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the move...句式求解析

2023-07-21 08:44:15
TAG: move the mo ov ove th he mov


dismiss V-T When a judge dismisses a case against someone, he or she formally states that there is no need for a trial, usually because there is not enough evidence for the case to continue. 不受理

例:A federal judge dismissed the charges against the doctor yesterday.


after 引导时间状语从句。。。

简化一下,The move(主语) comes(谓语) after the lawsuit was dismissed(状语从句).

傻了吧。。。 = =




the move comes after...表示在诉讼后这个运动就来了

而最后又有一个was dismissed by...这里说的也是move吧?




What was dismissed. was dismissed 的主语是什么。

town之前的还成句子, 之后就对不上了。




求科普,篮球里说的The move是什么意思

你指的是平时解说的what a move吧?多指漂亮的运球移动,就是漂亮的运球过人的意思
2023-07-21 01:51:471

请问当年J博士著名的“The Move”是怎么回事?

1980年的总决赛第四场第四节,朱丽叶斯-欧文的费城76队对阵洛杉矶湖人队。在两队的前三场较量中,湖人2比1领先。76人迫切需要一场主场的胜利来搬平比分。 比赛进入到第四节,欧文一次惊世骇俗的上篮让当时目睹这一幕的所有人终生难忘。J博士在右路带球,防守他的是湖人的马克-林德博格,一个脚步不快但却很强壮的前锋球员。当时J博士用他的速度将防守人逼到了底线趁机直奔篮筐,想要用一个上篮或暴扣来结束进攻。 就在这时,湖人中锋贾巴尔突然出现在J博士的路线上试图封盖他的投篮或犯规。已”在空中的欧文变向躲避防守的“天钩”,整个身体从篮板的后方横向滑过贾巴尔到达篮板的左侧用一个反手的上篮将球投进,当时的动作看起来就好像他的身体在球场以外一样。 这个球投进之后,全场鸦雀无声,随后就是雷鸣般的掌声。湖人简直被惊呆了。 “我们来到这里就是为了赢得总冠军的,但我的确被惊呆了。当时还是菜鸟的魔术师约翰逊说。”“他确实做到了!我想。”“我们应该做些什么呢?是否我们应该把这球留做纪念还是让他重新再来一次呢?”那仍然是我所见过的最为精彩的投篮,有史以来最伟大的。 J博士的进球帮助76人以105-102取得比赛的胜利,但是湖人仍然在6场比赛之后拿走了总冠军。 望采纳谢谢!
2023-07-21 01:51:551


move音标为英[muu02d0v],美[muu02d0v]。v.动;移动;改变位置;改变状态;进展;发展;在…中进行社交活动;动议;提议;使排空。;搬家;迁移;步骤;一步棋;变换;转向;改变;传递;转移。复数:moves;第三人称单数:moves;现在分词:moving;过去式:moved;过去分词:moved。网络释义:移动;搬家;移动文件;挪动;运输。双语例句:1、[with clause]I beg to move that this House deplores the government"s economic policies.请允许我动议本议院谴责政府的经济政策。2、His fans move mountains to catch as many of his performances as possible.他的崇拜者们竭尽其能尽可能多地去观看他的演出。3、If she once got an idea in her head you"d never move it.她只要一有想法,你就休想让她改变主意。4、The move has stirred up a hornet"s nest of academic fear and loathing.这一措施引起了学术界恐慌与憎恶的一大堆麻烦。5、The move might be a corrective to some inefficient practices within hospitals.此措施也许可改变医院内部一些低效率的做法。
2023-07-21 01:52:021

名侦探柯南与鲁邦三世the move中king是谁?

2023-07-21 01:52:573

the move...句式求解析

2023-07-21 01:53:361

make the move 什么意思啊?(详解) 求达人解答

2023-07-21 01:53:454

on the move什么意思

在移动中;在行动;在进步中;流动;在进展中。on the move 例句:Furthermore birth limits are hard to enforce in china since such a large proportion of the population is on the move .此外,由于中国有很大一部分人口处于流动状态,计划生育的实施有一定难度。Just because you "re on the move doesn "t mean you should leave your exercise routine behind .你在忙,并不表示你就可以把锻炼身体这茬子事儿抛在脑后。
2023-07-21 01:53:521


2023-07-21 01:54:133

people on the move是什么意思?

2023-07-21 01:54:544

justify the move是什么意思

justify the move为了给自己寻找依据双语对照例句:1.They"re using that old chestnut, the sum-of-the-parts analysis, to justify the move. 为了给自己寻找依据,他们不惜重拾部分总加法分析这一陈词滥调。2.But washington said that china"s imposition of the duties broke wto rules as it had notshown its calculations or sufficient evidence to justify the move. 但美国政府表示,中国征收这些关税,违反了wto规定,因为中国没有提供相关的计算数据或充足的证据,证明这些举措的合理性。
2023-07-21 01:55:131


1. 5个英文作句(8个字式以上)不用太长1.takeourworldforit2.onthemove 1.take our WORD for it : We know how to handle this, take our word for it, ok?2.on the move : Michael was always on the move for 5 years until he found a job.3.drool over : Michael is always drooling over the pretty girl next door.4.comfortably : Michael sat comfortably in my living room couch.5.more quickly than: Michael always acts more quickly than his peers.。 2. 关于运动会的口号8字含英语短语 1 Friendship first,competition second,race out of style,match the level2.团结拼搏,争创佳绩,飞跃梦想,超越刘翔2 unity and hard work,striving for success,leap dream,beyond the Liu Xiang3.挑战自我,突破极限,奋发拼搏,勇于开拓The 3 challenge themselves,to break through the limit,hard work,the courage to open up4.展现自我,争创新高,奥运精神,永驻我心4 show themselves,striving to be high,the Olympic spirit,always in my heart5.强身健体,立志成材,顽强拼搏,超越极限5 physical fitness,determined to become a useful person,tenacious struggle,beyond the limit6.挥动激情,放飞梦想,青春无悔,激情无限The 6 wave of passion,flying dream,youth,passion Unlimited7.顽强拼搏,勇夺第一,挑战自我,突破极限7 the tenacious struggle,won the first,challenge themselves,to break through the limit8.奋发拼搏,勇于开拓,遵规守纪,团结互敬8 hard work,the courage to open up,disciplined,solidarity and mutual respect。 3. 关于易经的英文短句翻译 nuclear trigram 我觉得它的意思是:卦象 。 可能理解有误:Nuclear trigrams influence the meaning of the individual lines. analytical stance我觉得可能是易经的一些分析推理的一些学问,比如预测学等。 moving line 个人理解为动爻 ,就是在算卦时,会有一个不确定性的爻。 我不知道楼主在看什么,如果是看易经的话,应该不用看英语的吧。易经本来就是中国人写的东西,翻译成英语反而味道就改变了。而且没有上下文环境,这个是找不到一个标准的解释的。 4. 英文作句 1Moreover,she is a girl.更何况,她是一个女孩。 2 I highly recommend California Polytechnic.3Ultimate suspense will be revealed, riders need to show intelligence as well as skill4She is a poet with a nature.5Is that even enough?6He was forced to parents attended the course when he was six years oid.7It is often said that teachers have a very easy life.8which animal would people like to keep for pet?9Before you eating lunch you have to washing your hands.10You must study hard when you were young .11Not suitable for children to read。.。
2023-07-21 01:55:321

「双语阅读」移动中的阿拉斯加冰川 Malaspina on the Move

尽管南极洲和格陵兰岛的冰流失量更大,而且看起来更加剧烈,但北极岛屿和中纬度山脉的冰川流失却相当显着。 NASA 领导的一个研究小组最近开发了一种工具,可以帮助研究人员调查 30 多年来自冰川的冰速数据,这是检测地球冰(冰冻圈)如何变化的关键变量。 由于没有两个冰川完全相同,因此了解山地冰川如何变化以及它们的流动在未来将如何变化变得复杂。例如,阿拉斯加东南部的马拉斯皮纳冰川可能不会快速移动,但冰川内的运动是复杂的。 上面的动画是由Landsat 5和7卫星在1986年至2003年间采集的一系列假彩色图像组成的。移动的冰以蓝色阴影出现。棕色线是冰碛——土壤、岩石和其他碎片被冰川刮起并沉积在其两侧的区域。这些碎片经常被困在内部的岩石带中,两条冰川在此处汇合并汇合在一起。 阿拉斯加这一地区的冰川会周期性地激增,这意味着它们会迅速向前倾斜一到几年。无论冰川是前进还是后退,都会发生涌动。在整个动画中,马拉斯皮纳似乎正在撤退,增加的融水和撤退的冰正在导致湖泊(右下)扩大。碎片的锯齿形图案是由冰的速度变化引起的。 “冰川都有自己的个性,因此对单个冰川的详细研究通常不适用于整个地区,”美国宇航局喷气推进实验室的冰川学家亚历克斯·加德纳说。“为了在了解海平面上升和适应大规模水资源方面取得进展,我们需要了解适用于整个地区的冰川流动的基本特征。” Though ice losses from Antarctica and Greenland make up a greater volume and seem more dramatic, the losses from glaciers on Arctic islands and middle-latitude mountain ranges have been quite significant. A NASA-led research team has recently developed a tool to help researchers investigate more than 30 years of ice velocity data from glaciers, a key variable for detecting how Earth"s ice (the cryosphere) is changing. Understanding how mountain glaciers change, and how their flow will change in the future, is complicated by the fact that no two glaciers are exactly alike. Malaspina Glacier in southeastern Alaska, for example, may not be moving fast but the motion within the glacier is complex. The animation above was composed from a sequence of false-color images acquired between 1986 and 2003 by the Landsat 5 and 7 satellites. The moving ice appears in shades of blue. Brown lines are moraines—areas where soil, rock, and other debris have been scraped up by the glacier and deposited at its sides. This debris often gets trapped as internal ribbons of rock where two glaciers merge and become one at a confluence. Glaciers in this area of Alaska periodically surge, meaning they lurch forward quickly for one to several years. Surging can happen whether a glacier is advancing or retreating. Throughout the animation Malaspina appears to be retreating, and the increased meltwater and retreating ice is causing the lake (bottom-right) to expand. The zigzag pattern of the debris is caused by changes in velocity of the ice. “Glaciers all have their own personalities, so a detailed study of a single glacier often doesn"t apply to a region as a whole,” said Alex Gardner, a glaciologist at NASA"s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. “To make progress on understanding sea level rise and adapting large-scale water resources, we need to know the fundamental characteristics of glacier flow that apply over entire regions.”
2023-07-21 01:55:391


一首英文歌 男的唱的 高潮部分是 什么 i like move it out什么的 然后又唱一遍 move拉得很长很好听,叫《Moves Like Jagger》。 歌名:Moves Like Jagger 所属专辑:《Moves Like Jagger》 歌手:Maroon 5 歌词: Just you shoot for the stars If it feels right And in for my heart If you feel like Can take me away And make it okay I swear i
2023-07-21 01:55:461

The move may have (spread much less widely than p

修饰动词spread,需要用副词widely, 因为后面有than, 所以需要用副词widely的比较级-- --- more widely 或者 less widely 前者表示程度更深,后者表示程度更浅而much 、even、still 放在比较级前面是 来修饰比较级的。因此九构成了 much less widely给你举一个简单的例子 My father is older than me. My grandpa is much older than me. ---你观察一下much的位置再比如:Lucy is more beautiful than GinaLily is much more beautiful than Gina ---你观察一下much的位置
2023-07-21 01:55:531


1.5个英文作句(8个字式以上)不用太长1.takeourworldforit2.onthemove 1.take our WORD for it : We know how to handle this, take our word for it, ok?2.on the move : Michael was always on the move for 5 years until he found a job.3.drool over : Michael is always drooling over the pretty girl next door.4.comfortably : Michael sat comfortably in my living room couch.5.more quickly than: Michael always acts more quickly than his peers.。 2.求一些短句,八个字左右对称式,有意义的,最好配上英文 Keep on going never give up. 勇往直前, 决不放弃! Jack of all trades and master of none .门门精通,样样稀松。 Justice has long arms. 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。 Kings have long arms. 普天之下,莫非王土。 Life is half spent before we know what it is. 人过半生,方知天命。 A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step. 千里之行,始于足下。 While there is life there is hope. 一息若存,希望不灭。 Cease to struggle and you cease to live. -- Thomas Carlyle 碃袱百惶知耗版同保括 生命不止,奋斗不息。 -- 卡莱尔 Constant dripping wears away the stone. 锲而不舍,金石可镂。 Better late than never. 只要开始,虽晚不迟。 A fair death honors the whole life. 死得其所,流芳百世。 A fox may grow gray, but never good. 江山易改,本性难移。 Good is good, but better carries it. 精益求精,善益求善。 Better an open enemy than a false friend. 明枪易躲,暗箭难防。 Birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚,人以群分。 By other"s faults, wise men correct their own. 他山之石,可以攻玉。 The water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it up. 水能载舟,亦能覆舟。 The wise man knows he knows nothing, the fool thinks he knows all. 清者自清,浊者自浊。 The wolf has a winning game when the shepherds quarrel. 螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后 Speech is silver, silence is gold. 能言是银,沉默是金。 It takes three generations to make a gentleman. 十年树木,百年树人。 Man proposes, God disposes. 谋事在人,成事在天。 Never too old to learn, never too late to turn. 亡羊补牢,为时未晚。 He who does not advance loses ground. 逆水行舟,不进则退。 A miss is as good as a mile. 失之毫厘,差之千里。 A stitch in time saves nine. 小洞不补,大洞吃苦。 3.英文作句 1Moreover,she is a girl.更何况,她是一个女孩。 2 I highly recommend California Polytechnic.3Ultimate suspense will be revealed, riders need to show intelligence as well as skill4She is a poet with a nature.5Is that even enough?6He was forced to parents attended the course when he was six years oid.7It is often said that teachers have a very easy life.8which animal would people like to keep for pet?9Before you eating lunch you have to washing your hands.10You must study hard when you were young .11Not suitable for children to read。.。 4.用上8个短语,写一篇100字左右的英语作文,有点伤脑筋,大家帮帮忙 My little brother is delighted to play computer games online. He always concentrate on the games whenever possible. Seeing that he depends on the Internet too much, my parents accuse him of wasting his time and in order to help him give up htis bad habit gradually, my parents asked him to finish his homework ahead of supper every day and they also reguired him to spend only one hour surfing the Internet daily. My parents also keeps my brother informed of the time s that he can hardly miss a deadline now.。
2023-07-21 01:56:021


2023-07-21 01:56:213


.about 干,做; 从事于 I do not like to be interrupted when I am about an important piece of work.我在做重要工作的时候,不喜欢有人打扰。 2.after 追捕;搜寻 The police are after him.警察在追捕他。 I wonder what those children are after in that shed.我不知道那些小孩在那间小屋里找什么东西。? 从事(某种活动) He is at an absorbing thriller and can"t be disturbed.他正在阅读一篇引人入胜的惊险小说,什么也惊动不了他。 at it意思是"忙个不停"(=doing something),这里,it不具体指什么,只是笼统指事情。例如:He is at it night and day.他日夜忙个不停。[表示职业、活动等]从事于;参加着 The work is in hand,and will soon be finished. 工作在进行中,很快就要结束了。 be in films 从影? be in business 经商 be in school 求学? be in hospital 住院 5.on 在从事??中; 处于??情况中 He has just published one novel and is already on a second.(on =engaged in writing)他刚出版了一本小说,又在写第二本了。 on 后接一个作名词用的动词,代替及物动词,表示被动概念;或代替不及物动词,表示主动概念。 on show 展览(=being shown 被展出) on parade 在*(=parading 在*) on night work 上夜班(=working at night 上夜班) on 后接 the +一个作名词用的动词,其意义与现在分词所表达的意义相近。例如: The enemy are on the run.(=running)敌人在逃跑。 同样用法: on the march 在行进中 on the move 在活动中,在进展中 on the prowl 在徘徊 6.over 在(做)??时 We had a pleasant chat over a cup of tea.我们一边喝茶,一边愉快地聊天。 He fell asleep over a book.他看着看着书就睡着了。 7.under 在进行中 The proposals for a trade and cooperation agreement are now under study.签定贸易合作协定的建议正在研究中。 在这一结构中,under跟它后面接的作名词用的动词一块,起着相当于被动语态的作用。例如: under discussion(=being discussed)正在被讨论 under review(=being reviewed)正在被检查 under repair(=being repaired)正在被修理 8.up to 忙于;从事于 What have you been up to lately? 你近来在忙些什么? Those boys are always up to mischief.那些男孩总是搞恶作剧。 9.由一个副词后接with短语构成的结构 Down with tyrants!*暴君! Off with his head!砍掉他的头! 练习:翻译下列句子。 1.He loved to watch the children at play. 2.They were in a search for truth. 3.The director was on the phone. 4.Many a business deal has been concluded over a bottle of wine. 5.I am under an engagement to go. 参考答案: 1.他爱看孩子们玩。 2.他们在探求真理。 3.主任在打电话。 4.许多买卖都是在喝酒时成交的。 5.我要去约会。
2023-07-21 01:56:301


1、生命在于运动。 Life is movement. 2、缓慢而有恒赢得竞赛。 Slow and persistence won the competition. 3、一日舞几舞,活到九十五。 One day a few dance dance, live to be ninety-five. 4、思想在历史运动中有巨大的意义。 Thought has great significance in the history of sports. 5、少说多做,能站不坐,适当运动。 Speak little, do much, can stand or sit, appropriate exercise. 6、生命就是运动,人的生命就是运动。 Life is movement, the person"s life is movement. 7、高尚的娱乐,对人生是宝贵的恩物。 Noble entertainment, a boon to the life is Pcious. 8、动则不衰,用则不退。生命在于运动。 The move is long, use is not retreat. Life is movement. 9、运动,读书。身体和灵魂,都不可辜负。 Sports, reading a book. Body and soul, do not live up to. 10、在灵魂的运动里面,最重要的转轮是决心。 In the movement of the soul, is the most important wheel was determined. 11、只要运动永远存在,时间是一定不会消失的。 As long as sports exist forever, time is sure will not disappear. 12、静而少动,体弱多病;有静有动,无病无痛。 Static and dynamic less, frail; Static with dynamic, disease-free painless. 13、意识运动的引起是为思,思是意识的顺向运动。 Cause of awareness campaign is to thought, thought is the forward movement of consciousness. 14、世界上的一切伟大运动都与某种伟大理想有关。 All great movement in the world is related to some great ideal. 15、地球是运动的,一个人不会永远处在倒霉的位置。 The earth is in motion, a person will not always at the position of bad luck. 16、各种娱乐的高下优劣,最能显示那个人的高下优劣。 All kinds of entertainment compete advantages and disadvantages, the most can show the man against the wheat from the chaff. 17、令我感到惊讶的不是世界如何运动,而是世界竟然运动。 I am surprised, not how the world sports but the world sports. 18、身体的健康因静止不动而破坏,因运动练习而长期保持。 Body health damage due to static, long-term for sports practice. 19、运动的作用可以代替药物,但所有的药物都不能替代运动。 Sports can replace the action of drugs, but all the drugs cannot replace. 20、辩证法是关于外部世界和人类思维运动的一船规律的科学。 Dialectics is about the outside world and the human mind the science of law of motion of a ship. 21、天下,唯有读书与运动不辜负人,唯有读书与运动不可以辜负! The world, only reading and exercise live up to people, only reading and exercise can not live up to! 22、我的时间是他们的,只要是为了体育,我愿意每天这样忙碌下去。 My time is theirs, as long as it is for the sake of sports, I am willing to every day so busy. 23、努力发展体育事业,把我们的国民锻炼成为身体健康精神愉快的人。 Efforts to develop undertakings of physical culture and sports and our national exercise become healthy mental pleasure. 24、生命在于矛盾,在于运动,一旦矛盾消除,运动停止,生命也就结束了。 Life lies in the contradictions, in the movement, once contradiction eliminate, the motion stops, the life will be over. 25、一个埋头脑力劳动的人,如果不经常活动四肢,那是一件极其痛苦的事情。 A hard mental work, if not often activities limbs, that is a very painful thing. 26、走路对脑力劳动者,特别是对创造性的人来说,是一种生理活动的最好方式。 Walk to the knowledge workers, especially for creative people, is the best way to a physiological activity. 27、在进餐、睡眠和运动等时间里能宽心无虑,满怀高兴,这是长寿的妙理之一。 In eating, sleeping, and sports time relieved the careless, very happy, this is one of the longevity of the principle. 28、日复一日地坚持练下去吧,只有活动适量才能保持训练的热情和提高运动的技能。 Insist to practice day after day, can only maintain the enthusiasm of the training activity in moderation and improve sports skills. 29、好多人在问我怎么减肥的,其实减肥没有捷径,就是运动加节食,这就是我的秘籍。 Many people are asking me how to lose weight, actually there is no shortcut to weight loss, exercise with the diet is, this is my secret. 30、生命在于运动,爱情在于折腾,我们的身体要不停运动,我们的爱情也要不停的去折腾。 Life is movement, love is, to keep our body movement, our love will constantly struggle with. 31、体育和运动可以增进人体的健康和人的乐观情绪,而乐观情绪却是长寿的一项必要条件。 Sports and exercise can improve the health of human body and man of optimism, but the optimism is a necessary condition of longevity. 32、没有运动就没有男孩,没有男子汉,运动是男孩子生命的需求,是最不可缺少的一种营养。 No movement, no boy, no man, motion is boys life needs, is the most indispensable one kind of nutrition. 33、开始运动只是想让自己累到极点后,就可以安睡了,可是后来,却爱上了运动带来的欢愉感觉。 Just want to let oneself so tired after you start, you can sleep, but then, bring the joy of feeling love for the sport.
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2023-07-21 01:57:506


move的意思、解释adj.过去式:moved; 过去分词:moved; 现在分词:moving; 复数形式:moves; move 基本解释move的近义词及物/不及物动词移动,搬动不及物动词行动; 搬家; 进展; (机器等)开动及物动词提议; 使感动; 摇动; 变化名词改变; 迁移move 同义词move是什么意思动词animatechangeaffectpromptmotivateimpelconvincebudgestirarouseinduceinfluencestimulategopersuadesway名词movementmotionmove 反义词及物动词stopmove 相关词组1. get a move on : 赶快;2. move over : 移动一下;3. move out : 搬出, 出发;4. move on : 继续前进;5. move in : 生活于, 迁入;6. on the move : 在活动中, 在发展, 活跃;7. move off : 离开, 死, 畅销;8. move along : 继续向前或后移动, 往里走;9. move in on : 潜近..., 企图夺取(某物), 企图从(某人)处夺取东西;10. move up : 向前移动, 上升;11. move upon : 进逼;12. make a move : 走一步, 朝...走去, 开始行动;13. move about : 走来走去, 经常搬家;move 相关例句及物动词1. What moved you to do this?什么迫使你这样做?2. The foreign tourists were moved with admiration at the magnificent view of the Great Wall.雄伟长城的英姿使外国游客感动得赞赏不已。3.3. The wind was moving the branches.风吹动着树枝。不及物动词1. The public health bureau moved to curb hepatitis.卫生局采取措施控制肝炎。名词1.1. With one move he was by her side.他一步走到了她身旁。move 情景对话租房move的翻译A:You can move your stuff in (tomorrow/ this weekend/ whenever you want).你(明天/这个周末/随时)可以把你的东西搬进来。moveB:Wonderful.太好了。生活对话A:Huh? I cant hear you over this music.什么?这音乐太大声,我听不见你说什么。B:Can I move closer to you?我可以靠你近一点吗?A:Mmmm, sure.嗯,……好啊。B:Rose, I really miss our piano lessons.柔丝,我很怀念我们的钢琴课。A:I could help you find a teacher in Hsinchu...我可以帮你找新竹的老师……B:Well, Id like you to be my teacher. I miss you, Rose.我希望你当我的老师。我想念你,柔丝。A:Oh, I miss you too.我也想念你。在公共汽车上move在线翻译A:Stand back from the door, please. There"re plenty of seats in the rear.请离开门边,后面有许多座位。B:What"s the fare, please?请问票价是多少?A:One yuan fifty cents. Drop it in the box here.1 元5 角,把它放进箱子里。move的意思B:Is this the right bus to Zizhuyuan Park?这是去紫竹院公园的汽车吗?A:Take a No.2. This is No.12.应该乘2 路车,这是12 路。B:But somebody told me this was the right bus to take. I want to go to Tian"anmen Square, you see.但有人告诉我是坐这趟车去天安门广场。moveA:Then this is the right bus. Move on, please. You"re holding up the passengers. Tian"anmen Square is the last stop but one.是这趟车,请往前走,您挡住了其他的乘客。天安门广场在倒数第二站。B:Would you please let me know when we get there?到站的时候您能告诉我一下吗?moveA:Sure thing. I"ll shout it out.确切的说,到的时候我会大声喊的。move 网络解释1. 移动 移动:你跟你的心仪对象可能光临(或换场)的地点有三种: 邂逅地点→建立舒适感地点→性爱地点 A ○ 地点变换 游戏中常发生的变换地点(或换场)有三种方式:就是移动 移动(move) 护送(bounce)与时 ,护送时 移动 护送 间桥梁(time bridge) .在此仅简要叙述,2. 走:不过,游戏有一些烦人的缺点,就是在行走(Move)时,要点击左下方的Move才能,不像我们现在的即时战略游戏一样点右键(或左键)即走,其次,就是兽族的实力太弱,而人类的实力太强.3. move:mov; 传送指令4. move:management of value engineering; 价值工程管理move 双语例句1. move1. But the tendency that at present economics also puts in a move in chess or a movement in wushu to learn formalism, caused the criticism of a few economist.但是目前经济学也存在着数学形式主义的倾向,引起了一些经济学家的批评。2. In this research at first the six factors affecting rainfall were chosen, as the input variables. They are the minimum atomospheric pressure, maximum wind velocity near typhoon center, move speed of typhoon center, the radius of typhoon, the shortest distance between typhoon center and Taipei monitoring station, station humidity.本研究先选取影响台风雨之因子,选用钟型函将中心最低气压、近中心最大风速、移动速度、暴风半径、台风中心距测站最短距离、测站湿度做为六个输入变,建模糊属函。3. Your left thumb is invited to push the S button, a controversial move that quickens the throttle response, ups the in-cabin noise level, and pneumatically narrows the side bolsters until it hurts.请把你的左拇指的S按钮,一个有争议的举措,加快油门响应在起伏的舱噪音、气动收窄方枕到心痛。4. The article writes freely at will, full of vigor, recount the dint to avoid even spread to keep the xu, communicate officially to jump up to tremble to move much, the details is breathtaking and suspicious but again not disobey the reason, open up the jing to build the idea, beg intentionally lately.文章随意挥洒、虎虎有生气,叙事力避平铺直叙,行文多跳跃抖动,情节惊险蹊跷而又不违情理,辟境造意,刻意求新。5. BE seeing recently 《fall to the ground to please to open a cellular phone 》, followed a plot to cry some times ……originally still some things can move me of, originally think oneself already numbness, the other people"s affair has nothing to do with me forever, it is an impossible detrition to originally have some hypostatic thing.最近在看《落地请开手机》,跟着剧情哭了好几次……原来还是有些东西可以让我感动的,本以为自己已经麻木了,别人的事情永远与我无关,原来有些本质的东西是不可能磨灭的。6. move在线翻译6. Opening the social security fund Yin Zhengyi, an analyst said the market should be concerned about the move开放的社会保障基金尹正谊,分析师表示,市场应关注的这个举动7. Oddly shaped forms that are suspended from the ceiling and move in response to a gust of wind are quite familiar to every- body.人们所熟悉的是悬挂在天花板上、造型奇特、随风飘荡的雕塑品。群众的回答是一阵叫人心抖的呼噪。8. move8. I mean, I need you to move aside, you sure you even brushed your teeth~!我的意思是,我需要你离远点儿,你确定你有刷牙吗~!9. move什么意思9. I move aside to avoid his presence but I escape him not.我走开躲他,但是我逃不掉。10. move10. So, we think it is absolutely obvious that he is incapable of governing and the best thing to do is move aside.因此,我们认为他不能胜任州长工作,这已经毫无疑问。所以现在最好是解除他的职务。
2023-07-21 01:58:051

if i had ten million dollars,i would buy a car Mr.Bond drove in the move 什么意思...!!

2023-07-21 01:58:243

岚的《Believe》 歌词

《Believe》作词:樱井翔作曲:100+演唱:Arashi(岚)所属专辑:《Believe│昙りのち、快晴》发行时间:2009年歌词:It"s a brand new worldどこまで行っても 追い越せないdokomade itte mo oikose nai时が流れて行っても 消えはしないtoki ga nagare te itte mo kie hashinaiさあ どこまで行ったら 辿り着くの?saa dokomade itta ra tadori tsuku no ?远い日の记忆tooi nichi no kioku夜明ける顷 空见れば 辉いていた It"s a brand new world梦で见た 星一つ 见つめてるyume de mita hoshi hitotsu mitsu meteru缲り返すまま 重ねた日々に なくした梦も 取り戻すからkurikaesu mama omone ta hibi ni nakushita yume mo tori modosu kara嘘伪りの 世界はいらない この手でつかめるuso itsuwari no sekai hairanai kono tede tsukameruそう 仆らはずっと待ってる いつまでだって待ってるsou bokura hazutto matte ru itsumadedatte matte ruどこまでも続いてゆく道でdokomademo tsudui teyuku michi de心にずっと抱いてる この梦きっと叶うはずkokoro nizutto dai teru kono yume kitto kanau hazu泣いて笑って 进んでゆくnai te waratte susun deyukuいつまでたっても 届かなくてitsumadetattemo todoka nakuteふいに孤独を感じた 夜の果てにfuini kodoku wo kanji ta yoru no hate niなぜ 涙はこんなに 溢れてくの?naze namida hakonnani afure tekuno ?空に问い挂けるsora ni toi kake ruどんなときも 情热を 求めていた It"s a brand new worlddonnatokimo jounetsu wo motome teita It"s a brand new world行き先を ただ一つ 照らしてるikisaki wo tada hitotsu tera shiteru伤つきながら 进んだ日々に 见つけた光 刻み込むからkizutsu kinagara susun da hibi ni mitsu keta hikari kizami komu kara夸りをけがす 未来はいらない この手でつかめるhokori wokegasu mirai hairanai kono tede tsukameruそう 谁かがきっと待ってる 伝えたくって待ってるsou dareka gakitto matte ru tsutae takutte matte ruどこまでも続いてゆく道でdokomademo tsudui teyuku michi de明日に向かって辉く この梦ずっと追いかけるashita ni muka tte kagayaku kono yume zutto oi kakeru声をからして 进んでゆくkoe wokarashite susun deyuku无限に広がってゆく 爱に触れたいmugen ni hiroga tteyuku ai ni fureta i希望溢れているよ 君と仆kibou afure teiruyo kun to bokuこの胸に爱を それぞれの爱をkono mune ni ai wo sorezoreno ai wo生まれてきた意味を 确かめてumare tekita imi wo tashika meterap:一体何をしているんだろうittainani woshiteirundarou一体何を见ているんだろうittainani wo mite irundarou“仆はもう…” 呜呼もう 走马灯のよう" bokuha mou ..." aa mou soumatou noyou小さいプライド守るため 谁かを不意に伤付けるchiisa i puraido mamoru tame dareka wo fui ni kizutsuke ru昨日も今日も今日もそうだろうが 今日は今日でどうかしようkinou mo kyou mo kyou mosoudarouga konnichiha kyou dedoukashiyou头上に悠然とはためく 漠然とした梦を掲げzujou ni yuuzen tohatameku bakuzen toshita yume wo kakageこの道の先はまだまだ见えず 失败からしか何一つ学べずkono michi no saki hamadamada mie zu shippai karashika nani hitotsu manabe zu空の向こう越えるための この人生の抑扬sora no mukou koe rutameno kono jinsei no yokuyouあの顷の未来向かい 时代に期待せずも进むmy lifeano gorono mirai mukai jidai ni kitaise zumo susumu my lifeそう 仆らはずっと待ってる いつまでだって待ってるsou bokura hazutto matte ru itsumadedatte matte ruどこまでも続いてゆく道でdokomademo tsudui teyuku michi de心にずっと抱いてる この梦きっと叶うはずkokoro nizutto dai teru kono yume kitto kanau hazu泣いて笑って 进んでゆくnai te waratte susun deyuku谁かがきっと待ってる 伝えたくって待ってるdareka gakitto matte ru tsutae takutte matte ruどこまでも続いてゆく道でdokomademo tsudui teyuku michi de明日に向かって辉く この梦ずっと追いかけるashita ni muka tte kagayaku kono yume zutto oi kakeru声をからして 进んでゆくkoe wokarashite susun deyukuThis is the movement, Looking for my life, I can find myselfThis is the movement, Looking for my life, I can find myselfThis is the movement中文大意:It"s a brand new world无论走到哪里 都无法超越即使时间飞逝 也不会消失那么 要走到哪里 我们才能到达?遥远日子的记忆拂晓时分 仰望天空 闪烁着光芒It"s a brand new world找到了曾在梦里看见的那颗星星在不断重复 不断重叠的日子里找回了曾经失去的梦想不需要虚伪的世界就用这双手来把握没错 我们一直在等待着 无论何时都在等待着无论到哪里都延续着的道路一直怀抱在心里 这个梦想一定会实现哭着笑着 前进下去无论怎样 都无法传递在黑夜的尽头 不经意间感到孤独为何泪水会夺眶而出?向着天空发问无论何时 都在追求热情It"s a brand new world前方的路 只有一条 在闪烁着光芒一边受着伤 一边度日将找寻到的光芒 铭刻在心底不需要自尊被玷污的未来没错 一定有人在等待着 想要传达而在等待着无论到哪里都延续着的道路向着明天绽放光彩 永远追寻这个梦想嘶哑着声音 前进下去想要触碰无限延伸的爱你我之间满溢着希望这颗心中的爱 各自的爱明确了出生的意义rap :究竟在做什么?究竟在看什么?究竟为了什么而活着?“我已经。。”啊啊已经 像走马灯一般为了保护小小的自尊 不经意间伤害了谁昨天也是今天也是今天也是那样吧就在今天 用今天做点什么揭开在头顶悠然起舞的模糊的梦想还未看清道路的前方失败之后什么都没有学到为了越过天空的另一端 这些人生的起伏为了迎接那时的未来 不再期待时代而前进的my life没错 我们一直在等待着 无论何时都在等待着无论到哪里都延续着的道路一直怀抱在心里 这个梦想一定会实现哭着笑着 前进下去没错 一定有人在等待着 想要传达而在等待着无论到哪里都延续着的道路向着明天绽放光彩 永远追寻这个梦想嘶哑着声音 前进下去This is the movement, Looking for my life, I can find myselfThis is the movement, Looking for my life, I can find myselfThis is the movement
2023-07-21 01:58:333

people on the move 什么意思

你好。people on the move翻译成中文是:移动的人; 人们在移动。
2023-07-21 01:59:441


in指物体的里面或内部、on the指在物体表面或上面
2023-07-21 01:59:511


2023-07-21 01:59:581

实用英语综合教程1里的people on the move 文章和翻译

People on the Move 1.The history of the American people is,in part,the history of the movement of the American people.They moved from the colonies of the East Coast to the open space of the West.They moved from the country and the farm to the city.More recently,Americans have been moving from the cities to the suburbs. 2.Pioneer Americans began moving from the East Coast to the West 250 years ago.They moved west for many reasons.One reason was that they could obtain unlimited open space and land for farming.Americans liked large open spaces,and they liked the freedom and independence to develop the land in their own way.Some of the land became farms.Important minerals were discovered in some areas,so some of the land became mines.Other large areas became cattle ranches.There seemed to be enough land for everybody.But it was a difficult life -- a life of endless work and hardship. 3.After 1860,the Industrial Revolution changed the United States.Americans learned how to manufacture steel.They began to produce petroleum.The automobile was invented.Factories of all kinds began to appear,and cities began to grow up around the factories.Farmers and other country people moved to the growing cities in order to find jobs and an easier life.In the early 1900s,the cities were busy,exciting places.However,there was also a lot of poverty and hardship. 4.The cities grew up -- the buildings got taller -- and the cities grew out -- they spread out from the center.Private houses with yards and porches disappeared.Apartment buildings,each one taller than the next,took their place.More and more people moved to cities,and the cities got bigger and bigger. 5.Some cities could not spread out because there was no room to do so.These cities,of which New York is the best example,became more and more crowded.More people meant more cars,trucks,and buses,more noise,more pollution,and more crime.Many cities became ugly and dirty.Some people and some businesses began to leave the cities and move to the suburbs outside the cities. 6.The move to the suburbs is still happening.Americans are looking for a *** all piece of land that they can call their own.They want a house with a yard.However,they do not want to give up the good jobs they have in the city.In many cases,panies in the suburbs give them jobs.In other cases,Americans need to mute to and from the cities where their jobs are.In recent years,more and more businesses are moving to the suburbs.They are attracting many people and the suburbs are being crowded. 7.Americans have watched their big cities fall slowly into disrepair and die.Many middle-class people leave the cities,and the very rich and the very poor stay behind. 8.Concerned Americans are trying to solve the problems of noise,dirt,crime,and pollution in the big cities.They are trying to rebuild bad sections of the cities.They are trying to attract and keep business people.They are trying to make their cities beautiful.Many Americans are ready to move back to the cities. 9.Other Americans are finding that even the suburbs have bee too crowded.They are looking for unpolluted open spaces and for an independent way of life.They are ready to move from the suburbs to the country. 10.Perhaps Americans will always be on the move.
2023-07-21 02:00:051


Move的音标为:英 [muu02d0v],美 [muu02d0v]。复数: moves。第三人称单数:moves。现在分词:moving。过去式: moved。过去分词:moved。V:动;移动;改变位置;改变状态;进展。N:移动;搬家;迁移;步骤;一步棋。move into 搬进;搬到;移动到。move on 开始新活动, 接受现实, 搬家。move around 走来走去, 周围移动, 走动。move out of 搬出来。move to 搬到;移到;迁往。move far beyond 远远超越。move forward 前进;向前移动;推进。双语例句:1、with clause I beg to move that this House deplores the government"s economic policies。请允许我动议本议院谴责政府的经济政策。2、His fans move mountains to catch as many of his performances as possible。他的崇拜者们竭尽其能尽可能多地去观看他的演出。3、If she once got an idea in her head you"d never move it。她只要一有想法,你就休想让她改变主意。4、The move has stirred up a hornet"s nest of academic fear and loathing。这一措施引起了学术界恐慌与憎恶的一大堆麻烦。5、The move might be a corrective to some inefficient practices within hospitals。此措施也许可改变医院内部一些低效率的做法。6、The mothers were fearful that their daughters would marry and move abroad。母亲们都担心自己的女儿会在结婚后移居国外。7、Hardliners may yet move against him, but their success might be limited。强硬派还有可能采取行动反对他,但他们的成功概率可能有限。
2023-07-21 02:00:121


on the move在行动
2023-07-21 02:00:411

do each exercise to failure(as many as you can) the move straight onto the next exercise without re

1.Do each exercise to failure(as many as you can). 2.Then move straight onto the next exercise without rest.3.After you have done all 4 exercises, rest for 1 minute.4.Then repeat the full circuit 3 times.先改错如上但句1之failure仍不解。此为某操练之法。改后易懂。
2023-07-21 02:01:201

翻译 命运之轮开始转动! 请问这句用英文应该怎么说!? The wheels spins?

destiny wheel is on the move.
2023-07-21 02:01:271

move house 和on the move 区别

move housev. 搬家; 徙居; [例句]They move house fairly frequently.他们搬家相当频繁。on the move[释义] 在行动; 在移动中; 在进步中; 流动; [网络] 在行军中; 四处奔波; 在活动中; [例句]On the contrary, individuals move about at will, alone or in small groups best described as bands, which sometimes form into large aggregations.相反,每只黑猩猩随意流动,或是独自一人,或是作为最好称之为团伙的一员。团伙有时会与其它团伙合并成大的聚合体。希望能帮到你,如有帮助,请采纳,谢谢!
2023-07-21 02:01:571


问题一:心机用英语怎么说? craftiness 心机 问题二:有心机,用英语怎么说 scheming:诡计多端的,狡诈的 问题三:心机 英语怎么说 心机 thinking scheming minds ...... 枉费心机: overreach yourself; overreach themselves; overreach myself; overreach ourselves 费尽心机: rack one"s brains in scheming 例句 他枉费心机地写文章诋毁这场运动。 He tried in vain to write down the move鸡ent. 他费尽心机却连一个例子都想不出来。 Racking his brains, he couldn"t think of a single example. 不相信自己的人,就算多努力也会白费心机。 Do not believe in themselves, even more efforts will be wasted. 别费尽心机去洞察女孩的心思,因为她们总在变。 Don"t bother to penetrate girls" minds as they are always changing. 问题四:有心计的 用英语怎么说 calculated/sophisticated 前者偏向心计 后者偏向城府深 问题五:充满心机用英语怎么说 你好。充满心机,翻译成英语是:Full scheming of heart。 ――――――希望帮到你,满意请采纳。 问题六:心机男孩用英语怎么说 答:A incredulous boy。 问题七:心机婊用英语怎么说 scheming bitch 心机婊
2023-07-21 02:02:111


move意思如下:v.:(使)改变位置,(使)移动;搬家,调动;(使)改变观点(或做法);前进,进展;采取行动;使感动,打动;促使,驱使;更改(时间或日期);改变话题;走棋,移动棋子;(在会议或法庭上)提议;<非正式>快速行进;(商品)被销售,销售(商品);进行社交活动,交往;(使)改变状态(或观点、领域、活动)。n.:措施,行动;移动,活动;转变,改变;一步棋,走棋;搬家,迁移;步骤;(运动或比赛中的)传递,转移。例句:1、He lay there, unable to move.他躺在那里动弹不得。2、What"s the date of your move?你什么时候搬家?3、In 1960 this was a bold move.在1960年,这是一个大胆的举动。4、The car was already on the move.汽车已经开动了。5、Don"t move—we"ve got you covered !不许动!我们的枪口正对着你们!
2023-07-21 02:02:191

欧美电影 一个女人因为被戴上一条项链而被冻住了一千年影片名称带有千年二字

2023-07-21 02:02:422


2023-07-21 02:03:052

move by的意思

2023-07-21 02:03:148

软件过程中出现问题? 求翻译!求解!

2023-07-21 02:03:333

libgdx中moveby和moveto 的区别

区别是:move by指的是移动。move to指的是移到;倒向。例句辨析:move by1、The move by the two London colleges is sending reverberations through higher education. 伦敦两所高校的举动给高等教育界带来了深远的影响。2、Members of parliament approved the move by a majority of ninety-nine.议员以99张的多数票批准了这项动议。3、The move by the Singapore authorities, responding to fears over inflation, helpedpush up other Asian currencies. 新加坡官方此举是为了回应人们对通胀的担心。此举帮助推高了其它亚洲货币。4、In this chair, I can move by myself; I can go anywhere I need to go. 坐在轮椅里,我能自己行动,需要去哪儿就可以去哪儿。move to1、It may also be a good move to suggest she talks things over.建议她把事情谈开了也许是不错的做法。2、I hear she"s going to sell out and move to the city. 我听说她打算变卖家当,搬到这座城市。3、It"s thought she may eventually accept a peerage and move to the House of Lords.人们认为她最终可能接受贵族头衔,进入上议院。4、Could he not, just as a precaution, move to a place of safety? 就算仅仅是为了以防万一,难道他就不能挪到安全的地方吗?
2023-07-21 02:03:531


2023-07-21 02:04:035

move the goalposts是什么意思及用法

move the goalposts [词典] 有失公平地在过程中改变条件(或程序规则); [例句]In a month"s time I will be less impressed, but can we really move the goalposts then?一个月后,我就没那么兴奋了,但此时我们真的可以改变游戏规则吗?
2023-07-21 02:04:431

the word of midnight的歌词及翻译

All alone she"s in the ego zoneThe word is out that you"re doing wrongOn the move got fire in your shoesBy word of mouth you are on the newsYou"re living on sunset time(Uuh)Feeling badYou"re living much too fastThe truth, the truth that you"re on the passIn the raw they don"t know what you sawFrom word of mouth you"re breaking every lawCHORUSSunset DriverMidnight riderFriday"s brighterMorning riderYou"re a Saturday nighter (aaw)On the goGot fever in your soulYou better not shout where you gonna goLiving hot, doing what you should notThe break is on me then what do you gotWe"re living on sunset time(Want that dime)Shoot the breezeYou feel that she"s the teaseYour night is free what you wanna beWho"s to trust when living dangerousTonight is your night but this is what you looseCHORUSSunset DriverMidnight riderFriday"s brighterGetting higherYou"re a Saturday nighter (aaw)(uuh)(pah dah dah dah)You are there when the night"s in townStanding there with the top of the roundThey don"t care about the things you used to sayYou"re like the cinemaYou think there"s nothing wrongGoing townYou do it every timeThe word"s got out that you"re on the lineOn the moonGotta fever in your shoesThe night"s on youWhat are you gonna do?CHORUSSunset DriverMidnight riderFriday"s brighterGot to reach that driverYou"re a Saturday nighter (aaw)(pah dah dah dah dah)(hee hee hee)(aah) (pah dah dah)(uuh)(hee)(uuh)(hee)(uuh)(hee)
2023-07-21 02:05:041

求初二英语作文:How to prevent the flu

2023-07-21 02:05:154

move at、move to和move on有什么区别? leave for是什么意思,它的用法是什么?

2023-07-21 02:05:382


move的基本意思是“动”,可指人体姿势的改变,更多的是指人〔物〕位置的移动,引申还可表示“(使)动摇,(使)醒悟”“(使)感动”等,强调某种起促动作用的动因,外界影响或内在动机。作此解时,可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词,作及物动词时接名词、代词作宾语,也可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语,意为“促使(某人)做某事”。词汇搭配~+名词move a step 移动一步move an army 调动军队move an engine 开动引擎move heaven and earth 尽最大努力move house 搬家move one"s hand 使手动move one"s head 使头动move one"s lips 使嘴唇动move the capital 把首都从…迁到…move the furniture 搬家具move troops 调动军队~+副词move ahead 朝前移到move upwards 上升move automatically 自动移动move bodily 整体地移动move cautiously 谨慎地移动move deeply 深深地感动move gracefully 优美地移动move impatiently 不耐烦地移动move intelligibly 可理解地感动move passively 消极地行动move profoundly 深深地感动move rashly 轻率地移动move stealthily 隐蔽地移动move tremulously 震颤地移动move violently 猛烈地移动move along 往前移move away 移开move back 搬(迁)回,后退move down 往下移动,向前移动move in 搬进move off 移开move on 往前移move out 搬出去move over 挪开些,挪到一边去move up 晋升~+介词move about 来回移动move against the enemy 向敌军进击move along the road 沿路前进move at 为…感动move for 提议,建议,要求,请求move from 从…搬走,离开…move in the circle of 在…圈子中活动move into the country 搬往农村move on schedule 按预定计划进行move out of 搬出move round the sun 绕太阳运行move toward the table 走向桌子move with the time 跟上时代步伐
2023-07-21 02:05:451

the sun move high on the sky 为什么move 不加s?

the sun move high on the sky如果这是句子 move 后面+ s ,否则,就是错误。move 是句子的谓语,要与主语 sun 单数第三人称保持一致。句子首字母须大写,句子末用句号标点符号 。句子末尾的介词短语 onthe sky 里介词 on 改为 in ,正确的句子书写:The sun moves high on the sky .汉语:太阳高高地挂在空中 。
2023-07-21 02:06:311

jim verraros的《move》 歌词

歌曲名:move歌手:jim verraros专辑:rollercoasterPush me, pull me, how do you want me?Touch me, tease me, love it when you taunt meDon"t try to hide; you know you want to flaunt meOllie ollie oxen free, you caught mePush me, pull me, how do you want me?Touch me, tease me, love it when you taunt meDon"t try to hide; you know you want to flaunt meOllie ollie oxen free, you caught meMove, just a little bit closerMove, can you feel my body?Move, "cause my temperature"s risingMove, come on baby make your moveMove, just a little bit closerMove, can you feel my body?Move, "cause my temperature"s risingMove, come on baby make your moveNo question, you want it, come and get it while it"s waiting for yaDon"t tell nobody "bout this freaky thing I"m gonna show yaNo question, you want it, come and get it while it"s waiting for yaDon"t tell nobody "bout this freaky thing I"m gonna show yaFlip me, toss me, know you wanna boss meIf I give into you, what"s it gonna cost me?If you wanna climb, baby jump on the fenceMake a dollar out of my fifteen scentsOne for the money, two for the sexThree and a half hours later, what"s next?(in the kitchedn, up against the door)(in the bathtub or on the floor)Move, just a little bit closerMove, can you feel my body?Move, "cause my temperature"s risingMove, come on baby make your moveMove, just a little bit closerMove, can you feel my body?Move, "cause my temperature"s risingMove, come on baby make your moveNo question, you want it, come and get it while it"s waiting for yaDon"t tell nobody "bout this freaky thing I"m gonna show yaNo question, you want it, come and get it while it"s waiting for yaDon"t tell nobody "bout this freaky thing I"m gonna show yaWhatever you want me to be, here i am, here i amSo many ways to be free, to be freeAnd i don"t give a damnMove, just a little bit closerMove, can you feel my body?Move, "cause my temperature"s risingMove, come on baby make your moveNo question, you want it, come and get it while it"s waiting for yaDon"t tell nobody "bout this freaky thing I"m gonna show yaNo question, you want it, come and get it while it"s waiting for yaDon"t tell nobody "bout this freaky thing I"m gonna show ya
2023-07-21 02:06:501

We are ______(deep)move by the moving story。

2023-07-21 02:06:595

the car move fast 这句话有没有错?

2023-07-21 02:07:156

The_film made us_(move)

2023-07-21 02:07:303