣布我痊愈了。我也看着孩子们高中毕业,进入大学。 In a moment when I prayed for just the right word, a man with very few words said all the right things. 在那绝望的时刻,我祈求他人的安慰,而这个男人寥寥数语,却情真意切,温暖着我脆弱的心。 After all, that"s what friends do. 毕竟,朋友之间就该这么做。
2023-07-21 02:40:251