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2023-07-21 08:59:00
TAG: 英语 行车

bicycle and spare parts 自行车及零件

bicycle bell 自行车车铃

bicycle bottom bracket 自行车底架

bicycle brake 自行车刹车

bicycle chain lock 自行车链条锁

bicycle chain set 自行车全链盒

bicycle chain 自行车链条

bicycle chainwheel and crank 自行车链轮曲柄

bicycle dynamo 自行车发电机

bicycle ergomotor 自行车功量仪

bicycle expansion brake 自行车涨闸

bicycle external gear-shaft 自行车外变速器

bicycle frame 自行车架

bicycle freewheel 自行车飞轮

bicycle front fork lock 自行车前叉锁

bicycle front fork 自行车前叉

bicycle gloves 自行车手套

bicycle hand brake 自行车手闸

bicycle handle bar 自行车车把

bicycle handle grip 自行车把套

bicycle hub brake 自行车车轮闸

bicycle light 自行车灯

bicycle lock 自行车锁

bicycle luggage carrier 自行车行李架

bicycle maker"s pliers 自行车钳

bicycle mudguard 自行车挡泥板

bicycle of plastic wheel 塑料轮自行车

bicycle parts production line 自行车零件生产线

bicycle pedal 自行车踏板

bicycle pump 自行车打气筒

bicycle rim 自行车钢圈

bicycle saddle 自行车鞍座

bicycle safety fork 自行车保险叉

bicycle spare parts and accessories 自行车零配件

bicycle spoke 自行车辐条

bicycle stand 自行车支架

bicycle steel ball 自行车钢珠

bicycle tire pump 自行车轮胎打气筒

bicycle tube 自行车内胎

bicycle tyre and tube 自行车内外胎

bicycle tyre 自行车外胎

bicycle wind accelerator 自行车风力增速器

bicycle wrench 自行车扳手



2023-07-21 02:16:063


2023-07-21 02:16:141

自行车英语怎么说 自行车英语是什么

1、自行车英语是bicycle,音标:英[u02c8bau026asu026akl],美[u02c8bau026asu026akl]。 2、例句:She chained her bicycle to the gate.她用链子把自行车锁在大门上。 3、bicycle是可数名词,基本意思是“自行车,脚踏车”,可指一辆具体的自行车,也可指抽象的交通工具。 4、bicycle常和介词by搭配,表示“骑自行车”,此时介词by不可用其他介词代替,且bicycle不可使用复数。 5、bicycle多用于书面语,而bike多用于口语,是两个不同的单词,而非简写,而且bike更常用些. 6、bicycle一般指的是普通单车。bike可以指任何骑行工具,bike的意思比bicycle高级。比如,山地自行车可叫bike但不是bicycle。
2023-07-21 02:16:211


bicycle英音:["baisikl]美音:["bau026asu026ak!] 名词 n. 1. 自行车,脚踏车[C] 不及物动词 vi. 1. 骑自行车[Q] Dick bicycles to school every day. 迪克每天骑自行车上学.
2023-07-21 02:16:291


2023-07-21 02:17:319


2023-07-21 02:17:501


2023-07-21 02:18:191


2023-07-21 02:18:3714


bicycle与bike意思相同,作名词都有“自行车;脚踏车”的意思,作动词有“骑自行车”的意思,二者拼写不同。另外bicycle较为书面,较正式,bike较口语化一些。 扩展资料   bicycle与bike的用法:   1.I got there by bicycle.   I got there by bike.   我骑脚踏车去那儿。   2.It only takes eight minutes by bicycle to the dancing class.   It only takes eight minutes by bike to the dancing class.   骑自行车去上有舞蹈课只需要八分钟。   3.You can go there either by bicycle or on foot.   You can go there either by bike or on foot.   你要么骑车要么步行去那里。   4.The man bumped me off the bicycle.   The man bumped me off the bike.   那人把我从自行车上撞下来。   5.I"m going by bike, and you may go by bus.   I"m going by bicycle, and you may go by bus.   我呢,骑自行车去,你们呢,坐汽车去。
2023-07-21 02:19:001


by bikeride on a bicycle
2023-07-21 02:19:2011


自行车的英语单词:bicycle、bike、push bike。自行车又称脚踏车或单车,通常是二轮的小型陆上车辆。人骑上车后,以脚踩踏板为动力,是绿色环保的交通工具。其中bi意指二,而cycle意指轮,即两轮车。在中国内地、新加坡,通常称其为“自行车”或“脚踏车”;在其它地方则通常称其为“单车”(其实粤语通常都这么称呼);自行车种类很多,有单人自行车,双人自行车还有多人自行车。可以作为环保的交通工具用来代步、出行;越来越多的人将自行车作为健身器材用来骑行锻炼、自行车出游;自行车本身也是一项体育竞技运动,有公路自行车赛、山地自行车赛、场地自行车赛、特技自行车比赛等。截至2019年,我国自行车社会保有量已近4亿辆、电动自行车近3亿辆,均位居世界第一。自行车是传统产业,具有100多年的历史,由于环保以及交通的问题,自行车再度成为世界各国特别是居民喜爱的交通、健身工具,世界自行车行业的重心正从传统的代步型交通工具向运动型、山地型、休闲型转变。以上内容参考:百度百科-自行车
2023-07-21 02:20:081


2023-07-21 02:20:462


bicycle的音标和读音: DJ音标发音: [u02c8baiu02ccsiku0259l, -siku0259l, -u02ccsaiku0259l] KK音标发音: [u02c8bau026au02ccsu026aku0259l, -su026aku0259l, -u02ccsau026aku0259l]。英语(英语:English)是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的Anglia。该语言与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语密切相关,其词汇受到其他日耳曼语系语言的影响,尤其是北欧语(北日耳曼语),并在很大程度上由拉丁文和法文撰写。英语已经发展了1400多年。英语的最早形式是由盎格鲁-撒克逊人移民于5世纪带到英国的一组西日耳曼语支(Ingvaeonic)方言,被统称为古英语。中古英语始于11世纪末,诺曼征服英格兰;1476年,威廉·卡克斯顿将印刷机介绍给英国,并开始在伦敦出版第一本印刷书籍,扩大了英语的影响力。自17世纪以来,现代英语在英国和美国的广泛影响下在世界各地传播。通过各类这些国家的印刷和电子媒体,英语已成为国际主导语言之一,在许多地区和专业的环境下的语言也有主导地位,例如科学、导航和法律。英语是按照分布面积而言最流行的语言,但母语者数量是世界第三,仅次于汉语、西班牙语。它是学习最广泛的第二语言,是近60个主权国家的官方语言或官方语言之一。与英语为母语的人相比,将其作为第二语言学习的人更多。它是英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰等国家的母语,在加勒比海、非洲和南亚被广泛使用。它是联合国、欧洲联盟以及许多其他世界和区域国际组织的官方语言之一。
2023-07-21 02:21:011


2023-07-21 02:21:413

by bicycle是什么意思

  by bicycle英 [bai u02c8baisikl] 美 [bau026a u02c8bau026au02ccsu026aku0259l]  adv.骑脚踏车;  [例句]I go to school by bicycle every day.  我每天骑脚踏车上学。
2023-07-21 02:22:013


2023-07-21 02:22:117


2023-07-21 02:22:319


自行车的英语发音是 "bicycle".bicycle一、发音英:[u02c8bau026asu026aku0259l];美:[u02c8bau026asu026aku0259l]二、中文翻译n. 自行车三、形式复数: bicycles四、短语搭配1. ride a bicycle 骑自行车2. bicycle helmet 自行车头盔3. mountain bicycle 山地自行车4. tandem bicycle 双人自行车5. bicycle lane 自行车道6. bicycle pump 自行车打气筒五、双语例句1. I enjoy riding my bicycle in the park.我喜欢在公园里骑自行车。2. Don"t forget to wear your bicycle helmet for safety.为了安全起见,别忘了戴上自行车头盔。3. He prefers mountain bicycles for off-road adventures.他更喜欢用山地自行车进行越野冒险。4. They went on a leisurely ride on a tandem bicycle.他们骑着双人自行车悠闲地出去兜风。5. The city has designated bicycle lanes for cyclists.这个城市为骑车者划定了自行车道。6. She needed to inflate her tires with a bicycle pump.她需要用自行车打气筒给轮胎充气。六、用法1. "Bicycle" 是一个名词,指的是一种由人力驱动的交通工具。例如:"He rides his bicycle to work every day."(他每天骑自行车上班。)2. "Bicycle" 可以与一些名词搭配,表示特定的含义,如 "bicycle helmet"(自行车头盔),"mountain bicycle"(山地自行车)。例如:"They went on a cycling trip with their mountain bicycles."(他们带着山地自行车进行了一次骑行之旅。)3. "Bicycle" 的复数形式 "bicycles" 表示多个自行车。例如:"There are several bicycles parked outside the store."(商店外停放着几辆自行车。)
2023-07-21 02:23:023

bike、bicycle 和cycling的区别

2023-07-21 02:23:441

bike,bicycle 和cycling的区别

bicycle (双轮)自行车=cyclecycle 作名词时,是自行车;作动词时,是循环、骑自行车;cycling 是动名词,是循环、骑自行车
2023-07-21 02:23:521


2023-07-21 02:24:157


2023-07-21 02:24:351


bicycle可以用作名词 bicycle是可数名词,基本意思是“自行车,脚踏车”,可指一辆具体的自行车,也可指抽象的交通工具。 bicycle常和介词by搭配,表示“骑自行车”,此时介词by不可用其他介词代替,且bicycle不可使用复数。 扩展资料   bicycle用法例句   1、I was riding on the back of a friend"s bicycle.   我当时坐在一个朋友的自行车后座上。   2、The bicycle reigned supreme as Britain"s most popular mode of transport.   当时自行车是英国最流行的"交通工具。   3、Each year they compete in a prominent statewide bicycle race.   每年他们都要参加著名的全州自行车大赛。
2023-07-21 02:25:101


2023-07-21 02:25:286


2023-07-21 02:26:072

bicycle怎么读 英语bicycle怎么读

1、bicycle英[u02c8bau026asu026akl]美[u02c8bau026asu026akl]n.自行车; 脚踏车;vi.骑自行车。 2、[例句]A bicycle came into sight on the main road.大路上出现了一辆自行车。
2023-07-21 02:26:291


2023-07-21 02:26:3915

骑自行车用英语怎么说 骑自行车的英语是什么

1、骑自行车用英语表示为:ride a bicycle或者ride a bike。 2、ride a bicycle的读音:英[rau026ad u0259 u02c8bau026asu026akl],美[rau026ad u0259 u02c8bau026asu026akl]。例句:Teach me how to ride a bicycle.请你教我怎样骑自行车。 3、bike的读音:英[bau026ak],美[bau026ak]。意思:n.自行车;脚踏车;摩托车。v.骑自行车(或摩托车);骑车;骑摩托车递送。
2023-07-21 02:27:401


2023-07-21 02:27:561


单车的英文是Bicycle.1、Bicycle 自行车。2、Tire 轮胎。3、Rim 轮圈。4、Saddle 坐垫。5、Seat post 座杆。6、Seat post clamp 座杆束子。7、Rear brake 后刹车。8、Front brake 前刹车。9、Seat stay 后上叉。10、Chain stay 后下叉。11、Seat tube 座管。12、Top tube 上管。13、Down tube 下管。14、Freewheel/cassette Sprockets 飞轮。15、Rear Ends/Dropouts 后叉端。16、Derailleur Cable 变速导线。17、Rear Derailleur 后变速器。单车自行车又称脚踏车或单车,通常是二轮的小型陆上车辆。人骑上车后,以脚踩踏板为动力,是绿色环保的交通工具。在中国内地、台湾、新加坡,通常称其为“自行车”或“脚踏车”;在港澳则通常称其为“单车”;自行车种类很多,有单人自行车,双人自行车还有多人自行车。作为环保的交通工具用来代步,越来越多的人将自行车作为健身器材用来骑行锻炼、自行车出游;自行车本身也是一项体育竞技运动,有公路自行车赛、山地自行车赛、场地自行车赛、特技自行车比赛等。我国自行车社会保有量已近4亿辆、电动自行车近3亿辆,均位居世界第一。1866年清朝派出了第一个出洋考察团,其中19岁少年张德彝在游记里使用到“自行车”一词,于是自行车一词首次出现,并被一直沿用至今。
2023-07-21 02:28:302


用英语说骑自行车的两种方法:1、by bike读音:[bai baik]示例:Are you to go there by bike or by bus?译文:你要骑自行车去还是坐公共汽车去?用法:介词短语,通常放在句末。2、ride a bicycle读音:[rau026adu0259u02c8bau026asu026akl]。示例:She told me not to ride a bike quickly。译文:她告诉我不要骑自行车骑得太快。用法:动词短语,通常放在句中。扩展资料:重点词汇:bike英[bau026ak]释义:n.自行车;脚踏车vi.骑自行车(或摩托车)n.(Bike)人名;(土、土库、塞)比克[复数:bikes;第三人称单数:bikes;现在分词:biking;过去式:biked;过去分词:biked]短语:mountain bike登山车;山地车;山地自行车;山地自行车赛
2023-07-21 02:28:441


ride a bike
2023-07-21 02:29:334


bicycle[英] [u02c8bau026asu026akl][美] [u02c8bau026asu026akl]n.自行车; 脚踏车;v.骑自行车;[例句]I bicycled on towards the sea.我继续骑着自行车朝海边走。[复数]bicycles
2023-07-21 02:30:411

glossy varnish 是光膜吗?

2023-07-21 02:30:492

matt varnish finish是什么意思

建筑术语“哑、亮面”“粗糙面,光滑面” matt finish,“哑面”,糙面。 varnish finish,清漆涂层 ,亮面。
2023-07-21 02:30:571

局域网request timed out怎么解决

2023-07-21 02:30:593

work made for hire是什么意思

work made for hire雇佣作品
2023-07-21 02:31:047

gloss machine varnish

2023-07-21 02:31:041


它主要的功能是用来检测网络的连通情况和分析网络速度。 以下是PING的一些参数: ping [-t] [-a] [-n count] [-l length] [-f] [-i ttl] [-v tos] [-r count] [-s count] [-j computer-list] | [-k computer-list] [-w timeout] destination-list -t Ping 指定的计算机直到中断。 -a 将地址解析为计算机名。 -n count 发送 count 指定的 ECHO 数据包数。默认值为 4。 -l length 发送包含由 length 指定的数据量的 ECHO 数据包。默认为 32 字节;最大值是65,527。 -f 在数据包中发送"不要分段"标志。数据包就不会被路由上的网关分段。 -i ttl 将"生存时间"字段设置为 ttl 指定的值。 -v tos 将"服务类型"字段设置为 tos 指定的值。 -r count 在"记录路由"字段中记录传出和返回数据包的路由。count 可以指定最少 1 台,最多 9 台计算机。 -s count 指定 count 指定的跃点数的时间戳。 -j computer-list 利用 computer-list 指定的计算机列表路由数据包。连续计算机可以被中间网关分隔(路由稀疏源)IP 允许的最大数量为 9。 -k computer-list 利用 computer-list 指定的计算机列表路由数据包。连续计算机不能被中间网关分隔(路由严格源)IP 允许的最大数量为 9。 -w timeout 指定超时间隔,单位为毫秒。 destination-list 指定要 ping 的远程计算机。 Ping的返回信息有"Request Timed Out"、"Destination Net Unreachable"和"Bad IP address"还有"Source quench received"。 "Request Timed Out"这个信息表示对方主机可以到达到TIME OUT,这种情况通常是为对方拒绝接收你发给它的数据包造成数据包丢失。大多数的原因可能是对方装有防火墙或已下线。 "Destination Net Unreachable"这个信息表示对方主机不存在或者没有跟对方建立连接。这里要说明一下"destination host unreachable"和"time out"的区别,如果所经过的路由器的路由表中具有到达目标的路由,而目标因为其它原因不可到达,这时候会出现"time out",如果路由表中连到达目标的路由都没有,那就会出现"destination host unreachable"。 "Bad IP address" 这个信息表示你可能没有连接到DNS服务器所以无法解析这个IP地址,也可能是IP地址不存在。 "Source quench received"信息比较特殊,它出现的机率很少。它表示对方或中途的服务器繁忙无法回应。 怎样使用Ping这命令来测试网络连通呢? 连通问题是由许多原因引起的,如本地配置错误、远程主机协议失效等,当然还包括设备等造成的故障。 首先我们讲一下使用Ping命令的步骤。 使用Ping检查连通性有五个步骤: 1. 使用ipconfig /all观察本地网络设置是否正确; 2. Ping, 回送地址Ping回送地址是为了检查本地的TCP/IP协议有没有设置好; 3. Ping本机IP地址,这样是为了检查本机的IP地址是否设置有误; 4. Ping本网网关或本网IP地址,这样的是为了检查硬件设备是否有问题,也可以检查本机与本地网络连接是否正常;(在非局域网中这一步骤可以忽略) 5. Ping远程IP地址,这主要是检查本网或本机与外部的连接是否正常。 在检查网络连通的过程中可能出现一些错误,这些错误总的来说分为两种最常见。 1. Request Timed Out "request time out"这提示除了在《PING(一)》提到的对方可能装有防火墙或已关机以外,还有就是本机的IP不正确和网关设置错误。 ①、IP不正确: IP不正确主要是IP地址设置错误或IP地址冲突,这可以利用ipconfig /all这命令来检查。在WIN2000下IP冲突的情况很少发生,因为系统会自动检测在网络中是否有相同的IP地址并提醒你是否设置正确。在NT中不但会出现"request time out"这提示而且会出现"Hardware error"这提示信息比较特殊不要给它的提示所迷惑。 ②、网关设置错误:这个错误可能会在第四个步骤出现。网关设置错误主要是网关地址设置不正确或网关没有帮你转发数据,还有就是可能远程网关失效。这里主要是在你Ping外部网络地址时出错。错误表现为无法Ping外部主机返回信息"Request timeout"。 2. Destination Host Unreachable 当你在开始PING网络计算机时如果网络设备出错它返回信息会提示"destination host unreachable"。如果局域网中使用DHCP分配IP时,而碰巧DHCP失效,这时使用 PING命令就会产生此错误。因为在DHCP失效时客户机无法分配到IP系统只有自设IP,它往往会设为不同子网的IP。所以会出现"Destination Host Unreachable"。另外子网掩码设置错误也会出现这错误。 还有一个比较特殊就是路由返回错误信息,它一般都会在"Destination Host Unreachable"前加上IP地址说明哪个路由不能到达目标主机。这说明你的机器与外部网络连接没有问题,但与某台主机连接存在问题。 举个例子吧。 我管理的网络有19台机,由一台100M集线器连接服务器,使用DHCP动态分配IP地址。 有一次有位同事匆忙地告诉我"我的OUTLOOK打不开了",我到他机器检查,首先我检查了本地网络设置,我用ipconfig /all看IP分配情况一切正常。接着我就开始PING网络中的其中一台机器,第一次PING结果很正常,但OUTLOOK还是无法使用其它网络软件和Copy网络文件都可以使用但网络速度很慢,第二次PING我用了一个参数-t(-t可以不中断地PING对方,当时我想PING一次可能发现不了问题)发现有time=30ms和request time out,从服务器PING这台机就更有趣,request time out比正常数据还多,在局域中竟然有time=30ms和request time out太不正常了。开始我认为是网卡的问题但换网卡后故障依旧,重做网线还是不能解决问题,这故障真有趣!最后我没办法了把它插在集线器端口上的另一端的网线换到另一个端口,哈!故障解决了。原来是集线器端口坏了。 如何用Ping命令来判断一条链路的速度? Ping这个命令除了可以检查网络的连通和检测故障以外,还有一个比较有趣的用途,那就是可以利用它的一些返回数据,来估算你跟某台主机之间的速度是多少字节每秒 我们先来看看它有那些返回数据。 Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=590ms TTL=114 Reply from bytes=32 time=590ms TTL=114 Reply from bytes=32 time=590ms TTL=114 Reply from bytes=32 time=601ms TTL=114 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 590ms, Maximum = 601ms, Average = 593ms 在例子中"bytes=32"表示ICMP报文中有32个字节的测试数据(这是估算速度的关键数据),"time=590ms"是往返时间。 怎样估算链路的速度呢?举个例子吧。我们把A和B之间设置为PPP链路。 从上面的PING例子可以注意到,默认情况下发送的ICMP报文有32个字节。除了这32个字节外再加上20个字节的IP首部和8个字节的ICMP首部,整个IP数据报文的总长度就是60个字节(因为IP和ICMP是Ping命令的主要使用协议,所以整个数据报文要加上它们)。另外在使用Ping命令时还使用了另一个协议进行传输,那就是PPP协议(点对点协议),所以在数据的开始和结尾再加上8个字节。在传输过程中,由于每个字节含有8bit数据、1bit起始位和1bit结束位,因此传输速率是每个字节2.98ms。由此我们可以估计需要405ms。即68*2.98*2(乘2是因为我们还要计算它的往返时间)。 我们来测试一下33600 b/s的链路: Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=415ms TTL=114 Reply from bytes=32 time=415ms TTL=114 Reply from bytes=32 time=415ms TTL=114 Reply from bytes=32 time=421ms TTL=114 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 415ms, Maximum = 421ms, Average = 417ms
2023-07-21 02:31:092


2023-07-21 02:31:149


2023-07-21 02:31:151

美车在线 卡宴普通版与铂金版区别

1)卡宴是什么车,产品属于什么定位?卡宴是保时捷在2002年初在日内瓦车展上推出的品牌首款运动型SUV,其采用大众途锐平台上研发,于此采用同一平台的还有奥迪Q7。它定位于极致性能SUV,也就是途锐与Q7之间找到一个以运动为旗号的方向。经过数次调价之后,目前国内正规市场的卡宴裸车售价介乎92.20-263.00万元起步。但铂金版正式上市之后,其售价将会调整为:105.80-263.00万元起步。2)有人说,卡宴即将换代,真有此事?非也。目前全球市场所销售的卡宴为车系第二代车型,2011年投放市场。按照保时捷的6年一换代策略,最快也要2017年才推出换代卡宴。而即将开始的2014年日内瓦车展,或将亮相的新款卡宴,相信也只是改款产品,而并非传闻中的换代。3)铂金版比现款普通版的裸车价贵了13.60万元,这是为什么?如果关注保时捷品牌动向的朋友应该知道,保时捷旗下第二款SUV——Macan,在近期公布了其起步价。Macan是一款中型SUV(卡宴为中大型SUV),其官方公布的裸车价为68.80-98.80万元起步。无疑,其售价与现款卡宴普通版的价格“水星撞火星”。为了不让Macan与卡宴有明显的冲突,卡宴借铂金版自抬身价。换言之,卡宴成为路虎揽胜运动版之后的第二款百万元起步的中大型SUV。4)铂金版与现售普通版有何区别?按照裸车的对比,铂金版与现售普通版的差别主要在前脸造型、配置升级方面。造型是普通版不能选装,配置提升与13.60万元的差价成正比。简单去理解,消费者需要多花13.60万元去买一辆配置更丰富的入门型号。卡宴 铂金版(Platinum Edition)与普通版 标配差异——外观前裙板格栅条侧车窗镶边车顶扰流板分离边缘(价值6,500元)后保险杆饰板哑光铝合金外观漆行李架(价值14,600元)金属漆面(价值17,200元)带保时捷盾徽的 19英寸Cayenne Design II 轮毂(价值36,000元)卡宴 铂金版(Platinum Edition)与普通版 标配差异——内饰独特黑色内饰或卢克索米色双色调(双色内饰价值10,000元)内装 Platinum Edition 识别标识SportDesign 三幅式带换挡拨片方向盘Sport Chrono 组件(价值6,000元)前后排座椅头枕保时捷盾徽全景式天窗(价值6,000元)BOSE 14扬声器音响(价值22,700元)带40G硬盘的PCM 多媒体系统如果按照上列菜单所标识的差异化与其基于普通版的选装价格来看,选装配件的总价值至少在11.90万元,与13.60万元的差价十分接近。5)售价为92.20万元的普通版已经停止预订,铂金版即将取代其位置?是的。中国区代号为“PorscheCayenne Tiptroinc China (3.0)”、售价为92.20万元的普通版将会被铂金版所取代。换言之,未来有意购买卡宴入门版的消费者,所付出的基础价格将会提升13.60万元。6)目前该车的预订周期是?根据消费者所定制的配置而定,介乎3-9个月不等。如果是选择铂金版裸车,其预订周期大概在3-4个月左右。如果是自选配置,其预订周期大概在6-9个月左右。值得一提的是,目前预订是不加价。最后一则消息是让急需提车的“土豪们”伤心:由于配额和产能问题暂无现车待售。
2023-07-21 02:31:153


0511-84401065招办电话。江苏科技大学介绍:(Jiangsu University of Science and Technology),坐落在江苏省镇江市,是江苏高水平大学建设高峰计划B类建设高校,江苏省人民政府与中国船舶集团有限公司共建高校,国家国防科技工业局与江苏省人民政府共建高校。教育部卓越工程师教育培养计划高校,教育部本科教学工作水平评估优秀学校,中国船舶与海洋工程产业知识产权联盟、江苏船舶与海洋类高校协同发展联盟牵头单位。学校源自1933年创办的上海大公职业学校,1952年更名为上海市机电工业学校,1953年上海市机电工业学校机械科、上海第一机器制造工业学校船舶制造科、上海水产学院附设水产学校轮机科、福州工业学校造船科合并组建上海船舶工业学校。1961年上海工厂设计学校并入。1970年迁至镇江,更名为镇江船舶工业学校,1978年升格为本科并更名镇江船舶学院,1993年更名为华东船舶工业学院。
2023-07-21 02:30:471

pretty good guy 的意思

2023-07-21 02:30:465

ping网关 出现request timed out

2023-07-21 02:30:446

varnish cache server什么意思

varnish英 ["vɑu02d0nu026au0283] 美 ["vɑrnu026au0283] n. 亮光漆,清漆;虚饰;光泽面vt. 装饰,粉饰;在…上涂清漆;使…有光泽
2023-07-21 02:30:421

中秋节英文介绍(日期、习俗) 不要太多,一定要有译文!

2023-07-21 02:30:4114


不是好人 :Not a good person/guy 你不是好人 :You"re not a good guy. 我不是好人 :I"m not a good person. 这是比较地道的说法. 自己认真翻译的, 希望及时采纳—— 多谢 ⌒_⌒,10,you"re not good,2,not a good guy not a nice guy not a kind guy,2,我知道一个外国小孩子喜欢说的 坏蛋 Bad apple,2,Is not a good man.,1,isn"t good people,1,直接说 you are a bad person就很地道了,1,isn"t a good guy.,0,坏人,0,请将语境写清楚,不同语境下翻译不同。 除了其他楼层的翻译,还可以用not a decent man来形容。 或者在英语中会习惯更直接的用bad guy/man. 而person用在这里虽然没错,但是有些别扭,不符合习惯。 前面的形容词可选的更多了,建议楼主将具体语境说出来,会有助于更精准更专业的翻译。...,0,Not great man,0,
2023-07-21 02:30:381


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 最好是带翻译的 解析: 1. Origin of the violin Stringed instruments first were recorded in Europe in the medieval ages. By “stringed” we refer to instruments played with a bow. This instrument was the "fiddle" of the minne-singers. But it didn"t have much in mon with a violin. It was in the 15th century when, slowly, the family of gambs and violins developed. In the times of the renaissance, which had a large impact on all the arts, not least in the construction of instruments. The violin as it is known nowadays was built in the early 16th century. In this climate the viola and the cello also emerged. Everything that is explained about the violin and its structures can be referred to the whole family of stringed instruments. This group of instruments has been developed in order to satisfy new ideas of sounds that emerged in these times in Italy. Gradually, it took the place of the gambs and violas that preceded them. It was with the Cremonese makers working in this environment that the violin and its family reached its zenith, and although technical innovations have been applied through time, the ground plan and its basic form are still used today. In Italy, which escaped the war of thirty years, violin making reached an enormous upswing. Andrea Amati lived in Cremona beeen 1535 and 1611; he became the founder of the world"s most famous school of violin-making. It is not a certain institute, which is meant but a special local characterisation of all different centres of violinmaking; the art of painting has known a similar effect. So, there are for instance the school of Brescia, of Cremona, of Milan, but also the school of Naples and many more. Afterwards, violin making expounded over the whole continent of Europe. But it was Cremona that was home to the most famous of all violin makers: The families Amati and Guarneri, Antonio Stradivari, the families Ruggeri and Bergonzi. For more than 150 years, violins made by Stradivari and Guarneri have been the most desired concert instruments. 2. Why old master instruments sound so good The decline of violin making began in the second half of the 18th century. Caused by a permanent growth of the demand for instruments the violinmakers were forced to produce more and to produce faster. They used varnishes that dried more quickly but which could not reach the quality of the elder ones. Still, every violinmaker and every enthusiast for violins regrets the disappearance of the old Italian, the so called classical, varnishes. So, there are some violin makers who try heavily to reconstruct old varnishes; they invest plenty of time for their experiments. Many negative influences for violin making result from the pollution of our environment. It is known that in earlier times, rafts transported all the chopped trees. The river Po 250 years ago - a pure river - cannot be pared with the polluted waterway it is nowadays. The same fact is valid also for nearly all stretches of water. Because of the fact that wood is a material with high absorbency, all substances dissolved in the water perate the wood. During the process of drying out, all these substances remain in the wood. In addition during the whole process of later working by the violin maker, this negative influence cannot be corrected. But the environment is an important aspect not only as far as wood is concerned. All substances, which are used to produce varnishes are natural produce. The so-called pore filler consists of propolis which is produced by bees. The colouring of varnishes consist of natural colours, the solvents are natural ethereal oils. All natural substances that are used in violin making nowadays are not parable with the substances of earlier times; unfortunately, they have lost their purity. The ideal materials that were used in classical violin making and the very positive effect of the aging process resulted in the pleteness of all classical instruments made by Italian masters. 3. Restoration of masterpieces Is the sound of these instruments nowadays the same as it was in Stradivari"s times? Certainly not. The majority of musicians would decline instruments with an original sound of those times. It is absolutely clear that they wouldn"t be played in concert by a soloist (except in baroque music). The instruments would not have such a variety of sounds and they wouldn"t have the ability to reach the most distant rows of a concert hall with sufficient clarity. The fact that they can be played in concert today is owed to the violin makers. Much know-how and manual skills and plenty of experience are necessary in order to restore the tone of an old instrument again and again. Further, there are repairs which are necessitated due to accidents and damage; the violin is a very tender instrument with a high tendency to get cracks if it has been dropped. Moreover, damage can be caused by air that is just too dry, which happens most often with new instruments; unfortunately these cracks caused by dryness are more mon because of central heating and air conditioning 4. Making new instruments In the course of the centuries, the workshop has not changed a great deal. There are still the same tools that were used by the old masters: the carpenter"s bench, saws, *** all and large planes as well as chisels made of wood just like those used for sculpturing. Moreover, blades and stencils, also brushes for varnishing and above all large knives for woodcarving are still in use. Still, at Sprenger Geigenbau, there are tools in use that were originally used by founder Fritz Sprenger. For the violinmaker, wood is the most important material; it is only natural that the correct choice of wood is vital in order to achieve the best quality of sound. Wood that is too heavy because of its specific weight cannot be used – although it looks perhaps marvellous. It is also because of this aspect that mass-production of violins has to fail: these days even with modern, puter-controlled machines; the works is too mechanical, without any consideration for materials used. Mass-production will never fulfil the fundamental aspect, because each piece of wood needs to be treated differently, even when the wood is chopped out of the same trunk, the single pieces are very different of each other. At the lower end of the trunk, the wood is generally harder than at the top, also, parts which grew in the sunshine obviously differ from parts that grew in the shadow. Two sorts of wood are the most mon in violin making: spruce for the belly and maple for the back and the scroll. The fingerboard consists of ebony, which is a very hard wood. The pegs and tailpiece are mostly made of ebony, jacaranda or boxwood. The finest wood of maple es from Bosnia, the most adapted spruce es from central European countries; it grows to a height of about 1000m. The wood of the ebony es from Africa – it is wood of the date palm. The most mon kind of construction is the one with the so-called inner form. The ribs are adjusted to this form. The ribs, which are about 1.2 mm thick, are bent over the bending iron. Then, they are fixed with some glue at the top- and bottom-block and at the corner-blocks. The back and belly of the violin are sawed out with its exact outline. This whole process happens according to the precise pattern of the stencils. The stencils can be taken from an instrument, so for instance from a violin made by Stradivari or Guarneri; perhaps, they are changed a little bit with a *** all, personal peculiarity. The belly and the back, which have been cut out are arched afterwards. Therefore, nothing except the ribs is bent or pressed, everything is worked out of a solid piece of wood. When the outer arching has been finished the insides of the back and belly are gouged out. The thickness of belly and back is not the same for the whole violin; its wood is beeen 2.5 and 4.5 mm thick. The violinmaker has to adjust his work to the character of the wood. This is an essential advantage over violins that are made by machines. After carving and preparation, the back is fixed to the rim of the rib. The f-holes are cut out of the belly and then the bass-bar is adjusted and fixed. In order to find the form of the f-holes, the violinmaker focuses on classical examples – perhaps also on his personal particularities. Next, the inner form has to be detached from the ribs; afterwards, the belly is fixed on the rim of the rib. Finally, the back and belly are put in and the edges are rounded. With that, the body of the instrument is finished. The scroll is cut out of maple wood, which should - if possible - match the back and ribs. When the scroll and the so called peg-box has been worked out, the fingerboard gets adjusted to the neck. Then, the plete neck is fitted to the body, which obviously is a working process that has to be carried out with high precision; it has a large impact not only on the instrument"s technical playing possibilities but also on its sound. Now, the white instrument is finished. It is now only its varnished dress that is missing. 5. The varnish The three most important functions of the varnish are the following: 1. It should protect the instrument from the negative influences of weather and dirt 2. It should raise the instrument"s possibilities of sound 3. It should emphasise the wood"s natural beauty Most violinmakers strive for the development of an ideal recipe for varnishes. Indeed, the varnish has a large impact on the sound. A soft varnish and an insufficient undercoating have a tendency to deaden heavily the sound of a violin. If the varnish is too hard or brittle, in contrary, the sound bees shrill and perating. To sum up, one can say that an instrument, which is badly or incorrectly built cannot bee a masterpiece just because of an excellent varnish. However, a good instrument can be ruined because of a miserable varnish.
2023-07-21 02:30:341

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2023-07-21 02:30:322