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《Contested Lands》(Sumantra Bose)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读

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书名:Contested Lands

作者:Sumantra Bose

出版社:Harvard University Press






比赛的英文有以下几个: 1、MATCH意思是比赛,但指一般普通的比赛。 2、COMPETITION意思是比赛,但指比较正规的比赛,例如英语演讲或作文比赛等。 3、RACE意思是比赛,但侧重田径比赛。 4、CONTEST意思是比赛,有竞赛、争辩和争论之意。 5、GAME意思是比赛,但指体力或智力方面的比赛,有一套必须遵守的规则,比赛结果是决出胜负。
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"Contest" 这个单词是一个名词,表示一场竞赛或比赛。在美式英语中,它的发音为/ku0259nu02c8tu025bst/,重音放在第二个音节上,即 "test" 部分;而在英式英语中的发音为 /u02c8ku0252ntest/,重音放在第一个音节上,即 "con" 部分。这个单词常用于各种比赛、竞赛中,如音乐比赛、体育竞技、数学竞赛、科技挑战等等。参与者或团队通常需要在特定的规则和时间内展示他们的能力和技能,并与其他参赛者竞争。 比赛可以给人们提供锻炼、展示和竞争的机会,也是一种刺激个人和集体发展的方式。除了作为名词使用外,"contest" 这个单词还可以作为动词,表示对某件事情提出异议或进行争夺。例如,"He contested the decision made by the committee."(他对委员会做出的决定提出了异议.)总之,"contest" 是一个常见的英文单词,表示比赛、竞赛和争夺等含义,具有广泛的应用场景。
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contest1名词 n. [C]1.争夺,竞争A bitter contest developed between the two men for that position. 那两个人为得到这一职位展开了激烈的竞争。 2.竞赛,比赛He took part in the composition contest and won a prize. 他参加作文比赛并得了奖。 3.争论,争辩contest2及物动词 vt. 1.争夺;与...竞赛Three candidates are contesting the presidency. 三个候选人在争夺总统的位子。 2.对...提出质疑The plaintiff contested the will. 原告对遗嘱的有效性提出异议。 不及物动词 vi. 1.竞争,角逐;争辩[(+with/against)]========================================名词 n. 1.节日,喜庆日[C]Christmas is one of the major festivals in the United States of America. 圣诞节是美国的主要节日之一。 2.(定期举行的)音乐节,戏剧节[C]Our city holds a music festival every year. 我们市每年举办音乐节。 3.庆祝活动;纪念活动[C]hold a festival on Independence Day 在独立纪念日举办庆祝会 4.欢乐,喜庆[U]形容词 a. 1.节日的;喜庆的We all wore festival costumes to the ball. 我们都穿着节日的盛装去参加舞会。
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close和closely 就象deep和deeply一个修饰具象形容词/动词,一个修饰抽象形容词/动词 close 修饰具象词 1. 接近,靠近地[(+to)] They live close to the museum. 他们住在靠近博物馆的地方. 2. 紧密地,紧紧地 Anna followed close behind. 安娜紧随在后. closely修饰抽象词 1. 接近地 He resembles his father very closely. 他非常像他的父亲. 2. 紧密地 Good teaching and good testing are closely related. 出色的教学工作与完善的测试制度密切相关. 3. 亲近地,亲密地 They are closely related. 他们是近亲. 4. 严密地,仔细地 The prisoners were closely guarded. 囚犯受到严密监视. 5. 节省地;吝啬地
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D A B A B D A 翻译略捉急。。。。。求原谅,求采纳
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主要解释一些专业术语,除去Year, Team外,依次为: G:出场数 GS:首发场次 MPG:平均出场时间 FG%:投篮命中率 3P%:3分命中率 FT%:罚球命中率 OFF:进攻篮板 DEF:防守篮板 RPG:场均篮板 APG:场均助攻 SPG:场均抢断 BPG:场均盖帽 TO:失误数 PF:犯规数 PPG:场均得分 SEA:赛季(19xx-19xx)
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  你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。    比试英语说法1:   pete    比试英语说法2:   have a petition    比试英语例句:   也欢迎各地的朋友实地考察比试品质!   Also wele friends from all over the field petition quality!   就是不要太明显,要暗暗比试的意思。   It means not to be too apparent and have a petion secretly.   他邀请来所有的王子与他的女儿比试吹口哨。   He invited all the princes to e and defeat his daughter at whistling.   计算例项表明,用计量式计算比试差法更方便有效。   The example shows that the formula is more efficient than the trial and error method.   不信咱俩比试比试。   If you don"t believe me,let"s have a petition and see.   太阳便说:"咱俩比试比试,看谁能让这个人脱下帽子和外套。   The sun said:"Let"s see who can make the man take off his hat and coat.   如果你愿意出去比试比试,我们一会儿就能把问题解决了。   If you care to step outside, we can settle this.   埃涅向图努斯提出挑战,两人单独决斗比试高低决定战争的胜负。   aeneas challenged Turnus to decide the contest by single bat   两人拿长枪一比试,便打了起来。   With a flourish of their spears, the two men started sparring with each other.   拿着管状的礼品包装纸,意欲与他人比试。   Challenge other customers to duels with tubes of gift wrap.   环球小姐不是通常意义上的,对手之间比试能力高下的比赛。   Miss Universe is not a petition in the usual sense: a clash between rivalabilities.   在匆忙的婚礼准备过程中,汤姆发现自己被汉娜指定为伴娘,并陷入了一场在所有方面与完美新郎科林的比试当中。   With marriage preparations being hurriedly organized, Tom finds himselfordained the maid of honor, and in a struggle on all levels to outdo thewonderful groom Colin.   这样的比试在每个夏天举行,差不多有650年历史,胜出者会被称为大力士或者“头号摔跤手”。   The winner of the tournament, which has taken place every summer foralmost 650 years, is declared baspehlivan, or "head wrestler.   他可以看做是在与圣经比试。   We could see him as actually vying with scripture.   随着暴风雪慢慢接近这片海角,在几乎白雪茫茫的环境中,两只成年北极熊开始用打闹比试起彼此的力气来。   As the winter storm approached the cape, during near whiteout conditions,two *** polar bears test each other"s strength in what is known as play fighting.   当设计债十分严重时,重写程式码的出问题部分,要比试着修复它更快,风险性更小。   When design debt is extreme, it is often faster and less risky to rewrite thedebt-ridden body of code than to attempt to improve it.   在紧张的婚礼筹办中,汤姆发现自己是伴郎,并暗暗下决心和新郞比试。   With marriage preparations being hurriedly organized, Tom finds himselfordained the maid of honor, and in a struggle on all levels to outdo the wonderful groom Colin.   固然这并不是一件人们热衷于去比试的事情——以色列在这里建造的高大壁垒上有哨所,电网和士兵,它不能算是一条徒步道,但是它终将变成人们来徒步的地方。   Admittedly it"s not a hotly contested title. Israel"s massive barrier covered inwatchtowers, wire and soldiers is hardly a hiking trail but it will bee oneeventually.   赫鲁晓夫:“你是资本主义的辩护律师,而我是共产主义的辩护律师,让我们比试一番吧。”   Khrushchev: "You are a lawyer for capitali *** and I am a lawyer formuni *** . Let"s pete."
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有谁可以帮我翻一下下面的内容啊???请各位英语高手帮帮忙吧~~ 翻译的好,我会加50分

we undestand that our obligation to pay the entire tuition for the full academic year and all incidental expenses incurred by the studen is uncondition, and that no portion of such fees,paid or outstanding, will be refunded or canceled, notwithstanding the subsequent absence, dismissal or withdrawal of the student for any reason. those signing this contract for the student agree that upon the failure to pay any obligation due hereunder, the entire obligation is due without further notice. demand or presentment for payment, and agree that jurisdiction to file any suit hereunder is in the circuit and district courts for queen anne"s county, maryland, and agree to pay all costs of collection, and attorney"s feein the amount of twenty-five percent of the amount claimed, if uncontested, and if contested, the actual costs thereof, and authorize any attorney of record to appear and confess judgment for the above amounts.together with interest,costs and all exemptions waived. 我们的义务,我们谣言支付全部的学费全学年和杂费,费用由studen是uncondition,无分这样的费用,支付或突出,将全数退还或取消,尽管后来被解雇的缺失,或撤回任何reason.那些学生签订本合同为学生同意在不付任何责任、义务的前提下,由于整个义务是由于需求或没有进一步的notice.提示付款,并同意任何诉讼管辖协议文件在电路和地区法庭为女王安妮的县,马里兰,并同意支付了所有的成本费用,律师feein收集金额总数的百分之二十五,如果没有声称,如果讨论,实际成本及其授权的情况下,任何律师出现并承认审判amounts.together以上有兴趣,成本和所有豁免放弃。 interest at the rate of one percent per month will be charged on any delinquent tuition payments and monthly billings to the comprehensive account for other fees and charges. if tuition changes or fees are in arrears ,gunston day school reserves the right to deny the student"s access to classes, withhold promotion, graduation, as well as the student"sgrades and transcripts until such time as all fees and charges are paid in full. 利息每月百分之一的速度将收取学费支付任何拖欠和月度布告综合解释其他费用及charges.如果学费变更或费用,gunston拖欠日制学校有权拒绝学生的访问类,保留推广,毕业,以及学生成绩单,"sgrades直到所有的费用和费用全部付清为止。 we understand that in signing this contract, we are agreeing to accept the rules of gunston day school regarding the conduct and discipline, and the policies of the student handbook, and agree to cooperate with and assist the school in securing compliance by the named student. gunston day school reserves the right to add to,amend, or delete these rules and regulations without notice to the parent named in this contract. gunston day school cannot be responsible for damages to or loss of personal property. gunston day school expressly disclaims any responsibility for the use 我们了解,在签订本合同,我们同意接受学校的规则进行gunston天关于纪律的,政策的学生手册,并同意配合、协助确保遵守学校命名的student. gunston日制学校有权增加、修改或删除这些法规而不另行通知家长名列本contract. gunston日制学校不负责赔偿损失的个人property. gunston或日制学校明确卸弃任何责任。使用
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El Mismo Sol - Alvaro SolerTe digo claro claroNo es nada raro raroAsi se puede amorUn mundo enano enanoEstamos mano a manoSolo hace falta el amorSe puede amorYo quiero que este sea el mundo que contesteDel este hasta oesteY bajo el mismo solAhora nos vamosSí juntos celebramosAquí todos estamos bajo el mismo solY bajo el mismo solSaca lo malo maloNo digas paro paroVale la pena mi amor la pena mi amorNo hay fronteras – eras erasSerá lo que tu quierasLo que tu quieras amorSe puede amorYo quiero que este sea el mundo que contesteDel este hasta oesteY bajo el mismo solAhora nos vamosSí juntos celebramosAqui todos estamosBajo el mismo solY bajo el mismo solY bajo el mismo solQuiero que el mundo se mundo se mundo seQuiero que mundo se una mi amorQuiero que el mundo se mundo se mundo seQuiero que mundo se una mi amor se una mi amorYo quiero que este sea el mundo que contesteDel este hasta oesteY bajo el mismo solAhora nos vamosSí juntos celebramosAqui todos estamosBajo el mismo solBajo el mismo solAhora nos vamosY juntos celebramosAquí todo estamos bajo el mismo solBajo el mismo sol
2023-07-20 23:48:531


《孙子兵法》英文版精选(通用5篇)   在日常学习、工作抑或是生活中,大家都接触过比较经典的文章吧,不同类型的"文章具有不同的作用。下面是我帮大家整理的《孙子兵法》(精选)英文版,欢迎大家分享。   《孙子兵法》英文版 篇1   1、孙子曰:兵者,国之大事,死生之地,存亡之道,不可不察也。   Sun Tzu said: The art of war is of vital importance to the State. It is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected.   2、故兵贵胜,不贵久。   In war, then, let your great object be victory, not lengthy campaigns.   3、是故百战百胜,非善之善也;不战而屈人之兵,善之善者也。   Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemys resistance without fighting.   4、故善用兵者,屈人之兵而非战也,拔人之城而非攻也,毁人之国而非久也,   Therefore the skillful leader subdues the enemys troops without any fighting; he captures their cities without laying siege to them; he overthrows their kingdom without lengthy operations in the field.   5、兵法:一曰度,二曰量,三曰数,四曰称,五曰胜。   In respect of military method, we have, firstly, Measurement; secondly, Estimation of quantity; thirdly, Calculation; fourthly, Balancing of chances; fifthly, Victory.   《孙子兵法》英文版 篇2   1、凡战者,以正合,以奇胜。   In all fighting, the direct method may be used for joining battle, but indirect methods will be needed in order to secure victory.   2、故兵无常势,水无常形。   Therefore, just as water retains no constant shape, so in warfare there are no constant conditions.   3、三军可夺气,将军可夺心。   A whole army may be robbed of its spirit; a commander-in-chief may be robbed of his presence of mind.   4、孙子曰:凡用兵之法,将受命于君,合军聚合。   Sun Tzu said: In war, the general receives his commands from the sovereign, collects his army and concentrates his forces   5、泛地无舍,衢地合交,绝地无留,围地则谋,死地则战,   When in difficult country, do not encamp. In country where high roads intersect, join hands with your allies. Do not linger in dangerously isolated positions. In hemmed-in situations, you must resort to stratagem. In desperate position, you must fight.   《孙子兵法》英文版 篇3   1、途有所不由,军有所不击,城有所不攻,地有所不争,君命有所不受。   There are roads which must not be followed, armies which must be not attacked, towns which must be besieged, positions which must not be contested, commands of the sovereign which must not be obeyed.   2、故将通于九变之利者,知用兵矣;   The general who thoroughly understands the advantages that accompany variation of tactics knows how to handle his troops.   3、将不通九变之利,虽知地形,不能得地之利矣;   The general who does not understand these, may be well acquainted with the configuration of the country, yet he will not be able to turn his knowledge to practical account.   4、治兵不知九变之术,虽知五利,不能得人之用矣。   So, the student of war who is unversed in the art of war of varying his plans, even though he be acquainted with the Five Advantages, will fail to make the best use of his men.   5、是故智者之虑,必杂于利害,   Hence in the wise leader"s plans, considerations of advantage and of disadvantage will be blended together.   《孙子兵法》英文版 篇4   1、杂于利而务可信也,   If our expectation of advantage be tempered in this way, we may succeed in accomplishing the essential part of our schemes.   2、杂于害而患可解也。   If, on the other hand, in the midst of difficulties we are always ready to seize an advantage, we may extricate ourselves from misfortune.   3、是故屈诸侯者以害,役诸侯者以业,趋诸侯者以利。   Reduce the hostile chiefs by inflicting damage on them; and make trouble for them, and keep them constantly engaged; hold out specious allurements, and make them rush to any given point.   4、故用兵之法,无恃其不来,恃吾有以待之;无恃其不攻,恃吾有所不可攻也。   The art of war teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of the enemy"s not coming, but on our own readiness to receive him; not on the chance of his not attacking, but rather on the fact that we have made our position unassailable.   5、故将有五危,必死可杀,必生可虏,忿速可侮,廉洁可辱,爱民可烦。   There are five dangerous faults which may affect a general: Recklessness, which leads to destruction; cowardice, which leads to capture; a hasty temper, which can be provoked by insults; a delicacy of honor which is sensitive to shame; over-solicitude for his men, which exposes him to worry and trouble.   《孙子兵法》英文版 篇5   1、凡此五者,将之过也,用兵之灾也。   These are the five besetting sins of a general, ruinous to the conduct of war.   2、覆军杀将,必以五危,不可不察也。   When an army is overthrown and its leader slain, the cause will surely be found among these five dangerous faults. Let them be a subject of meditation.   3、孙子曰:凡处军相敌,绝山依谷,   Sun Tzu said: We come now to the question of encamping the army, and observing signs of the enemy. Pass quickly over mountains, and keep in the neighborhood of valleys.   4、视生处高,战隆无登,此处山之军也。   Camp in high places, facing the sun. Do not climb heights in order to fight. So much for mountain warfare.   5、客绝水而来,勿迎之于水内,令半渡而击之利,   When an invading force crosses a river in its onward march, do not advance to meet it in mid-stream. It will be best to let half the army get across, and then deliver your attack. ;
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英语竞赛 急!

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比赛的英语contest如下:作名词时意为“比赛,竞赛;(控制权或权力的)争夺;争论,争辩,争执”,作动词时意为“争取赢得(比赛、选举等);参加(竞争或选举),竞争;争辩,争论;就……提出异议,反驳。contest双语例句:1、It is still a close contest between two leading opposition parties这仍然是两大主要反对党之间一场势均力敌的较量。2、Your former employer has to reply within 14 days in order to contest the case你的前任雇主若对本案存有异议,必须在14天内予以答复。3、At the age of 18, she won first prize in a talent contest. 18岁那年,她在一次大奖赛中获得一等奖。4、Women are running in nearly all the contested seats in Los Angeles. 在洛杉矶,女性参选了几乎所有的竞争席位。
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contest的读法为英/u02c8ku0252ntestku0259nu02c8test/,美/u02c8kɑu02d0ntest ku0259nu02c8test/。contest,英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时意为“比赛,竞赛;(控制权或权力的)争夺;争论,争辩,争执”,作动词时意为“争取赢得(比赛、选举等);参加(竞争或选举),竞争;争辩,争论;就……提出异议,反驳”。短语搭配:beauty contest 选美活动;选美比赛;选美会。Speech Contest 演讲比赛;英语演讲比赛;演讲竞赛;讲演比赛。Blog Contest 博客大赛。contest n 辩驳;比赛;争夺。English Contest 综合知识竞赛;英语竞赛。pop contest 流行音乐会。recital contest 朗诵比赛。scholarship contest 奖学金竞试。例句:1、The contest was as much about personalities as it was about politics.竞赛比手段策略,也比个性。2、It was an uneven contest.这是一场不公平的竞赛。3、The football match looks like being a David and Goliath contest.这场足球比赛看上去像是一场力量悬殊的较量。4、The winner of each contest goes through to the grand final.每场比赛的胜者进入最后的决赛。5、Three candidates contested the leadership.有三位候选人角逐领导权。6、Who is adjudicating at this year"s contest?今年比赛谁当裁判?7、Foolishly, I allowed myself to be persuaded to enter the contest.我竟傻乎乎地让人说服去参加比赛。8、The presidential contest is nip and tuck.总统竞选势均力敌。9、The divorce was not contested.这桩离婚案没有人提出异议。10、It is still a close contest between two leading opposition parties这仍然是两大主要反对党之间一场势均力敌的较量。
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contested-provision有争议的规定双语例句1. Women are running in nearly all the contested seats in Los Angeles. 在洛杉矶,女性参选了几乎所有的竞争席位。2. Gender discrimination is a hotly contested issue. 性别歧视是一个争论激烈的话题。3. They contested for the position of minister of foreign affairs. 他们在争夺外交部长的职位.4. The referee"s decision was contested by the loser. 负方对裁判的裁决有异议.
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2023-07-20 23:53:022


game的悉伏意思是:游戏。读音:英[ɡeu026am],美[ɡeu026am]。释义;比赛;猎物,野味。adj.勇敢的慎陆耐。vi.赌博。变形:过去式gamed,过去分词gamed,现在分词gaming,第三人称单数games,复数games,比较级gamer,最高级gamest。短宽春语:attend a game参加比赛。game of skill靠技巧取胜的游戏。game for愿意做某事。game的近义词contest读音:英[u02c8ku0252ntest , ku0259nu02c8test],美[u02c8kɑu02d0ntest , ku0259nu02c8test]。释义:n. 竞赛;比赛;(控制权或权力的)争夺,竞争。vt. 争取赢得(比赛、选举等);争辩;就…提出异议。例句:The contest was as much about personalities as it was about politics.竞赛比手段策略,也比个性。变形:第三人称单数contests,复数contests,现在分词contesting,过去式:contested,过去分词contested。短语:speechcontest演讲比赛。in the contest在争论中。violent contest粗暴的争夺。
2023-07-20 23:53:112

competition, match, contest, race这几个词有什么区别呢?

2023-07-20 23:53:271

关于篮球的 英语单词词组

2023-07-20 23:53:531

英语 句型

what day is it today? What"s the date today? Day, 星期几,日期Date, 具体日期
2023-07-20 23:54:132


2023-07-20 23:54:553


目前是cm6ē.C⊙㎡ 我跟你说~;磁力链接访问
2023-07-20 23:55:033

【每日经济学人】2019-04-19 privately held tech firms worth over $1bn that are supposedly strong and world-beating —miraculous almost. 第一流的 It will be America"s third-biggest-ever tech IPO, after Alibaba and Facebook. Uber In China, an IPO wave that began last year rumbles on . armies of users 大批的 They and their venture-capital (VC) backers VC支持者 There is, however, a problem with the unicorns: their business models . 商业模式 posted combined losses of $14bn last year. 披露损失 ride-hailing 打车,ride-hailing app The justification for this is the Silicon Valley doctrine of “ blitzscaling ” in order to conquer “winner-takes-all” markets 闪电式扩张;赢者通吃 conducting a high-speed land grab in the hope of finding gold. 抢地掘金 building firms and commercialising ideas. Low interest rates left investors chasing returns. untold riches using piles of money to speed up the process. have large user bases . 用户基础 outsourcing their IT to cloud providers. 外包 fight other richly funded rivals 资金雄厚的对手 is going head-to-head with Apple. the unicorns" markets are contested , 竞争很激烈 And without deep moats around their businesses a permanent question-mark hangs over the unicorns 比喻用的好,护城河,也就是行业壁垒 The earlier generation of firms did not face many rules—few legislators had imagined the internet—so they could charge ahead first and beg forgiveness later . 有道理 Airbnb sidestepped taxes on hotels and Uber drove through regulations on taxi-licensing. 例子 Today a reaction is in full swing investor circulars 投资者通告 Investors, meanwhile, need to hold their nerve. 紧绷神经 most unicorns cap outside investors" voting rights (Uber is an exception), and many have “poison pills” too, making takeovers hard and constraining investors" ability to intervene if the firms do not eventually find a way to make enough profits to justify their IPO valuations. 保证管理权的独立性
2023-07-20 23:55:101


World Cup (soccer), two international soccer tournaments, one for men and one for women, each held every four years. Both tournaments are the pinnacle of international competition in the sport.The men"s World Cup is considered the most popular sporting event in the world and is followed with passionate interest around the globe—the final game of the 1998 tournament was played to a television audience of more than 1 billion viewers. Founded in 1930 with just 13 teams, the tournament now attracts entries from more than 140 countries. The teams must participate in elimination games within their own continents before qualifying to become one of the 32 nations participating in the final tournament. The women"s World Cup was first played in 1991 and has gained popularity steadily since then. More than 90,000 fans attended the finals of the 1999 tournament—one of the largest crowds ever to witness a women"s sporting event. Nearly 75 nations attempted to qualify for the 1999 event, which was a 16-team elimination tournament.The FIFA World Cup (often called Football World Cup, The World Cup, or simply World Cup) is the most important competition in international football (soccer), and the world"s most repreteam sport event.Organised by Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), the sport"s governing body, the World Cup is contested by men"s national football teams which are FIFA members.The World Cup is held every four years, but the qualifying rounds of the competition take place over a three-year period, using regional qualifying tournaments. 197 national teams entered the qualification tournaments for the 2006 World Cup. The final tournament phase involves 32 national teams competing over a four-week period in a previously nominated host nation.The World Cup final competition (often called the "Finnals"), which ha
2023-07-20 23:55:301

This is according to.这种用法对吗

2023-07-20 23:55:462


当然,这里的问题,除了哲学,是代表一个reified领域有一个主显节,未来是清晰的假设(事实上需要),有一种奇异的过去、现在和将来的研究活动,这些文献就是整理和研究方法等,使主显节。这样的评论也邀请其他勾结以充份利用奇异景色第一人称叙事提出集体,比方说,“我们亲眼目睹了快速发展的最新动态,本领域”。 相反,epiphanic方法的研究有关的运动和旅游的关系,提出了主显节都在讨论的邀请勾结。事实上,过去、现在和未来的研究提出争议的地形,先前的评论员已经从不同的来源不同的路线到达不同的现状,并从他们所看到的不同路径进入未来所提出的旅行前监察员是如此的不同是一种功能,在不同的时间点:缺乏一致性研究有关的体育旅游;缺乏协议有关的基本概念和假定之间的关系的性质、旅游、运动的观点(或被)评论家;的宗旨和目标回顾;与自然过程的回顾和/或合成的研究本身。为了避免这种纸变得简单的另一个又一个旅程,它可以通过研究稍有不同的任务,即“meta-review”。meta-review,很简单,回顾了阿森纳,医治,2008年(2005年);Ruddy&House;Serenko& Bontis,2004年)。在这种情况下,它将涉及考试的旅程之前已经通过了这一领域的研究基础上,提出了一种审问显性激励和隐性所作出的决定进行了回顾评论者。这样就可以探索以何种方式,例如,有意识或无意识决定什么研究方面所涉及的评论已经影响了旅程的评论员已经在研究水准。大多数做一些评论了潜在的未来研究的地形。大多数做一些评论了潜在的未来研究,本文也将探讨研究期货等问题提出了建议。在以这种方法,目的是当前一个史学与同时代的分析体育旅游”的研究进展作一综述。
2023-07-20 23:55:563

kaiapoi造句 kaiapoiの例文 "kaiapoi"是什麼意思

The site was later occupied by the Kaiapoi Woollen Manufacturing Company. Kaiapoi "s main road was closed for a few days. He was born in Kaiapoi , North Canterbury, New Zealand. There are also several streams that join the Kaiapoi River. Jameson promoted the estabpshment of the original Kaiapoi Woollen Company. In 1965 he took over as the player-coach of Kaiapoi . Ngti Toa then visited Kaiapoi , ostensibly to trade. Mandeville North near Kaiapoi is named after Lord Mandeville. Norman Kirk was elected Mayor of Kaiapoi in 1953. He died aged 78 years at Kaiapoi in 1899. It"s difficult to see kaiapoi in a sentence. 用 kaiapoi 造句挺难的 She went to Kaiapoi Borough School where she later became a pupil teacher. In the summer of 1831 32 Te Rauparaha attacked the Kaiapoi sapped the p. It finally enters the Pacific north of Christchurch, near the town of Kaiapoi . During the early years of European settlement, Kaiapoi developed as a river port. Meanwhile, Te Tamaiharanui sought aid from kin at Kaiapoi and successfully attacked Taumutu. He was a native agent, 49 years old, and born in Kaiapoi . He died in Welpngton in 1929 and was buried at Tuahiwi, near Kaiapoi . Jones contested the Kaiapoi electorate again in the. Richardson then stood in the Kaiapoi electorate. She was born in Kaiapoi , North Canterbury, New Zealand on 9 October 1863. One optimistic poptician of the 1800s had even predicted that Kaiapoi would outsize its neighbour Christchurch. A son, Charles Thomas Wilpams, was also involved in local body affairs in Kaiapoi . In the summer of 1831-1832 Te Rauparaha attacked the Kaiapoi p ( fortified village ). Te Rauparaha then mounted a major expedition against Kaiapoi Ngi Tahu in the summer of 1831 32. Rangiora is the district seat and largest town, with other major towns including Kaiapoi , Woodend. By April 1965, the remaining portion of the pne beeen Kaiapoi and Wetheral was also closed. In his younger years, he played for junior clubs the Kaiapoi Bulldogs and the Pakuranga Jaguars. Jenkins, Jones and a Mr Innes started a flax mill in Kaiapoi , but the business failed. For secondary education, the town is zoned for Kaiapoi High School, 13 km away in Kaiapoi. For secondary education, the town is zoned for Kaiapoi High School, 13 km away in Kaiapoi . It"s difficult to see kaiapoi in a sentence. 用 kaiapoi 造句挺难的 In mid-1863, Brittan was appointed resident magistrate for Christchurch and Kaiapoi , succeeding John Hall. Whitehead was born in Kaiapoi , Canterbury Region in 1885, and was the son of a bookseller. Although born in Kaiapoi , Maber played all of his club rugby for the Petone club in Welpngton. He is the first Kaiapoi ( now Northern ) Bulldogs junior to be selected for the New Zealand Kiwis. Trethewey received only one more mission for a war memorial in those years, from the munity in Kaiapoi . Children used to be born here at the Kaiapoi Home, in Cass Street, opposite the pubpc swimming pool. Two proposals were accepted, from Rangiora to Oxford and from Kaiapoi to West Eyreton ( the Eyreton Branch ). He also estabpshed the grain and produce business of C . Morgan Wilpams and Son in Charles Street, Kaiapoi . Moore died in 1936 at his home in the Christchurch suburb of Cashmere, and was buried at Kaiapoi Cemetery. Soon after, he contested the Kaiapoi seat in the 1890 election, when he retired from the lower house. Access was restricted to over 350 homes in the town of Kaiapoi , of which about 100 were deemed unsafe. He represented Kaiapoi on the Canterbury Provincial Council from 1871 until the aboption of provincial government some five years later. Part of his business involved sewing woollen fabric from mills in Wanganui, Kaiapoi and Welpngton, into the Swanndri garments. For a while, a break-of-gauge existed at the junction with the Main North Line in Kaiapoi . We pved in Ohoka Road, right by the shops, opposite the Motorway bridge and the new Kaiapoi High School. By buying the plant for the Kaiapoi Woollen Manufacturing Company, he enabled the success of this industry for the region. He was a member of the Kaiapoi Football Club, which later became the Tuahiwi Club, of which he was captain. The Kaiapoi River has several tributaries, including the Cam River, used for carting logs and wool in the 1890s and 1900s. Brown died on 16 October 1967 in Kaiapoi while speaking at a function after the opening a section of the Christchurch Northern Motorway. A section of rail track was damaged near Kaiapoi and there was lesser track damage at Main North Line beeen Rangiora and Addington. It"s difficult to see kaiapoi in a sentence. 用 kaiapoi 造句挺难的
2023-07-20 23:56:211


2023-07-20 23:56:313

Very hot中文什么意思

2023-07-20 23:56:523


Athletics, also known as track and field or track and field athletics, is a collection of sports events that involve running, throwing and jumping. The name is derived from the Greek word "athlon" meaning "contest".●Indoor track and fieldThere are two seasons for track and field. There is an indoor season, run during the winter and an outdoor season, run during the spring and summer. Most indoor tracks are 200 meters, however, less frequently, there are smaller and larger tracks that measure from between 120 (13.3 laps to a mile) to 300 meters. The typical indoor track consists of three to eight lanes (usually six) instead of the six to ten (usually eight) on an outdoor track. Often an indoor track will have banked turns to compensate for the tight bends.In an indoor track meet athletes contest the same events as an outdoor meet with the exception of the 100 m and 110 m/100 m hurdles (replaced by the 60 m sprint and 60 m hurdles at most levels and sometimes the 55m sprint and 55m hurdles at the high school level), and the 10,000 m run, 3,000m steeplechase, and 400m hurdles. Indoor meets also have the addition of a 3,000 m run normally at both the collegiate and elite level instead of the 10,000 m. The 5,000 m is the longest event commonly run indoors, although there are situations where longer distances have been raced. In the mid 20th century, there was a series of races "duel races" at Madison Square Garden"s (NY) indoor track, some of which featured two men racing a marathon (26.2 miles). However, this is an extremely rare occurrence, for obvious reasons. In some occasions, there may also be a 500 m race instead the open 400 m normally found outdoors, and in many collegiate championship races indoors both are contested.In the field events, indoor meets only feature the high jump, pole vault, long jump, triple jump and shot put. The longer throws of javelin, hammer and discus are added only for outdoor meets, as there is normally not enough space in an indoor stadium to house these events.Other events unique to indoor meets (especially in North America) are the 300, 600, 1000, and 35 lb. weight throw. In some countries, notably Norway, standing long jump and standing high jump are also contested.For multi-event athletes there is the Pentathlon for women (consisting of 60m hurdles, high jump, shot put, long jump and 800m) and heptathlon for men (consisting of 60m, long jump, shot put, high jump, 60m hurdles, pole vault and 1000m).●Outdoor track and fieldThe outdoor track and field season usually begins in the spring and lasts through the summer. Most tracks are ovals of 400 meters in circumference. However, some older tracks are 440 yards in length, while there are some tracks that are neither oval nor 400m/440y due to geographic considerations. Modern tracks are made with a rubberized surface, while older tracks may be made of dirt or cinders. Tracks normally consists of 6-10 lanes and many include a steeplechase lane with a water pit on one of the turns. This steeplechase pit can be placed either inside or outside the track, making for a tighter turn or a wider turn. It is common that tracks will surround a playing field used for American football, soccer, or lacrosse. This inner field is usually known as the infield and has a surface of either grass or artificial turf.All field events can be contested on the infield. However the javelin, hammer and discus throws are often contested on fields outside of the track stadium because they take up a large amount of space, the implements may damage the infield, and the implements could end up landing on the track.★Track events - running events conducted on a 400 meter track. ☆Sprints: events up to and including 400 m. Common events are 60 m (indoors only), 100 meters, 200 meters and 400 metres. ☆Middle distance: events from 800m to 3000 m, especially 800 meters, 1500 metres, mile and 3000m. (Note: In the United States, high school athletes in most states normally run the 800m, 1600m, and 3200m. In a few states high school athletes run the 1500m and 3000m instead of the 1600m and 3200m.) ☆Steeplechase - a race (usually 3000 m) in which runners must negotiate barriers and water jumps. ☆Long distance: runs over 5000 m. Common events are 5000 m and 10000 m. Less common are 1, 6, 12, 24 hour races. ☆Hurdling: 110 m high hurdles (100 m for women) and 400 m intermediate hurdles (300 m in some high schools). ☆Relays: 4 x 100 meters relay, 4 x 400 meters relay, 4 x 200 m, 4 x 800 m, etc. Some events, such as medley relays, are rarely run except at large relay carnivals. Typical medley relays include the distance medley relay (DMR) and the sprint medley relay (SMR). A distance medley relay consists of a 1200 m leg, a 400 m leg, an 800 m leg, and finishes with a 1600 m leg. A sprint medley relay consists of a 400 m leg, 2 200 m legs, and then an 800 m leg. Most American high schools run the 4x100, 4x400 and 4x800 with the 4x400 being the finishing event to the meet. ★Road running: conducted on open roads, but often finishing on the track. Common events are the 5k, 10k, 15k, 20k, half-marathon and marathon. The marathon is the only common road-racing distance run in major international athletics championships such as the Olympics. ★Race walking: usually conducted on open roads. Common events are 10 km, 20 km and 50 km.
2023-07-20 23:57:021


  不管Essay题型千资多变,但题型中关键字的实际意义和潜在性的structure但是一成不变的哦,本文我分门别类地小结了最普遍的45个关键字,在写essay以前用心了解这种关键字针对进行写作思路有非常大协助。   Identification类关键字   Identification类的题型调查“举例论证”的功底,绝大多数状况不用夹杂主观性观念或论点论据。   关键字包含:define,enumerate,identify,list,state,summarise,outline,clarify,indicate。   Define   言简意赅的给某一英语单词、语句或是基础理论做界定,有的界定有争执性,有的很有可能有好几个界定,因而文章内容要探讨下列的内容。   How do other scholars define the subject?   Why is its meaning contested?   Why have you chosen to use one meaning instead of the other?   Enumerate/List   简单明了地例举出回答。   Identify/State   把握住关键,随后用说明性的语言简要连贯性地论述出去。   Summarise   用简要的语言提炼出关键,忽视关键点,保证一针见血。假如必须有实例支撑点,切勿绕弯子做刻骨铭心剖析。   Outline   简明扼要,有思维逻辑将客观事实摆列出,有时能够讲各点中间的联络,但切忌细究。   Descriptive类关键字   叙述种类注重对事情做详尽的剖析,有的关键字归属于纯叙述,但有的必须加上辨症剖析。   关键字包含:describe,discuss,elaborate,explain,examine,account for,illustrate,review,develop,sketch,trace。   Describe   纯叙述型关键字,必须对事情开展详细完全的描述,有时必须表述why和how。   Discuss   它是大家为顾客代笔Essay题型中最普遍的关键字之一。回应Discuss的题型招数一般分四步。   给题型举例论证,表述题型的缘故、危害、实际效果这些。   双面说Pros和Cons,并给与事实论据支撑点。   建立自身的见解观点,并给与事实论据支撑点。   将话题讨论开展延伸。   Elaborate   在某一subject上开展详尽完全地剖析。elaborate的难题一般是调查学员的literature review是不是普遍全方位。   Explain/account for   表述种类的题型要对全部的特性和界定做表述,尽量地详尽。在做表述的情况下,脑中要时刻闪过what,how,why这三个词,这也是structure全篇文章的窍门。   Examine   对某一基础理论或是恶性事件做深度调查科学研究,具体内容能够包含   Why the issues and facts that you have closely examined are important?   Have these issues and facts been examined differently by other scholars?   How did they differ in their approach?   What are the factors that account for these alternative approaches?   Relation类关键字   关联类的题型一般是调查相同之处、不同之处及其不同之处中间的关系。   关键字包含:analyse,compare,contrast,differentiate,distinguish,relate。   Analyse   Analyse的题目一般是要将某一subject溶解,用很多的参考文献做表明,并融合着参考文献说明自身观点。大概流程分成五步。   Introductory statement:“State the structure andfunction of the whole.”   Break it into parts.State the parts.   State the structure and function of each part anddescribe.   Show relationships among the parts to the whole.   Usually summarize by restating the structure andfunction of the major parts and relationship to hewhole,or evaluate the effectiveness of the whole.Essay writing service on   Contrast   Contrast注重二者的不一样处,除开强调不一样处,也要剖析二者不一样的缘故等。一般compare和contrast会在题型中融合应用。   Compare   Compare注重二者的类似处,除开现象的较为,还能够细究到类似处的根本原因和必要性。有时还能够一笑了之二者的不一样处,但谨记是一笑了之。   阅读推荐:Compare and Contrast Essay写作方法方式   Demonstrate类   认证类的题型是研究某事是不是恰当。   关键字包含:explain,why,justify,prove,show,support,demonstrate。   Demonstrate/Prove   在认证某一基础理论合理或是恰当的情况下,要融合很多实例和基础理论支撑点。   Justify   很有感染力地举例论证讲理,说动阅读者自身的见解或是观点是恰当的。驳论方法在这儿很有效。   ILLUSTRATE   和demonstrate类似,也必须很多的数据信息、标志、和concrete科研成果,支撑点某一基础理论。   Evaluation类关键字   评定类的毕业论文题目是老师们的钟爱,由于涉及到调查学员们单独辨症思索工作能力。   关键字包含:evaluate,criticise,comment,interpret,assess,propose,review,examine,to what extend,explore。   Evaluate/Examine   对某一基础理论或是恶性事件表态发言,发布自身的看法,从正反面分析问题,并考量那方比例更高。一般流程分成   Find the purpose for evaluation(determine the relevance to the class)i.e."Evaluate a dress.”If it is a sewing class–one purpose:if it is a dry cleaning class–another purpose.   Decide on the criteria or standards by which you will measure the effectiveness of desirability of the object.   Compare and contrast pertinent aspects of the object or idea or structure or whatever you are evaluating,with the criteria or standards.   Judge how well the criteria are met and state your opinion based on how closely the criteria are met.   One criterion may be critical,if so,state this.   Usually,rank the criteria in terms of importance.   Criticise   对某事情或某一基础理论的优点和缺点或是长度处的剖析,并考量双面的危害并创建自身的见解观点。一般流程分成   Find out the purpose–critique it for what purpose?There may be several,i.e.“Would this book be successful as a children"s book or as an adolescent"s book,or…?”   Analyzed to find the criteria relevant to the purpose.   Evaluate.   State the strengths and weaknesses for each aspect.   Review   评价要有思维逻辑和架构性,尽管剖析客观事实要客观性,但也别忘记加上自身的见解。评价的全过程中能够问一问自身   What do you agree or disagree with?   What have other scholars said about the subject?   Are there any views that contrast yours?   What evidence are you using to support your assessment?   Explore   探究性的题型注重针对性和多方面观点,在得出自身的论点论据以前,要尽量摆放出别的反过来的见解,随后综合性小结创建自身的观点。   Interpret   汉语翻译、评价全是在全文的基本上得出自身的见解观点,融合着自身的了解去诠释某一基础理论或恶性事件。   之上便是我为大伙儿小结的在Essay创作题型中经常会出现的45个关键字,根据掌握这种关键字来扩展Essay写作思路,也许会很有帮助哦。
2023-07-20 23:57:101


2023-07-20 23:57:184


To the Xinjiang, on an adventure travelers, there is a place full of appeal. This is called "Pompeii in the desert," the mysterious ancient city that is ancient Loulan Western Region. Located in this ancient Loulan Bayinguolen Ruoqiang County in Xinjiang Lop Nur, the West Bank, is one of Xinjiang"s most desolate regions. A long history here, like a fairy tale of how fascinating legends; it that mysteriously disappeared in the earth, and unexpectedly, causing many people"s interest - many foreign tourists and explorers have tirelessly along embarked on the Silk Road west, to witness this historic and cultural city - the ancient Loulan. January 1979, China"s wood, once the late scientist Peng starting from the north bank of the peacock, walking through the desert to reach Ruins of inspection.
2023-07-20 23:57:492


问题一:地图鱼身上掉皮是什么原因 养好鱼的关键是过滤,而过滤主要是过滤鱼便,水里的毒素都是鱼便产生的。养鱼过滤的根本目的就是把水体里鱼便分解后产生的氨毒清除。这要用生物过滤的方法才能做到,而硝化菌就是一种专以鱼便的氨为营养的细菌,可以把氨毒转化为对鱼无害的物质,这样水体就会无毒鱼也会健康少病。如果过滤效果不好,鱼长时间生活在有氨毒的水体里,体质会慢慢变得虚弱就很容易受到水里病毒的侵害。鱼病一般是从体质较弱的鱼开始。所以及时把鱼便产生的氨毒清除是鱼健康少病的根本保证。百度永清过滤了解一下,这过滤系统有自动清理鱼便的功能,会有帮助的。 问题二:地图鱼全身起皮掉皮.怎么办.求高手教教我 鱼的白毛病好了,但又发现几乎每条鱼的身体上皮不同程度的掉了,应该是病情较重,患处肌肉腐烂,或用药过量所至。 问题三:地图鱼掉皮 晕,我第一次听到鱼掉皮是要长大。楼上的不要把蛇和鱼混为一谈啊,是两种不同科类的动物。你已经做了隔离等措施,应该没什么问题的。不过,没氧气和保温还是个问题,不怕的话,放回去。如果还没效果的话。家里有消炎药{比如阿莫西林等},用一颗胶囊打开里面的药份混一些水,然后把鱼饲料放在里面泡一下就去喂养。 问题四:地图鱼掉皮怎么治 是指掉磷么?可能是打斗造成的,保持好水质,加一些呋喃西林,也可以使日本黄粉,鱼店都有卖大概4-5元一瓶 是地区价格不定,别在太小的鱼缸里养地图,切忌。 问题五:地图鱼身上像被人挠了掉皮似得!像烂了一样!有图! 这样应该是鱼的皮肤发炎感染了,你可以弄些粗盐是粗盐奥,不是细盐放入鱼缸中进行杀菌,放入的量已口感鱼缸内的水咸就可以了,再不行的话,就加入人用的诺氟沙星就可了。如果条件允许的话,最好定期清洗鱼缸,用高锰酸钾消毒。不明可以再问哈。 问题六:地图鱼掉皮还能活吗? contested awards 问题七:地图鱼被红鹦鹉咬得皮掉了、怎么回事、怎么处理? 1、鹦鹉鱼是有点凶,但是还不至于有事没事攻击人类,当你看到他们有攻击人类这举动的话多半是已经进入繁殖期,快产卵了 2、地图被咬得露出了白花花的肉这点不必担心,我帮公司里养的那缸鹦鹉和地图只要放长假一周以上没人打理,回来后地图都这情况,如果你看到他不至于行动迟缓或躺着不动或翻肚皮的话就不用捞出来,只要确保水质清洁,氧气充足,然后水里时刻保持有千分之二的盐,定期换水,那样就可以了,如果很严重,那就捞出来单养,浅水,停食,打氧,水里放千分之一的盐,然后每天用百分之一的盐水给他进行两次药浴,每次10分钟,另外去药店买点红汞,就是我们人受伤了涂的那种红药水,给他涂在伤口处,隔天涂一次,不能超过三次,因为汞有毒,只要你不偷懒,有耐心,他们不会死的 3、地图和鹦鹉本来就都具有一定的攻击性,所以,打架是很正常的,只是有时候是鹦鹉老大,有时候是地图老大,这点上说不定而已,想避免他们打架的话就尽量养在大点的缸里,好让他们受欺负的时候有足够的空间可以逃命,然后在足够大的空间里尽量养多些鱼,这样可以淡化掉他们的领地意识,也可模糊掉他们的攻击目标,还有就是尽量不要让他们饿着,饥饿会使他们疯狂 4、在喂食方面两种鱼都属杂食性鱼类,所以,什么都吃,一天喂两次,每次3分钟吃完,吃不完的一定要及时捞出来 5、换水嘛,夏天3到5天换五分之一的水,冬天一到两周换三分之一的水,换水时一定要控制好新水与老水的温差,不能超过正负2度 以上说的都是通常情况下的做法,当然,因为时间,地域,实际情况的不同,养鱼有时候是不能完全按照通常情况来做的,所以,学习,实践,总结,这个过程会一直陪伴着你,找到最适合你的养殖方法才是王道,慢慢来吧 问题八:地图鱼严重掉皮,尾部烂的剩少许。如何急救。 细菌感染伤口,溶解食盐水一盆,将金鱼放入食盐水中消毒,连续几天,每次消毒持续10分钟左右;同时将鱼缸消毒,用盐水擦拭鱼缸内壁,鱼缸中水草观赏石等一并用盐水沁泡消毒,争取每天一次,每次都消毒彻底不留死角,连续3天,这段时间争取每天都给鱼儿换一次清水 问题九:地图鱼身上起白皮怎么回事 re before they ascended to 问题十:造成地图鱼掉鳞的原因有哪些 是打架造成的吗..首先要确定是打伤的还是水质太差..如果是水质太差,.就加强过滤.. 立即换水1/3..放点盐.有药可以放点药.比如日本黄粉..千万别喂食..保持水质良好..它也能自己恢复的.,那种鱼抵抗力比较强.. 如果是打架造成的请把那条鱼隔离..保持好水质他会自己恢复..
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平时穿的时候尽量不要与硬物相碰,以免碰伤,下雨时不要穿了,磨砂的一沾到雨水很难打理.如果脏了先用鞋刷轻轻地将表面的尘土刷去,然后再用湿布擦去脏的地方,等干了就可以穿了. 另外,磨砂皮的鞋很久不穿或穿久了颜色容易变旧,这时,可以到鞋店买专用的鞋粉,选跟鞋一样的颜色,均匀涂在鞋上,整双鞋都要涂哦,然后用鞋刷将表面多余的鞋粉刷去即可. 千万别用鞋油啊,有专用磨砂粉的,一般磨砂鞋是土黄色、褐色, 也有黑色的,都有不同色调的粉。不过具体哪里卖还真不知道, 看看大商场的卖鞋的地方。没有鞋粉,用清水刷一下也没有问题的,起毛了,就顺着毛刷, 把毛刷下去。 然后让这双鞋歇一阵,别盯着一双鞋穿,这也是延长鞋的寿命的 很重要的方法。清洗:用2份洗洁精、1份醋、50份水(温度30~40℃)配成清洗液,用鞋刷蘸该溶液并仔 细刷洗皮鞋的表面。刷洗时注意不要将鞋浸到溶液中,并尽量不要让皮鞋蘸有过多的溶 液。当将皮鞋表面基本洗净后,再用清水刷洗皮鞋表面1~2次,并将鞋放在阴凉通风处 晾至半干。 加油:用毛刷将皮革加脂剂或乳化油(可从制革厂得到,含油量控制在50~60%)均匀 涂于洗净晾至半干的绒面上,用量是每双鞋约100克。涂刷过程中要注意尽量使油渗入皮 内。放置30分钟后,用35℃清水刷去鞋表面的浮油,并将鞋放在阴凉通风处 干透。 整理:当绒面皮鞋干透后,用钢丝刷或粗砂纸刷磨表面,使绒毛重现,再用毛刷刷理 。经过以上程序的处理,绒面皮鞋将如新鞋一般 .
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With the further development of China"s market economy, competition among small and medium-sized private enterprises increasingly fierce. The small and medium-sized enterprise between technology and products on the surface of competition, in essence, is the talent competition, talent competition has become one of the key factors for the success of enterprises in modern market economy competition. As small and medium-sized enterprises and employee turnover in the widespread phenomenon is more and more extensive attention, how to keep the excellent staff enterprises need, has become an important issue in human resource management in modern enterprises. 本文首先通过查阅国内外关于员工流失的文献,对关于员工流失的相关概念和相关理论进行综述;其次,通过文献分析和实地调研的方法,用简单图表和数据对普林亿威科技有限公司人力资源管理的现状和员工流失情况进行介绍;之后结合相关理论文献和普林亿威科技有限公司的人力资源情况,对公司员工流失的原因进行分析总结;最后,针对普林亿威科技有限公司的员工流失问题,提出有针对性的应对措施。 Firstly, through the domestic and foreign literature on employee turnover, carries on the summary to the relevant concepts about the loss of staff and related theory; secondly, through the method of document analysis and field research, the status quo and staff turnover on human resources management pring billion Wei Technology Co. Ltd. with the simple graphs and data are introduced; then according to the theory of literature and PRINTRONICS billion Wei Technology Co., the company"s human resources situation, causes loss to the company staff analysis; finally, aiming at the problems of Purim billion Wei Technology Co., staff turnover, propose targeted measures.
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斯内普是《哈利波特》里的人物,同时也是严格、严厉的意思。斯内普:来自拉丁文,英语中severe一词即由此而来,意为“严厉的”,与他的性格相符。还有种解释,Severus中Sever和英语单词sever读音一模一样,因此也可以理解为sever us,即“切割自己”,或许是斯内普教授离群索居,孤独游走于黑白之间的暗示。斯内普:罗琳证实来源于北约克郡的一个位于哈德良边墙附近的村庄,名为Snape。村中还有一座名为Snape的城堡。英国北部还有另一个名为Snape的村庄。斯内普潜伏在伏地魔身边的原因外表阴沉的西弗勒斯·斯内普是横贯《哈利·波特》整个系列的一个人物,他担任着霍格沃茨魔法学校的黑魔法教师,同时作为食死徒的他也为伏地魔服务。在《哈7(上)》中,伏地魔的势力渗透进霍格沃茨魔法学校,他的心腹斯内普也成为了最年轻的院长。
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调制解调器(Modem)的功能是() A.将计算机的数字信号转换成模拟信号 B.将模拟信号转换成计算机的数字信号 C.将数字信号与模拟信号互相转换 D.为了上网与接电话两不误 正确答案:C
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Hogan是创立于1986年的意大利时装品牌。 英文名: Hogan 中文名: Hogan 国家: 意大利 创建年代: 1986年 Hogan所属集团: Tod"s集团 Hogan官方网站: Hogan是制作成人和儿童鞋履、包袋以及成衣的意大利品牌。Hogan创始于1986年,隶属于意大利奢侈品集团Tod"s Spa,属于Della Valle家族资产。它代表一种新的生活方式:现代,时尚的同时精致优雅。该品牌体现了个性与独特的风格,不断追求品质与创新。Hogan的理念是在风格创新的升级过程中不忘根本,在“休闲商务”理念中寻求对时尚优雅的自然表达。Hogan产品体现都市风格,适应性强,Interactive系列,是Hogan的“最畅销系列”,诞生于1997年,赋予休闲鞋全新的理念,成为随性优雅的象征。 Hogan属于中端档次。 Hogan始立于1986年,隶属于意大利奢侈品集团TOD"S。Hogan对休闲奢华风格的诠释独特且具革新意义,适于任何场合,讲求质地与造型,完美呈现出时下的现代生活方式。专为都市生活而制的配饰与成衣,纯粹而创新的设计,将具功能性的实用元素与慵懒的优雅风格巧妙融合。以精致的工艺凸显出非凡品质,使Hogan风格得以永恒并传为经典。 在时装世界里,高调的品牌有其喧闹璀璨的排场,但低调亦自有低调的趣味,各有各惊喜。意大利服装品牌Tod"s(托德斯)家族旗下的Hogan,正是后者,虽然只有二十多年历史,却已成功跻身优质皮具名牌之列。其新推的摇鼓主题系列
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调制解调器( MODEM )的主要功能是

调制解调器( MODEM )的主要功能是把计算机的数字信号翻译成可沿普通电话线传送的模拟信号,而这些模拟信号又可被线路另一端的另一个调制解调器接收,并译成计算机可懂的语言。调制解调器,是调制器和解调器的缩写 ,一种计算机硬件。扩展资料:调制解调器的英文是MODEM,它的作用是模拟信号和数字信号的“翻译员”。电子信号分两种,一种是"模拟信号",一种是"数字信号"。调制就是用基带脉冲对载波波形某个参数进行控制,形成适合于线路传送的信号。解调就是当已调制信号到达接收端时,将经过调制器变换过的模拟信号去掉载波恢复成原来的基带数字信号。采用调制解调器也可以把音频信号转换成较高频率的信号和把较高频率的信号转换成音频信号。所以调制的另一目的是便于线路复用,以便提高线路利用率。基于载波信号的三个主要参数,可以把调制方式分为三种:调幅、调频和调相。参考资料:百度百科—调制解调器
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